Rhythms and Beyond R HYTHMS AND B EYOND Œ Œ. 21 Lessons in Rhythm Skill Development for All Musicians BY TIMOTHY LOEST AND TIMOTHY WIMER

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1 Rhythms and Byond Lssons in Rhythm Skill Dvlopmnt for All Musicians R HYTHMS AND B EYOND Lssons in Rhythm Skill Dvlopmnt for All Musicians BY TIMOTHY LOEST AND TIMOTHY WIMER 8

2 R HYTHMS AND B EYOND Lssons in Rhythm Skill Dvlopmnt for All Musicians BY TIMOTHY LOEST AND TIMOTHY WIMER 8 Dar Music Educator, Larning to sing or play an instrumnt is xciting and rwarding Bcaus of th infinit numbr of concpts and skills that musicians must mastr, it is oftn ncssary to utiliz supplmntary matrials that focus on a spcific lmnt of music Rhythms and Byond: Lssons in Rhythm Skill Dvlopmnt for All Musicians was writtn to hlp studnts undrstand fundamntal rhythmic concpts whil mastring important counting skills Through squntial lssons, studnts larn how rhythms ar constructd, countd, and playd Most importantly, thy discovr how to rad and prform notatd rhythms at sight W invit you to tak a fw momnts to larn mor about this innovativ squncing of rhythm-basd lssons and xrciss Whthr your classs mt daily or just onc pr wk, you will xprinc significant rsults Sincrly, Frank Hackinson Prsidnt Th FJH Music Company Inc 00 Th FJH Music Company Inc All rights rsrvd Th music containd hrin cannot b rproducd without xplicit, writtn prmission from FJH

3 Lssons in Rhythm Skill Dvlopmnt for All Musicians Rhythms and Byond is idal for all musicians, instrumntalists and vocalists alik Through innovativ lssons, studnts will dvlop a complt undrstanding of how rhythms ar constructd, countd, and playd Bginning with whol nots and progrssing through ighth not / sixtnth not pattrns, triplts, and various mtrs and concpts, Rhythms and Byond givs studnts th rhythmic skills ndd to rad rhythms at sight Tabl of Contnts Lsson Whol, Half, and Quartr Nots Lsson Whol, Half, and Quartr Rsts Lsson Eighth Nots Lsson Eighth Rsts 8 Lsson 5 Tid Nots 0 Lsson Dottd Half Nots Lsson 7 Dottd Quartr Nots Lsson 8 Syncopation Lsson 9 Sixtnth Nots 5 Lsson 0 Eighth Not / Two Sixtnth Not Group 7 Lsson Two Sixtnth Not / Eighth Not Group 9 Lsson Sixtnth Not / Eighth Not / Sixtnth Not Group Lsson Dottd Eighth Not / Sixtnth Not Group Lsson Sixtnth Rsts 5 Lsson 5 Triplts 7 Lsson Tim 0 Lsson 7 Tim Lsson 8 Cut Tim (Alla Brv) Lsson 9 Cut Tim Syncopation 5 Lsson 0 Slow Lsson Fast Tim (in six) Tim (in two) 8 Spcial Activity Answr Ky 0 Quick Rfrnc Chart Faturs includ Easy-to-undrstand xplanations that ar rinforcd with graphics Logical and progrssiv skill dvlopmnt xrciss Studis in,,,, and cut tim mtrs Lssons on tid nots, dottd nots, syncopation, and triplts A traditional and consistnt counting systm shown blow nots Spcial activity assssmnts to masur studnt progrss and undrstanding A glossary of trms, signs, and symbols for quick rfrnc Lsson Eighth Nots Eighth Not Th ighth not rcivs on-half bat in tim, so ight of thm can fit into ach masur Individual ighth nots hav flags attachd to thir stms jœ jœ jœ jœ jœ jœ jœ jœ Rpatd Eighth Nots Rpatd ighth nots ar bamd togthr in groups of two or four Th nots with upward arrows ar known as upbats Each upbat is markd + and is countd and Clar xplanations ar graphically rinforcd Counting mthod is shown blow nots = downbat = upbat œ œ _ _ œ œ _ _ + = "and" Eighth-Not Subdivision Whn a masur or phras contains ighth nots, it is hlpful to think downbat and upbat counts for ach bat This counting tchniqu is calld ighth-not subdivision Whn subdividing, rmmbr that ach bat contains a built-in + count Lsson Exrciss _ + + _ + + _ + + _ + + œ _ + _ + _ + _ + Not: In th abov xampl, subdividd counts appar in boxs Tip: Think ighth-not subdivision _ _ + _ + _ + _ + + _ + + Eighth-not subdivision is includd Studnts ar ngagd with writing and counting activitis 5 œ _ + + œ _ + _ + + _ + + _ + _ _ + + _ œ _ c œ œ _ + + _ + + _ + + _ + + _ _ + + _ +_ Each lsson contains 0 to 0 dvlopmntal xrciss BB07 Th FJH Music Company Inc

