School Improvement Plan. Warren Mott High School

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1 Warrn Consolidatd Schools Mr. John Dignan 3131 E 12 Mil Rd Warrn, MI Documnt Gnratd On July 26, 2016

2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1 Excutiv Summary Introduction 3 Dscription of th School 4 School's Purpos 5 Notabl Achivmnts and Aras of Improvmnt 6 Additional Information 7 Improvmnt Plan Stakholdr Involvmnt Introduction 9 Improvmnt Planning Procss 10 School Data Analysis Introduction 12 Dmographic Data 13 Procss Data 15 Achivmnt/Outcom Data 17 Prcption Data 22 Summary 25

3 School Additional Rquirmnts Diagnostic Introduction 27 School Additional Rquirmnts Diagnostic Warrn Mott SIP Plan Ovrviw 31 Goals Summary 32 Goal 1: will dvlop and implmnt a school-wid Multi-Tir Systm of Support (MTSS) procss. 33 Goal 2: will promot Collg and Carr Radinss by incrasing achivmnt in th Cor Contnt Aras for all studnts. 35 Summary by Sourc 45

4 Introduction Th SIP is a planning tool dsignd to addrss studnt achivmnt and systm nds idntifid through th school's comprhnsiv nds assssmnt (CNA). Additionally, th SIP provids a mthod for schools to addrss th school improvmnt planning rquirmnts of Public Act 25 of th Rvisd School Cod and th Elmntary and Scondary Education Act (ESEA) as applicabl. SY Pag 1

5 Excutiv Summary SY Pag 2

6 Introduction Evry school has its own story to tll. Th contxt in which taching and larning taks plac influncs th procsss and procdurs by which th school maks dcisions around curriculum, instruction, and assssmnt. Th contxt also impacts th way a school stays faithful to its vision. Many factors contribut to th ovrall narrativ such as an idntification of stakholdrs, a dscription of stakholdr ngagmnt, th trnds and issus affcting th school, and th kinds of programs and srvics that a school implmnts to support studnt larning. Th purpos of th Excutiv Summary (ES) is to provid a school with an opportunity to dscrib in narrativ form th strngths and challngs it ncountrs. By doing so, th public and mmbrs of th school community will hav a mor complt pictur of how th school prcivs itslf and th procss of slf-rflction for continuous improvmnt. This summary is structurd for th school to rflct on how it provids taching and larning on a day to day basis. SY Pag 3

7 Dscription of th School Dscrib th school's siz, community/communitis, location, and changs it has xprincd in th last thr yars. Includ dmographic information about th studnts, staff, and community at larg. What uniqu faturs and challngs ar associatd with th community/communitis th school srvs? is hom to 1769 studnts. It is in Warrn, MI, locatd four mils north of Dtroit. Du to our location, w hav many school of choic studnts coming to us from Dtroit. Warrn is a community vry havily basd in manufacturing. Our community was hit hard by th chang in conomy. Svnty prcnt of our studnts rciv fr and rducd lunch. Sixtn prcnt of our studnts ar Asian Amrican and 15% of our studnts ar African Amrican. Along with this, w hav a larg population of studnts who ar Arabic. Ths ar not includd on th thnicity survy. At 26% of th studnts ar English Languag Larnrs. SY Pag 4

8 School's Purpos Provid th school's purpos statmnt and ancillary contnt such as mission, vision, valus, and/or blifs. Dscrib how th school mbodis its purpos through its program offrings and xpctations for studnts. Mission Statmnt: At w ar a taching and larning community dvotd to providing th tools to acquir knowldg, mastring skills for succss in a changing world, and ncouraging an apprciation for larning for a liftim. W bliv: w ar all tachrs and larnrs, vryon is accountabl, w provid a nurturing stting that is ssntial for larning, that larning is xciting, that slf-disciplin lads to succss, and that vryon is ndd and important. W valu: rspct for slf and othrs, divrsity and unity, nw idas and stratgis, a saf nvironmnt, activ and productiv citizns, honsty and intgrity, and hav prid in who w ar and what w do. Our school slogan is: Foundd on tradition and prid...focusd on xcllnc. W hav clar xpctations for all studnts. Each smstr bgins with class mtings to rviw xpctations for all studnts. Throughout ach smstr studnts ar givn P.R.I.D.E. (Prpard, Rspctful, Intgrity, Dtrmind, Enthusiastic) xpctations that ar rviwd via mini-lssons in class and on th daily announcmnts. W offr 16 Advancd Placmnt courss for studnts to arn collg crdit. W offr Winning Futurs mntorships and studnt mntorships through Link Crw. W hav roughly 55 opportunitis for xtra-curricular involvmnt. SY Pag 5

9 Notabl Achivmnts and Aras of Improvmnt Dscrib th school's notabl achivmnts and aras of improvmnt in th last thr yars. Additionally, dscrib aras for improvmnt that th school is striving to achiv in th nxt thr yars. notabl achivmnts includ: *Warrn Mott Lgacy Program *Acadmic Support Classs in Rading and Mathmatics *3rd Annual Womn in Sports Evnt *Positiv Bhavior Intrvntions and Support - PBIS Committ formd and traind with cration and implmntation of nw rfrral procss and form *Collg Application Wk *ELL Tutoring and acadmic support aftr school *Scinc Olympiad Stat Finalist *US Nws and World Rport Bst High Schools Silvr Rating 2014 *US Nws and World Rport Bst High Schools Bronz Rating 2015 *US Nws and World Rport Bst High Schools Bronz Rating 2016 Warrn Mott is striving to: *Implmnt mor acadmic intrvntions *Crat 21st cntury larnrs *Mor data-drivn dcisions driving th school *Mor xtra-curricular opportunitis for our studnts SY Pag 6

