Fa aitiitia le Paketi o le Tausaga Tupe fou 2016 i le 2%

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1 SECTION B Thursday, August 6, 2015 C Y M K Le Taitaifono o le Komiti o le Paketi a le Senate, afioga i le ali i senatoa ia Laolagi Fonoti Savali Vaeao ma le afioga i le ali i senatoa ia Galea i M. Tu ufuli. [ata AF] Fa aitiitia le Paketi o le Tausaga Tupe fou 2016 i le 2% tusia Ausage Fausia E 2% lea ua fa aitiitia ai le Paketi a le malo mo le Tausaga Tupe fou 2016, nai lo le Paketi o le Tausaga Tupe lenei 2015, e pei ona taua e le afioga i le ali i kovana ia Lolo Matalasi Moliga, i sana tusi sa tuuina atu i ta ita i o le Fono Faitulafono i le aso ananafi, ina ua tauaao aloaia atu e le faigamalo le Paketi i le Fono mo lona iloiloina. Na taua e Lolo i lana tusi e fa apea, o le paketi mo le tausaga tupe fou 2016, e $417.8 miliona ($417,854,000), tusa lea e $6,629,500 ua fa aitiitia mai ai i le paketi o le tausaga tupe lenei 2015 i le aofa iga e $424,483,500. Mai alagatupe tetele e fa (4) o loo faatupe mai ai le paketi a le malo mo le tausaga tupe fou 2016, e lua (2) vaega tupe o loo faaitiitia ai tupe maua a le malo, ae o isi alagatupe e 2 o loo maitauina le siitia ai o tupe maua. Mo tupe lotoifale, e 2% lea ua valoia e le malo e fa aitiitia ai tupe maua i le tausaga tupe fou, nai lo tupe sa valoia e maua i le tausaga tupe lenei, ae 5% lea ua valaoia e fa aitiitia ai tupe maua mai Tupe o loo maua mai i Tautua ma Auaunaga (Enterprise Funds). I le tausaga tupe lenei 2015, e $106,240,000 na valoia e le malo e maua mai i tupe lotoifale, peita i mo le tausaga tupe fou 2016, e $104,416,000 ua valoia e maua, tusa lea e $1,824,000 ua fa aitiitia ai, ae mo Tupe mai Tautua ma Auaunaga, e $206,938,000 sa valoia e maua mo le tausaga tupe lenei 2015, a o lea ua valoia e le malo, e na o le $196,724,000 e mafai ona maua i le tausaga tupe fou 2016, tusa lea e $10,214,000 le eseesega. Na taua e Lolo i ta ita i o le fono e faapea, o le 75% o le paketi mo le tausaga 2016, ua fa amoemoe e alu lea i le fa atupeina o tautua ma auaunaga ua mae a ona faataoto mo le taliina o manaoga o tagata lautele, e ui o lea ua valoia le fa aitiitia o tupe lotoifale i le maualuga e 2%. (Faaauau itulau B3) C Y M K Saunia: L.A.F./Naenae Productions MALOLO LE MANU SAMOA, SAUNI IPU O LE LALOLAGI Na faaalia le fa anoanoa o le alii faiaoga ulu o le Manu Samoa, le susuga Steven Betham, ona o le faiaina o le Manu Samoa i le la sailiga siamupini ma le au malosi a Fiti i le vaiaso nei, lea na manumalo ai Fiti i ai e 39 i le 29, ma ua siamupini ai Fiti i le ta amilosaga o le ipu o le Pasefika. Na saunoa Betham, o le fa atamala lava o le Manu na mafua ai ona sao Fiti i lea taaloga, ma ua manino itu e ao ona toe fa aleleia i a latou sauniuniga mo le ta amilosaga o le ipu o le lalolagi ia Setema. Na ia saunoa foi, e ui e lei tau lau ole fa amoemoe, ae o se avanoa taua lea sa maua e tama taaalo o lo o taumafai mo le au mo le ipu o le lalolagi. Fai mai a ia, e maualuga lona talitonuga e lelei atu le taumafai a le au o le a filifilia a le Manu Samoa mo le ipu o le lalolagi nai lo o le au na taaalo i le ipu o le Pasefika. TOATELE PAGOTA SOSOLA MAI TAFAIGATA O le po o le aso Toonai na te a nei na tulai mai ai se solaaga a pagota e to asefulu mai le falepuipui i Tafaigata ma o le pagota aupito i laititi sa aofia ai e na o le 13 tausaga. Na faamaonia lea solaaga e le alii komesina lagolago o le Matagaluega o Falepuipui, le susuga Ulugia Niuia Aumua, ma na ia taua, sa mafai ona sosola ese ia pagota e ala i se pu i le puipui o lo latou sela. Na faamatala e Ulugia e faapea, sa faapu e ia pagota le puipui o le sela seia oo ina mafai ona ofi ai le pagota aupito i tino laititi sa i ai. Ina ua oo lea pagota i fafo, sa ia faalauteleina le pu ma sa faapea ona sosola ese mai ai le isi toaiva sa i totonu o le sela. Peitai na faaalia e Ulugia, ua toe maua uma ia pagota. Fai mai a ia, e toatolu pagota sa i ai i totonu o le sela e lei o ai i lea solaaga. Na maua le toafitu i le aso Sa ae na maua le isi vaega i le aso Gafua. Na saunoa Ulugia, e i ai mafuaaga ua tulai mai ai le faigofie ona sosola ese pagota mai le toese. Na ia faaalia, e le lava le latou aufaigaluega i le taimi nei toe leai se pa e siomia ai le lotoa o le toese. Na ia faaalia, e toafitu le latou aufaigaluega o lo o faamalolo le tumau ao faia suesuega i se mataupu o lo o ua i luma nei o le Faamasinoga, ma seiloga lava e maua le faaiuga o lea mataupu faatoa mafai ona toe faafaigaluega nisi tagata. (Faaauau itulau B4) E te fia Poka? LUA MEA TATALA AI FAITOTOA O LE TAAVALE Sa nonofo lava le isi auvaega i luma o le fale na inu ai o la kofe, ae vaai a latou neighbor fou ua tu u i le fale. Ua tu le taavale ma le vaai atu o le auvaega lea, ua alu ifo le tamaloa i le itu o le fafine, ma tatala le faitotoa. Vaai atu ua faatoa oso mai le fafine i fafo. Fai mai loa Lose, A alii Mika, ai se a e faapela ai le tamaloa le la, e tu loa le taavale tatala lana faitotoa tamo e loa i le itu o le pasese tatala le faitoto a a le fafine? Fai mai le malamala a Mika, E lua lava mea oute masalosalo i ai, (1) e manumanu i lana taavale fou, e musu e tago le fafine e tatala le faitotoa, i te i ua maosia ai le taavale. (2) e le iloa pe maua le fafine i le gugu ia ae tailo i ai. (3) ae se upu e alofa moni i le fafine, oute le auai i lena mea. E FAATALI LAITITI Ua oti nei Etuale ma ua alu lona agaga i le mea e faatalitali ai le taimi e fai ai le faamasinoga. E tilotilo atu Etuale, ua o atu isi agaga o tagata ua feoti, ona tago lea o Satani ua tuu ese, ae a o atu isi agaga ona togi lea i totonu o le afi. Fesili atu Etuale ia Satani, O le a le mea e te tago ai tuu agaga na i le isi itu ae o isi agaga na tatogi i totonu o le afi?. Fai mai loa Satani, Leai e tutusa uma lava agaga, ae o agaga na o tagata Samoa ia e feoti mai luga i Alaska i le malulu, lea e tau faamatutu atu ona togi lea i totonu o le afi ma le pe o le afi.

2 Page B2 samoa news, Thursday, August 6, 2015 O se va aiga i le afioga le CEO o le Falema i, Taufetee John Faumuina (itu taumatau), ua alu atu mamao mai Amerika Samoa ina ia fa amalo aloaia i lona atali i o Prince John Faumuina ua fa ai u manuia a oga fa amiliteri i Fort jackson i South Carolina i le aso ananafi. O le taeao nei e faia ai le faauuga. O nisi o le au fa au u ma lona atali i lea ua pu ea mai le latou ata lenei. [ata: foa i] O Faiva e Tapua ia, E Manuia! tusia: Leua Aiono Frost E to a 11 alo o Amerika Samoa sa a otauina i tomai fa amiliteri i Fort Jackson i Columbus, South Carolina ua fa amanuiaina nei a latou taumafaiga, ma o se tala fiafia, ua pasia uma lava i latou na o atu fa atasi mo lea fa amoemoe. O le aso ananafi sa faia ai le faauuga. O i latou nei: SPC Tuinei, Matthew atali i o Fa afetai ma MaiavaTuinei o Fagasa ma Faga itua; PFC Magele, Glory o le afafine o Avea ma La ala ai Magele o Pago Pago; PFC McFall, Malaea o le alo o Keith ma Meanoa Mageo-McFall o Pago Pago; PFC White, Snow o le afafine o Charlie ma Silia White o Vaitogi; PV2 Tavila, Hillary o le alo o Elena ma Fa aliga Tavila o Faleniu; PV2 Tupua, Sonny o le atali i o Lotu ma Ali itasi Tupua o Pago Pago; PVT Faumuina, Prince o le alo e fa asino i le tofa Taufete e John ma Akenese Faumuina o Nu uuli, Leloaloa ma Pava iai; PVT Huakau, Tulei o le afafine o Nika ma Orlando Eugenio o Nu uuli ma Tafuna; PVT Hunkin-Vasa, Olivia o le afafine o Iva ma Maiava Hunkin mai le afio aga o Futiga ma Tafuna; PVT Langkilde, Zachary o le alo e fa asino ia Lolua ma Joe Langkilde o Pava ia i; ma PVT McCudding-Steffany, Iliganoa o se alo e fa asino ia Dion ma Penina Steffany o Fagasa ma Vaitogi. O le aso ananafi sa fa atasia ai i latou nei ma latou matua uma na mafai ona asiasi atu ia i latou ina ia fa atasi ma latou fitafita fa au uina, a o le i tu uva a ese i latou i nofoaga e toe fa aauau ai le latou tautua i le Militeri. Ia manuia lo outou soifua tautua i vaega au, Toa o Samoa. Mai nisi o tama ita i Samoa o lo o alaala tumau i lea foi nofoaga a le US Army, ua fa ailoa mai e Lesili Lee ma Pele Hunkin, O aso Sa ta itasi e faia ai sauniga lotu, e sili ona fa afiafiaina i matou ua foliga mai e pei o matou fa atasi pea ma aiga i Samoa, ona o matou pesega fa asamoa e fia fa afofoga tele i ai tagata eseese e o mai i sauniga si itia i le Atua i le Solomon Temple. Afai e tu ufa atasia i matou ma le ta pese i le amataga ona faia lea o matou pesega a o le i faia le sauniga, ae afai e amata le sauniga ae le i faia lea pesepesega, ona matou fa atasi lea pe a maea le sauniga ma faia lea sao mo le Atua, ia fa atasi ai i matou uma i le vaiaso atoa. O le matou misia fo i lenei vaega o le fanau, o Toa Samoa i lenei a ai e a otauina ai i latou i faiva fa amiliteri. Ua fa ailoa mai fo i, e to atasi le isi Toa Samoa fou sa fa ato a fa atasi atu ae ua amatalia le latou aufaipese, o le tama ita i lea o PVT Uiagalelei, Irene o se alo e fa asino ia SFC Uiagalelei Ira ma le faletua o Shareen Uiagalelei o Futiga ma Nuuuli. Ua fa ailoa mai fo i, ua fa amanuiaina le taumafai a le atali i ulumatua o le ali i Drill Sgt SFC Lee, Francis ma le faletua o Lesili Lee o Nuuuli, le ali i talavou o Francis Lee Jr. lea ua ulufale nei o ia i le Air Force ina ua mae a lana su ega ma ua pasia e ia togi e agava a ai. O se fiafiaga lea ia i ma ua, aua o lenei tama sa tele se taimi na tausia ai o ia e matua o le tama, peita i, ua ma ua o atu ma toe aumai, ina ia fa atasia ma i ma ua ma ona uso, lea ua matou fiafia ua fa amanuiaina lana taumafaiga, fa afetai i le Atua i lana fa asinomaga ia te ia, ose tala fiafia lea a Lesili Lee. O se va aiga i le aiga fiafia na tapena e tama ita i o Pele Hunkin ma Lesili Lee ma le fanau uma i South Carolina mo le latou taligamalo mo aiga uma ua masi i atu e auai i le fa au uga o le fanau mai a oga fa amiliteri i Fort Jackson, South Carolina. O le aso ananafi lea sa faataga ai i latou e mafuta ma latou fanau sa a otauina. [ata: foa i pele hunkin] UAEALESI MOSOOI A LE FAFINGE FAIKAKALA tusia SAM TULAGA MANUIA AU TA AALO Am. SAMOA LENEI TAUSAGA, PEITA I Maua lelei i uaealesi mosooi a le Fafige Faikakala tulaga manuia sa mafai ona ausia e au ta aalo a Amerika Samoa i lenei tausaga, e pei o au ta aalo sa tausinio i Ta aloga o le Olimipeka mo i latou e i ai manaoga fa apitoa o le tino, aemaise ai Ta aloga a le Pasefika i Papua Niu Kini i le masina na te a nei. Fa alogologo ma le toto a le Fafige Faikakala i ripoti e fa atatau i au ta aalo sa tausinio i ta aloga eseese ia e lua, ae taia loa lana fa alogo i le tulaga sa i ai le au a Amerika Samoa i Papua ma nai fa aletonu sa tula i mai ai. E tusa ai o tala ua maua e le uaealesi mosooi a le Fafige Faikakala, e le i amata ta aloga i Papua ae vevesi le au a Amerika Samoa ina ua salalau tala i le nofoaga sa api ai le au, e lua Sports Minister a Amerika Samoa sa malaga, ae o le itu na atili ai ona tau puni le manava a le Fafige Faikakala, e i ai tagata ta aalo sa tatau ona ave i le malaga, peita i ua taofi ae ave ai isi tagata e leai ma se mea na aoga i ai i Papua. E le tuua i lalo e le Fafige Faikakala tulaga manuia sa mafai ona ausia e au ta aalo a Amerika Samoa, pau le fa anoanoaga, afai o le faiga lenei i soo se taimi e malaga ai au ta aalo, o le faia o faiga le faamaoni i le ave o tagata e leai ma so latou aoga i au ta aalo, ona popole ai loa lea o le Fafige Faikakala, ona o le afu sisina a le atunuu, malo, aemaise ai fo i ma tagata totogi lafoga i le faataulagaofo atu o tupe e fesoasoani ai i le au malaga, a o lea e tafili saunoa i ai le au le alolofa. O le fautuaga a le Fafige Faikakala ia te outou o loo faia lene amio le alofa o le lafi i tua o fa amatalaga ma upu ae fa aauau pea ona fai mea e le moni, tu u nei loa, o le fili lava o le kama o le maua. Fai aku ai fo i. E LE O SE LAUFALI LE FONO FAITULAFONO Fai si umi o tatagi le telefoni a le Fafige Faikakala i le aso ananafi, a o pisi i le tau fa atulagaina o isi vaega o lana pisinisi fou lea fa atoa tau amata, ae na te i si Fafige Faikakala ina ua tago atu i le telefoni, o le isi ana uo loomatua ua leva ona malolo litaea mai le malo, o loo faasea i le tulaga o loo tula i mai i le Pulega a le Falema i o le LBJ ma le Komiti Fa afoe, faapea ai ma le Fono Faitulafono. Na fa ailoa e le uo loomatua a le Fafige Faikakala i le la talanoaga, E kakau oga malamalama lelei le falema i, e le o le Fogo Faikulafogo o se Laufali, ga ke faia le fa aiuga o le latou laumoli lea o loo vavao ai gei, o le kiuke lava ia o le Fogo, o le fausiaiga lea o Kulafono e maguia ai le malo, o le avaavau mai lea a le uo loomatua i le Fafige Faikakala, ae ina ua fesili i ai le Fafige Faikakala pe i ai sana fautuaga e fia ave i le pulega a le falema i, na mapu sela le loomatua ma faapea lana tala, e magaia fo i le gaioiga a le Fogo lea ua fai, e sili ai le aumai o sui o le Komiti Faafoe a le Falema i se i fesiligia, oga ua le iloa poo ai lea e pepelo a o ai fo i lea e lafi. O le fautuaga a le Fafige Faikakala sa ave i lana uo loomatua, tu u pea le avanoa i sui o le Fono latou te iloilo ma fesiligia ai faafitauli o loo tutupu mai i le falema i, atonu o iina e manino ai le mata o le vai, ae na te i le Fafige Faikakala i le toe faapea mai o le tala mulimuli a lana uo loomatua lea, e sa o fo i oe le uo, pau le mea ua ou kau popole ai, laa le maua ai ma se kaimi e fa aulu ai e le Fogo gi a lakou pili fou e maguia ai le akuguu, ae laa pei o se Fale lalaga a fafige o le gu u le su esu e kala solo i mumugaveve a le falema i, laa o la e su esu e fa alekogu a le falema i, ae le se i fai le ko akele o gei mau kagaka faigaluega fou ua ga o le ka saigi o kogikalake ae leai ma gi galuega o faia, e ga o le usu aku lava feofeoa i solo pei gi Segakoa, ke i lava lea ua koe su e aku ua gimo ae le i ka le 12 i le aoauli, o le mea fo i ali i, e kakau fo i oga fai fuafua mea a le Fogo e ooga le afu, o kupe a kagaka kokogi lafoga ia e fa akupe ai le lakou pakeki i kausaga ka ikasi.

