T EayopaoEL. WOrE VU. EKOocYrlc akóaouocl: ta onola açiaç ta. aiaç ta ouoia. tqç TpárrEaç auoqácnoe órroç

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1 Ic:: tlolkfltlko IUJBOUALO, USB Bank Plc, Awcóoç óocoç, 17, KOrroç 5oç AuKoIa tstyvr AKITa 83, T StrovolosAvenue F Strovos nicosia bdocomcy POBox 25277, 138 Nicosia Cyrus wwwbdocomcy 6 Mc(Iou 215 ALóTLoL KOLoL, KOIH USB BANK PLC THI AIIArHIHI: flpotinomnh TIMH na THN KtOZH NOY MTOXIKOY KDAAAIOY Itiç 2 AritAIou 215 VLcYXUOL tflv K(QAOLQKfl uç ovnclxouc óouç tilolkfltlko IUBOUALO tqç Báo, oonç KOL uouuo9cylç USB Bank Plc (q WOr VU cytlç 3 Iouv(ou 21 5, KOocYrlc akóaouocl: tç tqç ayoaol uç Táuci ) auoqcio órrwç aoqxva Ta ALóyaa KqaAaIou uth Ta OóAoya (TPAMO) 21, Ta OóAoya (TPAAO) IXK4JBIu 29 MtatyLa M MtatyLa açiaç ta onola açiaç ta I orrola KOóOflKav cytlç KOó9qKav tqv ç 8 ta ouoia Iavouaiou 26, 14 Iouviou KOóOqKav cyrlç 3 rla Aóyo au rvlkq IUVAUGfl arroaoti, IJtóxQ)V K&XYL KUL IXLOLKfltLKO IuBoOA tóxcv tqç Tárraç cttç Oa ykloi yñqmaa tqç Tthraç nov KOocYrlc Bank) H cyxtlkfl ArOI Oii IfljJL(OVOUjJ tqç Tárraç auoqácno órroç orrolo ta 28 Mciiou 21 5, órrou Oa UOtqJflGLaKa OLKaLwata ea GUyKaAcYL ouqtq8i v ktaktq Kat av UCLGtQVWV óimç Oa ULOLOtOUV KUL IILOLKfltLKO IUBOUkLO oucyloootqot ouvolç ovoacyttknç,1 tlq (q << KOooq>>), Q1IOKALcYtLKQ qtlkq talla BLC Bank SAL (BLC yklcyfl arró KvtLK KOrrou & tflv XL uaaxñol 48 vç,25 ii KOG on atá rq a tqv OLQKLQ tqç rrayjjauolfloflk cytlç 2 ArrLAIou 21 5, OllOLaOI]1TOt [Jta yta ykloi Ii KOooq arró tflv uç vaq tç jitóxouç Tárra tqç ouvoiaç roxç otq u avacotc auoaoiotrk rnonc on OLaOLKacYLaç tqç Táuaç otqv mc ç tlolkfltlkou IUjJBOUAIOU avacóvnç q Táua KraKrq rvlkq IUVAUcYfl otqv ayoá, r orrola O Oa Ac{BL ayoáç, Xtc óu yaaofxoc tqç Tárr&aç, va KaAUyL KcaAaIou AoyaLaoJó nañüc triv tqç Tárraç (escrow) OLUKOAUVL mv ayoá BLC Bank, XL OOUtL ajjtákaflta KQAUyfl OllOLaOflrIOt KUL rroç AoyatacYoO arrooatlkoo Qç K VyfltLKOU tqç Táuaç cykorro au, o orroioç Y LOLK Ot vç toxç Oa KOUV G tflitat Ou, y avaykata aorian rou &KBLO u 214, ya KOOVOU toxlkou XL OGjJuOL 1,2 K G OcY[JUVO Aoyataoó 6v Oa UuQL Kala arrooijatlkou, tc3l ()cyt avtáaaaya ya tqv akuwor aaaay otq va tou LOLKOU cyuvoalkq KaOar) Mac XL arró tslolkfltlko IuBoOALo rrócyov i- UotLvóvfl tlrl KOocYnç twv,25, I KaL U1T to QtLO twv, 1 5) KcaAaIou twv qrqoi mc ç tqç Táuaç, lval OIKaLq KUL UAOYI1 avá tqç Táu&aç va toxñ (auoraoovq arró K(QcYOU tfl yvwjjfl yta trv aoqaq u yta tqv Tárra tqv OVOYtLKI] aç atci ata KL5OVOU toxlkou rta tqv autç tqç rraoxñ rrlaanç, XOU AcIBL q Ayvq voláaq t!daxiloqç, I-i orrola avakolvwoqk cytlç 2 ArrtAIou 21 5, OXtLK ji Mq uiooo , ArrotAoata tqç Tárraç ya rqv uuóyq tq IavouaIou Matiou ta Katóotaoq Ayva ta Ayva BDO Ltd, a Cyrus limited [lability comany, is a member of BDO International Limited, a UK comany limited by guarantee and formsarir network of indeendent member firms BDO Ltd is registered in Cyrus under registration no H A List of direcrs and their rofessional qualifications can be obtained at our registered office 1atjJ3

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