Mean Comparisons August Kent State University

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1 Mean Comparisons August 2011 University

2 Interpreting the Mean Comparisons Report Sample The Mean Comparisons report is based on information from all randomly seleted or ensusadministered students for both your institution and your omparison institutions. Targeted and loally administered oversamples and other non-randomly seleted students are not inlude s The items from the NSSE survey appear in the left olumn in the same order and wording as they appear on the instrument. The name of eah variable appears in the seond olumn for easy referene to your data file and the summary statistis at the end of this setion. Response options are also provided to help you interpret the statistis. Benhmark Items that make up the five Benhmarks of ive Eduational Pratie are indiated by the following: =Level of Aademi Challenge =Ative and Collaborative Learning SFI=Student-Faulty Interation =Enrihing Eduational Experienes SCE=Supportive Campus Environment Mean The mean is the weighted arithmeti average of student responses on a partiular item. Means are provided for your institution and all omparison groups. Additional details 1. Aademi and Intelletual Experienes regarding weighting an be found on the NSSE Web sit nssiuedu/links/institutional_reporting. Asked questions in lass or ontributed to lass disussions Made a lass presentation Prepared two or more drafts of a paper or assignment before turning it in Worked on a paper or projet that required integrating ideas or information from various soures Inluded diverse perspetives (different raes, religions, genders, politial beliefs, et.) in lass disussions or writing assignments Results are reported separately for first-year students (FY) and seniors (SR). Institution-reported lass ranks are use CLQUEST CLPRESEN REWROPAP INTEGRAT DIVCLASS B enhmark Mean a M ean NSSEville State Statistial Signifiane Items with mean differenes that are larger than would be expeted by hane alone are noted with one, two, or three asterisks, referring to three signifiane levels (p<.05, p<.01, and p<.001). The smaller the signifiane level, the smaller the likelihood that the differene is due to han Statistial signifiane does not guarantee the result is substantive or important. Large sample sizes (like those produed by NSSE) tend to generate more statistially signifiant results even though the magnitude of mean differenes may be inonsequential. Consult effet sizes (see below) to judge the pratial meaning of the results. Mean Comparisons NSSEville State University Mid East Private a Sig b Size NSSEville State ompared with: M ean a Sig b Size Mean a Sig Size size indiates the pratial signifiane of the mean differen It is alulated by dividing the mean differene by the pooled standard deviation. In pratie, an effet size of.2 is often onsidered small,.5 moderate, and.8 larg A positive sign indiates that your institution's mean was greater, thus showing an affirmative result for your institution. A negative sign indiates the institution lags behind the omparison group, suggesting that the student behavior or institutional pratie represented by the item may warrant attention. An exeption to this interpretation is the oming to lass unprepared item (item 1f.) where a negative sign is preferred (i., meaning fewer students reporting oming to lass unprepared). b Size In your experiene at your institution during the urrent shool year, about how often have you done eah of the following? 1=Never, 2=Sometimes, 3=Often, 4=Very often FY ** **.10 SR *** *** ***.19 FY *** SR ***.11 FY *** *** *** -.24 SR * *** *** -.11 FY ** * -.07 SR *** *** ***.14 FY *** *** *** -.14 SR

