ES UL From 1 January 2013

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1 ULES OF HOCKEY From 1 Jnury 2013


3 Rules of Hokey inluding explntions Effetive from 1 Jnury 2013 Copyright FIH 2012 The Interntionl Hokey Federtion Rue du Vlentin 61 CH 1004 Lusnne Switzerlnd Tel. : Fx : E-mil : info@fi h.h Internet : h.h 1

4 Responsiility nd Liility Prtiipnts in hokey must e wre of the Rules of Hokey nd of other informtion in this pulition. They re expeted to perform ording to the Rules. Emphsis is pled on sfety. Everyone involved in the gme must t with onsidertion for the sfety of others. Relevnt ntionl legisltion must e oserved. Plyers must ensure tht their equipment does not onstitute dnger to themselves or to others y virtue of its qulity, mterils or design. The Interntionl Hokey Federtion (FIH) does not ept responsiility for ny defets or non-ompline of filities nd is not lile for ny onsequenes resulting from their use. Any verifi tion of filities or equipment onduted efore mth is limited to ensuring n overll pperne of ompline nd sporting requirements. Umpires exerise n importnt role ontrolling the gme nd ensuring fir ply. Implementtion nd Authority The Rules of Hokey pply to ll hokey plyers nd offi ils. Ntionl Assoitions hve disretion to deide the dte of implementtion t ntionl level. The dte of implementtion for interntionl ompetition is 1 Jnury The Rules re issued y the FIH Rules Committee under the uthority of the Interntionl Hokey Federtion. Copyright is held y the Interntionl Hokey Federtion. Avilility of the Rules Informtion out the vilility of the Rules on the FIH wesite nd out the purhse of Rules ooks is inluded t the end of this pulition. 2

5 CONTENTS Introdution... 4 Terminology... 8 PLAYING THE GAME 1 Field of ply Composition of tems Cptins Plyers lothing nd equipment Mth nd result Strt nd re-strt the mth Bll outside the fi eld Method of soring Condut of ply : plyers Condut of ply : golkeepers nd plyers with golkeeping privileges Condut of ply : umpires Penlties Proedures for tking penlties Personl penlties UMPIRING 1 Ojetives Applying the rules Umpiring skills Umpiring signls FIELD AND EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS 1 Field nd fi eld equipment Stik Bll Golkeeper s equipment Additionl Informtion Aville

6 INTRODUCTION THE RULES CYCLE The Rules in this new pulition re effetive from 1 Jnury 2013 t interntionl level. Ntionl Assoitions hve disretion to deide the dte of implementtion t ntionl level. A strting dte is speifi ed ut not n end dte. We will void implementing hnges to these Rules efore the 2014 Hokey World Cups nd perhps eyond. However, in exeptionl irumstnes the Interntionl Hokey Federtion (FIH) retins the right to mke hnges whih will e notifi ed to Ntionl Assoitions nd pulished on the FIH wesite: h.h. RULES REVIEW The FIH Rules Committee regulrly reviews ll the Rules of Hokey. It tkes ount of informtion nd oservtions from wide vriety of soures inluding ntionl hokey ssoitions, plyers, ohes, offi ils, medi nd spettors together with mth nd ompetition reports, video nlysis nd Rules trils. Ides whih hve lredy een trilled with the FIH Rules Committee s pprovl in lol or limited irumstnes re espeilly vlule. Rules hnges n then e sed on prtil experiene. The fi rst, nd min, hnge referred to elow hs ome out in this wy. RULES CHANGES The wy gol is sored is mended; it now inludes wht is sometimes referred to s n own gol. Tht is, gol n now e sored fter the ll is touhed in the irle y either n ttker or defender. The detiled text is provided in Rule 8. It is desried s mndtory experimentl rule so tht it pplies t ll levels of hokey ut, euse it is signifi nt hnge, it will e monitored losely. After period of review, the FIH Rules Committee will deide whether or not it eomes permnent hnge to the Rules. The other notle hnge permits the ll to e rised intentionlly ut sfely diretly from free hit using push, fl ik or soop tion. 4

7 This is essentilly n evolution of wht is known s the self-pss from free hit. By hving the option to rise the ll immeditely, opposing plyers will not hve hd the opportunity to get loser thn fi ve metres; rised ll should e sfer. The resultnt hnges re to Rules 13.2 d nd e. As onsequene of the hnges ove, Rules 13.2.f nd g hve een deleted. Tehnil hnges hve een mde to the stik speifi tion lter in these Rules. The speifi tion hs een re-written to mke it lerer; the method of mesuring the ow or rke hs een revised. Stik mnufturers hve een wre of this intended hnge for some time so new stiks on the mrket should e fully omplint. However, we re wre tht some plyers will hve older stiks. We therefore reommend tht Ntionl Assoitions introdue this new speifi tion sympthetilly t lower levels. Otherwise, hnges in this edition of the Rules re lrifi tions of existing Rules. To drw ttention to ll hnges, even these minor points of lrifi tion, line ppers in the mrgin of ny text whih hs een hnged. PLAYING RULES IN INTERNATIONAL MATCHES One other hnge to mention is the note dded to Rule out green rd. In n interntionl mth, green rd indites temporry suspension of 2 minutes plying time wheres in ll other mthes it is wrning. The green rd hs een used this wy t interntionl level for some time. This reognises tht these mthes re plyed under the ontrol of tehnil tle, with experiened plyers nd offi - ils. Some other smll vritions in the plying Rules lso our in these top level mthes. It must e understood, however, tht they only pply in these mthes; ll other mthes must e plyed in ordne with the Rules of Hokey unless otherwise greed y the FIH Rules Committee fter sumission y Ntionl Hokey Assoition. 5

