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3 BOARD 0 TRUST OF VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY. OF TilE UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE. BIsrrp H.. McTYEIRE, D. D., President. R. A. YOU TG, D. D., See'y. llon. EDWIN ll. EWI President. G, LL. D., llon. E. H. EAST. D. C. KELLEY, D. D. HIS EXCET,LENOY, Gv. ALBERT S. MARK, LL. D. Er, ffici. FRANCIS B. FOGG, hsq. ~ 4-4 0:1) c ] "8 ~- e ~ "5 e8 D. T. REYNOLDS. REv. W. C. JOHNSON. HON. MILTON BROWN. S. W. MOORE, D. D. HaN. R. J. MORGA T. REV. W. P. BARTO~. llm.. ll. W. FOOTE. REV. T. Y. RAMSEY. HaN. L. Q. C. LAMAR. C. D. OLIVER, D. D. llon. W. B. WOOD. Rl!lv. ANSON WEST. J. J. DEMENT, M. D. ANDREW HUNTER, D. D. J. L. DE YAMPERT. A. R. WINFIELD, D. D. S. E. COLE, M. D. REV. J. M. STEEL. J. ll. McFERRIN. REV. G. A. DANNELLY. J. W. STAYTON. REV. II. R. WITHERS. HaN. W. W. FLOYD. REV. S. ll. BABCOCK. S. K. STO TE. SAMUEL WATKINS, Eq. W. T. BERRY, Esq. IION. W. F. COOPER LL. D. Hal'. H. II. HARRI 0 SAMUEL D. MORGA-L T, E~q. ABRA~l L. DE.\IOS, Esq. lion. FBA TK T. REID. HaN..TOlIL TRIMBLE. C. K. WINSTON, M. D. HON. JOIIN OVERTON. HaN. A. V. S. LINDSLE '. AMUEL W ATSON, E~q. HaN E. H. EAST. ALEX. J. PORTER, Esq. WILLIAM B. REE E, Esq. llon. GEO. F. TIXON. REV. T. A. lloyt, D. D. HON. CIIARLES G. SMI'l'H. lion. JAMES D. POR'l'ER, LL. D. HaN. N. W. McCONNELL. ROBERT B. LEA, Esq. E. D. liickh, Esq. A. V.. LINDSLEY, Sec'y and Treas. y "Deceased.

4 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, UNIHRSITY Of NASHVILLE AND VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY. EBEN S. S'I'EAUXS, D. D., Chanccllr f the University f Nashville. LAN DON C. GAULAN D, LL. D., Chanccllr f Vanderhilt Univcrsity - rjl C ] "8 ~- e ~ 5e 8 FACULTY. WILLIAM T. BRIGG, 1. D., Prafes.r f Surgery. THOMA' L. MADDIN, M. D., Prfessr f the Institutes and Practice f Medicine and f Clinical Medicine WILLIAM L. NICHOL, M. D., PI'OfeESOr f Diseases f \Vwen and Children, and 01 Clinical Medicine. JOHN IT. CALLENDER, M. D., Prfessr f Physilgy and Psychlgy. V AN S. LIND LEY, M. D.,. Prfessr f A.natmy. THOMAS MENEES, M. D., Prfeswr f Obstetrics. JAi\1ES M. SAFFORD, M. D., Prfe!'sr f Chemistry. THO;\IAS A. ATCHISO J, M. D., Prfes-ll' f 1\1 ateria Medica, Therapeutics, and State Medicine. CIIAHLES S. BRIGGS, M. D., Adjunct t the Chair f Surgery. ORVILLE 1-1. MENEES, M. D., Demnstratr f Anatmy. AMBROSE ~IORRI ON, ~I. D. Assistant t Chair f Physilgy. W. D. llaggard, ~f. D., AssiEtant t Chair f Obstctrics. WILLIA~[ G. EWING, M. D., Assistant t Chair f Chemistry. R. W. Sl'EGER, M. D., Assistant t Chair f Practice. ORVILLE n. J\lENEES, M. D., Assistant t Chair f Anatmy. C. C. A'l'CIIISON, M. D., Assistant t Chair f Materia Medica. THUMAS L MADDIN, M. D., President f the Faculty. W, T. BRIGGS, M. IJ., Dean f the University f Nashville. THO,VlAS MENl!.ES, M. D., Dean f Vanderbilt University. JAMES M. SAFFORD, M. D., Seretary f the Faculty. AllcOlI/mullica/illS alldleiters asllingillfrmatill shuld be addressedt Dr. J. M. SAFFORD, Sec. Nasllville, I i'