3 Mean Comparisons University 1. Aademi and Intelletual Experienes. f. g. h. i. j. k. Asked questions in lass or ontributed to lass disussions Made a lass presentation Prepared two or more drafts of a paper or assignment before turning it in Worked on a paper or projet that required integrating ideas or information from various soures Inluded diverse perspetives (different raes, religions, genders, politial beliefs, et.) in lass disussions or writing assignments Come to lass without ompleting readings or assignments Worked with other students on projets during lass Worked with lassmates outside of lass to prepare lass assignments Put together ideas or onepts from different ourses when ompleting assignments or during lass disussions Tutored or taught other students (paid or voluntary) Partiipated in a ommunity-based projet (g. servie learning) as part of a regular ourse CLQUEST CLPRESEN REWROPAP INTEGRAT DIVCLASS CLUNPREP CLASSGRP OCCGRP INTIDEAS TUTOR COMMPROJ ompared with: Benhmark Mean a Mean a Sig b Size Mean a Sig b Size Mean a Sig b Size In your experiene at your institution during the urrent shool year, about how often have you done eah of the following? 1=Never, 2=Sometimes, 3=Often, 4=Very often FY ** -.20 SR FY SR FY ** * ** -.20 SR * -.12 FY *** ** *** -.24 SR FY * ** *** -.21 SR FY SR FY *** ** *** -.19 SR FY *** *** *** -.32 SR ** ** ** -.15 FY *** *** *** -.25 SR FY * ** ** -.18 SR FY ** ** -.15 SR a Weighted by gender and enrollment status (and size for omparisons). b * p<.05 ** p<.01 *** p<.001 (2-tailed). Mean differene divided by pooled SD 1

4 Mean Comparisons University l. Used an eletroni medium (listserv, hat group, Internet, instant messaging, et.) to disuss or omplete an assignment ITACADEM ompared with: Benhmark Mean a Mean a Sig b Size Mean a Sig b Size Mean a Sig b Size FY SR m. Used to ommuniate with an instrutor FY SR n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. Disussed grades or assignments with an instrutor Talked about areer plans with a faulty member or advisor Disussed ideas from your readings or lasses with faulty members outside of lass Reeived prompt written or oral feedbak from faulty on your aademi performane Worked harder than you thought you ould to meet an instrutor's standards or expetations Worked with faulty members on ativities other than oursework (ommittees, orientation, student life ativities, et.) Disussed ideas from your readings or lasses with others outside of lass (students, family members, o-workers, et.) Had serious onversations with students of a different rae or ethniity than your own Had serious onversations with students who are very different from you in terms of their religious beliefs, politial opinions, or personal values FACGRADE FACPLANS FACIDEAS FACFEED WORKHARD FACOTHER OOCIDEAS DIVRSTUD DIFFSTU2 SFI SFI SFI SFI SFI FY * ** -.19 SR FY SR FY SR FY ** -.16 SR ** ** FY * ** -.21 SR FY SR FY * *** *** -.23 SR FY ** ** -.18 SR ** ** -.16 FY * ** ** -.20 SR a Weighted by gender and enrollment status (and size for omparisons). b * p<.05 ** p<.01 *** p<.001 (2-tailed). Mean differene divided by pooled SD 2

5 Mean Comparisons University 2. Mental Ativities Memorizing fats, ideas, or methods from your ourses and readings so you an repeat them in pretty muh the same form Analyzing the basi elements of an idea, experiene, or theory, suh as examining a partiular ase or situation in depth and onsidering its omponents Synthesizing and organizing ideas, information, or. experienes into new, more omplex interpretations and relationships Making judgments about the value of info., arguments, or methods, suh as examining how others gathered and interpreted data and assessing the soundness of their onlusions Applying theories or onepts to pratial problems or in new situations 3. Reading and Writing. Number of assigned textbooks, books, or book-length paks of ourse readings Number of books read on your own (not assigned) for personal enjoyment or aademi enrihment Number of written papers or reports of 20 pages or more Number of written papers or reports between 5 and 19 pages Number of written papers or reports of fewer than 5 pages a Weighted by gender and enrollment status (and size for omparisons). MEMORIZE ANALYZE SYNTHESZ EVALUATE APPLYING READASGN READOWN WRITEMOR WRITEMID WRITESML ompared with: Benhmark Mean a Mean a Sig b Size Mean a Sig b Size Mean a Sig b Size During the urrent shool year, how muh has your oursework emphasized the following mental ativities? 1=Very little, 2=Some, 3=Quite a bit, 4=Very muh FY SR FY *** *** *** -.29 SR * ** *** -.18 FY *** *** *** -.34 SR * -.13 FY ** *** *** -.30 SR * -.13 FY *** *** *** -.26 SR During the urrent shool year, about how muh reading and writing have you done? 1=None, 2=1-4, 3=5-10, 4=11-20, 5=More than 20 FY *** *** *** -.23 SR *** ** *** -.18 FY SR FY SR FY ** ** ** -.18 SR FY *** ** ** -.20 SR * b * p<.05 ** p<.01 *** p<.001 (2-tailed). Mean differene divided by pooled SD 3

