Poland attractive for investment Projects. SAMORZĄDOWE special edition. 5 Special economic. 7 Baltic Sea and

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1 FORUM SAMORZĄDOWE special edition 8-10 october 2012, munich polish independent local government monthly Poland attractive for investment Projects Economic stability is our advantage stresses minister of Economy WaldEmar PaWlak poland the BeSt offshoring destination 5 Special economic ZoneS investments pay off 7 Baltic Sea and the european union BooSt development 11

2 editor s note staying calm in the eye of the storm N ot a sin gle day pas ses by wi tho ut po li ti cians, eco no mi sts or the me dia bom bar ding us with in for ma tion abo ut the cri sis. Eco no - mi sts and au thors of ran kings co nvin ce us that for the ti me be ing the Po lish eco no my is at a sta ble le vel. De spi te the glo bal melt down, our co un try bo asts an nu al eco no mic growth, with its ra te amo un ting to 1,8% in 2009, 3,8% in 2010, 4,3% in 2011, and to 4,2% in From the be gin ning of this year vir tu al ly all experts agre ed una ni mo - usly that Po land is in for an eco no mic slow down in A Ju ne qu - ar ter ly re port by Mi ni stry of Eco no my ana ly sts pre dic ted that this year s eco no mic growth will be at the le vel of 3% year -by -year, whi le in du strial pro duc tion will grow by 4,6%. Ac cor ding to the Mi ni stry s fo re ca sts, the re gi ste red unem ploy ment ra te in De cem ber sho uld be at the le vel of 12,5%. True, Po land is slo wing down but when vie wed aga inst Cen tral and Eastern Eu ro pe as a who le it is do ing just fi ne. A re port by the As so cia tion of Bu si ness Se rvi ce Le aders (ABSL) conc lu ded that in 2011 the re we re 85,000 em ploy ees wor king in Po - lish bu si ness se rvi ce cen tres owned by fo re ign com pa nies. Se rvi ce cen tres ope ra ting in Po land ge ne ra ted as much as 46% of em ploy ment growth in the en ti re re gion. Spe cial Eco no mic Zo nes are si gni fi can tly con tri bu ting to the di scus sed growth. The to tal va lue of in ve st ments de ve lo ped in the Zo nes amo unts to the im pres si ve ,7 mil lion PLN. A sub -zo ne of the Po me ra nian Spe cial Eco no mic Zo ne at trac ted in ve st ments worth mo re than 3 bil lion PLN and ge ne ra ted mo re than 5,000 new jobs all by it self. Mo stly known as the ho me to Sharp, the giant Ja pa ne se elec tro - nics ma nu fac tu rer, the ol dest and lar gest (area -wi se) Cry stal Park eco no mic zo ne in the com mu ne of Ły so mi ce is al so do ing fi ne all of its in ve st ments are worth 1,4 bil lion PLN and cre ated em ploy ment for al most 3,000 wor kers. In other words, opi nions sup por ting the exten sion of the eco no mic zo nes exi sten ce are mo re than ju sti fied. Po land is put ting up a go od fi ght aga inst the cri sis. FORUM SAMORZĄDOWE polish independent local government monthly A Eurosystem Publication october 2012 Publisher eu ro SyS tem, Ja ro Sław Śle SZyń Ski ul. wa wel Ska 78, ap. 30, war SZa wa tel. (22) , fax (22) redakcja@forumsamorzadowe.pl Managing editor agnieszka JurewicZ editorial team anna B. grabowska, mariusz gadomski, marta grzymkowska, BoguSław JaStrZęBSki, karolina prygiel, rafał przeździecki, agnieszka rodak advertising Ja go da wal czak (SaleS di rec tor) design Studio4you, iwona BorowSka, aneta kobylińska Printing taurus issn forum SamorZądowe circulation: 5000 publication frequency: monthly range: nationwide please place your subscription orders: tel. (22) prenumerata@2eurosys.pl 2 Forum Samorządowe Expo REal special Edition 2012

3 about poland Poland attractive for investment Projects Economic stability is our advantage stresses Minister of Economy Waldemar Pawlak De ar Re aders, Expo Re al is one of Eu ro pe s lar gest in ve st - ment tra de fa irs. Each year it is at ten ded by, i.a. re al es ta te owners and agents, de ve lo pers, en gi ne ers and ar chi tects, as well as re pre sen - ta ti ves of ci ties, re gions and eco no mic zo nes. I am glad to re port that the in vo lve ment of Po - lish bu si ness owners and lo cal go vern ment pro fes sio nals grows an nu al ly. Let me re mind you that in 2011 we ha ve be en ran ked se cond as re gards the num ber of exhi bi tors and fi fth as re gards vi si tors. Expo Re al 2011 was vi si ted by al most 500 gu ests from Po land. I ho pe that this year we will ma na ge to im pro ve on tho se re cords. The Expo Re al fa ir is an excel lent op por tu ni ty to show ca se our co un try s po ten tial to fo re ign in ve stors. And we re al ly ha ve a lot to bo ast abo - ut. Our ad van ta ges in c lu de eco no mic sta bi li ty, as well as a lar ge and ab sorp ti ve in ter nal mar - ket and well -edu ca ted pro fes sio nals. We can al so of fer at trac ti ve in ve st ment are as lo ca ted in Spe cial Eco no mic Zo nes. The com pa nies that de ci de to ope ra te in one of them can co - unt on, i.a. in co me tax exemp tion. We are al so im pro ving our law to ma ke the func tio ning of com pa nies much easier and eli mi na te bur den so me ad mi ni stra ti ve bar - riers. Thanks to the ef forts of the Mi ni stry of Eco no my, star ting with 1 Ju ly 2011 bu si ness ac ti vi ty re gi stra tion can be ma de on li ne and free of char ge. We ha ve al so pre pa red two de re gu la tion acts. Va lid sin ce 1 Ju ly 2011 the first act re du ces ad - mi ni stra ti ve bar riers for ci ti zens and bu si ness owners. The se cond act is aimed at re du cing so me of the ob li ga tions of ci ti zens and bu si - ness owners, and ca me in to ef fect on 16 Sep - tem ber The re is mo re to co me. The next step of the Mi ni stry of Eco no my in ma king re gu la tions easier is a pro ject of gu ide li nes for an act do wn si zing so me of the ad mi ni stra ti ve hin - dran ces in eco no my. I am co nvin ced that ma ny com pa nies par ti ci - pa ting in the Expo Re al fa irs in Mu nich will so on le arn abo ut the ad van ta ges of in ve sting and ope ra ting a bu si ness in Po land. I ho pe that this year s event will be co me a first -ra te chan ce to es ta blish bu si ness con - tacts le ading to new pro jects. I al so en co ura ge you to ta ke ad van ta ge of the di ver se of fer of con fe ren ces, sym po sia, and se mi nars, which will act as a va lu able plat form for sha ring know led ge and expe rien ces. WaldemarPawlak MinisterofEconomy Forum Samorządowe Expo REal special Edition


