Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı Talim ve Terbiye Kurulunun tarih ve 192 sayılı kurul kararıyla öğretim yılından itibaren 5 (beş) yıl

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1 Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı Talim ve Terbiye Kurulunun tarih ve 192 sayılı kurul kararıyla öğretim yılından itibaren 5 (beş) yıl süreyle ders kitabı olarak kabul edilmiştir.

2 Adres tel. : Anıttepe Mahallesi Gülseren Sokak Nu.:13/2 Çankaya/ANKARA : (0312) (4hat) PBX belgeç : (0312) T.C. KÜLTÜR VE TURİZM BAKANLIĞI SERTİFİKA NO: Her hakkı saklıdır. Bu yayının tümü ya da bir bölümü Atlantik Yayıncılık Tanıtım Eğitim San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti den izin almaksızın hiçbir biçimde çoğaltılamaz, basılıp yayımlanamaz. EDİTÖR Lâmia KARAMİL DİL UZMANI Mustafa BEKDAŞ GÖRSEL TASARIM Hüseyin Turhan SOLAK PROGRAM GELİŞTİRME UZMANI Doç. Dr. Ali Murat SÜNBÜL ÖLÇME DEĞERLENDİRME UZMANI Hasan PEKTAŞ REHBERLİK VE GELİŞİM UZMANI Yıldız TANRIVER II

3 İSTİKLÂL MARŞI Korkma, sönmez bu şafaklarda yüzen al sancak; Sönmeden yurdumun üstünde tüten en son ocak. O benim milletimin yıldızıdır, parlayacak; O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak. Bastığın yerleri toprak! diyerek geçme, tanı: Düşün altındaki binlerce kefensiz yatanı. Sen şehit oğlusun, incitme, yazıktır, atanı: Verme, dünyaları alsan da, bu cennet vatanı. Çatma, kurban olayım, çehreni ey nazlı hilâl! Kahraman ırkıma bir gül! Ne bu şiddet, bu celâl? Sana olmaz dökülen kanlarımız sonra helâl... Hakkıdır, Hakk a tapan, milletimin istiklâl! Kim bu cennet vatanın uğruna olmaz ki fedâ? Şühedâ fışkıracak toprağı sıksan, şühedâ! Cânı, cânânı, bütün varımı alsın da Huda, Etmesin tek vatanımdan beni dünyada cüdâ. Ben ezelden beridir hür yaşadım, hür yaşarım. Hangi çılgın bana zincir vuracakmış? Şaşarım! Kükremiş sel gibiyim, bendimi çiğner, aşarım. Yırtarım dağları, enginlere sığmam, taşarım. Ruhumun senden, İlâhi, şudur ancak emeli: Değmesin mabedimin göğsüne nâmahrem eli. Bu ezanlar-ki şahadetleri dinin temeli- Ebedî yurdumun üstünde benim inlemeli. Garbın âfâkını sarmışsa çelik zırhlı duvar, Benim iman dolu göğsüm gibi serhaddim var. Ulusun, korkma! Nasıl böyle bir imanı boğar, Medeniyet! dediğin tek dişi kalmış canavar? O zaman vecd ile bin secde eder-varsa-taşım, Her cerîhamdan, İlâhi, boşanıp kanlı yaşım, Fışkırır ruh-ı mücerred gibi yerden na şım; O zaman yükselerek arşa değer belki başım. Arkadaş! Yurduma alçakları uğratma, sakın. Siper et gövdeni, dursun bu hayâsızca akın. Doğacaktır sana va dettiği günler Hakk ın... Kim bilir, belki yarın, belki yarından da yakın. Dalgalan sen de şafaklar gibi ey şanlı hilâl! Olsun artık dökülen kanlarımın hepsi helâl. Ebediyen sana yok, ırkıma yok izmihlâl: Hakkıdır, hür yaşamış, bayrağımın hürriyet; Hakkıdır, Hakk a tapan, milletimin istiklâl! Mehmet Âkif ERSOY III

4 ATA TÜRK ÜN GENÇ LİĞE Hİ TA BE Sİ Ey Türk genç li ği! Bi rin ci va zi fen, Türk is tik lâ li ni, Türk cum hu riyetini, ilelebet, mu ha fa za ve mü da faa et mek tir. Mevcudiyetinin ve istik ba li nin ye gâ ne te me li bu dur. Bu te mel, se nin, en kıymetli hazinendir. İs tik bal de da hi, se ni, bu ha zi ne den, mahrum etmek isteyecek, dahilî ve haricî, bedhahların olacaktır. Bir gün, istiklâl ve cumhuriyeti müdafaa mecburiyetine düşer sen, vazifeye atılmak için, içinde bulunacağın vaziyetin imkân ve şe ra iti ni dü şünmeyeceksin! Bu imkân ve şerait, çok nâmüsa it bir ma hiyette tezahür ede bilir. İs tik lâl ve cum hu ri ye ti ne kas te de cek düşmanlar, bütün dünyada emsali görülmemiş bir ga li bi yetin mümessili olabilirler. Cebren ve hile ile aziz va ta nın, bü tün ka le le ri zapt edil miş, bütün tersane lerine girilmiş, bü tün orduları da ğı tılmış ve memleketin her köşe si bilfiil işgal edilmiş olabilir. Bütün bu şe ra it ten da ha elîm ve da ha va him ol mak üze re, mem le ke tin da hi lin de, ik ti dara sahip olanlar gaflet ve dalâlet ve hattâ hıyanet içinde bulunabilirler. Hattâ bu iktidar sahipleri şahsî menfaatlerini, müstevlilerin siyasî emelleriyle tevhit edebilir ler. Mil let, fakr u za ru ret için de ha rap ve bî tap düşmüş olabilir. Ey Türk is tik ba li nin evlâdı! İşte, bu ahval ve şerait içinde dahi, vazifen; Türk is tik lâl ve cum hu ri ye ti ni kur tar mak tır! Muh taç ol du ğun kudret, damarlarındaki asîl kanda, mevcuttur! IV





