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1 ORTAÖĞRETİM İNGİLİZCE ICEBREAKERS STUDENT S BOOK A 1.1 Aysun KOLCUOĞLU Mahmut ÖZLÜ Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığının tarih ve 31 sayılı Kurul Kararı ile öğretim yılından itibaren 5 (beş) yıl süre ile Ders Kitabı olarak kabul edilmiştir.

2 Harf Eğitim Yayıncılığı Limited Şirketi Reşit Galip Cd. Hatır Sk. 23/2 GOP - Çankaya ANKARA e-posta: bilgi@harfegitim.com.tr web: Harf Eğitim Yayıncılığı Editör Fırat ARSLAN Dil Uzmanı Evren ONUR Görsel Tasarım Uzmanı ve Teknik Yönetmen Hatice Ayan Program Geliştirme Uzmanı Murat TÜRKMEN Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Uzmanı Burçe Evrim DÖNMEZER Rehberlik ve Gelişim Uzmanı Pınar ALTINIŞIK Görsel ve Teknik Hazırlık Harf Eğitim Yayıncılığı ISBN:

3 İSTİKLÂL MARŞI Korkma, sönmez bu şafaklarda yüzen al sancak; Sönmeden yurdumun üstünde tüten en son ocak. O benim milletimin yıldızıdır parlayacak; O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak. Çatma, kurban olayım, çehreni ey nazlı hilâl! Kahraman ırkıma bir gül! Ne bu şiddet, bu celâl? Sana olmaz dökülen kanlarımız sonra helâl. Hakkıdır, Hakk a tapan, milletimin istiklâl! Ben ezelden beridir hür yaşadım, hür yaşarım. Hangi çılgın bana zincir vuracakmış? Şaşarım! Kükremiş sel gibiyim, bendimi çiğner, aşarım. Yırtarım dağları, enginlere sığmam, taşarım. Garbın âfâkını sarmışsa çelik zırhlı duvar. Benim iman dolu göğsüm gibi serhaddim var. Ulusun, korkma! Nasıl böyle bir imanı boğar, Medeniyyet! dediğin tek dişi kalmış canavar? Arkadaş! Yurduma alçakları uğratma, sakın. Siper et gövdeni, dursun bu hayâsızca akın. Doğacaktır sana va dettiği günler Hakk ın... Kim bilir, belki yarın, belki yarından da yakın. Bastığın yerleri toprak! diyerek geçme, tanı: Düşün altındaki binlerce kefensiz yatanı. Sen şehid oğlusun, incitme, yazıktır, atanı: Verme, dünyaları alsan da bu cennet vatanı. Kim bu cennet vatanın uğruna olmaz ki fedâ? Şühedâ fışkıracak toprağı sıksan, şühedâ! Cânı, cânânı, bütün varımı alsın da Huda, Etmesin tek vatanımdan beni dünyada cüdâ. Ruhumun senden, İlâhi, şudur ancak emeli: Değmesin mabedimin göğsüne nâmahrem eli. Bu ezanlar -ki şahadetleri dinin temeli- Ebedî yurdumun üstünde benim inlemeli. O zaman vecd ile bin secde eder -varsa- taşım, Her cerîhamdan, İlâhi, boşanıp kanlı yaşım, Fışkırır ruh-ı mücerred gibi yerden na şım; O zaman yükselerek arşa değer belki başım. Dalgalan sen de şafaklar gibi ey şanlı hilâl! Olsun artık dökülen kanlarımın hepsi helâl. Ebediyyen sana yok, ırkıma yok izmihlâl: Hakkıdır, hür yaşamış, bayrağımın hürriyet; Hakkıdır, Hakk a tapan, milletimin istiklâl! Mehmet Âkif ERSOY 3

