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EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) 510309-LLP-1-2010-1-ES-LEONARDO-LMP http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740 1

Information sur le projet Titre: Code Projet: Année: 2010 Type de Projet: Statut: Pays: Accroche marketing: Résumé: EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309- EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) 510309-LLP-1-2010-1-ES-LEONARDO-LMP Développement d'innovation Clôturé EU-Projets centralisés Un modèle novateur de formation professionnelle en développant une méthodologie de simulation dans la cuisine a été conçue pour le groupe cible des malades mentaux. Notre Objectif: faciliter leur entrée sur le marché du travail. The project proposed aims to form an innovative synergy between various fields of expertise for the purpose of establishing a multifaceted vocational training in cooking for the target group suffering from mental illness, which can beyond objection be considered as marginalized when it comes to the labour market. The consortium hereby pushes towards surpassing the classical understanding of vocational training as a narrow process of acquiring technical professional knowledge, and it does so by introducing a simulation methodology for experiential learning to the operative aspect of vocational training to facilitate the acquirement of frequently underestimated soft skills. Concrete materials to be developed, produced and implemented in the framework of the project thus consist of an integral set of didactic tools for further application in different contexts. The vocational training model proposed shall therefore acquire its institutional form as a teaching manual with complete overview of each of the training modules, which shall be accompanied by a trainees textbook. The partners will also produce a teaching DVD and informative website not only to assist teachers with their pedagogic work, but also to disseminate the project within an imaginative public communication strategy. Since partner network is combined in such a way to demand for knowledge dissemination, partners will distribute responsibilities and tasks accordingly, some conceptually developing the curriculum and methodology, whereas others applying it through the pilot training, which will allow for the innovative partner synergy to optimize mutual expertise to the outmost level. And finally, concrete benefits of the project for the pilot trainees could be defined as cognitive (knowledge about nutrition, diet), social (interaction, work hierarchy, group dynamics) and practical (preparation and serving of food and beverages). Description: The essential aim of the project strives to establish an innovative model of vocational training by developing a simulation methodology, designed for the target group of mentally ill individuals in order to facilitate their entry in the labour market. The partners shall not merely develop a teaching methodology, but also the curriculum of the material to be taught, placing an important emphasis on national cuisine of the partners as the European dimension of the project. Concrete goals of the project envisage the production of the entire set of teaching tools required (1) a manual (describing goals of the training program together with the conceptual approach to vocational training of the mentally ill, walking teachers through separate teaching modules with a complete description of curriculum, methodology, techniques used and important issues addressed); (2) trainees textbook (to provide an assisting tool for the trainees); (3) a teaching DVD (featuring practical examples of the training); (4) informative web platform. Another set of goals is related to the pilot practical training, which P1,P2 and P3 shall carry out. The trainees shall gain cognitive, social and practical skills in order to access the labour market. Moreover, since some training applying partners have an extended infrastructure/network of services, the food produced in the training shall be used for the wider needs of each of the partners, who have users and/or staff in other locations to be fed, thus forming an illustrative version of a self-sustaining non-profit economy, which could be considered as a legitimate option for future policies in the social, sanitary and rehabilitation area. The last aim of the project for P1 certainly and for other 2 partners conditionally is to employ some of vocational training attendees after the training is concluded and to promote others on the labour market, which on the long term implies an establishment of a dynamic employment system. http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740 2

Information sur le projet EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309- Thèmes: Sectors: Types de Produit: Information sur le produit: Page Web du projet: *** Divers *** Orientation professionnelle *** Accès pour les personnes moins favorisées *** Égalité des chances *** Formation continue ** Utilisation et diffusion de résultats ** Marché du travail ** Formation ouverte et à distance *** Santé Humaine et Action Sociale *** Enseignement Description de nouveaux métiers Méthodes de distribution Site Internet Programme/curriculum Matériel d'apprentissage DVD Enseignement à distance Periodical meetings. Periodical reports. Online meetings. Supervisory visits (curriculum). Session reports for the staff (methodology). Training of the trainers. Videos of the pilot training sessions DVD formation (teaching tool). Teaching manual. Textbook. Press conference. Posters. Quarterly newsletter. Promotional booklet. Cooking TV videos. Seminars. Scientific articles on the project subject. http://suvot.intras.es/ http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740 3

EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309- Contractant du projet Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: Fundación INTRAS Valladolid Castilla y León ES-Espagne Association/organisation non gouvermentale http://www.intras.es Personne de contact Nom: Adresse: Ville: Pays: Téléphone: Fax: E-mail: Site internet: Henar Conde C/ Santa Lucía, 19. 47005 Valladolid ES-Espagne 0034983399633 0034983217565 projd@intras.es http://www.intras.es http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740 4

EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309- Coordinateur Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: Fundación INTRAS Valladolid Castilla y León ES-Espagne Association/organisation non gouvermentale http://www.intras.es Personne de contact Nom: Adresse: Ville: Pays: Téléphone: Fax: E-mail: Site internet: Henar Conde C/ Santa Lucía, 19. 47005 Valladolid ES-Espagne 0034983399633 0034983217565 projd@intras.es http://www.intras.es http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740 5

EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309 - Partenaire Partner 1 Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: Ozara Slovenija Nacionalno zdruzenje za kakovost zivljenja (OZARA) Maribor Slovenija SL-Slovénie Association/organisation non gouvermentale http://www.ozara.org Partner 2 Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: Bielskie Stowarzayszenie Artystyczne Teatr Grodzki Bielsko-Biala Slaskie PL-Pologne Association/organisation non gouvermentale Partner 3 Nom: Ville: Pays/Région: Pays: Type d'organisation: Site Internet: CJD Frechenk im Christlichen Jugenddorfwerk Deutschland e.v. Frechen Cologne DE-Allemagne Association/organisation non gouvermentale http://www.cjd-bbw-frechen.de/bbw-frechen http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740 6

EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309- Produits 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Developing the website of the project Production of an email template Press conference (end of the content dev. meeting) Press release after the conference Translation of the press release Translation of the posters Print of the posters Distribution of the newsletter Facebook profile on the internet Graphic design of the promotional booklet Project graphic image Public part of the progress report Final Report http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740 7

EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309- Produit 'Developing the website of the project' Titre: Developing the website of the project Type de Produit: Site Internet Texte marketing: This is the SUVOT website, where you can find information about the project, the partners, international recipes, newsletters, etc. Description: SUVOT website has been thought as an informative tool but also as a educational tool, as all the didactical materials developed within this project will be available in the webpage. Cible: General audience, as well as specialized public working with people suffering from mental illness. Résultat: An updated website including information about the project and extra-contents about cooking and training. Domaine d'application: Website contains information about training and mental illness but also it can be used as an educational tool: videos about the training will be available there, as well as practical recipes. Adresse du site Internet: http://suvot.intras.es Langues de produit: polonais allemand anglais slovène espagnol product files 08_D42_Developing the website of the project.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/1/1/08_d42_developing%20the%20website%20of%20the%20project.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740&prd=1 8

Produit 'Production of an email template' EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309- Titre: Production of an email template Type de Produit: Méthodes de distribution Texte marketing: An email template has been designed to be used for external relations with the public, so they can easily match the email sent with the idea of the project. Description: This email template contains the SUVOT logo and partners' logos. It is made in grey and yellow, the colours of the logo and the ones used in all the documents produced within the project. Cible: General audience and specialized audience (professionals of the mental health area, vocational training professionals and organizations, socio-drama associations, Résultat: A designed email template using the SUVOT brand. Domaine d'application: An email template is been used for sending the quarterly newsletter and everykind of information related to the project (press releases, information about events, etc.). Adresse du site Internet: http://suvot.intras.es Langues de produit: anglais product files 11_D59_Production of an email template.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/2/1/11_d59_production%20of%20an%20email%20template.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740&prd=2 9

EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309- Produit 'Press conference (end of the content dev. meeting)' Titre: Press conference (end of the content dev. meeting) Type de Produit: Autres Texte marketing: This was the first SUVOT press conference. It was organized in the headquarters of Grodzki Theatre in Bielsko-Biala. SUVOT project was presented in terms of objectives, activities, expected results and vision. Description: The teaching development meeting held in Bielsko-Biala (Poland, 2nd and 3rd March 2011) finished with a press conference on 3rd March, which was very well attended with journalists from regional TV Bielsko, two local radio stations Radio Bielsko and Radio Anio Beskidów, local newspaper Magazyn Samorzdowy and regional magazine Go Niedzielny (one of the most well-read ones in Poland). Public audience was around 15 people. Cible: Polish journalists. Résultat: Around 15 journalists informing about SUVOT activities in Polish mass media. Domaine d'application: Dissemination of the project. Adresse du site Internet: http://www.tv.bielsko.biala.pl/suvot_szkolenia_ze_smakiem_4468.html Langues de produit: anglais polonais product files 36_D62_Press conference _end of the content dev.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/3/1/36_d62_press%20conference%20_end%20of%20the%20content%20dev.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740&prd=3 10