3 samoa news, Thursday, August 6, 2015 Page B3 To atolu tu uaia mataupu na gaoia ai meatotino tagata malaga mai fafo tusia Ausage Fausia E to atolu i latou ua tu uaia e le malo i le fa alavelave lea na osofa i ai e ni tagata potu o le faletalimalo a le Sadies by the Sea i Utulei, lea sa nonofo ai malo mai fafo i le masina o Ianuari 2015, ae ave fa agaoi le tele o meatotino taua sa i ai e aofia ai ma se vaega tupe tele. O i latou e to atolu ua tuu aia i lenei mataupu e aofia ai ali i e to alua ia Tavita Iakopo ma Joe Pitolua, lea o loo tu uaia i moliaga mamafa e lua o le talepe fale i le tulaga muamua ma le gaoi, faapea ai ma se tama ita i e 21 tausaga le matua, o ia lea o Mina Pitolua, o loo tu uaia i le moliaga mamafa e tasi o lona taliaina lea o ni oloa sa ave fa agaoi e ni isi tagata ma tu u atu ia te ia. O le taeao o le aso 23 Ianuari 215 na maua ai e le Ofisa o Leoleo se telefoni mai le Pulega o le Sadie by the Sea e tusa ai o potu o loo nonofo ai se tasi o a latou malo mai fafo na osofa i e ni tagata i le po. Na fa ailoa e le ali i sa nofo i se potu a le Sadie by the Sea i leoleo e fa apea, ao moe i le po o le aso 22 Ianuari, sa ia faalogoina se pao i totonu o lona potu, peita i e le i ala i luga e vaai ona sa matua lagona lona vaivai, ae ina ua malama le taeao na sosoo ai, na ia iloa ai ua leai lana ato sa i luga o le nofoa, e oo foi i le faitoto a o le potu e foliga mai sa tatala faamalosi e se tagata ae ulufale atu i totonu. O meatotino na taua e le alii lea sa i totonu o lana ato e aofia ai lana laptop le ituaiga o le Mac Book Air e $2,000 le tau; Apple ipad e $600; credit card; uati e $8,000 lona tau; Small Walh Bulgari e $800 le ta u; pepa ma fa amaumauga mo ta aloga soka, aemaisea i le tino i tupe e $1,600, lea e fefiloi ai tupe Amerika faapea ai tupe Europa. I le aoauli o le aso 29 Ianuari, na faila ai fo i e le isi malo mai fafo sa nofo i le i si potu o le Sadies sana tagi i le ofisa o leoleo, i lona potu na osofa i e tagata ae ave fa agaoi ana meatotino sa i totonu. Na taua e le ali i lea i leoleo lona vaaia o se ali i pe a ma le 20 tausaga le matua i totonu o lona potu, o lea na ia fai i ai, e sese le potu o loo i ai, ma fa ai u loa i lona tuliina o ia i fafo. O ni molimau sa fesiligia e leoleo e uiga i lenei mataupu, na mafua ai ona fesootai leoleo i le ali i o Iakopo, ma mafai ai loa ona fa amatala atoa e Iakopo le la gaioiga ma le ali i o Pitolua i le osofaiga lea o potu e lua o le Sadie by the Sea e pei ona taua. Na taua e le ali i o Pitolau i leoleo, ina ua leai se isi na tali mai i totonu o le tasi o ptu na muamua loa ulufale Iakopo i totonu ma ia mulimuli atu ai loa fo i ma ia, ma la ave fa agaoi ai meatotino e pei ona taua sa aveesea. Na fa ailoa e Pitolau i leoleo, sa ia ave le laptop, ma le tele o isi mea sa gaoi, faatasi ai ma le tupe e $500, ae sa ia tuu ia Iakopo le $300, ae ina ua fesiligia e leoleo le tama ita i o Mina Pitolau, sa ia faamaonia ai le tu u atu e lona tuagane o ni isi o mea sa ia aumaia fa agaoi mai le faletalimalo, e aofia ai ma le tino i tupe e 500 pauni Peretania ma le US$60, ona alu lea i le Western Union ma fa aliliu ai le pauni Peretania i le tupe Amerika. Ina ua fesiligia atili e leoleo ia Mina, sa ia ioeina ai lona iloa lelei o oloa ma le tupe sa tuu atu e lona tuagane ia te ia, o mea gaoi, ae sa ia taliaina lava. O loo taofia pea i latou nei i le toese i Tafuna e fa atalitali ai le isi a latou iloiloga lea ua fa atulaga e faia i le masina o Oketopa, ina ua le mafai ona latou totogiina le tupe ua mae a ona fa atulaga e tatala ai i latou i tua. Tausaga Tupe fou 2016 Mai itulau B1 I tulaga o tupe ua valoia e le malo e fa atupe mai ai lana paketi mo le tausaga tupe fou, e $66.5 miliona lea ua valoia e maua mai i lafoga; $1.3miliona e maua mai i Laisene ma Pemita; $3.2 miliona e maua Totogi ma Faasalaga; $6.5 miliona e maua mai i Tautua ma Auaunaga; $2.5 miliona e mauam ai i isi auaunaga ma tautua, $5.3 miliona e maua i auaunaga a mataluega, ma le $ miliona e maua i auaunaga lotoifale a le malo. I le silasila mamao a le faigamalo i le tulaga o lona tamaoaiga, na saunoa ai Lolo e fa apea, o le tamaoaiga o le teritori o loo fa alagolago malosi lea i le tulaga e taoto i ai le mataupu i totogi maualalo i le atunu u. Afai ae talia e le Konekeresi le talosaga ina ia toe fa aauau atu i tua le fa amalosia o le totogi amata, o le a tulaga lelei le tamaoaiga o le malo, ae afai e le mafai, o le a leai se fa amoemoega o le tamaoaiga o le atunu u ma le malo. Na taua e Lolo e fa apea, i le avea ai o ta iala na fa ataoto mo le tamaoaiga ua maua a ai tulaga manuia o le tamaoaiga i le taimi nei. Sa ia taua atili fo i i ta ita i o le fono e faapea, o tupe maua e pei ona valoia e le malo, o loo fuafua lea i luga o le talitonuga, e talia e le konekeresi le talosagaina ina ia toe faaauau atu i tua le taimi e faaopoopo ai le isi vaega o le totogi amata, ae afai e le sa o fuafuaga a le malo e fa atatau i totogi amata, o le a toe asiasi le malo i tulaga o ana tupe maua fa alotoifale, ina ia mautinoa e toe faia i ai ni suiga e talafeagai mo tupe maua. O se va aiga i le vasega o Toa Samoa, o alo o le atunu u sa a otauina i tomai fa amiliteri i Fort Jackson i Columbus, South Carolina, lea o le fa au uina i le taeao nei, i Fort Jackson ma ua fa afiafiaina ai o latou aiga ae maise matua uma iinei ma i latou ua fa atasi atu mo lea fa amoemoe o le fanau. Vaai lomiga o le To asavili mo le tala fiafia i nei alo o Amerika Samoa. [ata: foai] Samoa Tuna Processors, Inc. Employment Opportunity CLEANING MANAGER-NIGHT Samoa Tuna Processors, Inc. (STP) in Atu u currently has an immediate opening for the Cleaning Manager-Night of STP s Production Department. Required and desirable qualifications for sucessful candidate include: High school graduate or basic science or equivalent experience. Five (5) years of tuna production processing experience, preferably in low acid canned food with at least two (2) years at senior level. Experience in directing and managing a 400+ member work force. High School level English writing and verbal communication skills essential. Effective Samoan communication ability desirable. Knowledge of product safety, sanitation and of regulatory requirements such as FDA, OSHA, EPA, NMFS, etc. Certified in Organoleptic Sensory training and Better Process Control School preferred. Competent in the use of MSOffice software, Word, Excel, Outlook, etc. essential. Good and verifiable employment references required. Competitive senior management salary and benefits commensurate with qualifications. For consideration, bring or send a copy of your resume including, relevant certifications, verifiable references and application by August 13, 2015 no later than 4:00pm to (applications may be obtained at): Samoa Tuna Processors, Inc. Attn: Human Resources Department P.O. Box 957 Pago Pago, American Samoa smauga@trimarinegroup.com An Equal Opportunity Employer

