ADSL/VDSL Principles Loop Analysis

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1 ADSL/VDSL Principes - CH 3 - Loop Anaysis Page 1 of 11 [Figures are not incuded in this sampe chapter] ADSL/VDSL Principes Loop Anaysis In this chapter: A review of ABCD parameters Discussion of bridged taps Appication of ABCD parameters to twisted pair characteristics Discussion of ADSL and VDSL test oops This chapter presents methods to anayze transmission parameters of twisted pairs. This chapter provides a generic procedure using ADCD parameters that is appicabe to amost every type of oop. Understanding the properties of twisted pairs is necessary for understanding many aspects of ADSL and VDSL moduation methods. Being abe to characterize different types of oops is aso necessary for benchmarking the imits of performance for a moduation. In this spirit, a discussion is given on the various test oops to be used when characterizing theoretica performance achievabe on a twisted pair, as we as actua performance of different moduation schemes. Various standards bodies have defined these oops to benchmark proposed moduation schemes and define the performance goas of DSL technoogies. 1,2 In addition, severa sections dea with the definition and use of ABCD parameters, providing the toos to characterize virtuay any oop configuration. ABCD Parameters Before discussing various test oops, a review of ABCD transmission parameters wi be hepfu. ABCD parameters are usefu in characterizing two-port networks. A two-port network is genericay defined to have a singe unique input port and a singe unique output port with some transfer function between the two. These parameters mathematicay reate the input votage and current to the output votage and current. Figure 3.1 shows a generic two-port network. In this figure, the output votage and current V 2 and I 2 are reated to the input votage and current V 1 and I 1 in terms of ABCD parameters as in Eqtn FIGURE 3.1 A generic two-port network. Eqtn. 3.1 Note that Eqtn. 3.1 characterizes the network without making any assumptions about the network s termination. The parameters A, B, C, and D are specific to the transfer function of the network.

2 ADSL/VDSL Principes - CH 3 - Loop Anaysis Page 2 of 11 Figure 3.2 shows two networks in tandem. Each network is independenty characterized by its own ABCD parameters (denoted by subscript 1 and subscript 2). FIGURE 3.2 Two two-port networks in tandem; each network has unique ABCD parameters. The effective ABCD parameters for the entire system can be given by a simpe matrix mutipication of the individua parameters such that Eqtn. 3.2 is true. 3 Eqtn. 3.2 If another two-port network was added to that in Figure 3.2 to the right of the existing networks, the new equivaent ABCD parameters of the entire system coud be found by matrix mutipication of the ABCD matrix for the new network by the resut of Eqtn Thus, if the parameters of each individua network are given in ABCD form, it is a trivia task to find the characteristics of the network as a whoe. ABCD parameters are usefu for characterizing twisted-pair oops because not a oops consist of a uniform gauge and a perfect termination. For exampe, a oop might consist of 9 kft of #26 gauge cabe foowed by 2 kft of #24 gauge cabe. The insertion oss anaysis in Chapter 2 did not account for such a case. ABCD Parameters of a Lumped Impedance One of the simpest cases of ABCD parameters is for a umped impedance as shown in Figure 3.3. FIGURE 3.3 A two-port network consisting of a umped parae impedance. In this case, V 2 =V 1 independent of I 2. Thus, the ABCD parameter equations can be written as in Eqtn Eqtn. 3.3 Soving the first equation is trivia and yieds Eqtn Eqtn. 3.4 Eqtn. 3.3 is best soved using Kirkoff s current aw at point N. This resuts in Eqtn Eqtn. 3.5 Comparing Eqtn. 3.5 and Eqtn. 3.3, it shoud be cear that Eqtn. 3.6 is true. Eqtn. 3.6 Thus, the ABCD matrix for a two-port network consisting ony of a shunt impedance is given by Eqtn. 3.7.

