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2 dawyebiti safexuris mesame donis inglisuri enis saxelmzrvanelo- diii Sedgenilia erovnuli saswavlo gegmit gatvaliswinebuli ucxouri enis standartis motxovnata Sesabamisad. saxelmzrvanelo Sedgeba moswavlis wignis, samusao rveulis, maswavleblis wignisa da kompaqt-diskisgan (CD). moswavlis wignsi mocemuli mravalferovani saxaliso masala warmodgenilia feradi ilusrtaciebit. leqsebi, teqstebi, dialogebi - garda otxi zraprisa: Two little ducks, Cinderella, The clever son da Why the sea is salty - avtoriseulia. samusao rveulsi mocemuli savarjisoebi Sesaswavli masalis ganmtkicebisatvis aris gankutvnili. samusao rveulis bolos warmogenilia 3 Semajamebeli testi. moswavlis wignsa da samusao rveulsi warmodgenili mosmenis yvela aqtivoba, savarjiso Cawerilia kompaqt-diskze (CD). Mmoswavlis wignis aqtivobebi warmodgenilia Semdegi logoebit: - mosmena, - kitxva, savarjiso daimaxsovre,? simrera,? TamaSi. redaqtori mxatvari kompiuteruli dakabadoneba revaz SavlaZe Tea miqaia nugzar arcemasvili c. burdilaze-lejava gamomcemloba,,tobalisi pirveli gamocema 2010 daibewda stamba `favoritsi~ ISBN 2

3 Sinaarsi I. Sesavali 4 II. dawyebiti safexuris diii donis ucxouri enis erovnuli saswavlo gegma. dawyebiti safexuris diii donis inglisuri enis standarti, swavlis Sedegebi da indikatorebi. 6 III. Sesatyvisoba erovnul saswavlo gegmastan. Sinaarsisa da miznebis ruka. 13 IV. saswavlo masalis wardgenis fazebi. 18 V. gakvetilis dagegmva. 20 VI. sanimuso gakvetilis scenari. 20 VII. komentarebi moswavlis wigntan dakavsirebit. 25 VIII. Sefasebis formebi da rekomendaciebi. 30 IX. moswavlis wignis, samusao rveulis savarjisoebisa da testebis pasuxebi. 31 3

4 Sesavali dawyebiti safexuris mesame donis inglisuri enis saxelmzrvanelo - diii ertiani erovnuli saswavlo gegmit gatvaliswinebuli ucxouri enis standartis motxovnata Sesabamisad aris Sedgenili. ertiani erovnuli saswavlo gegmit inglisuri enis swavla gatvaliswinebulia eqvsi mimartulebit: mosmena, kitxva, wera, laparaki, kulturata dialogi da swavlis swavla. saxelmzrvanelosi warmodgenili masala mizanad isaxavs, dawyebiti safexuris moswavleebs Seaswavlos inglisuri ena da ganuvitaros mat inglisur enaze mosmenis, kitxvis, werisa da laparakis, praqtikuli unar-cvevebi.aaseve, miznad isaxavs wlis bolos standartit gatvaliswineuli A1.3 donis dazlevas. saxelmzrvanelos metodika da Tematika itvaliswinebs msobliuri qveynis kulturis, msofliosa da Sesaswavli enis qveynebis kulturuli faseulobebis Seswavlas. gramatikuli sakitxebisa da leqsikuri erteulebis swavla xdeba aseve praqtikuli unar-cvevebis ganvitarebastan ertad. saxelmzrvanelosi gatvaliswinebulia moswavleta interesebi, mati gonebrivi Sesa- Zleblobani, asakobrivi Taviseburebani, dawyebiti safexuris mesame donis, diii ucxouri enis standartis Tanamedrove motxovnebi, romlis Sesabamisad dawyebiti safexurze diii ucxouri enis swavleba unda mimdinareobdes xalisianad da SemoqmedebiTad. moswavlem unda SeZlos mirebuli codnis praqtikasi gamoyeneba, moswavlem unda Seiyvaros is ena da im qveynis kultura, romlis enasac igi eufleba. swavlebis metodikam unda gaitvaliswinos moswavleta fsiqikuri ganvitarebis Taviseburebebi da gamoiyenos swavlebis Sesabamisi xerxebi. saxelmzrvanelo Tavisi SinaarsiT SesaZleblobas azlevs maswavleblebs SemoqmedebiTad ganavitaron swavlebis komunikaciuri da interaqciuli metodebi. dawyebiti safexuris masame donis inglisuri enis saxelmzrvanelo diii Sedgeba 3 wignisa da kompaqt-diskisagan. saxelmzrvanelos Semadgeneli nawilebia: 1. moswavlis wigni (Pupil s Book); 2. samusao rveuli (Workbook); 3. maswavleblis wigni (Teacher s Book); 4. kompaqt-diski (CD). moswavlis wigni moswavlis wigni Sedgeba 25 Tematuri erteulisagan (25 s), mat Soris, 25-e Tematuri erteuli ( 25 - Revision), etmoba naswavli masalis gameorebas. moswavlis wignsi masala feradi ilustraciebit aris gaformebuli. wigni moicavs 85 gverds. wigns Tan ertvis inglisur - qartuli leqsikoni. moswavlis wignsi warmodgenili saxaliso masalebi (leqsebi, simrerebi, martivi dialogebi, enis gasatexebi, mcire zomis teqstebi, motxrobebi, zraprebi, TamaSebi, da sxva), sasualebas azlevs moswavles aitvisos leqsika, mravalferovani enobrivi struqtura. moswavles sasualeba ezleva xalisianad ivarjisos rogorc enobriv unar- Cvevebze (mosmena, kitxva, wera, laparaki), ise enobriv struqturaze (leqsika, gramatika) calkeuli savarjisoebi da aqtivobebi sruldeba individualurad, gundurad (mcire jgufebad) an mewyvilestan ertad. moswavlis wignsi TiToeuli aqtivoba (savarjiso) warmodgenilia pirobiti nisnebit: mousminet, isaubret, waikitxet, daweret, imreret, itamaset. moswavlis wignsi mocemuli mosmenis aqtivobebi (savarjisoebi) gakvetilebis Tanmimdevrobis dacvit kompaqt-diskis (CD) saxit aris warmodgenili. mosmenis aqtivobebs 4

