To alua toe tatala tua aunoa ma ni moliaga na faila malo

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1 SECTION B Thursday, June 11, C Y C Y M K M K O se va aiga i le tama ita i fa au u mai Fagaitua High School ia Ms Bishop mai Aunu u ma lona aiga ina ua ma ea le faauuga i le taeao ananafi. [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] Saunia: L.A.F./Naenae Productions ASIASI MAI LE SUI O TAGATA PAPUA I SISIFO O le a talosagaina le alii palemia, le susuga Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, mo lana lagolago i le mau a le vaega o tagata o Papua i Sisifo ua faaigoaina o le United Liberation Movement for West Papua, lea o lo o finau ina ia avea ma sui o le Faalapotopotoga o Atunuu Melenisia, le Melanesian Spearhead Group faapea le Fono a Taitai o Atunuu o le Pasefika, le Forum. Ua afea le atunuu e le failautusi aoao o lea vaega, le susuga Octovianus Mote, i lana malaga taamilo i le itulagi o le Pasefika e saili lagolago mai taitai o malo o le itulagi mo le mau a le latou vaega. O le susuga o Mote o lo o faaaunuua i le taimi nei i Amerika ma sa asiasi muamua o ia i Toga. Na saunoa Mote, e 1.5 miliona le faitau aofai o ona tagata sa i ai ae lei pulea e Holani ma Indonesia. Peitai, na o le 48 pasene o lea fuainumera o lo o totoe nei, ma ua toatele atu tagata Indonesia ua nonofo mau ai i lo latou atunuu. Na faamatala e lea alii sauaga matautia o lo o feagai ma ona tagata i lima o fitafita Indonesia ma na ia faaalia, na fasioti e fitafita Indonesia sui o lona aiga i ona luma ao pupula ona mata! Fai mai a ia, e faitau afe tagata Papua i Sisifo ua sauaina ma fasiotia ona o lo latou manao i so latou lava malo tutoatasi e pulea o latou tagata ma lo latou eleele, o lo latou faasinomaga mai le Atua. Na ia faaalia foi lona faanoanoa ona o le le lagolagoina e isi atunuu Melenisia o a latou taumafaiga, aemaise o latou lava uso i Papua Niu Kini lea latou te soo eleele. O le aso a taeao o lo o faamoemoe e tuua ai e Mote le atunuu ma faaauau atu i isi atunuu o le Pasefika. MALAGA KATINALE MAFI I TOELAU O le aso Lulu ananafi na malaga atu ai i le Atu Toelau ia le afioga Katinale Soane Paini Mafi mai Toga ma le sui o le Tama Paia o le Ekalesia Katoliko i le Pasefika, e auai i le faamanatuina o le 150 tausaga talu ona taunuu le lotu i motu o Toelau. Na faafeiloai aloaia le faigamalaga mamalu i le ava o le feiloaiga sa faatinoina e le Ekalesia Katoliko i Samoa, lea sa faatunuuina i le Malae o Iesu Tama Meamea i le Tofa Mamao i Leauvaa i le afiafi o le aso Gafua. Sa auai i lea faamoemoe le faauluuluga o le ekalesia i Samoa nei, le afioga Akiepikopo Alapati Mataeliga faapea isi taitai o le ekalesia. O le po o le aso Sa na faia ai se sauniga o le Misasa Paia i le malumalu o Maria Imakulata i Mulivai i Apia, na taitaia lea e le afioga Katinale Soane Paini Mafi, ma sa auai sui o le malo ma le au valaaulia. To alua toe tatala tua aunoa ma ni moliaga na faila malo tusia Ausage Fausia Ua toe tatala i tua mai le toese i Tafuna se ali i ma se tina sa taofia ai i le fa aiuga o le vaiaso na te a nei e aunoa ma ni moliaga na faila e le malo fa asaga ia te i laua, e pei ona fa amaonia mai e le Komesina o Leoleo i le Samoa News i le vaiaso nei. Saunoa le ali i komesina e fa apea, na mafua ona toe tatala i tua i laua nei, ina ua le mafai e le ofisa o le loia sili ona tu uina mai ni tusi saisai e taofia ai i laua nei ma molia. O i laua e to alua na taofia i le falepuipui e aofia ai le tina talavou lea na alu atu e avatu se afifi mo lona to alua o lo o taofia i le falepuipui i le vaiaso na te a nei, ae maua ai e leoleo o le toese se pepa o lo o i ai se vaega o le pauta oona o le aisa i totonu o le pea seevae sa ia fa amoemoe e ave i lona to alua, ma le ali i lea na taofia mai i le malae va alele i Tafuna i le po o le aso Faraile na te a nei, ina ua masalomia lona umia o ni fatu mariuana. Na fa amaonia mai e le Komesina o Leoleo ia Save Liuato Tuitele i le Samoa News i le faaiuga o le vaiaso na te a nei, o i laua e to alua o lo o taofia mo le ta i 48 itula e fa atali ai suesuega a leoleo o lo o fa agasolo. I faiga masani e fa atino ai e le Ofisa o Leoleo ana galuega i mataupu fa apenei, afai o se tasi e taofia i le toese i le fa aiuga o le vaiaso mo le umi e 48 itula, e tatau ona oo atu i le aso Gafua e sosoo ai ua tulai lea tagata i luma o le fa amasinoga. E talitonu le Samoa News, o le isi o le to alua lea sa i ai lona igoa i luga o le kalena a le Fa amasinoga Fa aitumalo i le aso Gafua na te a nei, peita i na toe aveese ma le lisi ina ua leai sana faila na tuu atu i luma o le fa amasinoga. (Faaauau itulau B6) Falepuipui le pasese Lady Naomi ma sau ma mariuana i le teritori tusia Ausage Fausia O le pasese a le Lady Naomi mai Samoa lea na maua e sui o le Ofisa o Tiute o sau ma mariuana e afifi mai i lona tino i le masina o Novema 2013, ua poloaina le taofia o ia i le falepuipui i Tafuna mo le 20 masina, o se tasi lea o tuutuuga o lana nofovaavaaia e 5 tausaga, ina ua ta usala o ia e le fa amasinoga i le moliaga feololo o lona umia faasolitulafono lea o vaega o fualaau fa asaina. Talu mai le aso na taofia ai le ali i o Faletoi Sevi o Lauli i, Samoa i le falepuipui, e oo mai ananafi i le taimi na lau ai lana fa asalaga, ua 19 masina ma vaiaso e lua le umi lea ua mae a ona ia tuli i le toese, lona uiga, toe 2 vaiaso o lo o totoe ona atoa loa lea o le 20 masina lea ua poloa i le fa amasinoga e fa asala ai o ia. O isi tuutuuga o le nofovaavaaia a Sevi, o lona tuua lea o le teritori ma toe fo i atu i Samoa pe a mae a ona tuli lana fa asalaga, ia totogi fo i le sala tupe e $2,000. Na ulua i tuuaia e le malo ia Sevi i moliaga mamafa e lua, o lona umia fa asolitulafono o mariuana, atoa ai ma lona umia fa asolitulafono o mariuana ma le fa amoemoe e tulei ma fa atau atu i isi tagata, o ia moliaga e lua e ono mafai ai ona taofia o iai le falepuipui mo le umi e oo atu i le 25 tausaga. Na fa atoese Sevi i le fa amasinoga e tusa ai o lana solitulafono sa fai, ma ia ta utino ai lona matua salamo i le taofia ai o ia i le falepuipui mo aso e tele. Na taofi lana fa amatalaga mo nai sekone ina ua tau maligi loimata, ina ua oo lana fa amatalaga i le misia o lona to alua ma lana fanau ina ua taofia o ia i le falepuipui. Na fa ailoa e Sevi i le fa amasinoga e fa apea, sa manaia lava si ana pisinisi o le la u mai lea o ana oloa e fa atau i Tutuila nei, lea sa masani ona maua atu ai tupe e tausi ai lona aiga, ae ua avea lona mana o tele i le tupe atoa ai ma le sese o lana fa aiuga ua fai ma itu ua ia soli ai le tulafono. (Faaauau itulau B6) (Faaauau itulau B6)