10 Additional Information Provid any additional information you would lik to shar with th public and community that wr not promptd in th prvious sctions. Th staff looks forward to working with parnts and th community to provid anothr yar of ducational opportunitis along with th typ of ducation which nabls our studnts to hav th courag and acadmic undrstanding to striv towards any goal, and ovrcom any challng to thir individual drams for th futur. Th first challng for studnts attnding Warrn Mott High School this school yar is to display consistnt commitmnt to complting th hard work it taks to achiv th goals that oftn sm out of rach. Dvloping courag and backing it with hard work will hlp all studnts to hav confidnc in thir abilitis. This will nabl thm to b succssful and proud of thir accomplishmnts. It taks P.R.I.D.E. to b succssful. Th studnts at will know what P.R.I.D.E. mans: Prpard - Rspctful - Involvd - Dtrmind - & Enthusiastic. Th world has changd. As th class of 2020 ntrs this fall and th sniors of th class of 2017 mak final prparations for tak-off, vry littl in ducation or in our world is lik it was vn fiv yars ago. Thos changs hav bn profound, spcially for our childrn. Accss to information and tchnology has cratd a markt for cll phons, ipods, and social mdia. Howvr, tchnology has also shrunkn th glob. Warrn Mott graduats ar litrally compting with studnts around th world. Our challng is to rady thm for that world; a world difficult to s in th futur. W promis to continu to work diligntly with parnts and faculty in an atmosphr that promots a larning community charactrizd by studnt cntrd instruction and dcisions, acadmic xcllnc, trust, rspct, community involvmnt, xcllnt communications, and rcognition of both studnt and staff achivmnt. W'r committd to working in collaboration with all stakholdrs to continu to dvlop and implmnt this shard vision. SY Pag 7

11 Improvmnt Plan Stakholdr Involvmnt SY Pag 8

12 Introduction Th rsponss should b brif, dscriptiv, and appropriat for th spcific sction. It is rcommndd that th rsponss ar writtn offlin and thn transfrrd into th sctions blow. SY Pag 9

13 Improvmnt Planning Procss Improvmnt Planning Procss Dscrib th procss usd to ngag a varity of stakholdrs in th dvlopmnt of th institution's improvmnt plan. Includ information on how stakholdrs wr slctd and informd of thir rols, and how mtings wr schduld to accommodat thm. WEA staff nominatd and votd on which tachrs will rprsnt thm on th School Improvmnt Tam. Th tam siz varis but is typically fiv to svn tachrs. Th lctd mmbrs dtrmind rols such as chairprson and scrtary as wll as dvlopd a schdul of mting dats throughout th yar. Th tam dcidd that during th school day was th most productiv and subs wr providd for rlas tim to accomplish th SIP tasks. In ordr to build stakholdrs into th SIP procss, th SIP tam usd survys, PLC mtings, and informal consultations. Dscrib th rprsntations from stakholdr groups that participatd in th dvlopmnt of th improvmnt plan and thir rsponsibilitis in this procss. Concrning th taching staff, ach PLC group has a liaison and a scrtary. Th liaison is rsponsibl for rporting any progrss or concrns of th PLC to th SIP tam and administration. Th scrtary is rsponsibl for posting all rlvant information on Blackboard. Th taching staff has th ability to accss th Blackboard submissions of th SIP tam and of vry PLC for information and idas. Parnts wr survyd during parnt-tachr confrncs. Th primary tam of administrators and th SIP tam analyz and intrprt data, stablish annual goals and objctivs and monitor progrss. Explain how th final improvmnt plan was communicatd to all stakholdrs, and th mthod and frquncy in which stakholdrs rciv information on its progrss. Stakholdrs s a prsntation at th bginning of th school yar summarizing progrss from th prvious plan and th goals for th upcoming yar. Progrss towards SIP goals is communicatd to all staff through staff mtings, school-wid profssional dvlopmnt, and district providd PLC. SY Pag 10

14 School Data Analysis SY Pag 11

15 Introduction Th School Data Analysis (SDA) is a diagnostic tool intndd to facilitat rich and dp collaborativ discussions among staff mmbrs about school data. Th SDA can srv as a guid to dtrmin a school s strngths and challngs as wll as dirctions for improvmnt basd on an analysis of data and rsponss to a sris of data - rlatd qustions in contnt aras. This data collction and analysis procss should includ th idntification of achivmnt gaps as wll as rflctions on possibl causs for ths gaps. This diagnostic rprsnts th various typs of data that should b continuously collctd, rviwd, analyzd and valuatd. Compltion of th SDA is on pic of a school s comprhnsiv nds assssmnt procss. SY Pag 12

16 Dmographic Data Dmographic data is data that provids dscriptiv information about th school community. Exampls may includ nrollmnt, attndanc, grad lvls, rac/thnicity, gndr, studnts with disabilitis, English larnrs, socio-conomic status, graduation rat, suspnsions/xpulsions, tc. Studnt Dmographic Data 1. In looking at th thr yar trnd in studnt nrollmnt data, what challngs hav bn idntifid? With a continud dcras in nrollmnt, th biggst challng w fac is a dcras in rsourcs to addrss th nds of our divrs studnt body. W ar also sing an incras in our population of ELL studnts which prsnts challngs du to scald back rsourcs. Studnt Dmographic Data 2. In looking at th thr yar trnd in studnt attndanc data, what challngs hav bn idntifid? As our attndanc rat is slightly incrasing, w ar still sing a larg numbr of studnts dfind as chronically absnt. This has a dirct impact on our studnt achivmnt data. Studnt Dmographic Data 3. In looking at th thr yar trnd in studnt bhavior data (disciplin rfrrals, suspnsions and xpulsions), what challngs hav bn idntifid? Th ovrall trnd that w s is that disciplin rfrrals ar down, spcially within th ara of physical altrcations. Whil this is a positiv trnd, on ara of ndd improvmnt is studnt tardinss. Our challng is to kp improving in th ara of studnt disciplin and spcifically targt studnt tardinss with altrnativ approachs to disciplin. Studnt Dmographic Data 4. What action(s) could b takn to addrss any idntifid challngs with studnt dmographic data? As a school, w ar launching St. John's Halth Clinic which will hlp addrss som of th bhavioral and halth nds of our studnts. W ar also in th procss of formulating a truancy and ducational nglct plan which will hlp rduc th numbr of studnts who ar classifid as chronically absnt. W bliv that in ordr to incras studnt achivmnt, w must hav rgular attndanc pattrns for all of our studnts. Tachr/School Ladr(s) Dmographic Data 5. As you rviw th numbr of yars of taching and administrativ xprinc of th school ladr(s) in your building, what impact might this hav on studnt achivmnt? Within our staff, th majority of mmbrs ar within th prim of thir carrs. Thr is a sns of urgncy to improv th taching and larning procss. Our xprinc tlls us that collaboration of bst practics is ssntial to raising studnt achivmnt. W hav mbracd SY Pag 13

