Data provided for the CDP Cities 2015 Report. City of Sydney. Report analysis & information design for CDP by. In partnership with

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1 Data providd for th CDP Citis 2015 Rport City of Sydny Writtn by Rport analysis & information dsign for CDP by In partnrship with


3 Sydny in Contxt 04 Sydny in Focus 06 Introduction 08 Govrnanc 10 Risks & Adaptation 18 Opportunitis 33 Emissions Local Govrnmnt 39 Emissions Community 48 Stratgy 53 CDP, C40 and AECOM ar proud to prsnt rsults from our fourth conscutiv yar of climat chang rporting for citis. It was an imprssiv yar, with 207 citis rporting on thir climat chang data (an 88% incras from 2013), making this th largst and most comprhnsiv survy of citis and climat chang publishd to dat by CDP. City govrnmnts from Dnvr to Jakarta to Abidjan participatd, including ovr 90% of th mmbrship of th C40 a group of th world s largst citis ddicatd to climat chang ladrship. Ovr half of rporting citis masur city-wid missions. Togthr, ths citis account for 1.2 billion tonns CO2, putting thm on par with Japan, th world s third largst conomy and fourth largst mittr of grnhous gas missions. 60% of all rporting citis now hav compltd a climat chang risk assssmnt. And citis rportd ovr 2,000 individual actions dsignd to rduc missions and adapt to a changing climat. CDP, C40 and AECOM salut th hard work and ddication of th world s city govrnmnts in masuring and rporting ths important pics of data. With this rport, w provid city govrnmnts th information and insights that w hop will assist thir work in tackling climat chang. This documnt contains th qustionnair data providd to CDP from th City of Sydny as part of its 2014 CDP submission. To s all of th rsults for all participating citis, visit Th graphics in this documnt ar from th 2015 CDP Citis infographic and Protcting Our Capital Rport

4 4 CDP Citis 2015 Sydny Sydny in contxt Numbr of citis rsponding pr yar Sydny participation

5 Sydny in Contxt 5 * Citis that rportd privatly Total population of citis rsponding in ,360,000 Sydny (city propr) 2,274,880 Whr Sydny fits popl 91 small 59 mdium 57 larg >600k population 600k-1.6m population 1.6m+ population

6 6 CDP Citis 2015 Sydny Yar rportd 2014 Ara 26 km 2 Population 2,274,880 Sydny in focus Invntory mthod CCAP City rporting tool by Kinsis

7 Sydny in Focus citis rporting missions in ,000,000 mtric tonns CO 2 10 citis rporting missions of gratr than 30,000,000 mtric tonns CO 2 50,000,000 mtric tonns CO 2 8 citis rporting missions of 20,000,000 to 30,000,000 mtric tonns CO 2 30,000,000 mtric tonns CO 2 19 citis rporting missions of 10,000,000 to 20,000,000 mtric tonns CO 2 20,000,000 mtric tonns CO 2 Sydny 5,458,899 mtric tonns CO 2 5,000,000 mtric tonns CO 2 10,000,000 mtric tonns CO 2 70 citis rporting missions of lss than 10,000,000 mtric tonns CO 2

8 8 CDP Citis 2015 Sydny 0 Introduction Sydny is a vibrant, cosmopolitan, and accssibl city with a divrs population, a rich history, world famous tourist attractions and an xciting calndar of intrnational and local vnts. Th City of Sydny is th local govrnmnt authority rsponsibl for th city cntr and mor than 30 suburbs or parts of suburbs within our boundaris. Th City s long trm plans to tackl climat chang startd svn yars ago with an unprcdntd community consultation. Rsidnts and businsss wr askd what thy wantd to s happn ovr th nxt 20 yars and byond. Th rsult is a collctiv vision calld Sustainabl Sydny 2030, which will mak Sydny a grn, global and connctd city. Introduction

9 Introduction 9 Th City is fast bcoming a lading nvironmntal prformr and our sustainability plan guids what w do. Sustainabl dvlopmnt is not just about th physical nvironmnt, but about fostring Sydny s conomy, socity and cultur as wll. W v st on of th most ambitious targts of any Australian govrnmnt, to cut grnhous gas missions 70 pr cnt by 2030 (on 2006 lvls), across our ntir local govrnmnt ara, and w r alrady wll on our way. W v rducd our own organisations missions by 20 pr cnt sinc 2006 and projcts ar undrway to achiv 29 pr cnt in coming yars. Thousands of trs hav bn plantd. It s bcoming safr and asir for popl to walk or rid. W r rcycling wast and watr. Our buildings ar mor nrgy fficint. Thousands of lights hav bn switchd ovr to LED. W ar in various stags of dvloping dcntralisd low and zro carbon nrgy and nrgy fficincy plans. And w r in th procss of installing solar panls on a numbr of our buildings.

10 10 CDP Citis 2015 Sydny 1 Govrnanc Th Lord Mayor and Council hav mad a firm and unquivocal commitmnt to nsuring th City of Sydny is an inspiring corporat nvironmntal world ladr with impccabl nvironmntal crdntials. Ths policy commitmnts and spcific nvironmntal targts hav bn articulatd in Sustainabl Sydny 2030 which provids a long trm stratgic vision of Sydny as Grn, Global, Connctd. Sustainabl Sydny 2030 sks to rspond to th challngs of global warming and rising oil prics; suggsting fiv Big Movs to mak Sydny mor sustainabl, vibrant and succssful. It stablishs th City s nvironmntal vision, goals, targts and actions towards 2030 and byond. Govrnanc

11 Govrnanc 11 W v rducd our corporat missions by 20 pr cnt sinc 2006 and projcts ar undrway to achiv 29 pr cnt in coming yars. Thousands of trs hav bn plantd. It s bcoming safr and asir for popl to walk or rid. W r rcycling wast and watr. Our buildings ar mor nrgy fficint. Thousands of lights hav bn switchd ovr to LED. And w v installd solar panls on our buildings - th largst rooftop solar projct in Australia. Progrss against th targts of Sustainabl Sydny 2030 is rportd through biannual Corporat Rport and Grn nvironmntal sustainability progrss Rport and through individual Unit Businss Plans. As part of th City s 2014/15 Businss Planning procss, Businss Units ar rquird to dvlop an Environmntal Action Plan to not th actions thy will b taking ovr th coming 12 month priod to mt th targts of Sustainabl Sydny 2030 rlvant to thir ara of activity.

