Q-PLM 538379-LLP-1-2013-1-AT-LEONARDO-LMP. http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936

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Q-PLM 538379-LLP-1-2013-1-AT-LEONARDO-LMP http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936 1

Information sur le projet Titre: Code Projet: Q-PLM Année: 2013 Type de Projet: Statut: Pays: Accroche marketing: Résumé: 538379-LLP-1-2013-1-AT-LEONARDO-LMP Développement d'innovation Accordé EU-Projets centralisés Il ya un grand nombre de facteurs et d'influences sur les produits et services en matière d'éducation et de formation professionnelle. Product Lifecycle Management est une approche conceptuelle qui considère un produit sur toute sa durée de vie. Chaque produit sur le marché économique a un certain produit du cycle de vie pour faire des produits de la FEP. Product Lifecycle Management peut être à l'outil approprié pour la mesure des indicateurs d'un produit de la formation professionnelle et la gestion de sa vie. Description: Thèmes: Sectors: Types de Produit: Information sur le produit: Page Web du projet: L'objectif principal du projet Q-PLM est le développement d'un outil d'it pour la gestion intégrée du cycle de vie des produits pour les prestataires d'efp. * Qualité * Développement durable * Formation tout au long de la vie * Écologie *** Activités de Services Administratifs et de Soutien *** Enseignement Site Internet CD-ROM Autres Résultats du projet: Analyse des logiciels PLM existants (Product Lifecycle Management) La recherche de facteur d'influence le cycle de vie du produit d'une offre de formation professionnelle Identification des indicateurs de variable pour des cycles de vie des produits dans l'efp Manuel pour la gestion active du cycle de vie du produit pour les prestataires d'efp Produit des logiciels pour la gestion active du cycle de vie du produit pour les prestataires d'efp Phase pour le logiciel de test Événement final de la conférence en Autriche en Septembre 2015 www.q-plm.eu http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936 2

Contractant du projet Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: bfi Steiermark Graz Styria AT-Autriche Institution de formation continue http://www.bfi-stmk.at Personne de contact Nom: Adresse: Ville: Pays: Téléphone: Fax: E-mail: Site internet: Karin Wiedner Burgenlandstraße 15a Graz AT-Autriche +43 5 7270 karin.wiedner@bfi-stmk.at http://www.bfi-stmk.at http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936 3

Coordinateur Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: Michael Schwaiger Schwerin Mecklenburg-Vorpommern DE-Allemagne National Agency http://www.init-developments.eu Personne de contact Nom: Adresse: Ville: Pays: Téléphone: Fax: E-mail: Site internet: Michael Schwaiger Mecklenburgstraße 32a Schwerin DE-Allemagne michael.schwaiger@init-developments.eu http://www.init-developments.eu http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936 4

Partenaire Partner 1 Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: Fondo Formacion Euskadi Trapaga Pais Vasco ES-Espagne Institution de formation continue http://www.ffeuskadi.net/ Partner 2 Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: Init Developments Ltd Schwerin Mecklenburg-Vorpommern DE-Allemagne Association/organisation non gouvermentale http://init-developments.eu/ Partner 3 Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije Ljubljana Slovenija SL-Slovénie Chambre http://www.gzs.si Partner 4 Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: Universitatea tefan cel Mare din Suceava Suceava Nord Est RO-Roumanie Université/école supérieure spécialisée/academie http://www.usv.ro/ http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936 5

Partenaire Partner 5 Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: bfi Steiermark Graz, Austria Styria AT-Autriche Institution de formation continue http://www.bfi-stmk.at Partner 6 Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: Länsirannikon Koulutus Oy WinNova Rauma Länsi Suomi FI-Finlande Institution de formation continue http://www.winnova.fi Partner 7 Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: Syntra West Brugge West Vlaanderen BE-Belgique Institution de formation continue http://www.syntrawest.be/ Partner 8 Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: City of Cork Vocational Education Committee Cork Southern and Eastern IE-Irlande National Agency http://www.corkvec.ie/ http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936 6