2 Page B2 samoa news, Thursday, June 11, Fiafia le to atele ina ua maua siaki o lafoga O se va aiga i le tama ita i o Ms. Uiagalelei mai le Happy Trucking i Futiga ua avea ma sui o le kamupani ina ia tauaao aloa ia le maeaalofa e $300 mo le sui na tulaga lua lana ata i le tauvaga Tusiga Ata a le Konekeresi. O ia lea o Sangster Hope Loia. L-R: Ms Uiagalelei, Tina o Loia, Sui i le Konekeresi Aumua Amata, Sangster Hope Loia ma lona Tama. [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] Aiga fiafia & taua ao fa ailoga tupe Tusiga Ata tusia: Leua Aiono Frost o le tatou atunu u ma lona malo fa ateritori, e le Na fa ataunu u le aiga fiafia fa atasi a le fa atauagavale fo i le tatou sui i le Konekeresi i le Faipule o Amerika Samoa i le Konekeresi a le tauvaga sa nafa ma le fanau. O se tasi lea o auga Malo tele, Aumua Amata ma sui ua lautogia o le fa atasiga sa ia fa alauiloa. a latou ata na tusia i le tauvaga Tusi Ata a le Mai kamupani na ofo mai a latou fesoasoani Konekeresi i lenei tausaga a oga ua mae a nei. e fa atupe meaalofa ua taua aoina i le fanau, na O i latou e to a 14 na tauva, ua mae a mua i foa i mai e le fale aiga o le McDonalds le fa alauiloa fo i i latou na lautogia mo le tulaga $500 mo le sui na mauaina le tulaga muamua, o ia muamua se ia o o i le tulaga tolu. O i latou nei lea o Jane Pelenato. O lea meaalofa sa taua aoina e to atolu, sa auai ma o latou matua, ae maise e le tama ita i o Delores Tautolo Galea i, sui fo i o sui o kamupani tumaoti ta itasi e tolu sa peresitene a le McDonalds. latou ofo mai e fa atupea nei meaalofa tupe mo O le fa ailoga e $300 sa taua aoina lea e le sui lautogia. Happy Trucking a le tofa Lealofi Uiagalelei ma Peita i i le saunoaga a Aumua Amata e tusa o le Aiga mai Futiga, ma sa pa au mai le alo o lea le isi vaega uma e atoa ai le 14 o ata sa tausaili ai faipisinisi mo le taua aoina aloa ia o le meaalofa tulaga lautogia nei e tolu, o le a fa asolosolo pea lea ia Sangster Hope Loia lea na tulaga lua. i le tausaga atoa, ona fa atautau a latou galuega O le tulaga tolu e $200 lana meaalofa tupe uma nei i le Ofisa autu o le Konekeresi i Uosigitone, ona sa matua faigata ona filifili mai i latou e pa au ane fo i le tasi o ali i sinia o le kamupani sa tapena lea e le McConnell Dowell ma sa manumalo, E tau fai matagofie uma lava ata na e taua aoina le fa ailoga ia Kyrstene Lin lea na tapena e le fanau mo le tauvaga i lenei tausaga. mauaina le tulaga tolu i lana ata tusia. I le polokalama fa asolo mo le afiafi i le E tolu isi Kamupani sa lisia mai e le Ofisa autu Fale aiga o le Matai i Nuuuli, sa tula i ai le afioga o le tatou sui i le Konekeresi sa foa i mo lenei Magele Aitaoto ma saunia le fa afeiloa iga fa amoemoe e aofia ai Ace Hardware, Paramount matagofie fa atasi ai ma le taitaiga o le aofia na Builders ma le Skyview Store & Rentals. O latou potopoto i le sauniga si itia i le Atua ona o le sao fo i sa tu ufa atasia ai ma le aiga fiafia mo fa amoemoe sa loma ua fa ataunu uina ma le sui uma na auai ma o latou aiga, fa apea ma manuia. kamupani sa vala au mo le taua aoina o meaalofa E le gata i lea, o se tasi lenei o taimi paganoa mo le fanau tusi ata manumalo. ua feiloa i ai ofisa na lua o le Sui i le Konekeresi, Ua fa alauiloa fo i e Aumua, E fa aauau ona lona Ofisa Autu i Uosigitone, le tama ita ipule ou taumafai e fa aleleia atili lenei vaega o tautua Leafaina Tavai Yahn, ma ua feiloa i fo i ma le mo le fanau, ia matua tauivi i latou i ituaiga avanoa fa auluuluga o le Ofisa i Amerika Samoa nei, le nei e fai fo i ma mata aga i lo u Ofisa i Uosigitone, le maimoaina e le mamalu fegasoloa i i le afioga Pulu Ae ma le fofoga o Magele Aitaoto. Ona o le fa amoemoe lava ia mautu mai le Ofisa Autu o le Konekeresi, le matagofie o galuega fa atino a alo o Amerika tali atu i taumafaiga a le fanau, o le lumana i lenei Samoa. O le tulaga tolu o le tauvaga tusi ata a le Konekeresi ma lona maeaalofa tupe e $200 na foa ia mai e le McConnell Dowell ma sa taua aoina fo i e lona sui o le Pulega sa auai i le tama ita i o Kyrstene Lin lea sa auai atu ma lona tina ae maise lona tina matua i le fa atasiga i le afiafi o le aso Lua i le fale aiga o le Matai i Nuuuli.L-R: Tina o Lin, Kyrstene Lin, Aumua Amata, grandma Lin ma le sui mamalu o le McConnell Dowell. [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] tusia Ausage Fausia E leai se isi mafua aga e ala ai ona fa anatinati le to atele o le atunu u e tutu i le laina mo le pikiina o a latou siaki o lafoga, o le naunau lava ia maua se tupe e totogi ai pili ma fai ai fa alavelave a aiga, e pei ona taua e ni isi o le atunu u sa fa amanuiaina i le vaega tele o siaki mo lafoga lea na tufatufaina i le vaiaso nei. E tasi lava le mafua aga e ala ai ona pisa i nei mea o tupe, o le ai lava ma le fai ai fa alavelave a aiga, o le tala lea a Oloaga Brown i le Samoa News ma soisoi ina ua maua lana siaki o le lafoga ananafi. Pau lava le fa aletonu, o le fiu e fa atali le taimi e maua ai nei siaki ae aumai fo i e le lava ai se fale fou, o le isi ana saunaga lea. Ae na taua e se ulugali i sa maua fo i le la siaki i le vaiaso nei i le Samoa News, sa fa amoemoe le aiga o le fa auuga a le la tama e aoga i Leone e fa atupe i le tupe e maua mai i le siaki o le lafoga, ae ina ua fiu e fa atali e le maua se siaki i le vaiaso na te a nei, na fai loa le tonu o le a leai se aiga a si ana tama e fai. Ae ina ua fesiligia pe taunu u se aiga a si ona atalii aua o lea ua maua le lafoga, na lulu le ulu o le tama ma fai mai, a pasi lava le taimi ua pasi, e sili loa le fa aaoga o le tupe e fai ai se isi mea aoga a le aiga, totogi ai pili ma fai ai fo i fa alavelave. O le vaiaso nei na tufatufa atu ai e le Ofisa o Tupe a le malo siaki mo i latou sa faila a latou lafoga e oo mai i le aso 15 Mati, ma e tusa ma le $1.4 miliona le aofa i o le tupe sa fa aalu i siaki sa mafai ona tufatufa atu i le atunu u, e pei ona fa amaonia mai e se sui sinia o le Ofisa o Tupe i le Samoa News. E su ifefiloi lagona o le atunu u ina ua fesiligia e le Samoa News e fa atatau i a latou lafoga. O ni isi sa fa aalia lo latou agaga fa afetai ina ua mafai ona maua mai siaki ua tele masina o fa atali, ae o isi sa latou taua le le fiafia i le fiu e fa atali siaki o lafoga. Na taua e se ulugali i i le Samoa News e fa apea, sa i ai le fa amoemoe e malaga le la fanau e fa aaoga le tuuaga o aoga i Samoa mo le tolu vaiaso, ona toe malaga mai ai loa lea e auai i le mafutaga a autalavou a le latou ekalesia e faia i le fa aiuga o le masina lenei, peita i ua le talafeagai uma nei fuafuaga ina ua fetaui lava le maua o le lafoga ma le fa alavelave tele a le latou aiga. Na taua e le isi tina talavou i le Samoa News e fa apea, o lana siaki o le lafoga lea ua maua, o le a totogi fa auma ai le pili aoga a lana fanau toalua o lo o aoaoga i se tasi o aoga tua i le atunu u, ona e le mafai ona lesitala lana fanau mo le isi tausaga aoga fou lea o le a sosoo nei, pe afai e le mae a ona totogi pili o le tausaga aoga tuai ua mae a. Ae to alua isi ali i e le i mafai ona maua la lafoga i le vaiaso nei, ina ua fa atonu i laua e piki muamua mai ni la kilia i le Fale Fa amasino, ae na tete i ina ua o atu i le Fale Fa amasino o lo o i ai a la sala e le i uma na totogi. Na taua e le isi ali i o le to alua lea i le Samoa News e faapea, seiloga lava e maua lona totogi i le vaiaso lea, ona fa atoa mafai lea ona totogi fa auma lana sala i le Fale Fa amasino, ma maua ai loa lea o lana kilia e piki mai ai lana lafoga. Na taua e se tagata faigaluega mai le vaega o lo o piki ai siaki a le Ofisa o Tupe, o kilia o lo o mana omia ona fa atoa mafai lea ona piki siaki o lafoga, o faiga masani lava ua leva ona i ai ae le o ni suiga fou. Feso ota i mai i le tusitala ia Text message leads the police to woman kidnapped in Tennessee CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. (AP) Beaten and raped and her cellphone taken away, a woman who was kidnapped in Tennessee was able to finally get access to a phone and send a text message to her sister, giving police an electronic trail to the Louisiana hotel where she was being held. Lee Meadows, 34, of Clarksville, Tennessee, was arrested Saturday and charged with battery by strangulation, seconddegree battery, false imprisonment and forcible rape, multiple news media outlets reported. He is being held at the St. Tammany Parish Jail in Louisiana. Online jail records Wednesday did not indicate whether Meadows had a lawyer. The attacker took the woman s cellphone and other belongings, but when he briefly left the room, the woman got hold of a phone and sent a text to her sister indicating she was being held near New Orleans, according to police in Slidell, Louisiana. Police said Tennessee authorities were able to trace the text, leading officers to the hotel. When police reached the hotel, the man refused to answer the door, at which point they forced their way in, said Slidell police Sgt. Daniel M. Seuzeneau. When officers gained access to the room, they found the victim badly beaten and in need of medical attention, Seuzeneau said. He said she was treated at a hospital for multiple injuries, including broken bones. The Associated Press generally does not identify sexual assault victims. Meadows surrendered and was arrested, Seuzeneau said.

3 samoa news, Thursday, June 11, Page B3 UAEALESI MOSOOI A LE FAFIGE FAIKAKALA TAGATA FAIGALUEGA MA LE TULAFONO E na o le fa alogologo lava ma le toto a taliga o le Fafige Faikakala ao avau talanoaga a isi toeaiina i le maketi i Fagatogo, e faatatau i le mataupu lea o loo vavao ai pisinisi fa asalalau e fa atatau isi fafine Filipino lea ua teena e le Komiti o le Ofisa o isi na toe pisa o le au ula ia, ina ua iloa e le Fafige Faikakala e o mai uma lava mai Upolu a o le sifi o kau muimui. FA AMA I FOU MA FA AILOGA O LE TAIMI Pisi le telefoni o le Ofisa o Fafige Faikakala i le toatele o le atunuu ua tuu vilivili e fia iloa ni faamatalaga e faatatau i le isi Fafige Faikakala, e leai se mea e popole ai fua Samoa i le fa ama i fou o le MERS, o le mea sili ua tula i mai lenei fa ama i ae o lea fo i e pipisi le tele o isi faama i eseese i le atunu u, e atagia mai ai le moni o folafolaga a le Tusi Paia ua latalata mai le taimi e afio mai ai le Ali i. O le fautuaga a le Fafige Faikakala i le mamalu o Femalagaaiga lana talosaga mo fa ama i fou lea ua faasalalau le atunuu lea e polepole vale i nei se ID nofomau. E ofo le Fafige Faikakala i le atamamai o le mai i televise mai fafo, fai mai ua toatele tagata ua feoti ai, le mau faama i, toaga e tu mama ma faamama tafatafa o lou fale, au sito e ia e faatau meamata fa ama i o le MERS. Na taua e le o le isi lena mafua aga e ala ai i le maketi, ona o le loloto o le ituaiga tulafono lea ua oo i ai la latou talanoaga. Fai mai le isi toeaina, afai ua le usika i le kagaka faigaluega i le kulafogo, ua kukau oga fai i ai se fa aiuga a le malo. Ae oso atu le isi toeaina fai mai, ua mafua oga le kaliaiga le kalosaga asi fafige Filipigo, oga ua kaukala i le mea mogi e faakakau i le pule o le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga, ma le keukusi lea na kuu aku e le keige o le ofisa ia ke ia e ave i le fale kalimalo sa gofo ai le pule i Apia. Ae na oso mai le isi toeaina fai mai, ua kakau ga fai se faaiuga a le malo i kagaka faigaluega gei e le o faamaogi i a latou kiuke, afai e faamaogia, kakau ga molia i le kulafogo, aveese mai ma le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga aua ge i koe galulue ai. Tete i le au ula lea ina ua oso atu le fesili a le Fafige Faikakala, afai gei la e kukuli ese uma le aufaigaluega, o ai o le a ka puea kou ID ma ave kou kalosaga i le Komiti Fa afoe i kaimi o kou fogo. E leai ma se isi alii sa telefoni mai i le Fafige Faikakala lona popole ina ua faalogo i tala, o le fa ama i fou lea e leai se fofo. Fesili atu loa le Fafige Faikakala i ai poo le a la sona manatu e faatatau i le faamai fou lea, ae na tali le alii lea, pau le iku ou ke fiafia ai, e kuai lava ga oo mai i Samoa legei fa ama i, e ga o akuguu lava e kele ai Kamela e pipisi solo ai. Ae fai mai le tala a le isi olomatua sa vili mai i le ona pipisi le fa ama i o le dengue fever, ae mo le faama i o le MERS, o le fa ama i lea e mafua mai i otaota o manu (tulou), se i vagana ai i latou e fiafia e mafuta i manu, ona faigofie lea ona aafia i siama ma auga o le fa ama i lea. Tei le Fafige Faikakala ina ua toe tatagi lana telefoni, ma le tago e tali atu, ae fesili mai le isi olomatua, ae faafefea kagaka e amio magu, e aafia ai? Architect reveals plan for 2 World Trade Center NEW YORK (AP) A Danish architect has revealed the design for the fourth and final tower at the World Trade Center. Architect Bjarke Ingels says 2 World Trade Center will be 80 stories and appear as seven separate boxes stacked together. At 1,330 feet, it will be shorter than One World Trade Center and will be New York City s third tallest building. The tower is scheduled to open in In a statement Tuesday, Ingels says the design will unite the streetscapes of Tribeca with the towers downtown. From Tribeca, he says, 2 World Trade Center will appear as a vertical village of singular buildings on top of each other. From the trade center, the stepped-back design will appear unified. News Corp. and 21st Century Fox have signed tentative leases for the building. FAASALALAUGA AIGA SA TUANA ITAU Ae ou te lei taiaina ao o Maugaloa ma tatala le Ta afi Tualua, lea na ifo ai le aso o le AIGA SA SA UMANI, ou te mua i faaete fimalie ma ou seu malu lupe o le foaga aua lau faafofoga Samoa. Ae muamua ona ou faatulou atu i le paia ma le mamalu o Samoa, aemaise le Aufaigaluega a le Atua o lo o tatalo i le ao ma le po, ae a se manuia mo tagata uma. Ia fa ata alolo atu la ia o paia na. A o lenei fa asalalauga ua faia ona o le Suafa o TUANA ITAU i Pava ia i. O le paia lava lea i le Afio o le Sa o, Susu ai Te i, Afio ai le-na-mua i Malae. Afifio ai Taumafalofi, Fetalaiga i Matua, Nofo-Tualauta, faapea le Lufilufi ma le Salemeana i. Fa amolemole, e taalo atu i Suli uma e fa asino tonu i le suafa TUANA ITAU, o le a faia le tatou fonotaga ia Iuni 20, i le 2:00 i le aoauli i le Maota o Tuana itau, i Pava ia i lava. O lou le auai, o le a le taofia ai le finagalo o aiga. Soifua, Aiga Potopoto

