Reformed Bible Studies & Curriculum

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1 DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRIES MINISTRIES Rformd Bibl Studis & Curriculum Visit your local Christian bookstor and you will raliz just how much is writtn for Christians. Thousands of books, pamphlts, curricula, and Bibl study hlps ar availabl in th marktplac today. Howvr, you don t nd to look byond th first shlf bfor you find matrial that dosn t rflct sound thology. CDM has alrady lookd so you don t hav to w hav narrowd th slction in th bst sns and whr rsourcs don t xist, w hav cratd our own for you. Th books and matrials containd in this catalog rflct thos which w hav producd just for you. Our goal is to quip you with rsourcs which ar biblically sound and usful in hlping you addrss th spiritual nds of th world around you. So, whn it s tim to slct matrial for your small group Bibl study or vn your own prsonal dvotions, visit th PCA s own bookstor on th wb, or call us for advic and assistanc. CERTIFICATES DOCTRINE LEADERSHIP WOMEN S STUDIES DENOMINATIONAL CHILDREN & YOUTH BIBLE STUDIES QUANTITY DISCOUNTS apply to mak group purchass mor affordabl. FREE SHIPPING on ordrs ovr $30. ALL YOUR MINISTRY RESOURCES AT ONE PLACE, WITH ONE PRIORITY... SERVING THE PCA. Ordr onlin or call us at

2 OLD & NEW TESTAMENT BIBLE STUDIES L Fr PDF Ladr s Guid Availabl as an book Nw Rlas: Robrtson Studis Th Gospl According to th Tn Commandmnts Gorg Robrtson & Mary Bth McGrvy In this study of th Tn Commandmnts (from Dutronomy 22), w s how th law is a dlight. 9 lssons. (7992) L Acts Th Church th Trinity Built Gorg Robrtson & Mary Bth McGrvy In this study of th Book of Acts, w s how Jsus is fully God and fully man, th prfct srvant who accomplishs God s plan of rdmption. 11 lssons. (12746) L Th Gospl of Luk Christ, th Conquring Lamb Gorg Robrtson & Mary Bth McGrvy In this study of th Gospl of Luk, w s how Jsus is fully God and fully man, th prfct srvant who accomplishs God s plan of rdmption. 11 lssons. (12746) L OLD TESTAMENT Gnsis Lt Grac Bgin Will Hstrbrg An inductiv intractiv Bibl study dsignd in a workbook format to nabl you to gt into God s Word and into a growing rlationship with God. 25 lssons. (9023) Bibl Studis for th Whol Church For individual, Sunday School, and small group studis Studis of th Lif of Josph Wallac Tinsly A wondrful Bibl study tool on a familiar blovd bibl charactr. 12 lssons. Printd Ladrs Guid (3887) Book (3886) Dutronomy Mor Grac, Mor Lov Gorg Robrtson & Mary Bth McGrvy What dos a book about th law hav to do with lif today? Much! With th hlp of th Holy Spirit, Dutronomy xposs vry scrt plac in our harts. 24 lssons. Printd Ladrs Guid (9312) Book (9202) Adult Biblical Education Sris (ABES) Jack Scott Study through th whol Bibl with th hlp of a grat Bibl tachr. 26 volums in all. L

