Malolo le faamasinoga ae su e faila a le Ofisa o Femalagaiga

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1 C Y M K Malolo le faamasinoga ae su e faila a le Ofisa o Femalagaiga C Y M K O se va aiga i le ali i talavou siufofoga lelei mai Amerika Samoa ma Sacramento, Kalefonia. [ata: foa i Tolo] Joe Neru Tolo sui tauva polokalame TV o le VOICE tusia: Leua Aiono Frost Ua fa asalalauina mai i alaata televise ma feso ota iga i upega tafa ilagi le sao o Joe Neru Tolo mai Malaeloa ma Afonotele, i le tauvaga pese lauiloa i Amerika, le VOICE, lea e pu e mai i le Universal Studio i Los Angeles. Faailoa mai e le tama o lea alo o Amerika Samoa, le susuga Tolo Tolo Jr. o Malaeloa, i le Samoa News e faapea, O se mea uiga ese le tu e tatalia le taumafaiga a le atali i, ae maise fo i la u fa alogo i o u tino i le taimi ua pese ai o ia! E ese fo i lagona sa o o mai, ua vaivai ane ai ma le loto. I le fa amatalaga a Joe Tolo i luga o le televise a o le i faia lana pese, sa ia fa ailoa ai, O a u o le ui i o le fanau e to avalu a o u matua, ma e le i faigofie fo i ia te a u ona ou malamalama, pe aisea ua toe taliu ai i fanua le malaga a lo u tama, a o o u itiiti, ina ua matou o o uma mai i Sacramento, Kalefonia i latou uma ma lo matou tina ma fa amautu ai le aiga. Peita i, o lo u fiafiaga tele, ina ua mafai ona auai mai lo u tama i la u taumafaiga amata i le Voice O lana pese fo i na piki mo lana taumafaiga lea, o le fesili, Pe afai e te Alofa i se Tasi, e atagia ai lona lagona fa aalia, ma o se pese na matua si i lava e ia nisi nota e usuina ai, ma maofa ai le vasega o fa amasino o le tauvaga pese. O Joe N. Tolo sa soifua a e lava i Amerika Samoa, peita i, o lona fa o ona tausaga, sa masi i atoa ai loa le latou aiga i Kalefonia, ma sa fa apea fo i ona amata ai ana a oa oga i vasega amata e o o lava i lana High School i Sacramento. (Faaauau itulau B8) tusia Ausage Fausia Ua toe topolo i le masina o Me le iloiloina e le fa amasinoga o le mataupu i le tau sailiina lea, pe na fa apefea ona toe ulufale mai se ali i na poloa i e fa asa ona toe ulufale mai i le teritori, ae ua poloa i e le fa amasino sili ia Micahel Kruse le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga a le malo, ina ia tu uina atu fa amaumauga e fa atatau i le ali i ua molia se i iloilo e le fa amasinoga. O le taeao ananafi na toe fofogaina ai i luma o le fa amasinoga le mataupu a Pelenato Maiava, po o Pelenato Lino fo i e pei ona silafia ai o ia, ona o lo o tau saili pea e le fa amasinoga se tali i le tele o le mau fesili o lo o tula i mai, pe na fa apefea ona toe ulufale mai lenei ali i i le atunu u, a o lea na poloa i o ia e le fa amasinoga e aua ne i toe ulufale mai mo le umi e 7 tausaga, e mafua mai ina ua ta usala o ia i lona faia o uiga mataga i se tama ita i i le Na si i si i le si ufofoga o Kruse i le taeao ananafi i le taimi na valaau ai le mataupu a Pelenato, ina ua fesili atu i le loia a le malo ia Mitzie Jessop pe ua avatu faila a Pelenato, ae na tali Jessop, e na o kopi o pemita na ulufale mai ai Pelenato i le teritori. Ou te mana o i le faila atoa, o le toe tali atu lea a Kruse ia Jessop ma lona si ufofoga ua si i si i i luga, ma ia fa atonu ai loa le Masela o le fa amasinoga e o ma le Pule o le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga e aumai le faila, ina ua atagia mai e le i avatua le faila atoa i le fa amasinoga. Marshall, ia lua o ma le Pule o le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga e aumai le faila, e i ai le tagata e alu i Tafuna i le aso lenei, o le fa atonuga lea a Kruse i le Masela ma ia fa atonu ai le fa amasinoga ina ia malolo ae se i fa atali le faila. Sa i ai i totonu o le potu fa amasino le Pulesili o le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga, afioga Tamasa Dennis Lutu. Ina ua toe tauaofia le fa amasinoga i le tuana i ai o le afa itula e le i taunu u ane lava le faila, na fa ailoa ai e Kruse e fa apea, ua logo mai e le Masela le Failautusi o le Fa amasinoga, o lo o galulue pea lava le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga e tu u fa atasi le faila a Pelenato, ma e le o malamalama ai la lona mafaufau i le uiga o lea tala, po o le mea e i ai se faila pe leai fo i. Sa fa apea fo i ona saunoa Kruse ia Jessop, ina ia silasila toto a i le tulafono e fa atatau i molimau a le malo. I lea tulafono e pei ona tolaulau e Kruse i luma o le fa amasinoga, o lo i le Tulafono Toe Teuteu a Amerika Samoa , ma, o lo o talanoa mai ai i le malosi o lo o i le fa amasinoga e mafai ai ona fa asala i se salatupe po o se fa asalaga fa a falepuipui i so o se umi e manatu le fa amasinoga e talafeagai, mo i latou e le usitaia poloaiga a le fa amasinoga. Na saunoa Kruse e fa apea, na poloa i e le fa amasinoga se ali i e mata utia le amio valea i tama ita i e aua ne i toe ulufale mai i Amerika Samoa, a o lea ua toe ulufale mai. Saunoa atili Kruse e fa apea, e le o se taimi muamua lea ua tula i mai ai se mea fa apea, o le toe ulufale mai lea i le teritori o se tagata na fa asa ona toe ulufale mai, peita i, o le taimi muamua lenei ua maua ai e le fa amasinoga fa amaumauga o le fesoasoani lea o le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga o le toe ulufale mai o Pelenato i le teritori. Na taua fo i e Kruse e faapea, i le taimi na lau ai le faasalaga a Pelenato, sa taua ai i se ripoti mai le pule o le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga i lea taimi o Ufuti Faafetai Ieremia, e lua igoa sa iloa ai Pelenato, peita i o le taimi nei, o se tasi o ia igoa ua le iloa mai fa amaumauga, ma, o le fa afitauli lea o lo o fia iloa e le fa amasinoga, pe aisea na mafua ai ae na fa apefea fo i ona tupu. I le mae a ai o saunoaga a Kruse e fa atatau i lenei mataupu, sa ia poloaina le tatau lea ona ta le itula e 4:00 i le afiafi ananafi, ua tu uina atu i le fa amasinoga le faila atoa o Pelenato o lo o i le Ofisa o Femalagaaiga, e aofia ai ma le pemita o lana pisinisi. Feso ota i i le tusitala ia

2 Page B2 samoa news, Thursday, February 26, 2015 Si i totogi sui sinia Ofisa o Leoleo i taimi o Haleck O se va aiga i le tina o Mataalofa Tyrell ma ali i Malu o le Malo, sa la ua fa afeaoa le va a o le tofa Leao Ma ilo i lona malumalu tapua i mo ona toe sauniga i le aso Gafua o lenei vaiaso. O le tina o se uo lelei a nei ali i leoleo. [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] TALA O LE LALOLAGI fa aliliu AFM ATLANTA, GEORGIA - O le fafine lea na fa amoemoe e fasiotia i le vaiaso nei ina ua fa amaonia tu uaiga fa asaga ia te ia i le maliu o lona to alua i le 1997, ua toe tolopo i le aso Gafua o le vaiaso fou, ona o ni isi o mafuaaga tatau e pei ona taua e Leoleo i Georgia. O le tina o Kelly Gissendaner, 46 na fa amoemoe e fa auila i totonu o le falepuipui i le itula e 7:00 i le afiafi o le aso Gafua a te a nei, e ala i le fa aaogaina o le nofoa fa auila, peita i ua toe tolopo. I faamaumauga mai le falepuipui o Jackson i Georgia ua manino ai, o se taimi muamua lenei ua tolopo ai le fa ataunu uina o se fa asalaga oti i totonu o le aai, talu mai le tele o tausaga ua mavae. O Gissendaner na ta usala fa atasi ma le ali i sa fai le la fa anunumi o Gregory Owen i le fa alavelave na maliu ai lona to alua, lea na fasiotia e Owen i lalo o le fa atonuga sa tu uina atu e Gissendaner. E silia i le to a 50 fafine i totonu o Amerika o lo o fa atali le faataunu uina o a latou fa asalaga o le oti, ina ua ta usala i latou i moliaga o le fasioti tagata. MASALOMIA SOO FA ATASI O LE ISIS MA BOKO HARAM UOSIGITONE - Ua fa aalia i ni ripoti mai le laumua i Uosigitone le tula i mai o se popolega tele i ta ita i o le malo o Amerika, i le masalomia lea o le tutu fa atasi o le vaega fa atupu fa alavelave a le Isalama ua taua nei o le ISIS, ma le vaega fa atupu fa alavelave i totonu o Aferika o lo o taitaia e le tagata e igoa ia Boko Haram. I ni ripoti sa faalalauina e se televise Arapi i le aso ananafi, o lo o taua ai ni tusitusiga mai ia Haram sa tu uina atu i luga o le Facebook, o lo o taua ai lona fa afetaia o ta ita i o le ISIS e tusa ai o osofaiga ma gaioiga e fasiotia ai tagata o lo o fa aauauina pea, atoa ai ma lana tala, e le o toe umi se taimi ae soso o fa atasi loa vaega e lua. Na taua e se sui sooupu mai le Fale Pa epa e, afai ae soso o fa atasi vaega fa atupu fa alavelave ia e lua, o le a atili ai lava ona faigata se auala e foia ai. Ae na taua e ni isi o sui sinia o le faigamalo a Obama, e le taitai to ilalo Amerika i tagata fa atupu fa alavelave. FA AI U I LE OTI MISA A NI ALI I LAKAPI SE TO ALUA AUKILANI, NIU SILA - Na i u leaga se vevesi na tula i mai i le va o ni ali i lakapi talavou se to alua i Niu Sila, ina ua loka le isi i le falepuipui ma molia i le fasioti tagata fa amoemoeina, ae ave sa o le isi i le falemaliu e fa atali ai uo ma aiga mo ona toe sauniga. O le ali i Vincent Angene Skeen, 17 tausaga le matua ua molia i le fasioti tagata fa amoemoe, e mafua mai i le fa alavelave lea na ia ta tuiina ai le isi ali i lakapi ta uta ua i le taaloga o le lakapi liki, ina ua mae a se latou fiafia sa faia. Na taua e leoleo e fa apea, o le ali i ua maliu, o Luke Tipene, 16 tausaga le matua, o se tasi o fetu pupula i Niu Sila i le lakapi liki, peita i ua muta fa afuase i lona ola ina ua taua i misa ali i i se tama ita i. O le aso ananafi na toe tulai ai Skeen mo le talosagaina o se tupe e tatala ai o ia i tua, peita i sa teena e le fa amasinoga, ma ua toe taofia nei o ia i le falepuipui, e fa atali ai lona fa amasinoga ia Aokuso. MAUALUGA LE PULE I LE OLA I FITI SUVA, FIJI - I se ripoti na fa amatu u mai e le sui so o upu o le Ofisa o Leoleo a Fiti i le vaiaso nei, ua taua ai le maualuga o le aofa i o mataupu tau pule i le ola ua mafai ona fa amauina e le ofisa i totonu o le ulua i 2 masina o lenei tausaga, fa atusatusa i tausaga e 5 ua tuana i, e na o le 4 le maualuga sa o o i ai nei ituaiga mataupu. Na taua e le ali i suesue faapitoa o ABC Henry Brown e faapea, e 27 mataupu pule i le ola sa ripotia i ulua i masina e lua o lenei tausaga, ma ua ta u mai ai Fiti o le atumotu o le Pasefika ua tulaga muamua i le pule i le ola i le amataga o lenei tausaga. O i latou sa maliliu ai i nei fa alavelave e amata atu i le 14 tausaga e o o atu i le 40 tausaga le matutua. FA AMALOSI E LE TOEAINA 68 TAUSAGA TEINEIITITI 8 TAUSAGA LAUTOKA, FIJI - E 13 tausaga lea ua loka ai i le falepuipui se toeaina e 68 tausaga mai se nu u e mamao mai le aai i Fiti, ina ua fa amaonia e le fa amasinoga maualuga i le aso ananafi lona faamalosia o se teineititi e 8 tausaga i le O ananafi na mae a ai le fa amasinoga autu o lenei mataupu ma lau ai lava ma le fa asalaga, e pei ona taua i ni ripoti mai Fiti. Na maua atu e le toeaina ua molia le teineititi o lo o savali mai na o ia i le auala ae ua te a le 7:00 i le afiafi, o lea na ia fa atu ai le ta avale sa lifi mai ai ae fa atino loa le solitulafono. fa aliliu Ausage Fausia O si itaga i totogi o sui Sinia o le Matagaluega o Leoleo e pei ona i ai i le taimi nei, sa faia uma lea i le taimi a o avea William E. Haleck ma Komesina o Leoleo, ma, e le o manino mai i le taimi nei pe aloaia e le faigamalo a Lolo ma Lemanu ia si itaga, e pei ona fa amaonia mai e le Komesina fou ia Save Liuato A. Tuitele. O sui sinia o lo o aofia i nei si itaga e pei ona saunoa Save e aofia ai le sui komesina, Ta ita i Leoleo, fa apea ai Commanders uma o lo o galulue i le matagaluega. Na fa amalamalama e le afioga a Save i le Samoa News e fa apea, ua mae a ona tauaao e le ali i kovana lana fuafuaga fa ataoto mo le si itia o totogi o leoleo, e pei ona fa atonuina ai o ia e le afioga i le ali i kovana ia Lolo Matalasi Moliga, ma o lo o ia fa atali mo se tali. O si itaga i totogi o leoleo e pei ona saunoa le ali i komesina, e aofia ai le sui mai le $10,000 e aga i atu i le $15,000 i le tausaga. Sa ia taua fo i e fa apea, o ni isi vaaiga sa ia maitauina i le taimi sa ia galue ai e tau fuafua si itaga i totogi o leoleo, o leoleo ua tele tausaga o galulue i le matagaluega, ae o lo o maualuluga atu ai totogi o leoleo fou e le i leva ona galulue, ma o lo o silasila toto a i ai le Matagaluega i le sailia o se vaega tupe e fa atupe ai si itaga i totogi o leoleo nei, ona e tatau ma talafeagai lea si itaga mo i latou. E talitonu le Samoa News, o leoleo uma lava o lo o umia le tulaga o le Commanders, ua latou mauaina nei le totogi e $48,000 i le tausaga, o le Sui Komesina i le aofa i e $52,000, ma le Ta ita i Leoleo i le $50,000. E fia fa ailoa atu fo i e le Samoa News e faapea, i le Paketi a le Matagaluega mo le Tausaga Tupe lenei 2015, o lo o i ai le Commander e to atasi e $42,000 lona totogi, a o le totogi o le Ta ita i Leoleo e $40,092 i le tausaga, ma, e le o manino lelei mai po o ai le Commander lea e maualuga atu lona totogi nai lo le Ta ita i Leoleo. I se saunoaga a le Faufautua fa apitoa a le ali i kovana ia Iulogologo Joseph Pereira i le Samoa News i le tausaga na te a nei ina ua fesiligia o ia i lenei mataupu, sa ia taua ai le fa agasolo o se fuafuaga mo le faia o si itaga o leoleo, ona o le tulaga faigata o le latou galuega, atoa ai ma le lamatia ai o latou soifua. Feso ota i mai i le tusitala ia Capitol Hill Buzz Boehner lays down law on House rules by MATTHEW DALY, Associated Press An occasional look at what Capitol Hill is talking about. WASHINGTON (AP) Speaker John Boehner is laying down the law about the rules of the House. Boehner took to the podium after a roll call vote Wednesday and pointedly reminded members about a host of standards that sometimes get ignored with lawmakers rushing to votes from all parts of Capitol Hill and beyond. No selfies in the House chamber. Wear business attire at all times. And whatever else you may be doing, show up to vote within the 15 minutes allotted, Boehner told his colleagues after he waited several moments for them to quiet down and take their seats. Aides said Boehner issues a reminder about rules every year, although several lawmakers have been seen posing for smart-phone photos many of which wind up being posted online on social media during the State of Union address, Opening Day and other occasions. The House has 58 freshmen this year, but the speaker s office said his warning was not aimed at any particular group. Still, Boehner earned knowing laughs when he pointed out that members should wear appropriate business attire at all times on the House floor, however brief their appearance on the floor may be. You know who you are. The biggest applause came when Boehner urged lawmakers to come to the floor within 15 minutes after a roll call vote is called. This has been an ongoing problem and members should make every attempt to be here, Boehner said. Left unclear was how Boehner would respond if Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid stepped on the House floor wearing his now-famous shades a fashion accessory made necessary as Reid recovers from recent eye surgery.

