Teacher s Manual. Level. By Erica Fischer

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1 Teacher s Manual Level 1 By Erica Fischer

2 1 Overview Calico Spanish provides educators with an incredible foundation for teaching Spanish. The curriculum was structured by teachers so that students would have the opportunity to learn Spanish in an immersion environment. Children absorb the language through observing gestures, visual aids, pantomime and demonstrations. They comprehend Spanish throughout various activities by using audio cues, visual aids and actions to stimulate their brains language acquisition centers. Finally, students have the opportunity to naturally use Spanish as they engage in fun activities and sing along with our custom Mi Guitarrí music resources. In this Sample, we have provided the complete lesson plans for Chapter Four. You will observe that the comprehensive Calico Spanish Teacher s Manual supplies teachers with an array of options for introducing and reviewing concepts and vocabulary in Spanish. These different methods encompass all types of learners to create an environment where teaching and learning Spanish is enjoyable! Since children are discovering the language for themselves through vibrant visual aids, catchy music and TPR activities they better retain the language and actively want to use it. The goal of the Level One program is to give students an appreciation for the Spanish language and culture as they develop comprehension skills and effectively communicate with simple sentences and phrases. From the first presentation to the last targeted assessment, teachers are equipped to engage each of their students to ensure Spanish classes are fun and effective!

3 2 Schedules, Chapter Four Calico Spanish includes two suggestions for lesson planning to accomodate your specific Spanish schedule. The 30-Minute Schedule includes 166 Lessons, including 5 assessment days. Alternately, the 60-Minute Schedule provides 86 Lessons, including 5 assessment days. A supply list allows teachers to quickly gather necessary items for daily lessons. Specific topics are listed for each lesson segment to provide teachers with a quick overview of chapter content. Teacher's Manual L1 Update July 20.indd 49 Canciones Songs Calendario Calendar Preguntas Questions Números Numbers Alfabeto Alphabet Juegos Games Verbos Verbs Colores Colors Zoológico Zoo Actividades Activities Final Closing aily ay 1 ay 2 ay 3 ay 4 ay 5 ay 6 ay 7 ay 8 ay 9 ay 10 ecorate Song Lyric Sheet Yesterday, Written dates Cómo está ella/ él? How is she/he? Hola a todos, Alfabeto, La semana, A limpiar! Vengan ya, Todo mi cuerpo Yesterday, Written dates Cómo está ella/ él? How is she/he? Yesterday, Written dates 4 cuatro Review Number Ch chocolate Rima de chocolate 30 MInuTE SCHEduLE CHAPTER FOuR Mi guitarrí C, Verbos flash cards, First Thousand Words in Spanish book, bulletin board ay 1 Song lyric sheets for ay 6 Something brown to demonstrate the color. ay 2 ay 7 ay 3 ay 8 Teddy bear, doll or other stuffed animal, Yarn or piece of rope long enough to create a huge circle on the floor. Cocoa mix, hot milk and mugs ay 4 ay 9 Teddy bear, doll or other stuffed animal, Yarn or piece of rope long ay 5 enough to create a huge circle on the floor. ay 10 iego dice Simon Says Necesitar, Cerrar, Regresar Need, Close, Return Adiós Café Brown iego ice Simon Says El oso Bear Necesitar, Cerrar, Regresar Need, Close, Return Make Hot Poem: Rima de chocolate Review Alphabet Review Color Review Animal 30 MInuTE SCHEduLE CHAPTER FOuR Lesson segments are clearly divided to give teachers maximum flexibility in scheduling classes. ChapTer four 49 All songs that have been taught to date are listed in the introductory lesson segment so that teachers can review them frequently. 50 ChapTer four Lessons are compartmentalized to allow teachers to easily extend or shorten the teaching time. Level One includes so many resources and lesson ideas that for many schools the program easily spans two school years. aily ay 1 ay 2 ay 3 ay 4 ay 5 Mi guitarrí C, Verbos flash cards, First Thousand Words in Spanish book, bulletin board Song lyric sheets for Teddy bear, doll or other stuffed animal. Something brown to demonstrate the color. Cocoa mix, hot milk and mugs Canciones Songs Calendario Calendar Preguntas Questions Números Numbers Alfabeto Alphabet Juegos Games Verbos Verbs Colores Colors Zoológico Zoo Actividades Activities Final Closing ay 1 ay 2 ay 3 ay 4 ay 5 Hola a todos, Alfabeto, La semana, A limpiar! Vengan ya, Todo mi cuerpo Cómo está ella/él? How is she/he? Yesterday, Written dates Review Questions 4 cuatro Review Numbers Ch chocolate Review Alphabet Rima de chocolate ecorate Song Lyric Sheet Large, crisp icons correspond to icons in the teacher s manual text to allow you to quickly find relevant sections. 60 MInuTE SCHEduLE CHAPTER FOuR iego dice Simon Says Necesitar, Cerrar, Regresar Need, Close, Return Café Brown Adiós iego dice Simon Says El oso Bear Review Verbs Review Colors Review Animals Make Hot Poem: Rima de chocolate Activities that should be repeated daily include opening and closing songs. Establishing routines helps students feel comfortable in class and increases retention. Bonus extension activities are frequently provided within individual lesson segments to enhance your student s comprehension. Look for the star icon to see examples throughout Chapter Four Teacher's Manual L1 Update July 20.indd 50