9 FRIENDSHIP FRIENDSHIP RULES UNIT 1 1. Read the quotations and match them with the explanations. (...) 1. It takes a long time to grow an old friend. (...)2. Friends are the most important ingredients in this recipe of life. (...) 3. To be depressed is to be lonely; to have a friend is to be happy. (...) 4. Make new friends, but keep the old, some are silver and others are gold. (...) 5. Friendship is one mind in two bodies. a. When you have a friend with you to listen to your problems, you will share your troubles and hear his/her advice. She/he will give you all the support. As a result, you will feel much better, more cheerful and happier. b. You think and act in the same way with your friends. You understand each other very well. c. You cannot make a good and an old friendship in a short time. Friends share a lot of good and bad times before they become real friends. d. Every day you have a chance to make a new friend, but you understand the real value of this friendship in time. Old friends are more valuable than the new ones. Try not to lose your old friends. e. Life means living and sharing. If you cannot share it, it has no meaning. You need someone to share every part of it. So, friends are the most important factor in life. Without friends, life doesn t have a taste. 1

10 UNIT 1 2. Read the recipe and write the ingredients for friendship. Then, complete the missing parts in the paragraph. FRIENDSHIP RECIPE 1 Cup of friendly words 2 Heaping cups of understanding 4 Heaping tsp. of time and patience A Pinch of warm personality A Dash of humour INGREDIENTS 1. friendly words Measure words carefully. Add heaping cup of understanding. Use generous amounts of time and patience. Cook on the front burner. But keep temperature low: Do not boil. Add generous dash of humour. And a pinch of warm personality. Season to taste with spice of life. Serve in individual molds. Use words carefully, put a lot of understanding, add time, patience and humour, then add warm personality and spice of life. 3. Look at page 6 in the Student s Book and use a word from part 13 to fill in the blanks. Then, give advice as in the example. e.g. My friend Jane is very selfish. She always wants to take the best seat on the school bus. You should tell her she cannot always seat there, but don t hurt her. 1. My little brother is a boy. He always jumps up and down and breaks something. My mother is usually angry with him Some of my friends in this class are not. They sometimes get very bad marks in exams.. 3. I am not,but it is nice to have friends. They always laugh, make you laugh and happy.. 4. It is difficult to make friends with people. They are easily annoyed and talk in an angry way to people.. 5. I cannot be to my friends. I always break their hearts. What should I do?. 2

11 UNIT 1 4. You are on a holiday with your classmates. Your teacher is making recommendations for the activities on the poster. Use the keywords and write recommendations as in the example. e.g. (take/two swimming suits) You had better take two swimming suits with you. You can lose. one. 1. (not go/deep part of the pool). 2. (put on/sun cream). 3. (wear/a helmet). 4. (not wear/shorts).. 5. (ask for/a quiet horse).. 6. (not go/too close to the fire).. 7. (check/mountaineering instruments) 3

12 UNIT 1 5. Read the story and answer the questions. Ice Cream Story It was a very very hot day. Everybody was looking for some kind of relief, so an ice cream shop was a natural place to stop. A little girl entered the shop. She closed her hands tightly because she didn t want to drop her money for the ice cream. Before she could say a word, the shop keeper sharply told her: Get outside and read the sign on the door, and stay out.. He told her: You must have shoes! She left slowly and a big man followed her out of the shop. He watched her when she stood in front of the shop and read the sign: No bare feet Tears started rolling down her cheeks. She turned and started to walk away. Just then, the big man called her. He sat down on the curb and took off his size-45 shoes. Next, he set them in front of the girl and said: I never used to wear shoes when I was a child, too. Here are my shoes. You cannot walk in these, but if you slide along, you ll get your ice cream cone. Then, he lifted the little girl up and set her feet into the shoes. He added: Do not hurry. I ll just sit here and eat my ice cream. He saw the shining eyes of the little girl. She slid the shoes slowly and went to the counter. She wanted her ice cream cone. He was a big man. He had a big belly, big hands and big shoes, but his heart was bigger than all of them Why did people stop at the ice cream shop?. 2. What did the little girl have in her hand?. 3. Did the man use to wear shoes when he was a child?. 4. How did the big man help the little girl?. 5. Where was the man when the girl went into the shop in his shoes?. 6. Did the man have a good heart?. 6. What did/ didn t you use to do with your best friend when you were 10 years old? Write a paragraph about it in your notebook.

13 UNIT 2 ROAD TO SUCCESS STUDY SKILLS 1. Complete the dialogue for Lena s part with the sentences in the box. Ken : Hi, Lena! What are you doing? Lena : I am looking at my timetable.. Ken : You don t look happy. What s the problem? Lena :. Ken : But you must study in order to pass. Lena :? Ken : Hey, relax. Try studying your notes. Lena :. Ken : Well, of course just looking doesn t help. You can do some of the practise questions, too. If you write, you can learn better. Lena :? Ken : Well, you could do some of the exercises in the book. Lena :. Ken : You know everyone has different learning styles. Lena :. Ken : Anyway, I told you my advice. Lena :. Ken : Don t worry! You ll pass your exams. Lena :. Ken : Let s forget about the exams for a while. Let s listen to some music. Lena :? Ken : I usually prefer listening to pop music. Lena :? Ken : Great! 1. Yeah, I looked at them, but it doesn t help. 2. But I prefer to do them with a friend. My best friend, Kelly prefers to study alone. 3. Thank you. 4. I hope, I will. 5. I am looking at my timetable. 6. What can I do to pass? 7. Hmm, yes, but what about Maths? I don t understand anything! Got any ideas? 8. I have exams next week and I don t know anything! I don t enjoy studying. 9. I know. 10. That is nice. Do you like U2? 11. What kind of music do you prefer to listen? 5