17 this ida and ar on th path to making it consistnt across all classrooms. Tachr/School Ladr(s) Dmographic Data 6. As you rviw th numbr of yars of taching xprinc of tachrs in your building, what impact might this hav on studnt achivmnt? Th majority of our staff consists of vtran tachrs. Ths tachrs provid a walth of knowldg and xprinc within thir contnt ara. Howvr, with our changing dmographics, this somtims prsnts issus as wll. W would bnfit from additional profssional dvlopmnt cntrd around culturally comptnt taching practics as it prtains to th changing dmographics of our school. Tachr/School Ladr(s) Dmographic Data 7. As you rviw th total numbr of days for school ladr absncs and not how many wr du to profssional larning and /or du to illnss, what impact might this hav on studnt achivmnt? This has not bn an issu as our administrativ absncs hav bn minimal. Tachr/School Ladr(s) Dmographic Data 8. As you rviw th total numbr of days for tachr absncs du to profssional larning and/or illnss, what impact might this hav on studnt achivmnt? Tachr absncs, rgardlss of rason, hav a dirct impact on studnt achivmnt. This provs to b a struggl bcaus a majority of profssional dvlopmnt is offrd only during th day. It also affcts our studnts having a common xprinc across th contnt aras which crats gaps in studnt larning. Tachr/School Ladr(s) Dmographic Data 9. What actions might b takn to addrss any idntifid challngs rgarding tachr/school ladr dmographics? Most of ths challngs will nd to b addrssd by highr administration. SY Pag 14

18 Procss Data Procss data is information about th practics and procdurs schools us to plan, dlivr and monitor curriculum, instruction and assssmnt. 10. In rviwing th rsults of th School Systms Rviw or th Intrim Slf Assssmnt/Slf Assssmnt, what strands/standards/indicators stand out as strngths? Th two standards that stand out as strngths ar govrnanc/ladrship and taching/assssing for larning. On spcific indicator is that our ladrship and staff align thir dcisions and actions toward continuous improvmnt to achiv th school's purpos. Anothr strong indicator is that tachrs plan and us l stratgis that allow for studnt collaboration, slf-rflction and dvlopmnt of critical thinking skills. 11. In rviwing th rsults of th School Systms Rviw or th Intrim Slf Assssmnt/Slf Assssmnt, what strands/standards/indicators stand out as challngs? Our biggst challng continus to b using rsults for improvmnt in studnt succss. In addition to nding tim to analyz th data, th data collctd nds to hav valu. A structur nds to b put in plac to allow this procss to occur. 12. How might ths challngs impact studnt achivmnt? Without collcting and analyzing valuabl data, l practics tnd to rmain stagnant. 13. What actions could b takn and incorporatd into th School Improvmnt Plan to addrss ths challngs from th School Systms Rviw or th Intrim Slf Assssmnt/Slf Assssmnt. Upon cration of a structurd data analysis implmntation plan, all stakholdrs must b accountabl to th procss. 14. How do you nsur that studnts with disabilitis hav accss to th full array of intrvntion programs availabl i.. Titl I, Titl III, Sction 31a, IDEA, crdit rcovry, xtndd larning opportunitis? offrs a multi-tird systm of supports to all studnts, including thos with disabilitis. 15. Dscrib th Extndd Larning Opportunitis that ar availabl for studnts and in what grads thy ar availabl? offrs dual nrollmnt opportunitis for courss that w do not offr. Additionally, w offr arly collg opportunitis to studnts. W also offr cooprativ larning and othr CTE opportunitis. Th district offrs onlin courss for crdit rcovry or for additional support. W also offr a yar round crdit rcovry to mirror th four quartrs of th school yar within th school. Ths opportunitis ar offrd to studnts of all grad lvls. SY Pag 15

19 16. What is th procss for idntifying studnts for Extndd Larning Opportunitis and how ar parnts notifid of ths opportunitis? Th counsling dpartmnt routinly mts with all studnts to chart acadmic progrss toward graduation rquirmnts and offrs xtndd larning opportunitis as ndd. Parnts ar notifid by th counsling dpartmnt. W also maintain a counsling wbpag which communicats mploymnt opportunitis, intrnships, and summr acadmic camps. also partnrs with Wayn Stat Univrsity's C2 Piplin program which is a mntoring / STEM aftr-school nrichmnt program that is opn to our ntir studnt body. Parnts ar notifid of ths opportunitis through th school wbsit, robo-calls, rmind txts, and a parnt nwslttr. 17. What vidnc do you hav to indicat th xtnt to which th stat contnt standards ar bing implmntd with fidlity i.. horizontal and vrtical alignmnt, in all contnt courss and grad lvls? follows th Warrn Consolidatd Schools board approvd curriculum, which has bn alignd to th stat contnt standards, as wll as common cor standards. This curriculum includs cours ssntial outcoms, curriculum maps and pacing guids. 18. How dos your school us halth survy/scrnr rsults (i.. MIPHY) to improv studnt larning? Answr only if you compltd a halth survy/ scrnr. This yar w usd th Michigan Youth Risk Bhavioral Survy in two random sampl classs. It is our intnt to implmnt this school-wid nxt yar. This will nabl us to idntify th halth and bhavioral nds of our school. SY Pag 16

20 Achivmnt/Outcom Data Achivmnt/outcom data tll us what studnts hav larnd. Ths includ classroom-lvl, bnchmark, intrim and formativ assssmnt data as wll as summativ data such as standardizd tst scors from annual district and stat assssmnts. If th school compltd th Studnt Prformanc Diagnostic for th AdvancED Extrnal Rviw, plas insrt S Studnt Prformanc Diagnostic in ach txt box. 19a. Rading- Strngths Our studnts prformd th bst on indpndnt rading. Thr was a 75% proficint rat on this sction. 19b. Rading- Challngs Our studnts struggld with th clos litratur rading portion. 19c. Rading- Trnds Ovrall rading dcrasd slightly and thn incrasd this past yar. Th gap btwn our school and conomically disadvantagd has incrasd slightly. Th gap btwn our school and English Languag Larnrs has dcrasd. Howvr, ovrall proficincy has incrasd this past yar. 19d. Rading- Summary Summariz how ths challngs will b addrssd in your School Improvmnt Plan. Indicat Not Applicabl (NA) if thr is no challng or this challng will not b addrssd at this tim in th School Improvmnt Plan. Indicat th rlvanc or impact on tird instruction if appropriat. SY Pag 17