8 APPLYING THE RULES The FIH Rules Committee ontinues to e onerned tht some Rules re not pplied onsistently. Rule 7.4.: ll intentionlly plyed over the k-line y defender nd no gol is sored. If it is ler tht the tion is intentionl, umpires should not hesitte to wrd penlty orner. Rule 9.7 speifi es tht plyers must not ply the ll with ny prt of the stik when the ll is ove shoulder height. For onsisteny nd firness, shoulder height should e stritly enfored. Rule 9.12: ostrution. Umpires should penlise shielding the ll with the stik more stritly. They should lso look out for tkling plyer who y pushing or lening on n opponent uses them to lose possession of the ll. Rule 13.2.: ll sttionry t free hit. Umpires re sometimes not strit enough on requiring the ll to e sttionry, leit very riefl y, for free hit espeilly if it is tken using self-pss. RULES DEVELOPMENT We elieve our sport is enjoyle to ply, offi ite in nd wth. Nevertheless, we will ontinue to seek wys of mking our gme even more enjoyle for ll its prtiipnts while retining its unique nd ttrtive hrteristis. This enles our sport to develop whih is neessry in world whih mkes lrge demnds on personl time nd in whih reretion nd sport n ontriute to personl welleing. The FIH Rules Committee will therefore ontinue to welome suggestions for Rules developments or for lrifi tion of urrent Rules espeilly from Ntionl Hokey Assoitions. Ntionl Assoitions re n importnt primry soure of dvie nd guidne ut, if pproprite, Rules suggestions or questions n e sent y emil to info@fi h.h or to the FIH postl ddress. 6

9 MEMBERSHIP OF THE FIH RULES COMMITTEE, 2012 : Chir : Seretry : Jnet Ellis Roger We Memers : Rihrd Aggiss Jorge Alover Mrten Eikeloom Mrgret Hunnll Rmesh Ptel Rihrd Akpokvie Eri Donegni Peter Elders Mihel Kruse Alin Renud Peter von Reth 7

10 TERMINOLOGY Plyer One of the prtiipnts in tem. Tem A tem onsists of mximum of sixteen persons omposed of mximum of eleven plyers on the fi eld nd up to fi ve sustitutes. Field Plyer One of the prtiipnts on the fi eld other thn the golkeeper. Golkeeper One of the prtiipnts of eh tem on the fi eld who wers full protetive equipment omprising t lest hedger, leg gurds nd kikers nd who is lso permitted to wer golkeeping hnd protetors nd other protetive equipment. Field Plyer with Golkeeping Privileges One of the prtiipnts on the fi eld who does not wer full protetive equipment ut who hs golkeeping privileges ; this plyer wers different olour shirt to their other tem memers s identifi tion. Attk (Attker) The tem (plyer) whih (who) is trying to sore gol. Defene (Defender) The tem (plyer) whih (who) is trying to prevent gol eing sored. Bk-line The shorter (55 metres) perimeter line. Gol-line The k-line etween the gol-posts. Side-line The longer (91.40 metres) perimeter line. Cirle The re enlosed y nd inluding the two qurter irles nd the lines joining them t eh end of the fi eld opposite the entre of the k-lines. 8

11 23 metres re The re enlosed y nd inluding the line ross the fi eld metres from eh k-line, the relevnt prt of the side-lines, nd the k-line. Plying the ll : field plyer Stopping, defl eting or moving the ll with the stik. Shot t gol The tion of n ttker ttempting to sore y plying the ll towrds the gol from within the irle. The ll my miss the gol ut the tion is still shot t gol if the plyer s intention is to sore with shot direted towrds the gol. Hit Striking the ll using swinging movement of the stik towrds the ll. Push Moving the ll long the ground using pushing movement of the stik fter the stik hs een pled lose to the ll. When push is mde, oth the ll nd the hed of the stik re in ontt with the ground. Flik Pushing the ll so tht it is rised off the ground. Soop Rising the ll off the ground y pling the hed of the stik under the ll nd using lifting movement. Forehnd Plying ll whih is to the right of the plyer in forwrds diretion. Plying distne The distne within whih plyer is ple of rehing the ll to ply it. Tkle An tion to stop n opponent retining possession of the ll. Offene An tion ontrry to the Rules whih my e penlised y n umpire. 9

12 1 Field of ply PLAYING THE GAME The informtion elow provides simplified desription of the field of ply. Detiled speifitions of the field nd equipment re provided in seprte setion t the end of these Rules. 1.1 The fi eld of ply is retngulr, metres long nd metres wide. 1.2 Side-lines mrk the longer perimeters of the fi eld ; klines mrk the shorter perimeters of the fi eld. 1.3 The gol-lines re the prts of the k-lines etween the gol-posts. 1.4 A entre-line is mrked ross the middle of the fi eld. 1.5 Lines known s 23 metres lines re mrked ross the fi eld metres from eh k-line. 1.6 Ares referred to s the irles re mrked inside the fi eld round the gols nd opposite the entres of the klines. 1.7 Penlty spots 150 mm in dimeter re mrked in front of the entre of eh gol with the entre of eh spot 6.40 metres from the inner edge of the gol-line. 1.8 All lines re 75 mm wide nd re prt of the fi eld of ply. 1.9 Flg-posts etween 1.20 nd 1.50 metres in height re pled t eh orner of the fi eld Gols re positioned outside the fi eld of ply t the entre of nd touhing eh k-line. 10

13 2 Composition of tems 2.1 A mximum of eleven plyers from eh tem tke prt in ply t ny prtiulr time during the mth. If tem hs more thn the permitted numer of plyers on the fi eld, time should e stopped to orret the sitution. A personl penlty should e wrded ginst the ptin of the tem involved. Deisions tken prior to orreting the sitution nnot e hnged. Ply nd time is restrted with free hit to the opposing tem unless nother penlty hd een wrded ginst the offending tem immeditely efore time ws stopped in whih se tht penlty is tken. 2.2 Eh tem hs either golkeeper or plyer with golkeeping privileges on the fi eld or plys only with fi eld plyers. Eh tem my ply with : golkeeper wering different olour shirt nd full protetive equipment omprising t lest hedger, leg gurds nd kikers ; this plyer is referred to in these Rules s golkeeper ; or fi eld plyer with golkeeping privileges wering different olour shirt nd who my wer protetive hedger (ut not leg gurds nd kikers or other golkeeping protetive equipment) when inside their defending 23 metres re ; they must wer protetive hedger when defending penlty orner or penlty stroke ; this plyer is referred to in these Rules s plyer with golkeeping privileges ; or 11

