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1 (A yatmrswinuh svaågsuhdr sicƒ shkln)

2 Thanks & Our Request This shastra has been kindly donated by Dilipbhai Natvarlal Kothari - Mumbai who have paid for it to be "electronised" and made available on the internet. Our request to you: 1) We have taken great care to ensure this electronic version of Sachitra Bhaktamar Stotra - Vivechan is a faithful copy of the paper version. However if you find any errors please inform us on so that we can make this beautiful work even more accurate.

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4 Sm<it-vHdna he guìdev ;w amr-stoƒ' mah=i p` Aa ani SvanuwUitna keva wavo nikze Ke...te Aape Ývcnäara qoline mumuùuw one AaüyR _pôvyuh Ke. [Nãaid devo ijnenãdevni kevi AdŸwut wi kre Ke-te to Ame njre n=i ÔeyuH, prhtu Ývcn vqte Aapna AsHQy ÝdexmaH kevi AdŸwut-romaHckarI ijnwi _LlstI...te Ame njre ÔeyuH Ke. Ane te Ôe{ne j - AirhHtdevne cetnsv$pe je Aozqe Ke te potana Aa anuh xuâsv$p p` Aozqe Ke, ne tene smygdxrn =ay Ke -Ae xaïvcn Amne AnuwvgMy =yuh Ke. Aapna te mhan _pkarni Sm<itpUvRk wi =I vhdn kriae KIAe. -Aapno hir

5 nm: ]I %Øwijnay wi -we!`uh li ij O wi we!`uh...aa Ke w amr-stoƒnuh Aa lùi ivvecn-aamah wyaå Ke moùne sa\vanah mhƒo ]IguÌ-khane Ývcno äara ijnenãwi na Aa yaitmk rhsyo AamaH qulla kyar Ke. Aap`a ijnenã wgvan keva Ke ne temni wi -_pasna k{ rite kray, te Aa ivvecnmah Ô`va mzxe. Aa w amr-stoƒ te wgvan %ØwdevnI Stuit Ke tena _pr Ývcno krine pu. ]I kanò SvamIAe je ghwir rhsyo qolyah Ke tenuh AamaH shkln Ke. iv\iv\ Aagm-yui -Anuwv, temj w amrne lgta p0 je!la ihhdi-gujrati pustkonuh Avlokn krine Aa shkln krvamah AaVyuH Ke ivvecnni sa=e drek }lokne lgta wavvahi nvin icƒo p` AapvamaH AaVyaH Ke. Aa rite Aa pustkne Aek svaågsuhdr rcna bnavvano ÝyTn krvamah AaVyo Ke. ATyarsu\ImaH Ýkaixt =yela pustkomah Aa lùi ivvecnvazuh Aa sicƒ pustk nvi j wat padxe ne mumuùuaone ijnwi ni naekamah besadine temna ñdymah Aara\nana Avnva wavo jgadxe. Aa Stoƒ rcnar Ke-muinraj ]I mantuhgsuir. Aa Stoƒna _dÿwv babt je k=a Ýcilt Ke te p<. 1p0maH Aapel Ke. Aa _praht, w amr-stoƒno Ýwav btavva ma!e tena cmtkaroni Anek k=aao lqayeli Ke, te p` Aa pustkmah Kapvano ivcar hto, prhtu te k=aao kilpt hova=i, Ane temah ivxeø sar nhä hova=i, te ivcar mahdi vazyo Ke. vzi w amrna drek }lokna yhƒo temj tene sa\vana ÔPy-mHƒo p` ko{ke lqya Ke Aa shbh\mah Ae!luH j khevuh bs =xe ketemah lqela `mo ij`a`h vgere mhƒo to Ø!ŸqHDagm na co=a qhd (vednaqhd: pustk 9) na mhgl-suƒo j Ke te nmskar$p mhgl suƒo j AhÄ ÔPymHƒ trike go@vi di\a Ke.

6 (4) w amr-stoƒnuh Aa ivvecn jensaihtymah Aek nvi j wat padnaruh Ke AamaH Stuitkar temj Ývcnkarna wavone brabr JIlIne, Stuitkar-sa\k Òvona AHtrna êda wavo-ke je vitragi Aa rsmah trboz Ke, te qoline SpÚ kyaå Ke. Aek pi#- mumuùuna xbdomah khiae to w amr _pr sehkdo pustko lqa{ne Kpa{ cukya Ke p` temah Aa pustk Aek AÔeD xeilnuh Ke ke je ij&asu pa@kone prma gu`oni Aozqa` kravine si\esi\uh StuTy-prma a sa=e shbh\ krave Ke prma a Aena AHtrmaH vsi Ôy Ke, te ke!lek AHxe Stota-St<Ty (sa\k Ane sa y) vccenuh AHtr tu!ine Aekta =ay Ke.-Aa j Ke...Awed wi A=va prma=r-stuit Aekvar Aek sa\u puruø ijnmhidrmah dxrn krva AaVya. tem`e kæuh ke mare wgvanna dxrnmah vcce ko{ AaDx n hovi Ôe{Ae, wgvanna si\a dxrn =va Ôe{Ae tem AhÄ sa\k-w ichtve Ke ke StuitmaH mari Ane wgvanni vcce ko{ [inãyoni ke ivwavni AaDx hovi n Ôe{Ae mara AtIiNãy-cetnwavo vde wgvanno si\o we!o krine huh temni Stuit temna jevo ={x. ;vah, \Ny tmari Stuit ' -AavI Stuit krvanuh Aap`ne pu. ]I khanguìae xiqvyuh Ke. teao]iae song#ni ÝvcnswamaH Aa w amr-stoƒ _pr cetny-rswinah ivst<t Ývcno krine tena A ya wavo qolya Ke. Aaje sudifrkaz bad tenuh VyviS=t Ane svaågsuhdr Ýkaxn =tah, F`a vøèni mari temj hôro ij&asuaoni wavna puri =ay Ke Ane Aa pustkna pde-pde Aap`ne ]I guì-khanna mhan _pkaronuh Smr` =ay Ke. Aa StoƒnI Aek ivxeøta Ae Ke ke, smst jensmaj tene potanuh j smòne AadrpUvRk mane Ke smst jenomah svriýy Aa Stoƒ Aek mhan xaï je!luh mnniy Ke. jenona drek shýdaymah Aa Stoƒ _pr F`ay ivvecno lqaya Ke p` temah Aa ivvecnni xeil AHtmuRqI Aa wav jgadnari Ke. tajetrmah ({. s p mah) Aap`aH covis ti=åkr wgvhtonuh mhapura` Ane wgvti Aara\na jeva mhan wagvt xaïona gujrati-ýkaxn pki AevuH j suhdr Aa ;wi xaï' maƒ K masmah pun: Ýisâ =ay Ke. Aam to AamaH wgvhtna gu`onuh v`rn hova=i Aa p` ;wagvt xaï' j Ke Aap`e Aane ;wi AnuyognuH wagvt' khi xkiae. AavuH suhdr

7 (p) ;wi -we!`uh' sa\m±-ij&asuaona ha=mah muktah maruh AHtr Ýsþta Anuwve Ke Ane ijnwi t=a guìkhanna mhan _pkarna mhglgit=i maruh ñdy guhò ræuh Ke. tdupraht ]I ijndevnuh Sv$p smôvine saci ijnwi krtah jem`e xiqvyuh te pu. \mrmataaono p` mhan _pkar Ke. hôro ij&asu sa\m±aoae Aa \mrpustk ÝTye AadrpUvRk je Ýem Ane Ýsþta btavya Ke te jenxasnni ÝwavnanuH kar` =yuh Ke, ne te ma!e saene \Nyvad he ijnenãdev mari cetnamah vhetuh Aapna gu`oni wi nuh mhgl Jr`uH JDp=I kevz&an-smuãmah wzi Ôy-AevI wavna wavuh KuH. (vir sh. 2p12 mag. vd 8 ta ) (biò Aav<i : AØaD vd: 7) - ijnpdsevk b. hirlal jen biôuh suhdr xaï Aa pustkni pheli Aav<i mah w amr-stoƒna ivvecnni sa=e kaitrkey SvamI rict bar veragy- AnuÝeÙaAonuH gujrati waøahtr temj ;wvyam<txtk' (kþd xaïnuh gujrati waøahtr), AapvamaH Aavel htuh (song#: vir sh. 2p12 AØaD vd 7) ª -b. hirlal jen.

8 w amr-stoƒ : Anu uêm nh. }lok ivøy panuh 1. w amrý`t... smykÿ Ý`ampUvRk Stuitno ÝarHw y: shstuth... _ m Stvn vde huh Aaidna=ne StvIx buâ a ivnaip.. Ýwu pase bazk jeva bnine Stuit(caHdo) vétuh gu`anÿ... ijngu`stuit te smuãne trva jevuh mhan kayr p. sohh t=aip... xi Ke ALp, p` wi Ke mhan (hr`-ishh) ALp]utH ]utvtah... koylno!hukar...w no r`kar TvtŸ shstven... svr&suyrni StuitvDe mohah\karno nax mtveit na=... Ýwuna saiþ yne li\e StoƒnI ne &anni xowa AaStaH tv... Ýwuna gu`ni k=a=i p` papono nax natydÿwuth... prma ani sevanuh fz prma pdni Ýaiº ¹ÚŸva wvntmÿ... ÝwudxRn=I prm t<iº hve bije mn nhä lage ye:xahtragìiciw:.. xaht Aa a, xaht xrir bhnnenuh _Tk<Úp`uH bkÿƒh Év te... ÝwunI ÝxaHtmuãa chãni _pma=i p` par smpu`r mhdl... ijngu`-mihmano ƒ`lokmah felav p. icƒh ikmƒ... ÝwunI Acl inivrkarta ne vitragta in\urm-vitr... AdŸwut kevz&an-divdo nasth kdaicdÿ... suyr krtahy tejsvi &anwanu intyodyh... chã krtahy suxoiwt &anchã ikh xvrriøu... dehnuh idvytej Aa anuh AtIiNãy tej &anh t=a Tviy... k ah mi`, k ah kac? k ah svr&dev, k ah kudev? mnye vrh hir... hve svr& isvay ko{ ic hri xke nih ÏI`aH xtain... AiätIy puƒ...aiätiy mata TvaH AamnHit... gu`vack namo äara Stuit (prmpuruø vgere) TvaH AVyyH... gu`vack namo äara Stuit (AVyy vgere) p. buâstvmev... gu`vack namo äara Stuit (buâ vgere) tuwyh nm:... Aho dev Aapne nmskar...nmskar...nmskar ko ivsmyoƒ... Ýwu svrgu`smpþ doøno ATyHt Awav... 92

