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1 ED TITLE INSTITUTION SPONS AGENCY REPORT NO PUB DATE NOTE AVAILABLE FROM EDRS PRICE DESCRIPTORS DOCUMENT RESUME FL Czech Basic Course Pattern Drills; Volume I, Lessons DefensP Language Inst., Washington, D.C. Department of Defense, Washington, D.C. 01CZ47 May p. Defense Language Institute, Department of the Army, U.S. Naval Station, Anacostia Annex, Washington, D.C (With specific permission) MF-$0.65 HC Not Available from EDRS. *Audiolingual Methods; *Czech; Grammar; *Instructional Materials; *Intensive Language Courses; Language Instruction; Language Skills; *Pattern Drills (Language); Second Language Learning; Slavic Languages; Structural Grammar; Substitution Drills; Uncommonly Taught Languages; Vocabulary ABSTRACT This volume is part of the Czech Basic Course designed to train native English speakers t) a level 3 proficiency in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Czech in intensive language programs employing the audiolingual approach. It contains the pattern drills of the first 56 lessons. The drills to lessons 4-24 are in two parts. Part 1 consists of drills for the perception of new structural featwces, while Part 2 is designed for practice in and reinforcement of what has been perceived. The lesson designations correspond to those of the Basic Course. Since lessons 1-3 contain no structural drills, a study of the basic vocabulary contained in them precedes the drills of lesson 4. (Author)


3 DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE This pamphlet is for use by the faculty, staff and students of the Defense Language Institute solely for official purposes. It is NOT for general distribution. It may NOT be released to other persons, quoted or extracted foe publication, or otherwise copied or distributed without specific permission in each instance from 'the Director, Defense Language Institute. "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS COPY- RIGHTED MATERIAL BY MICROFICHE ONLY HAS BEEN GRANTED BY TO IERIC AND DRGANI TION PERATING UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THE U.S. DFFICE OF EDUCATIDN. FURTHER REPRODUCTION OUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEM REQUIRES PER- MISSIDN OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER." ky) KESSLER Colonel, USA Director

4 PREFACE This volume is developed at the Defense Language part of the Czech Basic Course Institute to train native English speakers to a Level 3 proficiency in understanding, speaking, the Institute's intensive programs employing the audiolingual approach. reading and writing Czech in It contains the pattern drills of the first 56 lessons. The drills to lessons 4-24 come in two parts. Part I consists of drills for the perception of new structural features, while Part II is designed for practice in and reinforcement of what has been perceived. The lesson designations correspond to those of the Basic Course. Since Lessons 1-3 contain no structural drills, a study of the basic vocabulary contained them precedes the drills of Lesson 4. Inquiries concerning these materials, including requests for authorization to reproduce them, addressed to the Director, Defense d.s. Naval Station, Anacostia in should be Language Institute, Annex, Washington, D.C.

5 TABLE OF CONTENTS LESSON PAGE 1-3 Basic Vocabulary 4 Demonstratives 6* Verbs: Present 19 Adjectives, Hard Type: Acc. Sing. 7 Nouns: Acc. Sing. of Ma, ZIDLE, KOST 33 8 Personal Pronouns: Acc. Sing Prepositions Governing the Acc.: 51 PRO, MIMO, PAES, SKRZ, NA Possessive Pronouns: Nom. Possessive Pronouns: Acc. Sing. Reflexive Possessive Pronoun SAJ JSEM RAD SAM MAM RAD RAD ZPDTAM Nouns: Masc., Dat. Preposition K Sing. Demonstratives and Adjectives: Masc., Nouns, Demonstratives, Fem., Dat. Sing. and Adjectives: Dat Nouns, Demonstratives, Neut., Dat. Sing. and Adjectives: Verbs, Present Tense (Review) Adjectives, Soft Type: Nom., Dat., Acc Adverbs of Place Nouns: Masc. and Fem., Ending in -i (KREJCf, PANf) 143 *Every fifth lesson of the lesson. 44 Basic Course is a review iii

6 LESSON PAGE 23 Personal Pronouns: Dat. Sing Possessive Pronouns: Dat. Sing. 160 Personal Pronouns: Dat. and Acc. (Review) 26 Verb: BIT, Future Tense Verbs: 2nd, 5th and 6th Class 170 Infinitive and Future Tense 28 Verbs: 3rd and 4th Class 174 Infinitive and Future Tense 29 Verbs: 1st Class and Some Irreg. Verbs 179 Infinitive and Future Tense 31 Verbs: MAT, ZNAT, UMP,T, DOVAST Modal Auxuliaries: MOCI, CHTIT Modal Auxiliaries: SMtT1 MUSET, MIT Pronouns and Adverbs: Interrogative, Indefinite, Negative Multiple Negative 36 Days of the Week Nouns, Plural: Nom. and Acc. 212 STROMY, KLICE, ZENY 38 Nouns, Plural: Nom. and Acc. 217 DUgE, KOSTI, LAHVE 39 Nouns, Neut.: Nom. and Acc. Plural Last Names Nouns: Masc. Animate Nom. Plural Adjectives: Masc. Animate, 243 Nom. Plural 44 Possessive Pronouns: Plural 248 iv

7 LESSON 46 Nouns, Demonstratives, Adjectives, and Possessives: Masc. Animate Plural 47 Verbs: Past Tense, BIT and Verbs with Regular L-Base 48 Verbs: Past Tense, PIT, MRZNCUT and Verbs with Irregular L-Base PAGE Nouns: Irregular Plural Nouns: Vocative Case Verbs: Imperative Nouns: Dative Plural Possessive Pronouns, Dative Plural 295

8 Vocabulary of Lesson 1-39 not Introduced in the Introductory Volume 1. To je americkir vojik. 2. To je americksr 3. Pan Novak je ueitel a pani Novikovi je ueitelka. 21. Ji Jim tady. Ty jis taky tady. On ji doma. My nejime moc. Vy taky nejite moc. Oni nejedi ten chleba. 4. Mina je studentka. 5. nna tu dnes neni. 6. Ona zde neni. 7. To pero je dobre. 8. Ona mi Zernou kivu. 22. Ji ziati kivu. Ty pt jei Eaj. Ona pi je mléko. My pi jem-vadu. Vy pi jete vodu. Oni pi jou pivo. 9. Podlaha je hnédi. 10. To je hezki barva. 11. St6na je Lpinavi. 12. Ta lampa je bili. 13. Kafcterie je tamhle. 14. Ten still je vysokt. 15. Sn:92 je NOTE: tadyi here tu zde tady - tu zde colloquia: usually unemphasized literary style (and as an answer rol/ call) 16. gko1a je blizko. 17. Ten dopis je ili dlouhsr. 18. Ten strom je ze1en. 19. Triva je taky zeleni. 20. Ta tkida je mali. pkilii too (overly) 1

9 L To je americ10 vojik svobodnik desátnik 6etai dilstojnik tank slovnik mapa pneumatika letadlo radio auto jidlo 2. To je dobrr vaz. velk ma147 novi"/ hezks7 p6kns, gpinavst anglick americ10 3. On je uiatel ona je u6itelka. Pani N ottito a-7"-.1 a My mime n ova 4. On je student, ona je studentka. Pan Svoboda Pani Svobodova Marla Venku JA vidim venku 5. Substitute "tu" for "tddy" Cue: On tady neni. St.: On tu neni. Cues: Kdo tady dnes neni? Dnes je tady zima. My tady neillame mapu. On Lady 'teka. Oni tady studuji. My t=ay poslouchame radio. Je tady Novak? 6.. Substitute zde" for "tady" Cue: On tady neni. St.: On zde neni. Cues same as under 5. 6.b. Roll call "Novak!" Smith Jones etc. "ale" 2

