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1 Dfns Logistics Agncy STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE DLA Information Oprations SOP March 12, 2015 Prformanc Optimization, J613 SUBJECT: IT Procss Improvmnt (ITPI) Standard Oprating Procdur (SOP) REFERENCES: DLA Instruction (DLAI) 5309 Continuous Procss Improvmnt (CPI), Fbruary 7, 2013 Dirctor s Guidanc 2014 DLA Information Oprations Job Aid A, Excutiv Planning Sssion (EPS), Dcmbr 2014 DLA Information Oprations Standard Oprating Procdur , IT Prformanc Managmnt DLA Information Oprations Standard Oprating Procdur , IT Knowldg and Procss Managmnt DLA J5 Continuous Procss Improvmnt Chartrs, Tmplats & Chcklists 1. PURPOSE: Th purpos of this SOP is to dscrib th procss by which DLA prforms and govrns ITPI including xcutiv dploymnt planning, projct idntification, slction and xcution to optimiz J6 businss procss to achiv goals dscribd in th Dirctor s Guidanc, that impact DLA Big Idas, improv J6 Customr Satisfaction, and nabl th J6 workforc to xcut its mission. 2. APPLICABILITY: This procss applis to J6. 3. DEFINITIONS: a. Just Do It (JDI) Typ of CPI ffort utilizd for problms with smingly-known solutions which xpctd to tak lss than on month to implmnt. Whn a known solution is implmntd as part of a CPI ffort, bfor and aftr data must b gathrd to confirm that th known solution did, in fact, solv th problm. b. Rapid Improvmnt Evnt (RIE) Typ of CPI ffort utilizd to addrss problms within a spcific division or branch of J6. Th hav thr phass and ar xpctd to tak 1-6 months to complt. c. Dfin Masur Analyz Improv Control (DMAIC) Typ of CPI ffort utilizd to addrss complx problms or thos spanning multipl organizations. DMAIC vnts hav fiv phass and rquir tollgat rviws b hld at th nd of ach phas bfor th 1

2 projct will pass to th nxt phas. DMAIC projcts ar xpctd to tak 6-18 months for full implmntation. d. Grn Blt J6 prsonnl who hav takn an approvd Grn Blt Cours. Grn Blts may facilitat JDIs or RIEs, but only RIEs count toward thir crtification.. Black Blt J6 prsonnl who ar attnding or hav attndd an approvd Black Blt Cours. Black Blts may facilitat DMAICs, RIEs or JDIs, but only DMAIC projcts count toward thir crtification. f. Mastr Black Blt Crtifid Black Blt who has takn a DLA-approvd Mastr Black Blt Cours. Mastr Black Blts may facilitat any lvl of projct, but only ntrprislvl DMAIC projcts count toward thir crtification. g. CPI Administrativ Projcts and Evnt Rpository (CAPER) Rpository in which th information and status of CPI projcts across DLA ar stord. h. EPS Annual mting during which J6 ladrs idntify opportunitis for improvmnt. i. Cybrscurity Assssmnts, IT Audit Radinss, and Procss Managmnt, J613B Dsignatd to ovrs all th Black Blts and Grn Blts within J6. Coordinats Projct Champions and Sponsors to gnrat chartrs including a projct schduls for proposd procss improvmnt idas. Contacts mmbrs of DLA Stratgic Plans and Policis (J5) and Black Blts outsid of J6 to communicat procss idas which apply to th DLA Entrpris. Rsponsibl for th coordination and xcution of th (EPS) procss. Assists BlackBlt and GrnBlt candidats in achiving crtification. j. Procss Ownr Th individual with authority ovr th nd-to-nd procss which has bn targtd for improvmnt For crtain projcts, may simultanously prform Projct Sponsor and / or th Projct Champion rol(s) 4. RESPONSIBILITIES: Rfr to Enclosur PROCEDURES: Rfr to Enclosur INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS: All information rquirmnts listd blow ar mt by th CAPER Systm. a. A cntral rpository that stors and tracks all currnt, upcoming and compltd CPI projcts. b. A databas which contains information to track th phas and th stat of th projct. c. A cntral databas containing th nams of traind and crtifid Grn Blts, Black Blts and Mastr Black Blts for ach J6 organization. 7. INTERNAL CONTROLS: Rfr to Enclosur 2. 2

3 8. RELEASEABILITY: Rstrictd rlas to usrs with Common Accss Card authorization on th Workplac J613B wbsit. 9. EFFECTIVE DATE: This SOP is ffctiv upon signatur and rmains in ffct until it is ithr suprsdd or canclld. Enclosurs 1. Rsponsibilitis 2. Procdur 3. Mtrics 4. SOP Procss Flow Diagram Forms and Rports Idntification of Gaps Abbrviations and Acronyms RACI Chart LINUS BAKER Dirctor, Complianc Managmnt and IT Oprations Support Srvics DLA Information Oprations 3