4 Page B4 samoa news, Thursday, August 6, 2015 Le taimi o le faigalotu a le maota o sui i le aso Lua na te a nei. [ata AF] Nofo tatalo afioga i faipule i fa afitauli o loo a afia ai malo ma le atunu u tusia Ausage Fausia E le gata o loo talosia e le maota o sui i ana talosaga i taeao ta itasi se fesoasoani mo fa afitauli o loo a afia ai le atunu u ma le malo, e pei o fa afitauli o loo a afia faapea ai le pulega a le falema i. Saunoa Vesi i luma o le maota e faapea, e le mafai e le komiti ona faataunuu se iloiloga mo se tagata se to atasi, ae sili pe a toe tolopo le iloiloga se i avanoa Fa afoe, ona o lea e fa aauau pea ona safa tagata i aso ta itasi, o loo vaaia fo i le maliliu pea o le atunu u. Saunoa atili Vui e faapea, e tatau lava ona finau le fono e fa atino lana pito laau, ina ia mautinoa e foia ai le pulega a le Falema i i Fagaalu, ae o loo galulue uma mai sui o le komiti faafoe ma le pulega a le falema i. faafitauli o loo aafia ai le auaunaga a le falema i i le fo i afioga i Faipule i le tau sailiia lea o ni auala e foia ai nei fa afitauli. Na fa ailoa e le Fofoga Fetalai ia Savali Talavou Ale i le vaiaso nei e fa apea, e le avea le le avanoa mai o sui o le Falema i ma le Komiti Fa afoe ma auala e taofia ai galuega a le Fono, e tatau pea ona fa aauau E lei nofo lelei i le fonagalo o Savali le saunoaga a Vesi, ma ia saunoa ai loa e fa apea, e lei oo mai se faaaliga mai le pulega a le falema i e fa ailoa mai ai le le avanoa o sui o le komiti fa afoe poo sui o le pulega a le falema i. E le tatau ona tolopo le iloiloga, e tatau lava ona atunu u. I luma o le maota maualuga i le vaiaso nei na fa alauiloa aloaia ai fo i e le tofa a Tuaolo M. Fruean, o le taitaifono lea o le Komiti o le LBJ/Soifua Maloloina a le senate, le toe tolopo o le latou iloiloga sa fa atulaga mo le vaiaso nei, ona o lea ua maua i ripoti galuega a le Fono ina ia mautinoa o loo tatou galulue fa ataunuu galuega a le maota, o lea e faatali le atunuu o loo malaga isi sui o le komiti faafoe ma le pulega a le e saili ni auala e foia ai fa afitauli o loo a afia ai le falema i ma le soifua maloloina o tagata. O le saunoaga a Savali, o sana tali atu lea i le saunoaga a le taitaifono o le Komiti o le Falema i/soifua Maloloina a le maota o sui ia Vesi Talalelei Fautanu, ina ua ia fa ailoa i luma o le maota o sui, ua mafua ona le taunu u le iloiloga sa fa atulaga ma sui o le falema i i le vaiaso nei, ona e le o avanoa sui o le komiti fa afoe i se gaioiga a le fono e fai, ao lea e fealoalofa i mai sui o le falema i, o le sauoaga lea a Savali, ma ia talosagaina ai loa le maota, e taoto atu le mataupu se i saili e lona ofisa pe moni o loo malaga i fafo sui o le falema i Ae na fa aleo e le afioga i le tama ita i faipule mai le Itumalo o Tuala-uta ia Vui Florence Vaili Saulo e fa apea, e le mama i lona taofi fa aletonu o loo alia e mai i le falema i, i le va o le Pulega ma le Komiti falema i i fafo. Saunoa atili Tuaolo e fa apea, e le taua le valaau o le iloiloga ae le o aofia uma tagata e tatau ona fesiligia e le maota, ae na saunoa le alii peresetene o le Senate ia Gaoteote Palaie Tofau e fa apea, e le toe manaomia e le Senate tagata e le maua mai ai ni tali sa o ma le mautu, se i vagana i latou e mafai ona tali i mataupu o loo atugalu i ai le Fono. Tulimanu o le fa aolataga TAUTALA MA LE POTO LE TAGATA E TUMU I LE AGAGA (Galuega 6:8-15) E faigofie lava ona tatou iloa mana ia e lua e tau nei i le lalolagi, ae maise ai o agaga o tagata, o le lelei ma le leaga. Pe mafai fo i ona tatou faapea, o Satani ma le Agaga Paia. E iloa gofie lava le tagata e fiafia i le leaga, a mata ata ata mai, ae tumu totonu i le agasala, e fai mea uma lava ina ia se egofie mai tagata, ona faato a vaaia o ona uiga mataga e faia. Ao le Agaga Paia, e musumusuina i tatou e aua le faia mea e leaga ai isi au-uso a tagata, e musumusuina oe, i le loto alofa ma le agaga e te alofa i le isi uso e pei lava o oe ia te oe. E pei ona faia nei e Setefano, le tagata ua maua i le Agaga Paia, ua tautala i mea lelei ma le faamanaoni ua tumu i le faatuatua ma le Agaga Paia. E saunoa mai e na o mea lava o le lagi ia e talanoa i ai, e le manumanu fo i i le tino ma lona ola, aua o mea na e toe fo i i le palapala, ae ua ia talanoa ia Iesu Keriso, o le na fai e ia le leleiga o le tagata soifua ma le Atua. Ae o le au Iutaia, lena na tatou te silafia lelei, o loo musu e talitonu ia Iesu, o ia o le Keriso ma ia o le Alo o le Atua Soifua. O le agaga lena o loo tumau pea lava pea, o le tiapolo lena e malosi i tagata Iutaia, lea e taumafai lava e tape le talitonu o tagata o Iutaia, e moni ma faamaoni le mea lea e tautala ai le au Aposetolo. Amene TALA MAI SAMOA Mai itulau B1 AUTU O LE ASO O TAMA O LENEI TAUSAGA O faiga faavae po o iugafono a nuu, o anofale o faiganuu lelei, o le manatu autu lea ua ave i ai le faataua ma le faamamafa a le malo mo le faamanatuina o le aso fa apitoa mo tama o lenei tausaga, e tauala mai le Matagaluega o Tina ma Tamaitai, Atinae o Nuu ma Agafesootai. O le faataua o lenei sini autu, ina ia mafai ai ona faamalosia ma uunaia pulega lelei i nuu ma afioaga e pei ona aiaia i lalo o le tulafono faavae o le Pulega a Alii ma Faipule O faiga faavae ma iugafono, e le taumateina ma fesiligia le taua tele i le nofo va lelei ai o nuu ma afioaga, ma o se tulaga taua e aloaia ma amanaia tele e le malo, e faataua ai le saofaiga mamalu a alii ma faipule, ona o a latou faaiuga fai, e ogatasi ma faaiuga fai a le malo mo le uunaia o faiganuu ia lelei. O le taeao ananafi la lea na fa atautaia ai se polakalame taua i le maota o Tooa Salamasina i Sogi e fa alauiloa ai nisi o galuega mai afioaga e iva ua filifilia, e taimua ai lava i le sini autu. E lima afioaga mai Savaii ae fa afioaga mai Upolu nei, lea ua ave i ai le faataua o lea polakalame. Sa faapea foi ona fa alauiloa ai ma se lipoti o suesuega a le matagaluega i nisi o mataupu faatauaina tele, e aofia ai le tulaga faataitai o tina ua avea ma matai, ma nisi o lipoti mai suesuega a le matagaluega ma ana paaga, e aofia ai mataupu tau soifua maloloina mo tina ma tamaitai i Samoa nei, faapea mataupu tau aia tutusa. VAELUAINA O LE ITUMALO SAFATA Ua toe tolopo i le masina o Novema ia le iloiloga o le talosaga a nisi o matai o le itumalo Safata i le Faamasinoga ina ia toe iloilo le vaeluaina o le itumalo i lalo o le tulafono ua pasia e le malo, mo le faiga palota lautele a le atunuu i le tausaga fou. O lenei talosaga a le itumalo Safata o lo o taulamua ai le alii sa avea muamua ma sui faipule o le itumalo i le paeaiga ua mavae, le afioga Tuia Paepae Letoa. O lea iloiloga sa tuu e faagasolo i le Faamasinoga o Fanua ma Suafa i le aso Lulu na sei mavae atu nei, ae peitai sa fa ailoa mai e se sui sinia o le Matagaluega o Faamasinoga e faapea, ua toe tolopo le mataupu i le aso 3 o Novema, Na ia fa ailoa foi, ua talia e le peresetene o le Faamasinoga o Fanua ma Suafa, le afioga Tagaloa Sale Kerslake, ia le talosaga a Tuia ina ia toe tolopo lea mataupu ona e malaga o ia i fafo i le vaitaimi na faatulagaina e faia ai. E pei ona silafia, o lo o tetee pea le toatele o matai o le itumalo Safata i le vaeluaina e le malo o lo latou itumalo mo le faiga palota i le tausaga fou, lea ua vaeluaina ai ia Alataua ma Sa Tunumafono. O lo o finau le itumalo, e le o tuaoi ia na fa avaeina e o latou tua a ua lagomau mai i Tia Sa, ae o Siulepa ma ona Tua faapea Togamau ma ona Tua.

5 samoa news, Thursday, August 6, 2015 Page B5 Tala otooto mai le Fono Faitulafono tusia Ausage Fausia FESILIGIA VUI SE GAIOIGA A LE FONO E FA ATATAU TOTOGI AMATA Ua talosagaina e le tama ita i faipule mai le Itumalo o Tualauta, afioga Vui Florence Vaili Saulo le Fofoga Fetalai o le maota o sui, ina ia silasila toto a ta ita i o le fono i se gaioiga e tatau ona faia, e fa atatau i le mataupu o le totogi amata lea o loo fuafua e toe fa aopoopo le isi $0.50 i le aso 30 Setema, Saunoa Vui e fa apea, i le avea ai o lenei mataupu o se mataupu e sili ona taua mo le atunu u atoa, e tatau i le Fono ona silasila toto a i ai, ina ia oo atu i le taimi o loo fuafua e fa ataunuu ai le isi siitaga ae ua mautu se finagalo o le Fono. Sa ia fa ailoa atili i luma o le maota o sui ananafi e fa apea, pe malilie i ai le atunuu pe tete e fo i, o le mea moni, o le lumana i manuia o le atunuu ma le malo e sili ona taua. Saunoa le fofoga fetalai ia Savali Talavou Ale e faapea, ua mae a ona taoto atu se finagalo o le Fono Faitulafono i le ali i kovana ma le faigamalo, ma o loo fa atalitali pea i se gaioiga a le malo e fai. Na fa afetaia e Savali ia Vui e tusa ai o lona lagaina o lenei mataupu taua, ae i lona talitonuga, e le o mama fo i i le finagalo o le faigamalo lenei mataupu, ona o se mataupu e ogaoga ma e ono aafia ai le tamaoaiga o le atunuu i soo se itu. I se fonotaga a le Kapeneta sa faia i ni nai masina e le i mamao atu, na taua ai e le afioga i le ali i kovana ia Lolo Matalasi Moliga e fa apea, e lagolagoina e le malo le fa aauau pea o le sii o le isi $0.50 mo totogi amata, ae o lea ua ia fautuaina le Matagaluega o Fefaatautaiga ma Alamanuia a le malo, e ave se tusi i le Feterale, afai latou te malilie ai, pe mafai ona totogi e Amerika le vaega o le totogi maualalo latou te gafatia, ae o le vaega e sili ai e fa atupe mai e le Feterale. E oo mai i le taimi nei, e le i toe maua mai se isi tali mai le faigamalo e tusa ai o lea saunoaga a le ali i kovana, peita i mo sui o pisinisi tua i le atunu u, ua fa aalia lo latou le lagolagoina o lea fuafuaga mai le malo. TELE PEA TULAGA FA ALE- TONU I AUALA I LE ATUNU U E le i talia e le Peresetene o le Senate, afioga Gaoteote Palaie Tofau le ripoti a le afioga i le ali i Senatoa ia Alo Faauuga, o le Taitaifono lea o le Komiti o Galuega Lautele a le maota o le senate, e faapea o loo lelei atoatoa auala i le itu i Sasa e o le motu nei o Tutuila, se i vagana ai le itu i Sisifo o loo fa aletonu. Na taua e Alo i lana saunoaga e fa apea, ua mae a ona ia asia auala i le Falelima i Sasa e, ma ua ia talitonu i le tulaga lelei ua i ai auala, se i vagana ai le Falelima i Sisifo o loo mana omia le fa aleleia o auala, ona o loo tele maga ala o loo fa aletonu. Na vave ona fa auilavea Gaoteote i le saunoaga a Alo ma ia saunoa e faapea, e le iloa poo fea tonu auala i le Falelima i Sasa e na asia e le ali i Senatoa, ae o auala lava ia i Vatia, e matua tele le leaga ma le faaletonu. Na fautua Gaoteote ia Alo e toe alu se isi ana asiasiga i Vatia se i ona fa amaonia ai lana molimau. I le taeao ananafi i luma o le maota o sui, na fa afetaia ai e le ali i faipule ia Fatulegae e Mauga le alii kovana ma le faigamalo, ona o le tulaga matagofie ua i ai auala i le Falelima i Sasa e. O le iloiloga a le Komiti o Galuega Lautele a le maota o sui lea sa fuafua e faia i le vaiaso nei ma le Faatonusili ia Faleosina Voigt, ua le fa ataunu uina, ona o loo toesea le tama ita i fa atonu, ae o le a fa ataunu uina i le vaiaso fou. LOIA MO LE FONO FAITULAFONO Ua toe talosagaina e le afioga i le ali i senatoa ia Soliai T. Fuimaono le peresetene o le Senate ia Gaoteote Palaie Tofau, mo se avanoa e saili ai se isi loia fautua a le fono, e fesoasoani i le ali i loia Samoa o loo i ai, ona ua faigata le tulaga ua i ai le soifua maloloina o le ali i loia ia Henry Kapell o loo avea ma loia fautua a le Fono, ona ua matua fo i le soifua o le ali i loia. Saunoa Soliai e faapea, o le fa afitauli lea ua tula i mai, ua tele pili ma i ugafono o loo mana omia le fia faia, ae ua tuai ona e le gafatia e le alii loia Samoa o loo i ai ona fai to atasi le galuega, ae mana omia se isi loia la te to alua. Saunoa Gaoteote e faapea, o loo galulue ai pea lona ofisa i le mataupu lea, ae o se mataupu e taua tele. Ina ua fa atoa fesiligia e Soliai le mataupu lenei i le amataga o le tausaga, na saunoa ai Gaoteote, o le masina o Iulai o loo fa amoemoe e taunuu ai le loia fou a le fono, peita i o lea ua savalia Aokuso e le o i ai lava se loia. O se va aiga i le keke sa tufatufaina i le to atele o lo o aga i atu ina ia taua aoina latou pepa Food Stamp o lenei masina, ua atoa i ai le 21 tausaga o le polokalama aoga tele mo tatou tagata o lo ua agava a ai. [Tala e tusa o lea tautua, o le a lomia lea i le tatou lomiga a taeao.] O i la ua sa lautogia e tufa atu le keke mo i latou uma i le aso ananafi o Jeanette Tuli ma Vincent Toeava, ae o le tina matua o Sina Bernard sa auai atu mo sina fasi keke ma lana pepa food stamp. [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] Invest your time and resources in economic and community development in the Territory Meeting to discuss ways that you can help start a COMMUNITY KITCHEN INCUBATOR Create more jobs PUBLIC MEETING Support the production of local food products Encourage healthy eating Come meet with Mary Lou Surgi and Smithson Mills from Blue Ridge Food Ventures, a commercial kitchen incubator in North Carolina. They need your input to help with a feasibility study being conducted with DBAS to be presented to possible funders for the construction of a Commercial Kitchen Incubator in American Samoa If you have any questions, please call Jilla Piroozamandi (DBAS) at When: Friday August 7, 2015 from 9 a.m to 12Noon Where: Goat Island Conference Room, Sadie s by the Sea. This study is funded by Economic Development Administration (EDA)