5 Dcument frm die cllectins ftile AAMC

6 ANNOUNCEMENT. ESSION, ,g ~ CI:l c:: ] "8.,g - e f.l:: 5 e8 The Regular Curse finstru tin in the Medical Departments f the University f ashville and f Vanderbilt University will cmmence n Mnday, the 4th day f Octber next, and end n the last Thursday in February, I88r, which is Cmmencement Day. On the 20th f September next, tw weeks befre the Lectures mmence, the Anatmical Rms will be pened fr students. The facilities fr the study f Practical Anatmy are cmplete. ] n again issuing the Annual Annuncement, the attentin f the medical prfessin and that f the public is called t the UNEXAMPLED PROSPERITY which has attended this Schl. Durinl$ the. essin just cncluded, this prsperity reached its highest pint since the war. The number f students matriculating was nearly three hundred and fifty, and fr the next winter, the attendance prmises t be even greater. The munificent ENDOWMENT f buildings n which the Schl was funded, has b en frm time t time greatly increased ann extended. Its splendid equipment f Hspital facilities, Museum, Cabinets, Apparatus, etc., enables its crps f teachers t maintain the distin tin it has s lng held amng American Schls f Medicine. As an Alma Mater f Physicians, it nw numhers MORE THAN TWO THOUSAND in its catalgue f Graduates. LOCATION. It wuld be difficult t fin a city cmbining mre advantages, as a lcatin fr a Medical Schl, than Nashville. Highly' favred in climate, midway between the cld f mre nrthern cities and the dehilitating temperature f the extreme Suth; a great railrad centre, t which lines cnverge frm all directins; having an active ppulatin f fifty thusand; surrunded by an exceedingly fertile and beautiful cuntry, thickly pepled; the capital f the State; the lcatin f the Blind and Lunatic Asylums; the seat f great Universities-all nuke it a place fr a Schl f Medicine.

7 6 UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE AND ~ rjl c:: ] 8 ~- e ~ 5 e COLLEGE BUILDINGS AND MUSEUM. The buildings ccupied by the Medical Schl and the Hspital frm a large and cmmdius edifice f imp. ing appearance, frnting bth n Cllege and Market streets. The Cllege building has been cmpletely remdeled. A large and cmmdius I~ecture Hall, capable f seating five hundred students, and prvided with mfrtable pera seats, has been erected. The scats arc numbered and will be assigned t students in the rder in which they matr; ulate. The building is heated by ht air furnaces, which insures perfect cmfrt during the cldest weather, and is ventilated by flues,'mmunicating with the furnace stack. The Hspital has ueen enlarged by the additin f three wards and an Ampitheatre fr Clinical and Operating purpses. Besides ther is a large and inviting Museum Rm, tgether with tw large and well ventilated Dissecting Rms, Special Labratries, Prfessrs' and Apparatus Rms, Janitrs' Rms, etc. The entire building is supplied with water and gas. The 1useum is nted fr its extent, and the value and variety f its Anatmical, Physilgical, Pathlgical, Surgical and Obst tri al Specimens, and fr its Cabinet f Materia Medica. It has been recently re-arranged, and rendered mre cmplete by new additins. The Chemical prtin is well supplied with medicinal substances and preparatins, and such ther articles as may be required in the elucidatin f the thery and practice f Chemistry and Pharmacy. METHOD OF TEACHING. It is the purpse f the Faculty t make the teaching thrugh and pra tical. Fil'e Lectures will be delivered daily, in the Cllege Halls, upn the different subjects f the curse. Daily examinatins r reviews will be held by each Prfessr at the beginning f his hur, in rder that the facts f the previus lecture may be impressed upn the minds f Students. The varius curses WIll be illustrated by mdels, anatmical, btanical and chemical specimens, experiments, dissectins, clinics and surgical peratins, and by such ther means as may make the instructin imparted practical and pinted. The Cabmets f Anatmy, Physilgy, Pathlgy, Obstetrics, Surgery, Materia Medica and Chemistry, are richly supplied with Preparatins and Specimens, whi h v.~ill be used as ccasin,demands. The hair f Obstetrics, in additin t it full supply f Mdels in Wax, Apparatus and Instruments, has re ently had added t it

8 VANDERBTLT UNIVERSI'T'y 7 ril c:: ~-"8Q) ~- Idem Plates and Diagrams, making cmplete its equipage fr the elucidatin f the entire urse. The Cabinet f Materia Medica has als been liberally supllied with Plates, representatins f Medicinal Plants, specimens f Drugs and Chemicals, and all the appliances fr the illustratin f this branch. HOSPITAL AND CLINICAL INSTRUCTION. The Hspital building, erected by the Faculty, and under their exclusive cntrl, has been enlarged by the additin f three large w:uds t its already cmmdius accmmdatins, it has a frntage f ne hundred and fifty fur feet, with ther dimensins in prprtin, and adjins the llege edifice. Its wards, well filled at all times with material fr Surgical and Iedical teaching, are immediately accessible frm the Lecture Halls. This 115 a peculiar feature, enjyed by few medical institutins, and ne which has been prnunced by visitrs, f large expenence as teachers, very superir and excellent in arrangement. Twice a week Surgical Clinics are held and Operatins perfrmed, when necessary, in the presence f the class. The number f these peratins is large, and the variety great, embracing every Surgical disease and injury, with the Surgical peratins f the Eye alld Ear.* The Obstetrical Ward f the Hspital will be under the Clinical cntrl f"the Prfessr f Obstetrics and his Assistant. It is designed t render Students familiar with the pra tical details f 1'ar. tuntin, by assigning t their care, under the supervisin f the Prfessr r Assistant, such cases as may be available, nt nly in the Hspital, but in private practice als. In this way it is prpsed t teaeh them t diagnse the varius presentatins and psitins, mre fully t cmprehend the mechanism f, labr, and give them facility in manual manipulatin and instrumental delivery. The facilities enumerated supply the Prfessrs f Surgery, Obstetrics, Practice, Clinical Medicine, etc., with a field fr the thrugh teaching f disease, as seen at the bed-side, unsurpassed by any institutin in the cuntry. PRACTICAL ANATOMY. The Anatmical Rms are abundantly supplied with fresh and,;ell preserved material. The Del nstratr will be present e"ery evening t direct and assist in dissectins. Students will be taught '" All ella/ily palients will be treated fr disease {)r be madc thc subject f neccssary peratins befre the Claes free f charge.