4 Page B4 samoa news, Thursday, June 11, SUV jumps curb, hits 4 NW Washington teens, killing 2 A Royal Bengal tiger is silhouetted as it walks near a lake at the Ranthambhore national park in Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan, India, Wednesday, June 10,. India s latest tiger census conducted in 2014 showed a sharp increase in the number of the endangered cats in the wild. The country has nearly three-fourths of the world s estimated 3,200 tigers. (AP Photo/ Deepak Sharma) tusia Ausage Fausia MICHAEL SENE O le aso 8 Iulai lea ua fa atulaga e lau ai le fa asalaga a Michael Sene, ina ua ia ta utino e sa o sa ia tagofia itutinosa o le tama ita i lea na a afia i lana gaioiga fa asolitulafono sa faia. O le vaiaso na te a nei na fofogaina ai i luma o le fa amasinoga se maliliega na sainia e Sene ma le malo, lea na ia tali ioe ai i le moliaga mama o le tu fua i le fale ma le fanua o le isi aiga, faapea ai ma le moliaga mamafa o lona tagofia lea o itutinosa o se tama ita i. Ae ina ua fesili le ali i fa amasino ia Sene e fa amatala lana gaioiga sa faia i le po na tula i mai ai le fa alavelave, na taua ai e le ua molia e fa apea, e sa o sa ia ulufale fa amalosi i totonu o le potu o le tama ita i na a afia, ma alu atu ua fafagu le tama ita i, ae na te le i tagofia ona itutinosa. O le tali lea a Sene na mafua ai loa ona toe tolopo mai le faaauauina o le latou maliliega ma le malo i le taeao ananafi, ae se i la toe talanoa ma lana loia i le mea moni sa tupu. Ina ua fesiligia Sene e le fa amasinoga ananafi, sa ia tautino ai e fa apea, sa ia tagofia itutinosa o le tama ita i i le taimi a o faia pea ona lavalava. Na ta utino Sene e fa apea, na mafua ona ia faia lenei gaioiga, o lona manatu lea e fa amalie ai lagona tu i nanau sa tutupu a e ia te ia, ina ua mae a sa latou inugapia ma ni isi o ana uo sa faia i le po na tula i mai ai le fa alavelave. O lo o taofia pea Sene i le toese i Tafuna e fa atali ai le aso lea ua fa atulaga e lau ai lana fa asalaga. RONALD FINAU O le taeao nei lea ua fa atulaga e tula i ai Ronald Finau i luma o le fa amasinoga maualuga, mo le tu uina atu o sana tali i luma o le fa amasinoga maualuga, pe moni ua ia le usitaia poloaiga sa tuuina atu mo lana nofovaavaaia. O se tasi o tuutuuga o le nofovaavaaia a Finau sa tu uina atu e le fa amasinoga i le amataga o le tausaga nei, ina ua ta usala o ia i le fa alavelave lea na ia ulufale fa amalosi ai i totonu o le fale o se aiga ma gaoi ni meatotino mai totonu o le fale, o lona toe totogiina lea o le tau o mea sa ia gaoia. O le vaiaso na te a nei na tuuina atu ai se talosaga a le Ofisa Nofovaavaaia i le fa amasinoga mo sana poloaiga e toe pu e fa apagota mai ai Finau, ina ua maua na te le o usitaia n isi o tuutuuga o lana nofovaavaaia. ATIONO TALAMOA O le aso 22 Iuni lea ua toe tolopo i ai le isi iloiloga o le mataupu a Ationo po o Ah Chong Talanoa, ina ua talia e le fa amasinoga i le taeao ananafi le talosaga a lana loia, e toe tolopo le mataupu a Talamoa mo se isi lua vaiaso, ua toeitiiti lava mae a feutanaiga o lo o latou faia ma le malo mo se maliliega aufa atasi e fa amuta ai loa lenei mataupu. Na fa ailoa e le ali i loia ia Michael White i le fa amasinoga maualuga ananafi, e toe laiti lava nai vaega e fia fa amautu lelei ma le malo e uiga i le mataupu a Talamoa, lea o lo o taofia pea i le toese i Tafuna i le taimi nei. O lo o tu uaia e le malo ia Talamoa i le umia o fana, pulufana ma fualaau fa asaina, e mafua mai ina ua osofa i e leoleo lona fale i le masina o Mati o le tausaga nei, ae maua ai vaega e pei ona taua i lona fale i Malaeloa. Feso ota i mai i le tusitala ia BELLINGHAM, Wash. (AP) High school students grieved at a northwest Washington candlelight vigil after an SUV earlier jumped a curb and plowed into a group of teens out for a gym class walk, killing two boys and seriously injuring two others. About 30 students from Windward High School in Ferndale, north of Bellingham, were out walking with a teacher Wednesday afternoon when the vehicle left the road and hit the four teens, who were on a sidewalk, Trooper Mark Francis said. The 34-year-old driver, identified as William Klein of Bellingham, was arrested for investigation of vehicular homicide and vehicular assault, Francis said. The man had his 3-year-old son with him; neither was injured. The driver initially said he fell asleep at the wheel but later told a drug recognition expert he had used drugs, Francis said. The expert also observed signs of impairment, the trooper said. He would not discuss what drug or drugs were mentioned. Dozens of students gathered Wednesday night for a vigil at the nearby Windward campus. Some classmates walking behind those who were struck watched the crash happen, Francis said. Just heard just the worst yell - just, No! No! No! Shelley Hardt, who was working nearby, told KOMO-TV. You knew that something really, really bad had happened. So I ran outside as fast as I could. Lynnette Delamare and her husband live nearby and had watched the teens walk by. Then they heard three or four loud crashes from the street. We went running out and there was just bodies everywhere, so we didn t know which one to go to, she told KING-TV. Finally more people started coming and we got blankets and we knew right away... two of them were not moving. Shane Ormiston, 18, and Gabriel Anderson, 15, both of Ferndale, were killed, the State Patrol said. Two 17-year-olds Michael Brewster of Custer and Kole Randall of Ferndale were injured. Both suffered severe leg fractures, the Bellingham Herald reported. Brewster was transferred to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, where a nursing supervisor said he was in satisfactory condition late Wednesday. The other boy was reported in serious condition at St. Joseph Medical Center in Bellingham. There are simply no words to soothe the pain of this loss, Ferndale Mayor Gary Jensen said in a statement. Ferndale is hurting and we mourn together, as a community. China police probing apparent suicides of four young siblings BEIJING (AP) Chinese police on Thursday were investigating the apparent suicides of four young siblings aged five to 13 who had been abandoned by their parents in one of the country s poorest regions. The four were found Wednesday night at home in a village on the outskirts of the city of Bijie after ingesting liquid pesticide, state media reported. Attempts to resuscitate them failed and they were declared dead at hospital. The children s mother had abandoned them three years ago and their father had moved away to find work, the official Xinhua News Agency said. They had dropped out of school a month before and their only sustenance was corn flour ground from last year s crop, Xinhua said. Bijie, in impoverished Guizhou province, was the scene of a similar tragedy almost three years ago when five runaway boys asphyxiated after lighting a fire in a garbage bin where they were sheltering from the cold. Those cases have renewed concern over left-behind rural children who are often placed in the care of aged grandparents while their fathers and mothers seek work in far-away cities, often returning only once a year. Faced with underfunded schools and inadequate social services, such children are considered highly vulnerable to emotional, physical and sexual abuse on top of loneliness, boredom and hopelessness. China has been widely lauded for raising 600 million mostly rural people out of poverty since the institution of economic reforms in the early 1980s. Despite that, more than 82 million rural Chinese continue to live below the poverty line, set by China at 2,300 yuan ($376) or less, or $1 a day.

5 samoa news, Thursday, June 11, Page B5 Lawyer Officer didn t target black teens at Texas pool DALLAS (AP) A white Texas police officer was not targeting minorities when he wrestled a black teenage girl to the ground and brandished his gun outside a pool party, his lawyer said, but rather was fraught with emotion after responding earlier to two suicide calls. As activists demanded Wednesday that prosecutors charge former officer David Eric Casebolt, his attorney Jane Bishkin said Casebolt apologizes for his treatment of the girl and to others offended by his actions Friday at a community pool in the Dallas suburb of McKinney. With all that happened that day, he allowed his emotions to get the better of him, Bishkin said of her client, who is known to friends and family as Eric. However, the attorney for Dajerria Becton, the 15-year-old girl whom Casebolt subdued, said that while her client s family appreciated Casebolt s apology, his stress is not an adequate defense. There are appropriate ways to handle stress, and Officer Casebolt s actions were in no way appropriate, Hannah Stroud said Wednesday. Stroud also said the family will not decide on a next step until she and the city have completed their fact-finding, but they believe excessive force violated Dajerria s civil rights. Casebolt s first call that day was to an apartment complex where a man had fatally shot himself in front of his wife and children, Bishkin said. The former officer of the year, who resigned Tuesday, then went to a home where a teenager was threatening to kill herself by jumping from the roof of her parents home. Eric s compassion during these two incidents is a testament to his character, Bishkin said, acknowledging that they had taken an emotional toll and made him reluctant to respond to the pool party. Ultimately, he did after hearing a violent assault had occurred, she said. Cellphone videos taken by people at the pool show Casebolt running after black teens and ordering them to the ground, then forcing the teen girl onto her stomach and placing his knees on her back. At one point, he drew his firearm after two young black men charged forward in apparent protest of the girl s treatment but holstered the weapon when two other officers intervened. Police say officers were responding to reports of teens unauthorized to use the pool who were jumping a fence to gain entry. Residents of the middle-class neighborhood have said teens attending an end-of-school party at the pool and adjacent park were acting unruly. Local and national civil rights groups held a protest Wednesday in front of the McKinney Police Department, asking that prosecutors charge the 41-year-old ex-corporal for his actions. Police Chief Greg Conley has called his actions indefensible. We will keep on assembling and protesting until this officer is charged, said Dominique Alexander with the Next Generation Action Network, based in the Dallas suburb of Grand Prairie. Grand juries too often have sided with police accounts of violent encounters with minorities, according to Pamela Meanes, president of the Washington, D.C.-based National Bar Association, the nation s oldest association of predominantly black lawyers and judges. That pattern has changed with the proliferation of cellphones, she told media. I wonder what the narrative would be if there was no tape from this particular scene, she said. Bishkin said Casebolt was not targeting minorities, adding, he also detained a white female, who you do not see on the video. The protesters did not specify what charge should be filed against Casebolt, but Heath Harris, a former Dallas County prosecutor who s representing the one person charged in the fracas, said video appears to show Casebolt could be accused of a misdemeanor count of official oppression, which covers the mistreatment or unlawful detention of people by a public servant. The Collin County district attorney s office did not respond to a call seeking comment. Meanes acknowledged teens at the pool should have done more to comply with police orders. I think it s a good opportunity for America to have a conversation about mutual respect, she said. McKinney police have said charges, including evading arrest, against Harris client, 18-year-old Adrian Martin, will be dropped. Harris said Martin does not intend to sue for being arrested and jailed. What his family is more interested in is making sure other kids don t find themselves in a similar situation, Harris said. Meanwhile, Bishkin said death threats against Casebolt have forced him and his family to leave their home for an undisclosed location. Daniel Malenfant, president of the McKinney Fraternal Order of Police, said Casebolt hopes his resignation will restore peace in the community. He was a dedicated and decorated officer, who in this instance was placed in a high-stress environment that he was not completely prepared for, Malenfant said. In this June 4, photo, University of Hawaii Architecture student Lin Whipkey, left, uses shaving cream to discern lettering on a gravestone that was unreadable at the Ma ema e Chapel Cemetery in Honolulu, Hawaii. After spending two days cleaning and documenting the conditions of the grave markers and burial sites at Ma ema e, the 20 or so American-studies students and community members will do similar work cleaning and cataloging grave markers at Pauoa Hawaiian Cemetery in Pauoa. Then they ll give detailed information about the state of the burial sites at both locations to Kauma kapili Church, which has owned both properties since the 1800s. (Bruce Asato/Honolulu Star-Advertiser via AP) AMERICAN SAMOA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Finance Division EMPLOYMENT O PPORTUNITY Position Title: PAYROLL SPECIALIST Employment Status: Full Time / 12 Months (Career Service) This position is directly under the supervision of the General Accounting Manager (GAM), American Sa moa Community College. The successful candidate will perform payroll/accounting duties such as: process staff/ faculty payroll; edit data; check & verify payroll data for each staff/faculty member; maintain leav e balances; reconcile records; coordinate payroll funds/deposits; maintain employers tax quarterly; make payroll deductions; maintain accurate and updated files for each staff/faculty member; and other duties as assigned. Job Duties and Responsibilities: Process bi-weekly payrolls. Enter payroll and benefit data for active employees into College computer system; work with Human Resources to determine deductions and benefits. Enter hours worked for hourly and exempt employees. Calculate changes to payroll, check requests, and reimbursement; ensure all necessary changes are made. Counsel employees regarding payroll issues including taxes and deductions. Update sick/annual leave used each pay period. Answer inquiries and provide information; research and resolve payroll problems and discrepancies. Set up run schedules for payroll; write procedures for each payroll job. Verify employment records; issue stop payment requests. Process manual check advances. Conduct payroll reconciliation each pay period. Perform banking reconciliation of direct deposit. Prepare payroll deductions and check payment requests for insurance companies, hospital, ASPA, ASTCA, Treasury office, etc. Prepare payroll transfers of funds. Maintain employers tax quarterly report. May perform payroll accounting processes as assigned. Perform filing duties. Perform other duties as assigned. Job Qualifications: Associate/Bachelor degree in Accounting, Finance, Business Administration, or related field. Must have 3-5 years of experience in the accounting and finance field. Must be computer literate. Must have analysis, planning and budget skills Salary Range: GS-13/04 $18,340 - GS-13/08 $21, Deadline: Friday, June 12, at 4:00pm Applications are available from American Samoa Community College, Human Resources Office ( Ext. 403/335/436), or by ing Silaulelei Saofaigaalii at or Roxanne An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer And A Drug-Free Workplace