21 Looking at th thr-yar cycl of MME rading data, w dtrmind that w ndd to dig dpr into th rading lvls of our studnt body. W dcidd as a studnt succss tam to administr th DRP to grad lvls 9-11 to dtrmin baslin data for our school. W plan to continu this procss of administring th DRP to dtrmin th rading nds of our studnts. W will us this data to nhanc our Tir 1 instruction through our SIP goal of rading by improving th activity of clos and critical rading across our whol school. W ar hoping, through th procss that w'v st up, that w will b abl to construct and crat Tir 2 intrvntions during th school day that mt th nds of our studnts who ar not proficint radrs. 20a. Writing- Strngths Our studnts prformd bst in th purpos and audinc catgory. Thy wr at 59% proficint. 20b. Writing- Challngs Our studnts struggld th most with th ffctiv us of languag catgory. Howvr, all of our writing scors fll in th 50 prcnt rang. 20c. Writing- Trnds Ovrall writing has constantly incrasd ths past fw yars. Th gap btwn our school and conomically disadvantagd incrasd slightly. Th gap btwn th school and English Languag Larnrs has dcrasd. Howvr, ovrall proficincy has incrasd. 20d. Writing- Summary Summariz how ths challngs will b addrssd in your School Improvmnt Plan. Indicat Not Applicabl (NA) if thr is no challng or this challng will not b addrssd at this tim in th School Improvmnt Plan. Indicat th rlvanc or impact on tird instruction if appropriat. As part of our school improvmnt plan, dpartmnts will b focusing on powr standards and aligning thos with th common cor. Th English/Languag Arts dpartmnt will look into dvloping powr standards with ths challngs in mind. Th district bgan this procss SY Pag 18

22 during th school yar. Our ovrall goal will b dvlopmnt of common assssmnts alignd with thos powr standards. Also, using th data from th common assssmnts to guid l practics. 21a. Math- Strngths Our studnts prform wll on qustions involving quations and xprssions, as wll as function typ qustions. Fifty to fifty-fiv prcnt of our studnts answrd thos qustions corrctly. 21b. Math- Challngs Our studnts prformd poorly on th qustions involving rasoning about numbrs and figurs and proprtis from gomtry. 21c. Math- Trnds Ovrall math scors hav dcrasd slightly ach yar. Th gap btwn our school rsults and th conomically disadvantagd grw slightly. Howvr, th gap btwn our school rsults and th English Languag Larnrs has dcrasd by 5%. 21d. Math- Summary Summariz how ths challngs will b addrssd in your School Improvmnt Plan. Indicat Not Applicabl (NA) if thr is no challng or this challng will not b addrssd at this tim in th School Improvmnt Plan. Indicat th rlvanc or impact on tird instruction if appropriat. As part of our school improvmnt plan, dpartmnts will b focusing on powr standards and aligning thos with th common cor. Th math dpartmnt will look into dvloping powr standards with ths challngs in mind. Our ovrall goal will b dvlopmnt of common assssmnts alignd with thos powr standards. Also, using th data from th common assssmnts to guid l practics. SY Pag 19

23 22a. Scinc- Strngths Our studnts prformd th bst on inquiry and rflctions, as wll as chmistry qustions. Slightly blow 50% of th studnts got thos qustions corrct. 22b. Scinc- Challngs Our studnts struggld with physics, arth scinc and biology qustions. 22c. Scinc- Trnds Ovrall scinc grw slightly in prvious yars, but had a slight dcras this past yar. Th gap btwn our school and th conomically disadvantagd has incrasd slightly. Th gap btwn our school and English Languag Larnrs has dcrasd slightly. 22d. Scinc- Summary Summariz how ths challngs will b addrssd in your School Improvmnt Plan. Indicat Not Applicabl (NA) if thr is no challng or this challng will not b addrssd at this tim in th School Improvmnt Plan. Indicat th rlvanc or impact on tird instruction if appropriat. As part of our school improvmnt plan, dpartmnts will b focusing on powr standards and aligning thos with th common cor. Th scinc dpartmnt will look into dvloping powr standards with ths challngs in mind. Th district bgan this procss during th school yar. Our ovrall goal will b dvlopmnt of common assssmnts alignd with thos powr standards. Also, using th data from th common assssmnts to guid l practics. 23a. Social Studis- Strngths Our studnts prformd bst in th US History & Gography, as wll as th inquiry catgory. Both wr just undr 60% proficint. 23b. Social Studis- Challngs Our studnts struggld with World History & Gography, as wll as civics. 23c. Social Studis- Trnds SY Pag 20

24 Ovrall social studis scors grw ths past thr yars. Th gap btwn our school and th conomically disadvantags, as wll as th English Languag Larnrs has grown. Howvr, ovrall proficincy in ach group has incrasd. 23d. Social Studis- Summary Summariz how ths challngs will b addrssd in your School Improvmnt Plan. Indicat Not Applicabl (NA) if thr is no challng or this challng will not b addrssd at this tim in th School Improvmnt Plan. Indicat th rlvanc or impact on tird instruction if appropriat. As part of our school improvmnt plan, dpartmnts will b focusing on powr standards and aligning thos with th common cor. Th social studis dpartmnt will look into dvloping powr standards with ths challngs in mind. Th district has bgun this procss during th school yar. Our ovrall goal will b dvlopmnt of common assssmnts alignd with thos powr standards. Also, using th data from th common assssmnts to guid l practics. SY Pag 21

25 Prcption Data Prcption data is information collctd that rflcts th opinions and viws of stakholdrs. If th school compltd th Stakholdr Fdback Diagnostic for th AdvancED Extrnal Rviw, plas insrt S Stakholdr Fdback Diagnostic in ach txt box for survy fdback alrady collctd from studnts, parnts and staff. 24a. Studnt Prcption Data Which ara(s) indicat th ovrall highst lvl of satisfaction among studnts? Studnts fl is saf and gnrally a grat plac to larn. Thy fl thy hav grat rlationships with thir tachrs. 24b. Studnt Prcption Data Which ara(s) indicat th ovrall lowst lvl of satisfaction among studnts? Studnts fl mor tchnology would b bnficial in th classroom. 24c. Studnt Prcption Data What actions will b takn to improv studnt satisfaction in th lowst ara(s)? As a district, w ar in th procss of idntifying th capital nds of our school buildings. 25a. Parnt/Guardian Prcption Data What ara(s) indicat th ovrall highst lvl of satisfaction among parnts/guardians? Parnts ar wll informd of thir child's acadmic progrss. Parnts fl that our school is ordrly and supportiv of larning. 25b. Parnt/Guardian Prcption Data What ara(s) indicat th ovrall lowst lvl of satisfaction among parnts/guardians? Parnts ar dissatisfid with th lvl of adquat tchnology for rgular studnt us. SY Pag 22

