First Na)on Project Management Boot Camp

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1 First Na)on Project Management Boot Camp Links to Learning - Ontario: Building a Sustainable Future Thunder Bay, Ontario

2 What is a Project / Project Management? A project can be defined as a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product, service or outcome. Projects have a definite beginning and an end - they have a limited dura6on. Project Management means exactly what the two terms suggest. It is effec6vely working to coordinate and manage individuals to work towards a common goal or objec6ve to complete a task. It is the applica6on of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project ac6vi6es to meet project requirements. Why are you here? What Are Some of Your Projects?

3 Why Project Management? Project management is an essen6al segment in every organiza6on. Some of the prime advantages of having a good project management system include: Quality Assurance If a team is put together to monitor every step of a project, the quality of each step will be assured. Adequate Communica)on Improper communica6on can lead to misunderstandings and nega6vely impact the performance of the team. A project leader can hold mee6ngs on a daily, weekly or monthly basis and can make sure that everyone is aware of the project plan and his/her responsibili6es, both as an individual and as a team.

4 Why Project Management? Some of the prime advantages of having a good project management system include: Reducing Risks The project management team can iden6fy the poten6al risks, take their 6me to rec6fy them and help the community save valuable resources. Strategic Objec)ves and Goals A project management team helps the company in achieving the strategic goals, as it streamlines the task of a company in making many important decisions. Once the task is alloued, the project team is responsible for the goal to be finished in the dedicated 6me. Community Confidence The beuer it is done, the more confidence the community has in the project (or the more the community believes they don t want a project).

5 Why Project Management on a First Na6on? Projects are becoming increasingly complex Pressure is increasing to deliver results quickly Government has shown a desire to professionalize project management to jus6fy expenditures More auen6on is being paid to project risks, as they can have a large influence on project results. Pressure on governments and organiza6ons to be transparent Our scope, complexity and variety require a more formal approach to managing projects.

6 Key Concepts Project Management Triangle Time Cost Scope

7 The Reality of a Project Management Triangle Cost Time Scope What happens if things take more 6me? Chief and Council postponed their decision un6l next mee6ng What happens if the scope of the project gets bigger We should include off reserve members What happens if the cost increases Our quote was good for 90 days, 91 days ago

8 Key Concepts Project Management Life Cycle Project Ini6a6on Project Closure Project Life Cycle Project Planning Project Control Project Execu6on

9 Project Life Cycle Project Ini)a)on Deals with selec6ng and star6ng a project Project Planning Once a project is ini6ated, it must be planned. This is by far the largest and most important phase of project management. Without a good project plan, the project is doomed to failure Project Execu)on Once the plan is in place, the project team needs to execute the plan to reach the project goals Project Control Throughout the execu6on phase, a level of control needs to be in place to manage poten6al problems and monitor progress Project Closure This phase is oeen 6mes overlooked, but is very important. This phase describes how to officially close out a project with a client or sponsor

10 Project Stakeholders There are many defini6ons, and they vary from source to source. All suggest that stakeholders are people or groups who have a vested interest in the outcome of a project. Stakeholder management is synonymous with rela6onship management: the goal is to gain and sustain commitment to your project. For us, stakeholders are individuals, groups and organiza6ons who have an interest in, or will be affected by, the project result.

11 Project Stakeholders The benefits of effec6vely managing stakeholders are: Reducing project cycle 6me by keeping it from being bogged down in poli6cs. Streamlining the approval process. Helping to ensure that project resources are available and remain focused. Keeping informa6on flowing. Understanding stakeholder mo6va6ons will help you address concerns and avoid nega6ve behaviors and tac6cs, such as: Delaying needed inputs or approvals. Star6ng a compe6ng project. Reassigning resources to other projects. Engaging in back- room poli6cking to undermine the project.

12 Develop a Stakeholder List Early in the project, create a list of all possible stakeholders. Depending on how you define this role, and the impact your project will have on the organiza6on, this list may be long. The stakeholder list is a tool for the project manager and a key input for the project communica6ons plan. With most projects come poli6cs, so expect to stumble into some murky waters when you're assessing your stakeholders.

13 RACI and Stakeholders Responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed (RACI) is a tool used in organiza6onal design to assign and designate stakeholders by level of project involvement and responsibility. It's a useful way to categorize your stakeholders so you can plan the most effec6ve communica6ons strategy for each person or group. These stakeholders are defined as follows: Responsible This person is responsible for comple6ng a task. Accountable This person will be called to account if the task is not completed and may manage the person who is responsible for comple6ng the task. Project managers oeen have this role. Consulted Though not accountable or responsible for comple6on, this person is consulted about aspects of the task. Informed The holder of this passive role is kept informed but isn't accountable or responsible for tasks.