6 Page B6 samoa news, Thursday, August 6, 2015 FOR SALE Panasonic AG-AC160A AVCCAM HD camcorder $2500 includes carrying bag, 3 batteries, charger, and filters. Go-Pro Hero 3, black edition with various attachments and GoPole: $750. Pro-Am 8' camera crane: $250. Slider, shotgun mic, and more! Perfect for church productions. All in great condition. Available August 11. CASH ONLY! Dan: (310) or message HELP WANTED Crichton s Healthy Living is looking for 5 FARMERS, preferably with 2+ years of experience. Call HELP WANTED Iveian Fashion is looking for 2 SEAMSTRESSES, preferably with 5+ years of experience. Call or TALA TAALOGA FA ALILIU: THA TAUSAGA MUAMUA; MANA O (TE) WALFORD E AMATA E ui o Clive Walford e fou i le au a le Raiders, ae ua matua i fefeu lava ana taumafaiga i lona taalo malosi ona o le musu lea e i ai se mea e sese, talu ai lona naunau e fia numera tasi i le Oakland Raiders. E le tuu mamaina foi e le tama tuai ia Mychal Rivera lenei mataupu, ina ia aua lava nei i ai se mea e sese ai, e le manao foi ia e numera lua, e manao foi ia numera tasi. Oute iloaina le naunau mai foi o Rivera i lona fia maua o le tulaga muamua, ae ua lelel lava e malosi foi le tauvaaga e fai nei i le ma tulaga. Oute fiafia foi i ai, e tele ai mea e mate tilotilo i ai ma le toto a, o Walford lea. Na muamua o atu i le toagalauapi (camp) i le Aso Sa ia tama fou (rookies) ae na o atu i le aso Tofi tama tuai, ma o le mea lea ua fai, ua tauva i le tulaga muamua (starters). E faapena uma lava tulaga o loo tausinio i ai tama taalo, a faaletonu lava lea, ua me i ae i lalo ae me i atu le isi i luma. O le faamaoni lava lea e fai ai le mea nei, a e sasi lava o lou faatamala lava lena o oe i lou tulaga, ua e me i i tua ae sau le isi i lau tulaga. A e maua loa le tulaga muamua i lenei vaiaso, ia polesi loa lou tulaga, o le tala lea a le faiaoga o le Raiders ia Jack Del Rio. MANUMALO AMERICAN PHARAOH I tu uga solofanua i le faaiuga o le vaiaso sa faia i le setete o New Jersey, sa manumalo ai American Pharaoh i le tuuaga o le William Hill Haskell Invitational. Ma o lea solofanua ua ia maua ina le Triple Crown mai le tele o tausaga ua te a. O le solofanua e maua ina le faailoga o le Triple Crown, pe afai e manumalo i tuuga tetele e tolu: Kentucky Berby, Belmont Stakes ma Preakness. O le manumalo a American Pharaoh i Haskell ua maua ai le faailoga tupe e $1.5 miliona. O lea manu e ti eti e ai Victor Espinoza, ae toleni e Bob Baffert. Ae le i faia le tuuaga, sa saunoa Baffert, O le mea lea ua vaai atu i ai, ua lava le sauniga a American Pharaoh. O lea la o le a tatou vaaia le alu i tuuga ia, aua e ese lava le alu i tuuga ia, e ese le taututu u ma isi solofanua e matutua atu. Tala oto oto o le LALOLAGI fa aliliu AF MAGALO LE ALI I MA LONA TUAFAFINE NA TA USALA FASIOTI TAGATA O le ali i ma lona tuafafine lea na faasala i le falepuipui mo le 18 tausaga, ina ua tausala i laua i le fasiotiina o le uo teine a lo la Tama, ua avea nei i laua ma tagata sa oloto, ina ua tatala i tua mai le falepuipui i Florida i laua i le aso Lua na te a nei. O le ali i o Curtis Jones, 12 tausaga le matua i le taimi na loka ai o ia i le 1999, ma lona tuafafine o Catherine e 13 tausaga i le taimi na tula i mai ai le fa alavelave, ua avea nei i laua ma tagata matutua, i le 29 ma le 30 tausaga i le taimi nei. O Curtis ma Catherine na ta usala i le moliaga o le fasioti tagata i le tulaga muamua, e mafua mai i le maliu o le uo teine a lo la tama o Sony Speights e 29 tausaga le matua, lea na maua ua maliu i le Cocoa Beach i le O itu mataina i le tatalaina ai o le ali i ma lona tuafafine, ona e lea i se isi o i laua e iloa ave ta avale, la te le iloa fo i fa aaoga fesootaiga faainitaneti, ma, o le a avea le olaga sa oloto ua la maua o se lu itau tele mo i laua, i le taumafai lea e fa amasani i le televave o le olaga ua i ai tupulaga i Ameika i le taimi nei. TIA I SE PEPE I LE FALE TAELE O loo tau sailia nei e leoleo i le atunuu o Saina le tina e ana le pepa tama ita i lea na tia i i totonu o le fale taele i le aso ananafi. E tusa ai ma ripoti mai le vaega fa asalalau mai fafo o loo taua ai e fa apea, na logo e aiga tuaoi leoleo mo se fesoasoani, ina ua latou fa alogoina se pepe o loo tagi mai i totonu o le ipu o le Fale Taele (tulou). Na aga i atu leoleo ma latou toso mai ai i fafo se pepe tamaita i o loo ola mai totonu o se ipu o le fale taele mo tamaitai ae ua sola ese lona tina. Na fa aalia i nei ripoti le ofo o foma i ma i latou sa molimauina lenei fa alavelave, ina ua maua mai le pepe o loo ola pea lava. E faitau afe ma afe pepe e maua o taatia i solo e o latou tina i vaega eseese o le atunuu o Saina i tausaga taitasi, o le mafuaaga fo i lea na ala ai ona fa avae e Saina se Faalapotopotoga e gafa ma le tausiaina o pepe e ta atia i e o latou tina, ina ia mafai ai ona tausia lelei i latou. O le tele o pepe e masani ona ta atia i e latou matua, e a afia i latou i manaoga fa apitoa o le tino. E oo mai lava i le taimi nei o loo tau sailia pea e leoleo le tina o le pepe sa maua o tia i. MALILIU SUI O LE AIGA O BIN LADEN INA UA PA SE VA ALELE E to atolu sui o le aiga o le ali i o Osama bin Laden na maliliu i le taeao ananafi, ina ua pau se tama i va alele sa malaga ai i le itu i Saute o Enelagi i Peretania. E to afa i latou sa malaga i le va alele na maliliu uma, lea e aofia ai sui e to atolu o le aiga o Osama ma le Pailate o le va alele. E tusa ai o ripoti o loo taua ai e fa apea, o sui e to atolu ua maliliu o le aiga, e aofia ai lona tina, o lona tuafafine, atoa ai ma le to alua a lona tuafafine. O le lenei faalavelave na tula i mai ina ua toe fo i mai se tafaoga a le aiga sa alu i Peretania, ma pau ai loa le va alele i luga tonu o se nofoaga e fa atautu i ai ta avale i totonu o Enelagi i totonu lava o le taulaga, ma e leai nisi na maliliu ai pe manunu a e ese mai i tagata e to afa sa malaga i le va alele. E pei ona silafia, o le ali i o Osama na fasiotia e fitafita Amerika i le masina o Me o le 2014, ina ua osofa i e fitafita le fale sa lafi lilo ai i totonu o Pakisitana. FA ASALA LE ATALI I O MOAMMAR GADHAFI I LE OTI O le aso Lua na te a nei na faasala ai i le oti le atali i o le alii sa avea ma taitai o le malo o Lybia o Moammar Gadhafi, le ali i o Saif al-islam Gadhafi faatasi ai ma isi sa latou fai fai mea faatasi, i le mae a ai lea ona ta usala o i latou i lo latou fesoasoani i faiga saua ma le le alofa a le ali i o Gadhafi, e aofia ai ma le fasiotia o tamaiti laiti. O le tausaga e 2013 na pu e faapagota ai le alii o Saif ma isi sui o le faigamalo a lona tama, ma taofia ai i le falepuipui, peita i o le vaiaso nei na faatoa faataunuu ai le latou faasalaga o le oti, e ala i le ta sisi o latou ua. Candidate who didn t even vote wins Democratic nomination JACKSON, Miss. (AP) The 46-year-old Gray has driven a big rig since the early 1990s truck driver who won the Democratic nomination for Mississippi governor says he spent because Republican Gov. Phil Bryant is failing and said he is making his first run for office nothing on his campaign and knows nobody in to help improve life in a state where poverty is a politics. persistent problem. Gray said he wants to expand He didn t even vote in the primary because he Medicaid and spend more on schools and highways. He has never worked on legislation, but he says he was busy. Robert Gray can t explain how he defeated listens to a lot of public radio while he s driving, the trial lawyer who was the favored candidate and he uses the word infrastructure as casually of the party establishment in Tuesday s primary. as any policy wonk. Gray, who has lived in the Jackson area most Bryant, 60, has held office for about 25 years, of his life, visited the state Capitol on Wednesday a little longer than Gray has been hauling freight. for what he said was the first time and it was at Bryant moved up from state representative to the request of reporters trying to answer the biggest question in this Republican-dominated state: Gray said he s not daunted by Bryant s $2.8 auditor to lieutenant governor and then to governor. Who the heck is this guy? million campaign fund: I hope he spends it, Everybody s been trying to figure out who I because, believe it or not, that helps the economy. am. I guess I m a quiet person, by nature, said Other low-budget candidates have won Democratic nominations in the conservative South in Gray, who uses the CB handle Silent Knight, because, well, he s not exactly chatty. recent years. In 2014 in Tennessee, Democrat Democrats controlled Mississippi politics for Charlie Brown, who had no campaign organization, lost the governor s race by a wide margin decades, but they ve been steamrolled in most governor s races for a generation. Now, many to Republican incumbent Bill Haslam. In 2010 longtime Democrats worry that Gray will simply in South Carolina, unemployed Army veteran be the next hapless victim of a well-funded Alvin Greene won the Democratic primary for a Republican machine. U.S. Senate seat with few public appearances and Does anybody know or has anybody ever no campaign cash; he lost the general election to seen Democratic gubernatorial nominee Robert Republican Sen. Jim DeMint. Gray? Marty Wiseman, a Democratic-leaning Mississippi Democratic chairman Rickey retired political scientist, said on Facebook. Cole met privately with Gray on Wednesday at Wiseman questioned how someone who made the party headquarters, and said he believes that few appearances could carry most counties and the nominee will appeal to voters who are sick win a three-person primary without a runoff: of slick politicians. He brings to the race an Something ain t right about all this. authenticity that s totally unscripted, Cole said.

7 samoa news, Thursday, August 6, 2015 Page B7 BUSINESS & SERVICEDirectory Phone: Fax Hong Kong Restaurant Happy Hour Mon-Sat 3:30pm-7:30pm FREE PUPU BEER - $3.00 ONLY SPECIAL PRICE on wine & liquor Cable TV available Nu uuli CLASSIFIED ADS ARE POSTED ON OUR WEBSITE: AND READ WORLD WIDE! Talofa Video KOREAN, FILIPINO, MEXICAN DRAMA SERIES NOW FOR RENT HAPPY HOUR TUESDAY FRIDAY 4:00pm 7:00pm Special prices on Beer & Cocktails and our Free KARAOKE Come Break the Ice at Ice Breakers Siliva Bro. Band Fridays & Saturdays 3250 Airport Road Pago Pago AS DAILY RATES WEEKLY RATES MONTHLY RATES CALL NOW! Repair, Install, Maintenance Service Electric & Gas Oven, Dryer & Washing Machines Need Life Insurance? Get affordable, permanent protection today. Call NEW ARRIVALS 1. PROJECT ALMANAC 2.SERENA 3.DUFF 4.KINGSMAN: THE SECRET SERVICE Pavaiai Nuuuli Fagatogo SUMMER SPECIAL!!! BRAND NEW ITEMS!! Dell 14 Laptop PC $ Asus 15.6 Laptop PC $ Blu 5.0 Touchscreen Phone $ Apple Iphone 5C $ Sceptre 32 HDTV $ Sceptre 24 FULL HDTV $ Samsung galaxy Tab Tablet PC $ Apple Ipad Mini Tablet PC $ FOR SALE GOT WIC? To qualify for the WIC program, you must meet the following: Proof of residency (e.g. utility bill, cable bill or telephone bill) Pregnant women Breastfeeding mothers Infants (1 day to 1 year old) Please call the WIC office at for more information or visit us on our Facebook page DHSSWIC LAUNDROMAT and ICE BUSINESS Call Josie s RESTAURANT Nu uuli / We Now Serve Ready-Made Breakfast OPEN FOR SUNDAY TOANA I Come and Try our Delicious Samoan Buffett AND MORE!