5 (savarjisoebs) moswavleebi rogorc klassi, ise saxlsi audiocanaweris (CD) daxmarebit Seasruleben. moswavlis wignsi mocemuli savarjisoebis pasuxebi ixilet maswavleblis wignsi. samusao rveuli samusao rveulsi warmodgenili 24 Tematuri erteulis savarjisoebi da aqtivobebi, Seesatyviseba moswavlis wignsi mocemul masalas. wigni 113 gverds moicavs. massi warmodgenili savarjisoebi, moswavleebs sasualebas miscems damoukidebelad Seasrulon sasinao davalebebi, srulyon rogorc leqsikuri, aseve enobriv-gramatikuli unar- Cvevebi. samusao rveuli Sedgeba sxvadasxva saxis savarjisosa (daasrule winadadebebi, Seusabame, daalage winadadebebi logikuri TanmimdevrobiT da sxva) da mosmenis aqtivobisagan (moismine da gaimeore, moismine da Tqvi, moismine da arnisne, moismine da daimaxsovre da sxva), romelic maswavleblis winaswari axsna-ganmartebit moswavleebma audiocanaweris gamoyenebit saxlsi unda Seasrulos. samusao rveulsi yoveli Tematuri erteulis (unit) dasrulebis Semdeg mocemulia rgolebi (My work is...), romlebsic moswavle garkveuli qulebit afasebs mis codnas, xolo maswavlebeli (My teacher says...) moswavles Sesrulebuli samusaos Sesabamisad afasebs. aseve yoveli rva gakvetilis Semdeg mocemulia (self-assessment) TviTSefasebisa da (joint-assesment) TanaSefasebis sqemebi, romlebsac moswavle da maswavlebeli avseben. kitxvars moswavleebi damoukideblad pasuxoben, Sedegebi ki gansazrvravs, Tu ra codnas miarwies, ra uwirt an ra ician. TviTSefasebis kitxvaris sistematuri gamoyeneba da Sedegis maswavlebeltan ganxilva moswavles mocemuli masalis codnas ganumtkicebs. maswavlebelma sistematurad unda Seamowmos ramdenad emtxveva moswavlis TviTSefaseba realur mdgomareobas. wignis bolos mocemulia Progress Tests, romelic sami testisgan Sedgeba. TiToeuli testi moicavs rva Tematur erteuls (moswavlis Semajamebeli SefasebisaTvis). samusao rveulsi mocemuli savarjisoebisa da testebis pasuxebi ixilet maswavleblis wignsi. maswavleblis wigni maswavleblis wignsi warmodgenilia: Sesavali, dawyebiti safexuris mesame donis diii ucxouri enis standarti, Sinaarsisa da miznebis ruka, saswavlo masalis wardgenis fazebi, gakvetilis dagegmva, sanimuso gakvetilis scenari, detaluri komentarebi moswavlis wigntan dakavsirebit, Sefasebis formebi da rekomendaciebi, savarjisoebi da testebis pasuxebi. wignis moculoba 42 gverdia. TiToeuli Tematuri erteulis (unit) atvisebas ZiriTadad 4-5 akademiuri saati unda daetmos. maswavlebelma gakvetili wignsi warmodgenili standartis Sesabamisad unda dagegmos. wignsi me-16 Temis (unit 16- Jobs) magalitze warmodgenilia sanimuso gakvetilis Sinaarsi, romelsic metoduri rekomendaciebia mocemuli. me-16 Temis (Jobs) sanimuso scenari, romelic maswavlebels sxva danarceni gakvetilebis dagegmvasi daexmareba. gakvetili Sedgeba Semdegi nawilebisgan: mosmena, kitxva, wera, laparaki. TiToeul gakvetilsi mocemuli leqsikuri da gramatikuli masala xels Seuwyobs otxive nawilis enobrivi unar-cvevebis ganvitarebas. aseve, xels Seuwyobs enobrivi sistemebis swavleba - ganmtkicebas. saxelmzrvanelosi gamoyenebuli metodika individualur, gundur da wyvilebad mu- Saobis unar-cvevebis gamomusavebas itvaliswinebs, rac gulisxmobs saswavlo wlis bolos moswavleebis mier evrostandartis A1.3 donis atvisebasa da dazlevas. 5

6 maswavlebelma, wignsi mocemuli savarjisoebis Sesruleba, SesaZloa moswavleebs saxlsi Sesasruleblad daavalos (Tu gakvetilistvis gankutvnili dro sakmarisi ar iqneba), magram moswavleebs arnisnul savarjisostan dakavsirebit axsna-ganmarteba unda miecet. aqvea mocemuli indikatorebi (macveneblebi), romlebic gvicvenebs, miarwies Tu ara moswavleebma sasurvel Sedegs. III done misarwevi Sedegebi swavlis Sedegebi da indikatorebi mimartuleba: mosmena (mosmenis unaris gasavitareblad gamoiyeneba didaqtizebuli* audiocanawerebi, sadac teqsti mkafiod da nela ismis) ucx. d.iii.1. moswavle ismens da igebs maswavleblis mititebebs da savarjisos instruqciebs. satanadod reagirebs maswavleblis mititebebze; asrulebs savarjisos. ucx. d.iii.2. moswavle ismens da igebs mcire zomis dialogs. amoicnobs sasaubro Temas, konteqsts (mag. dabadebis dre, axali weli, maraziasi, zooparksi); amokrefs dialogidan konkretul detalebs (vin, sad, ramdeni, rodis, rogori da sxva); amoicnobs Tanamosaubreebs da mat emociebs, damokidebulebebs (risi esinia/ar esinia; ra ainteresebt/ar ainteresebt; ra moswont/ar moswont da sxva); ganarcevs TanamosaubreTa mier intonaciit gamoxatuli natqvamis modalobas (Txovna, motxovna, SekiTxva, brzaneba); ganarcevs Tavazian da familarul formebs. ucx. d.iii.3. moswavle ismens da igebs TxrobiTi xasiatis ilustrirebul teqsts (adaptirebuli zrapari, motxroba, ambavi). asaxelebs personajebs; amoicnobs mat emociur damokidebulebebs; amoicnobs personajebis moqmedebebs (vin ras aketebs); amoicnobs mosaubres (vis ekutvnis esa Tu is natqvami); amoicnobs ambis ganvitarebas (rogor daiwyo, ra moxda, rogor damtavrda); gansazrvravs moqmedebata drosa da adgils (mag., dilit, saramos, zafxulsi, tyesi, cirksi); amoicnobs personajis damaxasiatebel nisan-tvisebebs; personajta saqcielidan gamomdinare, gamoaqvs daskvna mati xasiatis, Tvisebis Sesaxeb (mag., ketilia, borotia, Zunwia, guladia, msisaraa, zarmacia); teqstis damusavebis Semdeg maswavleblis Txrobis kvaldakval axorcielebs ambis inscenirebas; qmnis teqstis ilustraciebs. 6

