liberalizmi da sakutreba

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1 liberalizmi da sakutreba Tavisuflebis bibliotekis krebulis III wigni gia jandieri axali ekonomikuri skola saqartvelos damfuznebeli da vice prezidenti. daibada 1961 wels wels daamtavra saqartvelos politeqnikuri institutis energetikis fakulteti, xolo 1993 wels Tbilisis saxelmwifo universitetis komerciis fakulteti. musaobda saqartvelos kontrolis palatasi, saqartvelos parlamentsi, centralur saarcevno komisiasi, antikorufciul samusao jgufsi, agretve strategiuli kvlevebis centrsi da kitxulobda leqciebs sxvadasxva saswavleblebsi. gamoqveynebuli aqvs mravali statia, rogorc qartuli, ise ucxour JurnalgazeTebSi. aris saqartvelos axalgazrda economistta da axalgazrda iuristta asociaciebis, isev rogorc sxva arasamtavrobo organizaciebis damfuznebeli da wevri wlidan aris krebul Tavisuflebis bibliotekis TanadamfuZnebeli da saredaqcio sabwos wevri. kerzo sakutreba da saqartvelo winamdebare krebuli ert-erti pirveli mcdelobaa, rom qartuli sazogadoebis winase gansaxilvelad warmovadginot mosazrebebi imis Sesaxeb Tu, raoden mnisvnelovania kerzo sakutreba civilizebuli sazogadoebistvis. Cven imedi gvaqvs, rom kerzo sakutrebisadmi mizrvnili es wigni, diskusiebi, romelsac igi gamoiwvevs da ideebi, romelsac is warmosobs, saqartvelos armseneblobas waadgeba. TiTqmis 200 wliani rusuli batonobisa da gansakutrebit, Tavsmoxveuli komunisturi wyobis Sedegad kerzo mesakutreobis gageba saqartvelos mosaxleobis umravlesobasi an saertod gaqra an sakmaod maxinji formebit SenarCunda. qartuli azri da yofac mnisvnelovnad dasorda kerzo sakutrebit ganpirobebul faseulobata sistemas da Sedegad miviret sazogadoeba, romelsic adamiani moklebulia Rirsebas da saqmianobis jansar motivacias. miuxedavad amisa, imis kidev ertxel dasabuteba, rom saqartvelosi kerzo sakutreba uxsovari droidan arsebobs, albat arc Rirs: SeuZlebelia vinme fiqrobdes, rom qvis xanidan moyolebuli da ufro

2 gviandeli epoqebis is istoriuli nimusebi, romlebic sabednierod mravlad gvaqvs, kerzo sakutrebis garda raime sxva saxis sakutrebasi iyo iani wlebis bolos saqartvelos erovnul-ganmatavisuflebeli mozraobis ert-ert Rirebul lozungs kerzo sakutrebis damkvidreba warmoadgenda wlis arcevnebis dros batonma akaki baqrazem xazi swored am yvelaze mnisvnelovan sakitxs gausva da ganacxada, rom kerzo sakutrebis garese Tavisufleba ar arsebobs. Tumca amaze Sors Cveni politikuri kultura ar wasula. piriqit, sakutrebata formebis mravalferovnebis Sexamebis aucileblobis aramecnierulma mosazrebebma imzlavra, rac sinamdvilesi sabwota saxelmwifo sakutrebis post-sabwouri qartuli biurokratiis sakutrebasi datovebis gamartlebis mcdelobas warmoadgenda. arc masin da arc dres, imis mzadyofna, rom kerzo sakutrebas is mtavari adgili miecinos, romelic mas ganvitarebul sazogadoebasi ekutvnis, ar arsebobs. amis damadasturebel magalitebs Soris, wminda instituciuri TvalsazrisiT konstituciis ganxilva da im kitxvis dasmaa upriani, Tu ramdenad ganapirobebs igi kerzo samesakutreo garemos