8 Page B8 samoa news, Thursday, August 6, 2015 American Samoa Government OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR PROCLAMATION 2015 WIC NATIONAL BREASTFEEDING WEEK WHEREAS, breastfeeding remains the most natural way of feeding infants and serves as part of a foundation for life-long health and wellness; and, WHEREAS, exclusive breastfeeding, recommended and supported by the American Academy of Pediatrics, provides benefits that are not received by partially breastfed infants; and, WHEREAS, infants receiving human milk are protected against serious long term health conditions including obesity, respiratory and ear infections, asthmas, allergies, diarrhea, childhood cancer, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and less than optimal brain development; and, WHEREAS, breastfeeding promotes strong family bonds while providing economical and societal benefits through lowered health care costs; and, WHEREAS, a united effort is needed from business, communities, governmental leaders and health care providers to support breastfeeding; and, WHEREAS, the American Samoa WIC Program (ASWIC) of the Department of Human and Social Services has adopted the 2015 World Breastfeeding Month theme of, Breastfeeding and Work - Let s Make it Work!, to recognize and promote breastfeeding support at the work place; and, WHEREAS, government and businesses can ensure that working mothers have an appropriate place and reasonable break time to express breast milk for their nursing child, and communities can support existing laws that protect a mother s right to breastfeed her child in any public location; and, WHEREAS, the United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service and the American Samoa Department of Human and Social Services promote breastfeeding through the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) as well as through other food assistance programs; and, WHEREAS, in an effort to support breastfeeding in American Samoa, the ASWIC employs mothers who have breastfeeding experience as breastfeeding peer counselors to offer breastfeeding education, support, and role modeling using the Loving Support evidenced-based model as its framework, and, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Lolo Matalasi Moliga, Governor of American Samoa, do hereby proclaim the week of August 1-7, 2015, as WIC NATIONAL BREASTFEEDING WEEK in American Samoa and I call upon all government and business leaders and health professionals to celebrate with appropriate events and activities to acknowledge with gratitude the efforts of breastfeeding mothers, fathers, their families, the health and medical professionals and others who provide support, encouragement and help so mothers succeed with breastfeeding. C Y M K IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 10th day of July POLOA IGA FA ALAUA ITELE VAIASO E FA ATAUAINA AI LE SUASUSU O LE TINA 2015 TALUAI, o le fafagaina o pepe i le suasusu o tina, o le auala tausisia fa anatura atoatoa i le fafagaina o fanau laiti ua fai ma faavae o le soifuaga ola maloloina lelei; ma TALUAI, o pepe ua na o le suasusu o tina o loo fafaga ai, ua fautuaina ma lagolagoina e le Sosaiete Faapitoa mo Fanau Laiti i Amerika, o penefiti maua mai ai e le o mafai ona mauaina e pepe o loo fafaga lua i le suasusu o tina ma apa susu; ma TALUAI, o fanau e fafaga i le suasusu o tina, e puipuia mai fa afitauli e aafia ai le soifua maloloina e pei o le tino mamafa, inifeti le mama ma taliga, ma i sela, inifeti o le tino, manava tata, kanesa e aafia ai fanau, Fa afuase ia ona Oti, ma le atina eina o le mafaufau; ma TALUAI, o le fafagaina i le suasusu o tina e faamausali ai mafutaga vavalalata i le aiga ma nisi fesoasoani i le itu tau tamaoaiga e ala i le faaitititia o le tau e puipuia ma togafitia le soifua maloloina; ma TALUAI, o le galulue faatasi e manaomia mai pisinisi, nu u ma alalafaga, taitai o malo ma e o loo feagai ma le tausiga o le soifua maloloina ina ia lagolagoina tina o loo fafaga pepe i o latou suasusu; ma TALUAI, o le polokalama e fitoitonu i Tina ma Fanau i Amerika Samoa, (ASWIC) i le Matagaluega Tautua mo Alagamanuia Lautele ua fa aaogaina le sini o le Masina Faatauaina le Suasusu o Tina i le Lalolagi mo le tausaga nei Fafaga Pepe i le Suasusu o Tina ma Faigaluega Tatou Fa atino Loa! ia fa ailoa ma unaina le sapasapaia o le fafagaina o pepe i le suasusu o tina i fale faigaluega, ma TALUAI, o le malo ma pisinisi ia fa amautinoa ia iai ni nofoaga ma taimi malolo talafeagai mo tina faigaluega e faasusu pe pamu ai le suasusu mo le fafagaina o pepe, o vaega uma e mafai ona sapasapaia tulafono e puipuia ai aia tatau o tina e faasusu ai pepe i nofoaga lautele; ma TALUAI, o le Matagaluega Faatoaga a le Unaite Setete ma le Matagaluega o Alagamanuia Lautele, o Amerika Samoa latou te uunaia le fafagaina o pepe i le suasusu o tina e ala i le polokalame e fitoitonu ma Tina ma Fanau (WIC) atoa ai ma isi polokalama e fesoasoani i taumafa, ma TALUAI, i se taumafaiga mo le sapasapaia o le fafagaina o pepe i le suasusu o tina i Amerika Samoa, o loo fa afaigaluegaina e le polokalama a le WIC tina e iai agavaa ma tomai i le faasusuina o pepe e avea ma faufautua faapitoa e faia ni aoaoga i le faasusuina o pepe, lagolago, ma avea ma fa ataitaiga i le fa aaogaina o le taiala o le Oponi i le Alofa; ma O LENEI, O LE MEA LEA, o a u o Lolo Matalasi Moliga, Kovana o Amerika Samoa, ou te poloaina ai le vaiaso o Aukuso 1-7, 2015, o le Vaiaso e Faatauaina ai le Suasusu o le Tina, i Amerika Samoa, ou te vala au atu i taitai o le malo ma pisinisi ma i latou i le soifua maloloina, ina ia fa amanatu i sauniga talafeagai ma tapenaga e taualoa ai taumafaiga a tina o loo fafaga a latou pepe io latou suasusu, tama ma aiga, ali i ma tamaitai fomai ma e e lagolago i le soifua maloloina, e fa amalosi ma fesoasoani ina ia manuia le faamoemoe o tina e faasusu ia i latou a latou pepe. UA FA AMAONIA, ma ou fa amau fa ailogaina i le aso sefulu o Iulai C Y M K Ad paid for by the American Samoa WIC Program - DHSS LOLO M. MOLIGA Governor of American Samoa

9 samoa news, Thursday, August 6, 2015 Page B9 visit samoa news samoanews.com Classifieds Cartoons aloha briefs & More Shot put star Valerie Adams to miss world champs C Y C Y M K M K New Zealand Olympic champion shot putter Valerie Adams poses for photographers before speaking in a press conference in a hotel, ahead of competing in the Diamond League athletics meeting at the Olympic Stadium in London, Thursday, July 23, (AP Photo) OXNARD, Calif. (AP) Charles Haley walks the sidelines at training camp a little more slowly these days, his gruff exterior softened by a smile as he jokingly chides reporters and team personnel with the Dallas Cowboys. It wasn t an act 25 years ago, when San Francisco was trying to appease one of the NFL s best pass rushers before giving up and trading him to a top NFC rival in the middle of what became a Hall of Fame career. When I went into the NFL, I was a 22-year-old athlete that had an 11-yearold kid inside of me crying for help. But I refused to ask for it, said Haley, the only player with five Super Bowl rings as he heads into his induction Saturday in Canton, Ohio. I think the people that reached out to me were the people that saw me hurting and knew that I needed help and knew I was too dumb or too weak to ask for it. I realize at this stage of my life that it s better to mend fences than to burn them down. Most of those fences were on the West Coast, where Haley reportedly once urinated on the car of Tim Harris after Harris was acquired in a move seen as a challenge to Haley. There was also talk of fights with teammates and lewd behavior in the locker room, both in San Francisco and Dallas. Years later, after Haley retired, the former defensive end was diagnosed as bipolar. Be honest with yourself, you had to know something was wrong with him, right? former teammate Nate Newton said. He just wasn t a normal guy. But when that came out, I m glad he faced it and overcame it and he knows what he has to do to maintain that. Newton was close to Haley then and is now. Newton, who spent almost two years in prison on marijuana trafficking convictions after his career ended, said the locker room in Dallas was simply a better fit for Haley. Everybody was unique, Newton said. Michael Irvin was unique in his own way. Kevin Gogan was unique. Mark Tuinei was unique.... We respected each other. We all had our limits. We knew how far to push each other. A playoff loss to Detroit ended the 1991 season, and coach Jimmy Johnson vowed in front of his team that he would improve the pass rush. Sure enough, the 49ers made Haley available, and Johnson had some Cowboys call their counterparts with the 49ers. He had assistant coaches check with San Francisco s staff. To a man, and of course everybody knew he was an outstanding player, but everybody said he had a passion for the game, Johnson said. He was smart. And he was an extremely hard worker. Regardless of his problems, I knew that if he was smart and would work hard and he had a passion for the game, that I could deal with him. Johnson had a few run-ins with Haley, who eventually asked his coach to stop chastising him in front of other players. Haley said he understood it needed to happen, but asked if it could be in private. And I said, Charles, I can t guarantee you that that s going to happen. But I ll take that into consideration, Johnson said. From that time forward, we had a great relationship. Charles is one of my favorite players. He was fun to coach. He made it interesting. A 1986 fourth-round pick out of James Madison, Haley won Super Bowls with the 1988 and 89 championships with San Francisco. There were back-toback titles with the Cowboys ( ) before the final one in Haley finished with 100 1/2 sacks, half of all-time leader Bruce Smith s total in 19 seasons. He s not even in the top 10 on the Dallas with 34 in five seasons. Haley s back problems limited him late in a 12-season career that actually ended with one more year in San Francisco in 1999 after two years out of the game. But the Cowboys never measured his worth in sacks. Super Bowl. Super Bowl, Newton said about how much difference Haley made for the Cowboys. He was the reason we won the first Super Bowl. We needed a pass rush. We had good corners that turned into great corners WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) New Zealand s Valerie Adams will not defend her shot put title at this month s world championships as she is struggling to recover from shoulder and elbow surgery. The now 30-yearold Adams, who has won the title four times, announced her decision on social media Wednesday from her training base in Switzerland. Adams lost for the first time in 56 meetings over five years as she returned from injury this season, but the two-time Olympic champion said I m glad I made an attempt as it has just boosted my motivation more for the Olympics. She said her recovery from right elbow surgery, particularly, was taking longer than expected, adding no-one said it would be easy but I... will continue to fight and work towards defending my title in Rio Haley takes 5 titles to Hall after gruff years in Dallas, SF because Charles Haley was at that right defensive end. Former 49ers owner Eddie DeBartolo Jr. doesn t measure Haley s career in sacks or Super Bowls. I think his great legacy, besides being a Hall of Fame and great, great football player, is what he s going to do with the rest of his life in helping kids, said DeBartolo, who will introduce Haley in the hall ceremony. That legacy probably is more important than the legacy that he aspired to in football. Haley volunteers with an organization of pro athletes who try to help disadvantaged kids. And he has his own niche in wanting to help young people with mental illness. It s sobering when you get to see other people like you, but yet you see their struggles because they refuse to get a handle on top of it, Haley said. There s no excuses. My parents taught me right from wrong. The mental illness part is just, I was always in a reactionary mode. Now that he s not, he figures there s only so much he can do to repair relationships. I just let people watch the way I am now and try to be a friend, Haley said. How many times can you tell somebody you re sorry? The thing that people want to know is that you have changed. And that s what s important more to me is that I have changed.

10 Page B10 samoa news, Thursday, August 6, 2015 Carolina Panthers Cam Newton, right, poses for a selfie after practice during the NFL football team s training camp in Spartanburg, S.C., Wednesday, Aug. 5, (AP Photo/Chuck Burton) DE Alexander looking to earn back Panthers trust this season SPARTANBURG, S.C. (AP) Frank Alexander wouldn t have faulted the Carolina Panthers had they released him last year after testing positive four times for marijuana and being suspended twice by the NFL. Alexander knows he messed up having to sit out 14 games in He also knows he was on the verge of throwing away his NFL career before checking into a rehab center. The Panthers, however, never gave up on the fourth-year defensive end. This year Alexander is out to repay coach Ron Rivera and the organization for sticking by him. He has set his sights on getting 10 sacks this season and at least two tackles for losses per game. He s eager to help the Panthers win an unprecedented third straight NFC South title rather than be a spectator on the sideline. But first he wants the Panthers to know he won t let them down. When you put yourself in this position, you got to gain the trust back, Alexander said. When you mess up, you got to gain the trust back. Alexander has been working hard to do just that. The 25-year-old has moved up to first-team right defensive end. The team is hoping he can fill the void created by the departure of Greg Hardy, who signed with the Cowboys as a free agent following off-the-field issues of his own. I feel like I can be as good as I set my mind to do, Alexander said. Rivera believes that. He also believes Alexander when he says he s done with drugs. In Rivera s eyes, Alexander is a solid young man who made a mistake, and someone who is doing the right things to make amends. We aren t going to throw guys to the side that are solid young men that have shown us they are committed to trying to make things right, Rivera said. Still, Rivera has called this a make or break season for Alexander, who is in the final year of his rookie contract with Carolina. The 6-foot-4, 270-pound Alexander has a great combination of size, speed and power, but has only sacks in three seasons. He only played in one game last season because of the suspensions. The low point came last September when he couldn t travel with the team to Tampa Bay for the season opener. I was sitting at the house watching the game and cheering them on, but on the inside I was hurting, Alexander said. There wasn t any injury, it was just a decision I made. Now, I m not only affected by this decision, but it affects my family. It bothered him that his two young daughters were questioned by friends and classmates about his drug issues. He vowed to change his lifestyle as much for them as for himself. Instead of lighting up after practice to relax and unwind, Alexander often turns on a video game. You can t do the same thing and expect different results, Alexander said. You know you re at a point where you have to grow up and make choices that will better yourself and your family. Alexander says a prayer of thanks for the secondary opportunity before he steps on the field. It s an opportunity, he knows, he may never get again if he messes up. He s drug-tested frequently by the league, sometimes up to five times per month at random places and times. Another positive test would lead to a mandatory one-year suspension. Most guys don t get the (second chance) that I have, so I m thankful for that, Alexander said. Rivera said he talks with Alexander every day, taking a personal interest in what is happening in his life. He tries to show Alexander that he believes in him, that s he s counting on him and he there s to support him. I m proud that he is doing the things that he should do and has stayed on the straight and narrow, Rivera said. He knows he has to do that. This is his opportunity. He has a family he has to take care of and I think that is part of growing up and understanding the responsibility. NOTES: Linebacker Shaq Thompson, the team s first-round draft pick, was held out of practice after tweaking his hamstring.... Rivera said defensive tackle Kawann Short (back) is expected back to work in the few days, but Star Lotulelei (foot) will miss a couple of weeks.... Rivera said cornerback Chris Houston decided to retire after reinjuring his toe.... The Panthers signed cornerback T.J. Heath and defensive tackle Kenny Horsley and released punter Matt Wile. SPORTS SHORTS Germany down to 3rd in FIFA rankings; Argentina still No. 1 ZURICH (AP) World Cup winner Germany dropped to No. 3 in the latest FIFA rankings, with beaten finalist Argentina still at No. 1. Germany trades places with new No. 2 Belgium as its World Cup results drop in value more than one year later. The Netherlands fell seven places to No. 12, also because its third-place finish in Brazil counts for less in FIFA s calculations over a four-year cycle. Colombia stays at No. 4, and Brazil and Portugal each rise one to Nos. 5 and 6, respectively. Copa America winner Chile climbs one to No. 10. Mexico used its Gold Cup title to rise 14 places to No. 26. Runner-up Jamaica is up 21 to No. 55. The United States, beaten by Jamaica in the semifinals, improves five places to No. 29. Australia s Campbell sisters top field in 100-free heats KAZAN, Russia (AP) Australia s Campbell sisters signaled they will be tough to beat in the 100-meter freestyle after posting two of the top three times in the preliminaries at the swimming world championships on Thursday. Cate Campbell and Sweden s Sarah Sjostrom posted the fastest time in separate heats, each touching the wall in seconds. Swimming one lane over from her sister, younger sibling Bronte Campbell was third in and Olympic champion Ranomi Kromowidjojo of the Netherlands qualified fourth. Cate Campbell is the defending champion, having won two years ago in Barcelona with a time of That experience should help in the semifinals later Thursday, and in the final Friday. Another Australian, Cameron McEvoy, was the leading qualifier for the men s 100 free final later. On a strong morning for Australia, Mitchell Larkin led the 200 backstroke heats in 1:55.88, nearly a full second ahead of secondplaced qualifier Ryosuke Irie of Japan, who touched in 1: Larkin already took gold in the 100 back. Americans Ryan Murphy and Tyler Clary, the Olympic champion, where third and sixth, respectively. Ryan Lochte decided not to defend his title in this event, although the American standout was the overwhelming favorite for gold in the 200 individual medley final later. Jaguars WR Lee injures hamstring in camp practice JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) Jacksonville Jaguars receiver Marqise Lee left practice early Wednesday with a hamstring injury. Lee, who is still recovering from a left knee injury, tweaked his right hamstring midway through practice and didn t return. Coach Gus Bradley says we ll just wait and see to what degree it is and where we go from there. Lee, a second-round draft pick from USC in 2014, missed all organized teams activities and a three-day minicamp because of the knee injury, so the last place he wanted to be during training camp was back on the sideline. Bradley says: I know for him it s disappointing. He really wanted to go. We ll get it figured out. Fortunately it s this time of year and fortunately it s not anything season-ending or anything like that. We ll deal with it. Clowney s father denied bond on attempted murder charges ROCK HILL, S.C. (AP) The father of Houston Texans defensive end Jadeveon Clowney has been denied bond after being charged with two counts of attempted murder in a shooting at a Rock Hill bar. A lawyer asked for bond because Clowney s father, David Morgan, was hurt in the shooting Tuesday. Local media reported that police opposed the request because of the seriousness of the charges. Rock Hill Police Capt. Mark Bollinger says the department added charges based on continued investigation. Morgan was also charged with possession of a weapon during a violent crime, possession of a firearm by someone convicted of a violent crime and carrying a pistol unlawfully, according to arrest warrants. Houston coach Bill O Brien would not comment on the arrest. He did say that the Texans were supportive of all their players. We want our players to have success, he said after practice in Houston. We want them to go into each and every day knowing they have our support. I believe our players know that. A police report from the Rock Hill Police Department says the 45-year-old Morgan was removed from the bar for sitting on a stage. Police say he was seen later at the back of the property before firing several rounds at Braxton Homesley, described in the police report as the victim. Police say Homesley returned fire. Officers picked up Morgan at Piedmont Medical Center. He was being treated for a gunshot wound to the shoulder. (Continued on page B11)