12 12 CDP Citis 2015 Sydny Sydny provids incntivs for managmnt of climat chang issus, including th attainmnt of GHG rduction targts. City of Sydny Grn Champions Rcognition (non-montary) Th City of Sydny Grn Champions Program nabls City of Sydny mploys to mak a diffrnc to thir workplac nvironmnt on a daily basis and to hlp mak th organisation a grnr, mor sustainabl, nvironmntally rsponsibl and activ plac to work. Rcognition is providd through th Grn Champions wbsit and nwslttr and is providd in th form of Ladrship Training and accss to a mntoring program for top prformrs. In 2014, th Grn Champions ar focussing on 4 ky projcts; 1. Assisting with implmntation of rcommndations from a rviw of mthods of staff transport. This projct is looking to rduc missions from transport, incras halth and wllbing and incras staff awarnss of th Transport Hirarchy of Activ Transport, Public Transport, Driv Grn, Othr Vhicls 2. Rducing papr us at Council 3. Involvmnt in th implmntation of th City s Environmntal Managmnt Systm and 4. Th Fluoro Grn Champions. This is a sub group of th Grn Champions who ar rducing wast to landfill, rducing missions and implmnting watr savings actions at th City s Bay Strt dpot, our largst dpot. City mploys Rcognition (non-montary) All staff rciv rcognition for thir part in rducing th organisation s nrgy us. This is in th form of mssags of thanks from th CEO, Excutiv and Snior Managmnt. Through th Environmntal Managmnt Systm (EMS) currntly in dvlopmnt, staff will b rcognisd for thir contribution to continuous improvmnt. In addition, th organisation is invstigating th possibility for thr to b opportunity for mploys to b rcognisd for thir contribution to our nvironmntal targts through a Rward and Rcognition program currntly in dvlopmnt.

13 Govrnanc 13 Citizns Rcognition (non-montary) Th City s CitySwitch Grn Offic program Signatoris ar part of a vision to positivly influnc widsprad markt transformation within th tnancy sctor in rlation to offic nrgy fficincy. CitySwitch is proud to rcognis Signatoris through its annual Awards initiativ. Th CitySwitch National Awards showcas Signatoris that hav dmonstratd outstanding nvironmntal ladrship, with rcognition providd to thos who hav improvd, maintaind or achivd thir NABERS Enrgy tnancy or whol building rating and hav rportd significant nrgy savings. Signatoris ar judgd at a stat lvl across a numbr of catgoris, with winnrs from ach stat going into th running for National Signatory of th Yar and Nw Signatory of th Yar awards. In 2013, th inaugural Partnrship of th Yar Award, supportd by th NSW Offic of th Environmnt and Hritag was introducd to rcognis not only projcts that rlat dirctly to nrgy fficincy within a tnancy, but to nw collaborations that dlivr ovrand-abov businss as usual to brak down markt barrirs and crat transformation of a company, sctor, targt audinc and/ or th widr community rsulting in nrgy fficincy bcoming mor widly undrstood and rduction activitis implmntd. Award vnts ar hld in ach participating CitySwitch capital city, clbrating stat winnrs and ths nd of yar vnts ar also an opportunity to har about th collctiv program achivmnts, showcas thos Signatoris that hav rachd a 4 star (and abov) nrgy rating and com togthr with fllow businss ladrs. Mor information is availabl at CitySwitchAwards. City agncis/dpartmnts Othr non-montary rward Our Smart Grn Businss program has bn awardd a 2013 NSW Grn Glob Award in th catgory of Local Govrnmnt Sustainability. Th awards program rcogniss nvironmntal xcllnc, ladrship and innovation in NSW and projcts ar chosn for thir ability to dmonstrat ways in which w can all liv and work mor sustainably. Mor information is availabl at

14 14 CDP Citis 2015 Sydny Citizns Othr non-montary rward Through th Bttr Buildings Partnrship (BBP), a group of Sydny s lading public, privat and institutional landlords ar working togthr to mak th city s buildings mor sustainabl. Ld by th City of Sydny, th partnrship aims to addrss th challngs facing th commrcial proprty sctor and hlp Sydny bcom on of th world s top sustainabl citis. Th collaboration aims to: Improv th nrgy, watr and wast fficincy of buildings within th City of Sydny; Hlp facilitat th roll-out and connction to grn infrastructur, such as th proposd trignration and rcycld-watr ntworks; Engag with rgulators and govrnmnts on ky nvironmntal policy and rgulatory issus. With th Bttr Buildings Partnrship rprsnting ovr half th offic floor spac across Sydny s city cntr, ths commrcial landlords hav an important rol to play in improving th nrgy, watr and wast fficincy of Sydny s xisting buildings. BBP targts incntivis partnrs to implmnt changs. Th City of Sydny showcass succsss through cas studis in our mdia and advrtising to rcognis partnrs for th work thy do. In addition, th City has commissiond studis that provid assistanc to partnrs looking to implmnt nw programs. For xampl, studis ar currntly facilitating th uptak of solar PV through BBP participants. Mor information is availabl at Citizns Othr non-montary rward Th City s Grn Villags program is growing a mor sustainabl Sydny by conncting and inspiring Sydnysidrs. Th Grn Villags wbsit, social mdia and rgular -Nws provids city rsidnts with opportunitis to shar sustainabl idas, showcas or tak part in fr workshops and vnts, larn about sustainabl products and srvics and b rwardd for sustainabl bhaviour and initiativs. Prizs ar linkd to City of Sydny programs and initiativs and includ bicycls and tickts to vnts. Grn Villags also clbrats all th good things Sydnysidrs ar doing to mak our city a bttr plac (lik rcycling, rusing, growing and living mor sustainably) via our Good Hood campaign. Th Good Hood ncourags rsidnts (and offrs grat prizs and public rcognition particularly via social mdia as an incntiv) to tak a photo of thir good, upload it to th onlin map and shar it with th hundrds of othr sustainabl actions happning across th villags ( Currnt offrs includ tickts to grant rcipints Youth Food Movmnt CropFst vnt ( Mor information is availabl at