3 samoa news, Thursday, February 26, 2015 Page B3 Solofua moliaga fa asaga ali i na fa ao olima lona tama tusia Ausage Fausia fono e aga i atu i le latou fale O le ali i lea na tu uaia e le pito i luma, ae fa afuase i loa malo i lona fa ao olima i lona ona osofa i o ia e le ua molia tama, e ala i lona fa aaoga i le sapelu ma manu a ai lona o se agaese e ta ai lona ulu ulu, ae o le ta lona lua na ma manu a tigaina ai, ua manu a ai lona lima, ina ua ia solofua e le fa amasinoga fa aaoga lona lima e tali ai le maualuga tu uaiga sa faia ta lona lua. fa asaga ia te ia, ina ua talia E lata i le vaiaso o taofia le e le fa amasinoga se talosaga tama i le falema i ae toe te a na fa aulu e le malo e tusa ai o i tua, e mafua mai i le tuga o lenei mataupu. manu a na a afia ai lona ulu ma Na tu uaia e le malo ia lona lima. Mark Mulipola i le moliaga O afioga i ali i fa amasino mamafa o le fa ao olima i le lagolago ia Fa amausili Pomele tulaga muamua, o se fa asalaga ma Muasau Tasina Tofili na e mafai ona nofosala ai se tasi i lagolagosua i le fa amasino le falepuipui mo le olaga atoa, sili i le iloiloina o le fa aiuga o po o le isi fa asalaga o le tuli lenei mataupu. lea o le umi e le itiiti ifo i le 10 tausaga i le toese, ae le sili atu i Feso ota i mai i le tusitala ia le 30 tausaga. O le masina o Iulai 2013 na tulai mai ai le fa alavelave lenei i Malaeimi, ma amata taofia mai ai loa Mulipola i le toese i le taimi lea, ina ua le mafai ona ia totogiina le $150,000 sa fa atulaga e le fa amasinoga e tatala ai o ia i tua, a o lea ua fa asa olotoina nei o ia e le fa amasinoga. O le loia a le malo ia Russel Smith na fa auluina le talosaga ina ia solofua tu uaiga fa asaga ia Mulipola, i se iloiloga pu upu u sa fa ataunu uina i luma o le afioga i le ali i fa amasino sili ia Michael Kruse. Ina ua fesiligia e Kruse ia Smith i le mafua aga o le talosaga e solofua tu uaiga fa asaga ia Mulipola, na taua ai e le ali i loia e fa apea, o lo o fa avae le fa aiuga a le malo i luga o mau fa amaonia mai le foma i sa ia faia se su esu ega fa apitoa i le tulaga o lo o i ai le malosi o le mafaufau o Mulipola. I lea su esu ega, ua fa ai uina ai e le foma i, le a afia o Mulipola i le gasegase o le mafaufau, e le i mafai fo i e le malosi o lona mafaufau ona fai se fa aiuga mautu i le taimi sa ia fa atinoina ai le solitulafono. AST 800 A o le i tuuina atu e Kruse CON 802 lana fa aiuga e talia ai le talosaga a le malo, sa ia fa ailoa i le loia a le malo e fa apea, o ETP 800 le a fa alogo le fa amasinoga i lana fa amatalaga ua tu uina WLD 800 atu, aua o ia o le loia mo le malo. ACR 800 E tusa ai ma fa amaumauga a le fa amasinoga o lo o taua AST 802 ai e fa apea, o le fa alavelave na tula i mai ina ua fa atonu e le tama ia Mulipola e alu e BPR 810 ao mai se vai Samoa e fai ai le fofo, peita i sa musu le ua ETP 870 molia e usita i i le fa atonuga a lona tama, o lea na fa atonu ai ICT 860 loa e le tama lana fanau laiti e o e ao mai le vai mo le fofo ma fa ataunu u ai loa le fofo. WLD 840 Ina ua mae a le fofo, na savali mai ai lo le tama mai le latou fale pito i tua sa fai ai le Mana omia tausisi Faatonusili tulafono fa aaogaina tupe tusia Ausage Fausia O lau matafaioi o le fa atonusili o le ofisa, Ua toe fautuaina e le afioga i le ali i kovana e tatau ona mautinoa ua fa aagaga le 10% o lau ia Lolo Matalasi Moliga afioga i Fa atonusili paketi sa pasia, ina ia mautinoa ai le tausisia e lou ma Fa auluuluga o Matagaluega ma Ofisa uma ofisa o le tulafono, lea e le tatau ai ona ova tupe a le malo, ina ia mautinoa latou te tausisia tulafono i tulaga o tupe fa aalu. isi lea fautuaga a le ali i kovana i lana kapeneta. fa aaoga mai tupe sa pasia atu i lau paketi, o le Na taua e le ali i kovana i lana poloaiga sa I le fetaia i ai o le malo ma fa afitauli laiti i le tu uina mai i le aso 12 Fepuari e fa apea, i le ripoti itu tau tupe, e mafua mai i le fa afitauli e pei ona lata mai a le Ofisa o Tupe atoa ai ma le Ofisa o tula i mai i le malo tele ma tulaga i va a oloa, ua le Paketi a le malo mo le Kuata muamua, o lo o fautuaina ai e le ali i kovana ia fa atonusili, ina manino mai ai le mulimulita i o ofisa i ta iala ma ia silasila toto a pea i tulaga o tupe fa aalu mo faiga ua mae a ona fa ataoto mai e le tulafono. ofisa ta itasi, ina ia mautinoa e sologa lelei pea E pei ona ma fa alauiloa atu i le ulua i taimi e aunoa ma se fa aletonu e tula i mai ai. na tula i mai ai le tatou faigamalo, o le a tatou O lou tiute o se fa atonusili, ia fa atonutonu tutu fa atasi e faia auala uma ina ia mautinoa le tulaga o tupe fa aalu, ae le o le tu uina atu e tula i mai le itu tau tupe a le malo i se tulaga o lea matafaioi e fa atino e le Ofisa o le Tupe lelei ma manuia mo le atunu u, o se vaega lea fa apea ai ma le Ofisa o le Paketi a le malo, o o le tusi a le ali i kovana. le isi lea saunoaga a le ali i kovana. Sa ia taua fo i le tatau lea i fa atonusili uma E tatau i matagaluega ma ofisa uma ona ona latou silafia, e le tatau ona latou o ese mai latou tausisi e usitaia ma fa amalosia ta iala uma ai i ta iala ua fa ataoto e fa atonutonu ai le o lo o taua i lalo o le poloaiga mo tupe fa aalu, fa aaogaina o tupe. ina ia mautinoa ai e leai se fa aletonu e tula i Sa ia toe fa amanatu fo i i fa atonusili, le mai i le itu tau tupe a le malo, ao tatou i ai i lenei faatonuga e fa atonutonu ai le fa aaogaina o taimi fa aletonu o tupe maua a le malo, o le tupe, o lo o tumau pea ona aloaia i le taimi nei, vaega lea o le saunoaga fa ai ua le ali i kovana. talu mai le aso 4 Ianuari 2013 lea na tu uina atu ai lana ulua i poloaiga. Feso ota i mai i le tusitala ia ausage@samoanews. AMERICAN SAMOA COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRADES & TECHNOLOGY DIVISION APPRENTICESHIP AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT TRAINING PROGRAM (USDOL Approved) Feb 23 April 30, 2015 (10 Week Semester) (First Day of Instructions is Feb 23, :00pm to 7:30pm) Late Registration: Date: Feb 23 - Feb 27, 2015 Time: 10:00 am 4:00 pm Registration Locations: Apprenticeship: TTD Office or Participant Sponsor (Employer) Workforce Development: TTD Office (Non-Traditional Students) Cost: Registration Fee: $25.00 (Non-refundable) Course (5 CEU): $60.00 per CEU ($ per course) Placement Test (English & Math) Location: Adult Education Literacy and Extended Learning Date:TBA Enrollment Requirement: Apprentice: Must be employed in the respective area Workforce Development: Must be a high school graduate or equivalent Required English & Math Courses: A participant may be placed in a required English & Math Course pending Placement Test results. Engl ish & Math Courses are FREE courtesy of the AELEL Division (Adult Education), ASCC. COURSE #COURSE TITLEINSTRUCTOR CEUDAYS TIME Introduction to Automotive Technology & Services (Auto Mechanic) Walls and Ceiling Framing (Construction) 5.0M/W5:00PM-7:30PMA. SIONE 5.0M/W5:00PM-7:30PMD. FAUMUI Basic Electrical Theory (Electrician)5.0M/W5:00PM-7:30PMJ. LEAE Welding Fundamentals & Metallurgy (Welder) Introduction to Air Conditioning & Refrigeration (Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Technician) Automotive Engine Performance Driveability (Auto Mechanic) Pre-Requsite - AST 800 Blueprint Reading (Construction/Architectural Drafting) Electrical Installation II (Electrician) Pre-requisite-ETP 860 or with experience Computer Networking II (Computer Technology) Pre-Requisite - ICT 840 or with coputer experience Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welding I (Welder/Fabricator) 5.0M/W5:00PM-7:30PMA. FUGA 5.0T/TH5:00PM-7:30PMP. MARIO 5.0T/TH5:00PM-7:30PM P. NG LAM 5.0T/TH 5:00PM-7:30PM A. ESERA 5.0T/TH5:00PM-7:30PMTBA 5.0T/TH5:00PM-7:30PMJ. MARTINEZ 5.0T/TH5:00PM-7:30PMA. FUGA For more information please contact AWD Coordinator, Fred Suisala at Ext. 353 or TTD Administrative Assistant, Juliet F. C. Pen at Ext. 472.

