Data provided for the CDP Cities 2014 Report. City of Cleveland. Report analysis & information design for CDP by. In partnership with

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1 Data providd for th CDP Citis 2014 Rport City of Clvland Writtn by Rport analysis & information dsign for CDP by In partnrship with


3 Clvland in Contxt 04 Clvland in Focus 06 Introduction 08 Govrnanc 10 Risks & Adaptation 14 Opportunitis 24 Emissions Local Govrnmnt 28 Emissions Community 38 Stratgy 48 CDP, C40 and AECOM ar proud to prsnt rsults from our fourth conscutiv yar of climat chang rporting for citis. It was an imprssiv yar, with 207 citis rporting on thir climat chang data (an 88% incras from 2013), making this th largst and most comprhnsiv survy of citis and climat chang publishd to dat by CDP. City govrnmnts from Dnvr to Jakarta to Abidjan participatd, including ovr 90% of th mmbrship of th C40 a group of th world s largst citis ddicatd to climat chang ladrship. Ovr half of th rporting citis masur city-wid missions. Togthr, ths citis account for 1.2 billion tonns CO2, putting thm on par with Japan, th world s third largst conomy and fourth largst mittr of grnhous gas missions. 60% of all rporting citis now hav compltd a climat chang risk assssmnt. And citis rportd ovr 2,000 individual actions dsignd to rduc missions and adapt to a changing climat. CDP, C40 and AECOM salut th hard work and ddication of th world s city govrnmnts in masuring and rporting ths important pics of data. With this rport, w provid city govrnmnts th information and insights that w hop will assist thir work in tackling climat chang. This documnt contains th qustionnair data providd to CDP from th City of Clvland as part of its 2014 CDP submission. To s all of th rsults for all participating citis, visit Th graphics in this documnt ar from th CDP Citis 2014 infographic and th Protcting Our Capital rport.

4 E 4 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland Victoria* Portland Edmonton Saskatoon* Calgary* Vancouvr* Sattl Brandon* Winnipg Clvland Dtroit Minnapolis Park City Edina San Francisco Dnvr St Louis Bnicia* San Jos Chicago Ft Wayn* Las Vgas Los Angls Ft Worth* Phonix Dallas San Digo Long Bach Austin Houston San Antonio* Juarz Mxico City Publa North Amrica San Luis Potosi Lxington Atlanta Nw Orlans* Pittsburgh Burlington Nw York Columbus Philadlphia Miami Guatmala City* Hamilton* Toronto London Montral Baltimor Boston Washington, DC Richmond* Faf Porto Vila Nova d Gaia Santarém* Évora* Lisbon Cascais Barriro* Sixal Faro Manchstr Gla D Londo Rottrdam Pa Gibralta Ba San Salvador Guayaquil Barranquilla Bogotá Cali* Lima* Arquipa Caracas Rio Branco Cuiabá La Paz Macapá Manaus* Blm São Luis Natal Fortalza Aracaju Salvador Brasilia Goiânia Jaguaré João Pssoa* Rcif Mació Latin Amrica Guarulhos* Caiiras Sorocaba Curitiba Florianópolis Porto Algr Bunos Airs Blo Horizont Campinas Vitoria Rio d Janiro Aparcida São Brnardo do Campo* São Paulo Clvland Mndoza Montvido* in contxt Numbr of citis rsponding pr yar Clvland participation

5 Clvland in Contxt 5 urop Oslo Turku Stockholm * Citis that rportd privatly sgow ublin Amstrdam Copnhagn Hamburg Vilnius Warsaw Moscow n ris r* Turin Gnoa Zaragoza Monaco* Madrid rclona* Abidjan Lagos Oristano Rom* Napls Basl* Milan* Zurich Brlin Bolzano Piacnza Vnic Frrara Padua Bologna Ravnna* Athns Bornova Kadiovacik Addis Ababa Karachi Dhaka North Dhaka South* Bangkok Hanoi* East Asia Pyongtak Nonsan Sochon Imsil Jangsong Yonggwang Shnzhn* Ho Chi Minh City* Inchon Ansan Suwon Taipi Kaohsiung Hong Kong Soul Hiroshima* Hwachon Chunchon Gapyong Hongchon Hongsong Tokyo Gumsan Goksong Gury Gwangju Gwangyang Shinan Mokpo Janghung Hanam Jju Sogwipo Nagoya Yokohama Chongsong Miryang Changwon Goj Tongyong Samchok Jongson Wonju Jchon Africa Nairobi Singapor Dar s Salaam Jakarta South Asia and Ocania Prtoria Johannsburg Pitrmaritzburg Durban Cap Town Sydny Mlbourn Total population of citis rsponding in ,360,000 Wllin Whr Clvland fits Clvland 396,815 popl 91 citis with lss than 600,000 popl 59 citis with 600,000 to 1,600,000 popl 57 citis with gratr than 1,600,000 popl

6 6 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland Yar rportd 2014 Ara 201 km 2 Population 396,815 Clvland in focus Invntory mthod U.S. Community Protocol for Accounting and Rporting of Grnhous Gas Emissions (ICLEI)

7 Clvland in Focus citis rporting missions in ,000,000 mtric tonns CO 2 10 citis rporting missions of gratr than 30,000,000 mtric tonns CO 2 50,000,000 mtric tonns CO 2 8 citis rporting missions of 20,000,000 to 30,000,000 mtric tonns CO 2 30,000,000 mtric tonns CO 2 19 citis rporting missions of 10,000,000 to 20,000,000 mtric tonns CO 2 20,000,000 mtric tonns CO 2 Clvland 11,889,595 mtric tonns CO 2 10,000,000 mtric tonns CO 2 70 citis rporting missions of lss than 10,000,000 mtric tonns CO 2

8 8 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland 0 Introduction Clvland is locatd in northastrn Ohio on th southrn shor of Lak Eri. It was foundd in 1796 nar th mouth of th Cuyahoga Rivr, and bcam a manufacturing cntr owing to its location on th lak shor, as wll as bing connctd to numrous canals and railroad lins. Sinc thn, Clvland s conomy has divrsifid to includ sctors such as financial srvics, halthcar, biomdical, and many othrs. Introduction