4 3 Teacher s Manual Table of Contents The Calico Spanish Teacher s Manual provides a wide variety of activities to meet the needs of all types of learners. The Table of Contents gives teachers a quick overview of the topics presented in each of the 15 chapters. Learn how Calico Spanish will help your students enjoy and retain Spanish in our Welcome section. Teachers use our introductory lesson to set the tone. Students learn that Spanish classes will be interactive and fun. They also discover that they can acquire Spanish easily by joining in the activities and games. The Calico Spanish lesson plans reinforce key concepts by providing opportunities to review and enhance student understanding with interconnected lesson components. For example, in Chapter One the topics of one, water, blue, and fish are integrated to be discussed during various lesson components. Then the chapter culminates with students painting one fish swimming in blue water. Table of Contents Welcome About Calico Spanish 1 Using Calico Spanish Lesson Plans About Scripts Grammar Notes Assessments Icon Legend References Introductory Lesson Introducing Calico Spanish 5 Purpose Materials Needed Introductions 5 Sombrero de Español Spanish Hat 6 Todo mi cuerpo All of my body 7 La despedida Ending your lesson 8 Chapter One Canciones Songs 11 Hola a todos (Mi guitarrí Track 1) Extension Activity Song Lyric Literacy Connection Transiciones Transitions 12 Señor Reloj (Mi guitarrí Track 22) Calendario Calendar 13 Current ay and Month Números Numbers 14 1 uno Alfabeto Alphabet 15 A El agua Water Extension Activity Hunt for Water Juegos Games 16 iego dice Simon Says Extension Activity Pre-Teach Vocabulary Colores Colors 18 Azul Blue Extension Activity: Class Color Book Zoológico Zoo 19 El pez Fish Actividades Activities 20 ecorate your song sheets Hola a todos and Adiós ecorate your song sheets A limpiar! and Alfabeto Painting Activity A limpiar! Mi guitarrí, Track 7 Final Closing 21 Adiós Mi guitarrí Track 27 Chapter Two Canciones Songs 25 Vengan ya (Mi guitarrí Track 23) Extension Activity Vengan ya Class or Individual Songbooks Transiciones Transitions 27 Señor Reloj (Mi guitarrí Track 22) Calendario Calendar 27 ays of the Week La semana (Mi guitarrí Track 14) Preguntas Questions 28 Cómo estás? How are you? Números Numbers 29 2 dos Extension Activity Finding and Counting Items Alfabeto Alphabet 30 B - La bicicleta Bicycle Juegos Games 31 iego dice Simon Says Verbos Verbs 32 Necesitar, Beber, Comer Need, rink, Eat Colores Colors 33 Amarillo Yellow Extension Activity Finding Yellow Objects Zoológico Zoo 34 El mono Monkey Actividades Activities 35 ecorate your song sheets Vengan ya Eating Bananas Final Closing 36 Chapter Three Canciones v Songs 39 Todo mi cuerpo (Mi guitarrí Track 6) Calendario Calendar 40 What day will it be in days? Extension Activity Individual Calendars Preguntas Questions 41 Cómo estás? How are you? Números Numbers 42 3 tres Extension Activity Extra Challenges Alfabeto Alphabet 43 C el carro, el círculo Car, Circle Juegos Games 44 Yo veo I see (I spy) Extension Activity Actions and parts of the body Verbos Verbs 45 Necesitar, Abrir, Ir Need, Open, Go Colores Colors 46 Verde Green Extension Activity Blue and yellow make green Zoológico Zoo 47 La rana Frog Actividades Activities 48 ecorate your song sheets Todo mi cuerpo The Body Activity Sheet Final Closing 48 Assessments