7 ucx. d.iii.4. moswavle ismens da igebs amindis martiv prognozs. amoicnobs geografiul dasaxelebebs; amoicnobs atmosferul movlenebs da temperaturas. mosmenis strategiebi ucx. d.iii.5. moswavle Sinaarsis gasagebad iyenebs satanado strategiebs. satauris, ilustraciebis safuzvelze gamotqvams varauds Sinaarsis Sesaxeb; usualo metyvelebis\canaweris mosmenisas eyrdnoba araverbalur elementebs (xmis tembri, intonacia, mimika, Jestikulacia, sxvadasxva tipis xmauri); cdilobs ucnobi sityvebis, gamotqmebis, winadadebebis mnisvnelobis damoukideblad amocnobas nacnob elementebze dayrdnobit (konteqsti, intonacia, ilustracia...); msobliur enaze arwers, ra xerxit/gzit moaxerxa mosasmeni amocanis gadawra; uyurebs sabavsvo telegadacemebs ucxour enaze. mimartuleba: kitxva ucx. d.iii.6. moswavle kitxulobs da igebs Ria barats, pirad werils. amoicnobs avtors, adresats (Tanatoli, ufrosi); amoicnobs korespondenciis mizans (milocva, mokitxva, dapatijeba); amoicnobs konkretul informacias (sad, ramdeni, rodis da sxva). ucx. d.iii.7. moswavle kitxulobs mosmenisas damusavebul teqstebs. teqstsi poulobs replikebs da mat avtorebs; poulobs mititebul epizodebs; akavsirebs gegmis calkeul punqts satanado abzactan/abzacebtan; asataurebs teqstis monakvetebs; moiziebs da amokrebs konkretul detalebs (rogori, sad, ramdeni da sxva). ucx. d.iii.8. moswavle moiziebs konkretul informacias pragmatuli xasiatis sabavsvo informaciul teqstsi (magalitad, gakvetilebis cxrili, kulinaruli recepti sabavsvo telegadacemebis programa, sabavsvo katalogi da sxva). katalogidan amoicnobs ama Tu im nivtis fass, monacemebs (mag., zoma, feri, masala, forma; Tu wignis katalogia serias, gamomcemlobas, avtors, sataurs, asakobriv jgufs da sxva); katalogidan/teleprogramidan SearCevs sasurvel nivts/gadacemas garkveuli kriteriumis gatvaliswinebit. ucx. d.iii.9. moswavle kitxulobs da igebs axsna-ganmartebiti xasiatis teqstebs, instruqciebs (mag., TamaSis wesi, rogor gavaketot esa Tu is naketoba da sxva). pirvel rigsi, akvirdeba arasityvier da sityvier maorganizebel elementebs (sataurebi, rubrikebi, ilustraciebi, sqemebi, isrebi, logoebi, warwerebi, 7

8 ZiriTadi teqstis ganlageba, tipografiuli maxasiateblebi da sxva) da gansazrvravs, teqstis romel nawilsi unda ezebos esa Tu is informacia; amoicnobs konkretul informacias (mag., sawiro masalas, mis maxasiateblebs, raodenobas, moqmedebis adgils da sxva); amoicnobs mititebebs; amoicnobs moqmedebata Tanmimdevrobas. ucx. d.iii.10. moswavle kitxulobs da igebs SemecnebiTi xasiatis ilustrirebul teqstebs. akavsirebs sataurs teqstis SinaarsTan; amoicnobs ilustraciebis qves mocemuli warwerebis Sinaarss; ezebs da poulobs romel rubrikas, QqvesaTaurs ukavsirdeba ilustracia, misi warwera; amoicnobs, romel rubrikasi, teqstis romel nawilsi unda ezebos esa Tu is informacia; teqstsi ezebs da poulobs konkretul informacias; amoicnobs sxvdasxva informacias Soris arsebul martiv logikur kavsirebs. ucx. d.iii.11. moswavle flobs xmamarali kitxvis elementarul unar - Cvevas. Tavisuflad kitxulobs mcire zomis nacnob teqsts; moswavle xmamarla, gamartulad ukitxavs Tanaklaselebs sasurvel/serceul nawyvets nacnobi teqstidan; cdilobs daicvas Sesabamisi intonacia sxvadasxva modalobis winadadebis warmotqmis dros; monawileobs dialogis, sketcis gundur kitxvasi. ucx. d.iii.12. moswavle amoicnobs sxvadasxva tipis martivi teqstis struqturul da enobriv maxasiateblebs. adarebs ertmanets sxvadasxva tipis teqsts struqturuli organizebis mixedvit (mag., instruqcia da SemecnebiTi xasiatis teqsti), asaxelebs gansxvavebebs, msgavsebebs); amoicnobs sakomunikacio situaciis Sesatyvis gamotqmebs, kliseebs, enobriv konstruqciebs (mag., mokitxvis, milocvis, dapatijebis da sxva); amoicnobs sintaqsur mimartebebs martivi winadadebebis wevrebs Soris (magalitad, arsebiti da zedsartavi saxelebis ricxvsi SeTanxmeba); amoicnobs axlandeli/warsuli drois gamomxatvel zmnis formebs, zmnizedebs; amoicnobs adgilmdebareobisa da drois gamomxatvel martiv enobriv sasualebebs (zmnizeda, sityvatsetanxmeba, windebuli); amoicnobs sasveni nisnebis funqcias (mag., ori wertili, tire). kitxvis strategiebi ucx. d.iii.13. moswavle mimartavs sxvadasxva strategias Sinaarsis gagebis gasaadvileblad. 8

