Middle School ENGLISH NET. Teacher s Book. Güler ŞİLİT

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1 Middle School ENGLISH NET 6 Teacher s Book Güler ŞİLİT Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığının tarih ve sayılı yazıları ( tarih ve 39 sayılı kurul kararı) ile öğretim yılından itibaren 5 (beş) yıl süreyle ders kitabı olarak kabul edilmiştir. 1

2 Bu ki ta bın her hak kı sak lı dır ve EVRENSEL İLETİŞİM YAYINLARI LTD. ŞTİ. ne ait tir. Ki ta bın metin, şekil, soru ve resimleri hiçbir şekilde izin alınmaksızın yayımlanamaz; fotokopi, teksir, film vb. şekilde basılamaz ve çoğaltılamaz. ISBN Editör Ela KARAPINAR Görsel Tasarımcı Şahin CEYLAN Ölçme Değerlendirme Uzmanı Şeker ÇELİKER Dil Uzmanı Gülay KURT Program Geliştirme Uzmanı Ali GÜNEŞ Rehberlik Gelişim Uzmanı Gülten KUTLUTÜRK Baskı Cem Veb Ofset ANKARA 2015 EVRENSEL İLETİŞİM YAYINLARI Yeni Ziraat Mah Sok. Nu.: 15/A Altındağ - ANKARA tel.: belgeç :

3 İstiklâl Marşı Korkma, sönmez bu şafaklarda yüzen al sancak; Sönmeden yurdumun üstünde tüten en son ocak. O benim milletimin yıldızıdır, parlayacak; O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak. Çatma, kurban olayım, çehreni ey nazlı hilâl! Kahraman ırkıma bir gül! Ne bu şiddet, bu celâl? Sana olmaz dökülen kanlarımız sonra helâl... Hakkıdır, Hakk a tapan, milletimin istiklâl! Ben ezelden beridir hür yaşadım, hür yaşarım. Hangi çılgın bana zincir vuracakmış? Şaşarım! Kükremiş sel gibiyim, bendimi çiğner, aşarım. Yırtarım dağları, enginlere sığmam, taşarım. Garbın âfâkını sarmışsa çelik zırhlı duvar, Benim iman dolu göğsüm gibi serhaddim var. Ulusun, korkma! Nasıl böyle bir imanı boğar, Medeniyet! dediğin tek dişi kalmış canavar? Arkadaş! Yurduma alçakları uğratma, sakın. Siper et gövdeni, dursun bu hayâsızca akın. Doğacaktır sana va dettiği günler Hakk ın... Kim bilir, belki yarın, belki yarından da yakın. Bastığın yerleri toprak! diyerek geçme, tanı: Düşün altındaki binlerce kefensiz yatanı. Sen şehit oğlusun, incitme, yazıktır, atanı: Verme, dünyaları alsan da, bu cennet vatanı. Kim bu cennet vatanın uğruna olmaz ki fedâ? Şühedâ fışkıracak toprağı sıksan, şühedâ! Cânı, cânânı, bütün varımı alsın da Huda, Etmesin tek vatanımdan beni dünyada cüdâ. Ruhumun senden, İlâhi, şudur ancak emeli: Değmesin mabedimin göğsüne nâmahrem eli. Bu ezanlar-ki şahadetleri dinin temeli- Ebedî yurdumun üstünde benim inlemeli. O zaman vecd ile bin secde eder-varsa-taşım, Her cerîhamdan, İlâhi boşanıp kanlı yaşım, Fışkırır ruh-ı mücerred gibi yerden na şım; O zaman yükselerek arşa değer belki başım. Dalgalan sen de şafaklar gibi ey şanlı hilâl! Olsun artık dökülen kanlarımın hepsi helâl. Ebediyen sana yok, ırkıma yok izmihlâl: Hakkıdır, hür yaşamış, bayrağımın hürriyet; Hakkıdır, Hakk a tapan, milletimin istiklâl! Mehmet Âkif ERSOY 3

4 GENÇLİĞE HİTABE Ey Türk gençliği! Birinci vazifen, Türk istiklâlini, Türk Cumhuriyetini, ilelebet muhafaza ve müdafaa etmektir. Mevcudiyetinin ve istikbalinin yegâne temeli budur. Bu temel, senin en kıymetli hazinendir. İstikbalde dahi, seni bu hazineden mahrum etmek isteyecek dâhilî ve hâricî bedhahların olacaktır. Bir gün, istiklâl ve cumhuriyeti müdafaa mecburiyetine düşersen, vazifeye atılmak için, içinde bulunacağın vaziyetin imkân ve şeraitini düşünmeyeceksin! Bu imkân ve şerait, çok namüsait bir mahiyette tezahür edebilir. İstiklâl ve cumhuriyetine kastedecek düşmanlar, bütün dünyada emsali görülmemiş bir galibiyetin mümessili olabilirler. Cebren ve hile ile aziz vatanın bütün kaleleri zapt edilmiş, bütün tersanelerine girilmiş, bütün orduları dağıtılmış ve memleketin her köşesi bilfiil işgal edilmiş olabilir. Bütün bu şeraitten daha elîm ve daha vahim olmak üzere, memleketin dâhilinde iktidara sahip olanlar gaflet ve dalâlet ve hattâ hıyanet içinde bulunabilirler. Hattâ bu iktidar sahipleri şahsî menfaatlerini, müstevlîlerin siyasî emelleriyle tevhit edebilirler. Millet, fakr u zaruret içinde harap ve bîtap düşmüş olabilir. Ey Türk istikbalinin evlâdı! İşte, bu ahval ve şerait içinde dahi vazifen, Türk istiklâl ve cumhuriyetini kurtarmaktır. Muhtaç olduğun kudret, damarlarındaki asil kanda mevcuttur. Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK 4


