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1 Sauni le Tolotolo o Tama Uli e toe malaga mai 2 DOC requesting over a $1 million in CDBG funds be reprogrammed 5 AYFS East Side Falcons team fields two girls on football squad B1 PAGO PAGO, AMERICAN SAMOA Saturday, February 8, 2014 $1.00 C Y C Y M K M K Ua ova le naunau o Tama o le Limua a o le ala lena na le maua ai e le polo mamao le polo sapo ina ua faalavelave le isi tama na alu atu i le taloto ma taufao ai le polo. Va ai le tatou nusipepa o le Aso Gafua o le a maua ai tala o kirikiti o lenei vaiaso. (THA) SPICE synthetic marijuana making its appearance in local high school Other names: Bliss, Black Mamba, Bombay Blue, Fake Weed, Genie and Sohai by Joyetter Feagaimaali i-luamanu Samoa News Reporter The appearance of Spice or synthetic marijuana in the territory, with the latest case coming out of the schools, has raised concerns with Commissioner of Public Safety William Bill Haleck and Commanding Officer of Vice and Narcotics, Police Captain Peau Paulo Leuma, both claiming this is alarming. Capt. Leuma confirmed, the latest drug case, recently came out of a high school, where a student was caught selling Spice or Synthetic Marijuana joints on campus. He explained the police report in this matter is almost complete and will be forwarded to the appropriate authority. Spice or Synthetic Marijuana is a mixture of herbs and spices that are typically sprayed with a synthetic compound chemically similar to THC, the psychoactive ingredients in marijuana. Commissioner Haleck said he does not condone marijuana, however there is a big difference between Spice or Synthetic Marijuana and the regular marijuana and Spice or Synthetic Marijuana is much more dangerous given the chemical added to it. Haleck told Samoa News that Spice has psychological effects similar to marijuana including paranoia, panic attack, and gid- (Continued on page 13) Buckle up & CRASHES 49 LOCAL HIGHWAYS Save a Life! Falepuipui i le fai o I.D pepelo tusia Ausage Fausia O le alii faigaluega a le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga a le malo lea na ta usala i lona tuuina atu o ni I.D pepelo i ni tamaitai mai Saina se to alua, ua faasala e le faamasinoga maualuga e loka i le toese i Tafuna mo le 12 masina, o se tasi lea o tuutuuga o lana nofo vaavaaia e 7 tausaga sa tuuina atu e le faamasinoga i le aso ananafi. O se tasi o tuutuuga o le nofovaavaaia a Polone Savea sa tuuina atu e le faamasinoga, e le gata na te totogi le salatupe e $3,000, ae sa tatau fo i ona taofia mo i o ia i le falepuipui mo le umi e 28 masina, peitai ua finagalo ali i fa amasino, ua lava na o le 12 masina e tuli e le ua molia, ae taofi isi masina o lo o totoe ai, fuafua lava lea i lona usitaia o poloaiga ua tuuina atu ia te ia. Ua poloaina fo i o ia e asiasi i le ofisa faanofovaavaaia i masina ta itasi pe afai ae magalo mai i tua mai le toese, ma aua ne i ona toe solia se isi tulafono a le malo. Na taua e Savea lona salamo e tusa ai o le solitulafono sa ia faia, ma ia talosagaina ai alii faamasino ina ia faamagalo se sese ua ia faia. Sa ia faatoese fo i i lona aiga, o lana faifeau lea fo i sa i ai i totonu o le potu faamasino, o lona to alua ma le la fanau atoa ai ma le Sa o o le latou aiga, ina ia alolofa ma faamagalo le mea sese sa ia faia ua mafua ai ona ta uleagaina le igoa o le aiga, nuu ma le ekalesia ia te ia. Na tuuaia e Savea le ti apolo ma le malosi o ana faaosoosoga, o le isi lea mafuaaga ua ala ai ona sese le faaiuga sa ia faia, ma i u i le ta usalaina ai o ia i lenei solitulafono. Na finau lana loia fautua ia Matailupevao Leupolu Jr i le faamasinoga ina ia nofovaavaaia le ua molia, ma ia tuu atu i ai ni tuutuuga na te tausia a o nofovaavaaia ai. O ni isi o itu lelei na taua e le alii loia e tatau ona silasila toto a i ai ali i faamasino, e le gata o le ulua i taimi lea faatoa (Faaauau itulau 15) After structuring frames and nets for coral nurseries as part of the Leone Coral Restoration Training Workshop all five nurseries were taken onto boats, where they were laid under 60-feet deep sea waters for placement along the designated areas of Leone s coral reef that needs restoration. From early Tuesday morning until the afternoon, about 30 participants worked alongside DMWR scientists and diving crew to secure the undersea nurseries. [photo: Leua Aiono Frost] FATALITIES 0 LOCAL HIGHWAYS to date to date office of highway safety

2 Page 2 samoa news, Saturday, February 8, 2014!!!"#$%&'"()&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ *+,-./-0$$12$!!!!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!!!!! " Sauni le Tolotolo o Tama Uli e toe malaga mai tusia Ausage Fausia E tasi le fautasi mai Samoa lea ua faamaonia le malaga mai e tausinio i le tuuga fautasi o le fu a o lenei tausaga, e pei ona faamaonia mai i se saunoaga a le afioga i le alii Palemia o Samoa, susuga Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Sailele Malielegaoi i luga o le TV3 a Samoa i le amataga o le vaiaso nei, ma o lea Sa, o le Sa mai le afioaga o Salelologa, lea fo i o lo o umia le siamupini o tuuga fautasi o le 2013 i Samoa, le Tolotolo o Tama Uli. E ui e le i faamaonia mai e le Failautusi o le Ofisa o Mataupu Tau Samoa i le Samoa News ananafi po o ai le fautasi mai Samoa o le a malaga mai, peitai na pau le saunoaga a Satele Galu Satele sa tuuina mai, ua maea ona tuuina atu le valaaulia i Samoa mo se fautasi ma le ausiva e auai i le faamanatuina o le fu a a le atunuu i lenei tausaga, ma ua taliaina fo i e le malo o Samoa le valaaulia. Ua maea ona feiloa i le alii kovana ia Lolo Matalasi Moliga ma le Palemia o Samoa i le vaiaso na te a nei, ma ua maea fo i ona faaoo atu i ai le valaaulia mo le fautasi ma le ausiva ma le pese faaleaganuu e tasi mai Samoa e faafiafia i le tatou sisiga fu a, pau le faaiuga a le Palemia e fai o le filifili lea o le fautasi ma le au siva e malaga mai e tali i le valaauli, o le saunoaga lea a Satele. I se ripoti sa faasalalauina i luga o le TV3 i le amataga o le vaiaso nei, sa faamaonia ai e Tuilaepa i tusitala i Samoa le malaga mai o le va a na siamupini i le tuuga fautasi o le 2013 e tausinio i le fu a a Amerika Samoa mo lenei tausaga. O le tausaga e 2012 na siamupini ai le Tolotolo o Tama Uli i le tuuga fautasi o le fu a a le malo o Samoa, ma malaga mai ai le va a mo le ulua i taimi e tali i le valaaulia na avatu i Amerika Samoa nei, e tausinio i le tuuga fautasi o le fu a a Tutuila ma Manu a. E le i manuia taumafaiga a le Tolotolo o Tama Uli i lea tuuga, ina ua sola le Aeto mai Pago Pago ma le siamupini, ae tulaga lima ai le Tolotolo o Tama Uli, ae ina ua fesiligia le alii kapeteni o le va a ia Pauli Ivan Williams i sona finagalo e tusa ai o le tuuga, sa ia taua ai e faapea, afai ae toe maua se isi avanoa e toe malaga mai ai le latou auva a i Amerika Samoa nei, o le a sili atu se tulaga e o o i ai la latou taumafai. I le siamupini ai o le Tolotolo o Tama Uli mai Salelologa i le tuuga o le fu a a Samoa ia Iuni 2013, na vaaia ai se suiga tele i le tulaga ua i ai le malosi o le auva a faapea ai ma le tulaga lelei ua i ai le toe faafouina o le va a, ma ua tulimata i fo i le vaai a fautasi uma i Amerika Samoa nei mo le faataliina o le toe malaga mai a le Tolotolo o Tama Uli e osi lona toilalo i le Mo fautasi o le a tausinio i le tuuga o lenei tausaga, na taua e Satele e faapea, e tele fautasi o le a tausinio i le tuuga o lenei tausaga e ui e le i faamautuina mai le aofa i. O fautasi ua mautinoa lava le auai i le tuuga o lenei tausaga e aofia ai le siamupini o le tuuga fautasi o le fu a o le 2013 mai Vatia, le Fuao; Paepaeulupoo II mai Aua; Aeto mai Pago Pago; Fealofani Samoa III mai Fagasa; Matasaua mai Manu a; Satani mai Nuuuli; Fetuoleafiafi mai Fagaalu ma le Fa asaulala mai Vailoatai. Na taua e le tufuga fau vaa ia Leoititi Ioane Maselino o lo o gafa ma le fausiaina o le va a fou a le Paepaeulupoo II e faapea, e maea le vaa e le i taitai o o i le masina o le tuuga o lenei tausaga, ma ua sauni fo i le au va a mai Aua e tausinio ma le faamoemoe, o le a latou sosola ma le siamupini o lenei tausaga, ona o le fausaga fou lea ua fausia ai le Paepaeulupoo II. PESE MA SIVA FAALEAGANUU O se tasi o vaaiga mataina ua vaaia e le toatele o le atunuu i le taimi nei, o le aami lea e ausiva mai Amerika Samoa o ni isi o faiaoga iloga i le taleni o le a oina o pese ma siva faaleaganuu mai Samoa, e fesoasoani i a latou tapenaga mo lenei tausaga. E pei ona silafia, o le susuga ia Tupa i Faasalafa, o se tasi o tamalii ua iloga i le taleni o le fai pese ua aami faapitoa e le afioaga o Pago Pago na te a oina la latou pese faaleaganuu mo le fu a o lenei tausaga. Na faamaonia mai e le afioga i le Matua ia Pulu Ae Ae Jr i le Samoa News e faapea, o le susuga a Faasalafa lea ua maea ona filifilia e le afioaga na te taitaia le pese mo le fu a. Mo le siva ma le pese faaleaganuu a le kamupani o le StarKist Samoa, lea e lua i ai pese ma siva faaleaganuu mai Amerika Samoa nei mo le fu a, ua tofia ai le susuga ia Agaali i Pese mai Samoa na te a oina le pese ma le siva a le kamupani. Na faamaonia mai e se sui sinia a le kamupani sa fesiligia e le Samoa News, o le amataga o le vaiaso nei na amata ai a oga pese a le kamupani ma le faamoemoe ia lava le taimi e tapena ai mo le valaaulia, ma o lo o latou faaaogaina le Fale Samoa a le malo i Utulei e faatino ai la latou tapenaga. Feso ota i mai i le tusitala ia ausage@samoanews.com

3 samoa news, Saturday, February 8, 2014 Page 3 BAGSALE 20 % off almost anything* you can stuff inside Load Up and Save! ONE DAY ONLY! MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17 8AM - 2PM *CASH ONLY (includes credit & debit cards) * EXCLUDES: SALE AND LUMBER YARD ITEMS. BANK & MORTGAGE LOANS, USDA/DBAS PROJECTS OR CHARGE ACCOUNTS, ETC. * RESTRICTIONS APPLY, SEE STORE FOR DETAILS

