Modules de formation en ligne dans le domaine du traitement, de la gestion et du recyclage des déchets

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1 recyclage des déchets SK1-LEO

2 Information sur le projet Titre: Code Projet: Modules de formation en ligne dans le domaine du traitement, de la gestion et du recyclage des déchets SK1-LEO Année: 2011 Type de Projet: Statut: Pays: Accroche marketing: Résumé: Projets de transfert d'innovation Accordé SK-Slovaquie Objectif principal du projet «Modules de formation en ligne dans le domaine du traitement, de la gestion et du recyclage des déchets» est la création des cours de formation en ligne (e-learning) orientés sur la problématique du traitement, de la gestion et du recyclage des déchets. Nous envisageons d élaborer un large éventail de matériaux de formation pour les études dans le domaine mentionné. The project aimed at the preservation of natural resources and the environment, supported the implementation of advanced technologies for waste treatment, disposal and recycling through the creation of an on-line system of distance learning. This system enhanced the knowledge and skills of employees within various branches of industry, agriculture and public authorities, SME managers, VET students as well as unemployed and discriminated people with the intention of improving their possibilities in the labor market in the field of the most progressive technologies of waste treatment, disposal and recycling. The consortium consisted of 8 partners (Multimedia as innovation donor, 3 leading Central-European universities, 3 organizations active in vocational training and the Recycling fund as the body organizing waste treatment and recycling in Slovakia) from 5 countries. Consortium members provided good contact with professionals active in waste treatment and recycling as well as the necessary capacity and experience to carry out implementation and dissemination of the project results. Tangible impact of the project was to transfer didactical tools developed in projects ELEVATE, EDUET, RESNET and MENUET to On-Line Learning Modules For Waste treatment, disposal and recycling in the form of Moodle e-learning system and E-book. The Intangible outcome was the transition of training and education from classroom Talk and Chalk to independent Mobile E-Learning in the field waste treatment and recycling. The main outcome of the project WASTRE was to help solve problems for producers in the treatment, disposal or recycling of waste as a result of their production, either the waste generated in production or waste generated after the use of the products. The legal systems of EU member states was unified in this issue and it placed emphasis on the complexity of waste management in enterprises. Technologies where waste problems was not solved sufficiently was not permitted to operate. In this situation, entrepreneurs and managers were obliged to introduce the most effective and advanced technologies and equipment for waste treatment into their companies. It modified the role of education, skills and training in the field of waste treatment, disposal and recycling. Education and Training in this field could be considered for the publics good, an investment as important as physical investment. Many members of the target group live in regions located far from traditional educational centers. Classical methods of one way communication weren t sufficient for them. E-learning is very flexible, it enables continual improvements, updating, upgrading of learning material, adaptations to different knowledge and levels of course participants, utilizing materials from the Internet and other information and communication technologies. E-learning contributes to combating all forms of discrimination. Description: The project was focused for study material preparation for On-Line Learning Modules For Waste treatment, Waste disposal and Waste recycling. This study materials are online available on project webpage to make it easier for target groups to use and for study. The on-line application can be use also for testing and evaluation of acquired knowledges. 2

3 Information sur le projet Modules de formation en ligne dans le domaine du traitement, de la gestion et du Thèmes: Sectors: Types de Produit: Information sur le produit: Page Web du projet: *** Formation tout au long de la vie *** Enseignement supérieur *** Écologie *** Formation continue *** Formation initiale *** Production et Distribution d`eau; Assainissement, Gestion des Déchets et Dépollution *** Enseignement Matériel d'apprentissage CD-ROM Site Internet During the project was prepared the folloving study material: Modul 1. Waste management procedure Modul 2. EC Action Plans and Directives, Acts and Regulations relating to Solid Waste Modul 3. Solid Waste treatment recycling technologies and equipment Modul 4. Evaluation of alternatives of waste treatment recycling technologies and equipment There study material are published in electronic form on project webpage where after registration can the participants use it. The part of project results are also handbooks for students and teachers with description how to use the e-learning system and study materials

4 Contractant du projet Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Bratislava Bratislavsky Kraj SK-Slovaquie Université/école supérieure spécialisée/academie Personne de contact Nom: Adresse: Ville: Pays: Téléphone: Fax: Site internet: Lubomir Soos Vazovova 5 Bratislava SK-Slovaquie 4

