High School Biology - Problem Drill 23: The Endocrine and Reproductive Systems

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1 High School Biology - Problem Drill 23: The Endocrine and Reproductive Systems Question No. 1 of 10 Instructions: (1) Read the problem and answer choices carefully, (2) Work the problems on paper as 1. Which of the following about the homeostatic endocrine system is true? Question #01 (A) The endocrine system is an organ system that degrades signaling molecules, called hormones. (B) The endocrine system is an organ system that releases signaling molecules, called antibodies. (C) The endocrine system is important in regulating metabolism, growth and development. (D) The endocrine system is important in regulating metabolism, muscle function and the immune system. (E) The endocrine system is made up of a single gland, the pituitary gland that produces and secretes a variety of hormones. The endocrine system is an organ system that releases signaling molecules, called hormones. The endocrine system is an organ system that releases signaling molecules, called hormones. C. Correct! The endocrine system is important in regulating metabolism, growth and development. The endocrine system is important in regulating metabolism, growth and development. The endocrine system is group of glands that produce and secrete a variety of hormones. The endocrine system is an organ system that releases signaling molecules, called hormones. The endocrine system is important in regulating metabolism, growth and development. The endocrine system is group of glands that produce and secrete a variety of hormones. The correct answer is (C).

2 Question No. 2 of 10 Instructions: (1) Read the problem and answer choices carefully, (2) Work the problems on paper as 2. Which of the following statements about hormone signaling is correct? Question #02 (A) Signal targeting nearby cells is Paracrine signaling. (B) Signal targeting nearby cells is Autocrine signaling. (C) Endocrine signaling uses the interstitial fluid to deliver the hormone to an adjacent cell. (D) Endocrine signaling uses blood vessels to transport chemical signals to the liver. (E) Each gland only targets non-endocrine tissues with its secreted hormones. A. Correct! Signal targeting nearby cells is Paracrine signaling. Signal targeting nearby cells is Paracrine signaling. Endocrine signaling uses blood vessels to transport chemical signals to its target site. Endocrine signaling uses blood vessels to transport chemical signals to its target site. Some glands signal each other in a defined sequence; this is called an axis, e.g. hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal axis. Hormones are chemical substances that regulate the activity of target cells or organs. Hormones travel to distant organs to regulate the target organ s function. Signal targeting the same cell is known as autocrine signaling. Signal targeting nearby cells is Paracrine signalling. Endocrine signaling uses blood vessels to transport chemical signals to its target site. Some glands signal each other in a defined sequence; this is called an axis, e.g. hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal axis. The correct answer is (A).

3 Question No. 3 of 10 Instructions: (1) Read the problem and answer choices carefully, (2) Work the problems on paper as 3. Which of the following statements about endocrine glands is true? Question #03 (A) The endocrine system includes the: hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid, adrenal glands, gonads and pancreas. (B) The endocrine system includes the: hypothalamus, pituitary gland, liver, parathyroid, adrenal glands, gonads, thymus, and pancreas. (C) The adrenal glands are located on the surface of the thyroid. (D) The hypothalamus controls the thyroid gland, which activates the pituitary gland. (E) The pancreas controls the pituitary gland, which activates many other glands and hormones. A. Correct! The endocrine system includes the: hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid, adrenal glands, gonads and pancreas. The endocrine system includes the: hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid, adrenal glands, gonads and pancreas. The adrenal glands are located on the surface of the kidneys. The hypothalamus controls the pituitary gland, which activates many other glands and hormones. The hypothalamus controls the pituitary gland, which activates many other glands and hormones. The endocrine system includes the: hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid, adrenal glands, gonads and pancreas. The adrenal glands are located on the surface of the kidneys. The hypothalamus controls the pituitary gland, which activates many other glands and hormones. The correct answer is (A).

