Encyclopedia Mythica Pronunciation Guide

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1 Encyclopedia Mythica Pronunciation Guide Article Pronunciation Area Acheron {ack-uh-ron} Greek Achilles {uh-kil'-eez} Greek people Actaeon {ak'-tee-uhn} Greek people Adrasteia {a-dras'-tee-uh} Greek Aeacus {ee'-uh-kuhs} Greek people Aegisthus {ay'-gis-thus} Greek people Aeneas {ay-nay'-uhs} Roman Aeolus {ee'-oh-luhs} Greek Agamemnon {ag-uh-mem'-nahn} Greek people Aganippe {ag'-uh-nip-ee} Greek Aias {i'-uhs} Greek people Al Borak {al baw'-rak} Islamic Alcestis {al-ses'-tis} Greek Alcinous {al-ki'-no-uhs} Greek people Alcyone {al-sy'-uh-nee} Greek Allanque {awl lawn' kay} Native American Alowatsakima {ah-lo-wat-sa-kima} Native American Amaltheia {am-al-thee'-uh} Greek Amaterasu {ah'-mah-tay-rah-soo} Japanese Ambrosia {am-broh'-zhuh} Greek Amphitryon {am-fi'-tree-ahn} Greek people Ananke {a'-nan-kee} Greek Anchises {an-ky'-seez} Roman Andromeda {an-drahm'-uh-duh} Greek Ankou {ahn-koo} General folklore Annwn {an'oon} Celtic Antaeus {an-tee'-uhs} Greek Antilochus {an-til'--o-kuhs} Greek people Antinous {an-ti'-no-uhs} Greek people Antiope {an-ty'-oh-pee} Greek people

2 Anu {ay'-noo} Mesopotamian Anubis {uh-noo'-bis} Egyptian Aphrodite {af-roh-dy'-tee} Greek Apollo {a-pol'-lo} Greek Arachne {uh-rak'-nee} Greek Ares {air'-eez} Greek Arethusa {ar-uh-thoo'-zuh} Greek Ariadne {air-ee-ad'-nee} Greek people Arioch {ar'iok} Other Aristaeus {air-i-stee'-uhs} Greek Armageddon {ahr-muh-ged'-uhn} Other Arondight {ah'ron-dit} Arthurian Artemis {ahr'-tuh-mis} Greek Asclepius {as-klee'-pee-uhs} Greek Astarte {uh-stahr'-tee} Other Astyanax {as-tie'--a-naks} Greek people Athena {a-thee'na} Greek Atreus {ay'-tree-uhs} Greek people Augeas {aw-jee'-uhs} Greek Aunggaak {awn'gak} Native American Ausautas {ow'-shaow-tas} Other Ausonia {aw-so'ni-uh} Roman Ausrine {ow-shri'-nay} Other Austeja {ow-stay'-jay} Other Automedon {aw-tom'idon} Greek people Autrimpas {ow-trim'-pas} Other B Ba Xian {bah shee-en} Chinese Baal {bay'-uh} Judaic Bacchus {bak-uhs} Roman Badoura {ba-doo'rah} Islamic Balkis {bol'-kis} Islamic Balor {b'-lor} Celtic Baobhan Sith {baa'-van shee} General folklore

3 Basilisk {baz'-uh-lisk} General folklore Bean Nighe {ben-nee'-yeh} General folklore Bellerophon {buh-lair'-uh-fahn} Greek people Bile {bee'-leh} Celtic Bona Dea {boh'-nuh day'-uh} Roman Boreas {bohr'-ee-uhs} Greek Bragi {bray'-gee} Norse Briseis {bri-say'-is} Greek people C Cabiri {kah-bi'ri} Greek Cader Idris {kad'er id'ris} General folklore Calchas {kal'-kuhs} Greek people Caliburn {kal'iboen} Arthurian Callisto {kuh-lis'-toh} Greek Calypso {ka-lip'-so} Greek Camlann {kam'lan} Arthurian Cassandra {kuh-san'-druh} Greek people Cassiopeia {kas-ee-oh-pee'-uh} Greek Cecrops {see'-krahps} Greek Cephalus {sef'-uh-luhs} Greek Cerberus {sur'-bur-uhs} Greek Ceres {sir'-eez} Roman Chaos {kay'-ahs} Greek Charon {kair'-uhn} Greek Charybdis {kar-ib'-dis} Greek Chiron {ky'-rahn} Greek Circe {sur'-see} Greek people Cliodhna {Cleena} Celtic Clytemnestra {kly-tem-nes'-truh} Greek people Coatlicue {coh-ah-tlee'-cooeh} Aztec Cornucopia {kohr-noo-koh'-pee-uh} Greek Coyolxauhqui {coh-yohl-shau'-kee} Aztec Crom Cruach {crom croo'-ach} Celtic Cronus {kroh'-nuhs} Greek