10 L. 1-3 pero or Oro 7. To je gpatnejamo. stare Jobre nove Ji potfebuju nejake On hledi 1.1, o zelené My mime Eernir tabule pivo kiva auto chleba kog iid1e ta kniha 9. Podlaha je ipinavi. Eisti hnedi My mime pekna dobri ipatni 10. To je zeleni barva. hnsedi bili pekni hezki dobri ipatni Eerni 11. Ta stena je Eisti. zeleni bi1i gpinavi nizki 12. To je bilá lama. ze1ena mali velki dobri Apatni nova stari pekna hezka 13. Ta kafeterie je dobri. 14. To je zustlacs stal. velki mali ipatni nova. Eisti hezki blizko daleko -9 okno dastojnik strop

11 L To je vysol0 still. 15. Tad y je bil okno My mime dastojnik strop Orli maji TIT... strop. av 16. Ta ikola je velki. mali novi stari dobri blizko daleko To je Zeski ikola americki 17. Cue: Ten d 11s je dlouh. ( St.: Ten d( )1s je pkila Cues: Ten cl.eba je starc:. Ta mai je stará. Ta voc je Lpinava. To pi% je studene. Potaisi je gpatné. Ten C13vek je star. Ten je studew;-. Ten vi_r je studen. Ten Zlyvek je 18. Ten strom je ze1enst. starc, niziq suchs/ venq vysoki, 19. Tady je pikri trava. ìá zelt nizli A pat dob: slic) irys( I A 20. To ie velki tfida. mali dobri patni hezki pohni My mime 21. Ji jim taly. On doma Vy moc Oni jedi chlel My 15; rychl, 4

12 22. Ji piiu kivu. On kakao Vy 6aj Ty moc Oni pald My vodu Ja 1 1 5

13 Lesson 4 DEMONSTRATIVES Pattern Drill I. ta tamta le to totde tamto =1 ten - that,..._ Cue. vell, std1 Cue: Stal je vellcy. 1 Variation: Student: ten ve1ks7 stal St.: Ten stal je velk.k. _ Cues papir zelenir' vaz pes 1=7- strop vysoksr strom stait kapitin novy student doeft hned)1 Vaz

14 1. 2. tenhle. this (here) Variation: I Cue -. velkfr still Cue: stal je ve1kfr. 'Student: TEEM velkfr std1 St.: *nh1e stal je vellq tamten - that (over there) Variation: Cue ve1kfr stal Cue: Stal je Student: tamten ve1kfr stal St.: TWITen stul je ve1kfr ta - that Variation: Cue velki tabule 1 U17: 'abule je velká. Student: ta ve1ki tabule I St.: 173. tabule je velki. Cues ze1eni Idle : _ lampa :=7-5Tig--- ná Trinia vetey-- 6tara pinavá cista hrfedi balk velki nova ---01Telka -Una tabule FOlatla --itewa -TUTRa krida -Wta kavarna r? 3

15 L * 4.0 tahle - this (here) Cue!Student: -- vella tabule table velka tabule Variation: Cue: Tabule je velká. St.: Ta tabule je velka tamta - that (over there) , Variation: velka tabule i Cue Cue: Tabule je velka. Student: tamta velká tabule St.: WaTi tabule je velka to - that 1 Cue Student: nove pero to nove pero Cues : radio dobre MITO stare auto hezke pi-oteg i studene pivo male letadlo fehke kolo 1 Variation: Cue: Pero je nove. St.: To pero je nove. okno 4 8

16 3.2. tone - this (here) L. 4-I Variation: Cue nové pero Cue: Pero je nové. Student: TAU nové pero St.: iragre- pero je nove. tamto that (over there) Variation: nové kolo Cue: Pero je nové. Cue I Stucient: tamto nové kolo St.: Tiitoai pero je nové. Cue Student: Cues tento - tato - toto Variation: d1ouhf7 dopilcue: Dopis je dlouhsr. tento dopis St.: Tento dopis je d1ouh;7. stary kapitan u6ltel teikr hezka pekne velké prace knlha pocasi radio letadlo

17 L. 4-I Accusative of ten is toho (animate) Cue 1Stucent: On vidi kapitána. On vidi toho kapitana. Cues I. letec pot.febuje student ceka voyin vola ---posloucha Cetai doktor zna rotny bleda ~1 111f. vidi Pes dustojnik tohohle tamtoho Cue On vidi kapitána. 1st student: Vidi on toho kaoitina? 2nd student: Ano, on vidi toho kapitana. Cue letec 1st student: Vidi on tobo letce? 2nd student: Ano, on vidi tcho 1etce. Cue : potebuje Further cues under

18 L. 4-I 0. 1, ILanimate accusative of ten has the same form as the nominative, Cue : On hledi dopis, Student: On 'Ueda ten doris71 i Cues : potfebuje avall ma 00011=111i0.01 emyonnini tdiad. potfije ma irita papir 1.37;Trti.ik Cfini5a aspirin tenhle 6. 3 tamten 6, 4. Cue 1st student: 2nd student: Cue 1st student: On hledi dopis. Hledi on ten dopis? Ano, on hleda ten dopis. potfebuje Potfebuje on ten dopis? tenhle 6, tamten 11

19 L. 4-I 7. lc The accusative of ta is tu. 1Cue : On ma hnihu. 1Student: On ma tu knihu. Cues hleda ITEE' Ia irmje kfida hledá Tairr- ----Farna pan"' studuje mapa 'firetld: zna /.11,16110M rest-oce 7. 24, 7, 3, 7, Cue 1st student: 2nd student: tuhle tamtu On ma knihu. MA on tu knihu? Ano, on ma tu knihu. tuhle tamtu 12.

20 86 1. The accusative of to has the same form as the nominaine Cue Student: Oni nemaji radio, Oni nemaji to radio. Cues nepotfebujou kolo nevi-dm= nebfearr letadlo kino nepotfebujou pivo nepijou table tamto rue 1st student: 2nd student: Oni nemaji radio, Maji oni to radio? Net oni nemaji to radio. Cues as under

21 L , Piju nepiju. Cue. JA piju 6aj. Student: JA piju 6aj.. Cue On Student: On pije 6aj0 Cues My kava mino Vy.NreawasImmenoreMosoomMekaaelm.1 MOC Ty Oria My voda olla káva studerqr 6aj table voda jim nejim 1Cue Student: Cue Student: Já jim doma. já jim doma. On On ji doma. Cues My Vy Ty Já tady dobre ryc le moc porrd chfeba The End of Pattern Drill I. 14

22 Pattern Drill IIe ten Cue 1st student: 2nd student: bilt strop Je ten strop bilt? Ano, ten strop je Cues : gpinavit st6na nova studentka aisté okno nachlazená uaitelka studené pivo aista podlaha nizkt strop hezkt darn kratkt dopis gpatna adresa dobri snidanè malt byt dobré mléko pakna zahrada nemocnt alovek velki tfida hezki barva aernt pes zeleni trava velké kino poruaik letec voják student vysokt strom tichi ulice le 2. tenhle le 3. tamten 15 21

23 L , Model sentence: lienhle still je yelkf, ale tamten stal Cues: zahrada restaurace hoa tank letadlo auto tfida papir pes tabule je ma1. I radio slo%nik byt strom kavarna 2, 2. dlouht kratki ulice dopis tfida auto tabule kfida tu'ika 2, 3 dobrt itatnfr papir mlkko kolo kdva raid;- slovnik lékaf -,ua restaurace tifika still 3, 1, ICue stul 1st ste: 7e-TEEITE tervot7-71e6-teetze? I2nd st.: Ano, tenhle sta je firvelkfr jako tamten. Variation: 2nd st.: Net tenhle stcil neni tak ve114 jako tamtene Cues : as under 20 1, 72, 16

24 L , 2. ue 1st st.: 2nd st.: ulite Je fable ulicelirtnall1i7tem Anot table ulice TrTirclloubi jako tamta. AMIN. Variation: 2nd st.: Ne, table ulice neni tak dlouba jako tamta. Cues : as under ue st. 2nd St. papir JTTEHIe papir TgarTEETFE? Anot tenble papir je tak dobrt jako tamten,1 Variation: 2nd st.: Net tenble papir neni tak dobrt jako tamten. Cues as under 'Cue 1Student: slovnik NWERIMITTEE slovnik. Cues auto dopis rotmistr adresa poruaik tuika doktor radio svobodnik My bledame uitl tank dastojnik ulice radio kniba kapitin kolo desitnik pani rotnt kiva My pijeme voda vy 6aj oni pivo My potfebujeme tfida cbleba On ji my ty ona já 17

25 L , 2. Cue Student: slovnik u tenhle slovnik. 4, 3, Cue Student: slovnik Trebtiru MN...01/ tamfjn slovnik Cues for and same as for The End of Pattern Drill II.