4 Page B4 samoa news, Thursday, February 26, 2015 O se va aiga i le taimi na taula mai ai le meli muamua o lenei tausaga, le Arcadia, ua ulufale mai i le tatou atunu u, ae o le ata lea, sa pu ea mai i Leloaloa. Matagofie fo i lea itu pe a e maimoa mai ai. [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] Ex-police chief JonBenet Ramsey crime scene was mishandled by cops BOULDER, Colo. (AP) In his most extensive comments on the JonBenet Ramsey case, the former Colorado police chief who led the investigation into the high-profile 1996 slaying of the 6-year-old beauty queen acknowledged online that officers botched the initial handling of the crime scene. Mark Beckner, former chief of the Boulder Police Department, participated Saturday in an Ask Me Anything session on the social-networking and news site Reddit. He told the Daily Camera on Tuesday that he didn t realize his comments would filter out to the rest of the world. I talked to the organizer, and my impression was that this was a members-only type group that talked about unsolved mysteries all around the world, said Beckner, 59. JonBenet Ramsey was found dead in the basement of her family s home on Dec. 26, 1996, after her mother, Patsy Ramsey, called 911 to say her daughter was missing and a ransom note had been found. In the Reddit forum, Beckner said police should have separated JonBenet s parents and gotten full statements from Patsy and John Ramsey that day. The case was initially mishandled due to a perfect storm type scenario, he wrote. It was the Christmas holiday and we were short staffed, we faced a situation as I said earlier that no one in the country had ever seen before or since, and there was confusion at the scene as people were arriving before we had enough personnel on the scene, he wrote online. No one has been prosecuted in the case. Court documents released in 2013 show a grand jury recommended indictments against the Ramseys, contrary to the long-held perception that the secret panel ended their work in 1999 without deciding to charge anyone. At the time, then-district Attorney Alex Hunter didn t mention an indictment, saying only that there wasn t enough evidence to warrant charges against the Ramseys, who had long maintained their innocence. In 2008 two years after Patsy died former District Attorney Mary Lacy cleared the Ramseys of any role in their daughter s death, based on DNA evidence that pointed to the involvement of a third party. UAEALESI MOSOOI A LE FAFIGE FAIKAKALA GI SUI O LE LITAEA TAGATA FAIGALUEGA A LE FONO Tau masofa le mafaufau o si Fafige Faikakala e tau fa avasega le tele o le mau faitioga fa asaga i le au malaga a le Fono Faitulafono mo le fonotaga a le Litaea sa usuia i Hawai i i le vaiaso na te a nei, aemaise lava i tagata faigaluega a le Fono Faitulafono sa malaga i lea fonotaga, po o i latou o ni sui o le Komiti o le Litaea, a o ai fo i sa totogiina a latou pasese. Na taua e se tasi o uo a le Fafige Faikakala, e le kakau oga o fua gi kagaka faigaluega a le Fogo i le Fogokaga a le Likaea, e le o i lakou o gi kokigo o Komiti a le Likaea a maoka e lua, afai fo i e maga omia le faia o gi fa amaumauga mo makaupu o le Fogokaga, o le aoga lega o le Ka ika i Komiti ma loga fesoasoagi. E ui i se taumafaiga a ni isi o faipule e fa aulu se i ugafono i le 2013, e talosagaina ai le fai mai i Amerika Samoa o le fonotaga fa aletausaga lea a le Litaea, peita i e foliga mai e le o mafai lava ona manino le tali o le mau fesili o lo o tu u fesili ai le to atele, i le tatau lea ona fa aaoga tatau tupe a le litaea a le malo. Na taua e se tasi o uo mamae a le Fafige Faikakala, afai sa totogi e le Fono Faitulafono pasese a ana tagata faigaluega sa malaga, o le mea moni, o tupe na a tagata totogi lafoga, aua o le paketi a le Fono o lo o 100% lona fa atupeina mai i tupe lotoifale. Tomumu le isi uo a le Fafige Faikakala fai mai, O legei alii ua le iloga se mea e fa aaoga i ai e le Fono kupe a kagaka kokogi lafoga o lo o fa akupe ai le lakou pakeki, a uma oga fa aaoga e fai a maliu o faipule ma segakoa, ae foliga mai fo i o lea ua fa aaoga e kokogi ai pasese mo fafo, koeikiiki fa alogo aku ua fa aaoga kupe a le fogo e fai ai fa akosiga mo kaimi o paloka, a o ai ga iloa. AUAUNA LELEI MA LE FA AMAONI E to le pulou o si Fafige Faikakala i le ali i faigaluega o le Ofisa o Lafoga lea na ia faia le fa aiuga na te le talia le tupe na ofo atu e le ali i faipisinisi Asia, sa taumafai e totogi tupe o ia ina ia fa aleaoga ai faila i lafoga o lana pisinisi e le o totogiina i le malo. Na te i si Fafige Faikakala ina ua vili mai le isi ana uo sa leoleo ae ua litaea ma fai mai, Siaula, eke iloa lau kama faipisigisi Kolea fo i ga le sa kago kokogi kupe kama o le Soifua Maloloiga iga ia aua ai ge i aveesea aga oloa expire sa fa akau i laga fa aoloa, o lea ua molia i loga kaumafai e kokogi kupe se ali i o le Ofisa o Lafoga i le $1,000, ae ga keega e si kamaikiki le kupe ae fai le mea amiokogu. Oso atu loa ma le Fafige Faikakala ma lana fesili, O le a la sou oe silafia i lega makaupu?, ae na tali lana uo fai mai, E faigaka lava ga koe maua gi kagaka faigaluega fa apegei i le malo, ae ou ke iloa aga faapea e fa amaogi fo i le isi vaega o kagaka faigaluega a le malo, semagu e le o koe vaaia gi oloa expire i luga o faka o faleoloa, ae mafua oga vaaia pea ia oloa expire, leaga e sili aku le magaia o le keukusi gai lo se isi lava mea o legei olaga. Ataata lemu si Fafige Faikakala ma fa apea nai ona mafaufauga, Oka, ka i kaukala kele fo i legei uo se... FA AAOGA TATAU TUPE A TAGATA TOTOGI LAFOGA FA AMOLEMOLE Ua le iloga se vaipanoa o le atunu u e fa alogoina ai le si u leo lenei, ia fa aaoga tatau tupe a tagata totogi lafoga. Pisi si Fafige Faikakala e tau saili le mafua aga ua alalaga ai le atunu u i lea fa aupuga, ae na te i ina ua fa amatala se tasi o ana uo, o se tamali i ua malolo litaea mai i le malo e fa apea, na matua fa ateia o ia ina ua alu atu i le maota fono i le isi aso i sana mataupu, ae tau ai lana vaai i le to atele o tagata faigaluega a le Fono Faitulafono o lo o fa apotopoto i se tasi o potu, e na o le inuti ma le pepa panikeke i le aso atoa, ae su esu e atu a latou totogi, e ova atu i le ta i $25,000 ma aga i i luga i le tausaga, ae le atoa se 4 itula e nofonofo ai i le fale fono e leai ma se galuega e fai, ona te i lava lea ua toe fo i i lona aiga e sauni ai e toe usu mai i le isi aso fou. O le fautuaga a si Fafige Faikakala i le au sifi ia e faia le amio lea, soia ia kou ke fiafia e fai lega mea o le ai afu, e le gaka e ooga ae koe mamala fo i, e le ola umi se kagaka e kau ku i e le akugu u. Fai atu ai fo i.

5 samoa news, Thursday, February 26, 2015 Page B5 Ta aloga mo tamaiti UPU NANA Paso o le Vaiaso SAUNIA E HERCULES saunia e Hercules Saili mai upu o lo o tusia i lalo i totonu o le fa atafafa o mata itusi. Ia manatua o nei upu, e mafai ona sipela aga i i luma, aga i i tua, i luga po o le aga i fo i i lalo. Ia manuia le taumafaiga. A M O P U L O I A A M A I F U A T I S A O M I A I A I N I O I T U I I A L I M I L P O L E T L N I U G A A A U F O E A U L P M U I F A L A R A T A U M E A M A M A E G E A U A G L T A T A F U L M T A F E A A A N A A O U U L V M I G A V U A I A A A A E P A O S A P A N U M A A T E V A I N O UPU: Aioletuna, Aipulafai, Aumalosi, Aialemea, Aogalemu, Auagafulu, Augaalii, Aeiatara, AVETAAMU, Auafereti, Aumaalili, Aumeamamae, Afeaaana, Autuupu, AVETALO, Amiamai, Aipaumu, Aiolupo, Afeiia, Aotoa, Asitaufi, Aimoa, Afiia, Amaama?!? TALI o Paso?!? FAALAVA 1. Teine/Suga = Tama/? 5. Ave ifo/avatu 9. Fola le gau 11. Pagota: Le Sala 12. Matai: umalu 13. Pelu: Sasa 14. Lokou 16. Tusi Paia: rota 17. Ila foliga supa 19. Aso lelei nei mo le a e 21. Lapo a teisi a e i le sapo anae 22. Matai: Tave u [Seetaga] 23. Matai: Lea imatafao 25. Savali setusetu 26. Lauulu le selua 28. Malaeloa/Tautootoo 31. Suamoa 33. Sa o Aumaga: Tui? 34. Fiafiaga o Tipiloma LALO 1. Sese on a otoina 3. Galu Elo fa asoloatoa 5. Failolo & gulu 6. Va a muamua 7. Matai: Aso? 8. Fuala au aina a Samoa 10. Fa aofi/fetauilelei 12. Olaola [tagata] 15. Sui pule 16. Laumua o Panama 18. Tamoega i le sami 20. Rep. S. Talav Ale 24. Sen. Fa amausili M Jr. 26. Lady Naomi/FotuoSamoa 27. Asuasu o le tainafi 29. Kiki 30. Konesane: NANAI 32. Kanana-F?

6 Page B6 samoa news, Thursday, February 26, 2015 Ebola doctor: Media, politicians fueled the public s fear of virus Rep. Joe Crowley, D-N.Y. motions to an hour glass during news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, February 25, 2015, to discuss Homeland Security Department funding. House Republicans reacted tepidly at best Wednesday to calls from the upper reaches of both political parties for legislation funding the Department of Homeland Security without immigration-related add-ons opposed by the White House. (AP Photo/Lauren Victoria Burke) saunia: Leua Aiono Frost TAUVAGA TUSI ATA AOGA MAUALULUGA Ua fa ailoa mai, ua fa aofi mai nei e le tatou Faipule i le konekeresi, Aumua Amata se avanoa lelei mo fanau a oga i a oga maualuluga i le teritori e tauva ai i le Tusiga Ata e fa atautaia e le Konekeresi. O se Sailiga o Tagata Atisi. O le tausaga lenei ua atoa i ai le lona 33 o tauvaga fa aletausaga fa apenei, ma o se avanoa e mafai ai ona tusia ata e le fanau a oga. O le ata o le a manumalo mai lenei tauvaga, o le a fa atautauina pea lana ata i le Maota o le Malo i le laumua i Uosinitone mo le tausaga atoa e tasi, ma e agava a fo i o ia i ni avanoa fa asikolasipi mai le Savannah College of Arts & Design. E ese mai lea, o le sui fo i e manumalo lana ata, e aumaia lona pasese e malaga fa apitoa atu ai i Uosigitone DC mo le aiga fa apitoa e fa atautaia e taua ao ane ai ia te ia ona ia fa ailoga ua agava a ai. O lau ata mo lea tusiga ata, e tatau ona tusia lava e oe mo lea tauvaga, e 28inisi i le 28inisi le tele e aofia ai ma le fa ava a. O se avanoa matagofie lenei mo tatou fanau i a oga maualuluga, ia fa aulu lau ata e tusia i vali suau u, po o vali vai po o isi ituaiga o vali lea e masani ai tagata atisi. Ua fa ailoa mai e Aumua Amata, Ou te fiafia ma ou mimita e fa alauiloa galuega ua tusia e tatou fanau i le laumua nei, o se ala fo i e fa ao o atu ai se fa amalo i fanau i le latou taleni ma le naunau e fa aleleia atili o latou tomai fa a-atisi. O le a fa atulaga lava e le a oga latou le aso e faia ai se latou tauvaga tusi ata mo lea fa amoemoe, ae tatau ona fa ao o atu le lima ata ua mae a pasia mai le teritori a o le i o o ia Aperila 13-17, TAUVAGA TAUSALA LALELEI AMERIKA SAMOA USA Ua toe fa alauiloa mai ua taliaina e le Miss Amerika Samoa United States Organization[MASUSO] ni talosaga a alo tama ita i o Samoa i Amerika Samoa e fia tauva i lenei tausaga e avea ma Tausala Lalelei e suia Amerika Samoa i le tauvaga a Tausala o le Iunaite Setete o Amerika e tauva ai i le Tausala a le Lalolagi atoa. Ua fa atulagaina lenei tauvaga tausala MASUSO ia Iuni 28 se ia o o ia July 5, 2015, ma e fa atatuaia lea i Uosigitone DC. E faia ai fo i i lena lava a ai le tauvaga a le Miss United States Organization, lea e faatautaia i le aso Iulai 2 se ia o o ia Iulai 8, 2015 fo i. O le tausala sa manumalo i lea lava tauvaga i le tausaga ua te a, o le tama ita i lalelei o Meagan Moana Palelei, ma ua mae a fo i ona asiasi solo o ia i atunu u ma nofoaga sa fa auia atu ai nisi o tausala sa latou tauva fa atasi, e aofia ai Samoa, lea sa ia asia ai le Fa aao o le Malo o Samoa, TuiAtua Tupua Tamasese Tupuola Efi, ia Novema 2014, ae o lana malaga ta amilo lava lea sa o o atu ai lana asiasiga i Niu Sila i le Kerisimasi i lena fo i itu o lo o sapaia malosi mai lenei fa amoemoe. Ua fa atulaga le matutua o sui tauva mai le 17 tausaga se ia o o i le 25 tausaga le matua, ma e tatau lava ona fanau i Amerika Samoa po o lona tupu aga fo i mai Amerika Samoa. Ua talia fo i nisi o alo o le atunu u o lo o alaala tumau i so o se setete e 50 o le Iunaite Setete ma ona teritori i le pasefika e aofia ai Guam, DC ma Amerika Samoa. O lea vala o le agava a, e mafai ona so otaga lelei ma le aiaiga o le Miss United States Organization ma le Miss World America. Mo fesili faafesootai i le imeli: NEW YORK (AP) A doctor who contracted the deadly Ebola virus and rode the subway system and dined out before he developed symptoms said the media and politicians could have done a better job by educating people on the science of it instead of focusing on their fears. When we look back on this epidemic, I hope we ll recognize that fear caused our initial hesitance to respond and caused us to respond poorly when we finally did, Dr. Craig Spencer wrote in an article published Wednesday in The New England Journal of Medicine. Spencer, an emergency room physician, was diagnosed with Ebola on Oct. 23, days after returning from treating patients in Guinea with Doctors Without Borders. His was the first Ebola case in the nation s largest city, spurring an effort to contain anxieties along with the virus. He was treated at a hospital, recovered and was released on Nov. 11. News of Spencer s infection unnerved some New York residents, particularly after they learned that he rode the subway system, ate out and went bowling in the days before he developed a fever and tested positive. Spencer said little attention was devoted to the fact the science of disease transmission and the experience of previous Ebola outbreaks suggested it was nearly impossible for me to have transmitted the virus before I had a fever. Meanwhile, politicians, caught up in the election season, took advantage of the panic to try to appear presidential instead of supporting a sound, science-based public health response, he said. After Spencer s diagnosis, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie announced mandatory 21-day quarantines for travelers who have come in close contact with Ebola, which has infected more than 14,000 people in West Africa and has killed more than 5,000. Cuomo and Christie called federal health guidelines inadequate when they announced their quarantine plans. But the governors, Spencer said, did not sufficiently consider the unintended side effects. The threat of quarantine may cause sick people to defer seeking treatment or cause health care responders returning from affected countries to alter their travel plans or misreport their exposure to avoid quarantine, said Spencer, whose treatment included a transfusion of blood plasma from another Ebola survivor. We all lose when we allow irrational fear, fueled in part by prime-time ratings and political expediency, to supersede pragmatic public health preparedness, Spencer wrote. Scientists witness carbon dioxide trapping heat in air WASHINGTON (AP) Scientists have witnessed carbon dioxide trapping heat in the atmosphere above the United States, chronicling human-made climate change in action, live in the wild. A new study in the journal Nature demonstrates in real-time field measurements what scientists already knew from basic physics, lab tests, numerous simulations, temperature records and dozens of other climatic indicators. They say it confirms the science of climate change and the amount of heat-trapping previously blamed on carbon dioxide. Researchers saw the fingerprint of carbon dioxide trapping heat, said study author Daniel Feldman of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California. He said no one before had quite looked in the atmosphere for this type of specific proof of climate change. Feldman and colleagues used a decade of measurements from instruments in Alaska and Oklahoma that looked straight up into the sky and matched what they saw with the precise chemical composition and heat fingerprints of carbon dioxide trapping heat. Scientists say carbon dioxide from the burning of coal, oil and gas is the chief cause of global warming. In doing so, the data show clouds, water vapor or changes in sun s radiation are not responsible for warming the air, as some who doubt mainstream climate science claim, Feldman said. Nor could it be temperature data being tampered with, as some contrarians insist, Feldman said. The data say what the data say, Feldman said. They are very clear that the rising carbon dioxide is actually contributing to an increased greenhouse effect at those sites. The study is good technical work, said climate scientist Andrew Dessler of Texas A&M University, but it is expected sort of like confirming gravity with a falling rock.

