Middle School UPTURN. in English. Student s Book and Workbook. Mehmet ŞENER

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1 Middle School UPTURN in English 8 Student s Book and Workbook Mehmet ŞENER Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığının tarihli ve 106 sayılı kararıyla öğretim yılından itibaren 5 (beş) yıl süreyle ders kitabı olarak kabul edilmiştir.

2 Bu ki ta bın her hak kı sak lı dır ve EVRENSEL İLETİŞİM YAYINLARI LTD. ŞTİ. ne ait tir. Kitabın metin, şekil, soru ve resimleri hiçbir şekilde izin alınmaksızın yayımlanamaz; fotokopi, teksir, film vb. şekilde basılamaz ve çoğaltılamaz. ISBN: Editör Ela KARAPINAR Görsel Tasarımcı Şahin CEYLAN Ölçme Değerlendirme Uzmanı Şeker ÇELİKER Dil Uzmanı Gülay KURT Program Geliştirme Uzmanı Ali GÜNEŞ Rehberlik Gelişim Uzmanı Gülten KUTLUTÜRK Baskı Cem Veb Ofset ANKARA 2015 EVRENSEL İLETİŞİM YAYINLARI Yeni Ziraat Mah Sok. Nu.: 15/A Altındağ - ANKARA tel.: belgeç :

3 İstiklâl Marşı Korkma, sönmez bu şafaklarda yüzen al sancak; Sönmeden yurdumun üstünde tüten en son ocak. O benim milletimin yıldızıdır, parlayacak; O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak. Bastığın yerleri toprak! diyerek geçme, tanı: Düşün altındaki binlerce kefensiz yatanı. Sen şehit oğlusun, incitme, yazıktır, atanı: Verme, dünyaları alsan da, bu cennet vatanı. Çatma, kurban olayım, çehreni ey nazlı hilâl! Kahraman ırkıma bir gül! Ne bu şiddet, bu celâl? Sana olmaz dökülen kanlarımız sonra helâl... Hakkıdır, Hakk a tapan, milletimin istiklâl! Ben ezelden beridir hür yaşadım, hür yaşarım. Hangi çılgın bana zincir vuracakmış? Şaşarım! Kükremiş sel gibiyim, bendimi çiğner, aşarım. Yırtarım dağları, enginlere sığmam, taşarım. Garbın âfâkını sarmışsa çelik zırhlı duvar, Benim iman dolu göğsüm gibi serhaddim var. Ulusun, korkma! Nasıl böyle bir imanı boğar, Medeniyet! dediğin tek dişi kalmış canavar? Arkadaş! Yurduma alçakları uğratma, sakın. Siper et gövdeni, dursun bu hayâsızca akın. Doğacaktır sana va dettiği günler Hakk ın... Kim bilir, belki yarın, belki yarından da yakın. Kim bu cennet vatanın uğruna olmaz ki fedâ? Şühedâ fışkıracak toprağı sıksan, şühedâ! Cânı, cânânı, bütün varımı alsın da Huda, Etmesin tek vatanımdan beni dünyada cüdâ. Ruhumun senden, İlâhi, şudur ancak emeli: Değmesin mabedimin göğsüne nâmahrem eli. Bu ezanlar-ki şahadetleri dinin temeli- Ebedî yurdumun üstünde benim inlemeli. O zaman vecd ile bin secde eder-varsa-taşım, Her cerîhamdan, İlâhi boşanıp kanlı yaşım, Fışkırır ruh-ı mücerred gibi yerden na şım; O zaman yükselerek arşa değer belki başım. Dalgalan sen de şafaklar gibi ey şanlı hilâl! Olsun artık dökülen kanlarımın hepsi helâl. Ebediyen sana yok, ırkıma yok izmihlâl: Hakkıdır, hür yaşamış, bayrağımın hürriyet; Hakkıdır, Hakk a tapan, milletimin istiklâl! Mehmet Âkif ERSOY 3

4 GENÇLİĞE HİTABE Ey Türk gençliği! Birinci vazifen, Türk istiklâlini, Türk Cumhuriyetini, ilelebet muhafaza ve müdafaa etmektir. Mevcudiyetinin ve istikbalinin yegâne temeli budur. Bu temel, senin en kıymetli hazinendir. İstikbalde dahi, seni bu hazineden mahrum etmek isteyecek dâhilî ve hâricî bedhahların olacaktır. Bir gün, istiklâl ve cumhuriyeti müdafaa mecburiyetine düşersen, vazifeye atılmak için, içinde bulunacağın vaziyetin imkân ve şeraitini düşünmeyeceksin! Bu imkân ve şerait, çok namüsait bir mahiyette tezahür edebilir. İstiklâl ve cumhuriyetine kastedecek düşmanlar, bütün dünyada emsali görülmemiş bir galibiyetin mümessili olabilirler. Cebren ve hile ile aziz vatanın bütün kaleleri zapt edilmiş, bütün tersanelerine girilmiş, bütün orduları dağıtılmış ve memleketin her köşesi bilfiil işgal edilmiş olabilir. Bütün bu şeraitten daha elîm ve daha vahim olmak üzere, memleketin dâhilinde iktidara sahip olanlar gaflet ve dalâlet ve hattâ hıyanet içinde bulunabilirler. Hattâ bu iktidar sahipleri şahsî menfaatlerini, müstevlîlerin siyasî emelleriyle tevhit edebilirler. Millet, fakr u zaruret içinde harap ve bîtap düşmüş olabilir. Ey Türk istikbalinin evlâdı! İşte, bu ahval ve şerait içinde dahi vazifen, Türk istiklâl ve cumhuriyetini kurtarmaktır. Muhtaç olduğun kudret, damarlarındaki asil kanda mevcuttur. Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK 4

