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1 ENGLSH 4 TEACHER S BOOK Millî lî Eğitim Bakanlığı Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığının tarih ve 44 sayılı kurul kararı ile öğretim yılından itibaren 5 (beş) yıl süreyle ders kitabı olarak kabul edilmiştir. Neslihan Altunel VAROL BİR-YAY YAYNEVİ İstanbul Yolu Erciyes İş Yerleri Sitesi 5. Cadde Nu.: 6 Macunköy/ANKARA tel.: (0 31) belgeç: (0 31)

2 Editör Dil Uzmanı Görsel Tasarımcı Program Geliştirme Uzmanı Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Uzmanı Rehberlik ve Gelişim Uzmanı : Esra ESKİÇAKT : Selim YÜCE : Bengi KAYA, Nuray TOMAR : Bülent ALPAY : Hülya KARABAY : Birsen ÖZALP

3 İSTİKLÂL MARŞ Korkma, sönmez bu şafaklarda yüzen al sancak; Sönmeden yurdumun üstünde tüten en son ocak. O benim milletimin yıldızıdır, parlayacak; O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak. Çatma, kurban olayım, çehreni ey nazlı hilal! Kahraman ırkıma bir gül! Ne bu şiddet, bu celâl? Sana olmaz dökülen kanlarımız sonra helâl... Hakkıdır, Hakk a tapan, milletimin istiklâl! Ben ezelden beridir hür yaşadım, hür yaşarım. Hangi çılgın bana zincir vuracakmış? Şaşarım! Kükremiş sel gibiyim, bendimi çiğner, aşarım. Yırtarım dağları, enginlere sığmam, taşarım. Garbın âfâkını sarmışsa çelik zırhlı duvar, Benim iman dolu göğsüm gibi serhaddim var. Ulusun, korkma! Nasıl böyle bir imanı boğar, Medeniyet! dediğin tek dişi kalmış canavar? Arkadaş! Yurduma alçakları uğratma, sakın. Siper et gövdeni, dursun bu hayâsızca akın. Doğacaktır sana va dettiği günler Hakk ın... Kim bilir, belki yarın, belki yarından da yakın. Bastığın yerleri toprak! diyerek geçme, tanı: Düşün altındaki binlerce kefensiz yatanı. Sen şehit oğlusun, incitme, yazıktır, atanı: Verme, dünyaları alsan da, bu cennet vatanı. Kim bu cennet vatanın uğruna olmaz ki fedâ? Şühedâ fışkıracak toprağı sıksan, şühedâ! Cânı, cânânı, bütün varımı alsın da Huda, Etmesin tek vatanımdan beni dünyada cüdâ. Ruhumun senden, İlâhi, şudur ancak emeli: Değmesin mabedimin göğsüne nâmahrem eli. Bu ezanlar-ki şahadetleri dinin temeli- Ebedî yurdumun üstünde benim inlemeli. O zaman vecd ile bin secde eder -varsa- taşım, Her cerîhamdan, İlâhi, boşanıp kanlı yaşım, Fışkırır ruh-ı mücerred gibi yerden na şım; O zaman yükselerek arşa değer belki başım. Dalgalan sen de şafaklar gibi ey şanlı hilâl! Olsun artık dökülen kanlarımın hepsi helâl. Ebediyen sana yok, ırkıma yok izmihlâl: Hakkıdır, hür yaşamış, bayrağımın hürriyet; Hakkıdır, Hakk a tapan milletimin istiklâl! Mehmet Âkif ERSOY 3