5 Coordinateur Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Bratislava Bratislavsky Kraj SK-Slovaquie Université/école supérieure spécialisée/academie Personne de contact Nom: Adresse: Ville: Pays: Téléphone: Fax: Site internet: Lubomir Soos Vazovova 5 Bratislava SK-Slovaquie 5

6 Partenaire Partner 1 Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: Union of Chambers of Craftsmen and Tradesmen of ESKISEHIR ESKEHR Ankara TR-Turquie Chambre Partner 2 Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: eské vysoké uení technické Praha Praha 6 Praha CZ-Tchéquie Université/école supérieure spécialisée/academie Partner 3 Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: Technische Universität Wien Wien Vienna AT-Autriche Université/école supérieure spécialisée/academie Partner 4 Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: MultiMedia SunShine, United Kingdom MILTON KEYNES Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire UK-Royaume-Uni Entreprise de petite et de moyenne taille (jusqu'à 250 employés) 6

7 Partenaire Partner 5 Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: Recyklaný fond Bratislava Bratislavsky Kraj SK-Slovaquie Autres Partner 6 Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: Technical and vocational secondary school Tlmace Západné Slovensko SK-Slovaquie Autres Partner 7 Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: CHEWCON, s.r.o. Humenne Východné Slovensko SK-Slovaquie Autres 7

8 Données du projet Wastre Leaflet.pdf Leaflet - WASTRE 8

9 Produits WASTRE project web page Needs Analysis Questionnaire concerning the needs of target groups MODULE 1. On-line course Waste Management Procedures. MODULE 2 EC On-line course Action Plans and Directives, Acts and Regulations relating to Solid MODULE 3. On-line course: Solid Waste Treatment, Recycling Technologies and Equipment. MODULE 4. On-line course: Evaluation of the Alternatives in Waste Treatment and Recycling WASTRE course teacher manual on the Moodle e-learning system. WASTRE course student manual on the Moodle e-learning system. Pilot implementation of the on-line courses created by the WASTRE project Evaluation plan of the WASTRE project and its fulfilment WASTRE project leaflet Dissemination and Valorisation Plan of Project WASTRE Creation of Centre for Consulting of project WASTRE 9

10 Produit 'WASTRE project web page' Modules de formation en ligne dans le domaine du traitement, de la gestion et du Titre: WASTRE project web page Type de Produit: Site Internet Texte marketing: A web page for the WASTRE project, has been created, and is maintained, improved and supervised throughout the course of the project. It was the main mean of communication between the project partners themselves as well as enabling communication between project partners and members of target groups participating in the WASTRE on-line e-learning courses. At the start of the project WASTRE we used a provisional web page housed on the web page of a previous LEONARDO REDILEM project for communication between the project partners and members of target groups, which can be found at Description: A web page for the WASTRE project, has been created, and is maintained, improved and supervised throughout the course of the project. It was the main mean of communication between the project partners themselves as well as enabling communication between project partners and members of target groups participating in the WASTRE on-line e-learning courses. At the start of the project WASTRE we used a provisional web page housed on the web page of a previous LEONARDO REDILEM project for communication between the project partners and members of target groups, which can be found at Cible: Professionals working with waste treatment and recycling in various branches of industry, agriculture, public authorities, SME managers, VET students and the unemployed, with the aim improving their employment opportunities in the labour market. Résultat: Domaine d'application: Education Adresse du site Internet:

11 Produit 'Needs Analysis Questionnaire concerning the needs of target groups' Titre: Needs Analysis Questionnaire concerning the needs of target groups Type de Produit: Procédure pour l'analyse et le pronostic des besoins de la formation professionnelle Texte marketing: Characteristics of the different target group members and selection of the most appropriate topics for the courses for the members of different target groups was made on the basis of the questionnaire evaluation of syllabuses for the WASTRE modules targeted at the various client groups, viz.public & PRIVATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS, e.g. Department of Environment, Industry, Municipal authorities; INDUSTRY & SERVICES sector; and COMMUNITY ORGANISATIONS & UNEMPLOYED TRAINING INSTITUTIONS. Description: The questionnaire informed the selection of the most appropriate syllabuses for the on-line courses according the needs of various target groups of the WASTRE project. In the questionnaire information on the composition, prior learning, and the needs of various project target groups was elicited. Cible: Professionals working with waste treatment and recycling in various branches of industry, agriculture, public authorities, SME managers, VET students and the unemployed, with the aim of improving their employment opportunities in the labour market. Résultat: Domaine d'application: Adresse du site Internet: 11