5 Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK 5

6 Contents Plan of the Student s Book... 7 Unit 1 FRIENDSHIP... 9 Project: writing and acting out a dialog Unit 2 TEEN LIFE Project: preparing a CD cover Unit 3 COOKING Project: preparing a recipe booklet Unit 4 COMMUNICATION Project: recording a mock phone conversation Unit 5 THE INTERNET Project: doing a class survey on Internet habits Unit 6 ADVENTURES Project: planning an adventure trip in Turkey Unit 7 TOURISM Project: designing a travel brochure Unit 8 CHORES Project: writing a short paragraph titled Chores Unit 9 SCIENCE Project: preparing a science museum brochure Unit 10 NATURAL FORCES Project: preparing a poster about natural disasters Scripts for Audio Recordings WORKBOOK My Language Dossier Language Summary Irregular Verbs List References

7 Plan of the Student s Book Units Communicative Functions and Skills By the end of each unit, students will be able to... UNIT 1 FRIENDSHIP UNIT 2 TEEN LIFE UNIT 3 COOKING UNIT 4 COMMUNICATION UNIT 5 THE INTERNET understand offers and invitations. accept and refuse invitations. make apologies and excuses. understand simple texts on friendship. understand short, simple offers and invitation letters. write a short and simple letter in response to an invitation. write a short and simple letter apologizing for not attending a party. ask and answer questions and exchange ideas and information. understand sentences related to daily routines, likes and dislikes. understand sentences related to preferences. ask and talk about daily routines. express likes, dislikes and preferences. understand simple texts on daily routines, likes and dislikes. write a short paragraph about daily routines. apply the skills outside the classroom. recognize similarities and differences in teen culture in other countries. understand how to make a dish. ask and answer question about the process of making a dish. give a description of how to make bread. understand simple texts about cooking and dishes. write the process of making a dish. guess the probable meanings of unknown words in a text. recognize cultural diversity in food choices and dishes. follow a phone conversation. understand high frequency words related to communication. make a simple phone call. describe future plans and concerns. understand simple texts on communication. clarify themselves and ask for clarification. display a willingness to seek opportunities to practice English. understand the words and phrases related to the topic Internet. talk about their Internet habits. make excuses; accept and refuse offers. identify the main idea of a text about Internet habits. understand the texts related to the topic Internet. write about their Internet habits. use the connectors and, but, because. ask and answer follow-up questions for clarification. express themselves by using different words when they can t think of a word. 7

8 Units Communicative Functions and Skills By the end of each unit, students will be able to... UNIT 6 ADVENTURES UNIT 7 TOURISM UNIT 8 CHORES UNIT 9 SCIENCE UNIT 10 NATURAL FORCES understand the texts about adventures, sports and activities. talk about different sports and activities. ask and answer questions about preferences. describe and compare sports, activities and games. understand personal narratives and brochures related to an adventure. write a paragraph to compare two sports, activities or games. write about their preferences and free time activities. clarify their questions when needed. understand recorded texts and passages about tourism. exchange information on topics related to tourism. describe their favorite tourist attractions with simple phrases and sentences. make simple comparisons about different tourist attractions. express their preference about tourist destinations and give reasons. understand various texts about tourism. write about their favorite tourist attraction and destination. maintain concentration and motivation during a class period. understand short talks about responsibilities. understand people s obligations, feelings and dislikes. follow changes of topic during a factual talk. talk about responsibilities. describe their obligations, feelings and dislikes. understand simple texts about daily responsibilities. write about responsibilities and obligations at home and school. understand the recorded passages about science. ask questions and talk about what people are doing at the moment. involve simple discussions about scientific achievements. understand simple texts related to what people are doing or usually do. understand the main points in short passages about science. write simple descriptions about scientific achievements. use different words to make themselves clear and ask for clarification. recognize science as a common human endeavor. identify the main points of TV news about natural disasters. understand phrases and expressions about natural disasters. exchange information and make predictions about the future of the Earth. express reasons and support their predictions. make suggestions about saving the Earth. express personal opinions about the causes of natural disasters. understand simple texts describing natural events. write simple messages and give reasons about the future of the Earth. answer follow-up questions asked for clarification. ask for more information to check their understanding when needed. 8


10 UNIT 1 FRIENDSHIP Lesson 1 1. Check ( ) the activities you like doing with your friends. Then share them with your classmates. Example: I like having parties with my friends. have parties drink something at a café go for walks play sports go to the movies study together go to the concerts/plays eat out go to the shopping malls play computer games watch movies at home just sit and chit-chat 2. What do they like doing together? Work with your partner, point and say. Example: They like going for walks together What other things do you like doing with your friends? Share with your classmates. 10

11 UNIT 1 FRIENDSHIP Lesson 2 1. Match the movie posters with the movie types in the conversation below. Write the movie types under the posters Listen and practice. Frank : Hello. Mike : Hi, Frank. It s Mike calling. Frank : Hi, Mike. Mike : Say, Frank, are you busy tomorrow evening? Frank : No, not at all. I m not going to do anything. Why? Mike : Would you like to come over tomorrow? I m going to watch movies at home. I have great ones. Frank : That would be great. What types of movies do you have? Mike : Do you like comedies or romances? Frank : Not, really! Mike : What about sci-fi movies? Frank : I like sci-fi movies, but thrillers are my favorite. Mike : So, see you in the evening. Bye, Frank. Frank : Goodbye, Mike. Take care What kind of movies are they going to watch? Listen ad check ( ). Suzy a comedy a romance a thriller Kevin a thriller a sci-fi movie a comedy Ahmet a romance a comedy a sci-fi movie 4. What kind of movies do you like watching? Share with your classmates. Example: Comedies are my favorite. I like comedies, but I don t like thrillers. 11

