BENELUX CLUB. ff# ïïffi i;:-ï:ïi]ï';""version, addins this unit has sone aciditíve advantaq*.,

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1 'Í rt,: BENELUX CLUB Volume h, number 6 Monthly publicat, ion t l,{ay L965 (n*' l+2) Se cret,ary: Oude Amersfoorb sewegl53 t Hilversum, Holland EdÍtor t Zeevaertweg L9' t H ilversum, Holland OURRE, :EIÏER In. tiris,,.se,ries on receiver inprovements withorrt, aet,ual r,reddling in the cireuitry ind.iv:*dual rece iver.r we c&n deal with à. spêcial subject' t,o{ayr 'the short' lrave cc As the,,nanle already, su1.l:ests, the jnstrunent convevts ore rasge of frequencies jr otheg, In :our case, parb of the short, wave raíie is transfoï$,ed jnto one frequent ned ign iïíave raïfge. Thr.s, if the convert,er is used jn cornbjnat jan w ith a re èe ive to t5o0 kc/s, the tuníng lmob of the converter perrnit's listening; to a whole ranf ff# ïïffi i;:-ï:ïi]ï';""version, addins this unit has sone aciditíve advantaq*., pio""u performance of the set, in-this specif ic ranfie,by provid jng a vavourable j ïr:equenlï qe ject ion, and by the exbra sens it ivity inhearent, to the concep-b. One such conóept, we like to deal with todayo It is a brand ne& folder that will by Fad io Neelerland one of the se days ancl feature s a shorb wave convert'er fit'ted the 2L, LT an,l 15 megacycles bands (ti to 20 met,res). It is á separat,e, tube operated r:nit which can be made by everyone able to make 'oints, betause the folder docs not only ',' ive a circuit d iagramr but also top ar -views of the chas s is, complet,ecl w ith a f in" page de s cr ipt ion (vrr itten by 'yours t dealíng with both prínciple operat,ion and practical construct,ion of the uni.,t.' Let, t s face a practical exanrple t,o clear up the principle operation of this conv A frequen"y oi J7 rnegacycle s, that is 17OOO kilocycle s in the 16 metre band ent'e. ant,enna and is fed t o the aerial c jrcuit of the converter. Hcre we f ind our f irt circuit,, even before the RF pre-arnpl jf ier tube can comnence its work" The roug,[i frequenóy ran6le js fe,c to the controj grid of the RF tube, wh j-ch is cf the vari; t;npe" In- itts anocle cjrcuit ïíe find a seccnd cjrcuit, also tr:nerl to the 17OOO k( quency, and it I s f unct ion is -&rrroíríl rroïe- t o incre a se the sele ct' iv ity of the un: A second tube is call-e.l the frequency chaníier. It will mix the frequency of 170( fed to it, r,vith another signal creat,ed in an oscillator circuit, also _connected' ;11 " (enéólo Thus ï're f,et a nunber of siipals after mixin5; has t,aken place, amoní v.1i]l f jnd both sum and d rfferunt ial sigpals n The d i-f f erence between the antenna à"át:p" oscillator sipeal Ís chosen usually, and it can be kept constant by mou: ',r-rrr:inà condensors of bcth cjrcuit,s on one coïrunon shaft, and so aii incoming qho: sígnáls within the tunin:l range of the converter are frtransformedrr jnto one intt itàqour"y" Tn this case, trre ÏF is selected jn the medium ïiave band: 150Ó-lc/s, exà cy the you mu:;t tune your re ce ivcr t'o. The converter is conne ct,ed t, o the antenna and,ciround conne ctions of the means of a cable, and has not, ot'her connections with it, unless you want heat,er and hi'.h volt,a5;e supply fron it,. A specia}'feature of this Radio Nederland cor:.vert,er is, that it is equipperl ampiifier stafle, which rnakes it a very sensit,ive device, offers an excellent, rad io set, by to draw the with a RF image fre- l

2 quency re je ct, i"on anc is relat ively ea sy t o make by' a clro ice cf cornponent s wh ickr a versally obta jnable o It I s range - 15 to 2\ nc/s é is select,ed not only because nany radio sets njss th tícular ren ïe, but also because the short ïrave bairds in -bir:is rai]fie are rnost suita lon': distance recept'ion, especially under concitions of hirlh solar activity, whic e)rpcct,ed to occur jn the near futureo Therefore, the publ-ica-bion of this folder i dered rvell-timed. Are you jntere sted jn lendts transmíssions charge. soon after it FREQUIN CY },MTERS -2* re ce iving a copy? Then r,re a:l.rise you to report, one of Rad io and ask for the new convertei: fc l-:lei', ït will be sent to you rclls off the presi.eso making sure th,:.t it is still in'rfactoryrr-condit,ion,, Although the BG-t,ype is best' }m.own, the lil,t is m:.ybe extra; it can not only create a carrier, but, also a tates identjiícr.t1on of the ca.rrier sometines. The frequency meter is the best piece of auxilirry It{aybe the price is an ob j e ct icrn? in that ca se -u F aï torrr ar-bicle expect,ed soon jn thj.s serieso Nedenfree of JV by Jjm Vasterrhoud ïilhat is a frequency neter, what cen I do wíth ib and lrhat rloes it costo }[oreover, I obta jn one and urhat are the c- Ít ical po ini;s to keep in n jnd when pondering? The tions rvere put by one of our ltr rnbers receny, end fcrr,r the rea.son,why we deal wj subject toriay" A freq.uency net'er is a p ic ce of equipnent at'le to r;enerate a carrier between L25 20 nc/s r,vith great s.ccurlcfc This carricr is very wcak ancl can only be received vr aerial (antenna ) of -the jnstrument is carrpled irlith, the antenna of the re ce ivero f ver wjj.l then in,cicate the carrier sonelryhbre jn the band, Noriv, for what, purposes use t,he. frequency met'er? In t,he f irst place, the alír,;nment of the set or cleviati,cns on the d ial can be che it. The operat ion mocle is quíbe s inple; just r;encrate a frequency and che cks its on the djal with thc point,er., Tririrning of course j.s nore djfficult, and shoujd nc carried out vuithout e:<periencec Itr the second place, t'he frequ.ency of,a stet j-on c&ír be determjned with the freque Tune the re ce iver to the station, tune ihe;, fr.equency net,er to ápproxinntely the s rluency and a beat no'be wil-l becone aud ible in thc loud speakero Then let the carï coinc jrle (zero beat ) Uy ad just jnp1 the frequency irrcter, and reac the jnstrunent, T method is applied by DX-ers to check the fbequency of a statíon before reporting AnC the read ing is corre c'ii, wíth an accura cy of even, s l;han one k'c/s jn the h j quency bands.. Frequenc;r rniters :of the type BC 22l. or If 13 (il'nfl+) are stili avail-ab1e on the ma today, especiá}ly,in v',rar surplus st,ocko They are ibattery-operatedr so it will be to const,ruct a snall vóltaile supply unit for mains operation, but this js sjmlrle. can vaïy. Recent rnasazine checks inílicat,e a value of L L5.- (UI{) and $ the US, cornplet'e with orí.r1ínal crysta1 and ca.libration book 'tused but like neïrr f'" qual ity of the crystal rleterrnjne s the velue of the un it, and only an or tg; inal_ cal book wj]i jndicste the exact, radinli, it is jrroort,ant to keep these two points i;1 going to a store. Othervuise, check the ;eneral concition by inspectíon of the cha cven better.r hecause it has a handy -bonc modul-ated carrier, which facij-iequipment the DX-er can possess, I think. sone att,cntion to the rfcrystal!qw-.te!,eiisian- ' 1 Just a lite rema jn talk jn on the problen of ihe cclour television s'bandard for which was subject of discussion durinf, a recertt mec1,; jn Vienrra" As you lcrow àl the conference vías a failule because no unanjr,rous aclvice on a system cculd be mac are several ï.jàsoïrs for this, anc somg of then are potiticalr soríil are purely tec such as the different terra jn circurnstanccs e4per"íencecl j-n Europc, the price of the corrpat,ibility uiith t'he already existíng; NTSC-,sys*Jen, cbcn,ilso, tïrr)ney is jnvc Because patent,s are involvec for each systen, ancl so i:ho 'latter n:u:t havc been qu plexn Now, after the flunp'lvler siloke has lii-,ecl.o what are the eqrcctions? As fcr can íiuess noïi, the systen vvill be detern:.rnc.l by i;he Íirs',,.,ta-r,ion strrtingl colg,ur sion in Europe, and BBC siands a floo:l chancc to b..:"b1" first one,, ],.f'ulrat will BBC u it is i<nown that they are t;cne raily jn far,"c,u. i thg " l\ncricen N1'SC system, ho-weve the colc'ur subcarrier c;n the frequency appiicll in 'circ fur'.ran PirL systcmo Not beca

3 THE Eê,ffiT BTRD L jíted to its stationary place jn orbit 22r3OO miles above the earth ó weeks ago Early B jrd, the f jrst comrnerc jal sat,ellite in orbit noïi. Because it is so far frc earth, it lvil} seldorn have to rely on it,s storai:e cellsr so for nost of the tjrne 6OOO so]av cells r,viil be abje to supply the sat,ellites receiver md transmitt,er e The bird is basically a relay statione stationed hu.:h over the Anantic ocean.1r to supply d ire ct, con'rnunicat,ion betvrreen Eurci:e anc North and Scuth Amcrica, ïn the of, tvrro Inore such satellites arc expcct'ecl to appear: one over the Pacific 0< one above the fndian Ocean, and toglether they wilf pret,ty vuell cover the whclc e.: Early Bird can rclay TV prolran'rs, or can handl-e 2l+O sinultaneous telephone convel This means an active support to the f ive transat,lantic cables, r,vhich can tor:ethcr jus,t ]+tz t'elephone ca"l-is. One disacvantage, and at the sarne time a curious proof user will be that it wíil t,ake radio ïrlaves alrnost, a quarter of a seeoncl to nake t trip" This vuill. lead to litt1e ihvaitinrr timesrí between quest,ion ancl ani/ïer. Ho'w long Early Bird wi perfcrm is still a ;1uest,ion. Sclar act'ivíty is risin., e satellit,e will be bonbarded by bljzzards of h!,;h encrr,y particles frorn the sun t,r da,4apie the int'ricate rnechanispi of the capsule, but for the rnornent cornnercial t,el-e trafic via satell-i-be is st,,artjnfi. NryE- EEgU-Bi qlq -UE!E EIAN P Great, joy jn the studios jn Hilvorsum vuhen at last the report arrived frcm Bonaj: thc 260 kií short'wave transnitter rvas rea,jy fc,r use. The fjrst dayts broadcast, str lvithout annc)uncenents in the other RaCio Nc.lerlan Proiirarnnes, Only a snall nu:nbe Iistenjngiposts ï'rere inft-rrrt:d;.the rnotto ïvas to be quitc on thc safe sicle. The fil llraphic reports v{ure very encouraginil, sothat the next, Cay the re}aytransmissíons arurounce,l irt all otkr,;r prol,raíiï]res to same dircctions" It'is a mat-ber of cre;lit to the DX-crs activitie s, that many of then hearil the f: transnissions &fld sent, a report on it. As allpears fron the reports "which are r ceivecl up to nolv, t,he fjrst bl-ock of proi, respectively /lT En,lish to ï; 2LAO-222O G,m Dutch to 'Íii.Africa e 2320 m,[t Spanish to South Ar:erica on a frequency cf L529O kc/s can be received v jn the whole of Eurcpe. ;\t pre sent it nay be sti]} pos sible that the Spanish brot v'lill facle out,, but within a rironth the propar,:atic-,nconilitic.'ns'r,rril} irrprove. So {ur: Sunrncrscheclule, Bonajre will be a brl cornpetitc,r for the 1O k1'í transnit,ter fc;r Er &zo kc/so In the last block of transnissions, thcre has been an jrrlrort,ant, "fu3rlrr, o Ncv,l the tr profir&rrne t o II or:th Ancr ica can be he ard fron Ot3C S,m anc the Span ish progre L{cxico fron OIIOO-OII5O 0\,fl1. The Dutch prof.rerurc to North Ànerica ren]ineci unchani:e OZ 3O-035O G,lI. Sr far as t he frequency of th is blo ck of pror,:ramne s c c)rr cerns, the of the choosen frcqucncy of 9690 kc/s ï/ere not as expe cted. A st,rr,nr jnterferini.l causerl bac recept'ion in the eastern pa.rt of North Ancrica" In the vuestern part rr j"s g4ooil, due to thc in/orse prc)patiatic-rn path of the int,erllerjní; si,qnal" Because bet reception is nuch rlesirerl, a neïil frequency ehannel is neecled. Frol:a1,at,ion condit: the path Bonaire - Nc.,rth Arnerica and l,lexico n:lke it possible tc. use a 9 rne/s frec 'l,ilith thrc,ughout the year, effect of the neïí schedule, thet is per the A.],1 of líay, 96gO'kc/s wjj-i be rep1ace,j by 95n kc/s, being: one of the olrlest Radio Nerlerland cies uqed fcr these proi ;ramnes to North rinerica via the Lopik transuiitters. As a result cf this chanile, it luas needec to make srinê ïirore njnor correctíons in schedule ycu receiverl fast, ilonth. Please correct yc.ur scheclule as follolvs; Enl:lish on $undays' to Austrnliafievr Ze aland71,ïest Inc'lies on and O1OO-O12O on Suncla.ys and O13O-O155 on weekcays sevcra] l:np;uai;es to tr'iiest, Inri jes c 97L5 ancl 6oo5 kc,/sl Note c) shc,ulil read and &O5 kc/s not jn the n j+,,ht, of Snlurriay to Sunda.y. 'ife hope that, the g,;r,rod news vuill result ;,oocl reception. -C- NEl$ DEADLI{E ï',ury 20TH F Btr SURE YOU "ïfi'{d,.your CO}ITRIBUTIOI\TS ]N TI}E '-, ^.a Íaa comproïnise, but because the colour s[bcarrir,r i"s less visible jn the picture wt is shj-fted 393L cycles frcm Íts original position at, l+.1+3 mei."acycles above the v: carrier. -O- -O kc/s3 on 11800,

4 rh- E DÏI O RTiL }.,ï ISCELLANY DiC you kno'rv, - that the tr{est Indian DK-crs Associ-at,ion has publjshed her first bu}letin; that Pre sident of this Association Ís our menber l\iargaret Hinkson; É that our ex-member T imothy Jarnes is no long;er secret,ary of the said associatihr that thjs club still doesnlt, accept nenbers c'utside the ii'test Indjan region, but thorr r.r.nqrlcr to chani;e this policy '.1 withjn a few months3 - t,hat a photellraph of our rrerrber NoJ"Jensen at Frederiksharrn, Denrnark js to be s, the baclcpe.iie of the I{ay jssue of RaCio Jnpan News t ê that the w jreless operat,c.,r on board of the l ighthship St,. Govan ha s oí broadcast of Rad io City wher blocked on his emerílency wavelength by a relegious cie sperately t o send out, an S0S; that the Post Off ice has a. bu}\y f ile of : cor4pla jnt s about interferenoe frc,m p Í: ' st,at ions t -. that, these corl:-rlaints have come frcm HoIIand, Crcrnany, Czechoslovakjar: eoast,riu ship-cc)rïisunications st,at ions.;. : that thís file luil-l- be ',rsed as artrilunition by ldr" Anthony ï'iedgpro.od Benn, Po,stnas ral in legal r,lovcs ncrry belni consiclcrec to,leal l'rith pirate brcadcast'inii. :" that, t,he raiiio ;;irrtes do not secrír worriec about'the futuret that' this '!.ías to be read jn the Daily I,i jíror of -n'[arch ZZ, L965; ihet our ircítber Hcnk van Cer Laan has wcn the ihird price jn Radic Cana,la I s lis ff:t ïïï:1i"" Ben 'an Eerrten has been neïit,i,,nc,i uy n,iio portus'ar on Aprit gi the very f irst RPDXG-ncnber who earned 'r,he bronze cert,ificate (fo" QSL!s.ItCo tnundc guesorf and that a,lso a silver (20) ancl, a r ol.len (50) certificate are obtainable; - that we rea.j the niost fantabtic articles on our Dutch National broa,lcast policl North Àncrican periodicals. and DX-bul-1i:tjns ancl that noïí evurl.bocy has pity or, cause itts stié rrnllossible for us t,o enjoy the conmercials; that Rarlio Pra5,;ue ilidntt fall behjnd jn foun,line a llonítorts Club and that ittr possible t,c ilet' sone ccrtjficates qia this Club t,o:lecorat,e your shack. Fcr further particulars write to 'rralio Prague l{cnitors Club, Prague, Cze chosl< - that the f;iet-up of your clubbulletin is in hancls of sjx ener:etic fellows ancl ( lvho is not so eraerl;etic; - that the less energetíc feow just, has been ejected as your e,litor jn chicf, rr shrinkinl: every nel.j r,ronth fron divi.lini: that cne Ion1' ]etter, closely written ( s ijes of the pái;e, r,vith alno s;t unreadable s cravuls, ià portions f or every concel e,jitor; -that he woulrl enj cy it very nuch jj cvery niernber sencs h is contributions d ivir-1ec tions pcr e'litor." and v'rhen he puts his nane and rcsi"lence uncer each portion, 1 nr^ina 'in +,he footbal_l pool is heartily lvelcc'ne to hir.r; that the ccintributir,ns f or the bullet in, tha.t are re ceivcc later than the 20th nonth, perf orce have to na it, till the nex-t bullet jn. E9 i_!9_i4gs'i 9_rro_U9 r!! There is a new ecitio^n of rt]or,v to list,en tc thc worllrr available Jc,day, anri it lc w ith it s f 75 pat;es of inf orrirqtion, it t s Plalt if ied anc cclorful cover an:l the maï ]g1rwír naïnes r'f its cc,íitrll:utors! Itts cont,ents? r\n alnr-.rr,t conplete coveraíac of short ïiavcs, thcir behavior, the ic re ce:rt,ic,n i:roblcnsy ïcporti-nr, ;'cncral informati'rrt in hít:h frcqucncy propaiation Then., l+0 pa.',es -devote'-l to cljjfercnt internatir.,nal short ï'ra\re st,a.ticns and how the identified; sr,rr chaptcrs cn rnediurn vrave and rner.liurn ríave D,(-jnf,e soïne circuits oï irrprovencnt (includjnl: transistor circuits), lani,uarie coqr^ses, TV-DX-ingl anri entr several bii: or irrport,ant, D;{ Clubso It is a i.ou.c book, especially for the nan r,uith jnt,erest jn DX-ing on short, ua.vee rvave and the televjsic,n bands. The c,nly thinir I mi''s j-s satcllite cornïrlunication ë ception, The boc,k has onc chapter c'n the subject which :lces not covcr the wht,ie 'l But the ovqrall Ínirression is fine: the bc,ok is well carecl of s rcacs casily anc < l-ots of inforn:ltion &ïï&írf',j in a fine rfi&$o It lvill have special attraction for t tc' chnically ni:rded ircbbyist,. Thc New Guide, Hor,Í to lj-st'en to the V"Iorld tg6Q Published ancl edit,ed by O.Lr hansen,$or.}dpub]-ica.ticns,lindorffsa.1lei,hel}erup,denrnark -o- - c,- e