7 samoa news, Thursday, February 26, 2015 Page B7 CEO selling programs to predict crime while battling his own cases SALT LAKE CITY (AP) The CEO of a Utah company that has emerged as a key player in a national movement to overhaul the justice system is a repeat offender himself. Sean Hosman s dual roles as advocate for change and repeat visitor at county jails provide a striking case study in an expanding national effort to use insurance industry methods to help predict future crimes and steer defendants toward treatment. His company,, has won 100 contracts with state and county governments from Florida to California. He has spoken at justice forums in Texas, Idaho and Washington state. At the same time, Hosman has been arrested at least 9 times since 2010, four for DUI and one for cocaine possession. Just like tens of thousands of defendants undergoing this process known as risk assessment, he has been booked, assessed, jailed and sent to rehab. He said he has been clean since July 5, 2012, the date of his last DUI. It has changed my perspective on a number of things, Hosman, 48, said from Salt Lake City, where his company is based. But in some ways it has strengthened my belief that the work I ve been doing is even more necessary than it was. If anything it underscores the need for individuals to be treated like individuals, and not like the crime they committed. As he spun through the justice system, his company kept winning government contracts. In six states alone California, Florida, Washington State, Wyoming, Texas and Delaware won contracts worth more than $10 million, The Associated Press found. Although a significant goal is cost savings, some saw the price rise, such as Florida, where the contract eventually tripled in cost over its initial estimates. Some encountered problems. In California, a grand jury examining conflict-of-interest questions in Yolo County reported that Hosman once showed up to a training session bruised and smelling of alcohol. In Wyoming, officials said they plan to handle some functions in-house once the contract ends in June, saving the state thousands of dollars. Hosman s company is part of a national effort that has received little public attention. These assessments sometimes include questionnaires with more than 100 items, probing the defendants work history and family background, circle of friends, how often they moved and whether their neighborhood is crime-infested. The idea is to build a richer portrait to predict whether the defendant will commit future crimes and find the right treatment. Advocates say the programs save money by easing prison overcrowding, and help defendants stay clean. The AP examination spotlighted breakdowns. Assessments work only if every other piece of the system does, too. Some critics fear the assessments punish people for poverty, weighing employment and family background. The AP s investigation found instances when inmates were released from prisons in Arkansas and Texas and deemed low-risk but later charged in separate crimes of raping an elderly woman and being a serial killer. Hosman s company has developed tools for the juvenile and adult systems. One questionnaire, known as Positive Achievement Change Tool, is designed for juveniles and includes more than 120 questions, exploring the youth s view on the value of education, use of free time and connection to anti-social friends. In Broward County, Florida, the Public Defender s Office files a motion in every juvenile case seeking to block use of the tool. It s like playing future cop. It s throwing darts at a dartboard, said Gordon Weekes, chief assistant public defender of Broward County s Juvenile System. California probation official Brian Richart, who worked with Hosman as president of in 2010 and 2011, said the tools replace gut-level instincts with an approach akin to a medical model. As Hosman s company expanded, he said, he fell into addiction. Hosman took the stage before a group of inmates and prison officials outside Seattle last March and opened with a surprising message. Hello, my name is Sean, he said. And I am an alcoholic and an addict. Moments later, he gave a second opening at the Monroe Correctional Complex. Hello, my name is Sean Hosman, and I am the president and owner of a company that works closely with criminal justice. Though he shared his fight with addiction, Hosman did not mention his arrests. Public records describe four alcohol-related driving arrests since 2010, along with charges for drug possession, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and violating a domestic court order. Hosman was booked at Utah county jails eight times, along with other jails in the West. He said he had a full risk and needs assessment after completing a rehab program, was deemed low risk to re-offend and hasn t offended since. I have definitely turned a corner, Hosman said in an interview. I ve been clean and sober since July 5th, But, I work at it every day. I think it s a lifelong sort of journey. American Samoa Power Authority PUBLIC JOB POSTING An Equal Opportunity Employer * A Drug Free Workplace Human Resource Department, Tafuna PO Box PPB, Pago Pago American Samoa Phone No: (684) Fax No: (684) Position Title Electrician II Posting Date February 19, 2015 DepartmentWastewater Operation Deadline 4:00 PM, February 27, 2015 DivisionOperation Pay Rate $ $10.37 per hour Position Type Career Service 12 months probation Job Grade/Status D/6/A F/3/D; Non-Exempt Reports To Wastewater Operation Superintendent Major Duties & Responsibilities Will assist Supervisor and Wastewater crews and lead the electrical team to install, test, commissio n, and maintain electrical equipment in Wastewater plants and lift stations. Assist in preparing sketches to show wi ring schematic and equipment with the aim of familiarizing and learning how such items are used and applied accordingly. Will assist with the wiring, conduit, fixtures, transformers and other electrical devices in the size, type, and arra ngement needed for proper and safe operation of electrical systems and equipment; pumps, tests continuity of circuit to insure electrical compatibility and safety of all components; observe functioning of installed equipment or system to detect hazards and need for adjustments; learn to repair or rewire faulty equipment or systems. Perform other duties as required. MinimumR equirements Education Experience Skills, Abilities, Job Requirements Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) in Electrical Technology or higher qualification from an accredited Trade or Technical Institution. Combined five (5) years of minimum utility / industrial electrical experience. Related work experience or related trade certification from approved learning institutions outside American Samoa may substitute certificate. Successful completion of a recognized apprenticeship as an electrician and a minimum of two (2) years related work experience would be a plus. Repairing and installation of pumps and other equipment for Wastewater will be a huge advantage Required knowledge: Electrical principles, materials, tools & equipment used in wastewater conveyance and treatment system; generators, and related mathematics; safety principles, methods & practices. Ability to: Read and understand plan specifications, electrical one-line diagram, be able to use trade tools and demonstrate skills, other trade skills a plus. Physical demands: Work involves standing, walking and periods of stooping, bending and kneeling and occasional heavy lifting of items up to 75lbs may be required. Must be able to climb a ladder or work at an elevated position when required. Must be able to communicate in English as a second language. Must be a self starter and a committed, hard worker. Qualified applicants: please submit a completed ASPA Employment Application with a copy of your resume to ASPA Tafuna (address listed above) by the deadline listed above. Please attach copies of credentials and transcripts. Candidates selected for hire must pass examinations (when applicable), pre-employment clearances & t est negative on pre-employment drug test. ASPA reserves the right to waive education and experience requ irements as necessary. No phone inquiries accepted. Businessman Mississippi s ex-prison chief sought bribes JACKSON, Miss. (AP) A businessman says a former Mississippi prison official solicited the first in a series of bribes that eventually mounted to $1.5 million. Former Corrections Commissioner Christopher Epps and businessman Cecil McCrory pleaded guilty Wednesday Epps to two felony counts and McCrory to one. McCrory says Epps initially pushed him to pay $200,000 on his mortgage on a home in a gated subdivision. That kicked off years of bribes that helped Epps acquire a beachfront condo, and a pair of top-of-the-line Mercedes Benz cars. Mr. Epps talked me into making that first mortgage payment on his house, McCrory said as he pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering. It took awhile to talk me into it, but I did, and it just went on from there. It was something I never thought I would do. Epps eventually steered $2 million in contracts to McCrory, and helped him collect $3 million more in fees on hundreds of millions in contracts awarded to companies employing McCrory. I m sorry for what I ve done. It was wrong, Epps said as he changed his plea to guilty on federal charges of money laundering conspiracy and income tax evasion. Both had pleaded not guilty when an indictment was initially unsealed in November charging Epps with 35 felony counts and McCrory with 15 felony counts. Epps faces up to 23 years in federal prison and fines of $750,000 when U.S. District Judge Henry T. Wingate sentences him June 9. Epps also could be ordered to make restitution. McCrory faces up to 20 years in prison and fines of $500,000 at sentencing June 10. Prosecutors say Epps reaped $1.5 million in gains from the bribery scheme, which ran until As part of his plea agreement, Epps has agreed to forfeit nearly $2 million in real estate, bank accounts, cars, plus $69,600 in cash that the FBI agents found when they searched his Flowood home. Defense lawyer John Colette said Epps wife will try to retain some of the property on the grounds that her earnings helped pay for it. McCrory has agreed to forfeit $1.2 million in cash, about $500,000 in real estate, and an SUV. Prosecutor Mike Hurst said the value of what s being seized exceeds the amount of bribes Epps took, but the government is allowed to seize it all because the bribes were comingled with legitimate earnings. Hurst told Wingate on Wednesday that the government was prepared to present witnesses who would testify that Epps had ordered them to award Corrections Department contracts to McCrory or companies he represented, sometimes without bids. McCrory lobbied for a range of companies doing business with the state prison system, including Utah-based Management and Training Corp., a private firm that runs four prisons for Mississippi. Hurst said witnesses also were prepared to testify that bribes were paid and that they saw Epps depositing cash in banks. He said the witnesses would be backed up by financial records and wiretaps. Epps worked for 32 years at the Department of Corrections and was its longest-serving commissioner, with a dozen years in the position. He is a double rarity an employee who started at the lowest rung and worked his way to the top, and an agency director who was chosen by and served under three governors: one Democrat and two Republicans, including current Gov. Phil Bryant. After Epps pleaded guilty Wednesday, Bryant said in a news release that he appreciates prosecutors pursuing the case. I hope it serves as an example that there are consequences for public corruption, he said.