3 Judgs Th Battl for Satisfaction Dnnis Bnntt & Vicki Pool W ar cratd to glorify and njoy God. Isral shows what happns whn w sk our satisfaction and joy in anything but God. 11 lssons. (11792) L Esthr Strngth for Dangrous Tims Harris Langford IStrngth for Dangrous Tims dscribs in a frsh and biblically faithful way th vnts of th Old Tstamnt book of Esthr. This volum hlps you acquir prsonal strngth for such dangrous tims as th ons w now confront. 11 lssons (9618) Job Lssons in Comfort Francs Bnntt In his struggls, Job discovrd that God s Word rvals things too wondrful for m, that Christ givs comfort byond xpctation. A workbook format with study qustions includd. 13 lssons. (9383) NEW TESTAMENT Th Epistl of Jams Rsponding to Grac Gorg Robrtson & Mary Bth McGrvy In this study of th Lttr of Jams, w xamin th many ways God is faithful to rfin th faith of his popl. Th rsult is a faith that livs by th wisdom from abov, which producs a harvst of rightousnss and pac. 11 lssons. (7992) L Survys of th Old and Nw Tstamnts Jack Scott Ths books continur th Adult Biblical Education Sris, a sris dsignd to hlp you to study th Scripturs in a carful and systmatic way. Th author, Dr. Scott, has srvd as a missionary, pastor, collg and sminary profssor, as wll as th author of svral books. Work your way through th OT in 13 lssons. Complt with qustions. (1005) Work your way through th NT in 13 lssons. Complt with qustions. (1007) Th Srmon on th Mount Living Lif as Jsus Taught It Gordon Rd In this grat srmon w hav th dfinition and dscription of a Christian givn to us by th foundr of Christianity Himslf, Jsus Christ. 12 lssons. (9497) Th Gospl of Mark Th Mystry of th Kingdom Rvald Charls Dunahoo This study thmatically xplors Mark s Gospl mphasizing Jsus th Son of God, th Suffring Srvant, His authority, and His mssag which was th Good Nws of th Kingdom. Qustions for discussion at th nd of ach chaptr. 13 lssons. (9805) L Titus Passing on th Truth, Equipping th Body Bnntt, Pool & Jons Paul s lttr shows his dsir to tach th blivrs on Crt about th church: what it should look lik, how to discipl its popl, and how to liv bfor a lost and ndy world. 9 lssons. (11214) L 1, 2, 3 John Darly Blovd Gorg Robrtson & Mary Bth McGrvy In this study of John s lov lttrs to th Church, you will b ncouragd and challngd byth rich bauty of th God whos lov dlivrs sinnrs from dath to trnal lif through th prsonand work of Jsus. 11 lssons. (12084) L Ordr onlin at or call us at Whn ordring b sur to rfr to th 4 or 5 digit product cod for ordr accuracy.

4 TOPICAL BIBLE STUDIES L Fr PDF Ladr s Guid Am I Good Enough? Availabl as an book Th Othr Sid of Christmas Bnntt, Pool, Jons How wll do you rally know, from Scriptur, about th Christmas story? Us this study of God rvaling His hart to His popl, and discovr this story for th vry first tim! 4-7 lssons (11320) L Richard Ramsay Hr ar 15 fill-in lssons for thos who ar not familiar with th Bibl. Grat for studying with nonchristians or nw blivrs. (3667) Grat Words Jack Arnold This study xplains th words that hlp us to undrstand all God has don for us in Christ prdstination, salvation, gospl, grac, mrcy, atonmnt, substitution, rdmption, forgivnss, rconciliation, propitiation, and dath. 12 lssons. Printd Ladrs Guid (9024) Book (8985) Cuan Buno Dbo Sr? Richard Ramsay Spanish translation of th book Am I Good Enough? (8475) Hirs of th Covnant Susan Hunt Whos rsponsibility is it to discipl womn and mn? This important job blongs to th church. Offrs practical advic on starting a mntoring ministry in your congrgation. 9 lssons. Printd Ladr s Guid (4225) Book (4184) Making Kingdom Discipls a Nw Framwork Charls H. Dunahoo Think about disciplship that gos byond programs to th kingdom worldviw that transforms all of thought and lif. Rathr than dvlop a mthod, this book prsnts th big pictur, a nw framwork. Must rading by all who ar in positions of ladrship in th church. 12 lssons. Ladrs Guid availabl with CD (7009) Book (6933) Miracls of Christ Jams Bland Dvlop gratr insight into and undrstanding of th prson and work of th Lord Jsus Christ through an xamination of His miracls. A fill-in-th-blank format. 12 lssons. (9495) Nd hlp dciding on a Bibl study? Giv us a call at Wstminstr Shortr Catchism Workbook study Ron Glason This is not a commntary; rathr it is a workbook for individuals or groups. Evry lsson prsnts grat dfinitions of words taking you dpr in undrstanding th catchism. 33 lssons. (11543) Ordr onlin at or call us at Whn ordring b sur to rfr to th 4 or 5 digit product cod for ordr accuracy.