26 Lesson 6 VERBS, PRESENT TENSE ADJECTIVES HARD-TYPE, ACC. SING. Pattern Drill I. 1. Conjugation (...u) /Variation: Patterns in the negative/ ji piju On Y N-17 vodu, caj ava taoda ten 6aj irriva Já studuju 6e6tinu. Vy 1551= lay veeer affil Ona ngliffna 1: 2, ji potiebuju tu adresut já jdu domd. Oni On sem My Oni 737 A.Kusm...a-=w ten porucik en vuz kapitan '1"5771-c=k UM7" Ty Tr"- ven ryale moc rychle

27 L. 6-I. ta kniha Oni Ty moc dobie Vy moc rycnle Conjuge:ion (-am) 2, 10 Ja mam hlad JA h1edam toho doktora. On On mapa OOP Oni Oni nrace y Vy _penize to auzo Vy My narozeniny ta restaurace Ty ri;17. zlzen to k Ja :fa nenijn I 9. Ja Ctli rychle, le 6. nepotfebuju... On nestuduju ten dopis I. 5'_. nejdu Ja to d6lam dobfe. 0.1,4 Vy On Ja Ty clouho pekne tady poiza Ja to Hkam pof4-1d, On dob-rz Ty ékri Vy -g3e-w6ie,iy moc --NEE

28 L , 5. JA pos1oucham radio á znim toho E/oviska, My Ona ten &cat pin N511E Ty 17 ten praporzik ta restaurace Vii-r----". Mr tirrimarft ten kapitan pan Novak ur Onz 011 ten doktor ten Zetar JA sp6chim Ty My CU Vy 771 porad ven sem tam -.NNW tady JA Zekim na toho 61oveka. Oni to auto Ty Vy teta On dopss My penize Ja 20 7, J. volam toho rotmistra. Vy ta restaurace Uri ten unte bni ta kavarna teta 21

29 L. 6-I 3. Ccnju,?aticn oni (-1 ) JA sedim tajy. Ty norra Vy Cni JA. doma JA myslim, Ee to je pravda. Oni 9 Ee to neni pravda 1:y 9 ze uz je cas pri'm blizko ze jeste nen' cas t On tam 9 ie g37z-if-cia-g Vy moc daleko, 7.e. NowT-ET'oenfze (piqlig)..t..g.,..aymeimilwwmlun MIN JA vidim to letadlo Koho V7 Ny My Ty 47E On _ten 71-73TreE moc dr7eff- vv ten tank Om. ta pani ty ten d6g Uraim NovAka. Mafia Novotnf7 Nowk ten student JA chodim ornü Co ue'ite? Vy Ta" u6im 6e5tInu, E,011 My Ty On My Já yen rychle taky rychle moc rychle 98 (In literary sty/e lanrittage ilhat is taught is in the dative case, in colloqiial lanuage in the accusative)

30 L. 6-I JA se uaim aesky Ji mluvim aesky. My Oni anglicky angirky Ty \Ty dobre dobre r7... moc dwafe MOM., Masem pote.a' taky vi7c7r Jã moc paa-' 4. Conjugation (-im) (vim) oni (-eji) oni (vidi) Ji rozumim dobfe JA vim, co to je. Ty Vy My Vy On k ang icky dobre aesky jenom cesky dobte anglicky ---7-Ei Z On ---7Eae to je 9 kam on jde )e iady ni ravda (jim) oni (jedi) Ji jim ten ch1ebz. Ona tady Vy Zoma Ty MOC Ji :9923 pofeld daur

31 L. 6-I 5. Accusati,4e sinulnr of hard type adjectives Masculine, animate (vrsons and animals, male) 5. 1 Ja hledam nového doktora. jinfr dobrfr 116ak-c' (dobrfr) ten novk My mbme novfr pe3 bilfr hri'mfr sa hledam nového doktora. jinfr (lékar) Ny zname Goary TriTT5TeTuje nejakfr Onl 6ekaji (na) ten starfr Ona ceka teh novy h fetier M.II..=I1.IIWMIMNMIINW MINIIMOOM 7/ IM velkfr.1=111 no:7-k pes My!name buy TriTialg hné0 Oni hledaji mallr On PZTrel-Suje velky 6. Accusative of hard type adjectives Feminine Ja mem dobrou mapu. 6 (knihu) jin6 nova 6eska n.:,jaka stara ID:=.kna :3natni: mall velka 2. My hledame d'aprou mapu. (knihu) Oni vidi Vy hleare nova On hiet1e- --ZT UF-5aTrailje fly m am e Cni maji On ma Vy mate zqin stia- p6kna patna. mala velka =

32 7. Accusative sinr:tlar of hard type adjectives Vasculine inanimate and.neuter (same form as nominative): JA hledim Zeskk slovnik. anglickk slovnik jink listek ten stark Wiz n5jakk papir pilknk dam ten velkk koi ter malk stcil nf'sjakk dobrk slovnik JA hledim Eeskk slovnik. On potiebuje n6jaky papir My mame jink listek On jde pro ten yin-fm Oni mail peknk byt Vy mate ten stark vilz /75E Ji mim nové dobr6 mléko 5E -FiRrebuje pero jine pro 6erne plvo s m. Onaji ZWITIOTrebuji Wejake MT"' Ja. vidim ng3ieririto VrirEITZgpinave okno The End of Pattern Drill I. ;31E

33 ; 1. L. 6-II Pattern Drill II. Conjugation -u 1, 1. JA jdu pro voduo Oni On JA piju Oni gy lava Zaj JA poti.ebuju Oni Vy Ja n jdu pc Ty My Vy JA nepiju Ty Vy Ona oda kayo, 6aj Ja nepotfebuju My On Ty JA JA Etu Oni On studuje Oni My Ty JA Ona Ete Ty Vy ta kniha moc dobfe Zetina vezer doma ten dopis 26

34 L Conjugation -Am JA mam Mad. On "'"11"" ob, zizen Z5M-1 prace TA biedam ta restaurace 3317' -7=-TE-KEla 6tni ten doktor TA71777iloucbAm pan NoVIR- On "CST' ten Ef67FR my nebleame to auto ten dum ja penize My nemame ta mapa VT" ar7 narozeniny r Miaposlouchi ten léka'' Ts: MY ten 6etaf ten poeuete' -"--175an NovoTE7 On bleda pan Svoboda Vy aspirin 'Ong =5E4 7771A 67E0i WY adio vy iry po5louchate ten rotmistr ten instructo

35 2. 2. Conjugation -am On zni 'C1.3R-17' M-"TroT"N Nrir- restaurace fin rofet pie-r7rec ten poiveta porucik Dloubf, pah Svoboda Zrrrenna to auto My penize Oni teta Oni neznaji mária Vy tafnic Ja tentkã Tae tee-muudnik Vy 'On ten desgtrak en rdlentr ten prapor6ik Ty teta Mana My Terime na ten dopis On Vy Tamere prãce

36 3. JA sedim tady. On venku Off blizko ni bydii danko Ty cjit)poiádo rycble dob&-e VTirrvite On --gralouho My tamble = taky OF Vy n VTErimiate Ja porad pn ceiky tna rozumi angter7 UM' dobie Ty Ty VI Mg-- My tn yy_21lile.- doma Sna Oni My zaiada ten vdz ="CETebe moc pofgd tady MIMIO ity opravdu dobr:e EFEricky MV se uclme Vy 'lady rea--- dobre reamedi Ty en ITEr MT &snowman ten student Oni uci Vy onf Ty studentka -"--"-TEE'TZTEC" E7--- On bydli Oni pan Nemec a taky fay daleko ) :1 5 29

