In this lesson, I will view an animation titled La rentrée. 1. Open Section One, Day One of the Workbook and complete the Reflection.

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1 1 In this lesson, I will view an animation titled La rentrée. 1. Open Section One, Day One of the Workbook and complete the Reflection. 2. Read the context below then view the animation La rentrée on the Animation CD or Website. Context: It s the first day of Grade 7. Émilie helps Karine put her school supplies away in their locker. They learn that they have the same homeroom teacher and discuss what options they have this year. 3. Open Section One, Day One of the Workbook and do questions 1 and 2. Pg 1

2 2 In this lesson, I will review the names of different school supplies and learn new vocabulary associated with Grade Listen to Track 1 on the Module 1 CD. You will hear the school supplies listed below being named. Practice saying each word after you hear it. Then, record yourself saying the names of these supplies. Listen to your recording and compare it to the track. How is your pronunciation? Practice any words that are difficult for you a second time. l agenda scolaire le bâton de colle le cahier la calculatrice les ciseaux le crayon les crayons de cire (le) les crayons de couleur le dictionnaire anglais français la feuille de papier les feutres la gomme l intercalaire le paquet d œillets autocollants le paquet de papier ligné le paquet de papier uni Pg 2

3 2 la règle la reliure à anneaux le stylo le stylo correcteur le surligneur la trousse de crayons la trousse de géométrie If you want to know what something is, you ask the question: Qu est-ce que c est? In English, you would either ask What is that? or What are those? depending on the number of items you are inquiring about. In French, the same question is asked regardless of the number of items you are inquiring about. The answers to this question, however, differ: C est un bâton de colle. C est une gomme. Ce sont des feutres. Remember that we use the indefinite article un with masculine nouns, une with feminine nouns and des with all plural nouns regardless of gender. To know if a noun is masculine or feminine use the Glossary or a dictionary. C est (this is) is used with singular nouns and Ce sont (these are) is used with plural nouns. Pg 3

4 2 Listen to Track 2 on the Module 1 CD to hear the question and answers above read to you. When inquiring about certain items, you may need to qualify which ones you are talking about. This might be done by giving these items a colour. Colours in French like in English are adjectives. They qualify the nouns that they are associated with. In French, however, adjectives must agree in number and gender with the nouns they qualify. This may sound complicated but it s really quite simple. If the noun is singular, the adjective must be singular. If the noun is plural, the adjective must be plural. Singular or Plural is the number. If a noun is feminine, the adjective must be feminine. If a noun is masculine, the adjective must be masculine. Feminine or Masculine is the gender. Here is a chart that you can use to help you correctly write the colours in French: Masculine Singular Feminine Singular Masculine Plural Feminine Plural blanc blanche blancs blanches bleu bleue bleus bleues brun brune bruns brunes jaune jaune jaunes jaunes noir noire noirs noires orange orange orange orange rose rose roses roses rouge rouge rouges rouges vert verte verts vertes violet violette violets violettes Pg 4

5 2 Notice the colour orange is an exception and is always written the same way regardless of number or gender. Here are a few examples of school supplies with colour adjectives. Notice that the colour adjective always comes after the noun. C est un crayon jaune. C est une règle blanche. Ce sont des feutres verts. 2. Open Section One, Day Two of the Workbook and do questions 1 and 2. Within a given language we find that different words are used to name the same object. This variation depends on the country or the dialect that is used in a certain part of that country. This remains true for the French language. Here are a few words used in Canada which are different that those used in France, however both are French. In Canada we say; le sac à dos. In France we say; le cartable. In Canada we say; la reliure à anneaux. In France we say; le classeur scolaire. In Canada we say; une trousse de crayons. In France we say; un étui stylo. In Canada we say; un cahier. In France we say; un carnet. Pg 5

6 2 Notice that the articles, in the examples above, are different. We saw earlier today that un/une/des are indefinite articles, above we have le/la/les which are definite articles. Indefinite articles are used when talking generally about an object, the same way we use a or an in English. Definite articles are used when talking about a specific object, the same way we use the in English. Use the chart below as a reference. Masculine Feminine Plural Indefinite Articles (example: a cat) un une des Definite Articles (example: the cat) le or l la or l les Note: le and la become l in front of nouns that begin with a vowel. 3. Open Section One, Day Two of the Workbook and do questions 3, 4, 5, and 6. Pg 6