4 ATATÜRK ÜN GENÇLİĞE HİTABESİ Ey Türk gençliği! Birinci vazifen, Türk istiklâlini, Türk cumhuriyetini, ilelebet, muhafaza ve müdafaa etmektir. Mevcudiyetinin ve istikbalinin yegâne temeli budur. Bu temel, senin, en kıymetli hazinendir. İstikbalde dahi, seni, bu hazineden, mahrum etmek isteyecek, dahilî ve haricî, bedhahların olacaktır. Bir gün, istiklâl ve cumhuriyeti müdafaa mecburiyetine düşersen, vazifeye atılmak için, içinde bulunacağın vaziyetin imkân ve şeraitini düşünmeyeceksin! Bu imkân ve şerait, çok nâmüsait bir mahiyette tezahür edebilir. İstiklâl ve cumhuriyetine kastedecek düşmanlar, bütün dünyada emsali görülmemiş bir galibiyetin mümessili olabilirler. Cebren ve hile ile aziz vatanın, bütün kaleleri zapt edilmiş, bütün tersanelerine girilmiş, bütün orduları dağıtılmış ve memleketin her köşesi bilfiil işgal edilmiş olabilir. Bütün bu şeraitten daha elîm ve daha vahim olmak üzere, memleketin dahilinde, iktidara sahip olanlar gaflet ve dalâlet ve hattâ hıyanet içinde bulunabilirler. Hattâ bu iktidar sahipleri şahsî menfaatlerini, müstevlilerin siyasî emelleriyle tevhit edebilirler. Millet, fakr u zaruret içinde harap ve bîtap düşmüş olabilir. Ey Türk istikbalinin evlâdı! İşte, bu ahval ve şerait içinde dahi, vazifen; Türk istiklâl ve cumhuriyetini kurtarmaktır! Muhtaç olduğun kudret, damarlarındaki asîl kanda, mevcuttur! Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK 4


6 FOREWORD n our modern world, multilingualism and plurilingualism are highly encouraged because countries need people who are equipped with at least one foreign language to make better their international relations socially, politically and economically. The teaching and learning of English is highly encouraged as it has become the lingua franca, in other words, the means of communication among people with different native languages. Furthermore, English is the official working language of the United Nations and NATO of which Turkey is a member. Most of the scientific meetings, conferences, symposiums and the like are held in English. Additionally, most of the (approximately /3) literature in the various fields of science and technology are in English and at least half, if not more, of the business meetings and agreements, and international trade are done in English. These facts increase the general educational value of English, and make it an indispensable part of the school curriculum. To large extend, nowadays the need and the demand to learn English continues to grow. n order to meet the needs of the learners, we have to develop and adopt an effective learning and teaching atmosphere in our classroom. To reach this aim, a range of approaches are used. Recently teaching English through a cross-curricular model should be considered as an innovation in this field. Cross-curricular studies can be a way of teaching English through content in which the target language is the vehicle of interaction and knowledge, not the subject matter. Cross-curricular studies facilitate learning, integrating all subjects through the use of foreign language, allowing learners to inquire and connect experience and knowledge. By bringing together several disciplines and making content connections across subjects (subjects: mathematics, science, arts, music, social studies, etc.) in the classroom, we can show learners that a topic is relevant, related to their real world and previous experience. Another important point to be appreciated is that no class of learners has the same abilities and interests. Especially in state schools there are considerable differences among the students, therefore, they do not learn in the same way. As teachers, we should give our students the skills and the opportunity to use their abilities and enhance them throughout their lives. n other words, we need to help our students discover and develop their talents to become self-motivated and competent lifelong learners. They should know that we respect and support their own particular strengths. Our main concern in recent years, the shift has moved from more teacher-centred approaches to more learner and learning-centred approaches, (This kind of approach involves the giving over of some power in the language learning process to the learners themselves. t also strives to allow for personal creativity and input from the students, as well as taking into account their learning needs, objectives and their cognitive development), process-oriented approaches to curriculum design should be adopted. The basic theoretical hypothesis in process-oriented approaches is that underlying any language behaviour are certain skills and strategies which the learners use in order to comprehend or produce discourse. The learning situation is important since learners become aware of their abilities and potential in the learning situation. Understanding how learning takes place is also important because it motivates learners to tackle with target language tasks on their own even after the end of the course which leads to learner autonomy (independence). By taking these facts into consideration, this book is designed to develop and extend teacher s awareness of the principles and practice of teaching English to young learners in English as a foreign language context. We aim to devote a high proportion of class time to develop oral productive skills. The main goal in teaching oral productive skill is to improve students ability to express oneself intelligibly, reasonably and without much hesitation. Hence, it is necessary to expose students to the samples of spoken language which have been simplified to provide the students with models for oral production. To sum up, the learners have to be taught to listen as well as to speak. We should keep in our mind that in order to be able to communicate effectively, the sudents also need an adequate mastery of grammar and vocabulary. To sum up, while designing this course book we pay attention to a pedagogical convenience and also a necessity, that is skills have been sequenced in the unit of work in this course book as listening / reading / writing / speaking. t is our hope that the book stimulates the students thinking and abilities, which in turn stimulates their language learning, and students enthusiasm for the effort required later on learning and practicing the new language. Further, we hope that this book guides them to become independent users of the language rather than students of the language. NTRODUCTON Description of the course English 4 is a communicative course for young students that teaches them how to use language in real situations; it aims to develop vital language skills that will enable students to communicate both fluently and accurately. English 4 recognizes that in every class there are students with different learning styles and levels of motivation. The course is therefore designed to allow each student not only to enjoy the language learning process, but also to succeed at it, according to his/her individual level of ability and interest. Components of the course The Student s Book contains: 1) organization chart ) 14 units 3) 5 consolidation units 4) word list 6