5 invest in poland regions Poland is PrePared to handle the crisis The economic crisis we are currently experiencing is of a global scope but it has a different impact on different states, and sometimes also on particular regions of a given country. Since in the past Poland has been distinguished by a stable economic growth, it is better prepared to handle the consequences of the crisis. I know that Polish regions are successfully making use of the structural funds they have been granted, with Eastern Poland regions in particular recognised as noteworthy examples of benefiting from this source of funding. It means that they have the financial capacity to use EU funds and invest in their areas. What is more, this is a testament to the knowledge and innovativeness on display in Polish regions both within administrative structures and, predominantly, in the private sector and universities making successive sustainable development investments possible. PascalGoergen,secretarygeneral oftheassemblyofeuropeanregions city Modern investment in ŚwinoujŚcie The lar gest ho tel -en ter ta in ment -shop- ping com plex on the Po lish co astli ne, Bal tic Park Mo lo is go ing to in c lu de ho - tels, con do su ites (ava ila ble for pur cha se and rent), con fe ren ce halls, a shop ping and en ter ta in ment cen tre, an aqua park, and SPA & Wel l ness fa ci li ties. The in ve - st ment s con struc tion sche du le is ve ry ti - ght, with the con do units put on the mar - ket in 2012 and the first-sta ge con struc - tion works star ting in the se cond qu ar ter of The ar chi tects ha ve plan ned nu - me ro us ener gy -ef fi cient and eco -frien dly so lu tions, in c lu ding eco -cer ti fi ca tion of the bu il ding, says Jan Wró blew ski, mem ber of the Zdro jo wa In vest bo ard. The first sta ge in vo lves the con struc tion of a fo ur -star ho tel, 400 su ites and a se - rvi ce area with a con fe ren ce cen tre. The fol lo wing pha se fe atu res a fi ve -star ho tel, along with two re si den tial -com mer cial bu il dings. Our of fer ran ges from one - -ro om to fo ur -ro om su ites with area from twen ty -odd to mo re than 100 sq m. Com ple tion of the first con struc tion sta - ge is plan ned for 2015 and the who le ve - nue will be ope ned to the pu blic three years la ter. The in ve st ment s co sts amo - unt to mil lion PLN. (kk) services sector Poland the best offshoring destination Business Services Sector in Central and Eastern Europe no. of centres employment Poland ,000 czech republic ,000 hungary 98 32,200 romania 79 31,600 bulgaria 54 13,000 slovakia 42 40,600 Source: Business Services Sector in poland, association of Business Service leaders (absl) Po land is Cen tral -Eastern Eu ro pe s le ader in the bu si ness se rvi ces sec tor. Its num - ber of em ploy ees of se rvi ce cen tres with fo - re ign ca pi tal is twi ce as lar ge as the one in the ne igh bo uring Czech Re pu blic. Ac cor ding to a re port of the As so cia tion of Bu si - ness Se rvi ce Le aders, Po land in 2011 had 85,000 pe ople wor king in bu si ness se rvi ce cen tres owned by fo re ign com pa nies. In the Czech Re - pu blic the num ber equ al led 40,600 and in Ro ma - nia 31,600. Sin ce 2009 the sec tor of bu si ness se rvi ces ha ve cre ated 62,000 new jobs in Cen tral - -Eastern Eu ro pe, in c lu ding 28,000 in Po land. This me ans that the se rvi ce cen tres ope ra ting in Po land ge ne ra ted as much as 46% of the em ploy - ment growth in the en ti re re gion. The co un try is al so di stin gu ished by a high le vel of the cen tres de ve lop ment and the ir lar ge num ber mo re than 300 at pre sent. Po lish ci ties are high -ran ked on the worl dwi de map of se rvi - ces of fsho ring. For exam ple Cra cow was ran - ked 11th among the most at trac ti ve de sti na - tions for bu si ness se rvi ces out so ur cing, le - aving be hind, i.a. Pra gue and Bu da pest. The 2012 re port was pre pa red by Tho lons. Fi nal ly, Po land fe atu res the sec tor s most sta ble ave ra ge em ploy ment growth among all Cen tral -Eastern Eu ro pe an co un tries. In the pe riod of it has re ma ined ste ady at a le vel of over 20%. (mg) Forum Samorządowe Expo REal special Edition

6 Remarkably attractive properties intended for tourist and service functions in the Seaside District ŚWINOUJŚCIE Invest in the Land of 44 Islands! ŚWINOUJŚCIE Renowned health resort and tourist destination More than 3 million tourists each year Connected with the German autobahn network Modern rail connections with Germany Islands covered by integrated bus network Near-by airports in Goleniów and Heringsdorf Year-round ferry connections with Scandinavia Świnoujście City Council ul. Wojska Polskiego 1/5, Świnoujście tel ; wrg@um.swinoujscie.pl Świnoujście

7 invest in poland city MiędZyrZec Podlaski attracts investors The town of Mię dzy rzec Pod la ski ob ta ined ne ar ly 10 mil lion PLN of exter nal fun ding from the De - ve lop ment of Eastern Po land Pro gram me for a pro - ject of com pre hen si ve de ve lop ment of in ve st ment are as. An area of 7,6 ha was out fit ted with two ro - ads, a po wer and wa ter sup ply sys tem, and se we ra - ge and storm wa ter dra ina ge with a se we ra ge pum - ping sta tion. The ci ty s au tho ri ties expect the di - scus sed in ve st ment to ena ble at trac ting in no va ti ve and hi -tech en ter pri ses. We as su me that for ward - -lo oking com pa nies will cho ose the in ve st ment zo - ne area, in turn gi ving a po si ti ve bo ost to the at trac - ti ve and pro gres si ve cha rac ter of the en ti re town, says Ar tur Grzyb, may or of Mię dzy rzec Pod la ski. I co unt on the in flow of new in ve st ments to stop the out flow of young edu ca ted pro fes sio nals. In ad di - tion, sin ce the envi ron ment of zo nes of this kind usu al ly be co mes ac ti va ted in a va rie ty of ways, lo wer qu ali fied wor kers sho uld al so find new em ploy - ment in the area. Fi nal ly, sin ce the pre pa red area is co ve red by a lo cal plan of spa tial de ve lop ment, the en ti re in ve st ment pro cess is gu aran te ed to be much mo re ef fi cient. (ar) special economic zones sez investments Pay off Hard da ta ha ve de mon stra ted that Po lish Spe cial Eco no mic Zo nes are se rving the ir pur po se in the lo ca li ties with ope - ra ting SEZs the em ploy ment ra te is lo - wer by al most 3 per cen ta ge po ints and the GDP le vel hi gher by 7-8%. Mo re than 50% of all com pa nies that ha ve de - ci ded to in vest in the Po lish zo nes in vo - lve fo re ign ca pi tal. Po land at trac ted them with tax exemp tions and other pre fe ren - tial con di tions di stin gu ishing SEZs. Ac - cor ding to bin ding re gu la tions, the 14 SEZs now ope ra ting in Po land ha ve an expi ry da te of The option of exten - ding the exi sten ce of SEZs is cur ren tly be ing di scus sed. Our po stu la te is to in - de fi ni te ly extend the pe riod of ope ra tion of the SEZs and si mul ta ne ously in tro du - ce a spe ci fied ti me of how long the tax exemp tions re ma in ef fec ti ve, e.g. 15 years., says Pa weł Ty nel, Ernst & Young expert. At this mo ment ma ny com pa - nies cla im that they will not be able to ta - ke full ad van ta ge of the ava ila ble re lief du ring the se ven years re ma ining until An in ve st ment may not pay off in such a short ti me, expla ins Ty nel. (mg) industrial park incineration Plant in the Park T he Mu ni ci pal Wa ste Ther mal Tre at - ment Plant, who se con struc tion is plan ned in the Byd goszcz In du strial - -Tech no lo gi cal Park, will be able to ope - ra te using the ener gy it will pro du ce it - self by in ci ne ra ting wa ste. The plant will trans form wa ste pro du ced by re si - dents in to use ful he at and po wer. The ge ne ra ted re ne wa ble ener gy will be ap - plied for the in stal la tion s own pur po - ses, with the sur plus sold to pro vi ders. Each year it will pro du ce ap prox. 54,000 Mwh of elec tri ci ty and 648,000 GJ of he at, mat ching the de mands of a Byd - goszcz ho using es ta te with tens of tho - usands of re si dents, expla ins Lech Gło wac ki, pre si dent of the Pro Na tu ra bo ard. The plant is to work 24 ho urs a day, se ven days a we ek, an nu al ly neu tra - li sing abo ut 180,000 tons of wa ste from Byd goszcz, To ruń and the ne ar -by com mu nes. All the wa ste trans por ted to the plant s area will be unlo aded to a ti - ght bun ker, adds Gło wac ki. The in ve st ment is plan ned to be com - ple ted in 2015 and its to tal co sts will exce ed 600 mil lion PLN. (kk) Forum Samorządowe Expo REal special Edition