12 UNIT 1 FRIENDSHIP Lesson 3 1. Read the excuses below. Which ones are good excuses? Check ( ) the good ones. I m busy that night. Making Excuses I m going to visit my grandparents. I m not feeling well. I have to study then. My favorite movie is on that night. I have to stay home. I m going to wash my hair. 2. What other excuses can you make for not accepting an invitation? Share with your friends. 3. Study the sentences in the box. Accepting and refusing invitations; making excuses: Would you like to come over tomorrow? Would you like to watch a movie at home? Yes, I would. I d like to, but my cousin is coming tomorrow. Yes, I d love to. I m sorry, but I can t. I m going to study. 4. Match the invitations with the responses. Then practice with a partner. 1 What are you doing tonight? Would you like to go out? a Yeah, that would be great. Can we go to a late show? 7 is fine for me. 2 Are you doing anything on Friday night? Would you like to see a movie? b I d like to, but I can t. My cousin is going to visit me tomorrow evening. 3 We re having friends over on Sunday. Would you like to come? c I m sorry, but I can t. I m going to study tonight. 4 Are you busy tomorrow evening? Would you like to come over for a drink. d I m not going to do anything on Sunday. I d love to come! 12

13 UNIT 1 FRIENDSHIP 5. Study the sentences in the box. Talking about future plans and arrangements: What are you going to do tomorrow? What are you doing tonight? I m going to visit my cousin. I m going to a soccer match. Are you going to watch the soccer match tomorrow? Are you doing anything tonight? Yes, I am. No, I m not. 6. What are your classmates plans for the weekend? Go around and ask. For each question, ask for further information. go out of town/city meet friends visit relatives play computer games study for an exam or a test play sports go shopping watch a movie Name Further Information You : Zeynep, are you going to go out of town this weekend? Zeynep : Yes, I am. You : Where are you going to go? Zeynep : I m going to visit my uncle and aunt in Eskişehir. 7. Compare your information with a partner. Who is going to do something fun? Who is going to be physically active? Example: Salim is going to do something fun because he is going to watch a comedy movie. Fatih is going to be physically active because he is going to play soccer. 13

14 UNIT 1 FRIENDSHIP Lesson 4 1. Check ( ) the activities you are going to do in a week. barbecue birthday party volleyball tournament picnic tennis match nature walking soccer match bicycle race computer game tournament 2. When are you going to do the activities above? Share with your partner. Example: I m going to play soccer with my classmates on Saturday What are they going to do on the weekend? Listen and check ( ). Jane Dave Nancy have a class party study for an exam go to the movies join a bicycle race play soccer play computer games go to a rock concert go to a shopping mall go nature walking 4. 4 Listen again and complete the chart. Do they accept or refuse the invitations? Circle the correct one. What are their excuses? Write their excuses on the lines. Ashley : accepts/refuses Pete : accepts/refuses Helen : accepts/refuses 14

15 UNIT 1 FRIENDSHIP 5. Work in pairs. Read the role cards and make a role-play. Student A : Decide on an activity. Invite your partner to go with you. Be ready to say where and when the activity is. Start the conversation as in the example. Example : Say, are you doing anything on? Would you like to? Student B : Your partner invites you out. Accept the invitation and ask for more information, or refuse the invitation and give an excuse. Example : That sounds fun. Where is it? Oh, I m sorry, I can t. I m 6. Change the roles and make the role-play again. 7. Read the invitation letter below and answer the questions. 1. Who is the sender? 2. Who is the invitation for? 3. What s the invitation about? PAR-TEA! Hi, Amanda I hope all is well in your world! I am going to have a party at my place on Tuesday, 23rd November. Would you like to join us? I am sure you are going to have great fun with us. I guess you know my address: it is 155, Carmen Ave, Birmingham. It's not very difficult to find. Take the number 41 bus and get off at Forest Road. Cheers Sally 8. Read the information below and write a reply letter to Sally. Then read it out in the class. Imagine that you are a friend of Sally, and the invitation above is for you. Reply to her invitation. State that you can t attend to the party. Make an excuse. Make sure you greet at the beginning and say goodbye at the end. Use Sally s letter as an example. 15

16 UNIT 1 FRIENDSHIP Lesson 5 1. Scan the s below and write the names of the events in the photos. 2. Read the s and answer the questions. 1. Who are organizing the events? 2. When are they? 3. Where are they? 3. Put the information below in the order (1-4) that appears in the invitations. the date the request the event the place 16

17 UNIT 1 FRIENDSHIP Lesson 6 1. Use your dictionary to match the words and expressions with the definitions. 1. to have something in common 2. to back someone up 3. stranger 4. to count on someone 5. buddies 6. to get on well with someone a. to help someone b. friends c. to depend on someone d. to like each other e. to have the same interests f. someone you don t know 2. Read the text and write three sentences about true friends. Follow the example. Some friends come into our lives for just a short time. Others come and stay forever. Think about your closest friends. They are like your brothers and sisters. They always back you up. You are great buddies. You can always count on them because they never lie to you. You sometimes argue, but you get on well with them most of the time. They are called true friends. What turns a stranger into a true friend? Can a stranger become a true friend if you spend enough time together? That may be true for some people. But true friendships happen when we have something in common. It happens when we share similar likes and dislikes. It happens when we see a part of ourselves in our friends. Example: They come into your lives and stay forever What does the proverb below mean? Think about your best friend and give three examples. Follow the example. Friendship is one mind in two bodies. Example: They are like your brothers and sisters

