Telco Business Process Transformation using Agile Lean Six Sigma and Frameworx components: focus on the core engineering aspects with a case study

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1 IJCSI Internationa Journa of Computer Science Issues, Vo. 10, Issue 1, No 1, January Teco Business Process Transformation using Agie Lean Six Sigma and Frameworx components: focus on the core engineering aspects with a case study Mounire Benhima 1, Abdeaâi Himi 2, Camie Ameyao 3, and Edwige Ahonie Adou 4 1 Eng., M.Eng, Member of TM Forum Trainers Pane / Business Transformation Subject Matter Expert, POWERACT Consuting Casabanca, Morocco 2 Eng., MSC. BPM Expert / Business Transformation Subject Matter Expert, Inteectus Consuting Services Casabanca, Morocco 3 Senior Manager MTN Business Service Deivery / Project Manager Abidjan, Ivory Coast 4 MSC., Business Saes and Reporting Expert MTN Business / Project Coordinator Abidjan, Ivory Coast Abstract The business transformation, a wordwide trend in many industries, is to improve the business performance in order to remain competitive in a chaenging market. To accompany Teco industry in this trend, TM Forum issued Frameworx which addresses the key business aspects namey process, information, appication and integration ones. The purpose of this paper is to present a methodoogy for Teco business process transformation harmonizing Frameworx and Lean Six Sigma (L6S) since it is we proven methodoogy supporting this transformation. This harmonization increases the L6S agiity. The focus of the current paper is on the Define phase of L6S, with some highights about other phases, supported by a case study. The Define phase activities a together are named Core Engineering aspects. Keywords: Business Process design, Business Process reengineering, Business Process Optimization, Business Process Performance, Frameworx, etom, Business Metrics, Lean Six Sigma, Project Charter, Change, SIPOC, Business Process Fow, VSM, Voice of Customer, Critica To Quaity, Root cause anaysis, Fishbone, The Seven Wastes, Customer Experience, Operationa Efficiency and Revenue & Margin. 1. The Business Transformation, De Facto soution for the chaenges of the TELCO industry In the dynamic of the TELCO industry, there are mutipe types of actors incuding, to name some of them, content providers, terminas and equipment vendors,, integrators, socia networks providers, service providers, TELCO products distributors and any TELCO provider or consumer. These types a together make the TELCO vaue chain. This industry is today under the pressure of a changing and chaenging business context (Ex.: Customer Experience chaenges and socia media, quick changes with mergers and acquisitions, new unexpected entrants, new technoogies, margins compression, operationa efficiency, cost optimization) which threatens the competitiveness and even the surviva of an actor. Given such dynamics, TELCO industry payers are more and more adopting the soution «Business Transformation» to overcome the chaenges of such a business context. This increasing adoption is justified by is justified by its practica reevance and the very positive feedback from the market with severa rea case studies. Indeed, companies who adopted and impemented this soution have seen a return (ROI) and vaue (VOI) on Investment. In a subsequent section, a "Success Story" wi be presented with the obtained ROI and VOI. The key

2 IJCSI Internationa Journa of Computer Science Issues, Vo. 10, Issue 1, No 1, January eements subject to transformation, as presented in the Figure1, are the Business Mode and Product Portfoio, Customer Experience, Business & Staff Cuture, Business Processes, IT & systems and infrastructure. Figure2: Frameworx and its key components Figure1: Key eements subject to Business Transformation 2. How to Transformation? acceerate Business In a word characterized by responsiveness and speed, it is very natura to ask how to acceerate Business Transformation? The TELCO industry adopts massivey TM Forum Frameworx as an acceerator for this transformation. Today 8 of the Top 10 wordwide service providers use and adopt Frameworx. This adoption is justified, as previousy expained, by the ROI and VOI obtained with the sogan «Do not start your transformation initiatives from scratch, use tmforum Frameworx as an efficient and reiabe acceerator». TM Forum Frameworx, as shown in the Figure2, and its components (caed Frameworks) answer four key concerns reated to the business transformation. First, The Business Process Framework (etom) answers the concern «How to improve / structure / define the business processes supporting the Business?». Secondy, the Information Framework (SID) answers the concern «How to improve / structure / define the information manipuated by the business processes?». Then, the Integration Framework (TNA) answers the concern «How to improve / structure / define the interaction between my business processes & the manipuated information and how to support the appication deveopment?». Finay, the Appication Framework (TAM) answers the concern «How to improve / structure / define the appications supporting my business processes?». And to measure the business performance, TM Forum issued the Business Metrics Framework. This framework is composed of three major performance domains with their reated metrics. These three, the piars of the baanced scorecard, are: The Customer Experience o Metric exampe: % Orders Deivered By Committed Date (ID:F-CE-2c ) The Operationa Efficiency and o Metric exampe: Fufiment Process Cost As % OpEx (ID: F-OE-1c) Revenue & Margin. o Metric exampe: OpEx / CapEx (ID: GRM-2) 3. How to start Business Transformation for inefficient operations? The startup of the Business Transformation for inefficient operations, as mentioned in Figure1, is based on two goden rues. The first rue is that «automation appied to an efficient operations wi magnify the efficiency» Bi Gates. The second rue is that «automation appied to an inefficient operations wi magnify the inefficiency» Bi Gates. Based on these goden rues, the starting point to transform inefficient operations is the Business Process Reengineering (BPR) with the Sogan «Improvement before automation». BPR is being widey used jointy with Lean Six Sigma Methodoogy for better process optimization. 4. The BPR and process decomposition In the engineering word, the architecture deveopment of the work to be done is crucia and fundamenta «I Pan my work first» and represents a fundamenta principe. The BPR, part of this word, foows by syogism this principe. Therefore, the business process architecture shoud be deveoped. This architecture breaks down and decomposes activities into severa eves (0, 1, 2, etc).