9 8 UNIVERSITV OF NASHVILLE AND the art f injecting, preparing and preserving specimens, bth wet and dry; als the manner f making specimens f the vessels, tubes and ducts f the varius rgans. At the prper time, Classes in Operative Surgery will be frmed, and each Student will receive pra tical instructin upn the Cadaver, in the applicatlon f the bandage, in the ligatin f arteries, and in the perfrmance f am. putatins, resectins, etc. This Department will be pened n the 20th f September. GRADUATION. 1. T graduate, the candidate must have attained the age f twenty-ne years, and Le f gd mral character. II. He must have attended tw full curses f Lectures, the last f which must have been in this Institutin. If the candidate ha~ attended a full Curse f Lectures in a regular Medical Schl, he may, by attendance upn a full Curse f Lectures in this Institutin, present himself fr graduatin. It is required als, that the Dissecting Ticket be taken fr at least ne sessin, either in this r sme ther regular Medical Cllege.* III. He must have studied medicine fr three years under a regular practitiner, the three years t include the time f attendance upn tw curses f lectures. IV. The candidate is elected by ballt, and upn receiving THREE NEGATIVE vtes will be rejected; but will be entitled t anther examinatin by appearing befre a full Faculty, after all ther applicants have been examined. 0 PREMATURE EXA~TJNATJON WILL BE GRANTED EXCEPT BY CO SENT OF THE ENTIRE FACULTY. Candidates will nt be registered fr examinatin until all fees are paid. e ~ 'i'a graduated scheme f study, extending thrugh three years, ha~ been arranged fr the accmmdatin f such Students as wish t pnrsue a mre prplnged curse. This, thugh strngly recmmended, is entirely ptinal with the Student. The scheme is as fllws: (1) The Student may cnfine his attentin fr tw full cnrses t Anatmy, Chemistry, Materia Medica and Physilgy, and after the end f the secnp curse be examined upn these subjects. (2) Such Student, duriug the third curse, tu devte hi:nselfchieuy t lec_ tures upn the Thery and Praclice f Medi inc, Surgery, Obstetrics lind Diseases f "Vrnen and hildren, upn which snbjects nly he shall be exami ned at the final examinatin [r the degree f M. D., his standing, hwever, t be determined by the result f bth examinatins.

10 r VA DERBILT UNIVERSITY 9 FEES. Matriculatin (paid but nce)... $ 5 00 Prfessrs' Ticket Dissecting Ticket Graduating Fee NO CHARGE IS 1IADE FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF THE HOSPITAL. Students, upn their arrival, will call at the Secretary's ffice, and, after registering their names, pay fr their tickets. TEXT BOOKS..,g e ōrn s:: ] "8.,g - e f.l::: Anatmy: Gray. Surgery: Bil/rth, Paget, Grss, ErUhsm, Bryant, Obstetrics: Lei~/lmall, Play/air. Diseases f Wmen: TllOmas r Bartles. Diseases f Children: Smith. Dictinary: DUt/glisl/. Physilgy: Fl nt, Kirke, Daltn. Materia Medica: Stille, Wanng. Chemistry: Attfield, Fwnes, Rsce. Thery and Practice: Rberts, Bristwe, ami ReYllOlds System 0/ Medicil/e. Ear: St. Jhn Rsa. Eye: Carler, S. Wells. DIRECTIONS TO STUDENTS. It will be best fr Students, upn arriving in the city, t take a hack, and, with their baggage, g immediately t the Hspital attd Cllege Buildings, 011 SOt/til Cllege Street, tw squares suth f Brad Street, where they can btain assistance in securing such barding-huses as they may desire. Barding can be btained at frm $3,5 t $4,5 per week. N. B.- We shall be pleased t receive the address f any physician wllo may desire a cpy 0/ tlte Catalgue. Alumni f the sellol are respectfully requested t tlotify tlte Secretary f their respective pst jjices. CmmuniCatins andletters askinginfrmatwn shuld be addressed t Dr. J. ~f. SAFFORD, Sec., Nashville,

11 MATRICULATES. SESSION OF r..., rjl c:: ] "8 ~- e ~ 5 e8 " A.1E. ISTATE. I ]'RECEPTOR Adams, Mrgan, D. D. S. Miss. Dr. Jhn Wright. Alexander, Jhn Fultn. Ky. Drs. W. R. &J.R. Shepherd Alexander, James L., Jr. Dr. J. L. Alexander Allen, Jesse William.... Dr. J. T. Darden. Allen LaFayette Jacksn, M. D. Ky. Dr. F. 1. Allen. Alley, William Henry..... Miss. Dr. J. D. Byce. Almn, Everett T Ky. Dr. J. H. Matthews. Andersn, Jhn Cle..... Ala.. Dr. F. H. Andersn. Atkissn, James Albert, M. D. Ark. Practitiner. Ault, William Henry..... Dr. G. W. Frazier. Austin, Jhn Turner Dr. J. B. Cvey. Bailey, Elijah Walker'.... Dr. Asa Ellttt. Baird, Andrew Jhnsn, M. D. Vanderbilt University. Baker, Julian C..... Dr. T. M. Wdsn. Baker, William Watsn. Dr. - Martin, Sr. Banks, David F..... Dr. W. A. Hamiltn. Barbur, William A... Dr. \Y. R. Tmpkins. Barnett, James Plk... Dr. R. W. Clville. Barner, Wiley B., M. D.. Ark. University f Nashville. Barrett, William Allisn... Dr. W. E. Whitley. Barry, William Turner.., Dr. H. M. Mre. Bell, Maney..,..,., Dr. Vaulx Gibbs. Biggs, Reuben Miltn, M. D. Practitiner. Bigham, William Matthews.. Dr. D. A. Matthews. Blakeman, Walter S" M. D. Ky. Practitiner. Blantn, Charles Edgar.. Dr. J. P. Bartn. Blmstein, Max..... Prf. W. T. Briggs. Bals, Nathan Orr, Jr.. Dr. J. W. Phillips. Bnd; Gerge Dherty.... Dr. ]. W. Sharber. Bne, Jhn Lankfrd... Dr. A. B. Brwn. Bne, Rbert Lughry... Dr. J. P. Bne. Bne, Rbert McCnnell. Dr. O. D. Williams. Bdker, Green Simmns.. Ky. Drs. Richardsn & Kennelly Byd, William Wesley.... Miss. Dr. W. L. Walker. Bradfrd, Abraham Demss. Dr. J. H. Hper. Bradfrd, William Sterling.. Dr. W. F. Rbinsn. Brandan, Jhn William. Dr. J. C. I}ancck. Brandn, Wilkins Tanniehill. Dr. W. Brandn. - -