18 UNIT 1 FRIENDSHIP Project 1. Work in pairs and write a dialog. Use the information and the example below to help you. You are supposed to work in pairs and write a dialog about three parts: Part 1 Welcoming and coming in. Part 2 Serving food/drinks and chatting. Part 3 Seeing him/her off and inviting him/her again. Donna : Hi, Gale. Gale : Hi, Donna. Please, come in. Feel at home and enjoy yourself. Donna : Thanks, Gale. Gale : Would you like a cup of tea? Donna : Yes, please. Gale : What about some cookies? Donna : No, thanks. I m not hungry. Gale : Would you like to see a movie? I have a great movie collection. Donna : Great idea. So, what do you have in your mind? Gale : What do you think about Frozen? They say it s a great animation. Donna : Do we have another choice? I don t really enjoy animated movies. Gale : What about 12 Years a Slave? It s a drama. Donna : That s better. Let s watch it. Donna : It was a great movie, Gale. Thanks for everything. See you tomorrow at school. Gale : See you, Donna. Take care. 2. Work in pairs and act out your dialogs. Self-assessment How well can you do these things? Check ( ) the boxes. I can... understand offers and invitations. accept and refuse invitations. make apologies and excuses. understand simple texts on friendship. write a short and simple letter in response to an invitation. write a short and simple letter apologizing for not attending a party. Very well OK A little 18


20 UNIT 2 TEEN LIFE Lesson 1 1. Match the activities with the photos. Write the correct numbers in the boxes. hiking bossaball zorbing mountain biking 1 snowshoeing snow tubing What do you think about these sports and activities? Check ( ) the adjectives. exciting interesting unusual trendy ridiculous boring hiking bossaball zorbing mountain biking snowshoeing snow tubing 3. Which sports and activities above would you like to try? Why? Share with your friends. Example: I d like to try snow tubing. I think it s very unusual and exciting. 20

21 UNIT 2 TEEN LIFE Lesson Listen and practice. handlebar brake lever seat frame mudguard brake gear chain pedal tire 2. 6 Listen and check ( ) the bike parts in the recording. mudguard handlebar brake lever gear pedal seat frame brake chain tire 3. 7 Listen again and check ( ) the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones. True False 1. Fred likes hanging out with his friends. 2. He has a black and silver bike with mudguards. 3. He likes cycling to the riverside near his neighborhood. 4. He goes cycling with his father. 5. He usually goes cycling on Saturday and Sunday. 6. He is not good at fixing his bike. 4. Do you have a bike? Where and when do you usually cycle? 21

22 UNIT 2 TEEN LIFE Lesson 3 1. Study the sentences and expressions in the boxes. Talking about daily routines: I walk to school. I don t take the bus to school. She takes the bus to work. She doesn t drive to work. Do you get up early? Yes, I do. Does he have lunch at school? No, he doesn t. What time do you usually get up on Sundays? I usually get up at 9 o clock on Sundays. What does she usually have for breakfast? She usually has milk and honey for breakfast. Time expressions: early late every day at 9:00 at noon/midnight at night in the morning in the afternoon in the evening on Sundays on weekends on weekdays Adverbs of frequency: I always have breakfast. He usually gets up early on Saturdays. She often meets with her friends on Sundays. They sometimes have pancakes for breakfast. I hardly ever stay up late on weekdays. She never drinks coffee in the evening. 2. Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms. My parents (live) in the city. My mother is a teacher. She (work) at a school in our neighborhood, so she always (walk) to school. My father (work) outside the city, so he never (walk) to work. He often (take) the bus to work. Sometimes he (drive), too. I study at a middle school near our house, so I often (walk) to school. My father sometimes (take) me to school. My brother (study) at a high school. It s a little far away from our house, but he (have) a bike, so he usually (ride) his bike to school. He hardly ever (walk) to school. 3. Write a paragraph about yourself and your family members. Follow the example above. 4. Now, tell about your daily routines to the class. Use your paragraph in part 3. 22

23 UNIT 2 TEEN LIFE Lesson 4 1. Look at the photo, scan the text and answer the questions. 1. Where is Daniela from? 2. How old is she? 3. What s her favorite breakfast? 2. Read about an Italian teenager s daily routine and complete the gaps with the clock times. 1 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 11 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 7 p.m. 8 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. What s it like to be a teenager in Italy? Fourteen-year-old Daniela Elmo tells us about her daily routines. I always get up at. Then I have a shower and brush my teeth. I have breakfast with my parents at about. We usually have eggs, cheese and orange juice, but we sometimes have pancakes with honey and milk. That s my favorite breakfast! Then my parents go to work. In Italy, students go to school in the morning or in the afternoon. I don t go to school in the morning. I usually do my homework. I go to school in the afternoon after lunch. School starts at. I m never late. I like to be early. At the end of the day, I leave school at. When I get home at, I rest for a while. I usually have dinner at about. After dinner I listen to music and watch TV. I go to bed at. I hardly ever sleep before Now, listen and check. 4. Work in pairs. Ask and answer about Daniela s day. Example: What time/get up? What time does she get up? She always gets up at 7:30 a.m. 1. What/have for breakfast? 4. What/do when she gets home at 6:30 p.m.? 2. What/do in the morning? 5. What/do in the evening? 3. What time/leave school? 6. What time/go to bed? 5. Ask your partner about his/her daily routine and take notes. 1. What time do you usually get up? 4. Do you watch TV in the evening? 2. What do you have for breakfast? 5. What time do you do your homework? 3. What do you do after school? 6. What time do you usually go to bed? 6. Write a paragraph about your partner s daily routine. 23

24 UNIT 2 TEEN LIFE Lesson 5 1. What do you think about different types of music? Check ( ) the adjectives. pop rock rap electronic heavy metal classical hip hop jazz trendy energetic fun loud boring unbearable 2. 9 Listen and practice. Kate Sam Kate Sam Kate Sam Kate Sam : Sam, what kind of music do you like listening to? : Mostly Pop, rock and classical. Why? : My parents have tickets to a show. Would you like to come with us? : What kind of music is it? : Pop. It s Taylor Swift. : Taylor Swift? I love her songs. She is terrific, and she has an impressive voice. When is it? : At 2 p.m. tomorrow. : Yeah, I d love to go Listen to the rest of the conversation and answer the questions. 1. What does Kate think about the show? 2. What does she think about the singer? 3. What s the problem with the band? 4. Ask your partner s preferences and take notes. Example: Do you prefer listening to pop to listening to jazz? 1. listen to pop / listen to jazz 2. see a live music show / see a movie 3. go to the beach / go shopping 4. read the news online / watch the news on TV 5. be alone / hang out with friends 6. wear fashion clothes / wear casual clothes 24

