trnhvm Terms of reference iblualt flti tiopit 6aui i'a+ror4 a4oal.o!+ AT lcroax Îêchnlc.l.dvbory rôryics3 for Hydroorbon Infômrtlon sl'.t.m uplr.

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Download "trnhvm Terms of reference iblualt flti tiopit 6aui i'a+ror4 a4oal.o!+ AT lcroax Îêchnlc.l.dvbory rôryics3 for Hydroorbon Infômrtlon sl'.t.m uplr."


1 trnhvm iblualt flti tiopit 6aui i'a+ror4 a4oal.o!+ AT lcroax Îêchnlc.l.dvbory rôryics3 for Hydroorbon Infômrtlon sl'.t.m uplr.dlnt Terms of reference

2 LOCALTIME Reslonsâble d$ Àchats et des ^pprovisiônn nents Omce Narionrl dcs HrdtucdbuÉs ct d.s Mihcs (ONllYM) +(212) 17,23, ) i7 23 t6-17 SEALED PROPOSALS SHAI,I- BE CLIARI,Y MARKED AND RLCEIVED PRIOR TO TIIE IIME ND DÀIE SPTCIfIED ABOVE. PROPOSALS RECI]IVDD AFIER SAID TIME AND DAI'E WILLNOT BIJACCEPTED OR CONSIDI]RED ONHYM "Office Nanonalde! Hydrocarburès ètdes Minel' isrh Mor@can SiaGCompany in rharge ol Hvdrærbont and Mines. OIIHYM was created o. ausun 17o by mêrsins onàrtp ànd aipm. îris mece' is consid Gd a5 ùe stân ol a new êrâ with a dynamic slrategy and improved synersy ro adequarêly a$e$ both Hydrorà.bon ând [r]nn8 Polentiârs ot Morocco onhym È ân ndèpende.l and f.âncially aulonoûous public n(ltution, but k sobiè.t tôtinan.iâlconlrolby the 5tare, as ir iethe.âf lor allmofoccan publc insi tutions onrlym a.rivity È also suoetuised bv rhe slat lo ênsor rompliance wnh lhe law thâr hât created rhe offiæ, êçpêciâlly to its taskt and lunclions, ând lo ensu.e proper application ol thê lâw (Lâw!r'01)and rcgulations rclatingto public innirutons in g nêrâ. The 5trategy of ONHYM focusês onfour main dned on5: I Intënsiiv pelroleum ônd mh ôsexploratlon in Morocro; 2. trenghen opehinslo theelobâlma*èl ànd dewlopnett olpartnenhipi 'nve5ro6 âs imê part ol onhym'r policv for promot'on of pêlrol um E$urces ol lhe.ounry; 3. Give onnym a subetantal intêrnâtônàl level ol ûëdibilry res!ltitg from 4. ÊstablÈh a perfo.mânce oriênted cultur of manâeèm nl. sinæ 20o, onhym has develo! d ah inlomation svstèm fo. th erploration ofhydrc.arbons ro erèfv ihe needs of nud e5 condudêd by ontlym seoscienlins a^d irs parlnèb, as we ra5 ensurine the availabilitv of infomauon io câûy out lhe promotlon câmpaisns Thê lt daner

3 . Develop â 8êôgraphic htôrmâ1iion systèml! CoNorddê ând rcre 8êothysÉ dalà in rêdron. fômâr ôn dklr ând mode/ô. liiiiif llli;"""-"." Lr pr*essinc ana,n,"rpreta.on or geoçie.ritic dàta in rhe o partment of Perrol um Explo.ation ;. secu. ànd enhance the valfe of the do.umentary pslr mony by scâi. ô8 (throush seve,âl $ nn nc and r,ànscrip]t on projedt and mp emeni ns a dara catâlô8. looliob in Ràbàr ând Éêquieeed with rhê main rt. sources. to.ôr network and conn.tiviï to rh inr nd networkj r Mersa8 ôe system, an i.ranel and a proè.t manasemeit,ystem;. computets ând worknat ons fnnecled ro thê nelworkl. seryèuwith dêdi6rêd and shfred sp&e storâsês;. sollwar and llloolelorminûsandhyd.ocarbonsseo*ienrists. Anyappendû is an intêgràlpan ôf 2. s.op. ôf work Â5 pan ol the lt pfoi crs ponto io, OIIHYM ha5 plann d to upgrade rhe Hydrocarbo^ tiplo'.non hio'mânon Synem. TFe *op.ol th6 prol.d.ônn{j or. t upsradi4 theseùôic proces4ng cenl r {ècquktion ofa newproæ$in3 solltion with the operarins hardwâ.e platforlmj ; t UpgradrnS the5eèti. nterpr4talon ænte.;. UÆrêdinC the sêkmk lranscriût on.enterand pursue thevânscripr on aid lhe archivi^ejob ol lhe darê ihatrlas not complêred by rhe prev ôur rêh!ûrprion projê.ls; ' UpSradm8thè existi4sebof geosci nc sohwares;. studyns ànd.evièwns the eèctroni. dàtà mâ^âeement rhe {udy rhould.over data workflow, dala secufity and tra.oâbiity of âccès The Conlrâctor shôod prov dê deraied specli(arioôs and evaluôrioi of solulions proposed 1o fleet these recomm ndâriônswilh regârd toda$ rorkllowand secuùy. rnê presenr lechûical advèo.y 3er{ic will a5sèt o BYIM poecl teare ro d fine the rcquirêmênc and bênefits, devêsp detaied spêcifi.arions, d têrmine dela êd cost estimations,idènlifypotêntàlprovdêis,èvàlualètendêu,sêect.onlrâctog,prèp:reconlracts and â$ùt in r. v ngthe p.ojëcl delivlerâb ër rnê purpote of rhis accompanimênl poêcr têâôs ro dêlinê thê.equnêmênc ând bên lr, devêldp d tà'led spêcifi.àiio.s, delermine deraled cost estimâlio.s, idenlilv potent al prov deis, evaluare tende6, se ëci conrracto6, predare contrad5 and â$èt in rece v ns equipmênt and ioftware The hininud requened seûi.e5arê:

4 ' Evaluaton of thê fâcilitiès (innâlationt and software 5târE lsêd ln hydrocarbon explorallon panicularly in thè gêophyekâl iilerpretation, trân(riplion aôd sesmic r a55e$mènr of mâcnetic mediâ, archveddata and a I rêlatêd sùpponing do.udenl5,. Review and study oflheworkllow ot distôldatà hostêd ai ihetle seter I the needs n rens ot exchanse, ae ss and u5e by business softwarc belween dille.ehl cenler (t.anr.iplion,pr@estinsandinterp.èlation)êndlheorculationtoen rnalpànne6i. tvaluarionofrhe m6hânèmrol3êcurirv rclated to d.tô potedionj. DeveloDmênr or immêdiarê 12014) :nd m diuô term ) n.èd,, bae d on e 8!9&l!4e!dr!&!!o?li : o Hafdwâ.e, software, nfranruclu.ei envrcnmenl, supplies, traning seruic s à.d ma ntenan(eofthe eriiln8 sottwarë pâ.k and upcomins acqu s t ons; Inf rastrûcrùre network ând.oûpuler hardwârêl The convactor should asistonhym lo lre!âre lendèr documents to ensure lhe a.qukiton(5) be launch d in 2014'2015. fte Contràclor shallassirt ONHYM in pcpaing thè Î nd r dcuhents rni5.èsplnsibililv 5hall locut on: rhê w ând reommendaio^s fo. th t chniæl paramete6 and arsétànce in drawing op sp cili.âtions based on the present nudv ànd in con5uhaiion silh OI'IHYM Prepà.ation ol lhe comme(ial paramete6 of th i nd (t shall be rhê reponsibilitv oi ONxYM, but th conrraclor 5hal advseonhymonlvplcallern5andconditionsused.olhêr inrernltiôfu1 p.ojects for lt hardwà.ebollwâ.e âcqùisiuon, inslalation ând conmi5ion ng, other sedkes, wàiiànties, and trâ n ns Duf.8thlslask, the conlrâc(orând onfiym shal dscu$theoptmuô*rategvtortenderingon 3ood5 and seruices, ând to what enent th procurcment of hardware/softwafê, letuce5, ând trainiry lhou d be rendered tôgèrhèr or sêpaélely The conùaclor shall a$ist onhym on. orâw 13up5pêcfi.arionsanda.sweBtolhequènionsof potentia canddalerl r D fininscondilionsandrule5lorthèrêledionoll nd Ei. Értimatingth c6ls and deadline5i. Littim lhe potentiâl bidd u ro consull ;. Evaluati4th rèndeb otte6i ' titàblkhinc rhe contracr: rnê conlrà.tor shall alsisr onhym du.in8 the contrâct n4otiatio^s. ThÉ açétàn. shal be âdv5ory ànd wil relate to neeotialions.elardiis lech. cal como iance wiih the tender lpecificatons; completene$ ot the olter, and tém5 ànd condition5 ofdê ivêry, inslàlàrio., commissionin& waifanv andira n n3 ' AlsistnSoNHYMto receive equipôenl and sotlware

5 t s êrpêclèd thal the consuli ng fnmw llhâve at lêastfour (4)tâcê-to.fa.. meëîin8s wilh onhym stâilând/orcommitre6 durincthecoureôrthè projed.. ixick off' meerlns;. workin3 m ètinstoeva uâte e{sring ta.iitat o.s and instâllâlionsl. Meet ngtorëvewthedratlof Slobaltâr3êtéd nfomation syslemô(hitecturel. Meeiincto review and rê. ipt goods and installalions; all meetings will b held atonhym, Rabât MOROCCO;. Miôure5 ofthe ki(k.ofi mêêlins;. The projecr manasement plan approved.. À$ ssment invênrory and evâlustion.epon;. Tareeled informalion 5yst m àr.hilèdurc (with eiough delals and nece$ârv procedures and fow d agfamtl. N eêd, 3pecifical ions ând b u d8êrj. Monthry pro8re$ reponr; t allpres ntàrions mâde dur nsvèits lo onhym. Detaied nêêdr spêcifi.àlionsând budseti. rend B ând evaluation docùmênb (iftrudlns do.uûents related to qs slions/answeb. Monlhypfqre$reportsl. Allpêseniations made doringvéns to onnym;. End ol nb5ion r pod in.l!din8 r pon otv.lidatingthe receipl ôf rh a.qukilions. 3. METHODS ÂnO PIACIS Of EX CUnON OF THE servtce Theasisrancèwil beconducted iô Moroc.o and in thè coontry ot ihe convactor. Thê consurtântswirlhâve lo v s t onnym two (r)ro three t mes l3)ior.ontact ând v suâ à$ $ment ol lhe exiltinê as wellas for rêc ption ofequipment I nê.ê$ary Th p@iectwillb caiiiêd oul lakinc into ac.ount lhe need lot optimizing eflorls ând riptlo 'Iheconsultan(, w lrbe n close communicat on with thê pfoj cl manaser âpporntêd by onhym (sinsle nterrace) Conmunnaionwil bêprovided byë maik, lelephone, tar and ol work5hops could b. organir d wirh the proj.r l am rèmol lylhrouch mod rn m âns ol communicationswhennece$a.y:., FORM ANOCHARACTERISTICS Of PRICES The.ontrâcl G Slobal fixed prirè {lixed budsei). Prires âre ti.m ând nol subje.t tô rêvéion thoushoutthe du.âtion of rh conlract