4 ATATÜRK ÜN GENÇLİĞE HİTABESİ Ey Türk Gençliği! Birinci vazifen, Türk istiklâlini, Türk cumhuriyetini, ilelebet, muhafaza ve müdafaa etmektir. Mevcudiyetinin ve istikbalinin yegâne temeli budur. Bu temel, senin, en kıymetli hazinendir. İstikbalde dahi, seni, bu hazineden, mahrum etmek isteyecek, dahilî ve haricî, bedhahların olacaktır. Bir gün, istiklâl ve cumhuriyeti müdafaa mecburiyetine düşersen, vazifeye atılmak için, içinde bulunacağın vaziyetin imkân ve şeraitini düşünmeyeceksin! Bu imkân ve şerait, çok nâmüsait bir mahiyette tezahür edebilir. İstiklâl ve cumhuriyetine kast edecek düşmanlar, bütün dünyada emsali görülmemiş bir galibiyetin mümessili olabilirler. Cebren ve hile ile aziz vatanın, bütün kaleleri zapt edilmiş, bütün tersanelerine girilmiş, bütün orduları dağıtılmış ve memleketin her köşesi bilfiil işgal edilmiş olabilir. Bütün bu şeraitten daha elîm ve daha vahim olmak üzere, memleketin dahilinde, iktidara sahip olanlar gaflet ve dalâlet ve hattâ hıyanet içinde bulunabilirler. Hattâ bu iktidar sahipleri şahsî menfaatlerini, müstevlilerin siyasî emelleriyle tevhit edebilirler. Millet, fakr u zaruret içinde harap ve bîtap düşmüş olabilir. Ey Türk istikbalinin evlâdı! İşte, bu ahval ve şerait içinde dahi, vazifen; Türk istiklâl ve cumhuriyetini kurtarmaktır! Muhtaç olduğun kudret, damarlarındaki asîl kanda, mevcuttur! 4

5 Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK

6 6

7 ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDENT S BOOK Name of the theme THEME 2 YOUTH Theme cover page (Theme cover page gives a brief idea of the theme) Before you start: What s your favourite cloth? Do you like shopping? How do you feel today? Who is your favourite good looking celebrity? In this theme you will learn to talk about your clothes to describe people to express your opinion to ask and give the price of something to write a description of a person to talk about your feelings to talk about the names of your personal items and write about them to describe objects (big, small, large, red) Each theme has Before you start questions to introduce the theme. Students answer them as warm up questions to get ready for the theme. In this theme you will learn... is the target to be accomplished at the end of the theme. 29 the names of the objects and the colours. Each theme has three parts: Part A, Part B and Part C All themes start with a vocabulary activity. THEME 1 A Person and the Society PART A: Hi everybody! 1. VOCABULARY A. Look at the pictures and answer the question. What part of the day is it? Write them under the correct pictures. x. It s a big box. Look! This is my umbrella. It s white. It s really nice,. What s that? il case and that s my brown backpack. It is over there. It s black and white. Where is my purse? LISTEN activities enable students to learn and practice both pronunciation and the usage of the points taught throughout the theme. B. How do people say goodbye and greet each other? Write in the correct blank. Bye Good night See you Good morning Hello See you later Take care Good afternoon Hi See you tomorrow Good evening Goodbye Have a nice weekend urse. are. Hi everybody! B. Listen and repeat the numbers PRONUNCIATION eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen A. Listen and repeat the numbers Notice the difference. thirteen - thirty sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen fourteen - forty B. Listen and put a tick in the twenty twenty-one twenty-two correct box ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred READ A. Listen and read. Jack: Hello. My name is Jack. What s your name? Sue: Hi, Jack. My name is Sue. Are you the new student? Jack: Yes, I am the new student in the course. How old are you? Sue: I m twenty-one. And how old are you, Jack? Jack: I m twenty-four. What s your phone number, Sue? Sue: It s What s your address, Jack? Jack: jack89@gmail.com. Sue: Thanks. See you tomorrow, Jack. Jack: Bye. Take care. B. Read again and write J (for Jack) or S (for Sue). 24 years old the new student jack89@gmail.com 21 years old 9. SPEAK Talk in pairs. Ask and answer. What s your It s phone number? 10. PRACTİCE Write questions for the given answers. 1.? 3.? I m 15. Fine, thanks. And you? 2.? 4.? It s iza1@hotmail.com. It s PART A READ activities enable students recognition and comprehension. Also, enable them to see the topics in a context LISTEN A. Before you listen, tell the class what the pictures show. Circle the correct one. 1. Greetings 2. Saying goodbye 3. Both SPEAK activities enable students to practice the topics within different speaking activities like; dialogues, group or pair works, role plays etc. PRACTICE activities help students to reinforce the learned subjects in a written form and write T (for true) green. Sorry = when you don t understand someone Opps! = when something goes wrong Here you are = when you are giving something to someone Grammar Reference page 94 (Part B-11) 11. PRACTICE Students notice the grammar points, new vocabulary and sometimes some phrases by looking at the noticeboards. Grammar reference notifications give a direction About me to the students about where to Bfind the grammar explanations and rules. As well as it gives opportunity to find the rules, by completing, filling etc. PART Complete the dialogues. 1. Tony: Is your book, David? David: No,. My book is over there. 3. Jack: What colour your pencil case? Sue: It s orange and green. Jack: Is your pencil case? 7