6 Mean Comparisons University ompared with: Benhmark Mean a Mean a Sig b Size Mean a Sig b Size Mean a Sig b Size In a typial week, how many homework problem sets do you omplete? 4. Problem Sets 1=None, 2=1-2, 3=3-4, 4=5-6, 5=More than 6 Number of problem sets that take you more than an FY PROBSETA hour to omplete SR *** *** *** -.26 Number of problem sets that take you less than an FY PROBSETB hour to omplete SR Examinations Selet the irle that best represents the extent to 1=Very little to 7=Very muh whih your examinations during the urrent shool EXAMS FY *** *** *** -.26 year have hallenged you to do your best work. SR ** *** *** -.25 During the urrent shool year, about how often have you done eah of the following? 6. Additional Collegiate Experienes 1=Never, 2=Sometimes, 3=Often, 4=Very often. f. Attended an art exhibit, play, dane, musi, theater or other performane Exerised or partiipated in physial fitness ativities Partiipated in ativities to enhane your spirituality (worship, meditation, prayer, et.) Examined the strengths and weaknesses of your own views on a topi or issue Tried to better understand someone else's views by imagining how an issue looks from his or her perspetive Learned something that hanged the way you understand an issue or onept 7. Enrihing Eduational Experienes Pratium, internship, field experiene, o-op experiene, or linial assignment ATDART07 EXRCSE05 WORSHP05 OWNVIEW OTHRVIEW CHNGVIEW INTERN04 FY ** *** *** -.21 SR FY ** ** ** -.17 SR FY *** *** -.22 SR * *** *** -.28 FY ** *** *** -.29 SR * ** ** -.16 FY * ** -.20 SR * -.13 FY * ** -.19 SR Whih of the following have you done or do you plan to do before you graduate from your institution? (Reoded: 0=Have not deided, Do not plan to do, Plan to do; 1=Don Thus, the mean is the proportion responding "Done" among all valid respondents.) FY * ** -.13 SR a Weighted by gender and enrollment status (and size for omparisons). b * p<.05 ** p<.01 *** p<.001 (2-tailed). Mean differene divided by pooled SD 4

7 Mean Comparisons University ompared with: Benhmark Mean a Mean a Sig b Size Mean a Sig b Size Mean a Sig b Size. Community servie or volunteer work Partiipate in a learning ommunity or some other formal program where groups of students take two or more lasses together VOLNTR04 LRNCOM04 FY ** *** *** -.27 SR * FY ** *** SR Work on a researh projet with a faulty member outside of ourse or program requirements RESRCH04 SFI FY SR Foreign language oursework FORLNG04 FY *** ** ** -.17 SR ** f. Study abroad STDABR04 FY SR g. h. Independent study or self-designed major Culminating senior experiene (apstone ourse, senior projet or thesis, omprehensive exam, et.) 8. Quality of Relationships INDSTD04 SNRX04 FY SR FY SR ** ** ** -.14 Selet the irle that best represents the quality of your relationships with people at your institution. 1=Unfriendly, Unsupportive, Sense of alienation to 7=Friendly, Supportive, Sense of belonging Relationships with other students ENVSTU SCE FY ** *** *** -.28 SR =Unavailable, Unhelpful, Unsympatheti to 7=Available, Helpful, Sympatheti Relationships with faulty members ENVFAC SCE FY ** ** *** -.27 SR =Unhelpful, Inonsiderate, Rigid to 7=Helpful, Considerate, Flexible. Relationships with administrative personnel and offies ENVADM SCE FY ** ** *** -.25 SR ** -.15 a Weighted by gender and enrollment status (and size for omparisons). b * p<.05 ** p<.01 *** p<.001 (2-tailed). Mean differene divided by pooled SD 5