Produit 'Press release after the conference' EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309- Titre: Press release after the conference Type de Produit: Autres Texte marketing: After any press conference, SUVOT team sends a press release in order to inform as much media as possible about the project activities and thus reach a big audience. Description: Every partner is in charge of sending a press release to their national mass media in order to inform about the press conference organized by the consortium. It was written in English by the project coordinator and translated into Spanish, German and Slovenian. Cible: European mass media. Résultat: News about SUVOT published in European mass media. Domaine d'application: Dissemination activities. Adresse du site Internet: http://suvot.intras.es/index.php/es/noticias/notas-de-prensa/polonia.html Langues de produit: anglais product files 12_D63_Press release after the conference.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/4/1/12_d63_press%20release%20after%20the%20conference.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740&prd=4 11

Produit 'Translation of the press release' EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309- Titre: Translation of the press release Type de Produit: Autres Texte marketing: This is the press release release translated into Spanish, German and Slovenian. Description: Press release was not translated into Polish because many mass media attended the conference, so it was not necessary to send any press release after that. Cible: European mass media. Résultat: News about SUVOT appeared in Spanish, Slovenian, German and Polish mass media. Domaine d'application: Dissemination activities. Adresse du site Internet: Langues de produit: espagnol slovène allemand product files 13_D64_Translation of the press release.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/5/1/13_d64_translation%20of%20the%20press%20release.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740&prd=5 12

Produit 'Translation of the posters' EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309- Titre: Translation of the posters Type de Produit: Méthodes de distribution Texte marketing: This is the SUVOT poster, translated into all partners' languages and including information about the project objectives, activities, partners, funding organization, etc. Description: These are the promotional posters of the project to disseminate SUVOT activities and information. It was written in English and translated into Spanish, Slovenia, German and Polish. They are visible in all partners' centres and also during the promotional events organized by partners. Cible: General and specialized audience. Résultat: People conveniently informed about SUVOT project. Domaine d'application: Dissemination activities. Adresse du site Internet: http://suvot.intras.es/index.php/en/suvot-project/suvot-posters.html Langues de produit: espagnol slovène anglais polonais allemand product files 14_D66_Translation of the posters.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/6/1/14_d66_translation%20of%20the%20posters.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740&prd=6 13

Produit 'Print of the posters' EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309- Titre: Print of the posters Type de Produit: Méthodes de distribution Texte marketing: 300 SUVOT posters has been printed in Spanish, Slovenian, German and Polish, that is to say 1.200 posters in total. Description: Each partner printed 300 SUVOT posters in each national languages. Posters are shown in partners centers in order to disseminate SUVOT project but also they have been distributed during some promotional events and will be distributed until the end of the project. Cible: General and specialized audience. Résultat: People informed about SUVOT project. Domaine d'application: Dissemination activities. Adresse du site Internet: http://suvot.intras.es/index.php/en/suvot-project/suvot-posters.html Langues de produit: espagnol slovène polonais allemand product files 15_D67_Design of the posters.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/7/1/15_d67_design%20of%20the%20posters.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740&prd=7 14

Produit 'Distribution of the newsletter' EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309- Titre: Distribution of the newsletter Type de Produit: Méthodes de distribution Texte marketing: Each four months SUVOT team sends the SUVOT newsletter to their contacts list, including more than 1.000 contacts in the four European countries working in the project. Description: Each partner has ellaborated a stakeholders' list in order to inform them about SUVOT news. Each four months the SUVOT newsletter is sent to them translated into their national language to make easier the reading. Cible: Specialized audience identified in the stakeholders' map, as for example vocational training institutions, organizations working with people with mental illness, family and patients associations, socio drama entities, etc. Résultat: More than 1.000 people/organizations informed about SUVOT project. Domaine d'application: Dissemination activities. Adresse du site Internet: Langues de produit: allemand anglais slovène polonais espagnol product files 41_D73_Distribution of the newsletter1_spain.msg http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/8/1/41_d73_distribution%20of%20the%20newsletter1_spain.msg 42_D73_Distribution of the newsletter1_slovenia.msg http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/8/1/42_d73_distribution%20of%20the%20newsletter1_slovenia.msg 43_D73_Distribution of the newsletter1_germany.msg http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/8/1/43_d73_distribution%20of%20the%20newsletter1_germany.msg 44_D73_Distribution of the newsletter1_poland.msg http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/8/1/44_d73_distribution%20of%20the%20newsletter1_poland.msg 45_D73_Distribution of the newsletter2_spain.msg http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/8/1/45_d73_distribution%20of%20the%20newsletter2_spain.msg 46_D73_Distribution of the newsletter2_slovenia.msg http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/8/1/46_d73_distribution%20of%20the%20newsletter2_slovenia.msg 47_D73_Distribution of the newsletter2_germany.msg http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/8/1/47_d73_distribution%20of%20the%20newsletter2_germany.msg 48_D73_Distribution of the newsletter2_poland.msg http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/8/1/48_d73_distribution%20of%20the%20newsletter2_poland.msg http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740&prd=8 15

