Biology 210 Chapter 5 Tissues. Tissues. Tissues: 2 Types of Epithelial

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1 Biology 210 Chapter 5 Tissues By Jack Bagwell Edited by John McGill Based on the outlines by Beth Wyatt Last Updated: August 28, 2007 Tissues Tissues are groups of cells working together to achieve a common function Histology is the study of tissues. Matrix Intercellular (between cells) nonliving material Types of tissues include Epithelial Connective Muscle Nervous Tissues: 2 Types of Epithelial Two types of epithelial tissues Membranous Forms Membranes That Cover and Line the Body Membrane That Covers the Body s Surface - Skin Membranes That Line the Body» Membranes That Line Closed Body Cavities (Thoracic, Abdominal)» Membranes That Line Vessels (Blood and Lymphatic Vessels)» Membranes That Line Systems That Open to the Outside (Respiratory, Digestive, Urinary, Reproductive) Glandular Forms Glands 1

2 Tissues: Functions Functions of Epithelial Tissues ME, Protection protects the body surface and cavities (skin) ME, Sensory functions contains specialized structures that play a sensory role (eye, ear, etc.) GE, Secretion glandular epithelium secretes hormones, mucous, digestive juices and sweat ME, Absorption allows for absorption of nutrients from the intestines (small intestine) ME, Excretion kidney epithelium makes urine excretion possible Epithelial Tissues Generalizations 1. LITTLE MATRIX, CELLS TIGHTLY PACKED -P. Membranes Modified to Hold Cells Together 2. AVASCULAR -Epi Tissues Are Without Blood Vessels, Get Oxygen, Nutrients by Diffusion From Blood Vessels in Underlying Connective Tissues 3. FREQUENT CELL REPRODUCTION -The Cells in Epi Tissues Frequently Reproduce by Mitosis -Reason: Epi Tissues Cover/Line, Subjected to Constant Wear and Tear 4. MEMBRANOUS TYPE JOINED TO CONNECTIVE TISSUE (BELOW) BY BASEMENT MEMBRANE -A Basement Membrane Glues Membranous Epithelium to Underlying Connective Tissue Epithelial Tissue-Classification PREVIEW Classification by shape of cell Squamous flat and platelike scaly Cuboidal cubelike and have more cytoplasm than the squamous Columnar higher than they are wide and appear cylindrical Pseudostratified columnar only one layer of oddly shaped columnar cells Transitional Classification by layers of cells Simple one layer Stratified multiple layers Pseudostratified appear to be layered 2

3 Epithelial Tissue Epithelial Tissue Classification by shape of cell Squamous flat and platelike scaly Cuboidal cubelike and have more cytoplasm than the squamous Columnar higher than they are wide and appear cylindrical Pseudostratified columnar only one layer of oddly shaped columnar cells Transitional Classification by layers of cells Simple one layer Stratified multiple layers Pseudostratified appear to be layered Simple Squamous 3

4 Epithelial Tissue Classification by shape of cell Squamous flat and platelike scaly Cuboidal cubelike and have more cytoplasm than the squamous Columnar higher than they are wide and appear cylindrical Pseudostratified columnar only one layer of oddly shaped columnar cells Transitional Classification by layers of cells Simple one layer Stratified multiple layers Pseudostratified appear to be layered Stratified Squamous Keratinized Epithelial Tissue Classification by shape of cell Squamous flat and platelike scaly Cuboidal cubelike and have more cytoplasm than the squamous Columnar higher than they are wide and appear cylindrical Pseudostratified columnar only one layer of oddly shaped columnar cells Transitional Classification by layers of cells Simple one layer Stratified multiple layers Pseudostratified appear to be layered 4

5 Stratified Squamous Nonkeratinized Epithelial Tissue Classification by shape of cell Squamous flat and platelike scaly Cuboidal cubelike and have more cytoplasm than the squamous Columnar higher than they are wide and appear cylindrical Pseudostratified columnar only one layer of oddly shaped columnar cells Transitional Classification by layers of cells Simple one layer Stratified multiple layers Pseudostratified appear to be layered Columnar Epithelium 5