9 interview Fo re ign in ve stors con ti nue to be in te re - sted in brin ging the ir com pa nies over to Po land. What are the ad van ta ges of in ve - sting in the co un try? The Po lish eco no my, not as de ve lo ped as that of its we stern ne igh bo urs, still has con si de ra ble growth po ten tial. The chan ces of di sco ve ring an une xplo ited bu si ness sec tor are much lar ger in Po land than in the West. Yet ano ther as set in - vo lves its set ting in the eastern fron tiers of the EU, which fa vo urs lo ca ting the pro duc tion of all ty pes of go ods with pro spect of expor ting them fur ther in to the East. As a EU mem ber sta te, Po land of fers all the sa me co nve nien ces as we - stern EU co un tries, but with lo wer la bo ur and bu si ness ope ra ting co sts. You can ma ke sa vings on, i.a. ener gy and trans por ta tion co sts. Fur - ther mo re, po ten tial wor kers are hi gh ly skil led and de di ca ted to the ir ta sks, as con fir med by ma jor em ploy ers. If you do a go od job at bu il - ding your te am, its pro duc ti vi ty can be tru ly im - pres si ve. Ser gio Mar chion ne, Fiat Chief Exe cu - ti ve Of fi cer, sa id that the Ty chy fac to ry with 6,100 wor kers ma nu fac tu res the sa me as fi ve Ita lian fac to ries with 22,000 em ploy ees. What is the po si tion of Po land vie wed aga inst other co un tries of Cen tral and Eastern Eu ro pe? Mar ket si ze and the al re ady men tio ned geo - gra phi cal set ting are among our unqu estio na - ble ad van ta ges. Unfor tu na te ly, we fall short in the field of in fra struc tu re qu ali ty, frien dly law and at trac ti ve co ope ra tion with the sta te and lo cal go vern ment ad mi ni stra tion. On ce the se short co mings are cor rec ted, we fa ce a ge nu - ine op por tu ni ty to be co me a le ader of our re - gion. Al re ady now va rio us ve nu es are crop ping along the few new hi gh ways, al ways in high de mand in Po land, with in ve stors lo ca ting the re the ir lo gi stics cen tres and fac to ries. How wo uld you de scri be the co ope ra - tion with Po lish lo cal go vern ments? Ma ny lo cal go vern ment re pre sen ta ti ves at - tempt to at tract we stern in ve stors to the ir com mu nes and vo ivo de ships. He ads of com - mu nes are al so awa re of the fact that, in or der to win an in ve stor, they first ha ve to gu aran tee ap pro pria te ro ad in fra struc tu re and pre pa re a re lia ble of fer. But even tho ugh lo cal go vern - ment pro fes sio nals know what in ve stors expect of them, they are not al ways able to match the expec ta tions ma ny com mu nes are in deb ted due to the im ple men ta tion of nu me ro us in ve st ments fe atu ring EU fun - ding. To ob ta in the EU mo ney, they first had to ra ise a lo an to ma ke the ir own con tri bu tion. arkadiusz Protas Poland attractive despite crisis Production in Poland is faster and cheaper than in Western Europe. Marta Grzymkowska talks with Arkadiusz Protas of Business Centre Club about investing in the country by the Vistula. Forum Samorządowe Expo REal special Edition


11 polish economy baltic sea and the european union boost development Sopot ahead of Warsaw, Krynica Morska ahead of Łeba. The top positions of the latest Sustainable Development Ranking are not particularly surprising, serving only to confirm the thesis that sustainable development is crucial for local government units. Forum Samorządowe Expo REal special Edition

12 ZAMOŚĆ THE IDEAL CITY FOR INVESTMENTS The suc cess ful im ple men ta tion of ma jor pro jects co -fi nan ced from exter nal funds show that Za mość the ide al Re na is san ce town is mo ving bey ond its pre vio us ima ge of a ci ty in Eastern Po land. In Za mość will spend a to tal of mo re than 500 mil lion PLN on the re no va tion of hi sto ri cal mo nu ments and in ve - st ments in the lo cal in fra struc tu re and na tu ral envi ron ment. Cru - cial pri va te in ve st ments in com mer ce and ho tel se rvi ces, among other fields, ha ve al so be en laun ched se ve ral years ago. The ci ty of Za mość fe atu res a har mo nio us com bi na tion of mo der - ni ty, in no va tions, en tre pre neur ship and an excep tio nal hi sto ry. We of fer a town re ady for new re si dents, bo asting an ad van ced in fra struc tu re and co re cre ati ve class em ploy ment le vels hi gher than the Po lish ave ra ge. We re com mend in ve st ments in the Za mość Sub -Zo ne of the Spe - cial Eco no mic Zo ne EU RO -PARK Mie lec. Our of fer in vo lves mo re than 50 ha of ful ly de ve lo ped in ve st ment are as in two com ple xes of plots (Sta ro wiej ska and Szcze brze ska). Tax exemp tions on the ac co unt of new in ve st ment co sts amo unt to 50% for ma jor in ve - stors, 60% for mid -ran ge and 70% for small in ve stors. Re al es ta te tax exemp tions and as si stan ce in the tra ining of fu tu re em ploy - ees are al so ava ila ble. Contact: Zamość City Council Promotion, Information and Investor Service Office H. Kołłątaja 1, Zamość Tel , promocja@zamosc.um.gov.pl

13 polish economy The Su sta ina ble De ve lop ment Ran king of Lo cal Go - vern ment Units is excep tio nal ly im por tant for Po - lish lo cal go vern ment re pre sen ta ti ves. In tro du ced at a con sti tu tio nal le vel, the con cept of su sta ina ble de ve - lop ment is mo re than the pret ty -so un ding phra ses abo ut so cio -eco no mic de ve lop ment that fe atu res the pro cess of in te gra ting ac ti vi ties ( ) in or der to gu aran tee the po ssi bi li ty of ful fil ling the fun da men tal ne eds of par ti cu lar com mu ni ties or ci ti zens of both con tem po ra ry and fu tu re ge ne ra tions ; it is al so one of the ma in trends in ma na ge ment, sy no ny mo us with suc cess and in no va ti ve ness. The Uni ted Na tions and the Eu ro pe an Union al so add to this list envi ron men - tal ca re, se en not on ly in con text of the na tu ral envi - ron ment, but al so the one cre ated by man cul tu ral and pu blic uti li ty fa ci li ties, ho using in fra struc tu re, and hi sto ri cal mo nu ments. Com bi ning the three views, the ran king is among the most re lia ble to ols ma king it po ssi ble to eva lu ate the ef fec ti ve ness of com mu nes un der ta kings and the pro spects of the ir de ve lop ment. First of all, the bre ak - down pre pa red by the Fa cul ty of Ad mi ni stra tion and So cial Scien ces of the War saw Uni ver si ty of Tech no - lo gy is im pres si ve ly com pre hen si ve in sco pe, co ve ring as ma ny as 2,479 lo cal go vern ment units. In the se - cond pla ce, it en com pas ses ma ny aspects to pre sent the eco no mic, so cial and eco lo gi cal con di tion of com - mu nes as tho ro ugh ly as po ssi ble, re se ar chers use in - for ma tion of the Lo cal Da ta Bank of the Cen tral Sta - ti sti cal Of fi ce and ta ke in to con si de ra tion, i.a. the per - cen ta ge of po pu la tion with ac cess to the wa ter sup ply sys tem, the se wa ge sys tem and a se wa ge tre at ment plant, em ploy ment and unem ploy ment ra tes, and the num ber of bu si ness en ti ties. Both ter ri to rial de ve lop - ment spe cia li sts and lo cal go vern ment re pre sen ta ti - ves con si der key fac tors to in c lu de ca pi tal in ve st - ments in trans por ta tion and com mu ni ca tions (per ca pi ta, with 1 po int for eve ry 10 PLN), the sha re of a com mu ne s own in co me in its bud get, and po pu la - tion in flow and out flow (per 1,000 re si dents, one po - int for eve ry per son). The ana ly sis co vers not on ly eco no mic fac tors, but al so ci vi li sa tio nal ones, such as the num ber of up per - -se con da ry scho ol gra du ates, scho ol com pu ters with In ter net ac cess, as well as the per cen ta ge of co un cil - lors with hi gher edu ca tion. All of this is sup po sed to show the lo cal au tho ri ties what is wor king pro per ly and what sho uld be im pro ved to ma ke re si dents not de pen dent on the be ne fits sys tem in a long -term per spec ti ve. Sea com mu nes at the top of the ir ga me First pla ces in the ca te go ry of ci ty com mu nes with co un ty ri ghts went to So pot, War saw, Po znań and Wro cław, which swit ched pla ces with Ka to wi ce. Among urban and ru ral com mu nes Mię dzyz dro je ca me be fo re Po lko wi ce, last year s le ader, whi le Klesz czów, Re wal and Ko bie rzy ce con ti nu ed to excel in the ca te go ry of ru ral com mu nes. The new ca te go - Polish export in (Euro bn) (I-X 2011) Polish export structure (I-X 2011) Polish import in (Euro bn) (I-X 2011) germany 26,2% uk 6,3% czech republic 6,2% france 6,1% italy 5,4% russia 4,5% netherlands 4,3% Sweden 2,8% hungary 2,6% ukraine 2,5% other 33% Polish import structure (I-X 2011) germany 22,1% russia 12,2% china 8,7% italy 5,3% france 4,2% czech republic 3,8% netherlands 3,7% uk 2,6% usa 2,2% Belgium 2,2% other 32,9% Source: central Statistical office ry of urban com mu nes al so es sen tial ly du pli ca ted 2011 re sults for mer ly fi fth, Kry ni ca Mor ska has now be en ran ked as its le ader. The do mi nan ce of se asi de lo ca - lities may co me as sur pri sing. Ba si cal ly all the win ners li ve off the Bal tic Sea, be cau se if we tre at Klesz czów, sup por ted by the Beł cha tów mi ne and po wer plant, as a se pa ra te ca se, then Re wal wo uld top its ca te go ry. Fur - ther mo re, Bal tic lo cal go vern ments ha ve at le ast one re - pre sen ta ti ve in the top ten of each ca te go ry. To urism is a po ten tial expla na tion, but de spi te its gre ater re si stan - ce to unpre dic ta ble we ather and a lon ger high se ason the com pe ti tion in the mo un ta ins per for med po or ly. Forum Samorządowe Expo REal special Edition