9 (7) AÚÝaithayR-v`Rn nh. }lok ivøy panuh 28. _CcE: AxoktÌ Axokv<ÙnI KayamaH tejsvi wgvan... 9p 29. ishhasne mi`myuq rtnishhasn=i Ailº wgvan k Ndavdat cl-camr.. 3. camr khe Ke Ýwu pase nmo, êc pd pamo KƒƒyH tv ivwait Kƒƒy sucve Ke-rTnƒynuH fz ghwirtar qpuirt... p. duduhwi vaôh vde \mrraôno jyjykar mhdar sundr pu*pv<iú ÔetaH wvyòvni Ýsþta xuhwtÿ Ýwavly wamhdzmah wvyne deqay Ke moùmhdz p. SvgaRpvgR idvy vinae deqadya-cetnyqôna _iþã hem... ÝwuÝtape AakaxmaH qilyo ful-bgico... 11p 37. [T=H y=a tv... ijn-suyr pase kudevo JaHqa lage Ke jena AHtrmaH wgvan ibraje...aene wy kevo? (nv }lok) 38. [CyotNmda ijnw ne ha=ino wy n=i iwþew k Hw ijnw ne ishhno wy n=i... 12p 40. klpahtkal ijnw ne AiGnno wy n=i réteù`h ijnw ne kaza sprno wy n=i vlgtÿ turhg... p. ijnw ne xƒusenano wy n=i k Htag iwþ ijnw ne yuâwuimno wy n=i AHwoin\aE ijnw ne tofani smuãno wy n=i p. _dÿwut wiø` ijnw ne wiø` rogno wy n=i AapadkH@ ijnw ne bedina bh\nno wy n=i m iäpenã... ijnw ne svrýkarna wyno Awav StoƒÏjH tv ijnenã... _ m fzpuvrk Stoƒno _pshhar prmatmano w pote prma a bni Ôy Ke. pirixú (w amrstoƒni rcnano [ithas vgere)

10 muinraj ]I mantuhgsuir rict %Øwdev-Stuit wgvan %Øwdev...Ô`e ke ATyare smvsr`mah saùatÿ ibraò ræa hoy. devdevenão AavIne Ýwuna cr`omah wi =I mstk Jukavta hoy, ne te ÝwunI snmuq pote p` wavwini Stuit krta hoy -AevI rite prma ane potana &anmah saùatÿ krine ]I mantuhg muinraj Aa Stuitno ÝarHw kre Ke :-

11 smykÿ Ý`ampUvRk Stuitno ÝarHw w amrý`tmaeilmi`ýwa`amÿ _>otkh diltpaptmoivtanmÿ. smykÿ Ý`My ijnpadyugh yugadae AalMbnH wvjle pttah jnanamÿ.. y: shstut: sklva Ÿmy tàvbo\atÿ _dÿwutbuiâp!uiw: surlokna=e:. StoƒEjRgtŸiƒtyic hreìdare: Sto*ye iklahmip th Ý=mH ijnenãmÿ.. (}lok 1-2 vshtitlka) w amr lict tajmi` Ýwana _>otkar, hr paptmo j=ana Aa\ar$p wvsagrnah jnone, Aeva yugaid Ýwu padyuge nmine ki\i Stuit skl xaïj tàvbo\e pamel buiâ p!u=i surlokna=e ƒelok ic hr caru _dar Stoƒe, huh Ae qre StvIx Aaid ijnenãne te. Stuitkar ]I mantuhg muinraj khe Ke ke huh te Ý=m ijnenã ]I %ØwdevnuH Stvn krix,-jemnah cr`omah w -Amr Ae!le wi vht devo nmi ræah Ke te devona mug!na mi`ni Ýwano _>ot krnara, pap-itimrna smuhne hrnara Ane wvsagrmah DUbta jnone trva ma!e \mryugni AaidmaH AalHbn$p Aeva Ý=m ijnenãna padyugmah ;smykÿwave' nmskar krine huh temni Stuit krix.

12 1-2 w amr Ý`t... y: shstut:) (r) (w amr-stoƒ huh jemni Stuit kruh KuH te ijnenãdevni Stuit mo!a mo!a puruøoae p` kri Ke. sklxaïna &an vde jemni buiâ _dÿw!-parhgt Ke Aeva kuxz [NãoAe, ƒ`loknuh ic Ýsþ kre Aeva suhdr-_ m StoƒvDe jemni Stuit kri Ke te Aaid ijnenãne huh p` Aa _ m Stoƒ vde StvIx. StuTy Aeva [Údev prm ]e vitrag svr& Ke to temna gu`ni Stuit p` ]e j hoy ne Aa wrtùeƒmah gt covisina AHitm ti=åkrna moùgmn bad 18 ÊoDaÊoDI sagropmna AHtre Aa covisimah wgvan %Øwdev phela ti=åkr =ya, tem`e Aa yugmah \mrni x$aat kri wvsagr=i trvano _pay btavine tem`e Aa wrtùeƒmah \mryugno ÝarHw kyè. idvy vin vde vitragta Ane svr&tano magr qullo krine Anek Òvone moùmagrmah lgad ah ne wvsagr=i tayar. Aa rite \mryugna Ý`eta Aeva ]I Aaidna= ijnenãna cr`omah nmskar krine Stuitno ÝarHw kruh KuH-Aam khine mantuhgmuinraje StuitmaH ijnenãmihmano AdŸwut \o\ vhevdavyo Ke. he Ýwo wi wrela ic =I [Nãaid-w devo ßyare Aapna cr`omah nme Ke Tyare Aapna nqni ÝwavDe Ae devona mug!na mi` JzhzI é@e Ke. Aha [Nãna mug!mi`na idvy tej krtahy Aapna Aek nqni Ýwa v\i Ôy. ti=åkrna $pni idvytani xi vat [NãnuH $p p` jeni pase JaHqu pdi Ôy, AevuH to Aemna dehnuh $p - TyaH Aa ana AtIiNãy $pni to vat j xi krvi? kevz&an qili gyuh tena mihmani xi vat? ÔuAo, Aa svr&ni StuitmaH ijngu`ichtnni sa=e sa=e Aa ano mihma FUH!ato Ôy Ke, te qri Stuit Ke, teno j qro law Ke. Ýwo devenãna mug!no mihma Amne n=i wasto, Amne to Aapna nqni Ýwano mihma wase Ke. he na= Aapna cr`ni idvyýwa pase [Nãna mug!mi` Amne JaHqa lage Ke. Aapno Aa a cetnyýwa=i JzkI é@ o Ke teni JaH{ Ô`e nqmah=i p` é@i rhi hoy, Aeva idvy cmtkar=i Aapna nqni Ýwa JzkI rhi Ke, ne te nqno Ýkax [Nãna mug!na mi` _pr pde Ke te=i te mi` xowi ræo Ke. ÔuAo, [Nãna mug!mi`no Ýkax wgvanna nq _pr pde Ke Aem n kæuh p` wgvanna nqno Ýkax [Nãna mug! _pr pde Ke Aem khine [Nãna mug! krtah wgvanna cr`ni mh a btavi. he na= [Nãno mug! p` Aapna cr`mah nme Ke te=i j xowe Ke. sae\menã pase 32 laq devivmanni %iâ Ke p` wgvanni Stuit krtah te khe Ke ke he Ýwo kevz&anmy AapnI idvy cetny%iâ pase AmarI Aa pu~yni %iâni kah{ ikhmt n=i. na= \m±ne pußy ne Aadr`Iy to Aa cetny%iâ j Ke. Aam Stuitkar pu~y Ane \mr vccenuh AHtr padine Stuit kre Ke. jena ñdymah

13 w amr-stoƒ) (3) (1-2 w amr Ý`t... y: shstut: pu~yna vewvnuh bhuman hoy tene vitragi cetny%iâ ÝTye qri wi _Ðse nih ne AenuH q$h bhuman Ôge nih Ane jene vitragi kevz&annuh bhuman ÔGyuH tene ragnuh ke ragna fznuh bhuman hoy nih. rag Ane vitragta (A=aRtŸ pu~y Ane \mr) Ae be cij j j di Ke. bhnenuh bhuman Aek sa=e rhi xke nih. he wgvanÿ w devo Aapna cr`omah nme Ke, devona SvamI Aeva [Não p` Aapna j cr`one wi =I nme Ke ne AapnI svr&tanuh bhuman kre Ke, te=i Ame Aem smòae KIAe ke, ragna fz$p [Nãpd krtah vitragta=i mztuh svr&pd jgtmah ]e Ane Aadr`Iy Ke. cetnyni _Tk<Ú vitragpdvi pase jgtna b\ay pd tuck wase Ke. Aha svr&tani AicHTy%iâ pase [NãnI %iâ p` tr`ah jevi tuck Ke. jgtmah _ m pu~yvht Aeva [Não p` ti=åkrna Ane vitragi shtmuinna cr`omah Aadr=I mstk JUkave Ke ne Ae dxani wavna wave Ke, te Aem Ýisâ kre Ke ke pu~y krtah pivƒta pußy Ke, Aadr`Iy Ke. [Nã pote smikti Ke, tene potane ragni-pu~yni ke tena fzni ÌcI n=i. jene pu~yni Ìic hoy tene êca pu~y bh\ay nih ne te [Nãpd pame nhä. ragno nkar krine cetnyni sa\na krtah krtah vcce Aeva êca pu~y bh\a{ gya ne [Nãpd mzyuh. te [NãnI pu~y%iâ Apar Ke te khe Ke he na= AmarI Aa %iâ _Tk<Ú nih p` AapnI cetny%iâ j _Tk<Ú Ke suq hoy to te cetny%iâmah j Ke, Aa baæ%iâmah ikhictÿ suq n=i. Ýwo Amara ñdymah AapnI cetny%iâ vsi Ke, AenI j Ame Stuit kriae KIAe, Aene j Ame vhdn kriae KIAe ne AenuH j Ame yan \riae KIAe. Ýwo AmaruH mstk Aapna cr`mah nmyuh te nmyuh, te hve biône ko{ kaze nhä nme AapnI wi na AvlHbnna bzvde Ame wvsagrne tri ÔxuH, Ae!le ke vitragwavna FolnvDe ragne todine svr&tane pamxuh. AapnI wi krine Amey Aapna jeva ={xuh. wgvan jevo wav potamah Ýg! krvo te j wgvanni prma=rstuit Ke. dehaid=i iwþ icdanhdsvwavne Ô`vo Ae!le ke smygdxrn Ýg! krvuh te AhÅtdevnI pheli prma=r Stuit Ke-Ae vat kuhdkuhdacayrdeve smysarni 31 mi ga=amah AlaEikk rite smôvi Ke. AavI inüystuitni sa=e je VyvharStuit hoy te p` AlaEikk hoy Ke. Aha, je`e cetnyni prma dxa sa\vi Ke tene, te dxane sa\i cukela ne sa\i rhela Òvo ÝTye (Ae!le ke dev-guì ÝTye) Aitxy Ýmod wi ne bhuman _Llse Ke. inymsarmah ]I píýwsvami khe Ke kewvwyweidin wgvit wvt: ikh wi rƒ n xmist. tihr wvambui\m y g ahmuqantgrto wvis