9 Introduction 9 As of 2010, Clvland city propr had a total population of 396,815, making it th 45th largst city in th U.S. Gratr Clvland, th Clvland-Elyria-Mntor Mtropolitan Statistical Ara, rankd 28th largst in th Unitd Stats with 2,068,283 popl in Clvland xhibits a continntal climat with four distinct sasons. Th rcord high is 104 F (40 C), and th rcord low is 20 F ( 29 C). Du to its proximity to Lak Eri, Clvland typically xprincs lak ffct snow (spcially on th city s ast sid) from mid-novmbr until th lak frzs, usually in lat January or arly Fbruary. Emissions Accounting Choic: Govrnmnt and Community

10 10 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland 1 Govrnanc Th Sustainabl Clvland Municipal Action Plan (SC-MAP) is a concrt sustainability action plan for Clvland s municipal oprations. Th SC-MAP stablishs an organizational philosophy toward sustainability and climat chang through provn policy, goals, actions, and prformanc mtrics. Whil it is primarily intndd to lay out spcific actions for City staff, th SC-MAP also provids contxt for th public to undrstand th City s approach to sustainability in its oprations and witnss th rsults. Th SC-MAP can b found hr: SustainablClvlandMunicipalActionPlan Govrnanc

11 Govrnanc 11 Through th SC-MAP, th City rcognizs th nd to lad by xampl in promoting sustainability, but crating a truly sustainabl conomy in Clvland rquirs th ntir community. This is why th City of Clvland ld a procss to crat a community-wid Climat Action Plan (CAP) to not only rduc grnhous gas (GHG) missions, but also mak Clvland mor rsilint by prparing for xisting and prdictd changs in th climat. Th CAP, which consists of 33 actions in six focus aras, is distinct from th SC-MAP in that it focuss on issus and activitis in th community byond th City s own municipal oprations. To chart this path forward, th City ngagd th public as a whol and xprts and community ladrs from across Northast Ohio through its 50-mmbr Climat Action Advisory Committ. Th CAP and mmbrs of th Advisory Committ can b found hr: climat In March 2014, th City will b issuing a progrss rport that rviws progrss on th Sustainabl Clvland 2019 initiativ, including implmntation of both th SC-MAP and th CAP. In August 2009, Mayor Frank G. Jackson convnd th first Sustainabl Clvland 2019 Summit, bringing togthr hundrds of popl to dsign a 10-yar initiativ for building a thriving grn city on a blu lak by th 50th annivrsary of th infamous Cuyahoga Rivr fir. Sustainabl Clvland ngags vryon to work togthr to dsign and dvlop a thriving and rsilint Clvland that lvrags its walth of assts to build conomic, social and nvironmntal wll-bing for all. Th City also updats annually its sustainability dashboard, which consists of 28 ky indicators for sustainability, including mtrics on nrgy and GHG missions. Th dashboard can b found hr:

12 12 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland At th national lvl, on ky xisting policy that impacts our missions profil is th nw vhicl fficincy rquirmnts for automakrs. Rquirmnts for powr plant missions, along with lowr prics for natural gas, ar also rsulting in ful switching from coal to natural gas. Ky rgional activitis includ transportation projcts chosn by th Northast Ohio Arawid Coordinating Agncy, our mtropolitan planning organization. In trms of adaptation, a slct numbr of studis hav bn compltd that analyz rgional climat chang impacts, including a countylvl Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan. Othr citis that bordr th Grat Laks, such as Chicago and Toronto, hav also prformd analyss and outlind priority actions. Th City is currntly working with numrous rgional stakholdrs to dvlop an adaptation subcommitt of th largr Climat Action Advisory Committ. Ky organizations includd in th subcommitt that work on rgional climat chang activitis includ Ohio Sa Grant, Cuyahoga County Watrshds, Ohio Stat Univrsity, Ohio Dpartmnt of Natural Rsourcs,

13 Govrnanc 13 and th City of Clvland s Emrgncy Managmnt Offic. Coordination with this group is crucial for grant applications rlatd to climat and information xchang. Clvland dos provid incntivs for managmnt of climat chang issus, including th attainmnt of grnhous gas (GHG) rduction targts. Citizns Montary Climat Chang Photo Contst, with cash awards for th winnrs. This took plac during th Summr of City mploys Training All City mploys hav fr accss to Sustainbility 101 training, as wll as accss to training and crtification on grn building bst practics through th U.S. Grn Building Council. City mploys Montary Th Offic of Sustainability provids training to ky individuals rsponsibl for implmnting th Sustainabl Municipal Buildings Policy and th Complt and Grn Strts Ordinanc. Citizns Rcognition (non-montary) Sustainabl Clvland Hros Awards ar providd at th Annual Summit, whr thr community ladrs ar rcognizd in part for thir climat action. Mor information hr: www.

14 14 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland 2 Physical risks Currnt and/or anticipatd ffcts of climat chang prsnt significant physical risks to Clvland: Sriousnss Lss Srious Srious Extrmly Srious Timscal Currnt Short-trm Mdium-trm Long-trm Risks & Adaptation

15 Risks & Adaptation 15 Mor hot days Risk: Timscal: During hat wavs, high lctricity dmand combins with climat-rlatd limitations on nrgy production capabilitis, incrasing th liklihood of lctricity shortags and rsulting in brownouts or vn blackouts. Warming also dcrass th numbr of days with snow on th ground, which may improv traffic safty. In wintr, oil and gas dmand for hating would also dclin. Incrasd urban hat island ffct Risk: Timscal: Evnts such as th Chicago hat wav of 1995, which rsultd in ovr 700 daths, will bcom mor common. Unlss actions ar takn to rduc pollutants that lad to ozon formation, incrasd tmpraturs and mor stagnant air would also lad to mor ground-lvl ozon. Incrasd frquncy of larg storms Risk: Timscal: Prcipitation is alrady bginning to incras in wintr and spring, and bcoming mor intns throughout th yar. This pattrn is xpctd to lad to mor frqunt flooding, incrasing infrastructur damag, and impacts on human halth. Such havy downpours can ovrload watr tratmnt facilitis, lading to mor combind swr ovrflow vnts that incras th risk of watr-born disass, which thriv in warmr tmpraturs, and mor watr advisory days.