8 Page B8 samoa news, Thursday, February 26, 2015 Joe Neru Tolo Mai itulau B1 O se va aiga i le tama o Joe Neru Tolo, lea tatou te maimoa i ai i le Voice, ia Tolo Tolo Jr ma lona tina ia Rata Tolo mai Malaeloa. [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] A o fa aauau ana a oa oga i le kolisi i Sacramento lava, ae tau ane ai o ia i pepa talosaga mo se avanoa e tauva ai i le Boot Camp Singing Contest ma oso ai loa i lena avanoa. O i ina sa ia mauaina ai le tulaga muamua i le itu atoa o Northern California. O lona ala lea i le tauvaga o lo ua auai ai nei, ma tapena ai lona sao e toe fa ailo lona tupuaga o Amerika Samoa. I se fa amatalaga a le tama sa ia fa apea ai, Pau le mea ia vi ia le Atua i se mea ua o o i ai le taumafai a le fanau, ia sili fo i ona aoga le leo o Joe e pese ai i vi iga o le Atua ae le o nei ituaiga o tauvaga, aua e i ai lava le taimi e sasi ai fa aiuga e faia e le tagata, ae o le Atua ia, e fa amasino tonu mai lava i taimi uma! Ina ua fesiligia o ia, i sana toe upu i si ona atali i, ma o lana tali mai, E tasi lava le mea na toe fa atepa i ai le atali i, ia fai le mea sili ua o o i ai lona leo fa atasi ma lana taumafaiga, ae o isi mea uma e faia le fa ai uga e le Atua, afai lava e le pale, aua le popole, e tele isi fuafuaga a le Atua e toe aofia atu ai fo i o ia mulimuli ane. O nei mea uma, e le popole ai le tagata o le Atua. Sa auai le tama ia Tolo Jr i le taimi o le tauvaga pese i Los Angeles ma sa toe taliu mai i le teritori i le aso Gafua ua te a atu nei. O le vaiaso ua te a sa pu e ai le tauvaga ae sa faasalalauina i Amerika Samoa i le po o le aso Lua, lea sa va aia ai le tama o fa atasi ma lona atali i ma le aiga atoa i Los Angeles, ma sa toe fiafia lava o ia e maimoaina le polokalama ae ua o o mai o ia i inei. Ua toe tau fa atep a fo i a u i tua i na taimi o eva ane i laufanua o Los Angeles, o sana tala ata lea e tusa o lana maimoaga i le televise i inei. C Y M K AP Trayvon Martin s mother says the killer got away with murder Saunia: L.A.F./Naenae Productions KONESULA FOU O SAMOA I AMERIKA SAMOA Ua faamaonia e le Kapeneta le tofia ai o le afioga Auseugaefa Mafaituuga Faatili Tumaifale Vaasatia Poloma Komiti, e avea ma konesula aoao o Samoa i Amerika Samoa mo le isi tolu tausaga o lumanai nei. O le a sui tulaga o ia i le afioga Mataafa Tomasi Esera lea sa ia tauaveina lea tofiga mo le fa tausaga ua tuanai. O le afioga Auseuga sa tautua muamua i le malo i le tofiga o le ofisa sili o pulega mo le Matagaluega a le Palemia ma le Kapeneta mai le tausaga e 1997 i le Sa galue foi o ia i le Ofisa o le Fono a Atunuu o le Pasefika i Noumea, Niu Kaletonia (South Pacific Commission) mai le 1992 i le Na amata le tautua a le afioga Auseugaefa mo le malo Samoa i le tausaga e 1974 i le ofisa o le Savali ma le Ofisa o le Va i Fafo. E tofia nei o ia i lona tofiga fou o lo o avea o ia ma sui o le komiti faatonu o le Faalapotopotoga o Inisiua a Samoa, o se tofiga sa ia tauaveina talu mai le O le afioga Auseugaefa o se tamalii mai le afioaga o Tafitoala, Safata ma Faleu i Manono, ma o ia o se sui o le Ekalesia Metotisi i Fusi, Safata. TOLOPO LAUINA FAASALAGA O MUAGUTUTAGATA Ua toe tolopoina i le aso Gafua o le vaiaso fou le lauina o le faasalaga o le alii sa avea muamua ma faipule o le itumalo Sagaga Le Usoga, le afioga Muagututagata Peter Ah Him, i le Faamasinoga Maualuga. O lea faaiuga na faia e le afioga Faamasino Vui Clarence Nelson i le aso Gafua na te a ina ua maea le folasaga faaiu a le loia sa tulai mo Muagututagata, le susuga Fepuleai Patrick Fepuleai, lea na ia tuuina atu ai ni molimau e lagolagoina ai le ua molia mai le alii palemia, le susuga Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegoi. Na taua i le molimau tusitusia a le alii palemia le tele o galuega lelei sa faatinoina e le ua molia ao avea ma minisita lagolago. Na tuuina atu foi le molimau tusitusia a le uso a le ua molia, le alii faipule ia Maualaivao Pat Ah Him, o tagata o lona afioaga, o sui o le malo, o le afioga Akiepikopo Alapati Mataeliga, o le Patele o le latou aulotu ma isi. Na finau le alii loia ia Fepuleai, o Muagututagata o se tagata sa tele lona aoga i le atunuu ma le malo, faapea foi o lona itumalo lea sa ia totogiina pili aoga o nisi o fanau o lo latou nuu. Fai mai a ia, ua salamo le ua molia i lana solitulafono na fai. E lua moliaga o le gaoi ma le taufaasese na faamaonia i le Faamasinoga i ni feutagaiga ma se kamupanhi Saina sa fai paaga ma lana kamupani. MANAIA LE KANG KONG I LE TAUMAFA Ua maua i suesuega a le vaega o laau toto ma faatoaga a le Matagaluega o Faatoaga ma Vaomatua i Nuu, se tasi o laau o lo o maua i Samoa ua faaigoaina o le Kang Kong po o le kapisi sosolo, o se fualaau fai sua e tele lona aoga mo le soifua maloloina. O lenei laau o le Kang Kong e lua ona ituaiga o lo o ola ai i Samoa, o le ituaiga e lautetele ona lau ma le ituaiga e lauiti ma e mafai ona ola i nofoaga susu faapea le eleele matutu. Na faaalia e le faauluuluga o le vaega o laau toto i Nuu, le afioga Misa Konelio, o lo o faagasolo a latou suesuega i le taimi nei e faamautinoa ai po le a le ituaiga faiga e mafai ai ona totoina le Kang Kong ina ia mafai ai ona faasafua atu i le atunuu lautele. Na saunoa Misa, e fa itu taua o le Kang Kong po o le kapisi sosolo ua maua i a latou suesuega. Muamua, e tele lona aoga i le itu tau soifua maloloina mo le tagata soifua (nutritional value), lua, e faigata ona aafia le ola o lea laau i faama i ma iniseti faalafua, tolu, e faigofie ona ola, ma le lona fa, e na o le 30 aso mai le taimi e toto ai, ona fafai loa lea mo le faaaogaina i le gaseseina o taumafa. E le gata i lea, a uma ona tipi ese le vaega o le laau e faaaoga, na o le vaiaso ae toe ola foi lea vaega o le laau ma mafai ona toe faaaoga foi i gasesega o taumafa. O le vaiaso na te a nei na faagasolo ai le tofoga o lenei laau ma na toatele i latou sa molimauina lona tofo lelei. MIAMI (AP) The mother of Trayvon Martin says she s disappointed that federal prosecutors decided not to charge a neighborhood watch volunteer with a hate crime for killing her son three years ago. Speaking with The Associated Press on Wednesday before the third anniversary of her 17-year-old son s death, Sybrina Fulton says she still believes George Zimmerman got away with murder. He took a life, carelessly and recklessly, and he shouldn t deserve to have his entire life walking around on the street free. I just believe that he should be held accountable for what he s done, Fulton said. Zimmerman claimed he shot the unarmed teenager in selfdefense after confronting Martin while volunteering for his neighborhood watch group. A jury acquitted him of seconddegree murder the next year. The case sparked a national conversation about race, bias and crime in part because Zimmerman, who identifies himself as Hispanic, was not immediately arrested after shooting Martin, who is black. The U.S. Justice Department announced Tuesday that it found insufficient evidence to establish that Zimmerman willfully deprived Martin of his civil rights or killed him because of his race. The Justice Department is the top of the line here, Fulton said. But what they found just wasn t enough. Zimmerman, for his part, is relieved the case is closed, according to his attorney, Don West. This cloud he was under has been lifted, West told the AP, adding that he finds it misleading to suggest that charges weren t filed only because the legal standard for federal hate crime is so tough to meet. There simply was never any compelling evidence that this was a federal hate crime. Race played no role in it whatsoever, he said. The February 2012 confrontation began after Zimmerman spotted Martin walking through the neighborhood, returning to his father s home after buying candy and a soft drink at a convenience store. Zimmerman called 911 to report a suspicious person, and got out of his car to follow Martin despite being warned by the dispatcher not to. Zimmerman did not testify at his trial, but he told investigators he feared for his life as Martin straddled him and punched him during the ensuing fight. Wearing a T-shirt bearing a black-and-white image of her son in a hoodie, Fulton said she still longs for Zimmerman to be held responsible. I want to see people held accountable for what they re doing. It s just upsetting to know that a person can shoot and kill someone and justify it, Fulton said. Fulton now channels her grief into work with The Trayvon Martin Foundation, which reaches out to other families who have lost children to violence, awards scholarships and collects school supplies for poor students. She s also watching to see how the Justice Department handles other high-profile killings of unarmed blacks. Decisions are pending on whether to charge police in New York and Ferguson, Missouri with depriving the victims of their civil rights by using excessive force in the course of duty. C Y M K

9 samoa news, Thursday, February 26, 2015 Page B9 SECTION B visit samoa news Thursday, February 26, 2015 Classifieds Cartoons aloha briefs & More C Y M K Los Angeles-area city celebrating stadium deal and C Y M K Cricket games at the Fagaalu Park draw large crowds who come out to support their favorite village team, or just because they re big fans of the game. For the Pago Eagles cricket team, supporters HC Asuega Faamamata Lauvai and Rev. Father Vaiula Iulio of the Pago Pago Catholic Parish were all smiles last Thursday, even though the Eagles lost to the Masefau Mosiula in a very exciting match-up. [photo: B. Chen] Kevin Garnett a winner in emotional return to Wolves MINNEAPOLIS (AP) Kevin Garnett Nik Vucevic had all five of the Magic s made an emotional return to Minnesota with an points in overtime, and finished with 26 points ear-splitting reception and his Timberwolves and eight rebounds. Victor Oladipo had 13 overcame a jittery start to beat the Washington points and a career-high 13 rebounds. Wizards on Wednesday night. ROCKETS 110, CLIPPERS 105 Garnett, the face of the franchise who was HOUSTON (AP) James Harden had 21 reacquired in a trade from Brooklyn last week, points, Corey Brewer scored 13 of his 20 points had five points on 2-for-7 shooting with eight in the fourth quarter and the Houston Rockets rebounds and two blocks in 19 minutes in his snapped a six-game skid to Los Angeles. first game for the Timberwolves since It s Houston s first victory over Los Angeles Kevin Martin scored 28 points and Andrew since March 30, 2013, and just the second win Wiggins had 19 for the Wolves, who trailed by in the past 13 meetings with the Clippers. 15 early after Garnett s stirring reintroduction. The Rockets opened the fourth quarter with Marcin Gortat had nine points and 15 rebounds a 15-1 run to take a lead. With the second for the Wizards, who have lost five in a row and unit in, Brewer starred in that stretch, scoring of their last 12. John Wall had five points on points, with two 3-pointers. 2-for-10 shooting and 10 assists, and Paul Pierce Jamal Crawford led Los Angeles with 24 missed the game with a bruised knee. points. Chris Paul has 22 points and 14 assists, and Nikola Pekovic had 15 points and 13 rebounds DeAndre Jordan has 22 points and 19 rebounds. for Minnesota, but the night belonged to KG, the HAWKS 104, MAVERICKS 87 charismatic superstar who put this woebegone ATLANTA (AP) Dennis Schroder had franchise on the map during 12 brilliant seasons 17 points, Atlanta took the lead with a 13-0 run before getting traded to Boston in in the third quarter and went on beat Dallas, HEAT 93, MAGIC 90, OT with the Mavericks playing without suspended ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) Luol Deng had 21 guard Rajon Rondo. The Mavericks suspended points, Dwyane Wade added 18 and Miami rallied to beat Orlando. to the team. Rondo had a heated exchange on Rondo before the game for conduct detrimental Hassan Whiteside added 15 points and 13 the court with coach Rick Carlisle in the third rebounds. The Heat have won three of four quarter Tuesday night against Toronto. since losing Chris Bosh for the season with a Carlisle said the one-game suspension was blood clot in his lung. an organizational decision and said Rondo The Magic squandered an eight-point lead will start in the Mavericks next game against with less than a minute play in the fourth Brooklyn on Saturday. quarter, allowing the Heat to send the game to Monta Ellis led Dallas with 19 points. extra time. (Continued on page B16) awaits NFL team INGLEWOOD, Calif. (AP) The Inglewood City Council unanimously approved a $2 billion stadium plan backed by St. Louis Rams owner Stan Kroenke that clears a path for the NFL to return to the Los Angeles area for the first time in two decades. But the approval that really matters the NFL s blessing for a team to move into the nation s second-largest media market is a major work in progress. And there s still no certainty Kroenke will move the team from St. Louis, where city officials are working to come up with a suitable stadium deal. Despite the remaining hurdles, Tuesday s 5-0 council vote prompted Mayor James T. Butts to declare it s time to celebrate. The hours of public comments that preceded the vote, and the cheers that followed it, showed similar enthusiasm. I m not going to sleep, I ll probably stay up all night just thinking about it, said Henry Yet, 54, of Brea, a member of the Southern California Rams boosters and one of many in attendance wearing the team s blue-and-yellow jerseys. This is a monumental step. Only a small handful of dissenters spoke. Kroenke is part of the Hollywood Park Land Co. development group that is promoting the project just south of Los Angeles. The vote takes an existing redevelopment plan for the site of the former Hollywood Park horse track and adds the 80,000-seat, 60-acre stadium. It also allowed the city to avoid a more time-consuming approach involving a voter initiative and environmental reviews of issues such as noise, traffic and air pollution. Yet said he believed Kroenke and the team that left LA two decades ago eventually will return. He knows he s going to be in litigation, but he has the money and the firepower to do it, and the city says yes, Yet said. New urgency for Inglewood materialized last week with the announcement that the Oakland Raiders and the San Diego Chargers are proposing a shared stadium in nearby Carson if they don t get their current hometowns to cough up enough money to replace their aging arenas. Another stadium plan is alive for downtown Los Angeles, but it has no team attached. Stadium proponents in Inglewood said it is important to approve the concept as soon as possible to avoid delays in the redevelopment that already is underway. They would like construction to start by year s end to have a venue ready for the 2018 football season. Christopher Meany, executive vice president of the Hollywood Park Land Co., said the plan is important for the community and said at the meeting Tuesday that the project is really going to be the new heart of Inglewood, which once was home to the Los Angeles Lakers and LA Kings. Meany has emphasized that the plan does not include any taxpayer dollars to build the stadium, though developers could recoup tens of millions of dollars in costs ranging from installing streetlights and fire hydrants to running shuttle buses and providing officers as security on game days. Butts, the mayor, said the project was the best financial arrangement in the history of stadium deals in this country. Supporters also said the stadium would bring the city more than 10,000 jobs and tens of millions of dollars a year in new tax revenue.