4 ENCLOSURE 1: RESPONSIBILITIES a. J6 Ladrship: Includs th J6 Dirctor and Dputy Dirctor, as wll as th Dirctor / Dputy Dirctor for ach Entrpris Srvic Ara (ESA). Th J6 Dirctor is ultimatly accountabl for J6 oprations and fficincy. All mmbrs of th J6 Ladrship assist in th idntification, schduling and rsourcing of potntial procss improvmnt projcts. J6 ladrs act as champions and sponsors on CPI fforts, approv courss of action, approv changs to policy, Standard Oprating Procdurs, Job Aids and othr procss documntation as a rsult of projct findings and rcommndations. b. DLA Stratgic Plans and Policis (J5): Pr DLAI 5309, J5 is rsponsibl for consolidating DLA organization CPI information and mtrics, as wll as for rporting ths mtrics to DOD. J5 is also rsponsibl for dlivring training to blt candidats and for dvloping and maintaining ky CPI documntation, such as tmplats for chartrs and tollgat rviws. J5 rviws applications and awards DLA Black and Grn Blt Crtificats in rcognition of compltd projcts. c. Projct Champion: Th Projct Champion is th spcific J6 ladr ultimatly rsponsibl for th prformanc of th J6 procss(s) targtd for improvmnt. Th Champion communicats stratgis, liminats obstacls, accpts risks takn during th implmntation of changs and nsurs that gains ar sustaind. Th Projct Sponsor rports to th Projct Champion and in som cass th rols of Champion and Sponsor may b filld by th sam individual. d. Projct Sponsor: Th Projct Sponsor is th J6 mploy, typically a suprvisor or managr, who idntifis or accpts ownrship of th prviously idntifid CPI ffort and ovrss it through implmntation. Th Projct Sponsor rol is crucial to th ntir CPI procss as thy hav, but ar not limitd to th following rsponsibilitis: Conducting th initial assssmnt of th improvmnt opportunity ida s valu to th J6 organization vs th rsourcs rquird to xcut Idntifying and scuring th participation of tam ladrs, procss ownrs, subjct mattr xprts and tam ladrs as projct tam mmbrs. Approving or rjcting projct brifings and documntation including tollgats Slcting courss of action at critical dcision-points during projct xcution Ensuring that findings and rsults ar communicatd to ladrship, to includ uploadd into th CAPER systm.. Cybrscurity Assssmnts, IT Audit Radinss, and Procss Managmnt, (J613B): J613B is rsponsibl for J6 Procss and Prformanc Managmnt and J6 Prformanc Managmnt along with th coordination and xcution of th EPS Procss. Th IT Procss Managmnt Tam, which is part of J613B, facilitats th EPS, valuats procss mtrics to suggst improvmnt opportunity idas, filds suggstions for CPI fforts, facilitats Champions and Sponsors in th formation of tams to xcut CPI fforts. J613B manags th J6 projct portfolio, assists in th dvlopmnt of xcutabl projct chartrs, provids J6 CPI mtrics to th J5 offic, approvs J6 individuals for CAPER accss, and assists J6 individuals in obtaining crtification. 4

5 f. RIE Tam: Th RIE Tam is th group of J6 mploys who ar slctd by th Projct Champion/Sponsor to plan, manag and complt a short-trm (lss than 6 month) projct slctd for implmntation. g. DMAIC Projct Tam: Th DMAIC Projct Tam is th group of J6 mploys who ar slctd to plan, manag and complt complx (6+ month) projct slctd for implmntation h. J6 Employ/Customr: An individual who suggsts an improvmnt opportunity ida ithr through th J613B Workplac wbsit ( 61/j613/po/Pags/ITProcssImp.aspx), th EPS Procss, or dirctly to a Projct Sponsor. i. Facilitator: A traind CPI Grn Blt, Black Blt, or Mastr Black Blt who guids an ITPI tam through th us of th CPI mthodology as appropriat during th xcution of th projct. 5

