Method of Evaluation, in weighted categories: Preparation and Participation 35%

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1 California State University Sacramento Profesora Fox-Anderson Department of World Languages and Literatures Spanish 1B Elementary Spanish-Sec TR 5:30-7:20 Eureka 102 Department of World Languages and Literatures Syllabus and Calendar (preferred form of communication, or in person during office hours) Office Mariposa 2063; Phone preferred means of communication Office Hours: 4:50-5:20 TR, or by appointment after class. Department of Foreign Languages: Catalog Description: Continuation of SPAN 001A with a greater emphasis on the development of speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills. Cultural knowledge continues to be an important component: elements of Hispanic character, customs, and the way in which the Spanish and Latin American peoples view themselves and others in the world is studied. Prerequisite: SPAN 001A, or instructor permission. 4 units. (CAN SPAN 004) Course Description: This is a second-semester Spanish class. The four skills listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing are further developed in this course. The class includes the following grammatical concepts, as well as others: direct and indirect object pronouns, stem-changing verbs in the present tense, the present progressive, comparisons, the preterit (past) tense, reflexive verbs, and demonstrative adjectives. Vocabulary introduced will be related to food and restaurants, rooms and furniture, clothing, shopping, places in the city, and more. We complete Chapters 5-8 Course Goals: The goal of this course is to develop proficiency in the areas of speaking, comprehending, reading, and writing Spanish. Students are expected to learn to use Spanish for communication in real situations. It is also intended that students develop an understanding of basic grammatical concepts and an appreciation of the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries. To attain these goals, the course focuses on using Spanish as much as possible for classroom interaction. Textbook:!Con Brío! Volume 2 w/wileyplus Premium & Electronic Activity Manual Author: Murillo; ISBN: ; Copyright 2013; Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated It is required that students have for class communication use either a paper or phone ( is excellent) AP Spanish-English dictionary as well as a Spanish verb finder book (or combined in one) such as 501 Spanish Verbs. We do not use laptops in class, but are frequently engaged in conversation and thus either phone or paper sources are critical to promote communication in Spanish. These should be brought to each class to assist with full participation in the target language. Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course students can reasonably expect to: 1. Demonstrate that they are able to engage in conversations, provide and obtain information in culturally appropriate ways in the following areas: At the market: Buying and ordering food in a market or restaurant; referring to people, places and things; actions, desires and preferences in the present tense; events in progress and typical meals from the Hispanic world 1

2 Your house: your house or apartment; expressing relationships in space and time; pointing out things and people; daily routines and household chores; giving informal orders and advice; daily life in Spanish speaking countries The city: places and things in the city; giving formal commands and instructions; talking about past actions; transactions at the post office and the bank; description of Machu Picchu, a world heritage site; talking about to whom and for whom something is done Shopping center: purchasing clothes, shoes, accessories; past events; comparisons; household appliances 2. Demonstrate that they are able to understand and interpret written language on a variety of topics. 3. Demonstrate that they are able to understand the culture where Spanish is spoken through comparisons of the culture studied and their own. They are able to perform internet searches in the language and explore the perspectives, products, and practices of the culture. 4. Demonstrate that they are able to understand the nature of Spanish through comparisons of the language studied and their own. 5. Demonstrate that they are able to understand and respond to simple statements and questions and participate in informal conversation within the cultural context. Method of Evaluation, in weighted categories: 1. Preparation and Participation: All work in class by attending class as an active participant in professor lead and student centered activities, with credit recorded for most class sessions. The same type of content and activities are on the exams. Homework assigned is of varied point value as indicated on the Wiley Plus site, while each partnered activity in class is worth 5 points- thus some sessions may worth anywhere from 5-20 points, as an average: weighted grade category 35% 2. Exams and Independent Cultural Research/Activity and participation in Tertulia discussions before final exam: There is one Spanish 1A diagnostic review quiz the fourth night of class, and there are 4 Chapter exams (including finals day, which will be a Chapter 8 unit test including previously learned material for the final exam). All students participate and present in a Culture Project Presentation and Discussion Tertulias (sharing authentic snacks while discussing themes of cultural interest discovered during your independent culture project). Students prepare a Spanish language PowerPoint presentation of your professor- approved free choice Hispanic culture project activity. Students must clear both the activity and background research articles that you select with professor at least eight class sessions before your individual, randomly selected due date. Project presentations are divided over the last over six class sessions before the Chapter 8/final exam. Students are required as part of your own culture project grade to participate in each evening s tertulia by being prepared at random to ask a Spanish language question of your presenter classmates each evening. Regular Chapter lesson activities are part of those evenings. Criteria There are four general choice categories for your project, which must demonstrate at least: 1) A minimum of two hours of documented time engaged in the activity, in addition to; 2) A minimum of one project related Spanish language background research article pre-approved by professor, summarized in Spanish in your own words. Identify the essential content of the article/audio by annotation, and how it is related to your 2