25 UNIT 2 TEEN LIFE Lesson 6 1. Do the quiz. Check ( ) the appropriate boxes for you. How often do you...? A every day B twice or three times a week C once a month D never 1. get up early 2. have breakfast 3. watch TV 4. eat fruit 5. eat fast food or junk food 6. read a book or a magazine 7. play a sport or exercise 8. go to bed late 9. have a shower 10. play computer games 11. listen to loud music with headphones 12. leave your room untidy What s your score? Questions 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9 : Score 3 points for A, 2 points for B, 1 point for C and 0 points for D. Questions 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12 : Score 0 points for A, 1 point for B, 2 points for C and 3 points for D. What does your score mean? points : You have a lot of good habits, but don t forget to enjoy yourself once or twice a week points : It s OK. You have some good habits and some bad habits, but you re quite good points : Oh dear! It s time to change your lifestyle. 2. Ask the questions in part 1 to a friend or a family member. Use a different color pen to check ( ) his/her answers. You : How often do you get up early? Your partner : I get up early every day. 25

26 UNIT 2 TEEN LIFE Project 1. Work in groups of four and prepare a CD cover. Use the information and the example below to help you. You are supposed to create a music band and prepare a CD cover. You can use photos or draw pictures to design your CD cover. Give the following information on the CD cover: 1. The band s name 2. The performer s name 3. The instruments and the players 4. The song titles Songs Music is in my hearth. The terrific band. School is cool. We are trendy teens. Instruments flute Clare RIMMS guitar Oliver CARTY organ Kevin ALLBRIGHT Performer 2. Interview with one of the members of the band. Ask about his/her life, his/her likes and preferences. Then act out the interview in the class. Self-assessment How well can you do these things? Check ( ) the boxes. I can... understand sentences related to daily routines, likes and dislikes. understand sentences related to preferences. ask and talk about daily routines. express likes, dislikes and preferences. understand simple texts on daily routines, likes and dislikes. write a short paragraph about daily routines. Very well OK A little 26


28 UNIT 3 COOKING Lesson 1 1. How do you cook the food below? Check ( ) the methods that are most common in Turkey. bake boil roast steam grill fry bake boil roast steam grill fry fish chicken meet eggs potatoes mushrooms onions eggplants carrots 2. Compare your answers with a partner. Student A : How do you usually cook fish? Student B : We usually fry or bake it. We sometimes grill it, too. 28

29 UNIT 3 COOKING Lesson 2 1. Match the photos with the words. Write the correct numbers in the boxes. slice peel cut 1 chop spread dice Study the sentences in the box. Describing a process: How to make a French toast? First, put the slices of bread in an oven or a toaster and turn it on. Then take out the slices of bread when it is red enough. Next, spread butter or jam on the toast. You can also put some vegetable. After that, close the toast. Finally, slice the toast in half and enjoy it Listen to people explain how to make these snacks. Which snack are they talking about? Number the photos. 4. Work in pairs. Choose one of the snacks above and tell your partner how to make it. 29

30 UNIT 3 COOKING Lesson 3 1. Read about how to make a vegetable pizza. Match the steps with the photos. Ingredients: a carrot some cabbage a green pepper a tomato an onion some cheese a little salt three tablespoons of oil a piece of pizza bread Process: 1. Cut the cabbage. Slice the carrot, tomato and pepper. Peel and chop the onion. 2. Put all the vegetables in a frying pan. 3. Put three tablespoons of oil. Add a little salt. Fry the vegetables for minutes. 4. Put the fried vegetables on the pizza bread. Put the chopped cheese on the top of the fried vegetables. 5. Set the microwave for 5 minutes. Keep the pizza in it and take it out after 5 minutes. 6. Your delicious pizza is ready! Enjoy it Complete the sentences. Use the words and expressions in the recipe above. A vegetable pizza can be a tasty lunch or dinner, and it is easy to make. Here is how: First, the cabbage; the carrot, tomato and pepper; and the onion. Then all the vegetables in a frying pan. Next, three tablespoons of oil and a little salt. the vegetables for minutes. After that, the fried vegetables on the pizza bread. the chopped cheese on the top of the fried vegetables. Finally, the microwave for 5 minutes and the pizza in it. Take it out after 5 minutes. Your delicious pizza is ready! Enjoy it! 30

31 UNIT 3 COOKING Lesson 4 1. Look at the photos of how to make bread. Read the recipe. Guess the meanings of the words below. yeast pour mixing bowl flour rolling pin knead loaf pan 2. Work in pairs. Tell the ingredients and the process of how to make bread to your partner. Ingredients: a glass of milk, a tablespoon of sugar, a teaspoon of salt, a tablespoon of butter, a package of dry yeast, three glasses of flour 1 2 Process: 1. Put the yeast in a bowl and add a glass of warm water. Wait for 10 minutes. 2. Pour the yeast mixture to a large mixing bowl. Add the butter, milk, sugar and salt. 3. Add the flour and stir well. 4. Put the dough on a lightly floured surface. Knead for 10 minutes. 5. Shape dough into a ball and put it in a bowl. Cover it with a tea towel. Wait for 2 hours. 6. Remove the dough from the bowl and roll it using a rolling pin. 7. Shape the dough into a loaf and place it in loaf pan. Wait for an hour. 8. Bake it at 200 C for about 30 minutes. Take it out and let it cool Now, tell how to make bread to the class. Use the sequencing words. 31