4 Logical, Comprhnsiv Studis for Not and Rst Valus Studnts dvlop a solid undrstanding of rhythm as thy progrss through logically squncd lssons and xrciss Studis covr whol, half, quartr, ighth, and sixtnth nots, as wll as thir corrsponding rsts Common ighth / sixtnth not pattrns and triplts ar also includd 5 7 Whol, Half, and Quartr Nots œ w _ w _ c œ œ œ œ œ w _ Not: In this book, th pncil icon rminds you to writ in th counts on th lins providd œ œ œ œ w _ c œ œ œ œ w _ = downbat = upbat _ Eighth Rsts Lsson () (+) () (+) () (+) () (+) _ Eighth Rsts Eighth Rst Th ighth rst rcivs on-half bat in tim, so ight of thm can fit into ach masur Eighth Rsts on Downbats Eighth rsts can rplac downbat ighth nots Graphics mak concpts asir to undrstand Eighth Not / Two Sixtnth Not Group œ _ +_ a +_ a_ Eighth Rst / Two Sixtnth Not Group An ighth rst can rplac th ighth not to crat an ighth rst / two sixtnth not group +_ a_ œ œ () +_ a_ _ a _ a a a _ a _ a a _ + + œœœ œœœœ œ œœœ œœœœœ œœœ œœœœ œ œœœœœœœœ a a _ a a _ a _ a a a _ a a _ a a _ a _ a + + œ œ _ Lsson 0 Eighth Not / Two Sixtnth Not Group Eighth Not / Two Sixtnth Not Group An ighth not can rplac th first two sixtnth nots in a group of four sixtnth nots This crats an ighth not / two sixtnth not group Lsson 0 Exrciss Tip: Think ighth-not subdivision for nots and rsts rciving on or mor bats œ œ jœ jœ jœ jœ () () () () Eighth Rsts on Upbats Eighth rsts can rplac upbat ighth nots Lsson Exrciss jœ jœ jœ jœ _ (+) _ (+) _ (+) _ (+) Tip: Think ighth-not subdivision œ œ jœ jœ jœ jœ œ œ jœ jœ jœ jœ _ (+) _ (+) _ (+) _ (+) _ (+) _ (+) _ (+) _ (+) œ œ jœ jœ jœ j jœ jœ jœ jœ () () () () () () () () Sixtnth Rsts Lsson Sixtnth Rsts Sixtnth Rst Th sixtnth rst rcivs on-fourth bat in tim, so sixtn of thm can fit into ach masur = downbat = upbat ()()(+)(a) ()()(+)(a)()()(+)(a)()()(+)(a) Sixtnth Not / Sixtnth Rst Groups A sixtnth rst can rplac any sixtnth not in a group of four to crat a varity of sixtnth not / sixtnth rst groups Group Group Group Group Group 5 Common not groupings ar xplaind and applid œ () _ a _ () _ a _ œ _ () +_ a_ œ œ œ _ () +_ a_ œ (+) a_ œ œ œ (+) a _ œ (a) (a) œ _ () (+) a _ œ œ _ () (+) a _ Exrciss Exrciss Exrciss 7 9 Exrciss 0 Exrciss 5 Lsson Exrciss Tip: Think ighth-not subdivision for nots and rsts rciving on or mor bats Group Prviously larnd concpts ar combind with nw concpts œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœœœœ _ () _ a () _ a _ () _ a _ () _ a () _ a () _ a a + ( +) c œœœœœœœœœœœœœœ œœœœœœœœœœœœœœ œœœœœœœœœœœœœœ œœœœœœœœ () () () () () () ++ Th FJH Music Company Inc œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