8 Mean Comparisons University 9. Time Usage Preparing for lass (studying, reading, writing, doing homework or lab work, analyzing data, rehearsing, and other aademi ativities). f. g. 10. Institutional Environment. Working for pay on ampus Working for pay off ampus Partiipating in o-urriular ativities (organizations, ampus publiations, student government, fraternity or sorority, interollegiate or intramural sports, et.) Relaxing and soializing (wathing TV, partying, et.) Providing are for dependents living with you (parents, hildren, spouse, et.) Commuting to lass (driving, walking, et.) Spending signifiant amounts of time studying and on aademi work Providing the support you need to help you sueed aademially Enouraging ontat among students from different eonomi, soial, and raial or ethni bakgrounds ACADPR01 WORKON01 WORKOF01 ompared with: Benhmark Mean a Mean a Sig b Size Mean a Sig b Size Mean a Sig b Size FY SR FY SR **.17 FY SR COCURR01 FY SOCIAL05 CAREDE01 COMMUTE ENVSCHOL ENVSUPRT ENVDIVRS SCE About how many hours do you spend in a typial 7-day week doing eah of the following? 1=0 hrs/wk, 2=1-5 hrs/wk, 3=6-10 hrs/wk, 4=11-15 hrs/wk, 5=16-20 hrs/wk, 6=21-25 hrs/wk, 7=26-30 hrs/wk, 8=More than 30 hrs/wk SR FY * **.22 SR ** **.18 FY ** ** SR * *** *** -.22 FY ** ** **.25 SR To what extent does your institution emphasize eah of the following? 1=Very little, 2=Some, 3=Quite a bit, 4=Very muh FY * ** ** -.19 SR FY * *** *** -.26 SR FY * ** ** -.22 SR * -.14 a Weighted by gender and enrollment status (and size for omparisons). b * p<.05 ** p<.01 *** p<.001 (2-tailed). Mean differene divided by pooled SD 6

9 Mean Comparisons University f. g. 11. Eduational and Personal Growth. f. g. h. Helping you ope with your non-aademi responsibilities (work, family, et.) Providing the support you need to thrive soially Attending ampus events and ativities (speial speakers, ultural performanes, athleti events, et.) Using omputers in aademi work Aquiring a broad general eduation Aquiring job or work-related knowledge and skills Writing learly and effetively Speaking learly and effetively Thinking ritially and analytially Analyzing quantitative problems Using omputing and information tehnology Working effetively with others a Weighted by gender and enrollment status (and size for omparisons). ENVNACAD ENVSOCAL ENVEVENT ENVCOMPT GNGENLED GNWORK GNWRITE GNSPEAK GNANALY GNQUANT GNCMPTS GNOTHERS ompared with: Benhmark Mean a Mean a Sig b Size Mean a Sig b Size Mean a Sig b Size SCE SCE FY ** *** -.25 SR * -.13 FY * ** *** -.22 SR * -.13 FY * ** ** -.18 SR FY ** *** *** -.25 SR To what extent has your experiene at this institution ontributed to your knowledge, skills, and personal development in the following areas? 1=Very little, 2=Some, 3=Quite a bit, 4=Very muh FY ** *** *** -.26 SR FY ** *** *** -.24 SR FY *** *** *** -.34 SR FY ** ** *** -.28 SR FY *** *** *** -.37 SR ** -.15 FY ** *** *** -.26 SR ** ** -.16 FY * ** -.18 SR FY ** ** *** -.28 SR b * p<.05 ** p<.01 *** p<.001 (2-tailed). Mean differene divided by pooled SD 7

