South Orange County Community College District

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1 South Orange County Community Coege District IRVINE VALLEY COLLEGE Institutiona Effectiveness Annua Report Genn R. Roquemore, Ph.D. President Presented To: Raghu P. Mathur, Ed.D. Chanceor South Orange County Community Coege District Board of Trustees South Orange County Community Coege District December 2008


3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Since 1985, Irvine Vaey Coege (IVC) has been improving the quaity of ife for residents of southern Orange County. More than 14,000 students are enroed in IVC s day, evening, and onine programs. With the highest transfer rate in the county and the third highest transfer rate in the state, IVC prides itsef on exceence. To ensure continued distinction, the coege fosters and encourages a cuture of panning and assessment in which institutiona refection and action are prompted and supported by data about student earning and institutiona performance. The anaysis of this data, which incudes an examination of past performance as we as an identification of areas for improvement and growth, constitute the heart of this Institutiona Effectiveness Annua Report. The primary purposes of the Institutiona Effectiveness Report are to inform Irvine Vaey Coege s instructiona and student services programs, and support the deveopment of initiatives designed to promote student success. The resuts from this evauation, aong with program reviews and assessments of student earning outcomes, assist the coege in achieving those fundamenta purposes. The report is divided into five major areas reated to the coege s mission, functions, and resources. These areas incude: (1) Student Learning and Achievement; (2) Student Outreach and Responsiveness to the Community; (3) Facuty and Staff; (4) Appications of Technoogy; and (5) Faciity and Fisca Support. Whie a detaied anaysis defines the content of the document, the summary findings are noted beow: Institutiona Effectiveness in the Area of Student Learning and Achievement IVC has maintained high overa course success rates and exceptionay high success rates in weekend courses; however, the course success rates in onine education ag behind the overa course success rates. Students progression from basic skis Engish courses into coege eve Engish is high. The annua transfer rates to UC and CSU have remained stabe; in fact, IVC has consistenty exceeded its expected transfer rates. The number of degrees and certificates awarded annuay, however, has decined over the ast five years. In terms of state Accountabiity Reporting for the Community Coeges (ARCC) performance measures, IVC has fared we, surpassing its peer group average for four out of the seven measures and reaching the highest within its peer group for student progress and achievement rate and the improvement rate for credit basic skis courses. Institutiona Effectiveness in the Area of Student Outreach and Responsiveness to the Community Over the past five years, the coege has made progress in enhancing student access. The coege has created new instructiona options through its onine and hybrid offerings as we as diversified Emeritus Institute courses. The data indicates that IVC is becoming increasingy the coege of choice for many of its oca high schoo graduates. IVC has been successfu in deveoping and maintaining a student body that refects the diversity of the coege s service area in terms of ethnicity. Institutiona Effectiveness in the Area of Facuty and Staff The tota number of permanent empoyees has grown steadiy over the past five years. The number of permanent cassified empoyees has experienced the greatest growth, whie the number of administrators and managers has remained somewhat stabe. The number of permanent facuty has fuctuated.

4 Institutiona Effectiveness in the Area of Appications of Technoogy IVC and the District have made significant progress in the depoyment of various technoogies in support of instruction, services, and overa operations. Since the coege has received over $4.5 miion from basic aid funding for technoogy infrastructure and projects. As a resut, the tota number of computers on campus has increased by 20%. The coege staff who provides oca server maintenance has remained stabe as has the staff who provides user support. Institutiona Effectiveness in the Area of Faciity and Fisca Support The coege is committed to maintaining a physica environment that provides the best possibe conditions for teaching and earning, and this commitment is apparent in its increase in instructiona square footage and the annua expenditures for maintenance.

5 Tabe of Contents Student Learning and Achievement... 1 Student Outreach and Responsiveness to the Community Facuty and Staff Appications of technoogy Faciity and Fisca support... 27


7 CHAPTER I Student Learning and Achievement Tracking and evauating the academic success of students is the primary focus of this institutiona effectiveness report. Successfu Course Competion Rates Successfu course competion is important for students progression through the sequence of courses they need to meet their educationa goas. The percentage of successfu grades (A, B, C, or CR) remained fairy stabe at 71% over the five-year period (see Figure I. 1). Figure I. 1 Overa Annua Successfu Course Competion Rates 75% 70% 70.7% 71.2% 70.7% 71.6% 71.0% 65% 60% The course success rates in Basic Skis Engish have fuctuated over the ast five years (see Figure 1.2) from a ow of 49.21% in to a high of 65.8% for In response to a decine of 6.1% in (from 60.2% in to 54.1% in ), the Engish department instituted a series of changes to address success rates in the Basic Skis casses ( ). The primary changes incude 1) adding Basic Skis workshops for facuty teaching courses in Basic Skis Engish, 2) revising the curricuum so that students take compementary casses in the writing center (instituting a co-requisite), 3) increasing the number of required hours in the writing center, and 4) instituting mandatory conferences for course credit for the writing center. The Engish department is aso coecting data and conducting severa studies to measure student success in ~ 1