5 WOMEN S BIBLE STUDIES DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRIES DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRIES L Fr PDF Ladr s Guid Availabl as an book OLD TESTAMENT NEW TESTAMENT Exodus-Dutronomy Th Formation of God s Popl Jack Scott, Susan Hunt, Lynn Brooksid Ladr s Packt includs a ladr s guid, studnt workbook, and commntary. 12 lssons. Ladr s Pack (5896) Studnt Workbook (5895) Th Gospl of Matthw Part I Jack Scott, Susan Hunt, Lynn Brooksid Hr is th Gospl of Matthw dvlopd and from a covnantal prspctiv. Covrs chaptrs 1-16 in 12 lssons. Ladr s Pack (6425) Studnt Workbook (6424) Psalm 119 With My Whol Hart Emalyn Spncr Hr is a study of whol-hartd Christian dvotion, commitmnt and srvic basd on txts from Psalm 119, writtn by on of th most blovd PCA writrs. 12 lssons. (9800) Provrbs 31 A Woman Who Fars th Lord Emalyn Spncr First publishd in 1976; now rvisd for a nw gnration of womn to njoy. B challngd and ncouragd by this study of godly womanhood from Provrbs lssons. (9801) L Habakkuk-Malachi Silnc, God Working Alic Poynr In ths fiv scludd books at th nd of th OT, w ar givn a privilgd pk into what th God of th Univrs was doing, and is doing vn now, to fulfill His Kingdom plans. (8489) Hbrws His Hop: Th Anchor for our Souls Sarah Ivill You cannot hlp but s th OT com aliv bfor your vry ys as you study th book of Hbrws. This study sks to hlp womn to know Christ and tomagnify Him as th On to whom all Scriptur points. 24 lssons. (8480) Th Gospl of Matthw Part II Jack Scott, Susan Hunt, Lynn Brooksid Part II. Covrs ch in 12 lssons. Ladr s Pack (6916) Studnt Workbook (6915) Luk Th Incrdibl Round Trip (rvisd ) Emalyn Spncr Study Christ s incrdibl round trip from havn to arth and back, as sn through th ys of Luk. Discovr why this lif of Jsus is calld th gratst story vr told. 12 lssons. (2502) Womn of th Bibl, 2nd Edition Gorgia Sttl 12 studis of Ev, Rbkah, Miriam, Naomi & Ruth, Abigail, Jzbl & Athaliah, Elizabth, Mary, Martha & Mary, Sapphira & Dorcas, and th Elct Lady of 2 John. Why is it so important to study th charactrs God tlls us about in th Bibl? W ar calld toglorify Him and njoy God forvr: h givs us th storis of ths womn so w can larn how wll thy rflctd th glory of God. (11539)