11 SPORTS SHORTS Continued from page B10 Elizabeth Wang, Brad Dalke lead Junior PGA BRYAN, Texas (AP) Elizabeth Wang shot an even-par 71 on Wednesday in the Junior PGA Championship to take a onestroke lead in the girls division, and Brad Dalke s advantage in the boys competition was cut from six to two shots. The 15-year-old Wang, from San Marino, California, had a 4-under 209 total at Miramont Country Club. I ll work on my putting, but hopefully everything else stays pretty good, Wang said. Mariel Galdiano of Pearl City, Hawaii, coming off a victory last week in the Canadian Women s Amateur, was second after her third straight 70. Yujeong Son of Norman, Oklahoma, the first-round leader after a 64, was third at 1 under after a 75. The 17-year-old Dalke, from Hobart, Oklahoma, followed his tournament-record 62 with a 73. He had a 10-under 203 total. I obviously did not play as well as yesterday, but I did not play terrible, Dalke said. I just really couldn t get anything going today.... It s a clean slate now and I have a two-stroke lead going into tomorrow. I wish it could be more, but I can t do anything about it. Cole Hammer of Houston was second after a 67. The 15-yearold played in the U.S. Open at Chambers Bay. It is good to know what you have to do, Hammer said. I can see what my opponents are doing. Lions agree to 4-year extension with linebacker DeAndre Levy NOVI, Mich. (AP) The Detroit Lions have agreed to a fouryear contract extension with linebacker DeAndre Levy. Team President Tom Lewand confirmed the agreement before Detroit s practice Wednesday night. General manager Martin Mayhew had said the previous day that the Lions were negotiating with the 28-year-old Levy, whose contract was up at the end of this season. He is the kind of person that we want to be part of the nucleus of this franchise for years to come, Lewand said. He has shown throughout his career with us that he is deserving of not only the contract that he received today, but of the status of being part of that nucleus. Levy had a career-high 151 tackles (117 solo) last season and is entering his seventh season with Detroit. Securing Levy s services for the next few years is an important move for the Lions, who were unable to sign star defensive tackle Ndamukong Suh to an extension last year. Suh ended up leaving via free agency this past offseason. Levy has started 82 games for Detroit since being drafted by the Lions in the third round in Rice, Irvin set as NFL Legends CAPTAINS for the Pro Bowl NEW YORK (AP) Hall of Fame wide receivers Jerry Rice and Michael Irvin will serve as NFL Legends captains for the Pro Bowl. The NFL announced the captains Wednesday. The Pro Bowl will be played Sunday, Jan. 31 in Aloha Stadium in Hawaii. Last season, Irvin and Cris Carter were captains, with Team Irvin beating Team Carter at University of Phoenix Stadium in Arizona. Rice and Deion Sanders served as captains the previous year, with Team Rice topping Team Sanders in Honolulu. US women s coach Jill Ellis gets contract extension CHICAGO (AP) Jill Ellis has been rewarded with a contract extension after leading the U.S. women to the World Cup title. Next challenge: the Olympics. The U.S. Soccer Federation said Wednesday that Ellis had agreed to a multi-year extension. That leaves Ellis in charge as the Americans prepare for the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. They have won three straight Olympic gold medals, with Ellis as an assistant coach for the last two. Ellis guided the United States to its third World Cup crown last month with a 5-2 victory over defending champion Japan. I think it was a natural progression for me to want to continue with this team, with this program. And continue to push for excellence, and try to continue to keep this program at the forefront as it has been, Ellis told reporters on a conference call Wednesday afternoon. The 48-year-old Ellis took over as head coach of the U.S. team May 16, 2014, leading the women through World Cup qualifying and then to the title in Canada. Sanchez drops appeal of 3-game suspension TORONTO (AP) Toronto Blue Jays right-hander Aaron Sanchez has dropped his appeal of a three-game suspension for throwing at Kansas City s Alcides Escobar in the eighth inning Sunday in a victory over the Royals. Sanchez was ejected for throwing at Escobar after warnings had been put in place. Home plate umpire Jim Wolf issued warnings after Kansas City s Edinson Volquez hit Toronto slugger Josh Donaldson on the left shoulder in the first. Sanchez will begin serving the suspension Wednesday against Minnesota. He ll be eligible to return Saturday, the second game of a pivotal weekend series in New York against the AL East-leading Yankees. Sanchez began the season as a starter but has pitched in relief since returning from a muscle injury. He s 6-4 with a 3.39 ERA. Sanchez has pitched in four of the past six games, including Tuesday s win, and was likely to be rested Wednesday and Thursday, manager John Gibbons said. (Continued on page B12) samoa news, Thursday, August 6, 2015 Page B11 A new permanent display of Marcus Mariota s Heisman Trophy is seen Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2015, in the lobby of the Hatfield-Dowlin Complex at the University of Oregon in Eugene, Ore. (Chris Pietsch/The Register-Guard via AP) Grichuk s solo homer in 13th rallies Cards over Reds 4-3 CINCINNATI (AP) Matt Carpenter tied METS 8, MARLINS 6 it with a solo homer in the eighth, and Randal MIAMI (AP) Closer Jeurys Familia finally Grichuk connected in the 13th in the St. Louis got the last out and New York halted Miami s Cardinals 4-3 victory over the Cincinnati Reds furious six-run rally in the ninth inning, holding on Wednesday night. off the Marlins for its sixth straight victory. Grichuk was moved up to second in the Cardinals struggling batting order. He doubled leading Mets saw the Marlins actually bring the Ahead 8-0 going into the ninth, the NL East- home a run in the sixth inning and hit his 15th potential winning run to the plate. homer in the 13th off Dylan Axelrod (0-1), Cincinnati s eighth pitcher. with two runners on to end it. Familia retired Christian Yelich on a grounder Seth Maness (4-1) gave up a pair of walks in Juan Uribe hit a three-run homer and Lucas two innings. Duda drove in three runs, giving Matt Harvey Manager Mike Matheny changed the batting (10-7) a huge lead. Harvey pitched seven dominant innings, giving up two hits and striking out order Grichuk went from batting eighth on Tuesday to second to try to spark his struggling offense, but the Cardinals didn t get much Mets relievers Eric O Flaherty, acquired six without a walk. going until late in the game. Tuesday from Oakland, Hansel Robles and Left-hander David Holmberg allowed two Familia all struggled in the ninth. runs, including Grichuk s RBI double off the Familia gave up two hits, but got Yelich for top of the wall in center that cut it to 3-2 in his 29th save in 34 chances. David Phelps (4-8) the sixth. was the loser. Carpenter tied it with a homer in the eighth DIAMONDBACKS 11, NATIONALS 4 off J.J. Hoover, only the third that the reliever WASHINGTON (AP) Washington reliever has allowed this season. It was Carpenter s fifth Aaron Barrett threw away a bunt in the sixth homer in his last six games. inning and Arizona quickly broke away, handing ANGELS 4, INDIANS 3 the Nationals their fifth loss in six games. ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) C.J. Cron hit a Down 11-2 in the ninth, the pitching-rich tying two-run single with two out and the bases Nationals resorted to putting utilityman Tyler loaded in the ninth inning against Cleveland Moore on the mound. He retired the first batter closer Cody Allen and pinch-runner Taylor he faced, Arizona star Paul Goldschmidt, on an Featherston scored on a wild pitch, giving the RBI groundout. Los Angeles Angels a 4-3 victory Wednesday. Goldschmidt, Ender Inciarte and A.J. Pollock Allen (1-4), coming in to protect a 3-1 lead each got three of Arizona s 17 hits. for Danny Salazar, was charged with his third Welington Castillo added his sixth homer in blown save in 25 chances after giving up a oneout single to Albert Pujols and two-out walks to The Nationals dropped two games behind the nine games. Erick Aybar and Conor Gillaspie. New York Mets in the NL East. Arizona has won Cron lined an 0-1 pitch to center to tie it, nine of 13. Rubby De La Rosa (9-5) went five and Allen uncorked his fourth wild pitch of the innings for the win. Barrett (3-3) was the loser. season and second of the inning with pinchhitter David DeJesus at the plate. ATLANTA (AP) Madison Bumgarner GIANTS 6, BRAVES 1 The Angels came in 0-44 when trailing after pitched into the eighth inning, Kelby Tomlinson eight. drove in three runs and San Francisco beat Cam Bedrosian (1-0), the son of 1987 Cy Atlanta. Matt Duffy added a two-run double and Young Award-winning closer Steve Bedrosian, pitched a perfect ninth for his first career cisco. The Giants have won 16 of 21. Hunter Pence had an RBI single for San Fran- victory. Bumgarner (12-6), last year s World Series Jose Ramirez and Ryan Raburn hit leadoff MVP and a three-time All-Star, allowed seven homers in the sixth and seventh innings Angels hits, one run and struck out nine in innings. starterhector Santiago. (Continued on page B12)

