Final Exam Review-2015

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1 Signora Di Martino WL Italian 8 th grade Final Exam Review-2015 For the World Language Final Exam, scheduled for May 28th and June 1st at CMS, 8 th graders will be responsible for reviewing Sentieri s following topics in grammar, vocabulary and culture. This study guide will assist you in preparing for the exam. Please practice by using the Sentieri online Pratica tab for activities. You may also practice your listening skills by clicking on any of the online Sentieri Supersite Flashcard decks, log onto Quizlet, or you can make your own sets. Buon lavoro! Capitolo 1 ( 1-38) Language points:contesti: (2-5) Have full understanding of vocabulary for greeting and taking leave. Know the Italian alphabet (pg 2-5) Review: Fotoromanzo: (pg. 6-7) Know the names of main characters and how they relate to one another Culture: Baci dall Italia (pg 8). Have a basic understanding of cultural differences between American and Italian greetings and introductions. Grammar: Strutture: (pg 10-11) Understand what are nouns and articles in the Italian language. What is gender and number. Why does it matter? Know how to form the plural of certain nouns that

2 end in ca and ga. (pg 11) Identify the correct gender of a noun. (Practice at the bottom of pg 11) Remember how to count numbers from (pg 12) and the Capitolo 1B Language points: Fotoromanzo: Grammar: meaning of the Italian expressions: C e (there is) and Ci sono (there are) on pg 13 (Alla facolta ) Contesti: (pg 16-17) Know vocabulary for classes and schedules Il primo giorno di scuola (pg20-21) Strutture: (pg ) Have full understanding of how to use subject pronouns and the irregular, helping, verb ESSERE (to be) Practice at the bottom of pg 25 Have full understanding of what is an adjective and an adjective agreement in Italian (pg Review cognate adjectives, common adjectives and adjectives of nationality For Telling Time on pg 28, for purposes of this final exam, just know basic times, on the hour. For example, I take English class at 2 p.m. (Trans: Io studio Inglese alle 2 p.m.) Remember the days of the week on pg 29 AVANTI Please review the basic facts about Italy s map, the capital, a few important cities in the North and the South. Recall

3 the names of the two main islands. Panorama culturale: What are the colors of the Italian flag? Who lives in the Vatican? Who was Dante? What is the name of Italy s soccer team? (pg33) Review: All vocabulary at the end of Chapter 1 in order to recognize words in the Reading section of Capitolo 2 Language points: the exam and/or during the Listening section of the Exam. ( pg 39-76) ) Contesti: Il tempo libero (pg 40-43) Full understanding of passatempi vocabulary Fotoromanzo: Che cosa vuoi fare? (pg44,45) Culture: Grammar: Giochiamo a pallone (pg 46) Read it for a basic understanding of Italy s passion for soccer Strutture: (pg 48-51) The regular are verbs ( pg ) How to conjugate regular ARE verbs More practice at the bottom of page 49 Be mindful of stem changes (For Ex: verb: giocare, dimenticare), but this will matter more next year, in 8 th grade Review ANDARE, DARE, FARE and STARE They are very irregular!!! (pg 50-51)

4 Capitolo 2B Contesti. Che tempo fa? Language points:have full understanding of weather vocabulary and basic expressions (pg 54-55) Fotoromanzo: Che tempo fa? (pg 58-59) Grammar: Know the conjugation of the verb AVERE (to have) (pg 62-63) Panorama culturale: Know conjugation of Ere verbs and Piacere conjugation which differs from any other Italian verb. Have a basic understanding of numbers for a few dates on the exam (For example: 1940, in Italian, is written as millenovecentoquaranta) You will need to recognize if the number 1940 matches the equivalent in words. (pg 66-67) AVANTI ROMA pg Capitolo 3: (pg78-114) Language points:contesti: pg Family, pets, marital status Fotoromanzo: pg Tutti in famiglia Reinforcement: Strutture Grammatica pg Possessives (mio, tuo, suo, etc.) Simple prepositions (di, a, da fra, tra) Prepositional contractions (a +il = al) Conjugation of regular IRE and ISC verbs Culture: Cultura pg La famiglia italiana