14 Turczynek villa complex The villa complex is composed of two villas erected in the style known as Picturesque Eclecticism surrounded by a park opening out into the thick green areas of a forest park. Located in the centre of the former Turczynek estate on a large forest plot with an area of 10 ha, the villas (1539,15 sq m and 1183,40 sq m) feature water-sewage, gas and electric energy systems. The property is linked to a security-monitoring centre. Founded in , Turczynek was erected by industrialists Wilhelm Wellisch and Jerzy Meyer for their families. The splendid Łódź architect Dawid Lande designed both villas. Since 2008 Milanówek owns the Turczynek property. The villa complex can operate as A conference-leisure centre (along with other functions: SPA, hotel services, recreation and sports) The area and character of the grounds featuring the villas, the size of the rooms, as well as their arrangement on many levels all offer diverse possibilities of arrangement and adaptation for all types of activities. The intriguingly designed and maintained green area is available for integration meetings and open-air leisure activities. Moreover, the surroundings of Milanówek include many places offering the trademark Masovian landscape: flat and extensive meadows opening out into picturesque wilderness overgrown with small groves and forests. The discussed areas are ideal for recreational horseback riding and short bike trips or for holding plen-air painting and photographic events. Since the venue in question is composed of two villas, we recommend applying one of the buildings for hotel-gastronomic purposes and the second one for conference services. Science centre (branch of a higher education institution, private school with a dormitory) The multitude of rooms and their noteworthy arrangements make it possible to adapt the villas for the purposes of a science centre, with an option of creating separate laboratories and lecture rooms. Milanówek City Council Department of Geodesy and Land Management Ul. Kościuszki 45, Milanówek Tel: (22) , ext. 215, geodezja@milanowek.pl, magdalena.poszwinska@milanowek.pl

15 polish economy Even the re port s au thor is sur pri sed and lo oks for an expla na tion pre ci se ly in the chal len ging cir cum stan - ces cal ling for cre ati vi ty. The re gion is di stin gu ished by an en tre pre neu rial ap pro ach, with 300 bu si ness en ti ties per 1,000 re si - dents, says Prof. Eu ge niusz Sob czak of the Fa cul ty of Ad mi ni stra tion and So cial Scien ces, War saw Uni ver - si ty of Tech no lo gy. It is dif fi cult for me to eva lu ate the si tu ation, but I think that the owner ship struc tu re of mo un ta in are as is mo re com pli ca ted, ma king it much mo re dif fi cult for com mu nes to con duct a co he si ve in ve st ment po li - cy, no tes Ja cek Kar now ski, may or of So pot. Lar ge me ans re si stant to cri sis, small me ans unsta ble Whi le le aders ha ve spent the last se ve ral years en joy - ing ab so lu te po wer in the ir ca te go ries, the re is fier ce com pe ti tion among the re ma ining play ers. This is espe cial ly true for ru ral and ru ral -and -urban com - mu nes. With ma jor ci ties de mon stra ting the ir re si - stan ce to the cri sis and eco no mi cal at tempts of fi - nan cial de part ments, the most si gni fi cant chan ges in the ir ran king in vo lve se ve ral, ten -odd pla ces (Ty chy drop ping from 6 to 10, Bia ły stok le aping from 36 to 12). Vil la ges and small towns, on the other hand, tur - ned out to be unsta ble. Al tho ugh the re are im pres si - ve le aps, such as the one per for med by Wę grów (from 41 to 8) or No we Warp no (pre vio usly 309th, now third), the drops are unfor tu na te ly much mo re spec ta cu lar the most se ve re one af fec ted Po de dwó - rze, which plun ged as ma ny as 1,000 pla ces, from 8th to 1294th. Is it be cau se, in spi te of eco no mi sts ta les abo ut a strong in ter nal mar ket and Po land as the gre en Is land of Eu ro pe, the glo bal cri sis af fec ted our co un try? Not ne ces sa ri ly. On ce aga in EU funds pro vi de the an swer so me com mu nes ha ve stop ped using EU fun ding, whi le others ha ve just ob ta ined it. Sin ce we award one po int in the ca te go ry of ca pi tal expen ses for eve ry 10 PLN per one re si dent, a com - mu ne ob ta ining a mil lion au to ma ti cal ly le aps all the way to the top, expla ins Prof. Sob czak. Po ten tial lies in the EU The ge ne ral conc lu sion is that you can not do it wi - tho ut the Eu ro pe an com mu ni ty. Unfor tu na te ly Po - land is not a pe ace ful is land and the pro spe ri ty of its com mu nes de pends not on fac to ries, a re aso na ble so cial po li cy or In ter net ac cess on eve ry farm, but on EU funds. Espe cial ly in the ca se of smal ler com mu - nes eve ry Eu ro cent is worth its we ight in gold. The bud gets of small en ti ties are mo dest eno ugh to ma ke each 500,000 Eu ro pro ject cau se a re vo lu tion. Let ting in ra ther small amo unts of mo ney is eno ugh to ge ne - ra te chan ges, agre es Dr hab. Ma rek Ko zak. The so le excep tion is Klesz czów, which is still do ing gre at de spi te re du cing the sha re of EU mo ney in in - ve st ments by as ma ny as 400%. Ho we ver, this is a uni que ca se. The com mu ne do es not ha ve to re ly on the Eu ro pe an Union, be cau se each year the Beł cha - Foreign investments in Poland 2011 company country invested amount employment city fiat auto 353,75 italy Polsand s.a. mln eur 5000 tychy Pilkington automotive Japan 96 mln eur 500 chmielów Poland uflex india 65 mln eur 130 września Direct investment in reporting economy (mn EUR) Soruce: paiiiz 2008 i Q ii Q iii Q iv Q i Q ii Q iii Q iv Q i Q ii Q iii Q iv Q i Q ii Q iii Q iv Q i Q ii Q iii Q iv Q Source: national Bank of poland Effects of the operation of Special Economic Zones at the end of the first quarter of 2012 Zone number of valid permits value of investments made in Pln million new jobs retained jobs kamienna góra , katowice , kostrzyń-słubice , cracow , legnica , Łódź , Mielec , Pomerania , słupsk , starachowice , suwałki , tarnobrzeg , wałbrzych , warmia Masuria , total , Source: ministry of economy tów mi ne and po wer plant sup ply its bud get to the tu ne of 150 mil lion PLN. Even the bu si ness cen tre of War saw is no match for the ti ny town, who se an nu al bud get per one re si dent amo unts to 128,000 PLN com pa red to 3,000 PLN in the ca pi tal. Forum Samorządowe Expo REal special Edition