Camoyalibebas? samwuxarod, saqartvelos 1995 wlis konstitucia kerzo sakutrebis srulfasovan garantiasa da instituciur garemos ar gvtavazobs. es kidev ufro sagangasoa kerzo sakutrebaze dafuznebuli yofiti kulturis gadagvarebisa da kerzo mesakutruli urtiertobis gamocdilebis ukmarobis fonze. konstituciis mixedvit Cvens qveyanasi sakutreba da memkvidreobis ufleba ariarebuli da uzrunvelyofilia (saq. konst. muxli 21), rac imis tolfasi ganacxadia, rom TiTqos sakutrebiti uflebebis wyaro saxelmwifoa. arada, saxelmwifo mxolod erti azrita da danisnulebit SeiZleba Seiqmnas: dagvexmaros, rom Cveni sakutreba davcvat da ara piriqit mesakutreobis neba dagvrtos. saxelmwifo aparatis nebismieri sxva danisnulebit gamoyenebas politikur diqtaturamde mivyavart. saxelmwifo imistvis iqmneba, rom misma Semqmnelma mxareebma miiron momsxureba, rac ZiriTadad mati sicocxlis, Rirsebisa da sakutrebis absoluturad xeluxleblad SenarCunebas gulisxmobs. sxva SemTxveva, anu adamianebis garigeba, rom sakutari bed-irbali xelisuflebis saxit warmodgenili adamianebis garkveul jgufis gadaulocon, romelic mxolod mati uflebebis, mat Soris sakutrebiti

3 uflebebis SeezRudviT iqneboda dakavebuli, sruliad aralogikuri iqneboda. sinamdvilesi, kerzo sakutrebis Sesaxeb konstituciis muxlebis formulireba gacilebit ufro mnisvnelovan informacias Seicavs civiluri saxelmwifos Seqmnis TvalsazrisiT, vidre is muxlebi, romlebic mmartvelobis umarlesi organoebis sakitxebs exeba. isini upirveles yovlisa imas gvicveneben, Tu ra tipis saxelmwifos Seqmna aris gadawyvetili arsebuli konstituciis mixedvit. amitom upriania, rom konstituciur formulirebebsi ufro Rrmad gaverkvet. is, rom konstituciis dawerisas kerzo mesakutrebis sakitxis kargad gaazreba ver moxerxda, iqidanac Cans, rom amave konstituciis 33-e muxli gaficvis uflebas ariarebs, xolo me-3 muxlis i da k punqtebis mixedvit ertiani energetikuli sistemaze, kavsirgabmulobaze, savawro flotze, navsadgurebze, aeroportebze da aerodromebze, rkinigzasa da saavtomobilo gzebze, meteorologiur, garemoze dakvirvebisa da sxva obieqtebze sakutrebis ufleba mxolod saxelmwifos rceba. dokumentis sxva muxlebis ganxilvis garese, mxolod moyvanili magalitit SegiZleba daskvnis gamotana, rom saqartvelos konstitucisi kerzo sakutrebis Sesaxeb Canaweri mxolod deklaraciuli xasiatisaa, radganac SeuZlebelia erti da igive dokumentit sakutrebasac uzrunvebelyofde da amavdroulad, gaficvis uflebis ariarebit, garkveuli adamianebis mier sxvebis sakutrebiti uflebebis xelyofas akanonebde; erti muxlit sakutrebas ariarebde, xolo meorit am uflebis kerzo pirebze gavrcelebis areals mnisvnelovnad zrudavde. SeiZleboda, rom es werili ufro mnisvnelovani, Tumca zogadi kitxvit dagvewyo: arsebobs ki kerzo sakutrebis garda sxva sakutrebis forma? bevri masinve davas daiwyebs aba ra aris sazogadoebrivi, anu saxelmwifo sakutreba-o? mattvis sapasuxod unda itqvas, rom sakutrebis es forma arasrulyofilia, Tundac imitom, rom misi formaluri mesakutreebis, anu qveynis moqalaqeebi massi sakutari wilis dauyovnebliv gasxvisebis sasualebas moklebuli arian, rac mat sakutrebit uflebas araraobad aqcevs. SegaxsenebT ertoblivi sakutrebis is formebi, romlebsic TanamosakuTreebs sakutari wilebis gasxviseba SeuZliaT (saaqcio sazogadoeba, kooperativi, SezRuduli pasuxismgeblobis sawarmo da sxv.), amgvar winaarmdegobas ar Seicavs. garda amisa, kerzo monawileobaze dafuznebuli ertoblivi sakutreba absoluturad nebayoflobiti garigebis Sedegia, xolo saxelmwifo, anu

