Jm-Baplis an ltbode klnd suppond l ieaqe

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1 Jm-Baplis an ltbode klnd suppond l ieaqe am Ftud e b Pedsrlr loeqe 16 Ae6trcs $d mprjsp6rlsgss luivebar d de lecli* misre. cn dcdvur l nh dmine Bde de fes[s.gisne q@ I Elsgile sm omoncd aur p.uplei I l exemple dd Apous, da6 l.r lange Dhp. I dsrnre de tre d*tue qum e pa$ de lusu uglai*. nm mr d,!ir d l'c$rci@ dr oxe d r.n!u r@gais. d q@. le es ch&ml e nti pa an lidilcs d'apprcndrt r. laure du D6der_ rois a! piseud,appgdehlagredesndd6, Por mifl fiie pa?lok lcu6 drnits, les chds d. la lurc roiddr le jdmar id,},irer. d lru.donsdd{$fujsomuedeenontx ddind aacd de Qudbe: ( xapphds de ror Jolmr * r6fnd pand d en diqle smour pd ks pr r$, k crss,: f:ngminsin dram ei Lcbd&cnbtl9x,leong*s,mel dc la F66dion carhoriqne Frmrantilm. * lol,wi''m'icc mngtsr u'j'lesd6ldgu6s d6 deu Cdndes si&a n:msr I- Union S! Jtu-Baprie d Andrique d f Asilrior cadorolr ci adpl.udisr runion sr,jfl,badisrc!ou. s $uni$ion officielle au dc I'dr'a4ue ra cmdg, do lc pi:sidm r M. Erpbase DailD L ch.r dd srircllisg. rppuidt ru 6ftiE ks sdio$ dg $mirellide. L nppon d* dalibararions d plbrt dr6 les p, s de r, i4b,/ N,/tdol de rr2nchdq. ln Fr Msr cdin En jmiq 1e25, re cb.oift G'c@q enmide ena.re4 reee u n:moie qui inoqd l 'taq@ de a ourefssd *s pouvoin ok6l dpdjssl'odimiepedsbtill.l ra cdion d6 btns pmnsid, ir n a p s le droit omencpftpogdel.!it@1925. P@MsrHiclcy,l a od do t EClj* Ed btu cn bi.h., a@ l'aidc d. donid* ofrphi srd\ rn.o.dicis nan9!is. Mgr Gucnin paroge $n opiniotr se b sr sr le du jonnar re,' w ronguc rdh au curd de $ nnbirc. frbh,: hdis Dod audnicr gdn.ald6gnados,(l.assiaiionapis@ on dd n6eds dc fsdond Rusiq m.tusc lb.n6 d. pe$4. d d diq d,g m sns*aic d MvioleG.lehgggequiofueN:umlai$ nrdr yrddd $562.d)0. Or i rm hm&ed Por8h ood$ in wonsctd hn lhe chu(n ii pmr6r Td bseronn join.d I'c Pol isl Narion i chnrrl lle sl Joln rhc BaDrin Saidy in RLde lsbtrd suppoded ib bishop in his mpd@ Mznch$lels FEnsh daily. l,r1w,ir N,ro,,/ drc edpi!:j $ry of de 6d Pmte@sl m df Apostles uee h*d by nrcn of al es ad btr suscs T n0 (dd chmh rlar rhc ciad sh,i be prech d ro irl!6pt6. fouoyins of rhc ADGd6, in dr lznsuee BdE b 6ch p@dlc. fton $n derine, it is clee rhd, in dis Eigljsh*patins ourj, *. havc a dehr r0 pedie ou ra ir in Forn bul shodd rhe simtion dq i5 no. up ro rhe faihftr pidor ro ]m rbe rasuse orib. faidnlr " To berer publcize rtut.fro6 aoi rcli gio$ nghrq rhe lrftmoi leld.u in nnode rstdd a d.ily rhed *eeuy trsspaler A ld@ fom cldjiar Bdsin or Qudxc applud yourb.6ole uddd,.in8, dur Es!.ds 9wnb$.desjfso li HolyF.ll'g'"Thc!ape. sn splad ams Nd EnslJ4 *iln ns 6nbt dijffsd e{ctuiy by pdcds sine $e F]:m-AlBim cl.'sy 16 nsdy 'Ihemu,jolr\lnriono l!f6o. Mrinetrd. al'md carbolic Fed@ion rs hel(! D@nber ls, 192,r in wini@iq c.iidid! D lesdes fion de M hlgd ft!.@ sidie * pltgr: l-udon Sd@-Bapadc, bcs.d in w{rrlrsker. RI, od t'asiarion C.nado-An riabe fion Much6(, N.H. Dunng fie lmin& rb. sdinel Unid SGh-Brprin. rft applauded for ljteir didi*s ol &e BidDp or PdidEG B rhen.n Gn doq nhos pcid.d h,ppend ro b Mr. Elph*e Daig!,,i! Ladc of d'c dinelli$ sppon d sdnel[rd. A rpod or d rdnd excbance dding fid dins m ttr ri.h.! by Mro.h.nd\,)4]ff x,rrd,,a I papd Hd by Msg. cdin, bnba orm'4h.@ ln Jam:ry, don la*yq F.ln6 c4bc orqebe Fnned a fldy b3sr on (bbcir den'6mdcmnksloomlud.lilllhc bnhop ofplwideoe had medepp.d dr boud.- rj*ofluspo}mbyl'ingpadd'*tt.bjsbop onoeigsp ndingofpeisl'fudsb[b.dc ndlhawdedghlbdislosof'ngnnds6lhe Bishop Hickert qdim m tni ft authdity or fie chrd' M nos bader4 sirh ihe help 0r oblgme 6di*, all of rhm Frcnch cm

2 Eoton4 m sad?re Dou.d. cn qmlird d'am6niq dcua dor diser dd oficiec de I ACA uie rdrh.hrion orplarq doleslelrb$mdsunis, Ev.qBdq' dojt ctre pnbli't &trs,]aw,/ ^'.1,,,'r louml qui a p.n a h omnwe du pubk les ets d lcs dcri6 condannds pd l'6erc dc M.nchesr{ r. pcrc Dotrd doit s'assr du onos de son li ne Heri Bdd' son adjoid h be en du 3 janviq rc25. Lc lo'dc'ditr l.bdi Dotrrtr b pone :i Ir 6Miss du busu dc di@rld c4lu{i repondgtrmdmd.dddiei@'m.ismgl GEnin cfr& sechmmr li c[6 Dl@r grdrir sroisi 6vcqklrsmis[DfuBueUrou l'dldquc iisgt tu la rlrncbrioi, m dash romd d.s oes or d6 parolg qui o( odioe me liolrboi du pincip d'adond. Ausir6r, 16 cnefs ds Ednou i(!c( I'omc dc d{lig drioloeim ab slu. Il lf.onsirrc Dc rcuvcllc d@de d s dei4 i md&. do 3uppriq@, d re qos au dlr sut apc'oriqre s es de ftus. Le r6jsuer pdd i rabhd Dod re mcnejn < vosn Nz ddm'r:lmdemi4z'1f,li,\l,1'o,,lpaejl sis b n@@ioi Mcr GEnin er'lik slon d l'tusiarioi C"Mdo-A'i&imiic$samdDi.E r. ora Doud d l'!b6. Bqnd6 sonr.ondm'as. Suiu 16 6*ils dc labba H'!bd oi d.fpcllc i Msr Funeni-Biondi. ddldsld apodoriquq qu r4.nd quc h de *cr* l *r de ptucddd.ui.dp@rjoc Angdm. mis rnn a Mdch6br L Assn- 9ncml'ilt,l p.t9$ppliqmdprdsdu d6l6gu6ap.fuliqmler0agdaumel pong b}liesaifuanoi4conreonpelemire' rois la ie pamisiale onrinue qund Au omdel9z5.beuowdep hsrisildlla d ss i:cnb on blpri* l0l eormb m 195, are des sb6:s Ad':lsd ll3rde d Alben li! r rier le o!'g Douer dvcillc $n dsitu r'abb Erphdgp BGncft p.ur r'aeor opdb}ldel.abbc L',inendn ab4_ne re oesbndrc. lmr?000t d. di! H.E er boe Bishop Cefrin sied rhe sam opinid. Basing hlnlf on rl'c Epon or!\e clflenchntrpapeih.wobalorylmgto ordc Ceados. 'Ir'. ACA h6 adopied a rcpn 'dsiblc ldtudc Ir hd displrld r roli onlempl or c[gious adhonly. r tuge li6e4 of drougniidadioqma$,melffisandliolene of l.i3x4r rhar i6r o$.d dc.p Ncr i'd, rchdarion or d'cir p.silion. lh@ rem slbll b. subnifl.n ro dc Bkhop.!d which tll@tion mn{ be pubhhed m rhe lml i*aafr th fid br dr Bishop of Manchsd l]'e le@ is dd.d lxc iqr day, Fsrhd Dmet bmush lh. lenel.o'r'ednebeollneaca-rlle].rcspond.d br rcqucniis audi@ h lne bhhop.o qplain men$rti Bur MsSi Gucnin lt.dr rcfd$d ro gmttdlhebishoplhdl\edieb^dflheaca sodd submir ro his insisl d rh4 uh a rombl 'ftdjon orlld hezr 6c dn. a i!$votral or rhe lds $d lrds rit con dnft. viol ion or d'c Dmcipl. of aligrods dndiy. rmedielj, rhe lqdes of rhc AcA.onsuld a Can dim sionis. F.rhd Edtns Hd bed. a dbrogim 0r repde He.dns.rd rhd rh.1 should ftquer motb*.udicne virt thc bidrod. mdsh ldhssgain mn$lt rne ad.nol'c delefre in washingrd. on J.,ll$ 16. dis Frition rus deue,rd ro Bilha i'd ro publish de ffibrio lr'e nen dar. rie ne*spaf alpca4d Bishop G.cdin susporded lle so chapbjnr Fdh6 Loui6 tu@ nd Hc[i Eada bishop? ne reds or rhe AcA forrosins rh. 6lNl or!h. C$die mmi( petiiioned Mry Funa$ni'Biondi. rhe lposoljc deleglc. sho cpljd sr t bcd wr ro ste,dut *a b prc..:d mth the ft4n6r0d drso$rs dd {lmlions'wodspmdquic* ].emsm,nd'@ud ind*d?n or Nd Ensldd d{ lnc ACA tas h.neronh dslid or cl'4bins,nd in em rays io rdbcr disjdoad a slllolic sieq And mnsxiig irs o*n 6onis..hc aca Ep rd ia ped rion ro rhc a@{olic deletsg on Aplil 10', b As *! 6n imsrq dsdsi6 in sl Adhonygloqwe$m*hA' sidc. Bur ponsh Duins l92t rbe