14 2. Planning 1. Ini6a6on Project Management Cycle 3. Execu6on / Control 5. Closure 4. Control Project Ini)a)on

15 Phase 1 Project Ini6a6on Includes: The project objec6ve statement Scope analysis Project jus6fica6on Cost / benefit analysis Return on investment Project team organiza6on The project leader Project leadership Team mee6ngs 1. Ini)a)on 5. Closure 2. Planning Project Management Cycle 4. Control 3. Execu6on / Control

16 The Project Objec6ve Statement All projects have an objec6ve but not all projects have a well- craeed objec6ve statement crea6ng a high level, overarching mission statement should be among the first 5 things that a project manager does with his or her core team. An objec6ve statement should ideally be wriuen: As a single meaningful sentence Comprised of no more than 25 words To reflect the primary project constraints schedule, scope, resources. The word limit deliberately forces focus and ensures we get to the core of the project s main objec6ve, even if a zillion things will be worked on during the project s life. To re- quote President J.F. Kennedy as an example: Put a man on the moon and return him safely back to Earth, completed on December 31, 1969, for US$531m Also Known As: Project Objec6ve Statement (POS), Project Mission Statement (PMS less popular), or Project Mission Statement (PROMISS)

17 Scope Analysis Scope The sum of the products and services to be provided in a project. Project Scope The work that must be done in order to deliver a product with the specified 6me, cost. Scope Change Any change to the project scope. Scope Change Control Controlling changes to project scope. Scope Defini)on Decomposing the major deliverables into smaller, more manageable components to provide beuer control.

18 Scope Analysis Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) A deliverable- oriented grouping of project elements which organizes and defines the total scope of the project. Developing a WBS What tasks must be done? Who will do each one? How long will each task take? What materials / supplies are required? How much will each task cost? Examples of names of WBS structure levels: Project Task Sub- Task Work Package» A deliverable at the lowest level of the work breakdown structure.

19 Project Jus6fica6on A strong business case must be built very carefully. The project manager must calculate and perfectly understand a project s costs, it's implica6ons, it's benefits and risks. This means that, the PM must do their best to be objec6ve and to accept the idea that even they can be wrong some6mes The business case allows the organiza6on to: Decide if the perceived benefits of the project jus6fy the cost of the project. Assess the benefits against the organiza6on's strategic objec6ves. Determine if the benefits and costs as outlined are realis6c and achievable. Any business will typically have more projects than is feasible, either cost- wise, 6me- wise or resource- wise, to embark on.» Decisions and choices must be made and the business case is cri6cal to this process.

20 Project Jus6fica6on A business case for a project should contain: Assump6ons Business benefits (tangible and intangible) Background informa6on on how the need for this project has arisen Business strategic alignment Constraints Cost of not proceeding Costs Deliverables schedule & 6mescales Desired business outcomes Financial budget Funding Project controls Project plan (high level) Risks Roles & responsibili6es Resource requirements Scope (what's in and what's out) Stakeholders Strategic alignment to organiza6on's objec6ves

21 Cost - Benefit Analysis Cost- benefit analysis is a term that refers both to: helping to appraise, or assess, the case for a project; an approach to making economic decisions of any kind. The process involves, whether explicitly or implicitly, weighing the total expected costs against the total expected benefits Generally, you do this to compare apples to apples.

22 Return on Investment Simple ROI, is used in business case analysis and other forms of cash flow analysis. With simple ROI, incremental gains from the investment are divided by investment costs. When to use ROI: when both the gains and the costs of an investment are easily known where both the gains and the costs clearly result from the ac6on. For example, what is the ROI for a new marke6ng program that is expected to cost $500,000 over the next five years and deliver an addi6onal $700,000 in increased profits during the same 6me?

23 Social Return on Investment (SROI) Closely related, but slightly different Social Return on Investment (SROI) analysis. SROI is important because: Communica)on: It speaks to money (funders) as well as community. More effec)ve decisions: SROI allows them to think about whether their strategy is op6mum in genera6ng social returns, or if there may be a beuer means of using their resources. Focus on the important: By focusing on the cri6cal impacts, an SROI analysis can be completed rela6vely quickly Investment mentality: The concept of social return helps people understand that any grant or loan into an organiza6on can be thought of as an investment rather than as a subsidy. The focus shies to the crea6on of value, and away from the risk mentality and opportunity cost of using money here rather than there. Clarity on governance: SROI analysis can help clarify impacts of investments of 6me, energy and money and focus their ac6ons and responses.

