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7 perfo rm ance m anagem en t differen t from that of en terp rises, its difficu lt m ain ly com es from its nonp rofit, m onopo ly and the pub lic, and also from the ex istence of its pecu liar "p seudoadap tation ", lack of self - restrain drive and the appetence to pursu ing its u tility m ax im ization of adm in istrative o rgan ization. How ever, after the access to W TO, w ith the requ irem en t and decision of deepen ing econom ic system refo rm, com bating and p reven ting co rrup tion, Ch ina w ill estab lish and carry ou t the all- round, m u lti- level and m u tualexchange- w ith society perfo rm ance m anagem en t system and m ethod by u sing the successfu l refo rm experience and theo ries of w estern coun tries as a reference. Key words: A dm in istrative R estructu ring; Perfo rm ance M anagem en t Globa l Susta inable D evelopm en t D emands In terna tiona l Env ironm en ta l Public M ora ls D EN G Y i- x in 54 (College of H um anities, Z hongnan U niversity of E conom ics and L aw, W uhan , China) Abstract: In ternational environm en tal pub lic m o rals are the m ain con ten ts of global eth ics and environm en ta l eth ics, and shou ld be con ta ined in the p rocess of g loba l su sta inab le developm en ṫ T he develop ed coun t ries, a s Am erican, have dest royed the in terna t iona l environm en tal pub lic m o rals and set ob stacles on the road of global su stainab le developm en ṫ T he develop ing coun tries m u st un it and struggle to p roceed fo r in ternational environm en tal pub lic m o ralṡ Key words: Su stainab le D evelopm en t; In ternational Environm en tal Pub lic M o rals D eon tology or Utilitar ian ism: The Ba sis of Ecolog ica l Eth ics CH EN Sh i- lin 65 (College of H um anities, Z hongnan U niversity of E conom ics and L aw, W uhan , China) Abstract: It s w ell know n that D eon to logy and U tilitarian ism are tw o basic though ts abou t W estern m odern eth ic theo ry w ith differen t eth ical ideo logies, standards and im p lication ṡ W e can find the though t im p rin t s and conflict s and com b ina t ion s of them in m odern eco logical eth icṡ So, how to overcom e the an tagon ism betw een them is of an im po rtan t task in m odern eco logical eth icṡ Key words: D eon to logy; U tilitarian ism; Eco logical E th ics Econom ic Globa liza tion, Em ploym en t Replacem en t and the M arg ina liza tion of the Cen tra l Area s YAN G Yun- yan ZHU J in- sheng 90 (College of Inf orm ation, Z hongnan U niversity of E conom ics and L aw, W uhan , China) Abstract:W ith the deepen ing of open ing- up and expan sion of FD I, coast areas show m o re and m o re im po rtan t regional advan tage since 1990 s, m anufactu ring indu stry w h ich m ain ly con sist of labo r- in ten sive and h i- tech secto rs develop s rap idly in coast areaṡ A s a resu lt, coast areas have experiencing a new indu strialization p rocess and m ak ing rigid em p loym en t rep lacem en t to the em p loym en t in the state- ow ned departm en ts and traditional indu stries of in terio r region ṡ Ow ing to the ou tflow of labo r fo rce, recession of em p loym en t and degrading of econom ic statu s, the cen tral areas are assum ing a trend of m arginalization in the cou rse of econom ic globalization. Key words: Econom ic Globalization; FD I; Em p loym en t; R egion; L abo r M ob ility On the Inf luence Factors of Tran s- reg iona l M igra tion of Human Cap ita l XU Y ing- m ei YAN G J ing (College of Inf orm ation, Z hongnan U niversity of E conom ics and L aw, W uhan , China)



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