12 r VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY. II NAME. STATE. PRECEPTOR. e ~ 5 Brazeltn, Jhn Hnstn. Brks, Jsiah Clintn.. Bruer, Nathan Burdine. Bryan, Thmas David.. Bufrd, Gerge Gillespie. Burgie, James Thmas. Burtn, Jhn R... Burtn, Willis M.... Butler, James Drsey... Caldwell, Benjamin David. Caldwell, Luther Weeks.. Callictt, Thmas Pleasant. Capps, Melville B..... Carmack, Frank T.... Carnes, Charles F..... Carney, Hiram Braxtn... Carney, rfleet Lynn, M. D. Carter, Bellfield Frank... Caruthers, Rbert, ]r.... Cary, Samuel Benjamin.. Cherry, William West..... Childress, Jsephus Edwin.. Clement, Harld Eugene. Clements, William H.. Cats, Kssuth..... Cllier, James Dicksn. Cmptn, Felix Henry. Cnnell, Jhn C., M. n. Cper, harles Thmas.. Cper, Ja ab Daniel Crbitt, William Weaver, M. D. Cre, William W.... Cvey, James Brwn... Cwan, James Baxter... Cyle, James M Craigmiles, James Giden. Crss, William Cyprian, Jr. Crw, Calvin Jnes..... Cruse, Jhn Winfield..... Cunningham, Zachary Taylr. Dance, Edward Maze.... Davis, Charles Tinsley... Davis, William Tera, M. D. Dinsmre, William Luis.. Ddsn, Elisha Franklin... Dnh, A. G Drris, Gerge Miltn... Duglas, Richard..... Duglass, Albert Gallatin. Ala. Dr. A. C. DeBw. Ala. Dr. W. L. Thmasn. Dr. B. H. Cavitt. Ky. Dr. J lm Andersn. La. Vanderbilt University. Dr. G. D. Ridings. Dr. H. Fitzpatrick. Ky. Dr. J. W. Hunt. Dr. G. H. Butler. Dr. J. J. Richardsn. Ala. Dr. J. A. Gardner. Dr. G. W. Dibrell. Dr. H. M. Clquitt. Miss. Dr. W. H. McDugal. Miss. Dr. P. S. Crm. Practitiner. Ky. University f ashville. Vanderbilt University. Vanderbilt University. Dr. S. T. Evans. Dr. W. A. West. Dr. E. T. Childress. Dr. Thmas Black. Dr. A. J. Clements. Ark. Dr. L. A. Lager. Dr. A. B. Tadlck. Dr. William mptn. Practitiner. Miss. Dr. G. E. Kelsey. Dr. S. A. M Dnald. University f Nashville. Dr. W. T. Davis. Dr. L. E. Cvey. Dr. M. W. Cwan. Prf. W. L. ichl. N. C. Dr. J. A. Reagan. Ala.. Dr. W. C: Crss. Texas. Dr. W. Wilkes. Texas. Dr. S. B. Jhnsn. Ky.. Dr. J. H. Lackey. Dr. S. E. H. Dance. Dr. W. L. Davies. Vanderbilt University. Ala.. Dr. D. F. Dinsmre.. Dr. H. Stevens. Practitiner. Drs. Mre and Tate. Dr. C. S. Briggs. Dr. W. D. Haggard.