37 L (Coned) Vy bydlite daleko. My(rozumime)taky. JA taky daleko jenom anglicky moc daleko Ti a--.ja---- -ritirnm17--- Ty chodig venrdartir Ja J--.a. "-'-..""r7.--..u----"il On `7WEir ven sem rychie egassm Onl Onia-aurr Já jen vecer DET-- Oni mysli Ja Ty My, pratbfiki ze-n-6=-3g-letec 27R nemocnS7 Novarel.nac,b1azenfr TW-17676ViErchfipku Vy porad P ze uz je zdravir On On seur--'----- Oni...- Vy On My Ty ja venku Iamhie -751y $ EFITOTTETET doma, IF7ROVE-575-Frebuje penize --571F cer.y fy My Vy ang_icky ddere Oni rozumcji JA Z3n o5117vairabbi:e 30

38 4, Accusative singular of hard typeadjectives novy doktor ghledim slovnik dobrfi ampa jiné radio My potfebujem dotitiair néjaki tuika jinfr listek dobré jidlo ten stary aetaf Oni znaji On vidi ta Usk& kniba ten nizkfr dam TiEr n6jaké letadlo nualck letec Oni maji My mame Vy volite --ITETETTEktor ten bily pes On mi wro-lalavelkst dobri blava bn'edé auto lebki price stgaeretweo star& teta dobry u6ite1 pekné pocasi gpinavy stal velki tfida zelená kfida dietihá tabule 5patnfr listek 6e3ki kniba dobry cbleba t65ka price jiny doktor 31

39 L (Cont'd) TUT3Fral Oni hiedaji On pije On potebuje Oni 6tou My hledame jin doktor ten noiffitytn nejakfi 6eskf, s1ovnik nejakd dobrá pneumatika ta nova (6eski) mapa to stare (zelené) radio teriwitt(eitedlr) pes ta stará (6eska) mapa ten nol4r (6esk0 tank ta pékna (velka) restaurace n'ejaks7 dobr.f7 delstojnik néjake dobre pivo studene mleko ta studena voda studenfr 6aj 1.1!1á käva rná káva tp.p16 mléko n6jak.;r Eaj iarrairknidobrp praporèik rijaka. 6eska. kniha -7771a,; kniba r1aká lehka anglicka kniha "="7.37- =FE1 ta. nov ue'ite/ka nold4/ student 17?. nova studentka ten novk slovnik nová mapa to ti nave kolo tr,%la starc, sdetai. starfi kog 3tar"1 kavarna te..1 61ovsek t!7 3tar auto t47,. bad Zidle The End of Pattern Drill II. 3 2 :18

40 Lesson 7 NOUNS: MUZ, ZIDLE, KOST, ACCUSATIVE SINGULAR Pattern Drill I. 1, letec letce Cue: ten letec (The student speaks rarlria letec? both sentences) My hledime toho letce. Utak prodava6 mui u6itel lékaf pan Nftec pan Richards pan Jones pan Rich pan Welch 2. kost - acce kost 3. Iidle = acco Eidli Cue: On Cues: lihev lghev kost sfil izeui velki nkjaki lihev (New words are underlined) Cue : Cues: Iidle On hledd. Iidli nkjaki Iidle tabute ta zelená tabule restaurace On 6eki na On zni (Kalifornie, Pennsylvanie, Virginie, Francie) :19 33 ILLS.IDA restaurace ta ulice ta diot1há..ulice price dobri price snidan6 ve6efe ta ta ulice ta m. lá u1;.ce ta kafeterie ta kafetexie

41 4. Cue : sal Kde je sal? JA potfebuju sal. (Student speaks both sentences) Cues: ta Lidle ten 6etaf ta lahev ta tabule ten letec ten usaitel 5. Cue : lékaf Jaky je ten lékai? Ji neznim toho lékafe. (The student speaks both -sentences) Cues: ten nov-57 lékaf ta restaurace ta eská restaurace ten prodava6 ten stars, prodava6 ta ulice ta tichi ujice ten mu'i ten m1a0 mu:s?, Kalifornie ten u6itel a prace ta novit price 6. Cue : leka,77 Kde je ten lékaf? 6ekim na tollo lékafe. Cues: ta lihev pan Nèmec ta man label, ta iidle ta bilá idle snidanè sal ve6eie 34 40

42 L. 7-1 New Vocabulary - svn: &Lin je stan usi starst doma nachlazensr On ma syna On hleda On 6eká na On voli Perception Drill 10. asini Cue: restaurace errestaurace 6aj kniha ve6efe radio snidan6 jidlo moo, chleba 8. kupliii Ja kupuju 6aj On lstek My eba Vy Ty aspirin pneumatika 11. mladii Cue : Cues: 61ovfA Tr3e MiadS, 61ove.k engwalmnomn On ma pani kapit6n syn 9, drami. Cue : Cues: mléko TO je drahe mléko listek kolo auto pivo kayo, slovnik restaurace 12. si1nii, Cue: 13. satj r.:1ov6k TE-77-miin* 6lovek papir.. vitr lava /Diva pec Caj Cue same as Wider 12,

43 14, spurn dobke TE m dobke. On doma Ty MOW!floc dtouo moc dloubo 150 Substitute "stale" for On poiad studuje. Tady pofeld prgi. Pofad me boli Maya, On sedi paad doma. On bydli po.tad tady. On pokád posloucba radio. Oa cbodi poiad sem, On se pofad uci. Ona )clal mluvlo Oni mluvi poiad 6esky. 16. Cue : On je doma0 Student: On je snad doma. Cues : On mluvi pravdu. Ona nema 6as. Oni rozumeji 6eoky. Doli bo nava. On je kapitán. Ona ma narozeniny. On tam 6eka. On sedi tamble. On vola doktora.. Oni poft:ebuji penize. Tb.e. End of Pattern Drill 36 42

44 L Pattern Drill 1. Cue Student: Cues ten letec ra FTe- fen letec? JA bledam tobo letceo ta labev ta velki labev ten 6etaf ten novfr Ural ta gidle ta zelena gidle ten u6itel ten starfr u6itel ta sal ta restaurace ta dobra restaurace pan Nemec ten kapitan ten stall kapitan ten dastojnik ten mlad-; dastojnik to kino ta ulice DloubA ulice ten rotnfr ten starfr rotnfr ten /éltaf ten novf- 161-ak ten novek ta mapa ta 6eakA napa ta tabule ta mala tabule ten slovnik ten anglickfr slovnik pan Jones ten papir ten siln(/ papir ta pneumatika ta panl

45 L Accusative Singular of Nouns (all types so far covered) My polebujem ji On kupuje My jrrnalm TT= On zna. TadT7 ta iidle sil...10~0 tructe1-717l C ten novy=tel few-eni= 6ekám (nil Oni Tambfe sec!' moimi My 6ekame M5=5"- Ja tady mdm On' Ona kupuje 174 je My zname Oni ta Iahev- ---"Eal77.77T3a ten kupec ta mladd u6ite1ka... led mluvi My vidime iriapa ta velká mapa to letadlo 72,7mhle to kolo 38 44

46 to koio My petiztuter'- '173-TAII ten doktor NTVUTIEZ7-' ten ffeff TiEne sedi rotny WiTTETZTTITou =Fa' 755=716 On: ji Oni jedi na. = Nrzizen VarrineE DEICZT prace -TEPTar-13-ace Ona celth(na) Chtinand) Ay Uni TFI nite ta re-mt/face 70-76VISTEfr doktor Novotk tr doktor Novak Oni doktoraliaftz ta pani Ti01737"-- panitoirovi pani Johnsonova gthe panl Nóôtná pani NemcovA On.aeka je Variation: Drill 1 & 2 in the negative The End of Pattern Drill II INNS