3 d sar Ave Ia lisft de l abbi Joseph kmelia qni lise u rces ds bapdnce lc pdrg dc la pabsafunhi96noseupamsiedspflo Bapt fuen1926.doaque!souplesfodentde 19,6.MgDubon, aeh6&e de Pdn. pos* plusim jd6, I CGchi ave Mgi GMin. Mer d u Fn4ris. Au mernc ronds. Ms L-A. Paqucr. rht rogien do p6ri&. pubr'e u dicre dds la rda. de l U$ 6ir6 Lbd au a'rdbe qu' smlise b tuifierjon ds,neq 'rm 16 dvbqk dm lc$ di&i$. 6nnc 16 curds dais ror. g.ois*. soicnr s pr.ine sliparhi. d id!a, d espnr { dc lmgue ab l, mss de la6ouaill6..' rx te%, poa ccrcbd s' 3ft eiv.qirc. rasiarior Camdo'anllri iic or gani& un gmd dlljoient fmn.oandriain :l M.ich6d. k d* de sla'roine 6r pl&rn rinsi que 1'E@1c Nomde de Nioler em dcs lien d. MglRorje[6v.qnede vorlcyfidd, Qr'ab, dcvciu.rci'st{trc dc aueb, sppoie les pahd6 ft'ro4ddieiis sufle i Rom L Acrion Fmds en mndm.q quebemfapl.smeandjrei{lesaflplf p.ui name i *s propb onridioa i: cleturid.lhb dsd! lc chcf dc A ffi r. NouErrc,Anercdc. res jodr mux do langnc ntuw$ $ rod h sllm, 16 ms spdotur 16 $dircllidr lcs a@s t.s cond.n Mr rr bn de b por':niqde d $nen' inj$eu n y! uc Dd dc vanid d,c bdr e qui ed ':trit d djt 'uis a6i d'inv.mion Ce $nt des hom6 qui lrcnr, d ds nomcs rcch.s Mlis jams ne ljt.i la noind4 {uquc onh h roi. onre l'esrjs tuliquq apgroriq@ { io@iq ho6 de laque[e n'y a Do!{ de ehi. Ms cud.nti*dierride,.n asi visd On idmdr ld p ni.s du dio.ase oi rdvaqe iop d s m:s n rolodlj rmo, Liileb4 FEnr]i4 Ild Jafrey, K*ie, Lbuo4 Pc@@ok. Godaq Mlts't snj.ure ise Mgr cdjn r'a qd 57 ss 6 te26 iio*,4d* d s'ns peuvetu.pliqer gdi@damt16glinellicsonclerg p.sor r@ivtd dbny pdesdy fncn& sin@ he dis crdly rcmain.d sdincllisr ar lrd. Farh{ Bendi h(mvd nrdd t0 tus boks ud witinss O'e a $e herp of Farb*! Ad'irdd Harde ed Aibed Buke or Apil 29t, Eishop Gedin rthnned ro rhe Deish for I pado'd lisn duing *hi.$ he md finncd oichundred 6n*n {d oiehund d rhiq-de sirri sih godpdnb Mr and Mn Josph Dwi Tlrinyrro cdpl6 mmid in dr chmh lhd rar whre fody-so pdshioi4 dicd. DuIi4lneRhouBofltcfmjngon F.ntoar.y r, r92t Frrh( Dme..rokc his trsis h. Fl\tr Elphagc BusiaF, ro infom hin rhar rhe m.oq Ms on ano. Farher Hetu Bquira Ms appsdry ab*nt iion ne Frish rlur nichr. Tlle with $e vi orfdhd Jo..!n L.r.lin. $ho sisncd the brpr$ui Esrsq tu pri6s or sr ^mhonr baptzd oineg six n.* pdishion6 in 1926 Twnr)< h mulls ronn d B rannies md toiry rhr pc@ns dicd rh{ yd Duins dc sdmi6 of 1926, His Ex. ll{- q (nrdimr Dubon, dhbnhop or Pais, visircd m&bnhopcmdhfotmldays&rdiiltdu. boistrlsda6* cspcciany0i,l.,fo,f,,c.jsalljcsfulifiq Msg,LAPtqu4ap(sc,o6dHlogj4 pudnhed m dcle r rhe olgm of Qu.b6l Ldal unibi! der uddined lnc r@siry _for dre mren lionofllefaidlsdl]'csditretimol $urs. sr bishops in rhcr dicsc dd panor in L\en Frisrr nd be h tull rfrarhy or drowlr. spi snd rssuse uiln d,c n{odry or dreir On Odob* r ro eleber ib r0' olge7trt i hugc Ftuo-Anerim DIy in N&nch*r Farl'd Douer, panor oi sl Ann\ony. d, eid.d.s did F rh* Deeurnim trho odd Eplae l,jn h r9r Tner/ *c4 54pd1 d by lmy IHch C{adio d'olosiins.nd pri* ActuIy, of Ni6ld wf notorionly srhclus Mscr Rdloq bisnop of va]]c'trer4 Qn.b c. pc nd.d ro dd$isl'op of $e sc of QEb{. suppod, cdfdgafrenmpdtid'b'ninro@hdjl' Ftr is lad condme4 md air F'"re ldd rrkd. Ii n ftdoa nd surprising rhar and hvinc had m mdima rrr Popc PiE xr, ircnii E unssa rhe Qr b dion stid lcidsr *ho ri.d srrier $ppdred L\e Fm6 dbr ro hs M onvidioi3. And $ Qnetdt

4 si $liderefl divis:. l, plnfrn dd *nt_ nenin. hdrs 'ruue niroiird sn l'.{rc idain,bb dfls $s pcb*q ss pahts. *s scuon C d.nids s ds pe]aire D hds " quc lc clrje. Minellidc c{ pcjonnmd appcre ( Idsis ) Ms Cudin pl,e alon ss ans tu dcs posirion slei:siqc p.ur dinonff les $midouiig C e$ atui qlc lhbh: Adrien V6eft. jn pr te, fils du p(mier mne Fd.o'amdri6in de Manch6@. d mrtyd cn p,:nrene i Oki. Qu:be, pour ( pcis i $s aftncs ' cr lprds u nois il dm fairc u compre-endu, son darue d chsncq de mentdird Mris le non dcdld. l'abh: vmne dpond qu n'a n@ i r reptuh$, d i es alm suslcndu dn serd p8 $n aequc L abh6 vme, nous le $tni ddicnd-b plus ttd vimie i si{-anroirc 3pr* u rcyacc t R.m d ue soni$iod hmiljdte iux p'cds de l 6!Eue. A e remps{i, Mgr HjcteY Pl, le ruml /-a sd.rk s l lndcx. tl d d':fendu dc rachde. de b ftc, de le pddrc sou pdne de Eih:nonelMlsch,aemdjiqIosd.s dour pmftb *onphie!.u r lt l'd. ri jourul uir rmjou* sn l. pde an pe$!1dtc st Adoirc En efrd. I jnrcdidion de Ms Htkcy ic frn qu rusrmcr ks $ueriploos d les l@rcs. snod rom le dery6 oiadro Uo f'ddle l@rcur ddond i Ms Hi*ey (t Chris mus a fair b consianc dc pardoms ou rcrot les r cr'ds mus.r'il di. d m iasrd d6 ionenx n) Oi. ls $pplique! rcs dcnbnles dau_ dime I Ronq les appels a$r!s du del':su': apor roliquc dns qe les coosulatiois iv( d. nombm: snond6, dc ftobgiee d d d]d{g 4?nr rous cho. res sndj'erriie' tndd iusqu a reue p tum pus4e Ms Hickey sdhc s 'flmrerlc. * d':.idcd eltrn d ci aolcrcr I b o$ 6hn inpctreble. inoua.h6 qu'a{ourd hui il n v, tus dout tos u s'n di6a* amadsin qui n I p$ d s jom* s 6s oyirc. m rdu d6 nosb(s abu ds enranb e1r 16 pl.h L Egi* du Qx{hec qd. i la $ic d'hdri Bo@s s en vrr& la siad porra&. re q',me oblisdc dc dado'nmgs 16 idinosdcmdbft[abusatr\iumd$pfu' d6 (lisiss d d$ frdd o$isffi En 1e27. IESri$ c! *s minisc qui ldcii:bied au non dc Dieu mienr a!'dnus de la loi de n!tun6 tr rcshs ll ou $pdncuc du Rr'.de Islard r ne d.ohdtkpladojf dout.n retu ds l. tl9@riotr de l-eslii d dc Emnred(pluqu.udm*appc':r mtioialis lsder *orljd hdelonh h. de l4der or hs Nes Engld(r Frceh 'BsP Frs vased\mranongslhemglve'$frcoilhm supponiig snurellisn lnjuno6 $rds re mmon m borh sidcr *ods rilr do nor belo4in 0 tohesielv ]]rmi! a pad or lru$ in d1 Lhrt M triten dd ud bt pdi*. bur al$ mlch 'Nedion Ites s rc no tshing ror ftn hi0r fd llir bngese. lor den sunivat, a'd!u!* smd 6 * all N Yd r-s on@!pp.r'd 6fl rhe hinr of m otr rhe fail\ on rh. dos@s,nd reching5 of thc c8rhoric ap6dn md Ro@ chucl oursi'le of *hi.h drrc h rc sludor Msg. Gudi( dc o"ly Fm.o-Anoioi bishop. bec,us of hs m.rgc Miion *{h lrish ous, v6 m ev brtd of tu*)apc6 rlur ptrblished a In of panshs ro lhicl' h. ird Imed d lrish p.doi OoDgh pdislioid r@ pdomitrmur- rrn.h r L(udotr s a diaberic md als sutrcrcd of.ndiosleloss or led{ing of rhe ffi* nre* tl'los ctpr l'sic ionsloadslhe$dinenuthsf@co Ancrien cl6gy Nas dirtded. fio mlon$ bcne slneuisl bur. ninonry belibed $et bishop nf.rliblc ii dough( md md ded frc$ qtrc czrkd pure *ool'(pns) r'lnle L\e snrine[jst *crc disfneindy rcrcftd 'o d d*d Bishop cuenin placed xis djd-jnan.nnol fisdr n ndegicpci'ioislospr,rpononl\erliriles of*fuirenb'prjds'ew'$splciob\fnlbddel toll\emjn,t]'6adrienvenenc'son snr ro oka QEbe for a nomh\ psua ro thi'i bisl'opandc\flgehjs*"rorlliikingadmen rho n'oid B $rr bhhop, _l find norhi4 $oghs. in my mds.nd h mr dfr'& mdhe Ms inul.direly suspid.n oratl cldel frfcrions by Bisha cuenin Fadd vede sdld. in a fs shon rtm *tu ar sr uip ro Rom ard a hunilbrins $bni$hn ar rhc rd rhn BBhop Hnk.y por a. s,r,er or rhc Inle\!\,i hzrlncd lgr or ao$iddco bmks.nd ptrblierions der Btholi6 sho'nd not ed h qu* or o inhftnr &ng* ro fi h and 'nooli No o'nolic co d pmhi$. Md or slqd L\e jourul undd! in or mtur 5in Ycr. ocl' scc( Ntssr Hic lr! v,ler pnrcnzsed ft rftrvc 6d copi6 ofr lne pes ror his bnhop ne n6.tapcr onmd eivhc rerry by roil at Sr. Andonyt Gro'r In