14 1-2 w amr Ý`t... y: shstut:) (4) (w amr-stoƒ Are Òv wvwyne wednara Aa wgvan ÝTye xuh tne wi n=i? Ôe n=i to tuh wvsmuãni m ymah rhela mgrna muqmah Ko. AhÄ to khe Ke ke he na=? Aa yugni AaidmaH, wvyòvone wvsagr=i trva ma!e Aap jhaj sman Ko. AapnuH AalHbn l{ne, Ae!le prma=er svr&svwavnuh AvlHbn l{ne Ame Aa wvsmuãne tri jxuh. mantuhgsvamiae Aa StuitmaH AlaEikk wavo wyar Ke. Aam to Aa Stuit %Øwdev wgvanne shbo\ine kri Ke, prhtu b\ay ti=åkr wgvhtone te lagu pde Ke. gu`apeùaae Aek ti=åkrni StuitmaH AnHta ti=åkrni Stuit sma{ Ôy Ke. ijngu`stvn äara je`e &an Ane rag vcce wed&an krine svr&svwavno iv as kyè te Òv te Svwavna FolnvDe kevz&an Ýg! krine isâpd j$r pamxe. w amr temah w Ane Amr Aeva be xbdni shi\ Ke Amr Ae!le dev [Nãaid devonuh Aayu*y bhu lahbu (AsHQy vøènuh) hoy Ke Ae!le temne Amr khevay Ke Ôe ke TyaH p` pakuh mr` to éwuh j Ke. Aa mnu*yo t=a ityåco rhe Ke te m ylok Ke _pr é vrlokmah sae\mr vgere 16 SvgR Ke. teni _pr nv ge veyk, pahc Anuidx t=a pahc Anu r ivmano (svar=risiâ vgere) Ke, temah AsHQy devo rhe Ke. svar=risiâmah shqyat devo Ke te b\ay AekavtarI Ke Ae!le TyaH=I si\a mnu*ywv pamine te j wve moù pamxe. SvgRnI êci pdvi temj [Nãaid pdvi ijnenãdevna w o j pame Ke, biône tevi êci pdvine yogy pu~y hotah n=i. SvgRno dev njre deqay TyaH sa\ar` A&anI to AHÔ{ Ôy, tene Aem j lage ke Ô`e

15 w amr-stoƒ) (p) (1-2 w amr Ý`t... y: shstut: wgvane dxrn di\ah. p` wa{, SvgRnuH devp`uh Ae kah{ AaüyRnI vat n=i. SvgRna Ae pu~yna putzah p` svr& prma ana cr`omah ATyHt wi =I nmi pde Ke, ne wgvanna nqni Ýwa=I AenaH mug!nah mi` JzkI é@e Ke. AhÄ AacayR khe Ke ke [Nãne mi`rtno=i JgJgto je Aavo mug! mzyo te he ijnenã Aapna cr`ni wi na Ýtape j mzyo Ke. jene ijnenãdevna cr`ni wi n=i tene [Nãpd hotuh n=i Ae to wvsagrni vcce mgrna mo#amah pdelo Ke. AamaH ti=åkrne _ m pivƒta sa=e _ m pu~y keva hoy Ke teni p` shi\ btavi. ti=åkrne p` rogaid =vanuh khe to te`e wgvannuh baæsv$p (pu~y) p` AozQyuH n=i AHtrHg pivƒtani to vat xi vitragsvwavna wan sihtni Aa AlaEikk Stuit Ke. Ýwo AapnI Stuit krtah-krtah AapnI svr&tane Ame ßyaH ÝtItmaH l{ae KIAe TyaH to im+yatvaidna!ukde!ukda ={ Ôy Ke, papno smuh ikþiwþ ={ne dur wage Ke AmarI cetna AanHidt =ay Ke ne _pãvo xaht ={ Ôy Ke.-AavuH Aa StuitnuH fz Ke kemke Aa inüysihtni VyvharStuit Ke. vitragsvwavna FolnpUvRk ijnenãwgvanni wi ßyaH éðsi TyaH pivƒtani sa=e pu~yno rs p` v\i Ôy Ke, Ane tene li\e ko{ var bedi tu!vi vgere cmtkar bni Ôy Ke, Ae!le tene StuitnuH fz khevay Ke. vtrman te Ýkarna pu~yno yog hoy to tem bni Ôy, Ane ko{kne vtrman tevo pu~yyog n hoy to AevuH n p` bne, p` AHdrmaH to vitragsvwavna bhuman=i ne ijnwi =I pivƒta v\ti j Ôy ne pu~yno rs p` v\to j Ôy-Ae inym Ke. p` wgvanna w khe Ke ke he na= pu~yna fzmah Aa devaidni %iâ mzi teni Amne ikhmt n=i, Aape je svr&ta Ane vitragwav Ýg! kyè te AÔeD mihmavht Ke, jgtmah Aeno Ôe!o n=i Aeno j Amne mihma Ke, te=i Ame Aapne j nmiae KIAe ne Aapna j gu`gan ga{ae KIAe. Aapna gu`gan gatahgatah vcce pu~y to Aek dasni jem AavIne éwa rhexe, p` tene Ame nmta n=i teni trf Amaro JUkav n=i, Amaro JUkav Aapna jeva vitrag svr&svwav trf j Ke. ÔuAo, Aa wgvanna w Aava wav=i wgvanni wi krva je éwo =yo teni wi na rhgmah whg pde nih. vitragsvwavne wuline vcce ragne te kdi Aadre nih bharmah lù Ôy to vitrag AhÅtdevno Aadr, ne AHdrmaH lù Ôy to vitrag Aa Svwavno Anuwv, Aena=I ivìâ biô ko{ne te Aadre nih Ae!le hve vitragsvwavna Aadr=I ragne todine vitrag =ye j KU!ko.

16 1-2 w amr Ý`t...y: shstut:) (6) (w amr-stoƒ Aha, kevz&anna AnHt Ýkax=I qileli ÝwunI &anýwani to xi vat, prhtu ti=åkr wgvanna smvsr`ni xowa, Ane Aemna dehni xoway ko{ idvy-adÿwut hoy Ke. [Nãna mug! krtah jena nqni Ýwa v\e-aena svaåg $pni xi vat Are, Ae wgvanno AhÄ nmuno n=i Ae!le xi rite btavvuh? ivdehùeƒmah to ATyare saùatÿ simh\rna= vgere ti=åkro biraò ræa Ke. Ae wgvanna idvy dedar to njre Ôeya hoy- Aene Qyal Aave. Aha, Ýwo tara nqni ÝwavDe [Nãna mug! Jgmge, Ane tari &anýwa vde to smst lokalok Jzke.-tara mihmani xi vat? wgvanna nq, vcce=i gozakar jeva jrak _psela, bhne baôu #zta, vcce shej lalaxni JaH{vaza, Jgmg =ta hoy ne AemaH=I rhgberhgi ikr`o KU!ta hoy, carekor AenI Ýwa felati hoy.-ßyare [Nã nmskar kre Tyare Aena mug!nuh ÝitibHb wgvanna nqmah pde, Ane Ae nqnah ikr`o mug!na mi`_pr pde Ae!le mef\nuø jevi rhgberhgi JaH{=I te JzkI é@e. AamaH Stuitkar khe Ke ke he Ýwo Amne jgtna mi`mug!no mihma n=i wasto Aapna cr`ni wi pase mi`-mug! Amne JaHqa lage Ke. jgtno vewv Amne vhalo n=i, Amne to AapnaH cr`oni wi j vhali Ke.