10 Mean Comparisons University i. j. k. l. m. n. o. Voting in loal, state, or national eletions Learning effetively on your own Understanding yourself Understanding people of other raial and ethni bakgrounds Solving omplex real-world problems Developing a personal ode of values and ethis Contributing to the welfare of your ommunity GNCITIZN GNINQ GNSELF GNDIVERS GNPROBSV GNETHICS GNCOMMUN p. Developing a deepened sense of spirituality GNSPIRIT ompared with: Benhmark Mean a Mean a Sig b Size Mean a Sig b Size Mean a Sig b Size FY *** * ** -.18 SR ** FY * ** ** -.23 SR * -.11 FY * ** *** -.26 SR * -.14 FY *** *** *** -.29 SR * ** -.16 FY ** *** *** -.27 SR ** *** *** -.21 FY * *** *** -.29 SR * -.14 FY *** *** *** -.35 SR ** *** *** -.25 FY *** *** -.25 SR *** *** Aademi Advising 1=Poor, 2=Fair, 3=Good, 4=Exellent Overall, how would you evaluate the quality of aademi advising you have reeived at your ADVISE FY institution? SR * *** Satisfation 1=Poor, 2=Fair, 3=Good, 4=Exellent How would you evaluate your entire eduational FY * ** *** -.22 ENTIREXP experiene at this institution? SR * =Definitely no, 2=Probably no, 3=Probably yes, 4=Definitely yes If you ould start over again, would you go to the FY SAMECOLL same institution you are now attending? SR IPEDS: a Weighted by gender and enrollment status (and size for omparisons). b * p<.05 ** p<.01 *** p<.001 (2-tailed). Mean differene divided by pooled SD 8

11 N Mean Standard Error of the Mean b Standard Deviation Degrees of Freedom d CLQUEST ,920 5,821 35, CLPRESEN ,910 5,801 35, REWROPAP ,903 5,786 34, INTEGRAT ,916 5,813 35, DIVCLASS ,907 5,799 35, CLUNPREP ,909 5,805 35, CLASSGRP OCCGRP INTIDEAS ,676 5,428 33, TUTOR ,686 5,447 33, COMMPROJ , ITACADEM ,686 5,443 33, ,673 5,433 33, FACGRADE ,679 5,436 33, FACPLANS ,679 5,433 33, FACIDEAS ,685 5,447 33, FACFEED , WORKHARD ,616 5,325 32, FACOTHER ,606 5,309 32, OOCIDEAS ,612 5,321 32, DIVRSTUD , DIFFSTU ,623 5,332 32, MEMORIZE ,594 5,294 32, ANALYZE ,580 5,269 32, SYNTHESZ ,579 5,266 32, EVALUATE APPLYING ,589 5,286 32, READASGN a All statistis are weighted by gender and enrollment status. Comparison group statistis are also weighted by institutional siz b The 95% onfidene interval for the population mean is equal to the sample mean plus/minus 1.96 times the standard error of the mean. A measure of the amount individual sores deviate from the mean of all the sores in the distribution. d Degrees of freedom used to ompute the t-tests. Values differ from the total Ns due to weighting and whether equal varianes were assume e Statistial signifiane represents the probability that the differene between the mean of your institution and that of the omparison group ourred by han f size is alulated by subtrating the omparison group mean from the shool mean, then dividing the result by the pooled standard deviation. Detailed Statistis a University First-Year Students Signifiane e ompared with: Size f ompared with: 1