16 16 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland Lowr lak lvls Risk: Timscal: Rductions in Grat Laks watr lvls lad to impacts on shipping, infrastructur, bachs, and cosystms. In th summr, with incrasing vaporation rats and longr priods btwn rainfalls, th liklihood of drought will incras and watr lvls in th lak, as wll as in rivrs, strams, and wtlands, ar likly to dclin. Warmr watr tmpraturs Risk: Timscal: Warmr watr tmpraturs in Lak Eri is alrady occuring, thrby xacrbating xisting challngs rlatd to invasiv spcis and th incrasing numbr and intnsity of harmful algal blooms. Ths impacts prsnt a srious dangr to th $800 million dollar fishing industry in Lak Eri.

17 Risks & Adaptation 17 Compounding factors may worsn th physical ffcts of climat chang in Clvland. In many ways, climat chang will xacrbat many xisting factors in Clvland. Som of th ky factors includ: Povrty rats Existing Combind Swr Ovrflow vnts Old infrastructur and abovground utilitis Air quality, as Ohio is still quit coal-dpndnt Lakshor dvlopmnt Aras with limitd tr covr within th city propr High asthma rats in som parts of th city High nutrint loading in Lak Eri, including phosphorus and nitrogn

18 18 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland Clvland considrs that th physical impacts of climat chang could thratn th ability of businsss to oprat succssfully. Th projctd incras in frquncy of larg storms and lowr lak lvls could affct how utilitis and th Port oprat, as wll as lakfront and rivrfront businsss. In addition, th conomic impact of sport fishing, stimatd at $800 million, and th $6.5 billion shipping industry on Lak Eri ar put incrasingly at risk. Othr smallr contributors, such as th $30 million contributd by birdwatching along Lak Eri, ar also impactd.

19 Risks & Adaptation CDP citis rprsnt a growing slic of th world s conomy. From Rio to Boston, mor and mor citis ar masuring thir CO2 missions. 19 Th primary procss or mthodology th city of Clvland uss to valuat th physical risks to thir city is ICLEI climat adaptation mthodology (ADAPT). Th ICLEI ADAPT tool was usd to gt startd, giving th tam a sns of th 28% $21 trillion $954 billion typ of qustions w should b asking. This is supplmntd by stat and rgional vulnrability assssmnts, as wll as thos of Grat Laks citis (.g. Toronto, Chicago). That incrdibl Citis rporting to CDP hav a combind annual budgt of of world GDP... in total annual output. roughly th annual budgt of th UK. Commrcial / institutional facil Industrial buildings Industrial procss and product us missions On-road transportation Cars, LDV, HDV / buss, othr Rsidntial buildings Othr This yar, Of survyd citis, mtric tonns of CO2 hav bn rportd by 108 citis. hav compltd an missions invntory billion Citis ar facing risks from climat chang. 52% Tmpratur incras / hatwavs 78% Frqunt / intns rainfall 68% Drought 41% Sa lvl ris 30% 29% Storms / floods Prcntag of citis facing diffrnt catgoris of natural risk. This is CDP Citis 2014 Now in its fourth yar, CDP Citis is th most comprhnsiv climat chang rporting platform at th city lvl. 53% of risks rp sriou nar-

20 20 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland 3 Adaptation Clvland has a plan for incrasing its rsilinc to th xpctd physical ffcts of climat chang. Publication titl Publication yar Clvland Climat Action Plan Citis 2014/Shard Documnts/ Attachmnts/Citis-TC-Adaptation-Upload/CAP-Summary2013-Wb-Final.pdf Actions Clvland is taking to rduc th risk to infrastructur, citizns, and businsss from climat chang includ th following: Mor hot days Action: Crisis managmnt including warning and vacuation systms Th City of Clvland has an Emrgncy Oprations Plan that is rviwd and updatd annually to addrss adaptation-rlatd topics, including hat mrgncis. Th plan contains th prpardnss/prvntion phas as wll as th dclaration of a hat mrgncy. Incrasd urban hat island ffct Action: Tr planting and/or cration of grn spac Th City of Clvland is incrasingly using vacant lots and strtscaps not only to crat conomic dvlopmnt opportunitis, but also to improv rsilinc. Th City has a suit of policis and incntiv programs to xpand community gardns and urban farms, which now numbr mor than 300. In 2011, th City also passd on of th first complt and grn strt ordinancs in th U.S. that sks to promot altrnativ mods of transportation, whil also claning th city s air and watr with grn infrastructur, spcially for priority Combind Swr Ovrflow locations.

21 Risks & Adaptation 21 Incrasd frquncy of larg storms Action: Watr butts/rainwatr captur Sinc 2008, about 2500 fr rain barrls hav bn dlivrd to City of Clvland rsidnts, rsulting in mor than 4 million gallons of potntial rainwatr captur pr yar. Lowr lak lvls Action: Additional rsrvoirs and wlls for watr storag Th Northast Ohio Rgional Swr District plans to construct svn tunnl rsrvoirs, ranging from two to fiv mils in lngth, to stor combind swr ovrflow for latr tratmnt. Th Mill Crk tunnl, a structur with th capacity to stor 75 million gallons of combind swag, is narly complt, and a scond tunnl is undr construction. Warmr watr tmpraturs Action: Storm watr captur systms Th Northast Ohio Rgional Swr District s Projct Clan Lak includs a minimum of $42 million in grn infrastructur projcts. This includs stormwatr control masurs to stor, infiltrat, and vapotranspirat stormwatr bfor it vn maks its way to th combind swr systm.

22 22 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland 4 Social risks Clvland facs social risks as a rsult of climat chang. Incrasd conflict and/or crim Anticipatd timscal: Mdium-trm Hat wavs and larg storms of gratr intnsity incras th liklihood of brownouts, which can lad to highr incidnc of crim (.g. looting and thft). Incrasd dmand for public srvics (including halth) Anticipatd timscal: Short-trm Highr tmpraturs and incrasing storm intnsity hav human halth implications, putting addd strss on halth srvics. Incrasd risk to alrady vulnrabl populations Anticipatd timscal: Short-trm During hat wavs th liklihood of lctricity shortags and multipl days without air conditioning incrass, laving at-risk populations, spcially th ldrly living alon, mor suscptibl to hat-rlatd illnsss or dath. Incrasd incidnc and prvalnc of disas Anticipatd timscal: Mdium-trm Inscts that carry disass will surviv wintrs mor asily and produc largr populations in a warmr climat, potntially incrasing th incidnc of disass such as Wst Nil virus. Loss of traditional jobs Anticipatd timscal: Mdium-trm Climat chang placs additional strss on th halth and divrsity of Lak Eri, which thratns industris such as tourism, fishris, and shipping.