17 w amr-stoƒ) (7) (1-2 w amr Ý`t...y: shstut: j Ao, AHtrmaH svr&pdne sa\tah sa\tah sa\k shtone wgvan ÝTye wi no Ýem _ÐSyo Ke. jem shsarmah puƒna lg vqte jene te Ôtno Ýem Ke te keva ga`ah gay Ke? ;meh to =az wyè re xg motiae, AaHg`e ha=i JUle Ane mare sonasmo re surj égiyo'- Aem Ýem=I ne _mhg=i gay Ke, wle FrmaH AemanuH AeÞey n hoy, FrmaH sacuh Aek moti p` n hoy ne ha=i bah\va je!li jgya p` n hoy, KtaH TyaH to qo!a vqa` krine gay Ke AhÄ to wgvanmah je gu`o iv>man Ke tena sacah vqa` Ke wgvanmah svr&ta, vitragta vgere je gu`o Ýg! a Ke teni lgni lgadine, prm Ýem=I w tena ga`ah gay Ke potane te gu` go@ya Ke ne potamah teva gu`o Ýg! krva mage Ke te=i tena ga`ah gay Ke. Ae ga`ah ko{ biône ma!e n=i gata p` potamah te gu`o Ýaº krvani je wavna ÔgI Ke te wavnane j pote mlave Ke. te=i smhtwãsvamiae kæuh Ke ke ;vnde tdÿgu`lb\ye' Aekvar smhtwã khe Ke: he dev mne biôuh to ko{ Vysn n=i, Aekmaƒ AapnaH gu`ni StuitnuH Vysn Ke, tena ivna mara=i rhevatuh n=i. (smhtwãsvamiae wgvanni AdŸwut Ane ghwir wavo=i wreli ke!liye StuitAo rci Ke.) he na= meh Aapna AicHTy gu`one AozQya Ke te=i mne Aapna _pr Apar Ýmod Ane bhuman ÔGyuH Ke. gu`oni Aozqa` sihtni wi te j qri wi Ke. AavI Aozqa` siht khe Ke ke he ijnenã kevz&an pamine AapnuH cetnyãvy JzkI é@ uh Aapna Aa cetnyjbkarani to xi vat Aapna kevz&anýkaxno to AicHTy mihma Ke Ae kevz&anýkax =tah ƒ`lokmah AjvazaH =ay Ane teni sa=e (sara AnajnI sa=e jem Fas p` êca pake tem) sa\kdxamah Aapne je pu~y =ya tena fzmah AapnuH je idvy xrir rcayuh-te xrirni xowani p` xi vat? Aapno Aa a to loko r ne deh p` loko r cêvt±ao Ane [Não kazje=i wgvanne nmi pde Ke-he na= Ame AapnI pase n nmiae to jgtmah Amare nmvanuh bij H S=an É ah Ke? Ýwo AmaruH ñdy Aapne ÔetaH _ÐsI Ôy Ke. Aha AapnI vitragta jgtmah jeno Ôe!o n=i. Ae vitragta ÝTye nmeluh AmaruH ñdy hve kdi rag ÝTye nmvanuh n=i. he dev jgtmah moùa=± Òvone nmvanuh ko{ S=an hoy to Aek Aap j Ko, Ae!le prma=er Aapna jevo je vitragi &ansvwav Ke te j moùa=±ne Aadr`Iy Ke. rag trf je nme te Aapno w nih. bharmah kudevaidne ma=ah JUkave AenI to xi vat, p` Aem n kre ne AHdrmaH su"mragna ki`ya=i \mrno law =xe Aem mane to te`e potanuh ma=uh rag trf JUkaVyuH Ke, vitragno te qro w n=i. vitragna w nuh ma=uh ragne n nme.

18 1-2 w amr Ý`t...y: shstut:) (8) (w amr-stoƒ AhÄ to [Nã khe Ke ke he Ýwo, Aapne Ame n nmiae to jgtmah AevuH bij H kyuh S=an Ke ke ßyaH Ame nmiae?-pivƒtamah Ane pu~ymah Aap j svotk<ú Ko...te=I Aapne j Ame nmiae KIAe. jgtna samany Òvo [Nãne pu~yvht g`ine Aadre Ke, ne te [Não wgvan ijnenãdevne mhan wi =I Aadre Ke.-Aava wgvanni Stuit huh Aa w amr-stoƒ äara kruh KuH. wgvanna cr`omah wi =I nmnara [Não Ô`e khe Ke ke he na= Amara ma=ana mug!na mi` krtah Aapna pgna nqni xowa ivxeø Ke Aapna cr`ni wi to A&an-AH\karno ne papno nax krnari Ke, Ae takat Amara mug!mi`na tejmah n=i te=i Amara mug!vhta mstk Aapna cr`omah JUkI ræa Ke. Ýwo Aapna Aa ani svr&tanuh idvy tej to Amne &anýkax Aape Ke ne Aapna cr`ni wi inibd papah\karno nax kre Ke. AapnI wi =I papno vhx invåx ={ Ôy Ke. he Aaidna= ijnenã Aa wrtùeƒmah Aap j Aa>guÌ Ko. Aapna Avtar phelah 18 kodakodi sagropm su\i Aa wrtùeƒmah moùmagr n hto, j gliyani ne wogwuimni rcna hti. 18 kodakodi sagropm (Ae!le F`a AsHQyat vøè) na AHtre Aa wrtùeƒmah Aap Aa covisina Aa>tI=Åkr =ya ne Aape j moùmagr _FaD o te=i Aap j \mryugna AaidtI=Åkr Ko ne Aap j Aa>guÌ Ko. wvsagrmah pdela Òvone moùmagr btavine Aape AalHbn AaPyuH Aape Anek Òvone wvsagr=i tayar. Aha, Aape \mryugni Aaid kri Amara Aa amah Anaidkaz=I \mrno Awav hto, hve Aapna Ýtape AmaramaH \mrni Aaid ={. Ýwo Ame Aapna \mrna sa\k ={ne Aapna cr`mah nmya TyaH Amara im+yatvaid paponi AnaidnI sahkz tu!i g{, ne wvjz=i trvanuh AalHbn (smygdxrn ne smyg&an) Amne mzi gyuh. ÔuAo to qra...aa wgvanni wi potana Aa ane wgvanna magrmah wego wezvine Aa wi kri Ke. wgvan %Øwdev ti=åkr Aa AvsipR`Ina ƒiô AaramaH =ya Ke ne Stuitkar AacayR phcmaaramah =ya Ke temni vcce AsHQy vørnuh AaHtruH Ke KtaH wgvan Ô`e ke ATyare potani same ÝTyÙ saùatÿ ibrajta hoy AevI AdŸwut Stuit kri Ke. he Ýwo Aapna gu`oni Ae!le ke Aapna cr`oni wi shsarsmuã=i trva ma!e AalHbn$p Ke. Aapno vitrag _pdex wvsmuã=i tarnaro ne moùne denaro Ke. Ýwo huh Aapne j AvlHbuH KuH Ae!le ke Aape _pdexela vitrag magrne j AvlHbuH KuH, Ae j Aa wvsmuã=i trva ma!eno sharo Ke. Aha AapnI wi to mui denari Ke. xuâ ]âa-&an cairƒna yeypuvrk

19 w amr-stoƒ) (9) (1-2 w amr Ý`t...y: shstut: vitragwavne wjto wjto sa\k wvne trine moùne pame Ke.-Aa rite he na= wv=i trva ma!e Aap Amne AalHbn$p Ko. ÔuAo, ragne ma!e Aap AalHbn$p Ko- Aem n kæuh, p` vitrag$p \mrne ma!e j Aap AalHbn$p Ko-Aem kæuh kemke rag =ay ne pu~y bh\ay Aena _pr wgvanna w nuh lù n=i wgvanna qra w nuh lù to Aa ani xuiâ _pr j Ke. wgvane jevuh kyuå tevuh j te krva mahge Ke. wgvane to vitragwavnuh sevn krine ragne KoD o, to teno w p` Aem j krva mahge Ke. Ôe wgvane kyuå te=i ivìâ kre Ae!le ke ragno Aadr kre to tene wgvanno w p` kem khevay? ma!e wgvanna w ni jvabdari Ke ke te vitragwavne j Aadr`Iy mane ne ragna ko{ AHxne Aadr`Iy mane nih. Aa w amr-stoƒ bole Ke to F`a loko, p` temah vitragtana keva AdŸwut wavo wyar Ke te to ko{ ivrla j smje Ke. Are, cetnyna mihma pase devoni %iâ p` ßyaH tuck Ke, TyaH te bharni %iâ (pesa vgere) ni wavna=i w amr bole tene svr& wgvanni wi krtah AavDtI n=i. Are wa{ vitragni wi vde tuh shsarne [CKe Ke? -Ae te wi kevi? Aa vitragni StuitmaH to moùna mhƒo Ke, wavrog m!advana mhƒo AamaH wyar Ke. wgvanni wi wvwy-weidni Ke. Stuitkar khe Ke ke ;smykÿ Ý`My' A=aRtŸ smykÿ Ýkare Ý`mIne' huh Aa Stuit krix Aekla xbdo=i ke Aekla rag=i nih p` smykÿ Ýkare Ae!le &anpuvrk vitragwavno AHx Ýg! krine he ijnenã huh Aapne StvIx smygdxrn te wgvannuh prma=r Stvn Ke. ;vstustv' Ae!le svr&devna gu`onuh jevuh Sv$p Ke tevuh lùmah levuh te svr&ni Stuit Ke. huh Aa Stoƒ äara AevI smykÿ Stuit krix. he %ØwijneNã yugni x$aatmah Aap wvsmuãmah DUbta Òvone AalHbn$p =ya, Aape moùno magr qullo krine AsHQy Òvone tayar. yugni x$aatmah khetah \mryugni x$aatmah A=va kmrwuimni x$aatmah smjvu H. %Øwdev wgvan kah{ co=a AaramaH n=i =ya, teao to ƒiô Aarana AHtwagmaH =ya Ke ne moù p` ƒiô AaramaH j (=oda vør baki hta Tyare) pamya Ke. temna phelah Aa wrtwuimmah AsHQy vøè=i wogwuimni rcna hti Ae!le muinp`u H ke kevz&an n htu H. klpv<ùnah fz=i ÒvninvaRh calto. p` pki kazême wogwuimno kaz puro =tah klpv<ùnah fz p` bh\ =va lagya ne lokone qeti vgere kayè=i invarh krvani j$r éwi ={. Aeva yugpirvtrn kazni AaidmaH wgvan %Øwdev =ya Ane tem`e Òvone magrdxrn AaPyuH, moùno magr p` tem`e j deqadyo. Tyar=I muindxa kevz&an Ane moù Aa wrtùeƒmah AsHQyvØe R x$ =ya.