5 Studis for a Varity of Mtrs and Rhythmic Concpts In addition to common tim, Rhythms and Byond includs lssons for,, (slow and fast), and cut tim By providing clar xplanations and practical xrciss, this book hlps prpar studnts to play a broadr rang of litratur, particularly in and cut tim Lsson 8 Cut Tim (Alla Brv) Cut Tim (Alla Brv) Tim Signaturs Cut tim is indicatd by two tim or Not and Rst Valus in Cut Tim In cut tim, not and rst valus ar cut in half, giving th tmpo a doubl-tim fl Lsson 8 Exrciss Writtn as w or in C = bats h or in C = bat q or in C = / bat or in C = / bat C w œ _ + + _ + _ + _ + _ + Sounds lik Cut Tim Tip: Although not and rst valus ar cut in half in cut tim, you should continu to subdivid ach bat Not: Exrciss,, 7, 0, and hav bn notatd twic to show th rlationship btwn cut tim and tim œ œ _ + + _ + _ + _ + _ + C œ œ œ _ + _ + ( +) _ + + Sgmnt Sgmnt Sgmnt Sgmnt Sgmnt 5 _ is _ a _ q or Q> in fast tim = bat or E in fast tim = / bat Common Rhythmic Sgmnts in Fast Tim Thr ar fiv common rhythmic sgmnts in fast tim Sgmnts,,, and 5 can b combind to crat on-masur rhythmic units œ _ is a _ is a is a sgmnt sgmnt 8 œ œ œ _ is a _ is a _ is a _ is a _ is a _ is a _ is a _ is a Lsson Slow 0 sgmnt Slow Tim (in six) 8 œ œ _ is a _ is a _ is a is a _ is a is a _ is a _ is a Q œ jœ _ is a _ Lsson Exrciss Tip: Think ighth not subdivision for quartr, dottd quartr, and dottd half nots and rsts In fast tim, th ighth not rcivs on-third bat Bonus Tip: Look for ach rhythmic sgmnt as you play Slow Tim (in six) Thr ar six bats pr masur in slow tim and th ighth not rcivs on bat Not and Rst Valus in Slow Tim Thr ar four common not and rst valus in slow tim h q or H > in tim = bats or Q> in tim = bats Lsson 0 Exrciss Tip: Think ighth not subdivision for quartr, dottd quartr, and half nots and rsts In slow tim, howvr, th ighth not rcivs on bat q Fast or Q in tim = bats or E in tim = bat jœ œ _ is _ a œ œ œ œ w ( +) _ + _ œ œ œ œ œ 5 _ 5 _ œ œ œ œ 5 5 _ 5 Rhythms and Byond also includs lssons on tid nots, dottd nots, syncopation, cut tim syncopation, and triplts Studnts go byond a basic undrstanding of rhythm whil xploring ths concpts Ti A ti combins th valu of two or mor nots Attack only th first not in a ti w œ œ = = = Lsson 5 Exrciss Tip: It is not ncssary to think ighth-not subdivision for xrciss 5 w w œ œ œ _ œ œ œ _ ( ) _ ( ) () 7 c œ œ Tid Nots œ œ œ _ + + ( +) _ ( +) _ + ( +) 5 7 Syncopation œ œ > œ jœ > œ j jœ > œ jœ œ > _ + _ + _ + + œ > œ > jœ > œ jœ jœ > œ jœ œ > œ > _ + _ + _ + ( +) jœ > œ jœ jœ > œ jœ œ > œ œ > œ > œ > œ œ _ + + _ + + ( +) jœ > œ jœ œ jœ > œ jœ œ jœ > œ jœ jœ > œ jœ œ œ 8 œ œ œ œ œ œ + ( +) _ + ( +) _ + _ + ( +) 8 œ > œ œ > jœ > œ > œ jœ jœ > œ jœ jœ > œ jœ œ > 9 œ jœ jœ œ _ ( +) + _ + + _ () _ () + ( +) 0 jœ jœ jœ œ j Th FJH Music Company Inc

6 Spcial Activity Assssmnts Rhythms and Byond includs a walth of spcial activitis that ar dsignd as assssmnts Studnts hav fun and tachrs gathr important information about th studnts progrss Ths activitis ngag studnts and rinforc important concpts Activitis includ Mystry Rhythm, Rhythm Rviw, Music Math, and Baffling Barlins Ths ar quick and njoyabl gams that rstat ky concpts MYSTERY RHYTHM Th following rhythm is from a famous Bthovn symphony Play th rhythm and s if you can idntify th mlody Onc you solv th mystry, choos a starting pitch and try to play th mlody by ar œ jœ œ jœ Writing and counting activitis ar includd throughout ach lsson RHYTHM REVIEW Match ach not and rst with its corrct dfinition in tim a not that gts on bat A whol not w a rst that gts two bats B half not h a rst that gts on bat C quartr not q a rst that gts on-half bat D ighth not 5 a not that gts two bats E whol rst W a not that gts on-half bat F half rst H 7 a rst that gts on-fourth bat G quartr rst Q 8 a not that gts on-fourth bat H ighth rst E For Mor Practic Rturn to Lsson and try counting, clapping, and playing ach xrcis in cut tim Onc you hav mastrd Lsson, try Lssons in cut tim MUSIC MATH Add up th not and rst valus in ach column q () q () + + q + q + + h () + h + + h + h Answr: BAFFLING BARLINES Sparat th nots and rsts into masurs by drawing barlins in th corrct placs Th first masur of ach lin has bn startd for you Tip: This is a horizontal Music Math activity! a œ œ œ œœœœ œ œ œœœœ œ œ œœœœ b c œ œ œ œœœœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœœ œ œ œ œœœœ jœ c œ jœ œ j œœœœ jœ œ œ œœœœ œ œ jœ jœ jœ jœ œ œ Th FJH Music Company Inc