47 L. 8 ACCUSATIVE OF PERSONAL PRONOUNS, Person! Nom.: Accusa-tive: Umeimphatic: Sg. 1 já mne me I me 2 ty tebe te you 3m on him, it (anim. O r j.3 inanim.) jeho i ho him! him, it 3f 3n ona ono ji je her, i t i t 1 1 Pl. 1 m nis us 2 vy vas you 3m 3f 3n oni ony ona je them, Reflexive sebe se myself, yourself etc. 1. The forms mne, tebe, jeho, sebe are used for emphasis and after prepoittions. 2. Mne: not used in colloq. Czech, the form "me" (pron.: mne) is being used instead. 3. jej is not used in colloq. Czech. Vidite toho vojáka? Ano, vidim ho. Vidite ten still? Ano, vijim ho. Do you see that soldier? Yes, I see him. Do you see that table? Yes, I see it. Vidite me? Do you see me? Ano, já vás vidim. Yes, I see you. Vidite tu u6ite1ku? Do you see that lady teacher? Ano, já ji vidim. Yes, I see her. Vidite tu "i.cili? Do you see that chair? Ano, ji ji vidim. Yes, I see it. Kupujete to auto? Are you buing that car? Ano, ja je kupuju. ( Yes I'm buying it. 9 Ano, _IA ho kupuju. (colloq.) 40 cis

48 L. 8 Potfebujete nis? Am), ji vis potfebuju. Vidite toho vojika a toho urdtele? Ano, ji je vidim. Unemphatic usage: Vidite ho? Ano, vidim ho. Do you need us? Yes, I need you. Do you see that soldier and that teacher? Yes, I see them. Dou you see him? Yes, I see him. Emphatic usage: Vidite jepo nebo 442 Do you see him or her? Vidim 11 ale nevidim leho. I see her but I don't see him. NOTE 4: In colloqual Czech, only the form me (pronounced m e) is used, whether emphatic or unemphatic. Vidi vis? Ano, on me vidi. On vidi me, ale nevidi Asho. Does he see you? Yes, he sees me. He sees me, but he doesn't see him. NOTE 5: The form "jeho" refers only to masculine animate nouns. NOTE 6: The unemphatic form "ho" is used both for animate and inanimate masc. and, in colloquial, also for neuter: Vidite :oho vnjika? Vidite ten std1? Vidite to auto? Ano, vidim ho. Do you see that soldier? Do you see that table? Do you see that car? The answer to the first two questions in literary style as well as in colloquial, and to the third question in colloquial, is: Yes, I see him (it)

49 Lesson 8 PERSONAL PRONOUNS, ACCUSATIVE SINGULAR Pattern Drill Ie 10 ho unemphasized (masculine) Cue Novak (Sentence stress pattern:) 1st student: Já znim Novikao ja znim NOvika 2n1 student: JA ho znám takyo.7a ho znám TAkyo) potfebuju ten MiTojnik -"""STRITE fertftec vidim t-ffet9, ----Fgra ucham ten 6T51751 voter len TORTFr znlir ten siolnik hledam tini-e6= -'9575-fribuju ten.;757"' wit WEND ten aleta kupriju

50 L , ho unemphasized (colloquial, Cue 1st student: 2nd student: Cues to okno 7117V= to okao Ji ho vidim taky, to radio ibuju to auto 11 NEMIMMIP sompoim 10=11 vidim plju to pivo -Era-SW iniebuju to pero vldim lo letadlo znam to mleko neuter) 3, ji 1st student: 2nd student: Cues. On zni: My ji znime Man. taky potiebuje ta kn.= h1edi frre7rvidi Triallaka zrir" -WYEBTOrace zidle Tebuje fr7faka zâ "Ii'5515= var FEITTTMEovi von' pani Nbvotni '-'ETFU( asellwe pod'ebuje ta mapa kupuje zna a8.1m.1...mmiem11 kava Manr 43

51 L me Oni me znaji. potfebuji hledaji poslouchaji vidi volaji 6. vas Oni vas znaji. etc. 5. te - unemphatic Oni te znaji. etc. 7. nas Oni nas znaji. etc. 8. je 1st student: 2nd student: Cues My známe Nováka a Svobodu. J6 je znim taky. vidime IMF a teta hfedame. Xi-NEVEZ771-5ani Nemcovi zname -TEn uaitel a ta u6itelka irinilalft a ta studentka potrebujem pan 711e1; a pan Johnson 9. mne, tebe emphasizzd (mne is not used colloquial language, "ale" is used instead so that "me" is used in all Positions, emphasized, enemphasized and with prepositions) On hledi me a ne tebe. Cues: potfebuje zna vola vidi posloucha. '50 44

52 L. 8-I 10. jeho - emphasized (and only animate) Oni hledaji jeho a ne tebe. Cues : potfebuji znaji volaji vidi poslouchaji 11, with prepositions sing. 1. na mne (colloq.: Lia me) 2. na tebe 3.m. na nej (animate and inanimate) m. na neho (only animate) f. na ni n. na ne pl. I, na nas 2, na vas 3. na On me potfebuje, on na me eka., Cues: On té potfebuje, ho 9 ii je rto auf17,72117: n as vas je 113 2, Já potfebuju tu knihu. Ta kniha je pro me. Cues: Ty On Ona My Vy Orii

53 L. 8-I 12. Oni me poti:ebujou., Oni pro me jdou = te / ho ji ho 1177EFFETTnas = 1111m1, je...=11= Vcca Perception Drill 13. To je dobra bouska, maia velká suchi lacind drahá On ji housku. Ty Já Ona 140 Maminha je doma0 tady venku nemocna nachlazena tamhle ja hledám maminku, volim potk'ebuju vidim poslouchám 6ekin na jdu pro 15 Tatinek je dcma. já hledam tatinka. Cues as under 13, 16, ja. ktoddvám auto, pneumatika rri Vy My Z. 7- ra Ta 717-1;171.7:- düm _ ffa 46

54 17. On je pry6. jde spechá. je nespecri jde W.JI nejde'regn neni je 18. To yejce je dobre. gpatne male ve3.1e6 drahe lacine star 19. JA slygim toho 61oyMta. nèjake letadlo On =0WMMMIUMM.MCOnms.Pfa/M.MMO nejakb auto a n 1fnk lry. neja:en3fi' OMMIONmem,1 dlre 75B17176VEr'-' The End of Pattern Drill I. S3 47

55 L. 8-II Pattern Drill II. le ho, ji, ho je CUe Student : (speaks both sentences) Cues pan Novak Mae7je pan Novak0 ja ho hledám. SaMMMraMOMM...41NM 111F.~.1=11 wma.1=11w INIMINMIIMINIMIgNag elealf ta kniba to auto ten 6lovelt ta lahev :en slovnik Novak a N6mec riaminka ten poru6ik ta-adresa tatinek ffiaminka a tatinek to pero ta houska, Mafia Mana a*ter:e tete. fen dilffi ta reotaurace f5an N6vak a palli Novakova to 'Rollo pan SuchY a pani Ticha stk 48

56 L. 8-II 2, Personal Pronouns after Prepositions Cue Student : (speaks both sentences) Cues Ja. cekam na dopis. Ten dopis je pro me. (in-writing; literary style, pro mne) Ty Qn Ona Amlemnrietamemers Oni My Vy Ji M :100.1, CUe : Novak me potfebuje: Student Novak me potrebuje. (speaks both On na me 6e10.0 sentences) Cues : Novak Novak Novak Novak Novak Novak Novak te potfebuje ho pottebuje. ji potfebuje. je potiebuje. nis potfebuje. vas pötlebuje. me potk'ebuje, 4. Personal a. CUe Student: Pronouns, Emphasized Pan Novak a pani NovAková. ji =Am jeho, ale neznam ji. Cues skylim potk'ebuiu hledam "Nemo...ear Mom b, vidlm Pan; Nova6VI-E-FEE1TOWE:-. znám 4111 siim poeebu-str`' bleam eM/Ieewewelmee posloucham S's 49