Données du projet D 03_quality assurance handbook.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10936/prj/d%2003_quality%20assurance%20handbook.pdf D 06_Dissemination Strategy.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10936/prj/d%2006_dissemination%20strategy.pdf D 11_Exploitation Strategy.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10936/prj/d%2011_exploitation%20strategy.pdf D 12_Stakeholder Analysis.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10936/prj/d%2012_stakeholder%20analysis.pdf D 15_Analysis phase questionnaire.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10936/prj/d%2015_analysis%20phase%20questionnaire.pdf D 16_reports about software analysis.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10936/prj/d%2016_reports%20about%20software%20analysis.pdf D 17_reports PLM field analysis.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10936/prj/d%2017_reports%20plm%20field%20analysis.pdf D 18_Research and analysis phase report.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10936/prj/d%2018_research%20and%20analysis%20phase%20report.pdf D 19_Report on National feedback panels.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10936/prj/d%2019_report%20on%20national%20feedback%20panels.pdf D 20a_ Report on Variables and Indicators for product lifecycles in VET.pdf http://www.adameurope.eu/prj/10936/prj/d%2020a_%20report%20on%20variables%20and%20indicators%20for%20product%20lifecycles%20in%20vet.pdf D 20b_Report on technical and functional specifications.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10936/prj/d%2020b_report%20on%20technical%20and%20functional%20specifications.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936 7

Données du projet EN_folder_print.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10936/prj/en_folder_print.pdf EN_qplm_newsletter1.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10936/prj/en_qplm_newsletter1.pdf qplm_plakat_a3_final.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10936/prj/qplm_plakat_a3_final.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936 8

Produits 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Dissemination Strategy Printed dissemination materials - leaflets and posters Project website Project newsletters Facebook page Exploitation strategy Stakeholder Analysis Final conference event Sustainability Strategy Good practice analysis and documentation grid Partner reports about software analysis Partner reports about field analysis in PLM Research and analysis phase report National feedback panels Report: Variables and indicators for product lifecycles in VET Technical and functional specifiations document Active product lifecycle managment for VET providers - software beta version Active product lifecycle management for VET providers handbook - draft version Feedback forms for testing phase Pilot and testing phase report Product Lifecycle Managment for VET Providers - Software http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936 9

Produit 'Dissemination Strategy' Titre: Dissemination Strategy Type de Produit: Méthodes de distribution Texte marketing: The Dissemination strategy is a strategy document witch contains the description of all planned Dissemination and Valorisation activities in the different Partner countries as well as on European Level. Description: The dissemination strategy presents in detail the planned activities, their target group, their impact and time frame. Therefore the dissemination strategy forms also the basis for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of dissemination activities performed in the partner countries as well as on European level. The basis for the dissemination strategy form the principles of project marketing outlined in the toolkit for dissemination of project results http://www.c.enternetwork.eu/index.php?id=265 Cible: Programme participants Résultat: Strategy document Domaine d'application: It's restricted to other Programme participants including Comission Services and Project reviewers Adresse du site Internet: www.q-plm.eu product files ANNEX II_National dissemination plans.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10936/prd/1/1/annex%20ii_national%20dissemination%20plans.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936&prd=1 10

Produit 'Printed dissemination materials - leaflets and posters' Titre: Printed dissemination materials - leaflets and posters Type de Produit: Méthodes de distribution Texte marketing: The project leaflet presents a general introduction of the project, its aims and objectives as well as the benefit of the results for the target group. Description: It is meant as a general information tool about the project and should also directly show the benefits the end users can have from the results of the project. The project poster is planned as a larger presentation format of the project mainly for conferences, workshops etc. to disseminate the project main content, its outputs as well as the participating project partners. Despite the fact that most of project dissemination work is done online we are convinced that also printed materials must be available to foster dissemination of the project outputs directed to certain target groups. Cible: public Résultat: leaflets and posters Domaine d'application: Adresse du site Internet: www.q-plm.eu Langues de produit: finnois product files qplm_plakat_a3_final.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10936/prd/2/1/qplm_plakat_a3_final.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936&prd=2 11

Produit 'Project website' Titre: Project website Type de Produit: Site Internet Texte marketing: The project website will present the crucial information about the development project (aims and objectives, partners, outputs, time frame etc.) Description: The project website will also provide a working space for parts of the development phase (document sharing with google docs), it will provide a download section for project documents including access to the product lifecycle management software for VET providers and the handbook. Furthermore the website will provide an event forum for planned activities as well as direct links to stakeholder organisations, networks and platforms. For marketing reasons it will also provide space for presenting supporting partners of the activities with logos and materials. It will moreover also directly link to the facebook site developed for the project. Cible: public Résultat: Website Domaine d'application: Adresse du site Internet: www.q-plm.eu http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936&prd=3 12

