4Section Four: DAY ONE. Total Marks for Day One: 9.5 marks. Pâques Total Marks for Section Four: 140 marks. Answers will vary.

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1 4Section Four: Pâques Total Marks for Section Four: 140 marks DAY ONE Total Marks for Day One: 9.5 marks What does Easter mean to you? What traditions do you associate with Easter? How do you celebrate Easter? If you don t celebrate Easter, describe how some of your friends celebrate this holiday. (2 marks) Answers will vary. Pg 1

2 1. Complete the KWL chart below. In the first column, write down everything you already know about Easter. In the second column below, make a list of things you would like to learn about Easter. Leave the last column blank for now. You will write in it on Day Ten once you have completed Section Four. (2 marks) Answers will vary. What I Know What I Want to find out What I Learned Pg 2

3 2. Listen again to Track 47 on the Module 5 CD. Answer the following questions based on the conversation between the four characters. Do your best to use the French words from the dialogue in your answers. (3 marks) a. What season does Easter fall in? le printemps b. What is Émilie s favourite part of Easter? décorer les œufs de Pâques c. What does Justin like to eat? les œufs et les lapins de chocolat d. What does Miguel look for in his backyard? les œufs colorés e. Where do Karine and her family go on Easter Sunday? à l église f. What activity did Mme Morin set up in the classroom for her students? la chasse aux œufs Pg 3

4 3. Read the following clues and try to figure out the names of different terms associated with Easter that were mentioned in the dialogue. The articles and the number of letters for each word have been given to get you started. You may wish to use the Glossary or a dictionary for help with the French words. (2.5 marks) a. Good Friday le V e n d r e d i s a i n t b. white flowers les l y s c. symbol of the crucifixion la c r o i x d. the verb to look for c h e r c h e r e. children put their eggs in these les p a n i e r s Pg 4

5 DAY TWO Total Marks for Day Two: 10 marks 1. Karine is asking you to identify the different Easter items shown in the pictures below. Answer her question with a correct response. Make sure to use the correct indefinite articles un, une, des in your answers. Follow the model. (3 marks) Qu est-ce que c est? Model: C est un panier. Ce sont des œufs de Pâques. a. Ce sont des fèves en gelée. Pg 5

6 b. C est un lapin en chocolat. c. C est un lys. d. Ce sont des poussins. e. C est un lapin de Pâques. f. Ce sont des couleurs. Pg 6

7 2. Listen to Track 50 on the Module 5 CD. You will hear the name of different items associated with Easter. Circle the pictures that match the words you heard. The first one is already done for you. (2 marks) a. b. c. d. e. Pg 7

8 3. Listen to Track 51 on the Module 5 CD. You will hear sentences being read about different items associated with Easter. Fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary words. Use the Glossary to verify the spelling of the different words if necessary. Listen to the track as often as you need to. The first one has been done for you as an example. (5 marks) a. Il y a des œufs colorés dans le panier. b. Les lapins en chocolat sont bons. c. J aime manger les fèves en gelée. d. C est amusant de faire la chasse aux œufs. e. Le lapin de Pâques cache les œufs dehors. f. Il y a un œuf rose et un œuf violet dans le pupitre. g. Le lys est une belle fleur. h. Les poussins sont tellement mignons. i. Le printemps est une bonne saison. j. Joyeuses Pâques les enfants! 4. Cut out the game cards in the Appendix and play a game of As-tu une bonne mémoire? Refer to Game Instructions at the back of Module Five for instructions on how to play. If you have access to a computer, play As-tu une bonne mémoire? 1 online. No marks given for games. Pg 8

9 DAY THREE Total Marks for Day Three: 7.5 marks Do you go to church at Easter time? If yes, describe the different parts of the Easter service. If no, describe what you already know about the religious aspects of Easter. (2 marks) Answers will vary. Pg 9

10 1. Below you will find scrambled words of different religious items associated with Easter. Unscramble them and write the correct word on the lines given. Notice that the articles le/la/les are part of the answer. (3 marks) a. g e l s i é l l é g l i s e b. b i l r e b s a l a b r e b i s c. s e c o l c e s l h l e s c l o c h e s d. e l V d i n s e r d n t i a e l e V e n d r e d i s a i n t e. l o c x i a r l a c r o i x f. d l m P e s a n i c q u e d h e â e l e d i m a n c h e d e P â q u e s 2. Answer the following questions based on the information provided in the Culture Clip on Day Three of the Module. Answer in English in point form. (2.5 marks) a. What does la croix symbolize? Christian religion b. Explain the significance of le Vendredi saint. Good Friday is the day Christ was crucified c. What happened on le dimanche de Pâques? Christ rose from the dead d. What does la brebis represent? purity and innocence e. Why do les cloches ring on Easter Sunday? Pg 10