23 Risks & Adaptation 23 Citis ar facing risks from climat chang. 53% 60% of risks rportd as srious and nar-trm of citis hav compltd a risk assssmnt

24 24 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland 5 Opportunitis Climat chang action prsnts conomic opportunitis for Clvland. Opportunitis

25 Opportunitis 25 Clvland is positioning itslf to tak advantag of opportunits from taking climat chang action. Dvlopmnt of nw businss industris (.g. clan tch) In many ways, businsss and organizations in th rgion ar alrady finding conomic opportunitis that also addrss climat chang. Indd, th pursuit of advancd nrgy has bcom a cntrpic of conomic dvlopmnt fforts in Northast Ohio. Th rgion s manufacturing bas is wll suitd for th production of wind turbin componnts and othr nrgy dvics. National studis hav found that Ohio is on of th stats bst positiond to gain grn jobs from th growth of nrgy fficincy and rnwabl powr. Othr local tchnologis with grat growth potntial includ wast to nrgy using anarobic digstion, nrgy rcovry from wast plastic, nrgy storag, and othrs. At th sam tim, thr ar many organizations dvotd to clan watr, spcially in th Grat Laks.

26 26 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland Improvd fficincy of oprations Tracking nrgy and utility data formd th basis for th City s GHG invntory for municipal oprations, lading to additional bnfits and fficincis, such as mor activ nrgy managmnt, th opportunity to validat nrgy consrvation masurs, and th trmination of utility accounts no longr in us. Th Clvland 2030 District also works to mak it asy on larg commrcial building ownrs to drastically rduc thir nrgy us and bcom mor fficint. Incrasd nrgy scurity For th rgion as a whol, Northast Ohio has an nrgy-intnsiv conomy dpndnt largly on coal. Thrfor, stratgically rducing nrgy us and carbon missions will improv fficincis for both rsidnts and businsss, whil also making th conomy mor rsilint through incrasd nrgy scurity. Numrous organizations in th city currntly work with rsidnts and businsss to improv thir nrgy prformanc. Through th Clvland Climat Action Plan, th City and its stakholdrs hav committd to rducing missions 80% by 2050, with intrim goals, most of which will b accomplishd through nrgy fficincy and rnwabl nrgy dploymnt.

27 Opportunitis 27 Incrasd attntion to othr nvironmntal concrns A major nvironmntal concrn in Clvland is combind swr ovrflow. Th City and th Northast Ohio Rgional Swr District ar incrasingly utilizing grn infrastructur altrnativs that incras stormwatr rtntion during havy storm vnts, which also srvs as an adaptation stratgy. Th City has th opportunity to b a ladr in grn infrastructur tchnologis and procsss, which can also srv as an conomic drivr. Most jobs rlatd to implmnting grn infrastructur cannot b outsourcd, and th opportunity also ariss for many stormwatr rsarchrs to b basd in Clvland. Additional funding options With th Fdral Govrnmnt incrasingly placing addd importanc on not only mitigation, but also adaptation, mor and mor funding is availabl rlatd to climat chang. On xampl is $100 million in Hurrican Sandy funding for improving rsilinc to larg storms, which Ohio is ligibl for. CDP citis rprsnt a growing slic of th world s conomy. That s 28% of world incrdibl $21 trillion in total annual output. Citis rporting to CDP hav a combind annual budgt of $954 billion roughly th annual budgt of th UK.

28 28 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland LGO Mthodology Clvland is rporting a GHG masurmnt invntory for a priod of on yar. Sun 01 Jan Mon 31 Dc 2012 Boundary typology usd for Clvland s GHG missions invntory: Companis, ntitis or dpartmnts ovr which oprational control is xrcisd. Emissions Local Govrnmnt

29 Emissions Local Govrnmnt 29 Clvland has usd th following major sourcs of missions in th municipal GHG missions invntory: Airport(s) Buildings Elctricity gnration Elctricity transmission and distribution Employ commuting Municipal vhicl flt Roads / highways Strt lighting and traffic signals Thrmal nrgy Wast collction Watr supply

30 30 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland Th primary protocol usd for calculating GHG missions is th Local Govrnmnt Oprations Protocol (ICLEI/Th Climat Rgistry/California Climat Action Rgistry/ California Air Rsourcs Board). This invntory was assmbld through th collction and analysis of utility data, compiling of municipal and utility rcords, and discussions with City of Clvland staff. Associatd GHG missions for all activitis wr calculatd using an approach consistnt with th Intrnational Council for Local Environmntal Initiativs (ICLEI) - Local Govrnmnts for Sustainability s Local Govrnmnt Oprations Protocol as th main guiding documnt, with mthodologis from Th Climat Rgistry (TCR), th World Rsourcs Institut (WRI), th Intrgovrnmntal Panl on Climat Chang (IPCC), and th U.S. Environmntal Protction Agncy (EPA) also rfrncd. Tools - Invntory Managmnt Systm: Most of th calculations usd to dvlop this invntory wr carrid out in an Information Managmnt Systm (IMS), a Microsoft Excl-basd spradsht that collcts into on tool th original data, mthodology applid, mission factors slctd and a summary of GHG mission rsults. Th IMS also provids charting, forcasting and bnchmarking capabilitis. Additional Nots: Disl us for gnrators and Clvland Public Powr s turbins to mt occasional pak dmand, hav bn includd in th ovrall ful consumption numbrs. Bsids, ths turbins ar th only sourc of lctricity gnration as applicabl to local govrnmnt oprations, but has bn markd in LGO 1.2 as Includd. Roads, Highways is considrd includd in LGO from th maintnanc prspctiv to includ Scop 1 & 2 missions associatd to th Division of Strts. Fuls consumd as rlvant to Scop 1 missions hav bn includd in LGO 1.4

31 Emissions Local Govrnmnt 31

32 32 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland LGO Enrgy Data Ful consumption for Clvland s local govrnmnt this yar: Motor gasolin (ptrol) 5,033,160 litrs Disl/Gas oil 4,671,413 litrs Natural gas 5,270,772 Thrms Actyln 4,572,244 litrs Liquid propan 0 litrs

33 Emissions Local Govrnmnt 33 Elctricity and hat consumption purchasd by Clvland s local govrnmnt this yar: Elctricity 410,890,094 kwh Stam 44,358,294,000 Btu Cooling 22,027,212,000 Btu