16 The Zabrze local government wants optimal conditions for making investments in the city Business-friendly zone The surroundings of the modernized city stadium in Zabrze are becoming a remarkably attractive proposal for investors operating in the sector of new technologies and tourism. Areas within the Katowice Special Economic Zone have also been prepared with business visitors in mind. Zabrze was ranked ninth in the 2011 Local Government Ranking prepared by the opinion-forming daily Rzeczpospolita. The analysed indexes included: the growth dynamics of capital expenditures, the amount of obtained EU funds, and the local government s debt as compared to its revenue. Visualisation of investment areas by the modernised city stadium in Zabrze. Two investment sites with area of 35,900 sq m (former bathing place) and 37,800 sq m (former training fields) are located near the Ernest Pohl Stadium in Zabrze. This exceptional and prestigious setting is a perfect match for investments representing the sectors of new technologies, education, tourism and services, says Tadeusz Dębicki, president of the Stadion w Zabrzu company. The grounds in question boast excellent transport connections. One and a half kilometres are all that separate them from the Drogowa Trasa Średnicowa highway, while the A1 and A4 highways are located in a distance of about five kilometres. Access to an enormous consumer market is another advantage. Zabrze itself has more than 180,000 residents, the agglomeration about two million, and the Silesian voivodeship more than 4,6 million, adds Tadeusz Dębicki. Marek Szcześniak from Warsaw s SDA architectural company, the stadium s main designer, believes that the venue and its surrounding boast a fabulous one-of-a-kind potential. The architect does not have any doubts that both the entrance square and Damrota Street are highly important sites creating a new quality of urban planning space. And the near-by church of St. Joseph is among the most exquisite modernistic venues in Poland. Radosław Wróbel, European Union fund specialist with the Poznań School of Banking, is positive that the new stadium will prove important not only for the Górnik Zabrze team and soccer fans. An investment of this kind generates new jobs and exerts a highly positive influence on it surroundings. As the flagship undertaking of a given city it has a considerable impact on its promotion. Finally, it makes it possible to gain an advantage in the market competition, specifies Radosław Wróbel. Areas in other districts of Zabrze have also been prepared for investors. The offer includes twelve plots bordering Rokitnica, Mikulczyce and Biskupice and connected with the Katowice Special Economic Zone. Their total area of 168 ha can be reached by a road opened last year for seven million PLN, half of which was financed from a UE subsidy granted to the commune. Thanks to the higher education institutions and renowned scientific-research centres present in our city, business investors in Zabrze have guaranteed access to highly trained staff and the latest technologies, sums up Małgorzata Mańka-Szulik, mayor of Zabrze. Time of important decisions Access road leading to the Zabrze areas belonging to the Katowice Special Economic Zone opened in Małgorzata Mańka-Szulik, mayor of Zabrze In the last several years we have made a number of important decisions in Zabrze. They concerned, i.a. implementing a project improving the water and sewage management and developing industrial tourism. We managed to expand areas of the Katowice Special Economic Zone. I am certain that the stadium s construction is another successful enterprise that will bring new investors to Zabrze and consolidate the entire town.

17 polish economy our commune is More than Mines, we care about development Cir cum stan ces bey ond our con trol, in the form of the ne ar -by Beł cha tów mi ne and po wer plant, are not the on ly re ason be hind our go od po si tion. With co al as the in ten ded ba sis of the Po lish po wer in du stry at le ast until 2060, the two com pa nies will na tu ral ly con ti nue to be a fun da men tal so ur ce of the com mu ne bud get s re ve nu es for a long ti me. This do es not me an, ho we ver, that re si dents and the lo cal go vern ment do not add so me - thing of the ir own. We ha ve laun ched fo ur in - du strial parks open to all ty pes of pro duc tion and expan ded with suc ces si ve hec ta res of de - ve lo ped area. We suc cess ful ly ob ta in in ve - stors, al so re pre sen ta ti ves of in no va ti ve sec - tors, such as pro du cers of pho to vol ta ic cells. At the sa me ti me, we ca re abo ut edu ca tion. The com mu ne runs two up per -se con da ry scho ols with pro gram mes ge ared for the fu - tu re a ly ceum fe atu ring clas ses with exten - ded cur ri cu lum in sports and lan gu ages and a tech ni cal vo ca tio nal scho ol fo cu sed on new tech no lo gies, with Łódź Uni ver si ty of Tech - no lo gy staff mem bers among the lec tu rers. An unfa vo ura ble worl dwi de eco no mic si - tu ation can obvio usly cau se the de ve lop - ment ra te of Klesz czów to drop. With such a si tu ation in mind, we try to se cu re our se - lves with a sa fe ty cu shion in the form of in du strial parks ge ne ra ting re ve nu es and jobs, as well as by edu ca ting new ge ne ra - tions of pro fes sio nals. KazimierzHudzik,secretary ofthecommuneofkleszczów taking full advantage of the baltic Potential Our vic to ry in the ca te go ry of urban com - mu nes is easy to expla in. High gra des for EU fun ding -re la ted ca pi tal expen ses pro - ved to be de ci si ve. We ha ve con duc ted and con ti nue to con duct se rio us in ve st ments, such as the mo der ni sa tion of a wa ter sup - ply sys tem, in 54% fi nan ced by the EU, or the Żu ław ska Lo op, an ad van ced yacht port. But to a si gni fi cant de gree we owe the first pla ce si mi lar ly to the win ners of other ca te go ries to the Bal tic Sea. After all, to urism is the fun da men tal branch of our eco no my. The short se ason and cli ma - te are the obvio us draw backs, which is why men tion is due to the cre ati vi ty of Kry ni ca lo cal go vern ment pro fes sio nals and bu si - ness ope ra tors. We ma na ged to show that off -se ason sea is al so at trac ti ve. Suc ces si ve EU to urism pro jects will act as the growth fac tor in the years to co me. We con ti nue to mo der ni se the pu blic in fra - struc tu re, in vest in ro ads and ba thing si tes, and plan the con struc tion of se asi de bo ule - vards. The in cre ase of our own in co me in the form of due Sta te Tre asu ry amo unts will al so help im ple ment the de ve lop ment stra te gy. By this I me an mo ney from the tax on lands un der se awa ter for the pe riod. A true gift. AdamOstrowski, mayorofkrynicamorska long-term Planning is our guarantee of success The suc cess of So pot s su sta ina ble de ve - lop ment is mo stly due to the long -term Ci ty De ve lop ment Stra te gy, for the first ti - me com pi led and sub ject to pu blic con sul - ta tions in From the ve ry be gin ning the di scus sed stra te gy was in ten ded to sup - port com pre hen si ve and su sta ina ble de ve - lop ment aimed at ma king So pot a sa fe re - sort of fe ring high -stan dard to urist, le isu re, cul tu ral and con gress se rvi ces. The stra te - gy s gu ide li nes con ti nue to in spi re the in ve - st ment ac ti vi ties of the ci ty, al so as re gards pro jects ba sed on EU fun ding. Hen ce in ve - st ments in the to urist fa ci li ties, such as a con gress cen tre and a yacht ma ri na, along with cul tu re and sports ve nu es. I ha ve in mind the Er go Are na hall for 15,000 spec ta - tors, the mo der ni sed Ope ra Le śna am phi - the atre and the Hip po dro me, along with in - ve st ments con nec ted with the ci ty s gre en are as (re vi ta li sa tion of parks) and the qu ali - ty of the Gdań ska Bay wa ters (ta king the ru - noff of So pot bro oks far in to the Bay). The me dia tend to wor ry abo ut the po ten - tial da ma ge cau sed by the eco no mic tur - mo il to the pro -de ve lop ment po li cy of lo cal go vern ments. Our re ci pe for the cri sis in - vo lves fo cu sing on in fra struc tu re, such as the con gress cen tre, the Er go Are na, and Ope ra Le śna. The se pla ces ma ke the ci ty a po pu lar de sti na tion for ma ny ma jor events at trac ting lar ge num bers of to uri sts and gu ests. Suc ces si ve in ve st ments will al so in - flu en ce the eco no mic pro spe ri ty of So pot. JacekKarnowski,mayorofSopot Forum Samorządowe Expo REal special Edition

