Department: World Languages Date: Course Title: Spanish II CP Course Number: 4250 QPA: 4.5 CREDITS: 5

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1 Spanish II Department: World Languages Date: Course Title: Spanish II CP Course Number: 4250 QPA: 4.5 CREDITS: 5 Textbook: Avancemos! 2, Holt McDougal, a division of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Annotated Teacher s Edition Avancemos! Level 2 Workbook: Avancemos!, Level 2 Resource Manager level 2 Differentiated Assessment Program, level 2 Easy planner cd-rom, level 2 Power presentation cd-rom, level 2 Hometutor exercises Online Textbook, Workbook and Did you get it exercises. GOALS: To help students develop linguistic proficiency and cultural sensitivity in order to be prepared to participate in a global society. To broaden students communication skills by combining language and culture. To begin using functional expressions, vocabulary, grammar structures and readings to facilitate learning practices that will be used in and out of the classroom. To encourage students to think critically and to take risks when expressing themselves in the language. To strive for accuracy in written communication. COURSE OUTLINE FIRST SEMESTER QUARTER 1 Lección Preliminar Essential questions: How to talk about likes and dislikes? How do you describe how you and others fell? Topics: 1. Identify and describe people

2 2. Talk about likes and dislikes 3. Say where you and your friends go 4. Describe how you and others feel 5. Talk about what you and your friends do. 1. Definite and indefinite articles 2. Subject pronouns and ser 3. Adjectives 4. The verb tener 5. The verb gustar 6. Ir + a + place 7. Ser or estar 8. Regular present tense verbs 9. Stem changing verbs 10. Ir + a + infinitive UNIT PROFICIENCIES: LECCIÓN PRELIMINAR: Students will be able to 1. Identify people, relationships and professions in a school environment. 2. Describe themselves and others. 3. Define and recognize the articles that match nouns in gender and number. 4. Apply adjectives, the verb tener and verb gustar 5. Explore and compare neighborhoods in Spanish speaking communities. 6. Say where people are going with ir + a + place 7. Describe different emotions and express feelings with verbs: tener, ser and estar. 8. Compare, differentiate and identify different activities and categorize where the activities are being performed 9. Practice and discriminate the use of the present tense regular verbs and the stem-changing ones. Unit 1: Florida and Costa Rica

3 Essential questions: Qué lugares te gustaría visitar en Costa Rica? Qué llevarías? Qué te gusta hacer cuando estás de vacaciones? How do you express past situations using the preterite? Topics: 1. Discuss travel preparations 2. Talk about things you do at an airport 3. Ask how to get around town 4. Say where you went and what you did on vacation 5. Ask information questions 6. Talk about buying gifts and souvenirs 1. Personal a 2. Direct object pronouns 3. Indirect object pronouns 4. Double object pronouns (U5 L2) 5. Possessions 6. Prepositions of location 7. Preterite of ar verbs 8. Preterite of ir, ser, hacer, ver, dar 9. Interrogatives Culture: 1. La calle Ocho 2. Explora Costa Rica 3. Pura Vida 4. La naturaleza en Costa Rica 5. Un parque tropical de Costa Rica 6. La familia y sus costumbres 7. Los parques nacionales 8. Bebidas de Costa Rica y Chile UNIT PROFICIENCIES Unit 1: Students will be able to 1. Memorize, recognize and classifiy words for making travel preparations and getting around in an airport.