7 3 In this lesson, I will use listening and writing skills to work with school supply vocabulary. 1. Read the context below then listen to Track 4 on the Module 1 CD. Use the following pictures to help you understand. Context: Karine and Émilie take a few items from their locker and walk to their first French class. They meet M. Claude Dumont, their French teacher. M. Dumont gives them a list of school supplies they will need for his class. Pg 7

8 3 When stating what is needed for a certain class, we use the expression avoir besoin de which means to need. If you need something, you would use the pronoun Je (I): Dans la classe de Mme Lise, j ai besoin d une reliure à anneaux et de quatre intercalaires. (In Mrs. Lise s class, I need a binder and four dividers.) Note: The pronoun je becomes j in front of verbs that start with a vowel. The preposition de becomes d when the following word starts with a vowel. In the examples below, you will also notice that de can also be replaced by du. Du simply means some. We use the conjunction et (and) to list two or more items at a time. On Track 4, M. Dumont addressed the whole class when he named school supplies that each student would need, therefore he used the pronoun vous (you, plural): Vous avez besoin : d une reliure à anneaux du papier ligné de quatre intercalaires d un cahier rouge d un cahier bleu d un dictionnaire français - anglais. Notice that the verb avoir changes forms depending of the pronoun that is used. Here is a chart you can refer to when you are conjugating this verb in the present tense: J ai Tu as Il/Elle a Nous avons Vous avez Ils/Elles ont I have You have He/she has We have You(plural) have They have Pg 8

9 3 When describing school supplies, you will need to use colours and numbers. Use the colour chart on Day Two and the numbers 1 to 10 below. Listen to Track 5 on the Module 1 CD and hear the numbers being read. 1 un 6 six 2 deux 7 sept 3 trois 8 huit 4 quatre 9 neuf 5 cinq 10 dix Remember that numbers are adjectives and that they always come before the noun. Colours which are also adjectives always come after the noun. J ai besoin de trois intercalaires rouges. 2. Open Section One, Day Three of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, 3, and 4. Pg 9

10 4 In this lesson, I will review school subjects. 1. Read the context below then listen to Track 7 on the Module 1 CD. Use the following pictures to help you understand. Context: Justin and Jean-François have just received their timetable. They spend time discussing what courses and teachers they have. Mme Lise M. Dumont M. Martin Mme Mandin M. Rémi Mme Bernier M. Leblanc When Jean-François wanted to know who Justin s computer teacher was, he asked the question: Comment s appelle ton professeur d informatique? Justin answered: Mme Bernier In a conversation, you often give one word answers. However in the written language, you would answer this question in a complete sentence: Mon professeur d informatique s appelle Mme Bernier. Pg 10

11 4 Notice that in the question Jean-François used the possessive adjective ton and in the answer, you would use the possessive adjective mon. Use the chart below to review the different possessive adjectives. Maculine and singular Feminine and singular Plural and masculine or feminine mon ton son ma ta sa mes tes ses English Equivalent my your his/her/their 2. Open Section One, Day Four of the Workbook and do questions 1 and Listen to Track 8 on the Module 1 CD. You will hear the school subjects listed below being named. Practice saying each word after you hear it. Then, record yourself saying the names of these subjects. Listen to your recording and compare it to the track. How is your pronunciation? Practice any words that are difficult for you a second time. l anglais l éducation physique les études sociales le français le français langue seconde l informatique les mathématiques la musique Pg 11

12 4 les sciences la santé 4. Open Section One, Day Four of the Workbook and do questions 3, 4, and 5. Pg 12

13 5 In this lesson, I will be introduced to new vocabulary for optional courses in Junior High. 1. Open Section One, Day Five of the Workbook and complete the Reflection. 2. Here is a list of optional courses that your school may or may not offer in Junior High. Listen to Track 9 on the Module 1 CD as the options below are being read. Did you notice that many of the option names have similar spelling to their English counterparts? When a word has a similar spelling but a different pronunciation from one language to another, we call these Cognates. Cognates can be quite useful when trying to understand a new language. l alimentation les arts dramatiques les arts industriels les arts plastiques les arts visuels la couture l éducation plein air le leadership les multimédias la robotique 3. Open Section One, Day Five of the Workbook and do question 1. Pg 13