57 L , On zná met ale nezna tebe. potfebe hleda 6. On zna nas ale nezna vise 7. JA znim jet ale neznim vas. 8, On Ceká na met ale neeeká na vas. Cues: On jde pi() On to potiebi. On to dela. pro Ten dopis je pro 9. Já Cekdm na nej, ale ne6ekám na ni. Cues: JA jdu pko JA to potiebuju pro j6 to delam pro s MIIIMNIME... 10, The student will answer 'Ns?. following questions: Slygite me dobfe? (Am, ja vás s1y5im dobfe) Ne já vas neslygim dobfe) ZnAte me? Znairi ja vis? ZnAtc pana X? (dobke) ZnA on vas? (dobie) HledAte pana X.? CekAte na pana X.? CekA on na vás? CekA on na. me? HledA on me? Hledd-on vas? Slygite pana X. dobfe? Slygi on vas? je ten listek pro me? Je ten dopis pro vas? pro pana X.? pro pana X. a Y,;.? pro vas a pana X;\? pro me a pro pana The End of Pattern Drill 50

58 Lesson 9 PREPOSITIONS GOVERNING THE ACCUSATIVE: PRO. MIMO, Mg7-SKRZ, NA Pattern Drill I. NOTE: Word stress Original prepositions (most one-syllable prepositions, such as: pro, pies, na) take the stress from the followilhg; word, so that the phrase, eog.: prodomma is pronounced as one word with the stress on RE2 piodoktora propana tioyiku ftesulici plzahradu The words following the prepostions miza and skrz (not original prepositons) retain their word stress mimo skrz m117 or skrz mlhu 1. pro lo lo On jde pro doktora. Cues: u6itel u6itelka ten vojilu ten svobodnilt ten 6etaf ten rotnfr ten dfistojnik poru6ik lékaf ten dopis tuika pivo listck pspir slovnik chleba aspirin 6aj kava penize mapa kfida veda mléko 5.7 pan Novak pan! Novikova panwmec pani Némcovi pao. Svoboda pani Svobodovii pan NovotnSr pani Novotn& pan Johnson pani johnsonová Mafia teta NOTE: Feminine forms of last names ending in.i (pi Nova, pi Novikova) decline as adjectives. 51

59 L. 9-I Ten dopis je pro pana Novika. Cues: ist aspirxn kava snidane -7sTaZie pivo kapitin Mga 17 Tita mnes pan Suctrk pan 141-ark rotny Ten byt je pro pana Novika ma1fr0 Cues: To auto pan ten cetar reirz-171.t.' ten student Ten sioveir-- ta studentka TrEETa ta tida Ten kos ---firre""t r ida ta Trkno II Ten sta TO kolo Ta pneumatika taiata=da ta71117=--- Mana ten vilz

60 L , mimo Mimo pana Cues: Novika je tady pan Novotnfr pan Novl pan Sucbfr pan TicbSr pan Dloubfr pan NEmec pan Svoboda pan Jones pan jobnson u6ite1 uatelka Iidle mapa tabule kniba slovnik tuika pero dopis cbleba bili kfida kiva 6aj restavrace kavarla mléko velké radio (taky) pani Novikovi. pi N. pi N. pi S. pi T. pi D. pi N. pi S. pi J. pi J. u6itelka ucitel tabule mapa siovnik kniba pero tuika listek bouska zeleni kiida Zaj káva kavarna restaurace kakao male radio Variations: pi N,. pan N. etc Nimo u6itele Cues: 2. 3, On bydli m:imo Zues: taky mime u6ite1ku. Washington, D.C. Praba San Francisco Bratislava Brno iidle etc.

61 L. 9-I 3. pies 3, 1. On jde pk"es ulici, pies dolar Cues:Oni bydla ZE.a. cbodi My --- ja Cues:Ta lava Tb pero Ten listek Ten s1ovnik Ta,tapa EiTada Vy Ta ve6eie... Ty_ TA snidane To jidlo 4=..e......~6~...1=1... trava To stoji pies dolar. M tuika Ten 6aj 30 3, Pies den jsme tady. Cuzs: nejsme doma je hezky je hezké pocasi je tady mlha oni nejsou doma on nem& prici tady neprgi nemam zizen je pes venku 4. skrz Ji uevidlm skrz to okno. Cues: On wm.m ,4 to spinavé okno mina ta Lana 54

62 L. 9-I 4, 2. ji neslygim skrz tu stanu Cues:Ona My Z7I2 1 VT..1OMM table stgna ta siin& stëna ten strop < Oni ciwdi Cues: ji..1~ DI= gorwelltilleamw"; Jzrz tuble tiidu, ten dum ta restaurace =FM (Tbe rcom has two entrances) 5. na 5, 1, On jde na zabredu, Cues: My Vy Ona ulice sniaide,. vecere With the accusative: Motion to an area conceived as twodimensional, such as garden, street, field, airfield, playground,etc. Motion to an office conce!ved as an acti7ity, institution, etc, not as a tuilding. To go to have meals, to have a cup cf coffee, to consume it there, Distinguished from: 76 jcili pro kivu. (to get it and bring it back). On cfiocirin kakad-- Onx ply 111=1111 whisky1 58i

63 L. 9-I 5, 2, (New voca: Ji braju na brajul piano /Pronounce: pijino/) piano, (braju na plus a musical instrument) Cues:Oni On My Vy Ty galmaval.:. Ommlwimarataada do.,aara,...aida. riarerermarm saxo on 5, 3, ja nemim Eas na snidani, Cues: anaftwa var. ir y mominami, anommaamo. aacalaw ea. a. ram/m.p.,' mormsam. verzeie ta price kiva ridio -;ano P- to :_ne TS-Id cf Pattern Dr!ll I. 56

64 Pattern Drill 1. pro 1. l, On pracuje pro tobo kapitina. Cues:ji Oni Ty vy ten düstojnik pan Novak ten porucik ten praporcik ten rotmistr pan Svoboda On to kupuje pro pana Novika. Cues: ja My TY pani Novikovi pan Nemec pani Nemcovg pan Dloully pani= teta Ona On pes to devce 7

65 L Cue On to dali dobie. Student: On to de1a dobie. Pro n6j je to lehke. Cues Ty On Ona Oni My Vy Cue JA to potkebuju. Student: JA to potfebuju. Novak to kupuje pro me, Cues On Ona Oni Ty My Vy iii 1. 5, JA ho posilam pro aspirin, Cues: Ty On Oni dna My Vy ja voda ten catif snidane aajlistek pan Nvák 58

66 , Cue : Pro co vis posili Novak? Student: Novak me posili pro kayo. ten grioco, Novak? Cues.. papir kilda penize ten aetai dopis mislo cbleba mleko Pro co bo posilã Novak? ta mapa auto pivo vaz kapitan 6etai aspirin L. 9-II 2. mimo Cue : já jsem tady. Student:" ji jsem tady a mime me je tady Novotnfr. Cues Ty On Ona Oni My Vy Ja 3. pies On specba pies ulici. Cues: cbodi jde cbodi Tide nevidi zahrada trava ta vysoki triva ten mall, strom 59 W5

67 L On pies den Cues: nepotfebuje auto. kolo nema blad neposloucbi radio sedi doma moc nestuduje nepotfebuje ten slovnik neni doma nestuduje tady neni Pfes den Cues: prgi. je mlba vidycky prgi vidycky je mlba je vitr vidycky je vitr ee neboli zub DIE neboli blava nemim blad je teplo je lidycky teplo Pfes Cues: poledne jsme tady; (At noontime;during lunch hour) nepotfebujem vdz je-vidycky bezky on neni doma je vidycky teplc nemim aas 4. srrz See Pattern Drill I., 4. 1, 4. 2, and na Cue Student: Cues Ajsem ji jsem On (je Ona Oni My Vy Ty Já jegt6 jegte jegté tady. tady a tady) Novak na me 6eki. ge. Page 60