20 1-2 w amr Ý`t...y: shstut:) (10) (w amr-stoƒ wgvan %Øwdev, muin =ya phelah Aekvar Ayo yana rajdrbarmah be@a hta. [Nã dev-deviaona n<tysiht wi krto hto. AevamaH nilhjsa namni Aek APsranuH AayuØ n<ty krtah krtah j puìh ={ gyuh ne AekaAek tena dehno ivly ={ gyo. AavI Ù`wHgurta ÔetaH j wgvan shsar=i veragy pamya ne SvyH diiùt ={ne kevz&an sa yuh. pki smvsr`mah Aemna idvy vinvde \mrni ;Aaid' ={, Anek Òvo \mr pamya ne moùgit p` x$ ={ g{. %Øwdevna Avtar phelah to Aa wrtùeƒmah AsHQyvØÈ su\i j gliya Òvo j hta teao AhÄ=I mrine Aek devgitmah j jta. p` ßyaH ti=åkr wgvanna vinna idvy\o\ calu =ya TyaH \mr pamine ÒvonuH moùmah jvanuh p` x$ ={ gyuh, temj \mrno ivro\ krnara Òvo nrkmah p` jva lagya. Aa rite moùgit Ane nrkgit bhne quli g{ prhtu wgvan to \mrna j ;Aaidna=' Ke, papna nih wgvanno _pdex to wv=i trvanuh j inim Ke, papnuh inim te n=i. Aa=I w khe Ke ke he wgvan jem medi _pr cdnarne dorino sharo Ke tem moùmhelni ]e`imah cdtah Amne Aapna cr`ni wi no sharo Ke. AapnI vitragtanuh Ane svr&tanuh

21 w amr-stoƒ) (11) (1-2 w amr Ý`t...y: shstut: bhuman Amne wvmah DUbva detuh n=i. Aapna cr`no sharo lenara wvy Òvo prwvmah DUbta bcine moùne sa\e Ke. moùmagr Aape btavyo Ke te=i Aap j moùmagrna neta Ko. Aap j Amne moùmager dori jnara Ko. j Ao to qra, keva suhdr wav=i Stuit kre Ke Ýwo, huh AapnI Stuit kruh KuH AapnI Stuit ko` n kre? mha ÝvI` Aeva surlokna= p` ƒ` jgtnuh ic hre Aeva _dar StoƒvDe AapnI wi ni relmkel kre Ke. ti=åkrwgvanno jnm =ay TyaH [Não AavIne wi =I temne me$pvrt _pr l{ Ôy ne temno jnmaiwøek kre. pki AanHdkarI tahdvn<ty krine 1008 gu`vack mhgz namo=i AevI AlaEikk Stuit kre ke loko StB\ ={ Ôy. ijnenãdevno Ae AicHTy mihma Ôe{ne F`a Òvo smikt pami Ôy. wgvan to hò Aek j idvsna bazk Ke-p` AsHQydevona SvamI [Nã Stuit krtah khe Ke ke he Ýwo Aap to ƒ` lokna na= Ko...Aap tr`-tar` Ko...Aap Aa AvtarmaH moù pamxo ne jgtna F`ay Òvone moù pmadxo. Ýwo hò kevz&an =ya phelah Aapna Avtarno (ãvy-ti=åkrno) Aavo mihma, to ßyare kevz&an Ýg!avIne saùatÿ prma a (wav-ti=åkr) =xo, Aena mihmani to xi vat laeikkmtmah A&anIAoAe manela jgdix to pote fri shsarmah Avtar \ar` kre Ke ne Òvone shsarmah mokle Ke,- prhtu Ae qra jgdix n=i Òvone shsarmah rqdave ne potey jnm-mr` kre Aene jgdix kem khevay? qra jgdix to Aap Ko, Aap mu =ya pki fri kdi shsarmah Avtar \ar` krta n=i, Ae!luH j nih, _l!uh Aapna inim e Anek Òvo \mr pamine moùmah Ôy Ke Ae rite Aapno Avtar \mèpdex vde shsarmah=i Òvone KoDavIne moùmah l{ Ôy Ke. te=i moùna [CKk Òvo AapnI j Stuit kre Ke ne Aapna j magrne Aadre Ke. Aha, jgtmah je!la _ m Òvo Ke te b\ay AapnI j Stuit kre Ke. g`\ro, cêvt±ao, vasudev-bzdev vgere sae AapnI j Stuit kre Ke, ANy ko{ni nhä. bar AHgna Ô`nara mha buiâmano p` he ijnenã Aapne j Stve Ke. ko{ muqr Òvo wgvanne n Aozqe to teni xi g`tri? jgtmah je!la buiâman _ m puruøo Ke te to b\ay mhan wi =I ijncr`ne j seve Ke. wgvanni wi -puôno

22 1-2 w amr Ý`t...y: shstut:) (12) (w amr-stoƒ ko{ inøe\ krtuh hoy to khe Ke ke Are wa{ barahgne Ô`nara ne devona SvamI p` wgvanni wi -puô kre Ke, AemnI Aga\buiâ pase tari xi g`tri? [Nã jeva p` wgvan pase wi krtah bazkni jem =ngni é@e Ke. \mrna ÝemIne Ae Ôtno Ýmod _LlSya vgr rheto n=i. j Aone, mo!a mo!a &aniao ne muinaonah ñdy p` wgvanni wi mah keva _LlsI pde Ke ÝÆ:- wgvan to prãvy Ke, xuh smikti prni Stuit kre? _ r:- wa{, teh hò vitrag prma ana gu`no mihma Ô~yo n=i Ae!le tne Aavo ÝÆ é@e Ke. svr&prma a ÝTye Stuitno jevo wav &anine _Ðse Ke tevo A&anIne nih _Ðse. wle wgvan Ke to prãvy, p` potane [Ú-sa y AevI je vitragta ne svr&ta, ßyaH wgvanmah deqe Ke TyaH te gu` ÝTyena bhuman=i \m±nuh ñdy _ÐsI Ôy Ke. jgtmah ragi Òvo ÏInI ÝxHsa kre Ke te xuh ÏIne ma!e kre Ke?-nih, potane teno je rag Ke te pap-ragnah poø` ma!e kre Ke tem vitragtano jene Ýem Ke te vitrag svr&prma ane deqtah wi kre Ke, te kah{ wgvanne Ýsþ krva ma!e nih p` potana wavmah vitragtanah poø` ma!e Ke. wi vqte wle xuwrag Ke p` te vqtey &anmah to vitragsvwavnuh j bhuman FUH!ay Ke, ne AenuH j nam vitragni wi Ke. cetnyni AicHTy xi qili teno mihma xbdo=i puro =ay-aem n=i smvsr`mah 1008 namo=i _ m Stuit krine Kev!e [Nã khe Ke ke he na= Aa xbdo=i ke Aa ivklpo=i AapnaH gu`ni Stuit puri nih =ay, ßyare Aa ivklp todine inivrklpp`e ne vitrag =xuh Tyare AapnI Stuit puri =xe. Aha, kevz&anna idvy Ýkax siht ti=åkrdev, smvsr`mah g`\ro Ane muinvroni swa vcce ibrajta hoy ne [Nã nm p`e 1008 namo=i wgvanni Stuit krta hoy...tyare to Ae idvy Stuit sahwztah ƒ` lokna Òvo mug\ bnine =HwI Ôy Ke. devo ke mnu*yo to xuh, tiyåconah!ozah p` StB\ bni Ôy Ke ke Are, Aa te ko` Stuit krnar ne [Nã jeva jeni AavI Stuit kre Ae wgvanno mihma ke!lo? Aem svr&tana mihmamah êda étri jtah ko{ ko{ Òvo to smykÿdxrn p` pami Ôy Ke. Aha svr&ni Stuit konuh mn mug\ n kre jene sahwzvana kan j n=i mzya Aeva ibcara AekeiNãyaid ÒvonI xi g`tri? AhÄ to Aa anuh iht krva je teyar =yo Ke-Aeva ÒvnI vat Ke. Aevo Òv wgvan svr&devni Stuit sahwze ne AenuH ic wi =I DolI n é@e-aem bne nih.

23 w amr-stoƒ) (13) (1-2 w amr Ý`t...y: shstut: xaïkar to AlHkar=I khe Ke ke Are, Aa m<tyuloknuh mumuùu-hr`iyuh p` wgvanni Stuit sahwzva ma!e _DIne chãlokmah gyuh, to mnu*yne wi no _Llas n Aave Ae kem bne? suyr-chãna ßyoitØ devona ivmanomah xa t rtnmy ijnibhbo Ke. (-cêvt± potana mhelmah=i Ae ijnibhbna dxrn kre Ke.) TyaHna [Não ne devo teni Stuit kre Ke. Ýwo AapnI Stuit kone pshd n pde? devlokna devo idvy shgitsiht AapnI je Stuit kre Ke te sahwzine hr`iya jeva ityåc Òvo p` mug\ ={ gya ne sahwzva ma!e chãlok su\i phçcya. to biôni xi vat? chãmani AHdr hr`iya jevi je Aak<it deqay Ke, ke!lak khe Ke ke te klhk Ke, p` na, te klhk n=i, prhtu te to chãlokmah devo wgvanni je idvy Stuit kre Ke te Stuitna gu`gan sahwzvanuh rsiyuh hr`iyuh AhÄ=I chãlokmah te gu`gan sahwzva gyuh Ke, te deqay Ke. vah wgvanna w hrtah frtah svrƒ wgvanno j mihma deqe Ke Aena ñdymah vitragtano mihma vsyo Ke Ae!le bharmah p` Ae j deqe Ke. Aam [NãonI Stuitne yad krine AhÄ Stuitkar khe Ke ke he ijnenã mo!amo!a [NãoAe jem AapnI Stuit kri tem huh p` AapnI mnohr Stuit kruh KuH. ]I mantuhg-muinraje Aa Stuitna svr&devni wi na pur vhavya Ke, \mrti=rni Aaid krnara Aeva Aaidna= ti=åkrni Aa Stuit Ke. AHdrmaH ]âa-&an cairƒ vde svr&svwavi Aa ani sevna te prma=r wi Ke, ne bharmah svr& prma ane AozqIne temna ÝTye Ýmod-wi -bhumanno wav te Vyvharwi Ke. AhÄ mantuhg SvamIne Ýwuwi no _KrHg AaVyo Ke. Aho svr& jevo maro &ansvwav Ke-AevI AnuwUit to ={ Ke ne sa=e Aa wi no wav AaVyo Ke.