Produit 'Project newsletters' Titre: Project newsletters Type de Produit: Autres Texte marketing: The setup and maintenance of a group of interested organisations and stakeholders in the project developments and results is considered an important fact for successful dissemination and exploitation work. Description: Creating and serving a newsletter community is therefore an important element in the project s dissemination work. 4 newsletters will be produced by P1, informing about aims, objectives and the project as well as about all developments and results; the newsletters will be sent to all partner and associated organisations for distribution within their own networks (4 newsletters in all partner languages; approx. 2 pages/each). The newsletters will also be available for download via the project website and will moreover also be announced via the projects facebook site. Domaine d'application: Cible: public Résultat: 4 newsletters Adresse du site Internet: www.q-plm.eu http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936&prd=4 13

Produit 'Facebook page' Titre: Facebook page Type de Produit: Méthodes de distribution Texte marketing: Besides the network website and especially for providing a broad and interactive information possibility for the target group and stakeholders a facebook site for the project will be established. Description: The facebook site gives the possibility to actively communicate the activities currently performed and results achieved and to create a growing community of interested persons and organisations in the project results. Cible: public Résultat: Facebook page Domaine d'application: public Adresse du site Internet: http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936&prd=5 14

Produit 'Exploitation strategy' Titre: Exploitation strategy Type de Produit: Autres Texte marketing: The exploitation strategy contains the description of all guidelines for making the project outcomes sustainable and used in the long term. Description: It presents in detail the planned activities, their target group, their impact and time frame in all work packages in order to guarantee the exploitation of the results during and after the project s lifetime in a medium perspective. The exploitation strategy forms also the basis for ongoing monitoring and evaluation. The strategy document will be available for download via the project website. Domaine d'application: Adresse du site Internet: Cible: public Résultat: Strategy document http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936&prd=6 15

Produit 'Stakeholder Analysis' Titre: Stakeholder Analysis Type de Produit: Procédure pour l'analyse et le pronostic des besoins de la formation professionnelle Texte marketing: The stakeholder analysis report presents the results of the performed national and European stakeholder Analysis. Description: The stakeholder Analysis shows the crucial stakeholders of the project and its sustainable impact for each partner country together with a strategy to reach and involve the different stakeholders in the project activities to achieve commitment and engagement and finally sustainability of results. Cible: public Résultat: Report Domaine d'application: Adresse du site Internet: www.q-plm.eu http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936&prd=7 16

Produit 'Final conference event' Titre: Final conference event Type de Produit: Autres Texte marketing: During the final partnership meeting a public final conference event will be organised by the project. Description: The main aim of the conference is the presentation of the two main results of the project the PLM software and handbook for VET providers. The main focus of the conference is in first place to give the kick off for the sustainable use and exploitation of results after the end of the project duration. For this reason representatives of the target group (VET providers, adult education providers, VET policy makers etc.) are invited as participants. A close relation of the conference with activities and events implememted by the European networks for quality assurance in VET and lifeling learning (EQAVET and national initiatives on quality in VET) is sought to increase the impact. Cible: public Résultat: Conference Domaine d'application: Adresse du site Internet: www.q-plm.eu http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936&prd=8 17

Produit 'Sustainability Strategy' Titre: Sustainability Strategy Type de Produit: Autres Texte marketing: The sustainability strategy contains all necessary information and basis for the sustainable maintenance of the project results after the end of the project funding. Description: The strategy will in detail analyse possibilities of further support in the partner countries as well as contain an agreement on the intellectual property and copyrights on the project outputs. The sustainability strategy is meant to complement the exploitation strategy developed in the project with a long term impact perspective relevant for achieving the set long term impact targets in the project. Domaine d'application: Cible: public Résultat: Strategy document Adresse du site Internet: www.q-plm.eu Langues de produit: http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936&prd=9 18

Produit 'Good practice analysis and documentation grid' Titre: Good practice analysis and documentation grid Type de Produit: Procédure pour l'analyse et le pronostic des besoins de la formation professionnelle Texte marketing: As a basis for the common analysis of existing PLM software from other economic sectors a common guideline how this analysis should be performed will be developed. Description: The guideline will give methodological hints and structures, how to analyse the software available and how to identify important elements and good practice examples for the following development phase. The product will therefore contain a step by step analysis guideline together with a grid (matrix) to document good practices and important elements for the PLM software and handbook in the VET sector. Cible: public Résultat: Guideline and documentation matrix Domaine d'application: public Adresse du site Internet: www.q-plm.eu http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936&prd=10 19