12 Page B12 samoa news, Thursday, August 6, 2015 SPORTS SHORTS Continued from page B11 Seattle s tone changes as Chancellor holdout reaches 6th day RENTON, Wash. (AP) Kam Chancellor s holdout from Seattle Seahawks training camp has extended to a sixth day. The second-team All-Pro strong safety was absent again from camp on Wednesday as he continues to seek a new contract from the team. Head coach Pete Carroll said it s an issue of concern for both sides. Carroll said he has not had any communication with Chancellor in a few days. Here we have to keep moving and he knows that s what we are called to do and so we re going to do that, Carroll said. But it s a very difficult time for him I think. In addition to the $30,000 a day the team can fine him for his holdout, the Seahawks can now seek a percentage of Chancellor s prorated signing bonus. His daily fines have reached $180,000 with an additional $150,000 kicking in for his sixth day missed. Whitecaps, Sounders tie 1-1 in CONCACAF Champions VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) Lamar Neagle scored for Seattle in the 72nd minute and the Sounders tied the Vancouver Whitecaps 1-1 in a CONCACAF Champions League game Wednesday night. Tim Parker replied for the Whitecaps as both clubs opened Group F play. Neagle scored off a free kick that looped over the penalty area to Andy Rose on the right. He sent a ball back into the box to Neagle and he fired a shot high over Paolo Tornaghi. Parker gave the Whitecaps the lead 11 minutes earlier with a beautiful glancing backheel flick off Pedro Morales corner that beat a Troy Perkins to the far post. The Whitecaps fielded an entirely different starting 11 from their 3-0 road victory over Seattle on Saturday in Major League Soccer, while the Sounders made eight changes. Louisville to face Cal, WKU and Kentucky in non-league play LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) The Louisville women s basketball team will open the season against Cal in a nonconference schedule featuring games against 10 schools that reached the postseason. The Cardinals schedule includes games at in-state rivals Western Kentucky (Nov. 21) and Kentucky (Dec. 10) and a Big Ten/ACC Challenge matchup at Michigan State on Dec. 3. Louisville also will compete in the Gulf Coast Showcase, with a possible meeting with NCAA Tournament participant LSU. First up is Cal on Nov. 15 as the Cardinals seek a third straight win against the Bears. Their home schedule includes Valparaiso (Dec. 5); IUPUI (Dec. 13); Dartmouth (Dec. 15); UT-Martin (Dec. 28) and South Florida (Feb. 15). Louisville, which advanced to the Sweet 16 last season, also plays at Tennessee Tech (Dec. 18) and College of Charleston (Dec. 20). Government demanding Lance Armstrong s medical records AUSTIN, Texas (AP) The federal government wants to see Lance Armstrong s medical records from his treatments for cancer, pecifically whether his doctors knew back in 1996 that he was using performance-enhancing drugs. Court records show that government lawyers subpoenaed the Indiana University School of Medicine on July 30 to provide records of Armstrong s treatments and donations he later made to the school. The demand came in the government s lawsuit to recover millions of dollars in sponsorship money the U.S. Postal Service paid to Armstrong s teams from Penalties could approach $100 million. Armstrong s lawyers have asked a Washington, D.C., judge to block the subpoena. They called the release of records a violation of privacy and noted Armstrong confessed in 2013 to doping to win the Tour de France seven times. In a deposition given July 23, Armstrong admitted doping prior to 1996, his lawyers wrote. 49ers release cornerback Chris Cook SANTA CLARA, Calif. (AP) The San Francisco 49ers have released cornerback Chris Cook, who underwent surgery in late October on a torn hamstring that prematurely ended his 2014 season and sent him to injured reserve. The 49ers like their depth at cornerback with Tramaine Brock and Shareece Wright the expected starters. New addition Wright intercepted a pass by Colin Kaepernick in Tuesday s first padded practice and ran it back approximately 30 yards for a pick-6. San Francisco has a handful of other young cornerbacks competing to be backups. Cook joined San Francisco in March 2014, then received another one-year deal this offseason. In six games last season, he had three tackles, one pass defensed and two tackles on special teams. Riske upsets No. 10 Suarez Navarro to reach quarters STANFORD, Calif. (AP) American Alison Riske changed her schedule this season to include the Bank of the West Classic for a variety of reasons. One of them was to change her luck. The 59th ranked Riske did just that, beating third-seeded Carla Suarez Navarro 6-4, 6-4 on Wednesday to reach the quarterfinals. Riske, making her main draw debut in the event, beat a top-10 player for the first time in nearly two years and the second overall in 12 tries. Germany s Mona Barthel also knocked off a seeded player, beating sixth-seeded compatriot Andrea Petkovic 5-7, 6-2, 7-6 (4) and could next play top-seeded Caroline Wozniacki, who makes her first appearance Thursday night. Major League Baseball Roundup Continued from page B11 Just two baserunners made it into scoring position against the left-hander. Williams Perez (4-2) surrendered 10 hits, two walks and six runs in six-plus innings for the Braves, who have lost 11 of 14. DODGERS 4, PHILLIES 3 PHILADELPHIA (AP) Yasiel Puig hit a three-run home run, Brett Anderson allowed one run in six innings and Los Angeles beat Philadelphia. Howie Kendrick had three hits to help the Dodgers win for the fifth time in six games. Jeff Francoeur homered for Philadelphia. The Phillies lost for only the fourth time in their last 17 games. They still have the worst record in baseball at Anderson (6-6) won for the first time since July 1. He allowed four hits, struck out five and walked two. Kenley Jansen struck out the side in a ninth for his 20th save in his 21st opportunity. Philadelphia starter Aaron Harang (5-12) was the loser. BLUE JAYS 9, TWINS 7 TORONTO (AP) Jose Bautista hit a grand slam, Edwin Encarnacion and Josh Donaldson homered and Toronto beat Minnesota for its fourth straight win. Encarnacion hit a three-run drive and Donaldson added a two-run shot. Toronto has homered in 17 of 18 games since the All-Star break, with 10 multihomer games in that span. Miguel Sano homered and had three RBIs for the Twins. Sano hit an RBI single and Trevor Plouffe doubled home two runs as the Twins jumped out to a 3-0 lead in the first against Drew Hutchison (10-2). Toronto answered in the bottom half against right-hander Tyler Duffey (0-1), who was making his major league debut. Troy Tulowitzki walked and Donaldson hit his 29th homer, tying a career high. Bautista made it 6-3 in the second with his fifth career grand slam and 24th home run of the season. Encarnacion made it 9-3 with a three-run drive off reliever J.R. Graham in the fourth, his 20th. The second-deck drive traveled an estimated 462 feet. LaTroy Hawkins finished for his third save. RED SOX 2, YANKEES 1 NEW YORK (AP) Steven Wright handcuffed a torrid New York ineup with his steady supply of knuckleballs, and David Ortiz hit a colossal home run for Boston. A costly throwing error by third baseman Chase Headley helped spoil the debut of prized Yankees pitching prospect Luis Severino, who yielded only two hits over five impressive innings. Koji Uehara retired pinch-hitter Brian McCann with two on for his 24th save. Alejandro De Aza hit an RBI double with two outs in the second immediately following Headley s 18th error of the season. Ortiz connected on a 96 mph 2-0 fastball leading off the fourth, launching a drive that landed more than halfway up the elevated concrete bleachers in right field. That was enough for Wright (5-4). RANGERS 4, ASTROS 3 ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) Chris Gimenez hit the deciding home run and Texas held on to complete a three-game sweep of AL Westleading Houston. After Texas scored three unearned runs in the first off Scott Kazmir (6-6), the Rangers second started with Gimenez homering to straightaway center for a 4-0 lead. All three Houston runs were scored by players who reached on a walk. The Rangers have won four in a row and seven of eight, moving within five games of the division lead, the closest they have been since June 30. Texas starter Nick Martinez (7-6), the righthander pitching on his 25th birthday, walked three and struck out one while throwing 86 pitches in a game that started with the temperature at 100 degrees. Sam Dyson, the sixth Rangers pitcher, worked the ninth for his second career save both since being acquired in a trade with Miami on Friday. WHITE SOX 6, RAYS 5, 10 INNINGS CHICAGO (AP) Avisail Garcia hit a threerun homer in Chicago s five-run first inning and had a bases-loaded walk in the 10th to lift the White Sox past Tampa Bay. Garcia drew the winning walk off closer Brad Boxberger (5-6). In the 10th, Adam Eaton singled and stole second base and advanced to third when catcher Curt Casali s throw struck shortstop Asdrubal Cabrera in the ear, knocking him to the ground. Cabrera left the game later in the inning. Boxberger then intentionally walked Jose Abreu and Melky Cabrera to load the bases with one out before walking Garcia. Chicago closer David Robertson (5-3) had four strikeouts in two hitless innings. Evan Longoria homered for the Rays. ORIOLES 7, ATHLETICS 3, 10 INNINGS OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) Chris Davis hit his second grand slam in 12 days with one out in the 10th inning to lead Baltimore past Oakland. Davis hit his 28th home run and third in four games on a 3-2 pitch from Arnold Leon (0-1). It came two batters after Gerardo Parra was intentionally walked to load the bases. Caleb Joseph and Manny Machado led off the inning with singles. Closer Zach Britton (2-0) pitched a seasonhigh scoreless innings for the victory. PIRATES 7, CUBS 5 PITTSBURGH (AP) Gregory Polanco and Andrew McCutchen homered and Pittsburgh beat Chicago to snap the Cubs season-best winning streak at six games. Polanco led off the first inning with a home run off Dan Haren, who was making his Cubs debut. He then hit an RBI single to break a 4-4 tie in a decisive two-run sixth. McCutchen hit a solo homer in the third and added a sacrifice fly in the sixth to make it 6-4. Francisco Cervelli and Aramis Ramirez each had two hits to help the Pirates win for the 12th time in their last 15 home games at PNC Park. ROCKIES 7, MARINERS 5 DENVER (AP) Michael McKenry hit a two-out, two-run homer in the 11th inning in Colorado s comeback victory over Seattle. McKenry hit Mayckol Gauipe s 2-2 curveball into the left-field seats for his fourth home run of the season and the first walk-off hit in his career. Seattle s Nelson Cruz doubled and singled to extend his hitting streak to 16 games, but failed to homer for the first time in six games. Franklin Gutierrez homered for the Mariners. The Rockies winning rally started with Ben Paulsen s one-out single off Guaipe (0-3). Yohane Flande (2-1) pitched the 11th for the victory. BREWERS 8, PADRES 5 MILWAUKEE (AP) Rookie Taylor Jungmann struk out a career-high eight and allowed six hits without a walk over seven innings in Milwaukee s victory over San Diego. Jungmann (6-3) has allowed two earned runs or fewer in eight straight starts and in all but one this season. Jonathan Lucroy, Shane Peterson and Jean Segura each drove in two runs to help Milwaukee record back-to-back wins for the first time in 15 games. After San Diego scored three runs in the ninth off Corey Knebel, Francisco Rodriguez recorded the final out for his 25th save in as many chances. Padres starter Ian Kennedy (6-10) gave up four earned runs on seven hits in seven innings. TIGERS 2, ROYALS 1 DETROIT (AP) Matt Boyd pitched seven strong innings in his Detroit debut and Anthony Gose and Ian Kinsler hit key triples in the Tigers victory over Kansas City. Acquired last week from Toronto in the David Price trade, Boyd (1-2) only allowed one run on seven hits and didn t walk a batter in a careerlong seven innings. The Tigers broke a scoreless tie in the third when Gose s two-out triple over Lorenzo Cain brought home Tyler Collins. Johnny Cueto (7-7) couldn t pick up his first win for Kansas City despite only allowing two runs on five hits in seven innings.

13 samoa news, Thursday, August 6, 2015 Page B13 BUSINESS & SERVICEDirectory Phone: Fax CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE FOR RENT YARD SALE NEW ARRIVAL. Children s clothes, men & women s big size t-shirts, men s big size pants/ jeans, dresses, skirts, tops, t-shirts, boys shorts, bedsheets, comforters. Fill bag for $5. Call Neta [08/13] OFFICIAL US MINT AM SAMOA QUARTERS. Unopened Rolls. $20 per roll ask for Bill. [08/14] 1998 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX, 154 miles, grey coupe, radio, A/C, windows work, sold as-is $3000 OBO. Call Cindy at [8/6] CHRYSLER VAN; good condition; Auto; AC; $3,500. Call or [08/07] 2005 SUZUKI XL-7 $6,500. Automatic transmission. Low miles, AC, great radio/sound system. 4 Wheel drive. Please contact [8/7] TOYOTA TACOMA 2DR STD EXTENDED CAB SB, Maroon Color, Excellent breaks, engine, transmission, air-conditioning, aluminum rims size 15 asking for $4,200. Please call [8/10]. WELDING SHOP IN FAGA ALU. Please call / [8/6]. THREE BDRM, TWO BATHS HOUSE Patio, Laundry Room, Car Port, serious inquire ONLY. Call [8/6]. MARY S BARGAIN NEW SHIP- MENT Lots of clothes sand work boots for men. Clearance outdoor sale everything under $5.00. Mary s Homestyle Bargains, Malaeimi across from ASCC. Contact / [8/6]. STREAM PLANET MEDIA BOX 100,000 Plus free movies, TV shows, news, sports, music videos, documentaries & more Must have Fiber Obtic or fast internet/ Wifi. Call Discount price $299. [8/29]. ANAVA FETALAI SAMOA ORA- TORY BOOK By Teleiai Fanaea Christian Ausage; $60. Call or [8/29]. 3 BDRM HOUSE, large living room/dining room/kitche, small bonus room $400 + $200 security deposit. Proof of employment required. Call [08/13] LARGE APARTMENT with porch, living/dining room/kitchen. 2 Bdrms, bath + small bonus room. $400 mo + $200 security deposit up front. Proof of employment required. Call [08/13] 3 BDRM, 2 BATHS FULLY FUR- NISHED Home w/wrap around terrace with a mountain,ocean view of the Harbor. &1BDRM Fully furnished. 2 commercial space available for business. Call / [8/21]. 3 BDRM HOUSE, UNFURNISHED LOCATED IN ILIILI. Comes with refrigerator and oven both in good condition. For more info contact [8/6]. 2 STORY UNIT; fully furnished; both have 3 bdrms, 2 baths, huge living room, laundry room, all appliances, AC each room, beautiful view of the harbor, cool breeze from Utulei Beach, hot water. Available Apr 18th. Halfway up Tramway Road-huge parking lot right side / / (310) [08/19] PARTIALLY FURNISHED STU- DIO APT Available for rent now at Tumu s Apt in Ottoville Tafuna. Please call / BDRM FURNISHED HOME In Ottoville. $450 a month, plus utilities. Please call [8/10]. 3 BDRM 2 BATH HOMES IN LE- ONE Ceiling fans/ac units in each room. Both have carports, washer, dryer, hot water. Fully fenced. Available now sreid41@yahoo.com $ Per Home 2 BDR APARTMENT ONLY $495 (refrigerator and oven included) in Malaeimi Valley. OWNER PAYS FOR ELECTRICITY AND WATER. Section 1602 Program. Please contact David [8/10]. BEAUTIFUL 2 BDRM Apt. RENT $ BDRM House. RENT $ FULL Baths, Refrigerator, Stove, Hot Water. Ottoville, Tafuna area / [8/6]. LeFONUEA CATERING has an experienced and certified Chef. Newly established out of Ili ili/pava ia i, we cater for any occasion, dinner, cocktails, wedding, birthdays, funerals, family reunion and more. For more info contact / [08/10] YARD SALE LOTS OF COOL STUFF; dirt road by Mr. Lavalava in Tafuna. Lots of Clothes, tires, miscellaneous items. 7am - 11am [08/07] HELP WANTED YARD SALE HELP/JOBS CARPENTERS & CHAIN-LINK FENCE INSTALLER; must have at least 5 years experience. Call or [08/12] OFFICE CLERK NEEDED Speak bilingual (English&Tagalog). Honest & reliable. Experience with Sage Software, basic bookkeeping, payroll, drivers license/reliable transportation, plus can work split/flexible shifts. resume to talaleomalie@gmail.com.[8/7]. JOSIE S RESTAURANT, NU UULI Need Cooks, Kitchen Helper. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.[8/6]. NEED CAREGIVER For elderly person. For more information please call for application.[8/17]. Missing your weekend SAMOA NEWS? LEONE HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1992 Holding a mtg at Tropical Pizza on Thursday, August 6, For more information please call or Mareta VFW POST 3391monthly meeting, Thursday, Aug 13th at 1600 hours (4:00pm) at the Armed Forces Memorial Veteran Center in Tafuna. Pls. don t forget your membership card for sign in. For more info, pls contact Commander Palaika Tusipasi [08/13] IAKINA ADVENTIST ACADEMY REGISTRATION now open, Mon-Thurs 9am-4pm [08/10] SAMOAN SAINTS ORGANIZATION Roadside Clean Up on the 21st and 29th of this month until the end of the year. All are welcomed. Meet infront of Lupelele Elementary School, 5:30pm, rain or shine. Do it for our beautiful island. Contact for more info. URGENT HOMES NEEDED FOR ADULT DOGS being trapped at Lyons Park!! Majority of adult dogs trapped are healthy &very friendly but will be humanly euthanized if no one claims them after 48 hours of being held. PLEASE HELP! Call Mona at or FEASDAT Families for Effective Autism Spectrum Disorder Awareness & Treatment (addressing behavioral & autistic disorders) Join our monthly social encounters & learn ways to help your loved one. (Samoan) (English) (Filipino) ext 526 GROUP SUPPORT HANNAH to rebuild strength, to restore wisdom & understanding & working together side by side to overcome any obstacle, please call and join us. Pua or SURVIVORS TAKING ACTION THROUGH SHARING Meeting every Saturday. Open Fellowship, everyone Lion s office by Showers of Blessing. Elizabeth or (Victiims of Violence) ASOA General Meetings. Will be held each month on the 3rd Friday at 10am at ASOA Center in Tafuna on Tasi St. All seniors welcome. Questions, call WHEELCHAIRS Old, Battered or Banged up. Pls donate, in any condition to ASOA so we may be able to help someone in need. Call Marysita or SCUBA FISHING BAN It is unlawful to possess any spear while using SCUBA. Marine & Wildlife Resources / WOMENS HOSPITAL AUXILIARY NEEDS VOLUNTEERS of all ages to help in the Fale. Support your hospital, donate your free time by calling Ext All proceeds from Fale sales donated to purchase equipment for LBJ.[till] HUNTING BAN ON WILD BIRDS & BATS is still in effect - it is unlawful to kill or hunt wild birds & bats. Dept. of Marine & Wildlife / VETERANS A.A. MEETING Every Thur. 2:30-3:30pm V.A. Clinic (next to PX) More info Tisha, VA Clinic ASCADSV (AS Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence) invites you to talk to us on two TALK LINES 254-talk and 258-talk about anything you want to speak out about. Anything at all. Talanoa mai. USED MOTOR OIL? Take it to a LUBE CUBE. Drop off used motor oil at a service station near you. Protect the land, protect our drinking water. ASEPA HURTING? ABUSED? Free peer-to-peer teen counseling at Teen Challenge for peer pressure, suicide prevention, drug & alcohol prevention. TC open Mon-Thurs 9am- 4pm & Fri 9am-noon /2636 Teen Hope FEELING DOWN and like there is no one to talk to? Contact Catholic Social Services, 8 am - 4 pm, or , after hours Where someone is there to listen. VISIT US ON THE WEB: especially on the weekends when you miss us the most Hope House Thrift Shop FATUOAIGA ROAD NOW OPEN Monday-Saturday 10am-4pm Great Selection of Men, Women & Children s Clothes, Shoes, Books, Misc., Kitchen Utensils and a whole lot more. Great Bargains Quality Items Donations Appreciated For more information, please call Josephine tavale