3 IJCSI Internationa Journa of Computer Science Issues, Vo. 10, Issue 1, No 1, January In order to support the deveopment of such a process architecture and decomposition, many key actors in the TELCO industry have chosen etom. 5. About etom etom provides a standard process architecture, terminoogy, cassification scheme and decomposition hierarchy. etom covers a business activities, with more detaied aspects than others, to meet the needs and interests of the TELCO industry with its major trends. The etom suggested process architecture, as shown in Figure3, is composed of three Process areas. First, The Strategy, Infrastructure & Product Process Area incudes processes that deveop strategy, commit to the enterprise, buid infrastructure, deveop and manage products, and that deveop and manage the Suppy Chain. In the etom, infrastructure refers to more than just the IT and resource infrastructure that supports products and services. It incudes the infrastructure required to support functiona processes, e.g., Customer Reationship (CRM). These processes direct and enabe the Operations processes. The three process areas are further decomposed into further eves of decomposition which coud be customized. Thus, etom is an open Framework aowing the specific needs of a given company to be integrated in it. 6. The BPR and process fows The BPR starts by deveoping a process architecture and decomposition as previousy expained. This architecture/decomposition is made of process eements which form a ibrary. Initia process fows coud be constructed by seecting the appropriate process eements from the ibrary based on the business context to mode. For detaied process fows, a detaied descriptive sheet wi be eaborated for each process eement. This sheet is simpy named a Use Case. The key eements of a use case are the Name, Goa, Description, Actors, Pre-conditions, Triggers, Essentia steps, Manipuated information, Postconditions and Business rues. A the use cases, within the scope of work, wi form the Use Cases repository. To buid a process fow, a set of use cases suitabe to the business context to mode wi be seected from the use cases repository. Then the process fow wi be an orchestration, via a sequence, of the reated use cases. 7. Lean Six Sigma (L6S) in a nutshe Introduction Figure3: The Business Process Framework (etom) Then, the Operations (OPS) process area contains the direct operations vertica end-end process groupings of Fufiment, Assurance & Biing (the FAB process groupings), together with the Operations Support & process grouping. The FAB process groupings are sometimes referred to as Customer Operations processes. Then, the Enterprise Process Area incudes basic business processes required to run any business. These processes focus on Enterprise Leve processes, goas and objectives. These processes have interfaces with amost every other process in the enterprise, whether operationa, product or infrastructure processes. These are sometimes considered corporate functions and/or processes, e.g., Financia, Human Resources processes, etc. Lean Six Sigma is a step by step methodoogy to optimize the process performance. The methodoogy steps, known as DMAIC, are: Define: the main purpose is to define the project, the team and the process Measure: the main purpose is to vaidate the measurement system and coect process data Anayze: the main purpose is to anayze the process data in order to identify the root causes for the probems and non performance Innovate: the main purpose is to find, assess and aunch the process improvements ideas Contro: the main purpose is to ensure a sustainabe process improvement 7.2 Define Phase: Activities and Deiverabes The key activities reated to the Define Phase are: Set project goa (s) Define the project objectives Define the project scope 1