6 Ephsians-Thssalonians Paul s Lttrs to Maturing Churchs Jack Scott, Susan Hunt, Lynn Brooksid Th 12 lsson study has two suggstd taching plans giving th tachr th option of covring th book in on or two quartrs. Lssons ar adaptabl to classs of diffrnt lngths. Ladr s Pack (4950) Studnt Workbook (4949) Timothy-Titus Th Pastoral Lttrs Jack Scott, Susan Hunt, Lynn Brooksid Ths lttrs tach how th church should function as God s covnant family. Givs principls for th organization and covnant lif of th church, including th rol and rsponsibilitis of womn in th church. 12 lssons Ladr s Pack (8133) Studnt Workbook (8131) Jams Db Sink With a prsonal study tim of 20 minuts a day, womn will b prpard to shar and gain prspctiv to apply biblical principls in a small group discussion. 12 lssons. (3085) L TOPICAL STUDIES Bhind th Scrim Lif of Faith and Work L Taylor Christian woman s daily work must bcom mor in sync with God s grat works of rdmption and cration, sustaining th world and providing for His popl as sh maturs in Jsus Christ. Ths mditations wr originally writtn for profssional and middl managmnt womn. 12 lssons. (3421) Conquring Anxity Candy DuBos This book will hlp you rcogniz and uproot th wds and thorns of anxity in your lif so you can b productiv and faithful in your walk with God. 12 lssons. Printd Ladrs Guid (2885) Book (2884) Making a Diffrnc Dbbi Dortzbach Nin 60 minut lssons from Romans 12 on spiritual gifts and God s will. Hlps womn bcom bttr quippd to b salt and light in God s world. Includs vido taching, group discussions, intractiv xrciss, and a tak-hom activity for ach sssion Ladr s guid includd. (3626) Parabls Timlss Tachings of Jsus, 2 nd d. Rachl Dlany and Ruth Lorah This study considrs ach of Jsus parabls and maks th truths found within thm mor maningful as w apply thm to our livs. 12 lssons. (3691) L Sasons of Chang, Sasons of Grac, 2 nd d. Gorgia Sttl Focuss on various lif-changs God uss to build charactr in your lif. Chaptrs includ biblical illustrations, discussion and application. 12 lssons. (9496) L Equipping th Church for Kingdom Prayr Barbara Thompson Provids topical prayr guids and day of prayr/ rtrat plans to hlp you and your church pray Kingdom Prayrs to participat in th rvald will of th Fathr as st forth in His Word through prais and ptitions. (4498) Studis in th Confssion of Faith, 2 nd d. Jann Pattrson Nxt to th Bibl, th Confssion stands as a most prcious documnt hlping us to work through th doctrins of th Bibl. 23 lssons. (11156) Trasurs of Encouragmnt Sharon Bttrs Th frdom that springs from a scur idntity in Christ can nabl you to rach out. As on who has suffrd much, Sharon offrs storis, principls, and xampls to hlp build up you and your church through th ministry of ncouragmnt. 12 lssons. Ladr s guid (4052) Book (4051) Woman to Woman A Biblical Look at Frindship Jan Shaw This 12 lsson study provids a biblical basis for frindship, rlats it to th church, and offrs many practical applications. 12 lssons. (11793) L

7 BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS FOR WOMANHOOD By Dsign Susan Hunt Your hlpr dsign uniquly quips you for ministris of mrcy. This study shows th valu of mn and womn partnring in church ministry, and xplors th implications of woman s cration dsign in th various sasons of lif. 10 lssons. Printd Ladr s guid (1253) Book (1252) Tru Woman Susan Hunt Hr is th bauty and strngth of a godly woman; contrasting th tru woman with th nw woman. Examins th standard and virtus of th tru woman. 10 lssons. Printd Ladr s guid (4055) Book (4054) Nd hlp dciding on a Bibl study? Giv us a call at Womn s Ministry Training and Rsourc Guid Susan Hunt This is an affordabl, composit 3-ring notbook with updatd tools that will quip womn in th church. Studis a biblical approach to womn s ministry in th church & provids rsourcs to dvlop, implmnt, and train ladrs to plan for a woman s ministry. Contnts: Biblical Foundations for Womanhood Ovrviw. Part 1: Ladr s Guid for Womn s Ministry in th Local Church Part 2: Updatd Ladr s guid for Ladrship for Womn in th Church Part 3: Stratgis to dvlop, strngthn, plan and sustain a womn s ministry Part 4: Rsourcs and Training Part 5: Titus 2 Disciplship. (8252) Susan Hunt Bst Sllrs Spiritual Mothring Susan Hunt Titus 2 calls womn to ministr to womn. This is a vry practical book filld with suggstions and xampls of how to mntor, using biblical and modrn-day xampls to illustrat th principl of oldr womn caring for youngr womn in th church. 12 lssons. Ladr s guid (3599) Book (3594) Womn s Ministry in th Local Church J. Ligon Duncan and Susan Hunt In a tim of confusion and uncrtainty, a sasond pastor and a spiritual mothr walk womn through th Scripturs to hlp thm bttr undrstand what it mans to hav an ffctiv, biblical womn s ministry in th church. 10 lssons. Ladr s guid s Womn s Ministry Training and Rsourc Guid abov (8252) Book (8204) Ladrship for Womn in th Church Susan Hunt and Pggy Hutchson Writtn to hlp Christian womn idntify and focus thir ladrship capabilitis on tasks in th church. Hlps Christian mn rcogniz and facilitat th us of ladrship abilitis of womn in th church. 8 lssons. Book (3700) Ladr s guid s Womn s Ministry Training and Rsourc Guid abov.