3 cultural participation activity as background research, plus your commentary/analysis, synthesized into your 3) final Spanish language PowerPoint report of your activity, describing what you did, saw and learned related to an element of Hispanic culture as a written and oral summary of your activities and findings presented in class; 4) A printed document(s) of all supporting research and evidence, rough notes, source articles/video sources, receipts or interview notes, PowerPoint images and other evidence of you engaged in the activity. Your final PowerPoint report must be separately submitted in 8 ½ by 11 format to professor on your assigned presentation date; 5) Presentation includes 3 Spanish-language comprehension questions based on the activity and presentation for classmates to answer in writing or orally (credited for all as participation for each presentation given); 6) Attend class as we explore samples of student work on this project and go over project ideas and rubric in detail throughout the term. We are fortunate enough to live in a region that provides many opportunities to experience the Spanish language and hispanic cultures of the our state and world. Events are found in local media, on the CSUS campus, and other activities are available via on-line research. Project options are: watch a Spanish language documentary or feature film with appropriate background research of the theme (pre-approved for cultural/historic authenticity), explore a culinary experience including food history and speaking the language (must be pre-approved for authenticity) as part of that exploration, attend/participate in and report on an Hispanic-themed cultural event such as a concert, religious event, presentation or play (pre-approved), or design related research for conducting an in-depth interview of a Spanish speaker in the community (describe your purpose and relationship to the interviewee, such as career exploration, a family history, etc). You will have a due date to meet with professor for approval of your project, communicated by CSUS . Late project approvals result in a 10% deduction of that final grade. The notes you take during the peer presentations, along with conversing in Spanish during that time, will be part of the project grade. Chapter Exams are of approximately similar yet varied point value, and the score reflecting accuracy depending on length of selections, correct spelling and meaning on grammar sections, listening comprehension, short compositions, etc. These are text and workbook (on-line) based. Students begin all Chapter exams with an independent all-class listening comprehension section, followed by a randomly partnered speaking activity based on themes practiced during class sessions, followed by independent reading and writing comprehension sections. On finals day, the last Chapter 8 and cumulative combined exam will include credit/no credit speaking activities. Total weighted category: 65% Final grades are not rounded up as percentages reflect final calculations (one percentage point or portion of reflects dozens of missed points over the term) and are: 3