14 UNIT 2 2. Answer these questions according to yourself. 1. What must you do in order to pass your exams? 2. What do you enjoy doing most? 3. What do you like doing while you are studying? _ 4. Do you prefer reading or listening while you are learning? 3. Write sentences using in order to and the keywords as in the example. e.g. (come here) They came here in order to help me. 1. (save money). 2. (leave early). 3. (test the students). 4. (give up smoking). 5. (call). 6. (read silently).. 7. (take a taxi). 8. ( go to university). 9. (learn computing). 6

15 UNIT 2 4. Read the text and write true (T) or false (F) for the sentences in the table. Test Anxiety It is completely normal to experience anxiety at some time. A little bit of anxiety helps you. It can motivate you and keeps you alert. But if there is too much anxiety, it means you have test anxiety. The following are tips to stop too much test anxiety: Develop good study habits: If you know how to study, you will have confidence and that confidence will help to reduce your test anxiety. Be prepared: If you know the material on the test very well, you will have confidence. But if you go into a test unprepared, you will be very anxious. Don t try to prepare at the last minute: Study your subjects on time. Use your time freely. Do exercise: If you do exercise regularly, you have a healthy mind. Get plenty of sleep: If you don t have a good rest before an exam, you will feel tired and it will increase test anxiety. Get plenty to eat: Don t take an exam on an empty stomach. If you get a good meal, you ll experience less anxiety. Stay positive: Don t focus on failing the test. Stay relaxed: Take slow, deep breaths and stay in control. It is always unusual to have anxiety. Too much anxiety can prevent you from remembering things. F Study skills are important for reducing test anxiety. Learn your subjects very well. If you study your subjects just before the test, you ll remember them easily. Physical exercises are not necessary. A good night s sleep is important for reducing test anxiety. Do not eat anything before the exam. Always remember that there is a risk to fail. Taking deep breaths makes you relaxed. 7

16 UNIT 2 5. Are you right brained or left brained? Do the questionnaire and find out. YES NO 1. I use a watch. 2. I keep a dairy. 3. I don t like following directions. 4. I don t like planning things. 5. I need to set goals for myself for motivation. 6. If I don t know the right way to go, I usually let my emotions guide me. 7. I am good at Maths. 8. I am often late for my appointments. 9. I d make a good detective. 10. I am good at music. 11. When I talk, I gesture a lot. 12. When someone asks me a question, I turn my head to left. 13. If I have a hard decision to make, I write down the pros and cons. 14. I keep a to do list. 15. I can explain my thoughts very well. 16. I am thinking of becoming a poet, a politician, an architect or a dancer. 17. I am thinking of becoming a lawyer, journalist or doctor. 18. I like drawing. 19. I m never punctual. 20. If someone asks me question, I turn my head to the right. Now, read the table below. Your Yes answers shows the related part of the brain. Count up the number of L s and R s. Higher number represents your dominance. If the numbers are close, that means you use both sides of your brain equally. Example: If your answer is yes for question 1, you have L, if the second answer is yes again, you have your second L. Continue checking your answers and count your L s and R s L 2. L 3.R 4. R 5. L 6. R 7. L 8. R 9. L 10. R 11. R 12. R 13. L 14. L 15. L 16. R 17. L 18. R 19. R 20. L

17 UNIT 3 IMPROVING ONE S LOOKS BODY CARE 1. Read the tips for Healthy Skin and write sentences as in the example. * Sticking to a suitable daily skincare routine, makes a healthier skin. * Exercising for half an hour three times a week, makes you fitter. * Eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables helps you to be healthy. * Drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day keeps your skin from drying out. * Moisturising your feet will keep them smooth and soft. * Regular face cleaning can help clear blackheads. * Using a sunscreen helps to keep the darker freckles away. e.g. If you stick to a suitable daily skincare routine, you will have healthier skin

18 UNIT 3 2. Look at the pictures and write sentences as in the examples. e.g. She is too young to wear a lipstick. e.g. She is not old enough to wear a lipstick What to do to live longer? Look at the list of items in the box, choose five of them and write advice. going to bed very late sitting in the sun going to bed early eating a lot at night doing exercise taking vitamins drinking fizzy drinks eating junk food having fun getting angry singing being positive e.g: We shouldn t eat a lot at night

19 UNIT 3 4. Read the sentences and fill in the speech balloons. Let s cut your hair short. I d rather have a jeep. I d rather swim. No. I d rather have my hair long. I d rather not wear a mini skirt. I d rather wear trousers. I d rather have a sports car. Would you like to sit on the balcony? I d rather have an apple. We d rather not sit on the balcony. 11

20 UNIT 3 5. Complete the dialogues. Use Why don t you? 1. Sandra : I don t like my hair. Clara :? 2. Susie : I am not pretty. I ve got too many pimples. Mother :? 3. Tommy : What should I buy her as a New Year present? Janet :? 4. Jack : I must lose weight, but I don t like doing exercise. David :? 5. Craig : I think I smell bad. Sister :? 6. Do you take good care of yourself? Do the questionnaire and learn. 1. How many times a day do you brush your teeth? a. Once. b. Twice. c. Three times. 2. You wash your hair. a. when it is oily b. every other day c. every day 3. You come home sweaty from a long, hot day, but you want to go to bed immediately. You. a. jump into bed b. wash your face only c. take a shower first 4. How many hours of sleep do you get each night? a. Six hours or less. b. Seven hours. c. Eight hours or more. 5. What does the floor of your room look like? a. You can t actually see it. b. With a few clothes lying around. c. It is spotless. 6. Your diet consists of. a. junk food b. generally healthy food c. balanced meals with lots of fruits and veggies. 7. You stay active by. a. walking places during the day b. playing sports c. going to the gym regularly 8. You wash your hands. a. before eating b. after you go to the toilet c. a lot of times a day Result: If you have a s more than b s and c s, you really should do more about your body. You almost neglect it. If your b s are more, good health and hygiene is important for you, but it is not enough. If your answers are mostly in c s, your body should be thankful to you because your health and hygiene habits are in good shape. Well done. 12