3 ADSL/VDSL Principes - CH 3 - Loop Anaysis Page 3 of 11 Eqtn. 3.7 Z in Eqtn. 3.7 represents the shunt impedance. Note that Z may be compex because no restriction is paced on it to be rea. ABCD Parameters of a Uniform Twisted Pair For a uniform twisted pair, finding the ABCD parameters is a bit more invoved than for a simpe umped eement. Chapter 2 showed that a wave traveing on a twisted pair is attenuated exponentiay with distance and that the exponentia depends on the pair s propagation constant. The votage at a point on the ine is the sum of a forward traveing wave at that point and the backward traveing wave. Figure 3.4 shows a twisted pair with the forward and backward traveing waves abeed at the end of the pair (x=l). Eqtn. 3.8 gives the votage at the other end of the twisted pair (x=0). FIGURE 3.4 A twisted pair transmission ine; the forward (V+) and backward (V-) traveing waves are abeed. Eqtn. 3.8 The refection coefficient in Eqtn. 3.8 was given in Eqtn and is repeated in Eqtn Eqtn. 3.9 Note that in Eqtn. 3.8, the votage at x=0 is the sum of a forward and backward traveing wave seen at x=l. The forward traveing wave wi be arger at x=0 because it propagates from x=0 to x=l (indicated by the positive exponent in Eqtn. 3.8). The backward traveing wave wi be arger at x=l because it propagates from x=l to x=0 (indicated by the negative exponentia exponent in Eqtn. 3.8). For ABCD parameters, it is hepfu to write Eqtn. 3.8 in terms of the two-port output votage and current rather than in terms of the positive traveing wave votage, V + x=l. Figure 3.5 shows the equivaent two-port network representation of the uniform twisted pair. FIGURE 3.5 An equivaent two-port network for a twisted pair. Dependence of a vaues on frequency has been dropped for notationa simpicity. Because the output votage is the sum of forward and backward wave votages at x=l, you can immediatey find the expression for V 2 given in Eqtn Eqtn Soving for V + x=l is then reativey straightforward as shown in Eqtn Eqtn To find V 1, Eqtn can be substituted into Eqtn. 3.8 and upon simpifying, resuts in Eqtn

4 ADSL/VDSL Principes - CH 3 - Loop Anaysis Page 4 of 11 Eqtn To further simpify Eqtn. 3.12, Eqtn. 3.9, the definition of refection coefficient, is used. After substituting and simpifying, Eqtn can be rewritten as Eqtn Eqtn Reca that Z o is the characteristic impedance of the transmission ine at x=l, and Z L is the oad impedance. The second ine in Eqtn resuts from simpy using Ohm s aw and the third ine from combining ike terms. Note that the definitions of hyperboic cosine (cosh) and hyperboic sine (sinh) are present in the ast ine of Eqtn Substituting for these yieds Eqtn Eqtn Simiary, the second two ABCD parameters can be found (the detais are eft to you in Exercise 2 at the end of the chapter) as in Eqtn Eqtn Thus, the ABCD parameters for a uniform twisted pair (or any generic uniform transmission ine) are as shown in Eqtn Eqtn Bridged Taps Sometimes, a twisted pair running to a subscriber might have another, unused twisted pair section connected at some point aong its ength. The other end of the unused section is eft open circuited (see Figure 3.6). The unused section of twisted pair is caed a bridged tap. FIGURE 3.6 A common bridged tap configuration on a twisted pair. The purpose of a bridged tap is usuay to eave fexibiity in the ocation of a subscriber using the oop. This fexibiity is necessary when twisted pairs are instaed prior to being used because in many cases the actua ocation of the subscriber is not yet known (for exampe, when cabes are aid in a neighborhood under deveopment). A bridged tap causes refections at the open circuit end producing dips in the transfer function of the oop to which it is attached. Note that the propagation constant and characteristic impedance of the bridged tap might or might not be the same as the oop to which the tap is connected. Aso note that the main oop itsef might have different ine characteristics on each side of the bridged tap. The ABCD parameters of a bridged tap are the same as any other uniform twisted pair as given in Eqtn In the bridged tap case, however, you do not need to be concerned with the transfer function of the tap (because the signa does not propagate aong the bridged tap) but rather the effect that the tap s presence has on the main oop s transfer function. Using Eqtn. 3.16, a bridged tap s ABCD equations are shown in Eqtn