5 ... }{EET,\ NOIffTI.'J.ERTC,"J.{ BDXC MM,IMR It -2- Jame s J. Holvard,1,1- Quaglier i (f 2 Ver rlanck Strect,,,lbany, New Ycrk 12206, US,\ ), i= a"!5, yeaf olcl school freshmano lle started hj.s Siiljng jn iru;ust of L962. His fj.rst receiver ï,ras set the.t coverccl l;i';'ibc i:ius 25 and l1 r,reters íiin dial soece erlua1 to aboui; 5 inche (i;f itn this he 1o5i' crj and (isled 2A countric s). Then he :tot a Éeathkit GR-91. He th an old Zenith (r';ith RF stage) and by this tj:ire his standinrr was l+5 countrjes. Toc usinrt qlj thc itpr:rrrnr^'lrrre.r H. arí-) vrlv r:ullur1c.l.l- IL,LIf t Il\-/- 100.,. His SCOre.UJ- (, is ID 90 7W countries U\J loi,lec anc 55 vcri-f ied. T tcnnàs are a 9A foot V lon,r;r,vire, a 75 foot lonqwirc anc e 60 foot lon',wire. Other ere in n\il-dipolc ancl 6 foot lfittsc loop. (The loc,p cur"reny is occu.nyinp, a positíc foot of his becl.) qy tne -vrou1c likc a. ta:c pal. Better urite first. -o- D.I,Y tr\i THE LIFE OF.', NOIITH J.,ffiRIC}] S L JJTl ï,ihat is; a Cay like for a i'[.r SiiL? lllhat, locs he li.ten to? i4:e]-1 thcre is no sct r-'eï víe ask,ni\-bdxc nreml-.ers to r,v::i-te to us and tel.t us whqt, cne of their dlys is like. liic wil-l begin by telling )rcu about one of our oïín,;'lays. ile v,rill a week '-'i-* 'n'-r- +hat i-; u'rl.r \J ti''l J \rrl on-weekenrls v';e n:]ce uil for the lite listenirrl'ïile do on vueekdays. iite or no DXinr': on nïeekcays.) i'iell ouf o'r,vn i,veek clay.,rrill llesiir arounr'l 9.OO /,lji G\'tT)" Àt abciut th:.t tirne '!ïe r,et up to our i1ay, I53O Gfl lïe nonitor the BBC r, J ^ n n. I l53cc kc/ s, In f:.ct alinolt LOO% of our week c]:y li.teninr, is rlone on the L9 mb, T is to the irrinter:; - S,'. L Publications po.t officc bor - ;as -ior the car - ctco iït víe lis:ten to CBC nerrus" Durincl nany rlrreuk da-rrs \,ïc rru:,t also work on oul. S'!'L columns BDXC, iis.'llc anri l,il,til,c" l',ve nust also anslïer rnail ctco'*e see lite or no TV unless a spccill ncv'ls rc,,,ort (such es a spacc shot s ot the Prcsirlent etc.). ht LgLS G','IT li-qten'i,o the O,R.T.Ii, Engllish t"u,lr vla Byezzaville. l,ïo-st of the time ïíe hea-r irar 'T''ïusic US."ri ot1 the VC; J'l.zz pro:,:ran. Scnrti:nes r,re hc:.r other S'.tat,it'ns... ever tjncs Rai]ic }Tc,lerla.nd. -,t, ZOEO A;t (2150 pn iocal tj-:1.r,:) "" rre ur our car ]renl:nnj 28 mil-cs to our job. Fron Kansas Ci-ty, i;iissouri r,rrhcre tvo live ï\íe ilrive t,o Kans:s K1n.q,:s whcre wc r,vorkn On the cj?.r r:jitr Q,irVeC) *o li.rten t,c, two local stations for ( r,vc.l-i*'cen -i,o,;o ncl'vs pï(rí,r?irls, 1_:1us music ln,:l r,,rr,thcr rcports).the,local st'ltic -ii}lb 7tO k.c/'s :-,n.-1 'ijd.'if 6fO kc/s, 1,'[e',iet tcr irvork at 3z?.5 pe. rl;,fe -wcrk as 3. vreler at Trrr-nh-rr Fnr":-' J)':t,L UJ \JL.'l-iJ. l,ie cant-b listen't.,o arry racio Jtstween lt pm ancl L?zlO tfít. (Tnat is Z2O( G';Ïï the best ht.,uïs for,s'ïlin5; here in North.,\rn,-rica. I r.rí iioing to to gct a 0n thc aut,o radicr on thc way hornc ïje lis;ten to ïd,!f. il"íe can pick ul a. nurnlrer of r in Cana,la. very e:r.sjra But r",ie dc,nlt dc. any DXin. c.rn the way home. l,,r,.ie ':et hone -;ic at J: (O7lO ft'n)" cat sr,r:rethin5i and rlrink a Pclrsi-Cola.'aricl i,.o to lrec at OBOO G,T. Orovrlroro and I tnjnl: I arn ri'ht vrh,;n I say lraur i1:y 1s just beelirmjng over there j _ (,1_,,q l.llll SEE IT (tnc views of, a }Iorth,,n1.rÍc:n S,L) tsgre_,4 ';iihen the rllr\r.:lalr.ieot jn lït,l]-and came,:'lc;'r'rrt ovcr the ra.dio rnatter ít big n.,irus I thc IJS.,\. But I thjnk fc-r,v peoi-,le (ot,hor than SJILs) knc,,v the facts hehjnrl Ít all" j secm to think that all rallio/tv i.'the sar.le as Lrur oïdn?o... I ar,r vratohing r".vith ii the rnat,tcr oí-"r,,vhat color TV systen will be in Europe. It seens Ít would be 1 se tire US Sir 'tcn. But, catr orrll"tstancj th:rt ycru would wunt tc kecp out too much Amt ïiítrh j-iuro;,c tryirrr; to l:riní: sr;iïrc of thu cc,untries into sírre fc'rn of fc.reratir,n ()l evíil: yc;u lva.nt to ca,ll it. "" canlt unlers;tand r,;hy. c. say the BBGV.of Cerrnany an( l'iedcrlan.i dc,nft Lll- bcan {,ne QRG to \T;i sn,1 c?rry othcr brro.l,jcas-bin,.1 sy.rtems,rroi,.:l ::ii.:irt r.'rork +,his tï-a[""o BBC woul.i u.c 6L95 to Ni bctv,recn OOCO-O6OC Gi',ïI; V.t',f Germi kc/:; sianc hours and RnNi,,,lerlends sj?y 6085 kc/s, Then each o1l the other neirorks'l +,h,'ir En''l ish neï{s ovcr a.rl thrce r'irgs t,c Nir. Rcne, vatir_:an, paris et,c. cciu}d a}. i-rrr -lnn'l uof Àifr,r I!JJav ir'''-' or UHF to BBCe VOG 8fi}'ï. They wtuld still have t,here ovun t,ransnissror it v;ot"il:l bo an easy way to nakc sure the N,\ listeners cculd iet bhe nclvs frorn Eu: listt;ncr in Nii cr,\rlil tune irr onc IJRG ancl set.back anc listen to the nt;nïs frc,n ci.( cor,lntries in Eurcpe rvi-bh cut turnins; the.lial. (f tir:ntr thrt on)-y t,c lcciiie at, wh:t t,jne stion r,vill broa,ccast its newscar ncc,,l ten yuars c,f l-king. iïi Ed.) _( * llí' n ï'ltr]]r i{leuli,s Uïl DE BbNELUX Roland Joncl<heere Àls Benelu.qo;l.rtner z:r1. Belrlie'tveer ntet de.';ei'ra1<ken peren, 0p de conferentie te ïíe k,r-e,.urentc.levi,.ie koos Nederland het Duitse sy teem en Lu:xemburg koos partij voor In de BFtr tc Brussel is rnen hoogst ontevreden en ríren l\rij.;t er op dat Bel.,::ie ïveer -^1 n4 4- n1r- -ii,vrir: AcTJ- u)-jlr I rti,ruv'vv srrsrtcmo.n ÈJJ uulitrit in te Vocren. ÍJII. Dit J-J)-U belekent l.rc U\tJ\UII U dat Ud. U ook Lr\lI\ de LI(t toch IJ(JL;II ai c1 -L nr:nerr{:-lllré: r..ll..ll- C ljuf,rjjrqers no6i ninstens L5i!' duurdcr zull-en v;o:rden, Overi.tens dcel.le de BRT nopi mede dat L97O in 6sl-rt ie oo1,1 I,eGï] sprake zal z:_jn van kle urentelerrisie. -uf JJ}T

6 Ī YAI!-IEÏ.ÊE5EET$EIST lviernre '[Iest Ban]< Derncrara, Britis BDXC-295 Alphonso trírightr Long Pond. Sistcrs Vill:ge, BDXC-296 iririàha-cl H. S,i,rceney, Dcnniboi: Roe.d., \I,Iestbrook, Coru , U. S.À. B:ï)XC-297 Joseph F.lT.L{" I(lcin, Overbrrrgkad.c 9, Voorburg (Z-U), }ied.erlar:d." BDXC-298 J.F.fuIei;rs, vl-n iïcemstralasn 53, Baarn, ï\ïeircrl&ïxd o RDXC-299 -i,r'chi-rr,[. ]{enne]<arn, Poolscleair 6, Roosend.aal (N.Br, ), Ncclerlanl" BDXC-JOO E. T opóc, Vciid.clscr-rcg 59, Vccncnclaal, i'icdcrle"nd o Àllcn vnn.l:ra-rtc r-rcf.iroin! l&t4b.q"h*. is nor,y 46; 1tr8 mccrcrs livc in thc tscncli.x coun'brics, 98 clsel.,ficrc" our r.,cnbórs rcceivc th.c Dn-itcir cd.i-bion of our bullctin, 92 thc English cd.ítion" l,s::rusw,4e* /-c]ulss-gr-? gw' E s : -6- FRO\{ THE SECRNTARÏ luqp[t;-s.h."r,ritu"ï*traa-b 1 o8r' s-grr-ycnhage-1 4, iïciicrlantrl' IIDXC-CB5 ]IDXC-CB5 ],[r ],[anfrcd. Iioch, 2-IIn:aburg-lÍanrlsbck, Rod.iga]Icu 100, IV Iirsp., Gcrmany. Cont-ribU.tic pcr op 25 april nog iric-b ontvargcn van: I{.J./in';onis, M.'conís, Rud.e1 Rud.el; ï{.bouu+knccht, Sp,:rnjc ; K. I(riigcr, ïiussun; i, ve-n l'iond.f rr-ns, LLrcn. Rcmcir'l:cr your f cj= : \tr. Heincn, USA" --'- PCSïGIR0^I&0/ER -t. o. v" Pcrrringroecs'bcr lcnclux DX-Ctub tc IJil vcrsun: 68 W E gleleilflgl\dq. / I,iriFo _Lqp. Stand. pcr JO rnaart 1965 f?-32,34 = 3245 F J" I(roon. ïïaarlc.r 1, "Dr, Pcn tinqirccstcr d-rrnlct U!!ru]'Fry.IlE / l,mqnnry jjmwgl R. Dictcrs,,nrns tcrd.anr 0r 50 F. Strp, Groningun 0, 50 7 ste:rd pcr 2J aprl-l 1965 f 23+,1\ = 3273 T Ull sckrctr,ris/pcrr:..irgirccstcr hccf t d-c laetstc il nogal cut-ls rlr 'f off-d.a-yrf, Vorigc schrccf ilc b1jv. zonclcr lrlil:kcn of l:iozen ovcr ttho",-: 'bo J-mprovc your S'r,r' Rccbptionrr, in feitc r,icrd :I}]DO}]LD dcn nicuïrc ccli,tic van r'ïjorr 'co Listcn to 'chc lii'orld-r' (clat oiri r;'cl ui-'c zal- zts:nt cchtcr nog jccn cxcrrrplr.r,r gczien). lïclislri.n-r zal cr vart ltc'c and.t (a^t vccl ïrtocï tecimisch ij ficoriëirtctrcl: boul;cn vaii ontvalgcrs cn irulpappi-rn'cuu: '(,oz.t. ce:r nicu\:rrg Lritgilvc vcrschgncn, cloch h.icrovcr is nog ni-ets l:c}<cnd-. SorrSr! Last rronth r,te clrm.orll'icccl ir ncrz ed,ition of "IJo\"' to lr,priovc your S];i Rcccptiont'. 1{( rury h,-..rc becir nelrs for bhe publisber, ]ïr.,lund--joiratr,scnrhímscl-f. fn fact, it l-,tas ( crror, for r-'rc co:nfusecl'l;rro tios" It shoulcl h,'rvc bccn l{or,r to Lis-Lcn to'r"hr3 },re"- c:cl:'cct 'i;ha'b 'bl:rc ner;r cdition of thís book has allpcarcd 'b3r noï'r. \Iond. U het ook zo jarruner ila'c van ons broctcl]cind- ti'crrclilrctzenpcr Racl-ig" óón bl: -'bl.i..nco r/as? iïc llcbl,rcn er (nog,^,l Ir_.:rt...!) in-t ort gcvond.en. In dc nog nict sajrrei l,,r;;ckjcs ze1 irlad"àjde 58 nie-t, roeer l.;lrnco zijn, Coclr. ocn bcva-i;-bcn van het'-1fr*-',,t1, cn vr-rl he'c N/,Tlo-:pp-cf-f-JÍ-qif* ( gcírruikt voor ca-ll si11n^s vnn lcp;crs-latiiffi.vl.nclec"rri[-n" cï;iei"fiïc-]-t;}rc.tboc1cjcrccc[s.bcs.bc1c1cn,c]-unj-. zijii-c 58 bii c',i'b clublrl,^"cl i rrgcslotcir in CLc vorin ven cci'l- inlcgvel. En r,.'ret clc anclcrt lrc;-i;rcf't: voor;é I :f 14 F. bcn'c U d.e ri].'r-r inclusicf morsc- en sïrclalfairc'c! 'ii'orig j,'-.-r lcbir rln ccn, pn-r-r ^-nrrvrr.gcr] oír1 -or-rc!c-,1;grrui1c^ry ví'-il olls cl-r-,j.l.lr1,"-c1 irict lrrord.t T)oaa' rrrnr;'band-i,gjruclcn is'll, va.n e-11c' n:trj,ïrlc*ï-t":r- j"lïï9qy t/n nnnr-b 1965 (,ón u)tuitil,c,cllcilcn. Tc vcrkrijgcn bij hc'b st:kr'itr.rir-lt v{ror 1 IRC of i+0 ccirt (br;v. in postzcgr s'culc" Vr-n- he-i; okt"r i," en fcbr,rï.rr:r:]cr is er allóón ccn lrh-rgclsc vorsic (blz"1-2 - \ ilr:5;el,';), bfj ilc ovrrrigc nur.rr:rcrs ka-n rncn kiczcn tussen Ncrl"crlr"nr,l-sc of ft1gclsè vcrs: O vrr.gcir tc voorl<orncn: hct r-prilraxlni:r 1965 is fina"al u-i'bvcrlroch-b! CIIZE GILUICffNSEN Íu.n ons lid }íl"rccl c-rc Rla.ulvc in HcÍst-aan-Zcc" ilii: d.ezre rnennd. i: ,': - - :-- i. lrru',rcli11< zil -trcclcn. itie G/i,T ER ]WG lme'l'ï- Ir.4\,TEDEN?(Vef.vorige rirar,nd), Er is nog pla,":ts voor óón".í"naoraagavor:,í ca, 2JOQ Glvfll vanui L rn-i;1rlen--lde dcrland-. Teruglceer in cle loop van din r?cisl'los-tcn- lvorden onclcrli-rg "gercrgcld". (J ('---o-*'- DX-r^rl I i.nnse:p zorg'c voor 1<,os-b cn ii-nronins schciclcii prgzen. -cj-o-o- Ift]RSi,/TG RTGIO}Uf,,E BI.IEENÏ(O},{ST ï'}rin"q Àmsterd.aïn en orns-i;::ekcn". ïtr. S. tr'rankcn Cp 'r':ljdap.avond- 9 apri-l i,l. moch'i; ilc bij rn]j thuis d-c hcren ile l]rq;n, GrcvcpstuJc, Ï Iil-c:;n, Krr-''oï]: Pcet, Vccr en llijnbcrg oncvaï\qcn" Gcsp::olccn rrcr,c. cr ovcr vclc zatrccn, o,,r.. ovcr hc-i: DX..Plrl-in:ncnt in Z.;," a. s. zon Go-l-ui's-bord- werd cr naar cen opnamc va:.i c1e Filni-s. ïir.oadcc-stirrg Co:r'npaig. t,]e'[ ccn si gr:cc-t"t'ooï'd.c rcgionr-lc bficctctorns-b va*rr ile DD7C, ' cn nr-l-r ecn ot.)nirlne val d.c 1..ÍÍnjorrcr'..i-n.I; o :lc voj.g'3p6c b:jccnkoms-b rrcrd. gcpl,":-nc1. op 'li1 mci f;.,s.; ovor d-c -pla1ts zullen clc l:clr c1.c;r nog na-d-cr ól"n.v. ccn konvolce.tic rrord-cn iqgelich,u"