6 ENCLOSURE 2: PROCEDURE a. OVERVIEW: Th J6 CPI program is an intgral part of th Agncy s commitmnt to improv th ovrall mission capability through dvloping, optimizing, and maintaining consistnt J6 procsss. CPI is a focusd, sustaind mthodology utilizd to standardiz procsss and improv procss prformanc throughout J6. Stramlining businss procsss, both oprational and administrativ, is critical to improving and sustaining DLA s capability to ffctivly implmnt solutions that support th DLA mission, provid th xpctd and rquird stwardship ovrsight, and nhanc support to th customr. This SOP dscribs th CPI procss for J6 from ida gnration through projct launch and xcution. b. DESCRIPTION: (1) Submit Improvmnt Opportunity Any J6 mploy or customr may submit idas for J6 procss improvmnt at any tim by spaking with a J6 ladr or by mailing Idas involving information oprations submittd to DLA s Big Idas program that do not mt th critria of that program may also b forwardd to J6 for considration. Idas can arriv through Workplac, as a rsult of a ladrship mting to includ an annual EPS activity, or by ladrship dirctiv. Rgardlss of how idas ar rcivd, thy ar forwardd to J613B and ar capturd on th activ projct list. Intrnal Control 1: Vrify that th mailbox is monitord. Control Objctiv: Ensur that individuals sking a procss improvmnt rciv a timly and appropriat rspons. Risk: Individual may submit a suggstion and rciv no rspons, rsulting in a missd improvmnt opportunity and, wors, th mssag to th submittr that J6 dos not valu his or hr input, nor pursus improvmnt with any sns of urgncy. Control Activity: Procss Control/Manual/Rcurring/Prvntativ Pr Distribution List Job Aid, th ownr of th distribution list will maintain th list to nsur that at last two currnt mmbrs of th J613B organization hav corrct mail addrsss and rciv mails snt to th distribution list. Thos on th list ar rsponsibl for rsponding to rqusts within 5 businss days of rcipt. (2) Rciv, Gathr Dtails and Rcord Improvmnt Opportunity Upon rciving a suggstion for procss improvmnt, a mmbr of J613B will thank th submittr for thir suggstion and rqust minimum information rgarding th rqust. Upon rciving th standard information J613B will rcord th opportunity on th activ projct list. Projcts addd to th J6 projct list will hav an on hold status until thy hav bn adoptd by a Champion, assignd a sponsor, a tam ladr and a facilitator (or canclld or forwardd to J5 as a DLA-lvl opportunity. Intrnal Control 2: Vrify Projct Ida is Submittd with Minimally-Accptabl Dtail 6

7 Control Objctiv: Ensur information rcordd by th submittr of an improvmnt opportunity via th J613B Workplac wbsit, through mail or convrsation is submittd with sufficint information to idntify and valuat it. Risk: Submission of insufficint information rgarding a potntial procss improvmnt opportunity may lad to loss of opportunity for improvmnt of a DLA procss. Control Activity: Systm Control/Manual/On-Tim/Prvntiv If th format in which th submittr originally contactd J613B dos not contain th minimum information listd blow, a mmbr of th J613B IT Procss Managmnt Tam thy will contact th submittr via mail to obtain th following information: Titl indicating th subjct of th improvmnt opportunity Nam of th submitting mploy Organization to which th mploy blongs In addition, all supporting and rlatd information should b includd with th abovlistd basic data lmnts. Th J613B IT Procss Managmnt Tam will rach out to th submittr to rqust any omittd information. (3) Obtain Ladrship Endorsmnt Somtims, an opportunity for improvmnt is idntifid by a mmbr of th J6 ladrship. In such cass, th projct s champion is obvious and work to idntify a tam, scop and schdul th projct can bgin immdiatly. In th cas of projcts submittd through Workplac, thos gnratd during an EPS or idntifid by Blt candidats, th first stp is to find a ladr to Champion or Sponsor th projct. Mthods for obtaining ladrship ndorsmnt includ mail xchangs, discussing th problm and possibl projct during wkly staff mtings, approaching traind Blt candidats who ar not yt crtifid, and brifing th J6 Projct List to ladrship. Projcts that ar not bing workd as having an On Hold status until thy ar sponsord, canclld or idntifid as DLA lvl opportunitis and forwardd to J5. (4) Idntify Ky Tam Mmbrs. Onc th projct has a sponsor and/or champion, a mmbr of th J613B Procss Managmnt Tam work with th Champion or Sponsor to idntify th tam ladr, ky subjct mattr xprts, and CPI facilitator who will b assisting in th chartring of th projct. Th status of th projct will b listd in th projct list as Chartring (5) Dvlop th Chartr for th Projct. Th Ky Tam Mmbrs will work with thir Champion/Sponsor to chartr th projct using a standard CPI chartr tmplat J5 form. J5 maintains two forms, but th forms ar narly idntical so th RIE Chartr Tmplat (Organizations > Stratgic Plans and Policis (J5) > Shard Documnts > DLA_CPI_Program > CPI_PractitionrToolsTmplatsChcklists> RIE Tools and Tmplats) should b usd to bgin th chartring procss. Th chartring procss is itrativ in that th scop can rsult in th nd to add tam mmbrs. Th tam s availability can driv th xpctd duration. Th addition of nw tam mmbrs can rsult in a nw undrstanding of th scop. Th projct scop nds to b adjustd to nsur both th succss of th projct and that xpctd bnfits will justify th xpctd ffort. 7

