In this lesson, I will view an animation titled La météo au Canada. 1. Open Section Two, Day One of the Workbook and complete the Reflection.

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1 1 In this lesson, I will view an animation titled La météo au Canada. 1. Open Section Two, Day One of the Workbook and complete the Reflection. 2. Read the context below then view the animation La météo au Canada on the Animation CD or Website. Context: The students at Louis-Riel are going to be hosting their own news show. Part of this will be a segment on weather. Karine and Justin will be hosting this segment. Neither one of them has experience with weather broadcasting; therefore they are researching archived podcasts of various news stations across Canada to see how they give weather reports. 3. Open Section Two, Day One of the Workbook and do questions 1 and 2. Pg 1

2 2 In this lesson, I will review weather expressions from Section One as well as be introduced to new vocabulary. 1. Open Section Two, Day Two of the Workbook and complete the Reflection. 2. Read the context below then listen to Track 14 on the Module 3 CD. Use the following pictures to help you understand. Context: Karine and Justin just finished listening to the weather podcasts. They make lists of the types of things they will need to include in their reports. They also discuss extreme weather and decide to report on these when they occur in Canada as well as elsewhere in the world. Pg 2

3 2 3. Open Section Two, Day Two of the Workbook and do questions 1 and 2. Another way to describe weather is to use adverbs of quantity. Here are some examples: beaucoup a lot peu few assez enough trop too much très very moins less Examine the sentences below to help you learn how they are used: Il y a beaucoup de neige au Manitoba en hiver. Il y a peu de soleil en hiver au Nunavut. Il pleut assez dans les Maritimes. Il fait trop chaud aujourd hui. Il fait très froid au nord. Il y a moins de vent ce soir. Listen to Track 15 on the Module 3 CD to hear the sentences above being read. 4. Open Section Two, Day Two of the Workbook and do questions 3, 4, and 5. Pg 3

4 3 In this lesson, I will review the names of provinces and cities in Canada. 1. Open Section Two, Day Three of the Workbook and complete the Reflection. If you want to know where a certain place is located in Canada you ask: Où se trouve le Manitoba? Où se trouve Iqaluit? To answer these questions you need a reference point. Let s use Edmonton, Alberta. The answer to these questions would then be: Le Manitoba est à l est de l Alberta. Iqaluit est au nord-est d Edmonton. Let s review all the cardinal and intermediate points in French. nord (north) sud (south) est (east) ouest (west) nord-est nord-ouest sud-est sud-ouest 2. Open Section Two, Day Three of the Workbook and complete question 1. Pg 4

5 3 3. Read the context below then listen to Track 17 on the Module 3 CD. Use the following map of Canada to help you understand. Context: Karine calls Justin over to her computer. She is looking at a Canadian map on a weather website. She would like their weather segment to start with an overview of Canada s weather conditions for that day. She shows Justin what she means. He agrees that it would be a good start to their segment. Pg 5

6 3 When you want ask what the weather is like in a certain province or city you say: Quel temps fait-il en Alberta? Quel temps fait-il au Nunavut? Quel temps fait-il à Edmonton? Notice that with provinces and territories, we use the preposition en or au. We use en with Colombie-Britannique, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Nouvelle-Écosse and Terre-Neuve-et- Labrador. We use au with Manitoba, Québec, Yukon, Territoires du Nord-Ouest, Nunavut, and Nouveau-Brunswick. There is one exception where we use à l Île-du-Prince-Édouard. Also notice that with all city names, we use the preposition à. Example: à Edmonton, à Québec. Therefore a quick way to know if someone is talking about the province of Québec or the city of Québec is to look at the preposition. If they say au Québec, they are talking about the province and if they say à Québec, they mean the city. Answers to these questions could include: En Alberta, la température est de -11 C. Le ciel est nuageux et il neige. Au Nunavut, il fait soleil et la température est de -17 C. À Toronto, il y a de la neige et de la pluie. La température est de 3 C. 4. Open Section Two, Day Three of the Workbook and do questions 2, 3, 4, and 5. Pg 6