9 damoukideblad amoicnobs ucnobi sityvebis, winadadebebis mnisvnelobas nacnobi elementebis daxmarebit (konteqsti, ilustracia, nacnobi asoebi); ilustraciebze, sataurze dayrdnobit msobliur enaze gamotqvams varaudebs teqstis Sinaarsis Sesaxeb; konkretuli informaciis moziebis miznit mtlianobasi akvirdeba teqsts, mis sityvier da arasityvier maorganizebel elementebs (satauri, rubrika, ilustracia, warwera, abzaci, sveti, logo, tipografiuli maxasiateblebi /mag., msxvili Srifti/ da sxva) da iyenebs mat sayrdenebad; msobliur enaze arwers, ra gzit moaxerxa ama Tu im sakitxavi amocanis gadawra; adarebs sxvebis mier SerCeul xerxs da gamoaqvs daskvna imis Sesaxeb, Tu romeli midgoma iyo ufro misadagebuli/efeqturi da ratom. mimartuleba: wera ucx. d.iii.14. moswavle wers Ria barats. icavs korespodenciis formalur mxars (mimartva, xelmowera, TariRi); ayalibebs korespodenciis mizans (milocva, ambis Setyobineba, dapatijeba); adresatis vinaobis gatvaliswinebit SearCevs mimartvisa da misalmeba / gamomsvidobebis satanado formulebs. ucx. d.iii.15. moswavle damxmare sasualebebze dayrdnobit qmnis mikroteqstebs. mocemul yalibs avsebs gansxvavebuli SinaarsiT (magalitad, mocemulisgan gansxvavebuli otaxis, personajis arwera); avsebs naklul teqsts, gakvetilebis cxrils, dris ganrigs, anketas; ilustraciebze dayrdnobit wers mikroteqsts, cvlis monakvets/dasasruls; adgens warwerebs ilustraciebisatvis; nimusis an mocemuli pirobis mixedvit wers teqsts (mag., megobris, sacxovrebeli adgilis, nivtis, cxovelis arwera). ucx. d.iii.16. moswavle icavs werilobiti teqstis struqturas, izens elementarul enobriv-gramatikul unar-cvevebs da cdilobs funqciurad gamoiyenos isini. iyenebs adgilmdebareobis gamomxatvel martiv enobriv sasualebebs (mag., windebuli, zmnizeda); icavs elementarul sintaqsur mimartebebs winadadebis wevrebs Soris (mag., atanxmebs arsebit da zedsartav saxelebs ricxvsi/sqessi; atanmxmebs zmnas pirsa da ricxvsi); SearCevs zmnis satanado formebs mititebebis micemisas; icavs sityvata rigs mtkicebiti, uaryofiti da kitxviti Sinaarsis Semcvel martiv gauvrcobel Tu gavrcobil winadadebebsi; icavs ortografiis wesebs, sworad iyenebs sasven nisnebs. ucx. d.iii.17. moswavle mimartavs weris strategiebs naweris gaumjobesebis miznit. moiziebs da amzadebs aucilebel saswavlo resursebs (leqsikoni, nimusi, sawiro enobrivi masala, gramatikuli cnobari da sxva); wers Sav variants; gadaikitxavs Sav variants, saswavlo resursze dayrdnobit amowmebs nawers 9

10 da asworebs Secdomebs; atetrebs nawers. mimartuleba: laparaki ucx. d.iii.18. moswavle flobs metyvelebisatvis aucilebel unar-cvevebs. garkvevit warmotqvams nacnob sityvebs, frazebs, enis gasatexebs; zepirad kitxulobs leqsebs, gatvlebs, asrulebs simrerebs; zepirad gaitamasebs martiv dialogebsa da scenebs; teqstebis warmotqmisas icavs Sesabamis intonaciebs, ritmebs. ucx. d.iii.19. moswavle monawileobs martiv interaqciasi. svams/pasuxobs kitxvebs konkretul saklaso situaciastan dakavsirebit; svams /pasuxobs martiv kitxvebs mistvis nacnobi Temebis garsemo; (mag., ardadadegebi, sacxovrebeli adgili, megobrebi da sxva); pasuxobs naswavli teqstis Sinaarsis garsemo dasmul martiv kitxvebze; kitxulobs da asaxelebs mizezs (mag., ratom...? _ imitom, rom...); monawileobs simulaciur situaciasi (mag., intervius CamorTmeva, maraziasi, Sexvedra zooparksi / TanatolTan / ufrostan, konkursantebtan. ucx. d.iii.20. moswavle gabmulad saubrobs. arwers garemos (otaxi, quca, surati); suratebze dayrdnobit agebs da hyveba martiv ambavs hyveba ambavs ilustraciebze dayrdnobit; hyveba nanax, Tavs gadamxdar patara ambavs. saubrobs mistvis nacnob Temebze (mag., ojaxsi, natesavebis / megobrebis Sesaxeb, Tavisufal dros da sxva). ucx. d.iii.21. moswavle izens elementaruli enobriv-gramatikuli unar-cvevebs da cdilobs funqciurad gamoiyenos isini. interaqciisas SearCevs sakomunikacio situaciis Sesatyvis mimartvis formebs, gamotqmebs, kliseebs, enobriv konstruqciebs; martebulad iyenebs metyvelebis Tavazian da familarul formebs; satanadod iyenebs sxvadasxva Sinaarsis (TxrobiTi, kitxviti, Zaxilis) mqone winadadebas; icavs Sesabamis intonacias sxvadasxva modalobis winadadebebis warmotqmis dros; iyenebs adgilmdebareobis gamomxatvel martiv enobriv sasualebebs; icavs elementarul sintaqsur mimartebebs winadadebebis wevrebs Soris (zmnis satanado piri da ricxvi); satanadod iyenebs naswavl leqsikur erteulebs. 10