12 Produit 'MODULE 1. On-line course Waste Management Procedures.' Type de Produit: Titre: MODULE 1. On-line course Waste Management Procedures. Texte marketing: Module 1. formed the basis of the WASTRE on-line courses. It explained the concept of waste management. It helped the formulation of an overall environmental strategy to achieve sustainability goals. Description: The on-line course dealing with waste management procedures was aimed at waste management as an activity distinct from resource recovery, which focused on delaying the rate of consumption of natural resources. The module comprised on-line presentations concerning materials, products and waste, a glossary of waste management, the basic procedures in waste management, categories of waste, as well as questions and tests relating to these learning materials. Project partners added background information concerning their countries, and their practices and procedures for waste management. The on-line course concerning waste management procedure used modern didactical methods developed by Multi Media SunShine Ltd. as innovation donator in the EDUET, ELEVATE, RESNET and MENUET Projects, as well as the multimedia materials covering MATERIALS and WASTE in the ELEVATE Project. Module 1. consists of 7 presentations, MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, POLLUTION (18 slides), CONSUMERISM (11 slides),waste MANAGEMENT GLOSSARY (14 slides) 39 SEQUENTIAL STEPS in WASTE MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES, (text 4 pages), WASTE IN THE EU (11 slides), WASTE MANAGEMENT IN SR (38 slides)and WASTE MOUNTAIN QUIZ (28 slides),break OUT QUIZ (26 slides), as well as 4 sets of questions and interactive tests related to the waste management glossary. Domaine d'application: Adresse du site Internet: Cible: Professionals working with waste treatment and recycling in various branches of industry, agriculture,public authorities, SME managers, VET students and the unemployed, with the aim of improving their employment opportunities in the labour market. Résultat: Online education and training material (e-learning). 12

13 Produit 'MODULE 2 EC On-line course Action Plans and Directives, Acts and Regulations relating to Solid Waste.' Type de Produit: Titre: MODULE 2 EC On-line course Action Plans and Directives, Acts and Regulations relating to Solid Waste. Texte marketing: Module 2 provided guidelines for waste management in the European Union and in partner countries. Legislation concerning solid waste is generally intended to protect and preserve both the natural environment and human health. For this reason Module 2 was very important for all members of project WASTRE target groups. Description: The on-line course on Action Plans and Directives, Acts and Regulations relating to Solid Waste focusses on environmental legislation in the European Union and in partner countries. Environmental legislation represents a complex and interlocking body of international treaties (conventions), statutes, regulations, and common law, or national legislation that operates to regulate the interaction of humanity and the natural environment, with the aim of reducing the impact of human activity. The module contained on-line presentations concerning environmental legislation, environmental protection acts, and sustainable development, as well as national legislation of the partner countries. Module 2 consists of 5 study sections: EU ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION text (35 pages);environmental PROTECTION ACTS, (27 slides); and SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, (16 slides), EMAS (50 slides),environmental STANDARTS(8 slides). Domaine d'application: Adresse du site Internet: Cible: Professionals in various branches of industry, agriculture and public authorities, SME managers, VET students and the unemployed, with the aim of improving their employment opportunities in the labour market. Résultat: Online education and training material (e-learning). 13