13 r..., rjl c:: ] "8 ~- e ~ 5 e8 12 UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE AND ,-----, NAME. STATE. PRECEPTOR _ _- Dzier, Rbert Prter. Dwning, Littletn F.. Drake, William Michael.. Duckwrth, Jhn Wiley. Dulaney, William Alfred.. Dunbar, William Pitt. Dunlap, Perry G..... Dunn, Jhn Williams.... Eakin Arthur Dickinsn. Edmundsn, Van 0. Edwards, Jhn Thmas. Ellitt, William Franklin. Ellistn, Thmas Evans. Everett, James Lassiter. Eves, Charles LaFayette.. Fagg, James Crabb.... Fanning, William Alfred. Fariss, Fletcher Mnre. Ferrell, Jseph Ramsey. Ferrell, Albert Allisn.. Frd, William H.. Fster, James Levick. Franks, Andrew Fster. Frey, Samuel Watkins, M. D. Gillespie, Edwin Adlphus... Gillespie, James lark. Gist, Vance. Gleaves, William Alfred.. Gldman, James F., M. D.. Gdlett, E. Erskine, M. D. Gdle, Jhn James. Guld, Hugh H. Gragg, Wilfrd Harriss, M. D. Gravlee, William La Fayette. Gray, Madisn Jacksn. Hackett, Thmas.. Haden, Andrew Wade. HandleYJ Thmas Asbury. Hardcastle, William L... Hardin, Philip... '". Hardisn, Thmas James. Hargrve, Rbert Harris. Harrisn, J. J., M. D.. Hart, Henry Eugene. Hearn, Jhn F... Heath, James Mnr0e.. Hendersn, Jhn Michael. Hill, Gerge W. R.. Hdges, Walter Augustus. Miss.. Ala. Ala. Texas. Ala. Ala. Ark.. Ala. Ga. Ala. Ga. Ky.. Miss.. Miss.. Dr. W. Dzier. Dr. Parker. Dr. Jlm Clark. Dr. W. J. Sneed. Dr. N. T. Dulaney. Dr. T. E. Prewitt. Dr. E. P. Chandler. Dr. J. R. Dunn. Dr. J. E. Wendel. Dr. J. S. EdmunBsn. Dr. J. B. Harrisn. Dr. T. M. Wdsn. Dr. J. R, Lester. Dr. Jhn T. Gleaves. Prf. T. A. Atchisn. Dr. C. p. Allen. Prf. T. A. Atchisn. Vanderbilt University. Dr. W. R. Freeman. Dr. W. C. Ferrell. Dr. J. L. White. Prf. W. L. Nichl. Dr. R. A. Hardin. Practitiner. Dr. F. T. Sweet. Dr. J. B. West. Dr. B. Stne Plumlee. Dr. Jhn T. Gleaves. University f Nashville. Vanderbilt University: Drs. Hrtn and Lve. Dr. p. F. Guld. Practitiner. Vanderbilt University. Dr. A. B. Brwn. Dr. A. S. Fwler. Dr. A. C. DeBw. J. B. Mbley, M. D. G. W. Martin, M. D. Dr. R. N. Beauchamp. Dr. J. G. Lee. Valtderbilt University. Practitiner. Dr. W. D. Haggard. Dr. J. W. Perkins. Dr. B. H. Cavitt. Kentucky Schl Med. Prf. J. M. Saffrd. Dr. R. S. Hdges.

14 VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY. 13 NAME. STATE./ PRECEPTOR: Hver, Samuel Blackburn. Dr. 'V. M. Hver. Hrtn, Jhn Jacksn.. Hwlett, Kirby Smith.. Ala. 'IDr. Sctt Pet~rs. T'enn Dr. M. B. SITIlSer. Hunter, Felix Bryan.. IDr. A. Jnes. Hurt, Jhn Harrisn, Jr. Ky.. Dr. A. P. Murrey. Irwin, Alexander Wyatt. Dr. J. Overtn. Jacksn, Jhn Darius. James, William Calvin.. M. Dr. J. J. Harrisn. Dr. W. H. James. Jenkins, William Rudgers. Dr. W. A. Rdgers. Jhnsn, Allen Gregry... Dr. 1. J. Green. Jhnsn, Andrew.. Dr. W. M. Edwards. Jhnsn, Anthny W., M. D. Ala.. University f ashville. Jhnsn, Isaac Nunn. I Dr. F. B. Jhnsn. Jhnsn, Julius H. Texa. Dr. E: H. Ayers. Jhnsn, William Augustus. 'Drs. J. M. Head and Sn. Jnes, Alfns A..... Dr. T. F. Jnes. Jnes, Chalrriers Pervin. Ark.. Dr. G. P. Matthewsn. Jnes, Greenville B.. Dr. M. S. Watersn. Jnes, Henry Havelck. Drs. T.A.&W.A.Atchisn. Jnes, James Hardin. Dr. J. P. Hunter. Kelly, Edward... Ky. Vanderbilt University. Kent, James U.. Dr. J. R. arrlls. Kernachan, William J. Dr. W. C. Crss. Kinzer, Jhn Wesley. Dr. W. W. Jyce. Kffman, Jhn Nathaniel. Dr. J. W. Penn. Lackey, William K.... Dr. J. A. Lackey. Lane, James A.,Ga. Dr. J. H. Lane. Lee, Daniel Newtn, M. D. ITexas. University f Nashville. Lee, William Butler.. Dr. T. Whittaker. Lee, William Quincy... I Dr.J. N. M. Lynch. Lees, Rbert Blanchard, M. D. Vanderbilt University. Legue, William..... Dr. W. G. Hart Lenir, Francis Marin. Texas. Dr. J. H. Brewtn. Lester, Charles West. Ky. Dr. J. T. Jhnsn. Lewis, Charles C Dr. D. R. Stubblefield. Lindsley, Frank. Prf. V. S. Lindsley. Lindsley, Jacb McGavck.. Dr. J. B. Lindsley. Little, William Wrth. 'IAla.. Dr. J. L. Hughes. Lng, James R. Dudley... Texas. Dr. J. A. Lng. lngley, William Ware.. Dr. W. G. Ware. Lve, Jhn Harvey.. IMi s.. Dr. E. Y. Fleming. Lumpkin, Rbert Dnnel. Texas. Dr.. H. B. urrie. Lusk, Gustavus Adlphus. Dr. D. P. Steele. Lyle, Samuel H..... N. c.. Dr. J. M. Lyle. McCalln, Bb Hardin... Dr. M. C. Clarke. McClendn, Jacb William. Drs. Mre and Tate. McKinney, Ellis S. Dr.. H. O.,:,"ung. McKnight, Jhn David. Ark. Dr. J. K. HamIltn. McMahan, Jerry C. Ala. Dr. M. Graham.