4 saerto sakutreba izulebiti da savaldebuloa. aqedan gamomdinare SeiZleba itqvas, rom bunebrivad mxolod erti tipis sakutreba kerzo sakutreba arsebobs. rac Seexeba sakonstitucio dapirebas kerzo sakutrebis uzrunvelyofis Sesaxeb, politikuri gemovnebis Sesabamisad misi mravalgvari interpretireba SeiZleba. Tumca erti ram cxadia, rogorc ar unda ganmarto, igi biurokratiis Sexedulebebis, nebasurvilisa da interesebis mixedvit uzrunvelyofas nisnavs. amis nacvlad aucilebelia konstitucia sakutrebas ganixilavdes, rogorc saxelmwifos fundaments, romelic xelseuxebeli unda iyos. sxva SemTxvevebSi misi garantiebi da uzrunvelyofis xarisxi calkeul moxeleebsa da mat xelmzrvanelebis politikur simpatiebze xdeba damokidebuli, xolo adamiani, mteli Tavisi interesebita da survilebit, romelic TiTqosda am saxelmwifos zrunvis mtavari obieqti unda iyos, biurokratiul derefnebsi ikargeba. amavdroulad, kerzo sakutrebis dacvis drevandeli kontituciuri garantiebi Zalian sustia, gansakutrebit im SemTxvevebSi, rodesac sakutrebit davasi mxaris saxit TviT saxelmwifoc aris CarTuli aseti SemTxvevebi SesaZlebelia iyos, rogorc usualo da Ria konfiskacia, e.w. sazogadoebrivi Tu sxva sawiroebistvis sakutrebis CamorTmeva, aseve arapirdapiric magalitad, saxelwifos mier gadasaxadebis mesveobit sakutrebis mnisvnelovani wilis mitviseba. yvela am SemTxvevaSi saxelmwifo, anu misi saxelit momqmedi mtavroba, sargeblobs ra Zaladobis monopoluri uflebit, adamianebis sakutrebit uflebebs mourideblad arrvevs. metic, amasac ar jerdeba da warmoqmnili davebis gadawyvetis ertpirovnul uflebas saxelmwifo xelisuflebis sxva Stos sasamartlo sistemas akisrebs. es msajuli~, xelzrvanelobs ra konstituciit miniwebuli uflebit, kerzo sakutrebis uzrunvelyofis xarisxs TviTon gansazrvravs da rogorc wesi angariss mtavrobis pozicias da sawiroebebs uwevs. aq ar SevudgebiT imis garkvevas, Tu ratom aris martebuli aseti davebis kerzo arbitrajebis da ara saxelmwifo organoebis (sasamartloebis) mier ganxilva. xazs mxolod imas gavusvam, rom konstituciasi mocemuli formulireba uzrunvelyofis Sesaxeb, saxelmwifos monopoluri Zaladobis asparezis gazrdis garda arafers izleva. aseti mdgomareobidan mxolod erti gamosavali SeiZleba iyos konstituciasi Caiweros, rom sakutreba xelseuxebelia. mxolod am