12 N Mean Standard Error of the Mean b Standard Deviation Degrees of Freedom d Detailed Statistis a University First-Year Students Signifiane e ompared with: Size f ompared with: READOWN ,588 5,280 32, WRITEMOR WRITEMID WRITESML ,587 5,282 32, PROBSETA ,582 5,268 32, PROBSETB ,581 5,266 32, EXAMS ,588 5,282 32, ATDART EXRCSE ,545 5,207 31, WORSHP , OWNVIEW OTHRVIEW ,540 5,205 31, CHNGVIEW ,547 5, INTERN VOLNTR LRNCOM RESRCH ,480 5,102 31, FORLNG STDABR , , INDSTD ,473 5,094 31, SNRX ,486 5,114 31, ENVSTU ,114 31, ENVFAC ,486 5,115 31, ENVADM ,483 5,110 31, ACADPR ,465 5,082 30, WORKON ,461 5,079 30, WORKOF , , COCURR ,461 5,079 30, a All statistis are weighted by gender and enrollment status. Comparison group statistis are also weighted by institutional siz b The 95% onfidene interval for the population mean is equal to the sample mean plus/minus 1.96 times the standard error of the mean. A measure of the amount individual sores deviate from the mean of all the sores in the distribution. d Degrees of freedom used to ompute the t-tests. Values differ from the total Ns due to weighting and whether equal varianes were assume e Statistial signifiane represents the probability that the differene between the mean of your institution and that of the omparison group ourred by han f size is alulated by subtrating the omparison group mean from the shool mean, then dividing the result by the pooled standard deviation. 2

13 N Mean Standard Error of the Mean b Standard Deviation Degrees of Freedom d Detailed Statistis a University First-Year Students Signifiane e ompared with: Size f ompared with: SOCIAL CAREDE , COMMUTE ENVSCHOL ,420 5,014 30, ENVSUPRT ,403 4,987 30, ENVDIVRS ,410 4,985 30, ENVNACAD , ENVSOCAL , ENVEVENT ,407 4,993 30, ENVCOMPT ,408 4,997 30, GNGENLED ,358 4,922 30, GNWORK ,352 4,916 29, GNWRITE GNSPEAK ,345 4,906 29, GNANALY ,347 4,904 29, GNQUANT ,342 4,896 29, GNCMPTS ,352 4,913 30, GNOTHERS ,351 4,911 30, GNCITIZN GNINQ GNSELF ,281 4,825 29, GNDIVERS GNPROBSV ,293 4,838 29, GNETHICS ,291 4,836 29, GNCOMMUN GNSPIRIT , ADVISE ,337 4,889 29, ENTIREXP ,338 4,886 29, SAMECOLL ,341 4,892 29, a All statistis are weighted by gender and enrollment status. Comparison group statistis are also weighted by institutional siz b The 95% onfidene interval for the population mean is equal to the sample mean plus/minus 1.96 times the standard error of the mean. A measure of the amount individual sores deviate from the mean of all the sores in the distribution. IPEDS: d Degrees of freedom used to ompute the t-tests. Values differ from the total Ns due to weighting and whether equal varianes were assume e Statistial signifiane represents the probability that the differene between the mean of your institution and that of the omparison group ourred by han f size is alulated by subtrating the omparison group mean from the shool mean, then dividing the result by the pooled standard deviation. 3

14 Detailed Statistis a University Seniors CLQUEST CLPRESEN REWROPAP INTEGRAT DIVCLASS CLUNPREP CLASSGRP OCCGRP INTIDEAS TUTOR COMMPROJ ITACADEM FACGRADE FACPLANS FACIDEAS FACFEED WORKHARD FACOTHER OOCIDEAS DIVRSTUD DIFFSTU2 MEMORIZE ANALYZE SYNTHESZ EVALUATE APPLYING READASGN N Mean Standard Error of the Mean b Standard Deviation Degrees of Freedom d Signifiane e Size f ,011 12,037 64, ,995 12,044 64, ,986 12,009 64, ,004 12,056 64, ,988 12,007 64, ,055 64, ,006 12,049 64, ,022 12,080 65, ,741 11,558 62, ,753 11,587 62, ,727 11,541 62, ,760 11,603 62, ,745 11,574 62, ,744 11,571 62, ,745 11,580 62, ,758 11,594 62, ,644 11,393 61, ,658 11,412 61, ,670 11,436 62, ,674 11,438 62, ,637 11,360 61, ,615 11,337 61, ,605 11,309 61, ,615 11,337 61, ,623 11,349 61, ,611 11,320 61, ompared with: ompared with: a All statistis are weighted by gender and enrollment status. Comparison group statistis are also weighted by institutional siz b The 95% onfidene interval for the population mean is equal to the sample mean plus/minus 1.96 times the standard error of the mean. A measure of the amount individual sores deviate from the mean of all the sores in the distribution. d Degrees of freedom used to ompute the t-tests. Values differ from the total Ns due to weighting and whether equal varianes were assume e Statistial signifiane represents the probability that the differene between the mean of your institution and that of the omparison group ourred by han f size is alulated by subtrating the omparison group mean from the shool mean, then dividing the result by the pooled standard deviation. 1