11 laparakis strategiebi ucx. d.iii.22. moswavle iyenebs sakompensacio sasualebebs. sityvis daviwyebis /arcodnis SemTxvevaSi iyenebs sakompensacio sasualebebs (mag.: mimika, Jestikulacia, perifrazireba, arwers nagulisxmev sagans, an miutitebs rasi gamoiyeneba da sxva); xvdeba da asworebs sakutar / sxvis Secdomebs; itxovs daxmarebas maswavleblis an Tanaklaselisagan. mimartuleba: kulturata dialogi ucx. d.iii.23. moswavle amoicnobs informacias kulturis sferodan. akvirdeba da amoicnobs ilustraciebze / teqstebsi asaxul kulturul, simbolur, sayofacxovrebo realiebs. ucx. d.iii.24. moswavle icens interess kulturuli gansxvavebebis mimart. paralelebs avlebs ucxo da msobliur kulturebs Soris da poulobs msgavsebebs/gansxvavebebs (legenda, istoriuli gadmocema, kerzebi, skola, drosa da sxva); gamotqvams sakutar mosazrebebs, damokidebulebebs: moiziebs damatebit cnobebs. ucx. d.iii.25. moswavle acnobierebs, rom enasi aisaxeba samyaros Taviseburi xedva. cdilobs amoicnos warmoebuli sityvebis, andazebis, gamotqmebis mnisvneloba; poulobs Sesatyvisebs msobliur enasi; adarebs mat ertmanets. mimartuleba: ucxouri enis praqtikuli gamoyeneba ucx. d.iii.26. moswavle ucxour enaze ganaxorcielebs sxvadasxva tipis proeqts (mag., Tanaklaselebis naxatebis / naketobebis gamofenis mowyoba; speqtaklis dadgma; ucxouri samzareulos sxvebistvis gacnoba da sxva). maswavlebeltan ertad ayalibebs proeqtis warmatebit ganxorcielebis kriteriumebs; gundis wevrebtan, maswavlebeltan ertad gegmavs proeqtis ganxorcielebis etapebs; gundis wevrebtan ertad, maswavleblis daxmarebit gansazrvravs da inawilebs funqciebs; gundis TiToeul wevrtan ertad asrulebs mistvis mikutvnebul funqcias; maswavleblis, msoblis an sxva piris daxmarebit moiziebs satanado resursebs; gundis wevrebtan ertad, maswavleblis daxmarebit SearCevs da daamusavebs moziebul masalas; maswavleblis daxmarebit aumjobesebs da asrulebs proeqts. 11

12 mimartuleba: swavlis swavla ucx. d.iii.27. moswavle organizebas uwevs saswavlo saqmianobas. iwers davalebebs; uvlis da awesrigebs saswavlo nivtebs; moaqvs sawiro nivtebi; samusaos yofs etapebad da gegmavs, rogori TanamimdevrobiT Seasrulos igi; icavs drois limits yvela tipis aqtivobis Sesrulebisas. ucx. d.iii.28. moswavle aqtiuradaa Cabmuli saswavlo processi. xalisit avsebs TviTSefasebis sqemebs; interesdeba Sefasebis SedegebiT; xalisit monawileobs aqtivobebsi; miutitebs zogierti naklis gamosworebis SesaZlo gzebs (mag., rogor moiqces, rom axali sityvebi daamaxsovrdes) da cdilobs mat gamosworebas; xvdeba da arnisnavs sakutar da sxvis Secdomas. ucx. d.iii.29. moswavle iyenebs resursebs saswavlo saqmianobis xelsewyobis miznit. efeqturad iyenebs saxelmzrvanelos resursebs (leqsikoni, struqturuli nimusebi, gramatikuli cnobari, ilustraciebi da sxva); moiziebs informacias rogorc skolasi, ise skolis garet misawvdom resursebsi (saxelmzrvanelos TvalsaCinoebebi, leqsikoni, skolis / soflis / qalaqis biblioteka, maswavlebeli, kompetenturi piri, interneti da sxva); qmnis operatiul resursebs (anbanuri / Tematuri leqsikoni plakati, martivi sqema, kitxvari da sxva) da iyenebs mas; moiziebs informacias / saswavlo masalas informaciul sakomunikacio teqnologiebis (ist) mesveobit; iyenebs ist-s ama Tu im masalis / teqstis Sesaqmnelad / dasamusaveblad. ucx. d.iii.30. moswavles aqvs konstruqciuli damokidebuleba dabrkolebebis mimart. ar ufrtxis Secdomebis dasvebas; akvirdeba Secdomas da cdilobs gaarkvios mizezi; svams SekiTxvebs, itxovs daxmarebas, roca sizneles awydeba; ar erideba sakutari azris/sexedulebis gamotqmas; cdilobs damoukideblad gadalaxos sizneleebi. ucx. d.iii.31. moswavle iyenebs sxvadasxva xerxs leqsikuri masalis asatviseblad. iyenebs damaxsovrebis sxvadasxva xerxs (ramdenjerme wakitxva an dawera, asocireba raimestan, konteqstsi gamoyeneba, erti Tematikis mixedvit dajgufeba da sxva); sistematurad imeorebs ganvlil leqsikur masalas; amokrebs cudad atvisebul leqsikur erteulebs da amusavebs mat. 12