24 1-2 w amr Ý`t...y: shstut:) (14) (w amr-stoƒ _psgr vqte jelmah be@a be@a Aa Stuit kri ræa Ke. Ýwo tara w ne vzi bh\n keva? tari wi kre TyaH wvna bh\n p` tu!i Ôy Ke. Ýwo Aape Aapna to wvno nax kyè ne Amara wvno p` nax krnara Ko. wvmah DUbta Òvone trva ma!e Aapno _pdex AalHbn$p Ke. Aap papah\karno nax krnara Ko, pu~yýkaxno _>ot krnara Ko, ne \mrni Ýaiº kravine wvsmuã=i tarnara Ko. bar AHgne Ô`nara mha buiâmano, temj [Nã Ane g`\r jeva sm=r puruøoae AapnI Stuit kri Ke tem huh p` mari ALp buiâ-anusar AapnI Stuit kruh KuH. buiâ Ane xi wle =odi hoy p` wi wav to puro Ke.- Aam khine mantuhg SvamIAe Aa w amr-stoƒmah wi rsnah pur vhavya Ke. Ýwo Aape to moùno j _pdex AaPyo Ke. wgvanno qro w moù isvay biô vewvne [CKe nhä. bharna vewvni AiwlaØa=I wgvannuh sevn kre tene Ame wgvanno qro w kheta n=i. ragne [CKe te vitragno w kem khevay? [Nã, potane mzela [Nãpdna devi vewvne p` wgvanna AicHTy Aa vewv pase ATyHt tuck g`ine, wi wav=i wgvanna cr`ne seve Ke, ne 1008 namo=i AdŸwut Stuit kre Ke Aaidpura`maH tenuh srs v`rn Ke. te 1008 namomah sae=i Ý=m ]ImanŸ (Ae!le AnHtctuÚy$p AHtrHgl"mI t=a AÚÝaithayR$p bihrhg l"mi siht) temj SvyHwU ivwu vgere, Ane KeLle \mrsam aßynayk AevuH nam Ke Ae rite wi mah A ya nuh rhsy p` weguh j guh=eluh Ke. ph bnarsdasòae p` 1008 namo=i wgvanni Stuit rci Ke, temah Ý=m j ; kar$p' Aeva nam=i x$aat kri Ke. temj &angmy, A yatmgmy, bhugu`-rtnkrhd vgere Ane ivxeø`o=i Stuit kri Ke. (Aa _praht 1008 namo=i ijnenãdevna mhapujnnuh qas mhdl iv\an Ke te mhdliv\anpujn song#mah Anekvar ={ gyuh Ke, temah p` F`a wavo wyar Ke.) he wgvan Aevo ko` buiâman Ke ke je AapnI Stuit n kre Aho AapnI svr&tane lùmah l{ne jenuh ic AapnI wi mah lin =yuh tene jgtno wy hoy nih. Are, ÊUr ishh hr`ne marva KlaHg mare, hr` ishhna phô vcce pd uh hoy, p` AapnI wi nuh xr` letah tene ishhno wy rheto n=i AapnI wi krtah mara svr&- SvwavnuH mne wan =yuh ne te SvwavnuH xr` li\uh TyaH he na= ÊUr kmrna _dy$p ishh ke ÝitkUztana shyog teni dodmah Ame dba{ jvana n=i, kmr$pi ishhno phôe hve Amara _pr calvano n=i. bharmah ishhni vat li\i ne AHdrmaH Aa vat Ke: he na= ko{ kmrmah ke shyogmah AevI takat n=i ke mari wi ne todi xke. ñdymah svr&tane S=apIne tari wi krto krto svr&pdne

25 w amr-stoƒ) (1p) (1-2 w amr Ý`t...y: shstut: sa\va nikzyo TyaH tara w ne xuwno p` Aevo rs =[ Ôy Ke ke papnuh pu~y$pe shêm` =[ Ôy Ke, Ae!le ishh vgereni ko{ ÝitkUzta tene ndti n=i.-ae vat Aa StoƒmaH Aagz btavxe. he Ýwo AapnI svr&tano mne prm Ýem Ke te=i huh AapnI Stuit kruh KuH temah mne jgtna bh\n ndvana n=i. svr&svwavni snmuq ={ne AapnI wi krtah krtah Amey Aapna jeva ={ jxuh. Aam Ý=mna be }lokmah Stuit ma!eni wuimka bah\ine hve ƒiô }lokmah Stuitkar potane bazk jevo v`rvine Stuit krxe. (1-2) Aha, ñdymah wgvan vsya Aho ijnenã wgvhto Amne mhan AanHd =ay Ke ke wi äara Aap Amara ñdymah ibraßya Ko ne AmarI ñdy-vi`amah=i AapnI StuitnuH m\ur shgit vagi ræuh Ke. AapnI Stuitna m\ur shgitna nad=i smykÿtvaid gu`o AakØaR{ ræa Ke. Aha, wgvan pote je w na ñdymah vsya tene hve wgvanna moùmagrmah jtah ko` A!kavI xke? Ane te w hve wgvanne KoDIne koni wavna wave moùmagrno pi=k huh AaVyo tuj drbar, tuj sm Aatmwavna Ae j wi no sar.

26 e Inform us of any error on 3. buâ a ivnaip...) (16) (w amr-stoƒ (3) Ýwu u pase e bazk je eva bnine e Stu uit kre e Ke Ýwo k ah AapnuH kevz&an, ne k ah mari ALpbuiâ AapnI pase to huh bazk KuH Aavo hova KtaH Aapna gu`o ÝTyena prm Ýemne li\e huh AapnI Stuit krva _>mi =yo KuH -Aeva wav ƒiô }lokmah khe Kebuâ a ivnaip ivbu\aicrtpadpi@ buiâ ivna j surpuòt-padpi@ StotH smu>tmit: ivgtƒpo½hh. meh ÝerI buiâ StuitmaH tò laj xuâ balh ivhay jlshis=timhduibmbh leva ixxu-iv` jze is=t cnãibhb, ANy: k [CKit jn:shsa g hitumÿ.. [CKa kre j shsa jn ko` ANy? [Nãaid ivbu\jno äara jemnuh ishhasn puôy Ke Aeva he ijnenã maramah buiâ n hova KtaH lßô KoDIne huh AapnI Stuit krva smu>t =yo KuH pa`imah deqata chãibhbne g h` krva balk isvay biôuh ko` [CKa kre?

27 w amr-stoƒ) (17) (3. buâ a ivnaip... Ýwo, Aap to jgtmah svètk<ú mhan Ko ne mari buiâ F`I ALp Ke top`, he dev, huh mari xi ni ALptano ivcar n=i krto, huh to Aapna Apar gu`ono ivcar kruh KuH Aapna Apar gu`ono ivcar krtah mara AHtrmaH=I sheje StuitnuH Jr`uH SfUre Ke. te=i Aapna gu`oni Stuit krvamah mne xrm n=i AavtI. he na= mari buiâ wle =odi Ke p` smykÿ Ke ne Aapna gu`mah j lageli Ke. wle xi =odi, &an =oduh, p` Ýem to AapnI svr&tano ne vitragtano j ÔGyo Ke, te=i te leva ma!e huh wi äara _>mi =yo KuH. Ýwo ÒvnmaH A ya ni _Tk<Ú sa\na krine Aap prma a =ya ne jgtne tevi Aa sa\nano magr btavyo Ame p` te j mager AavIAe KIAe. Aam wgvanna mager calvuh te wgvanni smykÿ wi Ke. ijndevna mhan Stuitkar smhtwãsvami khe Ke ke he dev Aap Aeva AicHTy Ko ke smyg¹iú j Aapne wò xke Ke im+yatvi Òvo Aapne wò xkta n=i, AozqI xkta n=i. jem Jgmgta chãnuh ÝitibHb inmrz pa`imah deqine, bazk potana ha= lhbavine te chãne pkdvani ceúa kre, prhtu k ah êce AakaxmaH rhelo chã ne k ah bazkna ha= tem he Ýwo kevz&an=i Jgmgta Aapne deqine huh te leva ma!e mara ha= (]âa-&an) lhbavuh KuH Ae!le AapnI Stuit krva ÔGyo KuH. Ôe ke AapnI pase huh bazk jevo KuH k ah AapnI svr& k ah mari ALp&ta KtaH he na= mara ñdysrovrni inmrztamah, mara SvCK mit-]ut&anmah AapnI svr&tanuh ÝitibHb kotra{ gyuh Ke. te=i teni Ýaiº ma!e huh AapnI Stuit kruh KuH. jem AakaxmaH=I chã levanuh bazkne Axk n=i lagtuh, tem he dev Ame sa\knana bazk jeva hova KtaH Aapna jevuh prma pd Ýaº krvano shklp kriae KIAe. temah Amne kah{ Axk n=i lagtuh ke loklaj ndti n=i. lßô KoDIne AapnI Stuit krtah krtah prma pdne sa\va nikzya KIAe. AhÄ bazkp`uh Ae doøna A=RmaH n=i levanuh p` {ÚvStune Ýaº krvani _TkH@a trike levanuh Ke. jem bazk lßô KoDIne gme tevi mhan vstune p` Ýaº krvani ceúa kre Ke. tem he dev meh p` AapnI Stuit vde mhan prma pd Ýaº krvani ceúa kri Ke. jem bazk potana nankda ha= phoza krine mo!a smuãnuh map btave ke ;AavDo mo!o smuã ' tem huh mara nankda mit- ]ut&anno ivstar krine Aapna gu`smuãni Stuit kruh KuH.

28 3. buâ a ivnaip...) (18) (w amr-stoƒ (ramne vhalo cahdlo...) Aa babtmah bal-mha a ramchãni vat Ýisâ Ke. chãne deqine ram khe Ke-;ma mne cahdilyo mara gjvamah Aalo...' chãne deqine bazk ramchãò tene ha=mah levani mahg`i kre Ke Tyare divanò temna ha=mah dpr` AapIne temah chãnuh ÝitibHb deqade Ke te deqine ram Ýsþ =ay Ke. bazkne chã _pr Ýem Ke te=i tena ÝitibHbne Ôe{ne p` te quxi =ay Ke tem AhÄ sa\k khe Ke:- (sa\kne vhala isâ) he na= Amne Aapna _pr (-svr&ta _pr) prm Ýem Ke, te=i AapnI gerhajrimah proùp`e p` AapnI Stuit vde Amara mit-]ut&an$p dpr`mah AapnuH ÝitibHb JIlIne (Ae!le ke Aapna jeva Amara &ansvwavne AHtrmaH deqine), Ame Ýsþta AnuwvIAe KIAe. ÔuAo, nana ramchãnuh yey mhan htuh, tem nana sa\kna yeymah to pu`r prma pd Ke.