26 25c. Parnt/Guardian Prcption Data What actions will b takn to improv parnt/guardian satisfaction in th lowst ara(s)? As a district, w ar in th procss of idntifying th capital nds of our school buildings. 26a. Tachr/ Prcption Data What ara(s) indicat th ovrall highst lvl of satisfaction among tachrs/staff? Our staff is satisfid with th support from our building administration and in turn this allows tachrs to do thir bst within thir classrooms. 26b. Tachr/ Prcption Data What ara(s) indicat th ovrall lowst lvl of satisfaction among tachrs/staff? What provs to b lowst lvl of satisfaction among tachrs is th rosion of th taching profssion and th currnt stat of "tsting mania". W ar in a stat of unprcdntd scrutiny that has causd major changs to th valuation systm, contnt standards, and studnt assssmnt. 26c. Tachr/ Prcption Data What actions will b takn to improv tachr/staff satisfaction in th lowst ara(s)? Tachrs will tak action on bhalf of thmslvs to focus on th biggr pictur and do what is right for studnts. 27a. Stakholdr/Community Prcption Data What ara(s) indicat th ovrall highst lvl of satisfaction among stakholdrs/community? Our community rcognizs th outrach initiativs and th ovrall spirit of th school within th community. 27b. Stakholdr/Community Prcption Data What ara(s) indicat th ovrall lowst lvl of satisfaction among stakholdrs/community? Our community is frustratd with th stat's tratmnt of public schools, both financially and structurally. Th community rcognizs th nd for mor support within our schools. SY Pag 23

27 27c. Stakholdr/Community Prcption Data What actions will b takn to improv th lvl of stakholdr/community satisfaction in th lowst ara(s)? is ddicatd to improv from within and do whatvr it taks to incras studnt achivmnt and ducational outcoms. SY Pag 24

28 Summary 28a. Summary Brifly summariz th strngths and challngs idntifid in th four kinds of data-dmographic, procss, achivmnt/outcoms and prcption. W rcogniz th nd for a continual school-improvmnt procss. Our strngth lis in our ability to work togthr as a community towards common goals. This is our biggst challng - continuous improvmnt - that drivs our school initiativs and our school improvmnt plan. 28b. Summary How might th challngs idntifid in th dmographic, procss and prcption data impact studnt achivmnt? Th idntifid challngs hav a dirct impact on studnt achivmnt as this is th focus of our work. 28c. Summary How will ths challngs b addrssd in th School Improvmnt Plan's Goals, Masurabl Objctivs, Stratgis and Activitis for th upcoming yar? For Priority Schools, which of ths high nd aras will inform th Big Idas and th Rform/Rdsign Plan? With a rnwd focus on PLC's, w will b idntifying th anchor standards for ach of our contnt aras / courss. This will nabl us to crat consistncy with l practic by mans of common assssmnts, l stratgis, and bst practics. Dconstructing our cours contnt will provid us th opportunity to dvlop diffrnt lvls in th dpth of knowldg spctrum with our assssmnt qustions and will hlp driv studnts towards mastry larning. SY Pag 25

29 School Additional Rquirmnts Diagnostic SY Pag 26

30 Introduction This diagnostic contains crtification rquirmnts for Michigan schools. This diagnostic must b compltd by all schools. SY Pag 27

31 School Additional Rquirmnts Diagnostic Labl Assuranc Rspons Commnt Attachmnt 1. Litracy and math ar tstd annually in grads Ys Iowa Achivmnt Tst 1-5. Labl Assuranc Rspons Commnt Attachmnt 2. Our school publishd a fully compliant annual rport. (Th Annual Education Rport (AER) satisfis this). If ys, plas provid a link to th rport in th box blow. Ys WMHS AER Lttr Labl Assuranc Rspons Commnt Attachmnt 3. Our school has th 8th grad parnt approvd Educational Dvlopmnt Plans (EDPs) on fil. Ys All Warrn Consolidatd Schools participat in th MISD Carr Cruising Plan. Studnts complt EDPs through this program and th MISD houss thm. Labl Assuranc Rspons Commnt Attachmnt 4. Our school rviws and annually updats th EDPs to nsur acadmic cours work alignmnt. No Labl Assuranc Rspons Commnt Attachmnt 5. Th institution complis with all fdral laws and rgulations prohibiting discrimination and with all rquirmnts and rgulations of th U.S. Dpartmnt of Education. It is th policy of this institution that no prson on th basis of rac, color, rligion, national origin or ancstry, ag, gndr, hight, wight, marital status or disability shall b subjctd to discrimination in any program, srvic or activity for which th institution is rsponsibl, or for which it rcivs financial assistanc from th U.S. Dpartmnt of Education. Rfrncs: Titl VI of th Civil Rights Act of 1964, Sction 504 of th Rhabilitation Act of 1973, Th Ag Discrimination Act of 1975, Th Amricans with Disabilitis Act of 1990, Elliott- Larsn prohibits discrimination against rligion. Ys SY Pag 28

32 Labl Assuranc Rspons Commnt Attachmnt 6. Th institution has dsignatd an mploy to coordinat fforts to comply with and carry out non-discrimination rsponsibilitis. If ys, list th nam, position, addrss and tlphon numbr of th mploy in th commnt fild. Ys Ellanor Evans Anita Warrn, MI Dav Nobl, Titl IX Coordinator 3131 Twlv Mil Rd Warrn, MI Labl Assuranc Rspons Commnt Attachmnt 7. Th institution has a School-Parnt Involvmnt Ys Hr is th link to our Parnt Plan (that addrsss Sction 1118 activitis) that is alignd to th District's Board Policy. If ys, plas attach th School-Parnt Involvmnt Plan blow. Boostr Club: Labl Assuranc Rspons Commnt Attachmnt 8. Th institution has a School-Parnt Compact. If ys, plas attach th School-Parnt Compact blow. No Labl Assuranc Rspons Commnt Attachmnt 9. Th School has additional information ncssary to support your improvmnt plan (optional). No SY Pag 29