15 Detailed Statistis a University Seniors READOWN WRITEMOR WRITEMID WRITESML PROBSETA PROBSETB EXAMS ATDART07 EXRCSE05 WORSHP05 OWNVIEW OTHRVIEW CHNGVIEW INTERN04 VOLNTR04 LRNCOM04 RESRCH04 FORLNG04 STDABR04 INDSTD04 SNRX04 ENVSTU ENVFAC ENVADM ACADPR01 WORKON01 WORKOF01 COCURR01 N Mean Standard Error of the Mean b Standard Deviation Degrees of Freedom d Signifiane e Size f ompared with: ompared with: ,611 11,314 61, , ,618 11,332 61, ,596 11,283 61, ,585 11,272 61, ,619 11,332 61, ,553 11,202 60, ,544 11,195 60, , ,527 11,172 60, ,544 11,190 60, ,555 11, , , ,438 11,017 59, ,471 11,063 60, ,454 11,033 60, ,439 11,004 59, ,473 11,068 60, , ,472 11,069 60, ,448 11,008 59, ,994 59, ,452 11,018 59, a All statistis are weighted by gender and enrollment status. Comparison group statistis are also weighted by institutional siz b The 95% onfidene interval for the population mean is equal to the sample mean plus/minus 1.96 times the standard error of the mean. A measure of the amount individual sores deviate from the mean of all the sores in the distribution. d Degrees of freedom used to ompute the t-tests. Values differ from the total Ns due to weighting and whether equal varianes were assume e Statistial signifiane represents the probability that the differene between the mean of your institution and that of the omparison group ourred by han f size is alulated by subtrating the omparison group mean from the shool mean, then dividing the result by the pooled standard deviation. 2

16 N Mean Detailed Statistis a University Seniors Standard Error of the Mean b Standard Deviation Degrees of Freedom d Signifiane e Size f ompared with: ompared with: SOCIAL ,432 10,983 59, CAREDE COMMUTE , ENVSCHOL ,383 10,908 59, ENVSUPRT ,370 10,869 59, ENVDIVRS ,361 10,858 59, ENVNACAD ,372 10,880 59, ENVSOCAL , ENVEVENT ,355 10,852 59, ENVCOMPT ,375 10,877 59, GNGENLED ,297 10,764 58, GNWORK , , GNWRITE ,303 10,776 58, GNSPEAK ,276 10,734 58, GNANALY ,287 10,756 58, GNQUANT ,270 10,724 58, GNCMPTS ,300 10,767 58, GNOTHERS ,298 10,766 58, GNCITIZN ,242 10,639 58, GNINQ ,222 10,613 57, GNSELF ,202 10,592 57, GNDIVERS , GNPROBSV ,226 10,624 57, GNETHICS ,232 10,637 57, GNCOMMUN , GNSPIRIT , ADVISE ,298 10,750 58, ENTIREXP SAMECOLL ,298 10,756 58, a All statistis are weighted by gender and enrollment status. Comparison group statistis are also weighted by institutional siz b The 95% onfidene interval for the population mean is equal to the sample mean plus/minus 1.96 times the standard error of the mean. A measure of the amount individual sores deviate from the mean of all the sores in the distribution. IPEDS: d Degrees of freedom used to ompute the t-tests. Values differ from the total Ns due to weighting and whether equal varianes were assume e Statistial signifiane represents the probability that the differene between the mean of your institution and that of the omparison group ourred by han f size is alulated by subtrating the omparison group mean from the shool mean, then dividing the result by the pooled standard deviation. 3

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