Il (elle) a / il (elle) n a pas it has/it doesn t have. de(s) rayure(s)*/stripes. de(s) pois /spots. Il/elle est/ n est pas it is/it isn t

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1 Describing things Which Ball? Oh, no! Jack lost his balle/ball! Can you help him find it? Elle est grosse et jaune. Elle a des rayures bleues. Il (elle) a / il (elle) n a pas it has/it doesn t have de(s) rayure(s)*/stripes de(s) pois /spots Il/elle est/ n est pas it is/it isn t petit(e) grand(e) jaune bleu(es) vert(es) *Il a DES rayures. Il n a pas DE rayure. Help your child make choices when getting dressed: Do you want to wear your chemise bleue/blue shirt or your chemise verte/green shirt? Do you want des manches longues/ long sleeves or des manches courtes/short sleeves? Do you want your gros manteau/heavy coat or your veste légère/light jacket?

2 Describing people Guess Who? Look: Color: cheveux courts short hair cheveux longs long hair grand tall petit short la chemise the shirt le pantalon the pants la jupe the skirt blanc brun noir blond white brown black blond Who is this mystery person? Read the description and try to match it to one of the pictures below. Je suis grande. J ai les cheveux longs et bruns. J ai un pantalon noir. Qui suis-je? I am tall. I have long brown hair. I have black pants. Who am I? John Eva David Marie Play the board game Guess Who. Ask each other questions to find the Mystery Person. Is your person un homme/a man or une femme/a woman? Does your person have les cheveux blonds/blond hair? Les cheveux bruns*/brown hair? Les cheveux noir/black hair? Does your person have les yeux bleus/blue eyes? Les yeux marrons*/brown eyes? *brun is generally used to describe brown hair, but marron is more commonly used to describe brown eyes

3 Possessive adjectives: my, your... Whose House? Ce n est pas ma maison! That s not my house! Ce n est pas ma maison! That s not my house! Ce n est pas ma maison! That s not my house! Draw a line to connect the people with their houses: Où est MA maison? Where is MY house? Voici ma maison! There s my house! Où est MA maison? Where is MY house? Voici ma maison! There s my house! Où est MA maison? Where is MY house? Voici ma maison! There s my house! The next time you visit your child s school (or Language Stars class!), be sure to ask about the art projects on the walls: Où est TON projet? Where is YOUR project? Est-ce que c est TON projet? Is this YOUR project? C est MON projet! This is MY project! Ce n est pas MON projet c est SON projet! This is not MY project it s HIS project!

4 Possessive adjectives (my, your) Mitten Match Oops! Anna lost her mitten! Can you help her find it? Circle HER mitten/sa moufle below! 4 Oui, c est SA moufle. 8 Non, ce n est pas SA moufle. 4 Oui, c est SA moufle. 8 Non, ce n est pas SA moufle. 4 Oui, c est SA moufle. 8 Non, ce n est pas SA moufle. 4 Oui, c est SA moufle. 8 Non, ce n est pas SA moufle. 4 Oui, c est SA moufle. 8 Non, ce n est pas SA moufle. 4 Oui, c est SA moufle. 8 Non, ce n est pas SA moufle. When folding the family laundry, make piles for each family member. Est-ce que ce sont TES chaussettes?/are these YOUR socks ou S chaussettes?/or MY socks? Est-ce que c est TA chemise?/is this YOUR shirt ou la chemise de papa?/or Daddy s shirt?

5 Describing action Obstacle Course Help Anna complete the obstacle course. Draw her path and help her choose an action by circling the correct verb. Elle saute ou elle nage? (Should) she jump or swim? Elle marche ou elle court? (Should) she walk or run? Elle nage ou elle court? (Should) she swim or run? Arrivée Elle marche ou elle court? (Should) she walk or run? #1 Play Freeze Dance at home! Dance, jump, swim, fly choose an action to mime while the music plays, then freeze when the music stops! What should we do first? Sauter/jump or courir/run? What should we do now? Danser/dance or marcher/walk? Tourner/spin or voler/fly?

