1. Open Section Two, Day One of the Workbook and complete the Reflection.

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1 2 Section Two: Let s Protect DAY ONE In this lesson, I will view again an animation titled Au lac and listen for information about protecting the environment. 1. Open Section Two, Day One of the Workbook and complete the Reflection. 2. Read the context below then view the animation Au lac on the Animation CD or Website. Context: Miguel has invited his friend Justin to spend the weekend at the lake. As they walk to the beach, they discuss animals and their habitats. They also notice that the beach is no longer a beautiful place and they volunteer to be part of the clean-up crew the next day. 3. Open Section Two, Day One of the Workbook and do questions 1 and 2. Pg 1

2 DAY TWO In this lesson, I will be introduced to natural resource vocabulary. 1. Open Section Two, Day Two of the Workbook and complete the Reflection. When we say Let s protect our environment we think of trees, plants, animals and many other things. Do you know what these are called? If you said that they are natural resources, you are right! In French, we say les ressources naturelles. Natural resources are made by nature. These can be renewable and nonrenewable. Renewable resources (ressources renouvelables) are resources that can be reproduced. An example of this kind of resource is a tree. We can plant a tree to replace one we cut down. Non-renewable resources (ressources non renouvelables) are resources that cannot be reproduced. Therefore, once they are used, they no longer exist. An example of this kind of resource is oil. Once we have pumped all the oil out of the ground, we will not be able to reproduce it. Here are a few natural resources found in Alberta. Listen to Track 16 on Module 4 CD. Repeat the words of the natural resources you hear. Follow along with the pictures on the next page. Notice that on the Track we say the word, then place it in a sentence and say the sentence. Pg 2

3 continued For example, with the first two words les animaux and l arbre, you will hear the following: les animaux Les animaux sont une ressource naturelle. l arbre L arbre est une ressource naturelle. l argile le charbon la terre le gravier le pétrole brut le gaz naturel le sable le pétrole l eau 2. Open Section Two, Day Two of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, and 3. Pg 3

4 DAY THREE In this lesson, I will learn new vocabulary for man-made products. 1. Open Section Two, Day Three of the Workbook and complete the Reflection. What is the difference between a man-made product and a natural resource? We learned that a natural resource comes from nature. A man-made product is simply what a natural resource becomes when it is processed by man. For example: Man will take sand, which is a natural resource, and turn it into glass to make bottles. Both the glass and bottles are man-made products. Here are a few man-made products that can be recycled. In French, we will call them les produits. la bouteille en plastique le sac en plastique le contenant en plastique le papier la cannette en aluminium Pg 4

5 continued le carton les journaux (le) le verre le bois 2. Read the context below and listen to Track 18 on the Module 4 CD. Context: Karine and Isabelle are working together to complete a collage of natural resources and man-made products. They look through pictures and glue them under the correct heading. 3. Open Section Two, Day Three of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, 3, and 4. Pg 5

6 DAY FOUR In this lesson, I will continue to work with the resource vocabulary. 1. Open Section Two, Day Four of the Workbook and complete the Reflection. 2. Read the context below and listen to Track 20 on the Module 4 CD. Use the picture to help you understand. Context: Mme Morin has given the class a chart with man-made products listed in the first column. Miguel and Karine are working together to fill out the rest of the chart. They must first decide what natural resource is used to make these man-made products. Then they must name an environmental effect resulting from the manufacture of these products. Les produits le sac en plastique le contenant en plastique awla bouteille en plastique Ressource naturelle utiliser le pétrole brut La menace à l environnement les émissions toxiques le papier les arbres la déforestation le carton les journaux le bois le verre le sable la pollution la cannette en aluminium l argile la destruction des habitats naturels Pg 6