7 / / e / ryg EgrjElgr!4:!QgEagK (qggb! uayg EEAA!!Ap! qeq!!ou) br' "J.rh.v. The abbre\riat ions used are I Ís new fre querlcy ; 1?C0 Ís s ign c O235issignofftime1=tipffieciel1yforbeginne.;-t_trpsr! Sers outs iáe Euroi)e ; mx musi c ; nx news ; Àr A1?brc I -E Engli French; G Gerrnan;'P Fortuguese; Sp Spants,kr; ID Idenitifice IS t'htermission signel; A Approximately, // _ in para.lf:} wi advertisements;comrncorníientariesorccínnercral;rel h,^^rr-'l o-v". jrwy v,r-clj- r -Èrgr priograrnme; unici u.nidentrfied I stn stationi gtt óoátributórà " RememÈer Ali Times are in Greenlvicn lliean Tine (Ai'nf ), I I Ke/s: ILV// u i Station U v q! and locationl +328O,77 r\^ +) )vv jibq I - r t! / I l h 'ï \/) /1815 -Aí).'7 T v l VN 489 o AA 1^ --f) ) 65 4? 497 J /ooq T)qf JJL)- vv o r' a rfi mo. -! rr:!v I 4 Vt.)r srii u! ProgT'nm details: J SINF0: Ctrfs; I4/IBS, i{indward Islands E i3x JMF R..Be Lt.ze, Br it is h liond.uras?0,2 a235 DJ s hro vr Jtr{F Fort-de -France, iliart iniq.ue 23,3 C21 5 rrr mx, W-, MG R..lvïongas, Ve ne zue la 2Q " p op mx Jil{F R " Barce I ona, Ve ne zvela 2A,4 04C0 Sp I! i{jj ( catr j-s YVQI! I ;YVQA is R. Sucre. Cunianáon 4960 kc' Ï.lvl) R " E-L -Pr ogre s o Sp ID NJJ, il cuad or 2A, A A )7^r'11 BlriivA,liberia E ÏD MG ï. T L, / \ J \ J R. Dr ageo c o hïar p It I\{G, Bra zli 2t"3 ffi Y oz de ïviauab i, E cu ad clr 18, rr ci) nx &, q5 05, NJJ R, Trop i cal, Vene zllela 20.4 A345 pop nx & NJJ * q n.'n m\. -T4Tc L, Cl, l.ló U' LI-l!r! R., Difus ora \re rte z;uel.'a, 20,4 A NJJ t R " Ghana 2.4 1g4j.b mx I1Ïl R,Santa Fó "Colcrnbia 20,4 05CC t ang o mx Ï'TJJ I J J / trnzq )\J-/ ) R.11o,?eru,a40 F".El Sol-, Colcurbia 5075 R, Sutat enza, Colombia 5930= R,!ragae, Cze chosl ovakia 591,5= T \ÀiR, l,'ïona c o r -.r\- r\ '-i )í r\ ) Jv -/ 5QQ 5 r\ 2 J J / - - a ^r í1í lt!pf_ v \t\j -,/- 6^7 A* V\J)\J_ 6030 a nl v v v /'r lí1 h\- ), - ^ n-7 ^- v \,, í \, Ánon- V\JJ\J* 6100= Á17i\ \) )\J 6130 /-4 ^ o t " t ) / ' a ^ - h L, F \ - v I J -/ r-7441^ ( 1 l u = 71? I L ) ) = a^at^ // (-\t l- I L v v - F,, '-i' i mb i ra,br az:.l- R. Omdurnian, Sud an R, f'ree Europe R, Pr aeje, Cze chosl ovakia R,l{{e d.erland R "Prague, Czeclioslovakia SriddeLr.ts cher Rf ",Germany R, Swe den R " So fia, Bulgaria R., A-Lge ï, AJ ge rla R. T all inn, :-J SR R,lurxembourg R " Bclgrade,Yugoslavía F.'ilE, Sp ai n R,i'ïor\iriaJI VOA i'i a BE C-Lo nd o n R., Car-rada vi-a BBC-lcndon R. l-)rongyeng r lïcrth Korea Swi*ss Radio War zaví,? ol and R, lricr::.te Carlo,l'ïonacc R"BudaÍ)est,Ï{unSary ReC Cross ïtadio,geneva Vat i can ltad io Ul{0 vía Vienna,Austria TïfR. Lionaco (Trans World Radio is not De urt s chl- andsen d QT,DDR f-7 /-\ 4 i, ( a nv= =7 ) 7tr, P. " Canada v i-a BBC-london P..Tirana,Al-ban:-a +9 5"si', Sr,";Íss Radio 9540 R,I{e lv Ze aland qq66- ) J - / - / - FBC, líel s inki, Finland oqán* J ) " v * R. Berlin Internat ional, DDR 957 A= RAI, Rome 9570 F."Austra1ia 12.4 C4"00 P ID & mx,-cj!5. +"s443 l{jj )a C Ar inx ÏilI L V D ) r l r v 18" mx w rt ir 05A NJJ pop mx &-ffi,w i'{jj 23, Si, ID 4443/r MG 4 4 ' 4 í\r)r_ t ll I v / r, E prgr B\r IïB r,r 4:f )1_ G rel prgr GFI?_ ffix, QRLIl Ii. Ne de r} BEC 21,3 1150lrgnt ínx 8:1D BEJ 2) Ar, QRivl R IAS GIí 11, E Al G t atk ÏlB IVO lx-prg r 'I/F" J I e -/ c- J\ 21 " ilx 8r, Fr talk BEd FE 1C A 141tr Ar rox Gli l í -. + t \ ) t ) 29,3 ha') lígrr-b mx GFi " t t - ^ À ^ - -,-\,/i \l 1 e\ IJ p op mx Al v a ' i t J - / - / 4z 7 C\ZF, lt)t) Lw)) G talk Ï18 6, Fr ID GIï 21 " anthem HB 1A A 1AZN E I,- &, ii t huan GH l ï. ï t v 2 / v '\ A 7 1Q.74 + prgr ÏÍF. * c ) t\) )\/ 17, E ta lks BV 11 "4 123A illelodytrain KI'{ 1A, clas s i cal mx BEd ad v: " ilont re s lippe " LEd E pï'gr AT, O A 7 r-\4 r L'i // la. E flxt test j.rrgr letr" ) 1 A A,4/tA l+r't Fi: nx BEd G talk 344"s3 BEd e -Í o?2a ) 1 Q I E re I prgï.5444l Ïil,f Azl l^ t \-/ o'" the sante as F'.l/ionte Carlo" lm) 24 "3 1Z 50 p op ncx BEd 22 "3 'i 530 E ID &, I'ol-ish Glr 'r Itus s ian ID 3523"s GÏl 9 "4 Cl40 Jazz mx 'BP 28 "3 A' 45 : lj mx }ilï IÍG 6,4 lblc ïx in var'}artg etr" 24 "3 0u2C' G t a tk I{B nt\"-, O?'27 jj r:-rc & ID 4443 r, llfid E r e qlle s -b 14 A 1/'7C\ nx t, 43 + t, tis BEd. I f rat t+)v

8 r ^-^- 5 L, ts\,x ts\- J)VJa!600 g 600_ * * -F9630 CIÁZA )vj-/,a\ r a -.,-ru/i-? U{-rhh- _ : v v j * - ^ a- 90 (n ro7trii t J t t / 9-i 60- +Q 7Q E t _ / J J /.r I W ) "Á 173A tr' t. / ) À 4 - À - +)- 44-1t-/\ i I I )\J ^l- v v ' ^ I I / CU i 178C h-. i'aiian O It'itTS-lcs Àngeles 4 1 t 1 a \ r I i ty) Jle u -b s che lve Il e 1180C i.f l?, 3j': afta 805= F-LlC,È:elsrnkÍ L) A 11E10= l.l.'t l-,j n :-na -LL\/ lljv " R, S-i; r: 4-,IEï{, Ha Ít i 4 4 ^ : tó)) I ISío= À ^ ^ - r I x h h I t v ) ) 4 4]-\-r'... - I I - \ n 1 1 t t,. -. ) - - :, 1183C +1 i 8E5 4 1í-\a\f I l '1 ;',2 -: +1 19, C 1'.Q2(\- L ) \ ) C, 4 a \ - - I I \4 ')'-) t ' J t / 11()/lr'.-- -Í t _.t r a í ? 2 O=-. -7 t 1 Á ) A n ) c-'f\-/ 'i ;ZQN,,/,,/ v \/t 4 r À 4 - l?+ iu 4 r- I /-\- : l ^ l l / ^,)'-l L ) \./ '7-7 A ^ í Í a\./ RAï,llome {J40,!ï;x c Ieu'bsche',lielle,Gerilany 'i4.3 CCX5 G tal-k 32?i:' IiI ORlllllllI,ï'ari-s 15 "+ 13C0 Fr tall: & ID 7334j B.u R, Frés. Balmaceda, Chile 11,4 01 i 0 Sp taik BI R. BerJir.i International, DDR tr)rgr Gf R.Japan 7, il nx H:E BBc-london Q5 E nx Ftr DeutsckreYielle,German,v UfD T431 Gl TI,VR, l'lona co 21, Norwe gían re 1. prgr, Gf RI.I,Rome C10 Ptal-ir El F.lIa cí onal, Portugal 6, + 21A5 light mx GÏ Vatican P.adÍo E taltr BÏ Radio 15,4 i20o E n]: with c 'f\rir,l,,ï 11,4 Tó2A jf fl AI F "3er1 in ïnternational.ddr 10"4 i'i';c - ix Bï Urifl'I,Paris 9,4 ;!345 Ptal-k I y0 A--iviuni ch 21,3 1 b c J E ïl.i GI R..l:ralue, Czecb,cslovakia 9,1, Cl jc.ri reqlres-i; n.x /+,41+44 Bf R.B;:ct!.esJr,i-lr;.ngary 10 "4?!QQ II:r;1dial'j.4,l: 3i+33 BI.:(,. s s r:i.j Hone;" St i:.?17 ^) )7!,1_ GI. (O,tt' friend P. Dobbs Rri -stol - Flnelánd-;rc,ih-ar:ls i,.i..ê a fer,^i i-iictures frc..r lris noney i;;;. ";i;;;; ";;Ë"r;;"[Ë'",fu;';""'àse r.qc in your i.ilè P, " Sl,,'eden 23 "5 i 350 $utcdish pr8r 23';52 GÍ ïjn id. Stn " (,i''iho identif ies: ) 18 " 4 i 640 lriario it>: BI '21 P,"ldeder'latiC 10,4 a,o -a' trro8í'a:iiil:3 parade BÏ R " ïlava.riit " Cuba 12,4 2A35 E with poír íx c F.,i'f.r,rrocco 29 "'3 2O!1, H ír-rx 4'+4/t4!ïI 10"4 221Q.Ar (//1194Ckc) GÀ "t llbc--srngapo:r'e X2 "+ (:=,C E ïf, tr't'.t bastern Stn tr3444 GI \t0+\ vla ilt''c*lonclon?.a"'j. íi Ar:n:eni-a:r prgr l'/i Ïi^Australia 15,+,1..''.lj IS & Incl'onesian ID 2543i ij\ R,Beigrano.Àrgentina 8.rl " 2145 F.e1a;r P.AE in ItaILanS+11t WI 6 " t\-, 1 íi45 Ar prgr IiIi 9.4,2:",5 treatuï'e Desk / t t / l u BP 1A"1. 152C El 3 /:423 At 8.4,?- 10 E,,ítx & ax i.i ïfr 14,+.A955 IS 8c varrous ID ' BEC, 4 09 C0 il nx &' n'jx 'Í))'f-Í tê,^aa l]ed 1"4,lzjj Sp ID & IS 2C^4?T-A Sp T,ith 23CC F.,I1ge::',Aigeria j?- " iil-orr j?.1/ )jecdah, Saudi Arabia 'ïh'lt I, lde rnl-yc r]', li.d:.f, Comercialês,I,,lexicc 3r'ussels,,Bel-giun F.A.i.,lome _r,\ A 1,,-,,r, wcr._la n n u ïï 4.R u ll'f.rrï'l? T S - -ille yl- Y O rk 0l.lTI,Paris 1C, i{or:wegian talk 10"4 210C A:: hak i 2:C E r:ix 4"4 2?-1C in.)c 2, + 220C irr & Dut ch talk' 17 "4, 0910 E nx ') A )",,^E- Il '.L1 L è"1.- t':) u - 6 " lr?-i'l 5 Countrl,t,3c\i\i, ílix 4 ' 4' '2435 r'::' rd 2,4-2t45 E It 21 "3 TfïÓ S'o r,'i: CC15-.r'/l-1lS. rilrí r:rrita;'c Islands D,ii'ut, lêbanon F,., íia i.r o, U ltïi 10"4.22_CC/_r iroii.icuacicir , i] rel''t,al-k I):lrr:,s c;r,13. i ri a.n Arab Rep " 6,4 1t1C I nx F' " Cittai.a 9,'/',?-i OO lij iix P, t.l'-)j.a' rr,t-ïaí 13,4?-11C E rix & -J I) ll,-ïe oe nland i 5.f';'; c::l,n x R,S-::r KGEf,San Francisco 3,4 005C) S;, nx ilae,buenos r'ires i10 I'rij-.rr- Am. nx R.iiacionaf,I'ortugal 4, E talk ET'IF,.!lt hí op ia. R,líederland (,,5+ZO kc is most lrkely R.,l,iaci onal, ï ortugal 15,4 ïrya E to India 'l 4,4 141O DX-tr,rgr a s}ig, of your pen I believe tal-k L 774 A7 t"4l ) -/'Ï'l -) r\r'r ITJJ B'V VVF 7 -T.-./ A 777 Err ) -/ -/ D t J "rir ,) lfry -/./'Í -/ tr,/t Aql / t t, / l AE^7 A A L lralj ) ) - / 1 *, " L Y ATI NIT v2v7v F; J"_-/-/-/ -'.,-1,/[ i i,771' 1':))-'t r!ar- )7,,,! 7- '--''l./) vrr 7^q.4;, íft+ i,ir r,.r? -/ -) -)'-l't vl: lrrl 666q8 - / 2 ) ) J r I * L ' /, ^,4 1,j -t ÊË _/ -t.-: ï q!,r n,- r. i-r L. /l r\ 1"Y1 + ' r r r L Ó ) ) ) ) ) 'r I ": 1 \/t,i ) ''f + -it..'! '- 555ïq l-p / - / 2 /,i "t/ t1.1, tslr- 4 )r'r'i) :vb À - ^ r',l f1-í-' frr 7,' 77; I lí1 )-r )) - rírw 7tr,4t / '_ih -t J )'Ï'A r- B.,t NJJ B.F C a q7\ L REd L '-t J -/ )'-r T.TrrT \ J-JLrt / 7^8, A A rili -/ ) )"1 1 l-