6 TABLE OF CONTENTS Course Introduction Unit Functions Listening Unit 1 After School Describing what people do regularly Making simple inquiries Telling the time, days and dates Students will be able to recognize phrases, words and expressions related to actions people do regularly. Workbook Activities Unit 2 Yummy Breakfast Accepting and refusing Describing what people do regularly Expressing likes and dislikes Making simple inquiries Students will be able to identify the names of different food items when listening to a conversation. Workbook Activities Unit 3 A Day in my City Describing places Describing what people are doing now Making comparisons Making simple inquiries Students will be able to identify expressions and phrases related to present events. Students will be able to pick up the expressions used while comparing things in a dialogue. Workbook Activities Unit 4 Weather and Emotions Describing places Describing the weather Expressing feelings Making simple inquiries Students will be able to pick up the essential information in short recorded passages about weather conditions. Workbook Activities Unit 5 At the Fair Describing places Expressing feelings Expressing likes and dislikes Making comparisons Stating personal opinions Students will be able to recognize the words related to the expression of emotions/feelings. 6 Workbook Activities

7 Speaking Reading Assessment Page Spoken Interaction Students will be able to ask what other people do regularly and respond to questions about the actions they do regularly. Spoken Production Students will be able to use a series of phrases and simple expressions to express their regular actions. Students will be able to tell the time and days. Students will be able to read short, simple texts such as personal narratives about what people do regularly. Project Students prepare a poster showing what their favourite singer/actor/sports figure does after work. Can - do - statements list Spoken Interaction Students will be able to ask people about their food preferences at breakfast. Spoken Production Students will be able to express their opinions about the food they like and don t like. Students will be able to understand short, simple written texts about predictable, everyday matters such as food and personal opinions. Students will be able to read the label of a food product. Project Students work in groups and create an imaginary creature. They decide the food that the creature likes and doesn t like. They will draw a picture of it and the food it eats and label them. Can - do - statements list Spoken Interaction Students will be able to ask people questions about what they are doing at the moment. Students will be able to ask people to compare things. Spoken Production Students will be able to describe people doing different actions. Students will be able to make comparisons between two things. Students will be able to read visually supported, short, simple statements. Project Students take/draw a picture of their street/neighbourhood in the morning and describe what everyone is doing (they can use professions as well). Can - do - statements list Spoken Interaction Students will be able to ask people about the weather. Spoken Production Students will be able to talk about and answer simple questions, initiate and respond to simple statements about everyday matters (i.e. weather and emotions). Students will be able to understand short, simple written texts about predictable everyday matters such as emotions and weather. Project Students prepare a weather forecast poster and compare the weather conditions in different cities. Can - do - statements list Spoken Interaction Students will be able to ask people and express their feelings and opinions about places and things. Spoken Production Students will be able to use a series of phrases and simple expressions to express their feelings, personal opinions about places and things. Students will be able to read short information on a poster about a certain place. Students will be able to recognize phrases on signs encountered in everyday life. Project Students draw a picture of your friends at a fair and write how they feel. Can - do - statements list

8 Unit Functions Listening Unit 6 Vacation Making simple inquiries Stating personal opinions Talking about past events Students will be able to listen to and identify the holiday activities they hear. Workbook Activities Unit 7 Occupations Workbook Activities Describing what people do regularly Expressing ability and inability Making simple inquiries Naming the days Telling the time, days and dates Students will be able to recognize familiar words and simple phrases concerning people s occupations if spoken slowly and clearly. Students will be able to recognize the days of the week and dates. Unit 8 Detectives At Work Describing what people are doing now Expressing quantity Making simple inquiries Talking about locations of things Talking about past events Students will be able to listen and locate objects. Students will be able to get the main idea when people describe what people are doing at the moment. Students will be able to recognize numbers up to one million. Workbook Activities Unit 9 Saving the Planet Describing what people are doing now Giving and responding to simple instructions Making simple inquiries Making simple suggestions Telling someone what to do Students will be able identify appropriate behaviour to save energy and to protect the environment. Students will be able to understand suggestions related to the protection of the environment when articulated in clear, slow and repeated speech. Workbook Activities Unit 10 Democracy Giving and responding to simple instructions Making simple inquiries Talking about past events Talking about what people do regularly Students will be able to recognize some key features related to the concept of democracy. Workbook Activities 8