8 IRVINE VALLEY COLLEGE Institutiona Effectiveness Basic Skis Engish courses. The areas being studied are appropriate pacement, programmatic factors that affect student success, and aignment of the course sequence. The data indicates a success rate of 65.8%, an increase of 11.7% over (54.1%), an increase attributabe, it is hoped, to the changes instituted during the schoo year. 65% 60% 55% 50% Figure I. 2 Annua Successfu Course Competion Rates in Basic Skis Engish Casses 65.8% 60.9% 60.2% 49.2% 54.1% Basic skis math success rates have increased substantiay over the first four years, but have faen sighty in the ast year (see Figure I.3). This sight decrease coud be simpy a natura fuctuation or a resut of the statistica methods used to anayze the data. It coud aso be a refection of the remova of the supervision of the Math Tutoria Center from the mathematics department that resuted in a major decrease in the number of students seeking suppementa instruction at the center. Irvine Vaey Coege recognizes the need for focused support in assisting students in basic skis math courses. Through the Coege s strategic panning efforts and the Basic Skis Initiative, the coege has dedicated resources to improve support in this area. The coege has returned supervision of the Math Tutoria Center to the mathematics department. The coege has aso estabished the mathematics tutor-training program, increasing both the number of trained tutors and the avaiabe hours for assistance. The mathematics department is seeking funding to return the eve of services in the Math Tutoria Center to what it was prior to Spring 2007, which incuded staffing the Center not ony with tutors but aso with discipine experts. In addition, in fa 2008 the mathematics department began offering a sequence of eight arithmetic modues to hep students master their basic skis. New modes of co-requisite, zero-unit courses for basic skis and deveopmenta mathematics courses are being deveoped as part of the mathematics department s master pan to provide a sustainabe earning center for assisting students in need of additiona hep outside the cassroom. Figure I. 3 Annua Successfu Course Competion Rates in Basic Skis Math Casses 60% 55% 50% 48.2% 52.4% 56.9% 58.5% 55.9% 45% ~

9 STUDENT LEARNING AND ACHIEVEMENT The coege has made a commitment to providing instruction in aternative deivery modes to meet the educationa needs of students. Weekend courses have the highest rates of successfu competion, exceeding the rates of any other type of courses (see Figure I. 4). Short term courses have a 71% success rate simiar to the overa coege success rate (see Figure I. 5). Distance education courses continue to have success rates ower than the coege wide rates or other aternative deivery modes (see Figure I. 6). Figure I. 4 Annua Successfu Course Competion Rates in Weekend Courses 85% 80% 74.5% 78.8% 79.4% 78.2% 83.2% 75% 70% Figure I. 5 Annua Successfu Course Competion Rates in Eight-week Courses 80% 75% 70% 65% 70.1% 69.8% 68.1% 72.5% 71.5% Figure I. 6 Annua Successfu Course Competion Rates in Distance Education Courses 70% 65% 60% 55% 63.0% 63.6% 61.4% 64.1% 60.1% ~ 3

10 IRVINE VALLEY COLLEGE Institutiona Effectiveness Progression from Basic Skis to Coege Leve Courses Basic Skis courses are defined as courses that are two or more eves beow coege eve Engish or Math courses. Students enroed in any basic skis Engish or Math courses in three consecutive fa semester cohorts were each tracked over a three-year period to determine the extent to which students progress into coege eve Engish or Math and compete with a grade of C/CR or better. Over five years the average rate for students who moved from a basic skis Engish to a coege eve Engish cass was 73%. For students who started in basic skis Math and succeed at a coege eve Math course the average rate over five years was 45%. Since the graduation requirements for an associates degrees incude a coege eve Engish course but ony a pre-coegiate eve Math course, the ower average rate of competion of a coege eve Math course is expected. (See Tabe I.1) Tabe I. 1 Progression from Basic Skis to Coege Leve Engish or Math Courses number N number Competing Coege ENGLISH in Cohort Leve Engish in 3 Years Rate Fa % Fa % Fa % Fa % Fa % number N number Competing Coege MATH in Cohort Leve Math in 3 Years Rate Fa % Fa % Fa % Fa % Fa % 4 ~

11 STUDENT LEARNING AND ACHIEVEMENT Matricuation and Persistence Rate for First-time Coege Students Years Od Persistence through the first academic year into the second year is an important step in subsequent achievement of educationa goas, particuary for degree competion and transfer. First-time coege students, years od, who have competed matricuation orientation, assessment and advisement sessions were tracked to determine whether they persisted into the next academic year. Over the five years, the average persistence rate for the cohorts was 60% (see Tabe I. 2). Tabe I. 2 Matricuation and Persistence Rate for First-time Coege Students first-time P persisted Cohort Coege to Start Did Not Competed Foowing % Term Year Od Matricuate Matricuation Fa Term Persisted Fa % Fa % Fa % Fa % Fa % Degrees and Certificates Awarded The number of degrees awarded annuay has decined over the ast five years from a high of 510 in to 354 in Certificates awarded have fuctuated from a high of 107 in to a ow of 71 in (see Figure 1. 7). Irvine Vaey Coege is monitoring the number of degrees and certificates awarded as part of the strategic panning process. A factor that may have contributed to the decrease in degrees awarded reated to the change in associate degree requirements set forth by the CCC System s Office. The System s Office recenty approved associate degrees with broady defined areas of emphasis which may resuts in an increase in degrees awarded in The coege is aso reviewing the Career Technica Education certificates to ensure that the certificates currenty offered are we-aigned with industry needs and are offered in a timey manner. The Career Technica Education fieds have increased their reiance on certificate advisory boards and conduct program review every two years to ensure reevancy, fu enroment, and competion of certificates. Figure I. 7 Degrees and Certificates Awarded # Degrees (AA/AS) # Certificates ~ 5