8 (6) Idntify th Typ of CPI Effort Rquird and Finaliz th Chartr Th J613B IT Procss Managmnt Tam will assist in th valuation of th chartr including whthr it impacts J6 xclusivly, or th DLA ntrpris as a whol and th ncssary lvl-of-ffort to includ th siz of th tam, xpctd duration, amount of chang managmnt rquird, and th amount of ladrship support rquird to achiv xpctd rsults. Ths aspcts rval th typ of ffort bing pursud so th appropriat st of tmplats can b slctd from th J5 Workplac sit: a. If th problm has a known solution that ladrship wishs to s implmntd, th ffort is calld a Just-Do-It. Th RIE on th top of th chartr can b changd to JDI. If th CPI facilitator assignd was hoping to achiv crtification on this projct, a nw CPI facilitator who has or dos not sk crtification should b sought. b. If th duration of th projct is xpctd to b lss than 6 months, th projct is an RIE. Th chartr nds no modification. Th facilitator must b at last a Grn Blt. If th CPI facilitator was hoping to achiv Black Blt Crtification on this projct, a nw facilitator (sking only Grn Blt or dsiring no crtification) should b sought. c. If th projct is complx, crosss J6 organizations and/or is xpctd to rquir mor than 6 months to complt, it is a DMAIC projct. Th information on th chartr should b transfrrd to a DMAIC projct tmplat and th schdul adjustd. If th facilitator is not a traind Black Blt, a nw facilitator should b sought. d. If th projct is xtrmly complx, th projct should b transfrrd to a DMAIC tmplat and projct rquirs a traind Mastr Black Blt.. If th projct must b workd outsid J6, it is a DLA Entrpris Lvl Improvmnt Opportunitis and should b forwardd to J5. f. If ladrship has dcidd that th projct is bst workd outsid th Lan and Six Sigma mthodologis and no blt is attmpting to us th projct for crtification, it can b chartrd as a Non-Gatd Projct. Intrnal Control 3: Confirm th Training Status of th Facilitator Control Objctiv: Ensur Facilitator mts currnt J5 rquirmnts for Grn Blt or Black Blt crtifications. Risk: Projcts that ar improprly ld may rsult in impropr or unsuccssful projct xcution, which may rsult in incorrct and inconsistnt application of CPI tools and tchniqus. Th maximum bnfits of th CPI mthodology may not b attaind. Th program will not only fail to chang th cultur to on of collaboration and innovation; it may caus a gnration of futur ladrs to avoid transformation tchniqus altogthr. Control Activity: Managmnt Rviw/Manual/On-Tim/Prvntiv J613B slcts th Projct Facilitator basd on thir achivd lvls of training and crtification and can vrifis th qualification of candidats to lad projcts in CAPER. If Facilitator is sking crtification, J613B nsurs that candidat is currntly nrolld in an approvd training cours concurrnt to projct work. (7) Obtain Signaturs on Final Chartr Onc agrmnt has bn rachd on th chartr and th Champion, Sponsor and Facilitator hav signd th final chartr, th CPI Faciliator or a mmbr of J613B th projct work can bgin. Th projct will b brifd to ladrship has having a status in th Dfin stag. 8

9 Intrnal Control 4: Rviw Chartr Control Objctiv: Ensur CPI projcts ar xcutd within DLA guidanc, sufficint information is providd, and anticipatd rsults ar accurat and complt. Risk: Incomplt or improprly-xcutd projcts may rsult in unintndd changs to procsss. Improprly-rsourcd projcts ar doomd to failur and wast th tim of thos involvd. Control Activity: Managmnt Rviw/Manual/On-Tim/Prvntiv Th Projct Sponsor will submit all appropriat supporting documntation and justifications to th Projct Champion for rviw bfor bginning th projct.. Th Projct Champion will rviw th supporting documntation and any associatd brifings bfor giving approval for th immdiat improvmnt to b implmntd. Intrnal Control 5: Sign and Issu th Chartr Control Objctiv: Establish th chartr as official and approvd. Risk: Poorly scopd and/ or proprly rsourcd projcts ar at high risk of failur. Unchartrd projcts will not b undrtakn or ntrd into CAPER. Control Activity: Managmnt Rviw/Manual/On-Tim/Prvntiv Th Projct Sponsor signs th chartr to vrify it is compltd and approvd. Th sponsor thrby documnts thir commitmnt to provid rsourcs and ladrship to nsur th succss of th projct. Information from th chartr is thn ntrd into th CAPER tool. (8) Rsourc and train th CPI Projct Tam. Th J6 Projct Champion/Sponsor supports th Projct Tam by slcting th rquird rsourcs as ncssary. Grn Blts and Black Blts undrtaking projcts who hav not bn traind will b providd th link for Gmba Acadmy ( login: OSD, password: DoDLan) to work through th training onlin (Lan Moduls for GrnBlt) or sign up for a DLA cours whn availabl. J613B will provid in prson training courss whn rqustd, but at a minimum, tam mmbrs will b snt Awarnss Training slids and Champions/Sponsors will b snt Champion/Sponsor Training slid dck. Intrnal Control 6: Confirm th Training Status of Projct Tam Mmbrs Control Objctiv: Ensur Projct Tam mmbrs possss th ncssary xprinc, knowldg and xprtis. Risk: Rrojcts that do not hav propr rsourcs assignd to thm may rsult in impropr or unsuccssful xcution of projcts. In addition, th maximum bnfits of th CPI mthodology may not b attaind. Control Activity: Managmnt Rviw/Automatd/On-Tim/Prvntiv 9

