Strand Summary of projects proposed for funding - Budget 2012

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1 Strand Summary of projects proposed for funding - Budget 2012 Project MEN & BOOKS - for a risk free use of the European written cultural heritage Book and paper conservators and archivists all over Europe have a big common unsolved problem: mould. Mould destroys our cultural heritage. Especially books and charters in archives, being unique by nature and thus extremely valuable for our understanding of Europe s past are very much at risk to be lost due to microorganisms: Firstly because there are fungi, that particularly attack and destroy paper&parchment; secondly because archival material is stored en masse and is comparatively rarely moved therefore infestation often stays undiscovered for a long time until it is so vast, that it cannot be overseen. Mouldy material is a serious health hazard for men, both archivists and readers, as most of the spores cause dangerous illnesses. Today still many charters and books are disinfected with toxic measures Men and Books This project wants to find a solution to exterminate the mould with a substance and method, that are harmless for men and books. This is beneficial for all European users of archival material Europe (to the power of) n The Archives of the Protestant Parish of the Holy Trinity in Swidnica houses about manuscripts, prints, bound books and loose archival material. This archival material is complete without any losses from 1652 until today. These highly valuable sources for the history of Protestantism were chosen as a representative material. The material is certainly of interest for all European citizens which are interested in their history. From the material point the various writing materials, leathers, parchment and paper in this archive are found in almost any historic collection in Europe, promising significant results useful for any other institution in Europe and around the world. In total this project cannot be realized without a substantial interdisciplinary, international dialogue. By combining art and culture, history and science and health- topics the project clearly is more than its parts. Europe (to the power of) n is a project jointly developed and carried out by 4 European cultural operators and many associates. Europe is a frayed construction, whose contours have changed again and again over the course of the centuries a projection surface for controversial values and moral concepts, for promises just as much as for failures. Nonetheless, it embodies the utopia of a community that not only allows for heterogeneity, but understands it as a quality. This heterogeneity is mirrored by the participating curators of whom 7 are based in programme countries ( Belgium, Turkey, UK, Poland, Serbia, Norway, Spain) and 2 based in third countries (Belarus, Taiwan). The main activities and outcomes of Europe (to the power of) n are as follows: 1. In the first stage, the curators are invited to propose scenarios on how one could potentially think about Europe, its identity and diversity. The scenarios are taken as point of departure for the creation of various kinds of artworks in the various cities. 2. A mobile architectural display is developed, featuring all the scenarios by means of films, photography and texts. The unit travels to the participating cities to set the various approaches in relation to each other. 3. Drawn on the scenarios each curator chooses one or several artists and instigates the production/presentation of artworks, performances and/or debates in the respective cities responding to the given parameters of the site, its political economic, social and cultural implications. 4. A picture driven atlas will document the projects featuring photographic contributions that reflect on issues of representation. 5. As Europe increasingly defines itself in relation to China, a special issue of an art magazine dealing with the relationship between China and Europe, is published by Art World Shanghai. Its content will be developed during a meeting between European, Taiwanese and Chinese cultural workers in Macau.

2 Archaeological Resources in Cultural Heritage, a European Standard "Jugend made in Europe" - Bilder von Adoleszenz zwischen Dokumentation und Konstruktion Archaeological archives consist of all material deemed worthy of retention generated by any type of archaeological project. This includes the historic artefacts as well as the written, drawn, and photographic records and the digital data about the site and its associated finds collection. The successful preservation of the archive for the future benefit of the people of Europe depends on the implementation of best practice in creating, compiling, transferring and curating the results of every archaeological project. In 2008 The Europae Archaeologiae Consilium held a symposium on archaeological archiving, which revealed that many member countries shared common problems. The most pressing issues are the provision of good access to archaeological archives, setting and sustaining digital archive standards, wide variations in archaeological recording practice and maintaining good curatorial practice in order that historic artefacts and collections can be best preserved, displayed, accessed and circulated within Europe in accordance with the Treaty of Valletta, The proposed manual for the creation, compilation, transfer and curation of archaeological archives, will bring together the recommendations of existing country and state-specific standards and guidance documents, provide standards where none currently exist, and provide guidance for implementation of shared best practice in all the participating countries. Die Faszination des Themas Jugend spiegelt sich in Literatur und Kunst wider. Geschichten über Kindheit und Jugend sind bei Autorinnen und Autoren unterschiedlicher Generationen seit den 1990er Jahren zum meistgeliebten Sujet geworden und erleben auf dem Buchmarkt einen regelrechten Boom. Auch in der künstlerischen Fotografie wie im Dokumentarfilm ist die Adoleszenz ein dominantes Bildthema, dem seit der Jahrtausendwende eine Reihe von Ausstellungen/Filmen gewidmet waren. Hier setzt das EU-Projekt an, das sowohl auf die Kunstmacher wie auch auf die Betroffenen, also die Jugend selbst setzt. Das Ziel besteht darin, a) die Kunstschaffenden, die zumeist der Adoleszenz bereits entwachsen sind b) mit jenen zusammenzubringen, die sich derzeit in der Adoleszenzphase befinden. Dabei sollen die Vorschläge der professionellen Künstlern (Autoren, Fotografiker, Filmemacher) einen Impuls für die kreative Auseinandersetzung der Betroffenen mit ihrer eigenen Adoleszenz liefern. Es geht also darum, nicht nur über die Jugend zu erzählen oder Diagnosen und Bilder über ihren jeweiligen Stand, die Problemlagen, Hoffnungen und Wünsche abzugeben, sondern mit ihnen gemeinsam Neues zu entdecken Ein Ziel besteht nunmehr darin, in drei miteinander verbundenen Vorhaben Bilder von Jugend in Deutschland, Polen und Kroatien einzufangen und in allen drei Ländern durch Lesungen, Ausstellungen sukzessive ein Netzwerk zu bilden. Langfristig ist darauf abgezielt, einen Kommunikationsraum Adoleszenz zu schaffen, mithin in allen drei Ländern Zentren zu installieren, die explizit auf die kreative Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema Jugend ausgerichtet sind.