6 The p.ice3 âre n u5 dollârc includingâllraxer. The include eamingi ànd âll tares, duri s, laxes, leet Incidèntals 3nd 3 nerallv all exdenses whi.h ae necetsarv and dirêct consequence otthework. Tley coniid r all rhe 5 Nic 5 to which lhey appl, not only ar thèsê ar defined in this do.ument, but âeth y should be acluallyexecured. rhe Prop05a s that êxceed rhë indicâted budeêr are rêtêctêd s. lu!!!u!rram!!!!199 The imdl n nralion De.iod i5 5êrâi É monlh' Tnis period ru.3 fiom thê dâtê rp.ili d in lhe seryic order requùing th rtart of êxêcûtion ot lhe contract. The implementârion pèr od for mksion 1 k 4 donths. 6, RÉFÉR NC TOGENERA!REGUIANOI'IS The 3u..e$ful l nderer remains submitted to the oblisations provided for in the Seneral âppli.âble re3ulations includin8 lhê followiry..sulalions: 1-0NHYM rêgùlation relàtingtothe coddilions and form5 ol OflHYM preur ûent 2. oeûeên'2' dàted22rabi 1423(4lunê20o2)àpp.ovingthespecificatlonsollhe generâl adminkièt ve dâuses applicabe to sêruice procufêmënt relatngto perlormance ol srudvând manasement êxêcuted on beha I otlhe st3le, âs ûoditied. I lâw rârin8 ro th? protedioi ot iôdividuals with rc3àd to t 7. D IIVRABLEs FORMAÎ should providê onhym with rhe de iverable5 in ele(lronic tormâi wilh rcspêcttô rhê commlrmènrandplanninstxedtortheere.uton of th conlràct Atlh nd olrhe project all prôjêct, dêlivèràblë5 will be â(hived.l.stlfiêd ând p.ovided lo onhym in tripli.ale in pâpê.ând elèdronic rormal (Êô8n li. nêdiâ). A. VEiIFICATIOI{ MOOAIInESOF DELIVTRASLES The delverab es 5ha lbe s!bjëcr to some ve l câtion to.heck its comp iânce to lerûs rpeciliêd in lhe (ontrâ.1. Thôsêvê.iflcations are made bv ONTYM. From rhèdateonwhi.h the delivê.âbles àrë tubmitted, onhym will iâkè th tollowins Eùher accepg ùe dèl v râbles wilhoû resedauons,. O. âsk thê conl.acror to ûake.oftectlôns or châqes lo ûake ii contorm 10 narker rëquirements wilhin the conirâctuâl dêàd ine. The Iine r *oedroapprd thedeliverable! is nol included in lhe pêriod of ihê x cution oi rhè.onrracr rhis deadline shatlbê 20 d.ti atle. the submètion of lhë d lwe.ables.

7 9, FINAL ACTEPTANCE Bàs d on an a*uràn.è that thêcontrâci wà3.oûp eled in accordancewft lhe.onlrâd têrms andobligation5, theflna a..eptan.e sd càr d by signing lhe linal a(ceplâôce document 10. 1![lq[MçIq&8ErE!E[IÂIl!! During the pefod of the.o.vâct ene.uton, rhe co.tactor should delinê â unique represenlalive lo 5uperv * and monllor.onvad ere.ullon 11. MONTTORTNG THE CONftACt ËtÉCullol'l rnê poje.t boârd commûee and thê projèct commiltêë are d sisned lo5uperuse thê proled rêcuton tollow ng rhê mèthodoogy ol projed mânagemënt âdopted by onhym 12.!A]UENIj!!!qU!E The payneni is 5cheduled ar tollow5i. 15 % aileflh validêlion oflhe lnsr visn lminures ol lh kick ofi meet n8i rhê prcj cl ma.agefled plan apprcved ) t 359( afterrhevalidarion olùe mrssion 1. 50*,àft r thèvahdâlion of th. mksion 2 1}!!!.U!-A!ql9!0!M!!!9Â!!I Pavm nt wirl b made by bank t.ônd r to a.d o. behalf of rhe conva.ior, mêmion d in th t nder document, wirhin 60davsatr f th invoi. receipt (6 copies)approved byonhvm and rhe statement of receipl 5i3n d byonhym a.d rheconvador. 14, cotudermaurylprot.slon.l ree.l) Th conlrador is obleed lo mâintain prcfessionslsecr cylorlhe entne p iod ot the.ontracl and âfi r its compl tion. Tne.efofe, excepl und r lhe rp.e$ p rmksion lrom ONHYM, the conlrador is not arlowed lo: ' Make us of info.ratioi ând do.uûenr, provided by onhym tor pùrpotès oihèr rhan thorè ofthè màrkêi. - Pub ish or communicàîe rothid prrty i.lormal on. aied to rhe màrk t 15. confucl G act v ItEs Conflct bètwèên conrùltn. àdvltës ând p!944!09!.!_9tæ!lo!l!i]!r 9gryi!E!: a l.m rhat tus bee. en3aged by the clent ro provide 8oods, workr or non.consu t ng seryices fo. a prolecl, or any ol lts Alfilares, shal be dlsqùalified pfovidinc consuling 5etoi.e5 resutns froô or dùecily rêlatèd to lhosë goods, wo.ks of non consulting *tocês convêisêly, a firû h rêd io p.ov de.onsulring seru ces lor lhe preparâlion orimpremêntànon or a proj cr, or any ol irs affilates,,hà be d squalfed froû rubsequêntly prov d ng goods or wôrks or noncônsultins sêtuic s resùltng from of d rcdly re atëd lo the con5ultns setui.ês ror