4 Question No. 4 of Which of the following statements about the thyroid gland is true? Question #04 (A) The thyroid gland releases the hormone, cortisol. Cortisol increases the metabolism of: protein, fat and carbohydrate. (B) The thyroid gland releases the hormone, thyroxine. Thyroxin increases the metabolism of: protein, fat and carbohydrate. (C) Thyroxine (abbreviated T4) is the major hormone secreted by follicular cells of the parthyroid gland. (D) Thyroxine (abbreviated A4) is the major hormone secreted by mesenchymal cells of the thyroid gland. (E) Thyronines decrease the basal metabolic rate, affect protein synthesis and decrease the sensitivity to adrenaline. The thyroid gland releases the hormone, thyroxine. Thyroxin increases the metabolism of: protein, fat and carbohydrate. B. Correct! The thyroid gland releases the hormone, thyroxine. Thyroxin increases the metabolism of: protein, fat and carbohydrate. Thyroxine (abbreviated T4) is the major hormone secreted by follicular cells of the thyroid gland. Thyroxine (abbreviated T4) is the major hormone secreted by follicular cells of the thyroid gland. Thyronines increase the basal metabolic rate, affect protein synthesis and increase the sensitivity to adrenaline. The thyroid gland releases the hormone, thyroxine. Thyroxin increases the metabolism of: protein, fat and carbohydrate. Thyroxine (abbreviated T4) is the major hormone secreted by follicular cells of the thyroid gland. Thyronines increase the basal metabolic rate, affect protein synthesis and increase the sensitivity to adrenaline. The correct answer is (B).

5 Question No. 5 of Which of the following statements about the adrenal glands is true? Question #05 (A) The adrenal gland is made up of two parts: the adrenal medulla and the adrenal cortex. (B) The adrenal gland is made up of two parts: the adrenal medulla and the adrenal capsule. (C) The adrenal medulla makes corticosteroid hormones. (D) Aldosterone functions by inhibiting sodium reabsorption in the kidneys. (E) Aldosterone functions by stimulating calcium and potassium in the kidneys. A. Correct! The adrenal gland is made up of two parts: the adrenal medulla and the adrenal cortex. The adrenal gland is made up of two parts: the adrenal medulla and the adrenal cortex. The adrenal medulla makes adrenaline and noradrenaline. Aldosterone functions by stimulating sodium reabsorption in the kidneys. Aldosterone functions by stimulating sodium reabsorption in the kidneys. The adrenal glands are located above the kidneys. The adrenal gland is made up of two parts: the adrenal medulla and the adrenal cortex. Aldosterone functions by stimulating sodium reabsorption in the kidneys. The adrenal glands control the stress reaction. There are five groups of steroid hormones grouped by receptors: glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, androgens, estrogens and progestagens. Norephinephrine: similar to epinephrine, the flight or fight response to danger. Epinephrine: increases heart rate, blood pressure, blood flow, energy and range of vision. The correct answer is (A).

6 Question No. 6 of Which of the following statements about the pancreas is true? Question #06 (A) The pancreas releases the hormones, insulin and aldosterone, to control glucose levels. (B) The pancreas releases the hormones, insulin and glucagon, to control glucose levels. (C) The pancreas secretes insulin in response to decreased glucose levels. (D) The pancreas secretes insulin in response to increased lactose levels. (E) At low glucose levels, the pancreas secretes insulin, which opposes the effect of glucagon. The pancreas releases the hormones, insulin and glucagons, to control glucose levels. B. Correct! The pancreas releases the hormones, insulin and glucagons, to control glucose levels. The pancreas secretes insulin in response to increased glucose levels. The pancreas secretes insulin in response to increased glucose levels. At low glucose levels, the pancreas secretes glucagons, which opposes the effect of insulin. The pancreas controls sugar levels in the blood. Why is the amount of sugar in the blood so important? Too little sugar will not give cells enough energy. Too much sugar is toxic to the body. Insulin removes sugar from blood and leads to it being stored in cells. Glucagon breaks down stored sugar and releases it into the blood. The pancreas releases the hormones, insulin and glucagons, to control glucose levels. The pancreas secretes insulin in response to increased glucose levels. The correct answer is (B).

7 Question No. 7 of Which of the following statements about the gonads is true? Question #07 (A) The gonad is an organ that makes gametes. In the male, the gonads are the prostate cells and, in the female, the gonads are the ovaries. (B) The gonad is an organ that makes diploid gametes. In the male, the gonads are the testes and, in the female, the gonads are the ovaries. (C) The male gonads are the testes and they produce the hormone progesterone, which develops male physical characteristics, such as facial hair, deep voice, and body mass. (D) The male gonads are the testes and they produce the hormone, testosterone, which develops male physical characteristics, such as facial hair, deep voice, body mass. (E) The female gonads are the ovaries and they produce the hormones, testosterone and progestin, which develop female physical characteristics, such as wider hips and larger breasts. The gonad is an organ that makes gametes. In the male, the gonads are the testes and, in the female, the gonads are the ovaries. The gonad is an organ that makes gametes. In the male, the gonads are the testes and, in the female, the gonads are the ovaries. The male gonads are the testes and they produce the hormone testosterone, which develops male physical characteristics, such as facial hair, deep voice, and body mass. D. Correct! The male gonads are the testes and they produce the hormone testosterone, which develops male physical characteristics, such as facial hair, deep voice, and body mass. The female gonads are the ovaries and they produce the hormones, estrogen and progesterone, which develop female physical characteristics, such as wider hips and larger breasts. The gonad is an organ that makes gametes. In the male, the gonads are the testes and, in the female, the gonads are the ovaries. The male gonads are the testes and they produce the hormone testosterone, which develops male physical characteristics, such as facial hair, deep voice, and body mass. The female gonads are the ovaries and they produce the hormones, estrogen and progesterone, which develop female physical characteristics, such as wider hips and larger breasts. The correct answer is (D).