9 Speaking Reading Project Page Spoken Interaction Students will be able to ask and answer about what they did on their holidays. Spoken Production Students will be able to tell what they and/or somebody else did on holiday. Students will be able to describe past activities and personal experiences. Students will be able to understand short, simple sentences and expressions related to past activities. Project Students imagine that they visited another planet and prepare a poster showing what activities they did there. They present it in the class. Can - do - statements list Spoken Interaction Students will be able to give dates and ask questions about people s occupations. Spoken Production Students will be able to use simple phrases and sentences to describe occupations. Students will be able to give the date. Students will be able to understand familiar words and very simple sentences about occupations. Project Students prepare a poster and present (some of) their relatives occupations and the dates when they started them. Can - do - statements list Spoken Interaction Students will be able to ask people about their location. Students will be able to ask people what they are doing. Spoken Production Students will be able to describe the locations of people and things. Students will be able to use a series of phrases and simple sentences to describe present events. Students will be able to recite numbers up to one million. Students will be able to understand short, simple sentences and expressions about past activities. Project Students work in groups. They become language detectives. They take photos of English words they see around them and prepare a poster. Can - do - statements list Spoken Interaction Students will be able to ask people questions about what they are doing and tell them what to do. Spoken Production Students will be able to tell people what to do to protect the environment. Students will be able to use simple phrases and sentences to tell people what to do. Students will be able to recognize familiar words and and very simple phrases on simple notices in the most common, everyday situations. Project Students work in groups and prepare slogans/notes/posters about saving energy at school and hang them on the walls. Can - do - statements list Spoken Interaction Students will be able to talk about what to do when selecting their classroom president. Spoken Production Students will be able to give short descriptions of past and present events. Students will be able to talk about and answer simple questions, initiate and respond to simple statements to the concept of democracy (i.e., class elections). Students will be able to recognize words and and very simple phrases related to the concept of democracy. Project Students work together and prepare a poster illustrating what to do in the classroom to respect others rights. Can - do - statements list Suggested Materials Word List References

10 COURSE INTRODUCTION Course Components The Student s Book It consists of 10 main units. Student s Book presents new words, structures and functions in clear, real to life and fun contexts. The three skills of language (reading, listening, and speaking) are practised in each unit. All listening parts, songs and chants are recorded on CD by native speakers of the target language. The Workbook It attempts to reinforce the skills and functions introduced in the respective units of the Student s Book through various activities. The Teacher s Book It contains practical guidance and suggestions on how to use the Student s Book and the Workbook. You can find the micropages of the Student s Book and the Workbook as well as the answers of the activities. Methodology This course is intended for young learners at the age of eleven. It has a more contemporary approach to teaching English to learners of this age. The course is based on learner centered approach, which takes students in the centre of he learning process. The principles of such theories as Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Multiple Intelligences (MI) and Whole Brain Learning (WBL) dominate the new language classes. The recent methodology also gives the learners the chance to use the target language to communicate in real to life contexts. It integrates four language skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking) in a meaningful and useful way. It focuses on vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation, structure and comprehension and increases student interaction and collaboration. It makes the learning process a fun and enjoyable experience for the young learners. This course teaches the target language through a cross curricular model, which facilitates learning by integrating all subjects (maths, science, music, etc.) through the use of the foreign language and allows learners to inquire and connect their previous knowledge and experience. The course has a mixed syllabus design. It makes use of the elements taken from the grammatical/structural syllabus, the situational syllabus, the topical/ theme-based syllabus, the communicative syllabus, the procedural/taskbased syllabus and the skills-based syllabus. A cyclical format has been adopted in this course where the young learners revise previous subjects in different manifestations while learning new ones. 10

11 The course is based on knowledge and skills the young learners have already acquired in their mother tongue. It makes use of guessing and deduction games, predictions, songs, chants and other activities students favour. Language Skills This course integrates the three main language skills; reading, listening, and speaking systematically through a variety of activities and tasks. Listening: Listening activities give students the chance to hear how natives speak the respective language. While listening they are supposed to perform such tasks as pointing, drawing, marking, colouring, responding, etc. Speaking: In this course, students develop speaking skills through songs, chants, games and fun activities gradually. Reading: Young learners read short simple texts and dialogues for general comprehension and specific details. Comprehension is checked through various spoken and written activities. Materials Student s Book, Workbook and Audio CDs are the main materials of the course. Use of real objects, visuals and audio material such as posters, pictures, flashcards, films, CDs are strongly recommended for effective and meaningful practice. Evaluation The evaluation procedures you use must be in line with the teaching methods and techniques. According to European Language Portfolio, you can have students keep a dossier, in which they file their work such as tasks, letters, postcards, etc. The Language Biography facilitates the learner s involvement in planning, reflecting upon and assessing his/her learning process and progress. It encourages the learner to state what he/she can do in each language and to include information on linguistic and cultural experiences gained in and outside formal educational contexts. The Language Passport section provides an overview of the individual s proficiency in a foreign language at a given point in time. The overview is defined in terms of skills and the common reference levels in the Common European Framework. It records formal qualifications and describes language competencies and significant language and intercultural learning process. Other assessment tools include writing assessment, portfolio assessment, classroom assessment, self assessment, teacher observation (anecdotal records, checklists, rating scales). 11

12 SAMPLE RUBRIC FOR PROJECT ASSESSMENT Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Satisfactory (2) Poor (1) 1. The project has been well-planned and handed over on time. 2. The pictures/drawings are relevant to the topic. 3. A suitable title has been chosen. 4. A clear and fluent language has been used. 5. Satisfactory information on the topic has been given. 6. New words and expressions have been used correctly. 7. New words and expressions have been pronounced correctly. SAMPLE RUBRIC FOR POSTER ASSESSMENT Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Satisfactory (2) Poor (1) 1. The poster has been well-planned and handed over on time 2. The pictures/drawings/graphics are relevant to the topic. 3. The poster is well-designed, neat and attractive. 4. An attractive slogan has been used. 5. A clear and fluent language has been used. 6. New words and expressions have been used correctly. 7. New words and expressions have been pronounced correctly. 12