4 Page 4 samoa news, Saturday, February 8, 2014 COOL COOL Stuff THE BOB FRANKEN COLUMN Prehistoric Modern Thinking By Bob Franken Why would anyone think it was a big deal when scientists announced a few weeks ago they had determined that humans carry genes of Neanderthals? Was there really any question? The evidence is everywhere. It s certainly obvious when we observe the hunter-gatherer predators who run roughshod over each other in the political world. It would be a mistake to stereotype Neanderthals as grunting lunklumps. In fact, some of them appear quite suave. Mike Huckabee, for example, was outfitted in knuckle-drag recently when, before a Republican audience, he derided women who needed Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control, because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system. Let s give credit to these primitive beings. They are equal opportunity. Females are well-represented. For example, just about anything Michele Bachmann says hearkens to a time far back in our evolution, which she doesn t want even taught in our schools. Obviously she would not be someone Gov. Huckabee would accuse of having libido or reproductive-system problems. But many have raised questions about issues she has using her brain and mouth at once. You know that famous Ascent of Man picture, which depicts the rise from ape to human, the one you ll never see in a Creationism class? Well, Congressman Michael Grimm reminded us that the flow can go in both directions. He was definitely leading the descent when he grunted to a TV reporter that if he persisted in asking a question Grimm didn t like, he would toss him over the balcony. That s not a complete transcript, but it s a family newspaper. Then there are the traffic jams at the George Washington Bridge, apparently ordered up by some of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie s aides. It s still an open question how much Christie really knew about it, but those involved plainly had an abundance of Neanderthal DNA. So much of our cultural debate is really about resistance to progress that is supposed to define modern times. When you reduce the arguments against gay marriage to basics, they re really about adhering to the belief that sex is strictly about procreating our species. What a shame it is that so many of us are still stuck in a period eons ago, when that impulse trumped all the human aspirations we ve nurtured from then to modern times. One has to wonder if back about 50,000 years ago, when some humans and Neanderthals were doing it -- which why we carry their genetic traces -- if there were busybodies sticking their nose in everyone s business and raising a ruckus about what went on around the fire at night and with whom? Evidently, we haven t evolved as much as they say. The scientists who conducted the genetic study say that the fragments of Neanderthal DNA seem to have had the most impact on our hair, skin and immune system. It had little impact on speech and communication, which leads one to wonder if they should have taken more samples from those who inhabit the world of politics. Interestingly, these cave couplings apparently produced offspring who were much less fertile. Given what we see these days, that s probably a good thing. (c) 2014 Bob Franken Distributed by King Features Synd., Inc. Osini Faleatasi Inc. reserves all rights. dba Samoa News is published Monday through Saturday, except for some local and federal holidays. Please send correspondences to: OF, dba Samoa News, Box 909, Pago Pago, American Samoa Contact us by Telephone at (684) Contact us by Fax at (684) Contact us by at samoanews@samoatelco.com Normal business hours are Mon. thru Fri. 8am to 5pm. Permission to reproduce editorial and/or advertisements, in whole or in part, is required. Please address such requests to the Publisher at the address provided above. Coldpruf has long standing respect from outdoorsmen, law enforcement, first responders, and your Coolio photojournalist. [Photo: Barry Markowitz] Coldpruf Islander Travel Must By Barry Markowitz Last year in Las Vegas at an outdoor trade show demonstration it was 24 degrees, with icy winds creating a near zero chill factor. I kept wanting to buy Coldpruf bottoms, but Vailima and those $9 juicy Vegas Prime Rib dinners kept Coldpruf a second priority. No more after last year. It was so cold that my pant legs stung the back of my legs with every step. We cannot live in that world, as even Hawai i tradewinds seem cold to us after a 6a.m. South Pacific Hawaiian Airlines arrival. This year at the USA 7 s I hung in the chilly nights covering every Manu Samoa pass, thanks to my $19 Coldpruf Performance long underwear. For the Tokyo Sevens I have stepped up my game to the highest Extreme Performance series. Why are Coldpruf bottoms and tops the perfect Coolio must have? Firstly they work wonderfully without chaffing or cutting off circulation. The sizing is truly American, perfect for that large Samoan body headed off to the Wellington or Tokyo Sevens. When it warmed up at the USA Sevens, I found Coldpruf to absorb sweat and insulate from the heat. Coldpruf products are multi layered to trap body heat, anti-microbial, and with waistbands that standup to multiple washings. With colds rampant in North America, and flu taking off again in Asia, you must proactively take the initiative to take care of yourself. Walking Pneumonia is an unnecessary three month debilitating ordeal. Win with Coldpruf, while we win with Manu Samoa and Talavalu.

5 samoa news, Saturday, February 8, 2014 Page 5 DOC requesting over a $1 million in CDBG funds be reprogrammed by B. Chen Samoa News Correspondent The Dept. of Commerce is seeking to reprogram over $1 million from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program for program years (PY) 2011, 2012, and 2013, with the Pago Pago Youth Center being one of projects to lose funding if the request is successful. A request will be submitted to the US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Community Planning and Development to reprogram approximately $1, from the CDBG for the construction of the new Leone Midkiff School Building. The funds to be reprogrammed were previously allocated for the following projects: CDBG PY 2012 Administration $68,784 Pago Pago Youth Center $100,000 Small Business Incubator $135,000 Convention Center $115,577 Small Business Loan Program $602,591 TOTAL $1,021,952 In compliance with the citizen participation requirements, the public is invited to comment on these projects during normal business hours at the DOC office in Utulei. Comments must be submitted in writing and forwarded to CDBG Manager Lina Petaia, or CPD Coordinator Petti Matila by Friday, March 7 at 4 p.m. According to a DOC official, the reprogramming of funds is necessary because the money has to be spent in a certain amount of time and the Leone Midkiff Project is one of urgent need. The proposed building will include classrooms and a new cafeteria. Yesterday, Samoa News received inquiries from people wondering about the status of the Pago Pago Youth Center, now that the $100,000 allocated for the project is being reprogrammed to the Leone Midkiff Project. When contacted for comments, a DOC official explained there are so many issues surrounding the process, adding that for the Youth Center in particular, DOC was informed the project no longer needed funds from the CDBG. (The Indonesian government has pledged $300,000 to fund the construction of the new Youth Center and the American Samoa Government will be putting up $300,000 of its own for the project. ASG s share comes from the reprogramming of monies from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) for projects that did not meet certain deadlines. The project was estimated to cost $700,000, hence the $100,000 from the CDBG). But there were requirements that had to be met in order for the $100K to be released for the Youth Center project. For example, since HUD is the grantor, contractors have to be able to provide a 100% surety bond. In this case, Samoa News understands the surety bond requirement wasn t something that could be easily tackled and therefore, DOC was told that CDBG funds would no longer be needed for the project. A DOC official said yesterday that the reprogramming of previously allocated funds from the aforementioned projects doesn t mean they aren t going to put money in for those projects but instead, we are just taking money for now, and reprogramming it to a project that needs it. For the Leone Midkiff Project, no contract has been awarded yet. Samoa News understands discussions are still ongoing between DOC, the Governor s Office and the Procurement Office. at Indulge your Valentine to an evening of fine dining with a 4 course candlelit dinner, flowers, champagne, and sweets specially made for your loved one. Live entertainment by LOGO MALIE ~ Joe, Doug & Ulale Call for reservations, limited seating Vai s Flowers -N- Gifts Toa o Samoa soldiers come together at McGinnis-Wickham hall, Marshall Auditorium in Fort Benning, Georgia to celebrate Spc. Shimasaki Tilei of Fagaalu, American Samoa s graduation from Warriors Leadership Course (WLC). Pictured with Shimasaki are SGT. Nathan Vaitautolu of Faleasao, Manua and 1LT Meaole Meaole Jr. of Amanave. [courtesy photo] Location: Nu uuli next to Matai s Restaurant & Zeek s Treat VALENTINE FAVORITES: Let the Roses Speak for You! SiEddie s Special #1 Three Top 3 Roses, Baby s Breath, ferns packed with ti leaves, ribbon and touch of white flowers, accesories & balloon - $35.00 Vai s Sweetheart #2 Four Top 4 Roses, Baby s Breath, ferns packed with ti leaves, ribbon & touch of white flowers, accesories & balloon - $40.00 #3 Fou s Specialty Fancy First Red South American Roses arranged with Baby s Breath & accessories $50.00 Half Dozen $75.00 Dozen #4 Ed s Valentine Special Fancy First Red South American Roses set in a med. clear vase with Baby s Breath & accessories $50.00 Half Dozen $90.00 Dozen #5 Touch of Class Dozen of Roses set in a large clear vase with Million Stars, Ferns, accesories & balloon. - $ Or say it with something sweet *Single Rose in Container or Small Clear Vase with a candy treat & balloon: $15.00 * Single Rose with Teddy Bear - $20.00 * Double Rose in a small clear vase with accessories, balloon & candy treat: $ Roses with Accessories - $30.00 We also have gift baskets, candy grams, teddy bears, Balloon Bouquets, Variety of Balloons and other goodies for your sweetheart... Get your money s worth - from $5.00 to $ Order now or come in and see us to avoid last minute rush at , vaisflowers@yahoo.com Happy Valentines Day! Valentines Raffle: Any purchase from now until Thursday, February 13, 2014 at 12:00 noon qualifies you to enter our raffle: Special Prizes: 3 $ Gift Certificates give away.

