Guide for International Students. New European educational destination /16. University Guide

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1 Guide for International Students New European educational destination University Guide 2015/16

2 University of Warsaw. Main Gate.

3 Abbreviations of academic degrees used in this Guide: BA Bachelor of Arts BSc Bachelor of Science DDS Doctor of Dental Surgery LLM Master of Laws MBA Master of Business Administration MA Master of Arts MD Doctor of Medicine MSc Master of Science PharmD Doctor of Pharmacy PhD Doctor of Philosophy A welcome from Poland Poland is a modern and dynamic country full of life-time opportunities for young people wishing to get quality education, enhance their knowledge, improve their skills and gain some international experience. It is a unique place bridging East and West, North and South, combining cosmopolitan attitude and rich historical legacy. With over 1.4 million students it has one of the highest scholarisation indices in Europe. The educational offer presented in this brochure refers solely to the universities participating in the "Study in Poland" programme and thus it constitutes just a part of the whole list of the study programmes and research opportunities available in our country. Polish universities present the highest standards of teaching, meet all the quality criteria and are continuously becoming more and more international. They are constantly developing and thus form the driving force of Poland's success story. Excellent and open-minded professors, student-focused staff, modern facilities and a variety of courses taught in foreign languages make Polish universities very attractive to international students. Each would be an excellent choice if you wish to further your personal development and professional career. We look forward to welcoming you, Profesor Wiesław Banyś Rector, University of Silesia in Katowice President, Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (CRASP) Photo: UW

4 Why POLAND? Photo: PAP l Poland is a fascinating country that serves as the geographical and cultural crossroads of Eastern and Western Europe. Located at the centre of the Northern European plain, Poland has been a place of exchange of goods and ideas between different regions of Europe and the world since the foundation of the first Polish state in the 10th century. Through its turbulent history its people have managed to maintain their national and cultural identity and today the country enjoys a crucial position as the largest in the Central and Eastern Europe and one of the most populous members of the European Union. l Poland has been a member of the European Union since It also joined the Schengen Area in As the result passport checks have been abolished on Poland s borders with Germany, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Lithuania. It practically means that people admitted to one of the countries of the Schengen Area can travel hassle-free between all of its states without internal land and sea border controls, from Portugal to Poland and from Greece to Finland. Krakow the city of the oldest Polish HEI, Jagiellonian University l Thanks to its location, Poland occupies a special place in the European Union. Poland s border on the Bug river became the EU s eastern border. In the wider geographical and geopolitical sense Poland occupies a central position it is situated between the East and West of Europe and between its Scandinavian North and the Balkan South. More and more foreign investment is being shifted to Poland from Western Europe, as well as from the US and Asia. Poland s geographic location facilitates logistics activities and forecasts indicate increase in the number of immigrants to the country. l Polish higher education institutions participate in international student exchange programmes and are 2 Study in Poland

5 Poland actively engaged in bilateral agreements and individual exchange programmes pursued by particular schools. All of these initiatives enhance the development of relationships between Polish and foreign institutions of higher education. The number of Polish higher education institutions awarded an Erasmus University Charter approach 200 and the mobility of Polish students grows rapidly. l Polish academic traditions reach back to the 14th century, when one of the Central Europe s oldest universities, the Jagiellonian University of Cracow, was established in Nicholas Copernicus, born in Toruń, became the symbol of the scientific revolution that changed the image of the world. Another great representative of the Polish science in later centuries is the twice Nobel Prize winner, Maria Skłodowska-Curie. l Many great Polish scientists are known and admired worldwide and today s Polish universities continue the glorious traditions of their predecessors in many fields such as biology, physics, computer sciences and many more. Young Polish scientists and students achieve successes on global scale in the area of computer science and even designing Mars rovers. l Polish universities offer high quality studies and are an integral part of the European education space. All the leading universities offer programmes taught in English, these include medicine, engineering, humanities, business and finance. Foreign students can also study in Polish many ways to learn the language are provided. Poland takes an active part in the Bologna Process. Thanks to the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) students can be fully mobile and continue their education in other countries. See more at: We hope to see you soon! Madrid 3.35h London 2.40h Paris 2.25h 2.05h Amsterdam 2.10h Brussels Oslo 2.05h Zürich 2h 1.20h Berlin Vienna 1.15h Rome 2.30h 1.50h Helsinki 1.05h Vilnius Warsaw Athens 2.20h Poland in short l Official name: The Republic of Poland/Rzeczpospolita Polska (short form: Poland/Polska) l Government type: republic l Location: Central Europe l Border countries: Belarus 416 km, Czech Republic 790 km, Germany 467 km, Lithuania 103 km, Russia (Kaliningrad Oblast) 210 km, Slovakia 541 km, Ukraine 529 km l Language: Polish l Capital city: Warsaw l Major cities: Gdańsk, Kraków, Łódź, Poznań, Wrocław l Population: nearly 38 mln inhabitants l Total area: sq km ( sq m land, 8220 sq m water) l Climate: temperate with cold, cloudy, moderately severe winters with frequent precipitation; mild summers with frequent showers and thundershowers l Local time: GMT + 1 hr l Executive branch: head of state: President Bronislaw Komorowski (since August 2010); head of government: Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz (since September 2014) l Member of the European Union: Since 2004 l Religions: Roman Catholic 89,8%, Eastern Orthodox 1,3%, Protestant 0,3%, other 0,3%, unspecified 8,3% l Monetary unit: zloty (PLN) l Actual exchange rates: h Stockholm Moscow 2h Kiev 1.30h Istambul Sophia 2.20h 2.05h 3