13 ucx. d.iii.32. moswavle iyenebs strategiebs gramatikul movlenebsi gasarkvevad. konkretul magalitebze dakvirvebit amoicnobs enobriv meqanizmebs; iyenebs amocnobil meqanizmebs; adarebs ertmanets ucxouri da msobliuri enebis gramatikul movlenebs; iyenebs sqemebs, tabulebs, klasifikaciebs, struqturul modelebs. ucx. d.iii.33. moswavle TanamSromlobs TanaklaselebTan, maswavlebeltan. sxvebs acdis pasuxs; kamatisas yurs ugdebs gansxvavebul mosazrebebs; Tanatols exmareba im sakitxebsi, romlebsic TviTonaa Zlieri; mewyvilestan ertad gadawris dasmul amocanas; mewyvilestan ertad varjisobs interaqciasi; koreqtulad arnisnavs dasvebul Secdomebs. ucx. d.iii.34. moswavle TanamSromlobs jgufis wevrebtan. TaTbirobs TanagundelebTan (rogor gadawran sakitxi, vin ras dainawilebs); axerxebs gundelebtan morigebas; gamotqvams mosazrebebs, usmens sxvisas; Tavisi wvlili Seaqvs dasmuli amocanis gadawrasi. saxelmzrvanelos Sesatyvisoba erovnul saswavlo gegmastan Sinaarsisa da miznebis ruka kvireuli saati _ 3, wliuri _ gakvetilis satauri Giorgi s letter Autumn (Fall) time enobrivi leqsika, st. konstruqciebi 3 letter, address, hate, trainer, glasses, meet, necessary, wait, send, middle-sized, author, favourite, near, mind, series, today, wear, live, language. See you soon. 4 holidays, healthy, sunburnt, city, club, spend, mountain, village, seaside, aunt, cafeteria, adventure, library, bunch, ready, break, place, desert. Hello everybody! Quite well. What a pity. gramatika Present simple. Verb+gerund: I like reading. I hate counting. I don t mind spelling. He/She likes playing. Past simple. Indefinite pronouns: somebody, anybody, nobody, everything. swavlis Sedegebi da indikatorebi,, u.1.diii.kd. 1,2,3,4 13

14 What time? 4 quarter, start, end, museum, light, strike, lunch, shower, centre, tower, landmark, past, complex, high, service, include, station. My watch is slow/fast. Don t worry. Not at all. That s so kind of you. They live in the water What s the date? Georgia, the UK and the USA Are you healthy? 5 fish, turtle, frog, flat, crocodile, dolphin, shark, duck, penguin, shell, sea, beak, jaw, sharp, wide, seal, nest, rabbit, hole, ocean. Now I see. If you please. I m afraid of.. 4 January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, Novemer, December, month, date, orchard, vine, celebrate, ripe, yard, agree, grapes. What s the date? 4 north, south, east, west, earth, compass, direction, cross, state, district, range, bridge, coast, church, resort, cliff, world. In short. That s why. 4 ache, allergic, flu, headache, earache, toothache, backache dust, stomach-ache, pill, handkerchief, medicine, dentist, care, need, X-ray, wealthy, drop, cough, chemist, temperature. At the same time. What s the matter with you? I d love to. thisthat, these-those. Present passive: is closed, is built. Clock time: past, quarter, to. Prepositons of time: at+time; in+ year; on+day. Present simple. Indefinite pronouns: some, any, no. Prepositions of direction: into, out of. Adjectives: fat, sharp, wide, flat. Comperatives: adjective+er; +est: warmer, warmest. good, better, best; bad, worse, worst; many-much, more, most. Ordinal numbers. Directions: north, south, east, west; northern, southern, eastern, western. Which part? have got: I have got He/she has got.. Modal: must. Why?... Because What do you need? I need. What does he/she need? He/She needs u.1.diii.ss. 1,2,3,4, u.1.diii.kd. 1,2,3,4 14

15 Can you use a computer? This is our flat Cinderella (Part I) 4 computer, project, programme, glue, important, scissors, information, paper, photo, plan, camera, nowadays, office, laboratory, factory, bank, hospital, stick, type. How stupid you are. Leave me alone. 4 wardroab, cupboard, bedside, ashtray, carpet, mirror, mug, curtain, cooker, bin, sausepan, washbasin, bath, plant, middle, left, right, among, between. On the ground / first floor (in England); on the first/ second floor (in Georgia). On the left/right. 5 cinder, stepmother, stepsister, daughter, rag, widow, young, nickname, comfort, marry, clumsy, ugly, sigh, ball, palace, dare, silk, scrub. Once upon a time. That is how What about me? Cardinal Numbers can /can t. Prepositions of direction: up, down. How many / How much; countables and uncountables: a lot of. There is/there are. Modal verb: may / mustn t. Prepositions of place: between, among, opposite, in front of; Which+noun. Future simple. Modal: must / mustn t. Past simple of regular and irregular verbs. Synonyms and antonyms. u.1.diii kd. 1,2,3,4 u.1.diii kd. 1,2,3, Cinderella (Part II) Cinderella (Part III) 4 godmother, mice, pumpkin, coach, coachman, burst, amazing, suddenly, midnight, slipper. In a moment. At that time. 4 maiden, prince, fair, minister, tiny, sound, stair, fast, gold, only. Let me try it on. What does it matter? He was in love with her. Modal: could. Plural of nouns: mouse-mice; caochmancoachmen; foot -feet. Modal verb: could not. Adjectives: fair, tiny. 15

16 We had chips for lunch What s on TV? We were at the museum 4 chips, rice, salad, roast, toast, sausage, appetite, mashed, restaurant, slice, tray, diet, upstairs, voice, low, sleepy, knock, carefully, kebab. How strange. Lay the table. 4 news, quiz, cartoon, serial, space, wave, cinema, channel, magazine, comedy, demonstration, own, classical, different, cameraman, horror, musical, information. What s on channel one? As for me. 5 statue, jewellery, vase, painting, bone, sculpture, object, treasure, skeleton, gobelin, stone, silver, expensive, together, excavate, carve, ceramics, ancient. Jobs 5 businessman, driver, policeman, postman, fireman, artist, poet, secretary, customer, shop assistant, soldier, farmer, musician, coin, fighter, brave, trading, exellent,poet, leather, traiding, bartering. What s your favourite sport? 4 athletics, running, jumping, skating, snowboarding, skiing, sledding / sledging sledge, gymnastics, event, pair, mitten, helmet, pole, anorak, thick, thin, swan, knot, hero, pain, winner, neighbour, thin, thick, apologize, harm. What s your favourite? Past simple of have: had I had salad for dinner. He/She had chips for lunch. Prepositions: for, of. Present Simple: I like.. I hate.. I don t mind.. I dislike. Prepositions: for, about. What s on TV? Past simple of be: was / were. Comperatives: more+adjective. Superlatives: the most+adjective. Past passive: It was founded. Present simple. What are you? What do you do? What s your job? Past continuous: I was working. He/She was crying. They were running. I am good at. He/She is good at.. We are good at a pair of. Adjectives: dry, wet. Adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, never 16