14 Produit 'MODULE 3. On-line course: Solid Waste Treatment, Recycling Technologies and Equipment.' Titre: MODULE 3. On-line course: Solid Waste Treatment, Recycling Technologies and Equipment. Type de Produit: Texte marketing: Module 3. Solid Waste Treatment, Recycling Technologies and Equipment contributed to the aim of project WASTRE by supporting the implementation of advanced technologies of waste treatment, disposal and recycling through the creation of an on-line system of distance learning, in order to enhance the knowledge, skills and competencies of employees in various branches of industry, agriculture and public authorities, SME managers, VET students and the unemployed and discriminated people with the aim of improving their possibilities in the labour market in the field of the most progressive technologies of waste treatment, disposal and recycling. Description: The on-line course on Solid Waste Treatment, Recycling Technologies and Equipment focused on waste treatment and waste reduction through reducing the quantity of waste, through waste reclamation and waste recycling, and through waste reuse, for different types of waste, viz, paper, cardboard, plastics, metals, glass, and electronic waste. The module also contained on-line presentations regarding collecting and sorting waste, waste composting, waste solidification, waste incineration, landfill, and the production of biofuels from waste. Module 3 helped to solve the problem that faces any producer of treating, disposing of, or recycling waste from his production processes, both the waste generated during production as well as the waste generated after the use of the products. The legal system of EU member states places emphasis on the complexity of waste management in enterprises. Technologies in which waste problems were not resolved satisfactorily are not permitted to operate. In this situation, entrepreneurs and managers were obliged to introduce effective and advanced technologies and equipment for waste treatment into their companies. Module 3. consisted of 8 presentations: COLLECTING AND SORTING WASTE, (12 slides); LANDFILL, Presentation, Multimedia (26 slides); SOLIDIFICATION OF HAZARDOUS WASTE, Presentation, Multimedia (17 slides); COMPOSTING, Presentation, Multimedia (9 slides); PRODUCTION OF ENERGY FROM WASTE, Presentation, Multimedia (91 slides); PRODUCTION OF BIOFUELS, Presentation Multimedia (20 slides); ENVIRONMENTAL AUDITING, Presentation, Multimedia (6 slides); and WASTE in the EU, Presentation (10 slides). Domaine d'application: Adresse du site Internet: Cible: Professionals in various branches of industry, agriculture and public authorities, SME managers, VET students and the unemployed, with the aim of improving their employment opportunities in the labour market. Résultat: Online education and training material (e-learning). 14

15 Produit 'MODULE 4. On-line course: Evaluation of the Alternatives in Waste Treatment and Recycling Technologies and Equipment.' Type de Produit: Titre: MODULE 4. On-line course: Evaluation of the Alternatives in Waste Treatment and Recycling Technologies and Equipment. Texte marketing: The Module 4 on-line course on the Evaluation of the Alternatives in Waste Treatment and Recycling Technologies and Equipment contributed to the main aim of project WASTRE to improve the knowledge, skills and competencies of target groups members to enable them to implement and operate the most progressive technologies and equipment for waste treatment, disposal and recycling. These Technologies and equipment should be more environmentally friendly than the functionally equivalent technologies which dominate current practice. It will also facilitate the ability of target group members to determine the best alternative technology and equipment for a given type of waste treatment and recycling. Description: The module 4 on-line course on the Evaluation of the Alternatives in Waste Treatment and Recycling Technologies and Equipment was oriented towards the optimization of waste treatment technologies and equipment. An increasing number of companies have focused on reducing the amount of waste or recovering value from used products in order to reduce costs and improve the efficiency of any given type of waste treatment and recycling, and to facilitate the reverse flow of used products from consumers to manufacturers. In order to develop the optimum approach to this process, it was necessary to select the best alternative waste treatment or recycling technology, as well as the most suitable processing equipment. This module was devoted to identifying the best available techniques without entailing excessive costs (BATNEEC). This meant adhering to the principles of Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) which state that a process should be designed and operated in such a way that any substances released have the minimum impact on the three environmental media, air, water, and land. The module also contains on-line presentations concerning BATNEEC, the environmental costs of products, waste management improvements, reuse and recycling, materials conservation and waste minimization. Module 4 consists of 5 blocks of study materials: BATNEEC, Presentation, Multimedia, (18 slides); ENVIRONMENTAL COSTS OF PRODUCTS, Presentation, Multimedia (38 slides); WASTE MANAGEMENT- IMPROVEMENTS, Presentation, Multimedia (23 slides); REUSE AND RECYCLING, Presentation, Multimedia(10 slides); and MATERIAL CONSERVATION AND WASTE MINIMISATION, Presentation, Multimedia (43 slides) Domaine d'application: Adresse du site Internet: Cible: Professionals in various branches of industry, agriculture and public authorities,sme managers,vet students and the unemployed, with the aim of improving their employment opportunities in the labour market. Résultat: Online education and training material (e-learning). 15