4 93-100% A; 90-92% A-; 88-89% B+; 83-87% B; 80-82% B-; 78-79% C+; 73-77% C; 70-72% C-; 68-69% D+; 63-67% D; 60-62% D-; 0-59% F Class policies 1. Esta es una bondadosa comunidad de aprendizaje. This is a kind learning community. Learning is easier and more rewarding when it s collaborative. Our classroom is an environment of discovery and collaborative inquiry (not during exams or quizzes unless indicated by professor for certain activities) as you learn to converse in Spanish. Being professional, polite, prepared, positive and participating with any and all classmates and your professor is expected and reflected in your grade via successful completion of each assessment and evening s activities. Talking out of turn or in English off topic is inappropriate and may result in loss of that evening s participation credit(s). 2. The class is conducted in Spanish, and students are expected to prepare questions and conversational commentary for the profesora and classmates in Spanish as well. Cómo se dice (English word) en español? and Qué significa en inglés (Spanish word)? are ways to approach questions. Prepare other questions/comments for the professor, such as Tengo una pregunta, or Puede usted dar otro ejemplo? ahead of time to facilitate our communication. During my office hours or in s to me, if your concerns are beyond your proficiency level, you may use English to communicate. 3. Students are encouraged to form study groups and study teams for outside of class collaboration. Check with the Department of World Languages office for possible availability of graduate student tutors. 4. The pre-requisite of this class is Spanish 1A at CSUS or its college equivalent, or two years of high school Spanish. If you have had a long gap between the courses, it is highly recommended that you repeat 1A, as the review of 1A concepts will be only 3 class sessions including the first day of class. It is student responsibility to seek outside tutoring if your needs go beyond that- it is risky to try to fulfill the graduation proficiency requirement in Spanish 1B without timely, adequate (grade of C or better) pre-requisites. WileyPlus! provides rich support. 5. Bring textbook and all learning materials provided, along with pen and paper to each class session. We do the text s communication activities in class each night for credit. 6. Do Wiley Plus on-line activities on the dates assigned in WileyPlus. Those activity scores are part of your preparation and participation grade and are loaded from Wiley into the Blackboard gradebook. This will reinforce and enhance your class-time learning and help with exam success. 7. Professor reserves the right to change the assignment calendar (posted on Blackboard Content page) as necessary to meet learning needs. You will be notified via CSUS . Students are responsible for checking their CSUS and Blackboard for course announcements on a bi-weekly basis at least. 8. Attendance is required and taken at the beginning of each class meeting. Arrive on time, prepared and ready to actively participate in and contribute to class activities with assigned random partners. You will work at some point with each of your class mates. We may randomly switch partners two or three times during the class, or work in random small groups. Notify me in advance via my and not by phone, if you will be missing class, along with your reason. Keep track of your own absences. Failure to notify me in advance will result in loss of participation/preparation credit. Participation credits from excused absences may be made up by meeting with a classmate volunteer and taking notes of topics covered during speaking sessions. Make up exams are only allowed in extreme emergencies, and may require absence verification, such as a physician note, military or jury duty call, etc. Missing for work is not an 4

5 excused absence. Missing your oral Tertulia Cultural Project presentation for any reason will result in a 10% deduction on the grade as make up presentations cannot be scheduled except in cases of extreme emergencies that are documented, as mentioned previously. a. Check Blackboard course Content for further details on cultural project presentation requirements and scoring rubric. This information will be posted later in term. 9. Students are allowed up to two unexcused (no reason provided) and three excused (eligible to make up credit or exam- see numbers 2 and 3 above) absences without loss of participation credit upon showing completed assignment from missed session, within 4 class sessions of the missed activities. Three tardies is one unexcused absence, as it is disruptive to the class and you aren t there to participate. Tardiness results in deduction of participation credit for activities missed due to the tardy. Upon the fifth unexcused absence, your final grade will be lowered by one half letter grade, and again in increments of five absences regardless of your total grade from exams and classwork in the course. 10. Use of any electronic device during class is prohibited at all times without express professor consent on any given activity. No laptops allowed. It can be a useful tool for on-line dictionaries and grammar resources during some activities indicated by the professor. If instructed to put devices away, please do so immediately. Much of the class is spent in conversational activities with a variety of partners. Texting or checking or other web-based activities is prohibited during class time and doing any of these things may result in loss of participation credit. It is always prohibited during the quiz, exams, or oral presentations. You may not record any class session in any form unless you have a disability accommodation (see #14). 11. Avoid all forms of Academic Dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism. Plagiarism in this class includes running your oral presentation article, or more than 2 words of your own composition, through a translation program, as your offered translation should reflect your proficiency level as gained in course learning content, and should be a figurative translation of the material. For definitions/sanctions see University Manual at For examples of how to avoid plagiarism and properly quote sources, see Special Accommodations: If you have a disability and require accommodations, you must provide disability documentation to SSWD, Lassen Hall 1008, Please inform me of your accommodation needs after class or during office hours at the beginning of the semester. Calendar is subject to change at Professor discretion, and thus attendance to class and checking Blackboard and CSUS regularly is student responsibility and is critical for communication of any necessary adjustments. It is student responsibility to bring this calendar with you to each class session to note any adjustments, and check and Blackboard Content regularly for changes. Dates of exams and Culture Presentations Tertulia are indicated on the night the assessments take place. WileyPlus! on-line workbook activities are due on the dates listed in syllabus and on-line. In addition to reviewing chapter content and concepts, there will be various grammar and related cultural PowerPoint presentations and/or quick practice handouts presented in class to augment book content. These will not be posted on line. Students attend class and take notes during lecture/discussion time. Attendance of the first class of a new chapter after an exam evening, or a new Escena (3 per chapter) is especially critical for first instruction and learning of vocabularies and language grammar functions. Late assignments on WileyPlus! are not accepted for credit, but it is advisable to do them anyway as exams come from text and on-line materials. During class we have lectures by the professor 5