17 They went shopping 4 baker, baker s, cost, chemist, chemist s, butcher, butcher s, greengrocer, greengrocer s, hotel, road, florist, florist s, straw, avenue, seashell, son, seashore, narrator, fill, feather, match, find out, candle, reward. This time. Tbilisi 4 king, pheasant, kill, enemy, century, frequently, cathedral, balcony, conquer, gallary, suburb, drop, enemy, church, oldfationed, square, valley. Never mind. London 5 theatre, dock, lady, heart, straight, tourist, borough, apartment, narrow, wax, giant, column, fountain, pigeon, popular, view, entertainment, delightful, wheel, observation, pool. How many.? How much.? Where..? How much did it cost? How much was it? How much were they? Past passive: It was taken. Was it taken? It wasn t taken. Adverbs of manner: slowly, loudly, quickly, etc. Preposition: by. Prepositions of place: near, far, behind, next to, above, over Weather 4 fog, foggy, mild, raw, climate, seldom, island, conversation, evegreen, generally, same, without, keep. The same kind of For a long time. All the year round. Why the sea is salty (Part I) 5 salt-grinder, beard, dwarf, sheet, deep, handstand, mean, trudge, greedy, ham, cartwheel, below, through, trust, notice, disappear, salty, mill, deep, seem, grind. For money. Why on earth would I? Three times. Once a year. Word building of adjectives: fog foggy; sun sunny; rain rainy. What s the weather like today? It s hot today. It s foggy. It snows. Adverb: nowhere. Why?... Because Prepositions: through, with. Adverbs of degree: nearly, hardly, very. u.1.diii. kd. 1,2,3, 17

18 Why the sea is salty (Part II) Why the sea is salty (Part III) Revision: Mike s letter; Cinderella (play); Picture story; Tenses; Irregular verbs; Pronunciation. Progress tests 4 wife, husband, life, barely, delicious, cheap, complain, proudly, jealous, turkey, excited, puzzle. How lovely. They did their best. Work hard. They barly made ends meet. Give a kiss. Any longer; no longer. 4 steal, sail, valuable, enough, sink, drown, sack, shout, stupid. The grinder carried on and on. Who is it? It s me (him, her) 4 decide, unknown, promise, quite; to hand; pudding, invitation; donkey. 3 Test I Test II Test III Adverbs of degree: barely, proudly. Coordinating conjunctions: and, but, or, etc. Subordinating conjunctions: that, as as, until, if, because, as as: She was as kind as her husband. What happened? many, much. Adverbs of degree: enough, too. Imperativs: possitive and nagative. Irregular verbs. sami trimestris ganmavlobasi moswavle asrulebs 3 tests, azustebs codnis dones. u.1.diii. kd. 1,2,3, u.1.diii. kd. 1,2 u.1.diii. kd. 1,2 maswavlebeli moswavles Sesabamisad afasebs. saswavlo masalis wardgenis fazebi maswavlebelma TiToeuli gakvetilis dagegmvisas unda gaitvaliswinos saswavlo masalis fazebis Tanmimdevroba, rasic saxelmzrvanelos struqturac daexmareba. TiToeul TemaSi (unit) savarjisoebis Tanmimdevroba saswavlo masalis wardgenis fazebs emtxveva. es fazebi Semdegia: 1. motivacia / momzadeba. saxelmzrvanelos TiToeul Tematur erteulsi (unit) mocemulia saswavlo masala, romelsic warmodgenilia mosmenis, kitxvis, weriasa da laparakis aqtivobebi da savarjisoebi, romelta Sinaarsi advilad gasagebi, saintereso da saxalisoa. imisatvis, rom moswavleebi yoveli axali Temis SeswavliT dainteresdnen da gaezardot mocemuli masalis gacnobisa da atvisebis motivacia, sawiroa mosasmeni Temis garsemo mokle saubris Catareba. es faza unda moicavdes gakvetilis 2-3 wuts. 18