10 Th Projct Sponsor and slctd Projct Facilitator slct Projct Tam mmbrs basd on thir subjct mattr xprtis, possibl procss-rlatd and/or CPI xprinc and/or training and crtification. (9) Entr Improvmnt Opportunity into CAPER. Onc th projct is chartrd and tam mmbrs idntifid, it is ntrd into CAPER by ithr th Projct Sponsor or a mmbr of th J613B IT Procss Managmnt Tam. Onc ntrd into CAPER th projct is managd as part of th J6 procss improvmnt projct portfolio with rgular status updats. Intrnal Control 7: Vrify CAPER Authorization Control Objctiv: Ensur that CAPER usrs ar authorizd to accss th systm. Risk: Unauthorizd CAPER accss may rsult in us of information found in th systm for unintndd purposs du to lack of knowldg or undrstanding of CPI practics and procdurs. Control Activity: Systm Control/Automatd/Rcurring/Prvntiv Th usr will hav to vrify idntity ach tim CAPER is accssd. If a usr dos not hav accss to CAPER, thy ar rquird to submit a rqust to th J6 CAPER administrator. Th J6 CAPER administrator dtrmins nd for accss, basd on currnt CAPER administration procdurs, and adds th usr to th usr databas for CAPER. Addition of a usr to th databas provids rad/rviw accss by dfault., Th J6 CAPER administrator forwards any rqusts for highr-lvl accss to J5. Intrnal Control 8: Ensur th Format of th CAPER Entry Is Standardizd Control Objctiv: Ensur that information on an improvmnt opportunity ntrd in CAPER is submittd in a standardizd format. Risk: Entry of insufficint information rgarding a procss improvmnt opportunity in CAPER may lad to a dlay in th xcution of an RIE/ projct opportunity. Lack of sufficint information may rsult in failur to captur cost savings in accordanc with stwardship practics. Control Activity: Systm Control/Automatd/Rcurring/Prvntiv Th J613B IT Procss Managmnt Tam rviws CAPER ntris to nsur accuracy. Th rquird filds for ntry of an improvmnt opportunity in CAPER includ th following: Ida Nam, Problm Dscription, Dsird Goal, DLA Organization Impactd, DLA Sub-organization, and Submittr Nam, and Phon. (10) Conduct Pr-Evnt (or, for DMAIC, Dfin and Masur) Phas(s). All CPI projcts rquir that th tam clarly undrstand and documnt th currnt stat procss, dtailing th spcific work lmnts, whr problms, wasts, dfcts, and costs occur and to what masurabl xtnt. This is two sparat stps for DMAIC projcts (du to thir complxity) and rquirs a ladrship brifing btwn; but for most projcts this is simply considrd pr-vnt work sinc it occurs prior to dp analysis and th sarch for solutions. 10

11 (11) Brif Ladship to Confirm Projct Way-Ahad. Th Projct Tam conducts a ladrship brifing (calld a tollgat for DMAIC projcts) to th Projct Sponsor and somtims th Champion. Thr ar tmplats for conducting pr-vnt and Dfin and Masur Brifings on th J5 Workplac sit that dtail a numbr of CPI tools that can b usd (though only thos that bring valu to th projct should b utilizd). Minimum rquirmnts for this stag includ th idntification and quantification of customr xpctations, a currnt stat procss flow and collction of bfor projct mtrics. If th Projct Sponsor is satisfid that th problm has bn proprly dfind, that th mtrics chosn will dmonstrat th impact of an implmntd solution, and that baslin findings ar accurat, th tam will b givn prmission to procd to th nxt stps of th chosn CPI mthodology. If disapprovd, th Projct Tam will addrss any commnts, rcommndations or dficincis idntifid during th tollgat brifing bfor procding to th nxt phas. Intrnal Control 9: Entr Projct Schdul and Milstons into CAPER. Updat status / dtails in J6 Projct List and, if applicabl, in th AOP mtrics Control Objctiv: CPI projcts stay on schdul and rciv appropriat approvals. Ladrship brifings, including, but not limitd to DMAIC tollgats, provid priodic opportunitis to vrify that th nablrs critical to succss (rasonabl scop, achivabl bnfits, availabl rsourcs, ladrship ngagmnt) ar still in plac. Ladrship also nds to b mad awar of any succsss or unxpctd consquncs that ar incurrd as a rsult of th xcution of CPI projcts. Risk: Projcts that fall bhind schdul or do not rciv th ncssary approvals at tollgat rviws run th risk of xcding budgt, failing to achiv statd objctivs, and impacting th schduls of othr projcts and initiativs. Control Activity: Systm Control/Manual/Rcurring/Prvntiv Projct Facilitator works with J613B to ntrs th projct schdul and milstons into CAPER, which thn notifis Projct Tam mmbrs whn rquird itms and rviws ar not submittd according to th ntrd projct schdul. CAPER also informs th Projct Sponsor whn documnts nd to b approvd prior to tollgat rviws. Also, working with J613 to updat th status in th J6 Projct list and th AOP Mtrics will nsur that any brifings that contain ths will rflct currnt ralitis. (12) Bgin th Evnt (or for DMAIC th Analyz Phas). During this phas, th tam rviws and analyzs th procss data and prforms root caus analysis (using Parto, Ishikawa or 5 why mthods). Upon discovry of th root caus, th tam dvlops suggstd solutions and countrmasurs intndd to rmdy th problm(s) and improv th prformanc of th procss. (13) Sk Approval on Analysis and Proposd Solution (DMAIC Analyz Tollgat): Onc analysis is complt findings should b brifd to ladrship. Also, proposd procss changs, solutions and nxt stps should b prsntd in a dcision brif. If approvd, th tam will mov into th final stag of th vnt. If disapprovd, th tam will addrss any commnts, rcommnations or dficincis idntifid during th brifing. 11