5 SemTxvevaSi SeiZleba gagvicndes imis imedi, rom Cveni sakutreba romelime Cinovnikis abucad asagdebi ar iqneba da ver gaxdeba, xolo nebismieri gadawyvetileba, romelic SeewinaaRmdegeba sakutrebis xelseuxeblobas, misi mirebidanve batili iqneba da imis imedze mainc davrcebit, rom rodesme samartali ardgeba. amis Semdeg yvela kanoni mesakutreobis sawinaarmdego muxlebisgan unda gaiwmindos, rogorc ar unda gvecvenebodes, rom isini kerzo mesakutris uflebebs sazogadoebis sasargeblod laxaven. aseve sasamartloebis is gadawyvetilebebi da samtavrobo dadgenilebebi unda gadaisinjos, romlebic sakutrebit urtiertoebebs exeba da Seusabamobis SemTxvevaSi batilad gamocxaddes. aseve mnisvnelovania, rom massmediam meti yuradreba miaqcios sakutrebiti uflebebis darrvevis faqtebs, visganac ar unda momdinareobdes es da visi uflebac ar unda irrveodes amit. aset darrvevebi qartul kanonmdeblobasi, magalitad sagadasaxado kodeqssi Zalian bevria, romlitac qonebis konfiskaciis iseti uxesi da ukanono formebia dadgenili, rom mat Cveni arasrulfasovani konstituciac ki ewinaarmdegeba. kerzo sakutrebis winaarmdeg gamonatqvamebit xsirad Tavad mas-media da politikosebi codaven, miuxedavad imisa Tu romel banaksi arian isini. isini xsirad eguebian da reagirebis garese toveben saxelmwifos mier qonebis xelyofis mravalricxovan faqtebs. arada, kerzo sakutrebis CamorTmevis da qonebirvi uflebebis darrvevis sxvagvari faqtebi yoveltvis did skandals unda iwvevdes da mass-mediistvis karg sainformacio masalas warmoadgendes. imis gasaazreblad Tu ratom aris kerzo sakutreba ase sasicocxlod mnisvnelovani, winamde bare krebuli sakmarisad mdidar da mravalferovan argumentebs SemogTavazebT, magram am sakitxebis gamocenil mkvlevarebis naazrevs, Cvenive nafiqri, Cveni gamocdileba gvinda davumatot. pirvel rigsi kerzo sakutreba sabazro ekonomikis safuzvelia. kidev ufro swori iqneba, rom itqvas: sakutreba ekonomikis safuzvelia. mis garese nebismieri ekonomikuri urtiertoba mizans kargavs. aba ristvisaa sawiro sameurneo garigeba, Tu ara kerzo interesebis dakmayofilebis miznit sakutrebiti uflebebis gacvla-gadacema? am safuzvelze martivia imis axsnac, Tu ratom ar gaamartla utopiurma saerto-saxalxo sakutrebam yofil socialistur banaksi; ratom aris

6 gapartaxebul mdgomareobasi saxelmwifo (saerto, sajaro) sakutrebis yvela obieqti da ratomaa, rom kerzo pirebi ufro kargad uvlian Tavis qonebas. am midgomit imis garkvevac ioldeba, Tu ratom armocnda, rogorc saqartvelos, ise armosavlet germaniis Tu nebimier sxva socialisturi banakis wevri qveynis saertosaxalxo sargeblobis yvela obieqti savalalo mdgomareobasi... rodesac am kitxvebs pasuxs scem, arasodes unda ifiqro imaze, rom saxelmwifo sakutreba mxolod ert sferosi ar amartlebs, xolo sadrac sxvagan, magalitad bunebrivi resursebis, tyeebis, energetikis, ganatlebis seqtorebsi, SesaZloa gaamartlos kidec. sakutrebis is forma, romelic adamians sakutar qonebaze sruli kontrolis sasualebas ar azlevs, dovlatis gamravlebas xels veranairad ver Seuwyobs. magram, sakutrebis mnisvneloba amit ar Semoifargleba (da arc imit, rasac aq qvemot waikitavt). kerzo sakutrebas da mis mesakutres aseve didi mnisvneloba aqvs adamianebis sazogadoebrivi cxovrebistvis. adamianebi sazogadoebasi da nebismier sxva koleqtivsi piradi interesebit ertiandebian, mati dakmayofilebis gaiolebis miznit. aseti SeTanxmebebi pirvel rigsi imas gulisxmobs, rom isini sakutar wils Tmoben saertos sasargeblod, Tumca