32 UNIT 3 COOKING Lesson 5 1. Do you know how to cook Turkish pilaf? Work in pairs and number the steps from 1 to 9. Ingredients: two glasses of rice two tablespoons of orzo two tablespoons of butter three glasses of hot water a teaspoon of salt Turkish pilaf Process: Melt the butter in a saucepan. 1 Rinse the rice under cold water. Take the pan off the heat. Put the orzo in it and cook for two minutes. When it starts to boil, turn down the cooker to a low heat. Don t stir it while cooking. Before it turns brown, add the rice and cook for three minutes stirring continuously. Pour the hot water into the pan and add a little salt. Cook for about minutes until the rice absorbs all the water. Let the rice cool down for about 5-10 minutes before serving Now, listen and check. 3. Work in pairs and discuss the questions below. Start as in the example. Mehmet : What s your favorite snack, Ayşe? Ayşe : My favorite snack is lasagna? Mehmet : What s in it? Ayşe : Pasta, cheese, eggs Mehmet : How do you make it? Ayşe : First, 1. What s your favorite snack? 2. What s in it? 3. How do you make it? 4. Is it delicious? 5. Is it healthy? 6. When do you usually eat it? 7. How often do you eat it? Lasagna 4. Think of a dish you know well. First, write down the ingredients. Then describe how to cook it. 5. Work in groups of four. Exchange your recipes. Decide on the most delicious one. 32

33 UNIT 3 COOKING Lesson 6 1. Scan the text and answer the questions below. 1. What are the names of the dishes in the photos? 2. What countries do they belong to? Kabuli Palaw is an Afghan pilaf dish. It consists of steamed rice with lentils, carrots and lamb. It is one of the most popular dishes in Afghanistan, and it is the Afghan national dish. Afghan people make the dish with lamb, chicken, or beef. They bake it in the oven and top it with fried and sliced carrots. They also add nuts like pistachios or almonds. They put the meat in the middle of the pilaf. Beshbarmak is the national dish of Turkmenistan. The term Beshbarmak means five fingers, because Turkmen people eat the dish with their hands. They boil the meat with noodles and dice it with knives. They put some onion sauce on it. They usually serve it in a big round dish with lamb soup. They always say Amin at the end of the meal to give thanks to God. Colcannon is a traditional Irish dish. It consists of mashed potatoes and cabbage with milk, butter, salt and pepper. It can contain other ingredients such as leeks and onions. There are many regional variations of this colcannon. Irish people often eat it with boiled meat. 2. Read the text and write the ingredients for each dish. Kabuli Palaw Ingredients: Beshbarmak Ingredients: Colcannon Ingredients: 3. Search for the Turkish national dishes. Decide on one and write a recipe for it. 33

34 UNIT 3 COOKING Project 1. Read the information in the box and prepare a recipe booklet. You are supposed to prepare a recipe booklet for your favorite dishes. Use photos to make your booklet interesting and eye-catching. You can search the Net to find the recipes. First, write down the things you need. Then describe how to make the dishes step by step. Berry Muffins Ingredients: - a glass of flour - a tablespoon of baking powder - a glass of sugar - a teaspoon of salt - half a glass of yoghurt - three tablespoons of vegetable oil - a glass of fresh berries Process: - Pre-heat oven at 200 C. - Put the flour and baking powder in a mixing bowl. - Add the sugar and salt. - Mix the eggs, yoghurt and vegetable oil together. - Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients. - Add the berries and mix it. - Put the mixture into muffin cups. - Bake for 25 minutes. Leave to cool. Serve warm. 2. Display your booklet in the class. Go around and take a look at your classmates recipes. Self-assessment How well can you do these things? Check ( ) the boxes. I can... Very well OK A little understand how to make a dish. ask and answer question about the process of making a dish. give a description of how to make bread. understand simple texts about cooking and dishes. write the process of making a dish. guess the probable meanings of unknown words in a text. 34


36 UNIT 4 COMMUNICATION Lesson 1 1. Match the ways of communication with the photos. Write the correct numbers in the boxes. write a letter make a phone call leave a message note text a message send a fax use social networks leave a voic 1 send an speak face-to-face For Dad, Mr. Rick called. Call him at 6 p.m. Nelly How do you usually keep in touch with your friends? Share with your classmates. Follow the example. Example: I usually send text messages to my friends. I also like talking face-to-face with my friends. 36

37 UNIT 4 COMMUNICATION Lesson 2 1. Read the phone conversations below. Which one is formal? Which one is informal? Share your answers with your classmates Listen and practice. Tina : Hello, Tina speaking. Peter : Hi Tina, this is Peter. Is your brother in? Tina : Hang on a minute, please. I ll get him. Martin : Hello Peter. Peter : Hi Martin. Do you have a plan this afternoon? I have two tickets for the soccer match between West High and Yukon. Would you like to come with me? It s in the city stadium. Martin : Sure. I d like to. What time is it going to start? Peter : At 4. Martin : Good. So, let s meet at the stadium at 3:45. Peter : OK. Bye. Martin : Bye. Rachael : Hello. Curtis : Hello. Is Steve there? Rachael : I m afraid. He s not available at the moment. He has gone out. Would you like to leave a message? Curtis : Yes, please. Could you tell him to contact with Mr. Bright? It s about the school project. Rachael : Okay. I ll tell him. May I ask who s calling? Curtis : This is his friend, Curtis. Rachael : OK. Bye. Curtis : Bye Sam invites her friends to her party. Listen to her voic s and complete the chart. Who can come to the party? Who can t come? Check ( ) the correct boxes. Write their excuses. Amanda can come can t come excuse Betty Victor Martin