5 4 Chapter 4 Lesson Plans: Intro and Songs Learn how Calico Spanish s thematic units make learning both fun and easy. Students retain more as they review topics in new ways during each portion of the lessons. 4 Chapter Four Every Spanish lesson begins with the song Hola a todos. Music helps shorten the Silent Period as most students will naturally want to join in with the singing. 51 Niños y niñas, escúchenme! Ahora es la hora de español. Vamos a sentarnos al frente del calendario para cantar y aprender. Empecemos con la canción Hola a todos. Canciones Songs h (Mi guitarrí Track 2) Ella bate el chocolate. Boys and girls, listen to me! Now it is time for Spanish. We are going to sit down in front of the calendar to sing and learn. Let s begin with the song Hola a todos. The following script allows you to insert the titles of the songs you d like to sing with your students. Vamos a cantar la canción. We are going to sing the song,. Ustedes necesitan sus libros de canciones. You need your song books. Encuentren la página con la canción. Find the page with the song. Empecemos. Let s begin. el molinillo Flash cards and Total Physical Response (TPR) help students quickly understand new concepts. As you sing, demonstrate the traditional way of stirring hot chocolate with a molinillo. Sing the song you have chosen. Then introduce the song. Hoy vamos a aprender una canción nueva. Today, we are going to learn a new song. La canción es. Más tarde vamos a beber chocolate. Qué rico! The song is. Later, we are going to drink hot chocolate. Yummy! Show your fingers as you sing the numbers, Uno, dos, tres, and pretend to be stirring a cup of hot chocolate when you sing (Mi guitarrí, Track 2). Children in Latin America say or sing this traditional rhyme as they stir their hot chocolate. The flash card of the girl stirring her hot chocolate and the flash card of the traditional stirring implement called a molinillo can help you demonstrate stirring chocolate as you sing. Literacy Connection: uring the Actividades section of this chapter, you will guide your students to create a song sheet to go along with this song Notice that the word chocolate is broken down into the individual syllables Spanish is best learned to be read and written by breaking words into syllables This song gives you a little introduction into how that is accomplished Spanish spelling and pronunciation are kinder to new learners than English because they are actually consistent! is a traditional song from Mexico. Many songs, poems and melodies in Calico Spanish offer opportunities to teach students about the diverse Teacher's Manual L1 Update July 20.indd 51 culture of Spanish speaking countries. Literacy connections present ways to enhance lessons and emphasize Spanish reading skills so your students begin the journey to becoming bi-literate

6 5 Transitions and Calendar Time Active transitions help students focus on the task ahead. uring Calendar Time a wide variety of topics are presented including math skills and special events. aily repetition allows students to gradually learn many concepts. The clock icon representing Señor Reloj reminds you to be consistent as you transition between lesson segments. This marching song helps students stretch and then refocus on the next segment of their Spanish lesson. 52 ChapTer four Transiciones Transitions Remember you can use the song Señor Reloj, para transiciones (Mi guitarrí C Track 29) to transition from one section of the lessons to another. The following script may also be helpful as you transition. Qué vamos a hacer ahora? El Señor Reloj nos dirá qué hacer. Marchan conmigo. What are we going to do now? Señor Reloj will tell us what to do. March with me. Calendario Calendar h Yesterday, Written dates Ahora vamos a hacer algo diferente. Vamos a hablar del calendario. Now we are going to do something different. We are going to speak about the calendar. Written sentence frames help teachers easily see great opportunities to highlight written Spanish for students. Repeat the Calendar Time concepts as presented in Chapters 1-3. You may use the calendar scripts located on Calendar Scripts page 220. This week, you will teach students the term for yesterday, ayer. Hoy es. ( Ejemplo: jueves.) Today is. (Example: Thursday.) Ayer fue. (Ejemplo: miércoles.) Yesterday was. (Example: Wednesday.) Miren, ayer fue. (Ejemplo: miércoles.) Look, yesterday was. (Example: Wednesday.) Qué día fue ayer? What day was it yesterday? Now demonstrate writing out the correct date for today while your students watch, as in the example below. You can find the formula for this in the Appendix on page 240. Write out the entire phrase beginning with Hoy es. Hoy es jueves el 13 de marzo de Yo voy a escribir la fecha de hoy. La fecha. Hoy es jueves 13 (trece) de marzo de I am going to write today s date. The date. Today is Thursday, March 13, h Extension Activity Individual Calendars If your students created their own monthly calendars, have them point to the days on their own calendars as you practice Hoy es... and Ayer fue... irections to create individual student calendars are presented on page 40. Extension Activities provide additional methods to meaningfully engage students with the Spanish language. Many of these activities are especially useful to challenge advanced students. Here students are encouraged to maintain and use individual calendars as a regular part of the lesson. While these activities are optional, you will find that students gain tremendous benefits from their participation. Teacher's Manual L1 Update July 20.indd 52 All Calendar Time Lessons are compiled in the Appendix to provide teachers with a quick reference and easy access to review concepts regularly