6 Page 6 samoa news, Saturday, February 8, 2014 Where 1 it s at in American Samoa TONGAN MARKET INTERNATIONAL MIDNIGHT BBQ EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT at the TONGAN MARKET (behind Procurement in Tafuna) VARIETYO F DELICIOUSF OOD Poi fa i Luau Supo Esi AND MORE INTERNATIONAL NIGHT - EVERY LAST PAY FRIDAY!! Grilled Size 2 Pua a Home cooked meal from around the Pacific Live Entertainment BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY AND ENJOY A FUN FILLED NIGHT!! We have space available for interested vendors. Call or ISLAND BREEZE PURIFIED WATER Refill 1 GALLON - 5 GALLON Fagaalu across from Matafao Ele. School Tel: or Gal. delivered to your home, business or office! (on Lyon s Park Road) OPEN FOR LUNCH & DINNER 10:00AM-10:00PM BAR OPEN UNTIL 12:00MN 10% US MILITARY DISCOUNT 10% SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT CAKES, CATERING & RESERVATIONS, Call TAKE-OUT ORDERS, Call Compiled by Samoa News staff LAWMAKERS RECONVENE NEXT WEEK :GOV S NOMINATIONS AMONG ISSUES The Fono reconvenes on Monday following a two-week recess, and among the issues to be tackled are the governor s nomination to cabinet posts, which includes the nomination sent last week to the Senate on the appointment of Ruth Matagi-Fa atili as president of the Development Bank of American Samoa, where she has worked since Gov. Lolo Matalasi Moliga in his nomination says Matagi-Fa atili has overseen loan officers and building inspectors charged with providing investment opportunities and promoting private enterprise at the bank. Matagi-Fa atili s experience in managing disbursement, underwriting mortgages and business loans, as well as her regulatory expertise qualify her as DBAS president, Lolo said, adding he has confidence in the ability of the nominee to head the bank and urged lawmakers for their approval. Matagi-Fa atili, whose nomination is subject only to Senate confirmation holds a Bachelor degree in finance from the University of Phoenix and a Masters in Public Administration & Human Resources from San Diego State University. Prior to joining the DBAS, Matagi-Fa atili worked for the Bank of Hawai i branch in Kapolei, on the island of Oahu, Hawai i. Other cabinet nominations to be considered by both the Senate and House is Jonathan Fanene, as director of the Department of Youth and Women s Affairs, as well as the seven members to the ASG Employees Retirement Fund Board of Trustees. These nominations have already been introduced in both chambers. KVZK-TV EXTENDS ITS LOCAL NEWS PROGRAMING Following public requests, the Office of Public Information has extended to an hour, the usual 30-minutes local news on state-run KVZK-TV Evening News, or Talafou. In past years, the news program had been 15-minutes for Samoan and 15-minutes for English. During last Friday s official launching of live NBC network programs, OPI director Fagafaga Daniel Langkilde was asked about the reason for extending the local news program, which is now one hour LONG, with 30 minutes each for Samoan and English. The thought behind it is that there is much more we could add to the newscast for our service to the people, he said, pointing out there have been requests from Samoan viewers especially our elders who wanted additional Samoan language news, including world news translated from network television news programs. The idea is if we extended it to half an hour, we ll be able to give a full local newscast and world news being translated in Samoan, Fagafaga said. We re also looking at adding a sports segment, and a local weather segment. And that s coming up very soon. AMERICAN SAMOA IN DISCOVER AMERICA SHOWS American Samoa will take part at next week s Discover America travel trade shows in New Zealand with over 60 exhibits. The territory is part of the delegation under the BrandUSA program, which was created by federal law as a public-private partnership, and the official destination marketing organization of the federal government. American Samoa Visitors Bureau executive director, David Vaeafe said the territory s participation is part of an ongoing marketing program to educate the international travel trade about the territory being a destination to visit. The Discover America shows will give us the opportunity to speak directly to over 700 travel agents over the two days Feb. 17 in Christchurch and Feb. 18 in Auckland, he said. Additionally, ASVB is finalizing a partnership program with BrandUSA (Washington DC) that will see them supplementing our overseas advertising efforts with our travel partners in the New Zealand and Australian market place. In New Zealand, the territory have partnerships with four travel companies Air New Zealand Holidays/The AOT Group, Go Holidays, House of Travel and Our Pacific, all of whom started selling American Samoa a couple of years ago. At the Feb. 24th meeting of the federal Interagency Group on Insular Areas (IGIA) in Washington D.C., BrandUSA president and CEO, Christopher L. Thompson, is among the presenters. BrandUSA will discuss the potential to leverage resources with the territories for tourism branding and marketing. Prior to the Discover America event, the ASVB will also participant in the Auckland Flight Centre Travel Expo on Feb. 15 and 16. This event is the largest consumer travel show in New Zealand, said Vaeafe. KIRK AAB NOW HANDLING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) AT DPW Former IT manager for the ASG Treasury Department, Kirk Aab, is the new personnel IT coordinator for the Dept. of Public Works. Last year, Aab was arrested and later released after he allegedly claimed a package from the post office that contained marijuana valued at $10,000. Aab was placed on annual leave effective May 14, 2013 by Human Resources Dept. Director Sonny Thompson following a recommendation from ASG Treasurer Falema o Pili. Several weeks ago, Aab was transferred to the Dept. of Public Works in Tafuna. Samoa News understands that no criminal charges have been filed in Aab s case, although law enforcement officials who spoke on condition of anonymity said full reports of the case were forwarded to the proper government agencies. In addition to Aab, two other DPW employees who were busted with drugs while riding in a government vehicle during working hours have returned to work. The two men were arrested and placed on leave after drugs were found in their possession, but the HR Director has instructed DPW Director Faleosina Voigt to have the pair return to work saying, unless the report and a full investigation is conducted, and upon completion forwarded to HR, we cannot do anything for the time being. NHHC Partner PLEAD GUILTY IN FEDERAL COURT Quin Ngoc Rudin one of the partners in the Native Hawaiian Holding Company, which is currently in a dispute with ASG over funds awarded to the organization under the National Emergency Grant program has pled guilty in federal court. Rudin, aka Dean Rubin, aka David Rubin, is charged with wire fraud and aggravated identity theft. He remains in federal custody and he appeared Monday at the federal court in San Francisco where he entered a guilty plea to all charges during a change of plea hearing, according to court records. At the plea hearing, parties in the case requested the guilty plea document to be place under seal and the court has given until next Monday for attorneys to filed the required motion placing the plea details until seal. No information in court records as to why the request to seal the plea agreement. As of yesterday four new motions were filed with the court but they are all under seal. Usually, plea agreements are made public by federal court, before the plea hearing date, unless such documents are ordered seal. No sentencing date for Rudin is set by the court but a status conference hearing is scheduled for Jun. 27th. A federal indictment early last year alleged Rudin defrauded Cisco Systems Inc. and its subsidiary Cisco Systems Capital Corporation and Altura Pharmaceuticals, Inc. through his own company called CGC Digital.

7 samoa news, Saturday, February 8, 2014 Page 7 Tu uaia i le ave faagaoi o se telefoni mai Blue Sky tusia Ausage Fausia O le ali i mai Tafuna lea o lo o tuuaia i lona gaoia o se telefoni o le ituaiga o le Nexus 5 LG touchscreen mai totonu o le kamupani a le BlueSky Communications, ua ia teena le moliaga mamafa o le gaoi lea ua molia ai o ia e le malo, ina ua tula i i luma o le fa amasinoga maualuga i le taeao ananafi. I le teena ai e Vilitoni Tuia poo Sonny o le moliaga e tasi o lo o tuuaia ai o ia e le malo, ua faatulaga ai loa lana ulua i iloiloga e faia lea i le aso 27 Mati, 2014, ma o lo o taofia pea o ia i le toese i Tafuna i le taimi nei e faatali ai le aso lea ua faamoemoe e toe tula i ai i luma o le fa amasinoga. O le moliaga ua tuuaia ai Tuia, na alia e mai ina ua faafesootai e se tagata faigaluega a le BlueSky se tagi i le Ofisa o Leoleo, faasaga i se tagata sa ia gaoia se telefoni sa faalauiloa i totonu o le latou ofisa i Nuuuli i le aso 13 Tesema 2013, ma tofia ai loa le alii Leoleo Suesue ia Det. John Seumanutafa na te suesueina lenei mataupu. O se ata sa pu eina i le masini pu eata a le kamupani lea na tuuina atu i le Ofisa o Leoleo, o lo o vaaia ai se alii o ia gaoia le telefoni e pei ona taua mai totonu o le Ofisa o le BlueSky i totonu o le Laufou Shopping Center, ma o lea telefoni e $ lona tau. O le ali i leoleo ia A.J Tagoa i na ulua i suesueina lenei mataupu, ae ina ua fiu e tau saili po o fea e maua i ai le ua molia, na tuuina atu ai loa le mataupu i le Vaega o Leoleo Suesue latou te faaauauina le suesueina o le mataupu. I le ata sa pu eina na tuuina atu i leoleo, sa vaaia ai le alii na ia gaoia le telefoni, o savali atu ma saofa i i tafatafa o se tama ita i o lo o nofo i le nofoa e faatalitali ai tagata mo le valaauina o a latou mataupu, i totonu o le ofisa o le BlueSky. Sa vaaia fo i le talanoa atu o le ua molia i ni tamaitai se to alua sa nonofo ai i le nofoa faatalitali, e aofia ai ma se tamaitai e faigaluega i le BlueSky. Na fesiligia e leoleo tamaitai sa vaaia i totonu o le ata sa pu eina o talanoa i le ua molia, ma la faailoa ai i leoleo, la te iloaina le ua molia, o lona igoa o Sony, e le o ia fo i o se tagata faigaluega a le BlueSky. Na taua e se tama ita i sa i ai i totonu o le Ofisa i le aso lea lona vaaia o le ua molia o ia gaoia le telefoni sa i luga o le counter, ona savali lea i fafo o le Ofisa ma ave le telefoni. Fai mai le molimau, ina ua ia fesili i le ua molia pe aisea ua ia aveina ai le telefoni, ae na tali le ua molia, o ia e faigaluega i le BlueSky, o lana galuega o le faia lea o gaioiga e faalauiloa ai oloa a le kamupani i luga o le auala (Roadshow). Na taua e le molimau lona masalosalo i gaioiga a le ua molia sa faia, ina ua ia tuua le Ofisa ma le telefoni e aunoa ma lona talanoa i se tagata faigaluega o lo o i totonu o le Ofisa, ma mafua ai lona ona ia faailoa i tagata faigaluega a le BlueSky le mea ua tupu. Na umi se taimi o taumafai leoleo e saili le ua molia e uiga i lenei mataupu, ae i le aso 30 Ianuari 2014, na mafai ai loa ona maua se fesootaiga a leoleo ma Tuia ma fesiligia ai loa o ia e uiga i le telefoni o lo o masalomia sa ia gaoia. Na taua e Tuia i leoleo e faapea, e sa o sa i ai o ia i totonu o le Ofisa o le BlueSky i le taimi ma le aso e pei ona taua, ae na te le i gaoia se telefoni, ae ina ua faailoa atu i ai e leoleo ata sa pu eina, na taua ai loa e le ua molia e faapea, na te manatua sa i ai i le Ofisa i le aso e pei ona taua ae na te le o manatua sa ia gaoia se telefoni. Sa ia taua fo i i leoleo lona talanoa i se taimi o molimau, lona alu atu e faa fesuia i lana felefoni tuai ma se telefoni fou mai le kamupani a le BlueSky. I le aotelega o suesuega sa faia e uiga i lenei mataupu, o lo o masalomia ai fo i Tuia i le fa alavelave lea na tula i mai i se faleoloa i Iliili, lea fo i na gaoia ai e se tagata se telefoni mai totonu o le faleoloa. E $10,000 le vaega tupe lea ua faatulaga e le faamasinoga e totogi ona faatoa mafai lea ona tatala le ua molia i tua o le toese. Feso ota i mai i le tusitala ia ausage@samoanews.com In The High Court of American Samoa PROBATE DIVISION PR No In the Matter of the Estate of IOSUA LETULIGASENOA, Decedent by PAMATA LETULIGASENOA MALAE, Petitioner NOTICE OF PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION INTESTATE FOR THE ESTATE OF IOSUA LETULIGASENOA TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that on the 26th day of February, 2014 at 9:00 a.m., at the High Court of American Samoa, located in Fagatogo, American Samoa, Petitioner PAMATA LETULIGASENOA MALAE, through her attorney, will move this Court to grant the Petition for Letters of Administration Intestate for the Estate of Iosua Letuligasenoa. The said motion is based upon the pleadings and papers on file herein. Dated: January 29th, 2014 Major Responsibilities Skills Qualified Applicants Apply To: Published 2/8, 2/15 & 2/22 Clerk of Courts NAPA SAMOA NOW HIRING! Positions Available For Immediate Hire COUNTERPERSONS CASHIER WAREHOUSE CLERK NAPA Samoa in Tafuna is re-opening under new management and ownership. We are looking for honest and dependable individuals that are motivated, have a positive attitude and work well in a team environment. Pay will commensurate with experience. Contact Sepelini Sala Jr southpacop@gmail.com Human Resources Division American Samoa Telecommunications Authority (A.S.T.C.A.) P.O. Box M Pago Pago, American Samoa NAPA SAMOA a Reid family company is an Equal Opportunity Employer American Samoa TeleCommunications Authority (ASTCA) EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Position Title:Posting ADVERTISING & Date: February 05, 2014 PROMOTIONSS PECIALIST Deadline: February 12, 2014 Position Type: Career ServiceAnnual Salary: Commensurate with Experience Job Opening:One (1) Report to:marketing Manager Job Scope/Summery Job Qualifications: The Advertising and Promotions Specialist is responsible for increasing revenue through the execution of advertising and promotional campaigns that support ASTCA. Promotions include, but are not limited to: creative layout, design, field implementation and ad/print production and measurement. Incumbent will assist in developing, monitoring and implementing marketing projects. Work with the marketing manager in analyzing product information to provide appropriate marketing assistance. Assist in developing strategies for project management and execution. Determine proper advertising medium including direct mail, newspapers advertisements, online banners and marketing initiatives. Prepare sample advertisement program for review and approval by management. Work closely with the sales team to develop product promotions. Ability to take direction from the Director, Sales & Marketing and follow the lead in the execution of various components of marketing programs. Plans and prepares advertising and promotional materials to increase sales. Directs out-sourced creative staff/designers. Develops and maintains promotions calendar. Ensures all promotions are visible in all external and internal platforms. Participates in creative sessions with marketing and IT team to generate original ideas. Ensures store management and team members are aware of promotions. Ensures adherence of branding & design principles to the creation of e-marketing templates, in store signage, brochure templates, digital/print advertisements and internal documents. Prepares cost estimates for campaigns along with length and timing promotions. Develop and implement advertising policies and procedures to achieve sales objectives. Manage and execute advertising projects within approved budget and timelines. Minimum Requirements & Qualifications Bachelor s Degree in Marketing or related field preferred from an accredited university or college and a minimum of 3 years of applicable experience in marketing and advertising. Ability to use word processing, spreadsheet and database software programs for market research and tracking. Ability to operate a computer to retrieve, review or update market development data. Ability to handle multiple tasks and changing priorities. Ability to accurately quote projects and deliver assets on time. Capable of working independently or with a team. High aptitude in problem solving and developing creative solutions. An Equal Opportunity Employer Tel: (684) ext 408 Fax: (684)