6 Page B6 samoa news, Thursday, June 11, What countries have offered for Paris climate agreement BONN, Germany (AP) Ethiopia on Wednesday became the latest country to present a plan to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions for a global climate pact that s supposed to be adopted in Paris later this year. Ethiopia s emissions are just a tiny fraction of the world total, but the African country said that with support from developed nations it would bring them down slightly by The submission, which came during climate talks in Bonn, means that U.N. now has targets covering 39 countries well in advance of the Paris summit. climate target to the U.N. by the end of June. But in a historic joint announcement with the U.S. in November 2014, it gave an indication of what the highlight will be: a pledge to peak its emissions around Some analysts project China s peak will come sooner. Much will depend on whether the country is able to reduce its dependency on coal for electricity generation. Coal generates the highest emissions of all fossil fuels. JAPAN: Japan, the world fifth-largest emitter of greenhouse gases, hasn t officially submitted a target to the U.N. but announced plans to reduce However, early analyses by climate emissions by 26 percent from 2013 to researchers and environmental groups show the combined impact falls short of the sharp cuts in emissions that scientists say are required to keep global warming in check. Here s a look at what the biggest polluters have offered, each using their own timeframes and accounting methods: Critics say that s less ambitious than what the U.S. and EU have offered. According to Climate Action Tracker, it corresponds to an 18 percent reduction below 1990 levels. The government wants to restart nuclear reactors that met upgraded safety standards following the 2011 disaster in Fukushima. Meanwhile, fossil fuels remain the EUROPEAN UNION: Collectively, the preferred option, with more than 40 coal-fired 28-nation EU is the world s third-largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. The bloc has pledged to cut its emissions by at least 40 percent by 2030 compared to It s already halfway there, having slashed climate pollution by nearly 20 percent since Renewables like wind, solar and hydropower make up about 15 percent of its energy mix and the EU aims to boost that to 27 percent in 15 years. UNITED STATES: The biggest climate polluter historically and current No. 2, the U.S. aims to make its 2025 emissions percent lower than they were in That s equivalent to a percent reduction below 1990 levels, according to Climate Action Tracker, a research group that analyzes countries targets. In its submission to the U.N., the U.S. said it plans to achieve its target with a range of measures, including stricter standards on carbon pollution from power plants and motor vehicles and reducing the use of highly potent greenhouse gases used in refrigeration and air conditioning. MEXICO: Most developing countries aren t expected to cut their emissions in the next decade because they need fossil fuels a key source of energy and emissions to grow their economies. But they can slow the increase in emissions by boosting the share of renewables, increasing energy efficiency and other measures. Mexico has pledged for its 2030 emissions to be 25 percent lower than they would have been without any climate actions. It s willing to raise that target to 40 percent with financial and technological support from rich countries. CHINA: The world s most populous country and top climate polluter is expected to submit its power plants planned or under construction. Japan s plans call for fossil fuels to account for just over half of total power generation in 2030, with 24 percent from renewable energy and 22 percent from nuclear power. RUSSIA: Moscow has pledged to reduce greenhouse gas pollution by 25 to 30 percent by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. Russian emissions fell sharply with the collapse of the Soviet economy but have started climbing again. It s unclear how Russia plans to account for the effect on emissions of its vast forestry sector forests absorb carbon from the atmosphere. Climate Action Tracker estimates that if forests are part of the Russian target, it would mean industrial emissions would only need to decrease by 6 to 11 percent compared to CANADA: After withdrawing in 2011 from the Kyoto Protocol, the emissions treaty that the Paris agreement is meant to succeed, Canada has been widely viewed as a laggard in the U.N. climate talks. Ottawa has pledged to cut emissions by 30 percent below 2005 levels in Observers of the climate talks have dismissed that target as too weak, but also raised questions about whether it can be achieved. There are doubts over whether Canada will meet an earlier, voluntary target to reduce its emissions by 17 percent in 2020, mainly because of growing emissions from tar sands projects. OTHERS: India, Brazil and Australia are among the largest emitters that haven t yet presented their targets. U.N. officials hope that most countries will have done so by October so that they can be added up and their aggregate effect evaluated before the climate summit in Paris. To alua toe tatala tua Mai itulau B1 Ae ina ua fesiligia e le Samoa News le afioga a Save i le mafua aga o le fa aletonu, na saunoa ai le ali i komesina e fa apea, o faiga masani i le fa atinoina o galuega a leoleo, afai e ia i se tagata e masalomia i se solitulafono, e mafai ona taofia e leoleo lea tagata i le toese mo le 48 itula, ao fa agasolo ai suesuega ma le fa amoemoe e tuuina atu i le Ofisa o le Loia Sili, mo le sainia o se tusi saisai e molia aloaia ai lea tagata. O lea tulaga e pei ona saunoa Save sa le i mafai e le ofisa o le loia sili ona fa ataunu uina i mataupu ia e lua, ona sa latou taua, e le toe talia e le ofisa ni tagata e molia pe a taofia mo le 48 itula, se i vagana ua mae a suesuega ma tuu atu i le ofisa mo le failaina o moliaga. E ui i lea tulaga, na taua e le alii komesina le fa aauau pea ona galulue o leoleo i le fa amautuina o mau faamaonia fa asaga i nei mataupu, ma le fa amoemoe e tauaao atu i le ofisa o le loia sili la latou ripoti pe a mae a suesuega. Feso ota i mai i le tusitala ia Falepuipui le pasese Mai itulau B1 Na ta utino Sevi i le fa amasinoga, na te le toe faia se solitulafono faapenei i lona olaga atoa, ae afai e toe fo i atu i Samoa, o le a fa aauau lana galuega o le tausiga lea o lana fanau ma lona aiga. Na taua e lana loia ia Joel Shiver i le fa amasinoga e fa apea, o le fa aiuga sese sa faia e Sevi, e le gata ua saisaitia ai o ia i le toese, ae o lo o fa apena fo i ona a afia ai lona aiga i Samoa, ina ua leai se isi e tausia lona to alua ma lana fanau. Na talosaga Shiver i le fa amasinoga ina ia talia le fautuaga a le malo o lo o i totonu o le ripoti a le Ofisa Faanofovaavaaia, o le fa asala lea o Sevi i le toese mo le 20 masina, lea fo i na lagolagoina e le loia a le malo ia Russel Smith. A o lei tuuina mai le fa asalaga a le fa amasinoga, na muamua iloilo e ali i fa amasino mariuana sa i lalo o le taofiga a leoleo, o mariuana uma ia na taumafai Sevi e fa aulufale fa asolitulafono mai i le atunu u, e aofia ai sikaleti marijuana e 230, faapea ai lala mariuana lea na saisai solo e Sevi i lona tino i le taimi na malaga mai ai i le va a. Na fa afetaia e le ali i fa amasino sili lagolago ia Lyle L. Richmond le ali i loia ia Shiver, i le galuega lelei sa ia faia mo Sevi, lea ua mafua ai ona tali ioe o ia i le solitulafono feololo, ae semanu e ono taofia o ia i le toese mo se taimi e oo atu i le 15 tausaga, pe a fua atu i ai i moliaga na ulua i tu uaia ai o ia e le malo. Ua poloaina e le fa amasinoga le malo ina ia latou totogi le pasese o Sevi i le taimi lava e magalo ai mai le falepuipui, ma toe fa afo i atu loa o ia i Samoa, ma aumau ai mo le umi e 5 tausaga o lana nofovaavaaia. Afai e le mafai e Sevi ona totogi lana salatupe e $2,000, ua poloaina le malo ina ia saili le sponsor sa aumaia Sevi i le atunu u na te totogiina le salatupe, o le isi lea ana matafaioi i lalo o le tulafono. O mariuana ua sa taumafai Sevi e fa aulufale fa anana mai i le teritori, ua poloaina e le fa amasinoga le susunu ma fa aleaga. Feso ota i mai i le tusitala ia TALA MAI SAMOA Mai itulau B1 PASIA TAPENAGA SAMOA MO TAALOGA A TUPULAGA O le vaiaso nei na feiloa i atu ai le ofisa sili o Taaloga a Tupulaga Talavou a Malo o le Taupulega (Commonwealth Youth Games), le susuga David Grevemberg, i le afioga i le palemia le susuga Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, aua le faalauiloaina aloaia o foliga vaaia o pine auro, pine siliva ma pine apamemea o le a tausinio i ai tupulaga talavou o malo o le taupulega i le masina o Setema. E le gata i lea, o le asia o malae ma nofoaga e faia ai ia taaloga pe ausia tulaga faavaomalo, faapea nofoaga e faamautu ai au taaalo o le a malaga mai. Na fa ailoa e le afioga i le palemia, o lenei fa amoemoe tele o le a talimalo ai Samoa o se avanoa faaauro ma le taua tele i tupulaga uma o le atunuu o lo o i ai le taleni e tausinio ai, ona o nei avanao faavaomalo e seasea maua. Na saunoa foi Tuilaepa i lona agaga faagaeetia ona o le faafiafiaina o le alii ofisa sili o ia taaloga faavaomalo i tapenaga a Samoa. Na momoli le fa afetai a le afioga i le taitai o le atunuu i le peresitene o le SASNOC, le susuga Patrick Fepuleai, o sui o le Komiti o Tapenaga aemaise o le tamaitai ia Nidya Vaa lea sa tuufaatasia foliga vaaia o pine mo i latou o le a lautogia i ia taaloga. AOGA MATATA ESEESE METOTISI SAVAII O le aso 19 o le masina nei ua faamoemoe e tatala aloaia ai faleaoga fou o le Aoga o Matata Eseese a le Ekalesia Metotisi i Salafai, le Nofopule Vocational Center, i le afioaga o Vaega i Satupaitea. O le masina o Mati na amata fausia ai lenei galuega, lea o lo o faatupeina lava e le ekalesia aua alo ma fanau i le motu tele i Salafai. Na faaalia e le alii pule aoga, le susuga Viliamu Vaisagote, e tusa ma le to a 117 alo ma fanau a Savaii o lo o aoaoina i totonu o lenei aoga o matata eseese. Ua faamoemoe o lenei nofoaga fou o le a mafai ona aoaoina ai le tele o nisi o alo ma fanau a Salafai o lo o moomia le maua o ni faailoga ma tomai i so o se matata. I le taimi nei, o lo o i ai nei le aoga a le Nofopule Vocational Center, i le nofoaga o lo o i ai le Kolisi o Uesiliana. Peitai o lo o i ai le faamoemoe e toe sii atu le aoga i le nofoaga fou e pei ona ua saunia nei i le afioaga lava o Vaega i Satupaitea.

7 samoa news, Thursday, June 11, Page B7 COSMETIC: Teeth Whitening, Veneer, Crowns, Bridges, Dentures. BUSINESS & SERVICEDirectory Le o c a t i o n : t O t t o c v i l l e R o a d. Between Tafuna Mini Mart Store & Kanana Fou (CCCAS) Campus. Phone: Fax Call for Appointment@ and Emergency@ We provide the following Services: GENERAL: Exam, Cleaning, Filling, Surgery ORTHODONTIC: Braces, Retainer, Appliances COSMETIC: Whitening, Veneer, Crown, Bridge, Dentures "Opens from Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm" HAPPY HOUR TUESDAY FRIDAY 4:00pm 7:00pm Special prices on Beer & Cocktails and our Free KARAOKE Come Break the Ice at Ice Breakers Siliva Bro. Band Fridays & Saturdays 3250 Airport Road Pago Pago AS DAILY RATES WEEKLY RATES MONTHLY RATES CALL NOW! CLASSIFIED ADS ARE POSTED ON OUR WEBSITE: AND READ WORLD WIDE! ORTHODONTIC SERVICES: Braces, Retainers, Appliances, etc. FAGAITUA HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM PURPOSE: All proceeds FOOTBALL TRIP to Hawaii State (Cambell and St. Francis High School) July 31, - August 24, 1st - Generator (7000watts) 50 flat screen plasma TV 2nd - Dining Room Set - 8 pieces 3rd - Refrigerator 4th - Washer/Dryer 5th - Oven (Energy Saver) 6th - $500 7th - $500 8th - $500 9th - $500 10th - $500 Drawing Date: Sat. June 20, Drawing Time: After 10 a.m. Place: Fagaitua Village $3 Ticket Contact: Gene Pan Akenese Pele Ieti Toomaga Meafou Sagapolutele Suaese Pooch Taase Fagaitua High School Repair, Install, Maintenance Service Electric & Gas Oven, Dryer & Washing Machines TIRED OF COMPUTER PROBLEMS? COMPUTER REPAIRER Call James Dixon at or Island GOT WIC? To qualify for the WIC program, you must meet the following: Proof of residency (e.g. utility bill, cable bill or telephone bill) Pregnant women Breastfeeding mothers Infants (1 day to 1 year old) Please call the WIC office at for more information or visit us on our Facebook page DHSSWIC FOR SALE At Affordable Price Lots of ARCADE MACHINES We are located on the Second Floor of the Tedi Building in Nu uuli or Hope House Thrift Shop FATUOAIGA ROAD NOW OPEN Monday-Saturday 10am-4pm Great Selection of Men, Women & Children s Clothes, Shoes, Books, Misc., Kitchen Utensils and a whole lot more. Great Bargains Quality Items Donations Appreciated For more information, please call Josephine tamale