29 w amr-stoƒ) (19) (3. buâ a ivnaip... he svr&na= Aap to pußy Ko j, Aapna pg ßyaH pd ah AevI ;padpi@' (ishhasn) p` devo äara puôy Ke. ßyaH ßyaH ti=åkrona keh shtona pglah pde te ;ti=r' Ke. Aha, wgvanno Ane \mar aaono Aa a to puß, temnuh xrir p` pußy, Ane ßyaH temna pglah pd a te p<+vi p` pußy Aam ko` khe?-je`e AHtrmaH Aa ani pußyta deqi Ke te bharmah p` teno _pcar kre Ke, ne te bhane AHdrna xuâa ane lùmah Lye Ke. j Ao, Aa \mar ani ¹iÚ tena VyvharnI pakz p` prma=rnuh Ôer hoy Ke. Aho Ýwuna AHtrmaH pura AanHdno smuã _ÐsI ræo Ke, teni to xi vat bharmah temna deh Ane ishhasnmahy teno AicHTy Ýwav deqa{ ræo Ke. ivbu\jno vde te p` puôy Ke. wgvhtona cr`o=i SpxaRyelI wuimni (smmedixqr-girnar-xƒuhjy vgereni) yaƒa krva muinao p` Ôy Ke ne Ùeƒ sa=e wavni shi\ krine wgvhtona gu`onuh Smr` kre Ke. qreqr to gu` StuTy Ke. Ùeƒ vgere temah inim Ke. AhÄ Ôe ke Aa yugna AaidpuruØ wgvan %Øwdevne shbo\ine Aa Stuit kri Ke top`, kevz&an vgere gu`oni ApeÙaAe b\ay kevzi wgvhto srqa hova=i Aek svr&wgvanni gu`stuitmah b\ay wgvhtoni Stuit sma{ Ôy Ke. wgvan %Øwdev \mryugna AaidktaR Ke temne lùmah l{ne \mar a potana Aa amah sa\kwavni x$aat kre Ke.-te k{ rite kre Ke? ke [inãyo=i par, rag=i par, AtIiNãy-&anSvwavne AnuwUitmaH l{ne sa\kwavni x$aat kre Ke te prma=r-stuit Ke. tenuh fz mui Ke. (smysar ga. 31) he wgvan AapnI prma=r wi nuh fz mui Ke smygdxrn-&an-cairƒ$p prma=r wi vde wvna bh\n tu!i Ôy Ke, ne teni sa=e pu~yna yoge bharnah bh\n p` tu!i Ôy-AemaH xuh AaüyR vitrag-svr&ne vhdn krnarne to potamah vitrag-iv&anni wavna Ke TyaH ivxuâtane li\e ko{var bharni AnukUzta bni Ôy ne ÝitkUzta dur ={ Ôy-AevuH bne Ke. p` baæ samg I \n vgere mezvvani [CKa te to køay Ke. ÝÆ:- ko{var ijnstuit vgere mhgz n krnar papine p` bharmah suq (AnukUzta) ÔevamaH Aave Ke ne papno _dy deqato n=i, t=a ko{var mhgz krnar \m±ne p` bharmah suq deqatuh n=i ne papno _dy deqay Ke tenuh xuh kar`? (jem ko{var papi p` \nvan-nirogi deqay Ke ne \m± p` in\rn-rogi deqay Ke.)

30 3. buâ a ivnaip...) (20) (w amr-stoƒ _ r:- wa{, Ae puvrnah pap-pu~ynah fz ATyare deqay Ke ÒvonaH shklex-ivxuâ pir`am Anek ÝkarnaH Ke. puver bah\elah Anek kmè ATyare Aek sa=e _dymah Aave Ke. ko{ne puvrnah F`aH pu~yno ATyare _dy hoy te ATyare mhgz kyar vgr p` bharmah suqi deqay Ke, ne tene papno _dy deqato n=i t=a jene puvrna ko{ papno _dy hoy tene ATyare mhgz krva KtaH bharmah suq deqatuh n=i, ÝitkUzta deqay Ke. te kah{ vtrman wavonuh fz n=i. ha, Ae!luH q$h ke papwav=i papi Òvne puvrna pu~ykmè p` F!I Ôy Ke t=a \mrwavnavaza Òvne puvrnah papkmè F!Ine _dymah Aave Ke. moùmagrýkaxkna mhglacr`mah ph.!odrmlòae Aa vat ¹ÚaHtpUvRk SpÚ kri Ke:- jem ko{ ma`sne puvrnuh F`uH (Aek krod $ipyanuh) de`uh hoy, ne ATyare 99 laq kmay, KtaH tene hò Aek laquh de`uh deqay Ke. (p` qreqr te kmayo Ke, qo! n=i g{.) t=a biôe ma`s jeni pase puvrni kmayeli krod $ipyani mudi hti, temah=i ATyare 99 laqni qo! kre Ke, teni pase Aek laqni mudi deqay Ke (p` qreqr tene qo! g{ Ke.) tem \m±ne papno _dy deqay top`, tene puvrnah F`aH pap htah te AoKa ={ne _dymah AaVya Ke ne papi Òvne pu~yno _dy deqay top` tene puvrna F`aH pu~y hta te AoKa ={ne _dymah AaVya Ke-Aem smjvuh. kah{ vtrman papna wav=i AnukUzta n mze, ne \mrwavne kar`e ÝitkUzta n mze. Ae!le \m±ne ÝitkUztamaH ko{ devaidk shay kre j Aevo ko{ inym n=i, ne A\m±ne dev AavIne dhd kre Aevo ko{ inym n=i te puvrnah pu~y-papanusar =ay Ke. Aa vat v\u SpÚ smôvva biôuh Aek ¹ÚaHt Aave Ke:- be miƒo hta. Aek AaiStk, biôe naistk Aekvar bhne frva gya rat pdi. AaiStke to Aek mhidrmah j{ne AaqI rat \mr yanmah ne ÝwuwjnmaH vitavi Tyare biô naistke AaqI rat vexyana FrmaH j{ne papkayèmah vitavi. hve svar pdtah ßyaH AaiStk ma`se mhidrmah=i bhar pg mué o ke tene pgmah Aek kah!o lagyo. biò trf naistk ma`se vexyana FrnI bhar ßyaH pg mué o TyaH tene saca motini Aek maza mzi. Tyare te naistke AaiStkne kæuh: deq, teh AaqI rat \mrkayrmah gazi KtaH tne to kah!o lagyo ne mne Aa motini maza mzi -Aam kem bnyuh? AaiStke kæuh: he imƒ same jenguì ibraje Ke, temni pase cal, teao tne Aa vatnuh rhsy smôvxe.

31 w amr-stoƒ) (21) (3. buâ a ivnaip... jen guìae kæuh: sahwzo Aa AaiStkne puvrna ko{ tiv papna _dye Aaje fahsi mzvani hti, p` te`e \mr yan kyuå te=i papkmè Aekdm F!I gya Ae!le fahsine bdle tene fkt Aek kah!o j lagyo, ne Ae!la=I tena puvrna papkmr qpi gya..t=a nvah pu~y p` bh\aya Ane Aa naistkne puvrna Aeva ivxeø pu~y hta ke Aaje tene mo!uh raßy mzt, p` te`e papkayè kyar te=i tenah puvr pu~y F!I gya, ne mhan raßyne bdle tene maƒ Aek rtnmaza mzi. tenah pu~ykmr qpi gya ne nvah pap bh\aya. potpotana pu~ypapnuh fz wiv*ymah bhnene Aavxe. kah{ papna fzmah rtnmaza n=i mzi, ne pu~yna fzmah kah!o n=i lagyo. - Aa rite ÒvnaH ivxuâ pir`am=i puvrnah kmèmah p` pirvtrn ={ Ôy Ke. temah ko{ne ijnstuit vgere krtah ivxeø pu~yodyna yoge devaidni shayna ÝsHg bni Ôy Ke p` ijnstuit krnara b\a Òvone tem =ay j Aevo ko{ inym n=i. saci ijnstuit krnarne to potamah vitrag-iv&anni j wavna Ke, ne Ae wavna vde \mrsa\namah tene iv¼ AavtuH n=i. \mrnuh fz AHtrmaH to ttù` xahit Aape j Ke. Aha Ýwo Aap kevz&anne pamela ne wvbh\n=i KU!a pu`arnhd=i pura Ane du:qo=i mu : to Aapne ñdymah lenara Ame, ALp& ke wvbh\nmah rhiae te kem palve? Aap mu, Ane Aapna w ne bh\n,-ae xowe nih. ÔuAo, Aa ÝkarnI Stuit krtah krtah mantuhg muinrajna bh\n tdak krtah tu!i gya. he wa{ tuh svr&sv$pne lùmah l{ne teni _pasna kr, tara 148 kmrbh\nni bedi Ù`maH tu!i jxe. Are, vitragwav$p ijnwi to AHdrna mohna Ane wvna bh\n Ù`maH KedI nahqe Ke, TyaH bharna tazah tu!i Ôy-AemaH te xuh AaüyR Ke loko bharna AaüyRmaH A!kI Ôy Ke, ne bharni Aaxa=I w amr vgere Stoƒ w`e Ke, p` wa{, StuitnuH qìh Ýyojn to AHtrmaH potane vitrag wavni v<iâ =ay -te Ke. tuh jeni Stuit kre Ke tem`e to svr ragne KoD o Ke, to temni Stuit p` rag vgrna wav=i j xowe. wgvan Ane w bhnena wavmah je!lo sumez =ay te!li sa\k dxa, Ane te j prma=rstvn. he Ýwo ƒiô AaramaH jeao kevz&an pamya Aeva AapnI, huh phcmaarano ALp&-sa\k Stuit kruh KuH. Aapna kevz&an pase to maruh &an AnHtmaH wagnuh ALp Ke wle ALp, KtaH smykÿ Ke te=i tena vde lßôvgr huh AapnI Stuit kruh KuH...pamrtanuH wan raqine ÝwutanI _pasna kruh KuH. he na= maramah kevz&an n=i p` Aapna kevz&anne to njre nihazuh KuH ne teni wavna wavuh KuH te=i

32 3. buâ a ivnaip...) (22) (w amr-stoƒ AapnI Stuit kyar vgr mara=i rhevatuh n=i. svr&svwavnuh wan =yuh Ke p` hò svr&ta Ýg!I n=i, TyaH sa\kne gu`ýtyena Ýmod$p Aavo wi wav Aave Ke. &ansvwavni _pasnapuvrkni Aa Stuit Ke. jemni Stuit kre Ke temna jevo vitragi- AHx potamah Ýg! krine, jvabdarina wansihtni Aa wi Ke. ;he wgvan tme j mne tari deôe' Aem biô _pr #ozi devani (pra\intani) Aa vat n=i. mara &anmah=i ivwavone ka#i nahquh KuH ne isâone S=apuH KuH chãni jem isâýwu to kah{ _pr=i nice nih Aave, p` mara SvCK &andpr`mah temnuh ÝitibHb JIlIne, Ae!le ke temna jeva xuâa ane AnuwvmaH l{ne huh pote isâ ={x ne _pr j{x.-aava wav=i sa\k Òvo svr&ni Stuit kre Ke. hôr ha=vaza [Nã krtahy v\are (ko{ puke:) [NãnI jem tme wgvanni Stuit krva teyar =ya Ko, p` tmari pase É ah hôr ha= ke hôr neƒ Ke? (muinraj khe Ke:) wle AmarI pase hôr AaHq ke hôr ha= krvani lib\ n hoy, prhtu vitragdevni wi krva ma!e kah{ hôr ha= ke hôr AaHqnI j$r n=i, tene ma!e to ]âa &anna be ha= bs Ke ne ijnvrdevnuh AnHtgu`my AtIiNãy $p Ôeva ma!e to SvanuwvnuH Aek cùu (AtIiNãy &an) bs Ke. svr&ta Stvn-gu`icHtn ma!e Amare bharna biô sa\nni j$r n=i. Amara AHtrna ]âa-&anna sa\n vde j Ame ijnstuit krxuh Ane Aekag tana bze, hôrha=vaza [Nã krtahy v\are êci ijnstuit Ame krxuh.