3 ACT YOUR AGE stimulates the European community to engage with the aging body through the art of dance. The initiators of ACT YOUR AGE are Contemporary Scene Centre (Italy), Dance House Lemesos (Cyprus) and the Dutch Dance Days (The Netherlands). They made two observations: 1. Aging presents our society with great social challenges, being one of the most important demographical changes in current times that has strongly set in in European countries. 2. Despite the fact that the elderly will take up almost a quarter of the population in less than thirty years time, seniors are excluded, more than included in our modern society which seems to be more and more focussed on youth Act Your Age The project partners concluded that the same is happening in dance. The dancing body is almost invariably a young body. The older performer s strength and proficiency have hardly been explored. A great part of the current and future population is hereby not represented in the professional dancefield, nor visible on stage for the audience. The initiators of ACT YOUR AGE felt challenged by this impasse. They believe there is enormous value in engaging with seniors. Embracing the thought that art is a vital part of society, the partners therefore commit to a young generation of choreographers ready to give the aging body a stage. Through a two year program including research, workshops, residencies and expert- and community meetings ACT YOUR AGE creates a framework for an intensive intergenerational exchange between European seniors, dance artists and audiences alike. By doing so the partners aim to inspire the dance field to broaden their current artistic scope. At the same time, they activate their colleagues to contribute to constructive thinking on the challenges aging faces the European society with on the long term. Convinced of the importance and sustainability of the project on an artistic as well as a social level, a dialogue with new potential partners is part of the project.

4 URBAN CULTURE FUSION - Connect Europe through music! URBAN CULTURE FUSION Connect Europe through music! aims to offer to elite European young musicians the chance of breaking national borders, extending their activity, meeting new audiences, getting known at European level and developing successfully careers. 70 top professional European musicians, aged 18 35, from jazz, blues, pop and classic, selected from a large base of over 500 from 30 countries enter a working and performing intensive program of 20 days. At the end 24 artists are selected to form an innovative ensemble of 8 12 members, alternately changed. They will work and perform together as ensemble in a 7 countries tour (DE, FR, IT, AT, BG, UK, RO), 12 cities, 20/25 concerts. In each country, 1 3 local musicians will join the group as soloists. The originality of the UCF consists in bringing together in one-production different music genres, ideas, cultural backgrounds and traditions. Its members must learn to act and express unitary, to find new and creative ways of communication, understanding and performance since they are: - representing different cultures - playing different music styles and instruments - speaking different languages The group will play a world fusion repertoire in new compositions and rearrangements, especially created. All concerts are open to the public. Some concerts link music with architecture or visual arts, being performed in castles, historical sites or art galleries. Objectives: - to stimulate intercultural dialogue and cross-border mobility of artists and works - to create a novel cultural product, representative for the European characteristic - unity in diversity and to present it to a large public in 7 countries - to facilitate the creativity and open artistic exchange by connecting young people of different cultural, social, economical and geographical origins in an unusual environment music without borders -to create a model to follow for other European cultural actors

5 Qui? Christine de Suède, l'européenne De la rencontre d un académicien français, Philippe Beaussant, et d un chef d orchestre suédois, Mats Liljefors, est née l idée d une série de concerts de musique baroque dont l itinéraire suivrait celui de la Reine Christine, de Stockholm à Versailles en passant par Innsbruck, Rome et Naples. Quoi? S inspirant de cette personnalité d exception, ce projet d envergure européenne, abordera plusieurs sujets : - le voyage : la découverte, l itinéraire comme initiation - le savoir : la science et la philosophie comme outils de liberté - l échange : le multilinguisme et la confrontation des idées au service de la tolérance - l exigence intellectuelle : la connaissance et la rigueur comme outil de création Comment? - Une série de concerts avec le chef d orchestre Mats Liljefors, associant des musiciens européens à Stockholm, Uppsala, Umeå, Versailles, Innsbruck, Rome, (et de possibles prolongements à Madrid, Bruxelles, Varsovie, etc.) - Des conférences-débats, concours, échanges scolaires à vocation éducatifs et scientifiques. - Des productions à grande visibilité : scénarii de BD, documentaires, disques, long métrage. Pourquoi? Ce projet entend promouvoir autant la Reine Christine, personnage hors du commun, que les valeurs européennes fondamentales : la tolérance, le partage des savoirs, les échanges interculturels afin de susciter la réflexion sur les valeurs unissant les européens. C'est son audace, son refus constant et courageux des barrières qui lui donne sa séduction et fait d'elle la première souveraine sans territoire ni armée. Parce qu'elle voit l'europe comme un ensemble, parce qu'elle préfère les joutes de l'esprit au grondement des tambours de guerre, elle incarne bien avant la lettre, une Union Européenne qui mettra plus de trois siècles à se faire.

6 Performative Culture Cooperation for awareness on past European DICTATorships Wagner COPRODUCT ION OF A WAGNERIAN OPERA FOR YOUNG AUDIENCE 2013 DICTAT intends to create a transnational network of organizations engaged to start a process of raising awareness towards the historical memory of dictatorships experienced by European peoples in the past, since they have not been re-elaborated and delved into enough through public debate nor in school books. Partners share the need to organize common actions aimed at detecting, analyzing and reelaborating the common identity developed as a common historical heritage. The instrument of theatre will help reaching a more conscious analysis/reading of what happened in Europe in the last 60 years, avoiding potential nostalgic tendencies towards dictatorship, and helping to learn from history and build a European citizenship based on common historical memory. The project will last 18 months involving 4 main participants from IT, RO, PL, ES, all combining cultural, artistic and educational domains. Main activities will be: research and study on the dictatorship historical heritage, production of a joint theatre performance to be performed in the 4 countries, organization of cultural laboratories on the project theme and an international conference, communication and dissemination activities. Main target groups will be: youngsters sensitised towards the rediscovery of a common historical memory of European dictatorships; professionals encouraged to the transnational mobility and through the circulation of artistic production; old generations who were witnesses of past events; EU citizens in general. Expected results will be: raised awareness on the cultural meaning of EU dictatorships; achievement of a common European space based on a common historical heritage, in order to create a positive and aware European citizenship; increased transnational mobility of cultural players and the circulation of artistic productions towards a EU-wide public; encouraged intercultural dialogue. The project Wagner200 aims at celebrating Wagner through his works on his 200th birthday, creating a connection between young audience and the complex work of the German composer. Taking advantage of the positive experience of last year s European project Opera J, AsLiCo, Theater Magdeburg (TM) and Opéra de Rouen (OdR) want to create European connections and arise European awareness of music, particularly of classical music that represents their major activity. The coproduction of a Wagnerian opera for children in 2013 represents the most direct means for the three partners to create a joint project for young people. 1) YOUNG ARTISTS: training programme and workshops organised by each opera houses to improve singers skills. 2) JOB OPPORTUNITIES for singers (European Competition for young opera singers), and for conductor, director, set and costume designer (European Competition mise en scène). 3) YOUNG AUDIENCE AND SCHOOL TEACHERS: to suggest them a new approach to the world of opera thanks to Wagner s bicentenary. A TRAINING PROGRAMME for audience and teachers will be created with technological means of communication, not only the paper libretto of the opera in each language ( Italian, French and German), but also e-learning sessions on with exercises and video witnesses of the development of the project in each country. Therefore, children feel active part of a complex project involving other European students living their very same experiences. The project climax is the SHOW: the network will share the production of DER FLIEGENDE HOLLÄNDER, with a European tour (over 130 performances) between February 2013 and May During the performance, children become aware and active audience, singing short arie from the stalls, thus playing the ancient role of the chorus.