8 Page B8 samoa news, Thursday, June 11, S pecial Class C M Y K 2X4 AD: $15 additional $20 for COLOR 2X6 AD: $25 additional $50 for COLOR Bring any photo, your message to Samoa News (2nd floor) in Fagatogo. For more information, please call our Advertising Dept. at noon deadline the day before ad publish date ECE, Kindergarten, 1st Grade & 8th Grade Graduation ads are also welcome! GRADUATION SCHEDULE: ASCCFriday, May 15th PACIFIC HORIZON Friday, May 22nd KANANA FOU Thursday, June 4th MANU AFriday, June 5th FAASAO/MARISTSaturday, June 6th IAKINASunday, June 7th SPA ACADEMY Monday, June 8th LEONE HS Monday, June 8th TAFUNA HS Tuesday, June 9th FAGAITUA HS Wednesday, June 10th NUUULI VO-TECH HS Thursday, June 11th SAMOANA HS Friday, June 12th 3x10 Color $117 B&W $ 67 1/2 Page Color $150 B&W $100 Full Page Color $300 B&W $175 1 week online for an extra $10 We re here for you! O se va aiga i nisi o le fanau fa au u mai Fagaitua High School sa va aia le fiafia ina au maua le avanoa e pu e ai le latou ata ma latou aiga ae ua gasolo mai aiga e o i le fale aiga. Ia manuia oulua olaga taumafai i a oa oga o totoe. [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] TALA O LE LALOLAGI fa aliliu af TO ATELE MALILIU I LE FA AMA I O LE MERS Ua fa aalia le fa atupulaia o tagata ua maliliu i le fa ama i fou lea ua taua o le MERS i totonu o Saina i le taimi nei. O le gasegase lenei o le MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome cononavirus), na amata mapuna a e i le atunu u o Arapi i le 2012, ma sosolo atu ai i isi atunuu o le lalolagi e aofia ai ma Amerika. Talu mai le aso 8 o Iuni na te a nei, ua to a 1,000 le aofa i o tagata mai atunu u eseese e 25 o le lalolagi ua fa amaonia le a afia, e pei taua i se ripoti mai le Faalapotopotoga o le Soifua Maloloina a le lalolagi (WHO), ae to a 400 ua maliliu. I su esu ega ua taua ai, e leai se fofo o lenei fa ama i, se i vagana ai le taumafai o foma i e togafiti le tagata ua masalomia le a afia i auga o le flu ma le fiva. O le siama e feavea i e le manu lenei o le Kamela o lo o masalomia ai le pipisi o lenei fa ama i, pau le itu e lelei ai, e faigata ona pipisi lenei fa ama i i le va o tagata soifua. O auga o lenei fa ama i e aofia ai le tino vevela, niniva le ulu ma le fa afaufau, ma ua fautuaina e le WHO atunu u uma ina ia fa aeteete i lenei fa ama i fou, lea ua to a 9 tagata i Saina ua maliliu ai. TU UAIA ATA TELE FUFUA O TURISI MAFUA AGA LEA O LE MAFUI E Ua tu uaia nei e ta ita i mai se tasi o ituaiga o le atunu u o Meleisia e fa apea, o le mafui e lea na lulu i luga o le mauga o Kinabalu ma maliliu ai tagata e to a 16 i le atunu u, na mafua mai i ata tele fufua o turisi sa asiasi atu i le motu, ma ta pu e a latou ata tele fufua i luga o le mauga. Talu ai le mata utia o lenei fa alavelave, ua talosagaina ai loa e ta ita i o le aai o Sabah le malo ina ia tuuina atu se poloaiga e pu e fa apagota ai turisi e to a 10 mai Kanata lea na malaga asiasi i Meleisia. Ae na taua i se isi ripoti e fa apea, e to alua turisi ua taofia nei e Meleisia e le mafai ona toe malaga ese atu ma le atunu u, ae se i fa agasolo suesuega o lenei mataupu. O ata tele fufua o turisi nei na fa atoa fa alauiloa i luga o upega o tafa ilagi i le lalolagi, ina ua tuana i le lulu o le mafui e. O le mauga o Kinabalu, o se tasi lea o Vavau i totonu o le malo o Meleisia, lea fo i e i ai lo latou talitonuga o le isi lea atua o tagata mai tausaga ua mavae, o le mafua aga fo i lena e teuteu ma fa aaloalo ai le atunu u atoa i le mauga lea, e le faia ai ni uiga mataga, e le fa aleagaina fo i, ae avea o se mata aga mo i latou. SUSUNU FALE O AIGA, FIU E SU E LE PAGOTA NA SOLA E silia i le to a 300 tagata mai le aai o Enga i Papua Niu Kini ua leai ni fale e nonofo ai, ina ua susunu e leoleo a latou fale i le aso ananafi, e mafua mai ina ua fiu leoleo e saili le ali i pagota fasioti tagata lea na sola i tua mai le falepuipui, lea foi sa masalomia le sola ma lafi i le aai lea. Na taua i ni ripoti le faateia o tagata o le aai o Enga i le alu atu o le solo a ta avale leoleo, lea na malaga atu ai le silia i le toa 150 leoleo ma a latou a upega, ma amata loa ona susunu fale o nai aiga e isi leoleo, ae pisi isi leoleo e tau saili le alii pagota. Na taua e se tasi o toeaina mai le nuu i tusitala e faapea, o le itu e faanoanoa ai, o lea ua fiu leoleo e saili le pagota e le maua i le latou nu u, ae ua susunu ai fua ma latou fale. Ae na taua e le Ta ita i leoleo i tusitala e fa apea, o ripoti sa latou maua, o le nofoaga tonu lava lea na lafi ai le ali i pagota o lo o tau sailia nei. 12 TAUSAGA O LOKA SESE I LE FALEPUIPUI I le tuana i ai o tausaga e 12 o loka sese le alia i o Alfred Dwayne Brown i le falepuipui i Houston, ina ua ta usala o ia i le moliaga o le fasioti tagata, e mafua mai i le fa alavelave lea a fana ai e se tagata se ali i leoleo i le 2003, o le vaiaso nei na tatala ai i tua Brown mai le falepuipui, ia ua liliu e le fa amasinoga se fa aiuga sa ta usala ai o ia i le tausaga e 2005, o le tausaga fo i lea na fa amaonia ai le fa asala o ia i le oti. Na lolofi atu tusitala e fa atalatalanoa le ali i o Brown i fafo o lona fale, na latou molimauina ai se feiloaiga ese a lenei ali i ma lona aiga, aemaise ai lona afafine na loka o ia fa atoa 2 tausaga, a o lea ua 14 nei ona tausaga. Na taua e Brown i tusitala e fa apea, i tausaga e tele sa nofo ai i le falepuipui, sa tatalo pea i le Atua ina ia fa aali le mea moni. Sa ia taua le sui o lana vaai ina ua fo i mai i tua, o telefoni touch screen a lana fanau ua i ai, atoa ai ma le latou flat screen tv tele o loo i totonu o le fale, o mea ia sa le i vaai ai i le 10 tausaga talu ai, a o lea ua te i ai lana vaai ina ua fo i mai ua i totonu o lona aiga. C Y M K

9 samoa news, Thursday, June 11, Page B9 visit samoa news Classifieds Cartoons aloha briefs & More C Y M K LeBron, Cavaliers fighting fatigue and injuries in the Finals C Y M K Apineru Vaoga at the Oceania Weightlifting Federation Training Institute in New Caledonia. [courtesy photo] AS weightlifters training in New Caledonia expected to do well in Pacific Games by Ausage Fausia, Samoa News Reporter The two local lifters who are training in New Caledonia at the Oceania Weightlifting (OWF) Institute, are steadily improving their performance, according to a report from the OWF main Office in New Caledonia. In an interview via with Samoa News yesterday, the OWF Head coach Paul Coffa said that Tanumafili Jungblut and Apineru Vaoga from American Samoa are improving with their training and skills, and he believes that they will also show those skills when they compete in the Pacific Games in Papua New Guinea next month. Both lifters have improved tremendously and they are catching up with some new skills and knowledge at the training institute, so we hope this will help them during the Pacific Games next month, said Coffa, who is also the General Secretary of the OWF. Jungblut and Vaoga have been here almost three months now. It was hard for them at the beginning to adjust to a very regimented style of training and living, but they have picked up the tempo and have started to improve quite impressively, Coffa said. When Samoa News asked about the impact and benefits the American Samoa Weightlifting Association will get from this training, Coffa said that the improvement from Jungblut and Vaoga s performances will assist the weightlifting team from American Samoa to win medals, and also motivate other local youth to be part of the sports. When they arrived, Jungblut was doing 115kg snatch and 145kg clean & jerk, and he was ranking 17th in the Oceania rankings, but after three months of training, he improved his performance and his lifting style, and his is doing 135kg snatch and 170kg clean & jerk for a total of 305kg in the 94kg category, said Coffa. According to the latest result from the Oceania Institute in New Caledonia, Jungblut is looking forward to earning a silver or bronze medal in PNG. With the full entries so far for his division, Jungblut is ranking 3rd in Oceania overall. (Continued on page B10) CLEVELAND (AP) His eyes were slits, barely open. LeBron James looked as if he could nod off at any second, drop his head on the table and take a much-deserved nap. Carrying a team, along with the hopes of a city desperate for a championship is exhausting. Obviously, I m not getting much sleep, he said. Or a lot of help. Through sheer force and will, James is not only pushing the banged-up Cavaliers forward in these NBA Finals, he s piecing together an historic personal performance. Playing the way he has to, but not how he prefers, James has his team within two wins of a title that even he didn t think was likely when the season began. Yet here are the Cavs, down two All-Stars, their fill-in point guard trying to re-hydrate himself after being hospitalized for dehydration and their best perimeter defender barely able to lift his left arm over his head, leading the Golden State Warriors 2-1 heading into Game 4 on Thursday night. After scoring 40 points in Game 3, James didn t watch TV highlights of Cleveland s win. Instead he popped on an episode of the Food Network show Chopped at 2:30 a.m. He claims to be unaware that he s doing something special. I know we re up 2-1. I know our team is fighting for our lives. We re undermanned. We re under-matched and we re fighting, he said. That s all I know. In three games, including two that went to overtime, James has scored 123 points, breaking Rick Barry s previous finals record of 122 set in He s scoring more because he s shooting more, forced to pick up the slack with Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love the other two-thirds of Cleveland s Big 3 recovering from surgeries. The stats are eye-popping, but James biggest contributions can t be found in the box score. He s dictating the tempo of each game either by milking the 24-second shot clock or attacking the rim when the moment s right. He s playing inside, outside, trying to get to the line, mixing it up a little bit, said Warriors guard Andre Iguodala, who has matched up against James. He s trying to work it to his advantage. James has had the upper hand so far, but the Warriors left the floor after Game 3 feeling encouraged. They rallied from a 20-point deficit and were within 1 point before the Cavs closed them out. League MVP Stephen Curry made five 3-pointers and scored 17 in the fourth quarter, but had three costly turnovers that hindered Golden State s comeback. The Cavs need to keep Curry corralled, and that job has belonged to guard Matthew Dellavedova. He scored 20 points but pushed himself too hard in Game 3 and wound up in the Cleveland Clinic being treated for severe cramping. Dellavedova was released from the hospital Wednesday in time to join his teammates for their film session and a light workout at Quicken Loans Arena. He expects to be ready for Game 4. I told him I was going to limit his minutes, Cavs coach David Blatt said. And he said, No, you re not. Delly s tank is low, but we re doing everything we can to fill it back up. Dellavedova has blossomed into a cult hero in Cleveland, where fans have embraced his hustle and heart. He threw himself all over the floor for 38 minutes in Game 3, once diving over Cleveland s bench and into the second row of seats while trying to save the ball. Everything that he has, he lays out on the floor. I think he dove on the ground last night an NBA Finals record six times, James joked. And he was on the ground again in the hospital, so you could say seven times. James laughed when a reporter from Australia asked if he would be in favor of the government in his teammate s homeland knighting him. Sir Delly? (Continued on page B12)