am garigebasi monawileobaze uaris Tqmis uflebas inarcuneben. saxelmwifo, samwuxarod aset SeTanxmebas ar warmoadgens. drevandeli saxit igi konkretul teritoriaze, konkretuli adamianebis ertoblivi saqmianobis formatia da amrigad, zogierti qoneba (miwa, saxli da sxv) SeuZleblic kia, rom SenTan ertad sxvagan wairo, am SeTanxmebidan (saxelmwifodan) gasvlis survilis ganxorcielebis SemTxvevaSi. es garemoeba saxelmwifos SigniT sakutrebiti urtiertoebebis mnisvnelobas ki ar asustebs, aramed azlierebs, radganac Tu sakutrebis gadarcena misi ubralod sxvagan gadatanit SeuZlebelia, masin misi xelseuxeblobis maqsimaluri dacvaa sawiro. am midgomit mesakutre saxelmwifo sistemis gamartuli musaobit yvelaze dainteresebul piri xdeba, romelic yoveltvis fxizlobs da biurokratias iseti wesebis SemoRebis sasualebas ar azlevs, romlebic mis sakutrebas Selaxavs. masasadame, saxelmwifo mmartvelobis swori formebsa da mat ganvitarebaze yvelaze metad is wuxs, vinc raime qonebas patronobs, visac raime aqvs dasakargi. TviT demokratiac ki, romelic saxelmwifo mmartvelobis uaresta Soris, sauketeso~ formad itvleba,

7 SeuZlebelia ganxorcieldes, Tu mas zurgs aseti dainteresebuli mesakutreebis fena ar umagrebs, romelic TavisTavad aqtiuri damkvirvebelia, romelsac satanado agitacia ar swirdeba. es logika arasruli iqneboda, Tu aseve ar moviyvant wminda pozitivistur argumetebsac yvela is qveyana, romelic saxelmwifos safuzvlad sakutrebis uflebis xelseuxeblobas ar ariarebs, rogorc wesi suls Rafavs: kuba, zimbabve, CrdiloeT korea da sxvebi. da piriqit, bolo saukuneebsi swored is qveynebi dawinaurdnen, romlebmac droulad daakanones kerzo sakutreoba da mas swori instituciuri forma misces. im qveynebsi, sadac kerzo mesakutreobas gasaqani mieca, demokratiuli sistemac umtkivneulod dainerga da politikuri speqtric revoluciuri Zalismxevis garese axerxebs urtiertmonacvelobas. dres yvela saertasoriso organizacia ariarebs, rom kerzo sakutreba ganvitarebis mnisvnelovani faqtoria. Tumca, rodesac saqme saertasoriso daxmarebas exeba, is ZiriTadad araefeqtiani da mikerzoebulad motivirebuli saxelmwifo aparatis gankargulebasi miemarteba. es ara qartuli kerzo biznesis finansuri daxmarebisken mowodeba, aramed imis minisnebaa, rom saxelmwifo organoebi im fulit unda moqmedebdnen, romelic qveynis moqalaqe kerzo pirebma gaimetes, mative dakvetis Sesrulebis anazraurebis miznit. ucxetidan saxelmwifo aparatis subsidireba jansari demokratiuli sistemistvis gaugonari faqtia, radgan samoxeleo aparatsa da amomrcevlebs Soris usualo garigebit urtiertoebebs arrvevs. rac Seexeba TviT saertasoriso organizaciebs (magalitad isets, rogoric gaertianebuli erebis organizaciaa), Zalian mnisvnelovani nabiji iqneboda, rom mati deklaraciebs da konvenciebs saqartvelos iniciativit kerzo sakutrebis uflebis xelseuxeblobis debulebebic daertos, rac aw ukve ararsebuli sabwota borotebis imperiis SiSiT aqamde arasodes gaketebula. mas ase: SeiZineT sakutreba da gisurvebt warmatebebs! 2005 wlis dekemberi

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