21 UNIT 4 DREAMS SWEET DREAMS 1. Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases in the box below. Then, fill in the boxes in the text with when or while. was waiting, while, was looking, didn t talk, when, was sitting, was raining, was standing, was shining It was a lovely morning. When I left the house, the sun was shining. I was walking to the station, I was smiling because my husband for me at our favourite restaurant for lunch. But that happy feeling didn t last long. The train was very crowded. I stood all the way. I, no one offered me a seat. Children sat comfortably. A woman was standing next to me. She out of the window a child put his hand in her bag. Thief! I shouted. That boy is taking your purse! But the boy was the woman s son. She got angry with me. I left the station, it. I got to the restaurant, I certainly wasn t smiling any more. My husband at a table with a stranger. I approached him, but he to me. He asked me: Do you want something? Suddenly he turned into a stranger. He wasn t my husband. I didn t know him. I wanted to disappear and I was awake. It was a dream and I was in my bed. 13

22 UNIT 4 2. Complete the dialogues as in Dialogue A. A. Ken : What were you dreaming about when the alarm clock rang? Barbie : I was dreaming of you. Ken : What did you do when the alarm clock rang? Barbie : I threw it out of the window.. B. Jamie : didn t you answer my phone half an hour ago? Kylie : I didn t hear the phone. Jamie : were you doing? Kylie :. C. Sheila : were you going when you saw the accident? Joshua : I was driving home. Sheila : did you do? Joshua :. D. Lousie : did you go to John s place? Damian : I went there at 4 p.m. Lousie : was he doing then? Damian :. E. Jake : was your friend watching when you got home? Caroline : He was watching a football game. Jake : did you watch when you were there? Caroline :. 14

23 UNIT 4 3. Read Alice s speech and fill in the blanks as in the example. Then, read Meg s speech, look at the table and fill in the blanks as in the example. ALICE When I was a student, I was very hard-working and I could answer all the questions easily. I am a retired teacher now, but I still dream about exams. I was taking an exam on the computer in my dream last night, but everything went wrong. First, I couldn t start the computer. Then, when I finally started it, I find my exam questions. There were too MEG many files and I choose the correct one. I pressed all the keys on my computer many times and it just refused to work. I worked hard and I only save my address book. I save most of my documents and the exam file. Of course, I pass my exam and I began to cry At the age of four, I read the newspaper. At the age of six, I record programmes on the television. At the age of eight, I speak German well and I understand texts in Spanish. By the end of primary school, I do Algebra, but I ride a bike. At 13, I beat adults at chess. I was never good at Geography. I remember the names of the countries. Last year, I passed university entrance exams, but I still ride a bike. reading a newspaper recording programmes speaking German understanding Spanish doing Algebra riding a bike beating at chess remembering country names x x 15

24 UNIT 4 4. Read the text and write true (T) or false (F). I had a very strange dream last night. In my dream, my father and I were going to our farm. My father was driving our lorry. Suddenly a bright blue light covered our lorry. It was like a huge spotlight from the sky. We couldn t see anything. The engine of the lorry stopped working. Then, the blue light disappeared and things returned to normal. I was afraid, but I said: Hey, UFO, I want to see you! The blue light covered our lorry again. When the light cleared, I saw a UFO in the distance. It was a big cigarshaped object. I could see three beings there. They had no faces, no arms or legs. It was unbelievable. I wanted to shout, but I couldn t. While the beings were coming towards our lorry, my father was just looking at them with his eyes wide open. When one of them opened the door of our lorry, I woke up. Thanks God, it was a dream. I got up to drink some water and I noticed the bright blue light in our garden. I couldn t believe my eyes. Our lorry was all in blue light. A few minutes later, it went away. I don t know what to think about it. Nobody believes me. Was it just a dream? 1. They were going to their farm by car. ( ) 2. They couldn t see around because it was dark. ( ) 3. There was a UFO away from the lorry when they saw the bright blue light for the first time. ( ) 4. The UFO looked like a cigar. ( ) 5. Three little men came out of the UFO. ( ) 6. The writer couldn t talk to the beings. ( ) 7. The beings got into the car. ( ) 8. The writer woke up before they got into the car. ( ) 9. Their lorry was in their garden while they were sleeping. ( ) 16

25 THE INDEPENDENCE WAR UNIT 5 ATATÜRK: THE FOUNDER OF TURKISH REPUBLIC 1. Read the explanations and remember the names of Atatürk s principles. Write the correct principle for each part This principle says that Turkish State is a whole body with its people and homeland. No one can divide it and no class can administrate it. It also respects all the other nations rights of independence It means separating the government and religion from each other. It also means the government is independent. Culture and religion cannot influence it Atatürk expressed that Turkey depends very much on the technologic and economic development. So this principle appears in the situations of arranging the country s general economic actions and entering the private sector for the national benefits. As a result, government becomes the owner of the country s great industrial institutions The meaning of this principle is revolutionizing the traditional institutions into the modern institutions in Turkey. It means putting the traditional concepts on a side and adopting the modern concepts instead This principle defines the regime of Turkey. People administrate themselves. People are free to express their thoughts and their wishes in democracy It means that there are no classes or differences among people. No individual, relationship or a class is better than the other. 17