6 Epithelial Tissue Classification by shape of cell Squamous flat and platelike scaly Cuboidal cubelike and have more cytoplasm than the squamous Columnar higher than they are wide and appear cylindrical Pseudostratified columnar only one layer of oddly shaped columnar cells Transitional Classification by layers of cells Simple one layer Stratified multiple layers Pseudostratified appear to be layered Transitional Epithelium Epithelial Tissue Classification by shape of cell Squamous flat and platelike scaly Cuboidal cubelike and have more cytoplasm than the squamous Columnar higher than they are wide and appear cylindrical Pseudostratified columnar only one layer of oddly shaped columnar cells Transitional Classification by layers of cells Simple one layer Stratified multiple layers Pseudostratified appear to be layered 6

7 Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar Epithelium Ciliated Epithelium Epithelial Tissue Classification by shape of cell Squamous flat and platelike scaly Cuboidal cubelike and have more cytoplasm than the squamous Columnar higher than they are wide and appear cylindrical Pseudostratified columnar only one layer of oddly shaped columnar cells Transitional Classification by layers of cells Simple one layer Stratified multiple layers Pseudostratified appear to be layered 7

8 Cuboidal Epithelial Cells Epithelial Tissue Names 1. SIMPLE SQUAMOUS EPITHELIUM 2. SIMPLE CUBOIDAL EPITHELIUM 3. SIMPLE COLUMNAR EPITHELIUM -Often Has Special Features: Goblet Cells, Cilia, Microvilli 4. PSEUDOSTRATIFIED COLUMNAR EPITHELIUM -Special Features Include Goblet Cells and Cilia 5. STRATIFIED SQUAMOUS EPITHELIUM (KERATINIZED) -Cells Contain Keratin 6. STRATIFIED SQUAMOUS EPITHELIUM (NONKERATINIZED) -Cells Lack Keratin 7. STRATIFIED CUBOIDAL EPITHELIUM 8. STRATIFIED COLUMNAR EPITHELIUM 9. STRATIFIED TRANSITIONAL EPITHELIUM Glandular Epithelium Two Types Endocrine glands discharge secretions directly into blood stream (SEE NEXT SLIDE) Pituitary gland Exocrine glands discharge secretions into ducts Sweat glands 8

9 Endocrine Glands Classification of Exocrine Glands Structural Classification of exocrine glands Tubular tube-like Alveolar sac-like Tuboalveolar both Simple have 1 duct leading to the surface Compound have two or more ducts leading to the surface Classification of Exocrine Glands Functional Classification of exocrine Glands Apocrine glands secretory products are collected in the tip of the cell and the tip of the cell pinches off Mammary glands Holocrine glands secretory products are collected within the cell and then the cell literally bursts Sebaceous glands (oil glands) Merocrine glands secretory products are secreted through the cell membrane; most exocrine glands are of this type Salivary glands 9

10 Connective Tissue Functions 1. CONNECTS -Tissue to Tissue: CT Lies B/T Epithelial and Muscle -Organ to Organ: Ligaments Connect Bone to Bone; Tendons Connect Muscle to Bone 2. SUPPORTS -Bone Tissue Forms Bones 3. TRANSPORTS -Blood 4. PROTECTS -Blood WBC S GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS MOST WIDESPREAD AND VARIED OF TISSUES In/Around Most Organs Exists in Many Forms MUCH MATRIX WITH FEWER CELLS Matrix Predominates, Cells Widespread (Opposite From Epithelial Tissue) MATRIX OFTEN CONTAINS PROTEIN FIBERS (COLLAGENOUS, RETICULAR, AND/OR ELASTIC) Protein Fibers Produced By Cells in the CT Most Common Protein Fibers Collagenous: White, Strong Reticular: Delicate, Present in Networks Elastic: Stretchy MATRIX AND FIBERS (IF PRESENT) DETERMINE THE UNIQUENESS OF EACH TYPE OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE CT s Are Diverse B/C Matrix and Fibers in Each Type of CT Are Diverse Examples: Matrix May Be Hard (as in Bone) Gel-Like (as in Cartilage) Liquid (as in Blood) Protein Fibers: CT May Contain Just Collagenous Fibers Connective Tissue Fibrous Tissues protein fibers predominate Loose (Areolar) ordinary connective tissue; between tissues and organs Superficial fascia Adipose tissue contains predominantly fat cells Found under the skin and as padding around organs Reticular tissue forms the framework of the spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow Functions in support of soft tissue (Contains Reticular Fibers, Forms Framework of Many Organs of the Lymphatic System) Dense fibrous tissue fibers packed densely in the matrix; connection and support Tendons (muscle to bone) and Ligaments (bone to bone) 10