24 Steps to calcula6ng social return on investment To create your SROI analysis you need to do the following: 1. Examine your social service ac6vity over a given 6me frame (usually 5 to 10 yrs) 2. Calculate the amount of "investment" required to support that ac6vity and analyze the capital structure in place to support that social ac6vity 3. Iden6fy the various cost savings, reduc6ons in spending and related benefits that accrue to your public system as a result of what you're doing 4. Calculate the economic value of those cost savings and related benefits 5. Discount those savings back to the beginning of the investment 6me frame using a net present value (NPV) and/or discounted cash flow analysis 6. Finally present the Socio- Economic Value created during the investment 6me frame, by expressing that value in terms of SROI rates

25 Project Team Organiza6on Team Structure Who is the project team? How to make it work Terms of Reference Effec6ve Leadership CommiUed Members Effec6ve Mee6ngs

26 Project Team Structure Final Decisions are made at this level Chief and Council Communicates between Project Team and C/C Team Leader Project Team members are assigned tasks / deadlines Project Team Member Project Team Member Project Team Member

27 Terms of Reference Why is it important? To describe the purpose and structure of a project and commiuee/team. To show how the scope will be defined, developed, and verified. Key elements: Vision and objec6ves Scope and deliverables Stakeholders roles and responsibili6es Resources (work plans, budget, etc.) Repor6ng requirements

28 The Project Leader What is leadership? The ac6on of leading a group of people or an organiza6on Who has the authority to make decisions? Too many leaders, not enough followers A clear terms of reference will determine clear roles of all project stakeholders The way a team is led will have a major impact upon the success or otherwise of the team

29 Your First Mee6ng Establish roles Terms of reference Set out the work plan and budget Be specific with task assignments Be realis6c with expecta6ons

30 2. Planning 1. Ini6a6on Project Management Cycle 3. Execu6on 5. Closure 4. Control Project Planning

31 Project Analysis Iden6fying key objec6ves and milestones. Each milestone defines a condi6on or state that the project must occupy in order to meet the final objec6ve. Within the framework of project management, a milestone is a special event that receives special auen6on. A milestone not only signifies distance traveled (key stages in a project) but also indicates direcion of travel since key decisions made at milestones may alter the route through the project plan. Once a milestone is defined you must analyze: o How much effort is required to reach the milestone (number of ac6vi6es or tasks)? o How much calendar 6me is needed? o How much will the completed ac6vity cost?

32 Project Deliverables A deliverable is tangible as well as verifiable. To be verifiable, the deliverable must meet predetermined standards for its comple6on: Example of a deliverable: A Council member asked for a report on community input. The report is tangible At what point is the report verifiable? Those that appeared for community mee6ng? 50% of members have responded? 100% contact of status card holders?

33 Task Analysis What Tasks Project Management requires an evalua6on of all tasks to be completed. Tasks: Your specific list of iden6fiable steps Tasks are generally iden6fied via a brainstorming session. Task analysis involves breaking a task down into func6onal ac6vi6es Tasks are broken down into sub tasks. Set- Up a Mee6ng requires tables, chairs and AV Subtasks are broken down into elements. Elements = Number of tables, number of chairs, types of AV Elements are broken down into steps Steps = Locate and secure 6 tables, 12 chairs and a projector.

34 Task Analysis Task Dura6on What is PERT Analysis? Project Evalua6on and Review Technique Uses a weighted average of three dura6on es6mates to calculate an es6mated dura6on for a task. To properly es6mate task dura6ons, you'll need access to three numbers: Expected Time Most Pessimis6c Time Most Op6mis6c Time With these three numbers, you can create accurate task es6mate dura6ons. The Most Op6mis6c and Most Pessimis6c 6mes each hold a weight of one (or percent each). The Expected Time holds a weight of four (or percent). Es6mated Dura6on = ((Op6mis6c+Pessimis6c+(4*Expected))/6

35 Task Analysis Task Dura6on If the stakeholder wants a project done by August 1 st Es)mated Comple)on is 36 days Pessimis)c Comple)on August days Op)mis)c Comple)on July days Expected Comple)on = ((51+27) + 4*51)/6 282 / 6 = 47 days August 11 th! This helps you to avoid the soonest we can have it is July 22 nd.