7 4 In this lesson, I will use weather expressions and the present or future tenses of the verbs faire, avoir and être to help me express the weather at different times of a day, week or year in my home town. I will also compare weather across Canada. 1. Open Section Two, Day Four of the Workbook and complete the Reflection. When you want to describe weather at different times of the year, it s important to remember the names of the months in French. Review them below. You can also review their pronunciation by listening to Track 45 on the Module 1 CD. janvier mai septembre février juin octobre mars juillet novembre avril août décembre Here are two examples of sentences using months of the year: En janvier, il fait froid et il neige. En juillet, le soleil brille et il fait chaud. 2. Open Section Two, Day Four of the Workbook and do question 1. People who live in Alberta will often say If you don t like the weather wait a few minutes. Have you ever heard this expression? Pg 7

8 4 This expression is used because the weather can change from one time of the day to another. It may be sunny and clear in the morning and by afternoon, there is a storm front coming in. Therefore weather reports will include the time of day. Listen to Track 19 on the Module 3 CD to hear the example expressions below. Ce matin, il fait du brouillard. (this morning) Cet après-midi, il fait 25 C. (this afternoon) Ce soir, il fait frais. (this evening) Cette nuit, il y a du tonnerre et des éclairs. (overnight) 3. Open Section Two, Day Four of the Workbook and do question 2. The weather may also change drastically from one day to another, for example it may be 3 C one day and -25 C the next. Therefore weather reports often include next day information as well as seven day forecasts. Listen to Track 20 on the Module 3 CD to hear the example expressions below. Aujourd hui, il fait soleil et 15 C. (today) Demain, il fera frais et 0 C. (tomorrow) Let s also review the days of the week starting with Monday. Listen to Track 21 on the Module 3 CD and follow along with the days of the week below. lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi dimanche If you are talking in the present, you use the verbs in the present tense. However when giving weather reports, we often talk about what is coming and for this you will need to use verbs in the future tense. We will limit this to three verbs: faire, avoir, and être. For the purpose of weather reports, you will only need to know which form these verbs take with the pronoun il. Look at the examples below: Aujourd hui, il fait froid. Demain, il fera chaud. Aujourd hui, il y a des nuages. Mercredi, il y aura de la pluie. Ce matin, la température est de 10 C. Ce soir, la température sera 0 C. Pg 8

9 4 Here is a reference chart for verbs in the present and future tense. Infinitive Present Future faire il fait il fera avoir il a il aura être il est il sera Note that the infinitive form of the verb is its natural form before being conjugated. Listen to Track 22 on the Module 3 CD and follow with the chart above to hear the pronunciation of each verb in the infinitive, present and future. 4. Open Section Two, Day Four of the Workbook and do questions 3, 4, 5, and 6. Pg 9

10 5 In this lesson, I will review numbers as I work with minimum and maximum temperatures. 1. Read the context below then listen to Track 24 on the Module 3 CD. Use the map in the Workbook to follow along. Context: Karine and Justin are quickly gathering the temperature information off the Internet weather website needed for their morning weather report to the whole school. Karine is naming the maximum and minimum temperatures for each capital city. Justin is writing them down on the Canadian map. Temperatures across Canada can range from -30 C in winter months to + 30 C in summer months. These temperatures can even be colder or hotter depending on the year and the city in which you live. When we are reporting on weather we often give the maximum and minimum temperatures for the day. In French we say: La température maximale est de +3 C. La température minimale est de -3 C. 2. Open Section Two, Day Five of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Pg 10

11 6 In this lesson, I will use previously learned adjectives to describe weather conditions and learn new weather expressions. 1. Open Section Two, Day Six of the Workbook and complete the Reflection. 2. Read the context below then listen to Track 25 on the Module 3 CD. Use the following weather symbols to help you understand. Context: Justin and Karine s first weather segment went quite well. M. Martin, their science teacher, has asked them to include other expressions and adjectives to make their reports more interesting. They are discussing new expressions Justin found on the Internet. Justin and Karine discussed new expressions they could use to describe weather. Here is a complete list of symbols and expressions you could use to describe weather. Le ciel est ensoleillé avec passages nuageux. or Le ciel est généralement ensoleillé. Le ciel est ensoleillé. or Le ciel est dégagé. Le ciel est variable. Pg 11