14 only fi eld plyers ; no plyer hs golkeeping privileges or wers different olour shirt ; no plyer my wer protetive hedger exept fe msk when defending penlty orner or penlty stroke ; ll tem plyers wer the sme olour shirt. Any hnge etween these options must tke ple s sustitution. 2.3 Eh tem is permitted to sustitute from its plyers not on the fi eld of ply : sustitution is permitted t ny time exept within the period from the wrd of penlty orner until fter it hs een ompleted ; during this period sustitution is only permitted for injury to or suspension of the defending golkeeper or defending plyer with golkeeping privileges If nother penlty orner is wrded efore ompletion of the previous penlty orner, sustitution other thn for n injured or suspended defending golkeeper or defending plyer with golkeeping privileges must not tke ple until tht susequent penlty orner hs een ompleted. At penlty orner, defending golkeeper (ie wering full protetive equipment) who is injured or suspended my e sustituted y nother golkeeper wering full protetive equipment or y plyer with golkeeping privileges. At penlty orner, defending plyer with golkeeping privileges who is injured or suspended my e sustituted y nother plyer with golkeeping privileges nd not y golkeeper wering full protetive equipment. 12

15 If tem hs only fi eld plyers, no sustitution is permitted t penlty orner until it hs een ompleted. If the golkeeper or plyer with golkeeping privileges is suspended, the offending tem plys with one less plyer. there is no limit to the numer of plyers who re permitted to e sustituted t the sme time or to the numer of times ny plyer is permitted to sustitute or e sustituted sustitution of plyer is permitted only fter tht plyer hs left the fi eld d e f sustitutions re not permitted for suspended plyers during their suspension fter ompleting suspension, plyer is permitted to e sustituted without fi rst returning to the fi eld fi eld plyers must leve or enter the fi eld for sustitution purposes within 3 metres of the entre-line on side of the fi eld greed with the umpires g time is stopped for sustitution of golkeepers (ie wering full protetive equipment) ut not for other sustitutions. Time is stopped riefly to permit golkeeper who is wering full protetive equipment to tke prt in sustitution. The time stoppge is not extended for golkeeper to put on or tke off protetive equipment s prt of sustitution inluding following golkeeper injury or suspension. If neessry, ply should ontinue with plyer with golkeeping privileges nd wering different oloured shirt or only with field plyers while sustitute golkeeper puts on or tkes off protetive equipment. 13

16 2.4 Field plyers who leve the fi eld for injury tretment, refreshment, to hnge equipment or for some reson other thn sustitution re only permitted to re-enter etween the 23 metres res on the side of the fi eld used for sustitutions. Leving nd re-entering the fi eld s prt of ply (eg when defender puts on fe msk t penlty orner) tkes ple t ny pproprite prt of the fi eld. 2.5 No persons other thn fi eld plyers, plyers with golkeeping privileges, golkeepers nd umpires re permitted on the fi eld during the mth without the permission of n umpire. 2.6 Plyers on or off the fi eld re under the jurisdition of the umpires throughout the mth inluding the hlf-time intervl. 2.7 A plyer who is injured or leeding must leve the fi eld unless medil resons prevent this nd must not return until wounds hve een overed ; plyers must not wer lood stined lothing. 3 Cptins 3.1 One plyer of eh tem must e ppointed s ptin. 3.2 A replement ptin must e ppointed when ptin is suspended. 3.3 Cptins must wer distintive rm-nd or similr distinguishing rtile on n upper rm or shoulder or over the upper prt of sok. 3.4 Cptins re responsile for the ehviour of ll plyers on their tem nd for ensuring tht sustitutions of plyers on their tem re rried out orretly. 14

17 A personl penlty is wrded if ptin does not exerise these responsiilities. 4 Plyers lothing nd equipment Competition Regultions ville from the FIH provide dditionl informtion nd requirements out plyers lothing, personl equipment nd dvertising. Refer lso to regultions estlished y Continentl Federtions nd Ntionl Assoitions. 4.1 Field plyers of the sme tem must wer uniform lothing. 4.2 Plyers must not wer nything whih is dngerous to other plyers. Field plyers : re permitted to wer gloves for protetion whih do not inrese the nturl size of the hnds signifi ntly ; re reommended to wer shin, nkle nd mouth protetion ; re permitted to wer throughout mth for medil resons only smooth preferly trnsprent or white ut otherwise single oloured fe msk whih losely fi ts the fe, soft protetive hed-overing or eye protetion in the form of plsti goggles (ie goggles with soft-overed frme nd plsti lenses) ; the medil resons must e ssessed y n pproprite uthority nd the plyer onerned must understnd the possile implitions of plying with the medil ondition ; re permitted to wer smooth preferly trnsprent or white ut otherwise single oloured fe msk whih losely fi ts the fe 15

18 when defending penlty orner or penlty stroke for the durtion of tht penlty orner or penlty stroke nd when they re inside the irle they re defending ; other thn plyers with golkeeping privileges, re not permitted to wer protetive hedger (fe msk or other protetive hed overing) in ny other irumstnes. 4.3 Golkeepers nd plyers with golkeeping privileges must wer single oloured shirt or grment whih is different in olour from tht of oth tems. Golkeepers (ie wering full protetive equipment) must wer this shirt or grment over ny upper ody protetion. 4.4 Golkeepers must wer protetive equipment omprising t lest hedger, leg gurds nd kikers exept tht the hedger nd ny hnd protetors my e removed when tking penlty stroke. The following re permitted for use only y fully equipped golkeepers : ody, upper rm, elow, forerm, hnd, thigh nd knee protetors, leg gurds nd kikers. 4.5 A plyer with golkeeping privileges my wer protetive hedger when inside their defending 23 metres re ; they must wer protetive hedger when defending penlty orner or penlty stroke. Protetive hedger inorporting helmet with fi xed full-fe protetion nd over for the entire hed nd throt is reommended for golkeepers nd plyers with golkeeping privileges. 4.6 Clothing or protetive equipment whih signifi ntly inreses the nturl size of golkeeper s ody or re of protetion is not permitted. 16