36 Budget Es6ma6on Techniques Project managers can use many es6ma6on techniques to stay within the budget. An es6ma6on of cost is one of the three main constraints in the project management triangle. The best es6ma6ons will keep the project management triangle balanced. Cost Time Scope

37 Budget Es6ma6on Techniques Set Accuracy Levels Before sta6ng a budget, determine how accurate the es6mate must be. A rough order of magnitude es)mate depends on past project es6mates. It requires more research than simply sta6ng a ballpark es6mate off the top of your head. A detailed es)mate requires using actual informa6on about the project, such as the number of laborers, to come up with the budget. This es6ma6on technique requires more work than a rough order of magnitude es6mate but is much more accurate. Bokom- up Es)mate This es6ma6ng technique requires finding the cost of lower level tasks and then adding up all the costs for a total project budget. This is one of the most accurate ways to es6mate a budget because it is easier to figure out costs for small tasks than for large ones. For example, you can es6mate the cost of each item on a grocery list to get an es6mate of the en6re list's total. Typical costs in projects include hourly labour rate, equipment cost and cost of materials. Top- down Es)mate Top- down es6mates are when you decide on a total maximum budget then figure out how much of the budget will go towards each task. This technique is oeen used when a client seeks bids from many vendors. Vendors submit a total budget and, if chosen for a project, provide more details on how the money will be used.

38 Budget Es6ma6on Techniques Cash Flow Schedule The cash flow schedule helps project managers see when money is used or available during the project. This ensures that each phase or 6me period has enough money to complete the work. Carefully plan the cash flow schedule so that money is spent wisely.

39 Task Resources Resources are the tools, systems and materials that are needed to complete a Task. It is important to note what items are needed to complete the Task. Examples include computer soeware; forms on a web page; hardware; reports; Etc., etc.

40 Risk Analysis Risk Breakdown Structure A risk breakdown structure is the first step in risk analysis. In its simplest form, it is a lis6ng of:» all poten6al risks iden6fied as being possible,» an es6mate of the likelihood or their occurrence,» an outline of how to reduce the risk's likelihood,» an analysis of schedule and financial consequences, and strategies for minimizing those consequences. External Risks External risks result from changes outside of the organiza6on. These most commonly include government regula6ons, changes in economic condi6ons, ac6ons of compe6tors, or social changes in marketplaces. Examples might include a change in the price of raw materials needed for the project or the ac6ons of a market compe6tor. An analysis would include an es6mate of the likelihood of each of these risks. These are oeen the most difficult risks to mi6gate. Opera)onal Risks Opera6onal risks are caused by the project itself. If a project is behind schedule, not mee6ng its technical goals or over budget, there is risk that management will terminate or downgrade the project. The most common analysis and mi6ga6on strategy for these risk factors is a reduc6on in the project's scope.

41 Risk Analysis Management Risks Management risks to a project are those factors resul6ng from shortages of resources, conflic6ng or changing priori6es within an organiza6on, or conflicts between the project and current procedures. A common example is the use and scheduling of a resource that is in short supply. The analysis of this type of risk involves iden6fica6on of alternate resources, or modifying and elimina6ng por6ons of the project to reduce the requirement. Implementa)on Risks The most common implementa6on risks occur when development of new techniques or processes is part of the project. If such a development is not achievable or proves considerably more difficult than expected, that can affect the project schedule and budget. Risk analysis for implementa6on risks involves iden6fying other techniques that may provide the same capabili6es or iden6fying alternate means to procure the required capabili6es.

42 Project Documenta6on During the life cycle of a typical project, a project manager can produce up to fiey different types of documents to facilitate the planning, tracking and repor6ng of the project. Documents range from: feasibility studies, resource plans, financial plans and project plans, supplier contracts, post- implementa6on reviews, change request forms project status reports. The fact is, the manner in which project documents are managed by project leaders can either be the driving force behind a project's success or the bouleneck. I recommend a Master password protected digital file and/or a Master binder.

43 2. Planning 1. Ini6a6on Project Management Cycle 3. Execu6on 5. Closure 4. Control Project Execu)on and Control

44 Project Execu6on and Control The purpose of Project Execu6on and Control is to actually complete the project. Typically, this is the longest phase of the project management lifecycle, where most resources are applied. Project Execu6on and Control u6lizes all the plans, schedules, procedures and templates that were prepared and an6cipated during prior phases. The conclusion of the phase arrives when the product of the project is fully developed, tested, accepted, implemented and transi6oned. Accurate records need to be kept throughout this phase. They serve as input to the final phase, Project Closeout.

45 Project Management and Control This phase consists of the following processes: Conduct Project Execu)on and Control Kick- off: the Project Manager conducts a mee6ng to formally begin the Project Execu6on and Control phase, orient new Project Team members, and review the documenta6on and current status of the project. Manage WBS, where the Project Manager must: manage changes to the Project Scope and Project Schedule, implement Quality Assurance and Quality Control processes according to the Quality Standards, and control manage costs as established in the Project Budget. Monitor and Control Risks: Project Team u6lizes the Risk Management Plan prepared in previous phases Gain Project Acceptance: The project must be successfully transi)oned

46 Measuring Progress Status Reports A status report is a clear summary of how a project is progressing against its schedule, scope and budget. If it is working correctly, the intended reader can tell instantly if anything is off plan and what s being done about it. It is the most effec6ve tool and must be managed according to stakeholders.