6 Higher education system in Poland Jagiellonian University. Academic tradition. Po lish hi gher edu ca tion sys tem al lows for both sta - te and pri va te in sti tu tions of hi gher edu ca tion. To qu - ali fy for ad mis sion the ap pli cant must hold the ma - tu ri ty cer ti fi ca te. The de ta iled ru les of ad mis sion are de ter mi ned au to no mo usly by each in sti tu tion. De gre es gran ted to uni ver si ty gra du ates At Po lish in sti tu tions of hi gher edu ca tion a three - -sta ge sys tem of Ba che lor (Li cen cjat, In ży nier), Ma - ster (Ma gi ster) and Do cto ral (Dok tor) stu dies has be - en com pul so ry sin ce the 2007/2008 aca de mic year. Ac cor ding to the Hi gher Edu ca tion Act of 2005 syl - la bu ses in all fields of stu dy, except Law, Phar ma cy, Psy cho lo gy, Ve te ri na ry Me di ci ne, Me di ci ne, and Den ti stry, are pro vi ded on a two -cyc le ba sis. The third cyc le, do cto ral stu dies, is open on ly to tho se who hold the aca de mic ti tle of Ma ster (ma gi ster) or an equ iva lent ti tle or de gree. Do cto ral stu dies last fo - ur years but may be shor te ned or exten ded. Gra du ates of Po lish uni ver si ties and col le ges may ob ta in the fol lo wing de gre es: l ba che lor (BA, li cen cjat) ob ta ined fol lo wing the com ple tion of years long col le ge stu dies; l ba che lor (BSc, in ży nier) ob ta ined fol lo wing the com ple tion of years long col le ge stu dies in tech ni cal scien ces, agri cul tu re or eco no my; l ma ster (MA, MSc, ma gi ster) and equ iva lent de gre es: Ma ster of Art, MSc. Eng. (Ma ster En gi ne - er), Ma ster En gi ne er Ar chi tect, qu ali fied phy si cian, den tal sur ge on or ve te ri na rian gran ted fol lo wing Photo: UJ the com ple tion of 5 6 years long uni form uni ver - si ty stu dies. The MSc may al so be ob ta ined fol lo - wing the com ple tion of years long sup ple - men ta ry de gree stu dies which may be ta ken by per sons with a col le ge (BA) di plo ma; l do ctor (PhD, dok tor) a de gree awar ded to tho se who pass a do cto ral exam and suc cess ful ly de fend the ir dis ser ta tion. To qu ali fy for the aca de mic de - gree of do ctor a can di da te must hold a ma ster or equ iva lent de gree. The Po lish Hi gher Edu ca tion Sys tem in the Eu ro pe an Hi gher Edu ca tion Area Along with other Eu ro pe an co un tries, Po land si gned the Bo lo gna Dec la ra tion, which aims at the cre ation of the Eu ro pe an Area of Hi gher Edu ca tion. The Po lish Hi gher Edu ca tion Sys tem func tions in ac - cor dan ce with the Bo lo gna Pro cess prin ci ples. In sti tu tions of hi gher edu ca tion in Po land ha ve im - ple men ted the ECTS (Eu ro pe an Cre dit Trans fer Sys - tem) com mon ly ap plied in Eu ro pe. Its go al is to sim - pli fy pro ce du res of com pa ring edu ca tion com ple ted by stu dents in the ir co ur se of stu dies. Po lish in sti tu tions of hi gher edu ca tion are en ga ged in the in ter na tio nal exchan ge of stu dents. Pro grams li ke SOCRATES/Era smus, bi la te ral agre ements and in di vi du al ac ti vi ties of scho ols con tri bu te to the de - ve lop ment of con tacts be twe en Po lish and fo re ign hi gher edu ca tion in sti tu tions. Qu ali ty as su ran ce The Po lish Ac cre di ta tion Com mit tee (Pol ska Ko mi sja Akre dy ta cyj na, PKA), mo ni tors and con trols edu ca tio nal stan dards at Po lish in sti tu tions of hi gher edu ca tion, and se rves to im pro ve and gu aran tee qu ali ty stan dards. The Com mit tee has de - ve lo ped clo se co -ope ra tion with ac cre di ta tion com - mit te es in other co un tries. The Po lish qu ali ty as su - ran ce sys tem com plies with the ENQA Stan dards and Gu ide li nes. For mo re in for ma tion, see: Re co gni tion of fo re ign di plo mas The re co gni tion of fo re ign hi gher edu ca tion di plo mas in Po land is de ter mi ned by the Re gu la tion of the Mi ni ster of Na tio nal Edu ca tion on the Ru les and Pro ce du re for No stri fi ca tion of Di plo mas and Pro fes sio nal Ti tles Ob ta ined Abro ad (De cem - ber 10, 1991). On the we bpa ge of the Bu re au for Aca de mic Re co gni tion and In ter na tio nal Exchan ge 4 Study in Poland

7 ( you can find the le gal re gu la - tions con cer ning va li da tion of di plo mas re ce ived abro ad, in c lu ding a list of co un tries with which Po - land has si gned agre ements for the mu tu al re co gni - tion of di plo mas. If a gi ven di plo ma is co ve red by such an agre ement, it is au to ma ti cal ly va li da ted, in ac cor dan ce with the con tent of the agre ement. If agi ven di plo ma/cer ti fi ca te is not co ve red by an in - ter sta te agre ement, or was is su ed in a co un try with which Po land has not si gned an agre - ement re gar ding the mu tu al re co gni tion of edu ca tio - nal le vels, then it be co mes the sub ject of the De cree re gar ding the no stri fi ca tion of di plo mas acqu ired abro ad. The gi ven di plo ma must be pre sen ted at the lo cal Mi ni stry of Edu ca tion Of fi ce (Ku ra to rium). The ad dres ses can be fo und: Fe es In Po land full -ti me edu ca tion at sta te in sti tu tions of hi gher edu ca tion is free for Po lish ci ti zens. It is al so free for fo re igners who com men ce stu dies at sta te hi - gher edu ca tio nal in sti tu tions on terms ap pli ca ble to Po lish ci ti zens. All other fo re igners are re qu ired to pay tu ition fe es. The Aca de mic Year In most ca ses, the aca de mic year con si sts of abo ut thir ty we eks of co ur ses. Eve ry we ek stu dents ha ve abo ut thir ty ho urs of te aching. The aca de mic year is struc tu red in to two se me sters: the fall se me ster and the spring se me ster. The fall se me ster starts in the be - gin ning of Octo ber and in c lu des the win ter exa mi - na tion pe riod. The spring se me ster be gins in mid -Fe - bru ary, la sts till the end of Ju ne and co vers the sum - mer exa mi na tion pe riod. Te aching ta kes the form of lec tu res, clas ses, se mi nars, la bo ra to ry clas ses and di - scus sions gro ups. n o p r m l k j i h g f e s d c b International students in Poland 2014 a a. Ukraine b. Belarus 3743 c. Norway 1580 d. Spain 1361 e. Sweden 1251 f. Lithuania 965 g. Turkey 882 h. USA 814 i. Russia 810 j. Germany 743 k. Saudi Arabia 688 l. China 670 m. Czech Republic 626 n. Kazakhstan 527 o. Canada 463 p. France 413 r. Taiwan 413 s. Others 4911 Educational hub High educational level in most Polish universities and relatively low costs of studies themselves draw an increasing number of young people to Poland. The number of foreign students is systematically increasing. In the academic year 2005/2006 there were of them, in the academic year 2013/2014 there were already , which makes 2.32% of Polish students population. In general Poland drew students from 145 states so far. The biggest group comes from Ukraine , i.e. 42% of the total number of foreign students and Belarus (3.742, i.e. 10%). The geographic structure of foreign students is changing. If we compare the years 2009/2010 and 2013/2014, the higher growth is in the number of students from: Spain 9 times, Portugal 7.2, Turkey 5.9, Azerbaijan 5.8, Saudi Arabia 4.8 Foreign students most often choose the following study specialities: 1) Medicine % 2) Management % 3) International relations % 4) Tourism and recreation % 5) Economy % Medicine is the Polish speciality for foreign students. The majority among the medical students are Europeans (57%), but there are also many students from Asia (24%) and Northern America (17%). Exa mi na tions To suc cess ful ly com ple te a se me ster stu dent must re ce ive pas sing marks for all exa mi na tions con si sting of writ ten and/or oral exams in the sub jects co ve red by his pro gram me. Each uni ver si ty iden ti fies its gra - ding sca le in its Stu dy Ru les. The most com mon sca - le com pri ses the fol lo wing marks: ve ry go od (5); go - od plus (4.5); go od (4); sa tis fac to ry plus (3.5); sa tis - fac to ry (3); fa iling (2). Un der the Eu ro pe an Cre dit Trans fer Sys tem (ECTS) a cer ta in num ber of cre dits is al lo ca ted to a gi ven sub ject, in de pen den tly of marks re ce ived on exams. From left to right: Vitaliy Smygur (Ukraine) political science student in Lublin, Gabrielle Karpinsky (USA) medical student in Gdansk, Ghanshyambhai Khatri (India) PhD student in physics, Krakow, Hugues Gentillon (Haiti) medical student in Lodz. Winners of INTERSTUDENT 2014 competition for the best foreign students in Poland organized by the Conference of Rectors (CRASP) and Perspektywy Foundation as part of the Study in Poland program. 5