12 IRVINE VALLEY COLLEGE Institutiona Effectiveness Annua Voume of Transfers & State Derived Transfer Rates The number of annua transfers to both UC and CSU campuses has fuctuated over the past five years. The number of annua transfer to CSU campuses reached a high in at 445 students; the average rate for the five year period is amost 400 transfers a year. The number of annua transfers to a UC campus has been stabe at around 215 students a year (see Figure I. 8). Figure I. 8 Annua Transfers to UC and CSU Campuses UC CSU The foowing schoos account for the majority of IVC s transfers to a UC or CSU campus: CSU Fuerton, UC Irvine, CSU Long Beach, UCLA, and CSU Pomona (see Tabe I. 3). Tabe I. 3 Top Number of IVC Student Transfers to UC or CSU Caifornia State University, Fuerton University of Caifornia, Irvine Caifornia State University, Long Beach University of Caifornia, Los Angees Caifornia State Poytechnic University, Pomona San Diego State University University of Caifornia, Berkeey University of Caifornia, San Diego University of Caifornia, Riverside San Francisco State University Caifornia State University, San Marcos University of Caifornia, Santa Cruz Source: CPEC 6 ~

13 STUDENT LEARNING AND ACHIEVEMENT Many community coege students transfer to private four-year institutions. Over the ast two years the Caifornia Community Coege (CCC) System Office has produced a report that totas the number of students who have transferred to private institutions (see Tabe 1.4). Over the ast two years the in-state private institutions that received the argest number of transfers from IVC are University of Phoenix, Chapman University, the University of Southern Caifornia and Concordia University. Tabe I. 4 Irvine Vaey Coege Tota Transfer to In-state Private and Out of State Private Institutions Tota Transfer to Private Institutions Source: CCCCO ResearchandPanning/ResearchReports/tabid/299/Defaut.aspx Transfer rates are aso an important measure of institutiona effectiveness. As opposed to annua numbers, transfer rates are a more defined measure of actua transfers of a particuar group/cohort of students. The CCC System Office has deveoped a methodoogy for cacuating transfer rates that has been widey recognized and accepted statewide as one of the best approaches for cacuating expected and actua transfer rates. The methodoogy tracks cohorts of first-time coege freshmen who competed a minimum of 12 units and enroed in a transfer eve Math or Engish course during enroment (transfer oriented first-time freshmen). Each cohort is tracked for subsequent transfer to a four-year institution within six years, incuding UC, CSU, private Caifornia and out-of-state coeges and universities. Over 55% of transfer oriented first-time coege freshmen who started at IVC in transferred within six years. IVC s actua transfer rates have been consistenty higher than its expected transfer rates (see Figure I. 9). Expected transfer rates are cacuated taking into account factors outside the contro of the coege such as percentage of students 25 years or oder (the arger the percentage of students 25 or oder, the ower the expected transfer rate) and the Bacheor of Arts/Sciences Pus Index. The index represents the bacheor degree attainment of the popuation, 25 years or oder, in a coege s service area. This index combines the enroment patterns of students by ZIP code of residence with educationa data for ZCTA (ZIP Census Tabuation Area) codes that the CCC System s Office staff obtained from Census The higher the index, the higher is the expected transfer rate. 70% Figure I. 9 Expected and Actua Transfer Rates 60% 50% 40% 55.64% 48.47% cohort foowed through % 56.44% 55.55% 49.13% cohort foowed through % cohort foowed through Expected Actua 47.34% cohort foowed through ~ 7

14 IRVINE VALLEY COLLEGE Institutiona Effectiveness Accountabiity Reporting for Community Coeges (ARCC) Indicators In 2004, Assemby Bi 1417 triggered the creation of a performance measurement system for the Caifornia Community Coeges. That egisation and ensuing budget action authorized the CCC System Office to design and impement a performance measurement system that contained performance indicators for the system and its coeges. The information in this section presents the 2008 ARCC performance indicators for IVC. ARCC Student Progress and Achievement Rate This rate represents the percentage of first-time students within a given academic year who showed intent to compete and who achieved any of the foowing outcomes within six years: 1) transferred to a four-year institution 2) earned an AA/AS degree 3) earned a certificate (18 units or more) or 4) achieved Transfer Directed or Transfer Prepared status. Sixty-six percent of such IVC first-time students achieve at east one of the stated outcomes (see Figure I. 10). Figure I. 10 ARCC Student Progress and Achievement Rates 70% 65% 60% 66.9% 65.4% 65.6% 55% to to to ARCC Percentage of Students who Earned at Least 30 Units This measure represents the percentage of first-time students who started at IVC within a given academic year, showed intent to compete and earned at east 30 units within six years whie in the Caifornia Community Coege System. This measure recognizes that many students take courses to improve specific skis or attaining knowedge in certain areas without achieving a degree or transferring. It is aso a measure of persistence within the system. Seventy percent of first time students who start at IVC earn at east 30 units within six years (see Figure I. 11). 75% 70% 65% Figure I. 11 ARCC Percentage of Students who Earned at Least 30 Units 69.4% 70.6% 69.2% 60% to to to ~