8 Page 8 samoa news, Saturday, February 8, 2014 T ALA mai brought to you by SAMOA tanoa tusitala hotel, apia, samoa Saunia: L.A.F./Naenae Productions TASI AVANOA TUU I LE EPC Toe tasi le avanoa ua tuu e le afioaga o Taelefaga, Fagaloa i le Faalapotopotoga Malosi Faaeletise e faaleleia ai le nofoaga o lo o i ai le afi eletise i lea afioaga, ina ia aveesea ai le manogi le manuia o lo o mafatia ai le afioaga. I se feiloaiga a le fono a tamalii ma failauga o Taelefaga ma sui o le pulega o le EPC na faia i le aso Faraile na sei mavae atu, na faamanino ai e le fono a le afioaga, a oo atu i le masina o Iuni o le tausaga nei e lei foia lava lea faafitauli, o le a latou talaina loa i lalo le fale ma masini uma a le EPC o lo o gaosia ai le eletise mai le malosiaga o le suavai (hydroelectric plant), o lo o i o latou eleele. Na saunoa se tasi o tamalii o le afioaga, le afioga Leuta Sialafau, O le a matou talaina uma i lalo mea totino a le EPC pe afai e oo atu ia Iuni e lei aveesea le manogi le manuia ua leva ona matou pologa ai. Peitai, e $3,000 le seleni na faameaalofa i ai e sui o le pulega a le EPC i le fono o matai o le afioaga ma le tautinoga o le a amata galuega i le foia o lea faafitauli ina ia oo atu ia Iuni ua aveesea lea manogi le manuia. FAIAIGA MA LE MAFINE E LE atoa MALOSI MAFAUFAU E 19 tausaga o se taulealea ua tulai i le Faamasinoga Maualuga i le moliaga o le faiaiga ma se tamaitai e le atoatoa le malosi o le mafaufau, ma le faaoolima mataga. O lea alii ma le tamaitai na aafia e omai mai le alalafaga e tasi. Na tulai le molimau a le itu a le malo, le tamaitai fomai o Dr. Cecilia Bartley ma ia faaalia, o le faaiuga o le masina o Aperila i le amataga o Me, 2013 na faiaiga ai le ua molia ma le na aafia. O lona uiga, e tatau ona fanau le na aafia i le amataga o Fepuari, Ina ua suesue e le loia a le ua molia, le susuga Patrick Fepuleai, le tamaitai fomai i le taimi na fanau ai le na aafia, sa faasalavei le afioga Faamasino Sili Patu Tiavaasue Falefatu Sapolu ma ia faaalia, e le o molia le ua molia ona o le maitaga o le na aafia, ae o lo o molia ona o lona faiaiga ma se tamaitai e le atoatoa le malosi o le mafaufau. FALEPUIPUI I MARIUANA O se alii na pueina e leoleo i Savaii i le aso e sosoo ma le aso Kerisimasi o le tausaga na tea nei, ua faasalaina nei i le falepuipui mo le tausaga e tasi ma masina e valu, ina ua maua ai ni mariuana e mafai ona taai ai sikaleti e 153. Na pu e e leoleo ia Gafatali Luamanu Keti ma se isi alii ina ua logo e se tagata leoleo o lo o auina faanana atu e Keti ma lana uo ni mariuana mai le uafu i Mulifanua i le motu tele i Salafai. Sa faapea loa ona mataitu e leoleo ia alii ao malaga atu i le vaa i Savaii ma ina ua taunuu i Salelologa, sa feosoi i se pasi ma malaga atu i le faleaiga o Tui ma Masi i Salelologa. Ina ua vaaia e le alii sa toalua ma Keti leoleo, sa taumafai o ia e sola ese ae na tuliloa ma maua e leoleo. Sa auina atu loa i laua i le ofisa o leoleo mo suesuega ma maua ai se pepa iila o lo o i ai i totonu nil ala mariuana se fa, o lala mariuana e lei mamago e fitu, o se pepa sikaleti Pall Mall o lo o i ai i totonu ni tamai lala mariuana se lua ma se sikaleti mariuana se tasi. LE MAUTONU AVEPASI Ua le mautonu avepasi i taimi pisi o femalagaiga i taeao ma afiafi o aso taitasi pe faatu a latou pasi i pasese, e ui ua tumu pasi. O lea faafitauli ua faateteleina nei ona o le suiga o itula aoga a aoga a le malo lea ua tuua i le itula e fa i afiafi. Na faaalia le faagaulemalie o nisi o avepasi e faapea, o le alolofa i alo ma fanau aoga ina nei tuai i aoga le mafuaaga e faatu ai i ai a latou pasi e ui ua tumu. Na faaalia e se teine aoga mai le Kolisi o Maluafou o Emma Poseta, e leai se mea e leaga ai ia te ia le sii ona ua tumu le pasi. Nao le pau mea taua ia te ia, ia aua nei tuai i le aoga. Peitai ua faaalia e le sui sooupu o leoleo, le susuga Fauono Talalelei Tapu, e le tatau lava i avepasi ona ave ni pasese pe afai ua tumu le pasi. FAUTUA PALUSALUE I LE MALO TOTOGI AITALAFU Ua fautuaina malosi e le taitai o le vaega faaupufai o le Tautua Samoa, le afioga Palusalue Faapo II, ia le malo ina ia tauaveina le totogiina o le nonogatupe e $200 miliona tala lea na faaaoga e faatupe ai le fausiaina o le nofoaga e gaosi ai le eletise i Fiaga. Na faaalia e Palusalue i se feiloaiga ma le au tusitala i le vaiaso nei e faapea, afai e tauave le malo le totogiina o lea nonogatupe, e leai se mea o le a manaomia ai le faia o se siitaga e 10 pasene i le tau o le eletise e pei ona ua faatuina nei e le Faalapotopotoga Malosi Faaeletise. Fai mai a ia, sa ia laga lea mataupu i tauaofiaga lata mai nei a le Palemene, ae sa tetee le alii palemia ma i tatai ese felafolafoaiga mai lea mataupu. C Y M K Aoaoga i auala e faatino ai le Talimalo Lelei tusia: Leua Aiono Frost O le tamaitai mai Fiti ia Ala Lavemawasa mai Fiti ua faa faigaluega e le Matagaluega a Tupulaga Talavou, Tina ma Tamaitai na te aoaoina auala e faatino ai le Talimalo Lelei, e aofia ai le tatau lea ona tapena lelei le mafaufau o le tagata i auala e faatino ai lea ituaiga auaunaga. Na tomua le aoaoga i le faalauiloaina o i latou uma o le a auai i lenei aoaoga, faatasi ai ma le faalauiloa mai e Ala o auala e ao ona silafia e i latou uma ao faagasolo lenei aoaoga. E i ai mea na fa amamafa i le vasega. O mea ia e mautu atili ai lou avanoa pe fa aauau ai ona fa afaigaluega oe e le Kamupani, pisinisi po o le matagaluega o e fa ato a galue ai: Galue Feso ota i ma felagolagoma i ma i si tagata faigaluega: E ao ina e galue fiafia ma feso ota i lelei ma isi tagata faigaluega, afai e te mo omia le fesoasoani ina ia vave ona fa ataunu u le galuega, ia galue felagolagoma i ma isi ma le fiafia e faia le auaunaga. Ia avea oe ma fa amuamua o lou fia fesoasoani i nisi, ae le o le faigaluega feva ava ai a i, e afua ai ona le fealofani oe ma isi uso faigaluega. Pe afai e tele sou iloa i le matata o galue ai se isi uso faigaluega, ia e fa asoa i ai lou tomai, aua e te a iu i lou poto o i ai, ae ia e iloa alofa atu ma fa asoa lou iloa. Auaunaga ia fa atino ia le aunoa: Ia va ai patino i mea e fa atino ai le auaunaga mo malo o lo o e talimalo ai, po o nonofo i le faletalimalo o e faigaluega ai. E tatau ona e fa aosofia lagona mau talitonuina o lau auaunaga e malo mai fafo, ae le o le so ona va ai i nisi uiga e le tusa ai ma ala o le auaunaga. Ia fa afeiloa ia malo uma i le laufofoga fiafia, ma le fesili po o i ai se mea e mo omia, afai e leai, ofo atu e si ia lana ato ma fa asino lelei i ai lona potu e alaalata i ai. O se tala fiafia lea a Ala i lana vasega. Aua ne i maumau meatotino a le Kamupani: Ia va ai i ala e fa asao mai ai le so ona maumau o tupe fa aalu a le Kamupani, ae o mea lava e mafai ona e ofoina atu, e aunoa ma se tupe fa aalu a le Kamupani. Aua ne i e avea fua i lou aiga, mea a le Kamupani, ae ia fa amaoni ma ia faia lau galuega i le lelei e tatau ai. O Lau Amio: Ia va aia e tagata asiasi mai, lou tausa afia, e te fiafia, e te le o fia tagata leaga, ae ua e sauni e tautua mo i latou i so o se mea e tusa ma ala o le auaunaga talimalo lelei. Aua ne i malomaloa, pe soona faia au tala i tagata faigaluega ma oe, po o tagata o lo o tou talimalo ai. Ia matua le ulaula lava i luma o malo, pe tali sau telefoni fe avea i se ia o o i le taimi e te malolo ai. Pe a fa atonuina oe i se mea, ia faia ma le le gaoia, talia le fa atonuga ma le fiafia. Ia muamua ona e fa aaloalo atu i isi ou uso faigaluega, ma le vasega o malo mai fafo, aua lava ne i i ai se fa ailoga lanu i au fa ai uga. O le isi mea sili ona matagofie sa fa atonuina i lea a oa oga, Pe afai e te va aia se otaota o ta atia i le lotoa, ae le tatau ona i ai i lena mea, ia piki i luga ma ave i le lapisi, e fa ailoa ai, e te naunauta i i lau galuega ia lelei ona ata ma tino mai. C Y M K O se va aiga i le ta ita iga o le Kosi Talimalo Lelei lea na amatalia i le taeao ananafi, mo le ulua i vasega na ta ita ia e Ala Lavemawasa, o le sa faigaluega i le Tradewinds Hotel mo ni tausaga e tele. 1-r Sui o le DYW, Theresa, Ala Lavemawasa ma Sui DOE Uputaua Tuiasosopo. [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] O se va aiga i le ulua i vasega mo le Kosi Talimalo Lelei na fa atautaia i le Fale Palota Tuai i Utulei ananafi mo le 4 itula. [ata: Leua Aiono Frost]