19 4.7 The stik hs trditionl shpe with hndle nd urved hed whih is fl t on its left side : the stik must e smooth nd must not hve ny rough or shrp prts inlusive of ny dditionl overings used, the stik must e le to pss through ring with n interior dimeter of 51 mm d ny urvture long the length of the stik (the rke or ow) must hve ontinuous smooth profi le long the whole length, must our long the fe side or the k of the stik ut not oth nd is limited to depth of 25 mm the stik must onform with the speifi tion greed y the FIH Rules Committee. 4.8 The ll is spheril, hrd nd white (or n greed olour whih ontrsts with the plying surfe). Detiled speifi tions of the stik, ll nd golkeeper s equipment re provided in seprte setion t the end of these Rules. 5 Mth nd result 5.1 A mth onsists of two periods of 35 minutes nd hlftime intervl of 5 minutes. Other periods nd intervl my e greed y oth tems exept s speifi ed in regultions for prtiulr ompetitions. If time expires just efore n umpire would otherwise hve mde deision, umpires re permitted to mke tht deision immeditely fter the end of the fi rst period or the mth. 17

20 If n inident rises immeditely efore the end of the fi rst period (hlf) or the end of the mth whih requires review y the umpires, the review my e onduted even though time hs susequently een ompleted nd signled. The review should tke ple immeditely nd tion tken to revert to nd orret the sitution s pproprite. 5.2 The tem soring the most gols is the winner ; if no gols re sored, or if the tems sore n equl numer of gols, the mth is drwn. Informtion out extr time nd shoot-out ompetition s wys of rehing result in drwn mth is inluded in Competition Regultions ville from the FIH Offi e. 6 Strt nd re-strt the mth 6.1 A oin is tossed : the tem whih wins the toss hs the hoie of whih gol to ttk in the fi rst hlf of the mth or to strt the mth with entre pss if the tem winning the toss hooses whih gol to ttk in the fi rst hlf of the mth, the opposing tem strts the mth if the tem winning the toss hooses to strt the mth, the opposing tem hs the hoie of whih gol to ttk in the fi rst hlf of the mth. 6.2 Diretion of ply is reversed in the seond hlf of the mth. 6.3 A entre pss is tken : to strt the mth y plyer from the tem winning the toss if they hose this option ; otherwise y plyer from the opposing tem 18

21 to re-strt the mth fter hlf-time y plyer of the tem whih did not tke the entre pss to strt the mth fter gol y plyer of the tem ginst whih the gol ws sored. 6.4 Tking entre pss : d tken t the entre of the fi eld it is permitted to ply the ll in ny diretion ll plyers other thn the plyer tking the entre pss must e in the hlf of the fi eld whih inludes the gol they re defending the proedures for tking free hit pply. 6.5 A ully tkes ple to re-strt mth when time or ply hs een stopped for n injury or for ny other reson nd no penlty hs een wrded : d ully is tken lose to the lotion of the ll when ply ws stopped ut not within 15 metres of the kline nd not within 5 metres of the irle the ll is pled etween one plyer from eh tem who fe eh other with the gol they re defending to their right the two plyers strt with their stiks on the ground to the right of the ll nd then tp the fl t fes of their stiks together one just over the ll fter whih either plyer is permitted to ply the ll ll other plyers must e t lest 5 metres from the ll. 19

22 6.6 A free hit is tken y defender 15 metres in front of the entre of the gol-line to re-strt mth when penlty stroke hs een ompleted nd no gol hs een sored. 7 Bll outside the field 7.1 The ll is out of ply when it psses ompletely over the side-line or k-line. 7.2 Ply is restrted y plyer of the tem whih ws not the lst tem to touh or ply the ll efore it went out of ply. 7.3 When the ll trvels over the side-line, ply is re-strted where the ll rossed the line nd the proedures for tking free hit pply. 7.4 When the ll is plyed over the k-line nd no gol is sored : if plyed y n ttker, ply is re-strted with the ll up to 15 metres from nd in line with where it rossed the k-line nd the proedures for tking free hit pply if plyed unintentionlly y defender or defl eted y golkeeper or plyer with golkeeping privileges, ply is re-strted with the ll on the mrk 5 metres from the orner of the fi eld on the side-line nerest to where the ll rossed the k-line nd the proedures for tking free hit pply if plyed intentionlly y defender, unless defl eted y golkeeper or plyer with golkeeping privileges, ply is re-strted with penlty orner. 20

23 8 Method of soring Mndtory Experimentl Rule 8.1 A gol is sored when: the ll is plyed y n ttker, or touhes the stik or ody of defender, within the irle fter either of these tions, the ll does not trvel outside the irle efore pssing ompletely over the gol-line nd under the ross-r. 9 Condut of ply : plyers Plyers re expeted to t responsily t ll times. 9.1 A mth is plyed etween two tems with not more thn eleven plyers of eh tem on the fi eld t the sme time. 9.2 Plyers on the fi eld must hold their stik nd not use it in dngerous wy. Plyers must not lift their stik over the heds of other plyers. 9.3 Plyers must not touh, hndle or interfere with other plyers or their stiks or lothing. 9.4 Plyers must not intimidte or impede nother plyer. 9.5 Plyers must not ply the ll with the k of the stik. 9.6 Plyers must not hit the ll hrd on the forehnd with the edge of the stik. This does not prohiit use of the edge of the stik on the forehnd in ontrolled tion in tkle, when rising the ll in ontrolled wy over n 21