12 6 Le ciel est nuageux avec éclaircies. Il y a de la faible neige. Il y a de la pluie et de la neige. Le ciel est nuageux. Le ciel est nuageux avec éclaircies et quelques averses de neige. Le ciel est nuageux avec éclaircies et quelques averses de pluie. Il y a des averses de pluie. C est venteux. 3. Open Section Two, Day Six of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, 3, and 4. Pg 12

13 7 In this lesson, I will reuse feeling vocabulary to express my opinions on weather. 1. Open Section Two, Day Seven of the Workbook and complete the Reflection. 2. Read the context below then listen to Track 27 on the Module 3 CD. Context: We are in the last few minutes of the news show at Louis-Riel. Justin and Karine have just completed their weather segment and before saying goodbye, they discuss how today s weather makes them feel with the anchor people: Émilie and Miguel. Pg 13

14 7 On Day Six of Section One, we reviewed the vocabulary associated with feelings. Use the chart found on this day and review this vocabulary one more time. When we ask someone s opinion about weather, we often use the verbs aimer, ne pas aimer, adorer, détester and préférer. We could also add le plus (the most) or le moins (the least) to the questions about someone s likes and dislikes. Here are some questions one might ask: Quel temps est-ce que tu aimes le plus? Quel temps est-ce que tu aimes le moins? Quel temps est-ce que tu n aimes pas? Quel temps est-ce que tu adores? Quel temps est-ce que tu détestes? Quel temps est-ce que tu préfères? Answers to these questions could include: J aime plus quand il neige. J aime moins quand il y a du brouillard. Je n aime pas le froid. J adore la pluie. Je déteste quand il y a du vent. Je préfère quand il fait chaud. Other questions we can use to ask someone s opinion on weather include: Qu est-ce que tu penses du temps aujourd hui? (What do you think about today s weather?) Qu est-ce que tu penses quand il pleut? (What do you think when it rains?) Qu est-ce que tu penses du temps froid? (What do you think about cold weather?) Answers to these questions might include: Ça m énerve. (It drives me crazy.) Ça m est égal. (It s all the same to me.) Ça me déprime. (It depresses me.) Ça me fait peur. (It scares me.) Ça me donne de l énergie. (It gives me energy.) 3. Open Section Two, Day Seven of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, 3, and 4. Pg 14

15 8 In this lesson, I will use the imperative form of verbs to give advice based on weather conditions. 1. Read the context below then listen to Track 28 on the Module 3 CD. Use the following picture to help you understand. Context: Karine is working on her next weather report for tomorrow s segment. She is listening once more to the podcasts that she and Justin had found online. She realizes that they often add advice based on weather conditions. She discusses this with Émilie who agrees that these would be a good addition to their weather reports. Pg 15

16 8 In the dialogue you just heard, Karine and Émilie were discussing advice one might give during a weather report. When giving advice we use the imperative form of the verb. This is the same form we use when giving commands. Look at the examples below. Mettez vos bottes de neige et votre manteau d hiver. (Put on your snow boots and your winter coat.) Restez au chaud. (Stay in where it s warm.) Portez vos lunettes de soleil. (Put on your sunglasses.) Sortez vos shorts. (Take out your shorts.) N oubliez pas votre crème solaire. (Don t forget your sunscreen.) Allez faire du bateau. (Go boating.) Allez jouer au soccer extérieur. (Go play outdoor soccer.) Amenez votre parapluie. (Bring your umbrella.) In previous lessons, when giving commands we used the following imperative form: Mets tes bottes de neige et ton manteau d hiver. Both Mets and Mettez are the imperative form of the verb Mettre (to put on). Mets is used when you are talking to ONE person, and Mettez is used when talking to TWO or more persons. When giving a weather report and giving out advice, you are doing so to all that are listening. Therefore you would need to use the plural form of the imperative. Notice that the plural form most often ends in ez. When using the plural form of the imperative, you will also use the possessive adjectives: votre and vos. Votre is used with singular nouns and vos is used with plural nouns. Reread the sentences above and pay attention to the possessive adjectives. Here is a chart with verbs in the plural imperative form that you could use to give advice. There are many more. You will need to use a French English dictionary to find others you may want to use. mettez (to put on) portez (to wear) sortez (to take out) restez (to stay) oubliez (to forget) allez (to go) faites (to do) jouez (to play) amenez (to bring) passez (to pass) cherchez (to look for) Pg 16