7 Pim & Theo will be a new devised theatre promenade performance, exhibition and education programme created across cultural and national boundaries based on the very different but oddly linked lives of Theo Van Gogh and Pim Fortuyn two Dutch political / public figures with contrasting views and agendas who were both murdered in public by extremists. The lives and deaths of these two figures frame a debate that lies at heart of the European experience at the start of the 21st Century; are we one culture or many cultures or multi-cultures? As we try to work that out, what are the limits of tolerance and what should they be? The project brings together four organizations of national significance in their home countries: Finland, the UK, Norway and Denmark. Working together they will exchange working practices and ideas around a common theme PIM & THEO Research and development work will take place in the UK, Denmark, Finland and Holland. Rehearsal, production and dissemination work will take place in the UK, Norway and Denmark with further dissemination, via touring, planned as the legacy of this project. The project will provide significant professional development opportunities for key artists and workers within the four organizations. The project outputs will be: A new theatrical performance that responds directly to current debates in Europe. European touring of 50 performances to 8 countries. 25 Workshops for students aged An Exhibition that will accompany the tours of Pim & Theo. 14 weeks of research, development and creation between 16 cultural workers from countries. An on-line education resource that will allow audiences to explore the themes, subject matter, ideas and processes of the Project. An exchange of ideas, experiences and working practices between diverse artists from a range of European countries. A focus on young people (13-26 years) as the audience and participants in an outreach and workshop programme.

8 ROMANI LIVES is an initiative that aims to portray the lives of European Romanis in the XXI Century, fostering debate about the situation of the biggest ethnic minority in Europe and creating opportunities for them to reflect about their own situation and future. Romani Lives approaches the most unknown side of the current Roma society, showing a more modern view of this community and throughout an exhibition that combines, historic photography, documents, objects, contemporary photograph and avant-garde technology. The exhibit is completed with education programmes for children and young people, artist workshops, specialized seminars and a show with Roma artists performances Romani Lives Bearing in mind the extraordinary potential of Romani Lives as a way to spread a modern image of Romani people, the proponents decided to work together in enlarging the scope of the project to the European context, in order to enrich the project with new perspectives from local Roma communities in different European countries and disseminating among international stakeholders the message of respect, cooperation and multiculturalism the project brings WebTvs for EUropean Culture For that reason and considering their local and international expertise in Roma issues, four non-profit institutions from Spain, Austria, Hungary and Portugal, specialized in Roma culture, have joined forces to develop this project. The main purpose is to take advantage of the work done and move forward with the vision of Roma communities in these four countries. The project tries to move away not only from the image of outsiders, strongly connected with poverty, but also from stereotypes that show Roma people like free creative geniuses only apt for dancing and music. Both images contribute to isolating Roma in current European society and do not show the real life of European citizens with Romani origin that attend school and university, hold jobs in public and private sectors, and are rarely travelers anymore. WebTvs for EUropean Culture is a project for the development of the first European network of WebTVs dealing with culture and cultural policies. It s fostering best practices and debate within the cultural sector as well as the networking of cultural products and cultural workers, with a strong multisectorial approach. It is a participatory project: its core will be to foster an active participation of the internet users. The project aims at following the recommendations given in CultureMap (a study carried out in 2010 for DG Education and Culture, mapping the European cultural web platforms) on how to enhance the use of the internet as a means of information exchange and debate at the European level on cross-sector issues in the field of culture and artistic expression. In each country involved a cultural WebTV will be created. Moreover, we will create a new European multilingual WebTV community, with a strong 2.0 approach, where all the videos produced in each country will be posted and where all internet users will be given the possibility to register and upload their cultural contents (video, music, pictures, text, web application, etc.). The project is structured around different activities, the most important of which are: - Creation of national WebTVs - Creation of a transnational 2.0 WebTV platform - Involvement of 24 young cultural operators as citizen journalists. They will participate in: - 2 international workshops on Digital Cultures - and each of them will create a 7 episodes format on culture, in connection with the European Year s theme - A 15 episodes format on Contemporary Art is going to be carried on by one of the co organizers, involving contemporary art institutions in France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

9 Password: Printmaking - travelling exhibition and art residencies European printmaking has a significant history within the art world. However, art production has seen radical change and the graphic arts within that, especially traditional, often tend to lose selective functions and meanings. A part of the practice has therefore become more focused on a decorativeness and the market mechanisms of commercial galleries and fairs, whereas the other part is developing its message in line with today s art events and the expressive possibilities of the new media. All those committed to the research, promotion, collection and/or production of fine art printmaking in Europe are confronted by this situation. We need to question constantly where and how the graphic arts can be seen today, where and how we could be putting more effort into their greater prominence in all areas of the art world (research, critical thought, production). The project is segmented into 7 core activities, which are as follows: (a) Kick-off meeting and conceptual reflection on the contemporary graphic arts (b) Exhibition (c) Art residencies (d) Workshops and events (e) Staff exchange (f) Conference (g) Concept of the follow-up programme. Included in the project are the co-organisers that have traditionally dealt with the research, promotion, collection and/or production of modern and contemporary fine art printmaking and art publications. The project promotes contemporary art, artists, cultural workers and raises public awareness of the field of the graphic arts and reproducible art practices related to printmaking. It establishes a structure for the creative integration of the organizers of graphic manifestations of tradition, residency programmes as well as exchanges within Europe, forging links between artists, theoreticians, art institutions and art education establishments across Europe. The proposed project will take place in six European countries and will be interactively accessible through Facebook and the co-organisers websites. The European Union is a patchwork of nations and cultures. From the outside it seems like there is hardly any recognizable pattern to identify, but an insider s view will reveal interesting lines along which European citizens are connected to each other. Along these lines one could see that the countries of the EU are indeed united in diversity. One of those intangible but visible patterns form the basis of this project: Anatomical Models in European Perspective Anatomical Models in European Perspective When we draw a line between Bologna (IT), Leiden (NL) and Vienna (AT), we form a triangle in the heart of Europe. This triangle marks the important medical, historical and cultural connection between different European cities. For centuries, these cities and their universities were the centers of medical excellence which influenced and changed the way people looked at and experienced the human body. In recent medical examination we still use this knowledge and expertise. Accordingly, the bodies from the past and our own bodies will be connected. We want to show and share this, by organizing a travelling exhibition of unique Anatomical Models, accompanied by an international symposium, remarkable workshops and an extensive educational program. Against the historical background of our cities, the project team has a story to tell. A story that celebrates human ingenuity, but also exposes the fears and the relieve that was, and still is, brought by all those famous and unknown heroes of medical science. Our tale starts in the Renaissance, in Italy, at the University of Bologna to be precise