4 IJCSI Internationa Journa of Computer Science Issues, Vo. 10, Issue 1, No 1, January Eaborate the financia impact Set the project organization and panning Perform the Kick-off meeting Capture the process organization using SIPOC (Suppiers, Inputs, Process Steps, Outputs, Customers) Buid the high eve business process fow and identify/designate the process Owner (s) Capture the Voice Of Customer which highights the customer needs Identify the Critica To Quaity (CTQ) where measurabe performance indicators are defined for the customer needs. Eaborate the change management essentia charters which are: o Communication Charter o Leadership/Sponsorship Charter o Organization Optimization Charter o Sustainabe Change Charter Identify the quick wins Perform a quaity gate review for the Define Phase The key deiverabes reated to the Define Phase are: Project Charter Kickoff meeting presentation SIOC High Leve process fow Process accountabiities defined: o Owner (s) defined o Virtua Process Owner (s) for end to end processes identified if appicabe Voice Of Customer Critica To Quaity Change Essentia Charters Pareto Anaysis Quaity gate review for the Define Phase 7.3 Measure Phase: Activities and Deiverabes The key activities reated to the Measure Phase are: Buid the Vaue Stream Map where process steps and their reated performance data are captured Buid the process performance Data Coection fie which integrate data to cacuate the measurabe performance indicators identified in the CTQ Vaidate the measurement system Coect the process performance data Cacuate the baseine process performance Perform the first process anaysis in order to identify the trends to deepen during the Anaysis Phase Identify the quick wins if any Refine the deiverabes of the previous phase (s) where appicabe The key deiverabes reated to the Measure Phase are: Vaue Stream Map (VSM) Process performance data fie designed and fied with a sampe of process records Baseine process performance or capabiity cacuated and communicated using suitabe means (Ex. Graphs). The capabiity makes the ink between what the process is capabe to do and the customer needs. Quaity gate review for the Measure Phase 7.4 Anayze Phase 1 : Activities and Deiverabes The key activities reated to the Anayze Phase are: Generate a ist of possibe causes (Xs) for non process performance Prioritize the ist of causes Verify the root causes of variations Assess the impact of each X on the performance indicators (Ys) Quantify the Gap/Opportunity: o Determine the performance gap 1

5 IJCSI Internationa Journa of Computer Science Issues, Vo. 10, Issue 1, No 1, January o Dispay and communicate the gap/opportunity in financia terms Identify the quick wins if any Refine the deiverabes of the previous phase (s) where appicabe The key deiverabes reated to the Anayze Phase are: Process performance graphs with the variation, Pareto Diagram, Resuts anaysis Fishbone Diagram with the 5 Whys fied for the critica measures 7 wastes identified FMEA1 (Faiure Mode and Effect Anaysis) with the potentia causes for the non process performance Correations graphs between (Xs) and (Ys) Quaity gate review for the Anayze Phase 7.5 Innovate Phase: Activities and Deiverabes The key activities reated to the Innovate Phase are: Confirm the critica X (s) Generate the potentia soutions Seect the soution Optimize the soution Perform Risk Anaysis Perform a piot run of the soution Identify the quick wins if any Refine the deiverabes of the previous phase (s) where appicabe The key deiverabes reated to the Innovate Phase are: FMEA2 (Faiure Mode and Effect Anaysis) with the action pan for the improvement areas The To-Be VSM The To-Be Process Fow (s) The To-Be Procedure (s) and Work Instruction (s) Soution Seection Matrix Piot Project and simuation Impementation strategy Risk 7.6 Contro Phase: Activities and Deiverabes The key activities reated to the Contro Phase are: Deveop a Contro Pan Impement the process changes, contros and documents Cacuate the fina financia and process measures Handover the project the process accountabe (s) Identify the Identify the quick wins if any Refine the deiverabes of the previous phase (s) where appicabe The key deiverabes reated to the Contro Phase are: A finaized Action pan. This action pan coud be used as a contro pan for the remaining eements to master The To-Be procedure vaidated by the stakehoders The process users trained about the To- Be procedure Process Contro Card (s) to track and maintain the characteristics infuencing the process performance at a standard eve 8. The L6S Project Streams The suggested project streams are as foows: Business Architecture and Exceence Stream o The goa is to hande business architecture and ean six sigma activities etom/itil Standardization Stream o The goa is to hande the etom/itil aignment activities of the To-Be process design Essentia Aspects Stream