12 Rfr to Intrnal Control 9 Updat Projct Schdul and Milstons into CAPER. Updat status / dtails in J6 Projct List and, if applicabl, in th AOP mtrics (14) Complt th Evnt (for DMAIC, th Improv Phas). Th Improv phas idntifis and implmnts th spcific improvmnt opportunitis ndd to addrss th root caus(s). In this phas, th CP tams finalizs th to-b procss flow, and incorporats changs to th procss into formal documntation (SOPs, Job Aid s, Chcklists). Th tam must idntify all policy and othr rquird documntation that will nd to b cratd or changd as a rsult of th nw procss. Th tam assists procss ownrs and affctd mploys in implmnting th changs in th actual work bing prformd, to includ conducting training brifings and mtings. Th tam will idntify and prpar to collct post-vnt mtrics. (15) Approv Nw Procss and Publish Associatd Documntation (DMAIC, conduct Improv Tollgat). Th Projct Sponsor ( and/or Champion and othr ladrs as rquird / appropriat) will rciv brifings rgarding th nw procss and formally approv nw or changd procss documnts and formally communicat ths changs to th affctd workforc. Othr organizations will nd to b informd as wll. Th Evnt (or DMAIC Improv Tollgat ) is not complt until all affctd ladrs ar awar of, formally ndors, and agr to nforc th nw procss. Rfr to Intrnal Control 9 Updat Projct Schdul and Milstons into CAPER. Updat status / dtails in J6 Projct List and, if applicabl, in th AOP mtrics (16) Conduct th Post-Evnt (DMAIC, Control) Phas. Approvd procss documntation and vidntial mattr is uploadd into th appropriat rpository in accordanc with th IT Knowldg and Procss Managmnt SOP. Any ncssary training artifacts ar cratd, approvd and dlivrd (via mail, LMS, Workplac, tc). All changs, improvmnts or additions to th procss mtrics will b mad in accordanc with th IT Prformanc Managmnt SOP. Ladrship must communicat to th workforc that th procss has changd and th nw procss must b followd and th nw mtrics collctd. Th tam monitors, and assigns accountability for sustaining th gains mad by th procss improvmnts. (17) Conduct th Post-Evnt Brifing (DMAIC Control Tollgat). Th tam rports to ladrship th rsults of th implmntation, including th bfor and aftr vnt mtrics. Th tam xplains how thy hav confirmd that th ladrship mssags rgarding th nw procss hav bn rcivd by thos prforming th procss and that th nw procss is, in fact, formally and sustainably in plac. For DMAIC projcts, a control plan is prsntd. If ladrship is satisfid that th nw procss is sustainabl, th projct is approvd for closur. If th ladrship rmains unconvincd, thy may rqust subsqunt Post-Evnt Brifings, plac th ffort On-Hold awaiting th compltion of an nabling function or Cancl th ffort to pursu anothr approach to fix th problm. Rfr to Intrnal Control 9 Updat Projct Schdul and Milstons into CAPER. Updat status / dtails in J6 Projct List and, if applicabl, in th AOP mtrics 12

13 (18) Vrify / Validat Financial Bnfits For compltd projcts. J613B works with th facilitator and J5/J8 to quantify and vrify financial bnfits which may b in th form of dirct cost savings or cost-avoidanc. Th facilitator will closly intract with a DLA Financial Analyst or budgt rprsntativ throughout th procss to mak crtain that cost savings hav bn proprly applid and rcordd. (19) Closout or Cancl Projct. Upon Projct Sponsor approval of th Post-Evnt or Control Tollgat, th Projct Facilitator complts all clos-out rquirmnts to includ, but not limitd to, a control plan, an A3 rport, th J8 financial validation and th final projct chcklist. All rlvant projct information is uploadd into CAPER, to includ information on mtrics, financial bnfits, ladrship brifings, final procss documntation, chcklists, and othr rquisit projct artifacts. Th minium documntation in CAPER is th bfor and aftr data tabl. This information is th minimum that should b brifd to ladrship as it dmonstrats th impact of th improvmnt. Th projct, now listd as Compltd should continu to b listd on th J6 Projct List for on full brifing cycl and will appar in AOP mtrics as long as financial bnfits ar still bing capturd. In som cass, a J6 ladr may lct to Closout or Cancl a projct bfor projct compltion. This can vn happn shortly aftr projct ida submission. Rgardlss of whn th dcision to clos out th projct occurs, th projct will rmain listd on th projct list for on full brifing cycl displaying th Canclld status and all affctd partis will b notifid of th dcision. Rfr to Intrnal Control 9 Updat Projct Schdul and Milstons into CAPER. Updat status / dtails in J6 Projct List and, if applicabl, in th AOP mtrics Intrnal Control 10 Vrify Projct Rsults Ar Documntd Corrctly Control Objctiv: Vrify documntd projct rsults appar in CAPER in th rquird, standardizd format. Risk: Projcts that ar not proprly documntd in CAPER, run th risk of impacting J6 organizational prformanc through inaccurat or undrstatd rporting of J6 mtrics to highr authority. This may also lad to impropr rcording of financial or othr bnfits to J6 and DLA. Control Activity: Managmnt Rviw/Manual/On-Tim/Prvntiv Th Projct Sponsor rviws documnts that wr placd into th rpository by th Projct Facilitator. Aftr nsuring that all documnts wr corrctly ntrd, th Projct Sponsor can approv th compltion of th DMAIC projct. (20) If applicabl, Complt Crtification Application for Candidat Blt. If th facilitator was planning to us th projct for crtification, upon compltion of projct, J613B will assist th facilitator in working with J5 to submit an application for crtification and provid any addional artifacts rqustd by J5. 13