11 Areolar Connective Tissue Superficial Fascia Connective Tissue Fibrous Tissues protein fibers predominate Loose (Areolar) ordinary connective tissue; between tissues and organs Superficial fascia Adipose tissue contains predominantly fat cells Found under the skin and as padding around organs Reticular tissue forms the framework of the spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow Functions in support of soft tissue (Contains Reticular Fibers, Forms Framework of Many Organs of the Lymphatic System) Dense fibrous tissue fibers packed densely in the matrix; connection and support Tendons (muscle to bone) and Ligaments (bone to bone) 11

12 Adipose Tissue Fat Storage Areas CAT FAT 12

13 Connective Tissue Fibrous Tissues protein fibers predominate Loose (Areolar) ordinary connective tissue; between tissues and organs Superficial fascia Adipose tissue contains predominantly fat cells Found under the skin and as padding around organs Reticular tissue forms the framework of the spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow Functions in support of soft tissue (Contains Reticular Fibers, Forms Framework of Many Organs of the Lymphatic System) Dense fibrous tissue fibers packed densely in the matrix; connection and support Tendons (muscle to bone) and Ligaments (bone to bone) RETICULAR TISSUE Connective Tissue Fibrous Tissues protein fibers predominate Loose (Areolar) ordinary connective tissue; between tissues and organs Superficial fascia Adipose tissue contains predominantly fat cells Found under the skin and as padding around organs Reticular tissue forms the framework of the spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow Functions in support of soft tissue (Contains Reticular Fibers, Forms Framework of Many Organs of the Lymphatic System) Dense fibrous tissue fibers packed densely in the matrix; connection and support Tendons (muscle to bone) and Ligaments (bone to bone) 13

14 Dense Fibrous (Regular) Connective Tissue Tendon Ligament Bone The most highly specialized of the connective tissue. Very hard due to high mineral composition. Mainly for support and protection. Cells Osteocytes mature bone cells 14

15 Bone Tissue Connective Tissue-Bone Cartilage There is only 1 cell type present: chondrocytes Gel-like matrix Cartilage is avascular; nutrients much reach the areas by diffusion (damaged cartilage heals slowly) Hyaline cartilage Shiny, Most Prevalent Nasal septum, cover bone articulations, larynx, tracheal & bronchial rings. Fibrocartilage - Strongest, Predominace of Collagenous Fibers Vertebral disks, symphysis pubis Elastic cartilage-stretchy, Predominace of Elastic Fibers External ear, eustachian tube 15

16 Hyaline Cartilage HYLAINE CARTILAGE Cartilage is covered by connective tissue, fibrous perichondrium (FPch) Chondrogenic cells (ChL) are deep to the FPch The outer-most (surface) layer of hyaline cartilage consists of active matrix-producing chondroblasts (ChB) The cell becomes surrounded by matrix and then is located in a small "room" or lacuna (Lac), surrounded by matrix Lacuna(e) Cartilage cells found deeper in the tissue may have given rise to "cell nests" (CN), and these cells are now less metabolically active and so are referred to as chondrocytes (ChC). Cartilage There is only 1 cell type present: chondrocytes Gel-like matrix Cartilage is avascular; nutrients much reach the areas by diffusion (damaged cartilage heals slowly) Hyaline cartilage Shiny, Most Prevalent Nasal septum, cover bone articulations, larynx, tracheal & bronchial rings. Fibrocartilage - Strongest, Predominace of Collagenous Fibers Vertebral disks, symphysis pubis Elastic cartilage-stretchy, Predominace of Elastic Fibers External ear, eustachian tube 16

17 Fibrocartilage Fibrocartilage from an intervertebral disk Distinguished by very scattered, infrequent chondrocytes (tiny dark nuclei) Collagen fibers running in the matrix. Cartilage There is only 1 cell type present: chondrocytes Gel-like matrix Cartilage is avascular; nutrients much reach the areas by diffusion (damaged cartilage heals slowly) Hyaline cartilage Shiny, Most Prevalent Nasal septum, cover bone articulations, larynx, tracheal & bronchial rings. Fibrocartilage - Strongest, Predominace of Collagenous Fibers Vertebral disks, symphysis pubis Elastic cartilage-stretchy, Predominace of Elastic Fibers External ear, eustachian tube 17