68 L JA myslim jen na Mau. Variations: Ji myslim paid (jen) na Mau. Cues: On TY Ona Vy On syn jidlo teta maminka tatinek Ona Ify MY On Ty On pan Novak penile prace budba av6e On nema penize na auto. Cues: novk thin kolo ta kriba vedefe snidané nova pneumatika jidlo cbleba doktor kino pivo The End of Pattern Drill II. 61

69 Lesson 11 POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS NOMINATIVE Pattern Drill I. 1. Masculine: I, 1, Cue Student: Cues Maj, tvaj; nig, JA JA JA mim slovnik. man slovnik. man sell dopis aspirin dolar pes sin dum obcbod u6itel student doktor vaz vágf jeji, jeho, To je maj slovnik. jejich C-2e Ty mig slovnik. Student: Ty mig slovnik. TO je tviij slovnik,' Cues : As under 1, 1, Cw, S.i;udent: M7 mime slovnik. My mime 0,9vnik. To je nig slovnik. Cues As under 1, le 1. 4, Cue Student: Vy mite slovnik. Vy mite slovnik. Cues As under 1. I. To je vig slovnik. 62

70 L. 11-I Cue : Ona mi slovnike Student: Ona mi slovnik. To je jeji slovnik. Cues : As under le Cue : On ma slovnik. Student: On ma slovnik. Tb je jebo slovnik Cues : As under Cue : Oni maji slovnik. Student: Oni maji slovnik. To je jejicb slovnik, Cues : As under Feminine: moje (ma), tvoje (tva)? jejl; jebo, jejich nage, vagef NOTE: The form "jeji" is the same for all three genders in tbe nominative. The forms "jebo" and "jejicb" are the same for all three genders and for all cases. 2, I, Cue : Student: Cues et Ji mim knibue JA mim knibu. tuika mapa h,sva idle teta ve6efe snidan6 zlbrada tzsuska To je moje knibae Alternate form: mi 2, Cue : Student: Cues prace lampa Ji mam knibue ja mim knibu, To As under 2. le g9 63 je ma kniha.

71 L. 11-I , I. Cue Student: Cues Cue Student: Cues : Ty mág knibu. Ty mig knibu. As under Ty mig knibu. Ty mig knibuo As under To je tvoje kniba. To je tvi kniba Cue : my Student: My Cues : As mime knibu. mime knibu. under To je'mage kniba Cue : Vy mite knibu, Student: Vy mite knibu. Cues : As under To je vage kniba. 2, 5, Cue Student: Cues Ona mi knibu. Ona ma knibu. As under To je jeji kniba Cue : On mi knibu, Student: On mi knibu, Cues : As under 2* I. To je jebo kniba Cue Student: Cues Oni maji knibu. Oni maji knibu. As under 2. 1, To je jejicb kniba

72 L. 11-I 3, Neuter: moje (me), tvoje (tve); jeji, jeho, jejicb nage, vage, Cue : JA mim auto, Student: JA maul auto. To je moje auto, Cues radio pivo mleko kakao kolo mislo piano jidlo pero devee 3, 1, I. Cue : Student: Cues ja ram auto. JA ram auto. Ars under 3. 1, To je me auto. 3, 2, Cue Student: Cuzs 1, Cue Student: Cues Ty :nig auto. Ty zakg auto. As under '17 m62i auto. Ty ma.; auto. As under To je tvoje auto. To je tvé auto. 3. 1, C,Ic Student: My mr,:e auto. MT mane auto. To nage auto. As under clut- Vy TAte to. S,tudent Vy mate auto, To je vage auto. Cues : As under

73 L. 11-I 3, 5, Cue : Student: Ona ma auto. Ona mi auto, lb je jeji auto. Cues : As under 3. 1, 3. 6, Cue : Student: On mi auto, On ma auto. To je jeho auto. Cues : As under 34 1, Cue : Student: Oni maji auto, Oni maji auto. TO je jejich auto, Cues : As under The End of Pattern Drill I. 66

74 PATTERN DRILL 1. maj, mi Cue Student: Cues (moje), me (moje) ji mim slovnik. Já mim..slovnik. kniba auto std1 tuika radio dopis mapa pivo aspirin kiva mléko dolar kolo pes zikaznik Tb je mdj slovnik. teta maslo syn veaeie snidan6 d6v6e dam zabrada jidlo obcbod labev pero program sestra piite1 piano 2. tvaj, tvi (tvoje), tvé (tvoje) Cue Student: Cues : Ty mag slovnik. Ty mig slovnik. As under 1. To je tvaj slovnik, 3. nig, nage, nage Cue : My mime slovnik. Student: My mime slovnik. To je nig slovnik. Cues : Asunder1. : 3 67

75 4, vage, vase Cue Student: Cues Vy mite slovnik. Vy mite slovnik, As under 1. To je vás slovnik. 5, jeji, jeji, jeji Cue Student: Ona ma slovnik. Ona mi slovniko Cues : As under I. TO je jeji slovnik, 6. jebo, jebo, jebo Cue. Student: On ma slovnik. On ma slevnik To je jebo slovnik. Cues As!Inder 1, 70 jejicb, jejicbt, jejicb Cue Student: Cues Oni maji slovnik. Oni maji slovnike As under 1. To je jejicb siovnik. 8. maj, tvaj, jebo atd,, mi tvi atd,, me tvé atd, Cue Student: Cues Ja mi slovnik. ji maul slovnik Ty My Vy Ona On Oni (kniba, pero) To je med slovnik, 68

76 9. Possessive pronouns, of all genders. all persons with nouns Cue : ja mám slovnik. Student: Ji mita slovnik. To je maj slovnik. Cues : Ty on Ona My Vy Oni Ja Ty kniba ditri tu*ika radio zabrada dclar pes Ona My Oni zidle syn lábev zakaznik 69

77 10, The real situation. The teacher has bis book, pencil, pen, piece of paper, chair 10. le Bach student also has bis book, etc. The teacher points to bis own book (or the student's book or the student's neighbor's book) and asks: je to vage kniba? Neni to jebo kniba? je to moje kniba? Ci je table kniba? CI je tamta kniba? Neni table kniba moje? Ci je ta kniba? Kde je vage kniba? Kde je moje kniba? Kde je jebo kniba? etc. The student answers in full according to the real situation, 10, 2-5. The same drills with "tuika, pero, papirt Hdle" The same drill with all five objects in a mixed pattern, The End of Pattern Drill 70

78 Lesson 12 POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS* ACCUSATIVE SINGULAR REFLEXIVE POSSESSIVE PRONOUN SIMI 1. Masculine Animate, Pattern Drill I. 1. 1, Cue : To je maj doktor Student: To je maj doktor. Vy znite mébo doktora. Cues pfitel zikaznik uaitel lékai bocb tatinek syn pes 1. 2, Cue Student: Cues To je tvaj doktor. To je tvaj doktor, As under 1. I. ji znam tvébo doktora. I. 3. Cue To je n&l doktor. Student: To je nig doktor. Vy znite nagebo doktora. Cues As under , Cue : Student: Cues : To je vig doktor. TO je vig doktor. As under 1, 1, jâ. zaim vagebo doktora. 1, 5, Cue : Student: To je jeji dcktor. To je jeji doc4tor. Cues : Az under I. 1. ji znam jejibo doktora.