7 6 Questions Asking and answering questions builds critical communication skills. Each chapter focuses on specific question words and question themes. preguntas QuesTions 53 Preguntas Questions h Cómo está él o ella? How is he or she? Yo tengo unas preguntas para ustedes porque es la hora de preguntas. I have some questions for you all because it is question time. Today, use the FTWS book to ask the students questions about how a few of the characters are feeling. Then, follow up by asking the students how they are doing. Open the FTWS book to pages 40-41, La gente. Begin with the boxed section with pictures of the family and work your way across the page from the little brother towards the grandmother. Point to the suggested character in the book and ask how the person is feeling. Pause after asking each question so that students have a moment to think about the answer. You can also get out the emotions flash cards and have students match emotions to people. Estoy bien. Estoy cansada. Estoy enfermo. Estoy enojado. Estoy triste. Estoy regular. Estoy confundida. Below are a few suggestions for describing the suggested characters. Cómo está él? Él está enojado. How is he? He is angry. Cómo está ella? Ella está enojada. How is she? She is angry. Cómo está la mamá? Ella está regular. How is the mom? She is okay. Cómo está el papá? Él está feliz (contento.) How is the dad? He is happy. Now ask students how they are feeling with the following script: The Magnifying Glass icon alerts you to an activity using the First Thousand Words in Spanish (FTWS) book (by Usborne Publishing and included in the curriculum). Here students have a chance to discuss the characters in the book and consider their emotions. Y tú? Cómo estás? Cómo estás, Valeria? And you? How are you? How are you, Valerie? Using the above question sequence, Valerie will either give an answer verbally or point to a picture on the emotion poster. You will model the correct response and encourage her to repeat it. If Valerie points to the happy face, you can model the response as follows: i, Yo estoy feliz. Say, I am happy. Images of flash cards remind teachers to utilize visual aids to increase student comprehension. Guidance is provided on how to engage students, give encouragement, and model correct responses. Teacher's Manual L1 Update July 20.indd

8 7 Numbers Calico Spanish teaches more than counting! Students will learn number names so that they can identify numbers out of sequence. Vocabulary knowledge is then used to provide contextual clues when introducing new words. Each lesson starts with a brief review of prior terms or concepts and then introduces the new topic with visual aids. 54 ChapTer four Números h 4 cuatro Numbers Ahora vamos a aprender los números. Primero, vamos a decir, Adiós, a la tarjeta del número tres. Todos digan, Adiós, número tres. Ahora vamos a decir, Bienvenida, a la tarjeta del número cuatro. Todos digan, Bienvenido, cuatro. 4 cuatro Now we are going to learn the numbers. First we are going to say, Goodbye, to the flashcard of the number three. Everyone say, Good-bye, number three. Now we are going to say, Welcome, to the flash card of the number four. Everyone say, Welcome, four. Full-text scripts provide strategies to introduce concepts with appropriate levels of repetition while maintaining balance with enough variety to keep high levels of student interest and participation. Post the number card on your bulletin board and point to the symbol 4 each time you say, Cuatro. Miren! Aquí está el número del día. Look! Here is the number of the day. Qué número es? What is the number? Estudiantes: Cuatro! Students: Four! Cuál es el nombre de este número? What is the name of this number? Estudiantes: Cuatro! Students: Four! Cuatro es el número del día. Four is the number of the day. Cuatro. Four! Vamos a contar hasta diez. We are going to count to ten. Pueden usar los dedos para contar. You may use the fingers to count. Calico Spanish provides an English translation of every script as a quick vocabulary reference. These translations are provided strictly for the teacher and are not intended to be read to the students. Extension Activities make it easy to tailor lessons to all ages. Here students are challenged to put their number knowledge to work by saying their phone number in Spanish. 1 uno 2 dos 3 tres 4 cuatro 5 cinco 6 seis 7 siete 8 ocho 9 nueve 10 diez Turn to page 53 in the FTWS and look at the number four together. Hay cuatro conejos. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro. There are four rabbits. One, two, three four. h Extension Activity Extra Challenges If you need more challenges with numbers, do some of the extra challenge activities suggested in Lesson 3 on page 42. You want your students to be fluent in their use of the first ten digits. Another challenge is to practice saying your phone number (all ten digits or just the last seven, you decide!) Write out the phone number on the board and then ask your students to read it to you. Have them try to memorize it in Spanish. Yo voy a escribir nuestro número de teléfono. Por favor lean el número de teléfono. I am going to write our telephone number. Please read the telephone number. Teacher's Manual L1 Update July 20.indd