6 IJCSI Internationa Journa of Computer Science Issues, Vo. 10, Issue 1, No 1, January o The goa is to hande the activities reated to change management and its sustainabiity QA and Deiverabes Stream o The goa is to ensure that the deiverabes are compiant with the methodoogy activities and deiverabes Next Phase Stream o The goa is to ensure the readiness for the coming. This readiness is about coecting any required information and ensuring the avaiabiity of the customer stakehoders for the coming phase. For this project Stream (s), RACI (Responsibe, Accountabe, Consuted, and Informed) is appied to identify the project accountabiities. 9. Methodoogy rues: Focus on the Brainstorming Workshops Whie executing the methodoogy phases, many brainstorming workshops wi be performed. As a best practice 1, the foowing rues have to be reminded at the beginning of each brainstorming workshop: Think freey A the ideas have the same vaue Do not criticize One idea = One Post-It Deveop other s ideas Dispay a the ideas 10. L6S appied to Teco: Define Phase 10.1 Project Charter The project charter components are: Project Identity Project Description Key Project Performance Data Objectives/Performance Indicators Project Scope Financia Impact Project Organization Project Pan Support Documents The support Frameworx documents for Project Charter are: GB921E: it contains end to end business fows from different perspectives: Customer, Network and Product QSP for: Fufiment, Assurance and New Services Introductory Guide (s) for PLM Business Metrics: Which contains the ist of business metrics divided into three performance domains (Customer Experience, Operationa Efficiency and Revenue&Margin) GB921: D and DX for etom decomposition and J for process fow design and context. RACI too Snapshots from Support Documents Beow are some snapshots, from the support documents, that can be used for this item. The appication of the Lean Six Sigma to Teco wi be a harmonization between L6S and Frameworx with other toos. The focus of this harmonization wi be on the L6S Deiverabes. The case study is about improving the Order To Cash/Payment reated to the MTN Business operations in the Ivory Coast. 1

7 IJCSI Internationa Journa of Computer Science Issues, Vo. 10, Issue 1, No 1, January etom Leve CRM - Support & Customer Interface Marketing Fufiment Response Seing Order Handing Retention & Loyaty Bi Invoice Mgmt SM&O Support & Service Configuration & Activation RM&O Support & Resource Provisioning S/PRM Support & S/P Requisition S/P Settements & Payments Order-to-Payment Operations Operations Support & Fufiment CRM Support & Assurance Biing & Revenue Mgmt Customer Interface Customer Reationship Bi Payments & Receivabes Seing Marketing Fufiment Response Order Handing Probem Handing Customer QoS / SLA Bi Invoice Bi Inquiry Handing Charging Manage Biing Events Retention & Loyaty Service & Operations SM&O Support & Service Configuration & Activation Service Probem Service Quaity Service Guiding & Mediation Resource Provisioning Resource Troube Resource Performance Resource Mediation & Reporting Resource & Operations RM&O Support & Manage Workforce Resource Data Coection & Distribution Suppier/Partner Reationship S/PRM Support & S/P Requisition S/P Probem Reporting & S/P Performance S/P Settements & Payments Suppier / Partner Interface Figure6: Mapping of Order To Payment in etom, Source: TM Forum The above figure shows the mapping of the Business Stream Order To Payment with etom Leve2 (s). Figure4: The Baanced Scorecard with the reated metrics, Source : TM Forum The above Figure shows the three performance domains making the baanced scorecard with their reated metrics. These domains are Customer Experience (Metric exampe: % of Orders Deivered by Committed date), Operationa Efficiency (Metric exampe: Mean Time Order To Activation) and Revenue & Margin (Metric Exampe : ARPU). Figure7: Metrics reated to the business stream Order To Payment, Source : TM Forum Customer Product & Services Request-to-answer Order-to-payment Usage-to-payment Request-to-change customer Termination-to-confirmation customer Probem-to-soution The above figure shows the metrics reated to the business stream Order To Payment. These metrics are derived from the baanced scorecard previousy presented. Compaint-to-soution Network Figure5: Customer-Centric End-To-End Business Streams, Source : TM Forum The above figure shows the Customer-Centric End-To-End business streams: Request-To-Answer Order-To-Payment Usage-To-Payment Request-To-Change Termination-To-Confirmation Probem-To-Soution Compaint-To-Soution Figure8: Order-To-Payment etom processes with reated Metrics (Part), Source : TM Forum The above figure shows the etom process eements (Leve2 and 3) invoved in Order To Payment with their reated metrics.