24 opponent s stik or over golkeeper or plyer with golkeeping privileges who is lying on the ground or when using long pushing motion long the ground. The use of the edge of the stik on the khnd hs developed s tehnil skill nd is permitted sujet to dnger. 9.7 Plyers must not ply the ll with ny prt of the stik when the ll is ove shoulder height exept tht defenders re permitted to use the stik to stop or defl et shot t gol t ny height. Defenders re lso permitted to use the stik to stop or defl et the ll t ny height if it is otherwise likely to enter the gol s result of Mndtory Experimentl Rule 8. When sving shot t gol, defender must not e penlised if their stik is not motionless or is trvelling towrds the ll while ttempting to stop or defl et the shot. Only if the ll is genuinely hit while ove shoulder height nd gol is prevented should penlty stroke e wrded. If defender ttempts to stop or defl et ll trvelling towrds the gol whih will tully miss the gol, ny use of the stik ove the shoulder must e penlised y penlty orner nd not penlty stroke. If dngerous ply results fter legitimte stop or defl etion, penlty orner must e wrded. 9.8 Plyers must not ply the ll dngerously or in wy whih leds to dngerous ply. A ll is onsidered dngerous when it uses legitimte evsive tion y plyers. 22

25 The penlty is wrded where the tion using the dnger took ple. 9.9 Plyers must not intentionlly rise the ll from hit exept for shot t gol. A rised hit must e judged expliitly on whether or not it is rised intentionlly. It is not n offene to rise the ll unintentionlly from hit, inluding free hit, nywhere on the fi eld unless it is dngerous. If the ll is rised over n opponent s stik or ody on the ground, even within the irle, it is permitted unless judged to e dngerous. Plyers re permitted to rise the ll with fl ik or soop provided it is not dngerous. A fl ik or soop towrds n opponent within 5 metres is onsidered dngerous. If n opponent is lerly running into the shot or into the ttker without ttempting to ply the ll with their stik, they should e penlised for dngerous ply Plyers must not pproh within 5 metres of n opponent reeiving flling rised ll until it hs een reeived, ontrolled nd is on the ground. The initil reeiver hs right to the ll. If it is not ler whih plyer is the initil reeiver, the plyer of the tem whih rised the ll must llow the opponent to reeive it Field plyers must not stop, kik, propel, pik up, throw or rry the ll with ny prt of their ody. It is not lwys n offene if the ll hits the foot, hnd or ody of fi eld plyer. The plyer only ommits n offene if they voluntrily use their hnd, foot or ody to ply the ll or if they position themselves with the intention of stopping the ll in this wy. 23

26 It is not n offene if the ll hits the hnd holding the stik ut would otherwise hve hit the stik Plyers must not ostrut n opponent who is ttempting to ply the ll. Plyers ostrut if they : k into n opponent physilly interfere with the stik or ody of n opponent shield the ll from legitimte tkle with their stik or ny prt of their ody. A sttionry plyer reeiving the ll is permitted to fe in ny diretion. A plyer with the ll is permitted to move off with it in ny diretion exept odily into n opponent or into position etween the ll nd n opponent who is within plying distne of the ll nd ttempting to ply it. A plyer who runs in front of or loks n opponent to stop them legitimtely plying or ttempting to ply the ll is ostruting (this is third prty or shdow ostrution). This lso pplies if n ttker runs ross or loks defenders (inluding the golkeeper or plyer with golkeeping privileges) when penlty orner is eing tken Plyers must not tkle unless in position to ply the ll without ody ontt Plyers must not intentionlly enter the gol their opponents re defending or run ehind either gol. 24

27 9.15 Plyers must not hnge their stik etween the wrd nd ompletion of penlty orner or penlty stroke unless it no longer meets the stik speifi tion Plyers must not throw ny ojet or piee of equipment onto the fi eld, t the ll, or t nother plyer, umpire or person Plyers must not dely ply to gin enefi t y time-wsting. 10 Condut of ply : golkeepers nd plyers with golkeeping privileges 10.1 A golkeeper who wers protetive equipment omprising t lest hedger, leg gurds nd kikers must not tke prt in the mth outside the 23 metres re they re defending, exept when tking penlty stroke. Protetive hedger must e worn y golkeeper t ll times, exept when tking penlty stroke A plyer with golkeeping privileges must not tke prt in the mth outside the 23 metres re they re defending when wering the protetive hedger ut my remove the hedger nd tke prt in the mth nywhere on the fi eld. Protetive hedger must e worn y plyer with golkeeping privileges when defending penlty orner or penlty stroke When the ll is inside the irle they re defending nd they hve their stik in their hnd : golkeepers wering full protetive equipment re permitted to use their stik, feet, kikers, legs or leg gurds to propel the ll nd to use their stik, feet, kikers, legs, leg gurds or ny other prt of their ody to stop the ll or defl et it in ny diretion inluding over the k-line 25

28 Golkeepers re not permitted to ondut themselves in mnner whih is dngerous to other plyers y tking dvntge of the protetive equipment they wer. plyers with golkeeping privileges re permitted to use their stik, feet nd legs to propel the ll nd to use their stik, feet, legs or ny other prt of their ody to stop the ll or defl et it in ny diretion inluding over the k-line golkeepers wering full protetive equipment nd plyers with golkeeping privileges re permitted to use rms, hnds nd ny other prt of their ody to push the ll wy. The tion in rule ove is permitted only s prt of gol sving tion or to move the ll wy from the possiility of gol soring tion y opponents. It does not permit golkeeper or plyer with golkeeping privileges to propel the ll forefully with rms, hnds or ody so tht it trvels long distne Golkeepers or plyers with golkeeping privileges must not lie on the ll When the ll is outside the irle they re defending, golkeepers or plyers with golkeeping privileges re only permitted to ply the ll with their stik. A plyer with golkeeping privileges is onsidered to e fi eld plyer when outside the irle they re defending. 11 Condut of ply : umpires 11.1 Two umpires ontrol the mth, pply the Rules nd re the judges of fir ply. 26

29 11.2 Eh umpire hs primry responsiility for deisions in one hlf of the fi eld for the durtion of the mth Eh umpire is responsile for deisions on free hits in the irle, penlty orners, penlty strokes nd gols in one hlf of the fi eld Umpires re responsile for keeping written reord of gols sored nd of wrning or suspension rds used Umpires re responsile for ensuring tht the full time is plyed nd for inditing the end of time for eh hlf nd for the ompletion of penlty orner if hlf is prolonged Umpires low the whistle to : d e f g h i j strt nd end eh hlf of the mth strt ully enfore penlty strt nd end penlty stroke indite gol re-strt the mth fter gol hs een sored re-strt the mth fter penlty stroke when gol ws not sored stop the mth for the sustitution onto or off the fi eld of fully equipped golkeeper nd to restrt the mth on ompletion of the sustitution stop the mth for ny other reson nd to re-strt it indite, when neessry, tht the ll hs pssed wholly outside the fi eld. 27