8 15. JOTNTVÊNîUnE, CONSORTTUM ORASSOCIAIIOI'I lf the prôposef k âloini veôture,.on5oft!m of à$ociâlion, allolthe panies shallbe joint v ànd sêvêralv lab ë ro onhym for lulfllneni of the co.lract provsons ând shâll densnâlê one a leadêr wth auihorny to lesally bind the lont ve^ture,.onsortum o !??!!,Q!l!E!q!!!! Ihe Iechnicàlas stànce sha lbe c.(ied out by the p tsôn.elrpeofied in th prcposalfor ihê resoecrivê oûods ot time cover d bv this contràct. cud.ulum vtaes should be attach d lo rhe proposâ lo. ëa.h pe4on listed a.d mult be sign d by the ndivduôr assuri4 lheir availabiirvro rhê contrà.rof rnd their.ommilh nl lo ihe'cal asktance. The contàctof hereby 4rèès thàl lhe pedoni lliied In hk proposâlwillbe ùtllùèd 1o pertorm the Têchnical 1a, PROCEDURES FOR SUBSNIL'TIOI'I OF PERSOI{I{TI Ercepr ât ihe Oient may oth tuite agr, no.hans s shôllbe màde in the pe6onnêltpêcified in cont.à.tor initial oft r. rl,lor àny r ason b.yond thè.ëasonàble cohtolofth conlrador, it becômes necêsery to tep!ôce a.y perion specili d i. lhe inilral off.r, th conlractor eh.ll or@idê a rêplâcement of equivalent or superior qualificationt Aôy àddilionalcons incured bv reason olsuch subslilulion 5hallbeatth rpense ot th ConÙactor' Inth vemânype6on 6 lound bv ONHYM lo be unsuitable or incomæè.r m di5châbing his.seibned responsibilities, onhym mav rêq!èsirhe conùacror ro provid a replâ.emênl wilhin à reasonable period. anv addilionâlcosr3 in.ur d becageol su.h rèplà..menl shall be at th tpente ol ihe conlràclor' 19. SUSPET{5 OI{ Anp rerm n^tlol{ Ot T}lE CO rnact {âl 5!lpc!5!a!oll!3!9!!r!!! J any ofrhefollowina* ntsshâllhave happ.nèd and be.onti.uin&.itherpany hôv, bv w ren noricêtorh olh r panr suspend in whol or in pan lhi!.ontbcl:.adelau[ shallhave occuiièd in lhe pêrlotmôn. ofànyobligôlion ol th other Padv underrhis conl6ct (b) Terhrnaion ôr th cont.acr Itlhelollowr^3 êv nis shallhâve happehed ând be.onlinuing, itherpany mav, bv wnlten noricê roth other pânv, te.minatë the coivâcl - Ànv ol rhe condrtlons retered to ô Pùasraph (a)sbove shal.ontinue tor a per ôd or lhinv {30)days àiteflhe Pany 5ha!lhav given wr tle. notlce to lhe other padv ol the rusp.nsion ol lhe conradl In anvëveni either Padv mâv lermlnale lhe conlrad at anv t ûe bvsiving nol lessrhân s xfv (60)days wrrtren nolice to th other party. k) rerminât on Prccedures Joo-te'nfàÙo10'lheco.ra(tt1.corÙr(to'5hâlrarè'1îëd'àreqeo<rotefird'e'h' oêrformance olrhele.hnicâlasshta.ce in a pfompt and mànnê. àndto redu.è osses and to keed further exoènditufes to a mn mum