4 2. Explain the sequence of events that unfold when taking a trip overseas. 3. Define, label and list the direct and indirect object pronouns. 4. Demonstrate the use of object pronouns when discussing travel plans. 5. Apply two object pronouns in a sentence to talk about food and service. 6. Analyze, criticize and compare nature in Costa Rica and USA. 7. Decide the form of address: tú or usted when questioning or talking to people. 8. Gain knowledge of words to describe vacation activities and lodging. 9. Memorize, repeat and practice the preterite of ar verb 10. Read, compare and analyze and eco-adventure park in Costa Rica to the ones they know in USA. 11. Discriminate the sound of h and ch. 12. Learn how to form the preterite of ir, ser, hacer, ver, and dar.then use them to talk about the past. 13. Investigate, organize and compare with the Venn diagram the climate and geographic differences between Costa Rica and Chile. 14. Discuss how these differences influence vacation activities and what people do for vacation where they live. 15. Talk about buying gifts and souvenirs. First Semester Quarter 2 Essential questions: What do you do to keep in shape? Unit 2: Argentina Topics 1. Talk about sporting events and athletes 2. Discuss ways to stay healthy 3. Point out specific people and things 4. Retell events from the past 1. Adverbs with mente 2. Preterite of er and ir verbs 3. Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns Conexión Cultural: 1. Sports chants in Madrid and Buenos Aires

5 2. Sports and Argentine culture in the art of Antonio Berni UNIT PROFICIENCIES: UNIT 2: Students will be able to 1. Discuss competitive sporting events and ways to stay healthy. 2. Identify sports, healthy habits, and their related words. 3. Express how people practice sports by integrating adverbs in a conversation. 4. Form and practice using the preterite of regular er and ir verbs. 5. Listen, sing and define sports chants of Argentina and Spain; compare these with those in the USA. 6. Recognize and classify which actions occur in the present and with those occurred in the past. 7. Create a story or postcard to describe past activities. 8. Learn, list and memorize demonstrative pronouns and adjectives. Then use them to point out people and things. 9. Listen, discriminate and arrange the sound /k/ with the letters c or qu. 10. Admire, explain, and identify the works of argentinean artist Antonio Berni. 11. Listen and understand health and fitness advice and provide their own recommendations. 12. Analyze and discuss a written text about sport tournaments. Second Semester Quarter 3 Essential questions: Describe your daily routine and mention what ítems you need. Unit 2: Lesson 2 Topics: 1. Discuss your daily routine 2. Clarify the sequence of events 3. Say what you and other are doing right now or intend to do 1. Pensar + infinitive 2. Reflexive verbs 3. Present progressive

6 Conexión Cultural: 1. Abstract art and comic strips 2. Body language, gesture, and idioms 3. Daily routines in rural Argentina and Colombia 4. Athletic routines in Argentina, Colombia, and Spain UNIT PROFICIENCIES UNIT 2: Students will be able to 1. Gain knowledge of and apply words related to daily routines. 2. Identify parts of the body, ítems needed for personal care, a logical routine. 3. Apply the verb pensar + infinitive to discuss plans. 4. Use reflexive verbs to describe daily routines. 5. Compare abstract and realistic art through the Works of Bri Pais-Genti. 6. Learn how to form the present progressive. Talk about what is happening and what people are doing. 7. Indicate how comic strips represent the culture of a country 8. Name and express which comic strips they like or dislike. 9. Compare and contrast the daily routine of a gaucho in Argentina and a coffee grower in Colombia. Second semester: Quarter Fourth Essential questions: How do shopping habits and service differ from country to country. Unit 3: Puerto Rico Topics : 1. Talk about clothing, shopping, and personal needs 2. Say whom things are for 3. Express opinions 4. Describe past activities and events 5. Ask for and talk about items at a marketplace 6. Express yourself courteously 1. Verbs like gustar