18 Międzyrzec Podlaski the ci ty of mię dzy rzec pod la ski is lo ca ted in the nor thern part of the vo ivo - de ship of lu blin in the co un ty of Bia ła pod la ska. with abo ut 18,000 re si - dents and an area of 20,02 sq m its ma in as set in vo lves per fect set ting at the in ter sec tion of ma jor eu ro pe an trans port ro utes - the eu ro pe an e30 ro - ute (exten ding from the irish cork thro ugh pa ris, Ber lin, war saw, mo scow to omsk), the na tio nal ro ad no. 19 (Bia ły stok lu blin - rze szów part of a eu ro pe an ro ute lin king Slo va kia with the Bal tic sta tes) and the e20 ra il - way li ne (ku no wi ce po znań war saw te re spol part of the pan -eu ro - pe an trans port cor ri dor no. 2 Ber lin mo scow). city with great opportunities le arn Mo re abo ut the la test in ve st Ment of fer the mię dzy rzec Zo ne of mo dern Se rvi ces and pro duc tion was ope ned in Sep tem ber as a re sult of the pro ject s im ple men ta tion, the ci ty has at its di spo sal ne ar ly 8 ha of com pre hen si ve ly de ve lo ped area in the di - rect vi ci ni ty of the eu ro pe an e30 ro ute. the nu me ro us plots lo ca ted ne ar the di scus sed zo ne of fer vir tu al ly unli mi ted op por tu ni ties of expan ding the zo ne. tech ni cal in for ma tion: the zo ne is ac ces si ble by two re cen tly con struc ted ro ads: Z -class (width 7,0 m) and l -class (width 7,0 m) wa ter sup ply sys tem with pcv pi pes Ø 160 mm gra vi ty se wa ge sys tem with pcv pi pes Ø mm storm wa ter sys tem with pcv pi pes: gra vi ty Ø mm gas ma ins 0,3 km from the zo ne, ra il way si ding 2,8 km from the zo ne ne arest air ports lu blin 100 km, war saw 140 km the ci ty of mię dzy rzec pod la ski gu aran te es re lia ble ad mi ni stra ti ve -le gal se - rvi ces, as si stan ce in the field of car ry ing out all the in di spen sa ble for ma li - ties, exhau sti ve in for ma tion pro vi ded by ci ty co un cil pro fes sio nals, at trac - ti ve pri ces of re ady -for -in ve st ment are as, as well as a per fect set ting. mo - re over, our of fer in c lu des an at trac ti ve sys tem of tax re liefs and exemp - tions. the of fer is aimed in par ti cu lar at com pa nies spe cia li sing in mo dern se rvi - ces and ma nu fac tu ring re pre sen ting, i.a. the sec tor of high tech no lo gies and it, the au to mo ti ve in du stry, te le com mu ni ca tion and ict se rvi ces, etc. Why sho uld you in vest in Mię dzy rzec Pod la ski -cur rent plan of Spa tial de ve lop ment, -wi de ran ge of in ve st ment op por tu ni ties in the ci ty, -excel lent geo gra phi cal lo ca tion, -ac ces si bi li ty of work for ce, in c lu ding hi gh ly skil led pro fes sio nals, -tax exemp tions and low ra tes of mo des of trans port, -full as si stan ce in de aling with all for ma li ties con nec ted with im ple men ting in ve st ments, -com pre hen si ve se rvi ces aimed at in ve stors. tax exemp tions re al es ta te tax exemp tions in vo lve tho se struc tu res and bu il dings or the ir parts and land used for bu si ness ac ti vi ty (exc lu ding com mer cial ac ti vi ty) that fe atu re: new in ve st ments exce eding 600,000 pln gross in a pe riod of three years pre ce ding the year, in which the ta xpay er is en ti tled to the exemp tion, or at le ast 10 new jobs (full -ti me equ iva lent) ge ne ra ted by a new in ve st - ment in a pe riod of 1 year pre ce ding the year, in which the ta xpay er is en - ti tled to the exemp tion. re al es ta te tax exemp tions con nec ted with the de ve lop ment of new in ve - st ments: in the first year 90% of the an nu al re al es ta te tax as ses sment, in the se cond year 70% of the an nu al re al es ta te tax as ses sment, in the third year 60% of the an nu al re al es ta te tax as ses sment.