9 samoa news, Saturday, February 8, 2014 Page 9 C Y C Y M K M K Nevada county charging for jail meals; ACLU upset RENO, Nev. (AP) A northern Nevada county is moving ahead with what may be a first-in-the-nation plan to charge county jail inmates for food and medical care, despite objections from the American Civil Liberties Union that it s cruel and unusual punishment and could lead to a court battle. The Elko County Commission on Wednesday approved Sheriff Jim Pitts proposal to charge inmates $6 a day for meals, $10 for each doctor visit and $5 for initial booking into the jail, a move he says will save county taxpayers millions of dollars a year. Why should the people of Elko County pay for somebody else s meals in jail? said Commissioner Grant Gerber, a backer of the plan who thinks the fees should be higher. Tod Story, executive director of the ACLU Nevada, said that depending on how indigents and others who can t afford the fees are treated, the county could be in for a legal fight over the edict to prisoners that there is no free lunch. I was aghast that anyone was even thinking of doing this, he told The Associated Press. It is unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment. There is no value in trying to punish them further than the sentence that they are already serving, Story said. Pitts said it costs about $85 per day per inmate to cover the costs of food, services, housing and utilities at the facility with a capacity of 120 a total of about $10,000 daily. We re not the Hilton, he told the Elko Daily Free Press, which first reported approval of the plan on its website Thursday. These guys shouldn t have a free ride. While it s not uncommon in some states for counties to charge inmates a small fee or copayment for medical care, National Sheriff s Association operations director Fred Wilson said he s not aware of any charging for meals. In Arizona, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, famous for his crackdowns on illegal immigration and tough jail policies, has discussed the idea and is still considering it, but he hasn t instituted it, sheriff s spokesman Christopher Hegstrom said Friday. Elko has never been afraid of being first, Gerber told the AP. Under the new policy, Elko County inmates will be exempt from the fees if they work at the jail or are incarcerated for less than 24 hours. Inmates ultimately found innocent will be reimbursed. In the coming weeks, the fees will be deducted from an individual inmate s commissary account, where family and friends can deposit money for the inmate to order items such as candy, shampoo and envelopes. Those with no money would see their account accrue a negative balance, and that balance would remain in the event the inmate was released but later returned to jail for whatever reason. It has nothing to do with them getting out of jail, but if they ever come back with any money, that will be applied to what they owe us, Pitts said Friday. All I m doing is taking my cut first, before they buy their candies. They need to pay for their food first before they get their dessert. Made Locally, Worn Globally Check out our 10%-20% off selected items Hand-Painted Elei Accessories Aloha Shirts Hipster Tops Sarongs and Dresses Fabric and T-shirts Located on the Nuuuli Main Road or website: Facebook: Locally Yours by Alice locallyyours10@yahoo.com The law office of Rose Joneson Vargas introduces our newest attorney: Marian Tiare McGuire Marian will assist clients in the following areas: Land matters Admiralty law Commercial and corporate law Estate law (probate and wills) Family law on: Marian McGuire Leone High School, 1998 Northeastern University, 2002 University of Hawaii Law School, 2007 Hawaii State Circuit Court Law Clerk, ASG Assistant Attorney General, To schedule a free initial consultation, marian@rjvlaw.com or call Rose Joneson Vargas ATTORNEYS Barry Rose Jennifer Joneson David Vargas Anne Wellborn Marian McGuire STAFF Penina Magalei Liza Fata-Afalava Margaret Aetonu-Koloi Puletele Vagaia Tito Fuataga

10 Page 10 samoa news, Saturday, February 8, 2014 Tulimanu o le fa aolataga IA MANATU MAMAFA I LE ASO A TAEOA. (Kenese 25: 19-34; Mataio 5: 13-20;) Ia manatu i le aso a taeao ia e manatu i ai, o oe e fai ma faataitaiga i le isi au uso a kerisiano, o oe e fai ma mea e fiafia atu i ai le tupulaga ona o ou uiga faaalia, i lou fai mea fiafia e uiga i le tou matagaluega, e te fiafia e alu i le au faipese, e te fiafia e fai oe ma faiaoga Aso Sa e te fiafia e fai oe ma Au Uso ia Keriso. E te faia mea lelei uma lava e tau i le Atua, e te auai e mea e fai i totonu o le matagaluega e te fiafia i soo se tagata, tagata e le maua ni mea o le olaga lenei, o tagata e aao malolosi i totonu o le tou aulotu, e tagata e fia tautua i le Suafa o le Alii i totonu o aulotu uma lava i soo se Ekalesia kerisiano. O oe e fai ma faataitaiga i mea uma lava e fai i totonu o le nu u, aiga aemaise le matagaluega e toe mulimuli mai lava au galuega lelei i aso a mavae aemaise le talutalufou le tupulaga o i le lumanai i ou galuega lelei mo Iesu. O le masina e faaaoga e fai ai ia kuka ma ave isi masina e lulu solo i luga i le mea e toto ai e tagata Isaraelu ia latou togalaau poo le fertilizer. O le isi aoga o le masina e faaaoga e fai ai faataelega, lea pei ona taua mai i le (Esekielu 16:4)) O lou fanau mai foi, o le aso na fanau ai oe na le taia lou pute, e lei mulumuluina ai oe, e lei faamasimaina ai oe i le vai ia faamamaina ai oe, e lei faamasimaina ai oe, e lei faamasimaina ai oe, e lei faamasima oe i le masima, ma ua le auia lava oe. Ailoga o le a le masina lena ma lona aoga, oute talitonu e ese le mea lea, e ese foi le mea lea e fai agai i ai le masima lea e fetalai i ia Iesu, a le mea taua lena i le taua lea o loo taua mai le Feagaiga Fou. Ona ave lea o masima e oo lava i le aso e fai ai o latou totogi, na a ifo lea o masima e totonu i latou tamaitaga, e tuu ai le masima faatoa a i le aai a Roma ona ave ifo lea ua fua, na faatoa aumai ai lea e tupe, e taua le mea lena o aluni masima (allowance) Le mea foi lena e mafua mai ai le upu lea o le salary e mafua mai i le faiga lena a Roma, e fuafua i ai lou totogi i le aso o le fai ai lou totogi. O le tele o ou masima o le tele foi lena o lou totogi pe a tou foi mai i se mea e alu malaga i ai le tou autau. O le isi mea e faaaoga i ai le masima lea pei ona taua mai i (Levitiko 2:13) O taulaga uma foi i au taulaga i mea e ai, e te faamasimaina i le masima; auale aunoa lau taulaga i mea e ai, e te faamasimaina i le masima, aua le aunoa lau taulaga i lea e ai ma le masima o le feagaiga a lou Atua, o au taulaga uma e te avatu ma le masima. E le aoga le tagata, e le aoga foi upu pe a fai lava ua leaga uma na mea ia outou, a o le Atua lo latou Allii ma latou tatou Faaola, o le e Alofa mai pea ia te tatou, aua o i tatou o faa ona ona ai le lalolagi pe a tatou fai ai le finagalo o le Atua. Ia TATOU MANATU MAMAFA I LE ASO A TAEAO ia fai i tatou ma faataitai lelei i le isi tupulaga o lalovaoa i nei ona aso, fai i tatou ma malamalama o le lalolagi, tuu i luga lau lamepa i le mea e tuugamoli ae aua le tuua le lalo i mea e tuu ai vae ma tumau pea lava a pe tuu i lalo. E aua tou te manatu na sau le Alii e tatala le tulafono, le tulafono na aumai lava e Perofeta mai le amataga, e oo atu i le iuga o le lalolagi lenei seia toe afio mai le Mesia i lona mamalu atoa ma lona Malo o i Lagi e oo i le faavavau. Na iloa lava e Repeka le mea o le a na ia faia, fao mai le manuia mai ia Esau i lona tama faapelepele lea o Isaako, nei o tatou manatu e le i uma ona faia mai e le Alii e iuga o i tatou o tagata, ua uma ona faapolokalame uma e Alii le tatou olaga nei. E mulina fai e Repeka le mea na i ai faia i lana fanau, ae uma ona silafia e le Atua mai lava i le vavau e oo i le faavavau, e tatou ola fua i le lalolagi lenei a ua uma ona tuumatagama o tatou soifua e le Atua. Ia tatou ia nei tatou manatu ifo ai e fou mea ia ua tatou oo i ai, ae le iloa ua silafia lelei e le Atua. Manatua fai mai le tatou matua, IA MANUTUA MAMAFA I LE ASO A TAEAO. ia manuia le faa uuga o tofi o lenei tausaga atoa uma lava, ma i a tumau pea le Ola e faavavau lava Amene. O KATI LE LEOLEO NANA [Sosoo ane loa lau faitau i le tatou tala faasolo mo lenei vaiaso, lea na gata mai i le vaiaso na tea nei i le taimi lea ua toe fo i atu ai Kati i le fale talimalo o lo o faamautu ai e aunoa ma lona faailoaina i lana paaga o le mea ua tupu i le tamaloa o Tomasi.] O le vaiaso mulimuli o Kati i totonu o Enelagi mo lana malologa na masalomia ai loa o ia i le faalavelave na maliu ai le tamaloa fai pisinisi lauiloa o Tomasi, ina ua vaaia e le au faatupu faalavelave lana taavale lea sa paka i le vaega e paka ai taavale a le faletalimalo, o lo o paka i luma o le fale kofe lea e i luga tonu o le magatolu o lo o faafesaga i ma le fale gaosi seevae tele i totonu o le isi aai o Enelagi. Na avea le masalomia o Kati i lana taavale ma itu na si omia ai loa e le au faatupu faalavelave le nofoaga lea mo le mata ituina o le tagata e ana le ta avale, a o le taimi lea ua leva na i ai Kati i totonu o le fale kofe e faatali ai le taunuu atu o lana paga tama ita i la te inu ti ai. Pe tusa o ni nai minute talu ona feofeoa i solo tama a le au faatupu faalavelave i le nofoaga lea ae latou vaaia loa se tasi o ta avale e masani ai la latou vaai, le taavale a le tamaitai lea ua avea nei ma paaga a Kati ua sosolo atu ma paka i tafatafa tonu lava o le taavale a Kati, ona vaaia lea o le tamaitai ua oso i fafo ae o lo o talanoa Toe soso o ane lau faitau mai le vaega na gata mai ai le tatou polokalame i le vaiaso na te a nei, lea fai mai le tala ina ua laga a e i luga le ietoga ua pipi i uma i ai palapala, ona maua ai loa lea iina o le igoa o le ietoga, o le pipi imaleeleele. Ona faaauau loa lea o le malaga a le tama ita i o Anivaolepo ua faata alise atu i le malae i Lalomilo lea o loo faatali mai ai ana tulafale na latou malaga mai, ma faailoa i ai le tali o lana savali, ma latou toe malaga loa e aga i atu i Amaile ma Anapapa. Fai mai le tala ina ua latalata atu le va a, sa vaai mamao atu le teine ma ia iloa atu ai lona tuagane, ona faapea lea o upu a le teine, ta fia pa i e i le vai o le tama. Fai mai le tala, o le taimi lava na taunu u ai le va a a le tama ita i ma ana tulafale, na oso ai loa i lalo le taine e faalanu, ae ua galo nimo ia te ia ona tatala ese le ie o loo sulu i lona sulugatiti, ma fai mai o le taimi lava na toe alu a e ai i luga le tama ita i, na ia vaaia ai palapala sa pipi i i le tino o le ie ua toulu ese uma, ae ua iila mai talu ai ona ua leva ona tatao i le eleele, ona suia ai lea o le igoa o le ie iina o le matumaivai. Ua avatu le ie ma ua fofola ona faapea lea o Tauiliili i faletama e fia a Tuiatua ma le Tagaloa, ua lava le ie lea e si i ai i latou i le malie o lo latou tama, ma o iina na toe suia ai le igoa o le ie o le tasiaeafe. E umi le tala i le malaga a le ie, ae fai mai le tala, o Tauaolosi i na faufautane ia Fua autoto a, ona faaee lea o le gafa o le teine o Futa lea sa afifi i le ie, ae e i ai fo i le ie na lalaga faapitoa lava i le telefoni, ona savali sa o loa lea i totonu o le fale kofe. Na pei o le emo o le mata gaioiga a le au faatupu faalavelave i le tau sailiina o se auala e oo ai se tasi i totonu ina ua latou vaaia o le isi lea tamaitai o le latou vaega lea ua ulufale i totonu o le fale kofe lea ae le masani ai lava. O le taeao lava lea na salalau solo ai tala i luga o televise, o leitio ma nusipepa i totonu o le aai o Enelagi, i le tagatavaleina o le tamaloa fai pisinisi o Tomasi, se tasi o tagata faipisinisi sa masalomia malosi i lona faia o amioga faatupu faalavelave i totonu o le malo o Enelagi, ma o lo o tau sailia po o ai le tagata na ia faia lenei gaioiga. Ua ofo atu solo e ta ita i o le vaega faalilolilo a Enelagi se taui tupe tele i se tagata na te ofoina atu ni faamatalaga e faatatau i se tagata na ia fasiotia le tamaloa o Tomasi, ona e masalomia o se tagata lava sa nofo i totonu o le fale talimalo na ia faia lenei gaioiga matautia. Ua talie Kati ma lana paaga ma inu a la ipu kofe ma talatalanoa i le malologa a Kati o lo o alu atu i Enelagi, aemaise ai o lea ua toe tasi le vaiaso ona toe fo i lea o le tama i Italia, ae o se ripoti na alu atu i luga o le televise o lo o ola i totonu o le fale kofe na matua faateia ai le tamaitai ina ua ia faalogo atu, ua maliu le tamaloa o Tomasi ma o lo o tau sailia le tagata na ia faia lea gaioiga matautia. POLOGA I LE ALOFA [E toe faatalofa atu i le mamalu o le au faitau i lenei taeao, malo le soifua maua malo foi le onosa i, ae alo mai loa o le toe sosooina lenei o le tatou tala faasolo lea na gata mai i le vaiaso na te a nei i le taimi lea ua faatonu ai e le Tuua o le nuu taulelea ma matai laiti ina ia faapotopoto atu i le malae a o le i taina le itula e 4:00, e sauni ai mo le isi laasaga e tuuina atu faatatau i le aiga o Lasela.] Ua faatumulia le malae i luma tonu o le maota o le Tuua o le nuu o Amouta i taulele a ma matai laiti uma o le nuu, ina ua latou usitaia le faatonuga sa tuuina atu e le Tuua, ina ia faapotopoto atu a o le i ta le itula e 4:00 e sauni ai mo le isi faatonuga e tuuina atu, pe afai e le usitaia e le aiga o Lasela le finagalo e pei ona tu tootoo ai le nuu, e tafi ese ai i latou mai totonu o eleele o Amouta. E le i manatu mamafa le toeaina o Sami ma lona aiga i le finagalo o le nuu, ona e i ai lona talitonuga e tatau foi ona vaai alofa atu le nuu, o ia o le isi Tuua o le nuu, o se tagata ma i fo i, ma, atonu lava e talia sa latou faatoesega e tuuina atu i ai. Se i o tatou aga i atu lava i le tamaititi o Lisati ma lona aiga fou lea ua tau amata. O le aso lea na tu tootoo ai le nuu i le aiga o Lasela, na pisi ai fo i Lisati mo le la aso fiafia i le aso e sosoo ai, ma ua amata fo i ona tumu tumu atu o la aiga i le fale e sauni ai mo le la faaipoipoga i le aso Toona i e sosoo ai. Sole, ua makua kumu lava le malae i le guu, e le iloa pe o le a le mea o le a kupu i si koeaiga o Sami ma loga aiga pe afai ae ta le 4:00 e le koe o ese ma le guu, o le tala lea a le fafine o Melema, le uso o le teine o Lisati sa fai atu i le latou aiga, ao faapotopoto ai i luma o le fale talimalo ma matamata i se mea uiga ese o le a tula i mai i lea aso. Ae aisea ua mafua ai oga faia e le guu lea faaiuga i le aiga o Lasela,? o le fesili fia iloa lea a le tamaitai o Lisa, ae na faamatala i ai e le tina o Lisati le mafuaaga o le faaiuga a le nuu, ona ua fai soo le amio a Lasela ma lona aunty o le faaoolima i taito alua o matai e aofia ai ma ia. Aisea ua le vili ai leoleo ae ua fai faapenei lea faaiuga matuia,? o le isi lea fesili a Lisa, ae na toe tali atu i ai le fafine, e faigata ona faafesootai leoleo leaga o mataupu faapenei e fitoitonu lava i le pulega a alii ma faipule o le nuu, o mea foi e mafai ona toe teuteu pe afai ae talanoa matai i se faaiuga talafeagai. Na motu faafuase i le talanoaga a Lisa ma le tina a Lisati ina ua faalogoina e le aiga fana ua pa pa mai, ona tau fai tulioso atu lea o le aiga i luma o le auala e fiailoa le mea ua tupu, ma le vaai atu, ua aga i atu le solo faaniu tu a taulele a ma matai o le nuu e aga i atu i le fale o Lasela ma le latou aiga, e fai o naifi ma fana i luma o taulele a, ae o isi fo i i moli fagu ma laau, e savavali lava ma faapa pa fana a o gutu e le malolo i le feei ma laulau vavale solo i upu mataga faasaga i le aiga o le toeaina o Sami, a o le taimi lea ua i totonu uma o le fale talimalo le aiga o Sami, ua tau fai tootutuli uma ma fetagisi. Tala i Vavau o Samoa PIPI IMALEELEELE mo Futa, ma e fua lava i le teineititi aua e laititi. Fai mai o le isi aso, sa faamoe ai Futa i luga o le fuefue, ae alu le lama a lona tama o Tauaolosi i ma ona soa o Fua autoto a, o Leagogia ma Leatoia, ae o le mea ua tupu, ua o mai tagat Toga ua pu e le lama, ma pu e atu ai le olomatua faapea ai ma le teineititi sa moe i luga o le fuefue ma ave i Toga. Fai mai o le ie la lea e sulu nei e tagata Toga, o le tauvala, o le laufala tonu lea a Futa, ae o le ietoga na avatu iinei i Samoa. Fai mai le tala ina ua taunu u le teineititi o Futa i Toga, ona toso lea e Lautivunia le teine, peita i na ita tele ai le Tuitoga, ona manatu ai lea o le Tuitoga ua tatau ona fasioti Lautivunia ona o lana mea ua fai. Soifua.