18 Elastic Cartilage ELASTIC CARTILAGE The stain for elastin brings out the dense bundles of elastin Blood Liquid connective tissue. Cell types Erythrocytes red blood cells Leukocytes white blood cells Thrombocytes - platelets Red Blood Cells White blood cell 18

19 Blood Tissue Muscle Tissue Mainly for movement Types of Muscle Cells Skeletal muscle attached to bones; voluntary muscles; Location: Composes Skeletal Muscles Striated: "Cross Striations" (Stripes) Voluntary: Under Conscious (Willed) Control Smooth muscle found in organs; involuntary Nonstriated: No "Cross Striations,"Looks Smooth Under Microscope) Visceral: Located in the Viscera (Hollow Organs in Many Systems (i.e., Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Digestive, Urinary, and Reproductive) Involuntary: Not Under Conscious Control Cardiac muscle makes up the walls of the heart Location: Composes the Wall of the Heart Striated Like Skeletal Muscle Tissue Involuntary Like Smooth Muscle Tissue Skeletal Muscle Tissue 19

20 Muscle Tissue Mainly for movement Types of Muscle Cells Skeletal muscle attached to bones; voluntary muscles; Location: Composes Skeletal Muscles Striated: "Cross Striations" (Stripes) Voluntary: Under Conscious (Willed) Control Smooth muscle found in organs; involuntary Nonstriated: No "Cross Striations,"Looks Smooth Under Microscope) Visceral: Located in the Viscera (Hollow Organs in Many Systems (i.e., Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Digestive, Urinary, and Reproductive) Involuntary: Not Under Conscious Control Cardiac muscle makes up the walls of the heart Location: Composes the Wall of the Heart Striated Like Skeletal Muscle Tissue Involuntary Like Smooth Muscle Tissue Smooth Muscle Tissue Muscle Tissue Mainly for movement Types of Muscle Cells Skeletal muscle attached to bones; voluntary muscles; Location: Composes Skeletal Muscles Striated: "Cross Striations" (Stripes) Voluntary: Under Conscious (Willed) Control Smooth muscle found in organs; involuntary Nonstriated: No "Cross Striations,"Looks Smooth Under Microscope) Visceral: Located in the Viscera (Hollow Organs in Many Systems (i.e., Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Digestive, Urinary, and Reproductive) Involuntary: Not Under Conscious Control Cardiac muscle makes up the walls of the heart Location: Composes the Wall of the Heart Striated Like Skeletal Muscle Tissue Involuntary Like Smooth Muscle Tissue 20

21 Cardiac Muscle Tissue Nervous Tissue Rapidly regulate and integrate the activities of the different parts of the body. Types of cells Neurons conducting units of the system Neuroglia special connecting and supporting cells Neuron cell body Nervous Tissue 21

22 TISSUE REPAIR Tissues Have Varying Capacities to Repair Themselves Epithelial and Connective Tissues have the Greatest Capacity to Repair Themselves Muscle and Nervous Tissues have a Limited Capacity for Repair Damaged Tissue Regenerates (Repairs) or is Replaced by Scar Tissue Regeneration: Growth of New Functional Tissue Scar Tissue: Growth of Fibrous Connective Tissue (Occurs When the Injury is Large and Deep) Body Membranes Thin sheetlike structures. They cover and protect the body surface, line body cavities, and the surfaces of body organs A. EPITHELIAL MEMBRANES Composed of membranous epithelium Most common type of body membrane 3 kinds Cutaneous skin Serous organs Mucous lines openings 1. Cutaneous membranes composed of epithelial sheets; SKIN 2. Serous membranes 2 layers; epithelial sheet and connective tissue sheet Parietal portion lines body cavity Visceral portion covers organs Pleura Serous membranes of the thoracic cavity»pleurisy painful inflammation of the pleura Peritoneum Serous membranes of the abdominal cavity»peritonitis possible when appendix bursts Body Membranes 22

23 3. MUCOUS MEMBRANES Line Body Systems that Open to the Exterior (Respiratory, Digestive, Urinary, Reproductive) Secrete Mucous (Thick, Provides Protection) CONNECTIVE TISSUE MEMBRANES: SYNOVIAL MEMBRANES Composed of Connective Tissue Example: Synovial Membranes Location: Line Joints Secretes Synovial Fluid (Lubrication) 23

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