10 FORMER WEST: IMPLEMENTAT ION PHASE Emerging classical talent in the EU This application seeks EU Culture Programme support for the IMPLEMENTATION PHASE (1 May April 2013) of FORMER WEST (FW), a collaborative, pan-european, long-term, transdisciplinary art project. FW originated from deep dissatisfaction in part of the European artistic community that now forms a sustainable network of some key progressive European art institutions and individuals with how the so-called West failed to acknowledge the changes and impact that the year 1989 had on itself (preferring instead to understand them only in terms of their impact on the former East or Global South). The device former West allows us to analyse our own history vis-à-vis the political, social, and economic developments that Europe continues to undergo, with a particular view on art and culture of the last 20-odd years, in an innovative way. Yet the project looks into the recent past mainly to think through new possibilities for the future. By virtue of its speculative nature, this device functions as a catalyst for developing new artistic and cultural prospects. This phase of the project (FW:IP) will be carried out by artists, thinkers, activists, art professionals, and art institutions in order to create (intergenerational) exchange and mobility among those invested in the belief of the political potential of art in times like ours, and will build upon the research results of previous phases to make the project visible and accessible to the public. Key facets of FW:IP include: Research Exhibitions (the Netherlands, Poland, Germany), among which is the key midterm research synthesis of the overall project, FORMER WEST: An Experimental Arrangement; Network Meetings; and the Digital Platform ( A broad European dialogue will be carried out in order to encourage constructive, propositional thinking about Europe and its art and cultural production in the global context, and to collectively engage with diverse publics in imagining other possible futures. The Ect-EU project brings together professional musicians from 4 consortium partner countries through exiting works of composers of the participating countries, including also two new commission. The participating musicians jointly prepare 3 concerts which will be performed in July and October 2014 in all partner countries in beautiful modern and historic concert halls and churches. The local audiences together with foreign visitors and invited critics will be introduced many not so known and new works of European composers and outstanding ensembles and soloists who have not been heard much before outside their own countries. The project raises the visibility of the participating musicians and outstanding works by European composers not only in the EU but globally as it involves international music media. Hopefully the concerts will portray the creative and inspirational environment which is created by talented musicians working together and a feeling for the mixture of various musical traditions in Europe.

11 "PUPPET NOMAD ACADEMY III" The projects themselves generate the "European added value". Their goals, their methodology and their nature of co-operation possess an aspect that has a European/international scope. The proposed activities already have a strong impact upon the objectives, yet the effect will be additionally enhanced through the planned new international project. The project brings an important new element to the active involvement of the elderly population in the design and creation of performances, participation in workshops, visiting performances... The excellence of the proposed activities is reflected above all in the transfer of new approaches / technologies / good practice which will be passed over to the traditional masters of puppetry art. The latter will use their fresh creative energy to present their skills and their knowledge through performances to a wider public in different countries so in the period of Project duration as well as later within post-production lasting 3 to 5 years. In this period the acquired skills an The Project s events represent a unique opportunity for local Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian, Hungarian, Estonian, Slovak, Bosnian, and also Belgium artists, cultural workers, experts in performing and visual arts, yet also for the wider audience, to meet artists from other European and non-european countries in person and to learn about their work and their performances Euro- Mediterranean Contemporary Popular music. Production and Mobility Sete Sóis Sete Luas The result of the project Puppet Nomad III will be the upgraded mobility of cultural products, and authors; links among partners will be renewed and settled. New ideas emerging within the Project will lead to further projects and to co-operation also with other similar organizations and projects around Europe. When the Project ends we will continue to apply for other funds at local, regional, national, EU and international levels; we will do our best to develop and to extend our activities by including new partners. Le projet «Euro-Mediterrean Contemporary Popular Music. Production and Mobility SSSL» veut être un outil de convergence et de rapprochement des peuples du monde méditerranéen pour montrer qu il y a plus d éléments unificateurs que séparateurs. Pour réaliser ce but il a choisi le langage universelle de la musique populaire et de l art contemporaine, en encourageant la mobilité transnationale et la circulation transfrontalière des produits artistiques avec un niveau d excellence élevé et en favorisant le dialogue interculturel, avec la production des créations musicales et artistiques originales en tant que représentatives d un sentiment de citoyenneté européenne commune. Ces actions se réaliseront dans le cadre d un Festival consolidé comment le Festival Sete Sóis Sete Luas qui a 20 ans d expérience ( ) et de contacts et qui est basé sur une coopération continue et durable entre ses membres. Un Réseau culturel qui a comme sa raison d être la promotion de la diversité culturelle entendue comme richesse qui élargit les choix possibles et qui nourrit les capacités et les valeurs humaines. Le programme du travail du projet prévoit 2 domaines d intervention : la musique populaire et l art contemporaine. En ce qui concerne la musique il y a 2 lignes d action : une concerne la mobilité des groupes musicales dans les divers pays du Réseau selon le «système croisé», l autre concerne la production de 2 nouvelles orchestres nées de la collaboration entre 14 prestigieux musiciens (7 par chaque orchestre) représentatifs de la Méditerranée et des régions du projet. En ce qui concerne l art, des excellents artistes seront ôtes dans les villes du projet et pourront exposer leurs œuvres, ainsi que rencontrer le public local et les étudiants pendant les résidences artistiques.