10 Page B10 samoa news, Thursday, June 11, Span infield hit in 11th lifts Nationals over Yankees 5-4 Tanumafili Jungblut at the Oceania Weightlifting Federation Training Institute in New Caledonia. [courtesy photo] Weightlifters training in New Caledonia Continued from page B9 I believe Jungblut can do better at the Pacific Games, and I can see his strength is getting much better each day of training, so I hope he will do good next month in Port Moresby, said Coffa. As for Vaoga, he was doing 120kg snatch and 150kg clean and jerk, but after three months of training, he is doing 140kg snatch and 175kg clean and jerk. Vaoga is moving up fast from his previous records and from the way he s performing at the training, he can also win a medal for American Samoa. He s also ranking 3rd so far in the Oceania overall entries, said Coffa. Vaoga will be competing in the super heavyweight category for his second time in the Oceania Championship, and first time for the Pacific Games. As for Jungblut, he won his first bronze medal at the 2014 Oceania Weightlifting Championship in New Caledonia, and this will be his first time in the Pacific Games. Coffa anticipates a tough competition for all the weightlifters who are ready to compete in the Pacific Games in Papua New Guinea next month, because there are good lifters training at the Institutes, who also deserve to win. The OWF has three Institutes in the Pacific region, and lifters from several Pacific islands are sending their lifters to train at each Institute under scholarships funded by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) via Olympics Solidarity. For lifters like Jungblut and Vaoga and many others, there is a good chance for them to win medals at the Pacific Games. They have the skills and the right style other lifters don t have and I totally assure that the weightlifting competition next month will be mostly dominated by lifters who are attending the training institutes, said Coffa. When asked how long it will take for Jungblut and Vaoga to train in New Caledonia, Coffa said that it is up to the American Samoa National Olympic Committee (ASNOC) as to how long they would like to keep them at the Institute, and it is also up to the athletes themselves. It is not easy at all, to train at elite level, however they are coping very well at the moment and if they do stay back, they will definitely achieve incredible results, Coffa said, In the beginning of this year, the ASNOC announced that Jungblut and Vaoga would be traveling to New Caledonia to train there, and they re quite happy about the opportunity these lifters have to gain more skills and knowledge about the sport. The Oceania Weightlifting Federation was established in 1980 in Australia, for the purpose of training athletes from Pacific nations to prepare them for international competitions such as the South Pacific Games now called the Pacific Games and the Oceania Weightlifting Championship. The OWF has now opened all three of their Training Institutes New Caledonia, Fiji and Samoa to all Pacific athletes, inviting them to join and to prepare them for other International championship including the Commonwealth Games and the Olympics. Coffa said that some of the athletes who are now holding records in the Pacific were trained at the OWF Institute, and also compete in higher championships athletes such as Ele Opeloga of Samoa, who took 6th place in the London Olympics in 2012, won a silver medal in the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland in 2014, and won a gold medal in the Pacific Games in 2007 and Jungblut and Vaoga will join the American Samoa Team for the Pacific Games in PNG next month, and they are also part of the 85 athletes who are now confirmed to represent American Samoa in nine different sports. American Samoa s weightlifting team coach Alo Lopesi Faagu told Samoa News that they re planning to send more athletes to train in New Caledonia in the future, because the training will help our local lifters to learn new skills, and it will also help them prepare for international championship competition. NEW YORK (AP) Denard Span had a run-scoring infield hit with two outs in the 11th inning, and the Washington Nationals snapped the New York Yankees seven-game winning streak with a 5-4 victory Wednesday. After the game, Yankees manager Joe Girardi said closer Andrew Miller will go on the disabled list because of a strained forearm muscle, an injury that pushes setup man Dellin Betances into a ninth-inning role. Michael Taylor hit a tying, two-run homer in the eighth against 22-year-old rookie Jacob Lindgren, helping Washington win for just the third time in 12 games. Tyler Moore led off the 11th with a single off Chris Capuano (0-4) and advanced on Jose Lobaton s sacrifice and Danny Espinosa s tapper back to the mound. Span then hit a high chopper up the middle. Second baseman Stephen Drew fielded the ball as he crossed past second base but Span beat the one-hop throw for his third hit. Blake Treinen (2-2) pitched two scoreless innings for the win, and Drew Storen was perfect in the 11th for his 19th save, tying St. Louis Trevor Rosenthal for the NL lead. DODGERS 7, DIAMONDBACKS 6 LOS ANGELES (AP) Yasiel Puig homered among his four hits, Howie Kendrick singled home the winning run in the bottom of the ninth inning and Los Angeles beat Arizona for the seventh straight time. Daniel Hudson (1-2) issued consecutive one-out walks to Puig and Adrian Gonzalez before Kendrick s bloop single to right field gave the Dodgers a three-game sweep. Puig hit a tiebreaking, three-run homer in the second, and his four hits tied a career high. He finished a triple short of the cycle. Yasmani Grandal hit a solo homer for the Dodgers, who have defeated the Diamondbacks nine straight times at home. The latest win gave Los Angeles three consecutive home series sweeps over Arizona dating to last year. ATHLETICS 5, RANGERS 4 OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) Sam Fuld scored the winning run on a slide into home to just beat the throw with one out in the ninth and Oakland snapped a four-game losing streak with a win over Texas. Fuld hit a one-out single off Keone Kela (4-3) for just his eighth hit in 80 at-bats and stole second. Fuld advanced on Billy Burns infield single and shortstop Elvis Andrus held the ball rather than throwing to third. Josh Reddick followed with a sharp grounder that second baseman Adam Rosales fielded and threw home just barely too late. It marked Reddick s fifth career game-ending RBI. Oakland s comeback spoiled a 10-strikeout night by Texas starter Yovani Gallardo. Billy Butler hit a tying single off Tanner Scheppers in the eighth after Oakland scored another run on third baseman Joey Gallo s throwing error. Tyler Clippard (1-3) pitched a perfect ninth for the win. CARDINALS 4, ROCKIES 2 DENVER (AP) Carlos Martinez pitched efficiently into the seventh inning for a fifth straight start and Randal Grichuk hit a solo homer, helping St. Louis beat Colorado to avoid a series sweep. Martinez (7-2) had a shutout until Ben Paulsen s two-run homer in the seventh. He gave up eight hits in innings and tied a career-high with two singles at the plate. Martinez also scored a run to help the Cardinals salvage the final game of what s been a rough series. St. Louis was outscored 15-6 in the opening two games and had slugger Matt Holliday go on the disabled list with a strained right quadriceps. Chad Bettis (2-1) allowed three runs in five innings as the Rockies finished a 5-5 homestand. GIANTS 8, METS 5 NEW YORK (AP) Brandon Belt hit one of San Francisco s three homers off a struggling Matt Harvey, and the Giants scored five times in the sixth inning in a victory over New York. Buster Posey had three RBIs, including a two-run double off Harvey that tied the score in the sixth. Belt followed with a two-run shot, and Justin Maxwell added a long homer later in the inning that gave San Francisco a 7-4 lead. Joe Panik had three hits for the Giants, including a two-run homer in the first on an 0-2 pitch. The three homers allowed were a career high for Harvey, who is 1-3 with a 7.20 ERA in his last four starts. He has given up eight home runs since May 23, most of any pitcher in the majors during that span. (Continued on page B11)

11 Major League Baseball Continued from page B10 ROYALS 7, TWINS 2 MINNEAPOLIS (AP) Alex Gordon hit a three-run homer, Edinson Volquez struck out six batters over seven innings and Kansas City beat Minnesota to finish the first series sweep this season of the Twins at home. The Twins scored 11 runs while stumbling to a 1-5 record on this home-stand, which handed the division lead back to Kansas City. The Twins hadn t been swept since the opening series of the season at Detroit. Their frustration was evident in the eighth, when Torii Hunter was ejected by home plate umpire Mark Ripperger for arguing a called third strike. Hunter had to be restrained briefly, before yanking off his elbow pad, shin guard and batting gloves and throwing them toward the batter s box. For good measure, Hunter ripped off his jersey and threw that over the first-base line, before retreating to the dugout. RAYS 4, ANGELS 2 ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) Evan Longoria homered and Erasmo Ramirez got help from four relievers in pitching Tampa Bay past Los Angeles. Longoria, who started at third base after being out of the lineup the past three games due to a sore left wrist, put the Rays up 3-2 with a solo homer in the third off Jered Weaver (4-6). It was just his second home run in his last 28 games, and sixth this season. Ramirez (5-2) gave up two runs and five hits over five innings in winning for the fifth time in six starts. Steve Geltz, Kevin Jepsen, Brad Boxberger and Jake McGee, who pitched the ninth for his first save, held the Angels to two hits over the final four innings. Weaver allowed four runs and eight hits over innings in falling to 4-1 in six starts at Tropicana Field. Los Angeles has lost six of seven. WHITE SOX 4, ASTROS 1 CHICAGO (AP) Geovany Soto hit a tiebreaking home run in the seventh inning, leading Jose Quintana and Chicago over Houston and handing the Astros their seventh straight loss. George Springer went 5 for 5 for the AL West-leading Astros. Jose Abreu and Adam LaRoche also homered for Chicago. Quintana and Astros rookie Vincent Velasquez combined for the third pitchers duel of the series. Quintana (3-6) earned his first win since May 13, allowing one run and six hits in seven innings. David Robertson got his 13th save in 16 tries as the White Sox completed a three-game sweep. Soto s home run came off Tony Sipp (2-3). REDS 5, PHILLIES 2 CINCINNATI (AP) Ivan De Jesus Jr. homered for the second time in three games, and Cincinnati Reds swept Philadelphia Wednesday after losing shortstop Zack Cozart to a knee injury. Cozart twisted his right ankle and knee as he tried to beat out a grounder in the first inning. He crumpled to the ground, rolled on his back and grabbed the knee, wincing in pain. He didn t put any weight on the right leg as he was helped off the field and taken for an exam. The Phillies fell to 7-23 away from Citizens Bank Park, their worst road record after 30 games since They have lost seven straight on the road their worst such slump in two years and have been swept three times in their last five series. BLUE JAYS 7, MARLINS 2 TORONTO (AP) Justin Smoak hit one of four Blue Jays homers, Scott Copeland won in his first major league start and Toronto beat Miami to extend its winning streak to eight. Josh Donaldson, Russell Martin and Jose Reyes also connected for the Blue Jays (31-30), who moved above.500 for the first time since May 19 (16-15). Toronto is on its longest winning run since a nine-game streak from May last year. Copeland (1-0), a 27-year-old right-hander who made his big league debut in relief on May 2, started in place of Aaron Sanchez, who was skipped because of general soreness. Copeland allowed one run and six hits in seven innings, struck out four and walked none. Smoak and Martin hit consecutive homers in the fourth off Tom Koehler (4-4), who allowed six runs and eight hits in innings and lost for the first time since May 6 at Washington. CUBS 12, TIGERS 3 DETROIT (AP) Chris Coghlan and Miguel Montero each hit a three-run homer, and Chicago pounded Detroit. Jake Arrieta (6-4) shut out the Tigers until Yoenis Cespedes hit a three-run shot of his own in the sixth. The Cubs led 6-0 before that, and Chicago added six more runs in the seventh. Shane Greene (4-6) allowed five runs and seven hits in three innings, another poor outing for the right-hander who looked so sharp at the beginning of the season. Greene allowed one earned run over his first three starts for the Tigers. Since then, he s posted an 8.60 ERA. Arrieta gave up three runs and eight hits in six innings. He struck out eight and walked one. PIRATES 2, BREWERS 0 PITTSBURGH (AP) Charlie Morton scattered three hits in innings to remain unbeaten in his return from hip surgery as Pittsburgh beat Milwaukee. Morton (4-0) struck out six and walked three to win his fourth straight start since coming off the disabled list last month. He didn t allow a hit until Aramis Ramirez led off the fifth with a single up the middle. Pedro Alvarez hit his 10th homer of the season. Jordy Mercer and Jung Ho Kang added three hits apiece for the Pirates. Mark Melancon worked a perfect ninth for his 19th save. (Continued on page B12) by GRAHAM DUNBAR, AP Sports Writer On another day of turmoil for FIFA and the World Cup, the bidding contest for the 2026 tournament was put on hold. FIFA secretary general Jerome Valcke said Wednesday it would be nonsense to begin the next bidding process on schedule this week amid the American investigation into soccer corruption. Valcke, speaking at a news conference in Russia hosted by organizers of the 2018 tournament, also defended his role in a $10 million bribery scandal linked to the 2010 World Cup. I will answer all the questions. I have nothing to hide, Valcke said. While Valcke spoke in Samara, his staff in Zurich gave more evidence to Swiss authorities for a separate investigation into the 2018 and 2022 World Cup bid contests won by Russia and Qatar, respectively. FIFA handed over seized IT data, the Swiss attorney general s office said in a statement. Two weeks ago it raided FIFA offices and opened criminal proceedings against persons unknown on suspicion of criminal mismanagement and of money laundering. The storm unleashed by separate U.S. and Swiss federal investigations has already further sullied FIFA s image and led to the announced resignation of its president, Sepp Blatter. He is not a suspect for Swiss authorities but is a target of the American case. The favorite to succeed Blatter, former protege turned adversary Michel Platini, criticized soccer s governing body later Wednesday while also welcoming a delay in 2026 business. Today there is no leadership at FIFA so it s normal that it s been suspended, the UEFA president and former France great said at a news conference in Paris which overlapped with Valcke s in Russia. The United States is among the expected contenders in the May 2017 vote. FIFA also said Wednesday its executive committee will meet to choose an election date in a special session next month possibly July 24 in St. Petersburg, where Swiss and American investigators won t get the chance to ask questions. The 209 FIFA member federations will vote in Zurich for a new president four months after a deadline set for would-be candidates to apply. Blatter s prolonged departure is not doing himself and the whole of football a favor, said Wolfgang Niersbach of Germany, who is on the samoa news, Thursday, June 11, Page B11 FIFA Secretary General Jerome Valcke speaks to the media during a news conference in Samara, Russia, Wednesday, June 10,. Valcke said Wednesday it would be nonsense to begin the next bidding process on schedule this week amid the American investigation into soccer corruption. (AP Photo) More turmoil for FIFA and the World Cup bidding contests executive committee. FIFA has been in crisis since the U.S. Department of Justice indicted 14 people on corruption charges ahead of Blatter s re-election at the FIFA congress two weeks ago. Seven of them were arrested in Zurich and face extradition. One of the seven has appealed for bail, but Swiss authorities did not identify which one. The Federal Criminal Court will rule on whether he will remain in custody, authorities said Wednesday in a statement. Although Blatter was not named in a 164- page indictment which alleged $150 million in bribes linked mostly to non-fifa tournaments in North and South America officials familiar with the case have said he is a target. Valcke, however, has been scrutinized for his direct links to payments totaling $10 million from FIFA accounts which the U.S. Department of Justice says were bribes to FIFA executive committee members to vote for South Africa as 2010 World Cup host. In an impassioned voice Wednesday, Valcke repeated previous FIFA statements on his behalf: That he merely signed off on money transfers agreed to by South African officials from their World Cup funds, and authorized by the thenchairman of the FIFA finance panel, Julio Grondona of Argentina, who died last year. I m signing all the contracts of FIFA, said Valcke, who began his job several months before the money transfers in early 2008 to accounts controlled by disgraced former FIFA vice president Jack Warner of Trinidad and Tobago. Valcke insisted that the alleged bribe money did not belong to FIFA and questioned why he was targeted by international media. You have decided that after Blatter, my head is to be cut. Fine, said the former television journalist from France. But don t say it is because of this $10 million. Valcke and Russian sports minister Vitaly Mutko, who is also a FIFA executive committee member, repeated that the 2018 hosting victory was won cleanly. The Swiss attorney general s office is using a report by former FIFA ethics prosecutor Michael Garcia. His investigation team was denied key evidence because Russian bid officials did not provide an archive of s, and also used computers which were leased and later destroyed. Both Russia and Qatar risk losing their hosting rights if evidence of wrongdoing emerges.