8 IJCSI Internationa Journa of Computer Science Issues, Vo. 10, Issue 1, No 1, January Tasks Hande customer contract Hande customer data Hande customer order Check creditworthiness Order monitoring Check order entry Initiation of production order Convert the customer interaction Consider service / resource / suppier partner ayer Testing of services and resources Activation of products Trigger to start data coection for biing Generate & provide invoice Trigger to start ongoing operation Order spitting Trigger to perform cross- or upseing activities Order-to-Payment Input Output Accepted offer Invoice Contract Ready for service confirmation Inventory information Hardware, firmware, software Customer data Order confirmation Product eements, their reations and constraints Suppiers, distributors, subcontractors, etc. (SLAs) Critica Issues Rework rate Reiabiity Short cyce time between contract cosure Avaiabiity of reevant resources (e.g. and service usage (Time to Customer (TTC)) services, CPE, fied service rep, partners) In-time deivery of different product eements Time of order handing Abiity to offer seamess services The above figure shows the Product-Centric End-To-End business streams which, as stipuated by TM Forum, are: Deveop Product Strategy Design & Deveop Products Monitor & Update Products Figure9: Order To Payment Detaied information, Source: TM Forum The above figure shows detaied information about the business stream Order To Payment. Figure10: Network-Centric End-To-End Business Streams, Source : TM Forum The above figure shows the Network-Centric End-To-End business streams which, as stipuated by TM Forum, are: Production Order-to-acceptance Troube ticket-to-soution Activation-to-Usage-Data Capacity Service Lifecyce Resource Lifecyce Figure12: Design & Deveop Products Stages/Gates, Source: TM Forum, Tribod The above figure shows the Stages reated to the Business Stream Design & Deveop Products : Product idea-to-pan (idea is ready for panning) Product pan-to-design (Pan is ready or design) Product design-to-buid&test (Design is ready for Buid&Test) Product Buid & Test-to-aunch (Buid is ready for aunch) Project Identity A tempate, with an initia fied content, of this item coud be as foows: PROJECT Name Project Responsibe Function Sponsor Project Coordinator Ex. : Improvement of the Order To Cash/Payment process Project Name coud be derived from the Business Stream names and content Project Name coud be derived from the Business Metrics names and content, or A combination of Business Stream and Business Metrics names and content Figure11: Product-Centric End-To-End Business Streams, Source : TM Forum, Tribod Exampe Project Name coud be, as mentioned in the tempate, Improvement of Order To Cash (Payment). Order To Payment is

9 IJCSI Internationa Journa of Computer Science Issues, Vo. 10, Issue 1, No 1, January one of the Business Streams previousy presented. Project Description A tempate, with an initia fied content, of this item coud be as foows: Description du projet : The Order To Cash, and end-to-end business stream, is a transverse process going from receiving the customer order ti issuing the customer bi. This process needs to be more agie in order to improve customer experience, operationa efficiency and revenue & margin. The Project description coud be derived from the Detaied information reated to the Business Streams and Business Metrics. Exampe The project description, as mentioned in the tempate, is derived from the Figures 4, 5, 6 and 7. Key Project Performance Data A tempate, with an initia fied content, of this item coud be as foows: Key Project Performance Data Revenue Breakdown: Customer Segment: B2B Service : Optica Fiber Average Monthy Fees per customer for optica fiber: X Euro (s) The performance data fieds coud be derived from Business Metrics. Exampe The key Project Performance Data fied (s), as mentioned in the above tempate, was derived from the Metric Revenue Breakdown part of Business Metrics. Objectives/Performance Indicators A tempate, with an initia fied content, of this item coud be as foows: Objectives/ Performance Indicators *) Increase % of orders deivered by committed date *) Decrease Mean Time Order To Activation *) Decrease % of Orders requiring technica reworks Concepts An objective is generay formuated as foows: o Increase/Decrease/Stabiize performance_metric These objectives coud be derived from Business Metrics, QSP (for: Fufiment, Assurance and New Services) and Introductory Guide (s) for PLM. Exampe The project description, as mentioned in the tempate, is derived from the Figures 4, 7 and 8. Project Scope A tempate, with an initia fied content, of this item coud be as foows: Project Scope The Order To Cash process scope is: *) Geography: MTN Business, Ivory Coast; *) Customer Segment: B2B; *) Products/Services: Optica Fiber; *) Execution Time: Norma fow (Fast Track is out of scope); *) Channe: ; *) Triggers: The project Scope coud be derived from GB921E, QSP (For: Fufiment, Assurance, New services) and Introductory guide (s) (Ex.: for PLM), GB921D, GB921DX, etom and