15 Govrnanc 15 Citizns Montary Th City of Sydny sponsors a wid varity of projcts and initiativs. Priority is givn to activitis that hlp support Sustainabl Sydny Th Environmntal Grants Program provids funding opportunitis for funding ovr $5,000 to support projcts that provid a clar nvironmntal bnfit to th City community by dlivring srvics, activitis or rsourcs that rsult in dirct nvironmntal improvmnts and/or dvlop knowldg, skills and confidnc in th community to ncourag nvironmntal improvmnt within th local ara. Th community matching grants program aims to ngag th community, dvlop skills, build capacity and shar funding arrangmnts to dlivr local community-basd projcts. Th program mainly works with community groups that partnr with th City to support vnts, srvics and projcts in thir local nighbourhoods. Applicants ar rquird to dmonstrat how thy will mt a spcific community projct, which may includ: cultural projcts, community building idas, cycling rlatd projcts, tr planting and plantr box proposals, community gardns, public art projcts, multicultural programs, nighbourhood vnts and activitis. Th program supports projcts that involv gnuin community participation. By matching what th community contributs th City is building a sns of community and strngthning partnrships as popl work togthr on th projct. Mor information is availabl at cityofsydny. Citizns Othr non-montary rward Th City of Sydny cycling tam gt out and about at popular cyclways to rward positiv cyclist bhaviour with prizs. Ths prizs includ t-shirts faturing Gracious Cycling mssags, bik lights, high vis strips and bik blls. Th Sydny Cyclways wbsit also provids an opportunity for cyclists to shar bik routs and positiv storis about riding in and around th city. Rsidnts ar rwardd through social mdia campaigns, including an Instagram/ FacBook campaign that photographs cyclists with a chalkboard faturing thir mssag of support to Sydny cyclists. Th City provids rsidnts with fr larn to rid, cycling proficincy and bik maintnanc courss. Th City sponsors vnts including th Sydny Rids Fstival, Rid to Work Day and Rid Safly to School Day. Mor information is availabl at

16 16 CDP Citis 2015 Sydny City mploys Othr non-montary rward City mploys can accss fr cycling proficincy courss during businss hours as part of in-hous training offrd to all staff. Onc proficincy has bn dmonstratd, staff ar abl to mak us of th City s flt of biks, including lctric assist and cargo biks. Employs ar also providd with hlmts and othr prsonal protctiv quipmnt. City mploys mak us of fr ntris into th Sydny Spring Cycl and othr vnts through City sponsorship. Nw nd of trip facilitis for staff including chang rooms, 15 individual showr rooms (faturing showr, toilt, hair dryr, basin and bnch spac), 150 lockrs and 150 bicycl parking spacs, including spac for th City s bicycl flt on lvl 1 of Town Hall Hous will b providd in lat 2014 for staff wanting to xrcis during thir lunch hour or walk, run or rid to work. Citizns Montary Th City of Sydny has a schm to hlp fund building upgrads that improv nvironmntal prformanc. Th schm can hlp commrcial proprty ownrs and tnants rduc th nvironmntal impact of buildings and sav on long-trm oprating costs. This funding schm is part of th NSW Govrnmnt s Environmntal Upgrad Agrmnt (EUA) lgislation, which hlps councils ntr into agrmnts with proprty ownrs and financ providrs. Funds advancd to th proprty ownr ar rpaid by councils lvying a quartrly charg on thir land. Onc th City collcts th mony, it forwards that paymnt to th financ providr. Environmntal upgrad works ar works that improv th nrgy, watr or nvironmntal fficincy or sustainability of th building to which th EUA rlats. A proposd upgrad will involv works that improv th nvironmntal prformanc of th building.

17 Govrnanc 17 Sydny anticipats that national and/or rgional climat chang activitis will hav impacts on Sydny s own climat chang activitis. Th City of Sydny is lading by xampl. Our Sustainabl Sydny 2030 plan has ambitious targts for missions rductions and w hav a commitmnt to b a lading nvironmntal prformr. W ar in various stags of dvloping dcntralisd low and zro carbon nrgy and nrgy fficincy plans. Som parts of th local govrnmnt ara of th Council of th City of Sydny ar controlld by Stat and Fdral Govrnmnt ntitis including th Darling Harbour Forshor Authority, th Sydny Harbour Forshor Authority, th Dpartmnt of Dfnc, Roads and Maritim Srvics and othrs. As a rsult, dcisions mad by Stat and Fdral Govrnmnt hav a significant impact on th srvics w dlivr to our communitis. Th NSW Govrnmnt has dvlopd plans for rnwabl nrgy and nrgy fficincy that align wll with th City s plans. Enrgy and grnhous gas missions policy at th National lvl is lss crtain and th City will ndavour to work bst within and byond th national policy nvironmnt. Th City is dvloping a Climat Chang Adaptation Plan to hlp us prioritis and plan actions ndd to prpar th city for th nvironmntal, social, cultural and conomic impacts of climat chang. This plan will includ an assssmnt of risk, vulnrability and adaptiv capacity.

18 18 CDP Citis 2015 Sydny 2 Physical risks Currnt and/or anticipatd ffcts of climat chang prsnt significant physical risks to Sydny: Sriousnss Lss Srious Srious Extrmly Srious Timscal Currnt Short-trm Mdium-trm Long-trm Risks & Adaptation

19 Risks & Adaptation 19 Sa lvl ris Risk: Timscal: Impacts Buildings, Watr, Transport, Enrgy, Human Halth. Sa lvl ris on th NSW coast is xpctd to incras by 0.18 to 0.91m by This includs global sa lvl ris (0.18m to 0.59m), ic flow mlt (0.2m), and ffcts of th East Australian Currnt (0.12m) (CSIRO and Burau Mtorology 2007). Mor hot days Risk: Timscal: Impacts Buildings, Watr, Wast, Transport, Enrgy, Human Halth. Th CSIRO and Burau of Mtorology s 2013 Stat of th Climat rport suggsts that Australian tmpraturs ar projctd to continu to incras, with mor xtrmly hot days and fwr xtrmly cool days. Primary anticipatd ffcts of climat chang for th City ar in incrass in tmpratur, incrasd rainfall and sa lvl ris. Our Climat Chang Adaptation Plan will provid mor information on th xpctd ffcts of ths changs, and anticipatd timscals. Hottr summrs Risk: Timscal: Impacts Buildings, Watr, Wast, Transport, Enrgy, Human Halth. Through th City s Climat Chang Adaptation Plan, a rviw of all xisting climat modlling will assist in dtrmining th xposur for th rgion. Ky sts of data rviwd includ thos hld by th Commonwalth Scintific and Industrial Rsarch Organisation (CSIRO), th Australian Burau of Mtorology, Intrgovrnmntal Panl on Climat Chang (IPCC), NSW Offic of Environmnt and Hritag and th Australian Govrnmnt Dpartmnt of Environmnt. Mor frqunt hat wavs Risk: Timscal: Impacts Buildings, Watr, Wast, Transport, Enrgy, Human Halth.