8 Warsaw University of Technology. Inauguration of academic year.

9 Opening ceremony of the academic year in Jagellonian University Contents l A welcome from Poland l Why Poland? l Higher Education System in Poland l International Students in Poland l Presentation of Universities Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan AGH University of Science and Technology Academy of Business in Dabrowa Gornicza Bialystok University of Technology Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw Collegium Civitas Cracow University of Economics Cracow University of Technology Czestochowa University of Technology Graduate School for Social Research (GSSR) Gdansk University Gdansk University of Technology Jagiellonian University Kielce University of Technology Koszalin University of Technology Kozminski University Lazarski University Lipinski University in Kielce Lublin University of Technology Lodz University of Technology Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education Medical University of Gdansk Medical University of Lodz Medical University of Warsaw Nicolaus Copernicus University Opole University of Technology Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology Poznan University of Economics Poznan University of Technology What & Where Programmes in English Poznan University of Medical Sciences Pultusk Academy of Humanities Rzeszow University of Technology SGH Warsaw School of Economics The Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin University of Bialystok University of Economics in Katowice University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw University of Labour Safety Management in Katowice University of Lodz University of Lower Silesia University of Silesia in Katowice University of Social Sciences in Warsaw (SAN) University of Social Sciences and Humanities (SWPS) University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn University of Warsaw University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz Vincent Pol University in Lublin Vistula University Warsaw School of Applied Linguistics Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW Warsaw University of Technology West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin Wroclaw Medical University Wrocław University of Economics Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences Wroclaw University of Technology WSB Universities l City Promotion Initiatives Photo: WUT Study in Gdansk Study in Lublin Study in Warsaw l Questions & Answers l Where to study

10 Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań AMU is proud to bear the name of Adam Mickiewicz a Polish bard who believed strongly in a free, multicultural Poland and was one of the most important poets of European Romanticism. AMU is one of the largest academic centers in Poland. In addition to its facilities in Poznan, it has From Uruguay to Poland campuses in Gniezno, Kalisz, Pila and Slubice. The University currently employs nearly 3,000 teaching staff, including 345 tenured professors, 550 AMU professors and over 1,600 doctors and senior lecturers. Since 2002 our professors have coordinated or have been partners in over 50 research projects funded by the European Union Framework Programs for Research and Technological Development and other EU/international programs. AMU is strongly dedicated to creating highstandard educational opportunities. The University serves over 42,000 students with 15 faculties offering BA, MA and PhD programs. Students who know Polish can choose from over 170 majors. The newest programs include: Dialogue and Social Consulting, Film Studies and Media Culture, Economy and Law Studies, Poles and Germans in Europe and State Management. AMU offers BA programs taught in Polish, English and German, MA programs in Polish, English, German Fabiana Ambroa Ibarruri (Uruguay): I compared the study programs in the field of International Law at various universities. I had a choice to study in Sweden or in the Netherlands but I decided to enroll at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. AMU convinced me with comprehensive academic offer and advanced research opportunities. Before departure I was not quite sure whether I find my way around in a foreign country. Luckily I met people who are open, friendly and ready to help a foreigner. I encourage anyone to come and see for themselves! and Dutch and individual PhD research programs in English and a variety of other languages. AMU has well-developed foreign relations and cooperates with about 350 universities across the world under bilateral agreements. AMU is a member of: EUA European University Association, EUCEN European University Continuing Education Network, The Compostela Group of Universities, The Santander Group European University Network, European Chemistry Thematic Network and other. A Dozen Reasons to Study at AMU in Poznań: Supreme academic expertise Competitive price Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań address: ul. Wieniawskiego Poznań, Poland phone: , Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań Central location: halfway between Berlin and Warsaw; most European capitals within 2 hours by plane! Multicultural environment Student-friendly city: every fourth citizen of Poznań is a student! 42,000 of them study at AMU! Vibrant business center offering career opportunities for students, Poznań region enjoys one of the lowest unemployment rates in Poland Comprehensive academic offer: AMU has been consistently ranked among top-3 universities in Poland for the last 5 years! Large number of professional full-time academic staff Advanced research opportunities: 25 research projects funded by the 7th European Union Framework Program for Research and Technological Development Handicap-friendly program: AMU has the largest population of students with disabilities in Poland! Easy access to culture: Poznań Philharmonic Orchestra plays in the AMU Main Auditorium, Poznan Opera House just across the square, National Museum 10 minutes away by foot! Exciting sports program to follow in 30 disciplines! AMU PreMed and PreTech Programs Foreign students wishing to improve their knowledge and skills in natural sciences before they apply for their medical studies may choose a a twosemester PreMed Program. It prepares for the 8 Study in Poland