30 11.7 Umpires must not oh during mth If the ll strikes n umpire, unuthorised person or ny loose ojet on the fi eld, ply ontinues. 12 Penlties 12.1 Advntge : penlty is wrded only when plyer or tem hs een disdvntged y n opponent reking the Rules. If wrding penlty is not n dvntge to the tem whih did not rek the Rules, ply must ontinue A free hit is wrded to the opposing tem : for n offene y ny plyer etween the 23 metres res for n offene y n ttker within the 23 metres re their opponents re defending for n unintentionl offene y defender outside the irle ut within the 23 metres re they re defending A penlty orner is wrded : d for n offene y defender in the irle whih does not prevent the prole soring of gol for n intentionl offene in the irle y defender ginst n opponent who does not hve possession of the ll or n opportunity to ply the ll for n intentionl offene y defender outside the irle ut within the 23 metres re they re defending for intentionlly plying the ll over the k-line y defender 28

31 Golkeepers or plyers with golkeeping privileges re permitted to defl et the ll with their stik, protetive equipment or ny prt of their ody in ny diretion inluding over the k-line. e when the ll eomes lodged in plyer s lothing or equipment while in the irle they re defending A penlty stroke is wrded : for n offene y defender in the irle whih prevents the prole soring of gol for n intentionl offene in the irle y defender ginst n opponent who hs possession of the ll or n opportunity to ply the ll for defenders persistently rossing over the k-line efore permitted during the tking of penlty orners If there is nother offene or misondut efore the wrded penlty hs een tken : free hit my e progressed up to 10 metres A free hit to the ttk nnot e progressed to inside the irle. d more severe penlty my e wrded personl penlty my e wrded the penlty my e reversed if the susequent offene ws ommitted y the tem fi rst wrded the penlty. 13 Proedures for tking penlties 13.1 Lotion of free hit : 29

32 free hit is tken lose to where the offene ourred Close to mens within plying distne of where the offene ourred nd with no signifint dvntge gined. The lotion from whih free hit is tken must e more preise inside the 23 metres re. free hit wrded within 5 metres of the irle to the ttk is tken t the nerest point 5 metres from the irle free hit wrded to the defene within 15 metres of the k-line is tken up to 15 metres from the kline in line with the lotion of the offene, prllel to the side-line 13.2 Proedures for tking free hit, entre pss nd putting the ll k into ply fter it hs een outside the fi eld : All prts of this Rule pply s pproprite to free hit, entre pss nd putting the ll k into ply fter it hs een outside the fi eld. the ll must e sttionry opponents must e t lest 5 metres from the ll If n opponent is within 5 metres of the ll, they must not interfere with the tking of the free hit or must not ply or ttempt to ply the ll. If this plyer is not plying the ll, ttempting to ply the ll or influening ply, the free hit need not e delyed. d when free hit is wrded to the ttk within the 23 metres re, ll plyers other thn the plyer tking the free hit must e t lest 5 metres from the ll the ll is moved using hit, push, fl ik or soop 30

33 e f the ll my e rised immeditely using push, fl ik or soop ut must not e rised intentionlly using hit from free hit wrded to the ttk within the 23 metres re, the ll must not e plyed into the irle until it hs trvelled t lest 5 metres or hs een touhed y plyer of either tem other thn the plyer tking the free hit. If the plyer tking the free hit ontinues to ply the ll (ie no other plyer hs yet plyed it) : tht plyer my ply the ll ny numer of times, ut the ll must trvel t lest 5 metres, efore tht plyer plys the ll into the irle y hitting or pushing the ll gin. Alterntively : nother plyer of either tem who n legitimtely ply the ll must deflet, hit or push the ll efore it enters the irle, or fter this plyer hs touhed the ll, it n e plyed into the irle y ny other plyer inluding the plyer who took the free hit. It is permitted to ply the ll high ove the ttking irle so tht it lnds outside the irle sujet to Rules relted to dngerous ply nd tht the ll is not legitimtely plyle inside or ove the irle y nother plyer during its fl ight Tking penlty orner : the ll is pled on the k-line inside the irle t lest 10 metres from the gol-post on whihever side of the gol the ttking tem prefers 31

34 d e f n ttker pushes or hits the ll without intentionlly rising it the ttker tking the push or hit from the k-line must hve t lest one foot outside the fi eld the other ttkers must e on the fi eld, outside the irle with stiks, hnds nd feet not touhing the ground inside the irle no defender or ttker other thn the ttker tking the push or hit from the k-line is permitted to e within 5 metres of the ll when the push or hit is tken not more thn fi ve defenders, inluding the golkeeper or plyer with golkeeping privileges if there is one, must e positioned ehind the k-line with their stiks, hnds nd feet not touhing the ground inside the fi eld If the tem defending penlty orner hs hosen to ply only with field plyers, none of the defenders referred to ove hs golkeeping privileges. g h i j k the other defenders must e eyond the entre-line until the ll hs een plyed, no ttker other thn the one tking the push or hit from the k-line is permitted to enter the irle nd no defender is permitted to ross the entre-line or k-line fter plying the ll, the ttker tking the push or hit from the k-line must not ply the ll gin or pproh within plying distne of it until it hs een plyed y nother plyer gol nnot e sored until the ll hs trvelled outside the irle if the fi rst shot t gol is hit (s opposed to push, fl ik or soop), the ll must ross the gol-line, or e 32