12 Page B12 samoa news, Thursday, June 11, Major League Baseball Continued from page B11 Kyle Lohse (3-7) dropped his third consecutive decision while falling to 0-3 against Pittsburgh this season. He gave up an RBI single to Starling Marte in the first and a 438-foot homer to Alvarez leading off the second. Milwaukee right fielder Ryan Braun went 0 for 2 before leaving in the top of the sixth with dizziness. BRAVES 4, PADRES 1 ATLANTA (AP) Rookie Williams Perez allowed only four hits in seven innings, Kelly Johnson returned from the disabled list with three hits and Atlanta beat San Diego. Johnson had an RBI single in the second inning in his return after missing 24 games with a strained right oblique. Cameron Maybin drove in a run with two of Atlanta s 14 hits. The only run allowed by Perez (2-0) was unearned. Making his fifth start, he matched his longest outing start while striking out five and walking two. He has allowed no more than one earned run in four of his five starts. Cory Spangenberg had three hits, including two doubles. His fifth-inning double drove in the Padres run. Jim Johnson pitched a perfect ninth inning for his third save. Closer Jason Grilli was rested after pitching two straight days. Tyson Ross (3-6) took the loss. ORIOLES 5, RED SOX 2 BALTIMORE (AP) Adam Jones drove in a run and played exceptional defense behind left-hander Wei-Yin Chen, who earned his second win of the season in the Baltimore s victory over Boston. J.J. Hardy had two RBIs for the Orioles, who will attempt to complete a three-game sweep on Thursday night. Jones, a four-time Gold Glove winner, threw out a runner from center field and made two fine catches. He also put Baltimore up 3-1 in the third with an RBI single. Chen (2-4) allowed two runs and seven hits in five-plus innings. Darren O Day struck out four during two perfect innings to earn his second save. Rick Porcello (4-6) gave up five runs and 10 hits over 5 1/3 innings in losing his fourth straight start. MARINERS 9, INDIANS 3 CLEVELAND (AP) Kyle Seager, batting cleanup in place of ailing Nelson Cruz, hit a grand slam and drove in five runs to lead Seattle past Cleveland. Cruz, who leads the American League with 18 home runs, missed the game because of back spasms. Seager helped Seattle win for the second straight day at Progressive Field after a 2-9 homestand. Seager hit his second career grand slam, connecting in the third inning against Trevor Bauer (5-3). Seager added an RBI double in the seventh. Taijuan Walker (3-6) allowed one run in six innings and beat the Indians for the second time in two weeks. Cleveland lost its third straight and fell to at home. Cavaliers fighting fatigue Continued from page B9 I m all for it, James said, cracking up. Whatever that guy wants or needs, I m all for. The Cavs also got positive news on guard Iman Shumpert, who bruised his left shoulder in Game 3 but didn t sustain any structural damage. I m all right, this isn t the regular season, Shumpert said. It would take a lot for me not to play. It remains to be seen if James can continue to play at his astounding level. At some point, physical and mental fatigue will wear him down, but two wins from a title he s not about to stop. It s been a difficult challenge, he said. Being the sole leader of a team and franchise, it s taxing. But I accept the challenge. I accept it all. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The House of Fashion, Men & Women, in Sogi, Leone is in need of a SEWING MACHINE TECHNICIAN and a TAILOR. Please send resume to PO Box or call EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY LV Inc in Leone is looking for a CASHIER and REPAIRPERSON (washers/dryers) with at least 3-5 years experience. Please send resume to PO Box 7171 or call / Telescope protesters allowed to camp on STATE land HILO, Hawaii (AP) State officials are allowing telescope protesters to continue camping on Mauna Kea, where they ve been for more than two months. The camp sits on Department of Land and Natural Resources land. Agency spokeswoman Deborah Ward said in an that the protesters are being allowed to stay for now, the Hawaii Tribune-Herald reported. At this time, we have allowed them to remain and peacefully express their right of free speech while we assess the situation, she said. Department officials did not comment on why these protesters are being allowed to remain on state land. The same agency in 2013 had 11 protesters arrested for camping in a Hilo recreation area. Organizer Kahookahi Kanuha says protesters have been taking trash out of the site daily, recycling and composting. We ve had days of even pulling some of the fireweed, he said. Just keeping the area around us a lot better than we found it. Kanuha says he doesn t consider what his group is doing camping. We are here protecting Mauna a Wakea because it is our responsibility, and this protection requires 24/7 watch, he said. The University of Hawaii manages the Mauna Kea Science Reserve and the visitor center protesters are camping across from. Spokesman Dan Meisenzahl said in an that the Mauna Kea group has not caused any incidents or trouble. I think the fact the rangers have a consistent presence has kept things relatively mellow, he said. Also, the numbers (of campers) have been really low since the moratorium on construction was announced. Governor Ige sets state up to be free of fossil fuel use by 2045 HONOLULU (AP) Hawaii could become the first state to break away from the use of all fossil fuels by 2045 with new legislation signed by the governor. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reports at a bill-signing ceremony Monday, Gov. David Ige stamped his approval on four bills aimed at advancing Hawaii s renewable energy goals. House Bill 623 requires the state to rely on a complete use of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar in 30 years. Other bills would designate a working group to promote hydrogenbased energy and establish a community-based renewable energy program. The University of Hawaii would work to produce as much energy as it uses in 20 years under House Bill Gov. Ige says the initiative puts Hawaii ahead of other states in energy policy. University of Hawaii sues former basketball coach Arnold HONOLULU (AP) The University of Hawaii at Manoa is suing its former head basketball coach, saying he deceived the school into believing his team complied with NCAA regulations. The lawsuit filed in state court in Honolulu on Wednesday accuses Gib Arnold of fraud and negligence. The school is seeking unspecified damages. The university is also asking the court to weigh in on a contract dispute with Arnold. The former coach has filed a grievance against the school, saying he s entitled to $1.4 million in damages on the grounds the university violated the terms of his contract when it fired him without cause last year. Arnold s attorney didn t immediately return a phone call seeking comment. The NCAA in January accused the university s basketball program of violating coaching and recruiting rules. Hawaiian Electric shareholders approve sale to NextEra HONOLULU (AP) Hawaiian Electric shareholders have approved the company s sale to Florida-based NextEra Energy, the company said Wednesday. Owners of 90 percent of the company s shares voted for the deal, the Honolulu Star- Advertiser reported. Under state law, the sale needed approval from at least 75 percent of shares for it to go through. The state Public Utilities Commission must still sign off on the deal for it to be finalized. Hawaiian Electric Industries, which includes subsidiaries on Oahu, Maui and Hawaii islands, is the state s largest electric utility. NextEra Energy Inc. said it will save Hawaii ratepayers $60 million over four years by lowering rates. NextEra said it will triple solar power production. The deal last month fell short of the 75 percent approval needed, so the company extended a vote deadline by four weeks. Maui Mayor Alan Arakawa is one of the shareholders who voted no. He said he doesn t want the company to rush the sale. He also said he has received letters and phone calls from HEI lobbying for the sale. As of Dec. 31, the most recent report available, the Hawaii utility spent $4.9 million on sale-related activities. NextEra estimates it will spend $46 million on sale-related costs. Contractors face fines after Pearl Harbor accident kills 2 HONOLULU (AP) The U.S. Department of Labor is proposing to fine two federal contractors $46,000 for safety violations after a 7-ton buoy struck and killed two workers at Pearl Harbor last year. The department s Occupational Safety and Health Administration said Wednesday Truston Technologies and Healy Tibbits Builders exposed employees to danger when they allowed loads exceeding working limits on a wire rope sling. It says Healy Tibbitts failed to protect employees from impalement hazards and neglected to follow written Navy procedures. The men were repairing moorings on a barge when a chain suspending the buoy broke in December. The agency says the buoy fell 75 feet. Healy Tibbitts is based in Aiea, Hawaii. Truston is based in Annapolis, Maryland. Neither company immediately responded to telephone messages seeking comment. Kona Community hospital to make cuts, close nursing unit KAILUA-KONA, Hawaii (AP) Kona Community Hospital will cut 34 positions and shut down its nursing unit in an effort to get rid of a $6 million hole in the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Administrators at the Kealakekua hospital announced the proposal Monday. The cuts are to be in effect by Aug.1, reported West Hawaii Today. It is with deep regret that we must make these decisions, said Jay Kreuzer, West Hawaii Regional CEO of Hawaii Health Systems Corporation. Kreuzer declined to identify the specific positions that will be eliminated, saying employees have not yet been informed of the decision. The hospital s transition will cut losses by $3 million but will still leave a $2.5 million deficit. Kreuzer said the gap can be attributed to increased labor costs and retiree health benefits previously covered by the state. The hospital had been on course to break even prior to those costs, Kreuzer said. The skilled nursing unit provides care to patients who are not in need of acute care but are not well enough to go home. Administrators said the unit averaged six patients a day on the fixed operating cost and could be reopened in the future if funding becomes available. The hospital s plan, which only addresses this upcoming fiscal year, must still be ratified by the HHSC Board of Directors. A public meeting to gather input on the proposal is set for June 15.

13 samoa news, Thursday, June 11, Page B13 BUSINESS & SERVICEDirectory Phone: Fax CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE FOR RENT WANTED 2008 TUCSON TAXI; excellent 2 STORY UNIT; fully furnished; both I AM LOOKING TO LEASE/RENT condition, tags, insurance valid till have 3 bdrms, 2 baths, huge living A WORK VEHICLE for 3 (or more) 6/2016. $10,000 OBO room, laundry room, all appliances, months, with options. Please call [06/18] AC each room, beautiful view of [06/15] NEED A LUXURY TRUCK? Smart the harbor, cool breeze from Utulei 2013 Dodge Ram 1500 Hemi Laramie: Blutooth, rear camera, sun 18th. Halfway up Tramway Road- Beach, hot water. Available Apr roof, 4 door, etc. Serious Buyers huge parking lot right side ONLY!! $55,000. One Owner. (684) 4871/ /(310) [06/19] [06/11] SIZE 2 PIGS for sale in Faleniu Uta/ 3 BDRM, 2 BATH HOUSE in Tafeta. New appliances, unfurnished, Mapusaga Fou. Call or or [06/15] ocean view, quiet neighborhood. Contact or Lina.25 ACRE & 1 ACRE located in Fogagogo. Serious Buyers Only. [06/12] Must see to appreciate. us at [06/12] FULLY FURNISHED 1 BDRM in Tafeta, with AC. contact or SEWING MACHINES; used in a [06/16] sewing shop. Call CUTE HOUSE rental by the beach in HUGE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY; Avau. Open for June and July only. Mobile Food Truck. Serious inquiries only. 40k OBO Call [06/11] [06/18] Missing your weekend SAMOA NEWS? LEONE HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOC will hold Planning Meetings for the school s 50th Anniversary Celebration EVERY FIRST AND THIRD MONDAY now until October. Next meeting will be June 15 at 5:00pm in the school library. Celebration is set for Oct 12-17,. Please call for more info. [10/12] VFW POST 3391 AM SAMOA will hold its FINAL MEETING for the year, on Thursday, Feb 11th at 3pm at the Veterans Memorial Building. Please attend this very important meeting. Bring your paper work to file your clothing allowance FY 15. POC Tusipasi Suiaunoa & Roy Laulusa [06/11] RED CROSS AMERICAN SAMOA provides CPR/FIRST AID/AED Certification Training for the Community. Please contact us at or THE DANIEL PLAN; Faith, Food, Fitness, Focus and Friends. A great way to get healthy together. Meetings are held every Saturday at 10am at the Alliance Office in Nu uuli beginning May 9th for 10 weeks. For more info, contact Mona [05/29] YANA You Are Not Alone. If you have a problem and need someone to talk to, we are here to help. Please contact 252-YANA (9262). SAMOAN SAINTS ORGANIZATION Roadside Clean Up on the 21st and 29th of this month until the end of the year. All are welcomed. Meet infront of Lupelele Elementary School, 5:30pm, rain or shine. Do it for our beautiful island. Contact for more info. CELEBRATE RECOVERY a 12-step recovery program for any type of addiction or compulsive behavior (drugs, alcohol, anger, etc. Also for victims of past physical or sexual abuse) Every Sat. at Alliance office, Nuuuli 10am. FREE Info Mona URGENT HOMES NEEDED FOR ADULT DOGS being trapped at Lyons Park!! Majority of adult dogs trapped are healthy &very friendly but will be humanly euthanized if no one claims them after 48 hours of being held. PLEASE HELP! Call Mona at or FEASDAT Families for Effective Autism Spectrum Disorder Awareness & Treatment (addressing behavioral & autistic disorders) Join our monthly social encounters & learn ways to help your loved one. (Samoan) (English) (Filipino) ext 526 Employment Opportunities VISIT US ON THE WEB: GRAPHIC DESIGNER We have several positions for Experienced, Motivated, knowledgeable Graphic Designer in Photoshop and Illustrator. Must be reliable and be a team Player. CARPENTER We have several positions for Experienced, Motivated, knowledgeablecarpenters. Must be reliable and be a team Player. Both Positions require: Valid driver s license & your own reliable transportation Social Security Card or authorization to work in the American Samoa Must read & speak English fluently Have a good attitude and be on time Please pick up application at All Star Signs or send resume to No phone calls necessary. especially on the weekends when you miss us the most