26 UNIT 5 2. Read the texts and answer the questions. Atatürk s pictures and his life story appeared in many important magazines and newspapers. When a 10-year-old American boy, Curtis LaFrance, from Elmira, New York read an article about Atatürk, he sent a letter to Atatürk on October 28, 1923, just one day before Atatürk founded the Turkish Republic on October 29, Here is the letter: Gazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha, Ankara, Asiatic Turkey Honored Sir: I am an American boy aged 10 years. I am very much interested in Turkey and its new government. I have been reading an interview of you and Mrs Kemal. I have started a notebook on Turkey and already have a number of pictures, including you and Mrs Kemal. Please send a kind message to this American boy together with an autographed photo. I hope some day to visit Turkey. Yours truly, Curtis LaFrance. 1. Where was Curtis LaFrance from? How old was he when he wrote the letter? How did he learn about Atatürk? When did he send his letter to Atatürk? What was he interested in? Where did he keep the pictures about Turkey? What did he want from Atatürk? What did he hope to do one day?... 18

27 UNIT 5 Atatürk answered Curtis s letter himself in Turkish. Here is his reply in English: To Mr. Curtis lafrance, Ankara, November 27, 1923 I received your letter. Thank you very much for your kind thoughts and your interest in our Turkish Homeland. I am enclosing a picture of myself as requested. My only advice to intelligent and hard-working children of America such as yourself is: If you hear anything about Turks, you shouldn t believe that it s true before you investigate it yourself. Please pay attention to this matter in particular. I hope you will be happy and successful in life. Gazi Mustafa Kemal, The President of Turkey Many years later, lafrance sold fire engines to the municapility of Polatlı in Ankara after he became a businessman. When he visited İstanbul as an old man, he said: I cried when Atatürk died. I was 25 years old then. No one could understand why I cried. 1. Who answered Curtis s letter? When did Atatürk write a reply? Why did he enclose a picture of himself? What did he advise the American children? Did Curtis lafrance visit Turkey? Why do you think Atatürk gave advice to Curtis lafrance? Write your thoughts about it

28 UNIT 5 4. Read the beginning of a true story about Atatürk and then put the parts below in order and complete the story. A. Oh, my general! Why didn t you call me? I could bring you a pillow and a blanket. the soldier said. B. The assistant said: You look very bad, my general. Couldn t you sleep? C. The commander answered: It was very late. I didn t want to wake you up. Because you were very tired, too. My sleeping is not important. The important thing is this: My people, my nation must sleep well. D. Atatürk answered: You forgot to put a pillow and a blanket on my bed, my boy. I used my arm as a pillow, but it ached. I made my jacket a pillow, but I got cold. So, I couldn t sleep and I got up. After The Turkish army had a victory in İzmir, Atatürk, the generals, the officers and the soldiers were travelling to Turkey by train. Everyone went to their compartments because they were very very tired. Next day Atatürk s asssistant soldier knocked at the door of Atatürk s compartment. Atatürk was washing his tie. He looked exhausted. B. The assistant said: You look very bad, my general. Couldn t you sleep?... D. Atatürk answered: You forget to put a pillow and a blanket on my bed, my boy. I used... my arm as a pillow but it ached. I made my jacket a pillow but I got cold. So I couldn t sleep and got up.... A. Oh, my general! Why didn t you call me? I would have brought you a pillow and a... blanket. The soldier said. C. The... commander answered: It was very late. I didn t want to wake you up. Because you were very tired, too. My sleeping is not important. The important thing is this:... My people, my nation, must sleep well. 20

29 UNIT 6 DETECTIVE STORIES THE STORY OF THE STOLEN NECKLACE 1. Read the story below and choose the missing paragraph in the box on the next page. In a small cottage in the countryside, a mother was scolding her three children. Somebody took grandma s golden pendant and she wanted to know that person. She always hid it carefully in the master bedroom. The girls, Arielle, Bridgette and Marie were all very quiet. No one wanted to say a word. They didn t want to upset my mother any further. The pendant was very important to mother because she was planning to sell it to a local antique shop to send Arielle to university very soon. Mother didn t have enough money for Arielle s school fee. However, she suddenly found out that the pendant was missing. Mother knew her girls were all good and she thought that perhaps someone just took it to prevent her from selling it. Arielle loved her grandma s pendant and she didn t want her mom to sell it, but they didn t really have a choice. They needed all the money they could have. Arielle couldn t work because she was studying for the university entrance exams. Bridgette also loved the pendant. She thought, My mother should give that pendant to me when I graduate from school. It was my present from grandma. I know this. Marie felt that the pendant belonged to her. After all, it was grandpa s gift to grandma and grandpa loved Marie a lot. It was just right for Marie to have the pendant Arielle suddenly shouted: Mother, isn t that the handkerchief dad gave you? Mother was using it to wipe her tears. Bridgette sighed in relief and said, Well, now at least we only must worry about the pendant. Obviously, mum, you wrapped it in another handkerchief. 21

30 UNIT 6 Marie spoke quietly, Perhaps mum, you didn t wrap it in a handkerchief at all and placed it inside a box instead?. Mother smiled, turned to one of the girls and said regretfully: Okay, my dear child. Come over here and tell me. Where is the pendant? I am not going to be angry at all. I know now that you took it. The guilty girl started to cry. I m so sorry, mum. I didn t mean to upset you. Please forgive me. a. The policeman searched the house, but he couldn t find the missing pendant. While he was writing his report, the girls were talking quietly. They were very sorry because they all wanted to have that pendant. It was their grandmother s pendant and they felt that it was their duty to keep it. b. Mother started to cry. It s not only the pendant. I used to wrap the pendant with a handkerchief and it was a gift from your father. It was very important for me. The girls looked at each other. Their mother became very unhappy after the death of their father. They were quiet for a while. None of them could speak a word. c. The girls all agreed that they would sell the pendant. It was very valuable and that money was very important for the family. While they were walking to the antique shop, no one talked. Arielle said: We should tell the jeweller to keep it for us. He mustn t sell it. We can take it back when we have money. 2. Which of the alternatives below is the best title for the story? a. The Diamond Pendant b. The Great Grand Mother s Pendant c. The Hidden Pendant d. The Pendant in the Jeweller s 3. Who took the pendant? Write your ideas about it