35 on pth whih would hve resulted in it rossing the gol-line, t height of not more thn 460 mm (the height of the kord) efore ny defl etion, for gol to e sored The requirements of this Rule pply even if the ll touhes the stik or ody of defender efore the fi rst shot t gol. If the fi rst shot t gol is hit nd the ll is, or will e, too high rossing the gol-line it must e penlised even if the ll is susequently defl eted off the stik or ody of nother plyer. The ll my e higher thn 460 mm during its fl ight efore it rosses the gol-line provided there is no dnger nd provided it would drop of its own ord elow 460 mm efore rossing the line. Slp hitting the ll, whih involves long pushing or sweeping movement with the stik efore mking ontt with the ll, is regrded s hit. l for seond nd susequent hits t the gol nd for fl iks, defl etions nd soops, it is permitted to rise the ll to ny height ut this must not e dngerous A defender who is lerly running into the shot or into the tker without ttempting to ply the ll with their stik must e penlised for dngerous ply. Otherwise, if defender is within fi ve metres of the fi rst shot t gol during the tking of penlty orner nd is struk y the ll elow the knee, nother penlty orner must e wrded or is struk on or ove the knee in norml stne, the shot is judged to e dngerous nd free hit must e wrded to the defending tem. m the penlty orner Rules no longer pply if the ll trvels more thn 5 metres from the irle. 33

36 13.4 The mth is prolonged t hlf-time nd full-time to llow ompletion of penlty orner or ny susequent penlty orner or penlty stroke The penlty orner is ompleted when: gol is sored free hit is wrded to the defending tem the ll trvels more thn 5 metres outside the irle d the ll is plyed over the k-line nd penlty orner is not wrded e f g defender ommits n offene whih does not result in nother penlty orner penlty stroke is wrded ully is wrded. If ply is stopped euse of n injury or for ny other reson during the tking of penlty orner t the end of prolonged fi rst or seond hlf nd ully would otherwise e wrded, the penlty orner must e tken gin For sustitution purposes nd for ompletion of penlty orner t hlf-time nd full-time, the penlty orner is lso ompleted when the ll trvels outside the irle for the seond time For n offene during the tking of penlty orner : the plyer tking the push or hit from the k-line does not hve t lest one foot outside the fi eld : the penlty orner is tken gin for ny other offene y the plyer tking the push 34

37 or hit from the k-line : free hit is wrded to the defene defender rosses over the entre-line or k-line efore permitted : the penlty orner is tken gin d n ttker enters the irle efore permitted : the penlty orner is tken gin e for ny other offene y ttkers : free hit is wrded to the defene Tking penlty stroke : Exept s speifi ed ove, free hit, penlty orner or penlty stroke is wrded s speifi ed elsewhere in the Rules. time nd ply is stopped when penlty stroke is wrded ll plyers on the fi eld other thn the plyer tking the stroke nd the plyer defending it must stnd outside the 23 metres re nd must not infl uene the tking of the stroke the ll is pled on the penlty spot d the plyer tking the stroke must stnd ehind nd within plying distne of the ll efore eginning the stroke e f the plyer defending the stroke must stnd with oth feet on the gol-line nd must not leve the gol-line or move either foot until the ll hs een plyed if the plyer defending the stroke is golkeeper or plyer with golkeeping privileges, they must wer protetive hedger ; if the plyer defending the stroke is otherwise tking prt in the gme s fi eld 35

38 plyer, they my wer only fe msk s protetive equipment If the tem defending penlty stroke hs hosen to ply only with fi eld plyers nd not to use sustitute golkeeper or plyer with golkeeping privileges to defend the penlty stroke, the defender my only use their stik to mke sve. g h the whistle is lown when the plyer tking the stroke nd the plyer defending it re in position the plyer tking the stroke must not tke it until the whistle hs een lown The plyer tking the stroke or the plyer defending it must not dely the tking of the stroke. i j the plyer tking the stroke must not feint t plying the ll the plyer tking the stroke must push, fl ik or soop the ll nd is permitted to rise it to ny height Using drgging tion to ply the ll t penlty stroke is not permitted. k the plyer tking the stroke must ply the ll only one nd must not susequently pproh either the ll or the plyer defending the stroke The penlty stroke is ompleted when : gol is sored the ll omes to rest inside the irle, lodges in the golkeeper s equipment, is ught y the golkeeper or plyer with golkeeping privileges, or goes outside the irle For n offene during the tking of penlty stroke : 36

39 the stroke is tken efore the whistle is lown nd gol is sored : the penlty stroke is tken gin the stroke is tken efore the whistle is lown nd gol is not sored : free hit is wrded to the defene for ny other offene y the plyer tking the stroke : free hit is wrded to the defene d for ny offene y the plyer defending the stroke inluding moving either foot efore the ll hs een plyed : the penlty stroke is tken gin If the plyer defending the stroke prevents gol eing sored ut moves either foot efore the ll hs een plyed, this plyer must e wrned (green rd) nd for ny susequent offene must e suspended (yellow rd). If gol is sored even though there hs een n offene y the plyer defending the stroke, the gol is wrded. e f for n offene y plyer of the defending tem nd gol is not sored : the penlty stroke is tken gin for n offene y plyer of the ttking tem other thn the plyer tking the stroke nd gol is sored : the penlty stroke is tken gin. 14 Personl penlties 14.1 For ny offene, the offending plyer my e : utioned (indited y spoken words) wrned (indited y green rd) 37

40 At n interntionl mth, green rd indites temporry suspension of 2 minutes of plying time. temporrily suspended for minimum of 5 minutes of plying time (indited y yellow rd) For the durtion of eh temporry suspension of plyer on or off the fi eld, the offending tem plys with one less plyer. d permnently suspended from the urrent mth (indited y red rd). For eh permnent suspension, the offending tem plys for the reminder of the mth with one less plyer. A personl penlty my e wrded in ddition to the pproprite penlty Temporrily suspended plyers must remin in designted ple until permitted y the umpire who suspended them to resume ply Temporrily suspended plyers re permitted to rejoin their tem t hlf-time fter whih they must return to designted ple to omplete their suspension The intended durtion of temporry suspension my e extended for misondut y plyer while suspended Permnently suspended plyers must leve the fi eld nd its surrounding re. 38