9 8 Alphabet Introduce letters of the alphabet and related vocabulary words in every chapter. Students learn letter sounds and are exposed to Spanish syllables and reading on a daily basis. Alfabeto h Ch El chocolate Alphabet Ahora vamos a practicar el alfabeto. Vamos a decir el alfabeto juntos. Now we are going to practice the alphabet. We are going to say the alphabet together. Say the alphabet one time and sing it one time. Point to the letters as you say or sing them. Ahora vamos a decir, Adiós, a la tarjeta de la letra C. Ch ch Todos digan, Adiós, letra C para carro. Ahora vamos a decir, Bienvenida, a la tarjeta de la letra Ch para chocolate. Todos digan, Bienvenida, Ch. el chocolate alfabeto alphabet 55 Now we are going to say, Goodbye, to the flashcard of the letter C. Everyone say, Good-bye, letter C for car. Now we are going to say, Welcome, to the flash card of the letter Ch for chocolate. Everyone say, Welcome, Ch. Post the letter card on the board and define the word for Ch, ch. The Ch is pronounced as the Ch in chocolate. Increase variety by selecting one of several suggested strategies to review concepts. You might sing or recite the alphabet. Perhaps you ll use the individual student alphabet charts or the alphabet poster. Because repetition is crucial, many variations are recommended throughout the teacher s manual to help teachers keep lessons interesting for students. La palabra chocolate empieza con la letra Ch. Ch se pronuncia che para chocolate. El chocolate. The word chocolate begins with the letter Ch. Ch says, ch for chocolate. The chocolate. h Rima de chocolate Mi guitarrí Track 15 Listen to the poem Rima de on the Mi guitarrí C (Track 15). This poem allows students to hear a question and answer format. You can pass out the lyric sheets to your students and read along with the C recitation. Optional: Give each student a small piece of chocolate to enjoy as they think about the letter Ch. h Extension Activity Color the Songsheet Color the Rima de chocolate song lyric sheet from the Calico Spanish Activity Pack. This sheet is not scheduled but has been provided to allow you to create a complete song book. A traditional poem and chocolate treats bring this lesson to life and help students connect with Hispanic culture. Teacher's Manual L1 Update July 20.indd

10 9 Games Games create community as students come together to learn, practice, and have fun with the Spanish language. 56 ChapTer four Flexibility in game structure allows teachers to introduce vocabulary relevant for their student population. Juegos h Yo veo Games I see (I spy) Play Yo veo with students again. Continue to add more and more complex items as you play so that you are introducing new vocabulary. When selecting objects, choose things that have at least one characteristic that is familiar vocabulary for students. This allows students to practice a crucial language acquisition strategy of building new vocabulary by making guesses based on existing vocabulary knowledge. In addition to introducing new nouns, add clues by including adjectives and prepositions into your questions. For example you can say, Yo veo tres cosas pequeñas y amarillas en la mesa. -I see three small yellow items on the table, might describe pencils on your table. Students may only know the words three and yellow in that example, but by using those clues and observing where you are looking, they can correctly identify the pencils. Quién está listo para jugar? Vamos a jugar, Yo veo... Who is ready to play? We are going to play, I see (I spy)... Teachers are given researchbased strategies to improve students learning and retention. In this lesson, you are reminded to combine new vocabulary with familiar terms and attributes, such as the color brown. Students acquire new knowledge more readily when it is connected to already learned skills. Suggested game variations provide quick and effective ways to review or introduce additional topics in a format that is fun and familiar to students. Remember to encourage students to ask, Eso? rather than just guessing in English. Whenever possible, tell them the name of the items they are guessing. The script below gives you a format to follow, but you ll have to choose real items in your own classroom as you play with your students. Notice how the sample encourages you to show students a few brown items that are not the ones you ve chosen before revealing the correct choice. Niños, hoy vamos a aprender un juego nuevo. Children, today we are going to learn a new game. El juego se llama, Yo veo. The game is called, I see... Yo veo algo de color café. Adivinen que es la cosa café que veo. Qué es? Es eso? Es el pelo de Sandra? No, no es el pelo de Sandra. Yo veo algo de color café. Qué es? Es eso? Es la caja grande? No, no es la caja grande. Yo veo algo de color café. Qué es? Es el chocolate? Sí es el chocolate café. Yo veo chocolate café. I see something brown. Guess what is the brown thing that I see. What is it? It is this? Is it a Sandra s hair? No it isn t the Sandra s hair. I see something brown. What is it? Is it this? Is it the big box? No, it isn t the big box. I see something brown. What is it? Is it the chocolate? Yes, it is the chocolate. I see the brown chocolate. h Extension Activity Actions and parts of the body Play this variation of Yo veo to review body parts and introduce assorted action verbs selected from the Verbos flash card set. Encourage students to refer to the body parts poster for assistance as needed. The script below uses the flash cards for hablar, bailar, escuchar y mirar. Yo veo algo que se usa para hablar. Qué es? La boca. Usamos la boca para hablar. Yo veo algo que se usa para bailar. Qué es? El cuerpo. (las piernas, los pies, etc.) Yo veo algo que se usa para escuchar. Qué es? Las orejas. Usamos las orejas para escuchar. Yo veo algo que se usa para mirar. Qué es? Los ojos. Usamos los ojos para mirar. I see something that is used to speak. What is it? The mouth. We use the mouth to speak. I see something that is used to dance. What is it? The body (the legs, the feet, etc.) I see something that is used to listen. What is it? The ears. We use the ears to listen. I see something that is used to look. What is it? The eyes. We use the eyes to look. Teacher's Manual L1 Update July 20.indd