8 CONTENTS STUDENT S BOOK LAYOUT... 7 HELLO... 9 THEME 1 A PERSON AND THE SOCIETY PART A: Hi everybody! PART B: About me PART C: Me and my family THEME 2 YOUTH PART A: Teenagers clothes PART B: Teenagers appearance PART C: Teenagers feelings and favourites THEME 3 JOBS PART A: What do you do? PART B: I want to be an artist PART C: My schedule THEME 4 PERSONALITY AND CHARACTER PART A: Me, My Likes & Dislikes PART B: Everyday Life PARTC: A busy person THEME 5 TOURISM PART A: Downtown PART B: Do you like your house? PART C: Sightseeing THEME 6 DREAMS AND PLANS PART A: What s your dream holiday? PART B: Time to travel PART C: Would you like to go on a holiday? GRAMMAR REFERENCE PAGES VOCABULARY LIST REFERENCES

9 HELLO! 9

10 HELLO! 1. WHAT S THIS IN ENGLISH? Tell the class. A. Look at the pictures and write the English word under each picture. Then, listen and check your answer. B. Do you know any other English words? Write them down. 10

11 Introduction: Hello! 2. HOW DO YOU SPELL? A. Listen to the alphabet and repeat. The English Alphabet B. Remember the words in 1A. Listen to the dialogues and check your spelling for the words in 1A. e.g. A: How do you spell? B: It s L-E-M-O-N-A-D-E 3. COUNTRIES AND NATIONALITIES A. Match the names with the countries in the photos. FRANCE TURKEY SWEDEN ENGLAND ITALY SPAIN B. Fill in the chart. COUNTRY France Germany Portugal Turkish Japanese Mexican NATIONALITY 11

12 Introduction: Hello! B. Read the dialogue. Then, choose a country from the chart. Act out the dialogue as in the example. Take turns. e.g. A: Where are you from? B: I m from Turkey. I m Turkish. 4. HOW DO YOU DO? Look at the picture and tell the class. What are they doing? A. Read the dialogue and check your answer. Melis: Hi George. Welcome to our country. George: Hi Melis. Glad to be here. Melis: This is my mother Eda Türkmen. And this is my father Erkan Türkmen. George: How do you do Mrs Türkmen? Eda: Nice to meet you, George. Come on. Let s go in and have a rest. B. Complete the dialogue. Lucy: Hi. I m Lucy.? Michael: My name is Michael. Lucy:? Michael: I m from New York. Lucy: I m from London. Nice to meet you, Michael. Michael:, Lucy. 12

13 THEME 1 A PERSON AND THE SOCIETY Before you start: How do you greet people? What is your lucky number? Where is your best friend from? What have you got in your class? In this theme you will learn to greet people to introduce yourself and meet others to give and ask personal information to use numbers to talk about your relationships to write about your family to talk about your personal belongings to describe objects (name of the object and its colour) 13