16 Produit 'WASTRE course teacher manual on the Moodle e-learning system.' Type de Produit: Titre: WASTRE course teacher manual on the Moodle e-learning system. Texte marketing: An E-learning teacher manual for the Moodle software had been first submitted via the internet link, and was subsequently updated after the WASTRE courses, in line with the experience gained in the practical application of the Moodle software within the WASTRE Project. Description: The e-learning manual developed the conceptual framework for authentic learning tasks in an on-line environment and provided practical guidance on the design, implementation, and evaluation of authentic e-learning tasks and provided effective, working examples of engaging learners with tasks in on-line settings. As technology continues to open up possibilities for innovative and effective teaching and learning opportunities, students and teachers are no longer content to accept familiar classroom or lecture-based teaching styles that rely on information delivery and little else. Situational and constructivist theories advocate that learning is best achieved in circumstances resembling the real-life application of knowledge. While there are multiple learning design models that share similar foundations, authentic e- learning tasks go beyond these processes to become complex, sustained activities that draw on realistic situations to produce realistic outcomes. Domaine d'application: Adresse du site Internet: Cible: Professionals in various branches of industry, agriculture and public authorities, SME managers. Résultat: Online education and training material (e-learning). product files 02-Handbook - teacher- DE.pdf Teacher Usermanual DE 02-Handbook - teacher EN.pdf Teacher Usermanual EN 02-prirucka-ucitel_cz.pdf Teacher Usermanual CZ 02-prirucka-ucitel-SK.pdf Teacher Usermanual SK 02-Teacher handbook-tr.pdf Teacher Usermanual TR 16

17 Produit 'WASTRE course student manual on the Moodle e-learning system.' Type de Produit: Titre: WASTRE course student manual on the Moodle e-learning system. Texte marketing: The student manual for e-learning provided support to students to enable them to manage their own, independent learning, by demonstrating how to enrol, select the appropriate courses, access the on-line materials and follow the links for further development. It also showed them how to undertake their own self-assessment through the assessed tasks. In providing instant feedback, it showed them how they can focus on their areas of weakness and revisit the appropriate resources for consolidation of their understanding. Description: The e-learning manual for students using the Moodle e-learning software provideed instructions to the student on how it operates. The E-learning teacher manual for the Moodle software had been first submitted via the internet link, and subsequently was updated after the WASTRE courses, in line with the experience gained in the practical application of the Moodle software within the WASTRE Project. Domaine d'application: Adresse du site Internet: Cible: Professionals in various branches of industry, agriculture and public authorities, SME managers, VET students and the unemployed, with the aim of improving their employment opportunities in the labour market. Résultat: Methodology product files 01-Handbook-student- DE.pdf Student Usermanual DE 01-Handbook-student-EN.pdf Student Usermanual EN 01-prirucka-student_CZ.pdf Student Usermanual CZ 01-prirucka-student-SK.pdf Student Usermanual SK 01-Student handbook-tr.pdf Student Usermanual TR 17

18 Produit 'Pilot implementation of the on-line courses created by the WASTRE project' Type de Produit: Titre: Pilot implementation of the on-line courses created by the WASTRE project Texte marketing: In order to asses the syllabus and learning materials for all 4 modules of the WASTRE project experimental a number of pilot courses were organized. The first experimental pilot course was organized at the end of 2011 for a group of ERASMUS students (5 Spanish, 1 Estonian). This course consisted of 11 lectures in English on Waste Management Glossary, Waste Treatment and Collection, Landfill and Composting, Solidification, Waste Water Treatment I. and II., Waste Incineration, Rubber and Plastics Recycling, Treatment and Recycling of Organic Waste and Opportunities for SME Activities in Waste Management). Each lecture contained a set of 3 questions and topics for further discussion. After each lecture the content of the lecture was discussed by students and the lecturer in English and in some cases also in Spanish. The answers to the set questions were given by each student in English and Spanish, and evaluated by the lecturer according their quality. Description: The aim of the pilot course implementation (result 10. Pilot implementation of developed WASTRE on-line courses) was to give feedback on the content, delivery and impact of the e- learning materials and to make recommendations regarding updates and additions and improvements to the e-learning materials to meet the needs of the identified target group. This outcome included: pilot courses with the members of the target group of the project; testing of the learning materials developed; evaluation of the experiences gained from the pilot courses and the learning materials tested; modification of the learning materials according to the needs of end-users; and the application of the findings and completion of the final form of the teaching materials. Domaine d'application: Adresse du site Internet: Cible: Professionals in various branches of industry, agriculture and public authorities, SME managers, VET students and the unemployed, with the aim of improving their possibilities in the labour market. Résultat: Online education and training material (e-learning). 18