9 20, PTNALW TOR D IAY Excêot in cas6 of for. 6àièure dulviuniied aôd àccapl d bvonhym, ànvdelâv in exê.ulion a detair d projed implèmêntation plan willbepreparcd in con5ultationwilh the switch at the besinnine olthe project rakinsimo âc.ount lhedeadlinefor mission 1,lhe ov r.llrimêofthis conlra.t ând lhe Î chn cal propôsal olferof lhe co.lracror. rla dêlâv k obs d in relat on tothe agfeed 5chedul, formâlnori.e wrlbè sënt to lhe.onùactorlo r dilythe snuât on. rfâllerthree tofmalnotices the delayac.umu àtês ôver3 months compared lo the plânned schedu e ONHYM fêsètoesthe ri fte âpplicàtion o, thee penâhi sshâllnol.eliev lhe Contrâclorofallotherobligationsând r sponsibilities ù hatâssumed underùe cont.àcl. Eâ.h pa y, including any other padnipanls in the Prcrect, agreesnol topav/ prombetopav, of âuthorize thè payment ol any monêy or anyrhi.s oi value, d.ect v or ndirectv,lo anv pê6on {whêth rasoveriûentalofficalorprvâlehdivldûalfo.thepurpose5olillesâllvornproperv i^dùcing anyone totakê âny âdion lavorabl to any partv in connè.tion withthe Projêci Each party asr 6 that ù willr qune thâr ary àged o. rep.esêntâliv ol th partv hn d lo represênl su.h pânt in conne.tion with rhê Poj ct will comply with this paragrô9h and all laws which applyto acrivùie5 and oblisalions of eâch pàdy unde. the.ônùâcl, includins but not limned ro thos lawr and obligations dealinewith mproper pavn nrt,r.9ra!9ae9r9ea!s!gi The contractor shal êxercèe âir âsonâble rklli.arê, and dilsence in thë pedoûan.è of the Technica a$èrâ^.e undêr thk contrad and shali carv out ns.èsponsib lilier in accordahce wih rêcocniæd prol.s'oldl ndndà'ds. Tn conl'cdor ànd (s emploveêr' à8enl! à.d subcont.a.to6, if any.5hàllrespæt and abidè by all applicabl and resulations of lh hôst 23. LTABTUÎY Ihe contractor and àny sub.onraclof shàl bê iâble to onhym for pè ormance ôf the Têchnka!a$l5tan(è in âccordaôcê wnh the provù ons ôl the Coô$ad an! lof any lo$ sùliered by onhym as à.esulr ol â dêfâull ol the conlràctor in such periomancê, subtêd to rhê ial the contractorshâllnot be liâble forànydamase or iniury r.u3.d bv or a.isincour of the ad, ^e3l c! dêfault or omi*ion ol anv other than the Contra.tor' ib sub.onraclo6 orrhe pecônnel oleith r otlhèm; and

10 (b) the Contradû sharr not be iable tor âny lo$ or dafraeê.aused by o. ârisinc out ot.n.umnances overwhich lhe conrâclor had no conûô. 2a. DrsPrrrr RÊsotunon làl an d spurerâ^rhe panies isconùàd rhàlrbe çtled 'r wdh n n'ieryl90l dây5 afiera d spute àrses, â herpàny may rcquestr lb)iheàrbû{'oirhaltàleplâ.einpùeandbe.ondudedbyrhercclnrehd'onalcoudorarbitràtoi resoruncrràt rhéalb ûaiion rhà lb. conduded bythrce F) aôtraroein th. ften.h làn8uà3e. The d.itiôn ol ih? /biùaro6thallb This.ontmct shlll b. *olemêd ùt.nd onslrucd 'ilt thc lr*s of Moræ.o. onhym sha lhavê unfestricted authorlyro reproducê, d sù butè, ând use any subnirted rêpor! datâ, of marer al, and any soilware of mod t.âlions and any a$oc ôled documêntâtion Neithef party willlncur âny liâbiliry roth other il it' p rlormance of any obligàtion underthk conl.a.t G prevented or d lâv d bv causes b vond its.ohrol and without th lault or nesis nce ofeirher pârty. Causee bèyond â pa^y! contro may incùde, bol arenl lmited lo, â.tr of God or waf, chânges in controllnê aw, regulatio.s, ordê6 or lhe fêquirements ot any 3ovêrnmênta èntry, severe weather.ondnions, civil dsordeu, natugl disanêé, tùe, êpidêmi.s ând quarantines, seneralsfiike5 throughout lhetrade, and treisht embâr3oêr. The conùâctor shallnot ry onhym ôrâ ly whhin t vë (s)davs and i. w.lhswithin ten {10)davs ol the date on whrch th Contrâcto. becones ôware, or shôuld havê reasonably b4oôe awarê, rhat ruch.âu5e would prdent or delay ils pedormâncê. sùch norificêlion,hall I ) d6tibê fully ruch.âusêg)and its ellecr on performance, ti)slàl whethe. perforùan. und rth æntbd s Drevented or delaved ând (iii) if performânce s delayed, nate â rêâsonable enimate ot the durâtio^ of thè delêy. The Contraclor shall havê the bu.dên ol p.ovine thal çu.h câuse(s) delâyed or prevenled ls pêrfôrmâncê dèspne ts dilisent eflons to perform à.d shâ11 produ.e such supponins do.uûentâtiôn n onhym may.easonably reqùed. aitef rece pl of 5uch nolifcation, ONHYM may êêcl ethe. lo can(el the CoôÙâ.r o. to exlend lhe tnê lôr oerforman.e as reâsonab v necessâryto comtensalè tor the co.lrâclor 5 deray In lhe eveôr ol â dêclâred emersency by compêtênt governmental ôuthorni s, ONHYM by nori. 1ô th Conr.àdor, may susp nd allor a oortion ol the Convacl. 2r.aooRrssEsoF racord Anv not'ce, rêouêst, document, or olher communicalion submitled by eilher pâdylo lhe other undêr thê cont.act shal b inwrtnsorlhrôlshrwneorerectroô.medumwhichproducesa