8 CHILDREN & YOUTH CHILDREN S MINISTRY Catchism for Young Childrn An introduction to th Shortr Catchism for young childrn. (1055) Kids Undr Construction Su Jaks, ditor This notbook is all your church nds to ffctivly run a childrn s ministry. 1-Foundation (philosophy of ministry), 2-Bluprint (how to discipl), 3-Framwork (support for local church ministry), 4-Tools for building Kingdom Discipls, 5-Building inspction. (6772) My ABC Bibl Vrss Curriculum Susan Hunt 26 lssons using puppts Bill and Missy, who ncountr situations in which thy ar challngd to liv by God s Word. Includs idas for rviw gams as wll as a st of cards for an ABC Bibl Vrs Mmory Gam, aiding childrn in larning th scriptur rfrncs. Includs a CD with all th matrial includd as PDF fils for asy copying. Us this curriculum yar aftr yar! (Rcommndd for ags 3-6) (8487) Organizing Your Christian Education Program Robrt Edmiston Hlps you slct a CE committ and work to formulat th bst program to addrss th uniqu nds of vry fact of your church. (2763) Suprmacy of God in Childrn s Ministry Ann McCainBrown This is a practical guid for kping God as th focus of any ministry. Explains why our rformd thology maks a diffrnc in what and how w tach God s covnant childrn. (7016) Your Baby s Baptism Wilson Bnton A short xplanation of th significanc of infant baptism to th parnts, child, and congrgation. Grat for nw mmbr s classs. (2501) Kid s Worship Worksht Worship is somthing God calls all of his popl to do, but somtims it s hard for young childrn to sit through a worship srvic whn thy don t rally undrstand what s going on. This two-sidd worksht and stickr st was cratd to aid parnts in training thir childrn about worship and is to b usd in conjunction with your church s printd worship bulltin. Each sht can b usd wk aftr wk and b wipd clan for th nxt Sunday. Each st includs 1 laminatd worksht, 13 stickr strips, and a wax pncil. Th st coms with nough stickrs for a child to us for 13 wks, thn additional stickrs can b ordrd a la cart. (Rcommndd for childrn ags 4 7.) Stickr Rfills (12202) Complt Kit (12101)

9 YOUTH Ministring to Tns (Girls) Barbara Thompson A compilation of rsourcs with adaptations and applications for ministry to tns. Th purpos is to quip womn to carry out th Titus 2 mandat to tach and modl biblical womanhood to junior and snior high girls. (3105) Th Wstminstr Shortr Catchism Contmporary Writtn in th styl and languag of today on a 7 th grad lvl. A grat way for parnts to larn as thy tach it to thir childrn. (9637) Tru Tn Bibl Study Hav a qustion about on of th rsourcs? Giv us a call at Th cultural mssag about womanhood is dlivrd visually and vrbally 24/7. Hr is a rsourc to hlp th church tach our covnant daughtrs what God says about womanhood. Writtn by Susan Hunt, this comprhnsiv Bibl study sris incorporats: How to study Scriptur from a gospl prspctiv. Biblical prspctiv of th church. How to liv th gospl in our rlationships. This sris includ Pr-tn, Tru 1, Tru 2, & Tru 3. Th study includs disciplship journals and ladr s guids (ach sold spratly). Visit for mor information, sampl chaptrs, supplmntal rsourcs and pricing. Ordr onlin at or call us at Whn ordring b sur to rfr to th 4 or 5 digit product cod for ordr accuracy.