14 5 If someone were to ask you which optional courses you have this coming year, they would ask: Quels sont tes cours à option? You would answer: Mes cours à option sont le leadership et la robotique. Notice that in the examples above when asking about someone s options, the possessive adjective tes (your) was used and in the answer, the possessive adjective mes (my) was used because we were asking about more than one cours à option. If you were only talking about one option, you would use ton/mon. 4. Open Section One, Day Five of the Workbook and do questions 2, 3, and 4. Pg 14

15 6 In this lesson, I will review days of the week, time expressions and sentence structures as I work with timetables. 1. Open Section One, Day Six of the Workbook and complete the Reflection. 2. Read the context below then listen to Track 11 on the Module 1 CD. Use the following timetable sections to help you understand the conversation. Context: Justin s school uses a five day rotation schedule. It s Tuesday morning and he has just arrived at school after a long weekend. He is not sure if today is Day 1 or Day 2. He sees Karine and asks her. Karine tells him it s Day 1 then they compare their timetables for Day 1. L horaire de Justin L horaire de Karine Heure Jour 1 Heure Jour 1 1 ère période 8 h 45 9 h 50 2 e période 9 h h 3 e période 11 h h 10 4 e période 12 h h 5 e période 13 h h 10 6 e période 14 h h 20 la robotique le français les sciences dîner les mathématiques l anglais 1 ère période 8 h 45 9 h 50 2 e période 9 h h 3 e période 11 h h 10 4 e période 12 h h 5 e période 13 h h 10 6 e période 14 h h 20 les mathématiques les études sociales l anglais dîner la musique l alimentation Pg 15

16 6 A timetable in French is known as l emploi du temps, it can also be known as a schedule which is un horaire. Many junior and senior high schools operate on a day rotation; Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 On a specific day the students always have the same courses, however that day may come on any given day of the week. Therefore if the school has a five day rotation and the first week starts with Day 1 on Monday, Day 2 on Tuesday, it will end with Day 5 on Friday. This changes when there is a holiday. For example if Monday is a holiday, then Tuesday will become Day 1 and the rotation continues from there. The French word for day is jour. Therefore you will see in the timetables that we talk about Jour 1, Jour 2 ect. Every course on a certain day is allotted a certain block of time. Your school may run 45 minute blocks or 65 minute blocks, there are many variations. In the timetables, you will see that we use the term 1er période to 6e période to label these blocks of time. Here is a list of these terms with their abbreviation. première deuxième troisième quatrième cinquième sixième 1 ère 2 e 3 e 4 e 5 e 6 e If you were to talk about your timetable, you might say the following. Listen to Track 12 on the Module 1 CD to hear the sentences below. Lundi est Jour 1. (Monday is Day 1.) Jour 1, j ai les mathématiques et les sciences. (Day 1, I have Mathematics and Science.) Le matin, j ai le français, l alimentation et l éducation physique. (In the morning, I have French, Foods and Physical Education.) L après-midi, j ai les sciences et la santé. (In the afternoon, I have Science and Health.) Jour 1, 3 e période, j ai l anglais. (Day 1, block 3, I have English.) Pg 16

17 6 Notice that subjects in French do not need capitals. This is also true for the days of the weeks. Do you recall how to say all the days in French? Use the chart below as a quick review. It starts with Monday. lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi dimanche When talking about time you may also use the following expressions: le matin in the morning à midi - at noon l après-midi in the afternoon le soir in the evening 3. Open Section One, Day Six of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, 3, and 4. Pg 17

18 7 In this lesson, I will review question formats using Quand, Est-ce que and Quel. Pg 18 When someone asks you questions about your timetable, they may include the following: Quand sont les mathématiques? (When is Mathematics?) Quand est la musique? (When is Music?) Est-ce que tu as le français lundi? (Do you have French Monday?) Quels cours est-ce que tu as l après-midi? (Which courses do you have in the afternoon?) Quels jours est-ce que tu as les sciences? (Which days do you have Science?) À quelle période est-ce que tu as la musique? (Which block do you have Music?) À quelle heure est le dîner? (At what time is lunch?) Quel jour est-ce? (What day is it?) Quelle période est-ce? (What block is it?) Your answers to these questions might include Les mathématiques sont à 14 h 45. La musique est à la 2 e période. Oui, j ai le français lundi. or Non, je n ai pas le français lundi. L après-midi, j ai les sciences et l alimentation. J ai les sciences Jour 1, Jour 2 et Jour 5. J ai la musique à la deuxième période. Le dîner est à 12 h 10. C est Jour 2. C est la sixième période.