13 UNIT 1 After School Communicative Functions and Skills Functions Describing what people do regularly Making simple inquiries Telling the time, days and dates Skills Listening Students will be able to recognize phrases, words and expressions related to actions people do regularly. Spoken Interaction Students will be able to ask what other people do regularly and respond to questions about the actions they do regularly. Spoken Production Students will be able to use a series of phrases and simple expressions to express their regular actions. Students will be able to tell the time and days. Unit 1 After School 1 AFTER SCHOOL Reading Students will be able to read short, simple texts such as personal narratives about what people do regularly. Intercultural Awareness Learners will be able to identify traditional dances from other countries. Compensation Strategies Students will be able to say when they don t understand and ask for clarification. Suggested Lexis hang around, neighbourhood, have a rest, have a snack, take courses, visit, traditional, folk dance, polka, flamenco, tanoura, karate, graph, announcement, enroll, membership, judo, surf on the Net, get online Assessment Project Students prepare a poster showing what their favourite singer/actor/sports figure does after work. Dossier Students start filling in the European Language Portfolio. Students start filling in the can-do-statement lists. Suggested Materials You can ask students to make a quick search and bring some pictures /photos of folk dances from different countries or from different regions of their country. 7 Warm-up When you enter the class, greet your students and introduce yourself with your title. Give some personal information about yourself. Give a brief explanation about the aims of teaching English. Encourage students to introduce themselves. You can ask them some personal questions when necessary. Before you start with the unit, draw students attention to the pictures which give an idea about the content of the first unit. Give students some time to examine the pictures and then ask them several questions about the pictures. 13

14 1 LISTENING Unit 1 After School A. Work in pairs and play the vocabulary game. Students learned talking about daily routines and leisure activities in the previous years in various units. The aim of this activity is to prepare students for the upcoming activity by recalling their memory in a fun way. Have students work in pairs. Tell them to write all the activities about daily routine and leisure activities they remember in five minutes. Then, have them count their words/phrases. Finally, ask how many words/phrases each pair has and announce the pair with the most words/phrases as the winners of the game. You can reward the winners in an appropriate way. 1 LISTENING A. Work in pairs and play the vocabulary game. You have 5 minutes. Write down the activities about daily routine and leisure time you remember. Then, count your words. The pair with the most words wins the game. Example get up, have breakfast, play soccer B. Look at the pictures below. Which activities do you do after school? Tell your friends. 1. have a rest 4. go online 2. have a snack 3. go to dance club 5. watch TV 6. take guitar courses B. Look at the pictures below. Which activities do you do after school? Tell your friends. In this activity, students are presented with the vocabulary that will come up in the listening activity. Have students work individually. Tell them to look at the pictures given and tell their friends which activities they do after school. Students answers may vary play soccer C. Look at the pictures on page 8 and listen to the dialogue between Mrs. Willis and Dave. Tick ( ) the activities you hear. In this activity, students are expected to recognize and tick the words and expressions related to the actions people do regularly. Before you play the recording, tell students to go back to activity B on page 8 and have a look at the pictures provided. Then, ask them to listen to the dialogue between Mrs. Willis and Dave and tick the activities they hear while listening. Play the recording once or twice 8. do karate 9. do homework and have them do the activity. Check the answers with the whole class. Track 1 1:37 Mrs. Willis: Today, I want to talk about your after-school activities. Let s start with you, Dave. First of all, what time do you get back home? Dave: Hmmm I get back home around twenty past three. Mrs. Willis: And what do you do then? Dave: I have a snack first and then I watch TV or go online. I take guitar courses from 14

15 Unit 1 After School C. Track 1 Look at the pictures on page 8 and listen to the dialogue between Mrs. Willis and Dave. Tick ( ) the activities you hear. D. Track 2 Listen to the recording again and circle the correct choice. 1. What time does Dave get home? a) At b) At When does he take guitar courses? a) On Tuesdays. b) On Thursdays. 3. What does he do on Fridays? a) He plays soccer. b) He goes to his karate class. 4. Does he go online on weekdays? a) No, he doesn't. b) Yes, he does. 5. When does he do homework? a) In the afternoon. b) In the evening. 6. Can Dave plan his time well? a) Yes, he can. b) No, he can't. E. Read the sentences. Find and write the days. 1. It's the first day of school. 2. You don't go to school on these days. 3. It's in the middle of the week. 4. It is the 5 th day when you start with Sunday. 5. The weekend is close, but you must wait one more day. four until half past five on Tuesdays. On Fridays, I go to my karate class. Mrs. Willis: Karate? Dave: Yes. I do karate on Fridays. Mrs. Willis: That s interesting. Well, when do you do your homework? Dave: I do my homework and study for my school subjects after dinner. I finish all my homework before half past nine and then I go to bed. Mrs. Willis: Great! You are very good at planning your time, Dave D. Listen to the recording again and circle the correct choice. In this activity, students are expected to look for specific information in the recorded text. Tell students to listen to the recording again and circle the correct choice while listening. Before you play the recording again, ask students to have a look at the multiple choice questions so that they get an idea about what 9 to look for while listening. Then, play the recording again and have them circle the correct choice while listening. Check the answers with the whole class. Track 2 1:21 Track 2 is the same as Track b 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. a E. Read the sentences. Find and write the days. Students revise the days of the week in a fun way. You can have students do this activity either in the class or at home depending on your time. Ask students to read the sentences, find and write the days. Check the answers with the whole class. Monday Saturday and Sunday Wednesday Thursday Friday 15