14 THEME 1 A Person and the Society PART A: Hi everybody! 1. VOCABULARY A. Look at the pictures and answer the question. What part of the day is it? Write them under the correct pictures. B. How do people say goodbye and greet each other? Write in the correct blank. Bye Good night See you Good morning Hello See you later Take care Good afternoon Hi See you tomorrow Good evening Goodbye Have a nice weekend 2. LISTEN A. Before you listen, tell the class what the pictures show. Circle the correct one. 1. Greetings 2. Saying goodbye 3. Both

15 Hi everybody! B. 1. Listen to the three dialogues and find the pictures. 2. Complete the dialogues. Then listen and check your answers. Dialogue 1: Scott : Good, Jill. Jill : Hi, Scott.? Scott : Not bad.? Jill :, thanks. Dialogue 2: Paul :, Jim. Jim :, Man. How is it going? Paul : Hmm. Not much. What? Jim :! Dialogue 3: Mrs Ignes : Good, Mr Dupont.? Mr Dupont :, Mrs Ignes. I m. And you? Mrs Ignes : I m very, thank you. PART A 3. SPEAK Read the dialogues again in B2. Choose a dialogue and act out. Talk in groups of three and act out similar dialogues. Good afternoon Scott. Not bad. Hi James. How is it going? 4. VOCABULARY-Classroom objects A. Match the photos with the names of the objects television whiteboard duster poster window door table desk clock 4 5 computer bookcase calendar board marker 6 7 B. Look at the picture and write the number of the objects on the picture

16 THEME A Person and the Society 1 5. LISTEN - Classroom instructions A. Look at the picture. Who are they? Where are they? B. 1. Listen and repeat. Be quiet, please! What does this word mean? I don t understand. Close your books. Can I go out? Clean the board. Listen to the CD. Can you repeat that, please? 2. Who usually says these phrases? Teachers or students? Write T or S in the correct box above. 6. VOCABULARY- Numbers A. 1. Listen and repeat. 2. Write the number in the correct box. zero one two three four six seven eight nine ten five 16

17 B. Listen and repeat the numbers eleven 16 sixteen 20 twenty 10 ten 60 sixty READ 12 twelve 17 seventeen 20 twenty 70 seventy thirteen 18 eighteen twenty-one 30 thirty 80 eighty A. Listen and read. Jack: Hello. My name is Jack. What s your name? Sue: Hi, Jack. My name is Sue. Are you the new student? Jack: Yes, I am the new student in the course. How old are you? Sue: I m twenty-one. And how old are you, Jack? Jack: I m twenty-four. What s your phone number, Sue? Sue: It s What s your address, Jack? Jack: jack89@gmail.com. Sue: Thanks. See you tomorrow, Jack. Jack: Bye. Take care. B. Read again and write J (for Jack) or S (for Sue). 24 years old the new student jack89@gmail.com 21 years old 14 fourteen 19 nineteen 40 forty 90 ninety fifteen twenty-two 50 fifty 100 one hundred 7. PRONUNCIATION Hi everybody! A. Listen and repeat the numbers. Notice the difference. thirteen - thirty fourteen - forty B. Listen and put a tick in the correct box PART A 9. SPEAK Talk in pairs. Ask and answer. What s your phone number? It s PRACTİCE Write questions for the given answers. 1.? 3.? I m 15. Fine, thanks. And you? 2.? 4.? It s iza1@hotmail.com. It s

18 THEME 1 A Person and the Society PART B: About me 1. VOCABULARY-Countries and nationalities Look at the flags. Do you know these countries? Write the missing letters. P AN H N T EY B Z J P N T Y G R N F N SP N V EZU L H G Y 2. LISTEN Match and write the countries next to the nationalities. Listen and check your answers. Then listen and repeat. Japanese Polish Chinese German Italian Venezuelan French Spanish Brazilian Hungarian 3. READ A. Look at the picture and guess. Where are they from? Read and check your guess. 18