19 Produit 'Evaluation plan of the WASTRE project and its fulfilment' Type de Produit: Titre: Evaluation plan of the WASTRE project and its fulfilment Texte marketing: The WASTRE project evaluation plan contributed to the project's achievements, mapping out and connecting the different parts of the project. This plan also provided all project participants with information that illustrated how the different parts of the project fitted together, and developing an evaluation method. Description: The evaluation plan helped us to achieve project WASTRE's aim. The evaluation plan included a description of monitored indicators, the allocation of responsibility for evaluation, the method of data collection, the type and interval of evaluation, the evaluation output, and the current situation as of the date of this Interim report, The following were included: management of the project (adherence to budget, efficiency of administrative and technical processes in the management of the project, involvement of partners during the course of the project, exploitation of outcomes from previous projects); dissemination of project outcomes in individual countries during the project's lifetime; dissemination of project outcomes from the point of view of the target groups; dissemination of information about the project and its outcomes to all organizations during the project lifetime; elaboration on and distribution of information material concerning the project in individual countries; promotional material for the final conference; strategy for product outcome commercialization (generation of potential customer database for subsequent product outcomes commercialization); providing target group members with the information about the project by phone, mail or via Internet during the project); individual meetings with target group members in particular countries during the project; design and printing of promotional material for partners' commercial purposes; design and elaboration of study materials (total of elaborated studying materials in individual languages); outcomes of pilot verification concerning the study materials; qualitative evaluation of final version of study materials; e-learning for target group members (evaluation of target group members needs, development of website project in individual countries; extent of materials published on website project in corresponding languages; improvement of e-learning based on recommendations emanating from target group subjects; evaluation of e-learning effectiveness by course participants on website; establishing an international network for the exchange of experiences (including the creation of an international network of partners during the course of the project, with countries involved in running and exploiting the outcomes of the project, and the creation of a bilateral, as well as international network of partners) Domaine d'application: Adresse du site Internet: Cible: Professionals in various branches of industry, agriculture and public authorities,sme managers. Résultat: Development of network strategies 19

20 Produit 'WASTRE project leaflet' Modules de formation en ligne dans le domaine du traitement, de la gestion et du Type de Produit: Titre: WASTRE project leaflet Texte marketing: The Leaflet of project WASTRE showed the basic information about the aim and content of the project. This made it easier for the prospective end user to understand the importance of the project and its potential benefits for him/her. Description: The Leaflet of project WASTRE showed the basic information about the aim and content of the project. This made it easier for the prospective end user to understand the importance of the project and its potential benefits for him/her. Domaine d'application: Adresse du site Internet: Cible: Professionals in various branches of industry, agriculture and public authorities, SME managers,vet students and the unemployed, with the aim of improving their opprotunities in the labour market. Résultat: Marketing. product files Wastre brochure DE PRINT.pdf Project Brochure DE Wastre brochure SK PRINT.pdf Project Brochure SK Wastre brochure TURK PRINT.pdf Project Brochure TUR Wastre brochure UK PRINT.pdf Project Brochure UK 20