11 Programmes of stu dy in English (or in other languages) l B.A. in Polish Studies l B.A. in English and Celtic studies l B.A. in English Philology l B.A. in English and Afrikaans, South-African Studies l Bachelor in interkultureller Germanistik l B.Sc. in Computer Science l B.A. in Art Education: Musical Arts l Bachelor in Germanistik l International Master in Balkan Studies, IBS l European Master s Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA) l Master's Programme in German and Polish Law (AMU/EUV) l European Master in Science of Performative Creativity (MSPC) l M.A. in English and Multicultural Communication in Europe l M.A. in International Relations: Regional and Transborder Cooperation l ad mi ni stra cja Ad mi ni stra tion l aku sty ka Aco ustics l ar che olo gia Ar cha eolo gy l astro no mia Astro no my l bał ka ni sty ka Bal kan Stu dies (al so in En glish) l bez pie czeń stwo na ro do we Na tio nal Se cu ri ty l bio fi zy ka Bio phy sics l bio in for ma ty ka Bio in for ma tics l bio lo gia Bio lo gy l bio tech no lo gia Bio tech no lo gy (al so in En glish) l che mia Che mi stry l dia log i do radz two spo łecz ne Dia lo gue and So cial Con sul ting l dzien ni kar stwo i ko mu ni ka cja spo łecz na Jo ur na lism and So cial Com mu ni ca tion l edu ka cja ar ty stycz na w za kre sie sztuk pla stycz - nych Ar ti stic Edu ca tion (Pa in ting, Sculp tu re) l edu ka cja ar ty stycz na w za kre sie sztu ki mu zycz nej Ar ti stic Edu ca tion (Mu sic) l edu ka cja ar ty stycz na Art Edu ca tion: Mu sic & Fi ne Arts l et no lo gia Eth no lo gy (al so in En glish) l fil mo znaw stwo i kul tu ra me diów Film Stu dies and Me dia Cul tu re l fi lo lo gia phi lo lo gy over 40 Mo dern Lan gu ages l fi lo lo gia an giel ska En glish Phi lo lo gy l fi lo lo gia kla sycz na Clas si cal Stu dies l fi lo lo gia pol ska Po lish Phi lo lo gy l fi lo lo gia pol ska ja ko ob ca Po lish Phi lo lo gy as Fo re ign l fi lo lo gicz no -hi sto rycz ne stu dia środ ko wo eu ro - pej skie Phi lo lo gi cal and Hi sto ric Cen tral Eu ro pe an Stu dies l International Master's Programme in Chemistry, SERP-Chem l M.A. in English and Celtic Studies l M.A. in Dutch Studies l M.A. in English Philology l M.A. in Civilisation of English-speaking Countries l M.A. in Language and Communication in Media and Politics l History specialization: Classical Culture (Studies under the joint study programme European Master in Classical Cultures, EMCC) l M.A. in Conference Interpreting Polish- English-French-German l M.A. in Cognitive Applied Linguistics l M.A. in Translation: Polish-English-French- German l Master in Germanistik l M.A. in History and Civilisation of English-speaking Countries l M.A. in Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology l fi lo zo fia Phi lo so phy l fi zy ka Phy sics l fi zy ka me dycz na Me di cal Phy sics l geo de zja i kar to gra fia Geo de sy and Car to gra phy l geo gra fia Geo gra phy l geo in for ma cja Geo in for ma tion l geo lo gia Geo lo gy l go spo dar ka prze strzen na Urban Plan ning l go spo dar ka wod na Wa ter Re so ur ce Ma na ge ment l hi sto ria Hi sto ry l hi sto ria sztu ki Hi sto ry of Art l humanistyka w szkole Humanities Teaching l in for ma cja na uko wa i bi blio te ko znaw stwo Scien ti fic In for ma tion and Li bra ry Stu dies l in for ma ty ka Com pu ter Scien ce l kie ru nek praw no -eko no micz ny Eco no my and Law Stu dies l ko gni ty wi sty ka Co gni ti ve Stu dies l ko mu ni ka cja eu ro pej ska European Communication l ko mu ni ka cja mię dzy kul tu ro wa In ter cul tu ral Stu dies (in En glish) l kul tu ro znaw stwo Cul tu ral Stu dies l ma te ma ty ka Ma the ma tics l media interaktywne i widowiska Interactive Media and Shows l mię dzy ob sza ro we in dy wi du al ne stu dia hu ma ni - stycz ne i spo łecz ne In ter di sci pli na ry In di vi du al So cial and Hu ma ni stic Stu dies l mu zy ko lo gia Mu si co lo gy l ochro na dóbr kul tu ry He ri ta ge Pro tec tion l ochro na śro do wi ska Envi ron men tal Pro tec tion (al so in En glish) l M.Sc. in Biotechnology l M.A. in History (Central European Studies) l European Master's Programme: Crossways in Cultural Narratives l M.Sc. in Environmental Protection l M.A. in Hungarian Language and Literature l M.Sc. in Chemistry: Applied Chemistry l International Relations Master Studies in English l International Master in Mediterranean Studies, IMS l M.A. in Poles and Germans in Europe l Individually supervised Ph.D. research projects l Language, Society, Technology and Cognition (LST&C) l Ph.D. programme in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology l Inter-University Programme of Interdisciplinary PhD Studies at the»artes Liberales«Academy of which AMU is part l opto me tria Opto me try l pe da go gi ka Pe da go gy l pe da go gi ka spe cjal na Spe cial Edu ca tion l Po la cy i Niem cy w Eu ro pie Po les and Ger mans in Eu ro pe l po li to lo gia Po li ti cal Scien ce l polonistyka w kontekstach kultury Polish Studies in Cultural Contexts l pra ca so cjal na So cial Work l pra wo Law l pra wo eu ro pej skie Eu ro pe an Law l psy cho lo gia Psy cho lo gy l re ży se ria dźwię ku So und Di rec ting l so cjo lo gia So cio lo gy l sto sun ki mię dzy na ro do we In ter na tio nal Re la tions (al so in En glish) l stu dia śród ziem no mor skie Me di ter ra ne an Stu dies (al so in En glish) l tech nicz ne za sto so wa nia In ter ne tu Tech ni cal In ter net Ap pli ca tions l tech no lo gie kom pu te ro we Com pu ter Tech no lo gies l teo lo gia The olo gy l tu ry sty ka i re kre acja To urism and Le isu re l wie dza o te atrze The atre Stu dies l wscho do znaw stwo Eastern Eu ro pe and Asian Stu dies l za rzą dza nie Ma na ge ment l za rzą dza nie pań stwem Sta te Ma na ge ment l za rzą dza nie śro do wi skiem Envi ron men tal Ma na ge ment Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań Facts & fi gu res: Founded in 1919 l academic staff l students l over 1000 foreign students Contact: Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań l address: ul. Wieniawskiego 1, Poznań, Poland l phone: , l International Exchange Advisors:, l ERASMUS+: l Study in Poland coordinator: l website: interview and entrance exams at Poznań University of Medical Sciences (PUMS) as well as other medial programs in Poland. On the other hand, the PreTech Program is an engineering course offered and designed to enable the students to approach technical and engineering degree programs with more confidence and prevent them from dropping out after the first year. Apart from courses in various natural and technical sciences both programs provide candidates with basic skills in Polish and improve both medical and technical English vocabulary. PreTech covers fundamental subjects for most engineering and technical studies. AMU also offers a 6-month and a 1-year General English and English for Academic IELTS course 9

12 AGH University of Science and Technology AGH University of Science and Technology is at present one of the oldest (established in 1913), biggest, and best Polish technical universities. Contrary to its traditional name, the University has a wide portfolio of education, covering virtually all scientific issues related to technical or similar sciences. The profile and scope of education as well as research at AGH UST is constantly changing and developing, as we are aspiring to be continually up to date with My beautiful AGH UST memory demands of the present times. We are following the requirements of dynamically changing labour market, closely watching directions of changes in economy, administration and politics. The mission of our university is up-to-date education of engineers who specialise in many branches of technology (offering 57 courses and over specialisations). It is worth mentioning that many of AGH UST specialisations are unique and they have no counterparts in any other Polish universities. We want to preserve this uniqueness by combining knowledge of technology and arts, especially since we employ highly qualified and internationally recognised staff in many unique fields (environmental protection, environmental engineering, underground renovation of historical monuments and Raquel Pérez Robles (Mexico): I study at the IPN (National Polytechnic Institute). Studying in Krakow at AGH UST has helped me in my professional career, because I do not go to classes only to accomplish attendance but due to the desire for learning and opening my mind to the knowledge which is being provided to me. This experience would not have been achieved without SMILE an exchange programme enhancing mobility between Latin America and Europe and without the help of prestigious and highly valued AGH University of Science and Technology. The memories of experiences in every classroom, of every trip or party I have had are unique moments that I will never forget because I learned from my mistakes and I lived my joys. I have met people of different nationalities, different cultures and customs and in each of them, all parts of the world could be found. We should care about this variety. But what I am most proud of is that I found between these people some good friends for life. Will I see them again?, I do not know, but I will keep each of the joys I shared with them. archeometallurgy, multimedia and social communication, geotourism, management in specified industries, biomaterials and biomedical engineering). Amost students study in the 16 faculties. PhD courses are also conducted there are almost PhD students at AGH UST. 14 Faculties are Akademia Górniczo- -Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie AGH University of Science and Technology address: A. Mickiewicza Ave Krakow, Poland phone: , fax: AGH University of Science and Technology authorized to confer the degree of Doctor of Science or Doctor of Philosophy. AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow is a university of modern technologies with great prospects for the future. A varied and attractive educational offer and innovative research in the fields strategic for the national economy are our true asset. A wide scope of research conducted at the university is a result of the contemporary structure which has been shaped over the last 100 years; the development of the university units was connected with the dynamic development of economy of the country. Invariably, the ambition of AGH UST has been getting ahead of the present time, which results in many innovative solutions in different areas. Today, the university comprises 16 faculties. Their research activity is connected with traditional, yet constantly developing branches of industry and economy (mining, drilling, metallurgy ), and with particular fields of Earth and technical sciences (geology, geodesy, electrical engineering ). Well represented are also faculties conducting research in dynamically developing disciplines such as computer science, telecommunications, and biomedical engineering, as well as faculties connected with the basic sciences (mathematics, physics, geophysics, and sociology). For years, the university has been regularly developing and modernising the scientific research base. In 2012, a new, modern building was completed and commissioned; it is equipped with unique technological and measurement devices, including apparatus working in the conditions of high cleanness, in the so-called clean room, with equipment designed for nanotechnology and material nonodiagnostics. AGH 10 Study in Poland