14 Page B14 samoa news, Thursday, June 11, ACROSS 1 Word of respect to a lady 5 Oozes 10 Not ajar 14 Kind of clef 15 Open air courts 16 Decorated cop, for one 17 Fear symptom 20 Home on the plains, once 21 Obedient dogs, at times 22 Sodium hydroxide solutions 25 Again from the top 26 Air-safety grp. 29 Watch your head! 31 Feature of a car front 35 Is that? 36 Deck out 38 Aspersion 39 Be a braggart 43 Henry VIII s second or fourth 44 Marshy backwater 45 Indeed 46 Smooth, in music 49 Conflicted 50 Old crop spray 6/11 Universal Crossword Edited by Timothy E. Parker June 11, 51 I man with seven wives 53 Breakaway group 55 Record keeper, of a sort 58 Poets feet 62 Spared none 65 A.m. word 66 Large fishing net 67 Type of rock 68 Type of entrance 69 Jagged, as a leaf s edge 70 Bookies know them DOWN 1 Damon of Hollywood 2 Fleshy healing plant 3 Above 4 Psycho setting 5 Amniotic 6 Biblical verb suffix 7 Parts of history 8 Ravens tight end Dennis 9 Baht component 10 Like the Bard s Kate 11 He gets what s coming to him 12 Cemetery sights 13 out (dress nicely) 18 Period of greatest success 19 Appraiser 23 Continental cash 24 Cancel 26 Deadly 27 Without anyone else 28 Beside 30 Unit for measuring gold 32 Christopher of Back to the Future 33 Attracted fish 34 Artist Max 37 Goes up and down 40 Lipton, for one 41 Modeled 42 Papal ambassador 6/10 TOO MUCH By Dennis W. Dwight 47 Beach bird 48 Good-fornothing 52 In accordance with 54 Argentine dance 55 Completed 56 Minute bit 57 Group of three 59 Blend 60 Thin nail 61 Endings for national and capital 62 Cigarette smoke ingredient 63 and outs was blind but now I PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER Universal Uclick Happy Birthday: Your generosity and kindness will be repaid. Step up and fight for the underdog. The contacts you make and the opportunities that result will make your efforts well worth your while. Travel, friendships, love and romance are all highlighted this year. Promises can be made and security will be achieved. Believe in your abilities, and so will others. Your numbers are 9, 14, 21, 24, 30, 34, 42. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Don t skip a beat or let your emotions run wild. You have what it takes to make a statement, so don t hold back. Dazzle everyone with your knowledge and innovative outlook. Romance is encouraged, along with socializing and networking. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Problems will develop if you get involved in gossip or divulge secret information. Keep your life simple, both at work and at home. Concentrate on learning something that will help you move toward a better future. Moderation is encouraged. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You ll have plenty to offer, and everyone will want to help you out. Don t waste a moment when you should be accomplishing as much as possible. Consider where and how you can make the most of your time. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Tread carefully. Deal with each issue as it arises, but don t initiate unnecessary change. Keep an open mind and take a thoughtful approach when dealing with people who can influence your future. Better to be safe than sorry. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Talks will lead to positive changes. Short trips and any opportunities to share your plans will enhance your chances to succeed. Take time to celebrate new beginnings and recent accomplishments. Embrace the future, but enjoy the moment. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You ll find it difficult to fit in. Don t give in to people putting demands on Thursday, June 11, you or trying to push you to spend money you don t have. Back up and focus on your responsibilities, not those of others. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Take a walk down memory lane and make arrangements to revisit some of the people, places and pastimes you used to enjoy. Change is good, and filling your life with what makes you happy should take top priority. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Don t overdo it, regardless of the demands being thrown at you. Protect your health, your money and your emotional well-being. Concentrate on making things happen that will improve your standard of living. It s time to take, not to give. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Wheel and deal, buy and sell, and make improvements to your life. A financial change will allow you to improve your standard of living and contribute to a healthier and less-stressful lifestyle. Love and romance are highlighted and encouraged. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): An introspective look at whatever situation you face will help buy you time. Avoid anyone pushing you to make a snap decision or an impulsive move. Don t let emotional manipulation lead to a mistake you ll regret. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You can t lose if you are a participant. Speak up and share your innovative ideas, and you will get the support you need to conquer your goals. Someone you love will see you in a new light that can help rekindle what you once had. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Strive to be honest as well as realistic. Protect yourself from anyone trying to take advantage of you. Withdraw into creative pursuits where you can make headway and forget about any stressful situations going on around you. Birthday Baby: You are dynamic, fast-paced and accommodating. You are outgoing and versatile. Dear Abby by Abigail Van Buren WIFE OF TRANSGENDER HUSBAND REFUSES TO GET COUNSELING DEAR ABBY: Two years ago, I came out as male-to-female transgender. My wife has come around since then, and our second child will be born before I start my transition. She has decided to stay with me, but occasionally she tells me she isn t sure if she can be married to a woman. On the other hand, she says she doesn t want to have to share custody of our children. I have urged her to talk to a therapist, because she gets a few free sessions from her job. Because she doesn t like people knowing about her problems, she steadfastly refuses. I m not sure what else to do. I won t make her stay if she can t handle it, but I refuse to tell her I ll give her full custody. -- LIVING MY TRUTH IN THE EAST DEAR LIVING: If your wife prefers, out of concern for her privacy, not to talk to a therapist who s connected with her job, that is her choice. But that does not mean she shouldn t get counseling elsewhere to help her make rational decisions about her future. A support group that could also be helpful to her is the Straight Spouse Network (, which has been mentioned before in my column. As for you, my friend, you should consult a lawyer who specializes in family law and gender issues. Lambda Legal ( should be able to refer you. With help, you should be able to work out a fair and reasonable custody arrangement, should it become necessary. DEAR ABBY: I m attending a close friend s bachelorette party and have confirmed that having it in an adult club is a priority for her. I m uncomfortable with the idea of entering such an establishment because it goes against my personal beliefs. We are all staying with friends, so I can t just head back to my hotel room or go home. How can I excuse myself from this part of the event without causing too much trouble for anyone? -- READY NOT TO PARTY DEAR READY NOT TO PARTY: Because all of the bachelorettes will be out of town and you prefer not to attend the main event, level with the bride about your feelings, give her your regrets, wish her well and stay home. DEAR ABBY: I m a 73-year-old man. Over the years I have sometimes cried over sad, heartwarming stories in books or on TV, especially those involving children. I have also lost several loved ones, and although I was as sad about these losses as anyone else, I was never able to shed tears over it. Why do I cry over things that don t pertain to me or anybody in my life, but can t when someone I love passes away? Is something wrong with me? -- TEARLESS IN WICHITA DEAR TEARLESS: Tears can be cathartic, but people react to death in different ways. Not everyone can cry on cue, even if it would be a relief to be able to. Sometimes there s just a deep ache, like lead in one s chest. In your case, it may be less painful or threatening to cry over a sad movie than a funeral. When tears finally come (usually over something less significant), they can be more copious than one would expect because they have been bottled up.

15 samoa news, Thursday, June 11, Page B15

16 Page B16 samoa news, Thursday, June 11, Seen here on the right is Leone High School football player Juliano Falaniko, who is at this time the 2017 s top football prospect from American Samoa. He has recently had offers from University of Arizona, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, Oregon State, University of Hawaii, Washington State, Virginia Union University and the University of Oregon among others. He is seen here with his mother Divine Falaniko. Read story for details. [photo: Jeff Hayner] American Samoa Power Authority Human Resource Department, Tafuna PUBLIC JOB POSTING Position Title Security Officer I-2 openings DepartmentOperations Division Facility, Security & Maintenance (FSM) Position Type Career Service 12 months probation Reports ToSecurity Supervisor Major Duties & Responsibilities Human Resource Department, Tafuna PO Box PPB, Pago Pago American Samoa Phone No: (684) Fax No: (684) Posting Date May 29, Deadline4:00 PM, June 12, Pay Range $ $7.26 per hour Job Grade/StatusC/1/A-C/4/A, Non-Exempt Makes periodic walking tours around buildings and grounds examining doors, windows, and gates to ens ure they are properly secured; Ensures proper identification of employees and/or visitors; Maintains log of a ll vehicle entries and departures including driver and passenger identification & equipment, Reports irregulari ties such as fire hazards, leaking water pipes, oil leaks and spills in plants and security doors left unlocked; Investigates disturbances, and in the event of emergency, maintains order and safety of personnel; Protects ASPA property against misuse and theft by immediately following reporting procedures and reporting illegal activit ies including theft, property damage, etc.; Prepares daily attendance roster; Answers phones and assists plant ope rators during plant & system outages; Assists with facility maintenance as assigned and required (yard cleanup, of fice maintenance, etc.); Makes recommendations on improving safety and security measures and processes; a nd Performs other tasks as assigned by Supervisor. MinimumR equirements Education High School diploma or equivalent GED preferred. Experience Minimum of one (1) year in Security field or related area preferred. Skilled in: Written & Oral Communications i.e.., reporting, answering phones; basic computer Skills, Abilities, skills; discerning wrongful and adverse activities before they manifest and immediately act to Job Requirements prevent them. Ability to: Operate office equipment such as fax, computer, etc.; maintain good, healthy habits; remain alert and watchful especially during swing and graveyard shifts; prove he/she is honest; work in outside environment; report perpetrators regardless of relationship; walk and stand for long hours; take over another security s shift when necessary; work overtime and at assigned ASPA sites. Requirements: Must poses valid drivers license and reliable transportation; must be easy to get into contact with during time off; be flexible with working hours, plant assignments, and shifts; be able to speak English & Samoan and also have unblemished police and vehicle record. Qualified applicants: please submit a completed ASPA Employment Application with a copy of your resume to ASPA Tafuna (address listed above) by the deadline listed above. Please attach copies of credentials and transcripts. Candidates selected for hire must pass examinations (when applicable), pre-employment clearances & t est negative on pre-employment drug test. No phone inquiries accepted. An Equal Opportunity Employer * A Drug Free Workplace Juliano Falaniko 2017 s football prospect from American Samoa By Jeff Hayner, Samoa News Reporter Home grown talent on the football field has once again attracted the attention of some of the biggest powerhouses in the game in the college ranks. Recently, when Leone High School Lions football player Juliano Falaniko attended the Gridiron Performance Academy Football s Maximum Exposure Camp at the University of Hawaii, he caught the attention of some of the top colleges coaches and scouts, who were at the camp to see some of the best high school and junior college players in the Pacific. Falaniko, who stands at 6-foot-4 and weighs in at 200lbs, made the representatives from the University of Arizona, University of Nevada-Las Vegas and even the highly ranked, powerhouse University of Oregon, home of the Ducks among others, turn their heads with interest during the Exposure Camp. With previous offers from Oregon State, University of Hawaii, Washington State and Virginia Union University among others, Falaniko is currently the 2017 s top football prospect from American Samoa. Only going into his Junior year this coming school year, this has to be a great accomplishment for Falaniko, as well as the territory s homegrown program, considering there are currently only five football teams on island competing, and one of the top programs in the country such as the University of Oregon gives you an offer just before your Junior year. I have two more years to make my decision. I am real excited about this. I feel good, but I have to keep working hard to accomplish all my goals, said Falaniko to Samoa News via social media. Falaniko, who is from Leone, is the son of Iuliano and Divine Falaniko First of all, I want to give thanks to God above for my talent and all he has done for me. I want to give a huge thank you to my parents and to my grandma for doing what they did for me so I could be the person who I am today, he said. This coming season, Falaniko will most likely be seen on both sides of the ball where he will line up at the Free Safety, Wide Receiver or Outside Linebacker position for the Lions. By the time he is ready to graduate high school in 2017, he should have had added weight along with bulk to his already big frame as he gains two more valuable years of playing experience which will most likely lead to many more offers by then. This also depends on if he is able to stay injury free during this time. Samoa News will definitely be keeping an eye on Falaniko over the next two years. Falaniko along with other local players, will soon be attending the Nike Regional Combine at the University of Oregon, where he will once again have a chance to show his skills. He is said to be slated to return for the Troy and Theodora Polamalu Fa a Samoa Initiative Camp that will be from June here in American Samoa. Reach the reporter at Trinidad AG: Gov t feared ex-fifa VP Warner a flight risk PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad (AP) Trinidad Attorney General Garvin Nicholas said Wednesday that officials feared former FIFA Vice President Jack Warner would flee the island after facing U.S. federal corruption charges, but they re now confident he ll stay in the country. Warner is scheduled to appear in court July 9 for an extradition hearing on U.S. charges including racketeering, wire fraud and money-laundering. Any person with the level of resources that Mr. Warner has would be considered a flight risk, Nicholas told The Associated Press. We certainly made it a lot more difficult for him to escape or leave the country. Warner was ordered to surrender his passport and report to police twice a week. He is one of several international soccer officials facing charges as part of the U.S. investigation. U.S. justice officials have accused Warner of receiving three payments totaling $10 million in 2008 from an unidentified, high-ranking FIFA official to allegedly secure his vote and help give South Africa the right to host the 2010 World Cup over Morocco. Warner has denied any wrongdoing. He left FIFA in 2011 after being implicated in a bribery scandal. Trinidad Sports Minister Brent Sancho told the AP that he hopes the probe will help answer many corruption allegations involving Warner and others. FIFA (has) had a world of allegations swirling around them for quite some time, he said. Now that the walls of FIFA are finally crumbling, we can only hope that the answers to all of these allegations are now going to happen. C Y C Y M K M K



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