20 20 CDP Citis 2015 Sydny Mor intns hat wavs Risk: Timscal: Impacts Buildings, Watr, Wast, Transport, Enrgy, Human Halth. Th CSIRO and Burau of Mtorology s 2013 Stat of th Climat rport shows that air and ocan tmpraturs across Australia ar now, on avrag, almost a dgr Clsius warmr than thy wr in 1910, with most of th warming occurring sinc This warming has sn Australia xprincing mor warm wathr and xtrm hat, and fwr cool xtrms. Thr has bn an incras in xtrm fir wathr, and a longr fir sason, across larg parts of Australia. Hatwavs ar th natural disastr with highst numbr of daths in Australia as dmonstratd by th Stat of Australian Citis Incrasd urban hat island ffct Risk: Timscal: Impacts Buildings, Watr, Wast, Transport, Enrgy, Human Halth. Mor intns rainfall Risk: Timscal: Impacts Buildings, Watr, Wast, Transport, Enrgy, Human Halth. Potntial changs in frquncy and distribution of larg storm vnts is largly unknown, and it is ths xtrm vnts that caus th most damag and thrfor prsnt th gratst risks. Th CSIRO and Burau of Mtorology s 2013 Stat of th Climat rport suggsts that avrag rainfall in southrn Australia is projctd to dcras, and havy rainfall is projctd to incras ovr most parts of Australia.

21 Risks & Adaptation 21 Incrasd frquncy of larg storms Risk: Timscal: Impacts Buildings, Watr, Wast, Transport, Enrgy, Human Halth. Climat modls for rainfall indicat th potntial for both incrass and dcrass which provids a low lvl of crtainty. El Nino rmains th gratst uncrtainty in projcting th futur climat of astrn Australia. Incrasd risk of storm surgs Risk: Timscal: Impacts Buildings, Watr, Wast, Transport, Enrgy, Human Halth. A major impact would occur whr sa lvl ris is xacrbatd by storm surg and tidal influnc. Projctions for storm surg vnts in Sydny ar largly unknown. On a rgional lvl, thr is no dtaild information about th frquncy and svrity of storm surg, rainfall xtrms, drought, hail, or links to local xtrms such as air pollution and flood.

22 22 CDP Citis 2015 Sydny Compounding factors may worsn th physical ffcts of climat chang in Sydny. Som parts of th City ar built in rclaimd land aras that ar alrady subjct to flooding which would b xacrbatd by impacts of climat chang such as sa-lvl ris, mor frqunt and intns storm vnts, kingtids, and storm surgs. Hat strss in th cntral businss district causs gratr pak nrgy dmand. Whil this may not caus a physical impact currntly, it has rsultd in xcssiv xpnditur by th Govrnmnt ownd lctricity ntwork to nsur scurity of supply during ths xtrm hat wavs. Sydny considrs that th physical impacts of climat chang could thratn th ability of businsss to oprat succssfully. Thr ar low lying aras in th south of th City that will b particularly vulnrabl to flooding du to mor xtrm rain vnts in th futur. Hat strss in th cntral businss district causs gratr pak nrgy dmand. Whil this may not caus a physical impact currntly, it has rsultd in xcssiv xpnditur by th Govrnmnt ownd lctricity ntwork ownr to nsur scurity of supply during ths xtrm hat wavs. Furthr information will b providd through th modlling carrid out in th dvlopmnt of th City s Climat Chang Adaptation Plan.

23 Risks & Adaptation 23 Agncy spcific vulnrability and risk assssmnt mthodology Th City of Sydny is currntly undrtaking a Climat Chang Adaptation Plan which will rviw th risks of climat chang on our city and prpar an adaptation and mitigation plan for action. Vulnrability assssmnts hav bn undrtakn to dtrmin flooding and hat strss as th two major climat chang impacts. Som of th projcts undrtakn by th City ar outlind blow: Floodplain Managmnt - Plans nd to b put in plac to safguard flood-pron aras from xtrm wathr. It is also a lgal rquirmnt for councils to addrss flooding issus undr th NSW Govrnmnt s Flood Pron Land Policy. Floodplain managmnt plans ar bing put togthr for aras most at risk of flooding, which will look at th causs and xtnt of possibl flooding and what can b don to hlp affctd aras. Rducing th risk of futur flooding mans managing flood-pron aras proprly with rsponsibl dvlopmnt and drainag infrastructur. Urban Hat Island - Th City of Sydny is collcting information to s how shad trs and pavmnt colour affct urban tmpraturs. Extrm and prsistnt high tmpraturs caus strss to th halth of popl, plants and animals. Monitoring systms hav bn installd in Chippndal and Rdfrn. Th pols contain a tmpratur and humidity mtr, and on has a pyranomtr which masurs th strngth of th sun. Each also has a unit that snds th information to a srvr whr it can b viwd onlin, and a small solar panl to powr it all. Th City intnds to work with a univrsity rsarch partnr to bst work out costs and bnfits of solutions to rduc th urban hat island ffct. This could b a way to addrss rising tmpraturs rsulting from climat chang. Grn Roofs and Walls - Th City supports grn roofs and grn walls bing cratd throughout th local ara. In Jun 2012, th City adoptd a stratgy to hlp promot grn roofs and grn walls in th local ara and th draft Policy was rlasd for public xhibition in Novmbr At th nd of 2012 th City also finalisd a rsarch projct looking at how th industry and rsidnts s grn roofs and walls bnfiting th city. This study confirmd that rsidnts undrstand and apprciat th many bnfits grn roofs and walls offr. Mor information at grn-roofs-and-walls. Mor information on th projcts abov at

24 24 CDP Citis 2015 Sydny 3 Adaptation Sydny dos not hav a city-wid plan for incrasing Sydny s rsilinc to th xpctd physical ffcts of climat chang. Th City of Sydny is continuing to dvlop a Climat Chang Adaptation Plan which rviws th risks of climat chang on our city and prpar an adaptation and mitigation plan for action. This work xpands on work don through th Environmntal Managmnt Plan, Sustainabl Sydny 2030 and Dcntralisd Enrgy and Dcntralisd Watr Mastr Plans and is linkd to work bing undrtakn on th City s Advancd Wast Tratmnt and Enrgy Efficincy Mastr Plans currntly in dvlopmnt. As outlind in othr parts of this rport, a numbr of adaptiv actions hav bn undrtakn to dat, including; th Grning Sydny plan, dvlopmnt of th Grn Roofs and Walls Policy, Floodplain Managmnt Plans ( bttr-infrastructur/floodplain-managmnt), assssmnt of Urban Hat Island Effct ( vision/towards-2030/sustainability/carbon-rduction/urbanhat-island), installation of rnwabl PV systms (, installation of LED lighting ( carbon-rduction/ld-lighting-projct), and mor.