11 10 Verbs Build students communication skills by introducing common verb phrases and plenty of action verbs that lend themselves to TPR activities. verbos verbs 57 Verbos Verbs h Necesitar, Sentarse, Salir Need, Sit, Leave h él/ella/usted necesita, nosotros necesitamos he/she/you need, we need Ahora vamos a hablar de verbos. Now we are going to talk about verbs. Vamos a hablar de las cosas que necesitamos. We are going to talk about the things we need. Place the Verbos flash card for sentarse on your board. There is no card for salir, but you can write the verb on the board if you wish. Today you can combine a few of the verb phrases the students have learned and also teach new verb conjugations. Place a piece of rope or yarn on the floor in a huge circle. Make sure there is room for everyone in your class to fit inside the circle. You will begin by using the verb necesitar (to need) with the pronoun nosotros (we). Make sure you get your students to come along as you move inside and outside the circle. Grab them by their hands in order to let them know all of you are going together. Nosotros necesitamos entrar el círculo. Vamos juntos. Nosotros necesitamos entrar el círculo. Vamos. Ahora necesitamos sentarnos en el círculo. Nosotros necesitamos sentarnos en el suelo adentro del círculo. Necesitamos sentarnos. Ahora necesitamos salir del círculo. Pónganse de pie. Necesitamos salir del círculo. Vamos juntos. Necesitamos salir del círculo. We need to enter the circle. Let s go together. We need to enter the circle. Let s go. Now we need to sit in the circle. We need to sit on the floor inside the circle. We need to sit down. Now we need to leave the circle. Stand up. We need to leave the circle. Let s go together. We need to leave the circle. Now introduce the use of the third person (he/she/it needs). It is fun to use stuffed animals and dolls for this part of the activity. Kids love making toys do things and it gives them a chance to practice he/she. The script is written for use with a teddy bear, el oso, and for a doll, la muñeca. If those won t work for you, choose some other object or draw a picture of a doll or teddy bear to use as an example. Have the students sit around the outside of the circle and encourage them to help the animals follow the directions as you explain what the doll or bear needs to do. El oso necesita entrar el círculo. Julia, ayúdame, por favor. El oso necesita entrar el círculo. El oso necesita sentarse en el círculo. Él necesita sentarse en el suelo adentro del círculo. Ahora él necesita salir. El oso necesita ponerse de pie. Él necesita salir del círculo. Él Ella Usted necesita Nosotros necesitamos The bear needs to enter the circle. Julia, help me, please. The bear needs to enter the circle. The bear needs to sit down in the circle. He needs to sit on the floor inside the circle. Now he needs to leave. The bear needs to stand up. He needs to leave the circle. Each chapter introduces a verb phrase and specific action verbs. Flash cards provide visual references for students. In this chapter the focus is on the verb phrases He/She/You need(s) to... and We need to... These phrases are repeated in scripts throughout Chapter 4 to provide ample exposure, repetition and practice. Acting out the verbs with students is an effective form of TPR that makes learning fun, easy and memorable. Students will have fun as teachers introduce the third person of the verbs by using stuffed animals or dolls which repeat the actions previously done by students. Ahora es el turno de la muñeca. Roberto, ayúdame, por favor. La muñeca necesita entrar el círculo. La muñeca necesita sentarse en el círculo. Ella necesita sentarse en el suelo adentro del círculo. Qué necesita hacer ella antes de salir? Ella necesita ponerse de pie, verdad? Ella necesita ponerse de pie, y después, ella necesita salir del círculo. Ella necesita salir del círculo. Now it is the doll s turn. Roberto, help me, please. The doll needs to enter the circle. The doll needs to sit down in the circle. She needs to sit on the floor inside the circle. What does she need to do before leaving? She needs to stand up, right? She needs to stand up and then, she needs to leave the circle. She needs to leave the circle. Teacher's Manual L1 Update July 20.indd

12 11 Colors Colors bring the world to life, especially for visual learners. Calico Spanish uses vibrant colors and visuals to keep students fascinated with Spanish. The introductory script reminds you to quickly review previous concepts and easily introduce the new item of focus for the current chapter. 58 ChapTer four Colores h Café Brown Colors Los colores son muy bonitos. Vamos a aprender los colores. ónde está la lista de colores? Ahora vamos a decir, Adiós, a la tarjeta del color verde. Todos digan, Adiós, verde. Ahora vamos a decir, Bienvenida, a la tarjeta del color café. Todos digan, Bienvenido, café. café marrón el rectángulo The colors are very pretty. We are going to learn the colors. Where is the list of colors? Now we are going to say, Goodbye, to the flashcard of the color green. Everyone say, Good-bye, green. Now we are going to say, Welcome, to the flash card of the color brown. Everyone say, Welcome, brown. Post the brown color card on your bulletin board, and then collect a few brown items to show your students during the lesson. Hoy aprenderemos un color nuevo. El color del día de hoy es café. El chocolate es café. Otros colores que sabemos son amarillo, azul y verde. Ese es café. (Point to the color card.) Aquí hay unos objetos cafés. e qué color es esto? Estudiantes: Café. Today we will learn a new color. The color of the day today is brown. The chocolate is brown. Other colors that we know are yellow, blue and green. That is brown. (Point to the color card.) Here are some brown things. What color is this? Students: Brown. Turn to page 52 in FTWS. Look at the bear together. After talking about the bear, point out the other colors you have learned. The First Thousand Words in Spanish (FTWS) book provides an opportunity to seek and find additional brown objects and compare and contrast brown to the other colors you have studied in prior chapters. El oso es de color café. e qué color es la banana? e qué color son los pantalones? e qué color son las hojas? e qué color es el oso? The bear is the color brown. What color is the banana? What color are the pants? What color are the leaves? What color is the bear? Your students probably don t know the word hojas for leaves, so point to the leaves as you ask the question. Remember, the h is silent! Clock icons at the conclusion of each lesson remind you to use the Señor Reloj transition march to re-engage kinesthetic learners as you move to the next lesson segment. Teacher's Manual L1 Update July 20.indd