11 samoa news, Saturday, February 8, 2014 Page 11 DPS OFFICE OF HIGHWAY SAFETY You Have Better Things To Spend Your Money On Than A Ticket! Contact David Bird for free presentations on Occupant Safety nd Floor, Lumana i Building, Fagatogo

12 Page 12 samoa news, Saturday, February 8, 2014 California leaders push for smartphone kill switch SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Legislation unveiled Friday in California would require smartphones and other mobile devices to have a kill switch to render them inoperable if lost or stolen a move that could be the first of its kind in the country. State Sen. Mark Leno, San Francisco District Attorney George Gascon, and other elected and law enforcement officials said the bill, if passed, would require mobile devices sold in or shipped to California to have the anti-theft devices starting next year. Leno and Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner, both Democrats, co-authored the bill to be introduced this spring. They joined Gascon, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and other authorities who have been demanding that manufacturers create kill switches to combat surging smartphone theft across the country. Leno called on the wireless industry to step up as smartphone robberies have surged to an all-time high in California. They have a choice. They can either be a part of the problem or part of the solution, especially when there is one readily available, Leno said. Leno and Gascon said they believe the bill would be the first of its kind in the U.S. Gascon and Schneiderman have given manufacturers a June 2014 deadline to come up with solutions to curb the theft of smartphones. CTIA-The Wireless Association, a trade group for wireless providers, says a permanent kill switch has serious risks, including potential vulnerability to hackers who could disable mobile devices and lock out not only individuals phones but also phones used by entities such as the Department of Defense, Homeland Security and law enforcement. The association has been working on a national stolen phone database that launched in November to remove any market for stolen smartphones. These 3G and 4G/LTE databases, which blacklist stolen phones and prevent them from being reactivated, are part of the solution, Michael Altschul, CTIA s senior vice president and general counsel, said in a statement. Yet we need more international carriers and countries to participate to help remove the aftermarket abroad for these trafficked devices. Almost one in three U.S. robberies involve E te fia Poka? phone theft, according to the Federal Communications Commission. Lost and stolen mobile devices mostly smartphones cost consumers more than $30 billion in 2012, the agency said in a study. In San Francisco alone, about 60 percent of all robberies involve the theft of a mobile device, Police Chief Greg Suhr said. In nearby Oakland, such thefts amount to about 75 percent of robberies, Mayor Jean Quan added. We re in California, the technological hub of the world, Suhr said. I can t imagine someone would vote against the proposed kill switch law. Gascon said the industry makes an estimated $7.8 billion selling theft and loss insurance on mobile devices but must take action to end the victimization of its customers. This is one of the areas in the criminal justice system where a technological solution can make a tremendous difference, so there s absolutely no argument other than profit, Gascon said. In 2013, about 136 million smartphones were sold in the U.S., according to International Data Corp., a Massachusetts-based researcher. More than 1 billion smartphones were sold worldwide last year, accounting for $330 billion in sales, IDC said. That s up from 725 million in Last year, Samsung Electronics, the world s largest mobile phone manufacturer, proposed installing a kill switch in its devices. But the company told Gascon s office the biggest U.S. carriers rejected the idea. A Samsung statement issued Friday said the company doesn t think legislation is necessary and it would keep working with Gascon, other officials and its wireless carrier partners to stop smartphone theft. Apple Inc., the maker of the popular iphone, said the Activation Lock feature of its ios 7 software released in the fall is designed to prevent thieves from turning off the Find My iphone application, which allows owners to track their phone on a map, delete its data, and remotely lock the device so it cannot be reactivated. This can help you keep your device secure, even if it is in the wrong hands, and can improve your chances of recovering it, Apple spokeswoman Trudy Muller said Friday without commenting specifically about the proposed legislation. Tusia e Toleafoa Haserota Auvaa. TOE O LE MASAGA, AE TOE 47 AI Ua avea foi nei mea o taaloga kirikiti ma mea ua sasao fa a afi ai le gugutu a isi toeaiina sa nofonofo i le fale faatali pasi i Fagaalu, ao matamata i taaloga kirikiti sa fai ai i le malae. Na amata lava i le faamatalga o le isi toeaina i le vaitaimi o lelei lana ta i aso ua mavae, fai ma, ua te i lava i le tutu atu o matai fai upu a le latou nu u ma le avea i, ua manomia o ia e le nu u mo le latou au kirikiti, ona ua lu i atu e le isi pitonu u le au a le latou nu u e manana o e fai se latou taaloga fai tupe i le To ana i. O u fai loa i lou toalua lona ono (6) sa maua lava i nei mea o kirikiti, Faatali atu aua ne i avea tama i uta i le maumaga se i ou sau pe a uma kirikiti ona matou o lea i le vaiaso lea, leaga e tele tele le faatoaga nei te i ua o atu sese i totonu o le faatoaga. E lei uma mai le gugutu a le toeaina ae oso atu le gugutu a le isi toeaina fai mai, Faapea foi le au a le matou nuu o le Seasea o le Tai, ua matou taalo ma le au a le isi pitonu u, toe 20 ai ae ma tata loa ma le isi alii, fai mai le matou faifeau ma toeaiiina uma o le nu u, o le mea na ua tu u atu ai le masaga ia te oulou, o ou mama na. Savali loa i luga o le malae, tata loa, ia toe 10 loa ai, ae te a mai loa le sumu lena, ana misi e sa o lelei lava le te a, ona tago loa ta, ia ua alu i luga le polo, fai lava upu a toeaiina o nu u toe fai le osiga a toilalo, faamavae ia au uma e lua o le a taape, ae patatu loa ma le polo i luga o le malae, e sau le polo ua matua aisa uma lava. E uma atu le gugutu ua teva isi toeaiina i le pasi na tu i luma o le fale faatali pasi, valaau atu loa ma Etuale, Faakali la oe pe ou mauaiga oe i le makeki aua gei ou vaai ia oe i le makeki. ai uma lava ma oe ou mea na e ke mafaufau aiiiiiiii alu e ai gi au ka_!!!!!! Ataata Etuale i le fale faatali pasi, ae ua teva atu Vao i le pasi ma faalala mai i fafo le ulu ma le moko ia Etuale, fai mai le tala a Etuale, O fea se mea fai mai e ono ona toalua sa maua i taaloga kirikiti, o le afu lava le, e fiu e faakali le polo e le i sau lava a... As part of the Leone Coral Reef Restoration training project, divers worked along with scuba divers last Tuesday morning as they overcame rough seas diving into deep waters to secure two coral nurseries with six anchors. The hope is the anchors will remain secured until the next phase of the workshop, where divers will place coral onto the netted-nurseries. [photo: Leua Aiono Frost] Guatemalan court upholds top prosecutor s ouster GUATEMALA CITY (AP) Guatemala s Supreme Court upheld its ruling that the country s crusading attorney general must step down in May, seven months before her term was to end, drawing complaints from human rights activists who back her efforts to prosecute civil war-era military officials. Attorney General Claudia Paz y Paz had asked the top court to reconsider its original ruling, which supported a claim that Paz s four-year term technically began in May 2010, when the official she replaced was appointed, and not in December 2010, when she took the post. The Supreme Court s decision to uphold that ruling Friday was condemned by human rights groups which said it favored opponents of Paz, who since assuming leadership of the public ministry has vigorously pursued military officials and organized crime suspects. She has put four civil war-era generals on the stand for charges of crimes against humanity and genocide after their cases had been stalled for decades. Her highest profile case has been the trial of former dictator Gen. Efrain Rios Montt. Rios Montt, who ruled in , was sentenced to 80 years in prison after being convicted of knowing about the slaughter of 1,771 Ixil Mayans during the civil war. But his conviction was annulled in a high court decision that many saw as a sign of the lingering influence of the wartime military and its backers. Jorge Santos, a member of Convergence for Human Rights, which brings together about a dozen Guatemalan human rights groups, criticized Friday s ruling. We believe the court s decision doesn t do anything to defend the Constitution and instead works in favor of vested interests that want to maintain impunity, Santos said. Paz is also supported by the United States, which provides millions in aid to Guatemala, for her reputation for staying above the country s rampant public corruption. U.S. Ambassador Arnold Chacon said in a statement this week that Paz is an example of an honest, capable public servant of integrity. On Wednesday, the high court ordered Congress to immediately convene a session to form a commission to pick a shortlist of candidates to replace her. Lawmakers met Thursday but couldn t agree to create the commission and the discussion was delayed until Monday. Paz has also pushed for international training of prosecutors to carry out more-scientific prosecutions, which has garnered her support from the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala, a United Nations-backed independent body that has 50 international prosecutors, police officers and attorneys charged with investigating a limited number of sensitive cases. The commission has successfully prosecuted several high-profile cases but its longer-term mission is strengthening the attorney general s office and other state institutions before the commission leaves Guatemala, expected after The constitutional challenge to oust Paz in May was brought by lawyer and businessman Ricardo Sagastume. He said his decision to petition the court was personal because that s what a law governing prosecutors dictates. Sagastume is a former director of Guatemala s Industry Chamber and was a member of the National Convergence Front Party, which was founded by active and former military officials.