11 tân3ibl record ot rhe ransmgsion, tuch.5 a Îèlegrêm, cable orjabimile, and will be deened duly Siven ot r nt wh n delivered ro such pàrty àl rh lollowins : Procurement point ot conlact all s!.h.ommunicâtion5 betweên rhê pàrtiès shallb in lhe Engli5hor F.ènch lanbua8e depend n3 oô lhe auuà3êolthe conùaclor 23.!9glq!!!!?A!4r!9! qt!! The biddershal bear all coçts âssoc at.d with the oreparatdnând submks o^ of ns Proposal, andtheonhymshal not be responsibleor llable tor thosecostt regardle$ ofthècondud or ôui.omê ot the sele.lion process onhymi5nolboundtoacceplanypropo$r,5ndres ryes rh righr ro annultheselection procest àl anytime prior lo conrad awa.d, wilhoul lherebv incuiiins any liâbilirvto rhe biddêr. 29, COST Ot PRE ATAION OF COIITRAC' Ihecontraclorshallb âf àll.osts a$ociôred with rhe prcpâration and s Snature ol lhe conlra.t, â^d thê onhym shal not be rèsoôôs b ê or làble lo.lhose.ods 30, 5TAMP AND REGISTRATION DUTIE5 stâmp and registfat on duties ofthe.onùâcl àre borne bv the contrâdor 31. RIGHI TO ACCTPI. REltCT ÀNY ON AU. PROPOsATS onhym.eseûeslhêrishttoaeeborejedanyp.opoeltor nderônvorallpropgaltat nonje5poôsiv., ênd ro annul the toliciralion prd ss and Êjecr âll proposals âr anv timê orior to awàrd olconiracl wnhôut th rebv inrurin8 ahv liâbilny lo the âfieded proposê., or a.y oblisar on!o rnform th. sltecled Dropose(t. 32. TVATUAT ON At'tD SEIÉCT ON Â committee wil evaluate orôposak w ll bè a$essed and scorêd àgà nst the evalualioh cnteria onnym',sdec5ononèvaluationshâllbeti.a ândbndinconâlllhebidde6. ProDosalswil be ranked. the best oroposalwillbe in the rank 1. onuym shallaward thê conùact to the qualrlied p.opo*rwiththe hichen evàlual d score ll the selected propos r is no lonser inler6t d i. the conrad fd âny.èason, he willb rêpla.ed by th candidat rôôked se.ond. rnit proce$ o^ be r pêatêd untilg nin8 a co^tàdor' 33. Cf,ITERIA FOR ÊVATUATING PROPOSAIS Thêproposa Èevâ uared upon thê û î fia isted below:. The expenise ol thê f rm/orcanizal on o 3r ef dèscridlion ol lhe propo5er as an n1 lv ô The litt or rêt.rence ofsimilôr oroieds G rormat Ânn r 1). ûè methodolosy: apprg.h ând impl henlaliôn Plân; ô ADDrdch ro ùê sêdice/wo.k Sequned

12 o T{hnicàlolalaryassuranceReviêwMechânÈms o Reportincândmonitoing o subcontrâclin ô Manaeemeit nructurel descfibe thë ove.a I manageûent approach loward plannin3andimpêmêntingthëacllvty Inc ude âô organltalion cha forthe ôanagemènr of rh projed dês(ibin8 roles and kêy pos lio.s o Qu ilicat ons ot Xey Pe6on^el: Provide CVsfo.thê key PeBonnelfi am l 3def, ëxp ns... CVs shouldfilthe mod lpropd.d in annex lor 5iôilar mod lwiih the sàme inlomarion ). Tne rc$urcetto bê usêd; 34. PROfIIES OF iequ IR ED CO NSÙTTAI{TS (X Y PE RsO NÀLI 'Ihe conra.tor team should bê composed ot one or two conçùltâna {o. more ii nece$arv) with. Eipertlsein seophysics, ceophys côl data man4ement, proce$in8 rystem5, wlh 10 yea6/ expe ence at least in p.oce$ing ol 5 sm c signa, inlerpretanon oi petrc eum gèophyricaldata and hydr@arbon lntofmàt on system archile.ture.erpedèeinnodêrninformatonp.o(e$nslechnolosy,pàrarlelprde$h8 rech.olog slcud4gpu,..)dalaarchiving ândsecurnvwithalleansyeabor êxp.riènc in lhese lield REOUIiTO OOCUM NTs rhe rcqun d dorudents thât ârê fùmish d to stâblish qualificarion ofproposebô.e: r tulsubmèsion includ ng compâ.y prol le,. Ce.tlficàl oi ReCistral on ol the bu5 nè$ of equivalent document,. Tfade ôane regnrâriôn pàp 6, it appl cable qûa ity Cê.tlkâle a.d /or othèr simihr cëft fkâles, ac(êd tâlions, awards æceived by thê proposëf, itâ.v 36.!!A!!r!!Ar!9!!-9L!!.qe0!A! ahy rêqu i lor clarlcation hun be s nt n writins- or by èl.lronc means to â, onhym will. spond in by wrnin3 o by lectronic ôean5 ând will *nd wrinên copiês ol lhe e3pôns (includiryân xplanatiôn oflh. qu ry but wnhôur idênrit th source ol incuirvlro allth proposeb who havê prdidêd contormation of th t intention to subôll a bids 37.!8q!q!4!!g!M!!gq!.!Equ8!!4!!r! rhê cov r Lèuer (envelope) ln rhê proposa (lor8iialand lcopy) must be addre$èd to otfice Nat onâl dês Hydrorarbure5 el d6 Minês {onblm) 34, aveiue a Fadila Rabat, Mo.occo Phon : r 1212)37 23'3G37 + l2r2l t1-74-rçr7 t)