13 12 Animals Addressing different learning styles is easily accomplished with Calico Spanish. You will have an incredible variety of techniques and methods to engage every learner so that each student enjoys acquiring Spanish skills. ZoológiCo Zoo 59 Zoológico h El oso Bear Zoo A quién le gustan los animales? A mí me gustan los animales. Vamos a decir hola a otro amigo de zoológico. Primero vamos a decir, Adiós, a la tarjeta de la rana. Todos digan, Adiós, rana. Ahora vamos a decir, Bienvenida, a la tarjeta del oso. Todos digan, Bienvenido, oso. el oso Who likes animals? I like animals. We are going to say hello to another friend from the zoo. First we are going to say, Goodbye, to the flashcard of the frog. Everyone say, Good-bye, frog. Now we are going to say, Welcome, to the flash card of the bear. Everyone say, Welcome, bear. Today s animal is the bear, el oso. Post the bear card on your bulletin board. Point to it as you describe it to your students with the following script. The lessons within each chapter are clearly interconnected in many ways. The bear allows you to reinforce the key color word for this chapter, brown. You will also have a chance to count during this lesson, and you should emphasize the number four as you do so. With Calico Spanish, making connections to prior knowledge is simple. Miren. Aquí hay un oso. El oso vive en el bosque. Éste oso es café. El oso hace así cuando está caminando por el bosque. Pónganse de pie y caminen como osos. Look. Here is a bear. The bear lives in the forest. This bear is brown. The bear does this when he is walking through the forest. Stand up and walk like bears. Give the students time to walk around the room like bears. Call out the new words, osos cafés as they playact. ónde vive el oso? El oso vive en el bosque. e qué color es el oso? El oso es café. (Repita las preguntas.) Hagan como osos. Ustedes son osos. Un oso. os osos. Tres osos. Cuatro osos Where does the bear live? The bear lives in the forest. What color is the bear? The bear is brown. (Repeat the questions.) Act like bears. You all are bears. One bear. Two bears. Three bears. Four bears This imagination-based activity helps kinesthetic learners as they pretend to walk through the forest like bears. Audio learners are also supported as they hear the teacher counting the bears in the classroom. Turn to page 18 in your FTWS and ask the students to find the bear. ónde está el oso? Encuentren el oso, por favor. e qué color es el oso? Where is the bear? Find the bear, please. What color is the bear? Visual learners benefit from the bear flash card posted at the beginning of the lesson and from the seek and find activity in the First Thousand Words in Spanish (FTWS) book. Teacher's Manual L1 Update July 20.indd

14 13 Activities and Closing The Calico Spanish activities go far beyond our printable activity sheets. Students have a variety of projects ranging from creating custom books and artwork to drinking hot chocolate! 60 ChapTer four For literacy development, students are able to create individual song books and sing along with the Mi Guitarrí music C. Actividades h ecorate Song Sheets Activities Have your students color the provided song sheet for. The sheet in located in the activity pack on page 10. While the students are coloring their song sheets, have them listen to the song on repeat so they have plenty of time to become familiar with the melody and words. Hoy vamos a pintar la páginas de la canción. Vamos a escribir los números uno, dos y tres. Vamos a colorear el chocolate. Ahora ustedes pueden dibujar lo que quieran. Today we are going to color the page for the song. We are going to write the numbers one, two and three. We are going to color the chocolate. Now you all can draw whatever you want. Fun activities that are wellconnected to chapter themes provide rewarding conclusions to the chapter. Here students are able to make hot chocolate while singing the song they learned at the beginning of the chapter. Cleaning up is actually fun when you sing A limpiar! as you work together! This song will put a smile on everyone s face! Make Hot Today s activity will review the letter of the day, the color of the day and the number of the day in a delicious manner. You will make hot chocolate with your students. Sing the song (Mi guitarrí, Track 2) while you are stirring the cocoa. Hoy vamos a preparar chocolate para beber. Aquí tengo el chocolate. Vamos a poner el chocolate en el vaso. Vamos a poner leche caliente en el vaso. Bate, bate el chocolate. (Sing the entire song as you work on stirring!) Vamos a beber el chocolate caliente. Qué rico! e qué color es el chocolate? Estudiantes: café La palabra chocolate empieza con la letra ch. Bate el chocolate cuatro veces. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro. Sing A limpiar! as you clean up from your activity. Final Closing Close the lesson by singing Adiós (Mi guitarrí, Track 27). Today we are going to prepare hot chocolate to drink. Here I have the chocolate. We are going to put the chocolate in the cup. We are going to put the hot milk in the cup. Stir, stir the hot chocolate. (Sing the entire song as you work on stirring!) We are going to drink the hot chocolate. How delicious! What color is the chocolate? Students: brown The word chocolate begins with the letter ch. Stir the chocolate four times. One, two, three, four. End your daily lesson with a song to establish a routine that brings closure to your Spanish class. Buen trabajo! Me divertí mucho. Vamos a cantar una vez más. La canción se llama Adiós. Good work! I enjoyed it a lot. We are going to sing one more time. The song is called Adiós. Teacher's Manual L1 Update July 20.indd