5 ADSL/VDSL Principes - CH 3 - Loop Anaysis Page 5 of 11 Eqtn The simpification in both equations comes because the bridged tap, by definition, is open circuited at one end, and thus, I 2 =0. Dividing the two equations in Eqtn yieds Eqtn Eqtn In Eqtn. 3.18, the hyperboic cotangent (coth) is used. From the main oop s point of view, the effect of the bridged tap woud be the same as the effect of a umped impedance across the oop with a vaue of Zin tap. The ABCD parameters of a umped impedance were derived in Eqtn Substituting the effective shunt impedance of a bridged tap from Eqtn into Eqtn. 3.5 yieds Eqtn Eqtn These ABCD parameters do not describe the parameters aong the ength of the bridged tap but rather the effect of the bridged tap on the main oop. The foowing section, "Loop Anaysis," iustrates how this information can be used to mode a oop with any structure. Loop Anaysis At this point, you can anayze a wide variety of oops by finding the ABCD parameters of each section of the oop and performing matrix mutipications. For exampe, consider the oop shown in Figure 3.7. FIGURE 3.7 An exampe twisted pair to iustrate the usefuness of ABCD parameters. This oop consists of 9 kft of #26 gauge cabe foowed by a tota of 3 kft of #24 gauge cabe. Because two bridge taps exist on the #24 section (each 1.5 kft of #26 gauge cabe), the #24 section is broken into one 2 kft section and two 500 foot sections. The ABCD parameters for the entire cabe are found by mutipying the ABCD parameters for the individua sections aong the oop. This is shown genericay in Eqtn Eqtn The vaues shown in each set of brackets represent the ABCD parameters of the isted section. Note that six sets of ABCD parameters are necessary to anayze this oop as abeed in the figure and shown in Eqtn This oop is T1.601 #9 and is anayzed in detai ater in the chapter. The ABCD parameters for each term in Eqtn were discussed in the preceding sections. The information necessary to find the ABCD parameters incudes the gauge and ength of each section (aong with whether the section is part of the main oop or a bridged tap). A cabe of this type, with varying gauge and mutipe bridged taps, iustrates the usefuness of ABCD parameters.

6 ADSL/VDSL Principes - CH 3 - Loop Anaysis Page 6 of 11 Input Impedance, Transfer Functions, and Insertion Loss Given that you can characterize any twisted pair in terms of ABCD parameters, you can see how to find three important characteristics about a oop, mainy the input impedance, transfer function, and insertion oss. In each case, an assumption is made that the oop s ABCD parameters have been found. For anaysis of a oop, specific information beyond the ABCD parameters of the oop is necessary. This information incudes the impedance of the source providing a signa to the oop and the impedance of the oop termination. These are sometimes referred to as source impedance (or generator impedance) and termination impedance (or oad impedance). Figure 3.8 shows a generic end-to-end oop mode. FIGURE 3.8 A generic end-to-end mode of a oop incuding the generator impedance at the moduator and the oad or terminating impedance at the receiver. Z g is the impedance of the generator, and Z L is the oad impedance (this anaysis assumes that both are 100 ohms). Note that in ADSL and VDSL, Z g woud normay be part of the transmitter design and Z L part of the receiver design. The input impedance wi be a function of the impedance of the oop and of the oad (but not Z g ). The transfer function wi be from V 1 to V 2. The insertion oss wi be a function of the oop, the oad impedance, and the generator impedance. The input impedance of the oop is simpe to derive. Given the ABCD parameter equations as shown in Eqtn. 3.1, the input impedance is found by simpy dividing the first equation by the second. Regarding Figure 3.8, by Ohm s aw, it foows that V 2 =I 2 Z L. Thus, the input impedance can be found as in Eqtn Eqtn The transfer function of a oop can be found from the first ABCD equation. Once again, using Ohm s aw, the equation can be written as in Eqtn Eqtn Ohm s aw was used to repace I 2 by V 2 /Z L. Eqtn can be soved agebraicay for the transfer function, V 2 /V 1 yieding the simpe expression in Eqtn Eqtn The insertion oss of the oop is the ratio of power deivered to the oad to the power that woud have been deivered to the oad without the oop present. Essentiay, this is the oss caused by inserting the oop between the source and termination. Insertion oss is normay expressed in db.

7 ADSL/VDSL Principes - CH 3 - Loop Anaysis Page 7 of 11 If no oop were present (Z G was connected directy to Z L ), the votage across the oad coud be found by a simpe votage divider as shown in Eqtn Eqtn The power deivered to the oad in this case woud then foow simpy as in Eqtn Eqtn When the oop is present, the votage V 1 can be written as in Eqtn Eqtn The ast part of this equation foows from simpe circuit theory (taking into account the votage drop across Z G ). Substituting in the second generic ABCD equation for I 1 then yieds Eqtn Eqtn The entire equation can be written in terms of votages by substituting V 2 /Z L in for the two I 2 terms. This is done in Eqtn Eqtn Finay, agebraic manipuation can be used to sove Eqtn for V 2. The resut is shown in Eqtn Eqtn Now that V 2 is known, the power deivered to the oad with the oop present can be found as shown in Eqtn Eqtn The insertion oss of the oop is then defined by Eqtn Eqtn The resuts of Eqtn and Eqtn have been used in Eqtn for the power expressions. The insertion oss expression in Eqtn can be agebraicay simpified and resuts in Eqtn Eqtn This expression for insertion oss wi be used extensivey ater in the book to predict the performance of ADSL and VDSL systems on various oops. For more discussion on ABCD parameters, Appendices C, D, and E of the Subscriber Loop Signaing and Transmission Handbook are recommended. 4