5 Ronei C'e( t Rono qtc M. Elphase Das'aiL en ompagniede abb veredqftlutlliosc cd. rou@r r (s qui onr sisl: l appel i la or oviro ontc l Etquc dc Pnidme, sn eixde{inq l.its. e rous e(onn'uids de regf*r rl l0 jmvict 192?. cn plcin cmr d lnrer. la conpagtuc dc o$tmion L. H shatuck pos les lbndanons de h nostlle dcole SaiilAmoinc. l'aduel ddifi@. Cclc ilrlc dc zil chss M deux eta8s, mbftib de bdqc, 6 e rb.dr ar$ d pnnd'psddi''j.da1n(mercudinwnil l doro!c I I $prc'nbic u dimche A trob hene de l aprd$nidi, Ies {e1is6..conp.gds de pl$iff rclgreos dc sainre{mi\ $ Fidor d l ':..1e por b c n:mmie. MEr Gud'n p6no'a a16 mc b rc anmdon. e$rimd e joe dc Sr Gnnler Ms GsrsesAben cen,i i'auplsqu'ues'nepr6*meigifuai'oiic' uie *ule r*iro p8onlc 1 u& $nsg I ese de venn por D Fri* ds drpldms i la ru de l m e slaia hp nrr.dc sis dourc. ou n. s fid plu au cu *nhellisc. qd podur *dl 6!: loo srud mi, l'un d6 hn Prdres i P3nrn lc di@a* d Eu.illn bs sisnztues demidor la nmiqlion du cu: de sladoitr onn. pon{r 6 c{@ fr@ m nbin de Mmhda ointocdoi. r5 lanilsies den ro au vanhbrc ror-rufre de Dic0: el $fsr $i balisa pfi rc flr6dlesdenu ic'el2ssuplesnoueu\$ eums, ld or. ou d Iu tleqe ctus fonr laillsrj.iepensieor.lult, il l'jlongue' puist, hdis que ades,ft ftrnt prcronne cr$scd jm$ d ans, l.s, cftiren,c de oeu d d'ie. pou la vie sds dotrg b maladiedled c'''.mp ch]dc pun *s prefts mmo lc ft Msr Hickey Ar c m ndqne ndble de chmtd, ahin fi venn $s pd@s srinel[is A l''i\@l'4. d.m'la teu d'imi$ion d entncir dc s hnr u rcwclivcqmen jonr.,ri!.. dm, fesffus,ion a t rerwee Fm{ais. fonde en joli'ar re r/ddrlg/r pof pbqre ciiqdo qui, n',js ss jatun om6 au.m bn$e ar6 r'.pispd cdrhoriquc sm jomzr atua ltriri6 dc mnbau p 6 fiwr6n6ins d 4Ddr.,s ft"r93is, vojr n6re d$ qdibux er q-omc qu lbd. Bishop Hi.kerl b.. onlv end ro a'8@r circnraior $psialrr- mone de c,ndiu clclar. one rodn sleren!e bisnop ii rh.e wdds ''Chri$ c.\c rou rhc por*r ro rorgire or 10 retrin ss b'( mt rhe ngh( b ifuii i6r d$ " Rornc r]tr appc2ls ro rhc Ap.doli. Deresar. *irl''mnt qnoh6. dmloglbs ajd bsxopshamgfaled esp mion sine Bis\op Hidc] s 6 in'iig hh solicirariois ror nods s wll s bxjig parishs. c\olo.i6}.nnu olldioiinddrtionb$e dehbealioqlobfuedeire'idslocjvl(m.ii L\.r $s ud'inklblc. u'nqd{a Tod.y..lre is rablbrr nor. sinalc Amcnsn di(k $n abos or.rbm8 pople by pdc{s ]l'c C.11bri. chmh in Qneb. ihd bcned of bcins a p. cd edclr, rl'c ki4dofl or God on dlh, as HEri Bou s cxlcsd il vhci he Eprrcd French Canadin mdon jim v I carholic Narion lim. is at lne end of tnis 20$ eniny ntrly bfflnpl h ins ro par- dc vidim of abus.( ine hods of In rezz Oo$ lho kgjsldedinthenmeo c.d*ec'bowcivjlla$ Br rhc sufror cdd of RlDdc lsland 4n's.d ro hqr rhc 6npldi6 ol rhc $mirehrq no doubr b@us or spasrioi of C hueh aid Srarc O'e hn r6ue ffi$n n: Roncl Eso nofring rhar Elphcgc D.igMulr. in rhe ofrpadyoffdnervfthqeei'edeblezjl i*.: tho* *ho h.d sigied the civil $t a8ain 'nebnhopofproldere.'i2'i'sir1y.fula]ne4 $ue rour clnmms on M floore. or b.iec L\e parish fi3r.633,11 conshd'monijnudodtspri'candsulm{ad dre$holopenedine?nyseplembe 1927ollth. ll,i,asuda''blshopcadinbles*d n.$lrml srmded de ftftmmy Mssr cuedh cxpcssd r,is joy 5r onscbiing r n*.-. dnolc $r'ml 'o cid aisnop GDcnh *!uld 6n. ro Sr Andr tryo''lyonenok,folhisl92l!05106lvisilhe daped6mingrorg?duaijm rcmmie,t6sick toatmdnodoubl,olfnulbedbyl\esntinellisl psroi his old ff.n'l *ho had romd $e diffi buix, Ihidy-nvc Danshionc6 o[crcn lllc oc

6 fift de g n Eur dois p.ur son mi ien d $ An 6m de Ne 1. drspdbon de 4lpmnsjec0lofi$icd*d39Mjags d4ar l anrel le cud tur vnir smmr pr m 3nft ani dc s ftmpe. r'rbba AlfFd codrn! pte brd cut dc Said-Aftoine EBmblq es plic b,piied 36 noreu-nd! en p ris. k 1t23. Msr cdin visie t pmise p.ur t! deniirc foh. cr jtu-li it snrm. r r0 e.4ons cr l29n.s'lodlspmhdm.minegntmel r- $ba Hmd Boud. de sn c6r. ris smvenr sbsnrdc Ir pdon*, rotrjous cr lofs., de 1923 plus ou 'mrn lonsne, il $r di9la.d, tuinladohe! r nfl.u d! ad L.mde pn:qid6ro. fatb B.:ud. svair fair ui.ljdr en d'dobe don.. Mgr Gucdii le nome ctepehin dc vill aufdina d cofinom ms assi lni dome onsa!.a rcarif e sr fl cdifofric oil.,i Gte rcposd. il s ddcide d 6riE uc hidoiro du muv.ncd eihenine au N.r Hanpsl'iE Apras Mgr CMln a juilld Mdr'@mm! lml,rsi qe ss letu er h plupd de s nors re rou deh pd qudqu. bor po'mr dr dica* I0ldeFins.mhdubldopinjoBdivergdlq qt becobeldirigi[ d ams exomui{i d rcns ini:rieencm lar ri turadie, frbll B6!dd, ou Heri d.arts. or rior a dourtr dc son h&ibse Fdiq e. qudbe&i6, d nam dods dc sm eerdc Dason@h. it vcnr pme e dnnc n c:uomiq loin du Qud!.. d de k Nou\riic-Ansldem. d * prio uniq@nmr su Ie divin rond.rd d. festis er non lcs roulmt de fddmr hlmin de cnc Esli$ En rero. vonr.d r,lter ue vi. de r.suq il s,.n u i Rone. on il frcud ib emed i l ;gc dc a!!.nc du iona i ldorc s.iiganrore: le kinsdon or Codl iiidy-n* children wrt batized by $e pado.,nd his $r 6si@r! ad in l4e sled lncn (.rc 'ni(d b dcir panor or bishop Nd a ssle pemn bn lllo Churcx of his om rdliron. cdin emmnmicnrs s$min d Hrhour wnd lnoughb sin@ $e b tie hd b@ tons dd lniig, yhjlc odrcs NN d@ply bufriliared sri j dh6, ftn shne submltmg,neverch4ged.'miningslinc ljss in I'd a'd $ul. to!l'c rcs of 6en ['rs. No dobr, dne ro his ra nc heli\ Eishop Gudin co,rrd nd puish his pd* s did Bishop HickeJwirh a mbbre l,ck of chrib. rhc bishop or Pmvidcncc olld rhs 6 d'c opi$pii palae, reqencd rhcir 6i9dion rld rold $en ro 6nd l rcn$]\tsliewt'ishop Lq a youig Joumld. whe exomunianion w lin d br. P.iis Jcsuir, tunber of, Iranqoie, tolr\d.dhjs )a!rut, k Itdainet. na yd n*s incwd rhc ln.eehr,. turhd. hu jruml!@.rcd hbdrds or Fmi.o-Aneri and C{adio prisri ftn bkhops and erdmlq *ho mdc sci.tu dodrions for irs snml. Duing 1923, fofty{ne pinbions ded and t]jdr-nire I'lm,s$ *E alebered TIE posd lrs r1$ted ofien by his sood 6iend. bkr pasor rarhn aned coshr Toeedrn dr pdds brprad eishry{ix inrank on ocrober Bishop Gucdir visire! N prisb fo. dre bn dm Tnar day. he mnnmcd on+hnndred h bo{ ind ophundjed Nenty-nire gnrs. godfdr'cnn by Mr,nd]\,ftrJoephPieftchNn Ierhd Heui Betrdd. o0cn.b$ tom ft hrcliis mund L\o wdd. bc@c *iioslr ill in re23. Dun4g his onv"re$ eg. hc rs icplacd d Sr. AitrMr bj- Farh* A n: Do@. $c panoas ncphe* A ytr sniel Ialhd Bend]: hld r edon d in c,tifom].' l] l ie mosidered p.ddi& on erdr ror irs climre. p.opte.,nd lif6rllc Ar rho.nd of ocrohd, l9:3, BishoD him cldplijn ot vilh AosdiB in Gon(o{n bur ale B.rc lifr a lave of abse ro ( [n halh in carifonia lterc, zner rsins ro'n. AD 6u6 ds fm q t,rbba Louis ooucd a *s tu v'qic. fabbd Etphcse Bssit( d Aj't6Douell] Bdncm:,b,plj*il37enfids,.,e r'rde d. fabbd rceph krelitr ls d d)nt tun nins un roisidnc vieir vidr s,jturd ru penomd dc h p.tu's dms ta p.6onic dc fabh u'den*o bur nnan Farhs Htuj sr rus IMusnd ro Bisho! Gucrb inj'ny, 1929 unfo - lr. tle rusiipr mydcriouly dispf:rn, abns wnh Ln.E!d io&s non de au0b. no dmbi de"rcy.d br $ncorc sirlr jdminic rainss ar rhe didr5 rqcr Hieoq G dc pdrer tu iii. Bn!,nd havins boru.hc bmr of e my tum for his sno ofioiic only if

7 D.u mois ilds l'ouvcnuc dcs cls i SdnGAdoirc, l'ananque e( bourwersee pr k knsh {$nomiqe d" 29 dobrc 1929 La cmd. DapEsion qui u genou pendflr plesqu dix rs ne &ir qu. d 16 indiidd dem ro$ s sftr la einft trus au dcbur. ro la bien doft. on igndrc e qui nousdendairisp,s elem!6desf.les. Au cou6 dc lhina. l93o rr pcmmss ks plcts b3fi*d 35.h6nuse atr8lm'e hjom m re30.,e des nilli$ dc esr6.jl par h lin dc lhnne. n cn mkbr. tusi quc lt c. afnin n'a prus de pr *rc n 0n parcis. n r dicls r: mbdie le ro4e NdGdcimwed$'mn6'cqmIe$4eplBi$ pmiss er fr'rgle $ jflnes rclnne il frdeh Trnk.spllanissietrs.mvolenldss m t9r r_ ddis quc moo{n.dti6 du P.rc.freie pf le B3dane Lmte aussi res demierjom i Msr auedia qui p.s aujusbne add le 6 aoft lerl apcs u sljor dn u h6pib1 des di n.s de Monino*q Ne*J$elonmdmpi:gmde9nioilc s n n! Mgr Jmi,n Btrcuey Msr Gtrdh,v,i. rour jb'e 6, mi x tur ijnm6 rc r r ao,i' i criri dc ss pi:dlcseue A Mo&r,6rcr l r.0(bi dridrc Malsrd l. biis sible de huil er la cl'dt ds $l.ier don. dcs oilributions a la pl rcis*. l'abbd Douer ont!ftnd la ftdambon d l osmdisndt de rd3li* dutur l &! de le32 Depuistdslongi{'ps'I. gli*sitoppdjgp.ul amnubdd 16 fid,:r6 ri prtoise l eme me loudgdeiedepuis ammcdmde cole,d erhe enp.hen bde mnshcton pou h du:e delad pesioneti gnpeninemmlqu.i *m inp6liblepouplniemm66mmadesng* aurcs'mtmpkdmc id iddebpdit ':glis ftl peinl, jusqu r l ditr, A6 l, aib@ drs oeu.r hisi.m pode tu ajod6. s ra fa{ade on y entrauluimftnl'rcdfttinsbn.-rousb reprelltr chds Demen d oiib 3000t i ra l qub&ne6v qedem.rche*rd intuis{ en I' dlh dnre sdc&ph re r.r juirrer rler als Mdncd rmch. anr hrving h*jd $ lmy direryed optuons 6on Al]mm,nd cm dir denci and h:viic sdf.ftn rrcn sinc I'is rriends d6 in ms gnnwiqrd. dd in*.rdlr ren!..d br- r.iling hold!* Hni Bsudd becrn ro douhr rhe Fidch crdim rua cle drc sri\"i ol Ficn.h p..ple on L\e Ansid mdinm! Gpsiauy Ur sdiv.l of Fmco. a,ndiqrs.,nd bocd ro doubr of hn sr prid r czrironi{ fe frcn Quehs md r,r from Ns Enslld. vhca hc 6u1d fiinku dc di\ i"c rou'dc oa 0E Orfth and nor drc foibhs ofrnc hunm dmem of rhn chmh rn * tus ro mr a H rjre of,sus cmsr hc tulrd ro Ron. for Esd! ed dicd suddodly m dr Ercrul Ciry ar of sixq T]! odcnins of shors in seprembs. r92r, eirh rrr innnudd ot. solrar rol@o ot Sr. A nory Hish scl'ml. Dunng rhar rqa Famq D()M and his rtu sndmb, Frbe6 EDhe8e lusidrc md anlllt Douc4 bapr"ed eiehqsen bfinl! wid lnc r,.rp orfathfl Josph lmelitr Tt.y.elebnrd rmryeiehr nniaee ddins.hc r@ ind $u $iny Tlr pdisl' ad@ncd a rxird patu' dung 1929: FarXft Pobod Bendeulle. of tuober 29q oload m wdd uin Fy Tte Gmr Dcprcssion dd tuurd bdng Ansi ro s ki@s for ngrr M les *6 jd besimjns Di@s,p&sh6,fm i6andindividtr,tswuld DuingI9s0.drjn'aj'RpeishjoncG dred Tne pnsb bapdzed eish9 fiv. inhs od rh,f.r couples exch,nsed vo{s in cr,ucr,. ijtr, emplqlmr itrce*d dlzmtierrr durry d,c ysr rirh nillioe hlvine 16r rhcii *oik by y ts dd herd ftoq neidrs in dre pdish nor d de dimsr lsd our fomtr lanor m ldsq ddushr opon lis nnt Ddish D6p e his ]our\ hc ls ydmgeaymdobge,debdsidlecis Tiiny ss parishion.f bn d'c $ ii trll. Eplred 6 rl'ey w by ll'int-rod ctuples in lde Eish.r'sm nsboru b 3rc chi&en or God d'c Farho rhiocn brptisn. rer bnu8nr th. l,n &ys d enn b Bisnop Gucdii, who fi..d ermar jodgnen' m Ausne 6, rel anr bois k$r He died in de of his viar S@dL Mssr JeRmiah BDckley Bisnop cufrin ms onlr hisplcdffiobtheditrgeofmsc tgs{u]d h,ve ro m elss nonrhs for s ner bisr,op Despic de ros of mrk lnd ftp in sl$6, tneeroe of codibriog ro rhc }]risl!