15 UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE AND NAME. STATE. PRECEPTOR. ~ rjl c:: ] 8 ~- e ~ McRee, Francis M., M. D. Ky. McReynlds, James H. W. Texas. Mc han, Francis Adams... Miss. Mc wain, Lucius Harrisn Ark. Maner, Franklin Brwn Texas. Marable, William Allen. Martin, Hezekiah L. Ala. Martin, James Andrew. Martin, James V... Martin, Willie Hendersn. Matthews, Frank Iarin.. Matthews, William F... Maxwell, Frank Alexander Texas. May, William Ala. Meacham, Elwyn F. Menees, Y. Hper. Mewbrn, Walter Alba. Milam, James Hlland Miller, Virgil M., M. D.... Ala. Mntgm~ry, William Andrew. Miss. Mdy, Benjamin Franklin, M.D. Mre, Thmas Cain. Mre, Atchilus B., M. D. Tcnn Mre, Emile 0., M. D. Ark. Mss, Thmas Rdum. aftel, Saint Jhn. Ala. Napier, Edward Y. Nash, Cranstn M. D. Neas, Darius, M. D.. Nelsn, Daniel Even Nichlls, William Alexander Nichls, Matthew.... Nickelsn, William R. D. Nrman, Ingram T., M. D. Ky. Orr, William Harry.... Miss. Owen, Henry, M. D.. lark. Padelfrd, Rbert J.... Miss. Page, Oscar Fitzallen Ky. Paine, William McKendree Miss. Parish, Alex-ander Smith. Ark. Parker, William James Ark. Parker, Will.iayn Wrthingtn Paschall, WIlham Andre. Pate, Rice Mahar. Patrick, William Garrisn Pe k, Edward J., M. ]). Pendergrass, Henry Sctt Ark. Perry, Thmas James. Miss. Plummer Hugh Kirk University f Nashville. Dr. J. L. White. Dr. J. D. WatsH. Dr. Jhn W. Daly. Dr. J. D. hambers. Dr. T. H. Marable. Dr. T. E. H. Steger. Dr. W. C. Martin. Dr. W. R. Tmkins. Dr. J. A. Griffin. Dr. J. H. Matthews. Dr. T. McMurray. Dr. T. O. Maxwell. University f Nashville. Dr. T O.. ummel's, jr. Prf. T. Mcnees. Dr. G. A. Hunter. Dr. J. A. Milam. Practitiner. Dr. J. M. Mntgmery. University f Nashville. Dr. C. P. Allen. University f Nashville. University f Nashville. Dr. J. B. Yrk. Dr. W. R. Chambers. Dr. R. S. Napier. Vanderbilt University. University f Nashville. Drs. Bridges and Speer. Dr. C. G. R. Nichlls. Dr. J. L. Jnes. Dr. W. R. Tmkins. Practitiner. Dr. F. P. Bibby. Practitiner. Dr. J. W. Williamsn. Dr. P. W. McKeel. Dr. J. 1<. Lwe. Dr. P. S. Wdward. Dr. T. J. Parker. Dr. T. Page. Dr. B. H. Paschall. Dr. S. C. Maddx. Dr. J. J. eely, Jr. University f Nashville. Dr. W. B. Strup. Dr. J. M. Bynum. Practitiner.

16 VA. DERBILT UNIVERSITY. ~ rjl c:: ] 8 ~- e ~ 5 e8 NAME. STATE. PRECEPTOR Pland, Jhn B. Prter, Nimrd Rees. Prter William Thmas Pstn, James Thmas Prichard, William Edward Prctr, Francis Marin, M. D. Priestley, Cnnie Pavatt Pulley, Thmas N... Puryear, Jseph Richard Ransm, Rbert Paine, 1. D. Rawles, Isaac Newtn. Reed, Daniel Blevins Reni k, James Daniel.. Rentz, James Hlmes. Rhea, Henry Francis. Rhea, Rland H. C. jr. Rhdes, Arnlphus W. Richardsn, Samuel Fletcher Rbertsn, Le Ry Huggins Rbinsn, Thmas Franklin Rdgers, Charles Weldn Rgers, Jhn Willughby Rgers, Orville Layne. Ryan, Michael..... Sadler, James Levi.. Sanfrd, William Bailey Sargent, Oscar.. '".. Sctt, Harvey Edward Sctt, Jhn Wayne, M. D. Sctt, William Bellfield Segraves, Samuel Luis Sharp, Edwin.... Shell, James Jeffersn Sheltn, Asa Kelly. Sheltn, William C. Smith, James Trrance Smith, Jhn James, M. D. Smith, Richard Carter. Smith, Thmas Richelieu. Suthwrth, James R., M. D. Spruill, Dudley S. J. Stevens, Dddridge Ams Stewart, William Van Buren Stinsn, James Carey Stkes, James Henry. Stkes, James William Stne, Jesse Parker. Strider, James H., M. D. Stubblefield, Richard J. Texas. Texas. La. TeIm Ky. Texas. Ky. Ky. Va. Miss. Miss. Ala. Ala. Fla'. Texas. Ind. Ark. 1enn Ark. Ala. Ga Texas. Telm S. C. Term Ark. Ky. Dr. H. B. Sullivan. Vanderbilt niversity. Vanderbilt University. Dr. D. A. Matthews. Dr. - McGaughey. University f Nashville. Dr. W. M. Wright. Vanderbilt University. Drs. Thmpsn and Kidder. Vanderbilt University. Dr. E. R. Vernn. Dr. 1'. Q. Walker, dec sed. Dr. W. S. Jnes. Dr. E. V. Jarrett. Dr. R. H. C. Rhea. Dr. R. H. C. Rhea. Dr. J. A. McNielly. Dr. L. G. Richardsn. Dr. A. H. Grdn. Dr. Charles Drennen. Vanderbilt University. Dr. J. C. Ellis. Dr. O. T. Rgers. Dr. J. S. Edwards. Dr. Rbert Sadler. Practitiner. Vanderbilt University. Dr. J. Thigpen. Practitiner. Practitiner. Dr. J. W. Crabtree. Dr. T. J. Hicks. Dr. J. W. Pritchett. Dr. R. E. Sheltn. Dr. S. H. Wds. ] r. James Hunter. University f Nashville. Drs. Bell and Neas. Dr. J. B. Smith. University f Nashville. Dr. A. C. Mlly. B. G. Hunt, M. D. Dr. W. P. Chapman. Dr. R. T. Martin Dr. J. D. Slayden. Dr. W. S. Bartn. Dr. R. A. Stne. Vanderbilt University. Dr. Rbb.