15 STUDENT LEARNING AND ACHIEVEMENT ARCC Persistence Rate This measure represents the percentage of first-time students at IVC with a minimum of six units earned in a fa term and who returned and enroed in the subsequent fa term anywhere in the system. The persistence rate of such students has averaged around 69% over the three years (see Figure 1. 12). 75% 70% 65% 60% 67.4% Figure I. 12 ARCC Persistence Rate 70.0% 68.7% Fa 2003 to Fa 2004 Fa 2004 to Fa 2005 Fa 2005 to Fa 2006 ARCC Annua Successfu Course Competion Rate for Credit Vocationa Courses The cohort for vocationa course competion rate consisted of students enroed in credit vocationa courses courses in the academic year of interest. Vocationa courses were defined via their SAM (Student Accountabiity Mode) codes. SAM codes A, B, and C indicate courses that are ceary occupationa. Success was defined as having been retained to the end of the term (or end of the course) with a fina grade of A, B, C, or CR. The average successfu course competion rate over the ast three years was 75% (see Figure I. 13). 80% 75% 70% 65% Figure I. 13 ARCC Annua Successfu Course Competion Rate for Credit Vocationa Courses 77.1% 74.5% 73.3% ~ 9

16 IRVINE VALLEY COLLEGE Institutiona Effectiveness ARCC Annua Successfu Course Competion Rate for Credit Basic Skis Courses The cohort for basic skis course competion rate consisted of students enroed in credit basic skis courses in the academic year of interest. Basic skis courses were those having a course designation of P (pre-coegiate basic skis) or B (basic skis, but not precoegiate basic skis). Success was defined as having been retained to the end of the term (or end of the course) with a fina grade of A, B, C, or CR. The average successfu course competion rate for credit basic skis courses over the ast three years was 72% (see Figure I. 14). 80% 75% 70% 65% Figure I. 14 ARCC Annua Successfu Course Competion Rate for Credit Basic Skis Courses 71.0% 72.7% 72.3% ARCC Improvement Rate for ESL The ESL improvement rate cohorts consisted of students enroed in credit ESL courses who successfuy competed the initia course. The cohorts incude ony those students who started at two or more eves beow coege/transfer eve. Taxonomy of Programs (TOP) codes were used to identify ESL courses. Success was defined as having been retained to the end of the term (or end of the course) with a fina grade of A, B, C, or CR. Students who successfuy competed the initia ESL course were then foowed across three academic years (incuding the year and term of the initia course). The outcome of interest was the group of students who successfuy competed a higher eve ESL course or coege eve Engish course within three academic years of competing the first ESL course. The average rate over the ast three years was approximatey 23% (see Figure I. 15). 30% 25% 20% 15% Figure I. 15 ARCC Improvement Rate for ESL 20.8% 23.5% 23.3% ~

17 STUDENT LEARNING AND ACHIEVEMENT ARCC Improvement Rate for Credit Basic Skis The basic skis improvement rate cohorts consisted of students enroed in credit basic skis Engish or Mathematics courses who successfuy competed their initia course. The cohorts incude ony those students who started at two or more eves beow coege/transfer eve. Taxonomy of Programs (TOP) codes were used to identify Math and Engish courses. Basic skis courses were those having a course designation of P (pre-coegiate basic skis) or B (basic skis, but not pre-coegiate basic skis). Success was defined as having been retained to the end of the term (or end of the course) with a fina grade of A, B, C, or CR. Students who successfuy competed the initia basic skis course were then foowed across three academic years (incuding the year and term of the initia course). The outcome of interest consisted of the group of students who successfuy competed a higher eve course in the same discipine within three academic years of competing their first basic skis course. The average rate over the ast three years was approximatey 60% (see Figure I. 16). 65% 60% 55% 50% Figure I. 16 ARCC Improvement Rate for Credit Basic Skis 57.5% 63.0% 58.7% ARCC Peer Grouping The ARCC report aso incudes a peer grouping approach. The purpose of peer grouping is to compement the other ARCC sources of information about coege eve performance by giving decision makers a way to compare each coege s performance with the performances of other ike coeges on each seected performance indicator (each ARCC outcome measure) in a fair and vaid manner. The composition of each peer group resuted ony from statistica anaysis of the avaiabe uncontroabe factors reated to each outcome. Therefore, the peer groupings may ist some coeges as peers when we customariy woud consider them as quite dissimiar. ~ 11