16 2 SPEAKING A. Fill in the table with your after-school activities. This activity aims at preparing students for the upcoming speaking activity. Tell students to fill in the table given with their afterschool activities. Give them enough time to complete the activity. You don t need to check the answers here. Unit 1 After School 2 SPEAKING A. Fill in the table with your after school activities. Activity Time Day B. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions and fill in the second table for your friend. Activity Time Day Students answers may vary. B. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions and fill in the second table for your friend. In this activity, students practise asking what other people do regularly and responding to questions about the actions they do regularly. Have students work in pairs. Tell them to ask and answer questions and fill in the second table for their friends. To make sure your students understand what to do, you can practise the example with the whole class. Give them enough time to do the activity. You don t need to check the answers here. Students answers may vary. C. Look at your notes in the tables above. Compare your answers with your friend s and then report your after-school activities to the class. This activity is related to the previous two activities. Here, students are expected to use 10 Example C. Look at your notes in the tables above. Compare your answers with your friend s and then report your after school activities to the class. Example a series of phrases and simple expressions to express their own and their friends regular actions. Tell them to look at their notes in the tables in the previous two activities, compare their answers with their friends and then report their after-school activities to the class. Give them a few minutes to examine the tables and then have individuals report their after-school activities to the class orally. Students answers may vary. May : What time do you get home? Joe : At What time do you get home? May : At What do you do after school? Joe : I have a snack and I do my homework. Then, I play soccer. May : When do you play soccer? Joe : At 4.45 on Mondays and Wednesdays. I get home at 3.15, but Joe gets home at He has a snack and does his homework. He plays soccer at 4.45 on Mondays and Wednesdays. 16

17 3 READING A. Make a list of your weekend activities. Unit 1 After School B. Read Clare's homework about her weekend and look at the activities in your list above. Have you got any common activities? 3 READING A. Make a list of your weekend activities. This activity aims at preparing students for the upcoming reading activity. Ask students to make a list of their weekend activities. Then, check the answers with the whole class orally. Students answers may vary. I always go to Sun Dance Club at 9 o'clock on Saturday mornings. I learn Polka with my friends. It's a traditional German dance. It's lots of fun. In the afternoons, I often go shopping with my mom. Then, I usually watch TV or go online. On Saturday evenings, I usually go to my grannies and stay there overnight. We always have a big family breakfast on Sunday mornings. I sometimes hang around with my friends in the afternoons. I never go out on Sunday evenings. But I always do my homework and go to bed early. C. Underline the words you don t know in Clare s homework. Then, ask your teacher and learn their meanings. Example Student A : What does polka mean? Teacher : It s the name of a traditional German dance. 11 B. Read Clare s homework about her weekend and look at the activities in your list above. Have you got any common activities? Here, students are presented with a short, simple text in which a girl narrates what she does regularly. Have students work individually. Tell them to read Clare s homework about her weekend and look at the activities in their lists in the previous activity and then ask them whether they have any common activities or not. Students answers may vary. C. Underline the words you don t know in Clare s homework. Then, ask your teacher and learn their meanings. Here, students are presented with a simple vocabulary exercise in which they practise saying when they don t understand and asking for clarification. Tell students to underline the words they don t know in Clare s homework and then ask you and learn their meanings. Students answers may vary. 17

18 D. Read Clare s homework again and make a list of the activities in the text. In this activity, students read the text for details. Have them work individually. Ask them to read Clare s homework again and make a list of the activities mentioned in the text. Give them enough time to complete their lists and then check the answers with the whole class. Unit 1 After School D. Read Clare's homework again and make a list of the activities in the text. Example go to Sun Dance Club E. Show Clare's activities on the graph. Use a different colour for each activity. always (100%) usually go shopping (with her mom) FREQUENCY often sometimes watch TV go online go to her grannies never (0%) go to S.D.C. go shopping watch TV go online ACTIVITIES go to grannies stay there have a big breakfast hang around stay at home do homework go to bed early stay there overnight have a big family breakfast hang around with (her) friends go out do homework go to bed early E. Show Clare s activities on the graph. Use a different colour for each activity. 12 F. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in turns. Use: always, usually, often, sometimes, never. Example Student A : How often do you watch TV at weekends? Student B : I sometimes watch TV. How often do you... at weekends? watch TV go online go shopping visit your relatives (grandparents, uncle,...) get up late tidy your room do homework meet friends Tables, charts, graphs etc. help students group, categorize and visualize certain patterns in the target language, i.e. adverbs of frequency. Have students work individually. Ask them to show Clare s activities on the graph using a different colour for each activity. Give them enough time to complete the activity and then have pairs of students check each others graphs (peer correction). is provided on the micropage. 18 F. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in turns. Use: always, usually, often, sometimes, never. In this activity, students practise asking what other people do regularly and responding to questions about the actions they do regularly. Have students work in pairs. Tell them to ask and answer the questions in turns using always, usually, often, sometimes or never in their answers. Give them enough time to do the activity and then check the answers with the whole class. Students answers may vary.