9 1776Q llirui,,lde w-yofk' ^17825 R.Norway l leg leelggb Y9r9 I C 40 A A v a - ï 4;4 19 in/e11, ftiends with these two toggirigs on t ill June 1 st ' I hope that we 11 re ceive weeks, Some res?r5 {gs1s9 ellgrelssg! : F tj E. l-t, talk,:irii);r)r:t,;{ IiB & I{[orwegian Ï'D-'',1',33233 JMF fhanks John for your fine reports. 'rve wish y-ou!u?1?9me to ou However, we kindiy ask you tó send your nert contribution wi fsgent íoegings tó us s"ome 1È week before deadline b)'air IVU i i.i*f. it is a Litt le bit strange to publish t ips from be f ore '; in,,this 1',[.ay-edition of our logbook o Bp \ir/o,,&r very glad that you havó j oínt our logbo'o'k;friends t oc we, shall gát :r.egular cóntributións from {9u,' because we dont many loggings fiorn our iriend.s (we have 2l of the'm) in the t BWtj llet besie is om de desbetre ff ende persoon om cphetrdering te' over de 6OjD kc bijd.rage, 1lij kunnên moeilijk:ai3-e gerapporl stations gaan beluisteien of te chce[,jil aan de: hand van de v beschilcbare zend,schema I s om te zlen=af all e gegevdns juíst i pvb 'rïanneer het logboek een afspiegeling moet zíj? Yaq'al}e'gehr t ions van alle BDXC-ledgn, àao" zoa net maandblad enorm dik v nieuws dat geen níeuws mgó" is, d"aar 6A/, van de tips íedere terug keren" Reeds door d.e voríge logboek-redar<-teuren BI en volgende sele ct ieregeling tocgepast i AIIó ti,os worden veígcleëen mjt de vorige logboeken van de: twce ifis,ê"y)"dbulletins, Indien zè daar in átaan worden 7'è illees' vo jrd". Uit zand.ering op deze re ge I -wordt e chter ge ínaakt vo or die voor het eerst-rabpoï.teren, Voor hen zrjn deze stations belangri jk, I{et is duê ee-'ír strirulerl-ng op de goede DX-weg tt volgen o Daarna worden de tips ger angschrkt op fre,que"jig en ur-itgescl papier, met de indióaties ván de afkórtingen lret begin l"r? logrooeil). Naderhand wordt alles op stencil g?typt en na een controle op mogelí jke fouten ver zónden n aat. de- Êecretarrs G- T,aakie afdraait op de stencilmackrlne, 'i il;;"áu;;-ïriloer*iià* bercíken we een logboek, steeds ir lut en actueel bli j ft ioo" beginners' ón " Cld Men"', Daarom staat bi j zondey goed in nurïenland., aq.nge s cnreven " 43'/" van onzl bezitte'n 5et llederlands niet alf rnoedertaal ' Andere DX-ers den zljn er enthous iast over, zodat vïe z chauvrrr Ís nle kr zeggen:,,de,,benelux DX-CIubil'ts niet d.e grootst, maar wè1 Contributors of AI A. BEd B. BF B. BV B..TTT Lr.{]l A \Í r T{B T1. HIï H. T,o ft ing, Er SLand " Edelrnan, ït/assenaar ' Peace, U,SoAo. \/ierhout, l[unspeet ' ï{uybens, Y,aar1em" Bos, Gïoningen. Iïart1, ÓsterreÍch' gêgr seslgre see!1e399 serg; JI\iitr' Kili 11,T 1 r. \, MP NJJ rvrl \1/R Bll\/ij - B' ',n/ijnber8, Àrnsterdam. Bl B. Loog, HÍlversurn c I,l,{ Yours Tru}Y, leo van der I'rieer, Vleuten. -o-o-o- KOiiïI'I-RIC.'Iil:Ei'T uit mei JK ALT \JI J. Ií1eiin, Amstelveen G. Pe et, Hilve rs um. im a new page v\ie "s1;m" ;;i logbook a lot of tips for it in the coming J. Macf'ar'l-ane, Canada, K, I'{arsyta, Delfzii 1' M. Groot, Driehuis-Velsen' l,[. Pedd àt, dngland ' N, JensQ[, Danmark. P.v"Berge llenegouwenr Den Bosch'!ï" Richier,BundesreP. Deuts chi' (l,{iaarnd.sch::if t "" r 2e irg. nr. 11 ) -Ë*:gggg3g.. na*ssecrtoes'ce lien (met Ïn lir'aasl_aru1 lrerd opgernerict solri:rrige Rhunorfklos ) ;t""rnj" tevreegbrach.ten en a-l1e on.;vangst oninogelijlc ma,a-icten" -LgnL"g" Tc Borrrhem of omli-ggerrcl zít een lieflrebber r,vei}ce, Iaa1; orls meenen zortder opzet', ;fc l,ris'cet1-,ost gci','c]d.ig 111if r:n l:l-at. ii[ogen wb c]-iei:<lcer er oll lvlzetr d-a'u hlj zích zeer or*reinirrrl ina'ratkt? -EEA, het p;rootc.i,:nerj-lraanscho stai;ion vlrn Fitts;l:urE vercl jrrr.tur:stralië rtellc,ord me'c vol- ffia* stcrkte on in cpcn luoht op het Ja,sz-muzick te d-ansen!

10 -1 0-0P DE MIDDENGOTF med.ium ryave section all times GLfI compiled bv JB l(, E!ís;Zi3IIZIy -Z!í!zrii:eillle-í!3!Ig!:!etrs:yl!E-!Fe;E3!e:g!i7qrIïe-Z:!Frl Brasov llu;nania t6/4 at 2232 nx in 3 QRM DtF & janrne:: ( I ) 4244í L híosc.orv I t6/4 at 2130 "Govorit }{oskva'r Deutschl-and.sender 16/4 at L650 rrith weather report 5555t 19I 600 lvíotala Srved.en L6/4 at 225A St'edish f o}k music R Vilnius USSR ZO/Z at 1605',{ith nx in Russian 5455t R l{adrid. L4/3 at 0015 rvith Sp lrght mx R t4/3 at 0C10 rri-;ii i.d in Sp L025? R City 4/4 al 1.200, horve-,'..:r sonetimes off the ai:: all day P" TV Romina L3/,4 at 1750 in ll,umanian 3244t Volr Okinawa 27 j.r /3 4 with id and progr sked,. 2222i 1106 R Viln-i-us II USSR t3 'al, /4 at 1740 with classical mx 42+4i L220'IVGAR 50 Cle're}and Ctrio TIfg 0.1?3 with vreather report 2293, 1235 ZBM1 1 R Berrnuda 27 /3 at A226 wi.tir po'rr mx 3244't 1250 CB0F 10 Ottawa 2L/3 'al 0352 with talir in Fr 3333: 1259 I(ING radio London 2!/t, a1; 0900 vrith light mx 3ó451 l-268 I(I}'IG radio Lond.on L6'/1 at 0900 rvitir pop mx (tatety heard on this QBG only) Bv GH CJl,tS 10 l,'íontreal 2t/3 at 033? with Iir tight mx 3333[ R F,enascenca Port 27 /3 at 0i4B with Port mx 3244, It Àlgeria 27 /3 at 0310 ( t ) rrith Arabic rnx 5333t 131C H0KA 0.3 R ri-antico Fanama 2B/3 at,0205 rvitir id 2rt CHGB 5 St r*nne de Ia Pocatieve 2!/g at 0251 in Fr 3333i f.i30 CIffII 10 Toronto g/4 at 0211 Toronto's rveather 3392t 1" n Caroline I testtr"ansrnission Ió//", f + & t8/4 at 231, rvith id in ll Fr Gerrnan and )utch GI{ Kbí Apart fron these 1oggings from Europe, the followirrg were received from Canadt 540 XIIIIA San Luis Fotos.i ts /Z at 0345 in Sp language IYI{AQ Fuertc iiico 3/3 al 0309 rvibh I,atin American mx 4LI3, 61-0 iijii Bogota t/'/3 at 0402 hours rvj th LA mx 2t3í 640 Cl,{Q Iiabana 4,/3 at 0145 rvith id 21L Bassc Terre Guad.eloupe 4lb at 150 with Rock & RoIl rux * }I1-Lt 800 PJB 525 Bonai re Zt JF f Z at 0150 n,=r i n Sp or Port l 1180 CB11B Valparaiso Chile I2f3 ab 0347 rvittrr nx in Sp zll 11g0 1,[L't'í0 Radio jylarathon VoA relays t3/3 at 0320 with dialoque IILil L235 T,Fi',lft L Be rruud a Lg /3 at 04ï5 r,,i th re c o rd"e C nx lvell, this inonth rve seeln to have vcry few l'flï (ncs) contributors, which results a,veilablc spo.c;e for general information. Ycu are not excused. next inonth howeve Our thanks go to the f ollorving reporters: nn Robert Newhart ïotrorrkiiping Srveden IS{ - I(J }íarsyla, Delfzijl IIM Hans V ïi{ikllelse n F,anders }en:ia:rh GIl Gerar. Huybens ÏIaarlel:r [F lv{alcolm Fed,ciar St EdrnunCs trngland. BV Bert Vierhout Ï{unspeel HB II D 3os Groningen Nethcr-l-anCs JT John l,fc Farlane iïalif a: Át this point \4re lrelcone in the l''i\"í section a new reporter, John Farlane arld John, thanks f,or your cornpj-inent on this sectior'. rire might nention that we should. IiLre -bo rece ive nore reports fron your part of the lt.crlcl, as \{e knolv there are nany lllore nenbers inte r:e ste d.l By thc I,Íay,f ohn, youï' unice ntif iecl o l:fis l-itiely Ractio Tienpo in Venezuelal try to ic'!.entify it nowl. 'tili,k Malcohl PedCar, thanl:s for your expl.ana-i,cry note on the US station on,65 well, this may happcn to a1t of Best of luclc with SuCbury 1,ïorlil Conn. Df r.s is already iientionel in this ncnthtt "short itemstf a ner,'pirate is planne coast of StockhoLre, Srvec1en. The narne shoulcl be Rar'!.io trcentertt. Robert Ncwhar Norrl<óping holvever irentions the sane pirate as Racr,io tcentraltt. The frequenc usec is 500 metcrs (OOO kc/s), thus the for"ner Rac'!.io Nordl frecluencyl ],Ve! asl: all European members oatsiclc thc'bene1ux to ireep an e)'e on 402 or 746 kcfs. The Dutch IIS transnitter lï..'-i-r'ersuíl I will re.luce power to 19 1{ cluring the perioc'l I,{ay 3rc'!. June 12th ai}pí'o,{., after that Cate en cntirely r transmittcr lvill cone on the air. r)leasc -r-isten anrl send us your results on reception as rvel-i es any ac.ditional co::unc'nts you nay have thaniis in aclvan: Àccor.',ing to iiaartcn ven )elft, thc tecjrni-cal C.etails of tonron tr -the FJI9 are as f ollows: l,iaxinuri--pó*ót-à"{p"! Br u; - Ilrg.l..-tL29.5 kcf s :*uc1io respc pé-90:ró.óóó ;; - 1,.r. rtistortion^ 3/' R,il q 5C cs. Jos. F.IV.l,f. Iílein inf orrirs us that the I'BocLenseesen-er'r of ',he 51'Í Funk is loc Rohrrlorf near },ícsskirch. Àctual powcr is 1.50 k',í, to be increasc'f,'to 3C0 lilï.

11 4 À KORTE BERICHTBN SH0RT ITEI,ÍS conpilecl by R. Grevenstuk. All tines are GlvÍI Aden. The British Broed,casting Corporation operates a relay-transnittcr on 701 (; Sor:ra1ia) fron Peririr islanrl off Àden in tire Rerl. Sea. Power ind.ications var) 100 klf to 600 k','/. Frograns.afe fron C in Arabic; General Ovc Service; fron in Swahili; fron General Oversêas Service. I GOS; fron in Sonali and. frore in Árabic. -1'f.R.B. - -C!i-gg (Peoples rl,epubfic)..rrn esperanto prograrl is transnitted. Fridays and Sat on 5880,7/,/"A anc 9955 hc. -SCD. Congo Leopoldvillc. Since ' February LeopolrLville is testing 5958 kc with of 0, 75 k1'í.,, ld,,x qr".hoslo.r"kio. Fron l^.pri1 '20th-0ctober l8th Prague has 'the f ollowing s in English an't Gcrnen. In trnglish from on 21450, 15285, 1623ó, 9505 lic. Frcn on anc 6135 l<c. Sunclays f r:on on 7782ó, 16+' kc" Fror: on 15448, and'9550 hc. Fron cn and. 95ó0 kc. Fron 19C on g79ó, 7346 anrl l(c.'fron on 1199 V\r;,ó, 7t2O and 5930 ke. irron on 11990, 9795, 7346, 7120 and 5930 kc In Geriran to Europe f ron on ta 6055 l(c. Fron on 950 ancl 6055 llc. Irro::r l-1c only on 6135 I;c. 0n r:rer1.iur:twave 1286 hc you can he prograns fron 1? , and hours. [nglish prograns are 2230 on 1286 kc anc f roi:t on IA97 kc,.- -R. Prague- Ethiopia. Ra.lio Voicc of the Gospel, station'etlf, will test a new 100 kiv trat ' shory. ' -D.X Gernany (t{est). The Gernan progran frcn the Deutsche Welle Cologne is now reli 6075 kc ryith lcc kiï to Ourope fron L7L6-,2015 since ii{arch 7Ltr, -Swir Gerinan:y' (nast). The l-000 k\ï }ongwave.trans;ritter on 185 lic rvill transnit.49! stanaartt tencs of 1000 cycles between Gl,fI anc /i1t0 cycles between 09' G},,,IT. -Funl Great Britain. 0perating tines of Rar'lio líanx on nec.iunwave 1594 lcc is from 08( ffiogoo-l5co on Sund.ays,. -I{.P Greenland.. Raclio Gr/ni.,and, is. testing daily with two shortwave trans;:ritters, of' locatec at l(ook Islan.-L.sgne 25 kn l,ïest of God.thaab, 0n ó980 lrc a i:ipolel,ante-nr usec to reach Julip.nehaab anc,for the 5960 kc transnission thcy use a,rhsnbic :lirecte C to Angragssalik. -).X fnd.onesi?. The r/oice of InConesia has now a Gernan progran fron o1r i an.l FiiA;t, Frequgngigs are 986ó an+ 11?15 kc. International Waters. Center is.the.nane of a new pirate station which 'r ffissior''sarounc].juneoffthestockholncoast.newinthispiratew( the use.of a gatollitc transnitter on a snaller vessel f or Tebr?arlcasting,-G.I I(orea (Ncrth). 3ng1Ísh irrograns fror:r Ra{io lyongyang are frln 1800:'1900 on 10Í and frcn fgoó-zooó cn ltlg,,zggg anrl 6540 lic. (nll frequencies are cutsi'lê'"th( broaclcast shortvlavcband.s., Ecl. ) tiorea. (Scuth). Ttrc Iiorean Brca.lcasting Systerr has frur testtranst'tissicns of I hour to South Victnai: to the South l(orean trbops. At 1430 ón 9640 kc, at kc, at 2300 on ILg25 kc an{ at 0000 on tstzs hc. ' -N": -Carf l{onaco. Here is scr:e inf orr:ation on the irregular testtransnissions ovcr Ra'l.i, o ff on 2IB l:c bctrvcen 1000 airl 1400,G]tI, ftr ccntra4icticn to cur last bu \re rèccive,ll infori:raticn that the nain.lirection is Borcl.eaux (fite Europe I anj Luxenbourg on ll), Thc bear:r has an opening cf about 1 clegrqe rvhich gives a 4 gain ovcr the power of 1200 l(i,ï. So listeners in Great Britain try this one if in the l,írnte Cárlc Bcr^-coof, Iine. Fru:r ilay 1st regular Laily trans:ri-ssions I ii{cntserrat (Leelvarci fslanrls). RuCio r,.ntiiies f rcrr the.,;ntil1,9s Ra".ic Ccrporat. ;t""t tffis:;rissions cn 930 ]cc r"/ith 2C0 kl/ arcunrl July llrs{ï arc in E: Frcnch anil. Spanisl:. _N"t."fgjlig. Tirc fi::st of the two ircliunwave-transrritters on 7+6 lcc at Lcpilr \ iopëo rr- ottor 2b ycers of scrvicc 18 hours a 'lry by a nelv An". :'tclcrn transrrit lza la,i. Frorr iiey 3::. 3n you can hear thc )rogralils ovcr the stanf.-'!ry transl'rittt Lcpi-ll III,:f 13,:',i. fcrhips sot-lc ]1orc intórfcreitrcc will occur. Thc c:nstructi< bc cor-r'.1ete 1 arcuni. ;:ri:1-june.,; Thc B-.,nairc rclny trans:'ri-tter'of 260 l'.iï is nolv on thc lrir since Àpril 15th, ê( to a lette:: f r:i:i Ra:1i r,id: :l.criand.