18 IRVINE VALLEY COLLEGE Institutiona Effectiveness Four of Irvine Vaey Coege s seven ARCC performance indicators exceed the average of corresponding peer groups (see Tabe I. 5). Irvine Vaey Coege has the highest rate within its peer group for the student progress and achievement rate as we as the improvement rate for credit basic skis courses. ARCC Indicator Student Progress and Achievement Rate Percentage of Students who Earned at Least 30 units IVC s Rate Tabe I. 5 ARCC Peer Grouping Peer Group Average Peer Group Low Peer Group High Peer Group Aameda; Berkeey City Coege; Cabrio; Foothi; Irvine Vaey; Laney; Marin; MiraCosta; Ohone; Saddeback; San Diego Miramar; San Francisco City; San Mateo; West Vaey Aameda; Aan Hancock; Barstow; Berkeey City Coege; Cerro Coso; Coumbia; Contra Costa; Cosumnes River; Cuyamaca; Desert; Evergreen Vaey; Gavian; Goden West; Hartne; Irvine Vaey; LA Harbor; Laney; Las Positas; Lassen; Los Medanos; Mendocino; Merritt; Mission; Monterey; Napa Vaey; Ohone; San Diego City; San Diego Miramar; San Jose City; Santiago Canyon; Siskiyous; Skyine; Soano; Ventura; West L.A. Persistence Rate Canada; Evergreen Vaey; Foothi; Irvine Vaey; Las Positas; Marin; Mission; Ohone; Saddeback; San Jose City; San Mateo; West Vaey Annua Successfu Course Competion Rate for Credit Vocationa Courses Annua Successfu Course Competion Rate for Credit Basic Skis Courses Improvement Rate for Credit Basic Skis Courses Improvement Rate for Credit ESL Course Aan Hancock; Barstow; Berkeey City Coege; Canada; Cerro Coso; Coastine; Coumbia; Compton; Contra Costa; Cuyamaca; Feather River; Fosom Lake; Gendae; Irvine Vaey; LA City; Lake Tahoe; Laney; Marin; Mendocino; Merced; Merritt; Mission; Monterey; Napa Vaey; Saddeback; Santa Rosa; Southwest L.A.; West L.A.; West Vaey Canada; De Anza; Diabo Vaey; Foothi; Irvine Vaey; Marin; Ohone; Saddeback; San Mateo; West Vaey Aameda; Aan Hancock; Berkeey City Coege; Cabrio; Foothi; Coastine; Contra Costa; Cuesta; Cuyamaca; Irvine Vaey; Laney; Los Medanos; Merritt; Napa Vaey; San Diego Miramar; Santa Barbara City; Soano Aameda; Berkeey City Coege; Cabrio; Canada; Coastine; Cuesta; Irvine Vaey; Laney; Las Positas; Lassen; Marin; Merritt; Mira Costa; Mission; Monterey; Moorpark; Ohone; San Diego Miramar; San Jose City; San Mateo; Santa Barbara City; Skyine; West Vaey 12 ~

19 CHAPTER II Student Outreach and Responsiveness to the Community In order to meet the needs of an increasingy diverse popuation, Irvine Vaey Coege is faced with the chaenge of ensuring access to a students who can benefit from its courses and programs. The changing student popuation aso requires high quaity instruction and support services responsive to the needs of a students, regardess of ethnicity, anguage skis, socioeconomic background, or disabiity. Annua Fu-Time Equivaent Students (FTES) The coege has steadiy increased in FTES and has made significant increases in onine and hybrid (50% or more onine) FTES. In , the onine and hybrid FTES was 11.2% of a FTES, the highest percentage in the ast five years (see Figure II. 1). Figure II.2 iustrates the absoute numbers of on-ine and hybrid FTES. Figure II. 1 FTES and Percentage Onine/Hybrid FTES 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 7,744 7,421 7,742 7, % 6.9% 6.5% 8.0% 8, % 15% 10% 5% % Tota % Onine/Hybrid Figure II. 2 Annua Onine/Hybrid FTES 1, ~ 13

20 IRVINE VALLEY COLLEGE Institutiona Effectiveness Appicant and Enroment Rates An appicant is defined as 1) a student who has never attended coege 2) a student who has attended coege but not IVC (new transfer) or 3) a student who is returning to IVC after stopping out for at east one semester. Enroment rate is defined as the percentage of students who enroed in at east one cass over the tota number of appicants. The number of appicants has greaty increased in the ast two years. The enroment rate has faen this past fa but averages around 64% over ast five years (see Figure II. 3). Figure II. 3 Fa Appicants and Enroment Rates 9,000 7,000 5, % 6, % 5, % 6, % 7,250 8, % 70% 65% 60% 3,000 55% 0 Fa 2003 Fa 2004 Fa 2005 Fa 2006 Fa 2007 Appicants % Enroed 0% Student Headcount Student headcount is defined as the undupicated count of students enroed at the coege at the census date of the semester. In Fa 2004 IVC experienced a decrease in headcount. Over the past four years headcount has steadiy increased to neary the numbers of Fa (see Figure II. 4). Figure II. 4 Student Headcount 14,000 13,500 13,000 12,500 13,610 12,917 12,844 13,022 13,562 12,000 Fa 2003 Fa 2004 Fa 2005 Fa 2006 Fa ~