13 Programmes of stu dy in English l BSc in Electronics and Telecommunications l BSc in Mechatronics l MSc in Applied Computer Science: Computer Methods in Science and Technology l MSc in Biomedical Engineering: Emerging Health Care Technologies l MSc in Chemical Technology: Clean Fossil and Alternative Fuels Energy l MSc in Chemical Technology: Sustainable Fuels Economy l automatyka i robotyka Automatics Control and Robotics l budownictwo Civil Engineering l ceramika Ceramics l chemia budowlana Chemistry of Building Materials l edukacja techniczno-informatyczna Education in Technology and Computer Science l ekologiczne źródła energii Ecological Sources of Energy l elektronika Electronics l elektronika i telekomunikacja Electronics and Telecommunications l elektrotechnika Electrical Engineering l energetyka Power Engineering l fizyka medyczna Medical Physics l fizyka techniczna Technical Physics l geodezja i kartografia Geodesy, Surveying and l MSc in Electrical Engineering: Smart Grids Technology Platform l MSc in Electronics and Telecommunications: Computer Network Equipments and Systems l MSc in Electronics and Telecommunications: Network and Services l MSc in Electronics and Telecommunications: Sensors and Microsystems l MSc in Energy Technology: Sustainable Energy Development l MSc in Geophysics: Applied Geophysics Cartography l geofizyka Geophysics l górnictwo i geologia Mining and Geology l informatyka Computer Science l informatyka i ekonometria Information Technology and Econometrics l informatyka stosowana Applied Computer Science l inżynieria akustyczna Acoustic Engineering l inżynieria biomedyczna Biomedical Engineering l inżynieria ciepła Heat Engineering l inżynieria materiałowa Materials Engineering l inżynieria mechaniczna i materiałowa Mechanical and Materials Engineering l inżynieria naftowa i gazownicza Oil and Gas Engineering l inżynieria obliczeniowa Computational Engineering l inżynieria środowiska Environmental Engineering Facts & fi gu res: l Established in 1913 l 2169 academic staff l students (35 % women) l MSc in Materials Engineering: Functional Materials l MSc in Mechatronics: Mechatronic Design l MSc in Mining and Geology: Economic Geology l MSc in Mining and Geology: Mining Engineering l MSc in Sociology: Technoloogy and Society l Virtotechnology: Virtualization of Foundry Engineering l Postgraduate Studies in Drilling Engineering l kulturoznawstwo Cultural Studies l matematyka Mathematics l mechanika i budowa maszyn Mechanical Engineering l mechatronika Mechatronics l metalurgia Metallurgy l mikroelektronika w technice i medycynie Microelectronics in Industry and Medicine l ochrona środowiska Environmental Protection l socjologia Sociology l technologia chemiczna Chemical Technology l teleinformatyka Teleinformatics l turystyka i rekreacja Tourism and Recreation l wirtotechnologia Virtotechnology l zarządzanie Management l zarządzanie i inżynieria produkcji Management and Production Engineering Contact: Centre for International Students l A. Mickiewicza Ave. 30, Krakow, Poland l REGULAR STUDIES: l phone: , l fax: l l EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES: l phone: l l phone: l fax: l, AGH University of Science and Technology UST Academic Centre for Materials and Nanotechnology, which is the user of the new building, is creating a possibility to conduct research into building and functional materials, as well as nanomaterials at the world level on the basis of collaboration with leading world laboratories, and also in cooperation with scientific research institutions and industrial units representing high technologies in Poland. The Centre is also creating space for doctoral projects, post-doctoral professional experience, and post-doctoral qualification dissertations at a very high level while ensuring the education and renewal of the research staff of our university and the region in the fields of nanotechnology, engineering, and materials physics. Since 2011, the university has been equipped with one of the world s three most powerful microscopes the latest generation analytical electron microscope (S)TEM FEI Titan Cubed G The device is located at the laboratory of AGH UST International Centre of Electron Microscopy at the Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science. Titan Cubed is one of the most important technological achievements in the field of microanalysis at the atomic scale. The development of science at the highest, world level is an element of the mission of the university, but also a duty of a scientific research unit. It allows the active creation of new solutions leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the world, and the development of innovative solutions that will improve our lives. It also gives space to the development of young talented people, both students and doctoral students, and in consequence, it allows to educate top-level scientists and researchers, as well as specialists who will be able to use the knowledge in their everyday, professional careers. Numerous awards, for example, a distinction in the competition organized by the weekly Polityka Stay with us, or the most successful for AGH UST young scientists and researchers (in terms of the number of laureates) competition organised by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Top 500 Innovators indicate that our students are capable of making use of their potential, which in the future can bring interesting developments and discoveries on the national and global scale. The research activity of university scientists and employees is recognised on the international arena. A significant success of AGH UST has been its incorporation, as the only Polish university, into the Knowledge and Innovation Community InnoEnergy of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). In our Polish centre named CC Poland Plus-Krakow, the main subject area is Clean Coal Technologies. Thanks to being part of the Innovation Community we can develop research into the innovative technologies of the production of clean energy obtained from fossils, on which Polish power engineering is based. Research works at the university are supported by the Main Library, which also encompasses the network of several faculty libraries with a wide range of textbooks and journals made available in the electronic form within the University Computer Network. University employees present the results of their research works and projects by organising and participating in a few dozen international and Polish conferences and science symposia every year. Building a strong scientific position is the essence of the existence and continuity of the university. A wide scope of research projects which often go beyond the usual pattern guarantees the development of young, ambitious and highly-qualified staff, which will determine not only the future of our university, but also our country. 11