19 7 Listen to Track 14 on the Module 1 CD. You will hear the questions then the answers read in order. Follow along with the questions and answers above. Notice in the first two answers, we use the verb sont when the subject is plural and est when the subject is singular. When your answer to a question is negative, we use the expression ne pas with the verb. Ne always comes before the verb and pas always come after the verb. View the examples below. Est-ce que tu as les mathématiques lundi? Oui, j ai les mathématiques lundi. or Non, je n ai pas les mathématiques lundi. Est-ce que c est Jour 1? Oui, c est Jour 1. or Non, ce n est pas Jour 1. Note that ne becomes n when the verb that follows it starts with a vowel. This is the case with both the verbs avoir and être. These two verbs are at the foundation of the French language and it is important that you know them well. Below are the complete conjugations of these verbs in both the affirmative and negative forms in the present tense. Avoir (to have or to not have) Affirmative Negative (ne pas) Je (I) ai n ai pas Tu (you) as n as pas Il/Elle (he/she) a n a pas Nous (we) avons n avons pas Vous (you-plural) avez n avez pas Ils/Elles (They - masculine and feminine) ont n ont pas Pg 19

20 7 Être (to be or not to be) Affirmative Negative (ne pas) Je (I) suis ne suis pas Tu (you) es n es pas Il/Elle (he/she) est n est pas Nous (we) sommes ne sommes pas Vous (you-plural) êtes n êtes pas Ils/Elles (They - masculine and feminine) sont ne sont pas It is important to learn the 24 hour clock as it is standard in the French language. A. You can write out the time using letters: Les mathématiques sont à quatorze heures quarante-cinq. B. You can write out the time using numbers: Les mathématiques sont à 14 h 45. We use h as an abbreviation for heure (hour). Note that when the time is right on the hour like 14:00, we simply write 14 h and omit the zeros. Pg 20

21 7 C. You can write out the time using expressions for the quarter, half and three quarters of the hour. La musique est à quinze heures moins le quart. 15 h 15 quinze heures et quart (and a quarter) 10 h 30 dix heures et demi (and a half) 8 h 45 neuf heures moins le quart (minus a quarter) D. You can also use midi (noon) and minuit (midnight) to indicate the 12 o clock times. Le dîner est à midi. Je dors à minuit. 1. Open Section One, Day Seven of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Pg 21

22 8 In this lesson, I will reuse the verbs aimer, adorer, détester and préférer to express my likes, dislikes and preferences. The verbs aimer, adorer, détester and préférer are used to express how we feel about things. Did you notice that all these verbs end in the letters er? We say that they are therefore verbs of the same group and will be conjugated in the same manner. As you read through the verbs below, notice the letters highlighted in red. Do you see a pattern? We use the verb aimer (to like) to express what we like. Listen to Track 16 on the Module 1 CD as the sentences below are read. J aime les mathématiques. Tu aimes l informatique. Il/Elle aime les arts dramatiques. Nous aimons la musique. Vous aimez les arts plastiques. Ils/Elles aiment l alimentation. Pg 22

23 8 The verb aimer with ne pas is also used to express what we don t like (to dislike). Listen to Track 17 on the Module 1 CD as the sentences below are read. Je n aime pas les mathématiques. Tu n aimes pas l informatique. Il/Elle n aime pas les arts dramatiques. Nous n aimons pas la musique. Vous n aimez pas les arts plastiques. Ils/Elles n aiment pas l alimentation. When we really dislike something, we can also use the verb détester (to hate). Listen to Track 18 on the Module 1 CD as the sentences below are read. Je déteste les mathématiques. Tu détestes l informatique. Il/Elle déteste les arts dramatiques. Nous détestons la musique. Vous détestez les arts plastiques. Ils/Elles détestent l alimentation. The verb adorer (to adore or love) is used to express that we really like something a lot. Listen to Track 19 on the Module 1 CD as the sentences below are read. J adore les mathématiques. Tu adores l informatique. Il/Elle adore les arts dramatiques. Nous adorons la musique. Vous adorez les arts plastiques. Ils/Elles adorent l alimentation. Pg 23