25 Risks & Adaptation 25 Th Climat Chang Adaptation Plan is xpctd to b compltd by nd 2013/14. Actions Sydny is taking to rduc th risk to infrastructur, citizns, and businsss from climat changs includ th following: Sa lvl ris Storm watr captur systms Th City s Dcntralisd Watr Mastr Plan includs stratgis for stormwatr captur and rus. Dcntralisd watr is about improving th way watr is bing usd for buildings and oprations, sourcing watr locally for non-drinking purposs and th quality of our watrways. Th City of Sydny has workd closly with a hug rang of industry partnrs including Sydny Watr, to com up with a solid mastr plan that will nsur th local ara s watr nds ar mt sustainably. W ar thinking locally, rathr than rlying on largscal rmot solutions. Localisd managmnt of watr, wastwatr and stormwatr is a major part of th plan. Th bst solution for Sydny is basd on watr fficincy, rcycld watr options, a rduction in stormwatr pollution and cost. Th plan, availabl for download blow, dtails how w aim to bring togthr ths solutions, whr thy should b locatd and how thy will prform. Mor information is availabl at au/ data/assts/pdf_fil/0005/122873/final-dcntralisd-watr- Mastr-Plan.pdf. Mor hot days Rtrofit of xisting buildings Th City has almost compltd th rtrofit of 45 of its major buildings with nrgy and watr savings masurs. Th rtrofit will cut nrgy us by 6,641 MWh (mgawatt hours), rducing grnhous gas missions by 23 pr cnt pr yar and watr consumption by 56,313 kl pr yar. Th nrgy and watr savings will b indpndntly vrifid. Payback is stimatd within nin yars. Ovr th coming months nrgy and watr saving quipmnt will b commissiond, fin-tund and monitord to achiv th prscribd rsults. Following th commissioning priod th City of Sydny s Proprty tam will rcord 12 months utility usag figurs to vrify th savings achivd. Ths will b vrifid using industry standard masurmnt and vrification in lin with th Bst Practic Guid to Masurmnt of Enrgy/Watr Savings.

26 26 CDP Citis 2015 Sydny Projcts implmntd to dat includ: lighting upgrads voltag rduction on lighting circuits amnitis upgrads building managmnt control systm (BMCS) upgrads and fin tuning pool circulation pump upgrads provision of watrlss woks to food rtail tnants voltag powr optimisation boilr and comprssor optimisation dsktop computr powr managmnt, and mor. Mor information on this projct is to b found in th City s Grn Rport at Hottr summrs Community Solar Projcts Th City of Sydny is currntly invstigating a numbr of projcts to tak advantag of th incras in sunny days including ncouraging community solar projcts, installation of PV arrays on a numbr of City of Sydny buildings and facilitis and mor through th Dcntralisd Enrgy Rnwabl Enrgy Mastr Plan currntly in dvlopmnt. Mor frqunt hat wavs Rtrofit of xisting buildings Th City of Sydny s Bttr Buildings Partnrship (BBP) is a collaborativ partnrship with Sydny s lading commrcial building ownrs. Through collctiv targts and working collaborativly, th Partnrship will hlp improv th nvironmntal prformanc in th commrcial building sctor, which is rsponsibl for approximatly 50 pr cnt of local govrnmnt ara missions. Th City of Sydny s CitySwitch Grn Offic Program, th Smart Grn Apartmnts Program, and th Smart Grn Businss Program and Environmntal Upgrad Agrmnts srvic ar assisting tnants, businsss, and rsidnts and building ownrs to incras th nvironmntal prformanc of thir buildings and rsidncs.

27 Risks & Adaptation 27 Mor intns hat wavs Rtrofit of xisting buildings Th City has awardd th tndr to rtrofit 45 of its major buildings with nrgy and watr savings masurs. Th rtrofit will cut nrgy us by 6,641 MWh (mgawatt hours), rducing grnhous gas missions by 23 pr cnt pr yar and watr consumption by 56,313 kl pr yar. Th nrgy and watr savings will b indpndntly vrifid. Payback is stimatd within nin yars. Ovr th coming months nrgy and watr saving quipmnt will b commissiond, fin-tund and monitord to achiv th prscribd rsults. Following th commissioning priod th City of Sydny s Proprty tam will rcord 12 months utility usag figurs to vrify th savings achivd. Ths will b vrifid using industry standard masurmnt and vrification in lin with th Bst Practic Guid to Masurmnt of Enrgy/Watr Savings. Projcts implmntd to dat includ: lighting upgrads voltag rduction on lighting circuits amnitis upgrads building managmnt control systm (BMCS) upgrads and fin tuning pool circulation pump upgrads provision of watrlss woks to food rtail tnants voltag powr optimisation boilr and comprssor optimisation dsktop computr powr managmnt, and mor. Mor information on this projct is to b found in th City s Grn Rport at

28 28 CDP Citis 2015 Sydny Incrasd urban hat island ffct Grn roofs/walls Th City of Sydny s Grning Sydny Plan includs targts to incras canopy and grn spac in th local govrnmnt ara. Mor information is availabl at au/uncatgorizd/our-grn-sydny-plan/ and at data/assts/pdf_fil/0009/135882/ GrningSydnyPlan.pdf. Th City has dvlopd a Grn Roofs and Walls stratgy to combat th ffcts of climat chang, nhanc amnity and incras th potntial for local food production. Th City activly promots th uptak of grn walls across th local govrnmnt ara. Mor information including a map of grn walls to furthr inspir, rsourcs and tips ar availabl at vision/towards-2030/sustainability/grning-th-city/grnroofs-and-walls. Th Grn Roofs and Walls Stratgy and Grning Sydny Plan ar opportunitis to incras community ducation and ngagmnt rgarding Urban Hat Island Effct. In addition, th City of Sydny s wbsit includs a pag of information addrssing this issu at Mor intns rainfall Maintnanc/rpair laking infrastructur Th City of Sydny s Building Enrgy and Watr Efficincy Rtrofit is rtrofitting xisting City of Sydny buildings and facilitis to nsur thy ar mor fficint. As notd abov and lswhr in this rport, projcts implmntd to dat includ: lighting upgrads voltag rduction on lighting circuits amnitis upgrads building managmnt control systm (BMCS) upgrads and fin tuning pool circulation pump upgrads provision of watrlss woks to food rtail tnants voltag powr optimisation boilr and comprssor optimisation dsktop computr powr managmnt, and mor. Mor information on th City s rtrofit programs is to b found in th Grn Rport at