12 -12- Iicrte Bcrichten Shcrt ftens (continued) The schcidule is nc\ï: 200C i in English,to r'/cst--'.frica on Itc. 210C - 222C in Dutch ic l,ïcst-,'f rica cn t5290 kc g.20 in Spenish to S.,i'terica (S"'part) on kc A220 in Inglish tc i{. rnerica cn 9690 l<c : 0350 in Dutch to i'i. :.u ric& cn 9690 llc. 0.:0C in Spanish' to L'iexicc :ri19690 kc. À]grol_ Th" Iiorrvcgian Iloi-rc shortwavc transnitter at Trcrrsf uses ï" t1* f ollorving sctrcrlule thc f irst 3 f rc-quenci.e s ere rrlways operate'i ivith poï f;ransnitters. Frcir C C the Nc.,.t1./-Nu. anil Centr..i"i'.l. anfl lhc - acil 11g50,. 9610, 6185, g550 en(ï- I578 l<c. Fron 07/'.o-0815 tc the i)acif ic an:'. I,''-f ry,. -15I75, 1185Ó anrl 613C kc. Fr-'rr tc the {o" rlast,.,^llstralasia An'-l. r,'/.,.fr rr.,] tc tirc InrLian 0". an-v. In-Lrne síafl'1.,'.ustrii tiafl'l,,.-f-l.. Sc.,'r.1. ' enrlsíf 1e frequencies iíl the 'A745 transnissicn. Froir tc the Nc.,-./No:- ;rr. on rci15,'11850, 961c an Lrc. Frolr 1? to I,ï.Eur. an'.l,'ifr. on L't I5I75, 9610, anq: 6185 kc. Frrn 19? to r'ï:,-{t:1r?. aná' } i:t"l':?"í,fíc on 17825, ró175? 1Jg5C, 2!?30 an1 61:i0 l<c. Frilr b to No"A.fGtcenl-an'.rn..', S,r.,,.,1. cn Irè175, II850, 9610 anl 1578 kc.the Service i s relayed- f ror ZZJC to the,.a,ntic anrll the /.:terican Ccntinent f,n t7825, L5tT5, and' 611 -Raclio NorrvaY.-.. o.r!.gg There errc twc clif f erent pcstal ad!"{re sse s to report to. For tha lirtr i angu.age ;)rogra^.ls vrritc to: Scr:r,'ic,ios Tecnicos, Ertrissora Nacional 4e Radio cil Rua 4s. i;ue.lhas, Z Lisbca, i:ortugal.. For the international services the a'1i1res's Interrnati cnal áervice, ï'crtuguese National llaciio, Rua Sao llarcal, L''^-iïïlÏr, g-!l'ë--ifrica (Rct:qblic). Rartic Scuth.,'ifrica operates ncu frctt 'i,00 on 1271 C1531tiC}f'ffio,,I5220an.,'17B05llc:.frcrr16l,0-I710on1'522aanclIL,'.:roi:r g15 on g5z5 aníl, 1190^ kc an4- f rcrt 19L5-2L75 on 952ó, ana"?,l.o.rïï;"a gpjlf"i Ilatio l.{acicnal Sspane has '::' transrrittcrs of 250 kiy un ].er construgli.:. trtttrtissions start at thc cnrl of this year. - ).,('- -Bu Unitq;t Stà3es. Thc cf.rnerica relay base at the ilhilippines rvill ;bc co;r t5"ln-l-ol f 96O,,- 11c\ï rc lay base i s planne,r" : in or araun.l Turlley c,lllsi sting t \.Íar,ro tranliii-ttcrs of 25A l('i;i. This station sh,rui,:'! be c'onpleteà- at the _"Ëi"r?:"* Y J +e-zue_laj Ra'}i o ' Barquisineto,on 680 l<c rvill increase power f rolt 15 to 50 kiï. RaCio {Jpi'.rs 3g e }'.1or. i,í. S. on 4-Ob0 ]cc rvent frcin t to 10 le:'i. Radio Lara Y.V,l,I,0o or /"94A hc increasec.fron 1- to 10 i.riii. iia.lic JuventarL Y.V.j'l.i(. on 490f kc rvith 10 ki/ is a new station. - 1'Í.R,8. - 'tï.i.i].s. uses kc to Jar:ra ica. = I.'tror1C. Radio Bnlletin; ÍlCDl{ = Sweilen Calling DX'ers I A@glsÈt1"./.R"8' D.X^ I. *,rd,l fnter-nati onal-e; Ge rar i iluybe ns ; B.\r' = ii,i.. = líalcolr:r Ie.l-t1ar; D.X.R, = Dr{ Ra.1io, }.lorr,'ay; G,iI. : Be rt Vicrhout; N.r"..S.,''. = lrlorth,i'terican S.1'ï'. lr-ssociation; / t',rnul; Danish S.I,ï. = Danish 51ï Club fnternatíonal. i'ttenition ÀLt Ti'FESF0]'IDERS I Lfar.- r,'ie reirincl what rvc asleec in our,lpril issue on page 12? Sof a'r we receiverl several tieec+,i.ons but we flucss that there are l]any ilore intereste{, I;f you are interes.terl. in starting a tapc-coïirespcnclence with another DX' er anrl BDXC'er pleasc lct us llnow. VERZWId(TE 0NTV,TNGS! VÁN DE i ÍIDDENGOLF.,ïl-c].u-s lazcn wc onlangs in het t',ilgenaan l:[an.'l.e lsbla'1tt. 'Er we r.1en ee n paar rege I wijrl aan {e rrervanging \ran de rri;trlengo1fzend,er Ililversun I op 402 l:teter'. Naar aanlciá,ini5 vlln clit bei'ichtje rrroegen wij het colï'rentaar van d.e,.clj'tinistrat i{e;ler.lancse Oniocp Zen{er iíij. 'rnozei:la",.',c heer 1f. Vogt. IUj bevestigrie d-at ciê kr,ï zenrler van i{ihrersun I binnenkort zal- worc.en \rervangen Coor ecn gc'heel nier, net iretzelf:le vcritog,cn; ne enl<cie naan4cn zal- ooll r1e Hilversu;rl II zcnrlcr een 7 oncïergaan, ovcrecnko:rst,ig het volgen{e scherta: 3 pci 1965 cie zcrrcler IJsselstein I ( lo kiï) relayeert het llilversulr I irrc iz juni t 65 - ingebruiknening nicuwe zen{er van L20 k'i\r a0 àog" 1g6b cie zenclcr rjsse Iste in II (ro kiy) re layeert het Hilversurrl II ï Zt r"pt" ingcbruilcner:ring nieuwe zenrler van L20 l(1ï. Vooral cntvangstrepportcn van 1erl.en in de ttranclgebiedentt zíin ge{urencl'e {'-eze pc

13 -13. V.H.F. COCKTATL 1'.,V&M{DD(. --ÉE--F Hei; sch$nt d-at d.eze rubriek d.e enige is ï,raalrroor méér bijdragen normaal gen. Het word.t d.e ze maancl dr-r,s een trlorr,g d-rirrjrtt! tn+'-lx it.tfo-ttn,n*qfig*, Stan,Rcnrrin oí 3"ooklyir, US$, 'urritcs thc f olloi,ring: 'Ïn r io, Caiiad.a ("f. ïé 41 pagc 19) I am willir:g to try arul coc a colunn on N,Àmerican VIIF sta'bions, but sínce there are over 6OO fv-stations a-lc US, Jrou'd- bctter thi-:rtrc,rice. Dut i-f you d.o de cid.e to stert such e column, Ï have ínforrnai;ion on the subjcct -bo kccp i-b rollirg for a while. Pointing you in the l rcction ï havc mad.e a char-b of -thc TV-s-La-tio::r,s of i{ew liorlc Ci-b;r and. lrill do ít fc ^-t-lr,-'w. r-i'irr N."iirne::ica-o - If you r,va.n'c 'i;hc IT.ri rad.i-o statior"s: just teli me.rl L,' UI.I.\'J, UI r/j J CaIl chaiurel Caryi-es Color ',"1ffi-rv-*ff* Trt:l for 'che itrfo., iffi SteurleY" I-b lrould. reo;uire just a lit'i;le too inr" spacc to \rr'e 1-i[\DC-TV ÁÀ J-" list a felr tirousand.s of TV & Ïi:1',{ stations, bu'b ' TIIW;Í-TV I\5 no reports on ncï/ s-ba'bior:s, cha-:rgcs of characteristiès ajrcl cx'lra-ord-i-:ru3' rcccption (v"ith d-istance ïïslc-tv A7 Jrcs o,r-1;r inovics in milcs) from N..l;nurican members cór-rlcl ccrtain-ly ' flo ' procluce a rer-d-a. :le Eirglish scc'bion of our VÏlFno Coclctail, So kcep )rour lfe'!/s rollirg in! ïtror-tv Ag 'trlpïx À11 1-, ATD[' /!13 htnrc I\31 ** (a*l, duc in- Ie-te ápril, no ce-ll sígn artrouncecl- as yct') _RADA4S0IïTuqI Op@to{l_l (vgt. BDXC ian,, febr en april). Ï{ct_ Nrs-journi,al mclclcic c frntr7ceirbcd.rijfs-tvmc.braclarbec1d.gebn.:.iktopkimrrt.2.dcz( êê?'r.'ïr r-rz.nrf gcbn-:.ittc ïv-zcnclcr van,gcri-rg vermogclx" ï:hj stt-at op ilc ifoorcl-'l'ra1 in vvrr vi, vvl L)L d.amse haven cn d.icnt voor d-c veilighcicl van hct pontverlcccr. De konjbinr"tie Radar:- is gulcozen onrilat hct b.;eld. van d.e i,ronitor ccn vccl gro'berc lichtstcrktc hccft d"ai m-c1ar'bccld. zc7í, o11 gc-r-roon b1 d.aglicht kan wordleu r=raargcnomcn' De procf zal J rnat de voorlopigc rcsulta-bcn zijn n:lci oirl:cvrcd.igcnd.. (fivvlns) -- Daa-rmcc is verkl om hci; bceld. allccir. i:r Ams-bcrilam1;e zien ïí{rs. Hct gcliozcn kr" kon binnenhort inocilijldtccici-r gaaià oplcvercn i. v. m. d-c tc venltachterr sl)orailischc E-onLvangs t! Krnur,rgm-Tv T.H. DEIFT. In BDXC jan mcld.d-c GS in Xinihovc:r ontvai:rp;s-b van klet crsto]dr/4zi6z),in]rc-i;fcbr'cnm.:,.lrtnr'pub1icccrc1cnl.u:jrrai zoirclcrh.cclcn: 2!0 1'f.c.r,-l). op 11r,1, 27. Tn r,urgustus 196t+ rlrclcl-d.c BUE ilx.êrnstcrd-am c]-al clcr cnigc maa, tcvo::.rl..',,.,* vcrscl"-rtarr. *-.'-r* kr,-tt.32. Vc::c.l-er blccf hct stil ::oild-c zurrler. MvD te breugt rrq d-e volgenrle irrfo., i'd" e:g-rcrimcntelc klcuren-tv-zc cloor c1e staf en stuil-cnten vlr-r il-e i-eclnnische Tïogeschool in Delf'c is gebou;rd-, i" tc in hei Le-5oratorium voor Xleki;ronice en zenclt op he-b ogerírlik ui'b in l{f klrn.30 n LPiP e,an bcclc'l- cn 12A \'t EllP voor he'b gcluid-, me'r, horizontelc polarisatie. Ïir is g schema- vclor ilc uitzeniliilgen. In d.e rógel vind.en cr 'cests P:ccl.i,rrer.r'-'..e c1c 'rerktijd- ve: plaa-ts sn ap ogeribliiel<cn d-at in hàt wcrlqlrogra,film, past, ÏIct ilocl vrjr d-e uitze is zuj-vey e,:1ucr-tief ; ilu stuclcn'le n r,iorcle:r vertrou-l,sc-l.gcinaakt rnct d.iversc technieker ONffiïDENIIFIC,mï{D, Over he'i; prci:iccin vai'l ï{,lrhe1-" (ï,o"ilnr. ) sc}rrjft frl, oo} Z" r.-"^ffiï"rr "kt."bcr behoorljjkc É{$,i op Olclcriburg coltstr--i;ccr,-lc, en r'trcl recd-s orn 1: l-a-a-b i1 g-le" ir-voncl. i-icerrcl hct 'i:cpl,len van br-nc-], ï zcor inoeihjtrc is, lcc] 'Lion,rit:irt zuiilcn -be trcoincn (rao), op zhz k,rarn (na sluiting van NDR) a" Tvll ert zekcrhcicl ovur d.c i:rclcre e,vonclcn, n,.r-r i,/earschjjnjjjk is hct al ii.ic clagcn Spanje g( clarccs hct lclcinc vorschil i:ne'c c1c 'bhcorotische rich'bii1g, TV-.R^4IISEL. Oi: z/1" tc zz35 tcs-tbcclft- Du-itslanil- Ir op lian. 9 (I,r-ngciil:erg?) te rr,'rill I Ïï@TTi.G ui'r, d.e rnáát o'o*" (ïoti). * Vrcernd., omdr-t Lr:rgcirbcrgg gccn I[3P (ri:f ) : fffiài.lj':';:ff.,ïël;"ïl,i;:ï-:if *:'H (ilï\j"dapcst 15o (:o; kïr; R2 pócs 2 (" rffià(i'h{':.noln,mmr;,"*:r'1ccrrrdneqtioj8(z)rar;-r2bucrrrcati2o( Rl Orailcl 20 (toc) ttrtir=""r h,:,elcjcs dc vcr:mogerls volgcrrs 1ÏRTi'ï65. De vcrschillci i,,ci rr.rcor zí'c'ce- in "ffip" (cffcctiei ui-i;gcstraa1c]. anteirncrr"r""og*n) tcgenovcr rtvcït cic zenc-l-er't, - A-Ltcntic voor kan.r[, l',ra:rt h.icrvan zi'i; gcluicl in onzc F][-br-nCi (9t,- ïraag EN A}I11,;OORD. JFK omschrijft fr.c'c cf,fcct il-at c1c KG vei'r. zijn rad-io irnrloccl hcel l- van zun ïv' ffi.^-fstcirn:r-irg op bcpa:,lc]-c kortcgolflcrgten vcrtcort'b h?t U"SlÈ hori: vcrtika-le of zígzl^gl:jjncn of l,rorólt c'lolrker, al i-ltnr gclrlg c'rc railio-dstcinmiilg. Dc op r1c KG clic alit effcc'i; vcrtrorzakcn he;1gcn r-f vr.n het áfgestciirr'ic TV-lcaru:ra1" l *is zi,eey goc<l vcrkhar' Dc interne oscil-htor in d-c rl,clio procrluccert zvral<ke hl cchter s'cerk genocg lmlnen z:jn om op ile TV -be zichtbear lzor'c1cn, vooral als c1< van ri-clio- en T1i*arrtcnne lairgs clkaar lopcn, Op clczc me.nicr ]anr'c U cok Uw cigen ( vr-n hc-t Lcpilcbcclil o'rr l<..-n,1a s'toren. - Hct effect oil hct qg.l-uiit, is nls volgt: rrd'e ft;,rii'r'l ê?1 sí)rïrs komt ccn flui-t-booir of zelfs inr-rziek cn p;espr,lcn',/oord. d.oor. 0l: kai I LYv-tjf Àv, vri u L r}\:r-;iccr 1}41e1s, 6Làn vrccr D;.its of V1.r-3:,ts. Cp k.-.n.i+ scrrs ccn Costcr.rropese tnal, : liussisch, Zl'u r,rjjn rr-ilio hier als vcrs'tcrkcr trrunnen rrcrken?rr Da'[ is niet prccies i Iïc'b is cch-b he'b gcluid- ven ilv-str"'i,ious op d-it ka-n -r-1 (Norr,rich, Olt.,cnhurgr iiuiscl< v G,Pee t