33 Warrn Mott SIP Plan SY Pag 30

34 Ovrviw Plan Nam Warrn Mott SIP Plan Plan Dscription SY Pag 31

35 Goals Summary Th following is a summary of th goals ncompassd in this plan. Th dtails for ach goal ar availabl in th nxt sction. # Goal Nam Goal Dtails Goal Total 1 will dvlop and implmnt a school-wid Multi-Tir Systm of Support (MTSS) procss. Objctivs: 1 Stratgis: 2 Activitis: 7 Organizational $0 2 will promot Collg and Carr Radinss by incrasing achivmnt in th Cor Contnt Aras for all studnts. Objctivs: 3 Stratgis: 4 Activitis: 12 Acadmic $1200 SY Pag 32

36 Goal 1: will dvlop and implmnt a school-wid Multi-Tir Systm of Support (MTSS) procss. Masurabl Objctiv 1: collaborat to implmnt a multi-tird systm of support for our studnts by 06/15/2017 as masurd by obsrvation during walkthroughs and vidnc collctd through th school-improvmnt procss.. Stratgy 1: Univrsal Instruction - Tir 1 Instruction - Tachrs will crat a prdictabl classroom nvironmnt whr studnts can clarly s th larning targts postd, discuss th larning targts with prs, and xprinc multipl opportunitis to connct with th larning targts by prsonalizing and rfrncing th objctivs. As thy larn, th studnts ar much mor likly to rtain and transfr th ssntial information and skills to othr contnt aras and byond th classroom. Th l road maps organiz th instruction and mak it visibl to th studnts. Thy map out th activitis that will b taught to rach th larning targts. Th l road map capturs th curriculum in ral tim making it visibl to th larnr. W will b using frqunt formativ assssmnt of our studnts to valuat and str our l practics. Tachrs will writ th larning targts on th board for vry class priod and will addrss thm and how thy can b accomplishd. Tachrs will thn procd with instruction. At th nd of a lsson, th tachr thn discusss th itms on th l road map and how studnts can dtrmin whthr thy hav achivd th objctiv. Formativ assssmnt will rflct this procss. Catgory: Larning Support Systms Rsarch Citd: Classroom Instruction That Works; Rsarch Basd Stratgis for Incrasing Studnt Achivmnt - Marzano, Pickring, and Pollock, Tir I: Th Forgottn Tir - J. Allain, Common Formativ Assssmnt - Baily and Jakicic, Tir: Tir 1 - Univrsal Instruction Radinss will dvlop building xpctations and practics on a dpartmnt-lvl and cours-lvl basis. Tachrs of common courss will cntr th larning targts and l road maps on th powr standards within th district adoptd curriculum. Tachr Tir 1 on, Gtting Rady, Profssiona l Larning Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Gtting Rady Sourc Of 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 Gnral Fund Rsponsibl All - Larning Targts and Instructional Road Maps Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Sourc Of Rsponsibl SY Pag 33

37 Tachrs will writ th "Larning Targt" and "Instructional Road Map" on th board for vry class priod, addrss thm and how thy can b accomplishd, and thn to procd with instruction. At th nd of a lsson, th tachr thn discusss th itms on th "Instructional Road Map" and how studnts can dtrmin whthr thy hav achivd thm or not, gnrally th formativ assssmnt will captur this larning. Acadmic Support Program Tir 1 Implmnt 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird All l staff and administrati on. - Classroom Formativ Assssmnt Th data-drivn ducators at will collct, organiz and analyz formativ data during an l tim priod; during lssons, through homwork, and othr l activitis. Tachrs will us fdback to rport th rsults of th formativ data assssmnts to studnts. Implmnta tion Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Sourc Of Tir 1 Implmnt 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Rsponsibl All l staff and administrati on. - Univrsal Instruction Progrss Monitoring Th administration at will monitor th Tir 1 framwork; larning targts, l road maps, warm-ups and formativ assssmnts usd in classroom instruction. W will do this throughout th cours of th schoolyar. Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Sourc Of Monitor Tir 1 Monitor 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Rsponsibl Warrn Mott Administrati on and tachrs implmnti ng th Tir 1 framwork. - Univrsal Instruction Evaluation Warrn Mott administration and staff will analyz and valuat common and stat assssmnts, prcption, procss, and dmographic data as it rlats to th univrsal instruction platform. Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Sourc Of Evaluation Tir 1 Evaluat 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Rsponsibl All l staff and administrati on. Stratgy 2: Tir 2 Intrvntions - Our data indicats a nd for additional support within English Languag Arts and Mathmatics courss, spcifically but not limitd to our incoming frshmn. Within th mastr schdul w ar providing Tir 2 intrvntions by way of two support courss: ELA Buildr and Math Lab. It is our goal to offr support to many of our struggling larnrs by targting instruction to hlp fill th gaps in knowldg and promot skill dvlopmnt. Catgory: Larning Support Systms Rsarch Citd: National Assssmnt Govrning Board. Mathmatics Framwork for th 2009 National Assssmnt of Educational Progrss - U.S. Dpartmnt of SY Pag 34

38 Education, Foundations for Succss: Th Final Rport of th National Mathmatics Advisory Panl - U.S. Dpartmnt of Education, Effcts of Coaching Programs on Achivmnt Tst Prformanc; Rviw of Educational Rsarch - Bangrt-Drowns, Kulik, Tir: Tir 2 - ELA Buildr Th ELA Buildr cours is dsignd to support and advanc th struggling larnr in th following ways: -Build knowldg through contnt-rich nonfiction. -Apply rading, writing and spaking groundd in vidnc from txt, both litrary and informational. -Provid rgular practic with complx txt and its acadmic languag. - Math Lab Th Math Lab cours is dsignd to support and advanc th struggling larnr in th following ways: -Focus strongly on th powr standards within th curriculum. -Dvlop and incras numbr sns and pattrn rcognition. -Pursu concptual undrstanding, procdural skill fluncy. -Promot problm-solving stratgis through th application of skills. Acadmic Support Program, Dirct Instruction Acadmic Support Program, Dirct Instruction Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Sourc Of Tir 2 Implmnt 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Sourc Of Tir 2 Implmnt 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Rsponsibl Administrati on and cours instructors. Rsponsibl Administrati on and cours instructors. Goal 2: will promot Collg and Carr Radinss by incrasing achivmnt in th Cor Contnt Aras for all studnts. Masurabl Objctiv 1: 85% of All Studnts will dmonstrat a proficincy in Rading in English Languag Arts by 06/30/2024 as masurd by th stat assssmnt.. (shard) Stratgy 1: Clos and Critical Rading Stratgis. - Basd on a building-wid profssional dvlopmnt sris that was offrd to all tachrs in th school yar, Warrn Mott faculty shall implmnt clos and critical rading stratgis in all cor and non-cor courss on a routin, coordinatd basis. Dpartmntalizd Profssional Larning Communitis (PLCs) shall coordinat th implmntation of rading-spcific stratgis within xisting cours pacing guids and ssntial outcoms. Catgory: Carr and Collg Rady Rsarch Citd: Th Michigan Common Cor Stat Standards (MICCSS, 2010). Rtrivd on 5/30/2014: MICCSS is th product of collaborativ fforts btwn th REMC Association of Michigan (REMCAM) and th Michigan Association of Intrmdiat School Administrators (MAISA), along with many SY Pag 35