11 to celebrate/announce the resurrection of Christ and the arrival of spring 3. Cut out the game cards in the Appendix and add them to your game cards from Day Two. Now play another game of As-tu une bonne mémoire? Refer to Game Instructions at the back of Module Five for instructions on how to play. If you have access to a computer, play As-tu une bonne mémoire? 2 online. No marks given for games. Pg 11

12 DAY FOUR Total Marks for Day Four: 16 marks What colours do we usually see at Easter time? Which ones are your favourites? Explain why. (2 marks) Answers will vary. Pg 12

13 1. Listen again to Track 53 on the Module 5 CD. Answer the following questions based on the conversation between Miguel and Émilie. Answer in point form in French. (3 marks) a. Why did Miguel go to Émilie s house? faire les œufs de Pâques b. What is the French word for dye which the characters used to colour their eggs? colorant c. Write the French names for the two shapes that Miguel used on his egg. diamants, ovales d. Quelle couleur est l œuf de Miguel? vert foncé e. Quelle couleur sont les triangles sur l œuf d Émilie? roses f. Quelle couleur est le panier? bleu clair Pg 13

14 2. Listen to Track 54 on the Module 5 CD. You will hear a series of sentences that describe different Easter eggs. Decorate the eggs with the correct colours and shapes to match the descriptive sentences you heard. Listen to the track as often as necessary. The first one is done for you. (2 marks) Colour of 4 eggs: 1) purple with pink hearts 2) dark pink with a yellow oval and blue rectangles 3) white with purple circles and pink squares 4) light blue with green triangles and purple stars Pg 14

15 3. Complete each sentence below with the correct form of the verb décorer. Refer to the Helpful Hint on Day Three of the Module if you forget which form to use. The first one is done for you. (2 marks) a. Il décore son œuf bleu avec des étoiles jaunes. b. Je décore mon œuf jaune avec un des cercles verts. c. Karine décore son œuf violet avec des ovales bleu clair. d. Tu décores ton œuf rose avec des cœurs violets. e. Miguel décore son œuf vert foncé avec des diamants bleus. 4. a. You have seen how Miguel and Émilie decorated their Easter eggs. Now it s your turn. Ask a parent to help you make hard boiled eggs. No marks are given for this activity. Boil the eggs for about 15 minutes. Empty the boiling water from the pot and then fill the pot up with cold water. Let the eggs sit in the cold water for 5 10 minutes so they cool off. Take the eggs out of the cold water and dry them off. Cover the kitchen table with newspaper so you don t make a mess. Put different coloured dyes into small bowls and place them on the table, along with some stickers and/or a few felt pens. You also will need a spoon or an egg dipper to use when you dye the eggs. Have a few cardboard bands or a metal stand ready so your eggs have a place to dry. Put an egg on the spoon or egg dipper and place it carefully into a bowl of dye. Move the egg around to ensure that the colour spreads evenly. Note: The longer you leave the egg in the dye, the darker it will be. Let your egg dry for approximately 10 minutes. Now decorate your egg with different stickers or draw a pattern on it with a coloured felt pen. Once you have finished adding your design, your egg is ready to be put into a basket. Remember to be creative and most of all, HAVE FUN! Pg 15

16 b. Now that your Easter eggs are all decorated, choose your favourite egg and describe it. Write two sentences describing it. Follow the model. (1 mark) Je décore mon œuf violet avec des cœurs roses. Il a des triangles bleus. Answers will vary. 5. Record yourself reading the descriptive sentences you wrote for number 4. Submit your recording with the Workbook. (6 marks Use rubric.) Start your recording by saying: Je m appelle (give your name). This is Module 5, Section 4, Day 4, Number 5. Pg 16

17 DAY FIVE Total Marks for Day Five: 10.5 marks What is your favourite thing about springtime? Why? What activities and clothing do you associate with spring? (2 marks) Answers will vary. Pg 17

18 1. Listen to Track 56 on the Module 5 CD. You will hear a series of sentences describing different items. Colour each item to match the description you heard. The first one is done for you. (3 marks) a. b. c. d. e. Coloured: b = yellow; c = blue; d = green; e = pink Pg 18