10 Page B10 samoa news, Thursday, February 26, 2015 Afghanistan s Shapoor Zadran, right, embraces teammate Samiullah Shenwari as he celebrates his team s Cricket World Cup Pool A win over Scotland in Dunedin, New Zealand, Thursday, Feb. 26, (AP Photo/Dianne Manson) Afghanistan edges Scotland by 1 wicket for first World Cup win DUNEDIN, New Zealand (AP) The Afghanistan cricket team brought tremendous joy to its far-flung fans when it beat Scotland by one wicket in the last over to claim its first win at the Cricket World Cup. Samuillah Shenwari scored 96 to bat Afghanistan to the threshold of victory Thursday as it chased Scotland s its highest-ever score in a World Cup match - but was out with 19 runs needed, 19 balls remaining and one wicket standing. The last-wicket pair of Hamid Hassan (15 not out) and Shapoor Zadran (12 not out) combined in a nerveless partnership which completed the famous win with three balls to spare. Shapoor struck the third ball of Iain Wardlaw s final over for a boundary to end the most passionately-contested match to date at the 2015 World Cup. Thanks to Allah, Shenwari said. I was thankful to... get the win for Afghanistan. We lost five wickets early and I had the responsibility to stay there till the end. It was a poor shot to get out, but I was trying to get a six. Good win for us in the tournament and we are looking forward to win more. Afghanistan has been the most impassioned team at the tournament, celebrating every wicket with unrestrained displays of jubilation, including cartwheels and quiet prayers. So far are they from the norm of professional cricket, where players tend to be measured and mediatrained, that they have brought a new dimension to the tournament. Afghanistan is competing at its first World Cup in the 50-over format and none of the 14 teams contesting the quadrennial event has had a tougher road to the tournament. War has affected Afghanistan s security and infrastructure. Yet this squad of 15 players, many of whom have spent time as refugees outside their homeland, have achieved the tremendous feat first of qualifying for this tournament, then of traveling to the other side of the world to participate in it, and finally to achieve a win in only their third match at the most elite level. Afghanistan bowled well to dismiss Scotland for 210 from the final ball of the 50th over. Shapoor Zadran (4-38) and Dhawat Zadran (3-29) reduced Scotland to on a seaming pitch before a 62-run ninth wicket stand between Majid Haq (31) and Alasdair Evans lifted the Scots past 200 for the first time at a World Cup. Afghanistan then made a vibrant beginning to its innings, rushing to 42-0 after seven overs. But its innings went into a spiral, with Afghanistan slumping to 97-7 before Shenwari began to stabilize the run chase. Scotland then seemed to have the upper hand and, in a match between teams that had never won a World Cup match, their claim to victory seemed equally compelling. But Shenwari, with infinite patience, began building his and Afghanistan s innings and slowly the course of the game turned again. There were many times when Shenwari s innings, completed with intermittent support from the Afghani tail-enders, seemed too casually-paced to save his lineup. He resolutely defended any ball that contained a threat and preserved his wicket with ferocious determination until the runs required and balls remaining began to move into closer synchronization. He lost partners regularly. Mohammad Nabi (1), Asfar Zazai (0), Najibullah Zadran (4) and Gulbadin Naib (0) were all out as the Afghanistan innings tottered on the verge of total collapse. But Zadran made nine in a 35-run partnership which halted the slide, then Hamid Hassan helped add 60 for the ninth wicket in a partnership that turned the match. Shenwari finally went on the offensive, striking three sixes from the bowling of Majid Haq in the 47th over. He was out next ball, caught in the deep to Josh Davey, and Haq knelt in exhausted relief and in hope that the match had tipped in Scotland s favor. Shapoor and Hamid, then set about the task of scoring the final runs, knowing any more dismissals would result in defeat. They slowly defrayed the runs required and came to the last over needing five runs from six balls. Hamid took a single from the first ball and Shapoor struck the third a low full toss on leg stump for the winning boundary. Shapoor set off on a delirious run to the corner of the ground where a small group of New Zealand-based Afghanis, who had raucously supported their team throughout the match, were waiting to greet him. SPORTS SHORTS Big 12 s chief reprimands Kansas State for court-storming case KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) Big 12 Conference Commissioner Bob Bowlsby is publicly reprimanding Kansas State for failing to prevent Wildcats fans from pouring onto the court after the school s upset victory over rival Kansas. Bowlsby s admonition Wednesday came the same day Kansas State student Nathan Power was publicly identified as the fan who body-checked Kansas forward Jamari Traylor after the Wildcats victory over the No. 8 Jayhawks on Monday night at Bramlage Coliseum. Kansas State police said Power, part of a wave of Kansas State fans who rushed onto the court in celebration after a game peppered with profane chants by fans, has been cited for disorderly conduct. Though there were no known injuries related to courtstorming, Bowlsby insisted in a statement on the conference s website that Kansas State s written events-management policy was unsuccessful in ensuring the safety and security of both game participants and spectators. Revisions to policies and procedures must guarantee that no future incidents occur, Bowlsby said, urging all universities in the conference to reassess game-management procedures in order to effectively and uniformly ensure the integrity of our contests, the security of the student-athletes and coaches, and the safety of the spectators. The Big 12 has no policy barring spectators from entering playing areas or that govern foul language and inappropriate chants at the league s venues, Bowlsby said he has asked that those topics be discussed during the next meetings of the conference s athletics directors and chief executives. Nadal advances to quarterfinals on clay in Buenos Aires, argentina BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) Top-seeded Rafael Nadal beat local qualifier Facundo Arguello 6-4, 6-0 on Wednesday to reach the quarterfinals of the Argentina Open. Nadal has yet to reach a final in three tournaments this season and was beaten in the semifinals last week in Rio de Janeiro, ending his 52-match unbeaten run on clay. He has had illness and injury problems the last few seasons, and this year he says he s fit but not yet match conditioned. In other key matches, third-seeded Pablo Cuevas of Uruguay advanced with a 7-6 (4), 6-1 win against Guido Andreozzi of Argentina, but No. 5 Leonardo Mayer was ousted by fellow Argentine Juan Monaco 6-4, 6-4. RB Reggie Bush released by Lions ALLEN PARK, Mich. (AP) The Detroit Lions released running back Reggie Bush on Wednesday, halfway through the four-year deal he signed as a free agent before the 2013 season. Bush started 23 games for the Lions. He rushed for 1,006 yards in 2013, but this past season he had only 76 carries for 297 yards while slowed by injuries. Bush, the No. 2 overall pick in the 2006 draft, turns 30 next week. The Lions acquired Bush to provide some offensive balance for a team that had a dynamic passing game with quarterback Matthew Stafford and receiver Calvin Johnson. There were times when Bush flashed some of the speed and elusiveness that made him a star at Southern California and an exciting addition to the New Orleans Saints during his first few NFL seasons. But he played in only 11 games this season, his fewest since Bush battled ankle and back problems last season, and 28-yearold Joique Bell emerged as the team s top rusher. Bell ran for 860 yards on 223 carries, both career highs. Cop: Shell casings in Hernandez car, at scene from the same gun FALL RIVER, Mass. (AP) A shell casing found in a car rented by ex-new England Patriots player Aaron Hernandez and at the scene of a killing near his home were fired from the same weapon, a state police sergeant testified Wednesday. Five shell casings were found near where Odin Lloyd was shot to death June 17, 2013, in an industrial park not far from the Hernandez home in North Attleborough. An employee of a rental car business has previously testified that she found one shell casing under the driver s seat of Hernandez s rented Nissan Altima, which he returned the day of the killing. Police later found that shell casing in a trash bin at the business. Sgt. Stephen Walsh testified Wednesday that his examination determined all six.45-caliber casings were fired by the same gun. He said they were consistent with having been fired from a Glock. The murder weapon has never been found. During cross-examination, the defense went after Walsh for not looking more thoroughly for ways to match the bullets, such as by contacting the manufacturer or by checking a national database for comparing bullets. (Continued on page B11)