14 Academy of Business in Dąbrowa Górnicza Academy of Business, located between two major urban centers in the south of Poland such as Katowice and Krakow, is one of the most renown business and information technology universities in Poland. It specializes in arts studies too. Academy of Business in Dąbrowa Górnicza, founded in 1995, has several years of experience in educating students, conducting research and co-operating with the Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej Academy of Business in Dąbrowa Górnicza address: Cieplaka 1c street, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland tel: Academy of Business in Dąbrowa Górnicza state economy. Since the beginning of its activity, graduates gained practical and theoretical knowledge allowing them to enter the European labour market. Academy of Business offers bachelor, master, bachelor in engineering, doctorate and postgraduate programmes. One can choose from 12 fields of study and over 70 specialties. Academy of Business is committed to provide highquality education opportunities to its students and staff which include an international dimension. Our objective is to work on the international level, in close liaison with the European and international education, research and business environment. European dimension has already been incorporated into the curriculum of a number of successful programmes taught at the Academy. Joint study programmes held with HEIs from various countries in Europe, Asia and America provide our students with the opportunity to undertake period of study abroad and to be awarded double diploma. The quality of education at Academy of Business is acknowledged by the high positions in the rankings of Polish higher education institutions and the State Accreditation Committee. Academy of Business has wide experience in delivery of scientific and research projects. As the second nonpublic higher education institution in Poland, Academy of Business holds the top A category in the field of scientific and R&D activity awarded by the Committee for Evaluation of Scientific Institutions. The Academy works with business sector, including a number of the biggest Polish employers whose management staff participate in the process of creating study programs as well as take part in conducting classes. Every year Academy of Business takes part in numerous international programmes such as Erasmus+, Norway Grants, DAAD, Visegrad Fund, Polish- Lithuanian Youth Exchange Fund etc. Participation in the EU and other international and research projects has grown into multilateral joint agreements with universities in many European countries and Asia. Academy of Business has about 150 bilateral cooperation agreements with foreign universities, both from European and non-european countries. The Academy is continuously developing further opportunities to internationalise the curricula by further applications for mobility and educational programmes and the development of more double/joint degrees in other fields of study. Students have the opportunity to complete part of their studies or internships in one of the cooperating organizations all over the world. Students of Academy of Business in Dąbrowa Górnicza have the unique opportunity to apply for a joint degree in 1st and 2nd cycle studies. The Academy holds partnerships on joint study programmes with HEIs from various countries in Europe, Asia and America. The students of Academy can earn a double diploma by doing part of their studies in one of the partner universities abroad. The intensive education in Academy of Business in Dąbrowa Górnicza is assured by: knowledge, experience and skills of highly qualified scientific and academic staff. Programmes of stu dy in English l administracja Administration l bezpieczeństwo narodowe National Security l ekonomia Economy l filologia angielska English Philology l fizjoterapia Physiotherapy l BA in International Business l BA in International Tourism l BA in English Philology l informatyka IT l logistyka Logistic l pedagogika Pedagogy l socjologia Sociology l stosunki międzynarodowe International Relations l BA in Management l MSc in Management l MSc in Information Technology l Executive MBA l zarządzanie Management l zarządzanie i inżynieria produkcji Management and Production Engineering Facts & fi gu res: Established in 1995 l academic staff l students l over 400 foreign students l3 branch departments: Kraków, Cieszyn, Olkusz, Żywiec Contact: International Relations Office: Cieplaka 1c street, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland l phone: , l fax: l l l l 12 Study in Poland

15 Bialystok University of Technology Politechnika Białostocka address: ul. Wiejska 45A Białystok, Polska phone: fax Bialystok University of Technology Bialystok University of Technology (BUT) is the largest technical university in the north-eastern region of Poland. We are a modern, dynamically developing institution with 65-year-old experience in educating scientists and technologists. BUT is a technology centre of the region and our graduates are in demand in the labour markets in Poland and abroad. Our University consists of seven faculties with more than 13,000 students and 678 academic teachers. BUT's main campus is located at Wiejska Street with the buildings of the Faculties of: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering and Academic Sports Centre, Student Halls of Residence, Center for Modern Education, Academic Incubator of Entrepreneurship, INNO-EKO-TECH Centre. The Faculty of Architecture is located in the building complex at Oskar Sosnowski Street whereas the Management Faculty campus is sited in Kleosin easily accessed suburb from other parts of the City of Białystok. BUT Faculty of Forestry is an off campus unit located in Hajnówka, some 70 km south-east of Białystok. The education process involves three cycles or degrees in full-time and part-time modes. To meet the expectations of both our students and modern market economy BUT offers over 20 study courses. Candidates are invited to enroll for: first degree or undergraduate courses (6 or 7 semester BSc), second or master degree courses (3 or 4 semester MSc) and third degree or doctoral courses (8 semester PhD). Furthermore, each of the BUT faculties prepare a wide choice of post-graduate courses (cf. BUT Educational Offer section of the Prospectus). Bialystok University of Technology has full rights to confer doctoral (PhD) degrees in eight scientific disciplines, i.e. architecture and urban planning, civil engineering, computer science, electronics, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, machine design and maintenance, mechanics. Furthermore, BUT has been granted permission to confer postdoctoral (DSc) degrees in four scientific disciplines, such as civil engineering, electrical engineering, machine design and maintenance, mechanics. International Cooperation. BUT has been cooperating bilaterally with over 80 academic institutions from 25 countries in Europe, America and Asia. The contacts result in numerous fellowships, habilitation theses and doctoral dissertations, student visits, etc. Bialystok University of Technology is also a signatory of the Erasmus program which, up to now, has effected in more than 120 agreements with European academic centers. The University unit responsible for organizing international cooperation is the International Relations Office, directly subordinate to the Vice- Rector for Development and Cooperation. Bialystok University of Technology Programmes of stu dy in English l Bsc in Civil Engineering l BSc in Computer Science l BSc in Eco-engineering l BSc in Environmental Engineering l Bsc in Landscape Architecture l BSc in Mechatronics Systems and Materials l ar chi tek tu ra i urba ni sty ka Ar chi tec tu re and Urban Plan ning lar chi tek tu ra kra jo bra zu Land sca pe Ar chi tec - tu re l ar chi tek tu ra wnętrz In te rior De sign l au to ma - ty ka i ro bo ty ka Au to ma tic Con trol and Ro bo tics l bio - tech no lo gia Bio tech no lo gy l bro ker bio tech no lo gii Bio tech no lo gy Bro ker l bu dow nic two Ci vil En gi ne ering l edu ka cja tech nicz no -in for ma tycz na Tech ni cal and In for ma ti cal Edu ca tion l elek tro ni ka i te le ko mu ni ka cja Elec tro nics and Te le com mu ni ca tion l elek tro tech ni ka l MSc in Com pu ter Scien ce spe cia li za tion: Da ta Scien ce l MSc in Architecture and Urban Planning l MSc in Landscape Architecture l MSc in Environmental Engineering l MSc in Eco-engineering l MSc in Civil Engineering spe cia li za tion: General Construction Engineering Elec tri cal En gi ne ering l ekoinżynieria Eco-engineering l ekoener ge ty ka Po wer En gi ne ering l go spo dar ka prze strzen na Spa tial Ma na ge ment l gra fi ka Gra phics l in for ma ty ka In for ma tics l in for ma ty ka i eko no me - tria Com pu ter Scien ce and Eco no me trics l in ży nie ria bio me dycz na Bio me di cal En gi ne ering l in ży nie ria rol - no -spo żyw cza i le śna Agri cul tu ral, Fo od and Fo re stry En gi ne ering l in ży nie ria śro do wi ska Envi ron men tal En gi ne ering l le śnic two Fo re stry l lo gi sty ka Lo gi stics l MSc in Electronics and Telecommunications spe cia li za tions: Electronic Equipment, Teleinformatics and Optoelectronics l MSc in Management spe cia li za tions: Management of Innovation and Business Development l ma te ma ty ka Ma the ma tics l me cha ni ka i bu do wa ma szyn Me cha ni cal En gi ne ering l tu ry sty ka i re kre acja To urism and Re cre ation l ochro na śro do wi ska Envi ron - men tal En gi ne eringl za rzą dza nie Ma na ge ment l za rzą dza nie i in ży nie ria pro duk cji Ma na ge ment and Pro duc tion En gi ne ering l za rzą dza nie i in ży nie ria usług Ma na ge ment and Se rvi ce En gi ne ering Facts & fi gu res: BUT was established in 1949 l seven faculties l over 13 thousand students l 56 students scientific circles Contact: Bialystok University of Technology International Relations Office 45a, Wiejska St., Bialystok l tel , fax l 13