7 Miguel and Karine were discussing what materials man-made products are made from. They asked the questions: De quoi est fait le verre? (What is glass made of?) De quoi est faite la cannette en aluminium? (What is an aluminum can made of?) They answered: Le verre est fait de sable. (Glass is made from sand.) La cannette en aluminium est faite d aluminium qui se trouve dans l argile. (The aluminum can is made from aluminum that is found in clay.) Note that when we are talking about one masculine product, we use the verb est fait (is made) and when we are talking about more than one masculine product, we use the verb sont faits (are made). If we are talking about one feminine product, we use the verb est faite and when we are talking about more than one feminine product, we use the verb sont faites. Example: Les cannettes aluminium sont faites d aluminium. (Aluminum cans are made from aluminum.) They also use the expression la menace à l environnement to state what effects the production of these products have on the environment. For example: La menace à l environnement est la pollution. (The environmental effect is pollution.) 3. Open Section Two, Day Four of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, 3, and 4 Pg 7

8 DAY FIVE In this lesson, I will review simple sentence structures to express environmental problems. 1. Open Section Two, Day Five of the Workbook and complete the Reflection. 2. Listen again to Track 20 on the Module 4 CD. Pay close attention to some of the environmental problems that are mentioned. Then open Section Two, Day Five of the Workbook and do question 1. Let s review different environmental problems that are caused by the exploitation of natural resources. Listen again to Track 14 on the Module 4 CD to hear the pronunciation of the following vocabulary. Take the time to repeat the words as you hear them. la chasse les déchets (le) la déforestation la destruction des habitats naturels la pollution la surpêche les dépotoirs (le) les émissions toxiques (la) Pg 8

9 continued la fumée les ordures (la) les polluants (le) le réchauffement de la planète People wonder what is the cause of various environmental problems. They might ask: Qu est-ce qui cause la destruction des habitats naturels? (What causes the destruction of natural habitats?) La production du bois cause la destruction des habitats naturels. (The production of wood causes the destruction of natural habitats.) 3. Open Section Two, Day Five of the Workbook and do questions 2 and 3. Pg 9

10 DAY SIX In this lesson, I will learn simple sentence structures that use vocabulary related to recycling. 1. Open Section Two, Day Six of the Workbook and do question Read the context below then listen to Track 22 on the Module 4 CD. Use the following pictures from left to right to help you understand. Context: Justin and Miguel are involved with the spring clean-up at the lake. There are three types of garbage: recyclable items, composting items and garbage to go to the dump. They discuss in which pile the garbage should go as they separate what they have picked up. Pg 10

11 Pg 11

12 As you listened to Track 22, did you notice that Justin and Miguel used the verb mettre to say where they would place the trash they picked up? Je mets les journaux dans le bac de recyclage. Je mets les cannettes en aluminium dans le bac de recyclage. Depending on who is doing the action the verb mettre will be conjugated differently. Here is the proper conjugation of the verb: Je mets Tu mets Il met Elle met Nous mettons Vous mettez Ils mettent Elles mettent (I put) (You put) (He puts) (She puts) (We put) (You put) plural (They put) male (They put) female When placing the trash, the boys had the choices of three places: le bac de recyclage le composteur la poubelle Also notice that they used the preposition of place dans meaning in to say where they were putting the trash item. 3. Open Section Two, Day Six of the Workbook and do questions 2, 3, 4, and 5. Pg 12

13 DAY SEVEN In this lesson, I will use simple sentence structures to say what can be done to protect the environment. 1. Open Section Two, Day Seven of the Workbook and complete the Reflection. If we want to ask what can be done to protect the environment we can ask: Qu est-ce qu il faut faire pour protéger l environnement? (What do we need to do to protect the environment?) These are some possible answers to this question: Il faut conserver l énergie. (We must conserve energy.) Il faut éliminer la pollution. (We must eliminate pollution.) Il faut respecter les habitats des animaux. (We must respect animal habitats.) Il faut réutiliser les plastiques (We must reuse plastics.) Il faut recycler les journaux. (We must recycle newspapers.) Il faut planter des arbres. (We must plant trees.) Pg 13