34 34 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland LGO GHG Emissions Data Total (Scop 1 + 2) missions for Clvland: 395,864 mtric tonns CO 2 Brakdown of Clvland s GHG missions by scop: Scops ar a common catgorization mthod. Scop 1: All dirct GHG missions (with th xcption of dirct CO 2 missions from biognic sourcs). Scop 2: Indirct GHG missions associatd with th consumption of purchasd or acquird lctricity, stam, hating, or cooling. Total Scop 1 activity 52,658 mtric tonns CO 2 Total Scop 2 activity 343,206 mtric tonns CO 2

35 Emissions Local Govrnmnt 35 Clvland dos masur Scop 3 missions. Employ Commuting 6,241 mtric tonns CO 2 Numbrs basd on mploy survys. Most mploy commuting missions ar from us of prsonal vhicls (80%). Includs Gasolin and Disl ful basd missions Municipal Financd Travl 98 mtric tonns CO 2 Basd on airlins mils travld. Othr mods of mploy businss travl not includd. Solid Wast 755 mtric tonns CO 2 Emissions basd on solid wast stimats for total city staff, computd using avrag solid wast gnratd/pr capita numbrs. Brakdown of Clvland s GHG Emissions by Dpartmnt (total): Financ 3,288 mtric tonns CO 2 Gnral Govrnmnt 697 mtric tonns CO 2 Port Control 52,900 mtric tonns CO 2

36 36 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland Public Halth 1,355 mtric tonns CO 2 Public Safty 21,611 mtric tonns CO 2 Public Utilitis 162,875 mtric tonns CO 2 Public Works 36,275 mtric tonns CO 2 Strt & Traffic Lights 61,209 mtric tonns CO 2 CPP T&D Losss 55,546 mtric tonns CO 2 Othr 7,201 mtric tonns CO 2

37 Emissions Local Govrnmnt 37 Ovrall missions hav dcrasd. Rvisd 2010 total baslin invntory including Scop 1, 2 and 3 should b: 403,780 MT CO2(), as opposd to a total of 395,126 MT CO2() that was rportd in 2013 s CDP rport (Rvision to 2013 s rport is xpctd to b fild w/ CDP in th nar futur) Rvisd 2010 baslin numbrs ar: Scop 1: 53,865 MT CO2 () Scop 2: 342,119 MT CO2 () Scop 3: 7,795 MT CO2 () b) Ovrall 2012 missions of 402,957 MT CO2 () is lowr by just about 823 MT CO2 () compard to 2010 s rvisd baslin invntory. Incras in missions associatd to som dpartmnts such as Dpartmnt of Public Utilitis, has bn offst by rductions in othrs that is likly attributd to (i) oprational changs and mrgrs (such as within Public Works) and (ii) rsults of a fw nrgy fficincy upgrads that wr implmntd in tim-fram. Not: Th City of Clvland assums full oprational local govrnmnt control of th Clvland Division of Watr s pumping and distribution srvic to th ntir Northast Ohio Rgion that ar attributd to th Dpartmnt of Public Utilitis missions, as wll as Transmission and Distribution Losss that ar associatd to th Local Municipal Utility s lctricity srvic within th City of Clvland. LGO Extrnal Vrification Th GHG missions data Clvland is currntly rporting has not bn xtrnally vrifid or auditd in part or in whol.

38 38 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland C Dat and boundary Clvland is rporting a GHG masurmnt invntory for a priod of on yar. Fri 01 Jan Fri 31 Dc 2010 Boundary typology usd for Clvland s GHG missions invntory: Gopolitical Boundary Physical aras ovr which local govrnmnt has jurisdictional control. C GHG missions data Clvland has usd th US Community Protocol for Accounting and Rporting of Grnhous Gas Emissions (ICLEI) to calculat GHG missions. Emissions Community

39 Emissions Community 39 Clvland has usd th following mthods of calculation and procsss for data collction: This invntory was assmbld through th collction and analysis of data with City of Clvland staff as wll as othr city stakholdrs such as utilitis, rgional coordinating agncis, local organizations and larg mittrs. Associatd GHG missions for all activitis wr calculatd using an approach consistnt with th Intrnational Council for Local Environmntal Initiativs (ICLEI) - U.S. Community Protocol for Accounting and Rporting of Grnhous Gas Emissions (ICLEI) as th main guiding documnt, with mthodologis from Th Climat Rgistry (TCR), th World Rsourcs Institut (WRI), th Intrgovrnmntal Panl on Climat Chang (IPCC), and th U.S. Environmntal Protction Agncy (EPA) also rfrncd. Tools - Invntory Managmnt Systm: Most of th calculations usd to dvlop this invntory wr carrid out in an Information Managmnt Systm (IMS), a Microsoft Excl-basd spradsht that collcts into on tool th original data, mthodology applid, mission factors slctd and a summary of GHG mission rsults. Th IMS also provids charting, forcasting and bnchmarking capabilitis. Additional Nots: Scop 1 missions includs stationary combustion and industrial procss rlatd missions rportd by som of th larg mittrs in th city. Dirct ful consumd numbrs ar not availabl for ths mittrs. Emissions associatd with lctricity gnration plants is includd undr Scop 2 as indirct missions, xcpt lctricity consumd numbrs rportd from Rail transit undr Scop 1 missions.