8 ADSL/VDSL Principes - CH 3 - Loop Anaysis Page 8 of 11 Basic Loop Configurations To set requirements, compare different moduation proposas, and demonstrate compiance, standards bodies have defined fixed oops for ADSL and VDSL. (VDSL oops are sti being defined. Discussed here are what have been agreed on at the present time.) The foowing sections present these oops and show the input impedance, transfer function, and insertion oss of each. A generator impedance and oad impedance of 100 ohms is assumed throughout. Note: A nu oop, often caed CSA #0, which is ess than 10 feet of #26 gauge cabe, is not discussed. It is sometimes used to show basic operationa capabiity. ADSL Loops Figure 3.9 shows the oops used for ADSL. 1 The variety of different oop topoogies and gauges ends weight to the vaue of the previous discussions on ABCD parameters. For these oops, ony #24 and #26 gauge cabes are used. The numerica modes for sections of #24 and #26 gauge twisted pairs were presented in Chapter 2, "Twisted Pair Environment," and wi be used when anayzing the oops. Specificay, the characteristic impedances and propagation constants over frequency of each cabe wi be necessary for the anaysis. In addition, the basic concepts of ABCD parameters are needed aong with the input impedance, transfer function, and insertion oss resuts derived in Eqtn. 3.21, Eqtn. 3.23, and Eqtn. 3.32, respectivey. Figures show graphs of impedance over frequency as we as transfer function and insertion oss for a ADSL oops (except the nu oop). The responses are shown up to around 1.2 MHz encompassing the entire ADSL band. For the input impedance and insertion oss graphs, a source and oad impedance of 100 ohms is assumed. A few notes about the graphs foow Figure 3.9. FIGURE 3.9 Test oops specified for ADSL. The rea part of the input impedance for a oops converges to around 100 ohms, and the imaginary part to zero as frequency increases. The insertion oss for the ines with no bridged taps is monotonicay decreasing with frequency. The oops with bridged taps have an insertion oss exhibiting more fuctuation. T1.601 Loop #9 is a good exampe of the effect that bridged taps can have on insertion oss. The transfer function (graphed on a og scae) very much foows the shape of the insertion oss. The insertion oss is dependent on the choice of generator impedance (100 ohms in our case), whereas the transfer function is independent of this impedance. Insertion oss and transfer function curves are notaby different when the input impedance strays from 100 ohms. Such behavior can be seen in the CSA Loop #4 graphs. FIGURE 3.10 Input impedance, transfer function magnitude, and insertion oss for T1.601 Loop #7.

9 ADSL/VDSL Principes - CH 3 - Loop Anaysis Page 9 of 11 FIGURE 3.11 Input impedance, transfer function magnitude, and insertion oss for T1.601 Loop #9. FIGURE 3.12 Input impedance, transfer function magnitude, and insertion oss for T1.601 Loop #13. FIGURE 3.13 Input impedance, transfer function magnitude, and insertion oss for CSA Loop #4. FIGURE 3.14 Input impedance, transfer function magnitude, and insertion oss for CSA Loop #6. FIGURE 3.15 Input impedance, transfer function magnitude, and insertion oss for CSA Loop #7. FIGURE 3.16 Input impedance, transfer function magnitude, and insertion oss for CSA Loop #8. FIGURE 3.17 Input impedance, transfer function magnitude, and insertion oss for the Mid CSA Loop. VDSL Loops Figure 3.18 shows the oops currenty designated for VDSL. For these three oops, two new types of cabes are shown, caed DW10 and FP (DW10 stands for Drop Wire #10). DW10 consists of 0.5 mm untwisted conductors insuated with PVC. FP represents untwisted Fat-Pair wires. Short sections of these wires are often used to connect twisted pairs to homes and buidings. These wires are not incuded in the ADSL modes because their effect is negigibe. FIGURE 3.18 Test oops specified for VDSL. For VDSL, these wires are not negigibe because VDSL oops are short, and the frequency range of VDSL signas is higher. Tabe 3.1 provides the numerica parameter modes for DW10 and FP wires. TABLE 3.1 Parameters for the Numeric Twisted Pair Mode for DW10 and Fat-Pair Cabe Parameter DW10 FP r oc (ohms/km) r os (ohms/km) [infinity] [infinity] a c (ohms 4 /km 4 Hz 2 ) a s (ohms 4 /km 4 Hz 2 ) 0 0 o (H/km) * *10-6 [infinity] (H/km) * *10-6 f m (Hz) b g o (Siemen/Hz*km) 89*10[-9] 53*10[-9]