14 continued Il faut pêcher moins de poissons. (We must fish less fish.) Il faut composter les ordures. (We must composte rubbish.) Il faut réduire les déchets. (We must reduce trash.) Listen to Track 23 on the Module 4 CD as the answers above are read. Repeat the sentences and pay attention to the verb that is used. All the verbs will be useful in the following activities. These verbs are included in the Glossary for reference. 2. Open Section Two, Day Seven of the Workbook and do questions 1 and 2. Look at the infinitive verbs above. Notice how they all end in er except for réduire. When infinitive verbs end in the same manner, they will normally conjugate in the same way. Take a look at a few of these verbs in the present tense: conserver éliminer respecter planter composter Je conserve élimine respecte plante composte Tu conserves élimines respectes plantes compostes Il/Elle conserve élimine respecte plante composte Nous conservons éliminons respectons plantons compostons Vous conservez éliminez respectez plantez compostez Ils/Elles conservent éliminent respectent plantent compostent Pg 14

15 continued Notice that for all the verbs, we remove the er ending and add a new ending. This new ending depends on the pronoun that is used. With Je, remove er and add e. With Tu, remove er and add es. With Il or Elle, remove er and add e. With Nous, remove er and add ons. With Vous, remove er and add ez. With Ils or Elles, remove er and add ent. These same rules apply to the other er verbs in the list above as well as other er verbs you will encounter. There are exceptions to this rule, but we will deal with those as they come up. All infinitive verbs in the French language end in er, ir, oir or re. The verb réduire ends in re. Take a look at this verb in the present tense: Je Tu Il/Elle Nous Vous Ils/Elles réduire réduis réduis réduit réduisons réduisez réduisent When you want to know what a specific person or people are doing to protect the environment, you would ask: Qu est-ce que tu fais pour protéger l environnement? Je conserve de l eau. (What are you (singular) doing to protect the environment?) (I conserve water.) Pg 15

16 continued Qu est-ce que vous faites pour protéger l environnement? Nous conservons de l eau. (What are you (plural) doing to protect the environment?) (We conserve water.) Notice that when you ask a question with Tu, you answer with Je and when you ask a question with Vous, you answer with Nous. Have you every heard of Earth Day? In Québec they call it Jour de la Terre. This day is celebrated all over the globe on April 22 every year. This celebration has grown so much since its beginning in 1970 that many cities now have activities throughout the month of April. This day is a celebration of the efforts that we, as people on this planet, make to be more environmentally aware. Activities of the day can be as big as community clean-ups or as small as bringing a garbageless lunch to school. What will you do on Earth Day to help your environment? 3. Open Section Two, Day Seven of the Workbook and do questions 3, 4, 5, and 6. Pg 16

17 DAY EIGHT In this lesson, I will review how to write questions using est-ce que and question words. 1. Read the context below then listen to Track 25 on the Module 4 CD. Context: After the spring clean-up at the beach, Justin wonders what other people do to protect the environment. He creates a survey in science class and plans to give it to a few students and teachers to complete. He shows it to Isabelle to get her opinion. Le sondage d élèves Est-ce que tu recycles? Est-ce que tu compostes? Qu est-ce que tu recycles? Qu est-ce que tu compostes? Le sondage pour les enseignants Est-ce que vous conservez l énergie? Comment est-ce que vous conservez l énergie? Est-ce que vous réutilisez les contenants en plastiques? Quand est-ce que vous recyclez? Qu est-ce que vous recyclez? Pg 17