6 regarding both grammar concepts of the readings, practice language functions in communicative context, and go over selections and exercises. Preparing ahead of time will maximize comprehension of class activities: (Numbered activities and Pasos activities from the text, marked with CR, represent credited oral communication activities done with a partner or multiple partners during that class session. indicates that WileyPlus activities are due on the date listed in Wiley): Tues Jan 26 Thurs Jan 28 Tues Feb 2 Thurs Feb 4 Tues Feb 9 Introduction to course, policies, procedures. Review of 1A content including identity, greetings, basic personal information, regular present tense conjugations. Check before each class for activities every session. Review of 1A essential present tense activities, including ser, hacer, ir, estar, tener and regular verbs of ar, -er, -ir conjugations of common activities. p.59 ir, Paso 1; p Paso 1; p.82 Bingo CR Review of 1A er, -ar, -ir verbs p. 108, lista de verbos Hacer, interrogatives to form questions CR: p 120 Escena, diversiones; días de la semana, actividades habituales o típicas. Quiz Spanish 1A Review Beginning of 1B material, Capitulo 5 Escena 1 La comida en el mercado CR 5-2 p 148 En el mercado Numbers p.150, p.151 En el Super Paso 1 CR p. 152 CR 5-5 Boda Paso 1, 2; Manos a la obra p 54 Direct Object Pronouns CR p , 5-7 CR p. 157, 5-10 Paso 1 Celebraciones Leer p Qué aprendiste? Thurs Feb 11 Escena 2 Restaurantes p. 160 CR 5-11 Paso 1 and 5-12 p CR p Favoritos Paso 1 p. 164 Manos a la obra- querer, dormir, preferir CR p Paso 1 and 5-15 Skype CR p Hablemos de comida Tues Feb 16 CR p Café Iberico Pasos 1, 2 CR Leer p Qué aprendiste? Escena 3- Fiesta CR p Thurs Feb 18 Manos a la obra p. 173 Present Progressive CR p En casa CR p Leer Dos recetas, Qué aprendiste? 6

7 Tues Feb 23 Repaso Capitulo 5 CR p. 180 A conversar! Fiesta en familia CR Pósteres de repaso en grupos: Escribir y presentar Costumbres de familia Thurs Feb 25 Examen Capítulo 5 Oral exam communication activity p. 180 Fiesta en familia Tues Mar 1 Capítulo 6 Cuartos de casa y muebles Escena 1 CR p Qué es?; 6-2 Manos a la obra! Algo p Prepositions of place CR p gatos Manos a la obra Demonstrative adjectives p CR 6-10 tienda Thurs Mar 3 Tues Mar 8 Thurs Mar 10 Leer p Casas al estilo español CR Qué aprendiste? Manos a la obra- reflexivos p. 199 Escena 2 La vida diaria CR p. 196 Lola CR 6-10 Lola/rutina; 6-12, 6-13 CR p Tu rutina and p Mi rutina Leer p. 202 Costumbres, horarios CR Qué aprendiste? & Paso 1 Contraste Escena 3 Quehaceres CR p Manos a la obra p. 206 Mandatos/commands CR p Quehaceres Paso 1 and 6-25 Consejos Culture Project approval discussions, prepare 2 optionscheck your due date in CSUS CR Pósteres para presentar p Humberto w/ affirmative/neg. Commands CR Conv. libre sobre Escenas 1, 2, 3 Culture Project approval discussions, prepare 2 optionscheck your due date in CSUS Tues Mar 15 Thurs Mar 17 Leer p. 210 Cultura de quehaceres CR Qué aprendiste? Leer p. 213 Casa de vacaciones CR Paso 1 & 3 CR Repaso Capítulo 6 Culture Project approval discussions, prepare 2 optionscheck your due date in CSUS Examen Capítulo 6 En Casa CR Conv. oral exam p. 214 Mi vida diaria y una familia querida 7