17 16 UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE AND NAME. STATE. PRECEPTOR. e ~ "5 e8 Sumpter, Samuel Strange Taylr, Henry Sanfrd Taylr, Jhn Pervat. Teague, Isaac "Warren. Thaxtn, Jhn athaniel Thmpsn, William Bartn Thmpsn, Samuel Mims, M. D. Thmpsn, Sidney.. Tipper, William A., M. D. Tmpkins, Jhn Edward Twnsend, Gilsn Ewing, M.D. Trimble, Jseph Addisn Turner, Melville.. Turner, Thmas... Turney, James T.... Walker, Dave A. Walker, David Harris.., Walker, Jseph Parks... Walker, Thmas Slater... Walker, Willie C..., Waltn, Benjamin W. B. "Waltn, Isaac B..... Waltn, William Alvie. Watkins, Richard Sharp. Washingtn, Jhn H., M. D. Wassn, Jeremiah Chapman Webb, Abner Lawler. Webb, Elihu M.... Webb, Henry McC.. Webb, JuliusCresar.. Weems, Hartley... West, Rufus Badger.. Whitley, Jseph Bell.. Whitman, William Jseph Whitney, Marcellus.... Whitsn, Harmn H., M. D. Willey, Albert Naplen. Williams, Rbert Henry. Williams, Samuel Crawfrd.. Williams, Simn Turner, M. D. Wing, Thmas Jeffersn. Winters, Willett Humphrey. Wd, James Hardin... Wd, William Saunders Wten Lawrence. Yater, William Hrtn.. Yung, Jesse Claibrne. Dr. E. A. Nrtn. Ky. Dr. D. G. immns. Miss. Dr. H. H. Huggins. Dr. J. T. Raynes. Dr. A. A. East. Dr. J. M. Bridges. Shelby Medical Cllege. Prf. J. F. Means. Ala. Dr. J. M. Saffrd. Ala. Dr. - Bizzell. Ky. University f Nashville. Miss. Dr. J. A. Trimble Sr. Dr. R. E. Sheltn. Miss Dr. G. W. Grimes. Dr. J. M. Turney. Dr. J. B. Yrk. Ala. Dr. Frank Newsm. Dr. A. B. Tadlck. Dr. R. E. Sumners. Miss Dr. W. L. Walker. Dr. Greenville Dwell. Practitiner. Dr. 1. B. Waltn. Ala. Dr. L. W. Desprez. Dr. J. Mansn. Vanderbilt University. Dr. N. M. Williams, Dr. 1. N. Black. Dr. W. H. Warren. Vanderbilt University. Miss Dr. W. H. Armstead. Dr. 1. W. Perkins. Dr. W. E. Whitley. Ga Dr. A. S. Fwler. Ky Dr. H. Fitzpatrick. Ky University f Nashville. Dr. W. C. harltn. Dr. J. M. Clark. Miss Dr. J. A. Bell. University f Nashville. Miss Dr. W. R. Fntaine. Dr. W. Frey. Ala. Dr. A. J. Vann. Ga. Dr. J. A. Wd. ". Dr. Heber Jnes. Vanderbilt University..' Dr. H. Lassiter.