19 About me PART B Paul: Hello, Rositta. This is my friend Simge. Simge, this is Rositta. Rosetta: Hi. Nice to meet you, Simge. Simge: Nice to meet you, too. Rosetta: Where are you from Simge? Simge: I m from Turkey and I m the new student in class 9D. Paul is my classmate. Are you Italian? Rosetta: Yes, I am but I m not in class 9D. I m in class 9C. B. Read again and complete the sentences. 1. Simge is. 2. Rosetta is from. 3. Rosetta is in class. 4. and are classmates. Short forms I am from Turkey= I m from Turkey He is Turkish = He s Turkish They are in the class= They re in the class 4. SPEAK Read the dialogue again and talk in groups. Hi, Jim! This is Maria. Maria, this is Jim. Hi, Jim! Nice to meet you. 5. VOCABULARY-Who is she? A. Listen and repeat. Then write the number of the picture in the box. You can use one picture number more than once celebrity roommate dish friend colleague boss neighbour teacher desk mate B. Complete the sentences with the correct word above. 1. Jennifer Aniston is a TV show. 2. My and I are in room My and I are 15. We are in the same class. 4. Mrs Brennan is our. She is from the USA. 5. Sushi is a Japanese. 19

20 THEME A Person and the Society 1 6. READ A. Look at the photos and find. Who is my famous celebrity? This is Tarçın. It is an American cocker. It s my dog. This is Noémi and Blanca. They are my friends. Noémi is from Hungary and Blanca is Spanish. This is my house. My address is 324 West Main Road Apartment, 8 New York, New York This is John and Mary. They are our neighbours. They are married. They are from the USA. ALL AROUND ME This is my desk mate, Lucy. She is from England. This is Fettuccini. It s an Italian dish. This is Leonardo DiCaprio. He is my favourite celebrity. He isn t a TV show celebrity. This is Tom. Tom and John aren t roommates. They are colleagues. B. Read the text. Then circle the correct one. 1. Fettuccini is /isn t a Japanese dish. 2. John and Mary are / aren t our neighbours 3. Tom and John are / aren t colleagues. 4. Lucy is / isn t English. 5. Are / Is Noémi and Blanca Spanish? C. Read again and answer the questions. 1. Who are my friends? 2. Where is my desk mate from? 3. What is Fettuccini? 4. What nationality is Tarçın? 5. Are John and Mary from the USA? 6. Is Tom married? who - asks about people where - asks about places The USA= the United States of America Single = not married Married= a couple who are a husband and a wife. 20

21 7. PRACTICE About me Grammar Reference page 94 (Part B-7) PART B Complete the dialogues. 1. Ray: Hi! My name is Ray.? Amanda: I m Amanda. Nice to meet you, Ray.? Ray:, too. I m from Canada.? Amanda: He is Charles. He is my. We are in the same class. Charles: Hello, Ray!? Ray: Yes, I am. I m from London in England., Charles? Charles: I m Ruth: you in this class? Jessica: No,. I m in class 9D. Tom in this class. Ruth: he your friend? Jessica: Yes,.Oh! Who? Ruth: They my friends. Thank you. See. Jessica: Goodbye. 8. WRITE Read All around me in 6A again and write all around you. 9. VOCABULARY- Colours A. Listen and repeat. What is this? What colour is it? a umbrella a pencil case a pen a folder a and hat a staple a backpack a purse a notebook an and gift box B. Write the colours in the correct blanks. black white red brown yellow orange blue purple pink green 21