31 UNIT 6 4. Write true (T) or false (F). 1. The family was living in a big city. (...) 2. They didn t have enough money to pay for Arielle s school fee. (...) 3. Their grandma was dead. (...) 4. Arielle was the youngest sister. (...) 5. Mother used to keep the pendant in a handkerchief. (...) 6. Mother was crying while she was talking to her daughters. (...) 5. Read the sentences below. Fill in the blanks with the bold words in the story in part I need some colour paper to... this package. 2. There is a bathroom in the How can we... wars? 4. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and... his nose. 5. Parents... their children when they behave badly. 6. There was a murder on Sunday last week. Read the notes and write: What were people doing at the time of the murder? Then, answer the questions below the notes. April get the mail Alyssa do laundry Reggie cook Mark plant garden Jim teach brother April was getting the mail What do you think? 1. Who killed Shauna? 2. How do you know he/she is the murderer? 23

32 UNIT 6 7. Read the text about a murder and fill in the blanks with when or while. There was a murder on Freemont Street last night. A woman reported the murder. Here is what she said: I was driving along Freemont Street... I saw a man lying on the street. I stopped the car and looked at the man. He was bleeding. I immediately called the police and the ambulance.... I was calling the police, I saw a man running across the street. Then, the ambulance came.... the ambulance came, the man was dead. The doctor said, Somebody shot him in the stomach. The police asked me a few questions and I told them about the running man. The police investigated the murder. The suspect had brown hair, blue eyes and wore a baggy suit. His name was Sean Con. He was wearing a baggy suit on that day. He lived on Hills Street. It was 25 km away from Freemont Street. A policeman asked Sean to tell the story right from the beginning. Well, said Sean: I was just hanging around the park... I saw this man walking along the pathway. Suddenly a guy came and shot him! I ran home as fast as I could. He also asked him to give a description of the murderer. Sean Con said He had a red moustache, red hair and a baggy suit on. His hands were trembling... he was answering the questions. One of the policemen said I think this man is telling a lie.. 8. Read the text again and choose the best answer for this question. How did the policeman know Sean was telling a lie? a. Sean s hands were trembling. b. Sean was wearing a baggy suit. c. Sean said he ran home, but his house was 25 km away from Freemont Street. d. The woman said a man was running across the street and Sean also told us that he ran home. Just for fun A detective was working on an international stolen jewellery case. He promised to solve the mystery in a few days, but suddenly he disappeared. Before he disappeared, he left a note: Currently there are three suspects: Bill, John and Todd. Can you break the detectives code and find the criminal s name? He sells oil. resemble letters and that those letters form legible sentences. The message is Bill is boss. Criminal s name is Bill. If you read the message upside down, you ll notice that the numbers 24

33 UNIT 7 PERSONAL EXPERIENCES PLACES 1. Read the guide s explanations about a tour programme. You are a tourist on this tour and it s the 5 th day of the tour. What have you done so far? Write sentences. Use already, just, never, yet, before, been, seen in your sentences. Hello, I am a tour guide. I accompany tourists on a tour during their holiday in Turkey. I usually take my guests in İstanbul. We visit the Topkapı Palace on the first day of the tour and on the second day, we have a cruise tour on the Bosphorus. We stay in İstanbul for two nights. The next city is Ankara. In Ankara, we visit Atatürk s Mausoleum and the museum of Anatolian Civilizations. On the 4 th day, we go to Cappadocia and we visit Göreme National Park and then, we travel around Ürgüp. Tourists enjoy the magnificent view. We stay in this area for two nights. Tourists usually take a balloon tour early in the morning next day. Most tourists fly in a balloon for the first time. Later we go and see Derinkuyu, the underground city and do some shopping. On the 6 th day, we leave for Denizli. We visit the ancient cities Hierapolis and Laodicea around Pamukkale. We stay at a nice hotel and guests have a long bath in the natural hot water pools. We leave Denizli for Ephesus on the 7 th day. We spend the whole day there. We go to İzmir in the evening. Finally, the tourists fly back to İstanbul and leave the country by plane

34 UNIT 7 2. You are from Ürgüp. You meet a tourist on a tour in Ürgüp. Use the information in part 1 and ask her/him questions about the places and activities Read the activities in the box and write true sentences about yourself. Which activities have you never done in your life? Which activities have you done once, twice several times in your life? see Atatürk s Mausoleum act in a play win a competition sing a song in public fail an exam have a cruise tour arrive late for an important class learn to play a musical instrument write an original story do windsurfing e.g. I have done windsurfing twice

35 UNIT 7 4. Read the text and complete the sentences about John and Barbara as in the examples. John and Barbara Wayne are nature photographers, but not just any photographers. They travel, they appear on TV, they write books and have their own photography studio. John was born in 1960 and started taking photographs when he was 6 years old. His father owned a studio and John used to work there when he was a teenager. Barbara is a biologist. She travels a lot and studies different plants. She met John 30 years ago and she learned how to take photographs of the plants professionally. When they got married in 1989, they began to work together. They have been to 10 different countries by their caravan. They bought it 22 years ago. They started their TV program in 2001 and they wrote their first book in the same year. They show their photographs and tell their nature observations on TV. Since 2001, they have written four more books. Three months ago, they started their new business. It is a documentary channel. e.g. John has taken photographs since he was 6 years old. e.g. John and Barbara have been together for 30 years. 1. John has worked. 2. They have been married. 3. They have had their caravan. 4. They have made a TV program. 5. They have written five books. 6. They have had a documentary channel. 27