8 FiFt G.sdu.tlng Clals ofth.lwo-yelt Co n erri.l Gouflta (popularly called St-Antoln. Hlgh School) r93{ 'Ibe ft6 mdtus rrs of E tgv r, ',i,i"a-' s*_b... rcn. 0" -;, a d. bigr rhor rc4l rurd 6 iru dtjr $ Adnonv H4! *,r' nii*.ii *",t-. s.f.mtq rsr{ i\*nhdes tudol th' 'cnor n iii.- u'.li -0. "p.".4. u"l diod Ptdo 6nnd) or vf Lau* Mcquftrsotd! rh' J*iL" ""a,"* "i* "r rsja.o"d.d * v*s lad$ ond E{ lous '* $m or shoo p'm'd orn i,d'* c"rr.e Anmns,h. sridd6 tr rh. hm d"d{ rre v'uie r:ftra r l-. m "-e*-"t." m.,bo.l d F,s, rd JFpb \4il6ir ror 'lm 16 didd d h Dsrdj tsffio!m3@ m {TlA dd \lllkar io Mtrcnec, NH

9 r9r?. ara6l msk lfldemain I aasir de son Esxene MsJ lohn Bctun Pq.el enditu c d ongiic. nc :i Sdoi au Lrnsschusts vilgl<'nqnm]gssonlcellbri:smf. Ios$fr191230brptcmsd' 5frf'jni drl pdoisc rc9on m nosqu \rrn: l)bh: db'lnc Lc at m\cnbrc l9rr. Mg Pdssn lied d s'-anbne pdsder r jub,ri d Ecdr dc niodr dtr ffii L.bbd Douer N d'd dr r. pnon$ dcplis d6ji 25 ds L.jub,lrire cirrbrc unc gmd col'm sonniacrc. L abbi Ro$cn E llcacu lr oryueure$idepl6p6r ep[les6mliebdesl PerMn rtvienr etr p3mise pcu e pf iirc lhire pdroolc C.uL q0i om oiiu l. isnoinc pdnc dgrisc sg^nro'nc du rcnps peurcni r peme dotre quc. & jtufli'. Mll PdeEon onnme l 13 srftr L, cns r:mbmique bd a soi prein. rs Farhtr Do@r dsidcd ro $p.nd and Errsh rhe p.nsh chucr' duing tne sm'er or re' nr chuch rsn*4 md ild ben ror rors huch rm small ro 3@'rnod.rc pinshioick Besids. rhe p rish srill iid. lecc dcbr sin@ $e contucron of lne ndr $l'ol bd hnid Do@r feh $d d,c b1slrop. nxen med. rould roloid 0ll onshcrion rbr rhe dmrion of $e der,6sioi. Hc kln baids dd! r oord bc ro6 befoe L\e Thc iirdior of $. chmh \rs rcfrcsh.d sirh i@ pmnr for rhe atd! 16- iddrig 2r'0 hd sb for rhe ftlhftr Thc udnair 0r8zn bn $?s d$ e{dded. A rlitd der $2s d'. rrcd 9orch..nd ns ShrioN or dr cffs vce hung m yirk Final!-. n* Isndng sas innallcd Arl rhb eork ya sodimred bt chrles Dm6 Coiiturion Co. md sn lhe pdsh rb.r irs clisrine I'c rouil' bislbp of Mdche{$ *:s en d.r beloe rns 61" bndday He us Mssr lol$ TNnl}firenei.g6*clc@lobfledat si Andory ii rerr..roic li r oshty bdprisms md fonr--nyc n@dl $dcon'cd Fmhd Abanc Poirid drins lne ra on NN.mber 2q 1932, Bishop Fcrcff visircd sr. AdhoN ld mc f6r tme ro elebrar D.nsh. Fathn r,ff sns a h4h ms $ar da). wirh *s pmaseis i eh cn.orc ph6 s.ic{ur pour.onbhr lcs p.u\r6. Lun'li. rc 2r jiirs re' sddmdeenpafo** cdlibsqo'erillagdmleid6ed'msniedlied *Nle Bennnd LM.hc 'fler $tnins. stu' of sr Ai$onr s.hoor r ned lhe par N n$.fie yqe sirh plrys. llrfolowj4}e 'onndtftbcr260, dc Idgiisc $id Adoine j,'srn i r. v.rcr. ptris su l, wil$n lktud la pdadc. dngdc En M Mpoldon ci:goir rk d d.yiillaf.nfedtr!.jejuaascompmdksz00 rnr.ilrcus dc h euignol!:e. les rpl snhc du L_ocrc tn.ord.!n. FodicE Cid'oliqucs lc club borier l? v'lla srs- C&rc drs cmdos rhc bislrop conftn.d om hnndrd fodydsh bors and rtu-hmlrcd si{@ eijrqs0nehmdredsixly.tfulposiseo<llnc emony oursidc on lne sideralk.. Hard rind hld sd.n on $c Shrcs bt tobeggiic orsusc'm.tfallwdoueldid*hal hc ould ro hclp. asr.lns p&id'i@6 { 1' n6m6 ro bc i'orc sendob ro strc@u.r'm in nc.d Motrd,y evenirg.!odd) 2r, r 'r,!'c ri6r D.dd! fis cm\s in f,vor of tu n*ly s orsmr.n at dtstrggslionofjoc Iimi'lorisl'joiqsho h3d$hesedgchmseniinsaini.mdcp,risl'

10 Enrdr de Mrlc dc la pcm,s. 16 rjoliets de Sr Amdre d ennn l asiarion d$ Ep'c'cE de aldd la 9toks de ltr expano( puisqu m avair daje htr dcu smblables guiglolics dfls les alenbg dc h pnise srid+m.tic. rr p6m's diaii studc o rcnloin au tmps ce qu' d aujotrd hu b pmis* srpic-\ d me poic du Miroi d6 ponhs Sr Pd{ de Aubun sr Jnde dc L.ndondeny d dc Sr Fmcis or Asisr. Donc, b p.rcis tu! dirts6e en 15 disnft arc cn lac dc chaquc dion les spnriig Sdo cosl'n, z -J' Ledoux. Ai t Gresoie Jo$ph B{uill,Td ch'les Dflreq Arphon$ Cdr':, walrer Richad Anrono c{@. rtdbe cclits. smoel rrtnq oyira Rourhid d Aususiin Pmcq Ch.'rE spihinc ei $n chr'1t.6 pl.r! [6r l asndor dcs dpiciee on ri le iour dc li pniss m ddr hcucs envircn er le son{ol dc l d:olc tut comble d6 dons dcs pasisims Au rcrour dc cr'aqu. (:noq les travaill$ finsr ae@illk Fr les trldjob$qlctr:qulesaflcrci!deleu rous pr 16 dancs de la pmis 4 uic lae de jo'e s rlrme qlru ldires betrc du moi k Sjnurd: p*sdenr, Alred Silud gxduie I { G:lims, tdsmid, Albcn Crftd: qmios. Ed'nod Grglon: publurd. J 4-GeliB: inuklotrs. ftift Erile l-ererii: dicodionq Alben cod: id.tuir des osriee cl tcd d. joie rovph sjnajdr Bpa. Hetri Lmbcn: divisiu de L panise. H'irip sim4sallc,a]phd*bou4oe]pmdenjp.lcon CdsoiE l:s dmes apdcras a! smce dtr rprs : Mcsda,B J a {dlim. ftunbc GiliBi Hilare einc,.o!b d$ Dd6 dc Sadc tur Mne I - C -Lu$iq d Mm Ja PagC dc la vill, st{6cile: M6d46 llred Da4c. A@d, cam{ d,o$ph Paqnir du club Jeme d An de Robiraille. Emilemc Robikillc. Rlchel D'ni Yrcme T tu d C6cile Houlc dcs Enrur de Mrie: J mqk lhquil Aioineft Fiie, Gemine eciflseltresdesljnlanoican!sladojn. d 0!e u norau dc $tuinel's, de drrd.drcs (.:Byetr ' qu' ictued l dsinnatm, manc dc gjenonind d plos ptjmril re en6rc dc cepm as! rur M chdpi non lgnil@(, frlle la c34ne e1 i * d6rm&s dms 16 rodsas por faia dss bdbds. n'dsbeligiotr6llc.jtqucdi4vq(quj orsre d e $rd6 dc c. mon'le d6chu d dc vcnn ad rho rc dmbt rcnembeed dc ( suierul.s ' of Qtr6b4. A 3/'g,alie is. ftdiiidml sn of fleghboroft.n0trr o$s'bnin Jxnch! mlonras larcked d sery p[i$ d@r 3*rg for donariois rhdh* clorhins" eap. ioftls. rmift or a ern of mone h $rtd a'? t0 p m qrdr a pddc rion SL Andor chulh. nonn b vallcr' qed rd wils mf, soud b Hovo sr. 6r ro Bclnonr. ending d lne church. Hsded bv Ihe Juhs Pod ffe and NaslC.n cniolf as,ush,i,.id.d bv Ardu Ddib6. rosph smrid. F sinzrd. rhc pn de lfuh6 induded hundj d voluit*6 of the 3ris,or.4 repl*nb bts of dr cmle li@dair Alprm Jom or At club, Davignon Quen or L\e Mou lis clnb. dt L.ratetre dd Hurcn smxh@ club6. lnfts P6r and luila. Cou s.aioine or dt Ac,{. Cou SlAdoine of the C.rrolic Fo6rcs. riris club, Jd of tu club, \n0a sre{6cile or rhe A c A $e-ane aid lne cbrldm ofmaq sodrlilics of sr Airhony. rhc n etu ofsr. Anthooy s.hor. md lne cle6 swie aeci.rior The $olshe6 sh.j.d L\en *Fiime ol so such gre,orasr hdd in rlt D6sr ar SrcMeie parish rhei, ilcluding rh.r js rod,y si Pius x Da.s[ pan ofborh s! Pds in Albm ad sr. lude in rindondcq, 6 q n as Dan or Si orasisi lr'e pdid, rd dirtded i^ro f'n*n led br- 6pr ns sso c.s[( z soe rgph Brou'llrr4 cttrle DdE wsle 'nuib Gdllus. Smuel tavis'e, orda Rourhe( md Anlsrin Frirc E:clt opbin sd asincd bv ud domrions lle mm c.en in die $hot seloned by ftoh.e and mc posror 6,nred qcn for bis ritu a'd Mrk. Ir n n06tie rhd sen the t oc$ t nnj ot rlt!6rish domrcd $mrhins ro hclp othes ARs 3ll hcks had du.d luch Ms sed by,!e ldis or rh. pdsh md a elcbnnon pai,r ladcd inro conni(e ftmb.6 inclnded: F J si N'4 hononry pesjd.nri Altud Sindd, pie$d$r: J. O C6rim, dr@l]: Aiben Goe( Mudi Ed'mnd c'$n hck: J O. G:Iiffi. Anome'Emlerimelin,' d(odio6. i@h silud, bddsd,nd bonfiq Hdi llnben. hnchr Phils Be4 Fnsh divisionl