19 2. sakitxis dasma / davalebis gansazrvra. sakitxis dasma da davalebis gansazrvra gulisxmobs TiToeuli aqtivobisa Tu savarjisos interaqciis gacnobas da imis garkvevas, Tu ra moetxoveba moswavles. sawyis etapze maswavlebeli moswavles nimusis CvenebiT uxsnis, Tu rogor unda Seasrulos esa Tu is savarjiso. Zalian mnisvnelovania, rom moswavlem SeZlos instruqciis maswavleblisgan damoukideblad gageba da davalebis sworad gansazrvra. gakvetilis es faza 2-3 wutze meti ar unda grzeldebodes. 3. ZiriTadi saswavlo masala. saxelmzrvanelosi saswavlo masala mosmenis, kitxvisa, werisa da laparakis aqtivobebita da savarjisoebit aris warmodgenili, romelic moswavles gauadvilebs advilad gaigos Sesaswavli Temis Sinaarsi. aseve ganuvitardes praqtikuli unar-cvevebi. gakvetilis drois 60-70% etmoba mosmenisa da kitxvis aqtivobebs. fazis am nawilsi moswavlebi reagireben maswavleblis mititebebsa da savarjisoebis instruqciebze; sa- Tauris, ilustraciiebis safuzvelze gamotqvamen varauds Sinaarsis Sesaxeb; cdiloben ucnobi sityvebis, gamotqmebis, winadadebebis mnisvnelobis, konkretuli informaciis damoukideblad amocnobas; kitxuloben mosmenisas damusavebul teqsts, axsna-ganmartebiti xasiatis teqstebs, instruqciebs; kitxuloben da igeben SemecnebiTi xasiatis ilustrirebul teqstebs; floben xmamarali kitxvis unar-cvevebs; amoicnoben sxvadasxva tipis martivi teqstis struqturul da enobriv maxasiateblebs. xolo drois 30-40% etmoba fazis momdevno nawils werit da laparakis masalas. werit nawilsi moswavleebi damxmare sasualebebze dayrdnobit qmnian mikro-teqsqebs; icaven werilobiti teqstis struqturas, izenen elementarul enobriv-gramatikul unar-cvevebs da cdiloben funqciurad gamoiyenon isini; mimartaven werit strategiebs. fazis im nawils, romelic laparaks exeba, moswavleebi floben metyvelebis aucilebel unar-cvevebs; monawileoben martiv interaqciasi. zepirad kitxuloben leqsebs, enis gasatexebs, asruleben simrerebs; gai- TanaSeben martiv dialogebsa da scenebs. gakvetilis am fazasi moswavleebi varjisoben axali leqsikuri da gramatikuli masalis atvisebisa da ganmtkicebis miznit. ZiriTad saswavlo masalaze musaobis dros maswavlebeli asworebs Secdomebs da xelaxla ganmartavs masalas. maswavlebeli mxolod mas Semdeg gadadis momdevno davalebaze, roca darwmundeba, rom ZiriTadi masala gaigo da dazlia moswavleta umetesobam. arnisnuli fazis dasasruls moswavleebma maswavleblis daxmarebis garese unda SeZlon naswavli masalis gamoyeneba, werisa da laparakis aqtivobebsi da elementarul realur cxovrebiseul situaciebsi. 4. mocemul etapze Sesasrulebeli samusaoebis (mag.,seusabamet sityvebi/winadadebebi suratebs, moisminet da upasuxet da daweret diax/ara. waikitxet da SemoxazeT swori/ araswori, da a.s.) mesveobit, moswavleebi ecnobian da euflebian axal masalas ris Sedegadac mat uvitardebat mosmenis, kitxvis, werisa da laparakis unar-cvevebi. 5. bolo etapze Sesasrulebeli savarjisoebi iseti savarjisoebia, rodesac moswavle naswavl masalas praqtikulad iyenebs zepiri an weriti komunikaciisatvis. am etapze moswavle ZiriTadi leqsikuri da gramatikuli masalis gamoyenebit mcire zomis dialogs, teqsts damoukideblad warmoadgens da maswavlebels, Tanagundels, mewyviles SekiTxvebze swor pasuxs izleva. gakvetilis am fazaze maswavlebeli arkvevs ramdenad SeZles moswavleebma axali masalis atviseba. 19

20 6. damoukidebeli samusao. damoukidebeli samusao gulisxmobs sasinao davalebis micemas. amisatvis ki sa- Tanado baza gakvetilis bolo etapze unda momzaddes. moswavleebs saxlsi damoukidebeli musaobisatvis ezlevat samusao wignsi mocemuli savarjisoebi (Tumca maswavleblis Sexedulebisamebr SeiZleba zogierti savarjisos gakvetilzec Sesruleba), romlebic xels uwyobs saxelmzrvanelosi mocemuli axali masalis xalisianad Seswavla-ganmtkicebas. saswavlo masalis wardgenis fazebis Tanmimdevroba SemoqmedebiTma maswavlebelma SeiZleba Secvalos, mocemul gakvetilze situaciis gatvaliswinebit. aseve saintereso iqneba, Tu moswavleebi SeZleben sakutari savarjisoebebisa da aqtivobebis mesveobit Seqmnan axal resursebi.ees ki xels Seuwyobs moswavleta Tavisufali azrovnebis unar- Cvevebis Camoyalibebas, sakutari codnis donis gansazrvras. gakvetilis dagegmva gakvetilis dagegmvis zogadi da aucilebeli kriteriumebia: 1. gakvetilis mizani/miznebi; 2. aqtivobebi; 3. moswavlis organizeba; 4. drois ganawileba; 5. resursebi; 6. Semowmebis formebi. yoveli gakvetili individualuri da SemoqmedebiTia. gakvetilis sanimuso sqemis praqtikuli ganxorcieleba xdeba gakvetilis masalis specifikidan gamomdinare. amdenad maswavlebels SeuZlia Secvalos gakvetilis gegmis Tanmimdevroba mocemul gakvetilze situaciis gatvaliswinebit. me-16 Temis, (unit 16, Jobs) magalitze warmogidgent gakvetilis dagegmvis sqemas. analogiurad aigeba sxva gakvetilebis gegmac. sanimuso gakvetilis scenari sanimuso gakvetilis scenari warmodgenilia me-16 Temis (unit 16 Jobs) magalitze, romelsic metoduri rekomendaciebia mocemuli gakvetilis TiToeul struqturul elementtan dakavsirebit. mocemuli Tema gatvlilia 5 akademiur saatze, vinaidan mocemul TemaSi warmodgenilia moswavletatvis sruliad axali gramatikuli erteuli, namyo gangrzobiti dro (Past continuous tense). 4 akademiuri saati etmoba moswavlis wigns (klassi samusao masalas), xolo 1 akademiuri saati-samusao rveuls (saxlsi samusao masalas). moswavlis wignsi mocemuli Tema samusao, samsaxuri - Jobs, 5 akademiur saatze Semdegnairad SeiZleba ganawildes: 1 akademiuri saati 1-4 aqtivobebs, da 4a - xumrobas (Joke), romelic kargi, saxaliso nimusia zemot arnisnuli gramatikuli masalisa; me-2 akademiuri saati me-5 aqtivobas - SemecnebiTi xasiatis teqstsa da savarjisoebs; me-3 akademiuri saati me-9 savarjisosa da me-10 aqtivobas - gamocanis (Guess the riddle) teqstze musaobas; me-4 akademiuri saati me-11 aqtivobas - TamaSsa da me-11a - informaciuli teqstis gacnobas. Mmaswavleblebs, mocemuli sqemis Secvla SeuZlia, moswavleebis moswrebisa da sxva faqtorebis gatvaliswinebit. 20

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