14 _14_ Vï{F-C0Cï$AIT-,. vervr'ls ffi.a"'".=t*'iv-ontw.i1gersísgeluic-l.son,cvn.i1gstr}ie.tinogc1-5jka1sergecr sign:al is (ait hairg''; vnn c1e tocgepe,stc schakelirg lf), irls ia.r hct geluidssignaal genocg is -i;crnnjl hct beclcisígrr:e"l i' nie-l is, r,rort cle on'bva::gst van hct geluíci nogelijk d.p.rrh zq lnet pseudo-'bccld-signee."1 cle"t d.oor ilc worclt uitgestraal,d-! Mj ccn iclce vocr anilcre DXcrs?! ïtí:zeide&tï!ry ( ccn níeur''re komt spocclig! ), ;5-- _uiaige ïr{ zr-ê. r-ngen: 92;O 6O kïr S.,F I Doirncrs'irerg niculr BSr lu 18 kil Si'F II 'Jolfshci-m.,;ra*s 92 ro o k-i S,IF ïrgtr Dcru:crsberg i!'rs 83 rl+ rf Grt = pro.,{r. voor t'gas ter'be iilcrs ". Slt-SJEBgQ. SJIC flf : elkc rir.r-irilrg 133O-1+3O en..j"insclr-gs tc 1000 QtI. Over rii'elke ze:li.r.ers is nie'b l,el<cnal.. (Utij). DX. SI -U$$g@lf. De korte-d:i (a-b;nosferisch) s13 -bt, ffi. zi.,n vtn 29/f i;ot. z/4, voora-r in noorclchjkc ricirtirg. J)c la-ngc D'o,, ( spcradische E, in lfr-nr', I) -,-/t-s l{ou.c'- rr-e]c o,o 19/+, 2c Pr,asCig, l'/dlgmee hct aicur.rc irthrrnrr.l-t1l-s eízcerft a"ls gccper:r1 kan u gaa-t ze toch óók in de is#;ï:;;:"""' :Ë;ffic"cl.21t5G},:tr,zccrs.ter]<Dcnci.rarken3ïho:;'ïi':Ï,i:fi3:' 4 \)LN '-r'"---* c-,p k.6 cn 7 (.'=-vt, K{) cir op k.5 (mn), llcvens o.ír' hó'u nrrburig;c ldooriidrritsc Fleirsl:urg op k,39 (tiuf-,). Op 31/3's miilcb-gs Dccirs-bb op k,b cn'10 (rms). Op 1,/)+ rs inir-iclags cït rs avcnós 17( rcr-rken, op 5, B, 1ó ( rnsr lo,{) cn op 6 17 (ro,t). T"n"* }doon'rcgcn or ke:r- B en 9 ( nos;, :lolin cn:)crgcn, rfstr.irii roecr ci,".n BóO h:ri QSL recc1s on-i:vr-4gen! ). Op 2/1, tc 11OO m,m rroór Dccns r op 5ir6 cn'71 'coen clcze tc uit c-lc l"uch.'b g;in{ Nàorurcgcn (lloor ncji; th rrïclcgrafvcríccl'1lo"q"l' op 516 cn J; 18ÀrO cprricrxr Nooroegen bovenc--lien Oostd.uitsla-nc', op k,6 en 11. trallcs rr'iot eei'l sritenne op ccn lat je,.lengi kr.n. 11 cn binnensl'ruis,ii (f0d). - Fantestisch! Je zrb d-au oolc i,vel hce I gunstig in Ilc hc'1, oolc lvcl ccïrs eqn ilcrrgelijk an'cennet jc geprcbccd., trtnlr"r kcn in liilversufli rï:-l l/iarkelo-:fv tarjjgeïr... (rca" ttook ) cl-e IIHF r,-,res geljjlc C.e micldengoh, zóvee1 sta, al.leinaal Dritsl,-lnd- (l-z-11, Ool< hier gc'bmik ik eeir ze1fgenlr.,'-kte rurtcru:e, cen z. I,rrtenrc: ccn stull hr-ril],,o,^rd- ]tcplakt nic-b nlixriniudolicr er ccn tvrccvoud.i-ge d-ipor v,r-n lrlr-nk'r (m,t). 0p 1/+?-3OA-?.3JJ--::',C fï ojl, I<r.n.JJ (rils). Op )+/1, "n 5/4 yr:"s gl thuis cn kon r1o53 li4'i inccpikken, mni:r Scr.:riLim-vië vns cr nic' $ABm*zu:U. Op 1/t+ ctc hclc e-vcnil rllc Dceirse s1;r.iions, zclfs L'ic;o::nege+ op k.22 ffi,ffi..llme-l;ui-tstckcnce1ore1ii;cit!j'ictccntre-l'"1r-nteirrrcs;rstccn.(ior; LÀN. TV-nx"'óp 19/+ zt.s IIDS: iïongeriie (z), Iioerncirië (l), sp.trig (2,5,/n), rtr"lii J""g*ffi (3-r+), 'hcef't Jocgosl-.rviU gcmist (t-ttho GT), nr-.-'ï ztrg cx-brr: (nf 2 cn R.J), Rush-nC. (f ) c:r Frr-nlc:jic (Lt-, C,'rcrssorurc). 'rijc.-le-cir-b ccrst Cur.t ho-l Pclcn v/as'?, sci"rijft I{ItrS, "mu:' c-lc zicn r".r'b ]rc-t tes'bbccl uit zojuis-i; onti,rikkelclc fo' Joc5;c,s1r,viU llómt, nj-: RTV Lju'blje-:0.'r'r. * Volgons het ÏfI hn-l: ïírrit or,"r-r,,.gs'f lm r\l/llià zun (6 tctt, 1c,^n,3). Op l<en,à- echtcr e}ijón tr,rcc zcnc'lers vln ncb.nie: f-)u\j\j Z'rí.rel:, (St5.rr" cir l-,,rbisticr.: bci,l-lc Zn kí), Vcrr-Lcr op kr--n.3 ïr-opmilc (50 tt'j) ve,n Rl DE l'{edtr;.ei-tigrs - ii.l0n: Dïfï -lu't i7:jribcrg;, Àns -bcrc1,:rn ï{vl Hcnl< virt,l:er Lr-lrr, il]jsscn MvD }iielrtcn v,'r-n IO/I ï(. J" Lir,rsyl,r-, Delf z:jl Delft,Zcíst m Gcr,'ril-,rocrcr,r-, Ilinl-hoven SIt Stanlc;' Ro$:ior :,iroolcljm, I\lf, USÀ IilDS ïi, Di-v-bcr Scl:illingr/.:^ns';.:rt,^irl J}ïI( J.F"iï"M" K1ei-n, Voorburg Ir-.--c-W.Ecnl1gcnrccnlrtikc1'>v-^rd-itonclLc:rvcr1lsta.l.iinRail'ic]'lu11et rnr-r i rrrvla l'!u'mn Ven 2+/1 'Lo'b 7/4 tu cr is,,'cncn v,rcl ovcr i.r.'-jr gcpr,r-a'c,.i.rn ovcr kleur G;bï";ë tn,-',-í'u rrlr.i-trt ï), -lchr-lvc s'buclícilrocp 11 (fv) vuríir,clcrd.c rl1. oolc stud.ics (0.,r'ocp). Dcze lcln gclulcrig I'rè1 "ïri slrcccs boclccn. Xr is tti. ovcrccttstci:mi-ni4 bcr irct iirbcrm-tiorr,c-l -boc tc prsscn tr$.{-stcrco-sïs'6coril. \r,rlgcns rii"l s)rs'bucie r,rrorclcn or, ïlcrr.s l,^,ryj ui'czt ndrinile n vcrzorgil iir v"lc 1,, tee.ronder ï{eiler}aucl (FM-zcnC.ers??. \ IcJSSCI-Sïel-n /..lln hícrtace is vrel ile VllF-cc,clctril :-f5{elolen, rí]r-ar noli niet ólit bericht. 'rie m.r-ken l.,cscheiclcn s1:l'cic: _o_ en ver\rolgcn: Vcrc-l-er ]crtram in ';,eneïr c1.; eveni,uele invoering tcr sprlke r,'sn hct CSSI-s:'stcein (c:''.'qrr.-bibclc c:rlcclziíbrrrc") op niicld-en- en kr,''r-1"u{ott. Zie hicrr r )D,-'C n.:vcïi6l- n rle-ry't 1,q6Lr). Op ilit zijir echtcr geen rcsr-rltaten te mcl En nu is nic-i,r-ilecn he-l lrcrici:t,!'r.r-r-r ook dc 1r1ar1z!ilc oll, Goei-l.c D)l cp ailc banclc el1ï1c... at lcilen clic in,:pril hu,r rcr'ln-c'cicnelc bijcragc ver{gaten in tc zcnil-en. Juist, clarrk voor trc'b,i;oe{c voornci'let:i 71 c-l-c GI

15 QSL-,REy1BT;f : _1 5_ a verif1cation-survey cornpos ed & ed:-t ectr by }{aart en van Delft ' ï'ja1rne tíhite Jr. r USA SBC Berne -ed-z rvk-9535 F.. N ouméa- cd-3 wk--7 L7 O ( Gre at OI\Í I ) R. Canada -cd.-z ns R" Sénégal-.lSL folder-l ms-5960 R, Sweclen-cd -2 wk:1-18ó5' TUR Bonaj-re-Qsl folder-2 wk:boo RAE Bu.enos Ai-res-cd-4 wk-9 69O NHK J apan -ccl.'z ms - L53IO R, Peking-cd-4 ms -11-8OO Po r nx R. Portugal cf. elsern/here i-n this edition. - Gud 73. H. -.Ï_, Rlts s orv_, li-"-p J:Ge t*any ' _ R, il Pspectado@-3 rns R. Amman- cd"- 1OO ds -7 L55 R.lví a1i -cd"-27 d s -' 4835 VOA Phi1.ippines - cd.-56 d.s R. Fintand-2 cd-'7 d,s-9555 R. City-1t-14' ds-lio QRG R.London-1t-14 ds-1l29 Hessischer-cd-7 ds-593 S chreibe rutri-g auf deut sctr tt11a j orr! H.D. Bos, Hollancl. R.Igalga-che-3 ms -L527 O TïIR Mona co-z ms-? 260 It. Pyongyang-1 ms- 66OO PÁE Buenos Aj-res-cd--4 r'lsr1l-710.r, Finl and- 1 rvk-various QRG t s Volgende keer gaarïle ool< aangèvêl} of krct t11 trcdtt of rrlttf was! Tnx! lví, Groot, I{o11and F..Fït Fiár, Brasj-]-- cd-23 ds-no QRG R, c1. dc.lviogambique-ccl+1t-14 ds-l5295 RAE Buonos Aires-cd-53 ds-1171o Dank voor het ke.urrge en overzichtelijkc brj-cfjc I Eeste 73 de u-r -,9d. A.J. wan 9ck,. ry-1.lggg I,IBS Jordan-cd,-2 ms OO NET Lago s - c d--7 ' wk-2 07 A5 Korean PTT Seoul-2 cds-2 wk-l34o5+ R. Sarawak - cc1-2 ms ,{OKO, USA -l-t-2 v,'k-]-46o C PRIí Luancla -Lt'3 rvk-j 650 PTT Brus s c].s-l t-3 ms - LO653 PTT Guad,cloupc-l-t -Ltt rns-no QRG PTT Ven ezuela-z bd s -14 ms+ 2 wk- 9L47 + AFRS Camp Neur Arnsterdarn-lt ,5,d,s-93.L bic/s" A FB ]-ist again obl Alan -Iroftine, Englaq+ pr UI*I F.aclio-cd-3 ruk-97 LO R. Po rtugal - cc-5 'sk F..Algiers -cc1-4 vrks R.Aus t ral ia-cd ^3i\ ms O Tnx for yollr contribution. PJ.easc give ncxt birnc arlso you.r total numb or o f tkrc c ount ri e s Yoll HEARD. F. w. Bcrge l{encgotii,',rr:n, }ïo1la+d R, Ej-rc<?nn -l_t *22 cls -' 566 P et cr Pó.mpe- Bê.lgJ--trm NHK J apan- cd -6 rttrt- L53LO A tkrcns -ccl.-2 vi;\í-g6'j 5 SABC Johannesburg-cd-Z ms -L522O IICJF Quj-to- cct-2 ms - 6O5A R " Kabu L- cc-z i'ras -P 635 l{bz USA - cd-3 r^'k WOR USA - cc1-3 ms *7:.O Y oz d c L i- s bo "a-'cc7=2 ms " l_594 EAJ7 ivïadri d --Lt=3 ms -BOP IINE S ev j- LLa,-- -r- t * I.ryk- 683 Tnx voor d.c l-euke fotd s!.bazcnccr J e ZtrNïTlI,Lo et lre t ui'c s t"ekend te oorclelen ïla.aï' ic QSLtsl Best 73ts J. F.lrtr lr.r " l(1gjij1,-h.g!!;]gg, l{hn USA -cd-3 rvk-l-o5o R.. CaLad.a -cd.-6 rnrh- Ll_T 20 R. t *' cd.-} wk* 5994 R " IIDR = cd,-lz ',,ik- l-o ll 3 Deut s chc If e ]-le - cd-3 v*-6o7 5 R.Pralra-cd-B vk:6}55 SBC Bern-cd-1 wk-6l65 f nt. Rccl Cro s s -- cd-2 wk-7 zj_o KDKA USA - cci-3 '""tk-iozq líls USA - cd -! rsk-'b9o Gaarnc volgcndc 10 ollf,vangen QSL I ínzenclen " Vcrd-cr hartelijke 73' s. L.J.Thn ffi;' vaïl de Mccro Hol]-and RCA lriani 7.a-1 b -4 ï..r1-,-- l-998o P1'T Bcrne-l t-j- r.vk-no QRG ( real asl?) DBP l{arnbu rg-cd-1 ry}i-- L9227 Graag vol-gorc1c aanhroclen zoals deze HIER voorkornt ; dj.t vergemakke].ijkt m ijn 'lve::k aa-trz j- en1 ijk " A clr c s s en z4n -ovcrbod.ig clart:: i.k <lj-e zelf Fï9.11e]T! ïteïll I'T. Y. - cd- 1l- v/ir- \5a35 I,íIRS Grc,narda - cd - 2+ ms -1 5AB5 R " Óanaci.a-cd--ll ms - ; lslzo R. Ï{ac " Espafr.a- ccj-4 wk- 936A R,.írustralia-spcc' crl-4 ms Ft. Carolinc I- cr1-3 'nrl<- L52O R, Cairo-ccl-5 rvk-no QrlG trái Romc-cd- 3 rns -No QRG RarC.i-o Pckrngi s nic c pennarrt i-s no"t'r availabl-c. - ;lapportcer gcrust op e en bri" c fkaart Gl4 ; nog wc 1 zo g,cnirkkc l- ijk, à1s hc t rnaa"r voor 6én red. bcstemcl :l-s" Bcst 73's C{, DX! II" wgln der Laarnr llcllancl wówó USÀ - cd - 6 'ivk- L]-o Yoz dc Lj-sbcai-cc'--rboo-lr1ct+ stamps - PT'f Cu,r:a?ac -LL-5 r'ei<- 9%5/ 2 l,tts-l594 PTT Ku ivar i- t ---L-u'6 ir'k-" a987 O ï*iet LaE,r s - c<1*6 w,1<- 2O7 L5 KDn 'f okyc - cr1--.i+ r+k-'l57 OO PTT Suc!.eril- ] ';^7 t:i'':'1lc QRG AORTS Syd'nc;r-"7-t;-ic11:-'l-1 vrtr< : {TTC I'íiarni -'crl*j i^ri:-no ilïïg US /rrrr;ly S bn- 'rlc}- -l:-nkara-1.t-9 $5-e**, r