79 L. 12-I I. 6. Cue Student: Cues To je jebo doktor. TO je jebo doktor. As under I. I. Ji znim jebo doktora. 1. 7, Cue : To je jejicb doktor. Student: To je jejicb doktor. Ji znim jejicb doktora. Cues : As under I. I. 2, Masculine Inanimate. 2, 1, Cue Student: To je micij To je maj still. On potfebuje maj sta. Cues slovnik dopis program vuz On zni dam obcbod klub stal 2, 2, Cue Student: Cues To je tviij stal. To je tvaj stale As under 2. I. On potfebuje tvaj stal 2, 3, Cue : To je nig stal, Student: To je nag stal. On potiebuje nig stale Cues : As under 2. 1, 2, 40 Cue Student: Cues To je vág st&t. To je vig std1. As under 2. I. 72 On potfebuje vig sta. 18

80 L , Cue : Student: Cues : To je jeji To je jeji still. As under 2, 1, On potfebuje jeji sea Cue Student: Cues : To je jebo To je jebo stttl. As under ji potiebuju jebo 2, 7e Cue Student: Cues : To je jejicb To je jejicb stiz1. As under ji potfebuju jejicb 3, Feminine. 3, 1. Cue Student: Cues To je To je ma kniba. ma kniba. tuika iidie lampa libev pneumatika sestra teta zabrada price On potfebuje mou knibu. On zna , Cue Student: To je moje kniba. To je moje kniba. On potfebuje moji knihu. Cues tio As under 3* 10 3, 2, Cue Student: Cues To je tvi kniba. To je tvi kniba. As under 3. I. On potfebuje tvou knibu Cue : Student: Cues To je tvoje kztiba. To je tvoje kniba. As under 3. I On potfebuje tvoji knibu*

81 L. 12-I Cue : Lo je nage kniba. Student: To je nage kniba. Cues : As under On potfebuje nagi knibu. 3, 4, Cue : Co Student:.Co Cues : As jevage kniba je vase kniba. under On potfebuje vagi knibu Cue Student: To je jeji kniba. TO je jeji kniba. Cues : As under Cue : To je jebo kniba. Student: To je jebo kniba, Cues : As under 3, 1, On potfebuje jeji knibu. Ji vidim jebo knibu. 3. 7, Cue Student: Cues : Lo je jejicb kniba. To je jejicb kniba. As under Ji vidim jejich knibu. 4, Neuter 4. 1, Cue Student: Cues je lb je me pero. me pero. radio kolo piano pero auto dgv6e On potfebuje me pero,,- On zni Que : To je mi)je pero. Student: To je moje pero. Cues : As under On potkebuje moie pero. 80

82 L. 12-I 4. 2, Cue Student: Cues : 4.2 1, Cue : Student: Cues To je tvé auto, To je tvh auto. As under To je tvoje auto. To je tvoje auto. As under On potfebuje tvé auto, On potfebuje tvoje auto. 4. 3, Cue : Student: To je nage auto. To je nage auto. Cues : As under 4, 1. On potfebuje nage auto Cue To je vage auto. Student: To je vage auto. On potfebuje vage auto. Cues As under , Cue Student: Cues To je jeji auto. To je jeji auto, As under On potfebuje jeji auto. 4. 6, Cue Student: To je jeho avto, To je jeho auto. Cues As under On potfebuje jebo auto. 4, 7. Cue Student: Cues To je jejicb auto. To je jejich auto. As under On potfebuje jejicb auto,

83 L. 2-I 5, Reflexive Possessive Pronoun svdj; svi, svoje; své, svoje NOTE: JA ram svaj slovnik.- I have my dictionary. If the subject of tbe sentence is the owner of the object, the possessive pronoun in Czech is the appropriate form of svdj, svi, atd. I have You We alms pa dictionary. your our hi.s. dictionary. mai svai slovnik. V7p. mate svuj slovnik. Ny mime svfij slovnik. - This sentence has two in English: either He has his (own) dictionary- On mi svaj slovnik, a or has his (someone else's). On ma jebo slovnik. dictionary. The smme applies to: She has her dictionary - Ona mi svaj slovnik, or Ona ma jeji slovnik. They have their dictionary.- Oni maji svdj slovnik, or Oni maji jejich slovnik, depending on the situation. meanings Cue Student: je mfij slovnik. To je mfij slovnik. Ja min svaj slovnik, Cues (lb je) tvdj (slovnik) nag vag jeji jebo jejicb 76

84 L , 2, Cue.: Lo je mi (moje) kniba, Student: To je ma (moje) kniba, ji mam svou (svoji) knihue Cues tvi nage vage jeji jebo jejicb Cue To je me (moje) péro. Student: To je mé (moje) p-éroe ja maul sve (svoje) péro, Cues tvé (tvoje) nage vage jeji jebo jejich 5, 4. Cue maj pfitel, Student: To je mfij pfitele ji volim svébo pfitele. Cues tvaj nag vig jeji jeho jejicb be le Cue Novak ma doktora, (To je jebo doktor) Kobo voli.novik? Student: Novak vol.& svébo doktora. Cues 136itel pes teta ci6v6e Co bledi Novak? kniba mapa libev radio Oro slovnik 77

85 L. 12-I Cue Svoboda mi doktora. (TO je jebo doktor) Kobo voll Novik? Student: Novak voli jeho doktora. Cues.. Svoboda mi doktora (To je jebo doktor) Koho vol.& Svoboda? Pani Svobodová mi doktora. Kobo vol4 Novfik? Pani Svobodovi mi doktora. Koho vol.& pani Svobodovi? Svoboda a Novotnf maji doktora. Koho voli Novak? Svoboda a Novotnf maji doktora. Koho volaji Svoboda a Novotnf? The End of Pattern Drill I. i

86 L. 12-II Pattern Drill II..t. 1, 1, Cue maj bratr. Student: On Uedã mébo bratra. Cues tviij volá nas -'76TFEbuje vág jeji aeerla TUFT----- je jebo NIMMONM., jde pro maj fe to kupuje pro tvaj 'Dna mysii na Cue Student: Cues ma sestrao On bledi mou sestru. tvs. na&e ---Fargbuje vase znã jebo deka na jejib ----3a7m5ro Moie On to kupujd. pro tvoje rrammiysil na 85 79

87 L Cue Student: Cues me davee. airvamrs me dgv6e. tve bledi narige ffebuje vale kolo zna EITE pro jeho kolo jejieff'frao "-RIM itre de-vce tvoje auto 1, 4. Cue Student: Cues *--712-e7 nvij otituje tv vaz. s lovnik na program zaa zna vib dam jejl vuz biedã gurumr---- jejicb prograii 80

88 L All persons as subject All persons of possessive pronouns in all genders as object. Cue Studet: raj doktor. en bled& mébo doktora. Cues : tva kniba Ona nate auto Oni muj prltel tva zena On jebo rodina jebo bratranec girina jeji sit7e dum Ona Cni Ivy Ty Oni Ja Ona Vy tve radio tvuj stu vas pes nase sestra mo je Iniba tvuj vaz jebo obcbod me kolo muj syn 'air MEE' 81

89 L. 12-II 3, 1. Contraf3t: jeho - sviij O. Ctle Student: -rrrompow W7Ak pfitele. Kobo voli Svoboda? SW4576da vola jebo pfitele. Cue Student: S7pboda mi 11)-5"Bai vol.& svého pfitele, 71.;:ho vola Svoboda? CI)es Novak ma tetu deve pes sestra bratr iena uzitel mamlnka tatinek zikaznik Novak ma slovnik, Svoboda ma slovnik. tuika radio kolo program obchod iidle lampa Co bled& Svoboda? Co bledi svoboda? 4. The real situation. The teacber has his book, pencil? pen, piece of paper, chaar Each student also has his book, etc. The teacher asks tbe following questiong. Mate mou knibu? Mate jeho knihu? Mite svou knibu? MA on vagi knibu? Mate vy jebo knibu? Man svou knibu? MAm ji tady svou knihu? Ma kaidf svau knibu? Nemam ja vagi knihu? Nemite vy moji knihu? Ci knibu mate? A 61 knibu ma ona? A 61 knibu Dam ja? Kde mate svou knibu? Nem& on moji knibu? The same drill with "tuna, pero, papir, iidle, pa The student answers situation. The same drill with in full according to the real all five objects in a mixed pattern. The End of Pattern Drill II

1.- L a m e j o r o p c ió n e s c l o na r e l d i s co ( s e e x p li c a r á d es p u é s ).

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