4 Cuchulainn {koo-hoo'lin} Celtic Cyclopes {sy'-klahps} Greek Cylleneius {si-le'ni-uhs} Greek D Danae {dan'-ay-ee} Greek people Danaus {dan'-ay-uhs} Greek Demeter {dih-mee'-tur} Greek Demon {dee'-muhn} Other Deucalion {ue-kay'-lee-uhn} Greek Di-cang {dee-zang} Chinese Dido {dy'-doh} Greek people Dimste {dim'stay} Other Diomedes {dy-oh-meed'-eez} Greek people Dionysus {dy-uh-ny'-suhs} Greek Dodona {doh-doh'-nuh} Greek Dyaus Pita {dowse pee-ta} Hindu Dyavaprthivi {day-va-prit'hi-vee} Hindu E Ea {ay'-ah} Mesopotamian Echidna {e-kid'nah} Greek Echo {ek'o} Greek Edda {ed'-uh} Norse Egeria {ee-jir'-ee-uh} Roman Elara {ee-lah'-ruh} Greek Electra {ee-lek'-truh} Greek Electra {ee-lek'-truh} Greek people Enceladus {en-sell'-ah-dus} Greek Endymion {en-dim'-ee-uhn} Greek Eos {ee'-ahs} Greek Epimetheus {ep-ee-mee'-thee-us} Greek Erebus {air'-i-buhs} Greek Erechtheus {ir-ek'-thee-uhs} Greek people Eris {ee'-ris} Greek

5 Eros {air'-ohs} Greek Eumenides {u-men'-i-dez} Greek Europa {yur-oh'-puh} Greek Eurynome {ue-rin'-ah-mee} Greek F Fauna {fawn'-ah} Roman Fauns {fawn} Roman Faunus {fawn'-uhs} Roman Fenrir {fen'-rir} Norse Finn Mac Cumhail {fin muh-kool'} Celtic Fionnuala {finn-oo-lah} Celtic Freischütz {fry'shutz} General folklore Freya {fray'-ah} Norse Freyr {frayr} Norse Furies {fyur'-eez} Roman G Gaia {jee'-uh} Greek Galatea {gal-uh-tee'-uh} Greek Garuda {guh'-ruh-duh} Hindu Gemini {jem'-in-y} Greek Glas Ghaibhneach {glas gain'-ach} General folklore Glaucus {glaw'-kuhs} Greek Gorgons {gohr'-guhns} Greek Griffin {grif'-in} General folklore Gruagach {groo-ah-gak} Other Gui {guay} Chinese H Hades {hay'-deez} Greek Haole {hah-o-lay} Polynesian Hathor {hat'hor} Egyptian Hawenniyo {ha-wen-neeyo} Native American Hebe {hee'-bee} Greek Hecate {hek'-a-tee} Greek