7 The fourteen units contain the core material of the course. Each unit has an interesting theme which provides listening, speaking, reading, and writing practice. Vocabulary is introduced through the unit with the help of pictures and TPR-like activities and it is used in a series of exercises which explain and practice the grammar point. Social language is presented through a dialogue. Each unit also includes a game that allows students to practice the featured vocabulary and grammar in a stimulating way. Consolidation units which appear after every three units, give students the opportunity to consolidate what they have learned through interactive fun activities. The word list gives all the new vocabulary that is introduced in the book and is arranged in alphabetical order, with cross-references to the unit where each word first appears. The Workbook contains: 1) organization chart ) extra practice material 3) picture photo file The Workbook reinforces and offers additional practice of the language presented in the Student s book. The Workbook exercises can be done either in class or at home. They provide further practice of the language points introduced in the Student s Book. t includes practice exercises such as vocabulary matching game, fill in the blank exercise, jumbled. At the back of the Workbook, there is a picture dictionary to help students develop their research and dictionary skills. The Teacher s Book contains: 1) introduction ) yearly plan 3) organization chart 4) contents of the Student s Book 5) teaching notes for the fourteen units, including optional extra activities 6) answer key of the exercises in all units, consolidation units and workbook 7) 0 photocopiable activities The Teacher s Book provides detailed lesson plans and reduced student book pages. Each lesson plan consists of a warm up section which uses interactive ways to present the English for the lesson. The teaching notes provide detailed guidance on how to present the material in the Student s Book and games and activities to extend the lesson and the material learned. They also include a list of all the new vocabulary introduced in each unit part, tapescripts of the recorded material and answers to all the exercises (including the consolidation units and the Workbook exercises). Throughout the teaching notes there are ideas for optional extra activities, including games and competitions which can be played with the whole class at the end of a lesson. The photocopiable activites provide extra speaking practice and can be used with the whole class. Project work can either be done individually or in groups. Working in groups increases the motivation by allowing students to exchange ideas and help each other. Project work can be time-consuming so you can ask students to do some of the preparation work at home and set time limits for finishing the projects in class. t is important to display the finished projects on the classroom wall so students can refer to it in later lessons. The CD contains: 1) listening activities communication exercises ) pronunciation exercises 3) songs and chants 4) communication exercises TEACHER S BOOK The audio program consists of a recording on CD. t provides a model for the vocabulary words, the social language, the new grammar patterns and songs. 7



10 ORGANZATON CHART Duration of the teaching process Colourful theme and the number that refer to the unit Grammatical structures ans sentence patterns that are suggested Warm up section uses interactive ways to present the language points in the unit The number and the name of the activity in the Student s Book Logo that refers to the listening activity Logo that refers to the answer key of the exercises in the Student s Book Logo that refers to games which allow Ss to practice the featured vocabulary and the grammar in a stimulating way Logo that refers to the project work which should be done at the of the unit Duration: 4 lessons Functions about family members. -dentifying family members. -Teaching Atatürk s family. about things and people. -Handling numbers Structure This is my mother. These are my cousins. What is your mother s name? UNT 3 Vocabulary aunt (n) / brother (n) / cousin (n) / eight (adj) / family (n) / father (n) / five (adj) / four (adj) / grandfather (n) / grandmother (n) / mother (n) / nine (adj) / one (adj) / seven (adj) / sister (n) / six (adj) / ten (adj) / three (adj) / two (adj) / uncle (n) / zero (adj) Warm Up 3 A Photocopy and use the Photocopiable Material Unit 3-A Family on page 147 for this unit. Show the class the copy of a full family. You can also get Ss to bring their family pictures before the class. Listen and learn. Say, This is Linda s family. Pointing Linda s picture, say Her name is Linda. Have Ss listen to the tape and repeat the words for correct pronunciation. Make sure that Ss understand the meaning of all the new vocabulary. Tapescript am Linda. This is my grandmother. This is my grandfather. This is my mother. This is my mother. ANSWER KEY ANSWER KEY rk s father. za Bey. beyde Hanım. This is Atatürk s father. His name is Ali Rıza Bey. Her name is Zübeyde Hanım. GAME TME! GAME TME! Evaluation and Comments Ss can play this game over and over as they learn the numbers. n pairs, have Ss take turns writing a figure on their partner s back. PROJECT WORK Evaluation and Comments can play this game over and over as they learn the numbers. n take turns writing a figure on their partner s back. As a project work, have Ss make family albums, either drawing pictures of their family members or pasting photos on the pages. They can write single words like mother, father, sister, brother or complete like She s my mother. Her name is ---, He s my father. His name is ---. Ss can read their books to the class. 17 The list of the objectives that Ss are expected to achieve at the end of the unit The list of all the new vocabulary introduced in the unit Reduced pages of the Student s Book The part that the teacher could use to write his/her comments on the teaching process of the unit 10