11 SPORTS SHORTS Continued from page B10 Ohio marijuana case continued for NFL running back Bradshaw EATON, Ohio (AP) The Ohio marijuana possession case involving an Indianapolis Colts running back was continued Wednesday while authorities wait for crime lab results. Eaton Municipal Judge Paul Henry rescheduled a pretrial conference for Ahmad Bradshaw to April 8. Bradshaw pleaded not guilty to the misdemeanor count after being stopped this month by state troopers on a western Ohio interstate. A Super Bowl player while with the New York Giants, Bradshaw, 28, would become a free agent in March after signing oneyear Colts contracts the last two years. The team s website had carried a story earlier in which Bradshaw said he hoped to remain with the Colts. Bradshaw had 725 total yards and eight touchdowns in 10 games for the Colts in 2014 before suffering a season-ending fractured fibula. His Dayton attorney, David Williamson, didn t immediately return a call for comment. The Ohio State Highway Patrol said Bradshaw was stopped for a traffic violation on Interstate 70 on Feb. 5. A trooper said he found 1.5 grams of marijuana in the vehicle and sent some unidentified substances and other items to the patrol s crime lab. Bradshaw was charged with possessing a small amount of marijuana and with following another vehicle too closely. Former Eagles player receives PROBATION for assaulting officer PHOENIX (AP) Former Philadelphia Eagles safety Keelan Johnson has been sentenced to two months of supervised probation for pushing a police officer in suburban Phoenix last year. Maricopa County prosecutors say the 25-year-old Johnson, who played 49 games for Arizona State, was sentenced Wednesday. He pleaded guilty last month to aggravated assault. The officer was investigating a fight between a bouncer and an acquaintance of Johnson s at a bar last July in Tempe, home to Arizona State. Johnson had previously pleaded not guilty to charges of aggravated assault on an officer and resisting arrest and had been facing trial. The Miami Dolphins signed Johnson as an undrafted free agent in April 2013 but waived him that fall. He signed with the Eagles in September 2013 and was released in August Seahawks coach Pete Carroll to get honorary degree from USC LOS ANGELES (AP) Seattle Seahawks coach Pete Carroll is going back to Southern California to pick up an honorary degree. The university said Wednesday that Carroll will be among six recipients of honorary degrees at the May 15 graduation ceremony in Los Angeles. Mellody Hobson, a money management expert and the wife of filmmaker George Lucas, will deliver the commencement address. Carroll returns to the campus where he restored the Trojans football program to national prominence as coach from He helped the Trojans win a national championship before leaving to coach the Seahawks, who won the Super Bowl under him in 2014 and lost in this year s Super Bowl to New England. He will be inducted into the school s athletic hall of fame the day after graduation. Carroll founded A Better LA and A Better Seattle, gang-violence prevention and community organizations that empower inner-city youth. Man gets prison in Phoenix death of ex-champion boxer PHOENIX (AP) One of two men charged in the beating death of a teenage boxer in Phoenix has been sentenced to 25 years in prison. Maricopa County prosecutors say 23-year-old Robert Chavez was sentenced Wednesday after pleading guilty to second-degree murder. The other suspect 24-year-old Joseph Jesse Corrales also pleaded guilty to second-degree murder last month and awaits sentencing. Chavez and Corrales originally were charged with first-degree murder, second-degree burglary and trafficking in stolen property. They were arrested in the September 2013 beating death of 17-year-old Alexis Urbina-Ochoa, whose bloody body was found in his home. Phoenix police say they were tipped off that Chavez and Corrales were selling items stolen from Urbina-Ochoa s home. Urbina-Ochoa won a USA Youth Boxing National title in 2013 and was training for the 2016 Olympics. Nicklaus to have his own ice cream NORTH PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) Jack Nicklaus is now devoting time to the one glaring weakness in his incomparable career ice cream. The Schwan Food Company in Minnesota is teaming up with the 18-time major champion to create Jack Nicklaus premium ice cream. It will be sold by the pint and available in grocery stores in select markets. The ice cream will be offered in seven flavors. Nicklaus says it s no secret that he loves ice cream and he loves this project. He says he s never had so much fun in research and development. Schwan is donating to the Nicklaus Children s Health Care Foundation. Once the ice cream launch is over, Schwan says it will donate a percentage of the proceeds to the foundation and another children s health care charity. FORT MYERS, Fla. (AP) David Ortiz has a deliberate routine at the plate. He sounded prepared to pay for it. I might run out of money, Ortiz said during a colorful rant Wednesday about the new paceof-play rule requiring hitters to keep at least one foot in the batter s box in some instances. Ortiz said he felt this provision, announced last week, unfairly targeted hitters. One of the more radical alterations discussed, a limit on the number of seconds between pitches, was not implemented. I m not going to change my game, the Boston designated hitter said. I don t care what they say. Major League Baseball can dock him, starting May 1, up to $500 per offense. Penalties were limited to warnings and fines, rather than allowing umpires to call strikes. Another part of the initiative agreed to by MLB and the players association will be the installation of clocks in stadiums to limit the length of pitching changes and between-innings breaks. Managers, too, are no longer required to leave the dugout to request video reviews. In his first remarks to reporters since arriving at spring training, Ortiz said he wasn t aware of the batter s box rule. So after the pitch, you ve got to stay in the box, basically? he said, incredulously. Yes, with one foot, unless there has just been a foul ball, wild pitch or other specified reason. One foot? Ortiz said. Yes, to speed up the game. Ortiz then used a profanity to describe his reaction to the rule. When you come out of the box, you re thinking about what a guy s trying to do, he continued. This is not like we go to the plate with an empty mind. No, no, no. When you see guys pitch coming out of the box, we re not doing it just for doing it. Our mind is speeding up. I saw one pitch, when I come out, I m thinking, What is this guy going to try to do to me next? I m not walking around just because there s cameras all over the place and I want my buddies back home to see me and this and that. Ortiz blamed pitchers for wasting more time than hitters. How about the guy on the mound who goes like this for three hours? he said, shaking his head back and forth to mimic the act of shaking off a sign. Toronto s R.A. Dickey, one of the fasterworking pitchers in the major leagues, said he loved the new rules. Bring on the pitch clock. Bring on whatever. I like it, because it makes the hitter feel uncomfortable, the 2012 NL Cy Young Award winner said. I m already fast, so it s only samoa news, Thursday, February 26, 2015 Page B Heisman Award winner Johnny Lattner, second from left, shakes hands with this year s Paul Hornung Award-winner, Washington s Shaq Thompson, who played linebacker, running back, safety and special teams, Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015, in Louisville, Ky. At left is Paul Hornung, and second from right is Jerry Kramer, former NFL player, author and sports commentator, who was the guest speaker at this yearís banquet. (AP Photo/The Courier-Journal, David R. Lutman) Ortiz on pace-of-play fines: I might run out of money going to put more pressure on the hitter that has to get in the box and get ready before his routine. If you ve got some guys who have a very deliberate routine (Robinson) Cano and Ortiz and others that have a very deliberate routine... they re going to have to speed up a little bit and that may take just this much out of their game. You know, that could be a enough to get a pop out instead of a home run sometimes. I m great with it. Manager John Farrell stressed the importance of letting the new rules play out for a season. Anytime a game is played a certain way for as many years as it has, an adjustment is going to have some growing pains associated to it, Farrell said. But I think as long as everyone is aware of what the attention is and what we re trying to get to, maybe those growing pains become less frustrating. The 39-year-old Ortiz had an.873 on-baseplus-slugging percentage last season, still a robust number for almost any player in the majors but his second-lowest since joining the Red Sox in He hit 35 home runs with 104 RBIs in 142 games, which is exactly what they ve paid him to do. Ortiz is set to make $16 million in His contract includes a $10 million club option for 2016 that could escalate to $16 million and become guaranteed, with the same provisions for 2017 based on plate appearances and passing a team physical exam. As for how much longer he s planning on playing? You guys asked the same question to Tom Brady last year, Ortiz said, adding with a smile: We are like the wine. Remember that. Brady recently quarterbacked the New England Patriots to a fourth Super Bowl title. That s one more championship ring than Ortiz has received with the Red Sox. That s my motivation now, he said. Ortiz, who is 34 home runs short of 500, wasn t ready to reflect on his legacy yet. Once you start thinking about that you re thinking about stopping, he said. Ortiz acknowledged the need to conserve energy at his age, gaining more fuel from his mind these days than his body. He didn t sound like the end of his career was near, though, with no date or no time or no years to measure his track toward retirement. I signed a contract last year that basically tells me as long as you do what you re doing and keep on helping us out, you re going to play, Ortiz said, adding: I need to have that anger. I need to have that cockiness when I m playing. I need to be who I am.... When that goes away, I guess it s time to go away, too.

12 Page B12 samoa news, Thursday, February 26, 2015 BUSINESS & SERVICEDirectory Phone: Fax Airport Road Pago Pago AS DAILY RATES WEEKLY RATES MONTHLY RATES CALL NOW! UNIQUE ISLAND PATTERNS gift and sewing shop NOW OPEN at the Nuuuli Shopping Center (former location of Good Food Bakery, next to J-Len T s) Locally hand-painted elei fabric unique gift ideas, greeting cards, aloha shirts ready-made puletasi ensembles. We can customize an outfit to your taste. Check out our sewing shop Open Mon-Sat 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Call for more information TIOLA S CREATIONS NOW OPEN at the Lumana i Building in Fagatogo Beautiful handicrafts, unique jewelry pieces, stylish shoes, cute dresses and so much more. Check us out for great items at affordable prices. Open 7:30am - 7pm Call / for more info Stop by today to enjoy delicious food prepared with fresh ingredients. We also have cakes, pies, cinnamon rolls and so much more yummy pastries. MON THRU SAT 7AM-2PM You can also call in your order for pick up! Hollister General Services, Inc / VAITOGI ROAD, PAGO PAGO AMERICAN SAMOA HOURS TOWING SERVICES CLASSIFIED ADS ARE POSTED ON OUR WEBSITE: AND READ WORLD WIDE! Island Funeral Services i n Nu uuli FOR ALL YOUR FUNERAL NEEDS!!! 24 Hour Services Office: Fax: Mobile: Home: Lean on Us in Your Time of Need T s BARBER SHOP & MASSAGE CENTER now open in Leloaloa (former 3-Y Service Station) Kids $5-$6 Men $8 Women $10 Open Monday through Saturday 9am - 6pm Call for more info Full body massage $40/per hour Competitive rates. Stop by and see us today Call Monday to Friday: or and set your appointment today W e p r o v i d e s t h e f o l l o w i n g : GENERAL DENTISTRY: Exam, Cleaning, Filling, Surgery, etc. ORTHODONTIC SERVICES: Braces, Retainers, Appliances, etc. COSMETIC: Teeth Whitening, Veneer, Crowns, Bridges, Dentures. Le o c a t i o n : t O t t o c v i l l e R o a d. Between Tafuna Mini Mart Store & Kanana Fou (CCCAS) Campus. DNALSISLATNER SRUOH 42 NEPO )larenufdnalsi(ilu unnidetacol DISABLED VETS INTERESTED IN SPORTS? Contact ASNOC for registration info at or sriahc,selbat,s

13 samoa news, Thursday, February 26, 2015 Page B13 BUSINESS & SERVICEDirectory Phone: Fax CLASSIFIEDS FOR RENT FOR SALE HELP/JOBS 2 BED-2 BATH APT in Ottoville area. Furnished w/ refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, AC and hot water. Some living/dining furniture. Secured area. NOT a 1602, first and last months rent required. Please call or [03/09] FULLY FURNISHED 3BR/2BA in Pago, Hot water, Stove, Fridge, Furniture, Washer/Dryer, Great Location! / [02/26] $775 A MONTH Fixer Upper Malaeimi house, 3 bdrms up, 2 baths, 3 carport, private, quiet, spacious, new screens, paint, mini fridge, two burner gas stove, near highway, church, college, ACE store.; dsfanene@; David [03/02] LARGE OFFICE BLDG with a 3 Room Unit & a kitchen, and a 3 bdrm furnished home located in Tafuna / / [03/09] CHEST DEEP FREEZER $300; Sony portable microphones $75; Built in dishwasher $90; room dehumidifier $1235; Samoan Souvenirs. Call [03/05] 2002 CADILLAC ESCALADE LUX- URY, excellent condition, new chairs, bluetooth head unit, steering wheel controls, 22 inch rims and much more. Asking $14,000 OBO. Must Sell. Call [02/27] BUILT-IN DISHWASHER $90 room AC $85 sofa table $65 DVD player $45 sewing craft table $89 baby car seats - lrg room dehumidifier $149. Call / [03/02] HELP/JOBS HELP/JOBS BUS DRIVER; honest and committed. Please contact or for more information. [03/04] COOK, CASHIER, DISHWASHER is needed at DDW. Apply in person and bring all necessary working documents and clearances. [03/02] TECHNICAL CONSULTING ASSIS- TANT needed. Must have 5 years experience and be able to speak English & Tagalog fluently Call for interview or send resume to PO Box [02/26] GRAPHIC ARTIST, experience with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Applications may be picked up at Island Business Center at the Nu uuli Place. Please submit references with application. For more info, contact Kennedy Nofoagatoto a at [03/11] YARD SALE YARD SALE GARAGE SALE on Sat, Feb 28th from 9am to 5pm at Tafuna/Kokoland. All clothing $5, $3 and $1. Call for directions or for more info. [02/27] LEONE HS ALUMNI ASSOC will hold its monthly general meeting on Monday, Mar 5:30pm at the School Library. Important matters will be discussed about our upcoming LHS 50th Anniversary. All alumni from Class are asked to please attend. Contact Pogia Tusi Suiaunoa at or Eucharist Elisara Reupena at for more info. [03/02] ALL ALUMNI OF NU UULI VOC-TECH (POLYTECH HS); important meeting re: upcoming 30th Anniversary on Monday, Mar 5pm in Room A-1. Due to limited space, please send one rep to represent each class. For more info, pls contact or [03/02] (SSO) SAMOAN SAINTS ORGANIZATION ROADSIDE CLEAN- UP!! We invited you all to join us this Saturday, Feb 27th, 5:30pm- 6:30pm from Lupelele to Cost-U-Less store. Hope to see you there giving your support to clean our beautiful island. Contact for more info. [02/27] ASCC DIV. OF ADULT EDUCATION LITERACY & EXTENDED LEARNING FREE REGISTRATION now open until May 8 for Summer Classes begin May 18-July 22, Please contact our office at ext or or for more information. [02/27] CELEBRATE RECOVERY a 12-step recovery program for any type of addiction or compulsive behavior (drugs, alcohol, anger, etc. Also for victims of past physical or sexual abuse) Every Sat. at Alliance office, Nuuuli 10am. FREE Info Mona URGENT HOMES NEEDED FOR ADULT DOGS being trapped at Lyons Park!! Majority of adult dogs trapped are healthy &very friendly but will be humanly euthanized if no one claims them after 48 hours of being held. PLEASE HELP! Call Mona at or FEASDAT Families for Effective Autism Spectrum Disorder Awareness & Treatment (addressing behavioral & autistic disorders) Join our monthly social encounters & learn ways to help your loved one. (Samoan) (English) (Filipino) ext 526 SAMOANA HS BOOSTER CLUB Meeting every THURSDAY evening at the SHS gym to discuss matters on game day. TAFUNA HS BOOSTER CLUB Weekly Meeting every 5:30pm in Coach s room at the school. GROUP SUPPORT HANNAH to rebuild strength, to restore wisdom & understanding & working together side by side to overcome any obstacle, please call and join us. Pua or SURVIVORS TAKING ACTION THROUGH SHARING Meeting every Saturday. Open Fellowship, everyone Lion s office by Showers of Blessing. Elizabeth or (Victiims of Violence) ASOA General Meetings. Will be held each month on the 3rd Friday at 10am at ASOA Center in Tafuna on Tasi St. All seniors welcome. Questions, call YANA If you are feeling lonely & need someone to talk to, we are COLLINS TRAVEL & RENTAL AGENCY For all your travel needs... Lumana i Building, Fagatogo Phone: (684) /2653 Fax: (684) We also process Travel VISAs us: P.O. Box 6070, Pago Pago, AS 96799