17 8 2. Open Section Two, Day Eight of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Pg 17

18 9 In this lesson, I will compare weather in my town/city with weather in another Francophone place in the world. 1. Read the context below then listen to Track 30 on the Module 3 CD. Use the chart to help you understand. Context: Karine and Justin had asked Émilie to write to her grand-parents who live in France, to find out what the weather is like in their country. They had thought reporting on weather from other Francophone places in the world would be an interesting addition to their weather report. Émilie has just received a reply and she shares the information with them. Température moyenne l été l automne l hiver le printemps 24 C (juillet) 24 C (août) 20 C (septembre) 16 C (octobre) 11 C (novembre) 8 C (décembre) 7 C (janvier) 8 C (février) 11 C (mars) 13 C (avril) 17 C (mai) 21 C (juin) Conditions météorologiques Il y a peu de pluie : 3 jours de pluie par mois en été 6 jours de pluie par mois en automne 5 jours de pluie par mois en hiver et au printemps Il fait très chaud en été. Il y a beaucoup de soleil. Il y a du vent. Il ne neige pas en hiver. Il n y a pas de brouillard. Pg 18

19 9 France has four distinct climates. In the west of France, we have a temperate maritime climate. This gives us mild wet winters and cool summers with lots of rain and fog. Average temperatures are 7 C in January and 16 C in July with on average 180 days of rain a year. In central France, we have a continental climate with longer and hotter summers as well as colder winters but with less rainfall over a year. Average temperatures are 2 C in January and 18 C in July. In the South of France on the coast, we have a Mediterranean climate which brings hot, dry summers and mild, humid winters with very little rainfall throughout the year. Average temperatures are 7 C in January and 23 C in July with an average of 60 days of rain a year. The final type of climate found in the east of France is the mountain climate. This brings very long and bitterly cold winters with snow as well as short and cool summers. Average temperatures are -2 C in January and 17 C in July with an excess of 50 days of snow a year. As you can tell by the chart above, Émilie s grandparents live in a Mediterranean climate. 2. Open Section Two, Day Nine of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, and 3. Pg 19

20 10 In this lesson, I will review concepts from previous lessons in Section Two. 1. Before moving to today s activities, take some time to review this section and be aware of all that you have learned. Day One: View again the animation La météo au Canada on the Animation CD or Website. List all the expressions that are now familiar to you. Is this list different from the list you completed on the first day? Day Two: Name two extreme weather conditions found in your area. Then write sentences using adverbs of quantity (beaucoup, peu, très, trop, peu, moins) to describe something about each of these conditions. Day Three: Use the map in the Module on this Day and answer the following questions. Où se trouve Charlottetown? Où se trouve Edmonton? Où se trouve Halifax? Quel temps fait-il au Québec? Quel temps fait-il au Nunavut? Quel temps fait-il à Victoria? Day Four: Pick two months and write or say a sentence that would describe the weather during that month. Then look up today s weather forecast and say what the weather is like this morning, this afternoon and tonight. Remember to use the correct verb tense (present or future) in your sentences. Day Five: Open the Workbook on Day Five. Say what the maximum and minimum temperatures were for two of the cities you picked. Day Six: Write a sentence indicating what each of the symbols below represents. Pg 20

21 10 Day Seven: What is your opinion on the weather? Answer the following questions. Quel temps est-ce que tu aimes le plus? Quel temps est-ce que tu aimes le moins? Qu est-ce que tu penses quand il neige? Qu est-ce que tu penses quand il y a des ouragans? Day Eight: Look at the following pictures of clothing and activities. If you were to give advice about them for a certain weather condition what would it be? Day Nine: What did you learn about climate when you researched another francophone city? Name a few differences and a few similarities, between this city and your town or city. 2. Open Section Two, Day Ten of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Pg 21

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