11 UNT 11 UNİT 11 Activity 1 UNT 11: FOOD AND DRNKS Find and write. Healthy Food WORKBOOK: UNT 11 Have Ss do the related exercises in the Workbook in class or at home depending on your own timing. ANSWER KEY Activity 1 Find and write. Workbook exercises that provide further practice of the language points introduced in the Student s Book Reduced pages of the Workbook N T T S P O E M C C A N K E D W A T E A P P L E O S P T A G L E T T T M C O M A T O O E N C The answer key of the exercises in the Workbook Y O G U R T R E A M 58 Reduced pages of the Consolidation Units Activity CONSOLDATON kolu eli düzelecek Read and write. UNİT 11 1) ) kolu eli düzelecek 3) 4) A Activity 1) He is hungry. ) They are happy. 3) He is thirsty. 4) He is sad. Read and write. CONSOLDATON: UNTS 1,, 3 Evaluation and Comments ANSWER KEY Write. 1) Hi, m Robert. ) How are you? 3) Fine, thanks. 1) Good afternoon, Gary. How are you? ) Fine thanks, and you? 3) Fine, thank you. Evaluation and Comments Consolidation Units appear after every three units to review what Ss have learned in previous units The answer key of the exercises in the Consolidation Units TEACHER S BOOK Photocopiable Material Unit 1-A Photocopiable Material Unit 1-A Name Tags B Match. 1 d c 3 f 4 b 5 e 6 a Photocopiable Material Evaluation and Comments Optional photocopiable activities that provide extra practice 48 11

12 TABLE OF CONTENTS TOPC FUNCTONS STRUCTURE PROJECT WORK UNT 1 NEW FRENDS Hi! UNT MY CLASSROOM Classroom Language UNT 3 MY FAMLY mmediate Family CONSOLDATON UNTS 1,, 3 UNT 4 MY CLOTHES Daily Clothes UNT 5 BODY PARTS My Body UNT 6 HOME SWEET HOME Rooms CONSOLDATON UNTS 4, 5, 6 UNT 7 PETS Ordinary Pets -Asking for and giving -ntroducing oneself/ someone -Greeting oneself about classroom objects -Following classroom instructions -Giving classroom commands -Using plural nouns about family members -dentifying family members -Teaching Atatürk s family about things and people -Handling numbers 0-10 Functions in Units 1,, 3 about clothes -dentifying clothing items -dentifying ng colours -Describing clothes -Using adjective + noun combinations about body parts -dentifying parts of body about where things are -dentifying furniture and parts of a house -Using prepositions of place Functions in Units 4, 5, 6 about animals -dentifying animals -Describing animals -dentifying animal sounds -Handling numbers 10-0 m, My name is... He/She/t is We/You/They are How are you? Fine, thanks. Good morning/night, etc. ndefinite articles: a / an Plural nouns This / That is These / Those are What is this / that? What are these / those? Open your books! Don t speak, please. Possessive s What is your mother s name? This is Atatürk s father. How many? My telephone number is REVSON OF PREVOUS UNTS These are my clothes. This is my uniform. s this a skirt? Are these socks? What colour is it? t is blue. t is a blue book. This is my eye. That is her nose. Those are his ears. /You/We/They have got / haven t got He / She / t has got / hasn t got There is a green carpet in the living room. There are three books under the table. Where is the lamp? REVSON OF PREVOUS UNTS There are two frogs in the jar. He has got a cat. s it a blue turtle? What colour is that dog? -Creating short conversations with finger puppets -Doing picture puzzles -Preparing a mini poster using the photographs of family members -Choosing a cartoon character and dressing him / her up -Labelling the body parts -maging a room, drawing and colouring it and writing the names of the objects -Observing a pet and imitating it 1