33 e Inform us of any error on w amr-stoƒ) (23) (vétuh gu`anÿ... (4) ijngu u`stu uit te e smu uãne e trva je evu uh H mhan kayr R Ke he dev huh AapnI Stuit krva _>mi to =yo KuH, prhtu smuã je!la AapnaH gu`ono par huh ALp& k{ rite pamix? v uh gu`anÿ gu`smuã xxahk-kantanÿ ke' va gu`o gu`ini\ tuj chãkant, kste Ùm: surguì Ýitmoip buâya? Ke buiâ=i surguì sm ko sm=r? klpantkal-pvnoâ nkêckêh, ßyaH ékze mgrmck mhan vate, ko va tritumlh AMbuini\H wujamyamÿ.. re ko` te tri xke j smuã ha=e? he chã jevi _ßjvz ÊaHitvaza dev Aap to gu`na smuã Ko, AnHt gu`no smuã Aapna Aa amah ékzi ræo Ke, te gu`onuh v`rn krva b<hspit jeva buiâman p` ko` sm=r Ke? Aha, Aapna AicHTy gu`o -va`ino ivlas TyaH phçcto n=i, te ivklpmah te Aavta n=i. vcn-ivklpo=i par Svanuwv vde j teno par

34 4. vétuh gu`anÿ...) (24) (w amr-stoƒ pmay Ke. jem-ýlykaze (phcm Aarana KeDe) klpahtno Aevo _g pvn fuhkaxe ke diryana mo!amo!a moôhmah mgrmckna smuh p` ékzi jxe. Aava ékzta diryane be ha==i trva ko` sm=r Ke tem Aa phcm kazmah ]âa-&an$pi be ha= vde huh wvsmuãne trvanuh sahs kruh KuH AapnI wi vde huh j$r wvsmuãne tri j{x...ivklp=i par ={ne SvanuwUit vde huh AnHtgu`no Anuwv krix.-aam \m±òv smykÿ ]âa-&anna bze wvsmuãne trvano _>m kre Ke. he Ýwo rag=i iwþ cetnywavne jeao n=i Anuwvta Aeva AwVy ke im+ya¹iú Òvo qreqr Aapne nmi xkta n=i, _pasi xkta n=i, Aapna AtIiNãy Sv$pne teao Aozqta j n=i teao wvsmuãne tri xkta n=i. rag=i iwþ Aeva cetnywavna Anuwv vde smyg¹iú-òvo j Aapne qreqr AozqIne nme Ke, _pase Ke ne wvsmuãne tri Ôy Ke. ÝÆ:- Vyvhar dev-guìni ]âa krine A&anI Òv AnHtvar êca SvgRmaH, nvmi g Eveyk su\i gyo, KtaH ;te wgvanne n=i nmto' Aem kem kæuh? _ r:- he wa{ je ragmah A!k o te vitragne nmyo kem khevay? rag=i j do pde to j vitragne saca nmskar =ay. vitrag devni _pasna vitrag wav vde =ay Ke. ragvde nih.-sa=e rag ho wle, p` rag te kah{ _pasna n=i, te moùmagr n=i. je!li vitragta ={ te!li j svr&ni _pasna Ane te!lo j moùmagr Ke Ane te to wed&ani Òvone j hoy Ke. jene wed&an n=i te wgvanne n=i nmto, p` ragne nme Ke. Are wa{, teh Aa ane to n AozQyo ne svr& wgvanney saca Sv$pe kdi n AozQya. wgvanni wi na name p` teh A&an=I ragnuh j sevn kyuå. je ragne nmyo te wgvanne nhä nme ne je wgvanne nmyo te ragne nhä nme. ;nih nmxe...nih nmxe, inxan wuim wartnuh' Svraj leva ma!e Aem bolta -tem AhÄ khe Ke ke- ;nih nmxe, nih nmxe, \m± ragne nih nmxe' svr&pdna sa\k (mo!ana Ko$) =ya te hve tuck-ragne nhä nme. j Ao to qra, svr&ni AlaEikk Stuit krta Ôy Ke Ane sa=e sa=e nm ta p` Ýg! krta Ôy Ke. Aapna gu`o to dirya je!la ne mari buiâ ALp he dev _pxmrs=i _Kzta Aapna kevz&anaid AnHt gu`smuãnuh v`rn ko` kri xke?

35 w amr-stoƒ) (2p) (4. vétuh gu`anÿ... Are, b<hspit jeva Ae!le devomah guìsman, barahg \ark, teao p` AsHQy vøè su\i hôro Òwe AapnaH gu`gan gay top` Aapna gu`onuh puìh v`rn kri n=i xkta Aeno par to Anuwv=I j pmay Ke, vcn=i ke ivklpo=i par nih pmay. Aem lùmah raqine, prm ÝIitne li\e huh Aapna gu`onuh Stvn kruh KuH. wgvanna gu`oni Aa Stuit kah{ wgvanne raò krva ma!e n=i p` potana wavmah gu`na Ýmod vde teni wavna krine ivxuiâ ma!e Ke. ne te ivxuiâ=i shvr injrra p` =ay Ke. Ae!le qreqr to Stuitna bhane wed&anni wavna vde j wvno instar =ay Ke. kuhdkuhdsvamiae Ae j vat ÝvcnsarmaH smôvi Keje Ô`to ArhHtne gu`ãvy ne pyryp`e, te Òv Ô`e Aa ne, tsu moh pame ly qre. (80) smysarmah p` prma=rstuitna v`rnmah Ae j vat btavi Ke- ÒtI [inãyo &ansvwave Ai\k Ô`e Aa ne, inüyivøe is=t sa\uao, waqe ijteinãy tehne. (31) inymsarmah p` teao]i khe KeixvpH= S=apI Aa ne invar`ni wi kre, te kar`e Ashay gu` inj Aa ne Aa a vre. (136) phcaistkaymah p` khe Ke ke - te kar`e moùecku Òv AsHg ne inmrm bni, isâo t`i wi kre, _plib\ je=i moùni. (169) te=i n krvo rag jriye k ahy p` moùeckuae vitrag ={ne Ae rite te wvy wvsagr tre. (172) j Ao to qra, jenxasnmah svrƒ &ansvwavna Anuwvno ne vitragta krvano j _pdex Ke. jem nano bazk p` ;AavDo mo!o diryo'-aem potana be ha= phoza krine diryanuh v`rn krvani ceúa kre Ke, tem he dev mara ]âa-&an$pi be nankda ha=ne ivstarine huh Aapna gu`smuãni Stuit kruh KuH.-Aam khine muinraje svr&ni Stuitna AdŸwut wavoni relmkel kri Ke. (4)

36 5. sohh t=aip...) (26) (w amr-stoƒ (p) xi Ke e ALp...p` wi Ke e mhan (nani &ancetnavde mhan prma ani Stuit) wle huh ALpbuiâ bazk jevo KuH top` he svr&dev Aapna ÝTyenI prm ÝIitne li\e huh AapnI Stuit krva _>mi =yo KuH-Aem hve khe Ke:- sohh t=aip tv wi vxanÿ muinx tevo t=aip tuj wi vde muinx ktur StvH ivgtxi : Aip Ýv< :. ÝITyaTmvIyRmivcayR m<gi m<genã xi riht p` huh Stuitne krix ÝIte ivcar bzno tò ishh same, nawyeit ikhinjixxo:pirpalna=rmÿ.. na =ay xuh m<gi ixxu inj rùvane? he muinna= huh xi hin KuH p` wi hin n=i. jem, m<glina bccah _pr m<genã (ishh) phôni Jap! marva Aave TyaH, potana bccah ÝTyenI prm ÝIitne li\e, tenuh rù` krva ma!e m<gli p` potana bzno ivcar kyar vgr mo!a ishhni same =ay Ke tem Aapna gu`oni prm ÝIitne li\e huh p` mari xi no ivcar kyar vgr wi mah Ýv<t =yo KuH. ÔuAo, Aa wi mah Aa gu`oni ÝIit Ane rùa isvay biò ko{ laeikk wavna n=i. Ôe laeikk (puƒ-pesa vgereni) Aaxa=I wi kre to te qreqr wgvanno w n=i. Are, \mar ane bharni Anek %iâ sheje AavI mze top` tene teni wavna n=i. wavna to Aa gu`oni j Ke. he Òv Ôe \mrna sevn vde tuh bharni %iâne cahto ho to tuh mu#mit Ko tuh woghetu ragne seve Ke, moùhetu \mrne nih. Aha, prma ana gu`o ÝTye sa\knuh ñdy wi =I ékzi Ôy Ke. inymsar!ikamah muinraj khe Ke: ;wvwyne wednara Aeva wgvan ÝTye xuh tne wi n=i? to tuh wvsmuãni vcce mgrna muqmah Ko.' Aa wi mah Aekla ragni vat n=i, rag=i iwþ gu`ni Aozqa` sihtni vat Ke,-ke je moùnuh kar` =ay Ke. vzi moùgt puruøo t`o gu`wed Ô`I temni je prm wi kre, khi ixvwi TyaH Vyvhar=I.

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