Soft Tissue Neck CT Anatomy

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1 Soft Tissue Neck CT Anatomy Kris Cummings, M.D.

2 Axial CT Unlabeled Labeled Deep s/lymph Node Chains


4 s/lymph Nodes Temporalis Muscle Occipitalis Muscle

5 s/lymph Nodes

6 s/lymph Nodes

7 s/lymph Nodes

8 s/lymph Nodes

9 s/lymph Nodes

10 s/lymph Nodes

11 s/lymph Nodes

12 s/lymph Nodes

13 s/lymph Nodes

14 s/lymph Nodes

15 s/lymph Nodes

16 s/lymph Nodes

17 s/lymph Nodes

18 s/lymph Nodes Internal Carotid Artery Styloid Process Internal Jugular Vein

19 s/lymph Nodes Tensor Veli Palatini Muscle Lateral Pharyngeal Recess Parotid Gland (Superficial and Deep lobes separated by VII)

20 s/lymph Nodes Rectus capitis anterior Muscle

21 s/lymph Nodes Lateral Pterygoid Muscle

22 s/lymph Nodes Nasopharynx

23 s/lymph Nodes Longus Colli Muscle

24 s/lymph Nodes Lateral Pterygoid Plate Medial Pterygoid Plate

25 s/lymph Nodes Medial Pterygoid Muscle

26 s/lymph Nodes

27 s/lymph Nodes Anterior Facial Vein Masseter Muscle Splenius capitis Muscle

28 s/lymph Nodes Inferior Oblique Muscle Semispinalis capitis Muscle

29 s/lymph Nodes Palatopharyngeus Muscle Rectus Capitis Muscle

30 s/lymph Nodes Palantine Tonsil Soft Palate Sternocleidomastoid Muscle Retromandibular Vein

31 s/lymph Nodes Maxillary Tuberosity

32 s/lymph Nodes

33 s/lymph Nodes

34 s/lymph Nodes Hard Palate Uvula Vertebral Artery in Transverse Foramin

35 s/lymph Nodes Alveolar Ridge of Maxilla

36 s/lymph Nodes Air in Eustachian Tube

37 s/lymph Nodes

38 s/lymph Nodes

39 s/lymph Nodes Buccinator Muscle Oropharynx

40 s/lymph Nodes Intrinsic Muscles of Tongue External Carotid Artery Internal Carotid Artery Omohyoid Muscle Internal Jugular Vein

41 s/lymph Nodes

42 s/lymph Nodes

43 s/lymph Nodes Lingual Septum Pharyngeal constrictor Muscle Posterior Pharyngeal Wall

44 s/lymph Nodes

45 s/lymph Nodes

46 s/lymph Nodes Lingual Tonsil

47 s/lymph Nodes Epiglottis (Free Margin) Internal Jugular Vein Sternocleidomastoid Muscle External Jugular Vein

48 s/lymph Nodes

49 s/lymph Nodes Submandibular Gland Multifidus Muscle Splenius Capitus Muscle Semispinalis Capitus Muscle Semispinalis cervicis Muscle Glossoepiglottic Fold Pharyngoepiglottic Fold

50 s/lymph Nodes Vallecula Multifidus Muscles Nuchal Ligament

51 s/lymph Nodes Hypopharynx

52 s/lymph Nodes Mylohyoid Muscle Genioglossus Muscle Sublingual Gland

53 s/lymph Nodes Aryepiglottic Fold

54 s/lymph Nodes Hyoid Epiglottis (Body) Piriform Sinus

55 s/lymph Nodes Mylohyoid and Geniohyoid muscles Paralaryngeal (Paraglottic) Fat in preepiglottic space Laryngeal inlet

56 s/lymph Nodes Thyrohyoid, Sternohyoid, Omohyoid Muscles Hypoepiglottic Ligament

57 s/lymph Nodes

58 s/lymph Nodes

59 s/lymph Nodes

60 s/lymph Nodes Anterior Belly of Digastric Muscle

61 s/lymph Nodes Superior Cornu of Thyroid Cart. Laryngeal Vestibule Vestibular Fold (False Vocal Cord)