19 8-10 october 2012, munich polish exhibitors at expo real 2012 special edition bbi de ve lop Ment nfi sa ul. emi lii pla ter 28, war sza wa t , f edy ta.szcze pan ska@bbi de ve lop ment.pl de ve lop ment.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: mr. mi chał Skot - nic ki, pre si dent, mr. ra fał Szcze pan ski, pre si dent, ms. edy ta Szcze pań ska, Sa - les & mar ke ting ma na ger hall a2, Bo oth 121 ci ty of byd goszcz ul. Je zu ic ka 1, Byd goszcz t , f zoi@um.byd goszcz.pl goszcz.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: mr. mi chał kor - nac ki, te am le ader in ve stor Se rvi ce and en ter pri se, ms. edy ta wi wa tow - ska, ma na ger in ve stor Se rvi ce and en ter pri se hall a2, Bo oth 021 ca Pi tal Park gro up sa ul. ma ry nar ska 11, war sza wa t biu ro@ca pi tal park.pl pi tal park.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: ms. Jo an na cy - bul ska, press of fi ce, ms. an na du rzyń - ska, mar ke ting & pr ma na ger hall a2, Bo oth 121 cbre sp. Z.o.o. ron do onz 1, war saw t , f cbre war saw@cbre.com exhi bi tor em ploy ees: mr. mi cha el atwell, he ad of ca pi tal mar kets, mr. prze my sław fe lic ki, as so cia te di rec tor ca pi tal mar kets, ms. Be ata ko ke li, Se nior di rec tor, he ad of pro per ty ma - na ge ment & re ta il, mr. mi ko łaj mar ty - nu ska, di rec tor de ve lop ment con sul - tan cy & corp re co ve ry, mr. co lin wad - dell, ma na ging di rec tor hall a1, Bo oth 210 cho Pin air Port ci ty (Po lish air Ports) ul. Żwir ki i wi gu ry 1, war sza wa t , f a.ma tu szew ska@po lish -air ports.com pi na ir port ci ty.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: mr. fi lip czer nic - ki, ana ly ses and pro jects Sec tion ma - na ger, po lish air ports, ms. li dia mą - czyń ska, cho pin air port ci ty pr ma na - ger, mr. mi chał ma rzec, po lish air ports ceo, ms. alek san dra ma tu szew ska, cho pin air port ci ty pro ject ma na ger, po lish air ports hall a2, Bo oth 121 ci ty of cho rzów ul. ry nek 1, cho rzów t , f roz@cho rzow.eu vest.cho rzow.eu exhi bi tor em ploy ees: ms. aga ta Be ryt, pro mo tion of fi ce of the ci ty of cho - rzów, mr. krzysz tof ka ras, Spo kes man for the ci ty hall of cho rzów, mr. an - drzej ko ta la, may or of the ci ty of cho - rzów, mr. mar cin mi cha lik, de pu ty - -may or of the ci ty of cho rzów ci ty of czer wion ka -lesz czy ny ul. par ko wa 9, czer wion ka - -lesz czy ny t , f bip@czer wion ka -lesz czy ny.com.pl ve stcl.eu exhi bi tor em ploy ees: mr. wie sław Ja - ni szew ski, may or of czer wion ka -lesz - czy ny, mr. łu kasz pa la, de ve lop ment de part ment, mr. ad rian Strzel czyk, di - rec tor of fi nan ces de part ment, ms. ka ta rzy na Strzel czyk, de ve lop ment de - part ment ci ty of czę sto cho wa ul. Ślą ska 11/13, czę sto cho wa t , f rm@cze sto cho wa.um.gov.pl sto cho wa.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: ms. ane ta her buś, as - si stant in de part ment of ci ty de ve lop ment, mr. mar cin ko zak, ad vi sor of may or, ms. an na po trze bow ska, as si stant of may or ci ty of gli wi ce ul. Zwy cię stwa 21, gli wi ce t , f brm@um.gli wi ce.pl wi ce.eu exhi bi tor em ploy ees: ms. ka ta rzy na ko bier ska, di rec tor, mr. ra fał mać kow - ski, pro mo tion and in fra struc tu re Spe - cia list -ka to wi ce Spe cial eco no mic Zo ne co., ms. oli wia tur czy niak, in spec tor ci ty hall of ka to wi ce ul. młyń ska 4, ka to wi ce t , f pkis@ka to wi ce.eu vest.ka to wi ce.eu exhi bi tor em ploy ees: dr. mar cin kru pa, de pu ty may or, mr. krzysz tof ro ga la, ple - ni po ten tia ry to the may or of ka to wi ce ci ty for trans for ma tion of the ro un da bo - ut, mr. ma te usz Skow ron ski, ma na ger of Stra te gic in ve stors as si stan ce cen tre, mr. mar cin Stan czyk, he ad of the pro mo tion Sec tion pro mo tion de part ment ci ty of kra ków plac wszyst kich Świę tych kra ków t , f ra fal.kul czyc ki@um.kra kow.pl kow.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: mr. ra fał kul czyc - ki, ac ting di rec tor of the ci ty Stra te, ms. do mi ni ka urbań ska, in ve stor co - un se lor hall a2, Bo oth 020 Łódź spe cial eco no Mic Zo ne ul. ks. bp. win cen te go ty mie niec kie go 22/24, łódź t , f agniesz ka.so bie szek@sse.lodz.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: mr. prze my sław an drze jak, pre si dent of lodz re gio - nal de ve lop ment agen cy, mr. Bar tosz rzęt kie wicz, v -ce di rec tor of in ve st - ment de ve lop ment de part ment, mr. to masz Sa dzyń ski, pre si dent of lodz SeZ s Bo ard, ms. agniesz ka So bie - szek, di rec tor of in ve st ment de ve - lop ment hall a2, Bo oth 013 lo wer si le sia re gion ul. igiel na 13, wro cław t , m in fo@nszw.pl ve stin lo wer si le sia.eu hall a1, Bo oth 014 ci ty of lu blin plac wła dy sła wa ło kiet ka 1, lu blin t , f in we sto rzy@lu blin.eu vest.lu blin.eu exhi bi tor em ploy ees: mr. prze my sław gru ba, pro ject ma na ger the de part - ment of Stra te gy and in ve stor as si - stan ce, ms. mał go rza ta po tio pa, ma - na ger of de part ment for en tre pre neur - ship de ve lop ment and eco no mic mar - ke ting hall a2, Bo oth 101 Mi li ta ry Pro Per ty agen cy ul. no wo wiej ska 26a, war sza wa t , f se kre ta riat@amw.com.pl hall a2, Bo oth 011 Mu ni ci Pa li ty of Mu ro wa na go Śli na ul. po znań ska 18, mu ro wa na go śli na t , f bur mistrz@mu ro wa na -go sli na.pl ro wa na -go sli na.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: ms. Bar ba ra flo - rys -kuch now ska, he ad of pro ject ma - na ge ment and re vi ta li za tion de part - ment, mr. to masz lęc ki, may or of mu - ro wa na go śli na com mu ni ty hall a1, Bo oth 022 opal Mak si MuM ul. opol ska 22, ka to wi ce t k.ko wal ski@opal.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: ms. an na pi lar - czyk -Spry cha, ma na ger opti rem re al es ta te ul. mi ko łow ska 31, my sło wi ce t pz@opti rem.pl mr. pa weł Zie liń ski, pre si dent Pie ka ry Ślą skie in du strial and tech no lo gy Park eko Park ltd ul. roź dzień skie go 38, pie ka ry Ślą skie t , f mar cin.mar czak@eko park.pie ka ry.pl par ki.pie ka ry.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: ms. Jo an na ga - bryś, re al es ta te and in ve stors Su - port Spe cia list, mr. mar cin mar czak, mar ke ting Spe cia list pro ject co or di - na tor ci ty of Pi Ła plac Sta szi ca 10, pi ła t , f bdu dzin ska@um.pi la.pl la.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: ms. Be ata du - dziń ska, de pu ty may or of pi ła hall a1, Bo oth 022 Forum Samorządowe Expo REal special Edition