6 Hector {hek'-tur} Greek people Hecuba {hek'-yoo-buh} Greek people Heimdall {haym'-dahl} Norse Helen {hel'-en} Greek people Helenus {hel'-uh-nuhs} Greek Helios {hee'-lee-ahs} Greek Hephaestus {huh-fes'-tuhs} Greek Hera {hir'-uh} Greek Hercules {hur'-kyoo-leez} Roman Hermaphroditus {hur-maf-roh-dy'-tuhs} Greek Hermes {hur'-meez} Greek Hermione {hur-my'-uh-nee} Greek people Hero and Leander {hieer'-oh, lee-an'-dur} Greek people Hesperides {hes-pair'-i-deez} Greek Hestia {hes'-tee-uh} Greek Himalia {hy-mal'-ee-uh} Greek Hippolyta {hi-pahl'-i-tee} Greek people Hippolytus {hi-pahl'-i-tuhs} Greek people Horus {hohr'-uhs} Egyptian Houris {hoo'ri} Islamic Huitzilopochtli {wee-tsee-loh-poch'-tlee} Aztec Hyacinthus {hy-uh-sin'-thuhs} Greek Hygieia {hy-jee'-uh} Greek Hyperion {hy-peer'-ee-uhn} Greek I Icarus {ik'aruhs} Greek people Inghean Bhuidhe {een'awn boo'ee} Celtic i'nogo tied {ihn'uh goh tyd'} Native American Inua {ihn'oo ah} Native American Io {ee'-oh} Greek Iphigenia {if-uh-juh-ny'-uh} Greek people Iris {y'-ris} Greek Irus {i-ruhs} Greek people Isis {y'-sis} Egyptian

7 Ixion {iks'-ee-ahn} Greek people J Jabberwock {jab-er-wah-kee} General folklore Janus {jayn'-uhs} Roman Jason {jay'-suhn} Greek people Jimaninos {heem-awn-neen-yo's} General folklore K Kishelemukong {keesh ay lay mukong} Native American Kraken {Krah'kun} General folklore L Laestrygones {lie-stri-go'-nays} Greek people Lamia {laym'-ee-uh} Greek Laomedon {lay-ahm'-ih-dahn} Greek Larissa {la'-ree-suh} Greek Lasair {loh'seer} Celtic Leda {lee'-duh} Greek Lethe {lee'-thee} Greek Leto {lee'-toh} Greek Lir {leer} Celtic Lliannan-She {le-an'uhn-shee} General folklore Loki {loh'-kee} Norse Lotophages {lo-to-fag'-es} Greek people Lysithea {ly-see'-thee-uh} Greek M Macha {mak-kha} Celtic Maenads {mee'-nadz} Greek Manetuwak {mah nay'too wahk} Native American Manitou {man'uh-too} Native American Manu {muh'-noo} Hindu Marduk {mah'-duk} Mesopotamian Marsyas {mahr-see-uhs} Greek Matagi {matangi} Polynesian

8 Medea {meh-dee'-uh} Greek people Medusa {muh-doo'-suh} Greek Meleager {mel-ee-ay'-jur} Greek people Memnon {mem'-nahn} Greek people Menelaus {men-uh-lay'-uhs} Greek people Meteinuwak {may tay'inu-wahk} Native American Metis {mee'-tis} Greek Midas {my'-duhs} Greek Mimas {my'-mas} Greek Mimir {mee'-mir} Norse Minos {my'-nuhs} Greek Mnemosyne {nemoz'ini} Greek Moddey Dhoo {maw-dhu doo} General folklore Morpheus {mohr'-fee-uhs} Greek Morrigan {mor-rig-ahn} Celtic N Nagas {nah'-guhs} Hindu Naiads {nay'-ads} Greek Narcissus {nahr-sis'-uhs} Greek Nemesis {nem'-uh-sis} Greek Neoptolemus {nee-ahp-tahl'-i-muhs} Greek people Nereids {nee'-reeds} Greek Nereus {nee'-ree-uhs} Greek Nestor {nes'-tur} Greek Niflheim {nee'-ful-hym} Norse Nike {ny'-kee} Greek Niobe {ny'-oh-bee} Greek Nisse {niss-eh} General folklore O Odin {oh'-din} Norse Odysseus {oh-dis'-ee-uhs} Greek people Ohtas {oe'tahs} Native American Ometeotl {oh-meh-teh-ohtl'} Aztec