5 Language points: Contesti: Vocabulary for personal descriptions Fotoromanzo: pg Una serata in casa Grammar: Strutture: -Grammatica pg Descriptive adjectives (alto, basso,) Hair and eye color adjectives Differences between bello and buono. Positioning of bello and buono in a sentence Interrogatives (chi, come, quando,) Demonstratives (questo, quello,) Cultural info: Cultura pg 100 L amicizia (Friendship) Panorama culturale - Lettura: Reading Scrittura: Writing AVANTI pg Gli Italiani nel mondo La gente: John Turturro & famous Italians La gastronomia _ La bruschetta Amici a quattro zampe (Dogs/cats) La Famiglia e gli amici Using idea maps to describe your family and friends. Age, nationality,jobs, interests, hobbies, sports, fame, community involvement. Capitolo 4: (pg ) Language points:contesti: Computers & Fashion ( ) Understanding of vocabulary for Computers and electronics (pg ) Review: Fotoromanzo: Un brindisi per il laptop (pg ) Culture: Gli italiani sempre raggiungibili (pg ) Grammar: Strutture: (pg )

6 Understand how to conjugate irregular verbs: Dovere, Potere and Volere Understand how to conjugate irregular verbs: Dire, Uscire and Venire Disjunctive pronouns Language points: Contesti: (pg ) Clothing and colors Culture: Un giro per I negozi ( pg ) Grammar: Strutture: (pg ) The passato prossimo with Avere The verbs Sapere and Conoscere Panorama culturale: AVANTI Milano (pg ) La moda: Andiamo a Milano La gastronomia: Il pane di Toni La finanza: La Borsa italiana Lo spettacolo: Tutti a teatro! La Scala. Milanesi celebri Lettura (Reading): Scrittura: (Writing) La casa della moda Chi? Cosa? Quando? Dove? Perche? Milano UNIT 5 Buon appetito! Capitolo 5.A La spesa (pp ) (Food shopping) Communicative Goals: Talk about food and grocery shopping Vocabulary: Expressions, shops, food, meat, fish, fruits and vegetables Pron. and Writing: Short idioms related to lesson s theme Cultural Reading Assignment: Mercato o supermercato? Grammar: Lesson 5A.1 Past tense - Passato prossimo with ESSERE Grammar: 5A2 - Direct Object pronouns Grammar 5A3 - Partitivi (alcuni, dei, qualche) Capitolo 5B A tavola (pp ) (At the table)

7 Communicative Goals: Discuss meals and place settings; describe flavors Vocabulary:expressions, at the restaurant, meals, drinks, talking about food. Pron. and Writing: Short idioms related to lesson theme Cultural Reading Assignment: I pasti in famiglia Grammar: Lesson 5B.1 Indirect object pronouns Lesson 5B.2 Adverbs Panorama culturale: Gastronomia e arte in Bologna, Emilia- Romagna OTHER IMPORTANT GRAMMAR POINTS FOR FINALS: 1) I verbi irregolari Know how to conjugate the following verbs in the Indicative, Present Tense. Essere= to be Io sono Tu sei Lui/lei e noi siamo voi siete loro sono Avere = to have Io ho noi abbiamo Tu hai voi avete Lui/lei ha loro hanno Dare = to give Io do Tu dai Lui/lei da Dire= to say Io dico Tu dici Lui/lei dice noi diamo voi date loro danno noi diciamo voi dite loro dicono Sapere = to know ( facts) Io so noi sappiamo

8 Tu sai voi sapete Lui/lei sa loro sanno Conoscere = to know to be familiar with people/places Io conosco noi conosciamo Tu conosci voi conoscete Lui/lei conosce loro conoscono Potere = to be able to Io posso noi possiamo Tu puoi voi potete Lui/lei puo loro possono Volere = to want Io voglio noi vogliamo Tu vuoi voi volete Lui/lei vuole loro vogliono Dovere = to have to/must do Io devo noi dobbiamo Tu devi voi dovete Lui/lei deve loro devono 2. Il participio passato (past tense) In Italian, past participles are used to form the past tense, in this way: - ATO for ARE verbs (ex: parl+ ato for parlare) - UTO for ERE verbs (ex: ripet+uto for ripetere) - ITO for IRE verbs (ex: part+ito for partire)