19 f. g. Coloured: f = red; g = purple 2. Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the verb Porter, Faire or Jouer. Refer to the Helpful Hint on Day Four of the Module to help you decide which verb to use in each sentence. Take the time to read over your sentences to ensure each one makes sense. Follow the model. (3 marks) Model: Je porte un imperméable bleu. Tu joues au soccer. Il fait de la bicyclette. a. Tu portes des bottes de pluie jaunes. b. Elle fait de la planche à roulettes. c. Tu joues au parc. d. Il porte une casquette verte. e. Tu fais du patin à roues alignées. f. Je joue au baseball. Pg 19

20 3. Look at the pictures below. Write a sentence including an article of clothing you wear for the weather shown in each picture. Follow the model. Use five different weather expressions in your sentences. (2.5 marks) Model: Quand il pleut, je porte un imperméable. Quand il fait chaud, je porte un short. Conclusions of sentences will vary. a. Quand il vente, je porte b. Quand il fait soleil (Quand il fait beau), je porte c. Quand il fait mauvais (Quand il vente), je porte... d. Quand il fait beau (Quand il fait chaud), je porte... e. Quand il y a des nuages (Quand il fait mauvais), je porte... Pg 20

21 4. Cut out the game cards in the Appendix and play a game of Classifions Printemps. Refer to Game Instructions at the back of Module Five for instructions on how to play. If you have access to a computer, play Les sons et les images 2 online. No marks given for games. Pg 21

22 DAY SIX Total Marks for Day Six: 22.5 marks 1. Look at the pictures below. Write a sentence telling how many of each item there are. Follow the model. (3 marks) Model: Il y a treize lapins en chocolat. a. Il y a seize imperméables. b. Il y a trois lapins de Pâques. c. Il y a neuf cloches. Pg 22

23 d. Il y a dix-huit t-shirts. e. Il y a vingt-cinq paniers. f. Il y a quinze brebis. Pg 23

24 2. Look at the picture of the Easter basket below. Answer the following questions about the number and colour of items found in the basket. The first one has been done for you. (2.5 marks) a. Il y a combien de fèves en gelée roses? Il y a huit fèves en gelée roses. b. Il y a combien de fèves en gelée blanches? Il y a sept fèves en gelée blanches. c. Il y a combien d œufs bleus? Il y a quatre œufs bleus. d. Il y a combien de lapins en chocolat? Il y a deux lapins en chocolat. e. Il y a combien de fèves en gelée jaunes? Il y a cinq fèves en gelée jaunes. f. Il y a combien d œufs verts? Il y a six œufs verts. Pg 24

25 3. Colour the items in the basket below. Use at least four different colours. (2 marks) Pg 25

26 Now write three questions asking how many different items there are in your basket. Underneath each question write the correct answer based on the picture you just coloured. Use the example question and answer in number 2 as a model. (3 marks) Answers will vary. a. Il y a combien de...? Il y a b. Il y a combien de...? Il y a c. Il y a combien de...? Il y a 4. Record yourself reading the questions and answers you wrote for number 3. Submit your recording with the Workbook. (12 marks Use rubric.) Start your recording by saying: Je m appelle (give your name). This is Module 5, Section 4, Day 6, Number 4. Pg 26

27 5. Cut out the game cards in the Appendix and play a game of Bingo de Pâques. Refer to Game Instructions at the back of Module Five for instructions on how to play. If you have access to a computer, play Bingo 3 online. No marks given for games. Pg 27

28 DAY SEVEN Total Marks for Day Seven: 7.5marks 1. Look at the pictures below. Eggs are either being added or taken away. Write a word equation that represents what is shown in each picture. Follow the model. (2.5 marks) Model: onze plus sept font dix-huit a. dix-huit moins cinq font treize b. vingt moins quatre font seize c. trois plus huit font onze d. neuf plus treize font vingtdeux Pg 28

29 e. vingt-trois moins six font dix-sept Pg 29

30 2. Look at the pictures below. Next to each picture is a subject given in parenthesis. Write a sentence using the form of the verb Avoir that corresponds with the subject to describe what is shown in each picture. You may consult the Helpful Hint on Day Six of the Module if you can t remember the different conjugated forms. Follow the model. (3 marks) Model: (Elle) Elle a dix poussins jaunes. Remember: Colours come after nouns and numbers always come before them. Colours agree in gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural) with the nouns they are describing. a. (Il) Il a quatorze fèves en gelée colorées. b. (Je) J ai deux bottes de pluie jaunes. c. (Nous) Nous avons vingt-deux œufs de Pâques verts. d. (Vous) Vous avez une casquette rose. Pg 30