6 To have... Artist Asleep Oh no! Our artist fell asleep before he finished his drawings! Can you complete the animals? Practice J ai/i have and Je n ai pas/ I don t have J ai beaucoup de dents.. J ai un grand bec. J ai un long nez. J ai deux ailes. Practice to have and your manners at dinner! Est-ce que je peux avoir s il te plaît?/may I have please? Use a picture dictionary to learn some food, or use this starter list: le poulet/chicken, la viande/meat, les patates/potatoes, les pâtes/pasta, l eau/water, le jus/juice, le dessert/dessert.

7 To have... Camping Trip Jack is going camping! Does he have everything he needs in his backpack? Check his packing list 4and help him pack what he doesn t have! Practice Il a/he has and Il n a pas/he doesn t have PACKING LIST une lampe de poche a flashlight un sac de couchage a sleeping bag une bouteille d eau a water bottle un chapeau a hat des jumelles the binoculars des bottes boots The next time your child gets a goody bag at a party, ask what s inside. Qu est-ce que tu as dans ton sac? What do you have in your bag? Est-ce que tu as des bonbons? Do you have candy? Est-ce que tu as des autocollants? Do you have stickers? Oui, j ai /Yes, I have Non, je n ai pas /No, I don t have

8 Describing past and future events Color Mixing What color will you get when you mix red and blue? Experiment with colors and try to guess what will happen. Were you right? What happened? rouge red bleu blue Ça va donner It s going to be Est-ce que ça va donner? Is it going to be? Ça a donné It was violet/purple rouge red jaune yellow Ça va donner It s going to be orange/orange vert/green jaune yellow bleu blue Ça va donner It s going to be Do your own color mixing experiments at home: mix food coloring, tempera paints, or even have fun with flavored yogurts! Quelle couleur est-ce que ça va donner? What color is it going to be? Est-ce que ça va donner rose? Is it going to be pink? Est-ce que ça va donner marron? Is it going to be brown?

9 Describing past and future events Pizza Party Jack a mangé la pizza. Jack ate the pizza. Jack had a pizza party, but the photos his dad took are all mixed up! Can you put them in the correct order? Draw the pictures, too! Jack a mis du fromage. Jack put on some cheese. Jack a fait la pâte. Jack made the dough. Jack a mis la sauce. Jack put on the sauce. D abord, Jack a fait la pâte. First, Jack made the dough. Ensuite, Jack a mis la sauce. Then, Jack put on the sauce. Puis, Jack a mis du fromage. Next, Jack put on some cheese. Enfin, Jack a mangé la pizza. Finally, Jack ate the pizza. Have a make-your-own-pizza dinner! As each person adds their toppings (cheese, mushrooms, pepperoni, etc.) ask Qu est-ce que tu vas mettre dessus? What are you going to put on? before each step, and Qu est-ce que tu as mis dessus? What did you put on? after each one.

10 Describing emotions Clowning Around content triste fâché surpris Complete the clown faces. Le clown est CONTENT! Le clown est TRISTE! Look through family baby pictures. Are some babies smiling? Are some crying? Who is content/happy? Who is triste/sad? Who is fâché/angry?

11 Review World Flags Color the flags: rouge red bleu blue blanc white rouge red vert green blanc white vert green rouge red blanc white La Chine China La France France L Italie Italy noir black rouge red jaune yellow L Allemagne Germany Le Mexique Mexico rouge red Circle the flag qui a/that has une étoile a star. Circle the flag that is vert, blanc et rouge/green, white and red. Quel est ton drapeau préféré? Which flag is your favorite? Mon drapeau préféré est de My favorite flag is from... The next time you re shopping for clothes, ask about a particular item of clothing: De quelle couleur est-il? What color is it? Is it grand/big or petit/small? Est-ce que tu l aimes? Do you like it?