16 Cardinal stefan Wyszynski University Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw address: ul. Dewajtis 5, Warsaw, Poland phone: fax:; Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (UKSW) is a public university with 32 fields of study, over students, 737 academic teachers and 383 administrative staff. Studies are carried out in a full-time system and a part-time system, both in a long cycle system (master) and in a first cycle (bachelor). The UKSW also offers professional qualifications in postgraduate and doctoral programs. Studies conducted in most of the fields are certified by the State Accreditation Commission. Students have the opportunity to go on to over 60 universities in Europe under the Erasmus program. There are numerous student scientific associations and student organizations, student theater and choir. There are sport facilities as well. The University is friendly to people with disabilities. Rector's special associate helps solve problems related to the functioning of persons with disabilities and provides information about programs and events, meetings, and university festivals. Some departments offer e-learning to enrich and supplement traditional classes. Distance learning system enables interactive text commentary, moderating the discussion among students and a teacher. Experienced career advisors from the Office of Career help students to plan career paths, and assists in placement in internships organized by renowned Polish and international companies. The UKSW is a member of International Federation Catholic Universities (FIUC). The Polish program MOST (system of students mobility) national grants for studying in 19 other Polish universities. Programmes of stu dy in English l ad mi ni stra cja Ad mi ni stra tion l ar che olo gia Ar cha eolo gy l bez pie czeń stwo we wnętrz ne In ter nal Se cu ri ty l bio lo gia Bio lo gy l che mia Che mi stry l dzien ni kar stwo i ko mu ni ka cja spo łecz na Jo ur na lism and Pu blic Re la tions l eko no mia Eco no mic l eu ro pe isty ka Eu ro pe an Stu dies l fi lo lo gia Phi lo lo gy l fi lo lo gia pol ska Po lish Phi lo lo gy l fi lo zo fia Phi lo so phy l The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences College of Sciences l fi zy ka Phy sics l hi sto ria Hi sto ry l hi sto ria sztu ki Art Hi sto ry l in for ma ty ka In for ma tic l in ży nie ria śro do wi ska Envi ron men tal En gi ne ering l kul tu ro znaw stwo Cul tu ral Stu dies l ma te ma ty ka Ma the ma tics l na uki o ro dzi nie Fa mi ly Scien ces l ochro na dóbr kul tu ry i śro do wi ska Pro tec tion of Cul tu ral and Envi ron men tal l ochro na śro do wi ska Envi ron men tal Pro tec tion l pe da go gi ka Pe da go gy l pe da go gi ka spe cjal na Spe cial Edu ca tion l po li to lo gia Po li ti cal Scien ces l pra ca so cjal na So cial Work l pra wo Law l pra wo ka no nicz ne Ca non Law l psy cho lo gia Psy cho lo gy l re li gio znaw stwo Re li gio us Stu dies l so cjo lo gia So cio lo gy l sto sun ki mię dzy na ro do we In ter na tio nal Re la tions l teo lo gia The olo gy Facts & fi gu res: l Established in 1999 l students (65% women) l 737 academic staff Contact: Full time studies Recruitment Office: ul. Woycickiego 1/3, Warsaw l Phone: l fax: l ERASMUS part time studies International Relations Office: ul. Dewajtis 5, Warsaw l phone: (English) l (French) l tel/fax: (German/English) l l 14 Study in Poland

17 Collegium Civitas Collegium Civitas is a higher educational establishment founded in 1997 by a joint initiative of Professors from the Polish Academy of Sciences. Since the very beginning the university has developed and maintained the highest educational standards comparable with those offered by the most renowned European and American Universities. University holds top positions in the National rankings of Universities in Poland, Collegium Civitas graduates go on to have highly successful and satisfying career paths. Top places in national rankings: 1st position in the ranking of Wprost weekly seven times 1st place in Sociology and Political Studies according to Polityka weekly top places in the rankings of Polish non-state universities of Perspektywy and Rzeczpospolita Collegium Civitas is located in the heart of Warsaw the Palace of Culture and Science. Collegium Civitas offers academic programmes in English, Polish and bilingual Polish-English in the following fields: Journalism and New Media, International and Cross-cultural Relations, Sociology, Communication, Marketing and Management, Diplomacy, Society, Lifestyle and Art, Psychology and Coaching, Analysis of Information and Security, Individual Interdisciplinary Studies. The best academic faculty and an individual approach nearly 200 prominent Professors and Lecturers (among them academics from the Polish Academy of Sciences) classes conducted by both foreign and Polish Lecturers experts in media, business, international relations (among them over 20 former ambassadors) small-sized groups Collegium Civitas address: Palace of Culture and Science, 12th floor Plac Defilad Warsaw, Poland phone: fax: Since the very beginning Collegium Civitas has been a bilingual University. Collegium Civitas is honoured to welcome students from over 50 countries. University has signed around 60 agreements within the Erasmus+ student exchange programme, as well as many bilateral contracts with other Universities around the world, including America. Career Center Collegium Civitas does its best to provide students with the professional support to help start and develop their careers numerous internships in Poland and abroad individual consultations with career advisers and legal counselling meetings with employers and alumni interactive recruitment service Collegium Civitas Programmes of stu dy in English l BA in International Relations International Business International Marketing International Relations Media, Diplomacy and International Negotiations l BA in Journalism and New Media Foreign Reporting Journalism and New Media Transnational Journalism l stosunki międzynarodowe International Relations l politologia Political Science l BA in Political Science Political Science l BA in Sociology Public Relations, Marketing and New Media Sociology l MA in International Relations Business in Asian Century Central and Eastern European Studies Diplomacy in the Age of Information International Business and Negotiations International Energy Security International Relations l socjologia Sociology l dziennikarstwo i nowe media Journalism and New Media l MA in Sociology Business Coaching Diversity and Media Non-Governmental Organisations Social Media Marketing Part-time studies: l MA in International Relations International Relations Diplomacy in the Age of Information l MA in Sociology Business Coaching Diversity and Media Non-Governmental Organisations Social Media Marketing Facts & fi gu res: l Established in 1997 l 210 academic staff l 2000 students l located in Palace of Culture and Science Contact: Admissions Office: Palace of Culture and Science, 12th floor Plac Defilad 1, Warsaw, Poland l phone: l fax: l l 15