18 Listen again to Track 25 and this time, pay close attention to the questions. How were they asked? Here are some of the questions from the Student Survey: Est-ce que tu recycles? (Do you recycle?) Qu est-ce que tu recycles? (What do you recycle?) Here are some of the questions from the Teacher Survey: Est-ce que vous conservez de l énergie? (Do you conserve energy?) Comment est-ce que vous conservez de l énergie? (How do you conserve energy?) Quand est-ce que vous recyclez? (When to you recycle?) Qu est-ce que vous recyclez? (What do you recycle?) There are a few things to notice. First, when we ask questions to someone of the same age or younger than we are, we can use informal questions. An informal question uses the pronoun tu. When we ask questions to someone older or very important, we use the formal question to be polite. A formal question uses the pronoun vous. Second, depending on what we are asking, the format of the question changes. We can use question words like Comment est-ce que (how), Quand est-ce que (when) or Où est-ce que (where). If we simply want to know what we use, Qu est-ce que and if we simply want to know if you do something, we use Est-ce que 2. Open Section Two, Day Eight of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, 3, and 4. Pg 18

19 DAY NINE In this lesson, I will learn about the 3 r s: réduire, réutiliser and recycler. 1. Open Section Two, Day Nine of the Workbook and complete the Reflection. 2. Read the context below then listen to Track 26 on the Module 4 CD. Use the following pictures from left to right to help you understand. Context: Isabelle and Karine are sitting down for lunch. Isabelle shares the secrets of having a garbageless lunch with Karine. She explains how everything in her lunch is reused and recyclable so that nothing is thrown away. Therefore she is reducing the amount of garbage she produces. Isabelle s lunch Karine s lunch Pg 19

20 What are the 3Rs? In English, we say Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. You have seen these verbs in this section already. They are: Réduire Réutiliser Recycler You can review the conjugation of these verbs by returning to Day Seven of the Module. Did you notice that Isabelle first reduced the amount of garbage her lunch produced by reusing many items such as plastic containers, a water bottle and a lunch bag. It is important to reduce and reuse before recycling to help protect our environment. We call this type of lunch a garbageless lunch: un dîner écologique. If you were to make un dîner écologique and describe it, you might say: Je réduis le montant de sacs en plastique utilisé. (I reduce the amount of plastic bags used.) Je réutilise mon sac à dîner tous les jours. (I reuse my lunch bag everyday.) Je recycle la cellophane. (I recycle cellophane.) Here are a few extra words you might need: la bouteille d eau la cellophane le papier d aluminium le sac à dîner (water bottle) (cellophane) (aluminum paper) (lunch bag) When we want to say that an item is made out of a certain product, we use the word en. For example: le sac à dîner en papier (paper lunch bag) 3. Open Section Two, Day Nine of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, and 3. Pg 20

21 DAY TEN In this lesson, I will review concepts from previous lessons in Section Two. 1. Before moving to today s activities, take some time to review this section and be aware of all that you have learned. Day One: Name a few menaces à l environnement that were discussed in the animation Au lac. Day Two: Look at the natural resources below. Name each resource in a sentence and say whether it is une ressource renouvelable or une ressource non renouvelable. Day Three: Name each of the items below and say whether it is une ressource naturelle or un produit. Pg 21

22 Day Four: All the man-made products below are made from a certain natural resource. In a sentence, name the resource and say how it is made. Make sure to use the Glossary for help. Day Five: Use the pictures above as possible choices for answering the questions below. Qu est-ce qui cause les émissions toxiques? Qu est-ce qui cause la pollution? Qu est-ce qui cause le réchauffement de la planète? Day Six: Complete the following sentences with an appropriate vocabulary word then say them out loud. Je mets dans le composteur. Je mets dans le bac de recyclage. Je mets dans la poubelle. Day Seven: Using the following verbs, write five sentences describing something you can do to protect the environment. Use a variety of pronouns: je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils or elles. conserver réduire composter réutiliser recycler planter Day Eight: Write two questions you could ask someone about what they do to help protect the environment. Pg 22

23 Day Nine: If you were to prepare un dîner écologique, what types of items would you include? Write sentences describing your garbageless lunch. 2. Open Section Two, Day Ten of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, and 3. Pg 23

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