29 Risks & Adaptation 29 Incrasd frquncy of larg storms Flood mapping In NSW, local councils ar rsponsibl for managing flooding. Th NSW Govrnmnt Flood Pron Land Policy assists in dtrmining if dvlopmnt on floodplains is appropriat and sustainabl. Th Floodplain Dvlopmnt Manual, dvlopd by th NSW Govrnmnt rquirs prparation of a Flood Study and a Floodplain Risk Managmnt Study and dvlopmnt and implmntation of a Floodplain Risk Managmnt Plan. Th City of Sydny local govrnmnt ara compriss ight drainag catchmnt aras in; Alxandra Canal, Blackwattl Bay, Cntnnial Park, City ara, Darling Harbour, Johnston s Crk, Rushcuttrs Bay and Woolloomooloo. As part of our floodplain managmnt approach, th City is undrtaking th first vr city-wid look at th drainag issus and flood risks that xist in Sydny. Th work bing undrtakn includs a sris of survys of catchmnt aras. Ths survys will hlp us undrstand whr drainag and mitigation works ar rquird to nsur watr flow and drainag is proprly managd across th local govrnmnt ara. This will dramatically rduc flood risk and safguard local homs and businsss. Th first Managmnt Plan to b approvd by Council is th Grn Squar Wst Knsington (GSWK) Floodplain Risk Managmnt Study and Plan. This catchmnt is on of th lowst lying aras of our city, and subjct to watr ponding and flooding. Th GSWK Plan proposs th cration of a larg undrground drainag culvrt running 2.3 kilomtrs through th Grn Squar town cntr from Link Road in Ztland to th Alxandra Canal. Th culvrt will drain floodwatrs away from homs, businsss and roads in and around Joynton Avnu, Lachlan Strt, South Dowling Strt and Botany Road. Th proposd $80 million drainag work will tak up to thr yars to complt, and will b co-fundd by Sydny Watr. Th proposd drainag works will also includ stormwatr quality improvmnt dvics, such as pollutant traps and rain gardns to mt th objctivs of th City s Dcntralisd Watr Mastr Plan, which aims to rduc stormwatr pollutants ntring watr ways. Progrss rports ar to b found in th Grn Rport at Incrasd risk of storm surgs Storm watr captur systms Th City of Sydny bgan building th scond stag of Sydny Park s watr rus schm in April Works will b compltd in phass and ar du for compltion mid Th projct will dlivr th city s largst watr harvsting systm, and hlp us achiv our 2030 targt for 30 pr cnt of watr dmand to b mt through local watr captur and rus. This projct is th first of a suit of initiativs bing formulatd undr th Dcntralisd Watr Mastr Plan and is bing partially fundd through th City of Sydny and th Australian

30 30 CDP Citis 2015 Sydny Govrnmnt s Watr for th Futur initiativ through th National Urban Watr and Dsalination Plan. Th Sydny Park Watr Rus Schm Stag II follows th succssful implmntation of Stag I, compltd in Stag I harvstd and tratd 50 million litrs of stormwatr during 2012/13 for th topping up of wtlands. Th dvlopd dsign for Stag II not only aims to xpand stormwatr tratmnt and rus in Sydny Park but will includ landscap improvmnt works to nhanc th park s look and rcration and play opportunitis. Stag II will xpand th capacity of th wtlands to supply watr for irrigation within th park, as wll as offr a rcycld watr supply to othr usrs, byond th park. It will involv divrting stormwatr via a nw undrground pip into th Sydny Park wtlands from th stormwatr channl that runs within th park nar th cornr of Euston Road and Sydny Park Road. Watr will b tratd using a gross pollutant trap which rmovs littr, coars sdimnt and organic mattr from stormwatr via a physical scrn, and a bio rtntion systm which collcts watr in shallow dprssions and filtrs it through plant roots and soil. As watr is drawn from th systm for rus, it will rciv furthr tratmnt through filtration and ultra violt (UV) clansing procsss. Progrss rports ar to b found in th Grn Rport at

31 Risks & Adaptation 4 Social risks Citis rporting to CDP hav a combind annual budgt of $954 billion roughly th annual budgt of th UK activitis to mitigat and adapt to climat chang. Sydny facs social risks as a rsult 31 Fiv citis whr carbon footprints hav falln sinc 2009 in mtric tonns CO2. of climat chang. Migration from rural aras to citis Currnt Th numbr of rsidnts in th City of Sydny local govrnmnt ara has incrasd from 154,073 in 2004 to 190,187 in It is anticipatd that th numbr of rsidnts will continu to incras with 267,264 rsidnts stimatd to b living in th local govrnmnt Commrcial / institutional facilitis ara in Impacts will includ incrasd rsourc dmand, 5% incrasd urban 11% hat island ffct and incrasd dmand on Industrial buildings srvics. 17% 28% 12% Industrial procss and product us missions On-road transportation Cars, LDV, HDV / buss, othrs Rsidntial buildings Othr Incrasd rsourc dmand Currnt 13% 50%and Incrasd rsourc dmand is xpctd to incras in th short long trm as th numbr of rsidnts living in th local govrnmnt 28% 21% ara incrass. Th impact of this risk will b mitigatd by many of 14% th plans th City is invstigating and implmnting, including th Dcntralisd Watr, Dcntralisd Enrgy and Advancd Wast Tratmnt Mastr Plans....and our rsarch rvals that sourcs of missions can vary significantly from city to city. Citis ar at risk from climat chang 53% 60% of risks rportd as of citis hav compltd a srious and nar-trm risk assssmnt