product files 49_D73_Distribution of the newsletter3_spain.msg http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/8/1/49_d73_distribution%20of%20the%20newsletter3_spain.msg 50_D73_Distribution of the newsletter3_slovenia.msg http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/8/1/50_d73_distribution%20of%20the%20newsletter3_slovenia.msg 51_D73_Distribution of the newsletter3_germany.msg http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/8/1/51_d73_distribution%20of%20the%20newsletter3_germany.msg 52_D73_Distribution of the newsletter3_poland.msg http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/8/1/52_d73_distribution%20of%20the%20newsletter3_poland.msg 53_D73_Distribution of the newsletter3_english.msg http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/8/1/53_d73_distribution%20of%20the%20newsletter3_english.msg

Produit 'Facebook profile on the internet' EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309- Titre: Facebook profile on the internet Type de Produit: Méthodes de distribution Texte marketing: SUVOT is on the social networks, we have a facebook page including photos of the activities done within the project and updated information about events, meetings, etc. We have 23 "I like". Description: This is the link to enter into SUVOT facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/suvot- Project/166486543372824. SUVOT teams promotes this page and updates it with information about events, meetings, activities and all kind of information related to the project. Cible: General but also specialized audience. Résultat: People informed about SUVOT project and able to interact with SUVOT team, the stakeholders and the participants of the course via social media. Domaine d'application: Dissemination activities. Adresse du site Internet: http://www.facebook.com/pages/suvot-project/166486543372824 Langues de produit: anglais http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740&prd=9 17

EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309- Produit 'Graphic design of the promotional booklet' Titre: Graphic design of the promotional booklet Type de Produit: Méthodes de distribution Texte marketing: Here you have the SUVOT promotional brochure, including short information about the project but also tasty recipes from each of the partners' countries. Description: This is the promotional booklet of SUVOT translated into English, Spanish, Slovenian, German and Polish. Cible: General audience Résultat: 2.095 booklet printed in 4 European languages. Domaine d'application: Dissemination activities Adresse du site Internet: http://suvot.intras.es Langues de produit: slovène polonais allemand anglais espagnol product files 61_D78_Graphic design of the promotional booklet_spanish.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/10/1/61_d78_graphic%20design%20of%20the%20promotional%20booklet_spanish.pdf 62_D78_Graphic design of the promotional booklet_slovenian.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/10/1/62_d78_graphic%20design%20of%20the%20promotional%20booklet_slovenian.pdf 63_D78_Graphic design of the promotional booklet_german.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/10/1/63_d78_graphic%20design%20of%20the%20promotional%20booklet_german.pdf 64_D78_Graphic design of the promotional booklet_polish.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/10/1/64_d78_graphic%20design%20of%20the%20promotional%20booklet_polish.pdf 65_D78_Graphic design of the promotional booklet_english.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/10/1/65_d78_graphic%20design%20of%20the%20promotional%20booklet_english.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740&prd=10 18

Produit 'Project graphic image' EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309- Titre: Project graphic image Type de Produit: Autres Texte marketing: This is the SUVOT image, the logo that we immediately link with SUVOT brand. Description: This is the SUVOT logo, that reminds us about cooking. Colours used are yellow and grey, the same that are used for the rest of dissemination materials. Cible: General audience. Résultat: SUVOT logo included in all the products an materials made as a result of the project. Domaine d'application: Dissemination activities but also it is included in all the materials produced within the project. Adresse du site Internet: Langues de produit: anglais product files 09_D57_Project graphic image selection.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/11/1/09_d57_project%20graphic%20image%20selection.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740&prd=11 19