19 4 READING AND SPEAKING A. Answer these questions. 1. Is there a traditional dance in your area/region? 2. If yes, what is its name? Can you dance it? Unit 1 After School Polka : Germany Halay : Turkey Flamenco : Spain Tanoura : Egypt B. Read the announcement of Sun Dance Club. Then, write the countries under their dances. SUN DANCE CLUB SATURDAY Polka (09:00-10:30) Flamenco (13:30-15:00) Egypt Spain Turkey Germany Read our timetable and then call Marie Jackson on Morning Classes Afternoon Classes Polka, a traditional German dance Halay, a traditional Tu rkish dance Do you like dancing? Come and join us! We teach traditional dances from different countries. It's lots of fun. We teach: Flamenco, a traditional Spanish dance Ta noura, a traditional Egyptian dance SUNDAY Halay (10:00-11:30) Ta noura (14:15-15:45) C. Read the announcement again and answer these questions. This activity is related to the previous one. Here, students are expected to give their opinions about the dances taught at Sun Dance Club. Give students some time to think and then have them answer the questions given. Sample answer key 1. I d like to learn flamenco because I think it is a beautiful dance. 2. It s from 1.30 until 3 on Saturday. C. Read the announcement again and answer these questions. 1. Which dance would you like to learn? Why? 2. When is that dance course? 13 4 READING AND SPEAKING A. Answer these questions. This activity aims at preparing students for the upcoming reading activity. Give students some time to think and then have them answer the questions given. Sample answer key 1. Yes, there is. 2. Horon Yes, I can. /No, I can t. B. Read the announcement of Sun Dance Club. Then, write the countries under their dances. This activity aims at providing students with a context to identify traditional dances from other countries. Have students work either in pairs or individually. Ask them to read the announcement of Sun Dance Club and then ask them to write the countries under their dances. Give them enough time to do the activity and then check the answers with the whole class. 19

20 D. Work in pairs. Read your role cards, ask and answer questions and fill in the Sun Dance Club membership card. In this activity, students revise asking for and giving personal details within the context of membership application. Have students work in pairs, read their role cards, ask and answer questions and fill in the Sun Dance Club membership card. Here, one student is expected to imagine that he/she is a secretary at Sun Dance Club. He/She is expected to ask questions and fill in the membership card with his/ her partner s personal details. The other student is expected to imagine that he/she wants to enroll Sun Dance Club. He/ She is expected to answer his/her partner s questions. Students answers may vary. PROJECT Conduct a survey about your classmates favourite afterschool activities and prepare a poster. We suggest that you have students do the project at home. Tell students to conduct a survey about their classmates favourite after-school activities and prepare a poster. We suggest that you allocate a week for the project. Tell students to make a list of after-school activities, ask their classmates favourite activities and put a cross next to the respective activity in their lists, 14 Unit 1 After School D. Work in pairs. Read your role cards, ask and answer questions and fill in the Sun Dance Club membership card. PROJECT ROLE CARD A You are a secretary at Sun Dance Club. Give information about the dances and their time. Ask questions and fill in the membership card. Name and Surname : Age : School : Address : Phone number : Dance : SUN DANCE CLUB Membership Card ROLE CARD B You want to enroll Sun Dance Club. Answer your partner's questions and become a member of Sun Dance Club. Conduct a survey about your classmates' favourite after school activities and prepare a poster. Follow these steps: Make a list of after school activities. Ask your classmates favourite activities and put a tick ( ) next to the activity in your list. Count the ticks ( ) and find out the top five favourite activities in your class. Prepare a poster. Use suitable pictures, symbols or photos. Show your poster to your friends and make a presentation on the activities on your poster. count the crosses and find out the top five favourite activities in their class. Then, ask them to prepare a poster using suitable pictures, symbols or photos. Tell them to bring their posters to the class, show them to their friends and make a presentation on the activities on their posters. Rubrics You can prepare a rubric similar to the sample rubric given on page 20 to assess students projects. Additional Project: Students are expected to perform at least one project after each unit. However, if you have time you can have them do more projects. Students prepare a poster showing what their favourite singer/actor/sports figure does after work. Note 20

21 MY DOSSIER Stick your photo here. Name: Address: Date of Birth: I started to use the European Language Portfolio on: 21

22 In my Dossier

23 Can - do - statements List Students start filling in can-do - statements list at the end of each unit. Below you ll find a sample can - do - statements list for the first unit. You can make changes or prepare a similar list and make a copy for each student and ask them to fill in the list. They can keep their can-do - statements lists in their dossier. Yes Not Sure No I can understand words and phrases about regular actions. I can express my regular actions. I can describe other people s regular actions. I can tell the time, days and dates. I can ask people what they do regularly. I can answer questions about my regular actions. I can read simple texts about what people do regularly. I can identify traditional dances from other countries. I can say when I don t understand and ask for clarification. Dossier Students start to fill in the European Language Portfolio. They can put their projects and any other work like diplomas and certificates, letters, photos, memories, reports, stories, pages of their diary, poems, tests or favourite homework in the dossier. Make a copy of the following pages and ask students to fill in the blanks and put them in front of their dossiers. 23