Produit 'Partner reports about software analysis' Titre: Partner reports about software analysis Type de Produit: Procédure pour l'analyse et le pronostic des besoins de la formation professionnelle Texte marketing: Each project partner will develop a report (about 5-10 pages) about the PLM software analysed especially focusing on elements that shall be included in the development activities in the work package 6. Description: The report contains a short description of the software product analysed and then lists a number of concrete elements together with their importants and relevance for the VET sector and product lifecycle management. The reports will be available for download via the project website. Cible: pubclic Résultat: Report Domaine d'application: public Adresse du site Internet: www.p-plm.eu Langues de produit: http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936&prd=11 20

Produit 'Partner reports about field analysis in PLM' Titre: Partner reports about field analysis in PLM Type de Produit: Procédure pour l'analyse et le pronostic des besoins de la formation professionnelle Texte marketing: Each project partner involved will develop a short report (about 5-10 pages) about the results of the field activities and research performed. Description: The report will contain all findings from desk research and the interview with one organisation / person using product lifecylcle management in another economic sector. Moreover the report contains deductions and important elements that need to be considered in the development work package 6. The reports will be available for download via the project website. Cible: public Résultat: Reports Domaine d'application: public Adresse du site Internet: www.p-plm.eu http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936&prd=12 21

Produit 'Research and analysis phase report' Titre: Research and analysis phase report Type de Produit: Procédure pour l'analyse et le pronostic des besoins de la formation professionnelle Texte marketing: The common research and analysis phase report will form a summary of the national reports and experiences reported by all involved project partners. Description: It is the common document of the recommendations, experiences and good practices identified which should be considered in the development phase for the PLM software and handbook for the VET providers level. The report will have about 30 pages and contain a matrix of elements which shall form the basis for the development work in WP 6. The report will be available for download via the project website. Cible: public Résultat: Report Domaine d'application: public Adresse du site Internet: www.p-plm.eu http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936&prd=13 22

Produit 'National feedback panels' Titre: National feedback panels Type de Produit: Autres Texte marketing: In all partner countries (except for DE and RO) feedback panels will be established. Description: The members of the feedback panels are representatives of the main target groups and stakeholders defined in the project (VET providers, adult education providers, social partners, labour market authorities, policy makers). The feedback panels can be established on virtual or face to face basis. The feedback panels will mainly give feedback on the beta version development steps of the PLM software for its coherence with the real needs and technical and functional specifications developed. Morover the feedback panels will also give feedback on the variables selected for influencing a product lifecycle in VET offers as well as their indicators and measures. Cible: public Résultat: Panel Domaine d'application: public Adresse du site Internet: http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936&prd=14 23

Produit 'Report: Variables and indicators for product lifecycles in VET' Titre: Report: Variables and indicators for product lifecycles in VET Type de Produit: Procédure pour l'analyse et le pronostic des besoins de la formation professionnelle Texte marketing: On the basis of the analysis and research report elaborated as well as on the basis of discussions held in the second partnership meeting and feedback received from feedback panels in the partner countries P6 and P1 will develop a common report about variables influencing product lifecycles of VET offers together with relevant and reliable indicators for the single variables. Description: The report will contain the selection of 10 most relevant variables, their indicators and measurement as basis of the development of the PLM software and the handbook. Cible: public Résultat: Report Domaine d'application: Public Adresse du site Internet: www.q-plm.eu http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936&prd=15 24

Produit 'Technical and functional specifiations document' Titre: Technical and functional specifiations document Type de Produit: Procédure pour l'analyse et le pronostic des besoins de la formation professionnelle Texte marketing: The technical and functional specifications document will contain all relevant specifications necessary for the development of the software. Description: Together with the report about variables for product lifecycle they will form the basis for the programming of the beta version of the PLM software. The specifications document will be setup as a kind of checklist for the programmers to mark which specifications have already been implemented and which are subject to further activities etc. In this format the specifications can be a supporting document accompanying the whole software development process. Cible: public Résultat: Specifications document Domaine d'application: public Adresse du site Internet: www.q-plm.eu http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936&prd=16 25

Produit 'Active product lifecycle managment for VET providers - software beta version' Titre: Active product lifecycle managment for VET providers - software beta version Type de Produit: CD-ROM Texte marketing: The beta version of the PLM software for VET providers will be built on the report about relevant variables for product lifecycles in VET as well as on the technical and functional specifications developed. Description: It will undergo at least three feedback rounds with the national feedback panels to receive feedback from the practical and potential user level. The programmers engaged will provide the software to be used on Windows basis and ready for testing in the pilot phase of the project. Cible: Programme participants Résultat: Software prototype Domaine d'application: restricted to Programme participants Adresse du site Internet: http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936&prd=17 26