21 STUDENT OUTREACH AND RESPONSIVENESS TO THE COMMUNITY Fu-Time Student Headcount The number of fu-time students (enroed in at 12 units or more) has steadiy increased over the ast five years, reaching a high in Fa Overa, fu-time students represent 13.5% of the tota student headcount (see Figure II. 5). Figure II. 5 Fu-Time Student Headcount 2,500 2,000 1, % 13.1% 13.0% 1,604 1,698 1, % 1, % 2,134 20% 15% 10% 1,000 5% 0 Fa 2003 Fa 2004 Fa 2005 Fa 2006 Fa % Fu-Time Sudent Headcount % of a students Emeritus Institute Headcount The number of students enroed in one or more Emeritus Institute courses has grown in both absoute numbers and as a percentage of the tota student headcount. This past fa saw the argest number of students enroed in Emeritus casses (see Figure II. 6). Figure II. 6 Emeritus Institute Headcount 3,500 3,000 2,500 2, % 19.0% 15.7% 2,721 2,450 2, % 2, % 3,113 25% 20% 15% 10% 0 Fa 2003 Fa 2004 Fa 2005 Fa 2006 Fa % Emeritus Institute Headcount % of a students ~ 15

22 IRVINE VALLEY COLLEGE Institutiona Effectiveness High Schoos Students Attending IVC The number of high schoo students taking IVC courses whie in high schoo has grown and reached its highest eves in Fa High schoo students represented 2.8% of a students in Fa 2007 (see Figure II. 7). 400 Figure II. 7 High Schoo Student Headcount % 2.2% 2.1% 2.1% 1.5% Fa 2003 Fa 2004 Fa 2005 Fa 2006 Fa % 4% 3% 2% 0% High Schoo Sudent Headcount % of a students Loca High Schoo Graduates Take Rate Take rate is based on high schoo students enroing at IVC in the year immediatey foowing their high schoo graduation. Irvine Vaey Coege enroed an average of 14% of the Irvine Unified s graduating cass and an average of 8% of Tustin Unified s graduating cass (see Tabe II. 1). Tabe II. 1 Loca High Schoo Graduates Take Rate Enroed at IVC Irvine graduating the Foowing Take Unified cass academic Year Rate Graduates , % Graduates % Graduates , % Enroed at IVC Tustin graduating the Foowing Take Unified cass academic Year Rate Graduates % Graduates % Graduates , % 16 ~

23 STUDENT OUTREACH AND RESPONSIVENESS TO THE COMMUNITY First-Time Coege Students from Loca Feeder High Schoos First-time coege students, years od, who enroed in the academic year foowing their graduating year, were seected and their ast high schoo isted on their appication was used to determine the high schoo district of origin. The number of students in this group has increased steadiy over the ast five years (see Tabe II. 2). The percentage of first-time coege students years od from oca feeder high schoos has sighty increased over the five years (see Tabe II. 3). Tabe II. 2 First-Time Coege Students Years Od term first-time Years Od Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Tabe II. 3 First-Time Coege Students Years Od by High Schoo District High Schoo District fa 03 Fa 04 Fa 05 Fa 06 Fa 07 Irvine Unified 29.5% 24.3% 27.3% 26.7% 30.0% Tustin Unified 6.9% 8.5% 9.2% 8.8% 9.0% Saddeback & Capistraono Unified 20.8% 18.4% 20.8% 23.6% 23.7% Not from Feeder Districts 42.8% 48.8% 42.6% 40.9% 37.3% ~ 17

24 IRVINE VALLEY COLLEGE Institutiona Effectiveness Adut Student Ethnic Composition Compared to the Coege s Service Area Adut Popuation U.S. Census Bureau 2005 data were used to estimate the distribution of adut popuation - 18 years of age or oder - by ethnicity in the city of Irvine. Sighty more than haf of the adut popuation in the city of Irvine was white, whie 47% of adut students at IVC were white (see Tabe II. 4). More than a third of the adut popuation in IVC s immediate service area were Asian (36.3%), whie approximatey 30% of adut students at IVC were Asian. The 2005 U.S. Census data show that Hispanics in the Irvine area represented 7.5% of the adut popuation, whereas this group represented sighty more than 10% of the IVC students 18 years of age or oder. The census survey did not capture Midde Eastern as an ethnic category. Irvine Vaey Coege serves many students of Midde Eastern background and this is not represented in the comparison data. Tabe II. 4 Distribution by Ethnicity of IVC s Service Area Adut Popuation and Fa 2007 IVC Adut Students percentage in Adut percentage at Ethnicity popuation IVC Fa 2007 Aaskan Native/ Native American 0.1% 0.4% Asian 36.3% 29.4% African American 0.9% 1.9% Pacific Isander 0.1% 0.6% White 54.1% 41.6% Hispanic 7.5% 10.4% Other/Mutipe 1.0% 15.7% 18 ~

25 CHAPTER III Facuty and Staff Facuty and staff carry out the mission of the coege and represent the most important resource of the coege. Gender and Ethnic Composition of Facuty and Staff The number of permanent facuty fuctuated sighty over the past five years (see Figure III.1). The number of permanent cassified staff increased and reached its highest eve of 176 in Fa 2007 (see Figure III. 3). The number of administrators/ managers remained stabe over this same period (see Figure III. 5). The percentage of women increased within cassified staff and facuty, but fuctuated within administrators/managers (see Figures III. 1, III. 3 and III. 5). The percentage of minorities steadiy increased within facuty (see Figure III. 2) and significanty increased within administrators/managers (see Figure III.6). However, due to the reativey sma numbers of administrators/ managers, severa individuas represent a high percentage within the group. The percentages of minorities within the cassified staff are the highest among a eves at 35% (see Figure III.4) Figure III. 1 Permanent Facuty and Percent Women % % % 46% % 50% 45% 40% 50 35% 0 Fa 2003 Fa 2004 Fa 2005 Fa 2006 Fa % Tota Number % Women ~ 19