62 s/lymph Nodes

63 s/lymph Nodes True Vocal Cord Glottis Anterior Commisure (Thyroid Cart.) Arytenoid Cartilage Cricoid Cartilage Cricopharyngeus Muscle

64 s/lymph Nodes

65 s/lymph Nodes Inferior Horn of Thyroid Cartilage Anterior Jugular Vein Trapezius

66 s/lymph Nodes Subglottic Longus Colli and Capitus Muscles Levator Scapulae Muscle

67 s/lymph Nodes Cricothyroid Membrane

68 s/lymph Nodes Infrahyoid Strap Muscles Cricoid Cartilage

69 s/lymph Nodes Trachea

70 s/lymph Nodes

71 s/lymph Nodes Anterior Jugular Vein

72 s/lymph Nodes Thyroid Sternocleidomastoid Muscle Esophagus Internal Jugular Vein Right Common Carotid Artery

73 s/lymph Nodes

74 s/lymph Nodes

75 s/lymph Nodes Anterior Scalene Muscle Middle Scalene Muscle Posterior Scalene Muscle

76 s/lymph Nodes

77 s/lymph Nodes

78 s/lymph Nodes

79 s/lymph Nodes

80 s/lymph Nodes

81 s/lymph Nodes

82 s/lymph Nodes

83 s/lymph Nodes Anterior Scalene Muscle Right Subclavian Artery Middle Scalene Muscle

84 s/lymph Nodes

85 s/lymph Nodes

86 s/lymph Nodes

87 s/lymph Nodes Right Subclavian Artery Right Common Carotid Artery

88 s/lymph Nodes

89 s/lymph Nodes

90 s/lymph Nodes

91 s/lymph Nodes

92 s/lymph Nodes

93 s/lymph Nodes

94 s/lymph Nodes

95 s/lymph Nodes

96 s/lymph Nodes Right Subclavian Vein

97 s/lymph Nodes

98 s/lymph Nodes

99 s/lymph Nodes

100 s/lymph Nodes

101 s/lymph Nodes

102 s/lymph Nodes

103 s/lymph Nodes Left Brachiocephalic Vein Right Brachiocephalic Vein Right Brachiocephalic Artery Trachea Left Common Carotid Artery Esophagus Left Subclavian Artery

104 s/lymph Nodes Pectoralis Minor Muscle Pectoralis major Muscle Sternoclavicular Joint Infraspinatus Muscle Subscapularis Muscle Trapezius Muscle Erector Spinae Muscle


106 Suprazygomatic Masticator

107 Suprazygomatic Masticator

108 Suprazygomatic Masticator

109 Suprazygomatic Masticator

110 Suprazygomatic Masticator

111 Suprazygomatic Masticator

112 Suprazygomatic Masticator

113 Suprazygomatic Masticator

114 Suprazygomatic Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal)

115 Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal) (Paraspinal)

116 Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal) (Paraspinal)

117 Parapharyngeal Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal) (Paraspinal)

118 Parapharyngeal Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral)

119 Parapharyngeal Pharyngeal Mucosal Parotid Nodes Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral)

120 Parapharyngeal Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral)

121 Parapharyngeal Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral)

122 Parapharyngeal Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Buccal

123 Parapharyngeal Pharyngeal Mucosal Parotid Nodes Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Buccal

124 Parapharyngeal Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal) Retropharyngeal (Potential ) Danger (Potential ) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Buccal

125 Parapharyngeal Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Buccal

126 Parapharyngeal Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Buccal

127 Parapharyngeal Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Buccal Deep Cervical

128 Parapharyngeal Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Buccal Deep Cervical

129 Parapharyngeal Pharyngeal Mucosal Parotid Nodes Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Buccal Retropharyngeal Nodes-Lateral Deep Cervical

130 Parapharyngeal Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Buccal Deep Cervical

131 Parapharyngeal Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Buccal Retropharyngeal Nodes-Medial Deep Cervical

132 Parapharyngeal Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Buccal Deep Cervical

133 Parapharyngeal Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Buccal Retropharyngeal Nodes-Lateral Retropharyngeal Nodes-Medial Deep Cervical

134 Parapharyngeal Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Buccal Deep Cervical

135 Parapharyngeal Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Buccal Deep Cervical

136 Parapharyngeal Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Nasopharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Buccal Deep Cervical

137 Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Oropharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Buccal Submandibular Deep Cervical