10 IJCSI Internationa Journa of Computer Science Issues, Vo. 10, Issue 1, No 1, January Business Metrics posters and GB921J for process context. Exampe The project Scope key fieds, as mentioned in the above tempate, was derived from GB921J. Financia Impact A tempate, with an initia fied content, of this item coud be as foows: Improvement area Increase % Orders deivered by committed date Financia Impact Baseine As- Impact Is The current Win performance Days of service usage Avoid Deay in biing Revenue oss Impact Cost (Euros) Impact of one day ost = X (monthy fees per customer)/30 days Euros The financia impact improvement areas coud be derived from the project objectives/indicators. Exampe As mentioned in the tempate, Increase % Orders deivered by committed date is derived from the project objectives/indicators and foowed by a brainstorming session to fi the impact and its cost for exampe the cost of one day ost (Euros) is equa to X (monthy fees per customer) divided by 30 days SIOC o The L6S Project Streams previousy presented o RACI Too The SIPOC is reated to process and its components are: Suppiers o Who provide the inputs? Inputs o What are the inputs for the process Process Steps o What are the process steps? Outputs o What are the process resuts? Customers o To whom the resuts are intended to? Support Documents The support Frameworx documents for the SIPOC are: GB921D and DX for etom decomposition GB921E : for end to end business streams GB921F : for process fows exampes QSP for fufiment, Assurance and new services Introductory guide for PLM Business Metrics Snapshots from Support Documents Beow are some snapshots, from the support documents, that can be used for this item. Project Organization Support Documents The definition of project organization coud be supported by: Figure13: Issue Service Order detais (GB921D) Source: TM Forum

11 IJCSI Internationa Journa of Computer Science Issues, Vo. 10, Issue 1, No 1, January The above figure shows detais about the process eement (etom Leve3) obtained from GB921D. SIPOC: Order To Cash (Extract) Suppier Input ProcessTask (s) Output Customer Fow 1:. If : Suppier Input Task Output Customer Customer Customer Order Receive Customer Customer Order Saes Order Customer Care Vaidated Customer Order Issue Service Order Customer Customer Service configuration done Test the service with customer Deivery Sip Customer Customer Signed Deivery Sip Get Signed Deivery Sip Signed Deivery Sip Customer Care Figure14: Order-to-Payment Process-Fow (L3) BPMN Source: TM Forum The above figure shows process fow reated to Order To Payment. In the process fow, inputs and outputs are shown. SIPOC eements coud be derived from the extended description reated to etom process eements (GB921D and DX) and from process fows (GB921E, F ) where many inputs are shown. Exampe As mentioned in the tempate, Vaidated Customer order Input, coud be derived from Figure High Leve process fow The high eve process fow shows the interaction between the process eements invoved in Order To Cash (Payment). The fow shows the sequence in which the process eements shoud be executed. Figure15: Fufiment Fow - Leve 2 Ordering Process Fow, Source: TM Forum The above figure shows an exampe of Fufiment Fow - Leve 2 Ordering Process Fow where some inputs and outputs coud be identified. SIPOC A tempate, with an initia fied content, of this deiverabe coud be as foows: Support Documents The support Frameworx documents for this Deiverabe are: GB921E : for end to end business streams GB921F : for process fows exampes QSP for fufiment, Assurance and new services Introductory guide for PLM GB921J for process fow design guideines and context

12 IJCSI Internationa Journa of Computer Science Issues, Vo. 10, Issue 1, No 1, January Exampe The Figure14 shows a process fow reated to the Order To Cash Process accountabiities To define process accountabiities, etom process eements coud be used in combination with RACI too. Support Documents The support Frameworx documents for this Deiverabe are: GB921D, DX GB921E QSP for Fufiment, Assurance and New services Introductory Guide (s) for PLM Process accountabiities A tempate, with an initia fied content, of this deiverabe coud be as foows: etom process eement Seing Saes Saes Service R (Responsibe) A (Accountabe) C (Consuted) I (Informed) Service Service Service Configuration & Activation Service touch points between the customer and the service provider, in the project scope, shoud be anayzed. To prioritize customer needs, Pareto anaysis coud be used. CTQ wi define the measures/indicators to be associated with the key customer needs. Support Documents The support Frameworx documents for this deiverabe are: GB921E QSP for Fufiment, Assurance and New Services Introductory guide for PLM CEMGB962 : is about Introduction and Fundamentas reated to the Customer Experience Snapshots from Support Documents Some seected snapshots reated to these support documents are shown in the figures 5, 10, 11 and 12. VOC A tempate, with an initia fied content, of this deiverabe coud be as foows: The support documents wi provide the appropriate process eements within the project scope To these eements, RACI is appied. Exampe The etom process eements in the Process accountabiities, as mentioned in the tempate, are derived from GB921E Voice Of Customer (VOC) and Critica To Quaity (CTQ) Figure15: Voice Of Customer and CTQ reated to the case study The voice of customer consists of identifying the key customer needs. To identify these needs, the