40 40 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland Total (Scop 1 + 2) missions for Clvland: 11,889,595 mtric tonns CO 2 Brakdown of Clvland s GHG missions by scop: Scops ar a common catgorization mthod. Scop 1: All dirct GHG missions (with th xcption of dirct CO 2 missions from biognic sourcs). Scop 2: Indirct GHG missions associatd with th consumption of purchasd or acquird lctricity, stam, hating, or cooling. Total Scop 1 activity 7,750,563 mtric tonns CO 2 Total Scop 2 activity 4,139,032 mtric tonns CO 2

41 Emissions Community 41 Brakdown of ths missions by nd usr, conomic sctor, IPCC sctor, GHG or any othr classification systm usd: End usr: buildings, watr, wast, transport. Economic sctor: rsidntial, commrcial, industrial, institutional. IPCC sctor: stationary combustion, mobil combustion, industrial procsss, wast. Grnhous gas: CO 2, CH 4, N 2 O tc. Enrgy: Commrcial Buildings 1,784,015 mtric tonns CO 2 Enrgy: Industrial Buildings 3,163,022 mtric tonns CO 2 Enrgy: Strt and Traffic Lights 60,772 mtric tonns CO 2

42 42 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland Transportation: On-road Transportation 1,058,790 mtric tonns CO 2 Transportation: Airlin Transportation 189,884 mtric tonns CO 2 Transportation: Transit 50,395 mtric tonns CO 2 Transportation: Marin Vssls 40,629 mtric tonns CO 2

43 Emissions Community 43 Industrial Emissions 4,539,035 mtric tonns CO 2 Solid Wast 146,728 mtric tonns CO 2 Watr/Wastwatr 122,198 mtric tonns CO 2 Enrgy: Rsidntial Buildings 11,636,528 mtric tonns CO 2 **Not: Th Total of Emissions by all Sctors match total across Scop 1, 2, and 3 Emissions.**

44 44 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland Total amount of ful (rfrs to dirct missions/scop 1 missions) consumd in Clvland during th rporting yar. Motor gasolin (ptrol) 384,658,835 Litrs Disl/Gas oil 65,794,137 Litrs Natural gas 518,850,061 Thrms Jt gasolin 74,035,598 Litrs Aviation gasolin 312,069 Litrs

45 Emissions Community 45 Total amount of lctricity, hat, stam, and cooling (rfrs to indirct/scop 2 missions) consumd in Clvland during th rporting yar. Elctricity kwh 6,096,270,814

46 46 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland Clvland dos masur Scop 3 missions. Airlin Transportation 189,885 mtric tonns CO 2 Emissions computd basd on Airport Traffic data from 2 Clvland Airports - Clvland Hopkins and Burk Lakfront Airport. Estimatd Total Jt Aviation Ful Consumd = 74,035,598 litrs. Estimatd Total Aviation Gas Ful Consumd = 312,069 litrs Marin Vssls 40,629 mtric tonns CO 2 Marin missions ar accountd for basd on th port s ara of authority, incoming and outgoing, so both lgs of trip ar includd. Th ara of authority as dfind in th Grat Laks Marin Air Emissions Study of 2006 was usd. Hotling is lctric only and capturd in Scop 2 for th Port. Estimatd total Solid Ful consumd = 33 Mgal/day Estimatd total Liquid Ful consumd = 1.6 Mgal/day Solid Wast 146,728 mtric tonns CO 2 Includs Emissions computd from Rsidntial and Commrcial Solid Wast.

47 Emissions Community 47 On-road vhicl transportation (Gasolin): Intrnal-Extrnal Trips 452,070 mtric tonns CO 2 Emissions associatd to stimatd gasolin consumption for trips by diffrnt vhicl typs that originat outsid of th City of Clvland s gographical boundaris and nd within th City, or vic-vrsa. On-road vhicl transportation (Disl): Intrnal-Extrnal Trips 73,089 mtric tonns CO 2 Emissions associatd to stimatd disl consumption for trips by diffrnt vhicl typs that originat outsid of th City of Clvland s gographical boundaris and nd within th City, or vic-vrsa Baslin Invntory is Clvland s first comprhnsiv GHG invntory. C Extrnal vrification Th GHG missions data Clvland is currntly rporting has not bn xtrnally vrifid or auditd in part or in whol.

48 48 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland Citis ar undrtaking 2110 activitis to mitigat and adapt to climat chang. Most popular sctors for missions rductions activitis by prcntag of citis. Transport Building nrgy dmand Wast 54% 46% 37% Stratgy 6 Local govrnmnt oprations GHG missions rduction Clvland has a GHG missions rduction targt in plac for local govrnmnt oprations.

49 Stratgy 49 Clvland s local govrnmnt oprations GHG missions rduction targt in dtail: Baslin yar 2010 Baslin missions 403,780 mtric tonns CO 2 Prcntag rduction targt 10% GHG sourcs to which th targt applis Entir Emissions Invntory Targt dat 2016

50 50 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland Baslin yar 2010 Baslin missions 403,780 mtric tonns CO 2 Prcntag rduction targt 20% GHG sourcs to which th targt applis Entir Emissions Invntory Targt dat 2020

51 Stratgy 51 Baslin yar 2010 Baslin missions 403,780 mtric tonns CO 2 Prcntag rduction targt 45% GHG sourcs to which th targt applis Entir Emissions Invntory Targt dat 2030

52 52 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland Activitis undrtakn to rduc Clvland s missions in its govrnmnt oprations: Enrgy Dmand in Buildings Building prformanc rating and rporting Anticipatd annual mission rduction in th yar ,300 mtric tonns CO 2 Adopt and implmnt a Sustainabl Building Policy, including 30% byond cod for nrgy fficincy in nw buildings, and 20% for major rnovations. Enrgy Dmand in Buildings Enrgy fficincy/rtrofit masurs Anticipatd annual mission rduction in th yar ,000 mtric tonns CO 2 Significantly rduc nrgy consumption, dmand and cost across all City dpartmnts through nrgy fficincy.

53 Stratgy 53 Enrgy Dmand in Buildings Enrgy fficincy/rtrofit masurs Anticipatd annual mission rduction in th yar mtric tonns CO 2 Rduc nrgy us in City buildings through no- and low-cost consrvation masurs. Enrgy Dmand in Buildings Enrgy fficincy/rtrofit masurs Anticipatd annual mission rduction in th yar ,500 mtric tonns CO 2 Install nw Building Automation Systms (BAS) for City buildings with high nrgy us or complx systms, and fully utiliz xisting systms. Establish a building r-commissioning and tun-up program.

54 54 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland Outdoor Lighting LED / CFL / othr luminair tchnologis Anticipatd annual mission rduction in th yar ,000 mtric tonns CO 2 Rplac strtlights with LED lights, thrby saving th City mony through rducd nrgy and maintnanc costs. Othr Watr Systm Pumping and Tratmnt Optimization Anticipatd annual mission rduction in th yar ,000 mtric tonns CO 2 Finaliz and implmnt an Enrgy Managmnt Plan to rduc nrgy consumption and costs for Clvland Division of Watr.