38 UNIT 4 COMMUNICATION Lesson 3 1. Study the sentences and the expressions in the box. Making and answering a phone call: John speaking. Who s calling? One moment, please. I m sorry, he s not available at the moment. Could you ask him to call me? I can t hear you very well. It s a bad line. I ll call back later. Could I speak to Steve, please? Could I ask who s calling? Can you hold on a moment, please? Would you like to leave a message? Could I take your name and number, please? Could you please repeat that? Thanks for calling. 2. Complete the phone conversations. Use the appropriate expressions above. A : Hello, Matt speaking. B : Hello, to Mrs. Adams, please? A : at the moment. leave a message? B : her to call me, please? My number is A : Hello, Mrs. Peterson speaking. B : Hello, can I speak to Linda, please? A : who s calling? B : Pardon? A : Who is calling, please? B : Jill Sanders. A : a moment, please? A : Hello, Rosa. B : Hello, to Mr. Gino, please? A : I m sorry, he s not. Would you? B : Yes, please. Could you at home, please? A : your name and number, please? B : This is Albert Parker. My number is A : repeat that? B : It s Now, listen and check. 4. Practice the conversations above with a partner. 5. Work in pairs. Read the information in the boxes and write a phone conversation. Then act it out in the class. Student A : You are the caller. You want to speak with your friend, but his/her brother/ sister answers the phone. Your friend can t come to the phone right now. Leave a message for him/her. Student B : You are the receiver. A friend of your brother/sister calls at home. He/she wants to talk to your brother/sister, but he/ she s not available at the moment. Ask the caller to leave a message. 38

39 UNIT 4 COMMUNICATION Lesson 4 1. Do you send s to your friends? How often? What do you usually write about? 2. Read the below and answer the questions? 1. Who is the sender? 2. Who is the receiver? 3. What is the about? 3. Suppose that you are Eric. Respond to Robert s . State that you can t join them. Make an excuse and tell your plans. 4. Now, pretend to be Robert and leave a voic for Eric. Express your concern and sympathy to him. Use the expressions below. I m sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon. That s so bad. We will meet up later, then. See you later, then. Hi, Eric. This is Robert. 39

40 UNIT 4 COMMUNICATION Lesson 5 1. Check ( ) the activities you like doing with your friends. Then share them with your classmates. Example: I like playing board games with my friends. I usually play chess with my best friend, Clare. watch a movie at home have a picnic or barbeque drink something at a café go to the movie theater go to the technology stores go to the clothes or accessory stores go to the music stores play computer games play sports play board games 2. Imagine that you have a free afternoon. Plan an activity with your partner to do together. Follow the outline below. 1. What is the activity? 2. Why do you like the activity? 3. When are you going to do it? 4. Where are you going to do it? 5. What do you need to do it? 3. Now, inform your classmates about your plan. Use your answers in part Ask about one of your classmates plans for the weekend. Write his/her answers. 1. What is he/she going to do? 2. Why does he/she like doing the activity? 3. When is he/she going to do the activity? 4. Where is he/she going to do the activity? 5. Who is he/she going to do the activity with? 40

41 UNIT 4 COMMUNICATION Lesson 6 1. How many text messages do you usually send a day? Do you use abbreviations? What are they? 2. Scan the text and answer the questions. 1. When did people first use text messages? 2. How many text messages do people send a day in Turkey? 3. How many text messages do people send a day in the world? 4. What does B4N mean in text language? People first used text messages in They called the service SMS (Short Message Service). It soon became popular because text messages are cheap, fast and fun. Now, people send approximately 10 million text messages a day in Turkey. The number is over 200 billion a day in the world. Young people send most text messages. In Turkey, nearly 70% of teenagers have mobile phones or use their parents mobile phones. For them, text messages are exciting. In the US and Britain, teenagers generally write text messages by using short combinations of numbers, words, symbols and abbreviations. For example number 4 means for. Now, you can even buy books about these abbreviations. In some schools, teachers are worried about the negative effects of text messaging on teenagers. They believe that this text language is bad because it is not correct. According to them, languages are changing fast because people mostly prefer communicating with new technology. HAND Have a nice day. B4N Bye for now. CUL8R See you later. 2NITE Tonight LOL Lots of love. BBL Be back later. 3. Read the text and check ( ) the sentences True or False. Correct the false ones. True False 1. Text messages are popular because they are cheap, fast and fun. 2. In Turkey nearly half of the teenagers use mobile phones. 3. You can buy books about how to write text messages. 4. Teachers believe that text messages are good for teenagers. 5. People mostly prefer face-to-face communication. 4. Write a secret text message to a friend. Use abbreviations. Then exchange your messages. 41

42 UNIT 4 COMMUNICATION Project 1. Work in pairs and record a mock phone conversation. Use the information in the box. Work with a partner and plan a weekend activity together. Then make a mock phone conversation and record it. Follow the plan and the example below to help you. 1. Dial your friend and greet him/her. 2. Invite him/her to do an activity together. 3. Give some information about the activity: the time, the place, etc. 4. Repeat your sentences if your friend doesn t understand because of a bad line. 5. Say goodbye and hang up the phone. Bill : Hello, Bill speaking. Marc : Hello, Bill. This is Marc. How is it going? Bill : Great, thanks. Marc : Do you have any plans on Saturday afternoon? Bill : I can t hear you very well, Marc. It s a bad line, I guess. Marc : Are you going to do anything on Saturday afternoon? Bill : No, I m not. Why do you ask? Marc : I m going to go bowling with my father and brother. Would you like to come with us? Bill : I d love to. What time are you going to go? Marc : At 3 o clock. Bill : Are you going to the bowling alley on Palm Street? Marc : Yes, we are. Bill : So, let s meet there at 2:30. Is that OK? Marc : That s OK. See you there at 2:30. Bill : See you. Bye. 2. Play your recording in the class. Self-assessment How well can you do these things? Check ( ) the boxes. I can... Very well OK A little follow a phone conversation. make a simple phone call. describe my future plans and concerns. understand simple texts on communication. clarify myself and ask for clarification. 42