7 About th authors: Timothy Lost's carr as a middl school band dirctor spans narly 0 yars H is currntly Dirctor of Bands at FE Pacock Middl School in Itasca, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago Mr Lost also tachs fifth grad bginnrs at Franzn Intrmdiat School Tim rcivd his Bachlor of Music Education dgr, Magna Cum Laud, from Illinois Stat Univrsity and a Mastr of Music Education dgr from Northwstrn Univrsity whr h studid undr Ptr Wbstr, Donald Casy, and Bnntt Rimr Whil at Northwstrn, h rcivd an Eckstin Scholarship, as wll as th School of Music's most prstigious graduat award, th Program Honors Award A frquntly commissiond composr and gust conductor, Mr Lost is also an xclusiv writr for Th FJH Music Company His works for lmntary and middl school bands hav bn prformd in ovr twnty-fiv countris, including Australia, Franc, Grmany, Grat Britain, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, South Africa, Spain, Switzrland and th Unitd Stats H is an ASCAP award winning composr and his compositions and arrangmnts hav providd music for numrous Amrican ntwork and cabl tlvision programs Timothy Lost is an advocat of th arts and holds mmbrship in th Music Educators National Confrnc (MENC), th Illinois Music Educators Association (IMEA), th Illinois Grad School Music Association (IGSMA), th Amrican Socity of Composrs, Authors and Publishrs (ASCAP), and th Christian Educators Association Intrnational (CEAI) Tim Wimr has writtn ovr twnty publications for young prcussionists His mthod books, instructional vidos, and prcussion nsmbls can b found in th Unitd Stats, Canada, Europ, and Japan In addition, Tim is an activ artist and clinician, having participatd in hundrds of concrts and workshops at lmntary, middl, and high schools throughout th country H is a commissiond composr and arrangr for concrt and marching prcussion From , Tim srvd as a paratroopr and musician in th 8nd Airbourn Division Band at Fort Bragg, North Carolina In 99, h arnd an English dgr from Roanok Collg in Roanok, Virginia H currntly tachs prcussion and English at Lord Bottourt High School in Dalvill, Virginia, and is activly involvd in numrous music programs in th ara

8 Rhythms and Byond Lssons in Rhythm Skill Dvlopmnt for All Musicians R HYTHMS AND B EYOND Lssons in Rhythm Skill Dvlopmnt for All Musicians BY TIMOTHY LOEST AND TIMOTHY WIMER 8 BB07 $95 Appropriat for us with ALL music studnts Not and Rst Studis Whol, Half, and Quartr Nots and Rsts Eighth and Sixtnth Nots, Rsts, and Combinations Mtr Studis,,, (cut tim), and (slow and fast) Advancd Studis Tid Nots Dottd Nots Syncopation (common tim and cut tim) Triplts Spcial Activitis and Assssmnts Exrciss that ar fun for studnts Rinforc prviously larnd concpts Activitis includ: Mystry Rhythms Rhythm Rviws Music Math Baffling Barlins Anothr outstanding ducational publication in this sris Warm-ups and Byond A Comprhnsiv Rharsal Book for Dvloping Bands BY TIMOTHY LOEST with Prcussion by Kvin Lppr BB0 Conductr Scor $95 All Parts $95 Basic and Advancd Warm-ups including Scals Arpggios Intrval Studis Chord Progrssions Chorals Ky Chang Studis Articulation Studis Flxibility Studis Glossary of Musical Trms, Symbols, and Signs Appndics containing Scal Shts Tuning Nots Fingring Charts Prcussion Faturs and Exrciss mphasizing Sticking Systms Basic Rudimnts Playing Tchniqus for Accssory Instrumnts For additional information on this or othr FJH publications, plas contact your local dalr If you ar having troubl finding any of our publications, call us at and w ll gladly hlp locat th dalr narst you Visit us on th intrnt at wwwfjhmusiccom RB -0


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