24 Workbook Activity 1 Look at the clocks and write the time. Students revise telling the time. You can have students do this activity either in the class or at home depending on your time. Ask students to look at the clocks and write the time. Check the answers with the whole class. 1 After School WORKBOOK Activity 1 Look at the clocks and write the time It s seven o clock. 2. It s half past five. 3. It s twenty past seven. 4. It s a quarter to seven. 5. It s half past nine. 6. It s half past seven. 7. It s four o clock. 8. It s twenty past six. 9. It s half past three. Activity 2 Unscramble the letters and write the days of the week. Then, put them in the correct order. This is a fun and easy activity for all your students to revise the days of the week. Have students work individually. Tell them to unscramble the letters and write the days of the week. Then, ask them to put them in the correct order. Check the answers with the whole class Activity 2 a. DSWDEAYEN b. IRDYFA 1 d. SUNDAY 5 e. THURSDAY 7 f. SATURDAY 3 g. TUESDAY c. ODANYM 1 d. UDSAYN SUNDAY e. TRAHUSDY f. RTUDAAYS g. USAYTED Unscramble the letters and write the days of the week. Then, put them in the correct order a. WEDNESDAY 6 b. FRIDAY 2 c. MONDAY 24

25 Workbook WORKBOOK Activity 3 Read the about Terry's after school activities and put the pictures in the correct order. Hello! I get back home around 3.10 First, I feed our cat, Snowy and then I have a snack. I usually do my homework from 3.30 to Then, I go to my judo class at 4.50 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Then, I surf on the Net until dinner. We have dinner at 6.45 when my dad comes home. After dinner, I watch TV and then I read books. I go to bed at 9.30 on weekdays. What do you do after school? Please write. Activity 3 Read the about Terry s after-school activities and put the pictures in the correct order. Students are provided with a text about what people do regularly. You can have students do this activity either in the class or at home depending on your time. Ask students to read the about Terry s after-school activities and put the pictures in the correct order. Check the answers with the whole class. 1. d 2. b 3. i a b c 4. f 5. a 6. c 7. e 8. g 9. h d e f g h i 90 25

26 Workbook Activity 4 Make a list of your after-school activities. This activity aims at preparing students for the upcoming writing activity. You can have students do this activity at home. Ask students to make a list of their after-school activities. Activity 4 Make a list of your after school activities. Activity Time Day(s) WORKBOOK Students answers may vary. Activity 5 Activity 5 Look at your notes above and write an answer to Terry. Use: always, usually, often, sometimes, never Look at your notes above and write an answer to Terry. Use: always, usually, often, sometimes, never Students practise writing about what they do regularly as well as using the adverbs of frequency. You can have students do this activity at home. Ask students to look at their notes in the previous activity and write an answer to Terry using always, usually, often, sometimes, never. You can have them read out their s in the class later on. Hello, Terry! 91 Students answers may vary. 26

27 Workbook WORKBOOK Activity 6 Carol is answering questions about her after school activities. Read her answers and write the questions. Interviewer : Hello! I m Brenda Sanders from Moon TV. I'm preparing a programme about American teenagers after school activities. Can I ask you some questions? Carol : Of course. Interviewer : First of all, (1)? Carol : Hmmm... I get back home around 3.30 in the afternoon. Interviewer : (2)? Carol : I have a snack, do my homework and then surf on the Net. Interviewer : (3)? Carol : Yes, I sometimes meet my friends. Interviewer : (4)? Carol : We hang around, play games and chat. Interviewer : (5)? Carol : Yes, I go to my piano class from 4 to 5.15 on Wednesdays and Fridays. Interviewer : (6)? Carol : No, I don't join any clubs. Interviewer : Thanks a lot. Carol : You're welcome. Activity 6 Carol is answering questions about her after-school activities. Read her answers and write the questions. Students practise asking simple questions in written form. You can have students do this activity at home. Tell them that Carol is answering questions about her after-school activities. Then, ask them to read her answers and write the questions. Check the answers with the whole class. 1. What time do you get back home? 2. What do you do at home? 3. Do you meet your friends? 4. What do you do with your friends? 5. Do you go to any courses? 6. Do you join any clubs? 92 27

28 Teacher s Notes 28

29 UNIT 2 Yummy Breakfast Communicative Functions and Skills Functions Accepting and refusing Describing what people do regularly Expressing likes and dislikes Making simple inquiries Skills Listening Students will be able to identify the names of different food items when listening to a conversation. Spoken Interaction Students will be able to ask people about their food preferences at breakfast. Spoken Production Students will be able to express their opinions about the food they like and don t like. 2 Unit 2 Yummy Breakfast YUMMY BREAKFAST Reading Students will be able to understand short, simple written texts about predictable, everyday matters such as food and personal opinions. Students will be able to read the label of a food product. Compensation Strategies Students will be able to indicate that they don t understand using simple expressions. Intercultural Awareness Students will become familiar with breakfast habits of different cultures. Students will become familiar with expressions used at the beginning or end of meals in different languages. Suggested Lexis bagel, bean, blueberry, cereal, croissant, junk food, muffin, nutritious, special, sushi, miso soup, soybeans, omelet, baked, grilled, fried, garlic, oat, room temperature Yummy! Yuk! Bon appétit! Buon appetito! Guten Apetit! Enjoy your meal! Assessment Project Students work in groups and create an imaginary creature. They decide the food that the creature likes and doesn t like. They will draw a picture of it and the food it eats and label them. Dossier Students continue filling in the European Language Portfolio. Students continue filling in the can-dostatement lists. Suggested Materials You can find the flashcards of activity 1A on pages 155 and Warm-up Draw students attention to the pictures which give an idea about the content of the second unit. Give students some time to examine the pictures and then ask them several questions about the pictures. 29