44 UNIT 5 THE INTERNET Lesson 1 1. How do you use the Internet? Check ( ) the ones you agree with. Can you add more ideas? make new friends listen to music watch movies and videos search for information send s make live chats use Internet phone do homework practice English do shopping 2. Use your dictionary and match the words with the definitions. 1 g account 2 attachment a b to connect a computer to a website to copy something to the Internet 3 comment 4 confirm 5 download 6 log in/on 7 log off/out 8 register 9 search engine 10 upload 11 web browser c to disconnect a computer to a website d a computer program to read information on the Internet e a computer program to find information on the Internet f to copy something into a computer s memory from the Internet g Internet services you use by entering a username and password h a computer file that you send together with an message i something that you say or write to express your opinion j to state that something is true k to put your personal information into a website 3. Work in groups of four and discuss the questions. Do you use the Internet for the same things? 1. How often do you use the Internet? 2. What do you usually do online? 44

45 UNIT 5 THE INTERNET Lesson 2 1. Read the questions below. Share your answers with your classmates. Follow the example. 1. Who uses the Internet most in your family? 2. How many hours a day do they use the Internet? 3. What do they usually do online? Example : My brother uses the Internet most in my family. He uses about 2 or 3 hours a day. He usually reads newspapers and magazines. He also keeps in touch with his friends through the Net Jason Seville is answering some questions about his Internet habits. Listen and answer the questions. 1. How many hours a day does Jason use the Internet? 2. How does he usually access the Internet? 3. What s his address? 4. Does he have a website? 5. Who uses the Internet most in his family? 6. What does Jason usually do on the Net? 7. What s the best thing about the Internet according to him? 3. Study the sentences in the box. Connecting the sentences: I have a PC, but I usually access the Internet from my tablet. It s fun and easy because you can take it everywhere. I keep in touch with my friends; I post my pictures on my website, and I practice my French. 4. Write a paragraph in your notebook about your Internet habits. Use and, but, because to connect your sentences. 45

46 UNIT 5 THE INTERNET Lesson 3 1. Look at the computer screen in the photo. What s the problem about? Check ( ) the correct one. The problem is about the... hard disk drive. software. Internet connection. processor. web site Listen and circle the correct one. 1. Bob has a problem with the software / website / Internet connection. 2. He uses a laptop / tablet / desktop PC. 3. He uses a wireless modem / cable modem / telephone line to connect to the Internet. 4. The problem is about the connection cable / modem / screen Work in pairs to complete the conversation. Then listen again and check. Dan : Hello, Dan speaking. Bob : Hello, Dan. This is Bob. How are things? Dan : Good, thanks, Bob. Bob : Dan, I. I m trying to on my desktop PC for an hour, but I can t. You are good at using computer. Can you help me, please? Dan : OK. Well, do you use a cable modem or? Bob : It s a cable modem. Dan : Is your PC? Bob : What do you mean? Dan : I mean, is there a connection sign on the screen? Bob : No, there isn t. Dan : So, check first. Bob : Do you mean the cable between the modem and the computer? Dan : Yes, the connection cable between the modem and the computer. Bob : That s OK. Yes, is here now. Dan : Now, open a website to check. Bob : OK. That s it. I have the connection. Thanks a lot. Dan : Never mind. Take care. Bye. Bob : Bye, Dan 46

47 UNIT 5 THE INTERNET 4. Study the sentences in the box. Asking for clarification: Dan : Is your PC online or offline? Bob : What do you mean? Dan : I mean, is there a connection sing on the screen? Bob : No, there isn t. Dan : So, check the connection cable first. Bob : Do you mean the cable between the modem and the computer? Dan : Yes, the connection cable between the modem and the computer. 5. Match the questions 1-5 with the follow-up questions a-e. 1. Are you always online? c 2. How often do you check your ? 3. How many hours do you spend online? 4. Do you have a mobile device connected to the Internet? 5. How do you connect to the Internet? a) I mean, do you check your a lot? b) I mean, do you spend much time online? c) I mean, are you connected to the Internet all the time? d) I mean, do you have a wireless modem or cable modem? e) I mean, do you have a tablet or smartphone with the Internet connection? 6. Work in pairs. Use the information below and write a conversation. Then act it out in the class. Student A : You want to connect to the Internet on your tablet, but you can t. You use a wireless modem, and you can t solve the problem. Call a friend to ask for help. Ask for clarification when you don t understand anything. Student B : Your friend has a problem about the Internet connection. He/she asks for some help. Ask him/her to check the connection cable first and reset the modem settings. Answer your friend s follow-up questions to make yourself clear. 47

48 UNIT 5 THE INTERNET Lesson 4 1. Look at the title and scan the brochure below. Circle the main idea. The brochure is about why the Internet is so popular around the world. 2. why teenagers love being online. 3. how the Internet affects people. 2. Read the brochure and answer the questions. 1. How many Internet users are addicts? 2. What are some things Internet addicts do? 3. What problems do Internet addicts have? 4. What can Internet addicts do to get some help? Are you an Internet addict? Are there any Internet addicts in your family or in your class? Everyone loves the Internet because it s a great place to find information, keep in touch with friends, do shopping, etc. It s fun and fast. Now ask yourself; How much time do you spend online a day? Experts say that 10% of Internet users are Internet addicts, and they are always online. They use their desktop PCs, laptops, tablets or smartphones to connect to the Internet. They think and talk about the Internet all the time. They have many Internet friends, but they are not so good at face-to-face interaction. They are generally teenagers, and they usually have problems with their families, friends and schools. So, what can you do if you are an Internet addict? Talk to your teacher and go to school counselling service. They will surely help you. 3. Is your partner an Internet addict? Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions below to find it yourself. Do you spend a lot of time on the Internet? Do you play online games every day? Do you check your s very often? Do you talk about the Internet all the time? Are most of your friends Internet friends? Is the Internet your only hobby? Do you forget doing your homework because you are online? Note: If you answer yes to all these questions, maybe you are an Internet addict. Yes No 48

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