14 (21) Publish J6 CPI Program and Projct Status to J6 Ladrship, J6 CPI Community, J6 Workforc, DLA CPI (J5), DOD CPI and any othr intrstd partis. J613B montiors for accuracy th information rgarding J6 projcts in th J6 Projct List, th AOP Mtrics and in th CAPER tool such that whn rqustd, but at last quartrly, J6 Ladrship can b brifd on th status of th CPI program. Additionally, th currnt J6 Projct list will b maild quartrly to th J6 Ladrship tam and copid to th facilitators listd in th CAPER tool as wll as anyon listd as a sponsor for an activ projct. For xtrnal rporting of mtrics, th rporting of J6 mtrics to DOD and othr xtrnal ntitis is th rsponsibility of J5, pr thir policy. Intrnal Control 11: Projct Champions Rviw CPI Projcts for Fasibility / Valu Addd Control Objctiv: Th J6 Ladrship tam nsurs candidat CPI projcts ar fasibl and hav th gratst potntial to add valu to oprations and procsss. Risk: Projcts that ar improprly scopd, not ralistically attainabl, or do not provid substantial bnfit may continu to b xcutd. Valuabl projcts may b ovrlookd. Rsourcs may b ovrschduld. Control Activity: Managmnt Rviw/Manual/Rcurring/Prvntiv Quartrly, th Projct Champions rviw th J6 Projct List to nsur that projcts ar progrssing at th intndd rat, that thos with an On Hold status hav not bcom mor prssing (and should b sponsord or rsumd) or irrlvant (and should b canclld) candidats will hav th gratst chanc of bnfit to th agncy. Intntional schduling of vnts nds to b takn to avoid th undrtaking of too many projcts simultanously such that individual prsons or dpartmnts ar ovrburdnd. Also, only ladrship can s that a projct bing workd could bcom irrlvant du to othr activitis bing takn within DLA. Thy must stop that projct bfor tim is wastd pursuing a projct that can nvr b compltd. c. INPUTS/OUTPUTS: Inputs to th ITPI procss includ xisting procss documntation, prformanc mtrics, suggstd opportunitis for improvmnt and intrstd Blt Candidats. Outputs includ Projct Documntation, Ladrship Brifings, Improvd and updatd procss documntation (SOPs, Job Aids, tc), rfind procss mtrics, improvd prformanc, incrasd customr satisfaction, cost savings/avoidanc, crtifid Blts and capabl procss ownrs. 14

15 ENCLOSURE 3 METRICS (NOTE: Valus for Goals can b found in th Annual Oprating Plan (AOP).) a. MEASURES Th following masurs shall b collctd for this procdur: Numbr of Compltd CPI Projcts Goal Numbr of Compltd CPI Projcts CPI Savings CPI Savings Goal Oprating Cost Savings Oprating Cost Savings Goal Cost Avoidanc Savings Cost Avoidanc Savings Goal b. METRICS Th following formulas shall b usd to produc th following mtrics: (CPI Savings Goal - CPI Savings) / CPI Savings Goal = CPI Savings Varianc GOAL: Achiv CPI Savings Varianc lss than or qual to Numbr of Compltd CPI Projcts Goal Numbr of Compltd CPI Projcts = Compltd CPI Projct Diffrnc GOAL: Achiv CPI Projct Diffrnc gratr than or qual to zro. (Oprating Cost Savings Goal Oprating Cost Savings) / Oprating Cost Savings Goal = Oprating Cost Savings Varianc GOAL: Achiv Oprating Cost Savings Varianc lss than or qual to (Cost Avoidanc Savings Goal - Cost Avoidanc Savings) / (Cost Avoidanc Savings Goal) = Cost Avoidanc Savings Varianc GOAL: Achiv Cost Avoidanc Savings Varianc lss than or qual to