30 1 LISTENING Unit 2 Yummy Breakfast A. Look at the pictures and mark the food and drink items you like/don t like. In this activity, students are presented with the vocabulary that will come up in this unit. Have students work individually. Tell them to look at the pictures given and mark the food and drink items they like/don t like using the symbols suggested. You don t need to check the answers here. 1 LISTENING A. Look at the pictures and mark the food and drink items you like/ don't like. Use these symbols: love : don't like : like : hate : 1. butter 2. tea 3. coffee 6. sausages 7. jam 8. honey 9. cheese 10. egg 14. salami 4. orange juice 5. milk 11. bagel 12. croissants B. Look at your symbols above and talk about your food and drink preferences. Here, students practise expressing likes and dislikes within the context of breakfast food. Ask them to look at their symbols in the previous activity and talk about their food and drink preferences as in the example given. Students answers may vary olives B. Look at your symbols above and talk about your food and drink preferences. Example 22. bananas 19. apple 16. cereal 20. blueberries 17. tomato 21. pancake I like sausages, eggs, cheese and milk, but I don't like butter or honey. I love muffins. It's my favourite. I hate salami and coffee. 15. muffin 18. cucumber C. Track 3 Listen to the conversation between Sophie and her mom. Tick ( ) the food and drink items you hear above. C. Listen to the conversation between Sophie and her mom. Tick ( ) the food and drink items you hear above. In this activity, students are expected to identify the names of different food items when listening to a conversation. Before you play the recording, ask students to have a look at the food and drink items provided in activity A. Then, ask them to listen to the conversation between Sophie and her mom and tick the food and drink items they hear. Play the recording once or twice and have them do the while-listening activity. Check the answers with the whole class. 30 Track 3 1:38 Sophie : Mom, can I call some friends for breakfast tomorrow? Mom : How many? Sophie : Two. Jane and Kaito. Mom : OK. Sophie : Do we have enough food and drinks to serve? Mom : Let s see. There are some eggs, sausages, cheese and butter in the fridge. Sophie : Is there any jam and honey? Mom : There is some honey, but there isn t any jam. Sophie : And is there any cereal? Mom : Oh, yes. There is lots of cereal and milk. Sophie : What about fruit? Mom : We have two bananas, an apple and some blueberries. Sophie : Great! I can make a fruit salad for my friends. Hmmm. are there any cucumbers and tomatoes?

31 D. Track 4 Listen again and mark the sentences True or False. Unit 2 Yummy Breakfast Track 4 1:33 Track 4 is the same as Track True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. False 6. True 7. False 8. True 2 1. Sophie wants to invite Jane and Kaito for breakfast. 2. There are some eggs, but there aren t any sausages in the fridge. 3. There is some honey, but there isn t any jam. 4. There is only a little milk. 5. There isn t any cereal at home. 6. Sophie wants to make a fruit salad for her friends. 7. There are some cucumbers, but there aren t any tomatoes. 8. Sophie s favourite food is croissant. SPEAKING A. Draw the food and drink items you like at breakfast. 2 SPEAKING A. Draw the food and drink items you like at breakfast. This activity aims at preparing students for the upcoming speaking activity. Tell your students to draw the food and drink items they like at breakfast. Give them some time to do their drawings. B. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions and make a list of your friend s food and drink items. Example Student A : Is there any cheese? Student B : Yes, there is lots of cheese. Student A : Is there any cereal? Student B : No, there isn t any cereal. C. Compare your list with your friend s drawing. Have you got all his/her food and drink items in your list? Mom : Well, there are some tomatoes, but there aren t any cucumbers. Sophie : OK. Mom, can you make something speacial for breakfast? Mom : Sure. What do you want? Muffins, bagels or croissants? Sophie : Croissants, please. Yummy! It s my favourite. Answers are given on the micropage. D. Listen again and mark the sentences True or False. In the second activity, students listen for specific information. Tell students to listen again and mark the sentences True or False referring to the information provided in the recorded dialogue. Before you play the recording, have students look at the statements given so that they get an idea about what to look for while listening. Play the recording as many times as necessary and have students do the activity. Check the answers with the whole class. 17 B. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions and make a list of your friend s food and drinks items. In this activity, students practise asking people about their food preferences at breakfast. Have students work in pairs. Tell them to ask and answer questions as in the example and make a list of their friends food and drinks items. Give them enough time to do the activity. You don t need to check the answers here. C. Compare your list with your friend s drawing. Have you got all his/her food and drink items in your list? In the last step of the speaking activity, students conduct a peercorrection activity in a very simple way. Tell them to compare their lists with their friends drawings and then ask them whether they have all his/her friends food and drink items in their lists or not. If not, you can ask them what they are missing in the list. 31


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