18 Cracow University of Economics Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie Cracow University of Economics address: ul. Rakowicka Kraków, Poland phone: fax: Cracow University of Economics The University and its campus. Cracow University of Economics, founded in 1925, is the largest school of economics in Poland and the third biggest university in Krakow, which is the main Polish academic center. The number of students currently enrolled at the University exceeds Cracow University of Economics, located in the very centre of the city, boasts an impressive infrastructure. The University campus occupies 7 hectares of land and its facilities include both modern and historic buildings. University campus is located in the vicinity of historical medieval Old Town of Krakow and is easily accessible both on foot and by public transportation. There is a large sports and teaching complex composed of two buildings with an in-door swimming pool, a full-sized gym, a fitness room and large conference rooms. Students have access to modern lecture rooms, the library, laboratories, computer rooms and sport facilities. My Polish adventure The University is also concerned about the comfort of its disabled students - all the campus facilities are equipped with wheelchair ramps or lifts for the physically disabled as well as specially adjusted lavatories. Student life and services. Many different organizations and student associations are active at the University. These include the Student Government, the Independent Students Association, AIESEC (International Association of Economics and Commerce Students), ESN (Erasmus Student Network), SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise), the University Club of the Academic Sport Association, Dominanta Choir and many more. Cracow University of Economics gives priority to sports at its campus. Students have access to a large sports gym, swimmingpool, tennis courts and a sports field. The Academic Sports Union (AZS) offers a number of sports sections including popular team games football, volleyball or basketball, as well as some exotic ones. The Academic Career Center (ACK) operating at the University organizes workshops and training sessions for CUE students and graduates, conducted Oktay Şen (Turkey): I m from Istanbul. I m studying at the Cracow University of Economics. Prior to my first visit to Poland I remember being anxious about the attitude of Poles towards me and a slight possibility of cultural shock. These fears proved unfounded luckily. Poles are among the friendliest nations I ve came to know. The teaching staff here is fabulous, always helpful, very attentive. There are a lot of parties and celebrations throughout the academic year, so you cannot complain of boredom. I can easily recommend our University to everyone. With its colorful atmosphere and rich international environment CUE is the best place to gain valuable knowledge and have lots of fun. Join our academic family, you ll be enchanted! by ACK workers and experts from different industries. The Cracow University of Economics, together with the best Polish employers, also conducts training programs - Business Academies. Interests of all students are represented by the Students' Parliament, which organizes integration events for students, charity events and other projects, making CUE's student life more diversified. International cooperation. The University has a number of international contacts. Presently, it has over 220 partners across the world and cooperates with universities and various organizations from Europe, both Americas, Australia and Asia. It offers exchange programs through Erasmus, CEEPUS, EMBS, Direct Entry, Ministerial and Governmental scholarships or bilateral agreements. CUE offers study programs in English on bachelor, master and PhD level. CUE is a member of many networks and associations such as EUA (European University Association), NIBES (Network of International Business and Economic Schools), EMBS (European Master of Business Studies), UNECC (University Network of the European Capitals of Culture), Alexander von Humboldt Association. Research and teaching infrastructure. The University s research and teaching infrastructure includes: IT Center with Computer labs, e-learning and Virtual Science Center, Main Library, University Publishing House and Printing Center. Study levels. Cracow University of Economics (CUE) offers programs for all levels of study, both in Polish and English: full-time and part-time 3-year Bachelor studies, 2-year Master studies and 3-year Doctorate studies. In addition, CUE offers various study opportunities at the post diploma level, designed for candidates who already hold a university degree, but wish to further develop their professional qualifications. 16 Study in Poland

19 Programmes of stu dy in English l BSc in Applied Informatics l BSc in Corporate Finance and Accounting l BSc in International Business l BSc in Product Manager l ad mi ni stra cja Ad mi ni stra tion l analityka gospodarcza Economic Analythics l eko no mia Eco no mics l eu ro pe isty ka Eu ro pe an Stu dies l finanse i rachunkowość Finance and Accounting l go spo dar ka i ad mi ni stra cja pu blicz na Pu blic Eco no my and Ad mi ni stra tion l gospodarka przestrzenna Spatial Economy l informatyka i ekonometria Informatics and Econometrics l MSc in Corporate Finance and Accounting l MSc in International Business l MSc in International Finance and Accounting l PhD Studies in Economics, Finance and Management (EFM) l International Master of Business Administration (MBA) European l informatyka stosowana Applied informatics l inżynieria organizacji i zarządzania Organization and Management Engineering l logistyka międzynarodowa International Logistics l marketing i komunikacja rynkowa Marketing and Market Communication l mię dzy na ro do we sto sun ki go spo dar cze In ter na tio nal Economic Re la tions l prawo Law l organizacja i zarządzanie studia menedżerskie Multicultural Integrated Management Program l English Track Business Studies l Polish Path l Preparatory Course l Guest Lectures Organization and Management Managerial Studies l rachunkowość i controlling Accounting and Controlling l socjologia Sociology l sto sun ki mię dzy na ro do we In ter na tio nal Re la tions l to wa ro znaw stwo Com mo di ty Scien ce l tu ry sty ka i re kre acja To urism and Re cre ation l za rzą dza nie i in ży nie ria pro duk cji Ma na ge ment and Pro duc tion En gi ne ering l za rzą dza nie Ma na ge ment Facts & fi gu res: Established in 1925 l 743 academic staff members l over students l over 800 foreign students l 22 majors in Polish l 6 programs in English l 7 student exchange programs Contact: 27 Rakowicka St., Cracow, Poland l phone: , l fax: l,, Cracow University of Economics 17

20 Cracow University of Technology Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki Cracow University of Technology address: ul. Warszawska Kraków, Poland phone: Cracow University of Technology Cracow University of Technology has been successfully educating engineers for almost 70 years. Total number of alumni that graduated from our University exceeds In May 2008 Cracow University of Technology was rated by the magazine Newsweek Poland as the best university in Poland according to employers who eagerly hire our alumni due to their high qualifications. In October 2010 our prestige was confirmed by honorary title the University friendly for employers. Such a A dream comes true recognition proves that Cracow University of Technology offers attractive, high quality and tailormade programmes of study responding to market needs. Our alumni find jobs at public and private companies, national and international enterprises, national and regional government administration, in design offices and also at universities and research institutes. Our Faculty of Architecture earned accreditation of the Royal Institute of British Architects, as well as it was claimed to be the best Faculty of Architecture in Poland. The Faculty of Civil Engineering educates future engineers at the top level and The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is the second largest faculty of its kind in Poland. Different faculty members cooperate with the European Commission serving as experts and also with various companies and Gabriela González Aguirre (Mexico): If I was to describe with one word my experience in Kraków it would definitely be: incredible. It was unbelievable since the beginning. Coming from México, it s not usual to visit such a place, but I don t regret choosing Poland at all. I loved every second of it. Kraków it s such a beautiful city. I didn t know what to expect at the beginning, but it definitely blew my mind away. The history written in its buildings, the impressive modernism in its galerias and museums, the beauty of its landscape and the warmness of the people; it all became my new home for a semester, and I couldn t have been happier. I spent the majority of my days with a smile on my face. School was sometimes challenging but it really opened my mind as to what architecture really means. The design process was somewhat different than in México, but it was an amazing opportunity to be able to learn another way of creating and designing a building. I found myself surrounded with people that taught me every day that you can always learn more than you already have learned. I really believe that Kraków changed my life. I definitely am very grateful for being able to live this experience: getting to travel to other cities in Europe, meeting amazing people, discovering new ways of designing and finding out that you can have more than just one home. research institutes around the world. Cracow University of Technology signed more than 100 bilateral agreements and 280 Erasmus agreements that allow its students to experience studies abroad not only in countries of the European Union but also in the USA, Canada, Mexico and places as distant as Australia, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore or South Korea. International students are very welcome to our university. Cracow University of Technology mission can be formulated in the following way: educate highly qualified engineers who can cope with national and global industry challenges, educate academic staff by supporting the development of their scientific passion and their participation in national and international scientific exchange, serve the economy and the whole society by solving technical and technological problems and by implementing scientific studies into economic practice. By realising its goals the University of Technology Works towards creating a national, European and global space for research and education. It thrives towards interdisciplinary studies and research, combining technical science with mathematical, environmental, economical, legal and social sciences, using information technologies. It develops the ability to self-educate in students, giving them a good basis for work on the modern market, arising with the development of civilization. Accomplishing the mission of the Cracow University of Technology is possible thanks to: rich traditions in engineering and experience gained since the creation of the original university faculties in 1945, highly qualified academic staff, strengthening the position of the university and constantly developing its profile, 18 Study in Poland

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