Produit 'Public part of the progress report' EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309- Titre: Public part of the progress report Type de Produit: Transparence et certification Texte marketing: This is the progress report of the first 18 months of SUVOT project. Description: Here you will find a detailed description of what has been made in the first half of the project and a plannification of the next steps to do. Cible: General and specialized audience. Résultat: Written report explaining SUVOT work. Domaine d'application: Training and mental illness. Adresse du site Internet: Langues de produit: anglais product files 2010_3626_PR_SUVOT_pub.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/12/1/2010_3626_pr_suvot_pub.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740&prd=12 20

EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309- Produit 'Final Report' Titre: Final Report Type de Produit: Autres Texte marketing: A final report including an executive summary and a summary description of project objectives, a description of the main outcomes and results, partnerships, the potential impact and the contribution to EU policies. Description: Cible: Résultat: Domaine d'application: Adresse du site Internet: Langues de produit: anglais product files Final Report 2010_3626_FR_SUVOT_pub.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/6740/prd/13/2/2010_3626_fr_suvot_pub.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740&prd=13 21

EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309- Événements Press conference after the training of the trainers Date 26.04.2012 Description Cible Public Informations de contact Date et lieu A press conference was organized after the training of the trainers in Germany that took place from 23 until 27th April, 2012. German mass media Événement public Laura Martínez proyectos2@intras.es Claudia Feth claudia.feth@cjd.de 26th April, 2012. Frechen (Germany), CJD headquarters. Joint intensive training of the trainers Date 23.04.2012 Description Cible Public Informations de contact Date et lieu Trainers from Spain, Slovenia and Germany that are going to carry out the SUVOT course, were conveniently training during a 1 week course by experts from Germany and Poland using the manual developed. They learnt the basic techniques needed for the vocational training course. Trainers from Spain, Slovenia and Germany. Événement non public Laura Martínez proyectos2@intras.es Claudia Feth claudia.feth@cjd.de 23-27th April 2012. Frechen (Germany), CJD's headquarters. First-year meeting in Slovenia Date 18.10.2011 Description After the first year of SUVOT project, a coordination meeting was held in order to analyze the work done and planning next steps (training of the trainers, pilot experiences, etc.) Cible Public Informations de contact Date et lieu Staff from project's organization (project managers and trainers). Événement non public Laura Martínez proyectos2@intras.es Mateja Kramberger Mateja.Kramberger@ozara.org 18-20th October 2011. Maribor (Slovenia). Ozara's headquarters. http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740 22

EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309- Événements Press conference Date 03.03.2011 Description The teaching development meeting held in Bielsko-Biala (Poland, 2nd and 3rd March 2011) finished with a press conference on 3rd March, which was very well attended with journalists from regional TV Bielsko, two local radio stations Radio Bielsko and Radio Anio Beskidów, local newspaper Magazyn Samorzdowy and regional magazine Go Niedzielny (one of the most well-read ones in Poland). Public audience was around 15 people. All partners took part in presenting the project and answering questions. Personal interviews for radios and TV were conducted after the official part. The project poster in Polish was printed before the schedule, especially for this occasion, and displayed in the press room. Cible Public Informations de contact Date et lieu Polish journalists (regional TV Bielsko, two local radio stations Radio Bielsko and Radio Anio Beskidów, local newspaper Magazyn Samorzdowy and regional) Événement public Laura Martínez proyectos2@intras.es Agnieszka Ginko-Humphries agnieszka@teatrgrodzki.pl 3rd March 2011, Bielsko-Biala (Poland), Grodzki Theatre headquarters. Teaching tools development meeting in Poland Date 02.03.2011 Description A meeting was held in Poland in order to discuss the logistics of the curriculum and the simulation methodology development and thus set the general timeline of this development. Cible Public Informations de contact Date et lieu Staff from partners' organizations. Événement non public Laura Martínez proyectos2@intras.es Agnieszka Ginko-Humphries agnieszka@teatrgrodzki.pl 2-3rd March, 2011. Bielsko-Biala (Poland), Grodzki Theatre headquarter. http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740 23

EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309- Événements Kick-off meeting Date 27.10.2010 Description Cible Public Informations de contact Date et lieu SUVOT Kick-off meeting took place in Valladolid (Spain) 27-28th October, 2010. Project was discussed in terms of objectives, activities, expected results and marketing strategy to be follow. Staff from partners' organizations (project managers and trainers). Événement non public Laura Martínez proyectos2@intras.es Henar Conde projd@intras.es 27-28th October, 2010. Valladolid (Spain), INTRAS headquarters. http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740 24

EN DONNANT SAVEUR À LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE (SUVOT) (510309- Project Tags The project belongs to the following group(s): Best Projects (http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/thematicgroup/mmvii) http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/project/view.htm?prj=6740 22