13 An orisinôlônd one copy of yôur propdalmun bè rcceived at the làl r thân 03HO0 aft rnoon, onlunê 13, rne tollow ng 5e(t on5 ànd.ontent afë r qu red for êâch proposali Transm ralletlerw th s4naturè block (mode ânner 1), Int.oduction and Ex.cutive summâry o4an narion al 5l ruct ùr, Management Plan. a.d xevt GonnèL Technical Àppro.(h ànd work Pbn, Experi.n. ànd Qualilicalions, and Pfoposah may be e thèrsènl by mail, overiisht courier, or hand.dêlivercd. Wherher the oroposal s!ent bv màil, cou.ier or hand deliverêd, the Otte.or shâllbe rêspons blelor âctua dè very ollhe prcposallothe âbove addre$ betore thê dêàd ine. Any prcpo!â received aftêt lhëdead ne wi I be returned uiopê^êd 3& 2Aer!!!9 tach 9ropo5.l m6t bè râled lo e.sure contidentialitv of th infomatioi. Th propoçah rholld be individuallv wrapped and eealed, and labêlèd for content includin8 orisinâl or ''.op/ rhould be coilecilv lywrâppêd ând eèal d, and ckâny narked lor conle.l. 3e. 4.U!!9EqÉ01!g!aM3! Th propôsàlmusl contâ n the 5lSnature of a du y aulhor z d ollicer or a8eût ot the Offeror empowered wirh rhe dchr tô bind rhe ofieror. 40. [!M!!!AL?!9!q!4! rnê rropose. ir rêqun d to pr pareth. Fjnôn.lal Proposàl in a sepârate envêlope fom ihê rest.1. CRITERIÀ FOR EVÀLUANfiG PNOPo!A.5 a, scor tc of tlte Evauano sudmàryof Proposàl Eva uation E!ti!!4! rya!!âilglr 100%

14 Sumnâryot Tehnical Prooo5al Evaluanon ErpenÉe or ihê t'rmlorsanizàton 20x trpen Teàm quahf 'càtio. Tê.hn.àl Proposàl tvàluat on!e ol th. Flrm/O4.nD.tlon Rêpurànonof orsàndalionàndstàll/credrblity/rêlàb'lity Genera olganizai o.alcapablity whlch k to aflect implemènlation: - Flnancrâl{abrlrty(prcvidêl.l?sl.udll.dfliincir s6t.mênbl - Æe/si.e ofthefrrû sù ngth ôr p.ojecl manlgemèn1 suppon - Pojc.tfinâncingcâpâchy ' proj ct Quâlit assurânceor@edurês,{ôrànv spêcialized Inæl.d!ê ôf gêôphyrics ând *isric r'!(sing ând interpr làlaon- - Ép rien.e on siéilâr prosr.n /ttojêcts trp.n.n.. dwolti4wilh Gowhm nlsor oflle, t Approach, nelhodolo8y nd proj.d n.n.8 mênl Rerour.ê àlldèd ro rhe prole.l 10 Éxperl lè.m qu.lii..tio l2 D plomâsând ac.demlc quàlitkéllon (Ma!te.or qu vâlent 5 ' en(e (<10yeaÉ o, more than 10 yèàts : s ) L G ophvsi.s ênd se lmic p.ocê$ û prorlle!9 Projêct manàgem nr ëxpè rkil s I Eroerrence In rtrntraitrudufe lhafd ànd softl 42. Â!!!!5 ûi5 RFP.ontâins rour (4)ânner6:

15 Model torthe I stoi refefen.é ll: Déclarâllon sur l'honneur ÂNNEXE fl{e CO TnACTER NAMf, AND LAST NAME 'IRST SIGNATURE AND STAMPE flandwnitten WORDS "NXAD AND APPNOVED" L. d'elplorjiôn Darro àhi tlt**t L cl.ld. h Dô,blo. ADr er'rimr.û..b.r M.FbÉt t5

16 AN N EXES l6

17 Anl{Cl I û. nofr.i.æofdd tnûjct clrillculum val E r. I!.lkt of..t ffi. ot 3lnll.r tlllcl Pdid. the folldrm Infomstlon regadin! cùpobte qp.riêft. wnhin rhc l8t sù {6, yê.6, relaled or r.l4. to rh6è ÉqoiÈd for Nrûb.r of yér ofdp.r.ft.: or Fdnù. h.ld, rwë ol:drdr4 Fdotud Mdb.EhlD h ndsrdd A$cd lon..n.l Plblk dom: l7