15 14 Mi Guitarrí: Spanish Songs for Kids Songbook The Songbook provides easy access to the lyrics, English translation, music notation and cultural notes for each of the songs and poems on the Mi Guitarrí C. Guitarist: Capo 2, play chords in blue Guitarist: Capo 1, play chords written in teal chords used e Em B7 a Am Melody: Elizabeth Turner E EL MOLINILLO Guitarist: Capo 1, play chords in blue A B Melody: Joel Valle Melody: Joel Valle Lyrics: Adapted from Lyrics: Traditional Adapted from Poem Traditional Poem Em F m B7 C 7 Em F m B m C 7 Em Am Em Am Em F m F m B m F m B m Am B m C 7 Spanish Lyrics Uno, dos, tres, cho; uno, dos, tres, co; uno, dos, tres, la; uno, dos, tres, te.!! A mí me gusta el chocolate! G id A you know? E E B7 Am Em F m B7 One, two, three, cho; one, two, three, co; one, two, three, la; one, two, three, te.!! I (really) like chocolate! english translation Traditionally, making a cup of delicious, foamy chocolate is done by rubbing a wooden molinillo between the palms. Chil- dren can sing this G song as they stir their own cup of hot chocolate at a faster and A faster pace. A7 B 7 A B Guitarist: Capo 3, play chords in blue Guitar chords, melody lines and piano chords A F C allow you to play your favorite instrument along with your students. Melody: Engelbert Humperdinck (1894) Lyrics: Adapted from Hansel and Gretel (1894) F F Coro G B A C F Full Spanish lyrics and English translations to every G song allow you to quickly check for A new vocabulary B F C terms before you present songs to your students. A F F C Rima de chocolate Quién es éste? Mi amiguito. Y qué hace?. Para quién? Para papito. Y cómo lo hace? Bate, que bate el chocolate. Bate, que bate el chocolate. F Repeat twice, then Who is this? My little friend. And what does he make?. For whom? For daddy. And how does he make it? Stir, just stir the chocolate. Stir, just stir the chocolate. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. id you know? Highlights throughout the book give tips on how to connect the songs and poems to Hispanic culture and traditions. Graphics throughout the book bring cultural concepts and new vocabulary to life. Here students see an image of a wooden molinillo, which is traditionally used to stir and foam a cup of hot chocolate. id you know? Cocoa beans, from which chocolate is derived, were used as currency by the Mayan and Aztec civilizations more than 1400 years ago. The word chocolate comes from the Aztec word xocolatl, which means bitter water. La niña bate el chocolate

16 15 Mi Guitarrí: Big Book of Lyrics The custom big book simplifies teaching by providing easy-to-view lyrics for every song you ll present with Calico Spanish. Images to highlight key vocabulary provide additional clues to meaning for students as you sing. The Big Book of Lyrics is a convenient way to provide practice reading in Spanish. Students will quickly learn the lyrics when singing and can thereafter easily follow along with the large-format text. Contact Us! We would love to help you determine how Calico Spanish will benefit your students. We offer free telephone and support to assist you with planning and implementing the Calico Spanish curriculum for your unique scheduling needs. We also offer affordable, custom training sessions that equip your staff to implement the most effective, research-based techniques in your language classrooms. PHONE: info@calicospanish.com Kids Immersion, LLC PO Box 498 Mt. Hood, OR FAX: (888) Key Staff: Erica Fischer President efischer@calicospanish.com Sophia Maletz Sales Manager smaletz@calicospanish.com Cindy Colyer Curriculum evelopment Manager ccolyer@calicospanish.com

17 Please visit for more terrific Spanish resources including the Mi guitarrí: Spanish Songs for Kids music C, V and Songbook. KIS IMMERSION, LLC - PO Box Mt. Hood, OR info@calicospanish.com PHONE:

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