32 32 CDP Citis 2015 Sydny Incrasd dmand for public srvics (including halth) Currnt Incrasd dmand for public srvics including wast disposal, child car, provision of mals at community cntrs and through Mals on Whls and youth and homlssnss srvics is xpctd to incras in th short and long trm as th numbr of rsidnts living in th local govrnmnt ara incrass. Th impact of this risk will b mitigatd by many of th plans th City is invstigating and implmnting, including th Economic Dvlopmnt Stratgy, Rtail Action Plan, Tourism Action Plan and Social Sustainability Stratgy (in dvlopmnt). In addition, th City s Community Stratgic Plan includs actions to mitigat ths risks. Mor information is availabl at Incrasd risk to alrady vulnrabl populations Short-trm Affordabl housing is a basic rquirmnt and ssntial componnt of an inclusiv, dynamic and sustainabl city. Affordabl housing rfrs to rasonabl housing costs in rlation to incom. A common bnchmark is that affordabl housing is housing that dos not absorb mor than 30% of a vry low, low or modrat houshold s incom. Th City of Sydny is committd to working with othr govrnmnts to addrss th chronic shortag of affordabl housing in th local ara. Short and long-trm homlssnss, combind with affordabl housing shortags, ar srious issus for cntral Sydny and its surrounding aras. Local govrnmnts must advocat to stat and fdral govrnmnts to act on affordabl housing shortags and hlp facilitat planning prmissions to mak way for diffrnt typs of housing. Sustainabl Sydny 2030 stablishs an ambitious targt that by 2030, 7.5% of all housing in th local ara will b social housing providd by govrnmnt and community providrs and 7.5% will b affordabl housing dlivrd by notfor-profit or othr providrs. Mor information at

33 Opportunitis 33 5 Opportunitis Climat chang action prsnts conomic opportunitis for Sydny. Opportunitis

34 34 CDP Citis 2015 Sydny Sydny is positioning itslf to tak advantag of opportunitis from taking climat chang action. Improvd fficincy of oprations Th City has almost compltd th rtrofit of 45 of its major buildings with nrgy and watr savings masurs. Th rtrofit will cut nrgy us by 6,641 MWh (mgawatt hours), rducing grnhous gas missions by 23 pr cnt pr yar and watr consumption by 56,313 kl pr yar. Th nrgy and watr savings will b indpndntly vrifid. Payback is stimatd within nin yars. Ths rtrofits ar incrasing fficincy of our buildings but also rducing maintnanc costs and utility chargs. Mor information on this projct is to b found in th City s Grn Rport at Dvlopmnt of nw businss industris (.g. clan tch) Sydny has bcom th first city in Australia to roll-out nw nrgyfficint light mitting diod (LED) strt and park lights. Th City of Sydny will rplac 6,448 convntional lights; saving narly $800,000 a yar in lctricity bills and maintnanc costs and rducing grnhous gas missions in City ownd strt lights by 51 pr cnt. Mor information on this projct is to b found in th City s Grn Rport at Dvlopmnt of nw businss industris (.g. clan tch) Th City has awardd th tndr to install solar photovoltaic panls on around 30 of its major buildings. Th installation of th panls is stimatd to dlivr a 4.0 pr cnt rduction in th City s ovrall grnhous gas missions and produc clan rnwabl nrgy quivalnt to 12.0 pr cnt of th City s own nrgy rquirmnts following th compltion of th Building Enrgy Rtrofit and LED Strt lighting projcts. Th $6 million systm is xpctd to produc up to two MWh (mgawatt hours) annually saving up to 2,074 tonns of C02- pr annum. Th output of th panls will b rviwd rgularly. Indicativ figurs basd on currnt analysis suggst that th cost pr tonn of carbon abatmnt for sits whr panls ar alrady installd is approximatly $10 pr tonn with a payback priod of approximatly 13 yars. Currntly, lctronic displays ar bing cratd to communicat this projct, its bnfits and prformanc to th local community at ach location. For now, this is st to b th largst solar rooftop projct in Australia. Mor information on this projct is to b found in th City s Grn Rport at

35 Opportunitis 35 Dvlopmnt of nw businss industris (.g. clan tch) Th City now uss sustainabl biofuls in many of our disl trucks. Ths combin minral disl ful with rcycld cooking oil and wast animal fats. A total of 216,800 litrs of B20 and B50 sustainabl bio-disl was usd during Q2 nabling mission savings of 18 pr cnt pr vhicl. Th City was a foundation partnr with Mitsubishi and first introducd th fully lctric imiev to Australia 3 yars ago. Initially lasd, ths first two vhicls hav now bn rturnd to Mitsubishi. Th City has now xpandd its lctric vhicl flt through th purchas of 18 zro mission lctric vhicls chargd with 100% rnwabl nrgy. Th vhicls ar usd by Council staff for daily inspctions and mting attndanc. Incrasd nrgy scurity Trignration is a ky part of th City s goal to rduc grnhous gas missions by 70 pr cnt blow 2006 lvls by Th Dcntralisd Enrgy Mastr Plan - Trignration shows that, if implmntd, a dcntralisd nrgy ntwork could provid lowr cost of carbon abatmnt than solar, wind, hydro or coal or gas-fird powr station carbon captur and storag. W ar invstigating th installation of a low carbon trignration plant that would produc clan local powr, hating and cooling for Sydny Town Hall and th nighbouring Town Hall Hous whr ovr 1,500 City mploys work. Hundrds of lights, printrs, computrs, air conditionrs and th City s lctric vhicl flt would b powrd by th plant. Trignration is mor than twic as fficint as coal-fird powr stations that produc around 80% of Sydny s lctricity hat by-products cratd at coal-fird powr stations ar wastd but trignration capturs and uss thm for air-conditioning, hating and hot watr srvics. Installing trignration at Town Hall Hous would allow for futur xpansion to th narby Qun Victoria Building, and potntially othr buildings in th ara. Trignration is an xtrmly fficint dcntralisd nrgy tchnology whr lctricity is mad nar whr it is usd, avoiding th nd to bring lctricity ovr long distancs. It rplacs coal-fird lctricity and rducs missions from connctd buildings. Producing nrgy locally hlps avoid xpnsiv upgrads to th NSW lctricity grid of pols and wirs which hav pushd up powr prics. Currntly, consumrs ar forcd to pay for upgrads to an aging and infficint ntwork that movs coal-fird lctricity from th Huntr Vally to Sydny. Mor information is availabl at