9 Some verbs in Italian have irregular past participles. Here is a list of the most common: Essere Avere Conoscere Sapere Dovere Potere Volere Mettere Prendere Fare Dare Dire Leggere Uscire Crescere Nascere Morire stato avuto conosciuto Saputo Dovuto Potuto Voluto Messo Preso Fatto Dato Detto Letto Uscito Cresciuto Nato Morto 3. Il passato prossimo (The past tense) In Italian, most verbs will use AVERE (to have) as an ausiliare or helping verb. In English, you might say: I walked (subject+ past tense of TO WALK) In Italian, you must use: Subject (Io, tu, etc.)+ AVERE (in the present tense = ho, hai, etc.) + Past participle (participio passato del verbo camminare to walk = camminato) So, to translate : I walked, you will say/write: Io (subject) ho (helping verb) cammin+ato (past participle of camminare). ( English Translation: I have walked) Some verbs, in Italian, will use ESSERE (to be) as a helping verb. These verbs were introduced to you, at the beginning of 8 th grade, in the CASA DI ESSERE drawing with Rosa as the main character. The most common verbs that use ESSERE as a helping verb are called verbi di movimento or in English, motion, movement, or state of being,

10 verbs). The verbs below are in the INFINITO (infinitive of a verb) and in the PARTICIPIO PASSATO (past participle of a verb): 1. Nascere nato/a nati/e 2. Morire morto/a morti/e 3. Uscire uscito/a usciti/e 4. Venire venuto/a venuti/e 5. Partire partito/a partiti/e 6. Scendere sceso/a scesi/e 7. Arrivare arrivato/a arrivati/e 8. Cadere caduto/a caduti/e 9. Entrare entrato/a entrati/e 10. Rientrare rientrato/a rientrati/e 11. Andare andato/a andati/e 12. Stare stato/a stati/e 13. Salire salito/a saliti/e 14. Ritornare ritornato/a ritornati/e For example the English sentence: I was born in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey is translated in Italian as Io sono nato (or nata) a Berkeley Heights, New Jersey and NOT as Io ho nato/nata a Berkeley Heights, New Jersey. Practical examples of sentence using Avere as a helping verb, in the past 1) I ate the pizza = Io ho mangiato la pizza 2) I walked in the park = Io ho camminato nel parco Practical examples using Essere as a helping verb, in the past: 1) I entered the house = Io sono entrato(a) a casa 2) We went to Rome = Noi siamo andati(e) a Roma IMPORTANT: every time you use ESSERE as a helping verb, you MUST remember that the past participle MUST agree in gender and number with the subject. Other important VERB facts: a) L imperativo, or the command form, is used very often to order someone to do something. When you use it, you

11 DO NOT need to use the subject. Examples: Vai a Milano! (You) go to Milan! Andate a Venezia (You all) go to Venice! Andiamo!(Let s, or let us, as in a group of us) = Let s go! b) I verbi Riflessivi, or reflexive verbs, are verbs where the action falls, or reflex, on oneself. In English, you might say: I brush my hair. In Italian, you must use the reflexive Spazzolarsi. You will drop the si from the ending of the verb. Then, you will drop the ar, or er, or ir and conjugate the verb in the present tense. So, I brush my hair will be, in Italian, translated as: Io (subject) mi (personal pronoun) spazzolo (verb) I capelli (the hair) In Italian, the verb To Know is translated into Sapere and Conoscere Sapere means to know simple facts, how to do something, to have information about something Conoscere means to be acquainted with people, complex or abstract concepts rather than simple facts Examples: I know how to speak Italian = Io so parlare l Italiano I know New York City = Io conosco New York Other important ADJECTIVE facts: a) Possessivi mean mine, yours, in English are translated mio, tuo, suo b) Interrogativi mean what, which, in English, are translated che, cosa? c) Dimostrativi mean this, that, those, in English are translated questo(a); quello(a). Remember they always agree in gender and number with the subject d) Comparativi e Superlativi Comparativi di maggioranza e minoranza Piu di = More than (comparativo di maggioranza) Meno di = Less than (comparativo di minoranza) Adjectives MUST match the gender and the number of the thing or person

12 that it describes. For example: Maria e piu bella di Viola (translation: Maria is more beautiful than Viola) Maria e meno bella di Viola (translation: Maria is less beautiful than Viola) Superlativi assoluti For example:emily e bellissima e bravissima! in Italiano! ( Translation: Emily is very beautiful and very good in Italian!) EXAM FORMAT: the 8 th grade Italian Final consists of a Listening, a Reading, a Writing and a Speaking section. While the Listening, Reading and Writing sections will be performed in class, the Speaking section will be recorded, and submitted, on the Sentieri Supersite. Once students have submitted that portion of the exam, following the prompts on the SSS, it will be reviewed, graded by Mrs. Di Martino and added to the Final s total score. For this academic year, 2015, I am also offering extra credit on one of the two topics for the Essay Writing section of the Final Exam. Buona fortuna a tutti!

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