13 TOPC FUNCTONS STRUCTURE PROJECT WORK UNT 8 -Making own timetables MY WEEKLY SCHEDULE My Lessons UNT 9 TMETABLES My Lessons about the days of the week about school subjects. -Using prepositions of time - telling the time -Handling numbers Using prepositions of time What is today? When is your Art lesson? What are your lessons today? We have got Turkish on Wednesday. What is the time? t is twelve o clock. When is your Swimming course? t is at four o clock on Saturday. -Making a clock CONSOLDATON UNTS 7, 8, 9 Functions in Units 7, 8, 9 REVSON OF PREVOUS UNTS UNT 10 BRTHDAYS My Birthday about months about their age How old are you? How old are they? We are nine years old. My birthday is in July. -Making a list showing the birthdays of family members UNT 11 FOOD AND DRNKS Healthy Food UNT 1 SEASONS Weather Conditions about the quantity -dentifying physical state about seasons and climate -Making suggestions How many? What colour? He is hungry. There are alot of eggs. There is a lot of meat. There is some milk. There are some pears. What is the weather like? The weather is sunny. Take your hat. -Drawing the pictures showing the people s physical state -Preparing a poster showing the weather conditions in each season CONSOLDATON UNTS 10, 11, 1 Functions in Units 10, 11, 1 REVSON OF PREVOUS UNTS UNT 13 TOYS My Toys about quantity about size -dentifying location -dentifying and describing objects -Handling numbers Happy birthday to you! This is your present. She has got a brown teddy bear. t s in the toy box. Where is my new train? -Drawing the picture of the favourite toy UNT 14 PHYSCAL APPEARANCE My Appearance -dentifying people s physical appearance - Describing physical appearance His hair is grey. She hasn t got eyeglasses. My surname is His address is -Filling out a passport application form CONSOLDATON UNTS 13, 14 Functions in Units 13, 14 REVSON OF PREVOUS UNTS 13

14 YEARLY PLAN SKLLS FUNCTONS STRUCTURE READNG WRTNG LSTENNG SPEAKNG PROJECT WORK SEPTEMBER MONTH WEEK DURATON UNT 1 NEW FRENDS TOPC Greeting oneself ntroducing oneself/ someone Asking for and giving Hi! Hello. Good morning/night. m, My name is He/She/t is We/You/They are How are you? What is your/ his/her name? Reading simple phrases for general comprehension. Recognizing simple phrases simple phrases and related to introducing and greeting recognize basic pronunciation patterns recorded tests to put the lines into correct order Using basic greeting expressions answering simple questions Following classroom instructions. Giving classroom commands about classroom objects Open your books! Don t speak, please. This / That is These / Those are What is this / that? What are these / those? Following short simple directions and instructions. Recognizing familiar names, words and simple phrases simple phrases and about the classroom Listening to recorded short texts to assimilate the meaning answering simple questions dentifying what one means by pointing to it Creating short conversations with finger puppets Doing picture puzzles OCTOBER V V V UNT 3 MY FAMLY UNT MY CLASSROOM dentifying family members. Asking for and giving about family members about things and people What is your mother s name? This is Atatürk s father. How many? My telephone number is Picking up familiar names and basic phrases Reading a very short and simple texts, a single phrase at a time simple about their family numbers up to ten short texts a song for pleasure answering questions about their families CONSOLDATON: UNTS 1,, 3. Revision or checking all the functions and skills covered in Units 1,, 3. dentifying clothing items. Asking for and giving about clothes dentifying colours Describing clothes These are my clothes. This is my unifom. What colour is it? t is a blue book. s this a skirt? Are these socks? Recognizing familiar names, words and basic phrases Categorizing related terms using visual supports simple about their clothes Listening for specific and identifying corresponding words answering simple questions about their clothes Preparing a mini poster using photographs of family members Choosing a cartoon character and dressing him/ her up DECEMBER NOVEMBER V UNT 5 BODY PARTS UNT 4 MY CLOTHES dentifying parts of body about body parts That is her nose. Those are his ears. Have / Has got..? /You/We/They have got / He/She/ t has got Reading and understanding short texts picking up familiar words and basic phrases simple isolated phrases for correct spelling a song, singing and acting out Producing simple phrases about body parts Labelling the body parts 14