10 ADSL/VDSL Principes - CH 3 - Loop Anaysis Page 10 of 11 g e c [infinity] (nf/km) c o (nf/km) c e VDSL Loops #5, #6, and #7 have more than one ength defined for them as shown in Figure Essentiay, the different engths represent a short, medium, and ong ength oop for VDSL testing. Note that VDSL Loop #5 and VDSL Loop #6 are simiar except for the short section at the end, essentiay exercising the different types of end drops. VDSL Loop #7 is meant to test operation in the presence of bridged taps. The other test oops are configurations representing common oop topoogies. Figures show graphs for the seected VDSL oops. Again, for input impedance and insertion oss graphs, the source and oad impedances are assumed to be 100 ohms. The graphs are shown up to around 15 MHz, which encompasses most of the usabe VDSL band. In some cases (Figure 3.20 and Figure 3.22), more than one oop is shown on a graph to draw a comparison between oops. For oops with a seectabe ength, the ongest ength is shown. The foowing ist provides a few notes about the VDSL oop graphs: VDSL Loop #2 and VDSL Loop #3 have very simiar impedance characteristics, but VDSL Loop #3 is a bit more ossy. This suggests that DW10 is more ossy than FP cabe. The input impedance of VDSL Loop #6 and VDSL Loop #7 is amost identica. VDSL Loop #7 has more oss because the midde section of #24 gauge twisted pair is amost four times as ong as that for VDSL Loop #6. Properties simiar to the ADSL oops are observed. The rea and imaginary parts of the impedances converge simiary. Aso, the insertion oss graphs generay decrease with frequency, athough they do contain some rippe due to the presence of bridged taps. FIGURE 3.19 Input impedance, transfer function magnitude, and insertion oss for the VDSL Loop #1. FIGURE 3.20 Input impedance, transfer function magnitude, and insertion oss for the VDSL Loop #2 and VDSL Loop #3. FIGURE 3.21 Input impedance, transfer function magnitude, and insertion oss for the VDSL Loop #4. FIGURE 3.22 Input impedance, transfer function magnitude, and insertion oss for the VDSL Loop #6 and VDSL Loop #7. Summary This chapter described a method to anayze oops of many different types using ABCD parameters. Detaied derivations of ABCD parameters for transmission ines were presented, and expressions for

11 ADSL/VDSL Principes - CH 3 - Loop Anaysis Page 11 of 11 input impedance, insertion oss, and transfer function were derived. Test oops used to benchmark ADSL systems and VDSL systems were presented, and ABCD parameters used to examine their characteristics were described in detai. These resuts are used in ater chapters to derive the theoretica performance imits of ADSL and VDSL. Exercises 1. Prove the reationship given in Eqtn. 3.2 by writing out ABCD equations for each of the networks and soving them for the tota network output. 2. Prove the reationship given in Eqtn Simpify Eqtn for the specia case where Z o =Z L. 4. Find the input impedance, transfer function magnitude, and insertion oss of a 9 kft, #26 gauge cabe and a 9 kft, #26 gauge cabe with a 2 kft, #26 gauge bridged tap ocated at 8 kft. 5. Find the transfer function phase response of CSA Loop #6. Why does the sope of the phase increase with increasing frequency? 6. Find the input impedance of CSA Loop #7 in the reverse direction (ooking in from the subscriber s ocation). Assume a termination at the other end of 100 ohms. How does the input impedance behave when the bridged tap s ength is varied? How does this compare with the input impedance for this oop ooking in from the centra office? 7. Consider a source generating a signa occupying the band from 0 Hz to 1.0 MHz with a fat power spectra density of ñ40 dbm/hz. What is the tota output power of the source? Compare the tota power of the received signa if such a source were the transmitter on each of the ADSL oops. Compare the tota power received in ony the 0 Hz to 500 khz range. 8. Consider a source generating a signa occupying the band from 0 Hz to 10 MHz with a fat power spectra density of -60 dbm/hz. What is the tota output power of the source? Compare the tota power of the received signa if such a source were the transmitter on each of the VDSL oops. Compare the tota power received in ony the 0 Hz-500 MHz range. Endnotes 1. American Nationa Standards Institute, Asymmetric Digita Subscriber Line Metaic Interface Standard T August John Cioffi, VDSL System Requirements Document. T1E1.4 Contribution , November J. David Irwin, Basic Engineering Circuit Anaysis. New York: Macmian, Whitham D. Reeve, Subscriber Loop Signaing and Transmission Handbook. New York: IEEE Press, 1992.

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