16 r' AgL:!$yIEg = Continue<t = by MvD r,fiifrccl R.ictrter r,trfest:-gerraanï n "e1gi crs *cdl-28 "cls R.GuaíUa, Brasj-1-cC -22 cls-ll785 Ri?I trnc',onesia-cd -54.1s-9865 ÀTTC N. Y.'- c ë, -42 cls *1ro QnG PT'T Bc1'1'srrth-1t-14 ds-1o57o R/rE l3ucnos,lii-rcs-ca-4t d.s R"llin1 ",,ILC-Z cd,s-6 ds-9555 CïIU Tirne S i-gnal Canada-cd-B ds R, South Afri-ca-cd--43 ds.-119oo ïito Ar.errs -1t-32 ds -l trj-ne OIJ and go onr best 73tst!Í4_c*o-1ry it_" PeaAa.r' D]}glan4 Ire t. -R.e d- Cro s s - co-'2 trk-no qrg I{CJE is r,1orái :-ssuing a set of Lz ner,r Q.S-ï--cards oí-re for each "rnonth"i-.. so thcy ()aïr l:e obtained by send,ing a r:pt eaclr- non'bh containing of course tjre usr:al three program-iterns. The cards featur:e HCJE staff-rnenbers. tj"gi!_giljgïi seis b,' Holland I,TT Ttri-o lhrni-]-t -1 2 cls Belgrade IYTT -L b-5 lr'k; L8545 PTT Kurva j. t - l- t -2 r,vk- l-987 O A.l-ba-;ri-an PTT -at -7 wk" \renezuel an PTT-ct1-6, ms R, ei-t1.-]-t-2 wlc-t' l-bb metres ft IBP Tir,re S tgnat ïtal-y-1t -11 d=.5ooo KDI(A USA - cqla-lo ds -1O2O PT'l Dat r a s cu s -It -7 wk -l,i o r)r.g Guacl e l otr p e F"IT -7'i -Z ns -N o QTïG Hans G. Iiarr Astr:j-a.rr ï5n oo, l5ooo MSP' TDngl,ancl-lt: 3 r'ilc-loooo, : / oqgup.-eit!4849 = pniqe_qeuebeitqpu", frora/van lrivd N.J. Jensen Denrnark R.Valera, Ven. -cd -L3 -de:4840 Super 73t s & DX Oi\it ffi-j iis ï{jfii C o l ornbia --Lt -2 Ins - 5O2O ( tto penn.?) R. Qui- t o - J,t -6 wk- 4gZl R. C1. de l'iclganbique -cd-z rís R. Baglrdad.-cd-5 wy-6o95 R. Pakistan-cd-- 6 wks -L5O95 R. Auq t ral ia;ann i, cd-4 r,rs - L522O E. Tasi.kent -cd.-z ms TlÍR tsonai- re-6 ms ( qsl folder) e&í.i Jariraica-cC-B res 'Scrte ttgol.:dlestt Olt, go oït like that! C.3. de_ Vri.ggr Sgll?tg RAI -Rorre-ccl-l t:ts-no QI1G:. i R.Sofia-cd.-5 v,'k-6o7o : R.Finland-2 ccis-j- wk-9555 R. " Bu.dape s t - ed-z r,rs -J 2L5 R.. J apan- cd-7 \rrk- 75L35,, R;I{oscow-cd-6 wk-715o I,IRUL USA-spec. contest cd-5 ORU Belgiunl-cd-3 wlc-llb)j : RTF pari s _Z cds tb ds_ ait 65 UI'I Radio- cd-4 rvk* L525O tsi. 11 t'íjoà Peace, USA USA -It-Z d.s-l3o0.[ircir USA" --cd -B d.s -,5 to. i^ixtr USA-cd-1 d -55O CFIU Canada-cd-6 ds Say Ol{, did thrat verie from IíXTR coríre by'i,^rire or: sor'or did you wisit th.en, otherr*í-s e i-nlpossible I The 2 ds for I^IJOA ruould trardlrr be possible too. C.Y, l+ijn clat r.r zo ï'esoluut cle noop heeft doorgehakt i.v.i'rl. llog ot eit -is erg prettig voor ríij, T{TNB treef t af-,tiid" uitstekend gevcrif ië< cl-a;',ron zov. ík ze gêwoor.r eens op kmre fout attent maken door een Ltf,t c,f nieulr rapport. ïk kroop binnenkort c.jns op die tra'u.oardsrt tcrug t< hocr,uci hicr rc ecls vaak eerrler j-n' clc jidxc is oveti gesc.hrcwert. triia.irt Aens er"ll- ê6n BC (nroaclcast1ng), frèbben rrrc in ons bl-ad ook ge 'Jír FI{ d rlcí' arlsr:rcdc ecrr FTP-Panorai:ta? Dri: Tnx!+ ur FB l-tr OB I Reckon.irerics rnrj-ll sti]-]- corllc in from Bal Ïiiilyait,! Soon a'guirle orr PTP rui1l bc al'áilablc frorn F"adio Corrrruni DX.-Club., K]"r'kwitgcn 6A, Iíopoarbcrg r SIv',clc'rà., cor:lpos cd by yours trul1 ileg al l ar:tcrcsscs of PTP-stns in ovcr 15O countrics, krints oï] rcp( rcccpt1on rcport fornrs. j-n Frcnch ancl Spanish for PTP-stns. Yott asl h-c11 1s J-n'br:r-cstcci in ov,,jrh,,:ar.in6 tts ccrct & scrar:lblcdtt ractiotel<:pl \rc.rsations, wel1, I Alvil Yes, thatts rvhy I likc PTP so.very uuch it fun. r.len, hi- l ttsecrecy & scrarrbledfr arc expressi'ons no,t occt-rring in Díctionar:y ( Hi: ) ancl are reerlly no obstacles stopoitug Íïe in this J S, Fïot d.oor- iou gehroorcle Russischc str:tion is'waarschijnlijk dón \ c1i.-ensten van Racti-o líoskou besternc1 voor de ïlusscn díe At'rn clc rrssoer rn Egypcc rrerl<en, Jàr \rerschillencte kusti4a,:1io-statj-ons 'en static v1j-egvc-1-c1cre vcrj-fiijrcn rapporten r - Voor ccn QSL voor RNE op cle Ke :tilancion kun je krct bcste naar Santa Cruz clc 'Icncrifc a1cla3.f, schr!

17 -17 _ $yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Oh OM, p: those.r'an PTP Lawstt, c r a z y creatures they atet -strange and. remarkable that so many countries trave such a trlawrt bi the ptt Adrninistrations there verify reports as happy and gaily al n ever have Ïreard of ANy law?! Even here in Ho llancl the PTT verif i-i quit e rse 1l and t o Dut ch 'r aucief they even s end bro chures with : tails oïi throse t.f secret & scrambled.t? services " Ïf only these poor : of nly obscure operat,ior,ts...! hi t oh gosh! A lot of these PTP stat: in their vrn it isntt intended for public use and that itts n( cast. So tkrey mean, know and expect some'one trearing tlrent And lis' such a tcst-speeckr can then never be illegali Stns nqt liki-ng rptr enjoying us listening ttrern shcul.d nct broadcast o - GlaC ycu type l ï]cr,r Oi\,'i: Quite an irnprcvenent! By ttre wayr DfD f GïVD you a refo a' i'."1'rï'r.thls corflr*:1ents?t hil : 'Ihe Polish Rad-j-o is again organi z:-:ng a Conpetition in connccti':n 18th ïnt, Peace Cycle Race, "i3cr1in-prague-'1.íarsaw frorn May B. to I'ia' valuable prizes can be wcn. All you hawe to dc is to writc (forec, nationality of the ind.ividual winner of ttrc Race, and ttre 'rtationa rc first 2 r^,íinning tcarns. Dcadlíne for entries is Piay 15th which yc.u ialrea<1y.a,chance to havc a Fetter forecast.,fn crdcr to avoi:d nri-stakes arrd rlrisunderstanding about nerrrrqsl' s : wcrification-surwey, f urgc you to"give a clcar discription of ttr' qucstion to giwe other Dx-ers a;r: opportunity to rnake out for thernr r,"'hcthcr t} hawc the card or.not. Oi"f Vecr rcports that bcsj-des naïry rtew verifj.cation-card.s, ttrc CBC spccial cards to vcrify reports on thcir Norttrcrn Servicc o lladio Pol-tugal t:as ï,equested us to publish thc following: All corr i-rr connectiorr. ryith F OREïGN LANIGUAGE BROADCASTS ( "o cxcept Portugrrc be acjd.russêd to thc follorving acldress: Thc International. Scrwice, gucse i'fational Rad j-o, Rua SáoMargal 1-A, Lísbon, Portugal and f or r.cgarding the Radio Porfugd1 DX.Club youi shoul<i writc to thj-s QRA Re port s in Po c on Portugucs c, transni-s sions rnust bc scnt to z "éónia*;,cnj-s éótà 1{acional* dc R.adi-ocl.ifusáo, Rua dc Quelha s.2 r Lís tugal. R.eception reports rnust coine up to the follor.ring iterns set u statícn: Datc. and. time of rcception indj-cating frcquency and meter lcast fivc rninutcs of spoken languagc prograrn givi-ng thc main iten the strcngtkr of the signal- any othcr itcrns of intercst of thc SIITPO-code, corzrp?nràtive rcception of stati-ons on adiacont f cies, ctctails of receiver and antenna, and for prcfercïtcer inforrea tho prcvaili-ng r,{c?ther, furttrer: the rcport shr:uld covclr transmis s hc;imecl to the listenert s arca and the report shc,uid bc nrailrld with leours of tkre date ancl time in:questiorc Tcnsiottc rlijn excuscs aan É,ci'r ract aj.le landcn ctj-e u hrc den rf b cyond ljrff c ctnt ro 1 rr -/angen cn claat*sorl ik to t ltc1c Lrardnekkige pc;gin61cn. rr:d. slechts v,-)í)rzicn vaïr gend e bijd,rerge bel<cnd wilt 7 L gchc:.,rd.e 1anclcn. cnc tt LV?r o Tk heb o cn keuri-g l rjst i e van u gekrcgctroord eír gevcrif iëerd hreeft. Door ol:1s tandig-' heb ik kret daiir bij bchorende brief j e nic t ont - rn{jn spijt nj-ct ackrtcr w naam gcl'-omcrt ondarnks 'err- De c1,;iir tnij cintv " blaacl j es wal:cït dorlr c'trze lloofddc initialcn r,vft, ïk hccp dat u zích bij de t'o1.- rraken. In j-e clcr gewal kreeft u 36 gc-qsl-dc cn -o- iulaart eïl varr" De]-f t", Ho 1].and A,J $ \ran Eclc, Holland N.Jo Jescn, Denmark H. -J " R.ttss ow r l'd. -Germanr;r II. van cl er Laan, Holland J. B, Kleijnr Ilc-r11and Jarnes A. Hartford, Canada F red'rlciclcrrta, IIol1-and J "T.ïf. Blyth, Engtr-ancl Ba::r'y l)avi cs, IDnglancï f arry S t anclj- ey, USA BDXC I s I{rf orttpar::ce by MvI) L3g L37 J LOV vl L55 L62 13g L LA7 ] 46 LL'V J. Zwart e\rc cïl r Ho 1 }-anc Petcr Prrrirlle r,belgium Hans G. l{arr, r\ustria N. Duerrtroth, Engl-anC, P,v. Bcrgc Heneiïourrcïl, l{r>11-. 1,Íi 1f rec P.i- cht er, 1''I. -Gcrrnarry Ivla1c.*']-rn R. Peclclar, Englancl A lan L 'f t ing, Engl.ancl Sjur S" Stum,rr }.T.)rway Pj-ct Jansen, IIr'1lanC G. Peet, g::'11-ancl z o 28 -? ? Eg

18 -1 B- POIN.T -TO -POINT -'-: -,- -.- PANORAI'Í;I by lrliaar't en 1raïr. ;Db1f t, gíving the lat est netvs'r-i vi cws aneï gos sip cfr-r scnt Pf p.-s ccnc. Ficqueirc,í.bg mentioned arë':'èxáct wkren tht*y, or rryhen t4"y' a'#e. und erlinbd, other wi3êr approl.. All tirnesr arre,of c _C:.Igg:ïíó3. :, Léopolclville noted. with vm in Fr./W. at hrs dire rlrus sers ón f 86óo. (Hvl) " Closest freq. avajklable are Lg24O a L7 619 your cho j-ce r v ries by ltr in Frenq}. frorn: Direction des Télóconnun B " P. 8623, Lé;opoldwi1le. -8c1. Serv,i,ce Ces f éf óco'mnunicat j-ons hrd wi ví1i froin I(atanga ( frow dare they thos e naughty ope r.ators t -Ed. ) also scls cn L943O. at J 2.,4\ in Fr. A rea.1 sr.1a11 chancc for verie but wï :Dlisabethv":11e anyr\ra)r.,,,r.;,i:,,; ; I{ong_ Kong: C&r.{ hrd a't OB. O0 hrs wi- th vr.r:,ij-rtr, 9.",l,, t o Karac}ri (.n B), Fil receptj-orr T{ong Kong. OEI Address: Cable & trireless Ltd., P.O. Hox 597, Ifercuï']r Housc l{.ilge-j-.r Singapore notcd with vrn in.n;- êt O8.5O, lrrs to Karachi tc npryg:zogio (AE). Veric letters (..rro64rar,rr:rc) fr:orn: Tcic conrilunicat j Irul-l-crton trluildi-ng, Singaporc-l" i, j' 'that SS-ryr, Af ter another sharp check HvL fóund out his Paraguay 'at aïon jfrovccl to bc lviexico, Sor:ry OI\f I l4cxico is often, hrcl 17.OO t XDAf93-A'763A. Statj-on secrís to b<; in another good í"lst,-nooci ríght r Di-r:ccción Gcncral dc Teleconlunicacioncs r idcpartarncnto.cle Conunicac f naiai.rbricas, Ofi-cina de Contro1. de Estê.ciones Ractioelóctrj-cas, II( 'Fina Eg?4I_9": Ki.gali notcc daily to Brus scls at ob. oo on 2A6Oa (ap) po::tcd again after an tr.abscncerr of abou-i.1 year r./hcq thc statj-,on r, tcd- aftcr ac índependence. Your -8c1, h-ad, thc plcasurc,of. reccivir \rery first /")SL from,t\cm. I{avc a.. lty too ancl wríte in French to: } dcs Cornr:runíca!íoris: Sc'rvice clcs TíiLêcoÍnr-'run-icatrons', BP 78, KigáIi, E.."_g"*.._@:cTT(cort'cioS::.!cL6grafose.1.c1efoncs)'notcct hrs Li-àUon oïi 2L75A" (an) Orccllc:nt catchiand prohrerbly f,ir rcportcrl! Good luck rqith- QSL,'which to'eonlc,. B], thc wê)'r ( Co*panhia Portuguêsa náqio j!a.r:9o11+_.q,a. ),,-Rq* -6"!?t_1-9lp i*. Il9_ir.tug1J Verdc Islands, I.'Íadeira, thc Azotres, Àngo]-a; and I.{oz áiirbiq_uc, But CTI ling tkre cor:rmlrnication strings (, fr:) tn Portuguese Guinea, Tir:ror, ïr ancl, stat ed on t.he I,,slands ; Íl lltioned in thj-s heading " Switzer]-arljl: Bern heard on 1O4OO witkr vnl in E, Fr., and f talian (l yolr r.lean -Ed,) at L7.55 hrs. (CH) Unfortunatcly pecplc thcr"e donrl repcrts so r:ruch. but write thern anyr./ay: Schwei-zerischc Post, Telcgl und Tclephonverrvaltung, Tclcphcndir:cktion r Bo1lr+crk B, Bcrrto Tr.j.nidad _& ltobago: C&';t 1{. T. hrd ruittr vril in E. at OO.35 h-rs cn 1O7[ Grc;d -rrork Ol.Í I Frequ.ency i-s probabl--y; ZED48-f O l{iss luiargaret I Lras reccny contactcd this st:iticn in order tr; cnquirc abr;ut thej 1ro1icy. IJnf ortunertely she lrard tr> report that Cablc 8c 'Ii-rcles s 1l.I. in Port-of --Spain d-oeq rro longcr tnêl"oi;lcs ilncl an shrcrs -rccoption retr a.f tcr hqwing hcen ord,ered so bi' thc i{e adquarters of thj-s Co. in Lc AnC "rnrlto caus cd this? Yes of coursc Londqn GPO f gr f ormerly thc C&I rdays anslà'cre cl questions on t iroir s. Thc. PTP-futrllrc iooks qr gloorny indccdl Fortunatcly, holcwcr, therc arc s ti11 ftàn1z' stations fying wcl-l- and s omc 25 c\rcï1 Lrawc print cci QSL-Cards. Tu;'kcy: lis Array Cor,rrrunicertions Stat.ion TCX located at Ànkara notcc hrs or ]3áOg vrith E rtyaklccrrr ( tnat r s hor,r--thc US i\íj-li bary Conm pcrs ca1ls?t.r.rtilr t'oice r'rirror). (Hrt1;.VcfiÍlicatiolls by 1c-l;Ëeu' fl-o*: Dctr re /r.rnry, TUSLOG, I)etactulent 66, APQ 66jr }dcw Yorl< li"y,.iï.ïs.!., '(H*.L Verrczrr.g-B: I'iotc w:-th \rlr in S p" /8. at 16, O0 hrs on /U.t7 Irï,rquJti.y is 20677, Acldrcs s froi:r which to gct f i-nc ca rds "- ' l{inistcr Conunicaci-oncs,. Dj-lccción c-l-c Tclccorlulricaciorrcs, ilivi.s icin, Tócni-ca nac j-oal-, Caracas o Trrx to: ifwl- z H..rraïl d"er Laan, AE; A.J, van E'ck, Gorard- I]1:"ybens ( gtn) L,J "Tkr,vn (t"l{cer- ancl Btrd: Bastia"a-n Eclc.r.r,têil.. ( o* 133OO }Icrr' Ycrk.Airre wx forccr-rst at L7.45 hrs in E) a1l- fron Holland.. Co*"opcra.'l;or: RCDXC - Raclio Cor:rmunicËrti-r:ns DX-C1ub, Sr.rcden", : Bcs 73t s ce MvD/*'