14 Page B14 samoa news, Thursday, August 6, 2015 ACROSS 1... to give her poor dog 6 Peruvian capital 10 Places to be pampered 14 Kind of situation 15 Fifth and Sixth, in N.Y. 16 Verdi heroine 17 Filling out a resume is... (Part 1) 19 Blood flow stoppage 20 Tobacco Road author Caldwell 21 Cookout flavoring 23 Belgrade native 25 Fall flower 26 Intentional celebrity mistreatment 30 One with a degree 33 Medicinal plant 34 Part 2 of 17-Across 40 Two-deck rummy 42 Rat fink 43 Part 3 of 17-Across 45 Contends 46 Harbinger 47 Intended 48 Joyful shout 52 Buffalo county 55 Stimulate, as memory 7/30 Universal Crossword Edited by Timothy E. Parker July 30, Stress marks 63 Kind of exam 64 Part 4 of 17-Across 66 Like some pizza orders 67 Radiate 68 Ghana s capital 69 First family s home 70 Becomes man and wife 71 Meadow grazers DOWN 1 Part of a large pot 2 Physics Nobel Prize winner 3 Is in debt 4 Shaving accident 5 Join the military 6 Light show light 7 been to the mountaintop 8 Work well together 9 Italian wine center 10 Potato containers 11 Kitchen light? 12 Think the world of 13 Man-goat of myth 18 The loneliest number 22 Small role by a big star 24 Tampa, for one 26 Threelegged event 27 Norwegian king 28 Steak sauce brand 29 Cook at high heat initially 31 Disoriented 32 Golden Rule word 34 What 2-Down studied 35 Everyone has one 36 Created a basket 37 Hip bones 38 Legal claim 39 For fear that 41 Rifle attachment 44 Georgiato-Maine direction 7/29 47 Sites that draw visitors 48 Scripted 49 Christmas story villain 50 Over Wrinkleresistant fabric 53 Some are inflated 54 Common drink complement 56 Gush 57 Blood pigment 59 Engrave 60 Pleasant 61 Ripped 62 Rice Krispies sound 65 Free (of) PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER 2015 Universal Uclick THE ONE ON THE RESUME IS... By Rob Lee Happy Birthday: Stay cool no matter what emotional challenges you face this year. It s your steady pace and forward motion that will keep troublemakers at arm s length. Go about your business and implement the changes that will help you get ahead personally and professionally. It s time to walk away from the people who are holding you back. Your numbers are 4, 13, 27, 32, 39, 42. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Work on securing your future. Saving may not be your best skill, but now is a great time to get your personal papers together and invest in your future. Once you have your finances in order, everything else will fall into place. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Don t hide the way you feel. Get things out in the open and move on. Spinning your wheels or being stubborn will not solve anything. Make an effort to change what isn t working for you. Avoid indulgence. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Fix up your home or use your place to entertain or network. It s important to make positive changes that will bring you greater earning opportunities using the skills you enjoy the most. If you love what you do, you will be successful. CANCER (June 21-July 22): You ll get the help you need from a very unusual source. Don t rule out any proposal that comes your way -- the more unusual, the better. Let your intuition be your guide to a better life and future. Helping others will change your life. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Before you jump into action, make sure everyone your plans will affect is on board. Using diplomacy will help you get what you need to turn your dreams into a reality. Romance is highlighted. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Check your financial, legal or contractual papers for possible updates. You can bring about a change to your Thursday, August 6, 2015 standard of living if you are careful with your expenditures. Cut costs and look for alternative ways to bring in extra cash. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Don t back away from taking care of other people s affairs. You will gain knowledge that will help you with your own personal matters and also give you insight into how others are doing. You ll be treated with greater respect. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You will face opposition and overreaction from others. Step back and refuse to get dragged into situations that can only lead to loss or setbacks. Focus on learning and making personal changes that set you apart from those around you. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Focus on what needs to be done. Too much is on the line for you to ignore a chance to learn and advance. Participate in events that will put you in the spotlight and show off your strengths. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Put some time aside to enjoy your home and family. Pampering is a necessity if you want to operate at your best. All work and no play will lead to frustration and loneliness. Don t let impulse lead to senseless disputes. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Don t let your emotions take over, causing disruptions with friends, relatives or neighbors. Step away from any situation that appears to be explosive and channel your energy into offering fun ideas, affection and fond memories. Love conquers all. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): People you have worked with in the past or who owe you a favor will rally around you. A partnership looks promising and will lead to a prosperous venture. Don t let uncertainty cause you to miss out. Birthday Baby: You are dynamic and playful. You are responsible, courageous and a born leader. Dear Abby by Abigail Van Buren WIFE SUFFERS INCREASING PAIN FROM MAN S VERBAL ATTACKS DEAR ABBY: I have been married to Ken for 10 years. He is a successful business owner. It has been a struggle to stay married to him because he has control issues and when he doesn t get his way, he begins a verbal assault on his victim -- usually me. He has no friends because he runs them off, claiming they did him wrong (not true), and his employees don t like him and talk badly about him behind his back. They stay because he pays well. He uses his money to control people. I love Ken, and life can be normal at times, but once he thinks I m getting out from under his thumb, his destructive behavior begins. He treats me like his worst enemy. The pain is becoming unbearable. One minute he tells me he loves me, and the next he is punishing me for not coming home from the store on time. I researched online and learned he has many of the traits of a narcissist. It scares me because he doesn t know he has a problem. He thinks the rest of the world is messed up instead of him. How can I approach him in a way that won t send him over the edge? When I say anything to him he thinks is an attack, he comes back at me viciously. I don t know whether to stay, hoping he ll see the light one day, or get out before I m emotionally damaged beyond repair. -- BROKEN IN TEXAS DEAR BROKEN: Your husband may have a personality disorder, but YOU are a victim of emotional and financial abuse. Much as you might want to, you can t fix him because he appears to be comfortably in denial about having a problem. It is important, however, that you get some help for yourself. Contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline and talk to someone there about what has been going on (thehotline.org, (800) ). They can help you formulate a safe plan of escape, should you need one. Next, consult a lawyer about what your rights are as a wife in the great state of Texas. If you can find out what the marital assets are, do that as well -- but do it quietly, because if your husband realizes, he will likely try to move/hide them or retaliate to get you back under his control. I don t have to tell you how unhealthy his behavior is, but it may take your leaving to make him take a look at himself. DEAR ABBY: A bus station I was waiting in had two clearly marked men s and women s single restrooms. What do you say or do when the women s bathroom is occupied and there are two women waiting ahead of a man to use the men s restroom? Who has priority for the men s room in this case? The two women ahead of me in line, or me, the male who came after them? I d like to point out that they were young women who were clearly not in an emergency. -- WAITING IN LINE IN CALIFORNIA DEAR WAITING: The person whose gender matches the sign on the door should take precedence -- although a gentleman probably wouldn t insist upon it if a lady seemed to be in distress.

15 samoa news, Thursday, August 6, 2015 Page B15

16 Page B16 samoa news, Thursday, August 6, 2015 LATROBE, Pa. (AP) Pittsburgh Steelers rookie linebacker Anthony Chickillo is looking to become the third member of his family to play in the NFL. Chickillo is well aware of his family lineage as he attempts to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather. He feels it s time to carve his own path in professional football. It s cool to say that I m doing what my dad did and what my grandfather did, Chickillo said. It s a cool story, but I m just trying to get better every day. Grandfather Nick Chickillo played the 1953 NFL season with the Chicago Cardinals. Coincidentally, Nick Chickillo, who passed away in 2000, spent a short time with the Steelers during training camp in the mid-1950s before his career ended. Tampa Bay drafted Anthony s father, Tony Chickillo, in the fifth-round in 1983 and he spent two seasons playing defensive line for the San Diego Chargers and a year with the New York Jets. You don t really think about what they did, the youngest Chickillo said. I m just trying to create my own memories and my own legacy. Steelers defensive end Cameron Heyward can relate as the son of the late Craig Ironhead Heyward, an NFL running back who spent an 11-year career playing for five different teams. I think you understand what this game brings and what opportunities go along with it, but at the same time, you set your own pressure, Heyward said. You never want to be in anybody else s shadow. Chickillo, a former Miami (Florida) standout, is one of the Steelers two sixth-round picks. He s hoping to make the move from defensive end to outside linebacker. I m just trying to become the best player I can be, Chickillo said. Whatever they ask me to do, I m just going to work really hard to do it. It showed during the offseason when Chickillo, at the behest of his coaches, dropped about 30 pounds, shedding the defensive lineman image for a lighter, quicker, 253-pound build designed to utilize his speed. He s a pretty disciplined kid, losing the weight and getting down, Heyward said. It s tough, especially coming from minicamp because there s not that much time. He played my position last year and now he s playing outside. You can tell he really wants to be part of this team. Chickillo hasn t played this light since his freshman year of college, but he said he feels better, faster and quicker. He believes it will give him a chance to showcase his pass-rushing ability, something he didn t get to do in Miami. Going into the draft process, a lot of teams didn t think I was athletic because of the way I was used in Miami, so I kind of have that chip on my shoulder, Chickillo said. I want to go prove everybody wrong. He s off to a good start. Chickillo s relentless work ethic was on full display during training camp practices as he used his speed and slender 6-foot-3 frame to regularly rush past offensive tackles. Chickillo is described as a self-starter, a highenergy player with a live motor, which is good for the Steelers, who desire to reach the quarterback more frequently after totaling just 33 sacks in 2014, 26th in the league. I just try to go hard, Chickillo said. That s the only way you can play. It s the only way Chickillo knows. And it may just be enough to help him become the third member of his family to play in the NFL. He s a good kid and he has good lineage behind him, Heyward said. I just love the way he works, he s a hard worker, and I m hoping that translates into a great player on the field. NOTES: Second-round pick CB Senquez Golson said he took an MRI a week ago on his shoulder, injured during the team s minicamp. Options are season-ending surgery or rehabilitation and a return.... S Robert Golden suffered what coach Mike Tomlin called a significant injury to his leg during the team s two-minute drill. Chickillo seeks to become 3rd NFL family member In this Aug. 3, 2015, file photo, Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Anthony Chickillo (40) runs a drill at practice during the NFL football training camp in Latrobe, Pa. Steelers rookie linebacker Anthony Chickillo is looking to become the third member of his family to play in the NFL. (AP Photo/Keith Srakocic, File) C Y M K C M Y K



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