36 UNIT 7 5. Read the interview and write the questions. Q- Can you tell us something about yourself? A- My name is Nadia Burton. I am 22 and I m from London. Q-? A- I have lived in London all my life, but I have travelled to a lot of different countries and done a lot of interesting things. Q-? A- I have visited most countries in Europe, but I haven t been to Sweden, Norway and Denmark yet. Q-? A- I liked the Czech Republic most. Q-? A- I went there in 2009 and I loved it. Q-? A- Travelling is my hobby because I am a travel agent. Cooking is my another hobby. I love to try unusual food. Q-? A- Yes, I have. I have eaten a lot of unusual fruits and vegetables, but there are a lot of meats that I have never eaten because I am a vegetarian. Q-? A- About five years ago. I haven t eaten meat for five years. 6. Use the keywords and write a dialogue. Mary: (ever-see-tower) Janet: (Eiffel Tower-two years ago) Mary: (like-it) Janet: (fantastic) 28

37 UNIT 8 COOPERATION IN THE FAMILY RUNNING ERRANDS 1. Read and complete the dialogue. Choose the correct word from the box below and write it in the correct blank with its correct form. be - paint (x3) - make - finish - clean (x2) - do - start Sarah Jane Tom Sarah Jim Jane Sarah Tom Sarah Tom Jim Jane : Hello, Tom. Hello, Jane. We re back home! : Hello, Mrs. White. : Dinner is ready. Jane and I it. : Thank you. : Look at the floor. You it yet. : Oh, yes! But look at the kitchen. We the floor there. : Yes, but you the washing up yet. : That is because we in your room. We have a surprise for you. : It s different! You it! : Yes, we green and white, your favourite colours. Did you like it? : Yes, very much. When it? : Yesterday. We to paint the kids room. It s pink. We it. Will you have a look? 29

38 UNIT 8 2. Read the sentences in the box. Put them in order and make up a dialogue. Then, write the dialogue. 1. Alright. Can I add vinegar? 2. Yes, of course. What can I do? 3. Hi. Will you help me with dinner? 4. No. Add some lemon juice. 5. Mm, it looks delicious! 6. Here it is. 7. Can you make the salad? 8. Hi, mum! I am very hungry. 9. OK. You have already washed the lettuce. I ll shred some carrots. 10. Here are the tomatoes and cucumbers. Will you put some olive oil, too? Justin : Mum : Justin : Mum : Justin : Mum : Justin : Mum : Justin : Mum : 3. Write a dialogue using the keywords as in the example. e.g. Sandra : I am very tired. Will you make me a cup of tea? David : Sure. Do you want milk and sugar? - tired / tea? - sure - milk? Sugar? Sandra : Can you put just a little milk, please? - a little milk David : OK. Here you are. Have some biscuits, too. - OK. - biscuits Linda : Carla : Linda : Carla : guests shopping? busy how help? drive supermarket? alright 30

39 UNIT 8 4. Read the dialogue and fill in the blanks with the words in the box below. tired tiring bored (2) boring amused amusing interested (2) - interesting Son : Mum, I am. Mother : You are because you don t do anything. You just sit there. Son : What can I do? Mother : Will you help me with the ironing? I am. Son : Oh, no! It is. Mother : What about cleaning the bathroom? Son : It is! Mother : What is for you? What are you in at the moment? Son : Well, I am in eating. Mother : OK. Why don t you make cookies? It is. Son : Is it? Do you think I ll be while I am making cookies? Mother : Yes, of course. You can create your cookies in different shapes and flavour. 5. Write sentences using the words in the parentheses. 1. (interesting) 2. (interested) 3. (boring) 4. (bored) 5. (amusing) 6. (amused) 7. (tiring) 8. (tired) 31

40 UNIT 8 6. Choose the correct word for the sentences. 1. She has learned Japanese. 6. You learn English. a. quick b. quickly 2. He is a singer. a. easy b. easily 7. We share all the work in our family and we live. a. bad b. badly 3. She has done the cleaning very. a. happy b. happily 8. Be. That knife is very sharp. a. good b. well 4. We like to live in a house. a. careful b. carefully 9. You must drive here. a. clean b. cleanly 5. It is a dress. a. slow b. slowly 10. She is a girl. She wants everything for herself. a. beautiful b. beautifully a. selfish b. selfishly 32

41 UNIT 9 SUCCESS STORIES A LIVING SCIENTIST 1. Read the paragraphs below and write their correct order in the parentheses to make up a meaningful text. Successful people in history did not care about failure. They kept working. There is only one ( ) common thing for successful people: They didn t give up. They had 24 hours just like you and me. They decided to sleep less. Remember, today s successful people also failed yesterday. So, work hard and do not lose hope in order to be successful. ( ) In all success stories, there are failures, misfortunes and difficulties. Chasing your dream is not so easy. You fail more than you succeed. You can fail in Science at school, but later you can become a successful scientist. Some of the best economists or doctors wanted to be homemakers. The web is full of videos and articles about the success stories of great men and women. But ( ) these success stories sometimes make us feel guilty. Because we watch those videos and think, Where am I going wrong?. The answer is nowhere. Those successful people also did not know their right place at the beginning of their journey. They simply met the right people and made correct choices. 2. Read the text in part 1 again and answer the questions. 1. Has everything been easy for successful people?. 2. Which one is usually more common? Successes or failures?. 3. Is it possible to be unsuccessful in Science at school and later become a scientist?. 4. What shouldn t people care about if they want to be successful?. 3. Guess the meanings of the words from the text in part Homemaker means. a. cleaner b. economist c. housewife d. doorkeeper 2. To chase means. a. to care b. to work c. to fail d. to follow 3. To give up means. a. give to someone else b. stop trying c. clean d. work hard 33