9 Orestes {ohr-es'-teez} Greek people Orion {oh-ry'-uhn} Greek people Orpheus {ohr'-fee-uhs} Greek people P Palamedes {pal-uh-meed'-eez} Greek people Pandora {pan-dohr'-uh} Greek Paris {par'-is} Greek people Patroclus {pa-tro'-kluhs} Greek people Pegasus {peg'-uh-suhs} Greek Pele {pay'-lay} Polynesian Peleus {pe-lay'-uhs} Greek people Pelops {pee'-lahps} Greek people Penates {puh-nay'-teez} Roman Penelope {puh-nel'-uh-pee} Greek people Persephone {pur-sef'-uh-nee} Greek Perseus {pur'-see-uhs} Greek people Phaeton {fay'-uh-thuhn} Greek Philoctetes {fil-ahk-tee'-teez} Greek people Philomela {fil-oh-mee'-luh} Greek people Phobos {fo'-bos} Greek Phoebe {fee'-bee} Greek Phoenix {fee'-niks} Greek Pirithous {py-rith'-oh-uhs} Greek people Pleiades {plee'-uh-deez} Greek Pluto {ploo'-toh} Roman Polyphemus {pah-luh-fee'-muhs} Greek Poseidon {puh-sy'-duhn} Greek Priam {pri'-am} Greek people Priapus {pry-ay'-puhs} Roman Prometheus {proh-mee'-thee-uhs} Greek Proteus {proh'-tee-uhs} Greek Prthivi {prit'hi-vee} Hindu Psyche {sy'-kee} Greek Ptah {ptah} Egyptian

10 Pygmalion {pig-mayl'-ee-uhn} Greek Pyramus and Thisbe {peer'-uh-muhs thiz'-bee} Other Python {py'-thahn} Greek Q Quaoar {kwah'-o-ar} Native American Quetzalcoatl {keht-sahl-coh'-atl} Aztec Quirinus {kwir'-in-uhs} Roman R Ragnarok {rag'-nuh-rahk} Norse Remus {ree'-muhs} Roman Rhea {ree'-uh} Greek Romulus {rahm'-yoo-luhs} Roman S Sarpedon {sahr-pee'-duhn} Greek Satan {say'-tuhn} Judaic Satyrs {say'-tur} Greek Scathach {scou'-ha, or skah'-thakh} Celtic Sciron {si'ron} Greek people Scylla {sil'-uh} Greek Selene {suh-lee'-nee} Greek Semele {sem'-uh-lee} Greek Semiramis {sem-ir'-uh-mis} Other Sibyl {sib'-ul} Greek Sidhe {shee} General folklore Silenus {sy-lee'-nuhs} Greek Sinon {si'non} Greek people Sinope {see'-noh-pee} Greek Sisyphus {sis'-i-fuhs} Greek Sluag {sloo-ah} General folklore Somnus {sahm'-nuhs} Roman Styx {stiks} Greek T

11 Taime {ty-may'} Native American Tantalus {tan'-tuh-luhs} Greek people Tartarus {tahr'-tuh-ruhs} Greek Telemachus {tuh-lem'-a-kuhs} Greek people Tethys {thee'-thus} Greek Tezcatlipoca {tehs-cah-tlee-poh'-cah} Aztec Thalassa {tuh-lass'-uh} Greek Thanatos {than'-uh-tahs} Greek Thebe {thee'-bee} Greek Theseus {thee'-see-uhs} Greek people Thetis {thee'-tis} Greek Thisbe {thiz'-bee} Other Thor {thohr} Norse Thoth {thahth} Egyptian Tir na n-og {teer na no-'gue} Celtic Tiresias {ty-ree'-see-uhs} Greek people Titans {ty'-tuhns} Greek Tlaloc {tlah'-lohk} Aztec Triton {tryt'-uhn} Greek Tuatha Dé Danann {thoo'a-haw day dah'-nawn} Celtic Twm Shon Catti {toom shon kat'i} Celtic U Ultor {uhl'tawr} Roman Ulysses {yoo-lis'-eez} Roman Uranus {yoo-ray'-nuhs} Greek V Valhalla {val-hal'-uh} Norse Valkyries {val-keer'-eez} Norse Veeteni {ve-e-te-ni} Polynesian Vesta {ves'-tuh} Roman Vulcan {vuhl'-kuhn} Roman W Wakan {wah'k'n} Native American

12 Wananikwe {wah nuh nihk'way} Native American Wendigo {win-dee-go} Native American Wovoka {who-voh'kuh} Native American X Xevioso {he-vi-o'so} African Y Yaaru {yah'roo} Egyptian Ymir {ee'-mair} Norse Yuwipi {yoo-wih'pee} Native American Z Zeus {zoos} Greek Page sections Go to: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z copyright MCMXCV - MMIV Encyclopedia Mythica. All rights reserved.

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