12 "Peace was made here" - International Exhibition with education and participation programme on the Peace of Utrecht The Peace of Utrecht was concluded on 11 April 1713 and marked a critical moment in the history of Europe. It brought an end to a series of devastating wars that had claimed many millions of lives. It is regarded as an important event on the road to European cooperation and conflict management as these exist in the EU today. Outcome was a balance of power and the acceptance of religious diversity. The Peace of Utrecht was in fact a series of bilateral treaties signed in a.o. Utrecht, Rastatt, Baden and Madrid. In 2013/2014, its 300th anniversary will be celebrated. By Peace was made here, partners aim to commemorate the importance of the Peace of Utrecht. Objectives: To communicate the story of the Peace of Utrecht To link past to present and have European citizens reflecting on the impact of war and importance of dialogue To allow professionals to improve their approaches on exhibition development, education&participation and using historical events for stimulating social cohesion and tourism To establish a sustainable cooperation and to present Utrecht, Rastatt, and Madrid/Toledo jointly as cities of peace. Main element of the project is the development and organisation of an international exhibition on the Peace of Utrecht at three venues. Matters of war and peace, conflict control and the European ideal give rise to comparisons to the present world. These are good subjects for debate. For this reason, the exhibition comes with an education&participation programme with innovative elements: after having experienced the exhibition, the visitors will arrive in a Workplace : a site for reflection and discussion. Multimedia tools and augmented reality will be used to link past to present. The project partners will also support other museums to apply innovative education&participation approaches a topical issue for many European museums (i.e. army museums) today. The DANCE CHANNELS proposal promotes a unique collaboration between Contemporary Dance Festivals, whose main aim is to design a training process for the development of Contemporary dance companies from different environments, as well as to promote the mobility of Contemporary dance companies in order to stimulate them artistically and to share new techniques and tangential disciplines at a European level. It will conclude with an exhibition of the pieces created during the creative process. Contemporary dance in urban landscapes cooperates as a vehicle of social construction and artistic expression, decisively contributing to an increase in social and intercultural dialogue DANCE CHANNELS The project will last for 8 months and will involve 3 main participants from Spain, Italy and the UK, all of which combine both cultural and educational fields and are involved in the contemporary dance world (local authorities, cultural foundations, contemporary dance companies). The intermediate goals are: On one hand; European Mobility of Dancers for their professional development. Through this program, dancers companies will be received in a host countries for two training weeks where are advised and assisted by a local choreographer of worldwide renown, and on the other hand; each company and dancers will create a piece in the residence that will be performed in the dance festival into the public space with the purpose also to value the architectural heritage of the cities. In order to ensure the sustainable of the project we will create a platform which helps to search opportunities for the accomplishment of agreements with networks and circuits to organize tours for the pieces composed in the project and creating opportunities of new creations and providing labor opportunities to the artists to European level. Finally, the festivals and exhibitions will be promotion activities themselves aimed at involving a wide public as main actor.

13 Inventaire du décor peint de l architecture domestique en Europe seeks to expand transnational mobility of art(ists) and intercultural dialogue by developing a common identity without frontiers focusing on new&old migratory flows.the project starts this dialogue on a European scale with 6 partners from BE,NL,FR,GB, SE & RS. To empower the different partners & artists in their contemporary European intercultural ambitions, emphasises on a critical reflection on the European canon. It does so trough the development of an artistic practice with European artists with Arabic background and by promoting the participation of artists with extra-european backgrounds in the regular art institutions. The project starts with 5 artistic exchanging productions: 1. Bequett, international theatre by S.Saad El Hamus(NL) with 7 actors with an Arabic background from different European countries inspired by the evolution of Samuel Beckett s canon 2. Masculines, international dance by H.Fattoumi&E.Lamoureux(FR) about orientalism questioning the imprisoning image of oriental women as phantasm in the imaginary of occidental men 3. Waiting, a research project curated by M.Rasem(BE) who will ask 3 other artists:y.abbas(nl),n.obracevic(rs)&a.haring(be/nl) and students from RITS-Brussels (BE), IT DNA-Amsterdam (NL) and ISADAC-Rabat (MA) to reflect on waiting (for Godot) and the recent wars with their growing alienation, in each The Arabic-European Literary saloon with 4 former winners of the International Prize for Arabic Fiction accompanied by improvisatory music from M.Elias(SE) 5. Arab Look, a visual art production with 6 European photographers with an Arabic background. These productions will be disseminated in the whole of Europe. Launching bridges between cultures, will add European art houses to establish a network for/with art(ists) with Arabic roots. Therefore we will elaborate the platform to promote European artists with Arabic background in their dialogue with the regular European art scene. Les décors peints de l architecture domestique, situés dans des châteaux, demeures bourgeoises ou hôtels particuliers, représentent un patrimoine méconnu du public qui n a jusqu ici fait l objet d aucun inventaire à l échelle nationale, et encore moins à l échelle européenne. Un corpus de connaissances sur ces oeuvres, ressource documentaire, historique et technique, serait cependant indispensable aux peintres en décors et aux restaurateurs intervenant sur ces œuvres mais démunis face au manque de documentation comme de règles délimitant leurs champs d action respectifs: cette lacune représente dès lors un risque pour leur préservation. Le présent projet propose donc l élaboration d une méthodologie d inventaire du décor peint domestique dans les pays partenaires, à travers un travail d échange se faisant dans le cadre de trois ateliers scientifiques. Des fiches et des protocoles descriptifs seront réalisés, puis testés localement, afin que cette méthodologie puisse être ensuite déployée dans les pays partenaires et validée dans le cadre d actions expérimentales de terrain. La mise en place de cet inventaire, suivant un protocole descriptif et scientifique fondé sur les protocoles existants au sein des institutions culturelles européennes, permettra à celles-ci de développer un inventaire plus large et fouillé. La création d une base de données, accessible aux professionnels à travers la réalisation d un site Internet, offrira enfin la possibilité de confronter les styles et techniques, ainsi que la diffusion de ceux-ci à une échelle européenne. La mise en œuvre de recommandations à destination des propriétaires encourageront ceux-ci à devenir acteurs de la préservation de ce patrimoine, et à sa diffusion en ouvrant leurs portes lors des Journées européennes du Patrimoine. Enfin, une publication illustrée destinée aux spécialistes comme au public intéressé permettra de mettre à jour des œuvres jusque là cachées, les revalorisant ainsi que le métier et son histoire.