21 Produit 'Dissemination and Valorisation Plan of Project WASTRE' Type de Produit: Titre: Dissemination and Valorisation Plan of Project WASTRE Texte marketing: Dissemination and exploitation of the project results has given positive feed back. It is also sustained and continued after the project ended. Activities for the dissemination and exploitation of results effectively informed and raised the awareness of the target groups on the project's various activities and products. They guaranteed that the WASTRE results have had a significant impact after the end of project. They were targeted, systematic and forward looking, aimed at a wide range of parties that were directly and indirectly involved in adult education focused on landscape development in the area of waste management, waste treatment and waste recycling at local, national and European level, and contributed to effective networking. A main focus of the valorisation activities in the frame of the partnership was to cooperate with target groups and sectors from the very start of the project. Description: Activities related to the dissemination and exploitation of the project results were carried out in all partners countries. They included: publishing the results in the media (paper, electronic and online) and participation in conferences, seminars and workshops; registration of the online address (domain name) of the portal in online search engines; creation and online dissemination of project brochures and an e-newsletter; online dissemination of the portal s address to a wide list of potential users inviting them to test the products. The methodology of dissemination used is appropriate to our aims: Publishing in the press (copy of published article about the project enclosed), Press conference, Publications, WASTRE booklet mailshot by post; Internet: , World Wide Web; TOP Conference, fairs and exhibitions. Presentations at conferences and seminars and meetings with interested individual parties. Type of organisation: Educational organization, Recycling fund SR, The Ministry of the Environment SR, SME managers, Professional organisation/union of entrepreneurs, Chambers of Commerce/trade associations, Regional development agencies. Level of Dissemination and Valorisation: among public bodies and the partner group, within a geographical region, among educational and training sectors, different business, economic and industrial sectors, and on the national and international levels. Domaine d'application: Adresse du site Internet: Cible: Professionals in various branches of industry, agriculture and public authorities, SME managers. Résultat: Online education and training material (e-learning). 21

22 Produit 'Creation of Centre for Consulting of project WASTRE' Type de Produit: Titre: Creation of Centre for Consulting of project WASTRE Texte marketing: The Centre contributed to the achievement of project objectives by bringing together the best experience of all partners in innovative approaches, professionalism, ethical attitudes, entrepreneurial orientation,and fostering quality, openness, intercultural co-operation and international expertise. The Centre will make use of the outcomes of the WASTRE project, including syllabuses, curricula and study materials, and on-line courses in electronic, e-learning form in Slovak, Czech, English, German and Turkish,and the international networks established for the exchange of information. Description: In order to ensure the continuance of the outcomes of the WASTRE project after the end of project financing from the funds of the Leonardo da Vinci programme, the partner organisations decided to create a Centre for Consultation in the field of the preservation of natural resources and the environment. The centre supported the implementation of advanced technologies of waste treatment, disposal, and recycling through the creation of an on-line system of distance learning. The aim was to enhance the knowledge, skills and competencies of employees in various branches of industry, agriculture, and public authorities, SME managers, VET students, and the unemployed and discriminated people in order to enhance their opportunities in the labour market in the field of the most progressive technologies of waste treatment, disposal and recycling. The centre used the methodologies developed within WASTRE project. The aims of the WASTRE centre were: to establish a network of professionals and companies active in waste management and waste treatment to participate in the organisation of the TOP International conference to raise waste awareness and remove barriers to waste minimisation, re-use and recycling by efficient communication and stakeholder engagement to coordinate the research and implementation of the most advanced waste treatment technologies and equipment designed, constructed and operated to the highest international standards to minimise the final disposal of waste to landfill by using the waste hierarchy and innovative practices and technologies to work with the EU partner countries and regions to establish sustainable procurement programmes to act as the acknowledged resource centre of excellence for training and education in the field of waste treatment technologies, equipment, plant and lines to work with businesses to establish producer responsibility systems for the control and minimisation of packaging waste to facilitate trade in, and re-use of, all types of recoverable waste to cooperate with the automobile sector and Recycling Fund to establish world class recovery systems for scrapped cars to work with the construction and industry sectors to establish specifications for waste treatment technologies, equipment, plant and lines. Domaine d'application: Adresse du site Internet: Cible: Professionals in various branches of industry, agriculture and public authorities, SME managers, VET students and the unemployed, with the aim of improving their opportunities in the labour market. Résultat: Co-operation processes and methodologies. 22


24 Événements CERREC Conference 2012 Date Description International conference about Re-Use and Re-Pair Cible Public Événement public Informations de contact Date et lieu TOP International conference, organised under the motto: Waste Management - Renewable Resource of Secondary Raw Materials and Energy Date Description International conference Cible Public Événement public Informations de contact Date et lieu Start Up Meeting of WASTRE project Date Description Cible Public Informations de contact Date et lieu Start Up Meeting of WASTRE project project partners Événement non public 1st and 2nd of December 2011, Bratislava,Faculty of Mechanical Engineerin, Slovak University of Technology 24

25 Project Tags The project belongs to the following group(s): Best of ADAM ( 24



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