39 profssional xprts throughout th stat with th common goal of hlping ducators in bttr undrstanding and implmnting th Michigan Common Cor Stat Standards. Th K-12 CCSS provid a st of clar and consistnt xpctations that outlin th knowldg and skills studnts nd in th 21st cntury to b carr and collg rady. Fishr, D., Fry, N., & Lapp, D. (2012). Txt complxity: Raising Rigor in Rading. Nwark, DE: Intrnational Rading Association. Tir: Tir 1 - CCR PLC's / PD. collaborat in dpartmnts to shar bst practics and dvlop a catalog of CCR activitis. - Schdul of CCR Implmntation. Warrn Mott faculty shall implmnt clos and critical rading stratgis in all cor and non-cor courss on a routin, coordinatd basis. - CCR Progrss Monitoring. Th SIP tam along with th administration will monitor th fidlity of implmntation through staff log submissions and studnt vidnc via th Warrn Mott Blackboard sit. Tachr Tir 1 on, Gtting Rady, Profssiona l Larning Dirct Instruction, Implmnta tion Monitor, Implmnta tion Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Gtting Rady Sourc Of 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Sourc Of Tir 1 Implmnt 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Sourc Of Tir 1 Monitor 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Rsponsibl All Rsponsibl Administrati on and all Rsponsibl Administrati on and SIP Tam. (shard) Stratgy 2: Common Assssmnts - Basd on a district-wid rnwd focus on profssional larning communitis, Warrn Mott faculty shall implmnt common assssmnts in all cor and non-cor courss on a routin, coordinatd basis. Dpartmntalizd Profssional Larning Communitis (PLCs) shall provid th vhicl for th dvlopmnt, implmntation, and valuation of th common assssmnts. will analyz building and district lvl common assssmnt rsults to align and driv instruction. Catgory: Carr and Collg Rady Rsarch Citd: Profssional Larning Communitis at Work, R. DuFour (1998); Whatvr It Taks, R. DuFour (2004); Larning by Doing, T. Many (2012); Rsults NOW, M. Schmokr; Tir I: Th Forgottn Tir, J. Allain (2011); Visual Larning, J. Hatti (2009); Common Form-ativ Assssmnt, Baily and Jakicic (2014). Tir: Tir 1 SY Pag 36

40 - Common Assssmnt Dvlopmnt Warrn Mott staff will work within dpartmnt PLC's to unpack standards and dvlop standards-alignd common assssmnts. Tachr Tir 1 on, Gtting Rady, Profssiona l Larning Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Gtting Rady Sourc Of 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Rsponsibl All - Univrsal Instruction Warrn Mott staff will work within PLC's to stablish univrsal instruction in what w tach and how w tach (basd on cours powr standards). Tachr on, Gtting Rady, Dirct Instruction Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Tir 1 Gtting Rady Sourc Of 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Rsponsibl All - Common Assssmnt Implmntation Whil working within dpartmntal PLC's, all l staff shall administr a minimum of two common assssmnts pr cours, pr smstr. - Common Assssmnt Evidnc For ach cours, staff will submit a copy of ach common assssmnt to th Warrn Mott Blackboard sit. - Common Assssmnt Progrss Monitoring Th SIP tam along with th administration will monitor th fidlity of th implmntation of cours common assssmnts via submissions to th Warrn Mott Blackboard sit. Tachr on, Implmnta tion Tachr on, Implmnta tion Monitor, Implmnta tion Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Sourc Of Tir 1 Implmnt 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Sourc Of Tir 1 Implmnt 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Sourc Of Tir 1 Monitor 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Rsponsibl All Rsponsibl All Rsponsibl Administrati on and SIP tam. - Common Assssmnt PLC Minuts Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Sourc Of Rsponsibl SY Pag 37

41 For ach profssional larning sssion, th staff of ach cours shall documnt in thir mting minuts any work rlating to common assssmnts. Monitor, Implmnta tion Tir 1 Monitor 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Administrati on and all - Common Assssmnt Evaluation For ach cours, associatd staff will collaborat to analyz common assssmnt data and valuat th nd for additional intrvntions. Tachr on, Evaluation Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Sourc Of Tir 1 Evaluat 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Rsponsibl All Masurabl Objctiv 2: 85% of All Studnts will dmonstrat a proficincy in Writing in English Languag Arts by 06/30/2024 as masurd by th stat assssmnt.. (shard) Stratgy 1: Clos and Critical Rading Stratgis. - Basd on a building-wid profssional dvlopmnt sris that was offrd to all tachrs in th school yar, Warrn Mott faculty shall implmnt clos and critical rading stratgis in all cor and non-cor courss on a routin, coordinatd basis. Dpartmntalizd Profssional Larning Communitis (PLCs) shall coordinat th implmntation of rading-spcific stratgis within xisting cours pacing guids and ssntial outcoms. Catgory: Carr and Collg Rady Rsarch Citd: Th Michigan Common Cor Stat Standards (MICCSS, 2010). Rtrivd on 5/30/2014: MICCSS is th product of collaborativ fforts btwn th REMC Association of Michigan (REMCAM) and th Michigan Association of Intrmdiat School Administrators (MAISA), along with many profssional xprts throughout th stat with th common goal of hlping ducators in bttr undrstanding and implmnting th Michigan Common Cor Stat Standards. Th K-12 CCSS provid a st of clar and consistnt xpctations that outlin th knowldg and skills studnts nd in th 21st cntury to b carr and collg rady. Fishr, D., Fry, N., & Lapp, D. (2012). Txt complxity: Raising Rigor in Rading. Nwark, DE: Intrnational Rading Association. Tir: Tir 1 - CCR PLC's / PD. collaborat in dpartmnts to shar bst practics and dvlop a catalog of CCR activitis. Tachr Tir 1 on, Gtting Rady, Profssiona l Larning Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Gtting Rady Sourc Of 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Rsponsibl All - Schdul of CCR Implmntation. Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Sourc Of Rsponsibl SY Pag 38