41 UMPIRING 1 Ojetives 1.1 Umpiring hokey is hllenging ut rewrding wy to prtiipte in the gme. 1.2 Umpires ontriute to the gme y : helping to rise the stndrd of the gme t ll levels y ensuring tht plyers oserve the Rules ensuring tht every gme is plyed in the right spirit helping to inrese the enjoyment of the gme for plyers, spettors, nd others. 1.3 These ojetives n e hieved y umpires eing : onsistent : umpires mintin the respet of plyers y eing onsistent fir : deisions must e mde with sense of justie nd integrity prepred : no mtter how long n umpire hs een offi iting, it is importnt to prepre thoroughly for every mth d foused : onentrtion must e mintined t ll times ; nothing must e llowed to distrt n umpire e f g pprohle : good understnding of the Rules must e omined with good rpport with the plyers etter : umpires must im to eome even etter with eh nd every mth nturl : n umpire must e themselves, nd not imitte nother person, t ll times. 39

42 1.4 Umpires must : hve thorough knowledge of the Rules of Hokey ut rememer tht the spirit of the Rule nd ommon sense must govern interprettion support nd enourge skilful ply, del promptly nd fi rmly with offenes nd pply the pproprite penlties d e estlish ontrol nd mintin it throughout the mth use ll the ville tools for ontrol pply the dvntge Rule s muh s possile to ssist fl owing nd open mth ut without losing ontrol. 2 Applying the rules 2.1 Proteting skilful ply nd penlising offenes : the reltive seriousness of n offene must e identifi ed nd serious offenes suh s dngerous or rough ply delt with erly nd fi rmly in mth intentionl offenes must e penlised fi rmly umpires must demonstrte tht if plyers o-operte, skilful ply will e proteted nd the mth will e interrupted only when essentil for its proper ondut. 2.2 Advntge : it is not neessry for every offene to e penlised when no enefi t is gined y the offender ; unneessry interruptions to the fl ow of the mth use undue dely nd irrittion when the Rules hve een roken, n umpire must 40

43 pply dvntge if this is the most severe penlty d e possession of the ll does not utomtilly men there is n dvntge ; for dvntge to pply, the plyer/tem with the ll must e le to develop their ply hving deided to ply dvntge, seond opportunity must not e given y reverting to the originl penlty it is importnt to ntiipte the fl ow of the mth, to look eyond the tion of the moment nd to e wre of potentil developments in the mth. 2.3 Control : deisions must e mde promptly, positively, lerly nd onsistently strit tion erly in mth will usully disourge repetition of n offene it is not eptle for plyers to use opponents, umpires or other tehnil offi ils verlly or through ody lnguge nd ttitude. Umpires must del fi rmly with use of this sort nd in pproprite irumstnes issue ution, wrning (green rd), or temporry (yellow rd) or permnent (red rd) suspension. Cutions, wrnings nd suspensions n e given in isoltion or in omintion with nother penlty d utions n e given to plyers in lose proximity without stopping the mth e it is possile, lthough umpires re not enourged to do so, for plyer to reeive two green or two yellow rds for different minor offenes during the sme mth. However, when n offene for whih rd hs lredy een wrded is repeted, the sme rd must not e used gin nd more severe penlty must e wrded 41

44 f g h when seond yellow rd is wrded, the period of suspension must e signifi ntly longer thn the fi rst suspension there must e ler differene etween the durtion of yellow rd suspension for minor offene nd the durtion for more serious nd/or physil offene when plyer intentionlly misehves in serious mnner towrds nother plyer, umpire or other mth offi il the red rd must e shown immeditely. 2.4 Penlties : wide rnge of penlties is ville two penlties n e used together to del with d or persistent offenes. 3 Umpiring skills 3.1 The min umpiring skill res re : d e mth preprtion o-opertion moility nd positioning whistling signlling. 3.2 Mth preprtion : umpires must prepre thoroughly for eh mth y rriving t the fi eld in good time efore the mth ommenes, oth umpires must 42

45 hek the fi eld mrkings, the gols nd the nets nd hek for ny dngerous plying equipment or fi eld equipment the two umpires must wer similr olours to one nother, ut different from those of oth tems d e f lothing pproprite to the onditions must e worn footwer must suit fi eld onditions nd ssist moility umpiring equipment inludes opy of the urrent Rules ook, loud nd distintive whistle, stop wth, oloured rds to indite personl penlties nd mterils to reord mth detils. 3.3 Co-opertion : good tem-work nd o-opertion etween umpires is essentil prior to mth, umpires must disuss nd gree how they re going to work together to ssist eh other. Eye ontt etween umpires must e prtised nd mintined umpires must tke responsiility nd e prepred to ssist when their ollegue is unsighted or hs diffi ulty seeing ertin prts of the fi eld. If neessry nd if moility is good, umpires must e prepred to ross the entre-line nd go s fr s pproprite into ollegue s hlf of the fi eld to ssist. This helps to ressure plyers tht deisions re orret d written reord of gols sored nd rds issued must e kept y oth umpires nd onfi rmed t the end of the mth. 43

46 3.4 Moility nd positioning : d e f g h i j k umpires must e moile so they n move to pproprite positions throughout the mth. stti umpires nnot view ply lerly enough to mke orret deisions t ll times fi t, moile nd well positioned umpires re etter le to onentrte on the fl ow of the mth nd on the deisions whih need to e mde eh umpire opertes minly in hlf of the fi eld with the entre line to their left in generl, the most suitle position for umpires is hed of nd on the right of the ttking tem for ply etween the entre-line nd 23 metres re, umpires must e positioned ner their side-line when ply is in the 23 metres re or irle, umpires must move further into the fi eld wy from the sidelines nd, when neessry, into the irle itself to see importnt offenes nd to judge whether shots t gol re legitimte for penlty orners nd fter the ll hs gone outside the fi eld, umpires must tke up position whih gives ler view of ll potentil tion for penlty strokes, umpires must tke up position ehind nd to the right of the plyer tking the stroke umpires must not llow their positioning to interfere with the fl ow of ply umpires must fe the plyers ll the time. 44

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