7 2. Present tense of irregular yo verbs 3. Pronouns after prepositions 4. Hace + expressions of time 5. Irregular preterite verbs 6. Preterite of ir stem-changing verbs Conexión Cultural: 1. History through art 2. Shopping centers 3. How to organize your closet 4. Los vejigantes and traditional masks 5. The holiday singers: las parrandas 6. Traditional handicrafts 7. Going shopping in Puerto Rico, Panamá and Per UNIT PROFICIENCIES UNIT 3-Puerto Rico: Students will be able to 1. Understand and categorize vocabulary related to clothing and shopping. 2. Practice using expressions to state clothing preferences and state ones opinion. 3. Talk about places to shop in their community. 4. Review the irregular yo forms of some present-tense verbs. 5. Apply the present-tense irregular yo forms to talk about what they do in contrast to what others do. 6. Learn and use pronouns that follow prepositions. 7. Use expressions to explain whom things are for, whom they go shopping with, and what interests they and their friends. 8. Discriminate the sound on diphthongs. 9. Use the verbs gustar, encantar, importar and interesar with questions and answers. 10. Understand and practice the gramatical rules of using double pronouns. 11. Demonstrate the ability top ut the language into action as they talk about fashion trends and shopping in their community. 12. Gain knowlege of words using in a marketplace.

8 13. Practice expressions to address people politely and to talk about different craft ítems. 14. Use the hace + the period of time + que + the present tense to describe how long something has been going on. 15. Review irregular and stem changing verbs in the preterite. 16. Become familiar with traditional masks used in Puerto Rico. Compare and contrast with similar celebrations in the USA. 17. Discriminate the sound of the letter g before a,o,u and the consonants l and r. 20. Define, list and conjugate the preterite of ir stem-changing verbs. 21. Compare and contrast tradional crafts from Puerto Rico and Panama. Unit 4: Mexico Essential questions: How do you describe continuing activities in the past? How do you narrate past events and activities? How do you describe people, places and things? Topics: 1. Mexico 2. Describe continuing activities in the past 3. Narrate past events and activities 4. Describe people, places and things 1. Past participles as adjectives 2. The imperfect tense 3. Preterite and imperfect 4. Expressions of frequency 5. Weather expressions Conexión Cultural: 1. A Oaxacan legend 2. The art of Alfredo Zalce Torres 3. Traces of the past in Mexico and Nicaragua UNIT PROFICIENCIES: Unit 4: Students will be able to

9 1. Categorize words related to legends and stories; characters, settings and events. 2. Gain an understanding of a legend through listening, reading and visual aids. 3. Use verbs as adjectives to create past participles 4. Form past participles: -ado, -ido 5. Learn to forms the imperfect tense. 6. Use the imperfect tense to describe continuing activities in the past. 7. Compare, examine and categorize different traces of the past of Mexico and Nicaragua. 8. Discriminate the sound of the letter r and rr 9. Compare and contrast the preterite and the imperfect tenses. 10. Retell a story from their past and créate a legend of their own. 11. Read and analyze a Mexican legend that explains the origin of fire. Discuss stories they know that explain natural phenomena. Unit 4 : México antiguo y moderno Topics: 1. Describe early civilizations and their activities 2. Describe the layout of a modern city 3. Ask for and give directions 1. Verbs with i-y spelling change in the preterite 2. Preterite of car, -gar, and zar verbs 3. More verbs with irregular preterite stems Conexión cultural: 1. The ancient and the modern in Mexico, Ecuador, and Nicaragua 2. The indigenous legacy in Mexico and Ecuador 3. Traditional songs in Mexico and Ecuador UNIT PROFICIENCIES: Unit 4- México: Students will be able to 1. Illustrate, and interpret words to discuss early civilizations and modern cities.

10 2. Ask for directions and reach a destination. 3. Talk about objects they would find in an ancient site. 4. identify and use verbs with the spelling changes of car, -gar, and zar in the preterite. 5. Identify, list and translate some indigenous words in Mexico and Ecuador 6. Listen and discuss the history of an ancient city. 7. Discriminate de sound of the letter s 8. Learn more irregular preterite stems and endings: venir, querer, decir, and traer. 9. Compare and contrast ancient sports from the Mexico of yesterday and today. 10. Discuss the presence of indigenous cultures in Oaxacas and Otavalo. 11. Analyze and explain the contributions of indigenous societies to Mexico, Ecuador, and the United States.

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