10 LEADERSHIP Availabl as an book Th Challng of th Eldrship(rvisd) Don MacNair Challngs ldrs and prospctiv ldrs with a practical, hands-on look at how thy can fulfill th high calling of th offic. (2013) Dvloping a Vision & Action Plan Don MacNair A working manual that taks a local church through th various stags of dvloping a vision. (3696) for Prsbytry s Guid Mntoring Intrns Prparing for th Pastorat Eldrs: Excutivs or Srvants Charls Dunahoo, Don MacNair, Jack Williamson This workbook accompanis th ight-part DVD sris. A foundational sris for training ldrs. Has qustions ldrs nd to think through and can continu as a prmannt rsourc for futur us. (1051) DVD sold sparatly. (1050) Th Grac of Giving Richard Aschliman 21-pag booklt discussing th biblical principls of tithing, gnrosity and walth. Includs 4 brif chaptrs with discussion qustions. Grat for a short class on stwardship. (5649) Prsbytry s Guid for Mntoring Intrns Tim Witmr by Dr. Tim Witmr Writtn by a pastor and mntoring profssor at Wstminstr Sminary, ths manuals hlp pastors larn to mntor intrns as th PCA rquirs. Includs not only a chcklist, but how to masur and hlp improv thos subjctiv aras of a disciplr s lif. For Mntors (9609) For Intrns (9063) Prparing for Licnsur & Ordination Exams Bryan Chapll & Jim Mks Assist candidats prparing for licnsur and ordination xams. (3824) Masuring Lif By a Standard By what standard of masurmnt do you liv your lif? This booklt will hlp your congrgation s thir lif, talnts, and possssions as God s, and th way thy us thm is critical to God and to His church. (4073) Mn s Ministry Action Plan Patrick Morly & David Dlk A 4-sssion guid to hlp you crat, captur, and sustain momntum in your mn s ministry. Hlps you build a discipl-making ministry to mn. (4775) Organizing Your Christian Education Program Robrt Edmiston Hlps you slct a Christian Education committ and work to formulat th bst program to addrss th uniqu nds of vry fact of your church. (2763)

11 Church Mmbrship Living Stons Why Church Mmbrship Mattrs Ptr M. Ditsch Mant for somon in a nw mmbr s class. Offrs insight into bttr undrstanding and thn living out th vows that w tak whn bcoming mmbrs of a local church. Each chaptr addrsss on of th fiv vows blivrs tak whn thy join a local Prsbytrian church. 5 lssons. (10015) What Did I Say Whn I Joind th Church? Gln McClung Mant for somon lading a nw mmbr s class. Walks through th fiv mmbrship vows. (2079) Practical Guid to th BCO Don McNair Aids ruling ldrs in using th BCO by organizing dtails in graphic form and providing a short commntary as intro. (2513) Rsourcs for Dacons Tim Kllr On of th bst rsourcs to hlp a board of dacons undrstand th calling of thir offic, th biblical concpt of mrcy ministry, and ways to organiz and valuat th nds of thir church and community. (2120) Th Ruling Eldr Lonard Van Horn Examins thr important qustions vry man nds to ask bfor aspiring to th offic of ldr: Ar you calld? What is your viw of th church? Ar you qualifid? (1396) Don t s what you r looking for? Giv us a call at Srving and Challnging Sniors Gorg Fullr An xcllnt rsourc manual to ncourag ministry to and by sniors. Covrs topics such as mobilizing for ministry, halth, spiritual issus, physical nvironmnt, and ministry to and by sniors. Exprts in th fild of snior ministry hav writtn usful articls. (7064) Systmatic Way to Choos a Pastor Don MacNair Hlpful guid to forming a sarch committ, and procdurs for finding, slcting and prsnting candidats. (2291) Ordr onlin at or call us at Whn ordring b sur to rfr to th 4 or 5 digit product cod for ordr accuracy.