14 "THE NOMADS OF BEAUTY" We have found that, in Croatian contemporary theatre as well as in most countries of the Central and Eastern Europe, stage design and visual creativity have been seriously neglected as theatrical components. Once we used to have influential schools of theatre design and strong personalities in the field, but after the change of social system the study of stage design has been relegated to the Faculty of Architecture and School of Design. This marked a break between university education and the contemporary practice which requires a complete artist. In this sense the Zagreb New Theatre is unique in the region. Our projects bring together exceptional visual artists who have significantly contributed to the conceptual and technical development of stage design. Theatre companies taking part in the Nomads of Beauty Project (New Theatre, Mini Theatre, Maladype Theatre, Subotica Culture Center etc.) come from smaller European countries (Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Belgium, Serbia), where very different practices are in use. We want to share the exceptional Croatian experience of the visual artists work on theatre design with partners, and thus put into action the idea of a nomadic art school. The name Nomads of Beauty was adopted from the historical avant-gardes of the twentieth century. In it visual artists from Croatia, Slovenia, Netherlands, Serbia and France will create stage design / installations / videos /site specific / light installations. Young artists invited to participate in the creation of the project will work with the leading artist-mentors, who will then be required to present the end result in all partner theaters European Conflict Archaeological Landscape Reappropriation The First and the Second World Wars are a central part of the collective memory of Europe, but their cultural landscapes and material cultures have often been given too little attention. Linked as they are to traumatic memories, war traces disseminated on the European territory represent a patrimony that is difficult to manage. Nevertheless, we believe that a healing intervention is possible that will turn them into precious resources for the construction of an European collective identity. This is the challenge that the REcall project puts out. Our vision aims at weaving memory and imagination together, because we believe in the power of doing as a strong tool to reappropriate the XXth Century European Conflict Heritage and integrate it in our life. For this reason, we ask young practitioners under 35 in all kinds of creative fields to imagine sustainable and innovative interactions between cultural heritage and contemporary art/design forms. A Call for Proposal will gather ideas for the reappropriation of the WWII bunkers of the Atlantik Wall in Norway and of the WWI trenches of Linea Cadorna in Italy. 32 candidates will then be selected to take part in 2 multidisciplinary international workshops organized in Norway and Italy. The workshops will benefit from the know-how of a Consortium of partner universities (POLIMI, NTNU, AAU, UNEW) and museum associations (Falstad Centre, Museo Diffuso), whose experts and tutors will supervise the project activities. At the end of a final intensive week, four winning prizes will be awarded during a closing conference that will be accompanied by a travelling exhibition and the publication of a catalogue to maximize the dissemination of the project s results. By developing network synergies at European level, the project will promote the transnational mobility of people and products, thus succeeding in building new narratives for a territory unified by common yet differentiated historical memories.

15 Europäische Strategien zur Holocaust Erinnerung Die Geschichte Europas ist zutiefst geprägt von der nationalsozialistischen Diktatur in Deutschland und dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Viele Bereiche des gesellschaftlichen und politischen Lebens waren von der Verfolgung der Juden, Sinti und Roma, der politisch und gesellschaftlich Andersdenkenden, schwer gezeichnet. Für heutiges historisches Bewusstsein, in Anbetracht der Tatsache das in vielen Ländern Europas rechtsextremes Gedankengut wieder verstärkt auftritt, wie z.b. im Landtag von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, ist die intensive Beschäftigung mit dieser Thematik grundlegend und unersetzbar. Das Projekt ESTHER beruht auf der langjährigen Forschungs- und Projektarbeit von P1 darunter bilaterale Ausstauschprojekte mit Israel, Schüler- und Konzertreisen nach CZ, AT, PL, ISL bzw. in die USA oder der Ehrung als erstes deutsches Projekt den offiziellen Holocaust- Gedenktag Gedenktag der Stadt Los Angeles 2009 im Beisein des Majors und des deutschen Botschafters musikalisch zu umrahmen wurde P1 der Golden Star Award der EU verliehen. Das Projekt ESTHER will kulturelle Werke und Erzeugnisse, die dem Vergessens ausgesetzt waren, über nationale Grenzen hinweg durch Theateraufführungen in DE, AT, FI, FR, durch Master-Classes in FR und UK, Konzerte in DE, AT, UK, FR, eine Filmreihe in DE, Symposien in DE, AT, UK, Ausstellungen in DE; AT, FR und Publikationen und wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen in den einzelnen Landessprachen verbreiten und vermitteln. Der interkulturelle Dialog und Austausch über Möglichkeiten und Formen des Erinnerns, Bewahrens und Vermittelns kultureller Identitäten und Werte soll gestärkt werden. Das Projekt will Kulturakteuren, die zur Thematik der Verfemung arbeiten, grenzüberschreitendes Arbeiten ermöglichen und deren Mobilität erhöhen. Das Bewusstsein für die Vielfalt und für das gemeinsame europäische Kulturerbe soll durch dieses Projekt gestärkt werden.