13 IJCSI Internationa Journa of Computer Science Issues, Vo. 10, Issue 1, No 1, January To hep identifying the customer needs: End to end business streams coud be used Customer Experience (CE) performance domain, part of Business Metrics, coud be used especiay the topics reated to CE. Customer Surveys (interna, via third parties) Pre-Saes Saes Customer Service Exampe As mentioned in the tempate, the voice of customer was identified: Using the three sub-domains reated to the customer experience performance domain (Access, Time, Quaity), and The feedback of the interna departments interacting with the customer. And CTQ/Performance indicators were obtained using TM Forum Metrics which were customized to meet specific needs reated to MTN Business Operations Change Essentia Charters The change management essentia charters components are: Communication Pan The tempate for the communication pan is as foows: Stakehoders Communication Purpose of the Support Too Timing Owner type (Targeted, Goba) communication Documents (Phase, ) Purpose of the communication Support documents Timing: when to do the communication Owner: Accountabe for the communication 11. L6S appied to Teco: Anayze and Measure phases The measure phase coud be supported by Frameworx in mutipe ways: Whie doing the VSM, etom end to end business streams coud be used, jointy With Business Metrics whie computing the process performance data to perform any customization regarding the process metrics definitions. The anayze phase coud be supported by Frameworx in mutipe ways: Whie appying Fishbone technique to support the identification of causes, of non process performance, reated to Methods and Inputs, etom end to end business streams coud be used. Whie Appying 7 Wastes technique, etom business streams coud be used as we. For exampe, to identify wastes reated to the Waiting Time, we coud have one between Order Handing and Service Configuration and Activation due to the non existence of an interna operationa eve agreement (OLA) between these 2 processes. The core foundation of FMEA, which is composed of the process steps, is aready defined during the Define Phase using the appropriate support documents as previousy expained. The output of the FMEA is an action pan for which a steering committee has been defined. The main components of the communication pan are: Stakehoders: Target of the communication Communication Type : Targeted or Goba