11 Ton cu cs (lui dc Dicu. qli q( iotr pas l.s s.rfi6 frts I'mui c 6ranne, l, chtuid qui dlbut de *-premba pi 1 ab& Adri{ v(de his l.bbd Elph*e Bussiae ici depug d hns i:sgiteempld,laisstbpuon*areu cud d dob nai6 Ei lerr. on baprisc 3? La pmiss{ rsansci rell Ellc posadc hp F ie 69is de bon. qui lufl I p.ine.u d lehtlesg]rcissjee$ntprajqudsaucmff dc 'zm:q36noael{ch:lienssonlameil js pr l. baple@ r, c@ple! fom'ncd bn vmr d*a autl d 42 gcncm pursque Mgr Pdtun ne Mche gls 'l r. 6qujl$rcdespmmo'msdernrinsdde061 bonpdedddd.dsiedff imovrb.dcs' r.uisiecomge. Nmhu l. 23 avil I9r{ d rouci!trrc rur orsrilrlc!,v l. r iqie 1'abbc Addm pmde. Ir'e ladi$ snms lmch * re: i&s J o c6 imsmntxujbecdlnssndmehillirc Pdm lrn Src-Mc\ Sod.hy: M6 J C. Lu$ier sd M^ Jsn Paed rftm VilL Sro.Cgcilq Mc Anrnd, Cei{ md MT JNelh Paquitr tom rhe Jm or Ac club: Miss knne Dtrms, Al'cc lrr squc. tu'loinde Robiraillc. Enilimc r.n.lir c maine RG bibine Rachel DDl6. Yrcme Tdb. md cd.irc Ho'n. tun &c Cl'ildu of Mary Sodahy: Janndrc Paquin, anbindrc Prin, cmine hvoie, Er.1nc E rcftn md Jtuehe Nomd fton $e Tl'e Elision ofrh pansl' k itoly rlrc tulr dgircd by God, which considr in k*pds sr from Ihistu dd[!nmdlidins$e do*a ophfl in $etrdif6s Thehdor$eprisbisrrErof c{4 *hodsi4nolgcnfiebdlo't,duljsclwjty'n ul} in l9r 3nd *:s rcpraced in seprdb$ br FrdH AdJi Vcrc& n'ci. Fdho Erphdso Bur siiq msishd.r Sr. rcplaed Iigh!.sm 0e* p.rishionds dred rnd tbxlt{re muples mried h r9r+. rhe pmsh Ms r5 r4 ord ls (hd rn atd rl'c Ns i'oden plblic sliel in dic cilv bnr ullik he poblic $h@1 supponcd b b:6. our {hml *6lorallt $bsiditcd b} rhc sdd' sr tulnor had a bcnutirul bur ndr ro snall clrdh. cm{dcd ro lhc ofg.n lon ecl' Sui&! Dunng rer4. cierry*is iiriib rcrc b.!tiz.d. ' Daae carcn (n.der!)..i.i.n Dmissio dc s! Bishop PdeMn * fto quirc boq Mnchen*''ppel6slummsmmdmn pofspl pjer* fl'mlmbe2uplogmmmc b bous de t6t0t,la pmise das qutlk lri tut p*sfu..ap'.s,4 abb Dodquifujila Frisstjaft ine de Prdore sa6taddqo!pibdrnadldrt. satu d w/ir k s[ orlo,. Saint A(hony pnef 6 Eod ad wod! Rnn. S.ini A.thoiy, {hm the ln6ft less b much loed, cant u Pnn re sk oryou 1_l1rl rd, S,!odFadrerDmel"beamepellmedD6nolor sr. rjnis dc Gmafle runsh m Ndhu on April erningahugep6nshfed}sugnizddl\e Nrayo. (Dr) Dams C:m, a romn arnshiond. preded Fdhd DoKr rhe homse or rh. ci.yl ldohhe Robd sfke for Fmm Amei@ *hilc A{onE EniG kmlin rple*nte! paifiotrb monml*utedabbutj-fu1$ngfenbdf,lhd Doucd, sho rcrs de fimcizr si@rion of de pdis\ up.n r@nms $1650 collsrd ftu panshr0nc6 as a gin b $e depaning pdor, dodren d'c sfblnepdshasniitecircnehi'tr And rmry-svm FK Fsin{ DoDer len sr Adhody ol Padq lavins a *ondertul lesacy..

12 e.lx"u^r$ k 5 mi 1934, m *''rn?ptt re dam de Monsis le ora r.dis Dlrer. l'3trh P; Deedni6 cur du sad6{sr dc c'h_ e,.n noma qutiaft cu: de SlAnrorq ei I arik.n pdoise le 16 r.i $imr Podni 6@e tuis smin6 donc, h Paeiss e( ss ;# lmk $B les $is ds &u vi ig, les,bbls Adjid vcd. d Aibdnc Pomer ks peoxs ns l sprisridi, lcs alires ds l'a.ole slaiorc tu snn ned b bicotm rve dcs sdlediois loues tu rortu d chaft de It ChoEre de l'eolc tbris csr. lni euhanc b bid$uc d P,nine rdli* amnbo* d Helde Dlttru I lut peenk m dhdik de neu6 En e'r!.. LGmble & sl Robiraille au violotr. Btud ch,ndonncr violon[e { PN] Fsley i Masrde de R Lorh b choralc paoissbic dnig& F B(mnd LrLd rn suleir b bienrde 3n nof dc b ville do MmchsdleDIfu 6c les Fn!!i6I'npl&.dcd oddllc de trm pss fabh Ddulni$ adfs Na d saingsdoia. qnbe! le 2 'i! l3rl, l abbd Ddurnis ed otdomd Pl te le x, I'm 1907 d r'aslie sainlkus d. Ftu. Mon6, pi s E. Ms Prir BDch si. dhd4re de Mo n:!1 cejou-li ard! psr mfiddcq re rem ior on l',bh: pn:stui m dden de 300t ; Mr I mhat de li ftii ipispzie L'abld D6a,n;E6 vc!!r td iunc dc cdr ber $n 5]eNivegiEdcEjssed$iMiw:easG Aioincdod2TNd.plfus Jnde avdr lc da! n de I abbd Doue( 1. dio.tsc c{libc $n onqmtmaft, soil le l3 nir A 'id and F,rh* Dod\ tderd ro Nasl'q 6 rt&y s, l93d Faths P.ll D auhs, Dador or Slcred Hd Pdish ii Geiville, N H beonc 0E rourh Donor ol Sr. Amhony. Holrtvei he nir d in tr Frilh orly m Mry 16- For 'Hly $e **s. rhc parisb *a lnno d p6td bur ebly $0ed by lnc $o si5ldr FalneE adjien vede rd Ar&nc Poind. Pdishionm *l66cd dcn 'w pdor *in so GclroG on Mar t6 Finr.3r? p m, me iudo6 or sr Amhmr S.hol ackno*icdged hjs oning v h ol&rn src rios r1d eles sug by the shol.hoir Dons C6rd wlco'nen lne panor in sp.e[ {xilc Phulin. Terrier iid Hdldnc Dufiuh preded hn no*6 TjEt ssine the Sr. klnont Ens'ble, *ith Fc! n nde Jc.rcrc Robibiue plrinc violir. Btud Chddonn4 Fane.v d rhc o4ri. pfqrat R ldh\ M,sr's4 ThepMshchonlsnldcilhcdiMionorBelffi hmche then sg sml p.4rllr $4s of ine dlr ]le HonoEble Dalw Cd'L malor or M:nchcs.r wlsmed hin in or lne c y. rollo! d b! Dr Jul6 Gag'm {ho c\tni{d rh. *ntmmbolp$shioi6 Amehe Fnprs prc*d.d him *irh a b.uqud of nos.s md tually Fadq D.snrnids sdd6xd his trq pmshionef for!e lid iine Bom n siifl-suldia. Qoibe. on May 2. t331. FsdH D6,uldeF \6 odaincn Ntsh inMofu,lk$rjui6{+Flrechurchby HG Exellflq- Mss Paul C.itrmr Bochde. Gh bisnopo Mont':l F,$* Dond pasrcd Bisl'op dd GEnin a sin or $300 ror pmhr& of his p.doel N Farhtr Pr D.snrni6 L\d hrd iar alcbercd his 5l' binhd,'and,toso pdsdylifeondibld A Ev d.r6 b.roe FdLd D.uaf s turd b Nashu, lle di@ or rftncndd el srred ib 50$ ADril 13, Bishop

13 1934 PN la Gb. Mgr Petlm.ttu uc fts po in i. m l, db6&ale sdo*pl! derd l* EF:s@s d. rodtes les pmis*s do didse Eisnc, dldm te bdqd d l.udnonu Sdo$pll 16 Fn.ipaux Sroups dhniqus du dieas appondr leui homg. i Son Ex@llde Ms I EVEU 16 coliec de slantotr * pr6*dent dm u plsd InsoriqE,,'tslt??,,,"r.r. r',,' ls I'd tld'lit,a, lc trt ahm dc l. olume qu$ dc li.onscrior dc t tolc ctr l92r d fagtudismm dc fdgli* d t9:r2. 'ndef le devmemmr.les quelqes 9t0 radilles po{iss6' lel{. s l! dce d,:pls S d le!6rs d n6rc ci Dlcirc dapnsiotr AB ds icnmglpou*nomnel*lo3e416blns d.s 'r@6 etu i la bas M,ls* de stution d4rc@c. lc rcuvsu cea. p.o spris en rirte. r4.n l aubndion d'drablir ci grois l'dole sondaia gintanroin. qui M i L fois i b demde de l abb Baudd d e Dcsulnid sr 'ncmbft de la pmi&e here, de l ind sur f.n$ biluue d erholique L'imrcubb dc l ':sl enencme a mplement de p'lcespour 6 ludld$du.0u5dequftael reffsbfd* religie$ 6*icoiei D'ld r!:r, les El4ires de sdrc{tuix pr'iro{d 16 cl,ss d b cmcd@ colmndor 6 lnc olafts d effin mvem l.s pones, ia* dn 5splenbtr1934ks 'nm'bn de ene pamidrc clas *rdr didr6n4 cn 1el3 i li s,lle Aca! r I{3I PdeMo. drd de sramoim d Midemt d i NashM. 6l 614g, l, Drdlard iomire ll Fien donc A sair- Adojnel.]0*ptmble1934p.u'c6l6bn'uc gdd-ncs.vtr les.leu vienes sddr dc diod cr dc $usii,m l'apgtoldr de sn pi36lesff. minl mr Mei rjusdoud,6ldddo&defrleotrt,'s Pd D* ni6. Apias l, llr@. ue I epiimbnqm $ d!rcde I L sallc ACA devmr des enhil$ d adninrd du r':ndnbl. prdld. A tm de r6je, de allauog $ pbnonc{6 par M. lc mie Caon, M Adolphe Robed de cdd6, re rb*s Arph& tdl.r.?ad D ulde.! ftn.n vdro cr Mgr Dori Dm L slk, on son@r 16 gtud afis de M3! DoEt pamj r cjrons: 16 lbbds Jcpb!elm, kuis irbbcn.. knn Rdbrd, Ar6td com! I{obdr' ffl e, Euelnc DllM d db dc Poind. PcrcMn sg. ponrificrl hish ros in saint,osph Clihednl b fdrc ftprenbtvs liom 4ery prisn h!e di@.s Follouin8 fi Mnsr dun4. bdqd hold ar Sr. Jeph Audibri4 rembss or the dm el\!i. Beups in r[. dirc ptd horoge ro en nn BGhop. Tne dudenb of sr AnthdJoficEd then seldjon in Frnch: rrgrs.?, r14.h, dms h Nee Hanpdlne, wittkxr *tin t by Fa$er velft of rhc parish. Sr Arhony bad nig-hundf! fmilid if, l9r4 Wln d'c btrildins or lne lw $hml in 1927 dd u'e frojd ovot'.ul or rhe.rucb in lelr. L\e pdisb i hld m ou@dhe debr or $lr TrE muty n6 in ae lhrcs ot rhe GM! DtpB sion HMdreds of Deishion6 e.rft-c l6s 0D n*dd ro pmdcdy hods 8nd reed L\.n ranii* $ orrdiois rorc dorn sir@iotr.!'c B psr, sn rner his eivd, o$ulrcd Bishop Pel Nn md ened Pdisid ro tound Sr A4nony H4h schml. Borh bilingul md odoli., 6c sond,ir slml wouid be a b' lo F.!\6 Baud:\ Equej L\m8x his LeaN ro esublish bilincuil,!&ahd higl shmls in sery pdish Tt. rrel buld,rs i.ser had nple spse lor additoo,l clsefrt ribn4, sime lrb6, md a home r&n ror rs.l6. So. dunns dc slm or 1914, fie Holy Cm$ SisrcG p{ ard re.hf8.unculm ordced r@q $hol bool6 nd fiully i.l6ncd rrcshren on sedenber 5, rer{. Mdb 6 ol rhis lje. cbs triled En diploms rhtug rhc strlr'lr of l9r'1. Farb{ Doucd'iomdpElololSt Palaq-. rirh the lidc or Motrismd ne Frish o4aized, elebdrion in his honor ud he 8,s invird ro tu m sornbo r0' b sins! hish subdmnfa${pjuldeglhie(inh]shomily. debiled th. tur! oa Us pedffior And M:s, r Iepbon-bdiqd drndcd b! hudj ds of adnircn or rhe l*abre plclar *6 neld,t!\e AcA fi?x or Nftnchens, spoke abour his old tricnd s did AdopheRobenof rouow d in $ h by rrihd aphl tdlcq P!'i Dsdnieq Adrim veftlc, ud nnally Msgr Doucdhim$lfi,l'nyofFallrtD@.sfn.nds wre pes! iicrudrns Faln6 Jo.elh lelerc, rnis lllibede, ldis Rouduer, Altrd c.on n! Robcd Bcllcrdille hsdm Duru ad Albdric Or april c, 1915, ai dre pmr's inibriq Rer Faths Judinio M.od, OFi4 rounds or sl I6ds 9orisn h Bidderor4 M,iF, initiaed ne