16 The poetics of margins: peripheries and heterodoxies in European culture Remapping Europe - a Remix project highlighting perspectives of young migrants Europe is experiencing a historic moment of turmoil that challenges the very concept of identity, further heightened by the effects of the crisis and the reappearance of fears from the past. This crisis of shared feeling has prompted the re-emergence of tensions between national identities and the rejection of anyone needing greater attention, especially minorities and the weakest collectives. The project aims to reflect on the construction of European identity by acknowledging the common denominator, and exploring margins and heterodoxies. This will serve to advance towards the recognition and extension of citizen rights, acceptance of diversity, respect for freedom and analysis of the concept of European citizenship in general. There are great European intellectuals and artists whose bodies of work are a valuable contribution that relates to the concerns of new generations. They have been leading lights of civic-mindedness, humanism and creative dialogue, key figures in the construction of European identity. Of all of them, Pasolini, with his ethical and aesthetic message, acquires a central importance. Four major European cultural institutions (CCCB Barcelona, Cinémathèque française, Palazzo delle Esposizioni Rome and Martin-Gropius- Bau Berlin) have decided to pool their knowledge and, together, take up this challenge by developing the following activities: - A R&D C session to analyse the construction of European identity, using innovative methodologies in the field of culture; - The creation of a website to host interaction and information on the theme; - Four exhibitions, one each in Barcelona, Paris, Berlin and Rome, about the figure of Pasolini; - A programme of lectures and debates with the presence of foremost international figures; - An educational programme; - The creation of a network to ensure the project s continuity, and - A communication plan raising awareness on this issue. Remapping Europe a Remix is an investigative artistic project that aims to contribute to an inclusive cultural practice and public imagery in and of Europe by connecting young creative media-makers who have (im)migrant perspectives from Spain, Poland, Turkey, and the UK to wider European inter-generational audiences. The project s activities stem from one underlying principle: re-mixing of media as a method to re-view, re-investigate and re-consider prevailing imagery of (im)migrants in European societies and to ultimately, re-map Europe visually, geographically and mentally. The activities include transnational, cross-sectorial learning platforms, investigating the immigrant s perspective in the public debate and imagery; creative remix ateliers in Spain, Poland, Turkey, and the UK involving 48 young digital storytellers with (im)migrant backgrounds and perspectives; international showcases of their remix works at significant cultural festivals in each of these countries and in an on-line media collection; major remix-performances and installations in Amsterdam and Seville, with a wider participatory, digital component involving European citizens across the continent and a research publication and catalogue documenting the processes and outcomes of the project. An important result of the project is the archival and creative exposure of present-day perspectives of young (future) citizens on (im)migration, as captured in creative media. It contributes to the European cultural heritage and is a future point of reference in our European collective memory. Remapping Europe a Remix has been developed by a recently evolved informal unique European movement called Doc Next Network. It consists of the European Cultural Foundation (NL, applicant); ZEMOS98 (Spain, co-organizer); Creative Initiatives ę (Poland, co-organizer); Future Film - British Film Institute (UK, co-organizer) and MODE Istanbul (Turkey, co-organizer).

17 Small Countries, Big Music EUROTOUR HERITAGE Alternative pop/rock is dominated by Anglosaxon /American bands. In Europe specifically, bands from small (= less important in the field of music) countries have great difficulties breaking out of their own borders. This is a lot easier for bands from bigger countries (UK, Germany, France) because these countries have more weight in the musicindustry, and because 'the s are bigger' (bigger sales and audience, more festivals, more venues in these countries. All 7 bands in this project have achieved top status in their own respective countries, but have encountered great difficulties in developping themselves in other countries. This project aims at joining forces: the 7 bands and the 7 managers will, with the help of excellent venues and excellent showcase festivals, join forces. Musically AND on business-levels. In their 6 respective countries, the band that has top status will apply it's fanbase, network, concerts, knowhow to help the 6 other bands develop themselves in this small country. In the 3 countries that really matter (UK, France and Germany), we will join forces by touring together, by playing at showcase festival, by joining experience, existing networks and knowhow to attract the attention of the public, the press and the music industry. Besides this economic goal (to break out of our respective small country), there's 2 other goals: - an artistic goal: musical encounters between the band will be stimulated, not only by playing together at the same occasion, but also by really playing together on the same stage, interpreting eachothers music, guestperforming at eachothers performances. - a educational goals: not only do we wish to learn from this experience ourselves, we also wish to share this with the music industries of our own countries, and any other European country. With the participating showcasefestivals, we agreed to set up paneldiscussions / workshops to share our experience with the professionals from the European musicindustry Eurotour Heritage vise la mise en valeur du patrimoine rural à travers des stratégies locales de tourisme culturel, en développant une méthode basée sur la participation des populations, des acteurs locaux du patrimoine et du tourisme, et des jeunes futurs professionnels. Les Ateliers Participatifs du Patrimoine constituent le principal outil de mise en œuvre de cette méthode: associant la population locale à la mise en valeur de son patrimoine culturel animant le dialogue entre les différents acteurs impliqués et permettant d identifier les critères de qualité et conditions environnementales et socio-économiques des projets touristiques durables. Cet outil interculturel et participatif sera expérimenté ou préfiguré sur les 7 territoires européens partenaires et permettra de structurer une offre touristique commune d itinéraires de découverte du patrimoine. Les Campus Européens de Volontaires appuieront la démarche, impliquant à la fois des jeunes futurs professionnels du patrimoine et des retraités actifs de ces territoires, dans un souci de transmission intergénérationnelle des savoirs. La méthode, les critères européens de qualité qui la sous-tendent et l offre touristique créée seront diffusés à grande échelle par le biais d un web site, d un guide méthodologique, d une charte de qualité disponibles en 7 langues et grâce au réseau Eurotour Heritage, formalisé par une ONG largement ouverte. 3 coorganisateurs, 3 pôles de compétence - Association pour la Participation et l Action Régionale, Région PACA-F, Coordinateur, pôle Jeunes volontaires pour le patrimoine - Association Marcovaldo, Piémont -I, pôle Entreprise culturelle - Consel di Mallorca -ES, pôle Formation à la restauration du patrimoine et transmission intergenerationnelle des savoirs 4 partenaires associés pour élargir savoir-faire et expérimentation: Association Southern Uplands Partnership, Ecosse -GB, Association BAAT, Rhodopes- BG, Association OL-KIS, Thessalie -GR, Syndicat de l Ile de Braç, - HR

18 "TOTAL" LIVE PERFORMAN CE (Bicentenary of the birth of R.Wagner) The project, inspired by the theory developed by Richard Wagner ( ), recurring the bicentenary of his birth, aims to create some total artistic performances. The project is based upon an idea of total theatre, interdisciplinary, where dance is a unique amalgam of music, song, mime and acting, intertwined at the same time with painting, design and visual arts. The performances will be designed as part of the creative workshops by four directors-authors, expert musicians and choreographers who later realize some stages in the identified European cultural centres in order to select among artists and professionals the participants to the project. Thereafter the creative and productive phase will start. All team members, composers, dancers, actors, mimes, musicians, painters, designers, artists, technical directors and professionals from different European countries, will work together to produce total performances, in a space either physical and cultural, made of creativity and innovation, based upon dialogue, comparison, research and experimentation. The produced performances, will be represented in front of an audience of insiders (directors-organizers of festivals, promotion agencies, cultural centres, institutions, etc.) in some European capitals to facilitate their programming in the show circuit at the conclusion of the project. The performances production will be accompanied by other activities, such as the creation of a website and a promotional catalogue. Finally, we held an international Conference, with the participation of representatives from various European cultural centres to remember the figure of Richard Wagner in the bicentenary of his birth and deepen his conception of theatre (Theatre of Bayreuth). The Conference will also point out the state of national legislations adopted by various European countries supporting live interdisciplinary performance in order to suggest legislative updates to promote interdisciplinary creative. THE OTHERS EUROPEAN TRAVELLERS is a pedagogic photographic project that brings young european photographers together with experts and renown photographers. This initiative aims to explore through a story map, the transformations in the lives and environments of European families that left their original countries for economic reasons starting new lives in other European countries THE OTHERS EUROPEAN TRAVELLERS The project focuses on migrations occured between 1950 and 1970 and explores the evolution of their protagonists until the present day, as well as the circunstances leading to these events. As we consider this topic has not been properly covered from an artistic point of view, OTHER TRAVELLERS wants to recover the memory and the collective imaginary of these citizens, key figures in the construction of modern Europe, and also become an artistic and archival legacy for future generations, using the image as a vehicle for transmitting experiences. This initiative, supported by 4 partners and a network of European cultural operators, will be headed by a group of 12 young photographers sponsored by a group of 12 experts (photographers, curators, editors...) from different European countries. The resulting works have two main sources: - Documents and photographic archives from the 50s to present - Fieldwork developed by each one of the participants: Each photographer will carry out work around the issue. The work will focus on the creation of a corpus of images that can be supported by sound files, videos, objects, written records, etc. Three actions will be developed during and after the project: 1 st Action: Exchange, Fieldwork and Documentation Local exchanges between participants Fieldwork and documentation 2nd Action: Support for participants