22 THEME A Person and the Society READ A. Look at the picture. Tell the names of the objects and the colours. B. Read and check. Judy: Opps! What s that? Kate: It s my personal box. It s a big box. Look! This is my umbrella. It s white. It s really nice, isn t it? Judy: Yes, it s really great. What s that? Kate: It s my purple pencil case and that s my brown backpack. It is over there. Judy: And this? Kate: Oh! That s my hat. It s black and white. Where is my purse? Judy: What colour is it? Kate: It s pink. Judy: Sorry? Kate: It s a leather pink purse. Judy: Here it is. Here you are. Kate: Thanks. C. Read the dialogue again and write T (for true) or F (for false). 1. It isn t a big box. 2. The hat is orange and green. 3. The purse is pink. 4. It s a black umbrella. Sorry = when you don t understand someone Opps! = when something goes wrong Here you are = when you are giving something to someone 22

23 About me PART B Grammar Reference page 94 (Part B-11) 11. PRACTICE Complete the dialogues. 1. Tony: Is your book, David? David: No,. My book is over there. 2. Brenda: Where is my umbrella? Mother: I don t know. Is your umbrella over there? Brenda: Yes,. Thanks Mum. 3. Jack: What colour your pencil case? Sue: It s orange and green. Jack: Is your pencil case? Sue: Yes,. Jack: Here is. 4. Boy: Dad, what colour your folder? Dad: brown. Boy: Is your folder, over there? Dad: Yes,. 12. LISTEN Listen and choose the correct picture a or b. 1. a. b. 3. a. b. 2. a. b. 4. a. b. 13. SPEAK Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Talk about things you have in the class. What colour is your pen? Is this your pen? Here it is. It s blue. Yes, it is. Thank you. 23

24 THEME 1 A Person and the Society PART C: Me and my family 1. VOCABULARY- Whose is this? Listen and repeat. Write the number of the object next to the words in the list Things in my backpack torch 2 dictionary cell phone watch plane ticket notebook camera sunglasses tissues passport wallet toothbrush towels books 2. READ A. Look at the picture and tell the names of the objects. B. Read the dialogue. Whose backpack is that? Mum: Are you ready for your summer camp? Amy: Yes, I m so happy. My notebook, tissues, camera and my books. I think everything is ready. Mum: Hey, your plane ticket and is that your backpack over there? Amy: What colour is it? Mum: It s black. Amy: No, my backpack is black and orange. Mum: Whose is that? Amy: That is my friend s backpack. It s Sally s. Her backpack is black. Mum: Take these. Amy: What are these? Mum: These are towels and dictionaries. Amy: Oh! Thanks Mum. C. Read the dialogue again and answer the questions. 1. Whose backpack is black? 3. Is Amy happy? 2. Who is ready for the summer camp? 4. What colour is Amy s backpack? 24

25 *Grammar Reference pages (Part C-3) 3. PRACTICE A. Circle the correct one. 1. I/ My am 16. My / I name is Paul. 2. She / Her umbrella is red. 3. A: Who s / Whose dictionaries are these? 4. A: Is this / these your camera? B: They / Their are Sally is / s. B: No, it isn t. It s he / his camera. 5. We are in the same class. Their / Our class is 9D. 6. These / Those aren t my towels. It / They are their / our towels. My towels are here. B. Write the sentences in plural. 1. My favourite dish is pizza.. 2. My friend is from Poland.. 3. This is an expensive camera.. 4. That s my pen.. 4. PRONUNCIATION A. Listen to the words. Notice the difference. books babies watches B. Listen to the words. Tick the sound you hear. books / s / babies / z / watches / ız / buses backpacks cafés bags kisses bosses numbers cats apples phones / s / / z / / ız / 25