55 Stratgy 55 Enrgy Dmand in Buildings Rnwabl on-sit nrgy gnration Anticipatd annual mission rduction in th yar ,000 mtric tonns CO 2 Install a varity of rnwabl nrgy systms at City facilitis and on City lands. Enrgy Supply Low or zro carbon nrgy supply gnration Anticipatd annual mission rduction in th yar ,000 mtric tonns CO 2 Incras th amount of advancd and rnwabl nrgy in th lctricity supply portfolio that srvs City facilitis.

56 56 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland Transport Transportation dmand managmnt Anticipatd annual mission rduction in th yar ,500 mtric tonns CO 2 Rduc mploy commuting vhicl mils travlld (VMT) through th incrasd us of tl-working and altrnativ transportation mods, such as th public transit systm, carpooling, biking, and walking. Rduc municipal flt VMT both for rgular vhicl routs and for occasional staff travl.

57 Stratgy 57 Transport Improv ful conomy and rduc CO 2 from motorizd vhicls Anticipatd annual mission rduction in th yar ,900 mtric tonns CO 2 Establish policy to nsur all nw vhicl purchass and rtrofits ar mor fficint convntional, hybrid, lctric or altrnativ ful vhicls, such as comprssd natural gas. Enforc th City s anti-idling policy using appropriat tchnology, ducation, and training.

58 58 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland 7 Community GHG missions rduction Clvland has a GHG missions rduction targt in plac for its community. Clvland s GHG missions rduction targt in dtail: Baslin yar 2010 Baslin missions 12,791,996 mtric tonns CO 2 Prcntag rduction targt 16% GHG sourcs to which th targt applis Entir Emissions Invntory Targt dat 2020

59 Stratgy 59 Baslin yar 2010 Baslin missions 12,791,996 mtric tonns CO 2 Prcntag rduction targt 40% GHG sourcs to which th targt applis Entir Emissions Invntory Targt dat 2030

60 60 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland Baslin yar 2010 Baslin missions 12,791,996 mtric tonns CO 2 Prcntag rduction targt 80% GHG sourcs to which th targt applis Entir Emissions Invntory Targt dat 2050

61 Stratgy 61 Activitis currntly bing undrtakn to rduc missions city-wid: Enrgy Supply Clan nrgy procurmnt stratgis Anticipatd annual missions rductions in th yar ,100,000 mtric tonns CO 2 In Jun 2008, th City of Clvland adoptd a citywid Advancd Enrgy Portfolio Standard (AEPS). Th standard nsurs that 15% of Clvland Public Powr s nrgy coms from advancd or rnwabl sourcs by 2015, 20% by 2020, and 25% by Enrgy Dmand in Buildings Enrgy fficincy/rtrofit masurs Anticipatd annual missions rductions in th yar ,140,000 mtric tonns CO 2 Thr ar numrous programs in Clvland that provid assistanc and incntivs for rtrofitting and wathrizing buildings. Ky programs includ th Hom Wathrization Assistanc Program, Warm & Halthy Homs, utility incntivs, and th Enrgy$avr program. Thr is also a Clvland 2030 District that was rcntly formd to mak significant rductions in commrcial building nrgy us.

62 62 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland Enrgy Dmand in Buildings Building cods and standards Anticipatd annual missions rductions in th yar ,500 mtric tonns CO 2 Rsidnts and dvloprs sking tax abatmnt for up to 15 yars for rsidntial projcts must mt Clvland Grn Building Standards. In addition, all rsidntial and commrcial buildings in Ohio must now mt th 2009 IECC Wast Rcycling or composting collctions and/or facilitis Anticipatd annual missions rductions in th yar ,000 mtric tonns CO 2 Th Mandatory Automatd Wast Collction program rprsnts a significant stp in Clvland to incras participation in rcycling. Th city is also xploring ways to incras rcycling rats among businsss, and to mak composting asir. This also includs dvlopmnt and implmntation of a comprhnsiv wast and nrgy plan to rduc missions associatd with municipal solid wast.

63 Stratgy 63 Urban Land Us Grnspac and/or bio-divrsity prsrvation and xpansion Anticipatd annual missions rductions in th yar ,000 mtric tonns CO 2 Clvland, onc known as th Forst City, plans to dramatically incras its tr canopy for both mitigation and adaptation. Enrgy Supply Low or zro carbon nrgy supply gnration Anticipatd annual missions rductions in th yar ,000 mtric tonns CO 2 Thr ar numrous initiativs to incras th amount of distributd gnration, including offshor wind, solar on brownfilds, rsidntial and commrcial rooftop solar, anarobic digstion, and low-carbon district hating and cooling systms.

64 64 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland Enrgy Supply Community Choic Aggrgation Anticipatd annual missions rductions in th yar ,000 mtric tonns CO 2 Th City of Clvland s community aggrgation program provids rsidntial and small commrcial Clvland Elctric Illuminating (CEI) customrs th opportunity to sav mony on thir lctric bills. Sinc July 2013, about 65,000 customrs rciv both a 21% lctricity bill savings off th markt rat (or Pric to Compar) AND 100% of thir lctricity from grn nrgy sourcs. Th grn nrgy coms from th following sourcs: 50% Hydropowr, 30% Ohio Wind Gnration, 20% out-of-stat wind gnration. Transport SMART public transport Anticipatd annual missions rductions in th yar ,000 mtric tonns CO 2 Incras th us of public transit through incntivs, systm improvmnts, and outrach and ducation. This includs bus, train, and bus rapid transit.

65 Stratgy 65 Transport Improv ful conomy and rduc CO 2 from from motorizd vhicls Anticipatd annual missions rductions in th yar ,800 mtric tonns CO 2 This catgory includs dvloping and promoting policis and programs to ncourag mor fficint vhicls, ncouraging antiidling citywid, xpaning th us of carpooling and carsharing, and making biking and walking asir in th city.

66 66 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland 8 Planning Clvland has a rnwabl lctricity targt. Enrgy mix for Clvland s lctricity at th city-wid scal: Coal 65% Nuclar 28% Gas 3% Hydro 2% Oil 1% Wind 1%

67 Stratgy 67 Clvland s rnwabl lctricity targts in dtail: Scal: Municipal Proportion of total lctricity from rnwabl nrgy sourcs 5% Targt dat 2030 Install a varity of rnwabl nrgy systms at City facilitis and on City lands.