8 March Tues Mar 29 Thurs Mar 31 Tues Apr 5 Thurs Apr 7 Spring Recess campus closed Capítulo 7 p. 217 La ciudad Escena 1 p CR 7-2 En la ciudad and 7-3 Frecuencia Manos a la obra! Commands p. 225 CR Dar instrucciones 7-7 Pasos 1-2 Mapas Entrevista con la profesora de tu proyecto de cultura Cesar Chavez Day Observed, Campus Closed Extra Credit: up to 30 points Preparation/participation- Research and write a word summary of the biography of Cesar Chavez, typed with printed Spanish-language source article included, due printed Tues April 5 Capítulo 7 p. 226 Escena 1 El pasado Manos a la obra! Past (preterit) tense overview CR p Qué hiciste ayer? CR p En el pasado; 7-11 Qué pasó anoche? Pasos 1, 2 Entrevista con la profesora de tu proyecto de cultura Leer p. 230 La plaza CR Qué aprendiste? Escena 2 La vida urbana CR 7-13 La vida de la ciudad, 7-14 Conv. en la ciudad CR p. 234 verbos er, -ir preterite 7-15 Paso 1 and 7-16 El mes pasado Paso 1 Entrevista con la profesora de tu proyecto de cultura Tues Apr 12 CR p Adolescente Paso 1 Manos a la obra! P. 237 Dar, ir, ser, hacer CR p Paso 1 and 7-19 Fin de semana México D.F. Entrevista con la profesora de tu proyecto de cultura Thurs Apr 14 Leer p. 240 Machu Pichu CR Qué aprendiste? Escena 3 p. 242 La carretera CR 7-21 Vida loca and 7-22 Aventuras de Lola Manos a la obra! P. 245 Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns CR p Mal día Tues Apr 19 Direct/Indirect Object pronouns p. 249 CR 7-26 Ciudad/carretera Pasos 1, 2 Leer p. 250 Transporte público, CR Qué aprendiste? Thurs Apr 21 Examen Capitulo 7 Oral conv. p. 254 A conversar! Tues Apr 26 Capítulo 8 De compras Escena 1 Centro comercial p

9 CR 8-2 Las mercedes p and 8-3 Paso 1 Manos a la obra! Irregular preterit verbs p. 262 Thurs Apr 28 CR p Ramón Pasos 1, 2 CR grupos de Isidora and Pasos 1, 2 p CR actividad 8-6 Sondeo Paso 1 Caminar por la clase Tues May 3 CR p Robo Pasos 1, 2 CR Leer p El estilo Escena 2 La ropa p. 268 CR p and 8-9 Escuchar p. 269 CR Paso 1 Qué ropa?, comparisons Thurs May 5 Escuchar p. 272 Manos a la obra! Unequal comparisons p. 273 CR 8-14 Paso 1 CR p. 274 Más/menos de 8-17 Paso 1 Escena 3 Aparatos electrónicos p. 278 Tues May 10 CR p Aparatos Paso 1 CR 8-20 Tienda and p Escuchar Paso 1 and 8-22 Empleado Thurs May 12 Tues May 17 Direct and indirect object pronouns continued CR 8-23 Para quién? And p. 286 Leer Internautas Paso 1 () Final Exam Capítulo 8 with key elements of Capítulos 5-7 Final exam time 5:15-7:15 p.m. Bienvenidos todos a la clase de Español 1A! I look forward to knowing you and being a part of your growing fluency. 9

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