26 THEME A Person and the Society 1 5. SPEAK Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Talk about things you have in the class. Whose pencil case is this? It s our teacher s. Are those Jane s pencils? No, they aren t Jane s pencils. These are her pencils. They are here. 6. VOCABULARY- Family members Match each word with a person in the pictures. Then listen and repeat. Phil s a. grandfather b. sister c. father d. grandmother e. uncle Kiyoshi s f. wife g. son Erica Phil a Erica s h. husband i. daughter Carlos s j. father k. sister l. aunt m. mother Kiyoshi Carlos 7. READ A. Look at the title. What is the text about? Me and my family Hi! I think I haven t got a big family. My name is William. I m 38. I m a doctor. I m married to Maria. She is my wife and she is a teacher. She is 30. She is from India. Our daughter is 10. Her name is Jasmine. Jasmine s aunt is Lucy. She is my sister. She is a teacher at the university. She isn t single. She has got a son. His name is Joshua. He is only four and he is the only child. He is my nephew. I haven t got I think= in my opinion the only child= no brothers or sisters nephew= is your brother or sister s son niece= is your brother s or sister s daughter parents= your father and mother a brother. My parents, my mother and father, are Dave and Mary. They are in Glasgow now. We have got a small house. I haven t got a car. My wife has got a car. I love my family! 26

27 Me and my family PART C B. Read about William s family and write the correct names in the blanks. 1. hasn t got a daughter. 2. My parents names are and. 3. is Lucy s son s name. 4. is William s nephew and is Lucy s niece. 5. is Joshua s uncle. 6. Jasmine s parents are and. 7. hasn t got a son. 8. Maria s husband is. *Grammar Reference page 95 (Part C-8) 8. PRACTICE Complete the dialogues with the correct form of have got. 1. A: Is that Mary s son? B: No, Mary a son. She a daughter. 2. I a brother or a sister. I am the only child. 3. Oh, no! We a dictionary. 4. A: you a niece? B: Yes, I. I two nieces. 5. A: Excuse me, you a tissue? B: No, I. A: Lucy a tissue? B: Yes, she. 9. SPEAK A. Talk in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your families. Have got a brother? No, I haven t. I have got a sister. She is 18. B. Now write about your friend s family. My friend has got a sister. Her sister is 18. Where? in= My parents are in Glasgow on= My pens are on the table at= My mother is at home 27

28 THEME A Person and the Society LISTEN A. Valerie talks about her family. Listen to Valerie and take notes in the chart. Name Age Relationship Marital Status Possession Tom married Dan father boat Jack Mike 15 Eva Nicole B. Listen again answer the questions about Valerie s family. 1. Who is Nicole?. 2. How old is Valerie s husband?. 3. Who has got two pets?. 4. How many brothers has Valerie got?. 5. Has Valerie got a sister?. 6. Is her brother, Jack married?. 7. What has Valerie s aunt got?. 11. WRITE- What have you got in your backpack? A. Look at the picture and make a list of things you have in your backpack. Things I have got in backpack my two watches B. Now write about the things you have in your school bag. I have got two notebooks and a pencil case. 28

29 THEME 2 YOUTH Before you start: What s your favourite cloth? Do you like shopping? How do you feel today? Who is your favourite good looking celebrity? In this theme you will learn to talk about your clothes to describe people to express your opinion to ask and give the price of something to write a description of a person to talk about your feelings to talk about the names of your personal items and write about them to describe objects (big, small, large, red) 29

30 THEME 2 Youth PART A: Teenagers clothes 1. VOCABULARY-Clothes A. Listen and repeat. accessories B. Which items can you find in the pictures in A? Find and mark them on the pictures. a green and grey hooded top - a denim coat - blue jeans - a pink skirt - a white shirt an orange dress - green trousers - a pink blouse - a white T-shirt - purple shoes a silver necklace - a black handbag - black sunglasses - blue earrings - black sandals a red bracelet - blue white and red trainers - a grey tie - a grey suit - a grey jacket a black and white hat - a black leather watch - trendy sneakers - a cute T-shirt trousers: they are always plural jeans: they are always plural sunglasses: they are always plural denim= blue jeans trendy= fashionable, new or latest 30