15 SKLLS FUNCTONS STRUCTURE READNG WRTNG LSTENNG SPEAKNG PROJECT WORK DECEMBER MONTH WEEK DURATON UNT 6 HOME SWEET HOME TOPC dentifying furniture and parts of a house Using prepositions of place about where things are This is a pillow. Those are curtains. Reading simple There is a green carpet in the phrases to match living room. visuals Where is the lamp? t is next to the bed. Categorizing related terms simple phrases and about where objects are... a recorded text to match pieces of answering questions about related to parts of a house and objects. Reading aloud short texts CONSOLDATON: UNTS 4, 5, 6. Revision or checking all the functions and skills covered in Units 4, 5, 6. dentifying animals dentifying animal sounds He has got a cat. There are two frogs in the jar. Reading short descriptions by the help of visual supports Drawing and colouring a room and writing the names of the objects JANUARY V V V UNT 7 PETS about animals about the days of the week about school subject Using preposition of time on What color is that dog? s it a blue turtle? Categorizing related terms What is today? t is Tuesday. Reading short When is your Art lesson? What are your lessons today? We have got Turkish on Wednesday. Reading short descriptions by descriptions by the help of visual supports. Categorizing related terms simple isolated numbers up to twenty about the days of their lessons Listening for specific and identifying different animal sounds a song and repeating it answering simple questions about animals answering simple questions about the school life Observing and imitating a pet Making a timetable MARCH FEBRUARY V UNT 9 TMETABLES UNT 8 MY WEEKLY SCHEDULE telling the time Using preposition of time at What is the time? t is twelve o clock. When is your swimming course? t is at four o clock on Saturday. Reading and understanding simple Matching familiar words with each other simple about time numbers up to sixty a song and singing. a recorded text to match related answering simple questions, initiating and responding to statements CONSOLDATON: UNTS 7, 8, 9. Revision or checking all the functions and skills covered in Units 7, 8, 9. about months about their age When is your birthday? My birthday is in July. How old are you? We are nine years old. Reading simple phrases to fill in the missing Reading for understanding simple messages on invitation cards short simple postcards a song and singing ndicating time by such phrases as at o clock on Friday Making a clock Making a list showing the birthdays of family members V V UNT 10 BRTHDAYS 15

16 SKLLS FUNCTONS STRUCTURE READNG WRTNG LSTENNG SPEAKNG PROJECT WORK APRL MONTH WEEK DURATON UNT 11 FOOD AND DRNKS TOPC dentifying physical state about the quantity He is hungry. She is sad. How many ; There are alot of eggs. There is a lot of meat. Picking up familiar names and basic phrases Reading short simple texts short simple phrases about food and drinks for correct spelling a text to match related items a recorded text to fill in the missing. answering simple questions. Producing simple statements about their state. about seasons and climate What is the weather like? t is snowy. Reading short and simple texts Categorizing related terms words and phrases for correct spelling recorded sounds of nature to predict the seasons nitiating and responding to simple statements answering questions about the weather conditions dentifying a physical state Preparing a poster showing weather conditions in each season V UNT 1 SEASONS Making suggestions The weather is sunny. Take your hat. CONSOLDATON: UNTS 10, 11, 1. Revision or checking all the functions and skills covered in Units 10, 11, 1. dentifying and describing objects. dentifying location This is your present. Where is my new train? t s in the toy box. Reading simple and clear text for comprehension simple short numbers up to hundred identify objects draw and colour an object answering questions what they have and where things are Drawing the picture of the favourite toy MAY UNT 13 TOYS about size and quantity She has got a brown teddy bear. dentifying people s physical appearance Describing physical appearance His hair is grey. She hasn t got eyeglasses. Reading personal on cards or forms My surname is His address is Understanding short simple messages on D cards Filling in cards or forms to write personal name, nationality, address, age a recorded text to complete missing match pieces of Asking for and providing personal Filling out a passport application form JUNE V UNT 14 PHYSCAL APPEARANCE CONSOLDATON: UNTS 13, 14. Revision or checking all the functions and skills covered in Units 13,

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