20 8-10 october 2012, munich Po lish in for Ma tion and fo re ign in ve st Ment agen cy ul. Ba ga te la 12, war sza wa t iz.gov.pl hall a2, Bo oth 120 ci ty of Po Znań ho spi tals of wiel ko Pol ska ltd. ul. no wo wiej skie go 51, po znań t , f ja kub.je drze jew ski@szpi ta le wiel - kopolski.pl ta le wiel ko pol ski.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: mr. Ja kub J. Ję - drze jew ski, vi ce -cha ir man, mr. grze - gorz wro na, cha ir man hall a1, Bo oth 022 ci ty of ryb nik ul. Bo le sła wa chro bre go 2, ryb nik t , f in ve stors@um.ryb nik.pl we stuj.ryb nik.eu exhi bi tor em ploy ees: mr. pa tryk go - go lok, of fi cer, ms. iwo na ko wal ska - -na wroc ka, of fi cer, mr. Bar tło miej ko - ziel, of fi cer, ms. Jo an na kry czy szyn, de pu ty may or, mr. mi chał Śmi giel ski, de pu ty may or, ms. elż bie ta wol ny, of fi cer hall a1, Bo oth 030 self -go ver ned as so cia tion a2 wiel ko Pol ska ul. głów na 16B, Sta re mia sto t , f a2@sta re -mia sto.pl ko pol ska.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: mr. wal de mar grze go rek, Stel lver tre ter lan drat, ms. elż bie ta kacz ma rek, spo ke sperson hall a1, Bo oth 022 Me tro Po lia si le sia ul. Bar ba ry 21a, ka to wi ce t , f gry mo wicz.m@gzm.org.pl le sia me tro po lia.eu exhi bi tor em ploy ees: ms. Jo an na Bań - kow ska, chief, mr. mar cin Ba nia, he ad Spe cia list, ms. ewa fu da li -Bon del, he - ad of the ci ty de ve lop ment, mr. ma ciej gry mo wicz, he ad of pro mo tion de ve - lop ment, ms. ka ro li na kar lik, in ve stor as sis stan ce, mr. ra fał ko bos, ple ni po - tent ia ry of the ci ty may or for in ve - stors, mr. da wid ko stemp ski, pre si dent of the Bo ard, may or of Świę to chło wi - ce, ms. aga ta ko szek -py ka, mar ke ting Spe cia list, ms. an na krycz ka, Se nior in - spec tor for use able pre mi se, mr. ma te - usz lu dy ga, ad mi ni stra ti ve as si stan ce, ms. mał go rza ta mań ka -Szu lik, may or of Za brze, ms. mał go rza ta ma gnor, mar ke ting ma na ger, ms. elż bie ta mu - sia lik, ma na ger of eco no mic pro mo - tion, mr. piotr plu ta, clerk in eco no mic pro mo tion of fi ce, mr. Zbi gniew pod ra - za, may or of da bro wa gór ni cza, ms. alek san dra Szczę sny, mar ke ting & pr Spe cia list si le sian re gion ul. li go nia 46, ka to wi ce t , f pro mo cja@sla skie.pl vest.sla skie.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: ms. Bo gu sła wa kru czek -gęb czyń ska, Spe cia list, ms. alek san dra Sa mi ra -gaj ny, Spe cia list skan ska com Mer cial de ve lop Ment al. Ja na paw ła ii 19, war sza wa t , f of fi ce@skan ska.pl ska.com/pro per ty exhi bi tor em ploy ees: ms. Syl wia cho - rą ży, com mu ni ca tion and mar ke ting di rec tor, ms. ane ta pie trasz ko, mar ke - ting Spe cia list, ms. pe tra Se me ra do va, com mu ni ca tion and mar ke ting Spe cia - list, mr. grze gorz Stru tyń ski, pre si dent of Skan ska pro per ty hun ga ry hall a2, Bo oth 133 skan ska Pro Per ty Po land al. Ja na paw ła ii 19, war sza wa t , f ja kub.za gor ski@skan ska.pl ska.pl hall a2, Bo oth 121 ci ty of ŚreM plac 20 paź dzier ni ka 1, Śrem t , f do ro ta.gan dec ka@urzad.srem.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: ms. do ro ta gan - dec ka, in ve stor Se rvi ces, pro mo tion and in for ma tion de part ment co or di na - tor, mr. adam le wan dow ski, may or of Śrem hall a1, Bo oth 022 sta dium in Za brze ltd. ul. fran kli na ro ose vel ta 81, Za brze t , f sta dion@sta dion -za brze.pl ve stin za brze.com exhi bi tor em ploy ees: mr. ta de usz dę - bic ki, cha ir man of the ma na ge ment Bo ard, ms. lud mi ła her nik, as si stant to the ma na ge ment Bo ard, ms. mo ni ka li pich, fi nan cial ana lyst sta re Mia sto com Mu ne ul. głów na 16B, Sta re mia sto t , f dpu cha la@sta re -mia sto.pl re -mia sto.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: mr. ka rol ma ło lep - szy, press Spo ke sman, mr. da riusz pu cha - ła, ma na ger of pro mo tion and it hall a1, Bo oth 022 ci ty of to ruń wa ły gen. Si kor skie go 8, to ruń t , f boi@um.to run.pl run.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: ms. ka ro li na kla - now ska, Se nior ma na ger of the in ve - stor as si stan ce of fi ce, mr. Zbi gniew ra sie lew ski, de pu ty may or of to ruń, mr. adam Za krzew ski, di rec tor of the in ve stor as si stan ce of fi ce hall a2, Bo oth 022 ci ty of ty chy al. nie pod le gło ści 49, ty chy t , f mag da le na.zie tek.pierz cha la@umty chy.pl ve stin ty chy.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: ms. ali cja Bar - chań ska, ci ty de ve lop ment and eu ro - pe an funds de part ment, ms. iwo na cie pal, he ad of in for ma tion, pro mo - tion and in ter na tio nal fo re ign co ope - ra tion de part ment, ms. do mi ni ka czer now, mar ke ting and in fra struc tu re Spe cia list ka to wi ce Spe cial eco no - mic Zo ne ty chy Sub zo ne, ms. ur szu - la dry ka, ci ty tre asu rer, mr. an drzej dziu ba, may or of ty chy, ms. Bo że na no wak, he ad of ci ty de ve lop ment and eu ro pe an funds de part ment, ms. ewa Sta chu ra -po rdzik, chief exe cu ti ve of fi cer ka to wi ce Spe cial eco no mic Zo ne ty chy Sub zo ne, ms. mag da le - na Zię tek -pierz cha la, ci ty de ve lop - ment and eu ro pe an funds de part - ment up Per si le sian in du strial Park (gpp sp. Z o.o.) ul. kon duk tor ska 39a, ka to wi ce t , f ju sty na.bar tec ka@gpp ka to wi ce.pl ka to wi ce.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: ms. Ju sty na Bar - tec ka, mar ke ting di rec tor, mr. mi ro sław czar nik, pre si dent of the Bo ard of di - rec tors, ms. an na dę bow ska -ru daw - ska, he ad of fi ce ma na ger, mr. łu kasz wol nik, key ac co unt Spe cia list the wałbrzych spe cial eco no Mic Zo ne in vest -Park ltd. ul. uczniow ska 21, wał brzych t , f in vest@in vest -park.com.pl vest -park.com.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: ms. mał go rza ta adam czyk -fo ryś, ma na ger of pro mo - tion de part ment, mr. ma riusz fe do ruk, mar ke ting and pro mo tion Spe cia list, ms. aga ta kar bow ni czek, ma na ger of mar ke ting de part ment, mr. piotr mer - ta, in ve stor Se rvi ce, mr. ma ciej ro jow - ski, di rec tor of Bu si ness Sup port cen - ter araw, mr. Sła wo mir Spraw ka, ac - ting vi ce di rec tor, ms. ma rze na Szo - ciń ska -kle in, Sec tion of Stock ma na ge - ment, mr. ma ciej wu jec, di rec tor of eco no my de part ment hall a1, Bo oth 025 war Mia and Ma Zu ry re gion ul. emi lii pla ter 1, olsz tyn t , f co ie@war mia.ma zu ry.pl vest.war mia.ma zu ry.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: ms. alek san dra daj no wiec, mar shal s of fi ce of the pro vin ce of war mia and ma su ria, ms. alek san dra ga jew ska, te am ma na ger war mia and ma zu ry in ve stor as si stan - ce cen tre, mr. piotr ko rze niew ski, Spe - cia list - mar shals of fi ce of the pro vin ce of war mia and ma su ria, mr. piotr pan - cer, co ie in ve stors and exp por ters Se - rvi ce cen tre, ms. alek san dra Sum - mers, in ve stors and expor ters Se rvi ce cen tre hall a2, Bo oth 522 ci ty of war saw pl. Ban ko wy 3/5, war sza wa t , f p.paw low ski@um.war sza wa.pl sza wa.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: mr. Bar tosz mil - czar czyk, Spo ke sman, mr. mi chał ol - szew ski, de pu ty may or of war saw, mr. pa weł paw łow ski, di rec tor of de part - ment, ms. ka ta rzy na ra taj czyk, di rec tor of de part ment, mr. to masz Ze mla, di - rec tor of de part ment hall a2, Bo oth 121 wiel ko Pol ska in ve stor as si stan ce cen tre al. nie pod le gło ści 16/18, po znań t , f of fi ce@sgipw.wlkp.pl ve stin wiel ko pol ska.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: mr. łu kasz fi li - piak, ma na ging di rec tor, mr. Ja cek gursz, pre si dent/cha ir man as so cia tion of wiel ko pol ska mu ni ci pa li ties and co - un ties in ve stor cen tre hall a1, Bo oth 022 Mar shal s of fi ce of the wiel ko Pol ska re gion ul. prze my sło wa 46, po znań t , f pa wel.wa li szew ski@umww.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: ms. mag da le na no ske, in ve st ment pro mo tion Spe - cia list hall a1, Bo oth 022 wiel ko Pol ska re gion in ve st Ment sup Port cen tre sp. Z o.o. ul. 28 czerw ca 1956r. nr 398, po znań t , f biu ro@wcwi.com.pl exhi bi tor em ploy ees: mr. piotr Ju sko - wiak, po znan tech no -in du strial park ma na ger hall a1, Bo oth 022 Za wier cie Mu ni ci Pa li ty ul. le śna 2, Za wier cie t , f w.dzia bek@za wier cie.eu wier cie.eu exhi bi tor em ploy ees: mr. woj ciech dzią bek, chief of de part ment of de ve - lop ment and pro mo tion, mr. ry szard mach, may or of Za wier cie 20 Forum Samorządowe Expo REal special Edition 2012

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