14 k 9 rvd A l intraiion d! cu' la prds reqon b visire dn Ri' *4 Juninid M6id, o.ln.. foddrter Bidddoi4 Miiie, qui nenr ieugug ch.z mn ra dadion d* TEiz Mtrdis de saim An.oine. Pe h snq ch0qle nddi $4 r'!:slis sranbire s copiit i ddbordci hr les pdoisies e eauis d atu':s par enc d,vorior qui enne ede m Dab,s d d pr dd pcqk 65 us dcpuis $n qdqg jou6 plus hd en le 2l ffil l9rj, la chmlc StsAntoire pl sde u mlld $sd l i$ ae foardio ( Grrrir) dc Goundd. l: chodc en didc', ps M. w0tk ricb'd d I abu Vcc@ m 6r le c{rlmdu. com. rdjoue rislisc s' Mpr jusqu rlub. re 24 mi dc ra ncne m 9 r b demde du ffq res 60ue6 drabm.r! nre de Dolrd d6 Om6r av* m. pidoe rdm d hiurc ftn d ds jd6 d. sbl'mie d d,hidoie cmdiem tunfis Fuis lc cuja Mre A en tor tr l.s pt.ch6 dc h sne paoisiare d in e r.s afs e h&os qu b cois col]w leu moddlc. cdr 'iene sane * ddrculo cb,qu.!nn&, n$ne rpds le ddfn du cnra pd&( ausi longtmpsqe &oleg?rdensgcl'dbirj4ed s h&ibse cmdis n nloti PUG Dorhrn de orn6q clrlrre rob 16 h:ds d! Qudbe, reffa@g Pr ftff: s pdd{4 tu, l rbb6 Dsuinis ti4! bcn@p i ta l ue ft'rrais, au ongie a"dim6 ft-dfrs d a laswivaedelaffu6.^fr6ri6ieaie roulmt perf:ter la dil'jl'dio dc h Gb paromla ra srra-bafise. lc 24 juin ordinaimmr it dmenemparis cetu mdej4 on qjrtlrc t. sainlrm re 30 jnitr A la nes il d ssisld rl.s abb6s A&im vmhe cr il 'Idone lui-nem b Dm l apnmid! u nsdbrelmr r.srif a li.u.u crmp arhllriqe Gujoud hdi cin sbdiu) d ci $irds m smd banqud d6ft b ra.e s l'l6r.t cirpeorr du mer e Msr PdeM d te.hanoine Liond cmurx de uivccira dc Motu{al d di@ de r meme jw. $n b r0 juiq Msr 96srmle d il o'nne?68!r9ons d 92 6it6. rr oaftinedlet'oviderleiogncddtjdebid oin de la prois, d h mminc 6r la dme du dsorion or rhc ftinen Tu6d4rs of Sainr Anrhony inoep'ishhmce onh,ftrytudd,yd.i'''g pmsluon.effi roaarlimrh.ni4clc-w.rsr Aib@r, rilular or od ptuish. Tne dcdioi n nni.@. a'd vi{bl., dcspirc irs siny-five y r In$ry A retr dals lals, on Apnl2l. rhc!6sh cho.ale, led by wdrr Richl4 supd h rhc strddry ofsr. Anrhony.nml\ s3 counod\ eremo B As uul d. d@\ *s 61lcd b de 'Irr\ on M.y 246, in rtspon ro rhe panoas iequ6r, studenb of bodr sl:lmr and hish lrmo4 of Dorr0rd d s onnsu sin a day h rh. $h@1 harl Mdhss b) jndhidbl $'dors a Fmcn sdc[ing be, md on FFcn Gnadim $denb, niring lnem b cmnbr de Q!cb.. hft. Ior lmr_ ys. a.n an6 Farhs Defiid' tuder, 6 Im8 as sr. Adnony scher rmined bilineul sd ptuud of j6 Frocb canidi$ h.iihsc, 0r dar $s hdiiondry cerebd d b.r dsol@qfirc. qr.n heg, faded a*ay siih rie sd! LiLe bis pl.dms, Fa!'ci ftsuhieb *kn'maa(dqlior)pdd An inrelt6tu i in d1o tull *E or &e mi4 he *6 deprl ahche! b lne Flmh l2trsuse, ro his FEnch c.mdie of birinsul FtuF amics. wishins.o h@, drc pahn of Frtnch can,dissdfd.cghcrj6s'heinifutd}d aodb [lditon: a elcm High lts oo Jue 2r'. L\e lsul r*r of sr. John r Baptn. Ttd '8.19]5'.h.fes*.selcbdtedonJm]0o.3 sud!}. Tlur momin - tne prnor sn rhe High Mi ac@ndaniea b! m m on6. :t ne deleen ftc $mon Bi.hdp Ptun sa p@d for his sond padonr iinr.nd lbt d,y conndn n *v.n${ir bols rnd oidl-r}o gds DL o\dd. LmonbsE dc paiisl' dcmisl dd M^ Enik kmeli4*ifcofa[otreyl.mctiq*neddgod pftm Thd afimor r cigdic elebdion of FtrcA4dm Ms herd d fie Aindic Fierd (mr Gill ShdiM) fill trhe usuzi mnperilion bqsd'ld''6sadbaidsfiomdmngh@.nsl En bnd In dc ftnin& at r b3nqet kld d Car, perb ltor.l. Bisr'op PdcM st k. elaqhrly in Faocl! a did clen Lioicr coix fron rre u veaity of Mon@t {udor of Qcb.r's z x.ri,' aror.,se ne &r orded eirh od.n4n damrg ad fl m*s ftm athrdic Fiol4,s wn a bon fi6 in Imy lcrftis or de ciy. wid' ttu de''tsion siu meing people\ ibirity ro 4 mlredios wa m.h ftdn 4 in

15 t, grdde d p(sion,toiofrlque 6nrinue s nv?s6 : lc hv l dronjmi hbds ds ds slai6 Idduib r qudrcs or $ufislcspoui.miedelaf4ig'dorc,au me dcjmvicr 1916, Dcsnhi* Gusm le pcmic BaaTurque Pw lc C.iCne. il iditu ue s:nr de six $ir+!s, A Di$! d uc eirli pd slllfu. ':hblim al6i m aft lldirion c.s $'s trr $N ls au5!i6 oinimitred d6 u8rlfu (LieE d! si.,g-cm), ds zdhris de l Ap6lohr de la l,ri&e, d6 Eofta dc n&rie.r d.s D.noisites Au nirq ds Dms paroll*q dcs Dme de saidlare q cnfin de t'uion d s G6np6 Peisiaux clqne $il3 s d6@ ps u p4smno dx&ur6 Fr rs dori6 dc fdcole sra'lohc tu ra dikim ds s@u6 d. saic Coit Ln pohns d donc bicn vi*ft d adive, neme si l.s }]ftisim si d,tr u. senc 6ndciiE pc'dare o n y a me adivii6 cn osei6& pour p sqe h616 goiitq presqu os 16 i 6 L N d6 o':eis6 Ls plus virtu en pamis en ss dodc l'aponorar de r, PiaE. MeNEIh.nL lcs /ati6 visird l s fot!6 de la p3bis p.ur di$buer le buxdi4 qui Eprcddr rcn e',lemr l ofrade quoridicmc au Cer $m: dc Jlss nrs ani 16 iddbs dc pridres gaidnls d nisiomias du mois. ri di$rior si j. ft fais eru. d de dix $E par d por dor brrrditu de qtu Dass chas, payrble en chifte dn por l ma. o d ni&n d un $u par nois Pourbnl ddies m non$rc polhr d6i.hd e 916 $u i chaqne mois. e qui dome u!f!a dc la niseft du remps c d M. pad$ime d oigio. qndbdrie qui dkribuc lc bullcrir ft r me de gbnde qui n'0 ielu dcw dddiotr Ellc 6r donc illdrr&. Chaque non, ene nous dive en did: ( ie $is l oposr {te la piaq qui mn lppone faporotar d.rrpnic ' Dm $n ahdcnnr.etui ou c ne qu 6ir de l'ap.dorar.d aposhr OBqE m6. dorc, i eadi dc Dr6, bs dari6, lles qui le p.menr f@cidmdr s ddr, s Iduisd pour rd tsroimg. mud t: RivdEnd!FtcFoncigjnslBdddoldPml. "tzim,potr@lomaede.olrdion D.N &min6 Dl6 'fd, le l3 es Ia n. Ha)edd. pcsquc { Ia 6nnll@ dd mte. M.lmdn d cfdir. s.i6. e gtude *dion d. Ia r.nille R.dolphc L HoFu\ ddr ks cdq fines $nr Elisi$ de b P'd$ffdjon cr 16 deu fik a@ in. c. Mdsitu rrftnru dbir hac d&o't ilc la pmia gl@ mon- 'ti'l.dd6 it@jt9s*re'iea!blmud6 Pd6 sd dipr&ne de sulnd ror rh! p&sh s h Jmuir F,U'( D*dnid olgmzed 'ne Frisht fd Tukish Bm. Drine r4nl rhe pdsn olgmiari@ fo. qening tuio6 ro be h.ld one a *ek ff sir *ek Tres pdjs we rpoerd by 'Mbc{ of d Srced laguq lnc Aposdship or PErq. thc Dangibs or Mlry ud lnct auiltuiei ft ridi6 of sr. ane rhe kdsofsr AnJbnr Patu, Td senmlly by rhe n4be6 of &e union or Paiislr olgdiaris Fj.hcmingeded*i.hanusietpmglaola prry br rh. studms of sr. Adnory. a olleirior 16 bks up,ner lnc Mi4s r,rsely 3ftndcd by peishiom. fron df nnmiriry fomd b sy 're r@ Bu *irrin 'ne pen! &livili6ab.uedfol*cryunqftrihi'*.ry 'Ir'eApodj.sbipolPoydMindcd qujte die. olc a mmrl\ ml*as di$ibred.hc rof-pree bundi b n.arty dory hdsbotd in lhc pfidl lrut lnarl burlcrin Dcrud.d rb. drily otredory b rhc Srcftn Hd or Js, a wn a rh e4car and nisioey i@lions fo. dr momh Tre pie M a 16. pafble in mlmpsm ormdvci$w,orrfmyamodn aor rho* sho s'id nor trord a dmq Aording ro so*c6,,@y fmir6 6dd nor alford a pqry ech nonrh,.nd da sik u r idq of E snferins or 'n in6. Bnr ach rw, bceinilng in 1936, rhc w*c6 of rhe Ap.sd6hip of polcr, nosljl so@q ar 16r rhn *ho olrd iltord i! wtu or o ml pilgdms!. or Ausur 2, 1916, rhe 3@p sldr r d4 ar Biddeford P@1. Maine, * h th Fmcisfl Farhm. TM} e*s,q.ona un13,mh4' wd sr, nd lrt lrmrb md c.ndia, L\e nidorphe Henru tu i\ n4.rinin pds of sl ainony in 3ftendfle ar rne Imid Trc fahity'nch]ded69.dlughor,jlsid.eof.hc his life liln lhe us P6ar sdie o'r of hissg'infoleigd*$iadviim@n$lal6j adasndmof sr Ardoiy schml, wodd erum ro addras sdcn6 ii the 1950s ro pbnoro his Allh.endofABgd'19]6,sLAdnony held ib nd oi rhe $hsl g4unds. ^ hbroid re*spaper, r 14,r,rci4, (a ptay on *olg pmmced likc e,',,,o4 fum.r), M pidc4 dc fr6r of IMy ro tonow in suhs qenre6 Tickes rolftedewilgs$lddbdsecb9ftal5o.ntue ric** b Eich ys, t150 ir pliz0f rendollz,bddelnefizm$wered