24 8 The verb préférer (to prefer) is also used to express that you like something. However, it means that you are choosing between two things. Listen to Track 20 on the Module 1 CD as the sentences below are read. Je préfère les sciences. Tu préfères la musique. Il/Elle préfère l éducation physique. Nous préférons l alimentation. Vous préférez le français. Ils/Elles préfèrent les multimédias. If you are unsure of which pronoun you should use, refer to the chart below. Je Tu Il Elle Nous Vous Ils Elles I You He She We You plural They (more than one male, or a male and a female) They (more than one female) Pg 24

25 8 1. Open Section One, Day Eight of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, 3, and 4. Pg 25

26 9 In this lesson, I will research and learn about school systems in other francophone countries. In Alberta, our school system is divided into three levels as listed in the chart below. Some students start at the age of four in pre-school but this is not mandatory. Level Grades Age of Students Elementary School Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Junior High School 7, 8, High School 10, 11, In France, there are also three levels to the schooling system. It is mandatory for all students to start school at the age of six in what we know as Grade 1. However, many students start their schooling at the age of three at l école pré-maternelle. (pre-school) The names given to each grade level greatly differs from the Alberta school system, look at the chart below. Level Grades Abbreviation Age of Students Élémentaire cours préparatoire cours élémentaire niveau 1 cours élémentaire niveau 2 cours moyen 1 cours moyen 2 11 e 10 e 9 e 8 e 7 e Collège sixième cinquième quatrième troisième 6 e 5 e 4 e 3 e Lycée seconde première terminale 2 de 1 ère Term Pg 26

27 9 Notice that in France, the numbering of levels descends from 11e to Term. Therefore the equivalent for grade seven in Alberta would be cinquième (5e) in France. Schools in France offer the same core subjects such as French, Math, Science, Social Studies. However options in France center mostly around learning another language. Optional courses include: English, German, Italian, Spanish, Latin, Greek and many more depending on the region. Many European students are familiar with at least three different languages. 1. Open Section One, Day Nine of the Workbook and do questions 1 and 2 then complete the Reflection. Pg 27

28 10 In this lesson, I will review concepts from previous lessons in Section One. 1. Before moving to today s activities, take some time to review this section and be aware of all that you have learned. Day One: Review the animation La rentrée. Compared to the first time you viewed it, what were you able to understand? Was there a difference? Day Two: Look at the pictures below. Answer the question Qu est-ce que c est? using complete sentences starting with C est or Ce sont. Add a colour or number to your descriptions. Day Three: Listen again to Track 6 on the Module 1 CD. Write the supplies needed for each teacher. Can you now do this without looking in the Glossary? Day Four: Name your favorite three subjects in French. Day Five: Answer the following question: Quels sont tes cours à option? Pg 28

29 10 Day Six: If the following timetable was yours, write three sentences to describe something about les mathématiques, la robotique and l anglais. Emploi du temps Heure Jour 1 Jour 2 Jour 3 Jour 4 Jour 5 1 ère période 8 h 45 9 h 50 2 e période 9 h h 3 e période 11 h h 10 4 e période 12 h h 5 e période 13 h h 10 6 e période 14 h h 20 la robotique le français les sciences les sciences les mathématiques les études sociales les mathématiques le français l éducation physique la santé les mathématiques les études sociales la musique l anglais les sciences dîner dîner dîner dîner dîner les mathématiques l anglais l anglais la musique le français la santé les études sociales l anglais l éducation physique la robotique Day Seven: Use l emploi du temps on Day Six to answer the following questions: Quand est la musique? Quels jours est-ce que tu as les sciences? À quelle heure sont les mathématiques, Jour 2? Est-ce que tu as la santé Jour 3? Pg 29

30 10 Day Eight: Pick one school subject. Then use the verbs aimer, ne pas aimer, détester, adorer, and préférer to describe how you feel about this course. Can you use other pronouns to describe how others might feel about this course? Try tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils or elles. Day Nine: Name one thing you learned about the school system in France. 2. Open Section One, Day Ten of the Workbook and do questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 Pg 30

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