13 Ore. Sen. Wyden gives tax overhaul top priority Sen. Ron Wyden, the incoming chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, said Friday his first priority in the job will be overhauling the nation s tax system, which he called a dysfunctional, rotten mess. In a telephone interview with The Associated Press, Wyden said he was inspired by the bipartisan income tax changes of 1986, when former Oregon Republican Sen. Bob Packwood was Senate Finance chairman and Ronald Reagan was president. The last time there was a big tax reform effort like this it created 6 million new jobs, Wyden said. I can t say every one was due to tax reform, but it sure helped. Wyden is currently chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee. He is expected to be named Finance Committee chairman next week to replace Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., whom the Senate on Thursday confirmed as the new ambassador to China. I intend to spend time listening to my colleagues from both political parties, particularly around creating jobs for middle class folks, strengthening Medicare guarantees while holding down the costs, and fixing this dysfunctional rotten mess of a tax system, he said. Wyden said he plans to start the overhaul by pushing a bill filed by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., to extend some 50 tax breaks that expired in December for such things as research and development, renewable energy and mortgage debt and use the extensions as a bridge to comprehensive changes. Wyden would also like to see the standard deduction tripled to $30,000, so for a middle-class person making $50,000 or $60,000, $30,000 would be off limits for taxation. Wyden said he s already started working on revamping the income tax code with Sen. Dan Coates, R-Ind. If you really want to get a sense of the real world economic challenge, it s time to focus on the needs of the middle class and deal with what I call the Neiman Marcus-Dollar Tree economy, Wyden said. High-end retailers and bargain stores, like Dollar Tree, are driving retails sales, Wyden explained, while retailers that cater to the middle class are squeezed. Wyden said also said that Medicare is dealing with different challenges today than when it was created in Today the program is primarily about chronic disease: diabetes, cancer, stroke, heart disease, he said. The care for these serious health conditions is so fragmented and poorly coordinated. Spice, Fake Marijuana Continued from page 1 diness and also it can increase the heart rate and blood pressure, and it appears to be stored in the body for a lengthy period of time, which is why the long term effects on humans are not fully known. Other names for this drug is Bliss, Black Mamba, Bombay Blue, Fake Weed, Genie and Sohai and it is typically sold in small silvery plastic bags of dried leaves and marketed as incense that can be smoked and its said to resemble potpourri. The synthetic marijuana is usually smoked in joints and pipes, but some users make it into a tea. The Commissioner explained that Spice is illegal in the United States as well as American Samoa, given that this drug contains THC, which is also found in marijuana, an illegal substance. He further stated that having the presence of this drug on island is alarming given that this is a very small community. With the latest drug case coming out of one of the high schools, the Commissioner issues a stern warning to parents to talk to their children on the impact of this drug. The Commissioner emphasized this drug is illegal in the territory, and noted there are people who come to the territory with medical records which allows them to use marijuana. However, he said, Newsflash for you, marijuana is illegal in the territory, whether you have a medical card or not. It may be legal in other states but not in American Samoa, if you are caught, you will be arrested and charged in accordance with the law. SPICE CASE Samoa News should point out that one of the Spice cases in the territory involves a Port Administration employee, who was serving 90 days in jail (since October 2013 for felony driving), and was out on the work release program, but was allegedly caught trying to smuggle marijuana joints into jail on New Year s Eve. The Vice and Narcotics Commanding officer confirmed the drug in this case is Spice. The defendant is being charged with unlawful possession of a controlled substance marijuana and with escape while on work release, which are both felonies. According to the police report, the substance tested positive for THC. samoa news, Saturday, February 8, 2014 Page 13 Love is in the Air... American Samoa Government OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) RFQ No: Issuance Date: February 05, 2014 Closing Date: February 12, 2014 No Later than 2:00pm local time The American Samoa Government (ASG) issues a Request For Qualifications (RFQ) from qualified firms for the: Tafuna Correctional Facility Construction Submission Original and five copies of the Statement of Qualifications must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked: RFQ: Tafuna Correctional Facility Construction Submissions are to be sent to the following address and will be received until 2:00 p.m. (local time), Wednesday, February 12, 2014: Office of Procurement American Samoa Government Pago Pago, American Samoa attn: Tiaotalaga J.E. Kruse, CPO Any Statement of Qualification received after the aforementioned date and time will not be accepted under any circumstances. Late submissions will not be opened or considered and will be determined as being non-responsive. Document The RFQ document outlining the qualification requirements is available at the Office of Procurement, Tafuna, American Samoa, during normal working hours. Review Request for Qualification data will be thoroughly reviewed by an appointed Source Evaluation Board under the auspices of the Chief Procurement Officer, Office of Procurement, ASG. Right of Rejection The American Samoa Government reserves the right to reject any and/or all Statements of Qualification and to waive any irregularities and/or informalities in the submitted qualifications that are not in the best interests of the American Samoa Government or the public. Equal Opportunity Employer / Affirmative Action Come & Celebrate Valentine s Day at the Equator Restaurant and Lobby Join us for breakfast, lunch or dinner from now until Valentine s for a chance to win a Prize!! Get a ticket each time you dine with us to enter the drawing. Bring your Special Valentine for a romantic evening at the Tradewinds Hotel!! And enjoy Music by Tapu & Ailua Call us at to reserve your table!! info@tradewinds.as TIAOTALAGA J.E. KRUSE Chief Procurement Officer

14 Page 14 samoa news, Saturday, February 8, 2014 American Samoa Government DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS NOTICE TO PUBLIC OF PROPOSED ACTION LOCATED WITHIN THE FLOODPLAIN TO ALL INTERESTED AGENCIES, GROUPS AND PERSONS; This is to give notice to the public that the Department of Public Works has conducted an evaluation for the Department of Education as required by Executive 11988, 24 CFR Part 55, Subpart C Procedures for Making Determinat ions on Floodplain Management to determine the potential affect that its activity in the floodplain will have on the hu man environment for the Capital Improvement Projects of the Office of the Insular Affairs. The proposed project would involve construction of a 2-story concrete building which measures 66ft x 66ft located in the Fagaitua High School Campus in Fagaitua, American Samoa with Grant No. AS-CIP , D12AP00183 in the amount of $800, The building will be built on the existing footprint of the old dilapidated Applied Te ch Building. The target area contains 4,900 sq. ft. of floodplains and the project site is located within the Flood Zones AE, as designated by the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps. There are three primary purposes for this notice. First, people who may be affected by activities i n floodplains and those who have an interest in the protection of the natural environment should be given an opportunity to expr ess their concerns and provide information about these areas. Second, an adequate public notice program can be an importan t public educational tool. The dissemination of information about floodplains can facilitate and enhance Federal efforts to red uce the risks associated with the occupancy and modifications of these special areas. Third, as a matter of fairness, when the Fe deral government determines, it will participate in actions taking place in floodplains, it must inform those who may be put at g reater or continued risk. All affected and interested agencies, groups and persons are encouraged to participate in this decis ion-making process for the proposed action in the floodplain. Written comments for consideration by the Department of Public W orks may be sent to: Faleosina P. Voigt, PE, Director, Department of Public Works, Tafuna. AS, Tel. No. (684) Comments may also be submitted to: Dr. Vaitinasa Salu Hunkin-Finau Director, Department of Education Fagatogo, Main Office, AS Written comments should be received at the above address on or before January 31, Faleosina P. Voigt Director, Department of Public Works Tafuna, AS This past Thursday, a large group of enthusiastic students and teacher at Fa asao Marist High School welcomed Samoan author L. Filloon (7th from left bottom row) to their campus. The school s principal Victor Langkilde along with teachers from the English Department, Hamina Mauga- Mahuka and Sabrina Suluai- Mahuka said they were very appreciative of the time the author spent with the grade 9-12 students for a Book Talk on her popular series Velesi Trilogy. Also on hand Thursday, was the Deputy Director of the Department of Youth and Women s Affair Tapumanaia Galu Satele (5th from left bottom row). Ms. Filloon is originally from American Samoa but grew up in the United States and this is her first trip back to the territory since leaving as a child. Members of the Juniors class at the Book Talk make up the Fa asao Marist Book Club and have also published a collection of their own essays, reflections and poems in a publication titled Mirror, Mirror Vol. I. English instructor Hamina Mauga- Mahuka described the students as being very inspired by the author and very anxious to complete series. [courtesy photo] [Caption by JH]