16 l a..lo SlA oine. evicndn visir6 ls cl6ss q 1950.pmmoijondegprj&epoflrpa]x' A la fin du nois paois pd*dc lc prmid srud ':,mrrl mnd sur Ic rcdin de l aelc. Pou l'@iod. on pdblie le p@ie dw sdri. de joueu sc rolm $Imr assi de billeb d cr lc Diir d'u bill.r d dc dix M chaquc N':e on 150$ ks prix en,jl.or $nt d u lhil'rm de dx dollg q oi rc nenqe j3mis d ofrt susi l m d6 onx tg pl6 dhyans au hom6 : me boit dc 25 ciga6 de la mqe?-20{ dc l'tanchdei k27$plembe1936,lefudb6njl 0 bblen d s 5s Mlrqrs cmdim qui md d:emis b pcrile ':slis s.addre Er le 25 doba $iwt la cbnale sladoine idel},t d tegie,atu L. tn?.trairie d. t@aoy4 plsdgotrsfl s&trl.sarni 'lebplon*, b pmis conff mvnon 910 rmill s m l9l7 rr turd DRulmG fis lj'ona! ais siil qoi ne dhdgd ps b uup lou 16 Drei2in6 m&s M6s: Din&clE: 6.?, 3, Gm'l-mes i t h, l0 d Il. Fcts d'obljgrjon:5. 6,7.3.dgEnd.m.sd9hfusPcn{ o&edi jendj du@is: r ds dorim.ou ls 'Eritis i 7 pn ave pdd6. ilfuio4 Salur du Saim&c{n.( d vai@uotr de b din du nois, 6 p.r. d prcmid vcndcnj du nois i 7 p tu. Dor rs Ligxs s E. Msr Pderem d de ftlru i Sr Adoirepou9tojsiem*ilepdonrelem ]e pmimge de M d dc Mfte Tnuib. Gjli@s. udom6p&eblmcd,anjquesl94lpo[pas*i d.n:na.fuplsbdiarlingloavnginia trltsodinumlmishg:nddv6nemedde a. n6edled.dd.m.cong.sdel,hgueft'j. Fis. dn i au6be. ao mois de juin Depnn m m ksaudjmbbilineesdtrdifi$spl6fldi ed l'hmd de rr r.n&c iiuffasi.anloinecespebdepdlmlei. Deipounbdlnlelminp'oi$iJl,frilDlel6 by $e menfolk:, box of rwmy-fie.igm fhtu On S prdbo , Fadu DceulnieE bksd rhe padiic bf rhe c.mdan rrrl!6 rhd hmefonb wuld hang in rhe chrch A nonth racr. otr odoher25-, de sr An$ony chmlo trg r6+bqve.s B@e tu rds./t u//t, in chu4h Pandr c6sus unfohn'.lcly h$r nor bemkeplinp rjshjfieshowvg.wdoknn rhd.bou sro f.nilis bclonged ro SL AnL\ony in le3? TlDr tqr, Fadd D.eulnic6 Banpcd rltr pdshbmebbleinba$hduledu'muldid clmgelolndyye6m'ssmsud,]rmd 6'T,dd3smdrHjgnMAsn9,Ibnmedby!*o orq &s!! t0 6d I I M.s or holy d,ys tu d 5. 6, 7, 3, dd a H h rtirs d 9 Fout msss* rcgidmfidfnda}5:d5j0.6:15'? dd 9 a.m. w kdays: 6 t5 Dd 7 { m conf.$ions: Fnd.ys d 7pn. Sarurdars..I ed?a'tr..sor hot 'nd ach 5d Tldsd.r- d 3 ad 7 p.n Slfulluny].ErITus&yalTpn{ilhpt.]tr. a rechins, Bcncdidior rnd!.n.erior or rhe Elic or Sr Andoiy. Ho! Hou and vespc6 lne f6t Sddar olqch nonth d 6 p n, lnd dc 6d Fndal of o.h nonth d? p.n ror rhc Sad.d tl d BBhop Pdm dm.d ro sr A(ho'l rorhjsn\ndpdjoej]*ilmapil10.l9'. otrtrlrmg der d.y nin 9{re b.js and rxis GErims hmiry *s nn adi in!\epdshomolden94m,mehsa emieio h Otuw shc he sonrd be ordained a wnio Fa!\d in re{], ro slsd his emft pisdr Dunng ler?. ii d'c admri6 noridcd lb.r.ominu.d bur rle Jaas hig jal( u rhc S{ond CoisBs or dr FHcb rtrgug. bek in Q!.b6 Cny ii Juq Foru y6. bilincual 5ud.i6 or rl'c di@e or ^{.ncnsd bad b n p]luhe acniig 6d6 ro hmr ron8e. on apnr 2r. r9r7. sr And'ony schor orftrcd. gnh s.nb rhn atuded virirog ei ftofr cdi&. pod oe pansh C{uds. Dlsrins fio}d bcds ro $pprddr his *gcubrc sado r@rqr on rho nonh sid. of rhe doq Id lnc stnig of eirhd l9r7 r 1913, hc lrilscd and pl{rcd rw on c.h sidc or.hc vrtlr ro rhc dobtfio dor Tl'e 6 e 5nl bvins h dis ldiode repins rurb nis, rd pdl'4s rhe orll

17 deu nuslifiqg alne. quj d+ vsr r. ponc du pfsbridrc pr.urc6, arbr6 rei ms 'hb ms panss NoDs rrut de la rctre mis quznd sui*rou t! r alne qui piodui d$ niins? ve6 b sr Jd ependanr b N1nbn 'Mr,tr p shndft d (md de mis. si vo6 pas d*d le pesbrlae lm la 6n dl mois dejuiq n lyez aucurc pcu dc goird H nlis ddlcicui. nor'e tils tachdr ld ddist d b8bouill.d le isge de elu qui m Imse En Der 16.mdcs 40. il y abi m pads lcs nies romb6es $r le smn Er il pmragaii pf tdmd(*srr]4s'6neks6ml'e6qujs poigil cn po!d. Un miin dorc. v6 la lii do fmdc shnq b rione qde fderi* por h snie d. ra sdisi. $ ra m sns d h e ra re v6 rc p6qiee. n pluiem ga4o.s d dircbd 16 'ni4s. grinp(is da.r lcs rbrs Ausiror il lua u cd r ( M* p.06 hlcm. le rgisvou.lhdcrvouffi]'''d6que16 tua le usie ned i l'6mk rai b ru ds das cr rddfie les mie ds sa.9on ceu qui daied 16 mie hch66 du jb des niies sonnd dorcdmleorjofdpo[pdnihqle]'ienels fre me bom mirkr.n s freu sds dolr levi nelmgagmi6msondul Mligc,rhBdmj6lavoirpodno6 ue auft sieniridior puisqq d ad'is lcs ech6- chs cfi.duics rar d6 nonidhdr d Tcft saidc n6 ijbg eir d. rr r n. tuire de farbrc doi parle lc Olii da h parabole dr cnin dc hdc: ( si hus avie b foi d un gdin de sa@4. voc diiicz d d ojbrc Ddncicioi cr Erl,nrqoi d&s l, n.r cr ir hd obcjnit. ' A clucr dc d't.urir Dou lui-naft L signifierid ddnonaupoin@drequhkfle'lm p.urcmphglepoitenoon dudfjnond.ltid lrclc,sjnb.l.logo'}pdlblivi cdcnl.nchbtr r. 26 jmvid h Gn dc s daollc { pa4is Cqc ltlc popdrnc sie@cdndefonhbblssmiscnl9r3. o y,lort lc pcle psrcisial \VSTA&ind!.r c nid Drba AD rempq dr olisrr 16 pos6 d sp&mcns 'n Nd H.npshic. A6drs ro nn:r mps. onlr Rushn m,nbctries grcs ii or shr. ll'eii bhcrbcnig b is produed r- i. rhc sid*nrk ficiic rho Edory n lnenny 6vci.n ridr hulb.tics Should rou pas befor lne dory.r dutline or lne ter. be $rc b bnc ln* ddiciou bcni6 bur bc*arc sino rhcy min fingeh rnd raes In hd. L\e int used ro sign rhe Dsrmron of rndependenft of d,. u.s.a. * ii rhc $nsh e app@iar.n de mdbetries L\,r he *d'rld s o nmp ro colled ad st rhe &rbtr pderur dicirudc. I'c.pobbd hk n'ulbcnics.saiis $l&lbors *ho pickcd a l'&dn on drn mr_ ro ehool. jun sding in trre sminc d4s of ru. onc nomin&,nd ms, lne pid kn de cbnrdl dnuch!e scrisry d@r oi SilEr Sr dd Ms msing rhc s@r rosards lhen hc spj.n senl bols qong n'ibctri6, $ne q-en LT in rhe b clasrmm,a*n'gbo}tb isln.iriflds$lre orjdinsp.d'nemttogwhoh,dber'ysinsol rhem fte sd ro rh. ilxsay sncrc rhc pli*l peoecq hc had de bors cleii de sidnai* ot.ll f,ll.f, rdit $d forttv liu sel bas*cts or aed' 'nllbcftig No doobr rh. pd6rarc hk sulb.trics Bur d'cs ds sl'olld hiw r d*per,'@hs roi 6 si@.ley e ot d'c sdus of the b (unmdy rdd{cd syqnon) 0I 'hich rss.pokc in his pmblq _lf ro had me railn or a $lf and repl,nt Fuer in lne s. and n m'nd obe'"lnupb6.horu.bdiscwql\etraln'8 Da'nc bridgc mr rhc Mdi@d Rnq op.ned ro L{tr'c. Ihjs bridg. rqding rron domrnn ro rhe st. I{ane Fndr.q, 4tced $e M.cres$ bndse defoyed duins 'ie flood or MmI! lu6 n! inuil prid! rar *.s hold JandD Ii@siig]ypoDd.r qpod.n in rer3 ro iiclude r [ pansh ndio sbrim WSTA opcdcd bl GtErd Dtrht s disrlekcy A!r4,ime. ndio s ocr popur'. wid hjge swrh.gmdyrt comr6 ud cdn n41 or noa rub.s tong *ia