47 Measuring Progress Tips for Wri6ng Status Reports Short If printed, 1 page maximum. Targeted If you re crea6ng only one status report, write it for your execu6ve stakeholder. If you believe this is too high- level for others, then you should segment your audience and create separate reports for each. Well- wriken There is no excuse for sentences which make no sense. Every person who s received status reports knows what a poorly wriuen one looks like. Akrac)ve Make it preuy. Use a format that makes sense. Risks and Issues Make sure to include the big risks and issues that could burn your stakeholder. If you bring up a problem, make sure you provide the soluion. Milestones Include not less than 3 and not more than 7. Keep a few that you have achieved to show that progress is being made. Status Summary Some stakeholders will only read the 2 or 3 sentences you include here. Make them count.

48 Budget Adjustments Cost control can make or break a projects budget Set your budget to be consistent with project goals and objec6ves Budget adjustment forms used to monitor changes and to keep your project on track As discussed, a change in one of the triangles, affects the en6re project. When making changes to the budget, be sure to make changes in Ime and scope


50 Change Management Change management refers to a project management process where changes to a project are formally introduced and approved. The key word is formally. Some formal process have change policies and procedures See example of change process and templates

51 Communica6on Management Clearly iden6fy the communica6on requirements for your project Mee6ngs Conference calls s Etc. Develop a communica6ons matrix Clearly outline when mee6ngs are to take place and what is expected at each mee6ng

52 Communica6on Matrix Communica)on Type Objec)ve Method Frequency Audience Deliverable Ini)al Mee)ng Introduce team face to face once Project team Agenda Project Team Mee)ngs discuss progress and objec6ves voice concerns Face to face Conference call weekly project team stakeholders agenda Mee6ng minutes Community Consulta)ons obtain community feedback online survey monthly project team stakeholders Community members Agenda Project Status Mee)ngs report on the status of the project management to date face to face Conference call monthly project team Agenda Status reports

53 2. Planning 1. Ini6a6on Project Management Cycle 3. Execu6on 5. Closure 4. Control Project Closure

54 Project Closure Project Closure Phase is the last phase of the Project Life Cycle. The commencement of the Project Closure Phase is determined by the comple6on of all Project Objec6ves and acceptance of the end product by the stakeholders.

55 Project Closure Project Closure includes the following tasks: Release of the resources, both staff and non- staff, and their redistribu6on and realloca6on to other projects, if needed. Closure of any financial issues like labour, contract etc. Collec6on and Comple6on of All Project Records. Archiving of All Project Records. Documen6ng the Issues faced in the Project and their resolu6on.» This helps other projects to plan for such type of issues in the Project Ini6a6on Phase itself.

56 Project Closure The basic process of the Project Closure Phase involves: Administra)ve Closure This is the process of prepara6on of closure documents and process deliverables. This includes the release and redistribu6on of the Project Resources.

57 Project Closure The basic process of the Project Closure Phase involves: Post Implementa)on Evalua)on Report (PIER) An assessment and review of the completed working solu6on. It will be performed aeer a period of live running, some 6me aeer the project is completed. There are three purposes for a Post- Implementa6on Review: To ascertain the degree of success from the project, To examine all elements of the working business solu6on to see if further improvements can be made to op6mize the benefit delivered. To learn lessons from this project.

58 Project Closure PIER A Post- Implementa6on Review should be scheduled some 6me aeer the solu6on has been deployed. Typical periods range from 6 weeks to 6 months, depending on the type of solu6on and its environment. The PIR is intended to be an assessment and review of the final working solu6on. There should have been at least one full processing and repor6ng cycle completed. It should not be performed while the ini6al snags are s6ll being dealt with or while users are s6ll being trained, coached and generally ge{ng used to its opera6on.


60 Project Closure Don t Forget next Steps Next Steps Determine who findings and recommenda6ons will be presented to. Specific ac6ons should be proposed to address any further work that is recommended. This might be handled in several different ways, for example:» as rou6ne support and maintenance,» as remedial work to be performed by the original project team,» for line management to address through user educa6on and procedures etc,» as further phases of development involving new projects. These are usually presented as a new, evolu6onary project.

61 Contact Michael S. Jacobs, General Manager 1109 Mississauga Street Curve Lake, Ontario K0L 1R (Recep6on) (Cell)

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