26 IRVINE VALLEY COLLEGE Institutiona Effectiveness Figure III. 2 Permanent Facuty and Percent Minority % % % % 32% Fa 2003 Fa 2004 Fa 2005 Fa 2006 Fa % 35% 30% 25% 0% Tota Number % Minority Figure III. 3 Permanent Cassified Staff and Percent Women % % % % % 65% 60% 55% 50 50% 0 Fa 2003 Fa 2004 Fa 2005 Fa 2006 Fa % Tota Number % Women Figure III. 4 Permanent Cassified Staff and Percent Minority % % % % % 40% 35% 30% 50 25% 0 Fa 2003 Fa 2004 Fa 2005 Fa 2006 Fa % Tota Number % Minority 20 ~

27 FACULTY AND STAFF Figure III. 5 Administrators/Managers and Percent Women 21 43% 20 35% 47% % 22 45% Fa 2003 Fa 2004 Fa 2005 Fa 2006 Fa % 45% 40% 35% 0% Tota Number % Women Figure III. 6 Administrators/Managers and Percent Minority % 19 25% 20 23% 22 30% 25% 15 20% % 10% Fa 2003 Fa 2004 Fa 2005 Fa 2006 Fa % 0% Tota Number % Minority Percent Growth in FTES Compared to Percent Growth in Permanent Empoyees The percent of growth in cassified staff exceeded the percent growth in FTES for the ast two years of the comparison (see Tabe III. 1). The changes in administrators and managers appear high because of the reativey sma number of individuas in this group. For exampe, the 10% increase from to of Administrators and Managers represents the addition of just two individuas. The 9% increase in permanent facuty from to is the resut of the retirement incentive offered in , as noted earier. Overa, the tota number of permanent empoyees has increased from 280 in Fa 2003 to 306 in Fa Tabe III. 1 Administrators/Managers and Percent Minority % Growth % Growth % Growth % Growth facuty staff Adm/Managers FTES to % -1% -5% -4% to % 6% -5% 4% to % 5% 5% 1% to % 8% 10% 1% ~ 21


29 CHAPTER IV Appications of technoogy IVC and the South Orange County Community Coege District (SOCCCD) strive to provide stateof-the art technoogy to students and empoyees. In , SOCCCD invested over $11 miion in technoogy projects and infrastructure district wide. Some projects that benefited IVC incuded campus-wide wireess capabiities, wireess Voice Over IP, student kiosks, cassroom mutimedia instaations, new instructor desks and equipment, new emergency ca boxes, business continuity and disaster recovery soutions, additiona computer abs, videoconferencing soutions incuding Tandberg and Cisco, and new stations for disabed students in a abs. The district has aunched new onine registration systems to better serve students. Students aso have the abiity to deveop educationa pans and obtain parking permits onine. Ratio Fu-Time Equivaent Students (FTES) per Number of Computers Avaiabe on Campus Beginning in , the district has aocated annua funding for the specific purpose of refreshing the coege technoogy infrastructure and acquiring new technoogy as needed (see Tabe IV. 1). Over the ast three years, IVC received over $3.5 miion doars from basic aid for technoogy infrastructure and projects. As a resut, the tota numbers of computers on campus has increased 20% over the ast five years (see Tabe IV. 2). Tabe IV. 1 Basic Aid Aocation for Technoogy Basic Aid Aocation for $0 $1,400,000 $1,110,000 $1,030,000 $1,000,079 Technoogy Tabe IV. 2 Ratio FTES per Number of Computers Avaiabe on Campus # of Computers 950 1,014 1,064 1,139 1,139 Tota FTES 7,744 7,421 7,742 7,838 8,461 Ratio FTES/# of Computers ~ 23

30 IRVINE VALLEY COLLEGE Institutiona Effectiveness Abiity to Renew and Repace Technoogy Equipment on a Reguar Basis The reduction in the average age of repacement of desktop computers and servers resuted from the annua district aocation for technoogy that started in , as noted above (see Tabe IV. 3). As a resut, annua expenditures for technoogy repacement have increased from a ow of $50,000 in to $800,000 in (see Tabe IV. 4). Tabe IV. 3 Average Age of Computers and Servers at Time of Repacement Average Age of Computers (Years) Average Age of Servers (Years) Tabe IV. 4 Average Age for Technoogy Repacements Repacement Expenditures $50,000 $1,000,000 $900,000 $800,000 $800,000 % of Inventory 5% 33% 33% 33% 33% As a resut of the basic aid aocation, over the ast three years, IVC has competed projects that have enhanced the infrastructure and services to students and empoyees incuding campus-wide wireess, a 50kW backup generator, SAN/DAE, student kiosks, a cassroom mutimedia instaation, new instructor desks and equipment, digita headend for CH33, CH33 streamed over the internet, new emergency ca boxes, Berbee zone paging/aert, DLT backup soution, Microsoft Sharepoint intranet/internet, new computer abs, new video conferencing soutions incuding Tandberg and Cisco, and new stations for disabed students in a abs. Tabe IV. 5 Annua Expenditures for New Technoogy Projects New Technoogy Projects $0 $400,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200, ~