18 Recollections ftom the Cla6. PrerHeit, 1938 St. Anthony gigh School'3 Fir.t Gradu.tlng Clalr PFnliF n!e6e: Th,air K6rca.k, Mil,ft,l llit.6cl1, Inik labe4e M.mdid" by Mn Mokte S3lM-Ixoq$n saidl Anlhdr Hign Scnd c og of rhc bd, dd edidiu e.n fi. sbre ms,cquied!r de bc3i6ilg olm fdja m Tte fioljt (llm) 9w *dl qtuorrt h uh@d n.rd rb.y uu l! W. h&l pbt! atd tn. gid! 6jold rh.ft Fft *n heah ir &hrdrd.@ lbdica.d cb6ah Ou cl$ ff d in 1934 rih m sinq and ltu fto u $!h ofn lm!tr rdua wt d ro * l in od.r ro ll!fue tu sbml tr m or ihc b61, ul to borc ii Etujo in heh tu&di for * *rc rh. "6d s:d81<" sieq Felici& thc didie dldrcipol, a stid hr 6n. Shc rbd ft. bish sdni vdld b. pfrld of." Ev.ryoe h.d d e e46i.d. Tbe sen gids 9*: r4irr. D.nErs, Mlt d Mircb.ll, Mrelte vedq ftlr&e Kgdff\ Fluiire kbl,tu, Ari! rib.rgc rd ndelf, vrdtu satmtr we 'w lud dinss d.6 4 ptm bd for em 'qs rin * d $. buh poid in M lik From l$,r o tc33, d only gdl * h bm ged ged.s ii dda b sid@t lim tum, and minhin rle Elldim of G nich $h@l *irh 'high 6drdrinr" Al$ rhm n lud ru* ft * ahl ro p'n loscihq u 6d Y6 B@1, -Ihe AfldiM." {ld d addplilb d t' sr Bnq ed ro.ay, lre rd $hs E lod, ror f@da] t@8, ttuy clo! d d high sh6l Hd*s, on afd'oal mre, 'Dy.!L! s'l Fdhs Fjchdn ' trtpso. re d.ugbrd, ftiscirr, rtdd4 8trd son, cbd.r.i rollo$td.bck dle.nd gndde.t 6on Sri{ Anrlny HisI schml v'ole S.@!-TnomNo Ne:ME Tt nlponcillled!naba innmi d su d$.9:30 f,d F a.n M6 on Sud.y '.di'{., 66id6 b.ine imhd in 'Mr pdish.div i6

19 roft d. erl'&nls de six ei *pt Impes. d lm drdi6 a hs fil vsta n'6r'd a1s s ks ond* uiqunci( dds h sne Ds mcme, les ehirsure pashr des hffi devur lc onle dc M O!b.i. quj hn ausj r@ns ls d6qus 73 lon d s dh$c I* plus popubic Pcndmrour k mon de jaio. r. Sdidrd ds ConI&m s de b Bis oltie une slne de 6nf a]b $ fd9.rq ahitut de nonbeu R:sion Suirc an 6nf6renes. e manc gidpc pa4i$ialimugmzlye,2,.rd9gig'upo* pmh,in mie (b L rdrc, rt Josphar Benoir Pluicud jdns adnrrs de Ia pdok$ dqiemmr dor ncnb6 d op rd6 $u b dii rion d. M. c{nid Robe( firs d Adolprr Robod d6 crados ce gmupe 'ienr $.nd d'ofldr en spsbck r-osrenc za cr,.ra re cou airk en pariss re ri rivdcr Le 16 juin b pdoks qjlab{ h Gre pdmdq ra $id,j@ av!i.s sokmene Elle pdicip mdie au dafla sd la ne Eln rile er rcmfn L e4miq Fix ds dm aitigoiqes L' O^tituat ae\ aab uis k nere pr. on.oroble pdd u Eft re t5ik mil NiE dc li Condidid amerjsire dtnbdft ie cmin proisial Eo berrc ei$tr rc pgbrre r $n Fdin pobgd su lc drd oold Gih rc pftsbrldre aftel d li:stie) er il cs bim iomldercirupl ftm$@cpi@herhs rccu'ns m faift Ia ckirrelc d6 haico6. r: 22 eprqbe rer3. re p.emid prein iou d adomq h Nouvollc-Angldft e{ risge pi u ourgs idn qui safe d* ddse6 panour ri n e de lta!.hcsd odd rc[dmr d albc qu elle ch{se dc vissc,i 'our jamis. Eo prois, iombrffi etu qui pqd6r ui bn, ou do le Ddn.ft dc dobnl d6 md$6 vonins D4 lcs licu ba6 dc l. ville, {td inon-.idios es.nksd lcs to6 d pdndhr mcme ks h'bielois d b6 ni'6u. une cmde pdie de ra ds jod che nous, k pe$ridrc Fd s cneninai d r&.le nesife de nonbru d sir Ausirbr apds l. C6nde Kem6s de rere. b pdflis Fd r. sodfi@ de $n!ele, sau Maic dc scrhvid, wd de fd Msr L.uis Dasd cftnis, rud d. la bclh pasis& de Not - D rd*csdis dc w')'tsr, Msschu*h. l $die $l@cl dc rs'tnillg.d.hdd en pmis k 6 ituic. r9l9 q rc dls dc r. WSTA ld*\q did nor brcrdad on ddio rdcs hur Ms e{ually. *t'p Ning m mpljf r }nhspel}fbfutgir ly Hostvg.ilpndlobeapop'jd'ftdjons'ln ho6 *athing [tr Dubd ar L\e onle *lnle he plar.d rhe ron popular $n$ of Cmdz,nd the nd6.n[g?sl?mimdsoflneday Dding 0ie orirc nond df JanuD! the Confcftn Smietr (andrher of Fatb* Desnrnis' isribtiont or fie paish pleded a *ns ormn ferenes'nfrflcll}idrspe}mfioncmd,.* Miig a larbc ardicn( not only tftn o prnsh bur rim ne cig d'd $. ftgior Followns rhe $ecsof'heo'feen@!'ne9mpdshgot} iidllded L\e Furct g/am'liotlencifra]'oroffieoty.i'r J@Phd B.noi d $e miftphore Mnt}ougad'nbofL\epajsh$bs quendy belme Rt e "i'bcf of.he o9eena srien led by Mr Cdold Robd, sm or Adorol'c Rob.n or d,c aca. O' Fcbndry ri$. th. seicry nrnbee p( a/6bs & (b,4,/r. in onjmer5'l9ss.dtrdjshckbdled sorcnn lngh Mes joitud me yrrde held domm rd hamily *on r'fr pin tu $en nd: rhe cffitubr at the u,,r.d r,res -rh!! day, Da de \rm hetd a@s lheslasloelebdclhclsoumirem,-ofdt lcalfslir'li*inhonorofsllohnl]rbaptj( otuinu.d hk lo&dpirs work, doiig fu.h of ir hinsn He exp,ftred lhe noser grdcn on rr,c si side of L\e Mrr r'egstle gaid.q ed ir Ms nor oor oa!\e s 3 Fic$ d4sn in os@k hciryhisrq*bl$oipickingfujigbc4i. *ourd har ben a nnuy or a.n a scrftr.r. at dd. tine. ro se 3 pdisn pded ftssl ods du ii a 6scft Tins h,,. ndousryt. on sepre'nb.r 2x rer3, dc nd nrl d1y or,utu@ New Eisbnd fer! de bmr of m frn& hui(ft rrbr d6h$d nucn ot!e rddsp. T]recityo Mrnch.dslo!$'Mrdalc r]les rhd ir appe3me ch,nsed fobcr aa6s!'c pmsh, nmr hou$ lcr a mot and lawns wrc cs redmthdeb'sflonmlghboij'el'ou6ln lnc ls-lyins?l% or the c,ry. floods svercd l$ MrchofreighbomgStAups'jnpsishB undtr'dg orn6ydlyiespejdlyl\eig*st o'wi $nst',md}ofvalley,anddombvsuc}

20 eligid* e{ eos e tuports pu hin por inhumdion au cimcri@ dc SGliNd. ql:b Suivml les eird6 du Cr ne or l, cdld' bntonp lc,jqmgpffinbie4y:nis 6nhme 703,44B d?,1fi114, do les Ffrind I'l@ire ${ M. cr lt E Anrdio Cdti Cee visne pasrmlc darc dtr l3 mi A Fire dff emins pln br4 rl r6imt ditonf{onnuiotr &s I-ig@u6 (Ugc du Srg-Cc[). Ce, la oif&tu en domie Fr le Rdv. PiF Alesde Dngl6,jisirq qui f,ji re d6res de K adicm k 24 juia pou b Saia J@ la paeis uone uc cdidnoiic disi@ sotcmclls, suivic d d b&qd, rmbl crpents ae snr En red n oftq un dcfird a.n$ or re A!\laliquc 6r r. sri { dc 6iM oh Iss rarfec. q ls Ctuup.s a no{ftddains d'o pcu panour en Nmll+Angldere Cotue toujom, lirl'zlmldelaviuedneduns'ilanp6hne En d.pir de bds e divi.d la poois d larsemed cpli*hlt au d:fij'a du 4 juillcr, Gt B omle, SolMrun]\ Nc{ smdshia, on cft mpone lc penir D'ix pou $n chtr all orjq@!.d Rrire d. Mnchtu Dmt f6rd, le cnr DsDlnics tair a6r dro4r laslc cr lo PGblrlF d* d6gab de l m4a de rd(im L'*"-'*" Aurosde<*m.19]9'l!ptojs*. 404eneompbeNi4o1000 uin6'au. siff piomis de la p@g$ trr dispes mis trneue difr reg ee rb 30 hi[6 odsinarg d l s nille d anjourd'hui! roudoh, la paois d de str'gipiim m rre la ddrc. Tou ls tthu ds rcnbc$ diyids de l ml ednr ':g3t 6Ncds A AeindE rr dehe pamsiale. k 2r au?r eit $ le rmin de l le, u ged fsril.t n{9odc ui be.u s6ei D rues activfts p dft par froiq plsimed ft E(d@ d de joi.s z :.]w,rr xard,r, re ctud quoridien fi&- a6dei'chede c ltbc$$i9nci'qut' ue 4 L9r9 er mft pdois$ $ join! A b qtr& rion pi ds trg i sr-ausdia suiu* d u b?nqet i dcifl ndn c nilir.i4 dc la tu St. Cdncrcry. u Hmphrers Bmk or Cemrcly BDok bcroc lne bhot s flclcd in a crljven. Ihe vish i,tarkd ho erjd.n hnd ad sne or d'e yaly cirui Fmincd udo Mtr for $eks Ai $h@l buld,ng 86 ssely d.fr4e{ Innedi{dy anq d parish fan in JMury, lc3q S'@ Mzrie de SlDavid $pdor of Sr. A,rhony Schml, died rhen IGgr. laus Daid ceni.i pznor of NodDme de C.Mdiss (od ridy or de canadiml pedbps wo@nok (Mas$chunt nd gncj@ chmll Htr rft.rr Ma$ fts Me inourlorislronfcbnea6, l9r9,ndbdbody*as rhen pbce! m a hi! ro h. buded in rhe Holy cms cemder in Qlbcc rollo*rig thc w*ly w.ntnc LmEtr pdi6 ad Edrd elcbdois, Eisl'op Pr@n r med b Si Anthdy for his rotrih Drsronl vkil ssry rou sirlq *ill lrtr ad M: Adonio C6{6 Ttu *cks I.b, Bisl'op Pd@n EMd ro ru pdsh for rhe connuioi-bskfsr or rl! nembeb or ae Laguc or rhc S..rcd Hd Ttur d,r, L\e sf:k* *a Rd. Fath* Ai.fudft Dullq a Jsit who d.lishtd bjs $dim. onjmez,.. ordemua]fhnalf6l or SL Iohn Lle Baprist or paish o]:3ded a el.m Eusio6.*mtry rono*ed by a baqd.r rnc calpcdd nobl trirh mncrm sneo by Mr Fdlii D.sha tibtril. or.hc Cr$diu P.nonem in Oow. O.dio. And d'c banqucl o pmde rollold on E,n St. dd aded d Arhleric Field ee dm d1d brsrc corp6 lion dftughour Nev Erylad ried ror ae 6dE. As nrdi. de &y mded *in rltw*s higiisndne L\e dla of lne anen ciq or Ne* Hrn!6hiE DsDfuzndtNlo ledl'jtj6,nplish *6mDlyreEededinlheJ'ny4"'p?E'teheldn SoIi N.ij!Ngl'abpshiEinI9]9sL ieen,/,rft,.r"ei Duins 'ne l minde of rh3r ffi, Fllnr D.snrd6 ha(l rll. $l@l and Hbry rcp4ed of,ll d@ss fon rhc rer3 Esisd d pdshiomn wh, a diftma!lr@ lne ongimr eichty fanilie md Inc lnolmd ot r9r9! Ye! rhe! rish srill ll3d { wcshching d bl Tte crd Der $ion Ms fiially ov6, bur

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