36 36 CDP Citis 2015 Sydny Incrasd infrastructur invstmnt Th City of Sydny and Transport for NSW hav signd a dvlopmnt agrmnt that sts out th standards for th construction of light rail through th local ara, which th City is contributing $220 million towards. Th light rail srvic will run from Circular Quay along Gorg Strt via Cntral railway station, along Dvonshir Strt in Surry Hills, through Moor Park to th Univrsity of NSW and to th Princ of Wals Hospital in Randwick. Incrasd infrastructur invstmnt Th $8 billion Grn Squar projct is transforming th southrn prcinct of our local ara into a vibrant and sustainabl urban nvironmnt. From its industrial past, Grn Squar is mrging as a plac of innovativ housing dsign, bspok businss and rtail, and crativ and ngagd communitis proud of thir ara s past and futur. Grn Squar is st to bcom a tru xmplar of grn living with dvlopmnts linkd to rcycld watr, popl linkd to shops, parks, gardns and ntrtainmnt with bik and walking routs, and public transport. At th hart of th Grn Squar dvlopmnt is th nw town cntr, a major nw rsidntial, rtail and cultural hub. Th City has committd $440 million ovr th nxt 10 yars to dlivr quality infrastructur and community facilitis such as th nw library, plaza, and aquatic cntr as wll as parks, public art and community crativ hub. Th City s rol in Grn Squar is to nsur planning controls for th nw town cntr and narby prcincts allow for growth and dvlopmnt that is sustainabl, innovativ and rspcts th charactr of xisting nighbourhoods. Grn Squar is th fastst growing ara in th City s local ara nw familis ar moving in vry day, whil rsidnts in long-stablishd suburbs lik Rosbry hav livd thr for many gnrations. This divrs community nds opportunitis to crat and build connctions whil xploring thir intrsts. CDP citis rprsnt a growing slic of th world s conomy. That s 28% of world GDP... From Rio to Boston, incrdibl $21 trillion in total annual output. Citis rporting to CDP hav a combind annual budgt of Cit und 211 to ada cha $954 billion roughly th annual budgt of th UK. Commrcial / institutional facilitis 1

37 Opportunitis 37 Incrasd infrastructur invstmnt In addition to th projcts notd abov, th City of Sydny is working to improv th local ara and its facilitis. A numbr of landmark buildings and facilitis in th local ara ar gtting a faclift, including Glb Town Hall, libraris and community cntrs. Th City wants to b bttr prpard for havy rains and flooding. In rspons, floodplain managmnt plans ar bing put togthr for aras most at risk of flooding, which will look at th causs and xtnt of possibl flooding and what can b don to hlp affctd aras. Rducing th risk of futur flooding mans managing floodpron aras proprly with rsponsibl dvlopmnt and drainag infrastructur. Nw parks, pools and opn spacs ar bing cratd with clan tchnologis built in, including stormwatr captur, LED lighting, solar panls and mor. Th nw Princ Alfrd Park Pool complx utiliss th latst filtration systms, and incorporats th bst in sustainabl practics, including watr-saving fixturs, stormwatr harvsting and a grn roof of nativ grasss to rgulat tmpratur.

38 38 CDP Citis 2015 Sydny

39 Emissions Local Govrnmnt 39 LGO Dat and boundary Sydny is rporting a GHG masurmnt invntory for a priod of on yar. Fri 01 July 2011 Sat 30 Jun 2012 Boundary typology usd for Sydny s GHG missions invntory: Dpartmnts, ntitis or companis ovr which financial control is xrcisd. LGO GHG missions data Major sourcs of missions includd in Sydny s GHG missions invntory: Buildings Elctricity gnration Elctricity transmission and distribution Municipal vhicl flt Strt lighting and traffic signals Wast collction Emissions Local Govrnmnt

40 40 CDP Citis 2015 Sydny Primary protocol, standard or mthodology usd to calculat GHG missions. Grnhous Gas Protocol: Public Sctor Standard Intrnal utility monitoring systm for lctricity and gas Wast audit figurs Flt and major contractors ful usag Flight distanc information from travl providr Taxi journys from cabcharg All nrgy sourcs ar convrtd into missions using factors listd in th National Grnhous Factors workbook Furthr Information Carbon nutral documntation all availabl onlin at

41 Emissions Local Govrnmnt 41 Total (Scop 1 + 2) missions for Sydny: 36,484 mtric tonns CO2 Total amount of ful (dirct/scop 1 missions) consumd in Sydny during th rporting yar: Natural Gas 29,360,267 MJ Disl/Gas oil 1,186,172 L Motor Gasolin (Ptrol) 187,621 L Motor Gasolin (Ethanol) 12,964 L Liqufid Ptrolum Gas (LPG) 19,621 L Biodisls 131,386 L

42 42 CDP Citis 2015 Sydny Elctricity, hat, stam, and cooling (indirct/ Scop 2 missions) that has bn consumd by Sydny during th rporting yar: Elctricity 36,175,696 kwh Total (Scop 1 + 2) missions for Sydny: 36,484 mtric tonns CO2 Brakdown of Sydny s GHG missions by scop: Scops ar a common catgorisation mthod. Scop 1: All dirct GHG missions (with th xcption of dirct CO 2 missions from biognic sourcs). Scop 2: Indirct GHG missions associatd with th consumption of purchasd or acquird lctricity, stam, hating, or cooling. Total Scop 1 activity 4,649 mtric tonns CO 2 Total Scop 2 activity 31,835 mtric tonns CO 2

43 Emissions Local Govrnmnt 43 Sydny dos masur Scop 3 missions. Total Scop 3 activity Businss travl, buildings, wast, papr, contractor ful, and missions from vnts 10,217 mtric tonns CO 2 Brakdown of missions by dpartmnt, facility, grnhous gas (CO2, CH4, N2O tc) usd in Sydny. Elctricity Buildings (Scop 2) 17,622 mtric tonns CO 2 Elctricity Buildings (Scop 3) 3,604 mtric tonns CO 2 Elctricity Parks (Scop 3) 419 mtric tonns CO 2 Elctricity Strtlighting (Scop 2) 12,164 mtric tonns CO 2

44 44 CDP Citis 2015 Sydny Elctricity Strtlighting (Scop 3) 2,488 mtric tonns CO 2 Natural Gas Buildings (Scop 1) 1,507 mtric tonns CO 2 Natural Gas Buildings (Scop 3) 417 mtric tonns CO 2 Disl Flt (Scop 1) 2,258 mtric tonns CO 2 Disl Flt (biodisl) (Scop 1) 15 mtric tonns CO 2 Disl Flt (Scop 3) 171 mtric tonns CO 2 ULP Flt (Scop 1) 237 mtric tonns CO 2

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