8 Question No. 8 of Which of the following statements about reproduction is true? Question #08 (A) There are three principal modes of reproduction: asexual, sexual, and spore formation. (B) There are two principal modes of reproduction: asexual and binary fission. (C) Asexual reproduction is the creation of an offspring where the genes come from both parents. (D) Asexual reproduction is the creation of an offspring where all their genes come from one parent. There is no fusion of egg and sperm. (E) Sexual reproduction is the creation of an offspring by the fusion of diploid gametes to form a zygote. There are two principal modes of reproduction: asexual, and sexual. There are two principal modes of reproduction: asexual, and sexual. Asexual reproduction is the creation of an offspring where all their genes come from one parent. There is no fusion of egg and sperm. D. Correct! Asexual reproduction is the creation of an offspring where all their genes come from one parent. There is no fusion of egg and sperm. Sexual reproduction is the creation of an offspring by the fusion of haploid gametes to form a zygote. There are two principal modes of reproduction: asexual, and sexual. Asexual reproduction is the creation of an offspring where all their genes come from one parent. There is no fusion of egg and sperm. Sexual reproduction is the creation of an offspring by the fusion of haploid gametes to form a zygote. The correct answer is (D).

9 Question No. 9 of Which of the following statements about male reproductive organs is true? Question #09 (A) The urethra is a tube for exiting fluids. (B) The urethra is a tube only for semen, not urine. (C) The Vas Deferens is a tube that carries sperm to the testis. (D) The Vas Deferens is a tube that carries sperm to the scrotum. (E) The testicle is directly connected to the urethra in males. A. Correct! The urethra is a tube for exiting fluids. The urethra is a tube for exiting fluids. The Vas Deferens is a tube that carries sperm to the urethra. The Vas Deferens is a tube that carries sperm to the urethra. The testicle is connected to the urethra in males, through the vas deferens. The male reproductive system produces and delivers sperm. The urethra is a tube for exiting fluids. The Vas Deferens is a tube that carries sperm to the urethra. The testicle is connected to the urethra in males, through the vas deferens. The correct answer is (A).

10 Question No. 10 of Which of the following statements about homeostasis is true? Question #10 (A) Homeostasis includes the secretion of: O 2, CO 2 and ph. (B) Homeostasis includes the maintenance of: O 2, CO 2 and ph. (C) Homeostasis is controlled by two systems: the nervous system and immune system. (D) Homeostasis is controlled by two systems: the immune system and endocrine system. (E) The nervous system sensory components include: sensory nerve (dorsal root of spinal nerves), which synapse (in the spinal cord for monosynaptic reflexes), the target muscles, and the nerves they control. Homeostasis includes the maintenance of: O 2, CO 2 and ph. B. Correct! Homeostasis includes the maintenance of: O 2, CO 2 and ph. Homeostasis is controlled by two systems: Nervous system and Endocrine system. Homeostasis is controlled by two systems: Nervous system and Endocrine system. The nervous system sensory components include: sensory nerve (dorsal root of spinal nerves), which synapse (in the spinal cord for monosynaptic reflexes), the motor nerve (ventral root of spinal nerves)- which controls effectors, such as muscles and glands. Living organisms regulate their internal environment to maintain a stable and constant condition, like temperature regulation. The adjustments are made by interrelated mechanisms, like releasing a hormone to raise body temperature, while also inducing shivering and closing off blood flow to skin. Homeostasis includes the maintenance of: O 2, CO 2 and ph. Homeostasis is controlled by two systems: the nervous system and endocrine system. The nervous system sensory components include: sensory nerve (dorsal root of spinal nerves), which synapse (in the spinal cord for monosynaptic reflexes), the motor nerve (ventral root of spinalnerves)- which controls effectors, such as muscles and glands. The correct answer is (B).

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