Produit 'Active product lifecycle management for VET providers handbook - draft version' Titre: Active product lifecycle management for VET providers handbook - draft version Type de Produit: Procédure pour l'analyse et le pronostic des besoins de la formation professionnelle Texte marketing: The handbook for active product lifecycle management for VET providers is aiming at supporting the users of the PLM software with additional information about the variables identified, measuring points and indicators for product lifecycle relevant variables. Description: The handbook can also be used independently from the software to increase the knowledge about factors and variables influencing a product lifecycle in VET (VET offers / services) to raise the awareness towards these issues at VET provider level and so increase the quality assurance awareness. The handbook will be developed in a draft version to be used during the testing and pilot phase of the project. Cible: Programme participants Résultat: handbook - draft version Domaine d'application: restricted to Programme participants Adresse du site Internet: www.p-plm.eu http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936&prd=18 27

Produit 'Feedback forms for testing phase' Titre: Feedback forms for testing phase Type de Produit: Autres Texte marketing: Two feedback forms will be elaborated, one for the software testing and one for the testing and use of the PLM handbook. Description: They will ask concrete questions about the quality and improvement possibilities of the handbook. Especially during the development phase of the beta version of the software and the draft of the handbook certain areas and elements will emerge where feedback from the practical testing is crucially important to revise and finalise the products. Questions and estimations in the two feedback forms will be mainly directed towards these crucial issues and areas. Cible: Programme participants Résultat: Feedback forms Domaine d'application: Programme participants Adresse du site Internet: www.p-plm.eu http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936&prd=19 28

Produit 'Pilot and testing phase report' Titre: Pilot and testing phase report Type de Produit: Autres Texte marketing: The pilot and testing phase report will summarise the feedback received from each partner country and the organisations testing the beta version of the software and the draft version of the handbook. Description: It will mainly list all recommendations and suggestions for change, improvement and adaptation of the two main products of the project and form the basis for the work package 8 activities. Cible: public Résultat: Report Domaine d'application: public Adresse du site Internet: www.p-plm.eu http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936&prd=20 29

Produit 'Product Lifecycle Managment for VET Providers - Software' Titre: Product Lifecycle Managment for VET Providers - Software Type de Produit: CD-ROM Texte marketing: The final version of the PLM software for VET providers will be a completed and field tested software allowing VET providers actively managing their VET offers / services on the basis of the approaches of product lifecycle management. Description: The software will be flexible to allow the input of additional variables and indicators as well as flexible weighting of variables in relation to national, regional or local circumstances. The software will be made available for online download as well as also on CD Rom for presentation and exploitation. Cible: Public Résultat: Software product Domaine d'application: Public Adresse du site Internet: www.p-plm.eu http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936&prd=21 30

Événements Final conference event in Graz / Austria in June 2015 Date 16.06.2015 Description The final conference will take place in June 2015 in Graz / Austria Cible Public Événement public Informations de contact Date et lieu 4th partnership meeting in June 2015 in Graz / Austria Date 15.06.2015 Description The 4th partnership Meeting of the Q-PLM Project will take place in Graz / Austria in June 2015 Cible Public Événement public Informations de contact Date et lieu 3rd Q-PLM partnership meeting Date 05.11.2014 Description The 3rd Q-PLM partnership Meeting will take place in Cork / Ireland from the 5/11/14 to the 7/11/14 Cible Public Événement public Informations de contact Date et lieu http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936 31

Événements 2nd parntership meeting Date 06.04.2014 Description The 2nd partnership Meeting will take place in Bruges / Belgium from 9/4/14-11/4/14 Cible Public Événement public Informations de contact Date et lieu Bilateral partnership workshop in Graz / Austria in February 2014 Date 02.02.2014 Description A bilateral partnership Workshop will take place in Graz / Austria between P1 (Austria), P2 (Germany), P3 (Belgium) and P6 (Ireland) Cible Public Événement public Informations de contact Date et lieu Kick Off Meeting in Graz / Austria Date 07.11.2013 Description Cible Public Informations de contact Date et lieu Q-PLM Project partners Événement public Karin Wiedner bfi Steiermark karin.wiedner@bfi-stmk.at 07.11.2013-08.11.2013 Schwerin, Germany http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=10936 32