42 UNIT 9 4. Read the information about Batu Erman and write sentences using the words in the box. born - graduate - receive Ph.D - Associate Professor - win - get - BA - assistant professor Awards 2007 E.C. Marie Curie Excellence Award 2006 Turkish Academy of Sciences, Young Scientist Award Batu Erman Date of birth: 1969 Work 2005 present Associate Professor (Docent) Sabancı University, Tuzla, İstanbul, Turkey Assistant Professor, Sabancı University, Tuzla, İstanbul, Turkey Post-Doctoral Fellow in Dr. Alfred Singer s Laboratory, Experimental Immunology Branch, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD USA Education 1987 Robert College, İstanbul B.A.(Bachelor s degree) (Biochemistry/Molecular Biology, Hamilton College, Clinton, NY Corpus Christi College, Oxford University, Oxford, UK Ph.D., Biology Department, Brandeis University, Oxford, UK

43 UNIT 9 5. Read the newspaper extract and write true (T) or false (F). Batu Erman has received one of the Marie Curie Excellence Awards, the first Turk to receive one of the prestigious prizes since they established them in Professor Erman left Turkey for the United States after secondary school to get a degree in biochemistry and molecular biology at a university in New York. He did his PhD at Brandeis University in Massachusetts in 1998, before heading to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to do his postdoctoral work from 1998 to He started working on T cells there. Over the past years, he has succeeded in setting up a successful research programme in T-cell signalling and development. If T cells don t work properly, people have immune system diseases. In 2004, after 17 years in the US, Batu Erman returned to Turkey to take up a position as an assistant professor at Sabanci University in Istanbul. He has been an associate professor there since When we asked him how he would spend his 50,000 prize, the professor replied: I haven t really decided yet, but have several projects in mind. These include expanding my work with science fairs for schools and setting up an EU Researchers Night event. And of course, some of the money will go towards the costs of running the lab. Research is very expensive. 1. There is only one Marie Curie Excellence Award. (...) 2. No one from Turkey has ever received a Marie Curie Excellence Award before Batu Erman. (...) 3. Batu Erman studied biology at a university in İstanbul. (...) 4. He completed his doctorate degree in (...) 5. He worked on T cells in his research programme. (...) 6. His postdoctoral work lasted 5 years. (...) 7. T cells have a very important role in the immune system. (...) 8. He has worked as an associate professor since (...) 9. Batu Erman is planning to spend some of his prize on science competitions for schools. (...) 10. He is going to pay for the expenses of a lab. (...) 35

44 UNIT 9 6. Read the text below and put the sentences in the box below in their correct places in the text. 1. He discovered his ability while he was helping the others. 2. Since then, he has painted a lot of pictures. 3. In his picture, he drew a hand touching and healing David. 4. I have never painted a picture since my childhood. 5. An organization in his town provides food and conversation to these people. 6. He began to express himself with his pictures. 7. As a result, he wanted to work with people on the streets more. 8. Then, he won several other awards. Doctors diagnosed David, one of our youth workers, with cancer and he was dying. So Jason, another youth worker, wanted to show his love for him by drawing a picture David ended up dying, but this encouraged Jason on art work Jason told me:.... I started by drawing a picture for David..... He entered some of his art work in a show and won the first place in February After David s death, he went to Minnesota to work with homeless men and women. His happiness was so high..... Since that day, this student has worked every Friday night with homeless families This summer Jason began to teach art classes to homeless men and women. I am impressed a lot by this young man He found his purpose through loving others and art. 36

45 UNIT 10 READING FOR ENTERTAINMENT A MODERN SHORT STORY 1. Read the story and answer the questions about the parts of the story. Once upon a time there was a precious sword. Now, this sword belonged to a great king, and for as long as anyone could remember, the king spent all his time in his palace and enjoyed his show and parties. One day, a great dispute broke up betweeen this king and the king of a neighbouring country. So, both countries declared war. The sword was very excited because it was going to take part in his fi rst real battle. It would show his bravery and speciality to everyone and become famous throughout the kingdom. It imagined itself as the winner of many battles. However, when the king and the sword arrived, the soldiers were in the middle of the fi rst battle. The sword saw broken weapons and wounded people all around. There was hardly any food and water left. The sword said : I have never imagined to see such a scene. At this, the sword understood that it didn t like wars or battles. It decided it preferred to live in peace. It could only take part in competitions. So, on the night before the big fi nal, the sword tried to fi nd a way to prevent the battle. After a while, it started to vibrate. First, it gave out a low buzz, then louder and fi nally it became an annoying metallic noise. The swords and armour of the other soldiers asked: What are you doing? The sword answered: I don t want to take part in the battle tomorrow. I don t like war. One answered: No one likes it, but what can we do? Make yourself vibrate, just like I m doing. said the king s sword. If we make enough noise, no one will sleep. So, the weapons started vibrating, and the noise became terrible. It was so loud that it reached the enemy camp. The weapons there joined the protest, too. No one could sleep that night and the next morning they were not ready to fi ght. During the day and in the evening they were sleepy and they decided to have the battle the next day. However, weapons spent the night repeating their peace song and again no soldier could rest. The following nights were the same. After seven days, the kings of the two armies met. They talked about their sleepless nights. They looked at their soldiers faces and soon they were laughing, like friends, at that amusing situation. Fortunately, they forgot about their old problems and they put an end to the war. Each decided not to fi ght and returned to their countries happily. And from then on, they came together to talk about their experiences as kings. 37


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