19 Project THE OTHERS EUROPEAN TRAVELLERS Each photographer will carry out work around the issue. The work will focus on the creation of a corpus of images that can be supported by sound files, videos, objects, written records, etc. Three actions will be developed during and after the project: 1 st Action: Exchange, Fieldwork and Documentation Local exchanges between participants Fieldwork and documentation 2nd Action: Support for participants Meetings-Workshops 3rd Action Production and Spreading Exhibitions Talks Publication and DVD Slideshows Communication on line: Internet and Media COHAB is a collaborative project devised by three visual arts organisations Casco, Utrecht, The Showroom, London and Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm, each of which are small in scale and located in residential areas on the periphery of major European city centres. The project aims to investigate meaningful ways in which artists (and organisations) can be deeply invested within their local contexts and at the same time form close dialogues on an international arena COHAB The project is comprised of a series of four keynote artists productions; a local action research project led by each organisation, involving artists projects that will be developed with the participation of communities who share the concerns of the project; and a series of six knowledge-exchange meetings with Cluster a network of similarly scaled and located organisations across Europe with whom the processes and outcomes of our work will be shared. Through this we aim to stimulate different modes of creative thinking, methods of transnational collaboration and knowledge-exchange that will traverse between the local and global. Drawing on areas of commonality our situatedness, the similar roles that we play within our local and international communities, and our shared theoretical concerns the project COHAB will link our work together more closely to explore themes that are highly relevant to each of us: questions of locality, community and the commons in relation to forms of social and economic organisation, and more broadly, questions of cohabitation both on a local and European level. We will involve artists in addressing these questions with us on a conceptual level, and apply this research through the lenses of their practices. Through COHAB we will develop fresh models of how to work together as arts organisations. We will assess and develop the societal implications and impact of our work, and how we can participate in the future of Europe together.

20 POETRY RE- GENERATION Mécanisme pour une entente The project aims to revive and regenerate the sense of poetry as a vital part of personal identity that can transcend across different age groups and generations while promoting poetry's role of linking personal and cultural identity on both national and European level. Three main activities will be organized by all three partners. The first, Poetry Relive, seeks to reinvent the perception of poetry to make it more widely perceived. First we will try to popularize poetry in the youngest and oldest generations (Poetry for all generations), secondly we will try to invent creative ways for promoting the reading of poetry (Promotion of poetry), and thirdly we will research connections of poetry and other arts (Poetry and other arts). The second activity is Poetry across borders and under this title we will translate poetry between European languages (at least 30 poetry books in translation published during the project and even more poetry published on the web as well as clips of poetry readings). The third activity is Poetry on stage activities for presenting the most important contemporary European poets and projects connected with poetry on international poetry festivals and events (3 big international poetry festivals and at least 20 other poetry events in at least 7 European countries, with the participation of at least 70 poets from at least 20 European countries, including not only readings but many debates, seminars and other artistic events). By these activities we try to pursue a full spectrum of cultural roles and dimensions that poetry, if aptly promoted, can uniquely stand for in the broad realm of cultural processes vital for the well-being of the European society, contributing to cultural coherence over time and across different generation groups. The project s chief objective is thus to reinvent the popular perception of poetry to make it more widely perceived as a creative medium which grasp complex and paradoxical patterns of contemporary experience. Mécanismes Pour Une Entente est un projet expérimental de production artistique collective interdisciplinaire et transnationale basée sur des conditions de recherche exceptionnelles autour des enjeux de l histoire politique européenne. Ce projet analyse l évolution du contexte politique qui a provoqué la naissance et la mise à mort de la ligne de train «Silesia Cracovia Karphaty» reliant Varsovie à Bucarest via Cracovie, Košice et Budapest. Pour cela, un laboratoire de réflexion et de recherche interdisciplinaire, sous la forme d une série de résidences ciblera les enjeux politiques qui ont accompagné l existence de la ligne durant quatre périodes. La première période ( ) : le démantèlement de l empire austro-hongrois et la restructuration de l Europe centrale, les négociations de «la petite entente» dans l entre-deux guerres et l arrivée du nazisme. La deuxième période ( ) : les conséquences des accords de Munich et la séparation de la Tchécoslovaquie, la deuxième guerre mondiale et la question juive (cette ligne fut utilisé pour le transport des juifs vers les camps d extermination). La troisième période ( ) : le bloc soviétique, les différences entre les pays du bloc. La quatrième période ( ) : la libéralisation de l ex-bloc soviétique. Suite à la période de résidences, l expérience sera suivie d un workshop d une durée totale de deux mois, du 1er juillet 2013 au 31 août 2013, avec comme finalité la réalisation d une œuvre d art collective et multiforme. Ce workshop consiste à parcourir le tracé de la ligne de train. Au milieu du trajet, nous ferons un arrêt spécial d un mois entre les villages frontaliers de Plaveč en Slovaquie et de Muszyna en Pologne. En effet, c est à cet endroit précis que la connexion par le train se coupe. Nous allons investir cette zone géographique entre les deux villages, les deux pays, pour la réalisation de l œuvre collective. Nous voulons travailler la nature de la condition européenne.

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