12 DOCTRINE Availabl as an book qustions and answrs on th subjct of Prsbytrian thology and Prsbytrian harmony. Also includs a harmony of th Confssions and Catchisms. (4446) Th Wstminstr Shortr Catchism with ESV with proofs. (1244) Th Apostolic Church Th Wstminstr Confssion of Faith Contmporary Donald Thomas Withrow Outlins six important principls of Church govrnmnt drawn from th taching and practic of th Apostls. Compars th various forms of Church govrnmnt to ths principls. (1027) Rmillard A contmporary dition of th Wstminstr Confssion of Faith in concis concptual principls of th original languag. (3394) Baptism Qustions on Prsbytrian Thology Robrt Sprinkl, Jr. Francis Schaffr A grat rsourc for anyon rsarching infant baptism. Addrsss rformd prspctivs rgarding immrsion, covnant, th sign of baptism, baptism in church history, and Baptistic prspctivs in rgards to ach. (2056) Catchism for Young Childrn An introduction to th Shortr Catchism for young childrn. (1055) Th Wstministr Confssion of Faith ESV with ESV with proofs. (11794) God th Holy Spirit Don Clmnts Writtn in nonacadmic styl. Adaptd from Edwin Palmr s original work. (8137) A Ladr s Guid is availabl, by Dnnis Bnntt, containing lsson plans and Powrpoints for ach lsson with matrial from th book. (8641) This hlpful book provids Th Wstminstr Shortr Catchism Contmporary Writtn in th styl and languag of today on a 7th grad lvl. A grat way for parnts to larn as thy tach it to thir childrn. (9637) Your Baby s Baptism Wilson Bnton A short xplanation of th significanc of infant baptism to th parnts, child, and congrgation. Grat for nw mmbr s classs. (2501) Th Wstminstr Confssion of Faith & Catchisms (ESV) Th official documnt of th PCA. Contains th Wstminstr Confssion, Largr and Shortr Catchisms, and Scriptur proofs on ach pag. Paprback (1691) Hardback (8689)

13 CERTIFICATES F Fr PDF PCA CERTIFICATES Ths PCA spcific Crtificats ar a grat way to giv your child a point of rfrnc for God s call on thir livs and as wll as th momnt thy bcam part of th visibl kingdom. Also, giv rcognition to thos who ar calld to your community and to srv it s mmbrship, tc. Application for Candidats of th Gospl Ministry (1056) Application for Church Mmbrship (1057) F Apprciation Crtificat (2233) Call To a Particular Ministry (1060) Crtificat of Covnant Baptism (infant) (1059) Crtificat of Adult Baptism (1058) Crtificat of Church Mmbrship (1061) Crtificat of Dismissal/Rcption of a Church Mmbr (1065) Dacon Emritus Crtificat (1389) Dismissal of a Candidat (1064) Eldr Emritus Crtificat (1067) Licnsur Crtificat (1068) Ordination of a Ruling Eldr (1548) Ordination of a Taching Eldr (1070) Ordination of a Dacon (1549) Tachr s Covnant Contract (1074) F CERTIFICATES DOCTRINE LEADERSHIP WOMEN S STUDIES DENOMINATIONAL CHILDREN & YOUTH BIBLE STUDIES Chck out our complt stock of rsourcs onlin! Ordr onlin at or call us at Whn ordring b sur to rfr to th 4 or 5 digit product cod for ordr accuracy.

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