42 Warrn Mott faculty shall implmnt clos and critical rading stratgis in all cor and non-cor courss on a routin, coordinatd basis. - CCR Progrss Monitoring. Th SIP tam along with th administration will monitor th fidlity of implmntation through staff log submissions and studnt vidnc via th Warrn Mott Blackboard sit. Dirct Instruction, Implmnta tion Monitor, Implmnta tion Tir 1 Implmnt 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Sourc Of Tir 1 Monitor 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Administrati on and all Rsponsibl Administrati on and SIP Tam. Stratgy 2: Th Writing Procss within Contnt Aras. - Dpartmntalizd PLCs shall dvlop a consistnt framwork for taching writing and masuring studnts' knowldg of th writing procss as dfind by th priority standards of th Common Cor. Dpartmntalizd PLCs shall intgrat th us of th writing procss into smstr common cours pacing guids. Non-fiction writing is th ky to succssful litracy and studnt achivmnt. Rsarch ovr th past dcads is clar: whn studnts improv th quality of thir writing, thy improv in rading comprhnsion, mathmatics, scinc, and social studis. Rading is th spin that holds all subjcts togthr. Catgory: Rsarch Citd: Gravs, D.H. (1994). A Frsh Look at Writing. Portsmouth, NH: Hinmann. Hall, D., & Birkrts, S. (1998). Writing Wll (9th d.). Nw York: HarprCollins. Jago, C. (2008). Com To Class: Lssons for High School Writrs. Portsmouth, NH: Hinmann. Rvs, D.B. (2010, Novmbr). Th Writ Way. Amrican School Board Journal: Tir: Tir 1 - Writing Trackr has gon through profssional dvlopmnt and has rcivd training in Writing Trackr. Profssiona l Larning Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Sourc Of Tir 1 Implmnt 09/08/ /10/2016 $0 No Rquird Rsponsibl Warrn Mott administrati on and WCS contnt spcialists and Offic of Curriculum and Instruction. Stratgy 3: Stratgic Writing Initiativ for Tachrs (SWIFT). - Intgrat provn l stratgis into Dpartmntal PLCs. Th administrativ and SIP tams shall work to SY Pag 39

43 find profssional dvlopmnt training opportunitis for on mmbr from ach dpartmnt in programs lik th SWIFT offrd by th Macomb Intrmdiat School District. This mmbr can thn bring back what is larnd and intgrat it into his / hr dpartmnt PLC. Urgncy: 21st Cntury Litracy: "Litracy in th 21st cntury will man th ability to find information, dcod it, critically valuat it, organiz it into prsonal digital libraris and find maningful ways to shar it with othrs. Information is a raw matrial studnts will nd to larn to build with." From Th World is Flat by Thomas Fridman. Catgory: Rsarch Citd: Fridman, T.L. (2005). Th World is Flat: A Brif History of th Twnty-First Cntury. Nw York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Tir: Tir 1 - Intgrat Provn Instructional Stratgis into Dpartmnt PLCs Th administrativ and SIP tams shall work to find profssional dvlopmnt training opportunitis for on mmbr from ach dpartmnt PLC in programs lik th SWIFT offrd by th Macomb Intrmdiat School District. This mmbr can thn bring back what is larnd and intgrat it into his / hr dpartmnt PLC. Profssiona l Larning Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Tir 1 Gtting Rady Sourc Of 09/08/ /10/2016 $1200 School Improvm nt Grant (SIG) Rsponsibl Warrn Mott administrati on, SIP tams and on faculty mmbr from ach dpartmnt alizd PLC tam. (shard) Stratgy 4: Common Assssmnts - Basd on a district-wid rnwd focus on profssional larning communitis, Warrn Mott faculty shall implmnt common assssmnts in all cor and non-cor courss on a routin, coordinatd basis. Dpartmntalizd Profssional Larning Communitis (PLCs) shall provid th vhicl for th dvlopmnt, implmntation, and valuation of th common assssmnts. will analyz building and district lvl common assssmnt rsults to align and driv instruction. Catgory: Carr and Collg Rady Rsarch Citd: Profssional Larning Communitis at Work, R. DuFour (1998); Whatvr It Taks, R. DuFour (2004); Larning by Doing, T. Many (2012); Rsults NOW, M. Schmokr; Tir I: Th Forgottn Tir, J. Allain (2011); Visual Larning, J. Hatti (2009); Common Form-ativ Assssmnt, Baily and Jakicic (2014). Tir: Tir 1 - Common Assssmnt Dvlopmnt Warrn Mott staff will work within dpartmnt PLC's to unpack standards and dvlop standards-alignd common assssmnts. Tachr Tir 1 on, Gtting Rady, Profssiona l Larning Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Gtting Rady Sourc Of 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Rsponsibl All SY Pag 40

44 - Univrsal Instruction Warrn Mott staff will work within PLC's to stablish univrsal instruction in what w tach and how w tach (basd on cours powr standards). Tachr on, Gtting Rady, Dirct Instruction Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Tir 1 Gtting Rady Sourc Of 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Rsponsibl All - Common Assssmnt Implmntation Whil working within dpartmntal PLC's, all l staff shall administr a minimum of two common assssmnts pr cours, pr smstr. - Common Assssmnt Evidnc For ach cours, staff will submit a copy of ach common assssmnt to th Warrn Mott Blackboard sit. - Common Assssmnt Progrss Monitoring Th SIP tam along with th administration will monitor th fidlity of th implmntation of cours common assssmnts via submissions to th Warrn Mott Blackboard sit. Tachr on, Implmnta tion Tachr on, Implmnta tion Monitor, Implmnta tion Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Sourc Of Tir 1 Implmnt 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Sourc Of Tir 1 Implmnt 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Sourc Of Tir 1 Monitor 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Rsponsibl All Rsponsibl All Rsponsibl Administrati on and SIP tam. - Common Assssmnt PLC Minuts For ach profssional larning sssion, th staff of ach cours shall documnt in thir mting minuts any work rlating to common assssmnts. Monitor, Implmnta tion Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Sourc Of Tir 1 Monitor 09/06/ /15/2017 $0 No Rquird Rsponsibl Administrati on and all - Common Assssmnt Evaluation Tir Phas Bgin Dat End Dat Rsourc Sourc Of Rsponsibl SY Pag 41

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