138 Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Oropharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Buccal Submandibular Deep Cervical

139 Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Oropharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Buccal Submandibular Deep Cervical

140 Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Oropharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Buccal Submandibular Deep Cervical

141 Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Oropharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Buccal Submandibular Deep Cervical

142 Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Deep Cervical (Jugular) Chain- High (Above Hyoid) Carotid (Oropharyngeal) Jugulodigastric Node (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Buccal Submandibular Deep Cervical

143 Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Parotid Carotid (Oropharyngeal) Spinal Accessory Chain (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Buccal Submandibular Deep Cervical

144 Pharyngeal Mucosal Masticator Carotid (Oropharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Submandibular Deep Cervical

145 Masticator Carotid (Oropharyngeal) Retropharyngeal (Potential ) Danger (Potential ) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Submandibular Deep Cervical

146 Masticator Parotid Deep Cervical (Jugular) Chain- High (Above Hyoid) Carotid (Oropharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Submandibular Deep Cervical

147 Carotid (Oropharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Submandibular Deep Cervical

148 Carotid (Oropharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Submandibular Deep Cervical

149 Carotid (Oropharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Submandibular Deep Cervical

150 Carotid (Oropharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Submandibular Deep Cervical

151 Carotid (Oropharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Sublingual Submandibular Deep Cervical

152 Carotid (Oropharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Sublingual Submandibular Deep Cervical

153 Carotid (Oropharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Submandibular Nodes Sublingual Submandibular Deep Cervical

154 Carotid (Oropharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Submandibular Nodes Sublingual Submandibular Deep Cervical

155 Carotid (Oropharyngeal) Spinal Accessory Chain (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Submandibular Nodes Sublingual Submandibular Deep Cervical

156 Carotid (Oropharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Sublingual Submandibular Deep Cervical

157 Carotid (Oropharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Sublingual Submandibular Deep Cervical

158 Carotid (Oropharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Sublingual Submandibular Deep Cervical

159 Carotid (Oropharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Submandibular Deep Cervical

160 Deep Cervical (Jugular) Chain- Middle (Between Hyoid and Cricoid) Spinal Accessory Chain Carotid (Oropharyngeal) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Submandibular Visceral Deep Cervical

161 Carotid (Cervical) Anterior Cervical Chain-Pretracheal (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Submandibular Visceral Deep Cervical

162 Carotid (Cervical) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Submandibular Visceral Deep Cervical

163 Carotid (Cervical) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Submental Nodes Submandibular Visceral Deep Cervical

164 Deep Cervical (Jugular) Chain- Middle (Between Hyoid and Cricoid) Spinal Accessory Chain Carotid (Cervical) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Submandibular Visceral Deep Cervical

165 Carotid (Cervical) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Visceral Deep Cervical

166 Carotid (Cervical) (Paraspinal) Anterior Cervical Chain-Prelaryngeal (Prevertebral) Visceral Deep Cervical

167 Carotid (Cervical) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Visceral Deep Cervical

168 Carotid (Cervical) (Paraspinal) Anterior Cervical Chain-Prelaryngeal (Prevertebral) Visceral Deep Cervical

169 Carotid (Cervical) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Visceral Deep Cervical

170 Carotid (Cervical) Spinal Accessory Chain (Paraspinal) Anterior Cervical Chain-Paratracheal (Prevertebral) Visceral Deep Cervical

171 Carotid (Cervical) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Visceral Deep Cervical

172 Carotid (Cervical) Anterior Cervical Chain-Pretracheal (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Visceral Deep Cervical

173 Deep Cervical (Jugular) Chain-Low (Below Cricoid) Carotid (Cervical) (Paraspinal) Anterior Cervical Chain-Paratracheal (Prevertebral) Visceral Deep Cervical

174 Carotid (Cervical) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Visceral Deep Cervical

175 Carotid (Cervical) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Visceral Deep Cervical

176 Carotid (Cervical) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Visceral Deep Cervical

177 Carotid (Cervical) Spinal Accessory Chain (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Visceral Deep Cervical