31 e. (Elles) Elles ont dix-neuf parapluies verts. f. (Tu) Tu as douze œufs colorés. 3. Listen to Track 58 on the Module 5 CD. You will hear a series of math problems. Write down the answer to each problem in the spaces given. Listen to the track as often as necessary. The first one has been done for you. (2 marks) Note: If the sentence you hear starts with J ai, you will start your answer with Tu as. However if the sentence starts with Il a or Elle a, your answer needs to use these same words. a. Tu as seize œufs. b. Tu as vingt-et-un œufs. c. Elle a quinze œufs. d. Tu as treize œufs. e. Il a vingt-cinq œufs. Pg 31

32 4. Cut out the game cards in the Appendix and play a game of Bingo des opérations. Refer to Game Instructions at the back of Module Five for instructions on how to play. If you have access to a computer, play Bingo 4 online. No marks given for games. Pg 32

33 DAY EIGHT Total Marks for Day Eight: 23 marks 1. Prepositions are specific words we use to describe where something is located. Make a list of as many prepositions in French that you can remember. (1 mark) Answers may include: dans, derrière, devant, sur, sous, à côté de, etc. 2. Listen to Track 60 on the Module 5 CD. You will hear a series of sentences which use the different verbs you just learned. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb you heard. Listen to the track as often as necessary. The first one has been done for you. (2.5 marks) a. Je cache des œufs dans ma chambre. b. Il trouve dix œufs bleus. c. Tu ramasses des œufs de Pâques. d. Elle cherche un œuf violet. e. Je trouve des lapins en chocolat sur l étagère. f. Tu caches des œufs roses dans l arrière-cour. Pg 33

34 3. Listen to Track 61 on the Module 5 CD. You will hear a description of where Mme Morin has hidden eggs in her classroom. Draw each egg in the correct location by using the information provided in the description. The first one has been done for you. (3.5 marks) Location of eggs: 1 purple egg in Justin s desk 4 yellow eggs on the shelf 1 dark green egg behind the overhead projector 5 pink eggs next to the window 1 light blue egg under the chair 3 dark pink eggs behind the wastepaper basket 1 white egg on Karine s desk Pg 34

35 4. Mme Morin organized la chasse aux œufs for her students on the last day before the Easter break. Now it s your turn to plan an Easter egg hunt for one of your friends or family members. Think about specific places in your home where you could hide lots of eggs. Write four clues describing where the eggs are hidden that your friend or family member will use for the egg hunt. Follow the model. (2 marks) Model: Il y a deux œufs roses derrière l ordinateur. L œuf bleu se trouve sous la table de nuit. Answers will vary. a. b. c. d. 5. Record yourself reading the clues you wrote for number 4. Submit your recording with the Workbook. (12 marks Use rubric.) Start your recording by saying: Je m appelle (give your name). This is Module 5, Section 4, Day 8, Number 5. Pg 35

36 How did the egg hunt go? Was your friend or family member able to use the clues you wrote to find all the hidden eggs? (2 marks) Answers will vary. Pg 36

37 DAY NINE Total Marks for Day Nine: 19 marks What strategies could you use to help you learn a new song or poem in French? Describe a few strategies on the lines given below. (2 marks) Answers will vary. Pg 37

38 1. a. Which nursery rhyme or song did you like the best? Why? (1 mark) Answers will vary. b. Identify one similarity and one difference between une comptine and une chanson. (1 mark) similarity: rhyme difference: usually une comptine is shorter 2. Listen again to the songs on Tracks 62, 63 and 64 on the Module 5 CD. This time, try singing along. Using the pictures and the song lyrics as a reference, write a sentence in English that tells what each rhyme or song is about on the lines provided below. (3 marks) Une poule sur un mur A chicken on a fence is pecking at bread crumbs. P tit lapin plein de poils A bunny is covered in fur. Saute, saute mon lapin The singer speaks to the bunny, and says Jump, jump my bunny. Pg 38

39 3. Choose one of the three Easter rhymes or song that you would like to sing. Use the lyrics provided in the Module and practice singing the song a few times. Listen to the song again on the Module 5 CD and compare your pronunciation. When you feel comfortable with the words, move on to number Record yourself singing the song that you just learned in number 3. Submit your recording with the Workbook. (12 marks Use rubric.) Start your recording by saying: Je m appelle (give your name). This is Module 5, Section 4, Day 9, Number 4. Pg 39

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