12 To go Going to the Fair Draw a path to show where each child is going. les montagnes russes SNACKS le manège Les billets la grande roue LA FETE FORRAINE Je vais au manège. Je vais à la grande roue. Je vais aux montagnes russes. Je vais au stand de snacks. Sara Jack Anna Max Make a family schedule. Où vas-tu le lundi? On Mondays where do you go? Je vais à l école. I go to school. Où vas-tu le mardi? On Tuesdays where do you go? Je vais à Language Stars! I go to Language Stars! Je vais au football le mercredi. On Wednesdays I go to soccer. Je vais au sport le jeudi. On Thursdays I go to gymnastics. Le vendredi, je vais On Fridays I go

13 To go Farm Chores Farmer Brown has a lot to do on the farm today. Can you look at his list of chores and draw the best path for him to follow? Where should he go first? 1. Va au* CHORES l étable 2. Va à 3. Va à 4. Va à * à + le = au l écurie Je vais à /au*... I m going to... la porcherie le poulailler At bedtime, practice a few key phrases: Va à la salle de bain/go to the bathroom te brosser les dents/to brush your teeth. Va mettre ton pyjama. Go put on your pajamas. Va au lit. Go to bed. Allons-y! Let s go!

14 Prepositions Clean It Up! Can you help Jack clean up his messy room? Mets les chaussettes dans le panier. Mets le livre sur la table. Mets les chaussures sous le lit. dans in sur on sous under Mets! Put! Je mets I put Tu mets you put Il/ Elle met he/she puts Can you clean your room? Mets tes vêtements dans le tiroir. Put your clothes in the drawer. Mets tes livres sur l étagère. Put your books on the shelf. Mets tes peluches sur le lit. Put your stuffed animals on the bed. Mets tes chaussures sous le lit. Put your shoes under the bed.

15 Prepositions Up, Up and Away Oh no! The wind blew Jack s balloons away! Where did they go? Color each balloon as you name its location. le nuage les oiseaux l arbre la poubelle le buisson devant in front of sous under entre between dans in derrière behind Où sont tes chaussures? Where are your shoes? Est-ce qu elles sont sous le lit? Are they under the bed? Est-ce qu elles sont derrière la porte? Are they behind the door? Est-ce qu elles sont à côté de la chaise? Are they next to the chair?

16 I like... Taco Time What do you like on your taco? Look. Then draw it into your taco. le fromage cheese la laitue lettuce la sauce salsa (sauce) les tomates tomatoes J aime dans mon taco. Je n aime pas J aime dans mon taco. Je n aime pas J aime dans mon taco. Je n aime pas J aime dans mon taco. Je n aime pas Have taco or pizza night at home and ask each family member to choose the toppings that they like. Est-ce que tu aimes le fromage? Do you like cheese? Est-ce que tu aimes la viande? Do you like meat? Est-ce que tu aimes les champignons? Do you like mushrooms? Est-ce que tu aimes les poivrons? Do you like peppers? Oui, j aime Yes, I like Non, je n aime pas No, I don t like

17 Describing people and things My Dog Look: Color: long court grand petit gentil méchant marron brown noir black blanc white Read the description and complete the picture of mon chien/my dog. Mon chien est grand. est noir et blanc. a de longues oreilles. est gentil SPOT Do you have a pet? What does it look like? De quelle couleur est-il? What color is it? Blanc/white? Marron/brown? Noir/black? Is it grand/big or petit/small? Est-ce qu il a des taches? Does it have spots? Est-ce qu il a des rayures? Does it have stripes?

18 Describing actions What Do You Like To Do? Qu est-ce que tu aimes faire? What do you like to do? J aime... I like......jouer au football. De quoi as-tu besoin? What do you need? J ai besoin d... I need......une balançoire....faire du vélo....un ballon (de football)....jouer au parc....un vélo. Allons jouer! Let s go play! What should we do? Est-ce que tu veux jouer au football? Do you want to play soccer? Est-ce que tu veux faire du vélo? Do you want to ride your bike? Est-ce que tu veux jouer au parc? Do you want to play at the park?

19 Review Who s Who? Draw a line to connect each description with the corresponding person. J ai les cheveux courts. I have short hair. Ma balle est GROSSE. My ball is BIG. Je suis triste. Je n ai pas de balle. I m sad. I don t have a ball. Je vais jouer/dormir (circle one). I m going to play/sleep. Sing Happy Birthday in French the next time you have a celebration: Ø Joyeux Anniversaire, Joyeux Anniversaire! Joyeux Anniversaire, Anna, Joyeux Anniversaire! Ø How old are you? J ai ans. I m years old. Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!

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