16 ENCLOSURE 4 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE FLOWCHART IT Procss Improvmnt Flowchart J5 Rciv DLA Improvmnt Opportunity from J6 5 Rciv Rsults (rport to DoD as rquird) 21 (Whn applicabl) Complt Crtification Application for Blt Candidat 20 J613B Rciv Improvmnt Opportunity from DLA Employ/ Customr, Gathr any missing information, updat Projct List 2 2 R rtu o, L Ap D -l v l O Idntify Typ of CPI Effort, Provid Appropriat Tmplats, Adjust Tam Mmbrs, Finaliz Chartr 6 3 Entr / Updat Projct in CAPER, J6 Projct List and AOP Mtrics Validat Financial Bnfits 18 Clos Out Projct Publish J6 CPI Program and Projct Status (as rqustd, but at last quartrly) 21 n c t j ity Idntify Ky Tam Mmbrs 4 J6 Dirctor, Dputy, Ladrs (Projct Champions and Sponsors) CPI Projct Tam (ld by Tam Ladr and Facilitator) Sponsor / Champion Effort for J6 3 d t l j c Rc a n c t j, ro p v ro p A Dvlop Chartr for Projct 5 Sign Chartr for Projct Rsourc and Train Projct Tam 8 6 Conduct Pr- Evnt (Dfin/ Masur) Phas of Projct 10 Rciv baslin data and plan 11 9 c t j R v ro p A Bgin Evnt (or Analyz) Phas of Projct 12 Rciv root caus analysis & proposd solution 13 9 c t j R v ro p A Complt Evnt (Improv) Phas of Projct Implmnt th Improvd Procss 14 Approv and Issu Nw Procss Documntation 15 Conduct th Post- Evnt (or Control) Phas of Projct 16 v ro p A Rciv Post- Evnt Brifing c t j R Rciv Rsults DLA J6 Employ / Customr Plac Rqust for Procss Improvmnt Support / Submit Projct Ida 1 1 Rciv Rsults 21 Lgnd Procss Dcision Databas Documnt Control Primary Flow Information Flow 16

17 FORMS AND REPORTS All tmplats, forms and rports usd throughout this procss can b found on th J5 Workplac CPI Intrant sit: DLA Workplac > Organizations > DLA Stratgic Plans and Policis (J5) > Shard Documnts > DLA_CPI_Program > DLACPIPractitionr ToolsTmplatsChcklists. ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AOP CAPER CPI DLA DLAI DLAM DMAIC ESA EPS IDP ITPI JDI J5 J6 J6X J613B LDS RIE SOP SIPOC Annual Oprating Plan CPI Administrativ Projcts and Evnt Rpository Continuous Procss Improvmnt Dfns Logistics Agncy DLA Instruction DLA Manual Dfin, Masur, Analyz, Improv, Control Entrpris Srvic Ara Excutiv Planning Sssion Individual Dvlopmnt Plan IT Procss Improvmnt Just Do It DLA Stratgic Plans and Policis DLA Information Oprations A Spcific J6 Entrpris Srvic Ara IT Audit Radinss and Procss Managmnt Ladrship Rapid Improvmnt Evnt Standard Oprating Procdur Supplir, Input, Procss, Output, Customr 17

18 RACI CHART Blow is a Rsponsibl, Accountabl, Consultd, and Informd (RACI) chart. Th purpos of th RACI chart is to associat procss activitis with ky rols. Functions Rols J6 Employ/ Customr Projct Tam Projct Sponsor J6 Ladrs (Champ ions) J613B J5 1. Submit Improvmnt Opportunity 2. Rciv, Gathr Dtails and Rcord Opportunity 3. Obtain Ladrship Endorsmnt 4. Idntify Ky Tam Mmbrs 5. Dvlop th Chartr for th Projct 6. Idntify Typ of Projct, Finaliz Chartr 7. Sign Chartr for Projct 8. Rsourc & Train Projct Tam 9. Entr Improvmnt Opportunity into CAPER 10. Conduct Pr-Evnt (DMAIC Dfin & Masur) Phas 11. Approv Pr-Evnt Way-Ahad (Conduct Dfin & Masur Tollgat) 12. Bgin th Evnt (DMAIC Analyz Phas) R A C/I R A R C/I R A I I/C I/C R A R R A C R R R A I R R/A I R R R A C R R A R R A C I R R A C R R A C 18

19 J6 Employ/ Customr Projct Tam Projct Sponsor J6 Ladrs (Champ ions) J613B J5 13. Rviw th Analysis and Approv Proposd Solution (DMAIC Analyz Tollgat) 14. Complt th Evnt (DMAIC Improv Phas) 15. Approv Nw Procss and Associatd Procss Documntation ( Improv Tollgat ) 16. Conduct Post-Evnt Activitis (Control Phas) 17. Approv th Post- Evnt Brifing (DMAIC Control Tollgat) 18. Vrify / Validat Financial Bnfits 19. Clos Out Projct (or in som cass Cancl ) 20. Facilitat Crtification Application for Candidat Blt 21. Publish J6 CPI Program and Projcts Statuss I R R A C I/C R R A C I I R R A C I/C R R A C I R R A C A*(cand idat only) R A R C R A R I I I A R I R R 19

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