68 68 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland Scal: City-wid Proportion of total lctricity from rnwabl nrgy sourcs 25% Targt dat 2030 In 2008, th City of Clvland adoptd a voluntary Advancd Enrgy Portfolio Standard (AEPS) that calls for 15% of Clvland Public Powr s (municipal utility) nrgy to com from advancd or rnwabl sourcs by 2015, 20% by 2020, and 25% by Th largst utility in Northast Ohio, FirstEnrgy, is subjct to Ohio s Rnwabl Portfolio Standard, which rquirs th stat s four invstor-ownd utilitis to gnrat at last 12.5% of thir lctricity from rnwabl sourcs.

69 Stratgy 69 Climat chang-rlatd projcts for which Clvland hops to attract privat sctor involvmnt: Rnwabl nrgy scrning Bik shar CHP and ful switching Clvland 2030 District Making utility data asily accssibl Offshor wind farm Rducing industrial procss missions Expand car sharing Clvland dos incorporat dsird GHG missions into th mastrplanning for th city. Th community-wid Climat Action Plan, compltd in 2013, includs GHG rduction goals and 33 actions to mt that goal. Thr ar ky stakholdrs idntifid for ach action, whthr it s a policy, program, or spcific projct, to hlp lad implmntation.

70 70 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland 9 Watr Clvland forss substantiv risks to its watr supply in th short or long trm. Risks to Clvland s watr supply as wll as timscal: Sriousnss Lss Srious Srious Extrmly Srious Timscal Currnt Short-trm Mdium-trm Long-trm

71 Stratgy 71 Inadquat or aging infrastructur Timscal: Risk lvl: Srious Stormwatr is a challng for urban aras and parks in Clvland. Th 22,000-acr Emrald Ncklac surrounding th mtro ara has bcom th rgion s catch-basin for storm watr runoff. Not only dos this caus considrabl damags to park proprtis, th runoff is also acclrating th rosion of hundrds of mils of watrways within th parks systm, flushing around 45,000 tons of silt out into Lak Eri ach yar. Erosion-control problms can b found in at last 13 of th 17 rsrvations that mak up th park systm. At th sam tim, Gratr Clvland s arlist swrs (primarily within th city and its innr-ring suburbs) ar combind swrs. Built around th turn of th 19th cntury, ths swrs carry swag, industrial wast, and stormwatr in a singl pip. Whn havy rain vnts occur, control dvics may allow som of th flow (a combination of stormwatr and swag) to ovrflow into ara watrways to prvnt urban flooding and damag to wastwatr tratmnt facilitis. This vnt is calld a combind swr ovrflow or CSO.

72 72 CDP Citis 2014 City of Clvland Flooding Timscal: Risk lvl: Srious Havy downpours ar now twic as frqunt in th Midwst as thy wr a cntury ago. Undr th highr-missions scnario, Ohio s spring rainfall is projctd to incras almost 15 prcnt ovr th nxt svral dcads and about 30 prcnt toward th nd of th cntury. This may lad to mor flooding, dlays in th planting of spring crops, and dclining watr quality in rivrs, strams, and storag rsrvoirs. Incrasd watr strss or scarcity Timscal: Risk lvl: Lss Srious Watr lvls in th Grat Laks ar projctd to dclin both in summr (du to incrasd vaporation causd by highr tmpraturs) and wintr (du to a dcras in lak ic). This dclin can hav significant impacts, such as significantly lngthning th distanc to th lakshor, affcting bach and coastal cosystms, xposing toxic contaminants, and impairing rcrational boating and commrcial shipping.

73 Stratgy 73 Actions that Clvland is taking to rduc risks to its watr supply: Inadquat or aging infrastructur Adaptation Action: Stormwatr managmnt (natural or man mad infrastructur) Th Krruish Stormwatr Control Facility Dam is usd for flood control purposs. Th improvmnt projct consistd of claring and grubbing of th dam ara, rmoving trs, rpairing th dam structur including primary spillway, construction of a nw mrgncy scondary spillway and constructing accss roadways. This projct improvd th structur of th dam, th hydraulics during a major storm, th watr quality and nhancd aquatic habitat. Flooding Adaptation Action: Stormwatr managmnt (natural or man mad infrastructur) Th Big Crk Watrshd Plan idntifis numrous priority consrvation and dvlopmnt aras, as wll as opportunitis for stormwatr rtrofits. Considring th urban natur of Big Crk, stormwatr rtrofits ar th primary mans for improving watrshd function and xpanding grn infrastructur. Th City is also activly pursuing a larg incras in Clvland s urban tr canopy, which will not only squstr carbon, but also provid an additional buffr against flooding. Incrasd watr strss or scarcity Adaptation Action: Stormwatr managmnt (natural or man mad infrastructur) A city ordinanc includs prmitting rquirmnts for construction and post-construction sit stormwatr runoff controlplan for mting ths objctivs.



76 CDP tam Conor Riffl Dirctor, Citis and Data Product Innovation Kyra Applby Had of Citis Andria Banh Account Managr, Latin Amrica Hanah Paik Account Managr, Asia Pacific Kati Walsh Account Managr, North Amrica Paulin Martin Account Managr, Europ and Africa Sara Tlahoun Projct Officr Tino Krtschmr Projct Officr CDP Board of Trusts Chair: Alan Brown Schrodrs Bn Goldsmith WHEB Group Chris Pag Rockfllr Philanthropy Advisors Jams Camron Climat Chang Capital Jrmy Smith Brkly Enrgy Takjiro Suyoshi Tssa Tnnant Th Ic Organisation Martin Wis Rlationship Capital Partnrs AECOM tam Gary Lawrnc Chif Sustainability Officr Clair Bonham-Cartr Principal, Dirctor of Sustainabl Dvlopmnt Alxandr Quinn Dirctor of Sustainabl Economics Vanssa Lauf Economist Danil Elsa Crativ Dirctor Sarah Nadin Graphic Dsignr Contact Clair Bonham-Cartr AECOM C40 tam Sth Schultz Had of Rsarch Masurmnt and Planning Michal Doust Had of Masurmnt and Planning Mik Marinllo Dirctor of Communications Brook Russll Had of Editorial and Contnt Kathryn Vins Ntwork Managr, Climat Chang Risk Assssmnt Ava Zkri Managr, City Rporting CDP 3rd Floor, Quadrant Hous 4 Thomas Mor Squar Thomas Mor Strt London, E1W 1YW Tl: +44 (0) Lad sponsors

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