31 Teenagers clothes PART A 2. READ A. Read and find. Where is this text from? What is it about? S e v e n t e e n Today our guest is, my celebrity: Selena Gomez. She is really good looking. What s in her wardrobe? MY wardrobe My white beret is cool. I have got lots of boots but they are not stylish. These ones are very fashionable. This is my favourite top. It is really an elegant top and it s cheap. Isn t it cute? This is my new leather skirt. Leather clothes are very expensive. I like all my leather clothes. I have got four leather skirts. This one is my favourite. These are my denim earrings. They are very trendy. B. Read again and write T (true) or F (false) for the statements. Correct the false ones. 1. Selena s favourite clothing is a top. 2. Selena s earrings are leather. 3. Selena has got purple boots. 4. Leather clothes are cheap. 5. Selena s leather skirt is old. 6. Selena s top is elegant. 7. Selena s earrings are unfashionable. 8. Selena s purple boots are stylish. 31

32 THEME Youth 2 Grammar Reference page 96 ( Part A-3) 3. PRACTICE Rewrite the sentences. 1. This is my new leather skirt. My leather. 2. This is really an elegant top. This top. 3. Those dresses are orange.. 4. This hat is black and white.. 5. I have got new trousers.. 6. Those shoes are red and white.. 7. She has got a denim skirt.. 8. My father s tie is trendy.. 4. SPEAK Work in pairs. Ask and answer about your clothes. What s in your wardrobe? Have you got a denim coat? discount: sale in price try on: wear changing room: a small room to change clothes in a clothes shop. I have got trendy dresses. My favourite is my red dress and it s cheap. Yes, I ve got two denim coats. They are stylish. 32

33 Teenagers clothes PART A 5. LISTEN-Shopping A. Look at the picture. Where are the girls? Listen and write two things Jasmine buys:,. Then listen again and complete the second part. At the clothes shop Jasmine: How is that T- shirt? Lena: Which one? Jasmine: The green one. Lena: It is nice but too dark. How about this? Jasmine: Wow! It is really cute. Thanks. Hey Lena! Look at those skirts. They are really trendy. Excuse me, Can I try these on? Shop assistant: Sure. Which ones? Jasmine: This red skirt and this denim one. Shop assistant: OK. Try them on here in the changing room. *** Jasmine: What do you think of these? Lena: Oh! The skirt is pretty. Err...I think the T-shirt is big. Jasmine: Have you got a small size of this purple T-shirt? Shop assistant: Yes. Here you are. Lena: Yes! They are very nice. Jasmine: I ll buy them. Excuse me! How much is this t-shirt? Shop assistant: Let me see it. It is only Euros. Lena: Oh! It is too expensive. Have you got a discount? Shop assistant: We have got 20% discount in cash. And the red skirt is. Jasmine: Okay. How much is that all? Shop assistant: That s all in cash. Jasmine: Here you are. Bye. Shop assistant: Thank you. Good bye. B. Answer the questions. 1. Which skirts are trendy? 2. What is big for Jasmine? 3. How much is the red skirt? 4. Which one is expensive? 5. What colour is the T-shirt? C. Look at the highlighted words. Write what they refer to. one (line 2-3) - the green T-shirt they (line 5) - ones (line 7) - one (line 8) - them (line 9) - they (line 14) - them (line 15) - 33

34 THEME Youth 2 Grammar Reference page 96 ( Part A-6) 6. PRACTICE Complete the dialogues. 1. A: Have you got a skirt? 2. A: Amy, how about these trousers? B: Yes. These are very stylish. B: Which? A: Can I try on? A: These yellow and blue. B: Sure. Which? B: Wow! are great. A: That black leather. A: Let s try on. 7. PRONUNCIATION A. Listen and repeat. Notice the difference in a, b and c. a. children b. suit c. shirt B. Listen and put a tick to the sounds you hear. a. children (t ) b. suit (s) c. shirt ( ) shoes Spanish chair shop she seven check a. children (t ) b. suit (s) c. shirt ( ) 8. SPEAK Work in groups of three. Read the dialogue in 5A. You are at clothes shop. Then, ask and answer questions. Look at those shoes! The blue and the black ones. Which ones? How much are these shoes? 1: one pound 2: two pounds 1: one euro 50: fifty euros They are 50 (pounds) 34


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