18 VANDEBIRLT U)/IVERSITY. 5 e8 Mrgan Adams, D.D.S.,.. Jhn Fultn Alexander,.. LaFayette J. Allen, 1\1. D. Jesse William Allen,. Everett T. Almn,... Jlm Cle Andersn,.... James.<\lbt:rt Atkissn, M.D., Elijah Walker Bailey,. Andrew J. Baird, M.D.,.. David F. Banks,.... Wiley B. Barner, 1. D., James Plk Barnett,..... Maney Bell, Walter S. Blakeman, 1\1. D.,. Gerge Dherty Bnd,.. Rbert Ic nnell Bne,. Jhn Lankfrd Bne,.. Green Simmns Bker,. Wilkins Tanniehill Brandn, Jhn Hustun Brazeltn,. Jsiah Clintn Brks,.. Gerge Gillespie Bufrd,. Jlm R. Burtn,.... Benjamin David Caldwell, Luther Weeks Caldwell,. Thmas Pleasant Callictt, Frank T. Carmack,... Hiram Braxtn Carner,. 1 rfieet L. Carney, M. D., Rb::rt Caruthers, Jr.,. Kssuth Cats,.... Felix Henry Cmptn, Jhn C. Cnnell, M. D., Charles T. Cper,.. Jacb Daniel Cper,. William W. Crbitt, M.D., William W. Cre,... James Brwn vey,.. William Cyprian Crss, Zachary T. Cunningham, Edward Maze Vance,*. William T.Davis, M. D., Gerge Miltn Drris, Rbert Prter Duzier,. Iississippi..Kentucky. Kentucky. essee. Kentucky. Alabama. Arkansas..essee..essee. essee. Arkansas. essee. essee. Kentucky. essee. essee..essee.. Kentucky. essee. Alabama. Alabama. Luisiana. Tcnnessee. Tcnnessee. Alabama. essee. Mississippi. essec. essee. essee. Arkansas. e see. essee. Mississippi. Tcnnessee. essee. essee. T nnessee. Alabama. Kentucky. essee. e see. essee. essce.

19 18 UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE AND _.- William Alfred Dulaney,., essee. William Pitt Dunbar, essee.. Jhn Williams Dunn, essee. Arthur Dickinsn Eakin, essee. Van O. Edmundsn, essee. Jhn Thmas Edwards, es~;ee. Thmas Evans Ellistn, essee. Charles LaFayette Eves,.. essee. William Alfred Fanning, essee. James Levick Fster, Alabama. Samuel W. Frey, M. D., essee. Edwin A. Gillespie, essee. Vance Gist, essee. James F. Gldman, M. D., Alabama. Jhn James Gdle, Arkansas. Wilfrd H. Gragg, M. D., essee. Madisn Jacksn Gray, essee. Thmas J. Hardisn, essee. Jhn. M Hendersn, Mississippi. Gerge W. R. Hill,. essee. Walter A. Hdges, Mississippi. J Harrisn Hurt, Jr., Kentucky. William Calvin James, Missuri. Anthny W. Jhnsn, M. D., Alabama. Isaac unn Jhnsn, essee. Julius H. Jhnsn, Texas. William A. Jhnsn, essee. Henry Havelck Jnes, essee. James U. Kent, essee. William J. Kernachan, Alabama. 0 Jhn Wesley Kinzer, essee. ril James A Lane, Gergia. c:: 0 Daniel ewtn Lee, M. D., B Texas. Rbert B. Lees, M. D., Te'nnessee. Q) Francis Marin Lenir, Texas Charles West Lester, Kentucky. C) Q) Bailey P. Lester, M. D., Kentucky. ~ James R. Dudley Lng, Texas. - e Bb Hardin McCalln, essee. 0 Francis M. McRee, M. D., Kentucky. ~ James H. W. McReynlds, Texas. Francis A. M<:Shan, Mississippi. Q) -= Franklin Brwn Maner, Texas. e Willie H. Martin, essee. 8 Frank M. Matthews, essee. 0 0 William F. Matthews, essee'. Y. Hper Menees, essee. Virgil M. Miller, M. D., Alabama. Benjamin F. Mdy, M. D., essee, Atchilus B. Mre, M. D., essee.

20 VA DERBILT UNIVERSITY. e r.l:: 5 e8 Enlile B. ~lre, M. D, Arkansas. Saint Jhn aftcl, Alabama. Edward Y. Napier, - essee. William A. Nichlls, essee. Ingram 1'. Nrman, M. D, Kentllcky. Henry Owen, M. D., - Arkansas. Rbert J. Padelfrd, - Mississippi. William M. Paine, - Mississippi. William G. Patrick, - essee. EdwardJ, Peck, M. D., - - essee. Thmas F Rbinsn, essee. Henry S. Pendergrass, Arkansas. Thmas James Perry, - Mississippi. William E. Prichard, essee. Rbert P. Ransm, M. D essee. Isaac Newtn Rawles, essee. Daniel Blevins Reed, e,see. James Daniel Renick, - Kentucky. Henry Francis Rhea, - - essee. Thmas F. Rbinsn, e see. Charles W Rdgers, - - essee. Jhn Willughby Rgers, - essee. l'viichael Ryan, - - essee. James Levi Sadler, - Missi sippi. William Bailey Sanfrd, - - Mississippi. Oscar Sargent, Alabama. Harvey Edward Sctt, - - Alabama. Jhn W. Sctt, M. D., - Flrida. William C. Shelln, Texas. Jhn J. Smith, M. D., - - Arkansas. James R. Suthwrth, M. D., - Arkansas. James H Strider, M.D., - Arkansas. Jhn Nathaniel Thaxtn, - essee. Samuel M. Thmpsn, M. D.,. - essee. William A. Tipper, M. D., - Alabama. Jhn Edward Tmpkins, - Alabama. Gibsn E. Twnsend, M. D., - - Kentucky. Dave A Walker, - - essee. Isaac B. 'Valtn, - essee. Jhn H. V,rashingtn, M.D., - essee. Jeremiah Chapman Wassn, essee. Marcellus Whitney, - - Kenlllcky. Simn T. Williams, M. D., - - T nnessee. ThmasJeffersn Wing, - Mississippi. Willett Humphrey Winters,. essee. La,vrence Wten, - - essee. The Hnrary Degree f M. D. was cnferred by the University f ashville upn A. G. Dnh f Hartsville, essee. *Valedictrian.



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