19 l B E N E B U S BDXCTs 'brieveirbrrs _19_ J, Vas tenhoud. BDXC'g letter box -- B E N E il 0 X 4ghn gazali, Solijrull, l','an,tclcshire,,ingla-nd., has renevred. inetd,rership uurd prot 'i',feire send. in some fresh logs for fu'lure.'iu11e-tins. glad- )routre back on tjre ljne and. r'ire loo.k fori,-'rard. -bo -.rsr,73 contrilrutiols o J.F,1ï"I{_-lil_ïig, Voorbltrg. Er z1n ge tallcnzenclers, d.ic gcitoon gccoclceril-c lveeruapo( cloo-igeíen (mées tr-i i.n i.iorse ), bgv, -tus scn ria-l cn schip, Cve r d.c d-oor U bed oelde.,-o-."óre:: rijen cjjfers of gecod.eesfls bcrichten vrord-en opgelezen (in lrc-; D-rits, of ( in Oos-bcuropcse talen), afgerrisseld- d-oor irir-rzicir of intcrval sigiia-is.. is enigc ialcd,cn ve cl geschrevcn, ock in oirs clubl;lad. (irr, 17* ), Zii -v,rerdcn vorige rrvó r-lócy qvrrvvi:rll c'i:)l.ló,rï,lá in hc't Senclu:c-ll'lhciilieu-;lls (l:tz.5). lien na:l rccd.s laib n-an d.a'c si zend-c:rs 't'r/aren, ooli al onrd-at d.e getallcr:reeksen nie'b loppcn inc-i; cle bcstaand-c.'lictr 0i:rs-l;rccks augus'cr,s 1953 vrcrd. d-eza lczing bevcstigdl d.oor Clc?crs, cl-c Dui-i;sc TV en Tí'.-Áio,' \r+)z)\r. JJr-.. C.c zc:iclcrs zích nic-i; id.en-i;ificcrcn ca er gccn adrcsscn bekcnd. zijn, t:r []c'cr'r- QSL-:rogclSiCruid-. On-iva: st vr-n Lo.''rík*z (llrrrr"a.i 27) ln-g rrr"u,rcif1cs., bcï.r-",ioccl C-oor d.c rcgen. i 'b-ij z:jn. cle.j cr vrn'cer ice-n d.oord-ringcn in c1u antcnnclcabcl, of d.c l.ri.ïtslui'ciirg vr,rr anl i:-r-bcnaeke,l:c1?.hc'c l:flc-t ons zclccr oclr j-s -i;íc ola-tie-lcrcs. Alnn Loftiirs ri1-c'f-l,.inlr L lvr w a{:i, l-r( -D U -L\- 31It T{nrli:s j Lc'Jl trè Tlnol-rnql.!J-t ll: J frb looks a.s if I',;on''t h,^vc to look for,.,ilrfí;,=-ès ïi Angfand., o1l"* :fh:r.ring a futurc holídr,-'r.!-'hc;,- rrc al} cn a rot-r hcrc l-rris:-in^clcr ',l-a_n. Th.e l-,cst r,-ri:.y'c1,. COntfiltUtC-bO OUf pj:nco -bo fujfd ís pay a li-i;c ( ilil;.,'cïi','?"""i"'';;;, "ïïnt"i;";';;-r;l'"i""u;;-i;-lr- [i".),ca.r. Às rar as in( j-s conccrncd-.- thc nc is no'b vcry flvor-rrablc A'6 thc raoncnt, llou lrill pro'bai:ly c1t job 'lhcsc 1:os-i;ponirg e.c'uivi-bics rrntj-l ircxt iri-ntcr, rnil r,rc i'rj-11- ccr-bainl;r flv1r"' ve1 ti-on 'uc it in our CIu-l-', llulletin bjr -bhat 1;ine. -Í Ta tr.-q -o -t'l - fn -^ 'l- -.'ii'^ nn1,4 - ii TJ^. - * -. i,. i:--y_.:j:=".,j;":_r Dclfzljl. Vr-n rrijn 1loókjc "I{o,i to iiïrrovc I'our TV rcccption" (nog pr, crc:tr1"re,.- vir d-c chl'.r tu llcop voor.f 5) bcstaa-t geen.,\fcd-crh-ncl-sc vcrsic.. l:'lissch: ic-i;s soortgclr;lcs tc vinc-,cu 1l:j bcstuii-cri.1g vrrr d-c iiuic'lcrlcring-tsouiccirgicls (po"-i;bus lr.rssui':r), ilic -voor zovcr j l< ircet- leostcloos i.s, ',"ii'r, llu-i;ref -t trt,{-on-i;var:gst: ècn p;ocdl centraal-an-lcn:rcsjrstccnr }<am l;ctcr znn ccn Till-.'r;'-l:.-itnr, ot,rc'l-a'l hc'l sign.^-ei vr:j dichi onc]-cr d-c m.ns'b al lrorc]t vcrstcrk'b en vie (!! r! v v r + r v,.,^-..^-t:ï1-.*^.1- r,\rí.r't-'jrl u(-ir, 75 oh-,:'' l-fgcsloteir- col, 1cí,'lord.'b gu.d-istril:uecrcl-" tic-l l:lltsit i.r i;q ici:.:"-rcr l:cvl'c cl-ril ci:n I'il-oosjci'ilc-b i-,-qpedln-bis-'brn.nsfoprrato4 irl.a,r'j00 chnr'\í?-t Ie:rgtc i]-c tougcnr.stcícoaxia-lc)kdrcl ni--l crg j-ntcrcss,rrrt is, Dc $ golflcr:.gtc is hiur iric-'c vm -tocpí:ssíïlq. Dic?,ou- allccn van -i;ocpr.ssing zjln lli:rnccr cr gccn ii 'criitsfor,ip.tor tusscr: 75 ohnr ka] cn JOO ohin ingarlgs-ín41cd.a:rtic vln clc lt,,i*cntvarr{ ''rozict ' 7..r1 tys,á!ó oiirt. L\Jg ftj: zou- cut-r. s-i;ulcj..'lg.]é-gcïsolccrilc trrec-e-d.crigc kabcl'rcr lcngtt golf van 150 oh:'n rnoc'tcl ',rord..-.:r gc'bi:uilct -i,usscn I'},1-,..ansi-ui-bi.r1; cn. m,rl-io. Dri gcbru: lini;lcrlrcl is c-iczc l-crytc llf f golflcngt', oinc.,r; zij d-,r-n n.og noc'b r,'ord-ón r vtrld-igc-: rr,;-l ilc z.g. vu]-oci-blt-fr,c'bor (v,,rkcrbings- c,f vcrtrrgirg-sí'.lc-lor), d.ic vool t'-rl- f ^irrfl,ri (ri.\è_,)u'v r r.1,l O-f \ is- -rrí'-r.,ui Uvr,.1 2 I ) Iè a gi]_f-- P._.-i:gg, ïnl-'ch.m, I',,, U3/-. liour lc't''c,-:r.;'i-s rcccivcrl.l:cre orr /4tri1 1à-th, rr 'biinc.lic for-biris iullc'lin. usu.11-,2 inforraati-o:n rccui-vedl- ircre bcforc or ol cf 'Llrc r.,:orrbh. L'!1!q-.I,i-.P":I1fl, Su-ffol}c, Errgh-,r,--" llhr-nk.ycu f,-;r Jrour letter r':c,r-liirg.,ríth our r-rt. rcceivcr i1-rprove.'nents.',,'c shrlll ru:r cui'cc soílrj er"ticlcs íiri,]rís scries, mcl thc;' '1:;r cciricd o'bhcr Clur];s frcelv luhe n irdxc is crccl-i'ccil 'bh.r-'u is: ilcitbioncil to ltu -Lht of -th., r-r'i,i-cl--' ',Iil-frc,ilHcirtcr,.-l^-d, ',iiyfsl'16fc-r, 1I.Gcr,ir'.11y. Proilrta-'tiorr- in -Lhc tropíc,:-l ltrncls (: Z ''*ï u/=-ï',rï.".r;rul,'t ciistr-irc's r,rill oirl;'lrecoi,tc ïrossilrlc 'circ c-l-u-ri;1g cvcrring ru hou-rs, eacl- r,r*ill bc -'bos'i, j-:r r-,ri:.r-bcr tj-r-nc. llhc írrcr-l-.cs'; r'..ccivci i-n thcsc banils vir"fv'-inr rs I Iv, :,1r"i411.,'IaJL is closcst to lluropc, 'i'lrc'tropícal bror,ilcr-st llmds.-rc si1;uatcc]- nc: - t'a 90,-nd 60 r,1c'crcs, 0n /! r,rc-bres.i-luror:cl'"n s-br'-tions',riil- Frov.,il: rs bhis lr:rncl is r...- ca-tcc-l- f or brorilc,..s-ting i ir 'chis.-rcr.... )'' -CtRcctif icatic: /. -\ ilï hu'! 'c;pcn vi"n JV's n:,rt,ortti.:-i-it I?,tcr ve.l.3cr,gu Hcncg;ou.;,cn (vorigc rr.r-rmcl-): hcl lccn'relijk in l-icli-lc1:;1cl;cncvelr,lc'bocs-trirc,.le zes p}!$.g$ (... oc) vr":rc1e r,r-orse-lr lffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffsísvormd. tot ícts -;n-t cr irie'b ot:' 1flct, n1. VA. Somlr! - lllussc-r ir-a1; jcs, C,-cza : 1,//:. al:r-elkinr gcseincl (,,?-r -).rortn"rr ]rct trclosc-il-ornrir--bcken. -o- -bo -bhc DX_PROffi,/J$MS" 'ce'irlc Cna,irges iit our March 1955 lrr-i1lc-tí::. C, P" d-e Vrics, 81,:.ricum" Su:rilay, R.ailio -f,us'crr-lir 0730 (;+rif--oc.tolrcr) Ra-ilir: ftpa,n 0815 (irt"tct',d.of gaturcleg. OSJO). 01,[ Dc Vrics rcirr,rlcs' i'f-bf s n piff -i;hr.'i; so rnírnir gr){rr': DX-progrrrrrcs r;.'c ooincic'i-iirg. Take c. íj" Sa-turclr.y!23O Ti:.r1nnr1, Critar--l-r--- airi]. S.,ií'l;zerlnnrl. Si-nCLe;r O73O Àus.brr,lia arrd V. o.à. Cr.npi,'the join-b DX-clu'bs il.o sr;tne-lhing,^.lrout thís?tt. SornethÍng for the ne'xt DX-Parlia:rerrt!

20 I ' '-20- ' :SAèIEEASI (irr, verrr.vr:r DDXC febr. ) : G.l Cvcr RÍ ÀtIa-ptis (zlc DDXC fcbr.blz. 1O) hoorcen r''re gccn n-icur'rs, Het zal i,rel e( gis che ltiraa-b-'be-1n"nd. ge"wcest zpnifaclio C.r;rglilg (South). is si:rcls cir:cl jarnrari oolc in hct Ncclerlp:rd.s en Frar:s t",4 a1'cijrl tc v.elste$n, ffi! ) j:n hct Conti-nental Hour, zonda.g C0 G1[I" Ád.res : 6 "f ielc-l CarA"ens- t,onaoir 1,ï1, Schip: lli i:iirigo, h nijlen voor ilnrr,rich (ll+gl ldlz, 10 kif:,1.:..c1io Crr.,ilirle (Iiorttr): gccn nicr.rrrys. Àdres a1s Caroljne Sou,th. bcvend.ien P.O.Bcx Ï,ffichipCero1irre,4rÍLij1VooÏRarnsey(lszal<7íz,.1Ok1ï).Op2Jnw.artbcs sta-bion óón jaar. Hct is cle ouclstc v,-n d.e Ergelsc piraten. ilcic-l-e Car,:líncs testen rru, en clan rs ir-cirts op freln','cn'cics in ilc buurt vnrr 1520 kï E+ËiLC_qJtt-eJ. is hct niór-nnrstc projcct, c-litmr,al 1-Íccr in Zlved.en (S',;oc1àol-n). Zou rce -!,,*-: ^ { Juru ',,-rsr s uerten, rraajschjjnïjk vr::rf ecn ouc-l lichtschip, 6OO k-12, Zj.e ook 1,z"1( 'r?-rrri n Í'!i *rr ilc oud.c Reiiio Sutch clie vrrr ïlr.iin vcrl"nc-lerilc m"ól-at rrl,oeicnc-le _ Lt.u!-qJ\, v+ v,. r Lcrd. Sutc -*#-*. ;-tïèion harl verllocht, ge'bruikt ztjn 2e zcnder (." lctiz) a.llecn.qcclurcnile d.e I prograrnmr-rs (in c1e voorírv('nfl), fn vcc:r:rd met stcrirlg ve:i d-c schecpvl:r'r,bmd- vers d.c frclo-'rcntie nog.r-l eens. I)c lilcrrer zcnc-ler (ZgO rïr, 1O3t+ YJlr), clie voor àl1e uitzc r,torilt g;cbruikt, is r.arclig versterki;" -í:,1s g;olflerrgte 'worrlt stocvast 299 m.aangekcr ile't zcrulerlje ann d,c l'ral, l,r-.rr:muc.;.incio City geregelil in stonc-l, is in n;rr s}l-g gcnoincn. rrije gr-rx rm geeíircle Cnr.iven gebn-likeil', zej- Rac-Li-o Cit;r's Toney Pir Dick Joh:r,son heeft he-i; gcproi:ccrd. rnct rnorsetekens op een 1am1;1, iilr:.r d.,l"t girrg niel 0f d.c verkoop vr-n -Li.aciie. Ci'b;,r r.en l,h."1.cker l-lilk (vc,or 10. OO0) t og is cloorgegae niet bekerc. Het,1clrTCS is r1"o.q stceds 7 Derrrnrrk Street, Lonilon ï'fc2. Dc zenicrs str nltijcl cp het fort Shivcrirlg Sanrls, K-il[9 Rad.i.o,, c1e voorrr.lige Rari--i-o Invj.cta t zi'b nu op 1268 hcbz, na enige t$c1 (sinas jrr c-leze buurt ronr-lgcschlrrelc1 'cc l.ebbcn. Àc1res fuford Housc, Folicstonc, Kcnt. Zet rnoeilelijk nog stecds op f ort ReC Sa-ncls t floe cr.. 1 mijl ilichtcr bjj clc lcur.s'i; Raclio De cntva-ngen sigm"leir z$u echter zr'íak. lïonclerful Rq]ig trlig _Ilon4qn, Lrt, in c1c lurcht sincrs 1l+/12/6lr oi> 112J kc, sincls B. 112)kc,ffi9B5-.toirs/rncrikr J)seexqnijne$rcger''Gn1l.:qp''inc-LeTheemsr, rnrdl ten oos'i;cn vrrr Frinton" Aclres 17 A:r zon S'i;reet, Loru1on 1ï1. Voor iie zcnil"er, zj Het is c1e sterkste cn mcest i,rncrikacjlsc piraat, c1e cieige r:lct iricurrsuitzencli-n len ( richtcn. Ra-d.ip S:rd (aclres: It{e1mó [, Zived,.en) wil in een TV-sta-'cíon ii.-r.n ]:egi-nnen. Regi ber leeil ile oud-c Cheetr- schi-p'breuk, nllnr begin cktc,ber stertte men opnieuïr, ve":::nl II (even^als iie Chcetn- rrrocficr rceits peebnrikt iloor Rnilio lierh;r), mct ecn verbe 'rlel systecrn. Frclc-rcntie noêj stccils 88 rj Ntrlz (f,s,f-banc',.). Eigcnrressc }rit-b iïadner uerd. m,re.ilen gclcclen voor Ce zovcclstc mrnl veroord-eelil, ma-ar gr,e,t f.{e1:íoon ioor. Star Clu} Ra$-o- ï is geirrojcctccrc-l tusscn Eelgc;Iancl cn c1c D:ítsc, tcn noorcle ffiiíomroi"ivócjrclchcrfstinc-le1uc}rt,ïi,.t]gc1,]shetinis1u.ickcnví]n ti-ïu vr,rl ccn f irr,^-ncicrin6lsmr-atschr"pplj. Eigcnnrr M.:.n-freC, ',icissluc-lcr (Arrn'burgsc i1...( ci51cm-ar ) hccf-l 1:lrumen vitor r-ritzei:d.irrgcir in hc'c Drits, Dccns c;e Noors, 19 rrur pc mct 15O lc'i,r, Rr"ilio lrernen is ovcrigcrrs nict vrrr plrír oin hc'r zaver tc latcn komcn, ovcrlcg cjl hc'l hoogstc nivcau" 4adigVcronica bcstorrcl op 20 april j.1. 5 j,r-ar, Nu Ncclcrlend- ccn nieulio regcri-:rg hct verdre".1 van S-tre-atsburg ccn fcit is, is het d.e rtrr"r-g of hct s'ba-tion nog ccn 1 verjaarc-lr"g znl lonren vicren- Voor d.c vollecl"ig;hcic-l meroorercn rre nog cven d"at iïcn op 30 oict, àjn zend-cr vers'bcrl, ft V;f en d.r.t mcn cen nieu.rr schí1r in gebn;ik narn, cle NorCerncy, nu Vcronica II. (l Dan nu nog ecn pí\,:r.r f-m"arovcr n-1ets nicui'rs bcker:d. is gorr"rorilr-cni RaC,io iante" en ï sl,:g!9gei.en1gcml-anilcn11e1i;c-i.c.inicrh-ncizoucleirz,jjngc1r..,o@,-.ffi"zougacrruitzcrrc1cnindrh1in1}ay,ïer1e.irr]l.;enn"$íp-,,].b".trffir n..c.tiilsi-,rc]-1p1rrrrren1rail.(sctripinili:liesh.,-.-iutd.eirrgc@resve:iili 7B-BO Higl-r. Stre e t, Gosber'con, SpaldÍrg, Li-ncs. En hcbl--.en lre zc vrel onfieveer allcmnal gehail. Nlgrrws blljf-b velkom! Gcilevcrrs vl -n i',llui,, SCDI';, Pc'cer i*sircrof i; cn vcrschciclenc e:rcicre lcc'len. -ofeciil\-tci;l TOPÏCS J, Vnstcnl-r-ou Iir Amcrica n ncï,'í sjrstcn vras clcvelopccl to d.ecrensc thc ch,:"ncc for thephs,>f rclati sr'r."-11, but e>q.ocir,sive eri;ic1es li]re posta,blc re.rlios, irh.o'bo a-rrrl filin crlncríis etc, T 'i;his, a sme"ll transnr-ittcr i-s l-r:cntec-l ilclj thc exít of the sh,ril. l:hen sc''nncbod-y trj irí-bh a stolcn ob jcct, -th.e tn-nsmi-i;tcr swítches on an e-lem. Tc prevcnt every cust inclicated,. ts a- 'thief -this tr-ër.;r, -i;lle alarrn, hid'den i-n cvcry crbjcct, j-s taken out oï tcr, ';rherc i-t is not nctivated. by -i;hc 'l;re.nsmitter.

1.- L a m e j o r o p c ió n e s c l o na r e l d i s co ( s e e x p li c a r á d es p u é s ).

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