178 Carotid (Cervical) (Paraspinal) (Prevertebral) Visceral Deep Cervical

179 Carotid (Cervical) (Paraspinal) Anterior Cervical Chain-Paratracheal (Prevertebral) Visceral Deep Cervical

180 Carotid (Cervical) Anterior Cervical Chain-Pretracheal (Paraspinal) Visceral Deep Cervical

181 Carotid (Mediastinal) (Paraspinal) Visceral

182 Deep Cervical (Jugular) Chain-Low (Below Cricoid) Carotid (Mediastinal) (Paraspinal) Visceral

183 Carotid (Mediastinal) (Paraspinal) Anterior Cervical Chain-Paratracheal Visceral

184 Carotid (Mediastinal) (Paraspinal)

185 Carotid (Mediastinal) (Paraspinal)

186 Carotid (Mediastinal) (Paraspinal)

187 Carotid (Mediastinal) (Paraspinal)

188 Carotid (Mediastinal) (Paraspinal)

189 Carotid (Mediastinal) (Paraspinal)

190 Carotid (Mediastinal) (Paraspinal)

191 Deep Cervical (Jugular) Chain-Low (Below Cricoid) Virchow s Node Carotid (Mediastinal) (Paraspinal)

192 (Paraspinal)

193 Transverse Cervical Chain (Paraspinal)

194 (Paraspinal)

195 (Paraspinal)

196 Transverse Cervical Chain (Paraspinal)

197 (Paraspinal)

198 (Paraspinal)

199 (Paraspinal)

200 (Paraspinal)

201 (Paraspinal)

202 (Paraspinal)

203 (Paraspinal)

204 (Paraspinal)

205 (Paraspinal)

206 (Paraspinal)


208 Arteries Brachiocephalic, left Common Carotid, left External Carotid Internal Carotid Subclavian, left Subclavian, right Vertebral, right Aryepiglottic Fold Arytenoid Cartilage Cricoid Cartilage Lamina Cricothyroid Membrane Epiglottis Body Free margiin Esophagus Eustachian Tube Glossoepiglottic Fold Glottis Hard palate Hyoid bone Hypoepiglottic ligament Hypopharynx Laryngeal inlet Laryngeal Vestibule Lateral Pharyngeal Recess Lateral Pterygoid Plate Lingual Septum Lingual Tonsil Lymph Node Chain Anterior Cervical Paratracheal Prelaryngeal Pretracheal Deep Cervical High Middle Low Parotid Retropharyngeal Lateral Medial Spinal Accessory Submandibular Submental Transverse Cervical Lymph Node Jugulodigastric Virchow s Maxilla Alveolar Ridge Maxillary Tuberosity Medial Pterygoid Plate Muscle Buccinator Cricopharyngeus Diagastric, Anterior Belly Erector Spinae Genioglossus Inferior Oblique

209 (cont.) Muscle (Cont.) Infraspinatus Lateral Ptyergoid Levator Scapulae Longus Colli Longus Capitus Masseter Medial Pterygoid Multifidus Mylohyoid Geniogyoid Occiptalis Omohyoid Palatopharyngeus Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor Pharyngeal constrictor Rectus capitis Rectus capitis anterior Scalene Anterior Middle Posterior Semispinalis capitis Semispinalis cervicis Splenius capitis Sternocleidomastoid ICA/EJV Heads Strap Muscles Subscapularis Temporalis Tensor veli palatini Tongue, intrinsic Trapezius Nasopharynx Nuchal Ligament Oropharynx Palantine Tonsil Paralaryngeal (Paraglottic) Parotid Gland Pharyngoepiglottic Fold Piriform Sinus Posterior pharyngeal wall Preepiglottic space Soft palate Buccal Carotid Cervical Mediastinal Nasopharyngeal Danger Deep Cervical Masticator Suprazygomatic Parapharyngeal Parotid

210 (cont.) Paraspinal Prevertebral Pharyngeal Mucosal Retropharyngeal Sublingual Submandibular Visceral Sternoclavicular Joint Styloid Process Subglottic Sublingual Gland Submandibular Gland Thyroid Cartilage Anterior Commisure Inferior Cornu Superior Cornu Thyroid Gland Trachea True Vocal Cord Uvula Vallecula Vein Anterior Facial Anterior Jugular Brachiocephalic, left Brachiocephalic, right Internal Jugular Retromandibular Subclavian Vestibular Fold (False cord)



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