14 IJCSI Internationa Journa of Computer Science Issues, Vo. 10, Issue 1, No 1, January L6S appied to Teco: Remaining phases briefy Regarding the process design, To-Be VSM, To- Be Process Fow and To-Be Procedure was formaized and with a piot run. 13. L6S appied to Teco: Benefits The benefits coud be seen from three different perspectives: Customer Experience o Increase in % of orders deivered by committed date by 67% Operationa Efficiency o Decrease in the Mean Time Order To Activation by 36% Revenue & Margin o Increase of the Revenue Breakdown, by 55%, reated to: Customer Segment: B2B Service : Optica Fiber 13. Concusion This paper suggests a methodoogy harmonizing Lean Six Sigma and Frameworx seected components with a focus on the engineering aspects reated to the process. This harmonization, caed L6S-Teco, aows quicker Transformation projects and getting standardization benefits since Frameworx components are used throughout the methodoogy where appicabe as inputs for the design aspects. It does generate Six Sigma benefits as shown in the case study s methodoogy benefits. L6S-Teco is an approach to address business process transformation for Teco industry and might be appicabe to many other service companies since many of the Frameworx components and Lean Six Sigma are too. The harmonization wi optimize the CaPex and eventuay OpEx since one singe optimized project is executed to address two major needs namey process design and performance. The current paper coud be as input for the coming artice (s) to appy L6S-Teco to other end to end business streams reated to the customer, Network and Product. It can be aso a basis to consider other ayers of the enterprise architecture (Information, Appication, Technoogy) to have an end to end business transformation. Acknowedgments Specia thanks are addressed to my parents, my wife, my daughter and my son for their prayers, smies, and support. The authors woud ike to thank a those who participated in the project, basis of the case study, from MTN Ivory Coast corporate and MTN Business. I woud ike to thank in advance anybody for any provided feedback or for any inspiration. References [1] M. Key, A. Kawecki, "Business Process Framework (The Business Process Framework), Addendum D: Process Decompositions and Descriptions", TM Forum Juy 2012 [2] M. Key, D. Freed, "Business Process Framework (The Business Process Framework), Addendum DX: Extended Process Decompositions and Descriptions", TM Forum Apri 2012 [3] J. Wimes, A. Kawecki, " TM Forum Portfoio and Product Quick Start Pack ", TM Forum October 2012 [4] TM Forum, "Business Metrics and Benchmarking Program: Business Performance System, Leve1 Metrics", TM Forum November 2011 [5] G. Vitt, M. Key, A. Kawecki, " Business Process Framework (The Business Process Framework), Addendum E: Appication Note End-To-End Business Fows", TM Forum Apri 2011 [6] G. Vitt, C. Dietze, M. Key, A. Kawecki, " Business Process Framework (The Business Process Framework), Addendum J: Appication Note Joining the Business Process Framework through to Process Fows", TM Forum October 2011 [7] M. Benhima, C. Ameyao, A. Ajaoui, A. Sahi, M. H. Jeoui, S. Garcia, "Transformation Business : Pour une meieure optimization", TIC Magazine N 2 Janvier Mars 2012 [8] M. Benhima, J. Reiy, H. Benhima, Design of an enhanced Integrated System with Customer Experience Focus: The Business Process Framework (aso known as etom) and ISO9001 together, IJCSI, Vo9, Issue 5, N 2, Sept 2012 [9] K. Amin, S. Lynch, C. Miche, E. Obreja, K. Wiets, C. Miche, Tribood, Teecom New Zeand, A. Kawecki, "Product Lifecye Introductory Guide", TM Forum November 2011 [10] K. Amin, S. Lynch, C. Miche, E. Obreja, K. Wiets, C. Miche, Tribood, Teecom New Zeand, A. Kawecki, "Product Lifecye Introductory Guide", TM Forum November? 2011 [11] T. McCarty, M. Bremer, L. Danies, P. Gupta, "Six Sigma Back Bet Handbook", Motoroa University, 2004 [12] C. Frechet, "Mettre en oeuvre e Six Sigma", Eyroes, 2005

15 IJCSI Internationa Journa of Computer Science Issues, Vo. 10, Issue 1, No 1, January Mounire Benhima is a Senior Consutant, speciaizing in Business Transformation with its impementation chaenges. 15 years of experience in various industria environments (mainy ICT) in many countries (Africa, America, Europe, Asia). He is distinguished to be the first one in the word to be certified The Business Process Framework Leve4 (The highest eve of Business Process Framework certification) with the highest score when it was an essay. He is aso part of the internationa TM Forum Trainers Pane (21 members as per August 2012). Mounire has hed various key consuting positions and has ed numerous groups in major business transformation projects. As a resut of his experience and background, Mounire has deveoped extensive operationa and strategic skis in the Enterprise Architecture and Business Transformation with their impact on the organizationa structure, quaity management, business process engineering, information system governance, and change management. Abdeaâi Himi Abdeaai HIMI is a Senior Consutant and Researcher at the Faccuté Science and Technoogy University Hassan I in Settat. He is an Engineer from ENSIAS since He has more than 16 years experience. Expert in management information systems and has accumuated many years of experience in project managemen, Business Process Reengineering, Enterprise Architecture and ERP. He is certified ITIL Intermediate (OSA), Cerified ISO27001 Lead Auditor and Lead Impementer and ISO2000 Lead Auditor and Certified Lean Six Sigma. He has pubished severa papers on the management of services and the management of the business vaue chain. Camie Ameyao Camie Ameyao is a Senior Manager of MTN Business Service Deivery He is in charge of Preseaes, impementation and after saes support. He is an active member when introducing new technoogies. For Business To Business, he manages Pre-Saes activities, resource management and operations activities, service management and operations activities and Technica support expertise to Business Saes. He is aso assigned for specia projects as acquisitions. He participated in many seminars deivering high quaity speeches about chaenges and new trends in the Teco industry. Edwige Ahonie Adou Edwige Ahonie Adou is Business Anaysis and Report Expert within MTN Business and Project Coordinator for many key projects reated to MTN Business Business Transformation. For these key positions, she demonstrated high persona and project coordination skis which aowed her to be distinguished and assigned to key projects. She is an efficient communicator. Her main duties are impementing the integrated management systems reated to processes, Designing new processes, generating the CxO Baanced Scorecard and ensuring Leadership during Business Transformation projects execution.

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