15 samoa news, Saturday, February 8, 2014 Page 15 I.D pepelo solitulafono ai o ia, ae ua ia faailoa lona matua salamo e tusa ai o le mea sese sa ia faia, Na finau le loia a le malo ia Camille Philippe i le faamasinoga ina ia faasala Savea i le falepuipui faapea ai ma le tuuina atu o se salatupe na te totogiina. A o le i tuuina mai le faasalaga a le faamasinoga faasaga i lenei mataupu, na faaali e le alii faamasino sili ia Michael Kruse e taimi e faailoa ai ni isi o vaega o lo o atugalu i ai le faamasinoga ona o le mataupu e pei ona molia ai Savea, lea fo i o lo o aafia atu ai ma le tulafono mo tagata mai fafo e ulufale mai i le atunuu. Saunoa Kruse e faapea, o Savea na ulua i tuuaia e le malo i moliaga mamafa e fa o le faia o faamaumauga taufaasese, atoa ai ma moliaga mamafa e lua, o se tagata faigaluega lautele na te taliaina ni faiga faaalatua, ma o ia moliaga na afua mai i le mataupu lea na ia tuuina atu ai ni I.D pepelo i ni tama ita i mai Saina se to alua, ina ia mafai ai pea ona aumau i laua ia i le teritori, ae ona maua ai se taui tupe mai le faaiuga o lana gaioiga sa faia. Na taua e le alii faamasino sili e faapea, o le tele o mataupu e iloiloina e le faamasinoga, e masani lava ona finau itu e lua mo ni itu lelei mo le tagata ua molia, e faapena fo i ona mamafa i ai le silasila a le fa amasinoga, peita i o le mataupu a Savea, e tulaga ese mai lava lea mataupu i le silasila a le faamasinoga, ona o gaioiga sa faia e le ua molia o lo o aafia ai tagatanuu lautele a Amerika Samoa, aemaise ai o tulafono tau Femalagaaiga ma tagata e ulufale mai i le teritori. Na faamanino atili e Kruse, o lo o malamalama lelei le faamasinoga i faafitauli o lo o taua pea e loia i ni isi o taimi, i le tula i mai pea lea o ni tulaga faaletonu i faaiuga mo pepa nofomau a ni isi o tagata mai fafo, ma e talitonu le faamasinoga, atonu o ni isi o mafuaaga o ia faafitauli e le gata e le o lelei ona faauigaina le tulafono, ae ona o faaiuga le lelei o lo o faia e tagata faigaluega a le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga. Saunoa fo i le alii faamasino sili e faapea, e ui e le o manino mai ni tulafono e ono puipuia ai tulaga i mataupu faapenei, ae o lo o manino i le Faavae auala e puipuia ai aia o tagata, o eleele faapea ai ma pisinisi. O se tasi o tulaga sa taua e Kruse i lana saunoaga, o le vaega e pei ona faailoa mai i le Faavae, i le tatau lea ona i ai se tagata na te faaliliuina le tulafono ina ia faigofie ona malamalama i ai tagata i le gagana o lo o faaaogaina, ona o lo o i ai ni isi o vaega e toatele ni isi e le o malamalama ai. Mo se faataitaiga e pei ona saunoa Kruse, o le mataupu faasaga i se tagata mai Asia na fofogaina i luma o le faamasinoga i le vaiaso na te a nei, lea na maua ai i le ripoti o lea tagata mai Asia o lo o ia umia le ituaiga I.D e taua o le SP Provision, ma ua fiu e saili i ana tusi tulafono ina ua maea le iloiloga sa faia e le o taua ai se faamalamalamaina o lea ituaiga vaega I.D. Na faamanino e le loia sili lagolago ia Mitzie Miezie i le faamasinoga e faapea, o lo o i ai i faamaumauga a le Ofisa o le Loia Sili le faamalamalamaina o le vaega e pei ona taumafai le faamasinoga e saili. Na toe tali fuaitau le alii faamasino sili e faapea, e foliga mai o le vaega e faia lava i lalo o le malosi o le Komiti Faafoe a le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga, ae tatau fo i ona avanoa nei ituaiga faamaumauga mo le silafia e tagata lautele. E 7 tausaga i le toese ma le salatupe e $3,000 na manatu le faamasinoga e faasala ai Savea, ina ua ta usala o ia i moliaga e lua o lona faia o faamaumauga tau faasese, atoa a ma lona talia o ni faiga fa aalatua a o avea ai o ia ma tagata tautua lautele, peitai ua manatu le faamasinoga o le a nofovaavaaia o ia mo le 7 tausaga, ae ua lava masina e 28 e taofia sa o ai o ia i le toese, atoa ai ma lona totogiina o le salatupe e $3,000. Feso ota i mai i le tusitala ia ausage@samoanews.com American Samoa Government DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Division of Early Childhood Education/ Head Start Program REGISTRATION for School Year Resitala mo le Tausaga Who?/O ai? Children born in Tamaiti na fananau i le Documents Needed!/Pepa e mana omia 1. Birth Certificate/Pepa Aso Fanau 2. Immunization Card/Pepa Tui 3. Check Stub/Ulu Siaki All Registrations and other health screenings will be conducted at ECE Main Office in Utulei. Below is the recruiting weekly schedule for NEW & RETURNING students DATE OF REGISTRATION NEW & RETURNING STUDENTS February 10-13, 2014 (Monday to Thursday) February 18-20, 2014 (Tuesday to Thursday) February 24-27, 2014 (Monday to Thursday) March 3-6, 2014 (Monday to Thursday) March 10-13, 2014 (Monday to Thursday) March 17-20, 2014 (Monday to Thursday) March 24-27, 2014 (Monday to Thursday) March 31 - April 3, 2014 (Monday to Thursday) Mai itulau 1 Allie Teilz leaves the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola following the funeral for actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, Friday, Feb. 7, 2014 in New York. Hoffman, 46, was found dead Sunday of an apparent heroin overdose. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan) CENTERSVILLAGESTIME Pava ia i, Siliaga Aua, Afono, Vatia Tafuna Lupelele Aun u, Matatula, Aoa Leone, Alataua Masefau, Faga itua, Lauli i Matafao, Pago Pago, Fagasa Malaeimi, Mesepa, Faleniu, Pavaiai, Mapusaga Fou, Tafeta, Aasu and Aoloau Afono, Vatia, Aua, Onesosopo Avau, Nu uuli, Tafuna, Kokoland, Fagaima, Ottoville, Petesa Iliili, Vaitogi, Futiga, Fogagogo Aunu u, Auasi, Utumea, Alao, Tula, Aoa, Onenoa Malaeloa, Taputimu, Vailoa, Leone, Asili, Afao, Se etaga, Failolo, Amanave, Fagali i, and Fagamalo Lauli i, Alega, Auto, Avaio, Amaua, Utusi a, Faga itua, Masausi, Sa ilele, Masefau, Pagai, Alofau, Amouli Matu u & Faganeanea, Faga alu, Gataivai, Utulei, Fagatogo, Pago Pago, Fagasa, Satala, Atu u and Leloaloa From 8:30 a.m. To 3:00 p.m. From 8:30 a.m. To 3:00 p.m. From 8:30 a.m. To 3:00 p.m. From 8:30 a.m. To 3:00 p.m. From 8:30 a.m. To 3:00 p.m. From 8:30 a.m. To 3:00 p.m. From 8:30 a.m. To 3:00 p.m. From 8:30 a.m. To 3:00 p.m. For more information, call our ECE and ask for Sapulu Fa aloua, Togi Luuga, and Fu amatala Tuato o. Mo nisi fa amatalaga, vala au mai le Ofisa o Aoga Fa ata ita i - i le ma fa afesili mo Sapulu Fa aloua, Togi Luug a, po o Fuamatala Tuato o

16 Page 16 samoa news, Saturday, February 8, 2014 MEET A SPELLING CHAMP! The student at the right will represent an elementary school in the American Samoa Spelling Bee to be held February 19th. The winner of that Bee will represent American Samoa in the 86th annual Scripps Howard Spelling Bee to be held May 25th - 31st in Washington, D.C. BIOGRAPHY OF A 2014 SPELLING BEE FINALIST What is your name? Ordessa Pila What is your school name? Coleman Elementary Sch What grade are you in? Grade 8 Who is you r Spelling Bee Coach? Otila Hisatake & Eua Si uloa Who are y our parents? Michael and Fuaimamao Pila What village are you from? Pago Pago What was your winning word? GULAG Territorial Spelling Bee Major Sponsor in conjunction with Department of EDUCATION Spelling Bee Winners, if you ve not filled out your biography and had your picture taken, please com e in to Samoa News. MEET A SPELLING CHAMP! The student at the right will represent an elementary school in the American Samoa Spelling Bee to be held February 19th. The winner of that Bee will represent American Samoa in the 86th annual Scripps Howard Spelling Bee to be held May 25th - 31st in Washington, D.C. BIOGRAPHY OF A 2014 SPELLING BEE FINALIST What is your name? Pearl Meleane Tautolu What is your school name? Lupelele Elementary Sch What grade are you in? Grade 7 Who is you r Spelling Bee Coach? Mary Fuimaono Who are y our parents? Doris & To oto ouli Farao Tautolu What village are you from? Fogagogo What was your winning word? ACCOUTREMENT Territorial Spelling Bee Major Sponsor in conjunction with Department of EDUCATION Spelling Bee Winners, if you ve not filled out your biography and had your picture taken, please com e in to Samoa News. C Y M K MEET A SPELLING CHAMP! The student at the right will represent an elementary school in the American Samoa Spelling Bee to be held February 19th. The winner of that Bee will represent American Samoa in the 86th annual Scripps Howard Spelling Bee to be held May 25th - 31st in Washington, D.C. BIOGRAPHY OF A 2014 SPELLING BEE FINALIST What is your name? Amber-Rose Leota What is your school name? Manumalo Baptist Sch What grade are you in? Grade 4 Who is you r Spelling Bee Coach? Veronica Occena Who are y our parents? Leute & Chuck Leota What village are you from? Vailoatai What was your winning word? BARREL Territorial Spelling Bee Major Sponsor in conjunction with Department of EDUCATION Spelling Bee Winners, if you ve not filled out your biography and had your picture taken, please com e in to Samoa News. MEET A SPELLING CHAMP! The student at the right will represent an elementary school in the American Samoa Spelling Bee to be held February 19th. The winner of that Bee will represent American Samoa in the 86th annual Scripps Howard Spelling Bee to be held May 25th - 31st in Washington, D.C. BIOGRAPHY OF A 2014 SPELLING BEE FINALIST What is your name? Cher Nomura What is your school name? Pacific Horizons What grade are you in? Grade 8 Who is you r Spelling Bee Coach? Who are y our parents? Peter and Lydia Nomura What village are you from? Iliili What was your winning word? INTROVERTED Territorial Spelling Bee Major Sponsor in conjunction with Department of EDUCATION C Y M K Spelling Bee Winners, if you ve not filled out your biography and had your picture taken, please com e in to Samoa News.



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