31 APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY Abiity to Support and Maintain Instructiona Computer Cassrooms and Labs The ratio of computers in cassrooms and abs to IT support staff increased significanty in and The addition of a fu-time position in heped reduce the ratio to the eve (see Tabe IV. 6). The increase in the number of computers is a direct resut of opening additiona computer abs to improve service to students and facuty. Tabe IV. 6 Ratio Computers in Cassrooms and Labs/IT Staff Support # of Computers # of IT Support Ratio Abiity to Support and Maintain the Network and Server Infrastructure The network infrastructure is primariy supported and maintained by District IT. The Coege IT supports and maintains servers used for coege data/fie sharing, printing, wireess access, backup, appications, and voice/phones. The coege has one fu-time network administrator who currenty supports 40 servers. Abiity to Provide User Support and Training The coege has two fu-time empoyees who provide user support and training for facuty and staff for desktop appications such as Microsoft Office. ~ 25


33 Square Footage CHAPTER V Faciity and Fisca support The overa space avaiabe for instructiona and non-instructiona activities increased 32% in the ast year. The overa space avaiabe in was 355,397 square feet of which 70% was dedicated to instruction (see Tabe V. 1). Tabe V. 1 Square Footage tota Square Instructiona Square % footage footage Instructiona , ,141 74% , ,141 74% , ,141 74% , ,066 73% , ,861 70% Cost of Utiities Overa, the cost of utiities increased by 68% over the ast five years. The highest increases were for gas and water (see Tabe V. 2). Tabe V. 2 Cost of Utiities cost of Eectricity Cost of Gas Cost of Water Tota $574,989 $20,242 $39,246 $634, $555,308 $60,322 $34,551 $650, $582,564 $137,025 $83,810 $803, $714,524 $111,498 $87,182 $913, $747,263 $231,679 $83,269 $1,062,211 ~ 27

34 IRVINE VALLEY COLLEGE Institutiona Effectiveness Annua Expenditures for Maintenance of Faciities The annua cost for maintenance of faciities has increased by 50% over the ast five years (see Figure V. 1). $4,000,000 $2,000,000 Figure V. 1 Annua Expenditures for Maintenance of Faciities $2,624,938 $3,192,024 $3,337,643 $2,668,855 3,936,181 $ Unrestricted Genera Fund Unrestricted genera fund revenues increased by 33% over the past five years and expenditures increased by 32%. Saaries and benefits increased 33%. Saaries and benefits represented 86% of revenues in (see Tabe V. 3). Tabe V. 3 Unrestricted Genera Funds beginning baance Revenue Expenditures Saaries & Benefits Ending Baance $2,140,311 $29,434,379 $27,722,403 $25,171,958 $3,852, $3,852,287 $29,219,124 $30,469,982 $27,121,667 $2,601, $2,601,429 $33,190,795 $33,147,571 $29,692,952 $2,644, $2,644,653 $33,472,079 $34,986,496 $31,966,969 $1,130, $1,130,236 $39,020,819 $36,666,120 $33,556,034 $3,484,935 Restricted Genera Fund Restricted genera fund revenues increased by 23% over the past five years whie expenditures increased by 43%. Saaries and benefits increased 22%. Saaries and benefits represented 65% of revenues in (see Tabe V. 4). Tabe V. 4 Restricted Genera Funds beginning baance Revenue Expenditures Saaries & Benefits Ending Baance $567,079 $4,153,764 $4,101,949 $2,717,217 $618, $618,894 $4,437,954 $4,402,259 $2,761,968 $654, $654,589 $5,438,999 $4,696,471 $2,690,852 $1,397, $1,397,117 $6,287,902 $5,992,246 $2,943,253 $1,692, $1,692,773 $5,094,987 $5,881,772 $3,305,325 $905, ~


36 Acknowedgments Report Prepared by the Office of the Vice Chanceor of Technoogy and Learning Services Robert S. Bramucci, Ph.D. Vice Chanceor Denice L. Inciong Director of Research and Panning Coege Review: Irvine Vaey Coege Institutiona Effectiveness Committee Wendy Gabriea, J.D. Co-Chair, Institutiona Effectiveness Committee President, Academic Senate Sibye Georgianna, Ph.D. Co-Chair, Institutiona Effectiveness Committee Research and Panning Anayst Committee Members: Lisa Davis Aen, Stefanie Avarez, Terry Cheng, Eizabeth Cipres, Traci Fahimi, David Gatewood, Craig Justice, Robert Kopecky, John Licitra, Coin McCaughey, Lisa Nguyen, Marie De La Pame, Gwen Pano, Linda Renne, Danie Rivas, Jerry Rudmann, Kay Ryas, Katheen Schrader Design and Production: Michae O Meara Graphic Designer, SOCCCD Diane Smith Senior Graphic Designer, Saddeback Coege

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