18 TarkeAerlln.d on theonhym i.l..n.. to Pno. work that lllostràtb cbp.bllliy to Handl. the l, lh. und.6i3nèd, cenify ihal lo the b$l of mv ônd beliêt rhis Cuûiculum Vna coredly dès..ibès mys.ll mv qu.llllcationr and ny erpêriencê, and I am availabl to undenake lh âssi$ment in ca3. ot.n award. I unde6tand lhal any mi$ralement or nisrepresenrdion de$nbed hê may l..d ro mydkqùalilietion or dismisfl by orrhym. sasnatùre or ihe exp n (@m, dat.,sisnaruè) tbnature ofrhe represe.tariw ol the p.op6.r{nàme, dare, sagn.rle) NotÈ Pl6e ttùn ûis prse \iù your p6posal. The und.^isned, an luthori/cd.scnt ofhirôd@mpey. hceby cdifi.s: ( ) the recêipr or rhir lercr ro solicir bids (o. rhis lomilianaûoo \rh.ll t.mi, condr'ons..nd 5pe'fi caton3 h.é'n ilted, (orplny hqua ficd b Dcrfom *ork lnd sd(c! 6 propo$. Lhàt th. prcpoel subnnted is v.lid until t3

19 Tvpe or tnniy (9-colp, tlc,ek ) Phone Numb r

20 oécunàrolt sui lhol{l{tui 20

21 qe.dlé.ræc.ddar.slo'aduhqd.ddùd'dt.,'rt.r.r*!.dledédpn'dpj ol.nah..u r.r rtsni. rir.rto{. À dû l.nrqb d. rnud. * d. ^t.i I qc.lq( lrr. qr.. rolr d.n.ma6..u Pn'* ldrtoa.t.fuprcddudd..oft! o'du'.dmal#' ê ô.rer à nr pca aù..i itunb. d..ûitrn dîl.{t, r.l qu. rravu, frdr.l. 151 du lùsrêid & oi o4dn p.èibdé. j{ o^ - lt.4me &L Fù onjs d d.r,.dld sam Ft rûkl. ld û Èdm.d dê roxm Èrd4n} bàrku dn.d.r. Û{Én..d-duMu fro 6.I rd M rdrrar.o ir.4 l.&jh ir*#.q dcltl d açrnk bqd côûofrmodfdal'&f ls Êrr cdlir û d. rû{d. (2) (r) ^!çrdh'<ha.d En 6 r,.r dl.ù rkn 'b@frd,.hsi rikdr r rwê dad 2l

22 ANNEXE III ACTE TYENGAGIMEM A:I!4EIÉ!!!!Ë4-0!!IM appe d'offres ouven iur ottes dê pr x 20106/2014 à 10h. "3/2014,.,,,.du Passé ên applcation de l'alinéâ 2 du pa.â8râphe 1 de 'àrtnb 16 et alnéa 3, parâgraphe 3 de Iaa( cle 17 du règ ement de l'onhym re at f aux.ondllion! et fo.mès de pa$aliondes marché5 de l'onhym ains quece^a nès règles relatlves à leùrgestlon et à leur contfôle. ÈÈ4!sér3!é!-1c-99!!c!!!!! â 89c!.E-p!r99!!s!l!És!et rê(4)sou$bné ""(p/énom,nonelqualrélâsèsanten mon nom pegonnelel pour non propre corpte, dd'e$e du domi( le éru âfiiliéàlâcnss!o!sl N'...,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,,..,..,...,,...(5) inscrirsur gisùeducommercede.,.,..,,,.,,.,,,...,...t o.a ité) souslen':...,,.,,.,.,..,..,..,.,.,,.,..,,...(5) N'depatente:...,,...,..,...,..,...(5) b - Polr 16 æ@nn6 nor.l6 re 14) $ussisné :...{prénom, nom er qùâlité au sein d r'.nrrep.isê} âgèintau nom.t pour lê compt. d....(6éon socéle el forme iu dique du,apiàlde... àdr.$ê du ra8. soûàl de là soriélé...loràlté sous l N' En vêrt! des oouvoks ouime 3o.l conlé.és a!rès avoi. Drs connaè5an.e du dosè. d'appèld'ofires concerianl les prèstàlions p.é.ké s en obiet de la oân'e A cidèssûs; aprèr avoi. âppré.é à mon poinl de vue el ious ma résponsâbillé lâ nature et ês difiic!lés oue comdonenl ces orenat on5: 1) renet, revêtu de ma sisnatlfê un bordereau de pnx élabri confomément âu modèlês figurant âu do$ ê.d'appeld'ollres j 2) nensag à èé.ulef lesdite! prenanons (onfomémenl au caher der presc.iplions 5pé.iàlesêtmovennanl esprxque j'alétabr5moi-même,le,quekfontresonirl 29crlc-99!!!Eg!4!!@!!!jÉr9! Monbnr ho6 wa.... (.n leitr.r.t.n chlfiret) râux d ta rva,,..,,,,..,,,,.,...,,,,...,,,---*--,-' ,(.n tourc.nt4ê)...,...,..,...,.,.-.,,1.n l.n..t et.n chltlt*)

1.- L a m e j o r o p c ió n e s c l o na r e l d i s co ( s e e x p li c a r á d es p u é s ).

1.- L a m e j o r o p c ió n e s c l o na r e l d i s co ( s e e x p li c a r á d es p u é s ). PROCEDIMIENTO DE RECUPERACION Y COPIAS DE SEGURIDAD DEL CORTAFUEGOS LINUX P ar a p od e r re c u p e ra r nu e s t r o c o rt a f u e go s an t e un d es a s t r e ( r ot u r a d e l di s c o o d e l a

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