14 Page B14 samoa news, Thursday, February 26, 2015 ACROSS 1 Billiard stroke 6 Coming into vogue again 11 WWII lady in uniform 14 Colorful lizard 15 Earthy tone 16 One-time connection 17 Decorator s concern 19 Japanese currency 20 Small links group 21 Nile bird 22 Notwithstanding 25 Tastefully fine 27 Curse the day 28 Clarified butter used in India 31 After-bath powder 32 Conclusions 34 Planets or other spheres 36 Converted from coal via distillation 39 Be in concurrence 41 Friend of Pooh 42 Succeed in Business Without Really Trying 43 Sierra (African country) 44 A pollutant 46 Abstain from 47 Canola and olive 49 Door doodad 2/26 Universal Crossword Edited by Timothy E. Parker February 26, Very old Tokyo 52 Indian appetizers 55 One who can decrease? 57 Gorbachev s nation, once 58 Menswear item 61 Do an impression of 62 Driving nightmares 66 Fido s physician, for short 67 Madison Square Garden, e.g. 68 Banded, venomous snake 69 Ambulances speed to them 70 Passover month 71 Dog in Annie DOWN 1 n cheese 2 Word after ages 3 Mineo of films 4 Bashed, Biblically 5 Insect with pincers 6 Arabian Nights creatures 7 Bat s navigation aid 8 A restaurant may have one 9 Liquefy again 10 You may want to get a lode of this 11 Definitely not now? 12 Ordered delivery 13 Art capable of 18 Bantu language group 21 Eskimo dwellings 22 We had nice time 23 Fencing move 24 Furniture store offerings 26 To His Own 29 Bungles 30 Online novel 33 12th-grader 35 Any day now Practice piece for one instrument 38 Blood drive participant 2/25 40 Fish caught in pots 45 Transparent linen 48 Zen Buddhist enlightenment 50 Big name in security 52 Socially smooth 53 According to 54 Places on the Web 56 Word with light or soap 59 Italian volcano 60 of the Cave Bear 62 Censure 63 Has the ability to 64 The Karate (1984 film) 65 Enclosure for swine PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER 2015 Universal Uclick WATER FRONT By Clarence J. Meeks Happy Birthday: Make a commitment to finish what you start. The information and guidelines you discover through educational pursuits and discussions with accomplished individuals will increase your chance to become a driving force in your community or field of employment. A partnership will help stabilize your life and your future. Prepare to take action. Your numbers are 7, 16, 23, 25, 32, 34, 43. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Make social plans. Put greater emphasis on love, romance and important relationships. Express your feelings, define where you stand, and identify what you want to see happen in the near future. Communication is key to success. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Limitations due to emotionally escalating situations will leave you reluctant to make a decision regarding your situation at home or at work. The suggestions made by an outsider will help ease your stress. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Listen to what s being said, but don t take action prematurely. Chill out and take time to reassess your life personally and professionally. Changes made at home will allow you to entertain new prospects. CANCER (June 21-July 22): You ll face both positive and negative situations. Focus on what you are able to change and where you can be productive and progressive. Don t rely on others for help. A creative solution will lead to success. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You have plenty to offer, so jump into action and do your part. Your contribution to any team you join will help you master your ability to be a leader. A serious talk will result in a successful relationship. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Revisit some of your past financial decisions. Buying and selling is highlighted, but the changes you make should Thursday, February 26, 2015 be to lower debt and ease stress. Don t let anyone lead you astray or cost you emotionally or financially. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Discuss the changes you want to see happen within a partnership or your living arrangements. Back away from anyone who is demanding or pushy. You have much to gain if you offer your honest opinion. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Put your cash and prized possessions in a safe place. Give yourself a chance to search for the best financial options. A risk may be tempting, but will not be worth the stress and instability that will ensue. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Don t let depression turn in to a costly affair. You are experiencing a make-it-or-break-it period where partnerships are concerned. Don t make a rash decision or say something you ll regret. Focus on the positives and protect your assets. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Keep a low profile and go about your business under the radar, and you will avoid being pushed in a direction that you feel uncertain about. Helping others or working on behalf of a cause will bring you the highest returns. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Pick up the pace and take an active part in anything that is work-related or goal-oriented. You can expand your interests and your friendships with influential people if you attend a networking function. Love is highlighted. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Keep busy and stay out of trouble. Too much time on your hands will lead to misunderstandings and emotional turmoil. Focus on self-improvement, not on trying to change others. Don t take on responsibilities that don t belong to you. Birthday Baby: You are goal-oriented, responsible and determined. You are a team player. FACE-TO-FACE FRIEND REFUSES TO LIKE ONLINE INTERACTION DEAR ABBY: Help! Facebook is killing my social life. I am wondering if anyone else is having this experience. I am a woman whose job requires me to be on the computer eight hours a day. The last thing I want after work is to go online. Before Facebook took over my social circle, this wasn t a problem. But now all my friends and family are on the site and pressuring me to do likewise. Gradually, Facebook contact seems to be replacing real, physical get-togethers. Things that used to be done in person or over the phone are now all done on Facebook, and we rarely get together anymore. If I don t check Facebook, I am out of the loop. If I suggest getting together, everyone is busy -- busy on Facebook, I guess. They aren t mad at me or avoiding me, they just want contact on their terms. Am I the only one having this problem? -- OLD-SCHOOL IN CHAMPAIGN, ILL. DEAR OLD-SCHOOL: I m sure you re not the only one. The Internet is supposed to be a tool to facilitate communication, not a substitute for real, flesh-and-blood relationships. If you can t work out a compromise with your friends and family -- say, one in-person visit a month -- you may have to cultivate some new relationships with other old-school people who also prefer face-to-face contact. DEAR ABBY: My father recently passed away. It was unexpected. He was my sunshine and my heart. I am devastated. Because of this, I am no longer sure I want to have a traditional wedding. It would be too sad to not share the day with Dad, as I had dreamed. My fiance and I have discussed eloping, and it seems like the right idea. Dear Abby by Abigail Van Buren The trouble with eloping, however, is that we d want our parents and siblings there as witnesses, and we d like a party for friends and extended family after the nuptials. People are telling me THAT S not eloping, and they have been looking forward to attending our wedding. In the midst of my grief, I m not sure how to respond to their comments. What should I do? -- FATHERLESS BRIDE IN MISSISSIPPI DEAR FATHERLESS BRIDE: If you would prefer your nuptials to be a small, intimate affair, that s what they should be. Have a reception later. Whether others were looking forward to attending your wedding is beside the point. If you are challenged for not wanting a big wedding, all you need to say is that your plans changed when your father died. No one should be able to argue with that, because your feelings are understandable. DEAR ABBY: I have a neighbor who is always asking to borrow things. The items come back only if I go and collect them -- from food items like spices, to gasoline, cash and more. The situation is almost comical, like Simpson vs. Flanders. How can I make my stuff less available without outright saying no? -- FLANDERS OF SPRINGFIELD, MAINE DEAR FLANDERS: And what is wrong with just saying no? When someone s generosity is abused, that s the most logical thing to do. And without being nasty, you should tell your neighbor the reason why. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA

15 samoa news, Thursday, February 26, 2015 Page B15

16 Page B16 samoa news, Thursday, February 26, 2015 NBA ROUNDUP Continued from page B9 Minnesota Timberwolvesí Kevin Garnett, center, chats on the bench with rookies Zach LaVine, left, and Andrew Wiggins in the first quarter of an NBA basketball game against the Washington Wizards, Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015, in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/Jim Mone) Progress, but Rio games entering intense period RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) The head of the IOC inspection team wrapping up a three-day tour of venues for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro said Wednesday her team was encouraged by progress ahead of South America s first Olympics. Just under a year ago, a vice president of the International Olympic Committee had described Rio s preparations as the worst in memory. We were impressed by the progress being made on the venues, said Nawal El Moutawakel, head of the inspection team. But she cautioned that the crunch is coming with 21 test events set for this year and 44 in all before the games open Aug. 5, Rio is entering the most intense period of preparations, a period where Rio must reach a new level of detail in its planning, she said. El Moutawakel singled out the new Olympic golf course, a velodrome and an equestrian site as venues that face tight deadlines. Despite delays, all venues are almost certain to be ready. However, other games-related projects may not be. This also happened with last year s World Cup. Stadiums were finished, but dozens of other projects were incomplete, and many still are with funds running out. Rio is spending about $14 billion on the games, a mixture of private and public money. Brazil spent $12 billion on the World Cup. Just moments before El Moutawakel spoke, Rio de Janeiro s state environmental agency confirmed it was investigating a fish die-off that left thousands of carcasses floating in Guanabara Bay, the venue for Olympic sailing. State environmental officials have repeatedly said they will not be able to reach a goal of treating 80 percent of the sewage that flows in the bay by the Olympics. Fifty percent is the figure they have used. In addition to raw sewage, the bay is awash with floating rubbish, plastic bags and household goods like bloated sofas and rusted televisions. Part of Rio s commitment when winning the games in 2009 was to clean the bay, which looks and smells like a sewer in many spots. El Moutawakel offered no specifics, but said she has been reassured by government officials that the problem was being tackled. We want every single venue to be ready for the athletes to compete in a secure and safe manner, she said. We have been given reassurances that all the venues will meet the level... so athletes can compete. She also said Rio would be safe. Five policemen were killed last weekend and last month at least five people were killed by stray bullets, caught in crossfire between warring gangs in the Rio area. Security is at the top of the agenda in this country, so that the games can be hosted and organized in a safe and secure environment, El Moutawakel said. We really hope that at the games nothing will happen and even before and after. Christophe Dubi, Olympic Games Executive Director, said a subway line extension was back on schedule. It had been delayed by tough drilling through a mountainside, but could be finished a few months before the games open. The delivery as far as we are concerned at this point in time is not at risk, he said. However, the pledge of getting 68 new hotels built for Rio might be. El Moutawakel said a task force was to meet later Wednesday so that every spectator, athlete and stakeholder can have a room in time for the Olympics. Organizing committee head Carlos Nuzman said there had been no discussion of having two Olympic flames. The opening ceremony will be at the Maracana stadium, where the flame is likely to be. However, track and field will be held at another stadium, used by Rio football team Botafogo. The stadium for the Olympic opening ceremony, and the venue for track and field events, have usually been the same. IOC President Thomas Bach, who met separately with a group of 100 students on Wednesday, was pressed about severe water shortages during a town hall meeting. Bach was asked repeatedly to justify building a golf course and a canoeing venue. Southeastern Brazil, which includes Rio, is going through the worst drought in 80 years. Bach said he d been told by Rio Olympic officials that heavy rain this month had resolved the problem, and he seemed surprised to hear otherwise. This (water problem) seems to be a major concern for all of you, and also for us, Bach said. My impression so far was... that the water crisis is (not) and will not be a permanent crisis. HORNETS 98, BULLS 86 CHICAGO (AP) Michael Kidd-Gilchrist had 18 points and 12 rebounds, Mo Williams scored 17 points and Charlotte beat Chicago after the Bulls learned Derrick Rose will have yet another knee surgery. Al Jefferson added 16 points to help the Hornets snap a five-game losing streak. The Bulls revealed Tuesday night that Rose has a torn meniscus in his right knee, a big blow to the franchise. That fueled more doubts about whether the 2011 NBA MVP will ever be the same, let alone lead Chicago to its first championship since the Michael Jordan-Scottie Pippen era. KINGS 102, GRIZZLIES 90 SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) Rudy Gay scored 28 points, DeMarcus Cousins added 16 points and nine rebounds and Sacramento beat Memphis. Cousins overcame foul trouble and a confrontation with Grizzlies big man Zach Randolph to lead Sacramento s 10-0 spurt to start the fourth quarter. He added six assists in just 24 minutes before fouling out. The Kings improved to 2-1 since George Karl took over as coach. Randolph had 20 points and five rebounds. The Grizzlies had won 16 of 19. SUNS 110, NUGGETS 96 DENVER (AP) Brandon Knight hit two key late 3-pointers and had 19 points to help Phoenix snap a five-game losing streak. Eric Bledsoe added 18 points for the Suns, who had six players score in double figures as they ended a seven-game road skid. The Suns grabbed 65 rebounds, most in the NBA this season. Will Barton had 22 points, and Danilo Gallinari added 20 for Denver. Already without banged-up forwards Kenneth Faried (bruised left thumb) and Wilson Chandler (sore left groin), the Nuggets lost starter Darrell Arthur to a strained right knee in the first quarter. The injuries kept coming as center Jusuf Nurkic rolled his right ankle in the fourth quarter. PELICANS 102, NETS 96 NEW ORLEANS (AP) Quincy Pondexter scored a career-high 25 points and New Orleans beat Brooklyn for its third straight victory. Pondexter surpassed his previous high of 22 points by hitting his fourth 3-pointer of the game with 49.9 seconds left. Tyreke Evans had 15 points and 11 assists to help the Pelicans win with All-Star Anthony Davis missing his second straight game because of a shoulder injury. Joe Johnson scored 21 points for Brooklyn. CELTICS 115, KNICKS 94 BOSTON (AP) Evan Turner had his first career tripledouble with 10 points, 12 rebounds and 10 assists and Boston pulled away with 20 straight points in the second half. Isaiah Thomas scored 19 in his home debut for the Celtics. Thomas, acquired by Boston on Feb. 19 in a deal with Phoenix, hit all 11 of his free throws and added seven assists and six rebounds. Jonas Jerebko added 20 points, and Jae Crowder had 18, hitting a pair of Boston s eight 3-pointers in the fourth quarter. Andrea Bargnani led New York with 17 points. The Knicks have lost eight straight. BUCKS 104, 76ERS 88 MILWAUKEE (AP) John Henson scored 21 points, Michael Carter-Williams had seven points and eight assists in his Milwaukee debut, and the Bucks built a big early lead against the point guard s former Philadelphia teammates. Khris Middleton added 19 points for Milwaukee. Jason Richardson scored 16 points for the 76ers. LAKERS 100, JAZZ 97 SALT LAKE CITY (AP) Jordan Clarkson scored a career-high 22 points and Los Angeles erased a double-digit deficit in a comeback victory over Utah. The Lakers used a 10-0 run late in the fourth quarter to take their first lead at The Jazz failed to gets stops down the stretch and couldn t score on the offensive end. Gordon Hayward scored 20 points for the Jazz, and Elijah Millsap finished with a career-high 17. TRAIL BLAZERS 111, SPURS 95 PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) Wesley Matthews scored 31 points, LaMarcus Aldridge had 11 points and 13 rebounds, and the Portland Trail Blazers beat the slumping San Antonio Spurs for their first victory since the All-Star break. Damian Lillard had 18 points and Nicolas Batum added 15 for Portland, which ended a two-game skid. Tim Duncan shot 9 of 12 and scored 20 points to lead San Antonio, which lost its fourth consecutive game. Danny Green had 17 points for the defending NBA champions. C Y C Y M K M K



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